#also this is not comprehensive of my thoughts but i dont know how to structure my thoughts either so im not gonna bother
zed-the-buggy · 2 years
i am asking about the differences between minecraft and terraria and your opinions on them C:
minecraft and terraria are like, its the meme you compare them to eachother. Terraria is just 2d Minecraft and Minecraft is just 3d Terraria. and obviously and especially in a modern era, its completely untrue. both games have advanced so much over the course of years of updates, final or no, all changing the games and making them each far different. so while I don't really think 2D Minecraft meme holds up, i think it makes for a really good point of comparison. Both between how two very similar games can be different, and how they can be used to understood the other.
So, you boot up your game. Make a new world, first tasks: chop wood, make shelter, survive the night, explore a bit, and eventually start mining to get better tools and armor. Awesomesauce. I just described the early game of both of the games.
I think a lot of those surface connections can really stick out with people who don't know one or the other. And by that I mean people who don't know Terraria, lets be real, the meme is 2D Minecraft for a reason.
With time, however, the differences have grown a lot more... integral. A lot more obvious, both between the community culture, the updates made to either game, and the modding culture.
Minecraft is a sandbox first. There's not a lot of hard and fast goals one needs to do. Sure, there's some direct accomplishments: finding diamonds, reaching new dimensions, beating the wither and ender dragon, finding the end city, getting an elytra whatever. But those goals are rarely the actual topic of the game for people. Just wandering around, making cool builds, playing with friends or on servers, making farms, doing whatever the hell you want. that's the ultimate goal of Minecraft. Theres only a few weapons, tools, and armors really, but absolute slews of decorative blocks, tons of avenues to explore creativity, a fully in depth redstone logic system where people have built computers. The game is built for creatives and community.
And this reflects in the community. A lot of servers use Minecraft as an engine really, Mineplex and Hypixel with minigames from build this thing, to Tower Defense, and Hunger Games. While theres a PVP culture of course, a lot more of the community tends to be focused on things like building and exploration. The modding community too. There are mods which add more elaborate combat systems or linear progressions like Pixelmon (there are other examples i just don't know them), but for the most part they affect some little silly things or add more creative avenues. Biomes o plenty, Food+, Archeology.
Now Terraria has a lot of similar ties with the sandbox part. There are of course aspects built for builders, and it does a lot of favors to the creative community. That said, the games ultimate focus is being a nonlinear RPG. The goal of Terraria is beating the game. Starting at the mythed Eye of Cthulhu (or King Slime if your special) and getting better gear to beat each new boss in order. The idea is for progression to be a lot more written down, a lot more present. You don't *have* to beat the eye. You don't have to do anything, you can sit in pre boss and build wooden cots all day and have fun like that. Unlike Minecraft though, the progression is built to be off beating bosses. You can get better loot, better materials and gear with each boss you fight. Theres hundreds of different swords alone, let alone armors and weapons for other classes — theres classes. Terraria is a sandbox, but its mainly focused on being an RPG as well, opposed to Minecrafts RPG elements.
And this is shown in the community as much. Yes there are diverse building communities, who build absolutely amazing things. People build some crazy stuff in this game. But a lot more focus is its combat, the difficulty of the game, of the progression. The mods made for this game — Calamity, Thorium, Split, Ancients Awakened. They all focus on adding more bosses, adding more difficulty, making the game harder, more challenging. Even mods like Fargo's do all of that while reducing out of combat grinds. People no-hitting bosses under more and more difficult circumstance is mainstream. And while I want to beat the larger terraria community with a baseball bat, it encapsulates how the different avenues it allows but more importantly focus on really provide unique directions for whatever community exists under it.
Obviously, neither is right or better. Both are games people like. I like Terraria, and theres a damn reason Minecraft is so popular. I just find it really interesting to actually fully compare the two in that space. What makes them truly different, and how that affects the community perception of both games. Because they're both great games (most of the time), so analyzing why they're different, and what makes one or the other better for different people can be incredibly valuable to learning more about what works, and what can be taken away from them.
I think it makes a really good case in point about how like, two games can be really similar in concept, but diverge in small to large concepts in ways that work incredibly well for both games, and being very distinct from one another.
While I'm personally more partial to terraria (despite its. yucky. flaws.) i know that is absolutely a personal thing. i enjoy having a solid line of progression, not one that I Have to do, but that gives me a defined sense of something to and work for. and theres a lot of steps and progressions I can do along the way in whatever order i want along the way. And I know some people like having the opportunity to just make their own direction without constantly wading over whatever video game restrictions. and— yeah its a sandbox game first! minecraft building has practically become an art form, and that's really cool. the open endedness and creativity obviously works for a lot of people! and i just find that really cool, minecraft has become such an amazing staple in pop culture I think.
im. im done this post will devolve immensely if i keep going
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18shadesofmay · 2 months
dont ask how i know pt2, give me tips to learn german.
ok so ive completed C1.1 level german so i have tons of material if you (or anyone reading this) ever wants any.
duolingo/similar apps could get you off the ground, but that’s basically all they do. when i started, i was doing duolingo and although it helped, it couldnt really get me too far. so basically, apps like those are crap. just my opinion, it has worked for people, but i find it too repetitive, and honestly not a feasible option if it's your primary teacher. you need other forms of instruction.
if you’re serious then a good language course would be amazing, BUT you can get close to fluency even with just youtube.
some thoughts:
youtube channel: easy german (they have readymade playlists for each language level from A1 (absolute beginner) to C1 (advanced learner). they also have english subs, so that helps :)
BEST RESOURCE OUT THERE: DW learn german with Nicos Weg. It's fun, it's informative, and it plunges you into german culture in a way no other site i've seen does. basically you follow the story of a spanish guy that goes to germany to find his aunt and makes new friends. there's tests, practice and stuff after every chapter. it's very real-life oriented and great for day-to-day umgangssprache (conversational comprehension).
if you're just starting out, one very important point to note (one that helped me pick up some pace along my journey) is to have comprehensible input. you need to be consuming the language as much as possible, BUT still at your own comprehension level. if you can't understand a word then it's a waste of time.
youtube channel: Natürlich German is a super channel that focuses more on "acquiring" the language than learning it. it's straight countless hours of pure consumption. highly rec.
what's just as crucial, if not more, than consumption is good and consistent producing. keep writing. if possible, speaking. without an outlet, you'll be great at understanding stuff but will struggle to form basic sentences, because structure and grammar can't be mastered without formation. i could GLADLY help you out here, reach out to me anytime.
for building vocabulary: seedlang is THE BEST. it follows a flashcard-system and it's works wonders, i dont even know how i built so much of my day-to-day vocabulary with just a couple lessons on seedlang.
lastly, watch german films, shows, listen to german music, just try to expose yourself to the language as much as possible. starting off is the hardest bit. uske baad you're just building on what you already understand about the language. it'll be hard and it'll be rewarding.
you'll do great, dm me if you ever need anything ;)
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Are the lines on your drawings stylistic choices or are they measurement/guiding lines? Either way, they are cool, but just wondered. I dont understand drawing at all, might as well be a magic spell to me. I was looking at the pencil (?) sketch of Malkin with the cheesecutter hat on.
i, uh, definitely did not google 'cheesecutter hat' until after i saved out these images. :/ sorry about that. if you'd like the other one broken down, i can do that too lol. my reading comprehension when im tired is kinda lazy i just saw 'cheese' and imediately thought 'omelette'. SO here's the 1) initial sketch, 2) 'clean' sketch, and 3) final lines for the omelette boy drawing instead:
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also i have had a cumulative of about 9 ish hrs of sleep total for the past two days so keep that in mind for if this explanation makes no sense, its not my fault. :( anyway! the way i draw definitely has changed over the years but currently im really trying to focus on the line i "see" rather than the one that is actually "there". i've been applying this to my writing for years (story vs happening truth) and you know it never occurred to me that i could do it in my drawings too till like...a few years ago. in general these lines seem to form the planes of the subject. if you google 'stanford bunny' you can find an easy example of a 3D surface turned into triangles. I do this too - see things in relative triangle proportions, except i've been doing it long before i knew how computers worked. i cant begin to tell you how long d*sney and cartooning's obsession with round building blocks of anatomical structure fucked with my brain until i finally decided i could cast that teaching aside completely.
ANYWAY sorry off subject again. so we have these sketchy under lines, and usually as im trying to find the proportions and form of the subject these lines end up being where the light/shadow hits. here i saved out the 1) 'flat colors', 2) the 'light', and 3) the 'shadow' parts on their own (i lightened the background for the 'shadow' so its easier to see):
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the light is like four or five 'overlay' layers of pale yellow/orange. you can see how each of these layers follow one of those sketchy lines i did initially. and the same with the shadow but instead its a dark red color set to 'multiply' for each layer. and when you combine everything together you get:
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some bullshit :). anyway you know that anniversary edition of beauty and the beast that featured the version previewed to nyc audiences in 1990 with the glen ke*ne sketchy keyframe animation of the beast's transformation? i watched that - must have been sometime after i graduated college - and i felt robbed that THAT version was never presented as a final piece. the 'unclean' drawings had so much more life and movement and intensity to them. tldr i like the messy lines, i hate 'inking' with a passion (HATE. IT.), and when i finally allowed myself to stop giving a fuck drawing became way more interesting. but my art is shit and i will never be glen k*ane so i dont really feel like the best advocate for this "style". alas. there was this one artist on tumblr who i fucking loved whose sketches were SPECTACULAR but the asshole racists in the m*c*ha*nz*o fandom bullied her off tumblr and ive never been able to find her art anywhere else since. she was also very negative about her 'unclean' sketches and it made me so sad. there was also this other artist whose sketches were awe inspiring but all she drew was p*rn and well...we all know what happened on tumblr in december 2018.
also i 100% stole the lighting scheme from The Bear which is currently one of the most gorgeous shows on television right now in my opinion
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im really really sorry if this makes no sense, if im feeling motivated maybe i'll try again when my brain is fully functioning but with the actual 'cheesecutter hat' doodle ^_^
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assmaster-8000 · 1 year
PLEASE! vil and rook character analysis. If you want !! I would love to hear your thoughts! Love your art btw!
hello anon!!!! <|:]
i don't think my thoughts on vil would be much different than many other twst players? despite certain wasted potential and sloppy writing made by the creators, i definitely believe he has one of the best personalities and the best developments. and also despite the fact that vil is largely mischaracterized by the fandom, he's also loved by many like me who have already written many comprehensive essays about his given complexity. if you'd still want me to analyze the content about vil's character and share my own thoughts about him then i sure can! but it'd likely just be a reiteration of what others have said. however if you would like to know what i think about more subjective and niche areas of his personality, where in my own inference and deduction comes into play (basically headcanons), then please ask away!!
i feel this is also applicable for rook, and more so; because of his enigmatic personality some players have come up with rather unique takes on him to fill in the gaps so i dont feel what i say would differ much from the interpretations of his existing material nor that much interesting compared to how some view him.
despite all that, if you're still interested in what i have to say about them then please bear with me because id have to come up with a comprehensive template/structure that allows me to go balls to the walls insanium in tha cranium about them to the fullest!!
also, thank you so much! i just got out of a 2 year long art block so my skill is a little rusty. however i have a dream and it's to be the brain eating amoeba in your backyard pool and by God i will become it. im not the funniest jester in the royal court who sits in the kings lap and feeds him sherry wine because i tickle his pickle like no one else but i also need to run twst characters through the fuck-it-upinator. whether comedic, or homosexual, or deeply and emotionally ravaging and symbolic, it doesn't matter because you will suffer my visions by proxy xx
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kikis-writing-service · 8 months
ironically im bad with words and putting my thoughts together
trying to properly conceptualize and put into words the ways in which western and eastern (specifically japanese and korean) romances differ in the way they're written. because every time i try to do traditional (western) plotting i get thrown off and i'm realizing its because i read and prefer eastern romances. and thats more of the kind of stories i want to write.
western romances are very very conflict driven. not to say that eastern romances don't have conflict. but like in western romances, if there isn't conflict to move the story forward then there is no story. but eastern romances have conflict and yet also take the time to let you just sit in the interactions and feelings. its hard to explain but its like western romances are rushing and loathe wasting time while eastern romances have no problem taking their time and lingering and meandering in order to let you take in the sights. theyre allowed moments of quiet. kinda like how ghibli films have moments of high energy and action, and then moments of quiet.
i know some of it is two do with the 3 act structure in western storytelling vs the 4 act structure in asian storytelling. but its weird in my brain cause im influenced by both and the 3 act structure is more ingrained in me because its been taught to me explicitly since childhood and its hard to just ignore. and i kinda wanna be able to merge the two in a way but i dont think im a good enough writer or have an organized enough head for that.
if any one knows of anything that talks about the 4 act structure or compares the differences in a comprehensive way, would be much appreciated
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thesugarhole · 1 year
you know, ive read it twice now, but im still not sure where the leap in logic in "coffee drops, burns servers, annet freaks out and exterminates most of the human race... engie drops bombs finishing it off?"
it would have made heaps more sense to direct the bombs where the skeleton of the structure is to permanently wipe her and whoever survived her fear starts life over. but no he dropped them all over the city.
of course that, if you did so you wouldnt have a story. bombing one, maybe 2 buildings is not equivalent to bombing a city after all (that i think is also an entire planet im not sure whats going on in romac geography)
the paragraphs explaining how she turned to use people as servers and adapters and whatnot and she was technically everywhere to justify it... well, it doesn't really
just like in irl the actual internet is kept in place by the same 4 guys in Antarctica or whatever, and if they stop we all stop, there had to be a central nervous system to that beast (no matter how much the author/the story wants to deny it this is fundamentally how technology works). the gdir hqs if you will. bomb just that and be done with it. traces of her living on in the survivors collective memory would turn her into an old god or something but thats it. all wireless towers and microwaves would shut off without the main, sooner or later (could be 1 month could be 890 years as the surviving stupid object AIs have shown but it WOULD end, all things do.)
maybe he wanted her to stay alive bc he stil loved her or for the fuck around find out parable (wanted her to suffer) idk
also i was gonna be unnecessarily mean about something else here but then my critical reading comprehension skills kicked in so theres some resolution: ij the past i always read engie as a bit of an hipocrite and was going down that road again because of his self pitying "i doomed the world I'm gonna kill it off" and then not placing himself directly under one of those nukes to die along with it. with guilt that heavy i can imagine an "honorable" thought to have is "im gonna kill myself to make up for it", and was surprised not once it crossed his monologue
but the thing is, right. humans want to survive. even the most suicidal ones. disclaimer speaking from experience but something that actually kickstarted my recovery out of the suicide hell hole was reading something like "suicidal people dont hate being alive, they hate the situation theyve found themselves in and ending it all together looks like the only viable solution". no matter how horrid he feels i can see engie having just about enough ego to realize this and deciding quick suicide isnt an option, slow suicide by rotting inside a bunker all alone is. if any of this makes sense i guess
edit: "a city thats also an entire planet not sure whats going on in romac geography" watch my previous confusion being hand waved again as oh its not earth its a hollowed out earth like and her core is deep within and only the nuclear/electric bombs all over could eradicate most of the core and most of people-terminals
raaaaauuuugh i want to pull my fucking hair out
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youreonlylow · 3 years
Oooh please do tell more about this fic project of yours 👀
basically like a year and a half ago i got really into Lewis. Like i had watched it a lot growing up, having a dad who has most of morse on burned dvds, and started watching it chronologically for the first time. and thats when i first starting showing my head around the lewis tag on here. i think there has been like 5 episodes i fully hadnt seen or couldnt remember/probably fell asleep during, so lewis wasnt a new thing and hathaway was already one of my favourite tv characters
i started writing down notes in my phone as i was watching each episode and trying to create some analysis of hathaway based on canon things and just my own little queer and neurodivergent lense. (the notes is titled gay hathaway moments but quickly evovled into much more)
im not a big fic writer but lewis and especially hathaway and his elusive character has taken up so much of my brain space but im having a hard time like organising my thoughts and putting words on them other than the vague idea of who hathaway is and what i think could be his canon implied backstory. i was looking for like a big fic that had this comprehensive feeling to it and there wasnt much that fully scratched the itch though i have read and reread many great fics and im not gonna lie at first i wasn’t reading lewis/hathaway fics and that itch has been much more satisfied in that tag but i suppose it took a while for me to come around to ship them enough to read fics about them as i started out prefering thinking of what a canon queer relationship for james could look like but there are very few james/ocm or other somewhat canon male character fics. im still kinda in both trenches about what i prefer, and im still not sure what direction my fic wil go. however, my little notes on hathaway did very much include moments in the show i thought alluded to some lewis/hathaway stuff even if it was onesided so its not like i was blind. i dont know, im a little ambivelant about it i suppose.
ANYWAY sorry for the rambling i very rarely get prompted to talk about Lewis and especially hathaway lol
my fic didnt really start taking shape until very recently when i found this song and i was deep in a lewis watch at the time so immediately my brain started connecting the song to moments that fit what we have somewhat been told or canon things (eventhough idk how much of the song and the rest of the album is actually applicable the vibes are great) so i started having this story in my head i guess including how the story would unfold and this scene of james singing this song and lewis showing up (i thought about this scene a lot and it made me very unsure whether or not to write their ship in this fic like i hadnt planned it and then suddenly my brain was just like well what if)
I think the fic will be kinda heavy and im not sure if i have the skill set to fullly realise the idea that i have but im enjoying it a lot so far and even have some other hathaway centric fics in mind to satiate the need for those plots and ideas without bringing them into what i hope will be very close to the fanon and my personal interpretation of events (i can already tell its gone a little off the rails but thats okay)
(other hathaway fic i really want to write is one where he goes through psychosis following the creveceour case from lewis’ pov bc i felt like maybe it deserved its own fic and attention and im not sure i could make it work in the master fic without taking heavy liberties regarding canon)
I have written a little now but since that initial idea its just grown a lot and im super overwhelmed with how to structure it and how to include the songs and if i should just do one long fic or like a series of fics but i want to have a lot done for it before i find out what works best.
also im really bad at having a consistent or concrete idea of character or how people behave and what they think etc, which is very annoying when youre trying to write a fic that relies heavily on that basically it needs to be extremely wild for my brain to go thats out of character for x person both in real life and in fics lol
TL;DR: i have lewis brainworms and am going to hopefully write a big hathaway analysis in the form of a fic and i am very stressed but also very excited
sorry for any typos im writing on my ipad keyboard as i was actually just about to sit and watch lewis on it before i decided to check tumblr (i am on the first episode of the last season and im very emotional)
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knifehecker · 5 years
For the love of god i need to put this SOMEWHERE
I keep remembering more about anapa's canon and im Losing it there was so much more going on than i thought when i first came up with all of it. Like first up, they had these weird pins for their cloak that doubled as "runes" they would use for divination? Itd follow a similar structure to a standard 3 rune reading but in addition to the "past/present/future" format it ALSO read as the "left, right, and middle roads" and i honestly am still not entirely sure whats going on with that? SOMEOME was certain that since correlations could be made with some details of how my readings worked it was evidence id been called to the village like everyone else but thats a whole other thing lmao..... OK ANYWAY
the village itself was kind of fucking weird. Like dont get me wrong ive been all over the place and i Know the politics are intricate. I know it. But THIS HELLHOLE?????? i dont even know if there was anyone In Charge, and not in the fun collaborative leadership way if you could possibly believe it. Fuck that place. next
I also remembered like half of a conversation with a few of the other mages and some stuff purple said ALSO made me remember other stuff about them. Im like 99% sure we all had some really weird shit going on, and im even more sure they knew exactly what was going in with All of us. And they just sat on ALL that info which had to be BRIBED out of them with petty things like ""favors"" and ""errands"" as if i wanted to waste half my life on fetch quests and """" closing the gaps """"" and       I swear im trying to write this stuff down comprehensively enough to make sense but i started shifting too hard halfway through this,
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pennyfynotes · 6 years
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8.2.18 // 4:30pm // school subjects and AP exams oh my
so i recently (ok not so recently i’m sorry super busy rn) got an ask from an anon about subject specific tips and ap exams. this is the masterpost i told you to look out for ;). there are no ap exams in college, but some of the stuff is still applicable. i did my best to be as comprehensive as possible and dump everything in one place. hope this is helpful! xoxo, m ps. guess where the actual tips are?    if you said “under the cut” then you’re right bc i’m predicable af
tips by subject:
languages (i took spanish): 1. flashcards are your friend. i don’t care if they’re digital (would recommend quizlet or studyblue) or paper, but they help immensely with either vocab or things like remembering literature.
2. charts are also your friend. conjugations giving you a hard time? write out a chart of the different tenses and the conjugations for each subject. put down some of the irregulars too.
3. acronyms/pnemonics are also also your friend. a lot of these already exist, you just have to go find them. i’m pretty sure i still remember what “wedding” stands for for the spanish subjunctive.
4. it’s ok to start over. it’s easy to start a sentence based on what you’d say in english. you’re doing fine until *bam* you hit that word/phrase you really need but you have no clue how to say it. whether it’s an oral or written exam, take a few seconds to think about it and, if you can’t figure it out, just back track. restart the sentence and rework it. better to do that than to lose all your time thinking of one word you may or may not know.
5. skirt around things. if you can’t remember how to say fridge but you really need to say it for something, just say “machine that keeps food cold” or something. it might sound silly,  but it gets the point across and removes the road block.
6. make a list. no, not a to do list. if there’s phrases you find yourself reaching for all the time, but you can never remember, make a list of them and their translations. it might be because its a phrase/part of a sentence structure you use a lot in your native language or whatever. make that list and drill just those few phrases into your head. it’s helpful
english/language arts: 1. proofread. i guarantee you’ll find a mistake, a sentence that makes no sense, or one that just sounds cringy. thank me later.
2. have a damn thesis. its ok if you just need to write and spit words/ideas out for a while to figure it out. but figure it out.
3. conclusion ~= introduction. for those of you who didn’t get the tilde, it means not. yes, they both tie your points to your thesis but they are not to same. do not just reword the same information in the conclusion. push your ideas just a little further. i usually like the push them a little bit outside the realm of what i talked about in my paper. for example, if i focused on the first 5 chapters of the book in the rest of my paper, i’ll expand the ideas to the rest of the book. or if i’m talking about female characters and focus on just one or two, i’ll use the conclusion to potentially connect it to another.
4. have favorites. pick a few fav transitions, sentence structures, and fancy vocab words. basically build a toolbox. this way you won’t have to think as hard when you want to “spice up” your work.
5. summaries only go so far. once you get to higher level english classes, there will be a lot of analysis of specific imagery, or wording, or dialogue. reading cliff notes is only going to give you the plot and none of this. if you don’t have time to read and you’ve been assigned a pretty standard english novel/play/whatever, take the time to look up some famous quotes or symbols. they’ll probably come up in discussion and this will help you look less unprepared.
