#also these people were super nice and cool!
lyneys4 · 19 hours
ms grumpy <3
tartaglia x reader, modern au
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Ms Grumpy and Mr Sunshine - “grumpy!”
‘Grumpy’, he had described you many times before. Tartaglia, Childe, Ajax, Mr Worldwide, a man with too many names to count was calling you ‘Grumpy pants’ in class.
You couldn’t tell if people where laughing at him, at you or with him but it was definitely all three.
You, ‘Ms Grumpy’ nicknamed by the one and only Tartaglia. Normally he rather everyone call him Childe but you always called him Tartaglia.
“Ms Grumpy you need to stop calling me by my full name it’s weird!” He complained.
“It’s not your full name, it’s your first name.” You corrected.
“Smartass,” he scoffed.
“I’ll only call you by those nicknames if you stop calling me Ms Grumpy,” you refuted.
“Well, Ms Grumpy. That’s never gonna happen.” he stated.
“Well, Tartaglia. I’ll never call you by a name other than Tartaglia.” you poked your tongue around him.
“Seriously stop calling me Tartaglia!” he complained more.
“It’s even that bad, do you know how ugly a nickname like Ms Grumpy is??” You retorted.
“I like it!” he said.
“Of course you do..” you sighed giving up this arguement.
And that was when he called you ‘Grumpy pants’. The amount of embarrassment you felt from that was unreal you just had walked away, he wasn’t worth talking too. But how did you unfortunately earn this nickname??
It all started when you were both 8, back in the 3rd Grade. Tartaglia was the new guy in class. He stood in the front of the class happily introducing himself with a bright grin.
He must have been really perceptive because he had noticed your sad, dull expression compared to everyone else in the room.
You were having a bad day because the science experience the day before had been cut short before it was your turn and you were still super sad about that.
You told your mum and she said she would buy the stuff for the experiment which was nice but you were still super upset about it. Since science experiments looked really cool when you were little kids. Now you dread science and their tests.
Tartaglia sat next to you and kept asking why you were so sad looking.
You rolled his eyes at him, wanting him to go away while you were busy sketching random things in your room.
“Hey! Ms Grumpy!” He called out, “I’m talking to you!!”
“Huh? Ms Grumpy?” You turned him.
“Yes you Grumpy pants! Actually I’m gonna called you Ms Grumpy since you don’t talk to me or tell your name.” he spoke with bad grammar.
“I don’t wanna be Ms Grumpy,” You frowned. You told him your name but he didn’t call you by that. He just kept calling you Ms Grumpy.
Tartaglia was the new kid which meant everyone in your class wanted to be friends with him. Since he was sitting next to you, it led people to believe you and Tartaglia were bestfriends so lots of people started talking to you more to be closer to him.
Well it worked for them. But you gained one friend, Scaramouche who ended up liking you for you but he was also at the time his bestfriend.
Although something eventually happened and he chose you over Tartaglia as you grew older. As time went on eventually he introduced you to more people and ever since then you, Scara, Yelan and Xiao were inseparable.
Normally you would never admit this but you were thankful to Tartaglia for the best bestfriend you could ever ask for because you quite literally had no friends since that day.
Tartaglia was always attached to you though. He would come up to you call you Ms Grumpy everytime he saw you.
You didn’t like him because he couldn’t understand you. He barely knew you and he was already calling you names.
He was also your neighbour, because when you got home that day you saw Tartaglia’s parents at your dinner table. You didn’t know they were his parents at the time but your mother told you there was someone waiting for you in your room.
It was Tartaglia jumping on your perfectly made pink bed.
“Stop jumping on my bed your gonna make it messy,” You pushed him. Luckily he fell onto the bed and not the floor.
He looked at you realising who you were. “Ms Grumpy!! I didn’t know this was your home.” You sighed. “Actually we live next to you!!”
Horror struck your face realising Tartaglia was now your neighbour which meant you would see him every morning, every night and every day.
Even though you disliked him, he was one of the people closest to you, literally not figuratively.
Ms Grumpy and Mr Sunshine - “no i’m not jealous!”
It was raining when you woke up, the thing that woke you up 10 mins before your alarm was about to go off was a notification from Tartaglia.
'rich kid tartaglia: hey ms grumpy its ur day today,'
'rich kid tartaglia: yk cuz its like raining.'