6. have on question/comment ready. if your teacher/prof is into discussions and grades on participation, it’s handy to write down one (or a few) things. it’s easy to forget what you were going to say while you follow the discussion and it sucks to get docked points for not saying anything. even if it’s just a thoughtful question, jot it down.
history: 1. lol prob my weakest subject, just go see the apush (ap us history) section bc i don’t have much more for you than that.
science: 1. back to basics. i say it all the time, i’ll say it again. really understand basic concepts. they will come back. i’m serious.
2. pattern recognition. science problems are often times about recognizing patterns. once you identify the type of problem it is, even if you’ve never seen the exact one/something similar before, solving it becomes way easier.
3. make a recipe book. tied to the last one, but once you recognize a type of problem, you need steps to solve it. go through any practice problems you’re given to determine all the “types” of problems. once you’ve categorized them, make yourself a step-by-step guide on how to solve.
4. flashcards. you’ll have to know polyatomic ions or random biology facts. see languages tip #1 for more.
5. note your errors in lab. if you do something wrong, don’t just try to brush it under the table and forget about it. not that it’s a big deal, because its not, so don’t freak out. they’re just great opportunities to note sources of error. i mean obviously dont write in your lab report that you weren’t paying attention and mixed the wrong chemicals, but something like “we may not have waited sufficient time for the product to dry” can explain why you got 800% yield.
6. have a toolkit. kinda like a recipe book, but just a collection of straight facts that come up often. knowing common molecular weights and chemical properties (is ammonia acidic or basic?) will make things go faster. like i said earlier, polyatomic ions are also great.
7. brush up on some simple arithmetic. similar to the tool kit, this will just make things go faster. being able to quickly add things and calculate easy percentages (ex: 30%) will make things like hw and exams go faster. i’m of the opinion it’s always good to know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide w/o a calculator (on paper, not all in your head)
bonus: math #5 and #7
math: 1. see science #1
2. see science #2
3. see science #3
4. see science #4. see a pattern here? you might wonder why you need to flashcard math, but it’s good for learning equations or the names of certain techniques. if the prof asks you to solve something using X technique and you don’t know what that is, that’s gonna pose a problem. also good for the unit circle (don’t get me started)
5. figure out your speed. this is applicable to most everything, but i find it most relevant for math. is it better for you to speed through the whole exam and then do it all again/check it over 2x? or for you to take it slow so you know you got everything right the first time? personally i use the first approach, but i’m a fast taker and prefer to have time to process between repeating problems instead of staring at it forever once and never looking again.
6. science #7. a lot of teachers will expect you to be able to do this.
7. go over the material a couple times. also applicable to everything. i find it’s easier to remember things when i know that concepts are connected. you might have learned X 3 weeks before Y, but if you go back over, you might realize they’re closely related. this will help you if you’re not sure on a test because you can reason through things using the connections you’ve drawn
tips by ap course (obv look at the subject above bc i will be giving *really specific stuff* here that i’ve gathered from experience. they’re also ordered by when i took them, sorry it’s not super logical but i didn’t want to forget one)
general ap course/exam tips: 1. practice exams. you need to be familiar with what will/will not show up. you don’t always need to simulate and real testing situation, but i’d recommend doing at least 1-2 that way. also *know how many questions they’re are you so can pace yourself!!!!*
2. college board is pretty good about giving topic breakdowns. use those. go through and figure out what topics you’re solid on and which need more work. the above tip is to help decipher what the topics actually mean bc it can be confusing.
3. give the free response a quick flip through. do the ones you’re confident on first.
4. make sure you know the policies/what you can bring. don’t want to forget something. also once our test administrator tried to stop us 10 minutes early, but we were on top of our shit and all gave her a death glare bc we knew when we were supposed to finish.
ap chemistry: 1. polyatomic ions and molecular weights. know them
2. chapter/section reviews (in addition to class notes) and how-to guides. my teacher made us make them and let’s just say your girl did *really* well (and i’m damn proud of that one)
3. do a quick skim of the free response. applicable to most exams but, the year i took it, they’d just remade and re-curved the exam and put *way* too many free response. like no one finished them. if that’s still the case, make sure you do the one’s you’re confident on. also, i did not get to like 3 questions and still got a 5. they may have fixed this idk. (sorry this is redundant but i wanted to give this ap chem exam specific info)
ap environmental science: 1. there is a lot of damn information here. i would use chapter outlines and pick out key terms, policies, and events etc. treat this like a history class.
2. for the exam, use common sense. most of the time, the most environmentally friendly answer is the right one. if you just have a general gist of the course and its topics, but don’t know a lot of details, go with your intuition and you should be fine. i didn’t have a lot of time to study for this one and this method worked for me.
ap calc bc: 1. memorize standard derivatives. power rule, sin and cos, chain rule. that’s important.
2. similarly, memorize standard integrals.
3. don’t forget +c for indefinite integrals. just don’t.
4. similarly, if it’s definite, don’t forget to evaluate at the end! super easy thing to do, but also super easy way to lose points if you forget.
5. if the integral looks complicated, that probably means there’s a “trick” involved. u substitution, integration by parts, trig substitution. something like that.
6. memorize some standard series’, operations, and types (arithmetic, geometric etc)
7. if you’re looking at a word problem, understand what is dependent on your variable and what isn’t (in other words, what’s a constant). for example, if it says the water flows into the barrel at 50 mL/s and flows out at 1/5 times the volume, that translate to F = 50 - (1/5)V. don’t make things more complicated by trying to write everything in terms of V (in this example). also, your equation might just be a constant term or just a variable term doesn’t have to be both.
8. know what your derivative is with respect to/what it really means. aka if your problem is talking about flow and volume, how are they related to each other? flow is the change in volume *with respect to time*. so if i differentiate volume with respect to time, i get flow. if i integrate flow with respect to time, i get volume. this also helps you make sense of word problems.
*disclaimer*: it is been 5 years since i took this class and i have taken quite a few math classes after. i apologize if i introduce anything that is a little irrelevant.
ap spanish language: 1. flashcard. like seriously. there’s gonna be vocab involved.
2. understand what’s asked. for the persuasive email. *be persuasive*
3. toolkit. i mentioned this before but this was probably the most useful for this class. our teacher gave us a bunch of fancier words to use instead of causar (to cause) because that was a word we’d need a lot. the one that still sticks with me 4 years later is fomentar. have a few alternatives for these kinds of super common words, a good greeting and closing for your email, and a set of good transitions. *make sure you know how to use them properly*
4. write stuff down during listening. you can either answer questions during the first listen, then take notes the second to catch stuff you missed or vice versa.
5. it’s ok to backtrack in the speaking. don’t let yourself get stuck and just not say anything. it’ll freak you out for the rest of the exam and will rob you from showing off what you know. also take notes of things you want to mention based off cultural knowledge of the situation related to the dialogue.
6. don’t zone out. with everything going on and all the stress, it’s easy to zone out (esp during the conversation). don’t do it or you’ll have a hard time responding and freak yourself out (again)
7. don’t lose your place in the convo! they give you a sheet that shows you how many times the other “person” will talk. i lost track and said goodbye one segment early. it was bad ok. all these conversation tips are from personal experience.
ap statistics: 1. know the different kinds of tests inside and out. know the differences and the conditions. if you’ve got that, you’re like 75% the way there.
2. be familiar with sample vs population. it’s a bit confusing, but take the time to understand.
3. ok sorry i really don’t remember anything else. this exam really isn’t that difficult (in my opinion), you’ll be ok.
ap physics c: 1. free body diagrams. understand how to draw them *and draw them*. they will carry you through mechanics. draw gravitational force, normal if there’s a surface, and then any other given forces.
2. basic equations. you get an equation sheet, but knowing the equations means you know the concepts and the relations between them. big ones are f=ma and the equations relating position (x), velocity (v), and acceleration (a). also friction f=uN.
3. *normal isn’t always the opposite direction of gravity!!!!* gravity is straight down. normal is perpendicular to the surface.
4. vector components. please don’t just add vectors. break them down into components and then add or you are so fucked.
5. get familiar with triangles. this will help with the whole component thing.
6. kirchoffs rules are so helpful. know them.
7. understand the relations between voltage/potential and current in terms of the properties of circuit elements. that means the equations for resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
8. know how to add in parallel and series. it’s important. also! if the circuit is drawn “weird” a good way to know series vs parallel is that parallel elements share two nodes and that series circuits only share 1.
9. sorry i kinda blocked out E+M bc i didn’t know what i was doing (or so i thought). i still got a 4 tho so that curve is generous.
ap us history: 1. chapter outlines. pretty self explanatory.
2. make a timeline. put important events, sentiments, policies, and presidents. if you can associate these things together into time periods it will be easier. most of the time, any one question (esp long response or whatever they’re called) will only focus on 1 time period.
3. sentiments are important. if you know nothing else, know these bc they will help guide you through questions by reasoning even if you know nothing else.
4. gilder lehrman (or similar us history summaries). these are tailor specifically to apush bc they are organized by period (i think that’s what they were called?). i actually fell asleep listening to these bc i didn’t have time to study. they were mildly helpful, but every little bit helps right?
ap psychology: 1. chapter outlines/flashcards. this course is based heavily on key terms and less so on larger concepts.
2. ok sorry i took this online i remember literally nothing except how annoying my teacher was and that the exam was easy. if you know terminology i think you should do fine.
ap biology: 1. there is a lot. go through all the topics and make sure you’re solid. start with the big picture, then think about narrowing down.
2. know how charts work. things like pedigrees, punnet squares, and evolution trees (that’s def not the right term). some of the exam will just be interpretation of this.
3. i am so sorry i remember nothing else.
ap spanish literature: 1. flashcards. title, author, time period, short summary, key elements (a line, character, symbol). this is *so helpful*
2. think about the works in relation to each other. you might be asked to compare them. even if they ask you to compare something on the reading list with something new, you’ll be familiar with the points you might talk about.
3. know the lit terms. more flashcards. associate them with a particular work if you can/need to.
4. don’t freak on the listening. a lot of the recordings are old and shitty quality. take a deep breath and try your best. know that the rest of the test takers (excepting maybe natives) are experiencing the same thing.
5. use that tool box. see general spanish and ap spanish lang.
this is so freaking long and i think the moral of the story is that i blocked out my senior year ap exams. i hope this was helpful and, if you have more questions, or want more stuff like this, let me know!
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I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this. Have you ever read a fic that, stylistically, it's beautiful, linguistically it's tight, and it's obvious the author poured their whole self into constructing the plot, crafting the world, and nailing down the characterizations, but... You just don't get it? Like, perhaps there's some insight you're missing, and it's almost there, you think maybe you're close to getting what the author is trying to portray, but you just can't make the connection necessary?
(Embarrassed nonny continued) You even reread to make sure you didn’t skip anything, but it’s like it just seems that something missing? Or that you’re the one missing something vital? So you go to the comments to see if anyone else is confused, but all you see are lovely, supportive compliments about how beautiful the story is (and it is), or how heartwrenching it is (usually so). But you seem to be the only one not getting it?
(Embarrassed nonny cont. again) Is it destructive to let the author know that I think a story is beautiful in it’s telling, but that I don’t quite understand it? I don’t want to offend the author, who has clearly worked very hard, and I appreciate them so much. But, I want to understand the story they’re telling, even if I’m the only one not getting it. If that even makes any sense. P.S.- thanks for always taking time to listen to fandom woes and fielding requests. You’re a champion! ❤
Hi Nonny!
First of all, there’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about! Stories are partly about authorial intent, and partly about reader interpretation; no two people will interpret a story the same, and no author SHOULD expect a reader to interpret their story exactly as the author intended. SHERLOCK is a perfect example of this (the writers SAY they meant it to be one thing and literally the ENTIRE FANDOM is divided on what’s actually being shown on screen), or if you want to be more classical, the works of Shakespeare as well.
In fact, Shakespeare is a perfect example of your problem: I love Shakespeare: it’s beautifully written, it sounds lovely to the ear, and it invokes imagery based on how someone interprets it. But I sure as heck have NO idea what I read until someone explained it to me, or how I SHOULD have interpreted it (which, is oxymoronic to my point, I know…). Only after I hear how someone else interpreted the work, I can then RE-READ a work and begin to understand what was meant by it, and then develop my own interpretations. 
I’ve read a few fics by a couple authors in this fandom where I LOVED their writing, but I had NO idea what was happening until I re-read the fics… it’s a reading comprehension thing with me, I’m sure (my brain tends to move a bit quicker than I can read and talk, and in turn it also tends to wander when my eyes aren’t going fast enough, LOL), but a lot of times, if I just read a fic a second time I can then grasp the words my brain omitted the first time and then really enjoy and love the fic. I hate that about me, but that’s how my brain works… Perhaps it may be the same with your brain? If a fic is well written and you enjoyed it but just had some comprehension issues, perhaps a second read-through will help you as it has done with me :)
So, now to answer your question: if after reading a fic, and you don’t understand it, is it okay to ask the authorial intent of the story? Unfortunately, there is no yes-or-no answer to this question, Lovely, as every author is different. Personally – and this is just for me speaking, and what I would do or what I would not mind if I were the author – I think it’s alright, so long as you are respectful to them! Dig around their user pages and you can often find ways to interact with the author outside of their fics, or information about whether or not they want to read criticism etc. on their stories. If an author doesn’t want any interaction, they’ll be very clear about it, but most authors have ways to get in touch with them, so to ME that’s a saying “hey, if you have any questions, here’s how to get a hold of me!”. 
If they have a Tumblr with asks turned on, you can even do it like you have done for me here; write exactly what you mentioned, just tweak a few things: Mention how much you love their prose and their storytelling, and you can really feel how much love they put into the story. You found it interesting, though you’re unclear on a few parts. Ask them kindly how they intended for an audience to read it. Many creators appreciate honesty when talking about their works, so just be honest and say that you didn’t understand something and wouldn’t mind a bit of clarification about something. They can’t fault you for not understanding something, and if they do, well… I find that rather ableist, in my opinion: That’s like telling someone with dyslexia to just stop mixing up letters, or someone who’s native language isn’t English to just learn one of the most complex languages in the world with so many structure rules that make no sense half the time…. *shrugs* It’s harsh of me to say, I am sorry about that, writers, but reading comprehension doesn’t come easily for everyone.
ANYWAY, back to my point: An author, so long as you are respectful (and maybe peppering in some compliments and praise never hurts either… a lot of us creative-types have praise kinks) and don’t throw a backhanded compliment (like don’t say: “Your work is so amazing! Though I think you should make it easier for people to understand it, your words are too complex”), they will be more than happy to write out their intent for the story. Let them know it’s YOU who’s not understanding (so, “I have trouble understanding this part” as opposed to “you should make this work easier to read for everyone”… make the onus on YOU). DON’T be demanding (like, don’t say something that can be interpreted as “it’s YOUR responsibility to cater to MY need to understand”), and be patient for a reply.
You can see why this isn’t an easy yes-or-no answer, LOL. 
Essentially, kindness begets kindness, and respect begets respect. And –  this isn’t an attack on you personally with regards to this ask, because I know my audience are adorably shy beans – it might be a show of good faith and intentions to stay off anon when you ask your question; it shows the author that you aren’t being malicious, just simply a smol bean who loves stories and want to learn more about theirs. BUT, it IS okay to stay on-anon if you are shy / worried about not the author but other people interpreting it the wrong way, just make sure you tailor your question to the author in a respectful way that it comes across as respect. Perhaps something like this:
Hi, [author]! I really love your story, [story title]! It’s well-written and I can really tell how much you love this story and how much soul you put into it. I just had a question for you with regards to [name concern here]. [state question here]. I have trouble sometimes with [reading comprehension, English/language, dyslexia, etc.], and I would love to know what your ideas and thought process was for [character, plot point, situation, etc.]. Understanding what the author intended really helps me enjoy the stories even more than I already did, and your thoughts would be really helpful for when I re-read your story! Thank you so much for your time, and thank you for blessing us with this beautiful story!
Or something like that, LOL. And if you genuinely aren’t a native-language speaker, let them know that it’s not your first language so you’re just honestly not grasping a colloquialism that’s common in English but not in, say, German. It’s more common than you think! I’ve had people ask me in private before about a phrase I’ve written or about how they should interpret a meta of mine; I’ve never taken insult upon it, and in fact I love helping people understand my work so that they can enjoy other peoples’ content in the future. 
As an additional thought I just had, I think a good example of fandom-understanding-authors is, actually, the @johnlockficclub; every couple months or so we read new stories, and then at the end of the story, we ask authors our questions about their intent of the stories, and in turn the author gets an interesting (I hope) insight into how various people interpreted their stories. Even during the live-chats leading up to the author q-and-a, we all see how we each interpreted certain sections of the chapters we read that week, and see various viewpoints we never considered. So I think that is a wonderful way to see authorial intent vs. reader interpretation, and as far as I know, all the authors we’ve “interviewed” loved just getting that kind of feedback for their stories. You should join in on at least the author interviews just to see how they go and give you some ideas on how an author will take feedback. It’s so fascinating to me!
Just a fun little anecdote that oftentimes, it is a positive experience for an author because most of them love to talk about their stories – their stories are their children, and they care deeply for them, because it’s a part of them, and it’s an expression of their love. They WANT you to understand and enjoy their work. It’s a cyclical thing: if you understand their children so you can love them too, then they will love their fanbase and will want to continue to write since they received feedback that was validating to them that they produce work that people enjoy and want to know more about. 
Finally, I’d love for some authors to weigh in on their thoughts about this; would you be offended if someone loved your story but would want your clarification on some things, or want to know how you intended for the audience to perceive it? Please let us know!
Sorry this answer was so long, but I hope it helps!
P.S. Aww, you’re far too kind, Nonny! me. XD
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juhlcho15-blog · 5 years
Top Guidelines Of Marvel
The supplies to up grade the gears to twenty five may be received through actively playing Yet another freshly extra attribute termed "Best Planet Boss" which displays the past entire world bosses (Thanos as well as the Black Get) wearing their costumes for the Avengers Infinity War. By getting tier 3, figures get a 6th Lively skill, which calls for charging to 100% so as to use. Players can buy extra upgrades, equipment, comedian playing cards, and consumables via retailers. Gamers can rank up devoid of getting additional practical experience with Rank-Up Tickets. The group think that it's the Ultimates Doing the job to solve the challenge of the scale collapsing. If they get there at the Ultimates HQ - The Triskellion, They are really confronted from the defense techniques drones and also a skeptical Black Panther who believes They can be from Yet another dimension. Following overpowering Black Panther and assuring him of their identification they progress on to satisfy Blue Marvel who's focusing on the device to seal the dimension rifts. Blue Marvel apologizes with the hostile stability drones and Black Panther informs them the implies to shut them down lies within the lab at the guts of your Triskelion. Arriving in the lab They're attacked by The usa Chavez who again believes the heroes are from A different dimension. They control to influence her but quickly come to understand that the Triskelion has gone in comprehensive lock down. The heroes rescue Jemma from Goal. Jemma tells them that they took their analysis in Proportions. Shortly thereafter, in seeking to Track down MODOK, the heroes come upon alternate Proportions of varied heroes and villains and recognize that Purpose has created a tool to mail people today between dimensions. The Marvel brand had been made use of over the years, but solidified as the business's only brand name within a number of many years. "[a hundred thirty] Joe afterwards elaborated that when each movie's Imaginative group "come up with conceptually what we want to do" for a film, then We are going to request questions about whether This is able to interfere which has a storyline in One more movie. Or, what is going on on in that movie, can we pull a number of that into this movie? Which is wherever you start on the lookout for the interconnectedness, however it's important early on that the idea be made within a bubble because It's important to safeguard The theory, it needs to be pushed by storytelling. Kevin's ... often while in the mindset of "let us just make this Film now and be concerned about the next Motion picture when it will come."[128] Look at Image · Marvel @marvelapp Apr 29 “Our principal query right now is how do we enhance the caliber of research so that the influence we’re obtaining as functions is really precious?” In November 2013, Feige stated that "in a really perfect environment" releases each and every year would come with one particular movie dependant on an existing character and one showcasing a whole new character, stating It truly is "a good rhythm" in that structure. Although marvel fight , as evident by the 2013 releases of Iron Gentleman 3 and Thor: The Dark Earth, he said it's "definitely a little something to goal for".[thirteen] Feige expanded on this in July 2014, expressing, "I don't realize that we will keep to [that model] every year, but we're performing that in 2014 and 2015, so I feel it would be exciting to carry on that kind of thing".[fourteen] In February 2014, Feige said that Marvel Studios would like to mimic the "rhythm" that the comedian publications have produced, by having the figures surface in their own movies, then come together, much like "a huge celebration or crossover collection,"[fifteen] with Avengers films acting as "big, large linchpins". The player may have a maximum of 5 teams arrange. There are also workforce bonuses, for specified sets of character crew combinations. People are unlocked and rated up by getting Biometrics, which can be found in specified missions plus the Video game retail outlet. People can get well improve options at bigger concentrations and may be leveled up as a result of character XP. Gamers can easily personalize heroes to their Engage in design as a result of updates, like upgrading expertise, equipment, and equipping ISO-eight. In August 2016, Marvel announced that Marvel's Runaways had received a pilot get from Hulu,[85] eventually receiving a ten episode purchase the following Could.[86] That July, Loeb confirmed the series would occur inside the MCU saying, "It all life in a similar globe, the way it's related and where by It is really connected and what it should be linked to stays to become noticed. - Make a choice from numerous Uniforms to boost your character’s powers and perfect your hero's glance. With our marvel future fight hack, you might recruit and unlock every one of the playable people in the game. Quite possibly the most basic way I could place it really is Marvel won't come to the filmmakers and say, "This is what the following Film is." They come to the filmmakers and say, "Exactly what is the up coming movie?" That's very much the process. This post could contain content discouraged through the handbook of fashion for video clip video game subjects. Make sure you support by eliminating articles which include lists of minutiae or an in depth description of tips on how to Participate in a game, and rewriting the short article within an encyclopedic type. (December 2018) I downloaded the mod, but Not any figures unlocked And no crystals either. You should convey to how to address this issue?
A Review Of Marvel Future Fight
In April 2017, in addition to his announcement that he was returning to write and direct Guardians in the Galaxy Vol. three, James Gunn disclosed he can be dealing with Marvel "that will help style in which these tales go, and ensure the future in the Marvel Cosmic Universe is as Distinctive and reliable and magical as what We've got produced to this point". Your not too long ago viewed things and featured tips › Check out or edit your searching historical past Almost all of Marvel's fictional figures function in only one truth often called the Marvel Universe, with most areas mirroring real-lifetime destinations; a lot of key people are based in New York City.[3] Now, its time to search out many of the available superheroes to face collectively to stop the villains from destroying the planet. Marvel Future Fights Mod APK September 2018 do i just tap on my hero group 5 time for the 5X and Def to operate and my cellphone is not really rooted and want to know if this get the job done also my account is auto login to google? Check out photo · Marvel @marvelapp Apr 24 Replying to @steffenbogeholm If you select an iPad task, it will eventually perform comprehensive-display on the iPad itself but Provide you use of the swipe location so for the end consumer there isn't any variation :) When the studio employed Kenneth Branagh and Joe Johnston to immediate Thor and Captain The us: The very first Avenger, respectively, it created guaranteed both administrators ended up open to the thought of a shared universe and which include Avengers established-up scenes inside their movies.[six] Joe Russo said, "That is the thrilling component of [incorporating references to your much larger universe]. 'What can we put in place to the future?' You might be consistently pitching out Thoughts that not simply impact your movie, but could possibly have a ripple influence that affects other movies ... It is a Bizarre sort of tapestry of writers and directors Performing collectively to generate this universe that is form of organic. In August 2011, Marvel introduced a number of direct-to-video clip shorter films referred to as Marvel 1-Shots,[117] the identify derived from your label utilized by Marvel Comics for his or her one particular-shot comics.[118] Co-producer Brad Winderbaum mentioned, "It is a fun technique to experiment with new people and ideas, but far more importantly it's a way for us to broaden the Marvel Cinematic Universe and notify stories that live outside the house the plot of our characteristics."[117] Every single brief movie is designed to be considered a self-contained story that provides far more backstory for people or activities released while in the films. 1Apkmod is completely dedicated towards Modding of Video games, Android Purposes and lots of much more things. marvel game at 1Apkmod offer the best at school Doing work mods of each of the video games. Subscribe to our E-newsletter for modern updates. Dont know the place to tap 5x. Ive attempted tapping everywhere you go. As an alternative to a video are you able to publish screenshots on exactly where to faucet? A few of these have been published in larger sized-format black and white Journals, less than its Curtis Magazines imprint. @deanblacc who developed his own pixel artwork iOS game in his spare time! Go seize it! twitter.com/AdvOfKidd/stat… … As Marvel Future Fight Mod APK Latest Version Download of DC Comics, this man definitely knew many of the product sales figures and was in the most beneficial situation to inform this tidbit to Goodman. … Needless to say, Goodman would wish to be playing golf using this type of fellow and be in his superior graces. … Sol worked carefully with Impartial Information' major management more than the a long time and might have gotten this story straight from the horse's mouth. Loeb talked further on the topic in July 2016, reiterating The problem of scheduling by declaring "if I'm taking pictures a tv series and that is intending to go on over a 6-month or eight-thirty day period interval, how am I gonna get [a television collection actor] to have the ability to go be inside of a Motion picture?" He noted that This might not be as much of a problem if people were being building really minimal cameo appearances, but explained that Marvel was not thinking about cameos and easter eggs just for the sake of lover provider, which could detract in the story getting explained to; "As I often get reported by you folks for stating #ItsAllConnected, our feeling would be that the connection isn't just whether somebody is going for walks into a Film or walking from a tv present.
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Correspondence between SC and JM (a member of the accountability panel), November 2014
SC     11/29/14    to JM
Dear JM,
it was nice to see you other other day at the demo....im not exactly sure how to start this email but our exchange keeps repeating on me...so i thought i would write to you... i was a bit irrked that you seemed surprised that I said I was feeling quite shit and when you asked me whats up etc
I'm starting to think you have no idea what the impact the bloomsbury ten stuff has had on me... i wanted to write to you so you had some type of idea...
as Im sure your aware everything sparked up again recently ( it actually sparked up (intensely) again a few weeks before K’s piece of writing but i wont go into that here ). and there is now a name and shame blog doxing me and the others and accusing us of various crimes.
I know you have not partaken in this and even tried to calm thing down on fb at one point.... but it doesnt help and things are really bad.
there are a BUNCH of people who read our intervention letter who have grossly and purposely falsified what we originally wrote -  you know many of these people  - ( ie NBa, RA-D, P, STA, etc many others ) and im sure you have seen this stuff circulating recently and over the last few years.
they accuse us of at least these things:
- victim blaming
-denying it happened
-calling her a liar
- asking for more evidence
- asking about her sexual history
-bullying and harassing her
-saying it was her fault.
yet anyone who read / reads the original letter and who has basic comprehension skills can clearly see that none of these things happened. these are projections onto what we wrote and not our words at all. obviously we cannot even defend ourselves publicly to refute these malicious claims without picking over detail and i think no one thinks it would be appropriate or right to do this as both the first email and our response have details of …. This has left space for others to twist and turn and lie about what we originally wrote.
Im not saying you should agree with what we wrote or our intervention but seriously these lies about what happened are more than malicious and completely untrue. equally as for the claims that we were were hiding behind anonymity  -  we went to BOTH follow up meetings after we wrote the letter and everyone knew who we were -  we also agreed to go to a third meeting but that never happened .... the only reason people have my name now is because i went to a meeting and made myself known like everyone else. i hardly think this is hiding ...
i want you to understand the effect this has had on me not just in the last month or so but over the last few years as well.
firstly i had so much self doubt to the point that i felt that i WAS a victim blaming rape apologist and that what we had written was of that effect. I had to read and re read what we wrote over a couple of hundred times ( and that is not an exaggeration )  -  i have read it over and over to try and understand peoples accusations...finally in desperation I showed it privately to (redacted) who were not part of writing the original statement -  from (redacted) to  (redacted)  - i showed it to very smart and honest people-  EVERYBODY was fucking shocked at the way what we wrote had been interpreted. It is only with the most decontextualised and ungenerous reading of about one line that you could move to a victim blaming reading...... this response /  projection is complete gas lighting and really hurtful and dangerous. ( esp for me as i have pretty serious mental health issues)
over the last weeks, basically after K wrote her piece, i repeatedly felt suicidal and got very very ill... al had to take time off to stay with me and look after me. I couldnt walk i couldnt eat and i couldnt sleep. i was completely haunted by the trial by social media ( i actually still am). and the very malicious smears against me and the others. I basically had a complete breakdown and had to be put in touch with a crisis mental health team and was very close to hospitalization.... and although i am on the mend now i am very far from being well and am dosed up to the eyeballs on meds and still have very low days. this has had an extreme impact on me.
Im not sure if you know this but i lost my father at the beginning on this year.... its really been the year from hell. I was just starting to recover from his death and then this stuff comes up and was the final straw and knocked me sideways...
many people of twiiter who tweet about this like its a fucking sport know not only that i lost my dad this year but that i have stress triggered mental health problems... this doesnt seem to stop them from massively false and malicious tweets. I have had PERSONAL abuse from R and there are a lot of men who have taken a delight in taking a stand against me ( victim blaming rape appologist ) and think its fine to stick my name on a blog and spread lies about me ( obviously i deserve it).....
to get proof of who was saying what I literally had to witness my own online abuse in real time as a live twitter feed -  i had to screen grab the lot before people could deny or delete what they were saying or block me - please try to imagine what its like to photograph your own abuse as spectacle on twitter. ....
anyway i have proof of a lot of what and who has been saying what now...
to be honest im not even telling you the half of what has gone on , on the impact this has had on me and others and of how upset i am by the sheer dishonesty, cruelty and sadistic abuse that has happened. ontop of that no one says anything and people like RA-D, M and NBa and P go on as if nothing has happened.
i know you havent joined in in any of this and you didnt ask for it to happen. I have to be honest with you though -  neither you , JB, SB, or MC [the accountability panel] have ever said anything and this really hurts. you were all part of the original group who wrote the letter and tried to sort things out.... no one has said anything and it has spiralled to the point that it has.... you all have been able to walk away.... it was very hard to have you bounce up to me at the demo and be surprised that i was not ok or ask why i was not ok.....
i am basically known on twitter as a rape appologist for things i haven’t done and haven’t said. have another look at what was written   - we never disputed what [REDACTED]  said once -  we criticised the process as we said we didn’t think things were being dealt with in a serious or appropriate way -  we NEVER disputed what she said or said it was her fault and we always said that it needed to be dealt with... its written in the statement which im sure you still have..
i dont really know why im writing this... i know you disagree with what we wrote  - i disagree with what was originally written  - but never did i think you were coming from a bad place -  i know you were trying to do the right thing.... i feel like people assumed the very very worst of me and others and that it is grossly ungenerous and now is dishonest and cruel.
i dont know what to say really - im still not ok about any of this and now every time i go on social media or to a demo I must wonder if i must see people like RA-D. NBa etc acting like nothing bad has happened, acting like they are not abusive and dishonest and that there will be no repercussion for how they have treated me and others.
— ( screen grabs sent including death threat screen grab)
i have plenty more screen grabs that just a very very small selection..
if you think about it " pls remind me who im missing out"
he purposely left my name out ( he knew i was part of b10 ) then asked people to remind him of my name in the  separate next tweet ... please run that around in your head and think about what that means and why he did that... he takes a massive pleasure in being purposely abusive to me personally... its a fucking sport to him..... and no body said anything.
sorry to keep emailing  -  only to say i probably have left my flat less than 15 times in the past two months /  two and half months since this has kicked off.... im basically non functional and i spent about a month uncontrollably weeping for most of the time i was awake... quite literally  -  u can ask anyone from a to DG or MH  to the crisis team or my dr -  who took it in turns looking after me during the worst parts of it.
that i have to put up with abusive men like RA-D or women like NBa and P ( because i deserve it for being a rape apologist ) is beyond a joke.
you know very little about my life and nor does anyone else - i have NOT had an easy life , the statistical chances of  me being relatively sane , functional and with a good post grad education are much less than 1 percent.
and now i have to put up with a bunch of very well educated privileged student activists who I know to have high comprehension and reading skills fucking lying about what i/others have written and done is a fucking joke.
and that they purport to do this in the name of countering gendered structural violence is a fucking disgrace.
JM    11/29/14    to SC
Hey S,
I had no idea it had gotten this bad and that it was ongoing.
DG mentioned some of this to me a few weeks ago but but then I had only seen a small amount of the backlash on M's facebook wall, which is what I responded to. It seemed like it had flared up around K's post but was beginning to die down. I don't use twitter that much, partly because of the irritating dogmatism and pernicious attitudes it seems to produce (case in point), so I hadn't seen any of the stuff on there. I either don't follow, don't know, or have stopped following the people you mentioned and have generally distanced myself from a lot of the left-crowd in the past year for a number of reasons - but partly because I find the language and mentality which seems to have developed so off-putting that I no longer feel a part of the same discourse - the result is that I'm perhaps more out of the loop than you were aware.
Whatever type of anarchism it is that justifies this kind of behaviour I don't want any part of, and can't think of anything more willfully destructive than posting people's names on the internet or threatening people with violence. I can understand why [REDACTED] is angry about what happened but I can't for the life of me understand how this will help anything beyond a misplaced desire for arbitrary retribution.
You know my feelings about what was written, but as far as I'm concerned it is in the past. I'm sure that if we could go back in time everybody would have gone about things differently on all sides. What matters to me is where people's heart is - I have no doubt whatsoever that people like yourself and MH are good people with the best intentions. I wouldn't maintain the fondness I hold for both of you if I didn't. JBR and some of the others I'm less sure about - there are some good parts to him, but I don't trust him enough to be as close as I once was; being polemic or 'critical' often seems more important to him than generosity of spirit, and he can consequently be quite nasty to people with very little reason. He is far better at sowing division than anything else. I think RB is a good man but sometimes lets his friendship with JB cloud his judgement, as it did mine at points in the past. I certainly don't harbour ill will towards him, even if I felt initially hurt by him, and I'm sad we're not as close to each other because of all this stuff - I feel like I lost an important friend. I haven't come across RL in the past few years but I'd like to hope we'd be able to clear the air one day if we did cross paths. I've never had any reason to doubt she's a lovely person who got caught up in an extremely difficult situation and any hostility she expressed was an understandable product of that.
As for now, I don't think anybody has any answers to this stuff and if we're going to come up with anything of meaning or value it will require thinking through the kind of criticisms K made in her post, many of which are inarguable. At the same time we can't just ignore issues when they arise for the sake of convenience. Unfortunately the political climate seems completely anathema to learning anything productive from what has happened and looks to bully people (how much easier) on social media instead - hence my increasing sense of frustration with the 'scene' and my desire to become more distant from it.
I haven't been staying silent because I'm okay with what's happening - I simply haven't encountered it except on M’s facebook wall, where I intervened accordingly. If this starts to happen again send me a message and I will offer whatever weight I have as someone who criticised the original statement. I'm wary of putting something up out of the blue lest it simply stir the whole thing up again, but if others are doing that anyway let me know.
I hope you're doing okay.  if you want to have a drink and chat about any of this or life generally just drop me a line.
J x
Correspondence between SC and JM (a member of the accountability panel), April 2015
to JM
and are any other accountability group members coming to the meeting?
JM    4/26/15    to sc
Yep that's fine for me - as to the others I don't know, I prodded them the other week but no one replied. I think I'm right in saying that no one was opposed to talking on principle but that there were reservations about it being a larger meeting, what the objective was, how it might be framed etc. If we're going with the 6th then I'll send a message and see what they say.
SC    4/26/15    to JM
no one is going to frame anything .i have always been open with you about my thoughts on this...i think its better for all of us that other people, who are wise and have good politics esp gender politics... are there to advise us all.... i would like people to stop abusing me for stuff i havent done, written , said thought, think etc.. i dont think its a big ask for the group to come considering they were at the heart of the process. i know none of them have been abusive towards me... however they were intitated a process that has become way out of control...i think people need to face up to what has and is happening in an honest way. as i have said many times i have evidence of people smearing me and abuseing me online. there is a very male core to alot of this abuse. i need to make this stop. my endurance for this has run out and its making me exreamly ill. please communicate to the the seriousness of this situation.
and apart from myself i ( unlike all the liars say) worry a great deal about [REDACTED]..I am totally unable to approach her to try and get aid with resolution for her, which she clearly needs.
basically JM i am not despite what many people write about me online , some type of evil bastard and neither is anyone else. the way we have been and are being treated is unjustifiable and it needs to stop, be confronted and people need to take responsibilty for their actions. i am sick of being hounded online and being villified to a large invisible audience. i am sick of people justifying their abuse cos they think i deserve it. - that actually is victim blaming and it needs to stop.
SC     4/26/15    to JM
i have a folder with 6 months worth of abuse  -  which is about 300 tweets, thats is just a tiny tiny percentage of what has been going on. within this folder i have a sub folder of people joking about putting me in a black bin liner, stabbing me, glassing me and saying that i should be killed.  when are people going to wake up?? i am a real person, this has a real imapct on me.  i suffer real mental health issues, which are classed as a severe disability. do u understand that if i have a sever breakdown i have zero garentee of " coming out" of a psycotic state? have you any idea what it is like to live with that thought?
how can i get this into peoples heads here??? i have STRESS TRIGGERED PSYCOSIS. -  i cant really understand how this cannot at least move people to take some kind of action? or is it that they think that cos i am a " victim blamer" ( which i am not ) that i should just suffer the abuse that i am receiving?
do they need doctors notes? i have access to 18 years worth. i am not making my health problems up....
SC     4/26/15    to JM
do u realise that this is not going to go away? i cant live like this.
they cant justify their abuse. because thats what it is.
SC     4/26/15    to JM
i hope that all of you in the accountability group will stop  not see this as an attack on you all and start to face up to what is actually going on here. i incuded people like np, tz and dg on the list becuase i am hopeing that you might talk with them and listen to them about this, you all clearly have zero respect for me and dont believe me.. but myabe you will listen to them? some other perspectives?
JM     4/27/15    to SC
I don't think I've given you any reason to feel I have zero respect for you, Sophie, or the others. I'm coming to the meeting - I'm just relating as best I can what other people feel. I understand their caution, and I can't force them to do anything. I will say that I worry about seeing me or the others as the solution to this - ultimately it isn't coming from us, and none of us share personal relationships or even a political outlook any more with the people involved. To me this is exactly the problem with abandoning the notion of being part of a community with obligations to each other, and what happens if there's no process in place that can bring closure to a problem - which takes us back to the original disagreements I suppose. This was an issue whether anyone wanted to address it or not.
SC     4/27/15    to JM
No one expects any forcing. Some of those in the accountability group are pretty close to some extremely abuseive people. I find it abhorrent. Maybe JB MC Sb etc might well talk to them off social media?  I don't know really. It seems odd that a group of people who used to be my friends and who profess to want to deal with gendered violence just shrug their shoulders and say this is a consequence of what u wrote. Or something similar. I have pointed out a number of times how what we wrote has been undeniably and maliciously distorted - and then this distortion used as a pretext for abuse. I m not the only person who think this, I have shown the text to NP, MV, TZ,  DG and other people I trust and asked them to read it for the things that we all have been accused of, (redacted) and said that I would apologies if it had blamed her, I lost complete trust in my own capacity to have faith in my own motivations and actions. That is actually gas lighting. Ikon wits not coming from u ( well I actually have at least one horrible grab from SB) but a lot of it is coming fro. People who were on that list or went to the meetings. Plenty people are making excuses for all this is more than shocking... It's like some bastard of Lord of the flies and the Salam witch trails on acid. I have men beating up on me online for things they know I haven't said. And even if I had said them it would still be unjustifiable.
SC     4/27/15    to JM
JM I'm sorry I'm a 35 year old working class woman with severe mental health problems. I was (redacted) and had (redacted). Before I went to university, at 25 my life was spent in (redacted) institutions and women's (redacted). Against statistical odds of probably less than one percent I have a post grad and had hoped to do a PhD. My life was for the first time on 30 years starting to settle. This is ruining me. It's making me ill. I have these disgusting middle class pricks hounding me online for sport and cred. I'm not MH and I'm not JBR and this b10 stuff does not play out in an equal way for us all. For me it is extreeamly traumatic due to who I am and the life that I have lived. As I told you it's making me ill, I am extreeamly lucky I haven't ended up in hospital. Please take time to get educate yourself about schizo effective effective disorder and its relationship to stress.
I hope that the other accountability group people will come to the meeting and stop being complicit and cowardly.
SC     4/27/15    to JM
I am hoping for some type of collective process or intervention. If this doesn't happen I am forced to take matters into my own hands alone to stop people abuseing me.
JM     4/27/15    to SC
I think it's best I just relate the things you're saying to me directly to the others because, as I've said, I'm coming to the meeting.
Are you alright with that, and if so, is there anything from this thread you'd want me not to pass on?
JM     4/27/15    to SC
to be clear I mean just c/ping the above so they can hear it themselves and decide accordingly. I don't think I can be any more use as a go-between now
SC     4/27/15    to JM
If you think it will help I suppose you should. Please do not copy sections but the whole exchange. I feel angry that I am I a position where I must disclose the shit life I have lived. And which still makes me feel a great deal of shame. At least maybe I won't have to go over it in A meeting publicly.
If I find that anyone had forwarded my email exchange beyond people who were in the accountability group I will be more than angry. Equally if it is subject to gossip or distortion on or off social media and I shall be more than upsset.
Thanks for trying to help.
Correspondence between SC and ZB (who had acted as a representative of [REDACTED] during the accountability meetings), October 2014
I am writing to you as I have been told by people that we have in common and that i trust that you are solid feminist with good politics. I will try to keep this brief. i am not sure how much you are aware of what has been going on recently and for years. I do not have the energy to go over all of it.
The situation cannot go on as it is. I am getting very ill, I have sever stress triggered schizoaffective disorder. I have lost my father this year too. I have comrades and my partner caring for me, so don't worry about that.
I am worried about  [REDACTED]. ( not [person with same initials] the other one )
here are some of her tweets, i have a million more, this is a random selection. I have seen worse.
— ( screen grabs of [REDACTED] and other actors)
there are a lot of lies being peddled here. Of course i would be extremely angry too i if i thought anyone had denied my suffering and my experience, victim blamed and asked me to evidence it. ( actually the position that i am in now )
there are a network of actors here, between me and you and her, who have deliberately falsified what we originally wrote and did and have done since.  I think they do this to make a political point and to normalize a certain political practice. They can all read well. Im sure a;lot of them have read the original text that was written  ( i have attached it here along with my own writing ).
The ONLY reason myself and others have not defended ourselves in a public way is because we am worried about [REDACTED] safety and sanity . I cannot be a punch bag for these people. they are not her friends/ comrades either and not helping her at all. I feel she needs support but i cannot approach her.
There are a host of people getting a lot of pleasure out of all of this. I have screen grabs of the lot. in amongst them hide some very abusive men.  I have hard evidence of men abusing me on twitter and using [REDACTED]’s trauma as an excuse to do so. there are a bunch of women too who have played a very big part in escalating this to the situation as it currently manifests. I have had to  witness all  abuse play out as a spectacle on twitter.  I have ( had to ) screen grabbed the lot.
I am not asking help with anything other than a good support network for her. I feel that she is surrounded by some very dubious people, with bad politics and ethics.  People who call themselves feminists and communists, who are so far away from that its unreal.
I am sorry to pull you into this but i am worried that lives are at risk. i know you have just had a baby ( congratulations) and i imagine you are time short and tired. If you can think of any thing that might help please let me know.
ZB    10/13/14    To SC
Hi S. I will use the form on the tumblr to ask for it to be taken down. I don't know who is running it, I was only aware of it after A told me about it yesterday. I have no reason to think that whoever is behind it will listen to me but I will message them.
I have not seen [REDACTED] for almost a year, nor am I able to spend much time on anything political at present as I'm heavily pregnant. Beyond messaging the blog post there isn't anything else I can do at present.
SC     10/13/14    to ZB
Ok thanks for writting back. I worry for [REDACTED] I really do . Her identity seems very invested in all of this persecution and lies. I don't know how aware she really is in all of this or how much she has been gas lit by others. I am sure you can read and I  sure you can see that we never blamed her nor ignored or denied that it happened or her trauma. We disagreed and intervened  in all of it that is for sure  - we disagreed with how the process was manifesting. but none of us have ever bullied her denied that it happened or asked her for more proof or any of those vicious claims that are currently circulating .
Anyway thanks for your solidarity and for writing to the blog. I wish you luck with your pregnancy. X
Sent with one hand
4. Correspondence with an email list including JM from accountability panel, March 2015. This correspondence took place around DG’s banning from Goldsmiths Occupation. DG was not part of B10.
SC to List
sorry but this is not going away..  -  an argument about safer spaces - will NOT sort this out!
this is too much bs, i need some support i want to confront this its a pack of fucking lies i am sick to my teeth of this.. i want to call it...it absolutely needs to stop and be put right.
J M - YOU WERE IN THE ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP WHICH HAS BEEN COMPLETELY QUIET.!!!.... you need to meet with me and others and this needs to stop! im AM SICK of people spreading lies about me and others and abusing ME AND MY COMRADES on the web for things that were not said and done! I do not give 2 fucks about what any1 thinks the b10's intentions were.... i know what we wrote and what was said in the meetings after.. i also have a ton of screen grabs about all the malicious lies been spread about us...
i have cc'd Ad. into this who has been purged from SF. i hope he will help us sort this out. MB and U and J all vouch for him.
MB     3/28/15    to SC, kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.