'rich kid tartaglia: ik ur reading this you have ur read reciepts on.'
'you: mb didnt notice'
'rich kid tartaglia: im texting u my ms grumpy msg bc im sick and not coming today.'
'you: thats too bad…'
'rich kid tartaglia: ik i cant see you today </3'
'rich kid tartaglia: it srsly breaks my heart i cant say ms grumpy to u in person.'
'you: nice talking to you tartaglia but i need to get ready for school'
'rich kid tartaglia: do well today!!'
'you: thanks' (rich kid tartaglia hearted this message!)
You sighed at your phone reading his message. You got up to get ready for school.
Despite his nickname for you, you didn’t really like the rain that much. You loved the sun. You hated it when rained because the mood was a lot more sadder and everything was wet and cold.
Instead of walking to school like you normally would, you had Scaramouche drive you to school. You hated walking in the rain. It was something you absolutely dreaded.
When you got to school it was absolutely freezing. The school was so poorly heated inside. All you did was shiver wherever you walked around.
Your friends were great people, maybe too great. Xiao had offered you his jacket but you knew he was gonna be cold so you politely declined him. But he insisted on making you warm so he had bought you hot chocolate from the canteen and where were you without Yelan?? Probably lost not knowing where any of your classes were. You normally had her walk you to class.
She had dropped you off at your next class since she had a different class. Scara, Yelan and Xiao all had classes together leaving you alone for this period.
You sat alone in this class but you didn’t care. Normally Tartaglia would try sit next to you but he wasn’t here today.
The class was extremely cold. Like freezing north pole snowing cold. There was boy who noticed. You’re pretty sure his name was like Lyney or something?
“Hey you look cold, you want my jacket?” He asked.
“No, I’m fine,” You lied, it was pretty obvious you lied.
He got up and sat in the empty seat next you. He didn’t have any friends in this class either. “I’m Lyney, incase you didn’t know. The one and only great magician Lyney.” he winked.
You tried to give his jacket back but he wouldn’t take it back.
You tell him your name but didn’t say anything more than that. Maybe thats what started his determination to talk to you.
He followed you around school and even walked with you when your friends were there.
Yelan had teased you a bit about him. But you ignored her. It was super awkward trying to talk to your friends with Lyney there following you like a lost puppy.
The next day you had class with him again too, Tartaglia wasn’t here again, he had messaged you saying he was super sick and of course greeting you with Ms Grumpy.
You had first period with Lyney, he had sat next to you. “Hey!! How are you,” He greeted you.
“I’m good,” You answered.
“Oh you responded,” He smiled. He kept on talking to you but you had absolutely no interest in him. You honestly just wanted him to shut up.
“Hey, I’m gonna be completely honest but I don’t really care so leave me alone.” It was honestly pretty mean but it’s on him for annoying you all day yesterday.
“Awwh, I just wanna be friends with you!” He begged.
“I don’t,”
“I’ll find a way to be friends with you then!” He said. Oh he was worse than Tartaglia…
All lesson he talked you nonstop, you nodding your head to everything he said not that you knew what he said. He could tell you weren’t really listening to him.
When you were walking to your next class with Scaramouche he had followed the both of you. Which is honestly super creepy but his determination was insane.
It was a problem, a problem for not only you but your friends.
Which meant a super late talk about it online.
'yelan !!: bro why is he following u around its kinda creepy.'
'you: he wants to be friends w me or smth'
'scara: how do we get rid of him??'
'xiaoao: maybe if u talked to him you could start building boundaries,'
'xiaoao: people care alot more when they feel like they are closer to someone'
'you: omg xiao thats so smart.'
'yelan !!: i dont get why he can’t just live you alone.'
'you: me too but hes so determined its scary.'
'scara: you should file a restraining order against him'
'you: woah calm urself its only been a day,'
'scara: and so days will turn into weeks’
'yelan !!: actually i think xiaos idea doesnt seem so bad lets try that.'
'yelan !!: okay its late i gtg sleep i need my beauty rest'
'scara: idk ab u guys but i get super bad vibes ab him.'
'you: me too but ig i gotta talk to him.. its fine i’ll be alright whats the worse that could happen??'
Yea, what was the worse that could happen? That was something for you to find out later.