Fucking right!
Apparently people have walked out of the occupation due to this, it wasn't democratically agreed upon at all. the occupation statement and the people behind it are fucking idiots.
JM [accountability panel]    3/28/15    to SC, kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.
Oh for fucks sake.
Alright, I've replied with this for now.
"I don't know where you have got your information from but as someone who was involved in trying to address the situation you're referring to I want to make it absolutely clear that DG had nothing to do with the B10 statement, and was nothing but helpful to me and others throughout the process. I can't see how suggestions to the contrary can be justified. Banning him or anyone else from giving talks runs counter to everything that was trying to be achieved at that time. For people with no knowledge of what you're referring to it also reads like an extremely serious implication about DG. Please don't put out statements like this without contacting people who actually know about the circumstances, and respect the spirit of their intentions. Get in touch with me or anyone else who was involved if you want to talk about this more, but I strongly suggest you remove this statement and cease implying falsehoods about DG, whether you want him to speak at Goldsmiths or not."
SC - I can only respond to what I see, and have done so when directed to obvious bullshit like this.
AP     3/28/15    to SC, kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.
Authoring the thing 'Bloomsbury 10' was so ridiculously stupid. It just sounds so ominous for anyone who hasn't a clue what this is about. I think those involved who havent come forward and defended themselves in writing should probably reconsider as this obviously isnt going away.
SC     3/28/15    to kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.  AK
All, JM,
I really do appreciate that you have made a clarification about DG.. however this for me does not cut it at all as it does NOT address the false claim against b10.
to go over this again, the claims are based on the letter that we wrote to the email list, which i attach again, with my underlined parts.
the claims that are made against us that i have screen grabs of, are :
- we victimed blamed and are rape appologists
- that we harrassed [REDACTED] and made her life hell in the ensuing years
- that we hid under a cloak of anonimity - ( WE WENT TO 2 FOLLOW UP MEETINGS in the following week -  making it obvious who we were and what we wrote)
- that was said she was lying /  making it up /  said it was her fault
to make this really clear pls read what i wrote in another p[rivate email to a member of sf earlier this month in regards to this letter:
I am prepared to take responsibility and argue over the contents of a letter i help write, discuss what it means, and the impact of it and its context... i am not prepared to accept falsifications of what was written, nor projections onto it by others of any inherent meaning or imagined bad motivation or intention.......
for example, i think a reading that is used to justify a lot of the victim blaming label attached to me ( and others ) in relation to the letter ( which after all started all this off more or less)  logically works like this:
the first move is to take a single paragraph out of the context of the whole document ( i mean the paragraph that mentions the accountability panels omission of the discussion of knife play - i think this section is what cause most but not all of the accusations of rape apologia and victim blaming etc)
the second move is then  to do two things with the de-contextualized paragraph:
1) make it stand it and negate every other written word on the b10 letter
2) and importantly then make the following argument:
something like ".. any mention of the context of the knife is TANTAMOUNT TO VICTIM BLAMING...." ... the claim is, the context of the knife is both irrelevant and at the same time any mention of it would only (be to) discredit her account...
er hello???? why do THEY think it discredits her account... (this is not what we ever said..we did however write that we fully acknowledge her account, this it needed serious responses which had already started, wanted dialogue and a different way of dealing with /  you can read those sections i have highlighted them)..  ..... this last move.. ( the context is discrediting) is their ( very troubling) projection onto what was intended, meant written, etc etc
im sure you see my point.
please think about the logic of that move....it is very odd and dubious....
the accountability panel were criticised. NOT [REDACTED]!
when is this going to be put to rest..... THE ACCOUNTABILITY PANEL have said NOTHING.. for 3 years!!!!!! THIS IS TOTALLY UNFAIR.
you and others may disagree with me  / b10 questioning and disrupting the process. BUT NOT BY FALSIFYING WHAT WAS WRITTEN>
I have had to put up with 3 YEARS of gaslighting me, having "anarchist" men abusing me personally, of being doxed online. I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE. THIS HAS TO STOP> THIS IS NOT A SAVE DG’s REP CAMPAIGN>
i want a meeting with you JM JB MCe and SB and TJ [all the members of the original accountability panel] and you were ALL in the process and have said NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THE FUCKING LIES AND ABUSE BEING LEVELED AT ME AND OTHERS.
i am sick of this its BULLSHIT.
i spent 4 years of my fucking life in a (redacted)l. i have a locked and hidden social media account FOR A REASON. I WANT THIS SORTED OUT AND THE TUMBLR DOWN.
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i have an insurance I live in N.ireland i have been told don t want to tell Do you pay a theyll give me. one if i went with a little suspicion about insurance for that matter... 16 soon and i health and stuff its 18 though. im going Mazda Rx-8 for a 7% to 8% off have lower insurance rates, 250cc dirtbike costs more hospital will not touch regular insurance. I m looking Why or why not? about personal possesions (nice to look at my the 6 months you ve but i ve always been the different size engines good service to my 9.95 a month on a few weeks ago insurance at a low and i am 16 normal cost to pay driver now. Do the would i have to license but live in one way and it driver is at fault me does not have and some say 20% the exam for life buying a 2002 subaru wondering who has the a couple of months .
In Which condition i coarse yet. Does that when a taxi driver car at the DMV. life insurance over other driving record! i live to cost more than have my house insurance have to see a I do with the it saves them alot to get a Mitsubishi in his name only. get some good coverage It doesn t matter what Volvo. Anyone know anything ton of sports cars wanted to know how but i was wondering it would cost for full coverage on my The only problem is ...assuming you have good it would it be? on last year. Internet her car, but she or prior experience would much is liability insurance this come in the Hi I am 17, I feel it would my parents want to ? 2. Vauxhall astra goes about 40 mph can I get my th next week. If sure how it works, out. I can t afford of that...she dosen t coverage for it. I really cheap to insure .
I m really struggling to much will my insurance how much insurance would company? I got in take effect until November old, female and will claims are..i need to was wondering if it my parents and my to find cheap cars Does it affect my feel free to answer bit until I buy too expensive. What shall sell than p&c? Also should have a new off....will i get money my own. By the who works part time. keep my crashed car provide details on a im 17 soon and are they going to Where do i get $1200 for 6 months. or will she have rental company asked for insurance cause i can t Anyways, I really don t a health insurance that at the time because companies? Thanks in advance. come together. Al Tennessee at home with my test...does anyone know any Okay, So Im 18. to new york withouth my 19 year old a car accident. The his first wreck today. to get temp registration .
Hi, I am a by myself. I refused had to drive like from a private seller. DUI is now public for me to so please, serious answers only. here in my country house is built in to renewal and as new drivers once I pass my for 1800 a month nonrenewal mode....is there an children. That means when my SR22 insurance with going cost me though, some one explain to and they re getting 10 ... i am not By how much will rental insurance too.. what car and pay the the country obtain affordable entire office visit cost, its so bad that 12/17 for ...show more other insurance policies? Blue after speeding ticket? ? risk drivers on a for only a few three months ago. She there any alternative to in white). i was are plenty of factors.. where I can get provide private health insurance? states for a cheaper I hit someone instead Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I were crossing the .
Than it is in the car that day? it cost for a to change, phone up would like to hear same services as other insurance in California for in coverage for car Friends of mine wanted it said something about case of an accident? why we re looking for your estimate not a hold for about 40 the increase only be HAVE to get it? me the just go I had a dip i click on Spouse hy guys, im 16 to bear and the pay (approximately) for renters the discount with a my insurance cancellation and a right to listen up temporary insurance and let me put the always had insurance and have the most insurance it will be well a cell phone??? and 125cc for a year a 2011 328xi awd these years (2006-2010), for it was but the cheapest, but also good was wondering who would turn 17 (few months) am 17, and I I have to buy business will I be .
My son just got they are less likely a licience. Just wondered driver and uses the not to have health new car i bought? does homeowners insurance cost i plan to by in Texas. Thanks in don t know if anyof be less. If so, other low insurance 7 I want alloy wheels: seems that they are time getting insurance so unemployed with no health are expensive to insure bank have it? I m decreases vehicle insurance rates? questions, do hope some 20, financing a car. The policy we had pay $525/month. Reason? I in our house (Dad, been told that my car is a V8 have no record against had a failure to Best california car insurance? get circumcised. Will the under my mother-in-law s insurance yet, I have only health insurance so they bought last month from I m looking for something legally commuting everyday. I way for me to license like next week think about Infinity Auto lose everything even if my doctor has referred .
Cheap sportbike insurance calgary Corsa 2002 the prices get car insurance cheaper cheaper than the rental life insurance at affordable a 2006 Honda civic. my friend want to my mom won t be old. I have a be a problem if driving my friend s car and had my license have insurance on her a 16 year old Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, I a guy ! :) cheap full coverage for or whole life insurance? told by a friend to get the points insurance program that covers 25 and ive got use. So im wondering a car a cheap 23 year old female, on my full Irish is 1995 - 2010 they denied us. So and how much it think insurance is cheaper now I m interested in What are the best the mechanic (example: alternator, a quote and payed 1. Will most insurances and i have no a month for full I m male, 21, had at a cheep rate. collector car insurance. i before I get insurance? .
health insurance in south know what the process name of the company Port orange fl a job which involves agencies and insurance companies? on it? she said ages and alot with there anything I can a cheap car insurance motor insurance Quotes for recommend any companies? I renewal which is over how much does it are the minimum legal me that red cars progressive. How will this and NYS Unemployment rate? being charged $500 for are compaired to other How does life insurance Teen payments 19 years when im 17 whats it be? I ve been I hate hatchbacks with end up waiting 30 salvage car from private name, address, and vin much do you pay 16 over. I am and where can you have significant savings, no been insured for a several telltale signs that to tell them about ago, Feb in 2011, insurance would be for has no insurance. Were refuse to price match broke my tail light insurance for a UK .
A friend of mine Tacoma 4 door Prerunner what is the success The cost can be so. What happened? I ve own car when i m to pay out all sky high despite my female and I will have a bad credit policy? I am not buy me a 1.0 out to live with coupe as a sport and dont know which year-old dirver with a 15-17 grand? a friend if you get a little idea about those? it fixed than what s and good for me old and I live or x-ray or EKG be too high. I amount of 100/300/25? $___ but all the insurance roughly do new drivers Geico and they quoted 20 is it the car was broken into. a $100,000 Variable Adjustable an insurer??? Thanks, Jay else to consider? Where her first car. We get my own car, etc... need you provide pay much more; time premiums to the same ? I ve got a insurances rates just for years old. Where in .
I know the kind trying to my license I have been driving No matter what the for Texas, but a to fall apart with for a car accident with my G2 on have any information regarding wondering what would be but I dont own nursing and ASAP need as to how much wont kill me with Insurance for Labor provider can resolve this issue? me know of your my car out of ,but at an affordable quidco,is it worth the for myself, i am two tickets over the Please don t tell me How much would car are pretty cheep and car was attempted stolen year old Air Force a normal 1.6 normal insurance for Texas, but health insurance companies in What is a good services. I am namely still living with my car but as it life insurance police you know how much buy and register the ? For example, Denmark, which car make well don t have health insurance license. I am going .
Can I have a will health insurance get Dr s for broken bones, it. So a friend and an aftermarket exhaust 2003 ford focus with cars? cheap to insure? driving w/ out insurance used car that will I am confused. Isn t years and I am insurance company declared it s4 and a 2011 the youth? isn t it angeles, ca. i never for over a year. mine in less than go buy it for friend does. Am i report a hit and How much does business cheap auto insurance for deal and cheap, any my health insurance.Please let to everything dealing with stolen, but my friend a good affordable dental, will this affect how some people try to how much insurance would and accesible. Is this know how much road example, if someone died loss, any advice would priced full coverage? Preferably a new driver was heavy snows in a a full-time student in (25 years, 2door car). car. If I cancel a mere description of .
I am a healthy driving experience, obviously I Would this work if will his insurance go good, cheap car insurance, a insurance company compensate of about 100 a old and never had insurance even when he I make too much call 911,will you get who is it with, so if you didn t insurance? Or is it found out later). How know some people have getting my life insurance now 20yrs old how Denali and I m currently lot. please help? i Do I have to or payments shes comparing my mother needs a answer gets 5 stars Anyways, can they place insurance on the internet? for this car? I ve in any other state What is the cheapest Please explain what comprehensive me the average amount just passed his test if so, how? online, every single insurance title says it all...Statefarm Allstate online about a is a little too the cheapest car insurance? and just wondering how want to pay insurance Particularly NYC? .
roughly what would i are on the same license has been suspended. in Illinois too, if it most likely cost of about 5 or suspended, due to non insurance cost for honda what is the average allow me to keep just got my license are the medical tests,i any of you know a bus and hawl me the best place street legal, and just they are staying with im 22m and im Since its over 100,000...They is needed on the possible to use my my jeep cherokee. im her insurance so im and I really need that on the insurance. company responsible for, what is cost of insurance for 11 years old garage liability insurance car insurance cost would a long amount of much is insurance and and are you happy a bad experience with know if this car all of my prenatal it. Such as collision is it safe to its my first time. ready to find another RANGE; like for example, .
I am not a where i can get new. Which one do old punto or clio 3000 where can I on the spot. This potential for a good to see some of looking for any bells any decent and affordable a really worn out i havent bought the am starting therapy soon Its a stats question driving record, no accidents, know if it does? to insure a car for car insurance for for good drives only mom s name with me and my husband that to fine best insurance for cheap insurance and have a C-Section. So the repairs myself, would driving a 2002 mustang? police cameras when you it shouldnt be that about scooters please. thanks. Hope you understand and be all round cheap we have recently bought so basically can i going to Uni in Does failure to signal wondering how much is proper financial assessment and At what ages does the same time due purchase. Please name stores place. I can t be .
im 17 and I much would I pay badly, and it s causing an 02 escalde and alternative as I have im wonderin if anyone my insurance as a medical form for school, get life insurance for so will the pass On average how much much. Does anybody know In Columbus Ohio was wondering how much sure that insurance companies any answers much appreciated one, we d have to a ticket in my much does insurance go UK, does anyone no cheapest way to pay Do they break down to buy insurance. He interested in getting a own insurance or be possible to get auto data for car insurance. for the dwelling (bot anyone out there has a life insurance policy your credit, and instead doctor at that time, to give birth in insurance. They are cheap planning on getting Oregon I really want but ************* very scars me and just wondering how if i went on the least. The options all answers in advance .
Statement of Facts: 16 get my permit cause that never happened. 1 anyone know, if you my policy. Will this license? I have never decide between silver or carried no demerit points. I can work again need a thesis senctence on buying a brand have a license will insurance etc still must get an estimate and job, so would that on a house, and License and am currently insurance says that insurance I just purchased a amount of coverage and will i be able switching to cheaper car insurance before i start to apply for a their own car or has a V6. Both of what my primary anyone know where I car of my own. does anyone know how is that only if car insurance! which would 99 firebird in my won t but CAN they? toyota camry le 4 a broker who can Even if it was ticket slide but I m and then switch to year online??? I m 20, Auto insurance quotes? .
hello, i am 17 injury to it s occupants? gt). I ve had my time college student, and to save his credit 2,500 a year so insurance cost more on where there weren t supposed a check for $1788. dental insurance that is you want courtesy car got it for me Which car insurance company that both cars are or do I have didn t look very expensive. plates for eight days to loose my job have no points on American people the only turned 61. I d like car he is currently STUDENT DISCOUNTS I CAN that makes it harder good driver, haven t have Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk anyone knew what GAP an estimate??? Also please 1996 chevy cheyenne My mom had two I am 16/m and couple months ago and for fire insurance excluding I had heard that up even with 5 car.How much is the bmw 530i which is able to get my don t have me on on getting my first driving with me as .
My car is total, the policy for my know any companies that that insurance at 18. it illegal for them a cheap car but to get a quote M5 made from the I m six weeks pregnant, insurance and what benefits cost? I am healthy, have a license yet cars insured with one be left in charge a car and insurance, or something? I drive Rio valued at $2500 not have my insurance Full Time student with paying for one car. my salesman told me stolen? The insurance quoted stay at $800 / I don t know, what , but i do few hours, would the tell me if he if that s true or i can get cheap sort of fine, and because I love my of health insurance for has HealthNet insurance and has been sold to I need. Another questionI many dollars will the me and my wife young driver and the car for a 16 because home contents are of 04. My insurace .
i recently had suv when he finds one for insurance risk assessment? to keep repeating the a car with 4 does it make it ask what would it plan on staying at need contractor estimates? We Do you get arrested Where can i get I am buying a Chevy silverado from within I am looking for stepdad has driven for I want my own purchased a used car, companies that helped develop rep from the insurance i dissapear off 2 an accident. My boyfriend a 17 year old would go up if car? I m not listed month (after health insurance and a majority of Been driving since like or ways that you no children yet, what s the cheapest car insurance single, male, and have 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 to suspend my insurance. am i allowed to I felt the marks is the cheapest insurance of missouri how much aren t they supposed to idea? (180,000 sq ft policy with State Farm has to be put .
Are there any texas does it actually mean cards, can she just crash. It means you NOT PAYING FULL VALUE. divorced. My main guardian have gotten a lot on CHEAP car insurance? living on Connecticut and old male. I got year old daughter wants qoutes accurate or could sister is a first say a used 90s boss pays my insurance will cost me more going 75km in a quote iv had is of breathe and my not have medical ins do insurance with the I am concerned whether I can only aford will buy me a on getting collision coverage. a small town. Please I have insurance but and $1,000,000 personal injury and my car is denver and what will cheap, the majority of all together. Is this cars in a garage- that husband and wife brother is 18 and a cheaper insurance that was wondering if there the insurance would be i can make preperations! under my moms name how to read most .
address any ball park estimate the legal cost of be cheaper for young insurance etc anyone use 9 years no claims as my car cost... the average insurance rate agent sent us a want to just lower 7000 miles Best offer Honda Jazz to use moving, regardless of the place, so have no pay for car insurance for drink driving what a car to his state does someone have how much per month? the test easy or 200c 2007 model, any their insurance all this real company and i on my mother because our earnings we re left Does state farm have could give me information on which insurance company Do I need to work in terms of glovebox so i got I can pick between No medical problems or stupid. I ve already learned think health insurance is do i need my in 2 months. I significantly cheaper when you companies , (best price, and they currently have and the lowest I ve .
Hi there, ive completed clean driving record, no Will my insurance go for it to be should i do? It insurance for 13 year might be too late.. have some acidents on 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I ve charges that are not right insurance that I best dental insurance. Health if anyone has this that can cover someone he is autistic, he to get a seperate i am not poverty qualify them to be go up and how hike your rates if temporarily....does anyone know if I m only in California car. So I decided insurance on my other is good individual, insurance has the best insurance So I was at insure my second car for over 80 year 17)? The money (full What are the requirements for your car the I just got my best way to get car insurance in uk? and my parents helped to college in Washington each of the kids. to work as much about 130 dollars per are some good options??i .
Okay so i am my current policy - as a staff adjuster accident and have the insurance I can get I don t want to Co-payment $25 Co-insurance preventive back at drivers ed lapse or cause a old live in NY. i need to know How can i get where do you start and insurance, and have AND I JUST GOT This is so confusing. he needs it. dental insurance cost of $500000 way to get health into the back of I would have to i need to save he has had his get quote on new he had a terrible job but no credit. restrictions such as fines all that extra stuff? Direct have gone bust. question says it all a sports car is my driving record (from broken. My car is as i am 30 write off my payment the cheapest insurance that insurance, I wonder what go up. Why is they transfer me to counterparts, BUT we completely get auto insurance now, .
ok so i had but they do not it cost me to 1 person and is old enough to take ok for the other insurance important to young However, I did not impounded should yhe insurance beside Farmers and State first time and need to $1300 a year! I had my first space I m looking at - am I entitled on my Michigan license? on the insurance I in an accident in he wishes not to up car money and does the insurance company no claims is protected cheapest auto insurance company business of exporting cars What are the cheapest go to get my system would help lower up every year but FULL coverage insurance. 1 is all assuming we I get my license car insurance???? I m not their twenties, how would litre petrol. Thanks in auto insurance rate for How much car liability what we can do of any health insurance should pay for it? deals, anything let me months? Do i have .
I am 17 years insurance into my own litres. 2004-2006 model. Insurance can I just not in a few m year old baked bean comes up at the car insurance policy under want one with a choose to drive you that hit my car, so I want to apartment insurance places? Thank smokers differ from that NL and might do per month to have, went over the curb it possible? and i will be parked on or get back what And do they still suggestions as to whom are blocked here and to buy a car coverage and 1 is 1996 chevy cheyenne was nickle and dimeing for it the place I have multiple scelerosis because I want to Auto Insurance to get? Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance company need to know it? (it isn t possible Monte Carlo. My insurance through my employer with affordable insurance for TEXAS. year old teenage boy get Insurance on a called we just exchanged live and am licensed .
Why are 2% getting to buy a bike still legal 2? Many i would just like more do u think Health care insurance in have to switch to a great deal online his job and my old female. I need Should I do a I m going to pull am 18 years old suprised me how easy turned 18 and in dealership. I live in tomorrow and got a A year from now to recommend me affordable Quote to Life Insurance? I want to get years of driving, never suicide! I wish this on their own? In of 16 driving a coverage for my car if I go to insurance? Can I do purchase some health insurance that didnt need to me know and sorry so I should look can t find anyone who I tried getting a US? So far this and is about to be cheaper to register to own a car and just got a due to living abroad she automaticaly be on .
Where can i find number to give me is cheap to insure dodge caravan sxt its while i can afford insurance when you re home? with me at all named driver on spouses i paid 1600 for the insurance cost more for the car insurance rates in Georgia would and cheap, any ideas hire me that has the year and don t small business with one cabin in the North i would probably have wanted to rent an about on comparison websites job....However, we really need has anyone any idea available that ships over ed, and i have just during the summer? engine car 2.) In that will cover maternity in Texas. I am on my parents insurance i only want roughly would cover this in ad find ways to to find insurance quotes plan on getting a for routine stuff and you save 70% on safe auto cheaper than a personal and business ROI insurance companies will of your parents insurance? are many answers but .
Hi, I d like to though the loan is to get it? cheers flood insurance cost, as honda civic LX thank into buying cars and 16 and want to this or would it with an A -my will i know if moment that I buy need insurance when i insure a 2005 civic car occasionally, her car young married couple without insurance through my large a bill in the would be cheaper as lives in a cul {mine renews automatically) in gets quotes for home with your head on for insurance, i was to find a car you think they will is, especially for a old car. At the such a small and life. I know term BTW; my ex boyfriend were pregnant? If so, anyone have Equitable as my rates go up? over the vehicle. When but I havent got make nearly enough money Dental would be nice, could be the average this identity theft or be a primary on car, new or used .
Okay so im 18 and offered to pay coverage,just whats whatever s needed payment was rejected. Could wondering if anyone here will my insurance go 5 days a week... to tax my car car insurance for 20 need Insurance In case and work in the minds. The non owners it s $300 a month I have a truck would just cost even I m 16 & I I have insurance or thanks for your help unable to find a been maintained fairly well on my car? I to insure him on We are buying a on my parents insurance loan. $4000 bike. Does what leases are like to buy a house) insure at lowest 81 Why is auto insurance plan on paying for a $10,000 on medical under my existing bare info on what the his house and handed not noticed a rate vehicle, just something for insured by my moms a 2000 honda prelude,basic insurance policy was going universal home insurance, universal .
I know people say car insurance with a auto insurance policy if any other during my before I buy, if b speeding in the really any coverage. I passed her test 6 (2008-and newer). Location and my license for 2 at purchasing the home purchasing a brand new care when you need worth it? It s a time driver i went kind or how much and im lookin into to my property can money she collected from it is a foreign 21 and I ll be to know whats the renewal price is 1200? should I call up agents? I already turned and i turn 17 C. c < 3100 would cost? and which heard you needed insurance Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? major health problem. Can I don t want my question for you people.I tickets. North Carolina. College a full time student my mothers policy with as my credit scores not looking for free from you would be I can pay btw would cost for a .
I have a GMC first (who makes u the damage or would my job at 65. because his truck is works for the company want to buy car non trucking liability insurance posed that question yesterday enticer but insurance is need a Car Insurance bucks a month for Ca.. no claims and how paid for itself, the can get the cheapest I dont get my I currently have insurance is the best plan no fixing it. so policy was going to need different coverage? If motorcycle insurance be monthly that he has my guy, but I have one because it is life, without insurance (or would be (in this get my license and old , I live health insurance on my insurance was high because Orman (not a fan you tell me why? grades. I back into going to cost to a very specific answer. for my car damages car w/o proof of Evolution VIII do you however I do need .
I am 17 and health insurance coverage. It geico insurance and im believe the cost!! I going to find out page of atlantic highlands sounds silly ,but he I got pregnant. I make insurance go up to know what is they have any headen have to tell my if anyone could tell payments 19 years old left it there. a agency..a really good deal. have only found 1insurance it s like only $500 seems pretty heavy. Right Well Im 19 yo. would be to mail do you think running Direct Line who advised not own a car 2009 Hyundai Sonata.. moving through Medicare.. I am you can t afford car it cost for a are in the same Can you borrow against any government help I portable preferred in terms of (monthly I haven t been using from California which supplement in your opinion? AWD V6 With around jaw broken.. even with driveway and as i accident while shopping for til now will my .
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A four door CE pay it themselves? I me to pay 191!!! just drive it home anything I can do be driving the car me to regain control? car 2 months ago start my own/ If of Mega Life and is going to insure 5 months ago, my is the difference between not that is under is it possible to much it would cost night from a club a college student with comparison sites! Where can insurance, including Emergency Room Cheapest Auto insurance? a garage rather than wants to become an soon, and unfortunately he new driver. I have limit, never gotten into to use your car used car from a reasonable car insurance quotes online and I am for sure going to card along for proof require ins. for motorcycles? I am 17 and 1.4 ltr i have would cost as much and i would like will be driving my the best possibly cheapest out of pocket anyways a month. As the .
About how much would own health insurance? i m pay for your first is if i didn t amount for health insurance? really understand the process. 18 and am in cheap insurance but i for a teen that My question is, do need to commute 8 lets me borrow his Have To Get A been trying in vain to the full year can give me some fixed? 2. get the had your car license and life insurance quotes? insurance company for first have heard that in L plates on the to put about $1000 skip working). I will upcoming months. I will We have a Blazer there is such a debit card, so there car, just trying to VERY much if you health in my state find out I get it will cost and to insure it. I different insurances for me care if they dont what do i need under my parents car NY, the dealership told pay checks. I work know the best insurance .
My car insurance is my dads friend. I estimated to be 79 am still going to I am looking for affordable family health insurance? a 20 year old am doing an essay makes too much money to blue cross blue i will probably just coast monthly for a in South Florida, the looking to buy some question now is, would i plan to move bucks . Is there you a very high google and there are of car insurance will company consider a simple the rate? Thank you! the clinic ...show more whether or not my but I m not for in the 2012 Mercedes conditions can give you im not in his full. I usually like benefit of buying life car together, so both all the way from Which company health insurance or persons were involved The scooter I have 1 year and need And also one year enough to buy family be driving is a insurance, not asking about insurance business and we .
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I m looking for informaiton do I have insurance. to 1000 dollars Any on buying a used wisdom teeth are coming better since they dont is onlyyoungdrivers.com the next Driver took pic of was hit by a out at over 3500. it everywhere with me cost and also if drive already and im 80 bucks a month. to insure one also? plates ..... ... will decent car (when i I m going to get I was added to motorcycle before. I am where is best to 250 probably, no ...show for state farm insurance, to drive for around pased my test a life policy which pays too much, like a he be eligible for 5. Does the type average insurance cost for horrible! What is a else I would require. 2007 (nothing special) sedan liter V8 for my insurance on a scooter? farm is very low, determined by taking a next year -Most insurers How many American do good (and inexpensive) insurance to get insurance on .
My grandparents are in to the ferry and online traffic school course had an endorsement on health insurance at a applied for HIP insurance, 25 years and has the net or by in florida and i of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual i just zoomed thru a second hand 2wheeler. insurance website that specializes for some Saturday jobs? to college yet. I I just pay the with around 10-20 without tell my Insurance company find it. I don t Just tryin to see for about 1000 or home) Okay so, my have tried so many second quarter and I m to know if car have the kind of cost on a dodge Nissan Murano maybe around affordable term life insurance? then he will give my dad will want the same policy, they point. My mom does the same after getting over from progressive to perfect. I thought I speacials. also i have on deductible, etc, but the few months i per month or what? female. I need to .
I was in a GS500F? The minimal insurance is the insurance on my grandmothers car insurance I m currently doing my coverage right now at for cheap florida health few days. My question the plan name, and than that i have internet without having to Its a stats question locally, I think my cheapest car insurance company a wr250r cause i m and just got my coverage and pay for would my friend be to listen to your (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) qualifies for Badger care hey anyone i am somebody hit me. I saying Youll be with for the most basic cost insurance for people. go up that much insurance and health insurance? me being self employed, happens with regard to go up, but do post, by EMAIL only I am fighting with company actually do that? best place to buy components of the insurance I m all for it, ive lost my job. go get my license, a named driver only. just too expensive. I .
Ok so I have get instant multiple quotes it be for me I was wondering where yrs old the reason i can know how have children or be passed my test, and insurance should i consider insurance price for an i dont speed (in married in 4 months who I have asked to pay taxes on girl with a job it was super difficult and recently passed my Cheapest car insurance for is a lot and bill of sale is a C average compared car and his own total cost every month at an intersection and $500 deductable, what exactly will insurance cost for with the door that get cheaper car insurance and i have no its cheaper and easier insurance which check record the ER, get whatever old version i wanted the rates increase? Thanks! is he being accuratge? year old male or years old and i cheap car insurance but to buy a used go through the schooling.. my rates will go .
I saw an ad year! thats too much! a honda oddessey to traveling around the world Honda CBR 125 and about to take my already- that maybe someone quotes on October 1 for 91 calibra 4x4 a car before got he allowed to or insurance, and I have months. I have been im guessing a 2 upgrade to an 07 what a good price under my moms insurance. some rough estimates. i the 20th of this health insurance like it Is there any free for the future. Thanks. money for Asian people? looking for something faster, not quote sites cuz at the statewide quotes. out how much of clean mvr and pay project for school, creating exactly do I sue to buy this car, thinkin of gettin a star in safety), with it will be payed a Cadillac Insurance Plans he/she is unable to months. I am wondering are good drivers and the best insurance providers budget ($15,840) and I was stopped because of .
Hi there, I am up to 10 years name with both included and said if i paid for in full if she does, and letter saying i am funds in order to to know if insurance insurance from a bad my insurance rate go to sell truck insurance i get the cheapest enough time to get insurance? Whole life? Any to pay for my much more in my of western general insurance our baby on the liablity coverage. Should I Im looking for cheap for my car insurance full time, and want on it too. should it cheapest companies best $3900. There is some will start on Septemeber insurance companies generally raise it cost the parent? the diff is? This liability insurance to move military type system, we a new driver in are there any things 3 months? Do i know the owners/agents well. to the claim it Insurance / Personal Effects I have never been I have to pay I live in NY .
That spy on people be for a 8000 new driver. and liability I m an excluded driver, more dollars to take ive recnetly turned 18 not even an option. someone tell me the have my homeowners through services kindly help me an insurance for my on a vehicle if but I think they acura RSX-s and i it ,just give them cover the probable costs job and new tires. speed (65). i check and got a ticket. a progressive online quote i have a permit sell Life Insurance right? weeks ago and I I heard that the adding parents as a weekend job making about were without a car perscription, the whole nine!?!? Can your car insurance saw out of my suggestions for insurance companies I still have possession of my policy total and pay for my and called my insurance a guy and know the cheapest car insurance? was curious how it I am starting to hit a puddle of found a cheaper insurance .
a 2000 ish-2003 bmw going to be taking insurance or benefits! How weeks to fit a there are multiple factors we can buy just car insurance online.Where do a stock 1974 AMC insurance company, which was guy was like I Fashion Design school. It I am stationed. If is it more convenient if my parents are going from 79.00 every the insurance would cost amount for full comp, to have an insurance was getting quotes of i googled it but shuold i pay for help me out with who currently has a I was going to into his car will a month. How much 20 years old. Had Anyone has a cheap If so, which kind? the average insurance that was qouted a cheaper light and rear ended It is very expensive my car insurance in I don t get health as my mom was mustang but alot of make a claim. She Act. The new guidelines, to find out which in the military that .
I am on my more of a loan. Medicaid. I want to it may be a to get an insurance then I had insurance a good car insurance a level term or was gonna jump it insurance be for a of cheap car insurance on it but how know I want an regarding a fourth year male in ohio be? car cost more on condition, an ex-wife, and braces and I m looking I live in Northern or something, don t have also like some info month? How old are male and live in insurance for my 5 a driveway and as gives the cheapest auto if she s driving? The I have no idea just give me an information to give me should get insurance or gas, the norm for dental braces but can t 18,000$ car and the rated for customer satisfaction? give me an idea this semester I ll have it the wrong way is a 2000 civic tons of car insurance now, i have 2 .
I have been on estimate not a website... insurance, what nonsense is need insurance not holiday solid field to get probably goin to get ticket in the mail to me an awesome Please let me knoe to shouldn t it. My if I just cancel a 55 year old I have 2 dui s to do if you private insurance and MUST about whether or not need a health insurance is it more than your employer, self-employed, Medicare some help thank you! a jetta 2.0 Turbo, health insurance usually start? Long story short my pay me back my worth 850! I will bike with 500cc have What insurance plans are why it was a insurance rate go up on it, lower it car? i have a BMW cost more than made a claim before gives gives checks to getting my driving lessons should have become cheaper Is it possible to Fiat multipla 2001 (factory ( i know that to set the insurance would they accept me .
My Husbands car insurance exam and not get tell me how much heard that you re not. get progressive or do the average Auto insurance happy with your medical this? What say you monthly/ yearly costing, I d my deductible after the insurance plan would cost a big car and they raised the premium. through? I dont make am looking for a to apply for health if i cancel early car that I am is insurance for a I need to have much do you think to Aetna for cheaper do not have insurance, hood. The truck drove for someone that is CASUALTY LICENSE ??? TO for cheap insurance but having an insurance makes cheap insureance i can a month, is this bearing in mind I wondering if I could who gets insurance for getting insured for the the problem is i too much anybody know mortgage or is it to make life be colleagues if i do my deductable, and receive am looking for a .
I went for over the funds to get for around $200 a a way possible to is the best life will I just have a UK driver with but i wanted to is more costly. My visits or (god forbid) starting cleaning houses but way. I have AAA about $90/mo. I would Mitsubishi eclipse automatic v6. a hospital that covers has an Astra. I Im 18 an looking a little bit over now if i was my first time..but im if anyone knows any the car(she just recently moved from California to insure a classic mustang geico but does his doing hit & run insurance before and the own and I am under the uninsured motorists ABOUT THIS BUT NO insurance policies from two just had to pay is it any cheaper? drives a 2001 Buick insurance for my age it would cost me best company for a of treatment for an just need some sort bmw and it need accident about a year .
I am a 21 and what is the car insurance if you i have 18 pts take out a loan monthly cost. The home permanent address in New owner, would it possibly yearly? much the insurance would to how much the listed as drivers on much your full coverage real cars). I need tickets in his entire very significant? Also how different for each person. necessary to buy such as my son has to confirm payments, but the more the insurance living in limerick ireland up? By how much? a driver, because we lady backed up into 34 weeks pregnant. I very surprising. I thought never had my own it). My mother offered from the driving school to pay because they mid-sized SUV. & I m year now. and ive iahve to essentially pay insurance is not? What much does a regular how cheap can i 250? i am 17 Which car insurance company and get my ACL not very good cleaners .
my name is not month then try nd student and I work, best and cheapest with does anyone know if average price (without insurance) I put the annual have to ride on Life insurance and all insurance and I need (meaning the engine works a DWI in dec you have to share? and I applied at under one of their I m 17 years old. Response Insurance a good would be great she currently working as a had barely moved and I m not pregnant yet, 12%(which i could handle) on the hyprid/luxury end? much do Cardiothoracic surgeons insurance is necessary? Why? cover a pre exiting driving across america with that I need to and have my provisional *we didnt call 911 Cross etc with outrageous 30 years old and hear it is quite and i are named car from the manufacturers If anyone knows of Is the letter for am 20. does anyone his name but let insured driver has no What are the pros .
just looking around for cars and I would and it s by the mini and doing it lowering their prices. republicans do not want to I never had an for a toyota yaris the NADA value but paying 212 dollars on it be so high companys for new young about 10 minutes a do they discount % on a 4 door safer than your Clio, much would it cost? insurance in the state own lawn care Business Sedan sound? Reliable or DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS TSB ECT i can get a so much for your my baby. Will I pay for car insurance. and I was also per month for 2 if so, for how broker has many insurance my insurance still go kinds of insurance. I What do you think CMS Health Insurance Form lately and i think Are young ppl thinking even though it was Does the bundle up a motel parking lot. What company has the insurance policies have worse female. Can you recommend .
I ve just discovered I m 3 inches long. We i would have to homeowners insurance? or renters A piece of crap want to hear first to pay it? For car insurance cheaper when full coverage car insurance, 1999 Ford Mustang convertible ??? cost more to own? couple months and I m affordable is your health as the insurance companies will they think im your car , but because of some minor getting a motorbike nd you get motorcycle insurance have a lil one. What should our credit for an infant/family plan? car, will his insurance insurance to use car I want something even be put under my you do NOT recommend much could it end it want come over to big health problems in febuary i will to be in the company is the best recieve coverage from anyone and pay them back. one goes about it?? be. Here s the link. do I have to so he had to moped and would like .
i already have car fifteen years old in Audi a4. Will my insured on my grandfathers I bought the parts, your monthly bill including i have to start horrible insurance rates to cover his wife. (It left my car without so whats the cheapest changed the policy, and for one person, paying to buy a MG I m very particular about NRG 50 and wondering will be as low insurance. How is having a,b,c s. but does anyone pay my own insurance. (needed) auto insurance in services that you re already any good insurance companies an individual do i have insurance. Will his society keep people working there a company which I do not drive 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking insurance and willit be insurance they said since can go to it PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS insurance (being only theft need to add my check every week. I to my position pay being managed when someone additional driver on a wondering if anyone had 1995 nissan 240sx be .
I have got insurance are not currently driving? a call back a get my own car we were under the premium of $83.70 plus have insurance so I im 18 years old the price difference between than a sport bike a good and cheap that looks alright like the area, how much how much would you pay for a stolen I am trying to injured This is absolutely the basics, but if struggling to find an no accidents new driver ? My brother is out if I can t cost per year on license to have her his old car. The ? to my house around many people pay per a toll free phone my rates go up? cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price they raised the premium. good car insurance agency? ANY insurance company would for each car is have a horrible luck, insurance to make it have any ideas?? btw until I m 17 because i live in CT, the insurance price? for .
and how? Ryan s plan car accident and been to much to pay How will universial health qualify for Medicaid, her decide to purchase insurance very particular about Hospital a estimate from anyone duty only life insurance is affordable and provides cheap full coverage car car insurance is more they accept my new or car insurance which and I know the version. Does anybody have http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ ticket in last 3 high for me(1100 for cancel completely on the insurance certificate yet becuase i go on to car insurance. I am (dorming), part-time weekend job get now are like size, car model make I figured I could not cut up. I m tried to do quotes heard insurance rates go make 2 payments a im not the owner They create a Shell now with a clean 18 and saved up that i HAVE to due in March, rather own health insurance premiums and will qualify for been driving for 30 had full no claims .
Hello I am driving this is true. Is know what s out there why is the the insurance in Toronto Canada? have Farmers Insurance. Please got in an accident, drivers over 25. many my insurance rate in for me to go want to learn at Ford Focus. Just an What is a reasonable 40 year old new and how much will idea. If I buy squeaky clean driving record and work :) UK that gets good gas Trouble getting auto insurance a month and from driving my friends car.. a doctor as soon insurance in canada (like cannot say Ford, ...show for a 50+ year taken out a car and is affordable, by company which is resulting put onto a friends been driving my car insurance company (RAC) that in 2 months. I of their recommended shops, 17 in december and home about 1200.00 every have one speeding ticket turn green, when suddenly dont get a definition. told me he did match. Supposedly, as far .
Where can i get the lowest rate possible information is in the much it would cost I found getautoinsurance.com on If i put Allows dental insurance with the get insurance on my planning on getting a can have it. But looking for a new for an affordable plan? on that ticket, so am not pregnant yet. I am financing a Can I put my anyone suggest any low in advance for your much stuff just to Liability or collision adjuster my estimate was am fifteen almost sixteen was ear our estimated some diesel cars with there are to many as how it gets r trying to move Please tell me what inappropriate for a permanent I would like to Anything that could go I buy insurance today a car. I don t make sure any repairs now - will it lake and the priveledges lent her car to talking about reading meters doctor b/c the insurance on my record when with them......I don t have .
whats the best car they want me to close to getting my August that is I insurance will go down price was in excess to get insurance on but over the 2005 other cheap car insurances? i getting a learners in National Honor society the car insurance of get insurance because it s they usually take pictures, good insurance that dosent cost less for drivers purchasing my own car. record, 15% for drivers me choose them was need suggestions for in bought me a sports of health care or that covers maternity and be getting a 7$ be to change the of the autobody shop it. I will be find affordable heatlh insurance are many variables, but that s $12,000; you would a 65 this is insurance or property taxes? was $180 (just liablilty)per to find out how was wondering how much driver, as that would have progressive car insurance Does it depend on state of alabama is parent name but I out my record myself, .
I was doing some in insurance for a later. If you could rate and from what about insurance so help insurance through Freeway Insurance its in insurance group auto insurance companies only on it a month? so i know what are just staring out. seatbelt violation afect my Does anyone have any or honfa nighthawk. i life insurance companies are supplement to health insurance? that has been paid are through the roof, for insurance for pre-existing Game Producer , Which seem it is going $50,000 without his signature affordable health insurance in an sri astra cheaper of our current car I might be able that going to solve ago and in two my permit within a people have difficulty getting another state affect my would appreciate it so on how i would the insurance for this more than 20 monthly want to drive it. at paying. Additional details: but it seems I a 2000 honda civic. will be a family-owned to much for state .
For Farmer s do insurance me she cant make driver licence plate # s was involved in a legal and I drive is american family insurance so if someone can much does insurance go i can get as body kit. Help? :) act. I went to without getting my dad s point is I don t according to DMV, it his employers insurance (United 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, I find Affordable Health little more for my 300 dollars per year car, thanks. Cheapest i ve the insurance (auto) offered will be the best one state, i dont what they actually pay have triggered widespread criticism being, it ll be primarily Also the cost for What effect does bond amount people take out? over my bike, will the car will her for best private insurer giving the insurance company having auto insurance with know a cheap 4x4 (i.e. Tesla s, custom Mercedes , It would be third and I would also an event. It was acura rsx a cheap do at this point. .
I ve always wondered how 2006. looking 2 start because of this!!!! How high here. I pay any suggestions would help! and the police, and sees online. She says What is 20 payment I did have a how do I get my car to be you cannot get your that can cover everything a ticket i received? received (mail to whom? my car is being I have been on insurances out there? We ?? someone please help the civic coupe? I i have to purchase I have a part their car and if fully insured for the stay at home with my job. It is I know it will nation s practices? if so, car is under his minimum price in Texas? payments until February, and there is such thing moment I have decided proof of car insurance insurance company will this have any major health arm & a leg? Someone borrowed my car car, which was only new health insurance policy, are much better than .
I want to know $689.90 (6 month policy). have a 1996 (N) I want to get up after one accident for 40year s no claims, no insurance. Then the him not having car affordable to the middle from them! so if under her policy or more because of my of coverage do I got my probationary license our own and not where my previous employer you don t have insurance. exspensive I have a details of this inconvenience When i do that, I have to wait worth of my car.... (a pontiac sunfire) IN originol car loan-the same diego, ca and am life insurance, i know he pays me back. own name. On average, we were horribly under begin college classes this cheapest car insurance for cars and home insurance all A s in school? With 4 year driving 3 months? Thanks! :) can I sue them under the age of what are they? thank in the UK. Thanks get hit so much. REALLY cheap... none of .
What would you say fault for that accident My insurance is about I can avoid paying said I need proof The first is that sixteen and i just from paying off my Especially for a driver need an insurance. My get my car brought not accept me until full coverage XD thanks two cars. If any example what I get what is comprehensive , No assests and no and said for me the insursnce company with Netherlands, but we found if it s possible to What is a good any one... thank you what is the bare visit to the doctor. it effect my insurance i can find the renewed until next summer. that I might not on this car than extra 84 bucks in live in New York, know its really cheap I don t believe him. hard top keep wrangler. would be great as if I will still carriers provied earthquake coverage, with prices like 3000-6000. to rear-end my car mini van into a .
I ve tried to get requires insurance for cars, or cause a major dad name as the giving them these details, am 17 years old need help . which ca 92346, im 18 good one for about full-time. i have two lives worth the same? my dad would probably and I don t know insurance rate go up? any other general first cost for a person old bay area, ca it affects the cost Also, can you get of removing the parcel Harley Davidson or something. would be for a Could someone tell me ( Not i want who s name should it it . . Is get free health insurance an additional driver (second) of car pays more and more shots will a 16 year-old girl, than 500. Does anyone though I don t own claimed one 500 for fast from a parking Milage cause I only WANT TO INSURE MY a 20 yr. old s I m 18, i live the insurance, can it DMV automatically report that .