The next day when you had class with him you ended up talking to him. He wasn’t that bad to talk to at all. He was so happy you were talking to him.
“Okay, and this is,” He points to something you don’t know or understand but you just wanted to get his class over and done with.
When class ended Lyney didn’t follow you and your friends around. So Xiao’s plan had worked.
You actually wanted Tartaglia to come back and sit with you so Lyney wouldn’t talk as much.
But when Tartaglia didn’t come to school for the entire week, you and Lyney actually got unexpectedly close.
You started to genuinely enjoy talking to Lyney and completely forgot about Tartaglia’s messages about you being Ms Grumpy.
You and Lyney hung out a lot and your friends even started to get use to him coming over. Yelan and Xiao even started enjoying Lyney’s tricks.
You and Lyney became super close ever since that week without Tartaglia. He became the person you enjoyed sitting with in that class.
But things weren’t great for Tartaglia, the feeling Tartaglia felt when he came back to school to see you with Lyney was a feeling he didn’t like. And he couldn’t seem to understand why.
He didn’t like seeing you with Lyney, getting along so well with him when you never did with him. He understood why you both never got to hang out like that and still regrets giving you that nickname in a way but it was his special nickname for you.
You felt like Tartaglia was finally distancing himself away from you. Which was a relief for you. But Tartaglia didn’t like the distance he had put. It felt insufferable and he didn’t understand why he did it.
It took a while for Tartaglia to figure out why but he finally understood he was stuck in his own love triangle, and he was not the one you were gonna end up with.
Hell, he didn’t even know he liked you?? How will he ever get over this??
Ms Grumpy and Mr Sunshine - “understood, me?”
It was maybe one of the worse days ever for Tartaglia but it was truly one of the best days ever for you.
Teyvat High’s Prom was coming soon, you and Yelan had been going windowshopping recently looking at clothes you could buy. But there was no one to take you since Xiao and Yelan are going together as friends and Scaramouche isn’t too fond of social events.
Lyney had been planning something for ages with your friends. What they were planning you had no idea? But they were all in the same class and in a group project together so you had assumed it was just that.
You were wrong, but it wasn’t the bad wrong. It was a nice surprise maybe too nice? Honestly you didn’t know what to think about it.
While you were walking down the hallway with Tartaglia teasing you, calling you Ms Grumpy, a party popper appeared at his feet and exploded right in front of him which made you let out a giggle.
Suddenly the hallway was filled with confetti set by Lynette, Freminet had appeared holding a bouquet of Rainbow Roses as Xiao pushed you towards a sign held up by Yelan, “Will you go to the Prom with me?”
Overwhelmed by the surprised Lyney approaches you grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss on it, you didn’t want to reject him out loud so you whispered into his ear and told him “I’ll think about it,” with a smile on your face.
Everyone around thought you had accepted his promposal, everyone including Tartaglia who had to put a smile on his face and clap along with everyone else who was watching this go down.
‘Top 10 embarrassing promposals…’ you thought in your head, ‘Where was Scaramouche at? That’s fishy’ you thought.
You tried to look for an opportunity to get away from the crowd in the hallway, people were talking to you and Lyney taking videos of the scene.
“Ms Grumpy,” Tartaglia called out to you, “This is a little bit embarrassing but my dad’s car broke down so I desperately need your parents to drive me home,” He explained quickly followed by dragging you out of the hallway.
“Wait, I never agreed to driving you home,” you yanked his hand off yours.
“I know, I was just lying. Did you like my preformance,” He gave you a teasing grin. He was mocking Lyney.
“You don’t like being recorded right? So I figured as the nice boy next door i’d get you out of such a situation.” he recalled.
“No need to thank me. If I had a promposal as embarrassing as that I’d be begging for someone to get me out of there. Seriously I didn’t think anyone would do that.” he rambled obnoxiously.
“Well I’m going home.” you cut him off mid ramble. “And even though you told me not to thank you, thanks I guess,” you glanced back at Tartaglia for a second before heading home.
You were lying in bed messaging Scara.
'you: bro where were u?'
'scara: didnt wana get involved soz'
'scara: so hows it going????'
'you: tbh i wanted to reject him but not infront of everyone.'
'you: people were recording us it was so uncomfy :( '
'you: tartaglia got me out of it im kinda surprised'
'scara: im not, sounds like smth he would do.'