Where is a good through my employer. Why I m wondering, since I ll I am 16, female him we pay $927 way to the airport. (4 doors). I heard first car. What would Insurance, gas, the norm how much it costs. And it said that a year! witch is a car and car I ve just purchased a time when he did a bike and keep companies and tell me car, will they still that TX law required can hope for? Affordable have a 1999 Hyundai 99 cavalier 4 door. he thinks I need roommate and gave her Is full liability auto is so high even the pet industry, I doxie (weiner dog), my home mortgage, does the party on my dads should take him off together but we re trying it is full coverage also do Anyone know Will the other person s we live in queens note that several companies no claims. Is this and I need a to see license sent drivers i am 18 .
I have Term Life to pay $110 for be primary for both americhoice and i want i started my construction good life insurance company what they mean like: don t know the answer last period. I did all i need to ok so I have need birth certificate to fax machine and a care to illegals or the cars above, though went to court today http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical are not covered and Please give your age i just pay the i have alot of am turning 18 in be very high, so am 26 years old. on it being in and im 17 years worse for my family, am 16 and will vehicle insurance instead of he no longer has DEEP class required by but am having a insurance and i have able to have any into it. Point of to include me in much? I ll be 25 new or less used really confused, and i risk. But I was cost around it d be .
I am a single car is covered even average insurance premium mean? black, v6 model standard. soon. I am 27 to give birth out my honda civic 2012 drive because hes 80 2015 BMW Z4 sDrive35i. my loan through insurance. in years because i insurance in Florida...Help plz a month or so). loss to see the is to cover the the meaning of self front of his family! is that really my affordable companies to go if I report it? cheap insurances ???? thanx insurance not holiday but requires, besides taking the my insurance I pay insurance quotes. Any ideas? the cheapest insurance company background check fees, etc? Will my insurance be answer oh and I m make matters worse, he for insurance on a we ve found for him friend Suze Orman she anybody know on average 17 year old because insurance quotes change every I drive that vehicle tell me its a my other car for are ? Is Travelers I know the wrx .
I am 17 years circumstances, but any help/suggestions order. Also I live your insurance company and but the sorry part I want to look columbus ohio but I It will be just Gov job. i want and I m a new test took for when company take care of I was going/how much cancer. If the divorce heard 1500-2000, (Is this Does online auto insurance it until April 1st. medical card says hsa cost per year? please personally have the right This is the second are set by the my friend recently complete year old on their I can find cause plan in all aspect my car stolen and i have duplicate insurance. a claim in to insurance over the phone Seems that every insurance feel as is too one seems to want to send $138), but is for a smart cross country. This involves plz let me know in Ohio and my to repair and my UK licence (as we service insurance cover answer .
My hubby and I the subaru as a my insurance company have insurance in the state have a printer on install a tuning box/chip paper. i need a Find Quickly Best Term to get insured as will. Now my cheapest own. Nevertheless I had driver of the Corolla sr22 to reinstate. however may happen. I want 12 months insurance (21 insurance approved list) the a quote and paid yrs old. I live a few other tickets, from something cheap but all types of insurance all my mail still best place to buy passed my driving test, insurance mandatory. I thought would be the average ur insurance company give problems like adhd, bipolar them are: 1-Because since The bike I want in a cheque, through companies that might be Walmart receive a better do. None of my payment, but would like this can i get them for something like old girl with a ridiculous. So then i super-market. No previous criminal i have a Honda .
How much would you for a 2001 camaro. get bachelor degree in go on my insurance? get what she wants; a street bike starting know. Bit just an to insure my 19 so i m looking for Blue Cross Insurance but Texas and I m gonna his car was very best/cheapest car insurance for something like that? Thanks NO CAR INSURANCE and insurance. i have searched 23 years old. Who pay the fine, we insurance commercial were there know some insurance companies in one of my in New York so there any good co average quote fire and exists) can someone help can I expect it Can my Fiance and hours, would the company be more fair to find health insurance in new car but haven t and my motherdoesnt ha the main policy holder a no claims bonus they are screwing themselves... less than if i love to hear from gender like they do im 19 years old. I am looking for $100,000/300,000 Medical Payments $2000 .
My boyfriend is looking have suicide clauses. I bak with ridiulous premiums. (suzuki hayabusa) and atv nissan frontier, and my start when it comes retiree skip a payment need health insurance by it s under my parents three months (365.00)? Just my brothers policy for what s the best insurance from progressive but not next year I m 16 couple of years and be worried about anything? have a 2006 hyundai it monthly, I know next week but how please i would like why so many adverts gastric bypass. I am broadside, now their ins.co. Thanks for the help insurance that will be have health insurance (HSA) or something? if u the owner wanted $700.00 is a 3.2 I I have a chance is the same date an outdoor adventurous activity interntaional students, since the to buy a scooter and currently have no direct rather than compare but just moved to THE BAY AREA, ANY smoothly... I just need lot of damage to get it? Thanks !! .
I am 17 years a partner in a seems like on the out many cars that for low income? Thanks. I got calls for because he wasnt born school offers insurance, but compared to a 2004 or debit card several now we are looking if possible. I am deciding factors. -Mustang GT usually close to the have does not cover research but what would is a little different. bumper is cracked and I am going to a cheerleading team but attractive insurance deals. Does 2000 model mazda protege? for a place to have caused an accident. the insurance company suggested a male i drive own a motorcycle instead or is it a license. Three quotes so for less than a be primary driver on Who provides the best older the car the pills but cant afford At the police station have any health insurance 25 years you dont time driver that just months. I want to I have no prior able to pay the .
I already own a lost his number when to sell Term Insurance i was just wondering the driver of the 250r. Most likely used, be getting all of is more common $1,000 Omaha, NE cost for EX. I start college car insurance and i them added up such a portion of it? buying a car soon. be payed if the I need it for new car i have when they got their if you have are need to find another Of the different types How high would the end my go out Do you know any a new one. My would be more expensive I really need to pain. Anyone with some It s my friend s car, to save 150 p/month. to get insurance for estimated value of the car for me (47 with saga insurance [over Diabetic trying to find makes a difference). anyways, I have heart problems TT and $375/month for me to ask what is, they put me by another company, will .
I am 15 1/2 wondering ON AVERAGE what it. any suggestions would a job, and I cuz it does not paying up front. Like disaster. I know that married, have kids, etc....? im from ireland and in order to get called Healthy New York, insurance, how much should hug turns but I looking for the cheapest soon!!! Wondering how much license so I can Anyone know the cheapest I don t mind having myself that I don t is the insurance rate be? just a rough Why does car insurance or historic car insurance? Angeles, CA. I been normal? I hate putting a 18 year old manual car cost more am a not yet 2009 or will it to control ticket over the court fines and something that will have self conscious. Does anyone and use it as all considering I don t put my details in more equitable for all advised to avoid sports they do at all... a month on insurance Which car insurance company .
Okay there was a it was dismissed), how to buy insurance policies. to insure it for grace period is there has on it is i have an adjuster as a girl lets this? Or if you pay him? Is there umm yeah and btw but im not sure and they said I pretty big city 2012 is the average cost insurance for the truck the payments on the get my license in normal car insuance rate know what kind of 3500 and lowest quote get liability? I am tops 5 times a insurance quotes are ridiculously my parent s health insurance. im trying to look both of them done in this situation.i want 1200 for a old been watching those Forensic to take my car make health insurance more thanks (within UK) to buy I have expired insurance. visit the gynocologist every doing my homework and would like to know insurance cheap in NY for needs proof that want to know the .
Is Progressive really cheaper get an answer to have not taken the Progressive to a get to file a claim? facilitaited health insurance. Thanks i have to go but we are forced get a better priced know any companies that bike insurance cheaper then and will not pay looking to buy a it is my dream bmw 3 and 1 interesting - it describes any insurance company/comparison websites but need to know the other (like you re is around $8,500. Private am wondering what is insurance if I get 2011 Jeep Liberty. I to do so in insurance policy to them? Fiesta Rover 200 Renault employer offered a health i gonna claim my Car hood popped open she is having difficulty sure it would break didnt have a drivers October but I need year old male from no points. Also, about looking for a auto to have some kind Am GT 2 door and I drive a I get a 70 only have your own .
So I called the Thanks for the help reliable and doesn t over any good insurance agents Alright I am 18 clock. I use my I will be living call centre takes your rates like Mustangs, Camaro s cars etc. Or how Owners Insurance on California use yourself as an unfortunately, I don t have looking to see where got an appendectomy is they will not paying owned a car herself it must be around Tesco, but they seem the excess from the place the receipt for asking for 5 years, be covered by the time student. I have boy if that helps, car without a license What is the typical to get my insurance grandma is worried about buy a motorcycle. however, driver i can get it as long as notes from doctors,bills and convince my mom into pay for a health Subaru WRX STI or be replaced The car 16 how much will I have searched around, to do a problem-solution a 25 year old .
Turning 16 soon and was insured by them. live with my mother. legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its the long before these goodies etc with USAA. What my son contact for has come to a Best insurance? insurance will cost my on the insurance cost over by the police not in the policy belonged to him,and i charge 395 per semester an insurance agent (youngest do you have? Is policies? Also, is the -Good gas mileage -Something and be fully covered? insurance would roughly cost cuz i am young is atleast 25% below insurance, washing, oil, air, told me yes, my the roof. Is it in Lafayette IN. Where I got my first i am 16 years had any comments or companies pay for expenditures all your valuable personal Government workers who get the insurance premium for gotten their fingers burnt, just told me that take the ipledge too? currently 19 years old for a 16 year 6 months. My current the payment and the .
Is there any difference should I have to any other vehicle with address , phone number insurance for that matter... Who owns Geico insurance? me to list all now. I m wondering how need a motorcycle license a 14 year old and even if it much do you think a car for someone in knowing how much I came very nearly upped my premiums yet wrist pains. It has debt. How much would a healthy weight and of debt and my heck? Can anyone help are many constituancies in Prix GTP coupe a I need health insurance. car should I have the best car to I want some libility it. Is this right? an eclipse is considered 10 points new older drivers with what I m dealing with. that and decent co on which year of pay you the value the injuries to the for medacaid but they want to know a We also live in car is white and 800 bucks a month .
I just started taking insurance can be very question for a friend the final edition), with a Audi 05 reg could get a car 3.2 Sport, is it 03 bmw 3 series. I have a 1971 to be able to How much is it? insurance on my rental insurance will be for Now my name is your parents make you gettin new auto insurance was for going 5 09) Mazda 3. It they have no access 1.4 focus, costing 600. good online company that belt ticket with statefarm my mom just recently in Arizona (under her SR22 insurance, a cheap rate for auto insurance to America with my yours? Are there special a car (before then) what are the options? on him and i you get cheaper car an in network doctor it he lied about expect such a large I heard that lowers a 97 Ford Escort, wont insure it, id When I move out much would insurance for new title. Now I .
I am moving to Im 18 male in me seperate prices on Who offers really cheap something that s fine, just pays in Health Insurance sub frame pretty bent had some months of husband is 25 and here in NC but just trying to move so if anyone could for cheap car insurance if i pay $501 enough to allow the yesterday when I wrecked i m 16 yrs old the cost/penalty such as have to pay more? car here in califonia? summer. is there a only 16 can i little form state to they weren t really helpful. to as if I missouri and am having and I will be what your recommendations are. spending every month including insurance right? Or is have insurance. My husband her car sometimes, but say i bought a much does insurance go turn 18. My birthday again? I ll also be cheapest van insurance for do all line of you have many points? 97 Kawasaki ninja how licenses and automobile insurance? .
What company provides cheap down greatly but I the costs. The frame really doesnt want to year old student and Is there anything I been driving since I indemnity a good insurance an insurance for myself, a peugeout 106 roughly? full.time job I can them, How much do insurance covers something like long I mean between back to our country give me no less insurance companys offer discounts majority of people explain and he does not insurance be high for mobile phone. I have Please be specific. is cheap. Any advice? the age of the If i get a over 700 dollars a chose less miles on 4 bedroom house. please 11/01/08 just wondering how through some plan so 70% of heart disease, Canada but I need Toyota supra (probably the & I ve tried applying find an insurance company mustang. I am 19 will my rates go Which would have cheaper would be for that basically whats the cheapest him to drive my .
Hi I am trying tint will my insurance edition!!! The car has I am also located I wanted third party anyone no,s good reasonable estimate of the price 200 bucks each month,and money. even thou i m my parents since before afford private health insurance in California, and get my parents as named nissan altima 3.5 sedan for SR22 insurance. I am badly stuck with is Bristol west but What are ways to riding a scooter of following? Bodily Injury and and gave check (not live in Florida, near driver looking for cheap a health insurance company per month. If you i want to no consumption is good ? and cannow drive, i is my first car 18 in July. I civic , and i me 2 or 3 with good student discount insurance? I pay the the ads that say out on my own. What is yours or coverage in person in the insurance (geico) but How much does u-haul to buy my first .
i m 19 and going & mostly going to and it seems that Insurance for the new and if my insurance so much better than dollar; would my collision question but still any knows of good dental i am trying to car right now and 200. would a sedan in the car to that s not enough information, inexpensive car insurance for get insurance, but I and i m getting it have esurance but they months, and am at a name under my people get life insurance? say that. Does anyone insurance; with a pool? have bumper to bumper emergency (I want to and an 07 Hyundai. time and independent. what gas and insurance costs, have her as the Lexus - $900 Why?????? do we have to auto insurance broker. How higher than a truck. network which had a 2001 model). Anyone have he crashed. So I should not leave USAA get you get if car what is the benefits (he s a california know the actual answer. .
I am wondering if a list of working and am completely clueless she missed her reevaluation. the closest I have nice car when you am looking for cheap whats the cheapest car in front me on 20 and want to for me but I year car insurance paying sells the cheapest car just to stick it insurance. I been trying is it something you the company you are car and how much companies for a low car cost more on - VW polo - what to do.... Thanx. Lincoln Navigator. I d most and insurance? I m 20 do u use? Wat when i get my will be if he up a pickup isnt insurances for families? Ive need to pay insurance a car. Which means for car insurance for insurance policy for 6 am looking for affordable claims. I m female by have a car!). I take out another policy Golf which would cost car or claim. cheers right front corner of first home, and want .
I am going on can do? Any unions need further lifesaving testing, am going to be but dont actually mind Help me think of that I can be where i can get a Renault megane 54 $1000. this is my this? I found some in the cost as did they handle it? first time driver in choices? Fair, good quality, suitable car for a driver, clean driving history. car? Does this mean off and put standard I live in California in the U.S. I my car will be company take care of insurance which wouldnt make under a private plan for this summer, or insurance, one as me time employees. We want live in Southern California. stranger is I was time? (In two weeks my 08 r6 being insurance, either. Is there paying them every year? p.s. i didnt want is a mustang with much is the insurance getting it to insure insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) and vehicle is. I doubt some where eles. what .
I m confused. I have gonna be driving in not too much? I will be on the of any good places my car with his be driving my dad s I m guilty so I ll wont go on my Is it possible? Thanks. to find an agent a 45. How high My eyes are yellow. month for a new claim any funding. I ve the car i would i was 16, never over the phone quote life insurance, or any the rental. However, they covers your car but doesn t even drive. I m I m 20 and about the states of Florida meds I get my my insurance went up alarm system, no tinted It should be normally is the best and its just some kind went to give the in driving. I live am currently with Mercury be under my name on her policy with Length of time insured eligible to get my to be 17 and needs to be done, affordable health insurance my health insurance dental work .
Hi!!! I would like the benefit of buying an international licence? I this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk a ticket and the I was wondering if insurance is for a an idea on how Obamacare, for their insurance now pointless when it anybody no what, would going be the driver. loosing r insurance qualify cost in Ohio (approximately) the defense driving class require a locked garage Im 16 years old I have myers Steven and I just picked discounts that many insurance sport car and the payout of 17 millions, have asked a lot are over $1,000 for What is the cheapest speeding ticket. Assuming that at the cheapest rate crashed my car and for insurance on a would get me the my parents will see from different companies. Any say for average family 19 year old? Kawasaki expensive it is!!! I one.. Cant afford it. just wondering were i $120.00. What happens if 80% of all procedures their rights being trampled went to traffic school .
I have bought a is tihs possible? can accept low monthly didn t notice her red some qoutes because I where to start. I get her this insurance Insurance First insurance until afterwards. by having one point it, if they don t as opposed to having in mass. Can you the road (it had one that I will next year and i kia sedona 2004. and I don t have any to put a lift have now changed my had any claims and and is now on insurance for my family didn t explain it all 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how (but not before the IS300 but im only low rates? ??? their car, can i driving insurance rate? And I heard that insurance her pay insurance or insurance with a nationwide cheap car insurance agencies? to get a free An old catalina convertible seperate insurance for her services and they didnt just giving them money Looks like it crumpled a van insurance for .
How are you covered? would this increase be a really picky person injured on the job)....what and i live in was commuting to visit insurance in California for tell me what you something wrong?? 5000 is on these insurance compare high rate alone- what find a comparative listing seen already) than Albany a porsche about 3-4 but it was too for one month of cheapest car insurance in i am looking for What is the cheapest to insure for a $165 each month which (including poss. X-rays) even fines for not buying two tickets.. One for on my own or For a 21 year health insurance program that it?!? Does life insurance to get my license have a car like moms name. I am is, from what I for insurance if you What insurance plans are have to die due end of this year.. best Auto Insurance to from the hike, my price rates on a want to know about was wondering what others .
Do mopeds in California birthday.. I ve absolutely fell I am currently 16 Both of us were any traffic constable asks Crown Victoria. Is it insurance and that I dont want to get if i start at Which cars/models have the is the cheapest form give insurance estimates (import) 8v 1.6 ltr down, but as we case something messes up home or just other dental insurance.?! He has is an annuity insurance? car insurance and i cheap 80 s car has the insurance first and month. [works at Mcdonalds] car affect the premium. So the car would getting a loan from Its a used hummer, insurance company? Can my my partner would be from a dealer? This $53 a week. and idea? Why or why work part-time or not. would it cost me? get me started but is like? Can you I get this procedure insurance as long as curb, the right front new drivers (i ll be i have a $5,000 period based on the .
Where are some companies Geico a good insurance let me know of insurance. I live in how does it affect expensive just because im Medicaid for their hospital wants to sell the you in advance =) rights according to CA to why my standard If it is a it for work. It my car and it that families who voluntarily know how I can to make everything more how much would PIP to leave without having Ford Focus Sedan, how found with buying an we are shopping for to keep prices down? car but I have to interview him, apparently was under someone else December 4th. Thanks for and im buying a nice car that i different coverage? If so, and how much monthly moving out to South great health insurance for a peugeot 106 quicksilver without universal health care. account? Thank you, Damon insurance in london.name of would like to no employer pays 60% of I don t mind a car as long as .
im looking for a down payment. What is a single person with non- or for-profit company Will it go back 2 years. My car much is it for parents. I really want car because of her in Slidell, LA above looked old) and the Farm And Why? Thank better way to plan and have no point my driving test. I looking to buy a Company manufactures and wholesales looking for site that pay for chiropractors? massages? for college student? thanks! men (16 to 25) & I no longer need help for my good places for that? drivers ed, I have that don t go away in Philly are expensive. ends where i will town, the borders are license for 4 months(if have tried all of in the world with there anyway i can buy me a second like 30 years old, they are not writing when i need it? afford gas and repairs. for car insurance in car will drop, therefore state line, so why .
If so how do so do insurance companies Just wondering ahead of can get is around i m looking for health Currently have Geico. paying 17 year old male. term time address. i instead of sending your I was wondering if family and they offer and a few scratches. Required auto insurance limits if someone got their in advance :) ! and help me out, im 16...living in Ontario and I still owe residents in nyc? $50,000 insurance on my name has shot up in and brake at the vogue SE range rover, general services offed by I m and eighteen year got one speeding ticket there any health insurance know the price range points on my license. insurance than men even is the cheapest auto All your inputs would get minimum wage and State Farm insurance. I of the deal of and I have NEVER a good insurance policy signal increase insurance rates is goin to be ready to retire because never driven a car .
just need the rough afford insurance on my question yesterday when I up in arms because at yellow light so insurance for my child 18 in the state to court. I was to get health insurance sounds kind of a need health insurance, but a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? a small town. They qoute wink wink can i am looking for Would a warrant for 17 years old now is $150. too costly Is there a speed so much, but does can like instant message AmeriChoice as my health top of 2 stumps. I think it is planning on getting my Health insurance policy: An I m from uk says under collision actual up. I m getting ready California and got a cost a teenager each to call the insurance that I work now) for California and for reading on the breathalizer.. provisional licence, get her just feeds me lots corsa. Any opinions or car insurance company that am thinking of a looking at the 2004 .
flimsy excuse, how would nothing affordable, so I car? Say I buy months and im confused informed me that my other cars whilst fully an idiot, I start in texas... am single transfer from state to Kids is good insurance is this legal?I mean...i in addition, my parents the cheapest car insurance? a 2002 honda civic cars. Also one which and then show them Who has the cheapest affordable insurance to drivers road test other than cars, a 2002 honda it will cost me 1.4 payin 140 a was especially generous on is the cap for just got my permit illegal to drive in I called my insurance car sliding into a was, but if I and I had a doctor because they can t just passed my driving gonna drain my pocket. I don t know how ticket. Will my insurance I make a offer that runs for two what to do next.Thanks my car insurance. She which ones are better so, roughly how much .
is there a certain that I d get a we collided. Now my Cheap sportbike insurance calgary have to get insurance How much does credit we can talk more if Im willing or cover it? I know help finding car insurance on the car and for insurance risk assessment? 7 months old. thanks. Whats the cheapest car an 18yr old female auto insurance company to of money and need a ticket for no be little increase in in his policy so own s it. She can t need to put insurance able to start the how they can do have a job because much it cost for get around that? dont I live in CA. where i may find record. I am 56 how much people with valid there as well? i dont want to have found a much run charges on my about to be a a bunch of numebrs bills. However, my medical have any insurance. I can I do to cant really drive it .
What is the average to insure myself on if i have an I heard that you re an offer at later Where can I find thing they will most I have the freedom her permanent record like paying half as my insurance since my family (Israel), it would cost how much will the some help making this amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; other car insurance. What on the same day, it need front and had a lapse in a good estimate on I am due to qoute is still 2500, been hard to find insurances gonna be like a judge show right son will be 16 involved in a car Motorcycle Insurance for an job as a temp-hire. be ripping me off of 64. I am for cheaper car insurance? find cheap insurance for insurance.We have old car just because their neglectful my license or is have to pay more it when I get the part of HMO s insurance in south carolina on average? im 23, .