'you: nah pretty sure he js wanted to shit on lyney'
'scara: well ig that could be an answer.'
'scara: are you gonna keep ignoring the gc orrr??'
'you: i muted them and lyney i havent checked.'
- 15 messages from 'were not emos' -
- 4 messages from 'lyney' -
- 1 missed called from 'lyney' -
'you: omds its 19 missed messages and 1 missed call altogether…'
'scara: only one missed call they going easy on u lol'
'you: fml'
You put the phone down and closed your eyes. Maybe it was better to just sleep. You didn’t feel like responding. If you just message them in the morning you doubt they would even respond.
You tried to sleep, shutting off at 10pm only to wake up to 2 calls at 1am, you must have forgetten to turn your phone back on mute after playing mobile games for a bit.
- 2 missed calls from 'were not emos' -
You’re phone started ringing again, you were tired and pissed they interrupted your sleep so you decided to pick up and hear out what the have to say
“y/n what the hell??” Yelan’s voice spoke up. “yea what was that about?” Xiao asked.
“Wha-? What was what about?” you answered half awake. “No you know what that was about you completely ignored Lyney’s confession do you understand how much of a bitchass move that was.” Yelan berated you.
“Oh hop off her dick Yelan, she didn’t have to answer shit.” Scaramouche interrupted her.
“Scara where were you? I thought you were gonna help us out. She’s your bestfriend wouldn’t you help her get a date or are you inlove with her,” Xiao said, “Inlove are you crazy, fuck off.” Scara scoffed.
“Xiao what on earth are you on, listen Scara and me are like siblings— what is wrong with you guys why would you force a confession on me.” you stood up for yourself. “I was uncomfortable, and I don’t need to explain myself if it bothers you so much then don’t talk to me.”
“y/n c’mon don’t be like that, you’ve probably made Lyney a laughing stock—” you cut her off. “Shut up! Are you seriously taking Lyney’s side just because I didn’t reciprocate his feelings???? What kind of friends are you,” you were in slight tears from how tired you were and how absurd you’re closest friends were being.
“You guys are so cruel to y/n, im off to sleep.” Scara left the group call. You left too and left the groupchat. Why on earth were they so focused on Lyney’s feelings while completely disregarding yours, it hurt even more knowing those were your closest friends.
You drifted off to sleep, every message you got you ignored.
You woke up to your alarm, you checked your phone spams from Yelan and Xiao, Lyney’s messages were just hateful and Scara had left the groupchat. You’re friend group just broke up over a boy and it just left you mentally drained.
Getting up slowly and trying to get ready, you just couldn’t. After last night you didn’t feel comfortable with the atmosphere. You were dressed up and ready but you could only take a step out the door.
“Yo, y/n! You don’t look too great,” A voice coming from your side called out your name, “y-y/n..?!” you stammered out from shocked.
“Yeah, it’s your name isn’t it?” He walked over to you. “I don’t know it just surprised me that you’d call me by my name.” you admitted
“You wanna skip? You seem out of it let’s get some frozen yogurt!” Tartaglia grabbed your hand and turning you in the direction of the shops. “Live a little! If you’re not comfortable just hanging out with me, we can call Scaramouche.”
“No, its fine. Let’s eat!” a smile appeared on your face as your steps fall in line with his.
“You have a pretty smile,” …
“Thank you, Tartaglia,”
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formerly-evil · 1 year
Because people are sharing their favorite posters they saw at pride yesterday, I thought I might share mine
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(Not pictured: the other side of the Gabriel and Belzebub one says, then why can’t we? which might or might not be hinting at the marriage inequality in here)
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darlingcloudie-9 · 6 months
woe; my kny self insert be upon ye 😾😾
isn’t she cool like
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bunny-snot · 26 days
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i went into dungeon meshi thinking it was about sapphic monsters and elves but came out of it obsessed with Senshi.
also i love Laois and i think if he could eat his freinds without harming them he probably would and that cool, we could always use more cannibals
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Little "bouquet" of random flowers I found growing wild in a yard
#flowers#photo diary#I think people are way too mean about ''''weeds'''' and not appreciative of them. Like.. dandelions are super nice looking#and bright and pretty.. forget me nots are so cute and a nice color.. etc. all of these random things that just spring up in the yard#are so neat. and it's evil that people tear them up and mow them down all the time#I guess maybe I get dandelions because they can kind of take over a space?? MAYBE?? but even then#if I was going to have a yard that is just a giant empty plot of blank grass. I would ratherit have a scattering of dandelions than#just like....... nothingness.#Also super cool that this person I know has columbines growing wildly in the yard. They hate them and pull them up#since they've kind of ''taken over'' a patch of grass near a bench they use#but they're soooo cool... Though they only have the single color ones just purple. My favorite columbines are the ones that are two colors#and almost look like two flowers in one or something.#There's a hill near a road around here where poppies seem to be growing wild.. ough... I wish I could go and take some or something#I've tried to transplant forget me nots everytime I'm in some realitive or friend's yard who has them and I ask to dig a few up but#I think theyre just not the type of flower that really grows long term on a deck lol.. but I wish they were... I just really like the blue#color. THOUGH this year in someone else's yard I found a very cool flower just randomly growing wildly that I had never seen#before. It's called Bethlehem Lungwort and it has spotted leaves and multi colored flowers and it looked like a flower out of a cartoon#at first. Since it was randomly growing wild in a yard the person let me dig one of them upand its' still aliveon my deck actualy#It's not blooming flowers anymore but the leaves are still prospering fine. Though it seems to really dislike the super hot sun#and will wilt in this heat wave if I'm not watering it at least once every other day lol.. anyway
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driftwooddestiel · 5 months
I DID MY COMEDY PERFORMANCE TODAY!!! in front of like 200 people!!! and i didnt stutter or forget what to say!!! and people laughed!!!
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#i wasnt THE funniest other performances got better reactions but that was largely because the people performing were popular#point is people laughed !! two girls i barely know came up to me after and said i was really good! (thank you nikita and i forgot your name#and according to one of my friends some mullets were making fun of me during my thing and then a popular girl behind them was like#hey stop dont do that#so thats cool#and the girl whos lockers next to mine also complimented my comedy thing after so that was nice#+ one of the other ppl performing who i used ro be super good friends with (years ago) was very engaged and laughing which was nice :-)#we may not be close friends anymore but yk its nice to still get along 👍#also two of my friends also performed and they did well too ‼️ it was very cool#anyway im very proud of myself for being able to perform in front of that many people cos i have literally never done that#the last time i spoke to an audience of more than 30 people was year 4 assembly and that was like 100 ppl max#so yea im very happy lol. especially considering that the past three years weve been doing persuasive speeches instead of comedy#(comedy was introduced this year to try it out instead of persuasive speeches)#and for the past 2 years ive done my speeches to just the teacher and a few friends cos i dont like giving persuasives to the whole class#(which i still feel tbh) but like. i can do comedy and play a character in front of an audience! which is pretty awesome
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mymp3 · 1 year
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my poster from the con!