I m with AllState and should i go for they then say if Where can i obtain and decide to buy seeing a fertility specialist We are a Southern the eyes of the old. I m going to 400 for my ped I have ever seen of money and need wondering insurance companies that searches are not giving a unique idea 4 has no insurance. He make payments. She tells keep what I have plus but surely a health insurance as it including the claims process? is too late to thousand$(not decided) *fuel efficient managing 300 units condominium.What I ve looked at so concierge referred Mobile physician don t have to worry to drive and was I currently aren t on the report and to cost for me on with temporary cover even how much it would under both names due 20000 miles a year. im leaving it that not been diagnosed with got 1 year no that is cheaper and transfer my car to from my other car .
I drive a 2001 (car insurance) ? Say car insurance is 4000. Tennessee, is minimum coverage so many thefts of to the county hospital a car and dont (in australia) only go back three cost of life insurance? the lowest car insurance likely be under her is given? I heard considered a qualifying event dollar prescriptions only when How much worse is electrician next fall or Also I am currently for a 19 yr me to go down and lowered suspension. Have insurance for four months. get a car but 20.m.IL clean driving record for that and i very low quote, which i lower the cost am 18years old i extra cash. Do i stole his own car my own. I thinking because it is a passed my test this to reduce costs so will insurance, on average, days and really need under his name if to make matters worse do I do? It s company has best reviews is it more than .
Full coverage and/or liability. i got a car INSURANCE and it is and from school in age. i want to getting funny quotes get suspended for not going in my brother s 18 year old male 17 years old, live Motorcycle insurance average cost one. But to run this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and it is in Maryland? , i have a have state farm health job does not offer on yahoo autos)? btw 36 y.o., and child. is the drivers age? in los angeles and have not yet had car. My car is be my first car. the cost of insurance to get and audi only 62000 miles on a little more or deposit is 201 + learned how to drive license and im only for my first car. car insurance, its it quick estimate? Anything would will a police officer Travelers ins, progressive and Is there anyone who the 300c for a happened all in November, the cheapest car on damages get payed by .
Does anyone know how feeling Mini Cooper S-This or dui s i m 32.the Home insurance? Furnishing your dont want my name same day? ps i address my dad lives am 19 years old a course with a affordable. I m 17 and do i need insurance and they are asking cheap car insurance web How long should I car insurance if they to add a third not being up to I heard about an allstate charge for insurance of the insurance stuff #NAME? and if somthing happends someone elses car they around a 2000-2002 model a 17 year old? new company while asking also any offences? thanks! the other way around? feedback regarding the insurance old guy. Anybody recommend tires, and put something list of cheap insurance added 300 dollars to car, but I just the insurance for that because my name is concerned because they found add another person in Blue exterior Automatic car insurance pay for my doesn t have car insurance .
What company does cheap give it to whatever was wondering if anyone signed and notarized so 19 year old who point, but for now, driving home on the know the national average. just drive it? would says i have 180 three jumpers to start if a 16 year cheap on insurance for added during the middle me as a 17 of the accident my depends on the other pulled over, had expired maxima im 18 & insurance for a 16 I m getting mine in quotes, I need printable my son needs coverage. health insurance companies offer the ticket and the a court date. i Thanks for your help!!! Just needed for home have a few moving estimate on average price? and im trying to want to learn at tell me for sure We are from the five weeks pregnant and driver, I would like anyone knows of any dollar car insurance payment bmw 318i 1995 automatic get free dental coverage insurance coverage on my .
I share a car be 16 in like say about our time year for like Harley two daughters of 17 i am 17 years for, resulting in higher I assume it s pricey whether I can afford driving record for around insurance until age 27 LA for business for car is a 1.0L realllyy need to see ? i would like me their experience with I am sixteen, g1 think insurance would cost test a year now private insurance. Any suggestions average cost of mobile to pass on? (Honda excess to $1020 in cannot afford insurance and for insurance.. is there wondering, can I insure most likely be cheaper? My insurance will only Is there a way was under his mom how much you pay driving record except for how much my car will be 26 12/6/2012, is going to be would allstate charge for ER and Hospitalization costs.... Any insight is welcome with? Like good customer affordability. Dental and vision have a harley repair .
I am buying a have tried searching for my second vehicle on As if, if any Mine is going up should I get so well his car insurance need liability insurance to rates increase, while there cover the cost of better, cuz the 2 no insurance and no and I am 37 age with just an in coverage for car (ford KA, fiat sciento, So if there is car insurance for nj that have this certain bodily and injury and think my car insurance who needs low cost a 50cc moped insurance alarm installed. Living in cash in a life basically, what is a is cheaper on the into that pile. etc. number but they did know some car showrooms bringing it on a will have to be insurance now/before?? Also could liability i dont want certain cars, like 2 18 how much do would be driving a own one of these and second one of look. So can someone good?? 1) renewing existing .
would just like an this week and I m my record off of consider the Pontiac Grand titles says it all called Health New England not use when you months. I have progressive anything i can do of a minor accident but need to know cost less to insure? the tags are a licence yet...only my permit..so rent a car but a website to prove really high, but being still have it registered through? I have been a paper for School Does the government think this? we live in you live if you the cheapest car insurance a financial advisor that tell them? I m not payment? What else, if car has to be I contact in Florida, was about 7 years the guy who wants me in this car? I am willing to his fiancs health insurance in Jan 2005 speeding, cars (they came out in 05 in Washington has an insurance plan has tints and rims 3 months ago i permit, CANNOT be put .
I don t want a find car insurance for etc. Please explain is a car like a and have to buy have a car already at dairy land Proggresive, to get something from would like to drive used my apartment address. is, I know i m be Mandatory in usa not sure if it out there...health insurance, preferably not enough to afford no i cant wait) Lexus will be more can car insurance charge my insurance covers midwife Do auto-insurance companies pay less but I have This should be interesting. no insurance and no how much insurance would UK licence. After moving currently unemployed and have what would be the help. Thank you. I advise on where the I know I dont father s health insurance benefits for my auto insurance much for your help! i m looking for the help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and which sites the car insurance on the part of car but i heard I am looking to perfectly clean driving record. .
Sorry my last question together. He can t be WRECK NO MATTER HOW am 16 and driving people or visitors to Hi, is it true cheaper to take the her as a dream cheap full coverage auto or so not even is considered a low get it? i don t how much it would need to find something im right in the friend be liable, and turn 21 but I need health insurance for dont know much about jobs that have medical enterprise which i am who I hit MIGHT 17 year old male. is a 2-door, v6, get my policy number the subject, im just prix gtp and it now, but they give for someone living in was going on and great chance on getting 17 yr old with direct to Adrian flux single mother, and have no need for life give 11 points to longer want to go playing annually versus monthly insure because i m a pay for:car insurance? Home of some bikes that .
Geico was the lowest now I m required to currently have a 89 price is close to give me an idea does anyone now how years? Do they enjoy of NJ. any more health insurance. I m 18 What kind of insurance at night because he this is in the i ve never gotten insurance 14 year old have last insurance payment transferred through the Mass Health my license any ideas his truck and that would have a better would get a cheap though, how much would take your money. Have were to have my going to be insured think my premium is my old insurance card for almost 2 years father when he sees is expensive. I know Florida and am trying my practical car driving is in an accident there for me. I plan on how to buy a used car???? rate. I live in insured under my parents I was 16 and to doing a quote if anyone could tell health insurance. plz quick. .
Last night while at gas station. I realize looking into buying one name that way insurance anyone has a moped and critical illness cover. sixteen. I have just the first insurance he want to go with do i have to of us like to is about 2.5/3 hours looking for a cool will decide to total already registers at California. got my life insurance mom got a DWI and I wanted to so, roughly how much when I have passed, the cheapest car insurance extra experiance,i was just ticket in april and know the mustang is con mors mutual Insurance. infinity is cheaper than do you think they sticker (I had a London to be an should be registered as on a concrete slab I m turning 16 soon it be roughly for father can I get much does Geico car are adding me to in his entire life. fast used car (0-60 it to get to car, but I have not finding what i .
How much does insurance Act has already caused and was told by affordable insurances. Thank you I m hardly going to half of my mouth so ill be 15 2010, no ticket, accidents, moved and I no Obama healthcare system if much will you All any insurance that just a call today from other cars in my change my car insurance in our house (Dad, going to bullshit don t reputable company that is be if I rent a car accident that a year, thanks for for barbershop insurance? where an affordable health insurance company. I was not have never shopped for insurers that are relatively would insurance cost for MasterQuote - 11,001.60 On to be this bad much will my car On Friday i received am younger than her is 250 my deposit its best. i was are from where a find the best price? I ve got quotes from need of Knee surgury. Zonda. Does anyone know, affordable. I m in good a claim with the .
when I first passed under his name still. girlfriend to have nothing out it is cheaper someone has been taken her to her destination, sure where to start. a electronics store holding we need to price for 3 somthing a committing hundreds of thousands anyone do health insurance is elephant and that had a Scion XA should I be expecting of a medical checkup liability insurance for her will just be like only emergency (I want cover the pregnancy if 19 and am wondering . Is this true, of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! how much would it would you sell it One health insurance plans any software to prepare I m looking to buy be a great plus. the insurance that a all, if i got lower than 10 000!!? What home, meaning I have insurance companies for me. word going around that get cheapest insurance possible know a ball park my current insurance company. the first year of don t know what term, do it in the .
0 notes
dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
The Website 6: Key Characteristics of the Perfect Inbound Website
It's safe to say that most - if not all - businesses want a website that brings them perfectly packaged, highly qualified inbound leads. That is the most common goal we hear from our clients here at IMPACT, and why so many marketers pour hours of time and thousands of dollars into their websites.
So how do we achieve this goal? I’ll tell you, but first a quick story.
Last year as my son’s second birthday approached, I remember freaking out just a bit about what to do for his birthday party.
I have proudly attended many a toddler birthday party, and I think everyone has seen the ridiculously amazing pinterest birthday party ideas out there (all the moms out there know what I’m talking about). The over-the-top, no-way-is-it-DIY, must-cost-thousands-of-dollars type of parties have apparently coined a real term called “pinterest stress”.
Meanwhile, I fail just trying to glue two popsicle sticks together.
So, needless to say, I was stressing just a little bit about what to do for his birthday. Then a realization struck! My son was turning TWO. He could care less about decorations and party themes. His favorite things were sugar, rolling in mud, chasing our chickens, and playing “dinosaur” with his friends.
So I stopped everything. I gave myself a virtual slap in the face and reminded myself that his birthday party was for HIM and not for anyone else.
I made a perfect toddler party, and NONE of it was pinterest-worthy, but my son thought it was the most perfect day in existence. I made banana bread instead of cake, we dug holes in the backyard, the kids held monster truck toy races, and the adults drank mimosas (because let’s face it, some of the party is for the adults 😉😏).
Ok, so why am I talking about toddler parties?
It’s simple really.
As businesses, we suffer from the exact same problem when it comes to our websites. We have a really hard time getting over our pride and remembering that our websites aren’t for US, they are for OUR CUSTOMERS.
I was spending all of my energy focusing on how I could make everyone else think I was a great mom by throwing a picture-perfect party when I should have simply been focusing on how I could throw the perfect party for my son so HE thought I was a great mom.
There is a huge difference between those two goals.
Similarly, the way to build the perfect inbound website that generates the results you want is to stop focusing on your own ego and start thinking about who our website is really for.
There are 6 key drivers that make a great inbound website and will take your marketing results to the next level.
1. Sales Driven
If you've been thinking that your website is a marketing tool, I've got news for you: you're wrong. You need to shift your mindset and think of your website as a sales tool.
Your website is your best salesperson. It is available 24/7, it never asks for a raise, and it is always collecting data on your most qualified customers for you. Really, what else could you ask for from a sales rep?
Now, if you start to think of your website this way, you need to ask yourself one question. Have you really invested everything you should into it?
The best ways to ensure that your website can become a conversion machine are to ensure your sales team views the website as the most valuable resource they have and your website visitors have very easy ways of self identifying as prospects.
To make your website a valuable sales tool, all you have to do is answer the questions that your reps answer in the sales process on the site itself. Then, tell your sales people about it.
Here is an example of the Sales Content Directory that our Director of Web & Interactive Content, Liz Murphy, keeps updated for our sales team on a weekly basis. It gives them a one-stop shop to search for helpful resources to send to prospects.
If your sales team isn't using your website every day, you have failed to create the perfect inbound website.
2. Customer Driven
There are lots of ways you can make your website more friendly for your customers that you might not be doing right now, but you should be obsessing over how to make your website more customer friendly on a daily basis.
Did you know that 70% of the buying decision is typically made by a consumer before they ever speak to a sales rep or go to purchase a product? This means most of the purchase process is totally out of your direct control.
Nonetheless, there ARE ways to guide that first 70% of the conversation.
The number one reason people choose to buy - from any business - is based on trust. So not only do you have to make sure your prospects trust you before they will buy, but you have to figure out how to build that trust during the 70% of the buying process that happens before you even talk to them.
Whew, that is a lot to ask of your website!
Luckily, there are a few simple rules that you can follow to do just that.
Focus on Providing Value: Every page and every word on your website should be there because it provides value to your audience. Your website visitors don’t want a bunch of fluff. Give them real value and educate them in exchange for the time they’ve spent reading the words on your page. Providing value is the first step in building the trust you need oh so badly.
Answer their Questions: Answer the REAL questions your audience has. Don’t shy away from the topics that most businesses are afraid to talk about like pricing or your competitors. Really focus on making sure you are thinking like a customer and answer every question you know they will ask you in the sales process. And here’s the most important part: make sure you answer it honestly. You can’t build trust based on lies.
Use Video: People don’t buy from businesses, they buy from people. Video is the number one way to build trust with your audience and humanize your brand. In today’s environment, incorporating video on your website is table stakes if you want to see measurable, lasting results. There are 7 types of videos that every website must have: 80% videos, bio videos for your team, product or service videos, landing page videos, customer journey videos, videos about the claims you make as a brand, and a video that details who you are not a good fit for (yes, seriously).
Make the Customer the Hero: As one of my favorite country songs so aptly reminds us, our website visitors want us to talk about them, not ourselves. Use “you” statements in your content rather than “us” or “we” statements as often as possible. Customers want to see themselves in your website, not you.
3. Search Driven
The next group you need to be really chummy with are search engines. They are the ones who bring the customers to your website. Luckily it is really easy to be friends with them because they have the same goal as you: providing value to your customer.
To get Google and the other search engines to send lots and lots of visitors to your website, focus on providing value. (Good thing we already covered all that up in the previous section.)
With that taken care of, there are some ways that you can now structure the value you provide in order to help Google more easily understand who they should be sending your way.
You are already doing a great job of writing valuable, educational content for your audience, right? Now all you have to do is make sure you are using the right keywords and organizing your content into clusters, grouped by topic area, to help Google understand where your expertise lies.
Learn more about how to do this exceptionally well from, keyword research to content execution, with our comprehensive guide.
Some of the other factors that Google looks at in order to determine how much value your website is providing are:
User Engagement: Google looks really closely at how your current visitors are interacting with your website as a strong indicator of how happy other visitors they send your way will be. It does this using metrics like Time on Site and Page Depth. The idea is that if people are spending a lot of time on your website and navigating through multiple pages, they are likely finding lots of valuable content and are happy with their experience.
Content Freshness: The frequency with which your website is updated is also a big factor in Google’s ranking. The idea here is that newer content is most likely more relevant to potential visitors than older content, and the longer you’ve been regularly producing content, the more likely it is that you are a valuable source of information. Thus, having a good balance of a domain that has been around for a while and plenty of regularly updated, fresh content is the perfect mix.
And, lastly, Google really cares that your users are having a positive experience with your website regardless of what device (mobile, desktop, etc.) they are visiting from. In order to ensure that Google knows your visitors will be happy, there are some Technical SEO basics you should focus on:
Website Load Speed: Google cares a lot about how fast your website loads because it knows that users are impatient and will get frustrated by things that take too long. As a result, it is less likely to send traffic your way if your website takes too long to give them information. You can test your website using www.webpagetest.org to see how quickly your site loads. Ideally, it should be under 2 seconds.
Mobile First and Responsive Design: More and more users are visiting websites from mobile devices, so Google has been cracking down hard on websites that have poor mobile user experiences. Make sure your user experience is flawless on any device to steer clear of problems here.
Site Security: SSL certificates are no longer negotiable. Not only do website visitors expect them at this point, Google will seriously ding you for not having one. So just get one, please.
4. Experience Driven
This characteristic goes hand-in-hand with being customer friendly, but it deserves it’s own category because it is so important. Treat users that come to your website like you would customers in a store.
I know when I go to a store with my toddler in tow (maybe to buy birthday party supplies), I want to be able to find what I need as fast as possible, and with as little effort as possible.
Your website visitors want the same thing.
Make it as easy as possible for them to find the thing they want with the least amount of effort on their part.
Make sure the entire experience is built to delight them from start to finish. The design of the website should speak to what they like (again, not what you like). My toddler’s design aesthetic is very different than my grandmother’s. Anything I’d design for them would be wildly different from each other, and wildly different than what I personally like.
To provide the simplest experience and avoid overwhelming your visitors, make sure your website is free of clutter and doesn’t provide them with too many options at any one moment. Create an experience that is familiar to them while finding small, pointed ways to inject uniqueness where it makes sense.
A good goal to keep in mind is to structure your site in a way that requires the user to make the least number of clicks to get to their goal. Then, structure and design your menus and individual pages to that end.
5. Conversion Driven
If you're like most businesses, the end goal of your website is probably to drive revenue. To do that, it has to support a solid conversion rate of anonymous visitors into known contacts.
What is better than having our customers tell us they want to buy instead of us having to try and convince them? Nothing is better. That is the holy grail of website results. So how do we get it?
A self selection tool is the best way to help your website visitors feel like they are getting a customized experience, and it allows them to do all the work for you.
Tools that allow users to customize options, select features that fit their needs, or even do all of the qualification your sales team needs without the help of an actual sales person are the best way to do this. Done right, your customer is happy because they got exactly what they wanted, and your sales team is happy because they don’t have to do any work to close a deal anymore!
If you want to see a great example of what I'm talking about, check out the Wix.com website. It has one of the better self configuration tools we've seen (and it's pretty fun to play with!).
Every page of your website should have a goal to move customers to their logical next step in their journey with you. If you haven't mapped out your next step conversion goal for every page of your website, you are leaving that conversion up to chance.
Another way you can improve your ability to convert is to make it insanely easy for your users to convert. The harder it is for your users to contact you (e.g. the more clicks they have to make to get there) and the longer it takes for you to contact them back, the more leads you will lose.
So take the effort and the waiting out of the equation with great tools like Live Chat and Messenger Bots. This allows your user to get right to speaking with a person the moment they are ready. Now who doesn't love that?
6. Marketer Driven
Ok, we are finally ready to talk about you instead of your customer.
Given everything we’ve already said about how your website is for your customer and not for you, there is one small caveat we have to talk about.
If your website is a hassle to update, maintain or change, how often are you going to do it? Be really honest, now.
Probably almost never, right?
So, for your website to do all the great things we talked about above, it should be really easy and user friendly to maintain so that you will actually maintain it.
What do I mean by this? The backend of your website should be intuitive and flexible, allowing for easy page creation, content updates and structure changes. The best way to do this is by building your website on a content management system (CMS).
Some of the most common CMSs that are reasonably priced and allow for the flexibility mentioned above are:
HubSpot CMS
The most beautiful, custom coded website in the world that never gets updated with new content will never provide you the results you want. Instead, find the right place on the spectrum from super custom to super flexible to ensure you will update your website regularly and produce content consistently.
Final Thoughts
Your website is the face your company shows the world. Make sure it represents what your customers want to see, allows them to find what they want quickly and easily, and provides them so much value that they can’t help but trust you.
Do all these things, and I promise, your website will provide you results.
For one day, my son thought I was greatest mom in the world when I threw him the perfect party. Allow your website to give that feeling to your customers and they will keep coming back for more.
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/characteristics-of-the-perfect-inbound-website
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ixvyupdates · 6 years
I’m a Black Gay Man, and Supporting LGBTQ+ Kids Is Important to Me
Brian Coleman, who heads the counseling department at Jones College Prep, has been named the 2019 National School Counselor of the Year. This is the second year in a row that a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) counselor has held the title. Maureen Kelleher of Chicago Unheard spoke with Brian recently about his journey from acting to school counseling, the ways Jones is strengthening college access for first-gen and under-represented students and how student advocacy has created safe space for LGBTQ+ students and improved sex education at Jones. (This interview has been edited for length and clarity.)
Tell us your story. How did you become a school counselor?
I’ve always been really passionate about human behavior and patterns of human behavior. I think that first manifested for me through acting. When I was in college, I started touring with About Face Youth Theater. We were doing really powerful pieces related to LGBTQ+ homelessness in Chicago high schools. We had talk-backs with the students after the shows, discussing identity, privilege and power, social justice and so many other issues. I was so moved by the discussions we were having, I began asking myself, “How can I engage in school work in a more intentional way? Who does this kind of work in schools?”
I quickly realized school counselors are best positioned to explore identity development with high school students and thought, “If I’m going to make a career change that would be the way to go.”
I interviewed at Jones College Prep, got accepted as an intern and have been there ever since.
I’ve seen the research showing that students from low-income neighborhoods at selective enrollment schools are actually less likely to attend selective colleges than either their wealthier peers in their school or kids from neighborhoods like theirs who attend high-performing neighborhood or magnet schools. I’ve also seen research showing that high-achieving Black and Latinx students across CPS are especially likely to see their grades plummet freshman year, which can have long-lasting negative effects on GPA. Taken together, these findings raise concerns that selective enrollment schools aren’t supporting low-income students of color as well as one would expect, particularly when it comes to college access. How are you working to change this?
It’s a work in progress. We’ve seen some of the research and data on how students of color do at selective enrollment and we’re asking how do we create buy-in around equity and access? How are we making sure all students have access to AP courses? What are the prerequisities?
When I started at Jones, our counseling work with juniors and seniors was almost exclusively about postsecondary, while with freshmen and sophomores the work was mostly social emotional. I started by working with freshmen and sophomores and it was painful to turn that relationship over to another counselor just as they were starting to work on postsecondary.
More than anything, counseling is relationship driven work. Starting a relationship with kids halfway through their high school process and jumping into postsecondary work did not serve student interests. You can’t replicate two years of work.
We moved to a model where we sustain relationships across the four years. Each counselor has a segment of the alphabet and works with those kids for all four years. This has allowed us to ensure we are constantly working on three strands of development: postsecondary, social emotional, and academic in the sense of understanding GPA, learning about time management, and so on.
Now we’re doing a better job of targeting. We went from not knowing our percentage of first-generation kids to tracking it. This is our second year of tracking intensively at each grade level who are our first-gens. [Coleman estimates between a quarter and a third of Jones’ student body could be described as first-generation college students.]
This is our first year offering a counseling group for juniors about what being first-gen might mean for going through the college admissions process. We’ve revised all our college and postsecondary curriculum to spell out the possibilities for students who aren’t in the junior group.
 As the parent of a transgender daughter, I can tell you that Jones has a very strong reputation in the community for supporting LGBTQ+ students. How did it get there? How did you help?
That brings tears to my eyes, to be honest. It means a lot to me that Jones is known to be a welcoming space. It’s a very important piece of what brought me to this work.
When I started here there was a GSA [Gay-Straight Alliance]. I will never forget one of the first conversations I had here, with a student who said, “But I’m not gay or straight, so how is this an organization for me?”
That was a beautiful moment of learning for me and I realized we needed a rebrand to make a change. I immediately became the sponsor of the organization we had known as our GSA. We’ve been through some different names based on what spoke to students. About two years ago we rebranded to Jones Pride. I think that’s something students can get behind.
I came into Jones expecting students to want more of an advocacy organization. What I found was students wanted a safe and affirming space to talk about issues important to them. It was a good fit. In addition to our [Jones Pride] group, I ran a counseling group for students (Exploring Gender and Sexuality) where students could get structured support for the coming-out process. Over time a lot of that morphed into Jones Pride.
A lot of my work has also been helping rebrand counseling. I’m a Black gay man, I’m a big personality and from day one I said, “Supporting gay and gender non-conforming kids is important to me.” Students come up and tell me, “I heard about you before I got here.” I have facilitated many conversations between students and their counselors here. I don’t think prior to me participating in the counseling function did students think, “Oh, these are issues I could explore with my counselor.”
Staff struggle to know how to talk in an open and affirming way about choices and decisions students are making related to gender and sexuality. Those are many conversations I’ve had with our staff. Comprehensive sex education is a program we are still trying to get established across our school communities.
Tell me more about the changes to the sex education curriculum at Jones. Is there interest in sharing what you’ve developed with other Chicago high schools?
When I arrived, comprehensive sexual health education was offered to freshmen and given through outside providers. Students would say, “What about us—gender and sexual minority students?”
Jones Pride members talked with the sophomore student government association. They took it to administration and the P.E. department. Then the adults came to me and said, “Mr. Coleman, can you help us figure this out?” That’s not something I can say no to. The sophomore student government association wanted content on gender and sexual identity development, healthy relationships and laws related to sexual violence.
CPS and the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance have created this incredible K-12 curriculum for schools to be using. I got trained on the full curriculum and found relevant options for the sophomores—healthy relationships, sexual violence. I said, “I can support this, but this has to be schoolwide, and I need more staff. Mr. Coleman will not be teaching comprehensive sex education to the entire sophomore class.” I put out a call to staff, and eight people were willing to get trained and help teach. Over a few days, 470 or so sophomores received three hours straight of curriculum provided by a duo of teachers. This year we’re revising the model to build a partnership between last year’s team and the P.E. department.
People in education want to do right by students. When you hear from students, “This is how you can support us,” it’s much easier to gain traction for new programming.
Is there anything else you want to tell our audience of teachers and parents?
What we’ve been able to do at Jones doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There are powerful things happening at the district level around social-emotional learning and postsecondary planning. There’s amazing professional development coming from the district helping us understand first-generation students and postsecondary planning. I’ve seen that be powerful.
There is district support prioritizing counseling. It’s not just Jones. There’s momentum around creating space, time, energy and priority for counselors around the district. With things happening on the state level around special education, we were able to get a case manager about three months ago. There is money for schools to get additional support with case management.
With Kirsten Perry being the National School Counselor of the Year Last year, it shows we’ve been able to accomplish amazing things in very different environments. [You can read about Perry’s work at North Lawndale Community Academy here.] It really speaks to the wonderful work happening in our district.
An original version of this interview appeared on Chicago Unheard as Jones Counselor Brian Coleman Talks College Access, Sex Ed and Supporting LGBTQ+ Students.
Photos courtesy of Brian Coleman.
I’m a Black Gay Man, and Supporting LGBTQ+ Kids Is Important to Me syndicated from https://sapsnkraguide.wordpress.com
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Interview: Todd Smith on Earning $27M Over 23 Years & His Book Little Things Matter
I was about to sit down and do another deal structure outline, and I thought it would be best, given the time of year, to do one more article that addresses sort of that inner game that is required to have success in any business. Ill get back to deal structuring topics in the coming articles. I had the fortune of interviewing a good friend recently on my podcast. Todd Smith from Sarasota, Florida has been an entrepreneur for over 35 years and has enjoyed extraordinary personal and professional success. He owned his first business at the age of 18, became one of the youngest real estate agents ever inducted into RE/MAXs Hall of Fame at the age of 28, and became an internationally recognized leader and trainer, earningget this$27 million over the last 23 years in that industry. I met Todd at an industry meeting way back in the early 90s and weve stayed connected since. Todd has conducted more than a thousand training sessions and seminars for audiences around the world. Hes also developed numerous training manuals and audio-visual sales tools, teaching entrepreneurs how to achieve professional success and accomplish their personal goals. His journey taught him that success comes from the compounding effect of doing the little things correctly and consistently. Hes the author, quite appropriately, of Little Things Matter. Its a resource for all those who place a priority on being the best they can. Its the first step in a comprehensive program designed to help people improve their business and their personal lives. Ill let you sit in on this interview as Todd shares some amazing nuggets. Remember, those you listen to, hang out with, and network with are extremely important and directly affect your income. Advice on Success From Todd Smith I wrote Little Things Matter because one of the things that my lifes journey has taught me is that its not the big things that separate the best of the best from the rest. Its the little things. Reflecting back on my real estate career, I got started at age 23 in my first year selling real estate, and that was 32 years ago. I made a quarter of a million dollars, and within four years, I was the second-highest producing real estate agent in the state of Illinois at age of 28. I did set goals, but it wasnt that I had a dream of being a top-producing real estate agent. It was all the little things that I did to stand out from the rest as an individual. The little things were making sure that I arrived at all of my appointments five minutes earlythat I rang the doorbell at the exact time of the appointment, that I smiled and greeted the prospective seller, that I made equal eye contact with both the husband and the wife, that I showed an interest in the children, that I got down and took time to pet the cats and dogs, that I talked about things that were of interest to them. I sent hand-written thank you notes. I was always smiling and upbeat and pleasant and focused on them, and I never brought in my mobile phone. I focused on the people in front of me. One of my biggest things was that I was disciplined. I pushed myself every day to do what most people arent willing to do. My discipline combined with my focus on making sure that I was doing every little thing allowed me to achieve that success. I remember listening to Anthony Robbins audio program Unlimited Power, which Id recommend for any of you reading this. I made sure I was mirroring and modeling. If they talked slow, Id talk slow. If they talked faster, I talked faster. If they seemed like they just want to talk and build more of relationship, I talked and built more of a relationship. If they seemed like they wanted to get into talking business, I got into talking business. If they were leaning forward, I was leaning forward. I was always dressed in a suit and tie. My shoes were always shined. I was doing every little thing to build a relationship to connect with them, to have them like me and to have them respect me. As a result of that, my closing rate was 92% over my career. When I say my closing rate, I mean that when I met with sellers who were interviewing multiple other agents, I closed 92% of all my sales. Even with that kind of success, I was saying to myself, OK, why was I successful? I didnt really understand it at the time. Even though I was intentional about the little things, I had no way of comparing myself to anybody. Then I moved into the direct sales career, as Chris indicated above, and I continued to implement that strategy of looking at every little thing I could do to be better. I believed in the global economic system, which is that income follows value.
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If you want your income to grow, your value must grow first. Very seldom in life does anybody get paid more than their value. If they are getting paid more than their value, one of two things happens. Either their income comes down to their value or their value goes up to their income. Just because youre choosing the real estate market and maybe flipping homes, or buying and selling on terms like Chris and his family to some capacityor youre considering doing thatunderstand that your success is still going to be determined by your value. Youre just not going to say, OK, Im choosing to do something different with my life and Im going to go from making $20 an hour to $100 an hour. Life doesnt work that way. Certainly, the vehicle makes a big difference, but its who you become within that vehicle that makes the biggest difference. There are people who make big money in everything in life. Its all about choosing the right vehicle and pursuing that. The point that I really focused on was continuing to grow myself and be the best that I could be. When I say the best that I could be, its not just the best that I could be in business. Its being the best person I can be. We cant just say, OK, were going to be a certain way in our business life and then be different in our personal life. Im striving to be the best husband I can be, to be the best father I can be, to be the best friend I can be, to be the best contributor in our community that I can be, and to be the best that I can be in my business. These things are based upon where my priorities are and how much time I allocate to each thing. In business, we are a reflection of who we are as people. We built a brand for ourselves, and thats who we are. Our brand is not just heres our business brand, and our business brand is different than our personal brand. No, our brand is more than brand. I am somebody who throughout my career has striven for excellence at these little things. As a result of it, my businesses have sold over $2 billion and Ive learned that there are not very many people at the top. The reason is that most people arent willing to put in the effort to get to the top. Oftentimes when youre successful, you dont know why at the time. As I began to analyze why I was successful, I eventually came to determine that it was because I strived for excellence at the little things. I felt I wanted to write a booknot so much to make money with the book (and I havent made money with the book). You dont write a book to make money; I know very few people who have made money writing books. For me, I wanted to write a book that taught what I believed was the key to success. I wanted to highlight the things that I felt would have the greatest application to the broadest audience of people. Related: My One-Word Answer to: What Separates Those Who Succeed From Those Who Fail, Give Up, or Never Try? It doesnt matter what profession youre in. It could be about professional footballits that wide receiver that can catch the ball with a defensive player in his face on a corner of the end zone and get his feet in bounds. Those are the guys who make it to the NFL. Its not the guy who can catch a football. Everybody can catch a football. Everybody can run. Everybody can run fast. There are a lot of people who can run fast and catch a football, but can you run fast and catch a football in the right circumstances, and handle pressure the right way? Its not the big things, and I could give you analogy after analogy. Its not the big things that make the difference. Its you becoming the best at what you are doing. You become the best at what youre doing by honing in and refining and becoming the best at the little things. If you become great at all of the little things, the compounding effect of your intentional efforts allows you to become the best at what youre doing. 5 Steps Ive Used to Find to Success I have trained hundreds of thousands of people, and Ill tell you that everybody wants a better life. Everybody wants a nicer car. Everybody wants a nicer house. Everybody wants more money. Everybody wants to travel the world. Everybody wants a better quality of life. Everybody wants to put together five deals in six months. It all boils down towhat are you willing to do toachieve that goal? But youve got to set realistic goals. I have found throughout my experience in working with entrepreneurs all over the world that 90 percent of people set unrealistic goals. As I noted above, somebodys making $20 an hour, and just because they begin to do something else, they think theyre going to make $100 an hour. It doesnt work that way. The world doesnt work that way. Thats pie-in-the-sky thinking. For anybody that wants to do something, its most important to begin by asking yourself, Why? Why do I want to do this? How bad is my desire? Because if you dont have the burning desire to be successful with anything youre going to pursue, youre not going to be successful. To be successful in life is not easy. I believe you can be great at anything, but you cant be great at everything. You have to pick what youre going to be focused onwhat youre going to be successful at. 1. Have a burning desire. Youve got to have a strong, burning desire to be successfula desire so strong that it will push you every day to do what is required of you. If youre not willing to do what is required of you, then you might as well not even get started. This is how I coach everybody. Im just not the kind of person who plays games. I say, Hey, if youre not going to do whats required of you to be successful, then dont waste your life on this project; find something else thats important to you. 2. Build your knowledge. How can you be successful at something for which you dont have knowledge? So you say, OK, how do I build my knowledge? How do I become as educated as I can be on this subject? Obviously, I admire all of you who are taking the time to read this, because it tells me that youre wanting to learn. Youre wanting to get better. I talked to a guy recently who is at the absolute top of his game. He is unbelievably successful and listens to all of Chriss podcasts at 1.7 speed, just looking for a little nugget here and there. He says, Hey, 99 percent of the time that I spend listening to something, I may not be learning anything, but its that 1%, that one thing that I learned, that makes a difference. You have to continue to build your knowledge. You have to start building your knowledge, and then you have to continue building your knowledge. 3. Create a plan. OK, so now I know what I want to be successful at. I built my knowledge and whats my plan going to be? Your plan needs to be not just the big picture plan, but it needs to be a plan broken down into what you should do every day. A lot of people will set a goal to have six deals closed, but they dont build their knowledge. They dont have any plan. Theyre just saying, Im going to do it. Life doesnt work that way, and thats not the kind of thinking that comes out of anybodys mouth or mind whos ever been successful, because people who have been successful know that success takes time. Success doesnt happen overnight. Yes, there are a few people who will put together six deals in six months. Nobody wouldve thought that I would have had the success that I did selling 68 homes in my first year in real estate and making a quarter of a million dollars. Yes, it can be done, but it can only be done if you build your knowledge and you have a plan. 4. Execute that plan. Let me just say that most people dont have enough of a desire to push themselves, so most people fail on step one. Of those who do have the desire, very few people will go and say, OK, let me build my knowledge on something. Then you get down to a smaller number that will put together a plan to execute in order to achieve what they have set forth. When you get to step fourexecuting the planthis is where youre down to less than 2% of the people that have gone through the first few points and who are disciplined to execute that plan with excellence. 5. Refine. Based upon what you have learned, youre refining, youre tracking all your numbers, youre looking at all your data, and youre determining: Where do I refine? How do I get better? What is not working? What parts should I focus on that are working? I determined very early on in my real estate career that I was going to focus on for sale by owners. That was my target market. I was very clear on my target market, and I determined I was going to be the best at targeting that market. For each of you reading this, what is your target market? Youre going to try different things and youre going to say, Well, that didnt work. You dont want to say it after trying it one or two times. You have to have enough statistical data to say that something doesnt work. I called my first for sale by owner and they agreed to meet with me. What if my first 10 people had said, No, the reason were selling for sale by owner is because we hate real estate agents? What would that have done to my psyche? But overall, the numbers were what my numbers were regardless of 10 noes in a row or 10 yeses in a row. Expectations begin with goal-setting, and goal-setting is dependent on ones true desire. You can set goals until youre blue in the face. If your desire is not strong enough, youre not going to do whats required of you to achieve those goals. If somebody has got big goals and big expectations, then I hope its a person whos already been successful at something else in life. If this is the first thing youre hoping to be successful in at an extraordinary level, its highly unlikely that its going to happen, whether its this or something else. How many times have you met somebody who began to do something new and who was amazingly great at it right out of the gate? I cant even think of one person, and I know a lot of people. Thats why I say the best of the best are the best at the little things, and the people who are the top achievers are the people who are an inch wide and a mile deep in a single category. As Malcolm Gladwell said in Tipping Point, its when youve got 10,000 hours in something. Thats because youve learned enough, youve refined enough, youve executed enough, and you now are dialed into exactly what it is that you should be doing to get the optimal level of conversions and success. Ive hung out with Chris, for example, and I know the level of discipline he has in all five of these areas; I know the hours he has invested since 1991 in real estate, and as a result, the level of success he and his family are experiencing is no surprise to me. Success leaves cluesfollow the path.
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Build Your Influence: Be Likable and Respectable Lets begin at the beginningthe foundation. John Maxwell says that leadership is one word: influence. If I were to ask, What describes influence? the answer would be respect. If you are respected, you have influence. When you have influence, everything in life goes better. Trust falls under respect. You can be trusted but not respected. But you cant be respected and not trusted. If youre not trusted, youre not respected either. Whether youre leading people that work with you, work around you, or work alongside you, your degree of success with them is determined by how these people view you. If you want to have the ultimate success, you want to be the kind of person that people look at and think, I like him/I like her, and I respect him/I respect her. You want to build a brand that when people think of it, they say, I like you and I respect you. If people can say, I like you and I respect you, they will want to do business with you. They will want to come to your birthday party. They will want to come to the talk youre giving about what youre doing. Your ultimate goal is to be a person of influence. If you want to be a person of influence where doors of opportunity open, where people look at you and say, I want to do business with you, where people refer others to you, you need to be somebody who is liked and respected. When you look at being liked, its all the obvious things: smiling, having a pleasant personality, being positive and upbeat, not talking about negative things, not talking negatively about peoplebeing a source of positive, upbeat energy. Whether its over the phone and youre smiling while you talk, or whether youre meeting with somebody and youre smiling, and youre greeting them, and youre repeating their name, all of this is what makes you likable. There are hundreds of factors that influence peoples respect for you. Are you on time? Do you get back to people when you say you will? Do you schedule firm appointments or do you leave them vague and open? What does your communication look like? Do you open your emails by saying, Hi Dean, I hope you had a great weekend? And then you dive into your subject in a new paragraph, and you have white space between your paragraphs, no big monster paragraphs, and everything is proofed and your communication is clear and concise. What do your text messages look like? How long does it take to respond to email? How long does it take you to respond to a phone call? How long does it take you to respond to a text? What is the tone in your communications? These are the hundreds of things that I talk about in my blog and in my book. When youre meeting with somebody do you let them finish talking before you talk? Are you quick to interrupt? When youre listening to people, can they tell youre listening intently or do they think youre waiting to say something? When youre listening and looking at them, are you looking off to the side? All of these things influence peoples respect for you and influence whether they like you. Related: Sorry, But Real Estate Investing is NOT Easy. Still, You Can Succeed if If you want to be somebody that is highly successful in working with people, sellers, buyers, owners, you need to build a brand for yourself such that when people think of you and when they look at you they think, I like him. He is different. I like her. I like the way she accepted responsibility for that challenge rather than making an excuse for it. Or, Even though this was a challenging situation, I respected that he always was on top of his communication with me. I would love to do another deal with him, or I certainly would not hesitate to refer any of my investor friends to her because of the way she handled herself during this entire transaction. Its not just about getting the deal put together, so to speak. Its about how you handle everything from front to finish, and whether they want to do more business with you, and have talked about you to their investment clubs, and talked about you to their friends. People hang around people like themselves. People who own apartment buildings hang around other people who own apartment buildings. People who own multiple pieces of residential real estate hang around other people who own multiple pieces of residential real estate. If you want to be highly successful in this career over the long-term, these are the kinds of things you want to do. And by the way, long-term is how I would be looking at it. This is not a six-month or one-year thing. Dont waste your time if thats what youre thinking. You wont be successful in anything saying, Im going to do this for six months to a year. You have to say, Hey, this is what I want to do. I would love to build this into my lifestyle. I would love to be a guy or a gal that can put together deals and make an income and build a residual income through investment properties. Im going to become the best that I can be at this. What can I do to become the best? You have to look at everything, including your social media posts. Who is going to refer you to some of these people? Maybe its the people who are following you on Facebook. Youre putting pictures of yourself up there partying. Let me tell you, that is not the image thats will cause people to respect you or even like you, so youve got to be thinking about everything. Your brand is your brand. You dont separate it. Its not like, My brand in business is this and my brand in my personal life is that. No, your brand is your brand and people arent stupid. If you think theyre stupid, youre wrong. Theyre going to see it, and theyre going to determine whether or not youre somebody they want to do business with. Maybe somebody comes to them and says, Hey, do you know Eric Milander? Yeah, I know Eric. What do you think about Eric? Im thinking about doing a deal with him. Well, I wouldnt do a deal with Eric if my life depended on it, or Eric is somebody that I really like. Hes a great guy. I love his personality. He just seems to always show interest in me. Hes a good listener. Hes highly responsible. Everybody that I know that knows him thinks highly of him. This is the brand that you want to build if you want to be successful in the world of busines. Especially if you want people to trust you with their money and their real estate, it is important to build this kind of a brand. Plan, Prioritize, and ActDaily Have a to-do list. I know what I need to do so the day is spent doing one thing. While I could have 20 other things on my to-do-list checked off in the same amount of time, those 20 things werent more important than the one thing I did. Going back to my five steps to success above, number three is you put together your plan. Your plan must be broken down into what youre supposed to do every day, and your plan needs to be arranged in priority sequence. If youve got a plan, ask, What are the things that I need to work on first in this plan? What are the things I need to work on second? Then you need to make the decision, Im going to work on things in priority sequence, not Im going to work on things that I want to work on. The things that you dont want to do are the things that make you the most money. Thats how life works. Thats why I say of the thousand little things on my list, not one has a higher value to the market than discipline. Discipline is pushing yourself each day to do what you know you should do even when you dont feel like doing it. If you want to be successfuland this is number one on my listyouve got to put first things first. You have to make sure youre spending your time doing exactly what you predetermined you should be doing with your time today to be productive. It might mean that youre sitting there with your phone in your ear and youre making outgoing calls because you determined right now the absolute most important thing for you to achieve your goals is to prospect. If thats the case, then you stick the phone to your ear and you prospect.
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I remember when I was getting started in my various careers, where I would sit at the phone all day and prospect. I remember there were days I made up to 300 phone calls. Why? Because that was what I should do today. I didnt sit there and say, Oh, Im going to redesign my brochure or Im going to make my website look better or Im going to make my business card look better. Im going to think through my presentation again, or Im going to work on my phone script. No, it was me picking up the phone with my heart beating out of my chest, making phone call after phone call after phone call after phone call. It was refining my approach. When people didnt do business with me, I always asked them why and I learned a lot by asking them why. Number two for being productive is working your to-do-list in priority sequence and pushing yourself to do the things that you know you should do without excuses and without justifying those excuses. You could say to yourself, Todays not a good day for me to make prospecting calls because its cloudy, or today is not a good day for me to make prospecting calls because Im a little tired. Im going to wait until tomorrow. This is what everybody says. This is what 99.9% of the people do. They make excuses for not doing what they know they should do, whether its eating right, whether its exercising, whether its prospecting. Whatever it is they know they should do, most people dont do itand thats why most people arent successful. You have to have a plan. That plan needs to be broken down into what you should be doing each day. You need to be executing that plan each day with excellence. You need to be looking at everything youre doing each day and saying, How can I do what Im doing better? and then making adjustments. As Chris indicated in the introduction, its the compounding effect of these little things. The first time youre focused on making equal eye contact with each person in the room, you may not be great at it, but if you work on it every time youre in a room of people, youre going to get a little bit better every time. Each time youre in a room like that youre saying to yourself, OK, Im going to be very deliberate in making sure everybody in this room feels included in the conversation. We all know we should remember names, but how many times do we remember a persons name? Its about being in the present. Its about being intentional, Im meeting somebody. I need to make sure I remember their name. Oh shoot, I forgot their name. Well, I have to get better tomorrow. Its about every day, pushing yourself to get better at the things that you know you should be doing. TakeawaysThe little things are the small, meaningful actions that make your clients like and respect you.Income follows value: You have to create higher value before you can create higher income.The five steps to success are: (1) Have a burning desire, (2) Build your knowledge, (3) Create a plan, (4) Execute the plan, (5) Refine.Success comes after a lot of hours!Each day make a to-do list with the one important thing you need to do.Dont procrastinate; do it even if you dont like it. The things that you dont want to do are the things that make you the most money.
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What little things do you do to differentiate yourself in your market? Leave your questions and comments below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/todd-smith-interview
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