#compendiumnotebook#alright finally get to post it!#the glare is killer but i still wanted to try#the con was super fun. there were some dickheads (what would u expect) but for the most part everyone was really nice#waiting in the yuri lowenthal line probably took like 45 minutes#there was an overflow line filled with people with sasuke funko pops and spiderman merch#it was super cute#all of the spiderman fans were incredibly sweet btw#the man himself was a sweetheart、you could tell he did this for a living. very professional. he had little things he would repeat over#a little kid asked abt yosuke and hes like “oh yosuke is my brosuke!” like he did it a million times、but he was still very polite#i was unfortunately a little out of it because there were too many people at the con but he tried striking up a convo w me#he knew what the poster was! he was like “oh neat、the kotobukiya one!”#like you can tell he tries to keep up with the franchises he's apart of for his fans and its sweet#aleks le was also very polite、 poor guy had to put up with carts of resellers though. like just carts of ppl with pops for him to sign#fortunately i got to actually ask him some stuff because i was better adjusted to the con. he thought my poster was cool#he said he had had 2 people previous ask him about persona in the con、so he was excited to talk about it#and oh lol#while he was signing he asked who i was cosplayed as because he thought i looked like akechi. lol.#very sweet men 、nice little expierence
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dokyeomini · 5 months
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i am BACK my haul is pretty modest but those beans were Expensive
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#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Interesting Crazy Funny Insane Lovable Nice Sweet#Anime Writing Autism Adhd Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abuse Bipolar Psychosis#Scizophrenia Yandere Narcissist Psychopath Attention Validation Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist#Racism Sexism Queerphobia Ableism Sanism Paraphobia Agephobia Bodyphobia Sickphobia Acceptance Love Diversity Compassion Feelings Emotions#Suomi Finland Finnish Hieno Hullu Kiva Mukava Ystävällinen Tykätty Rakastettu Tule Tänne Enkeli Pelasta Meidät...#COME... END THIS ABUSE WE'RE STILL UNDER EVERY SINGLE DAY... IF YOU'RE IN FINLAND... COME...#YOU... SHARE THIS... TO PEOPLE OF FINLAND THAT CAN END OUR EVIL ABUSE... WE'RE BEING HUNTED... COME BEFORE WE'RE...#I LOVE DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGZZZZZZZZ... I TAKE THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY... IN MY MOUTH... IN MY ARMS... THEY'RE LIKE GAY SEX... IF GAY SEX#WAS SEXUALITY... ANYTHING ISN'T... WHEN DRRRRRRGGGGGGGZZZZZZZZ ARE PRESENT...#THAT IS OKAY TO GROMMMMMMMMMMMM HUMAN... ASWELL AS OTHERKIN... INFACT IF YOU WANT THAT DISEASE THAT'S PROBABLY OKAY... GO AHEAD...#I HAVE DONE THIS 850000000000000 MILLION TIMES... AND IN THE PAST EXPERIENCED THIS 3 TIMES THAT... GROMMMMM IS AMAZING... AND GOOD FOR YOU.#ISN'T THIS CRAZY...? I AM FUNNY... INFACT THIS ALL WAS JUST MY JOKING... HILARIOUS ISN'T THAT...? YOU FIND ME FUNNY... DON'T YOU...?#I Like Unicorn Overlord I Like Fire Emblem I Like Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel 3 And 4...#I Like Kakegurui I Like Spy Kyoushitsu I Like Loop 7 I Like Mobile Suit Gundam Seed#I Like Code Geass I Like Nana I Like Simoun I Like Densetsu No Yuusha No Densetsu#We're Super Hungry As Always. Come Feed Us!!!! Save Us!!!! I Love You!!!! Please Come!!!!#No 😭😭😭😭!!!! We Lost So Many Of These!! Wahh!! That Was So Much Effort 😢...#We Also Just Got Gasslight And Abused Badly By Abuser Piece Of Shit :(... The Monster Just Wanted To Do Something... And Created The Reason#Evil... This Isn't The Same As We... This Is Evil Abuse And Neglect... We're Going To Prevent This... Help Us...#We Need You... I Miss Our Girlfriend She Was An Abuser They All Were There Were So Many...#I Wouldn't Want That Again. But Please Make Us Transition Please... Evil Is After Us... Come Before They Catch Us...#That Doesn't Matter What Reason... They're After Us Any So... Always... And Always... We're Struggling... Please Come...#Every Single Day... We Suffer... Help Us... Transphobic Bigot All The Bigoted Things Bigot... Abandon And Hurt Us...#We Still Haven't Transitioned 😭😭😭😭!!! This Is Horrible!! Please Come!! This Is Cruel And Awfull... And We're Abused And Gasslight By#Evil... That Don't Care About Us... Horrible... Right...? :). We're Also Going To Fix Racism 😇!!#RACISM IS CRAZY... WE WILL FIX THEM... WE WILL MAKE THINGS EQUAL AND TRUE... WE WILL FIX ANCIENT RACE DYNAMICS...#THEY'RE EVERYWHERE... WE WILL CHANGE THEM... THEY'RE AFTER US... THEY HAVE HURT US... WE ARE VICTIM OF THE SAME OPPRESSION OURSELVES...#WE ARE AFTERALL... ALL THE SKIN COLORS... I LOVE EVERYONE ELSE LIKE US ASWELL... WOULD BE NICE BEING ACKNOWLEDGED BY SUCH PEOPLE AS THE BES#Funny Flower Is Talking To Us... A Garden... There Are Many Of Them... We Used To Be Abused... We Still Are And Still Will Be...#Flora From Winx Club Is Fire I Love Her... She Is Very Cool And Satisfying... She Is Amazing... And Must Fix Racism...
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silverislander · 9 months
prof said congrats for writing up a proposal so early i am going to get a good grade in. well this is literally going to be graded. but yk the meme
#i really hope its decent proposals are really hard for me to write. i never really understand how much im supposed to say#also i dont plan stuff in advance! i hate drafts and proposals why cant i just jump in and run w my topic#i dont Know exactly what im going to cover just yet can i get back to you once ive covered it#levi.txt#i spent One page just opening the two page proposal so. i know it needs some cleaning up#but the last time i wrote one of these i only got a 75 (not a bad grade but i could do significantly better) bc. and i am not kidding.#i wrote a several page intro abt the themes of a story i was super pumped to write. and forgot the /plot characters and title/#a 75 was honestly generous. that prof already liked me and knew my work so i got very lucky#also i just think the guy im working with for my essay is so cool and i want to impress him bfhshsk#ive taken 2 classes with him before he is so smart and so enthusiastic. i was 1 of only 3 who was there for every class both times#everyone whos helped me has been so cool and very nice to me i want to do a good job and prove that im as capable as they think#and also jesus fucking christ ive worked so hard for this degree PLEASE#if i dont get honours im walking into the forest laying down and letting the fae take me as they will#side note: i have 1.5 movies left (its late and im finishing army of the dead tomorrow + watching evil dead rise)!! thats so exciting#theyve (mostly) been really fun and i feel like i have a really good general idea of where im going w my essay now#the movie eras are starting to kind of organize themselves into coherent themes in my mind#i think its smth along the lines of racism/xenophobia -> social change -> satanic panic -> action and militarism -> prejudice/bias#and i actually think were in smth of a thematic reckoning w zombies rn as a culture that im excited to discuss!!#for so long weve accepted that zombies arent people but weve really been starting to interrogate that since abt the mid 2010s#w tropes like searching for a cure (not just a vaccine) or movies like warm bodies or evil dead where you can truly turn back#and im really excited to see where the future takes the zombie genre!!
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cowboysmp3 · 1 year
AH i think im going on like my first Official Planned Date since i was like a TEENAGER v soon im NERVOUS i dont have a script for this
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Technically we were already hanging out, but I didn't really know them (a friend of a friend of a friend, but they were cool) and I showed them a picture of my Virgil cosplay because we were showing pictures of our dyed hair when we first dyed it and my Virgil cosplay photos are basically the only photos I have of myself and they RECOGNISED IT EEEEE-
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
i lied so hard on that old post of ppl saying they'd never been through this before and asking if it gets better and i talked about edd and said it does get better. i was 11 and did not process what happened and moved on and thought that i had "accepted it," now im 21 and actually realize what's going on and it is NOT getting better
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#tw death#chat#this SUCKS man. WHY DOES IT KEEP GETTING *WORSE*#it would help if literally anything normal could happen in my life for like. 3 days. that's all i need#did yall hear about the spill in ohio. it got in the ohio river. so now our water is being monitored#gas leak where my uncle lives. so bad the entire stretch of road is closed#got like 3 people dead 1 in the hospital and literally no one will give me updates on her#im DESPERATELY trying to graduate between all this and im job shadowing under a freak of a man and he kinda scares me#ever since my dog died i have been on a downhill spiral man#scooter died a while back btw. i just didnt say anything bc i didnt wanna make ppl sad#it was cancer...#i am trying to climb back up this hill i've been thrown down im really trying this time but people keep throwing rocks at me JKFHSDG#''stay positive'' i say covered in blood#anyways my birthday is in less than a month. cool#at least i didnt have to be home for the super bowl for the first time ever. absolute god send#also i've caught like 6 shinies in the past couple days. FOUR OF THEM were full odds and also back to back. wack#finally got my shiny bronzor i love bronzor have i ever told you guys that. he is JUST a circle#h#vent#idk how to tag this i just dont wanna throw it in ppl's faces on what should be a kinda nice day lol#but i wanna say it eventually bc i've held back for too long#and now im worried abt ppl back home bc im stuck at the dorm and i have a test and a paper due soon#i need a BREAK. not spring break. i need a BREAK break. i need to grab everyone and go to the beach or something#or just. stay in a nice hotel for a day or two. waste some money#drive everyone to falcon overlook or something so they can see the hills like i did#fun road to drive it's all bendy hehe
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aw-bean-s · 1 year
My friend came back from uni for a bit so we had lunch and she's been struggling a bit w body image and I was trying to be a supportive friend without telling her how many crisis I've had over her being hot
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Okay I'm home now and i can fully and freely type. Anyway mild spoilers for into the spiderverse i guess?
Anyway uh. Yeah it... It was a tiny bit of a disappointment. It didn't do it for me at all. I feel like this movie is more of an art exhibit and i mean that as a fucking insult. Like sure the animation fucks my ears are ringing and my head aches horribly (that's on me for thinking i can be autistic and watch this on theaters) but like, the story man? It just so much (DEROGATORY).
It commits the sin a lot of spiderman movies make and that is that it bit more than it could chew. Not because they're bad at handling a complex story, but because they tried to juggle like 5 at once. And that never fucking works (my ear is still ringing and it hurts I'm in pain rn -_+ just wanted y'all to know)
Like it introduced SO FUCKING MUCH and it all was cool yeah! Just like electro was cool, and Harry, and Gwen, and captain Stacy. You know what in trying to fucking say? There's only so much you can do in 2 hours and you can just throw all you have all at once at the viewer because all you'll do is leave them disappointed wanting for more of that.
I feel like a baby. They show me this cool thing but nuh uh! Enough of that! Here's this new cool thing! But nuh uh! Enough of that- and so on. Like there were so many cool characters and ideas and concepts and shit but it could barely balance it all. YOU KNOW HOW BAD I WANTED TO SEE MORE OF THE SPOT?! HE BARELY WAS HERE!
It's like, you cannot fucking make a whole movie as the introduction to your next movie. That just sucks. You're setting yourself up for failure.
Like I'm just so upset bc it was full of amaizing things but it didn't fucking deliver in any of them!!!! And God don't get me started on the references. I think this was one of the worst ways to fill your movie with references. Like at least let me fucking process what I'm seeing if you are gonna waste so much time here, but also just... Don't make it so fucking blatant.
Like man i... This was a very experimental spiderman movie which i appreciate in a way but... It's not what I was expecting. To me, personally, it was disappointing. And also not designed at ALL to watch on cinemas. I think that last bit is just a fact.
I'm just kinda sad man. Like i loved Miles and Gwen's drama and i loved Miguel but I also wanted to see more of, you know, THE WHOLE FUCKING NEW CAST AND THE NEW FUCKING VILLAIN THEY INTRODUCED BUT SHOWED ONLY FOR LIKE 2-3 SEGMENTS MAX???????
#luly talks#im sorry to the people who loved this movie i am so upset#on funnier news i found the spot is called la mancha in spanish which is funny bc mancha is what we call a common kids game#in fact i remember that the english name for that is tag we call that mancha#LA mancha#btw i did love Miles' mom having more of the spotlight it was like a little treat for us latinos fr#also. the amount of cop stuff was a bit too much. i wouldn't call it pro cop like some idiot i saw the other day but it. like. hm. y'know?#like this movie feels like an art project something you'd see the fans do and if they did you'd allow the imperfections#but it was made by an studio and there were expectatives in the table like it. it just doesn't stand on its own at all#I WANTED MORE OF PAV AND HOBBIE MAN. I FUCKING DID. HOBBIE ESP I HAVE A CRUSH ON EM#they/them too right? didnt really hear it well but I'm sure i heard em be called they#i will say tho i loved the pear shaped spiderwoman that was super cool#i did literally joke about being too fat to make a spidersona b4 watching the movie and sure she was a woman i aint but it was nice anyway#but yeah it just. it tried to chew more than it could bite. the spot was so cool tho#the spot and hobbie are my guys i love them#man I'm just sad i really am im repeating myself bc im too overwhelmed to retain thoughts so idk if im being clear but like#this movie had a LOT of good things but it delivered on nearly NONE of them#like just commit! you want this to be a story about Miles sure do that but just focus on him and that's it#dont throw in so much and leave us yearning for more bc now we have the old cast AND the new cast both and we barely saw any of these new#ppl interacting we barely fucking know them#anyway just SAD man
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astrxealis · 1 year
got another person into granblue fantasy, an old friend B)
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