#also this is rlly vague so whoops
nizhspo · 1 year
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photo credit: @briichz
genre: nct fluff, fake-dating, fwb
pairing: co-worker!hyuck x gn!reader
warnings: cursing, smut mentioned
summary: in which you and fwb!donghyuck are a little too close in the office, leading your co-workers (namely johnny) to think you’re dating at the office christmas party.
a/n: i’ve been rlly busy w/ school work but the christmas spirit has given me a bunch of new ideas so i’m def interested in making a spin-off of this prompt someday? and other holiday stories to come??? <3
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“…and for my favorite award of the night,” johnny smiles cheekily, his face flushed from his several cups of doyoung’s famous eggnog recipe as he sways further into an equally flushed taeyong. “drumroll, please…”
johnny’s face is giddy as he watches the office erupt into rumbling, a chorus of whoops, bells, and laughter filling the conference room so loudly that you can’t help but join in, rapping your fists against the table.
“i present the mistletoe award to my favorite office couple— one, because they’re effing adorable, and two, because unlike a certain couple—” he turns to glare at winter and karina, “i’ve never caught them making out in the break room. so ladies and gentlemen, give it up for donghyuck and y/n!”
oh shit.
you and hyuck aren’t a couple. at least, not in the traditional way, that is.
i mean, sure, you’ve fucked in the janitorial closet a couple of times, and you’ve counted the number of moles on his body so many times you know the number by heart— but that wasn’t in a boyfriend way.
it was just in a donghyuck way.
in a friends-with-benefits way.
but you can’t explain that to your co-workers, not when yangyang is drunk and teary-eyed about how you “never tell him anything,” or how ningning is exchanging cheers with chenle because she won their bet on you two.
and certainly not when taeyong is handing you the mic with his happy little drunk boba eyes.
but you’re also not a liar.
so when you two meet in the middle of the stage, your mind is made up, and you’re sure hyuck would agree.
“thank you for this award.. coworkers.” you grimace a little, vaguely aware of the mistletoe that johnny is beginning to hang above you two. “but me and hyuck aren’t dating, we’re—“
“actually engaged!” donghyuck interrupts, reaching over with one hand to grab the microphone as he squeezes you in the other, his hand resting tightly on your waist.
“me and y/n are recently engaged! and we are so, so, happy to accept this extra week of paid-time-off to further explore—“ his grip tightens on your waist, “our relationship as a young couple.” he nods with mock earnesty, making sure to throw a smile your way before handing johnny the microphone.
“wow, get a load of these two, everyone!“ he laughs heartily from his spot on the ladder above you two as he gestures towards the mistletoe. he doesn’t have to say it out loud for you to know what he’s referencing.
and sure, you’ve kissed donghyuck dozens of times— but not like this. never in front of people (especially not your co-workers), and certainly not as as a y/n and donghyuck, the newly engaged couple.
but then hyuck leans in, his hand still firmly on your waist as he whispers in your ear, “are you gonna accept your award, y/n?”
hell yeah you are.
and without thinking, you lean in, too.
and for a split second, you feel nothing but him. his hair in your hands, his lips on yours, the cotton of his stupid light-up sweatshirt, and his hands gripping your waist.
oh, and don’t forget the whoops of your co-workers.
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anarchyforcanon · 2 years
Forever drinking my ‘all sam parallels are also lucifer parallels’ juice PLS tell us abt jesus!lucifer
mwahaha okay okay (just understand that this all makes sense in my head so i hope it does for yours as well)
So this also falls into my vague "reincarnation" hc as well, that someone doesn't have to die for Chuck to reuse a character mold, for example: Michael/Lucifer=Cain/Abel=Dean/Sam
Lucifer has two falls, when he was first kicked out of Heaven to Earth after he created sin in the Garden of Eden and created demons, and the second time where he was kicked from both Heaven and Earth into Hell for striking a full rebellion against Heaven. Lucifer created the first few demons, Lilith and Cain, before he fell for the first time. This goes slightly off canon, where Lucifer doesn't give the Mark to Cain until later, right before his second fall.
Remember when Anna threw herself from Heaven and was reborn as a human? Yea.. exactly what happened with Lucifer when he was kicked from Heaven to Earth, where he was born from Mary (Sam parallels.) smth smth about mary being the prequel (?) bloodline to the winchesters/campbells. At this point, Chuck has hidden himself inside Heaven and is giving no orders, so the (arch)angels are unsure of what the new energy on Earth is about and if it's a new project from God. They believe Lucifer to be hiding out on Earth, embarrassed from his fall and waiting for forgiveness from God, if that's to ever come.
This follows with the known story of Gabriel coming to Earth to tell Mary of her pregnancy, but instead of a celebration, it's a warning as the heavenly host is unsure of what to expect from the birth but they do not want to kill the child in case it is a gift from God (Sam and Jack parallels.) There is something dark coming from her womb as Lucifer still possesses the Mark of Cain.
When he is born, his human life roughly parallels the beginning of his angelic life. He believes himself to be the child of God as he truly is, but he doesn't know how true it is. Lucifer has a small amount of access and control of his grace, which allows him to turn water to wine, walk across water, yknow. It follows into the normal Jesus stories, except Lucifer is slowly falling deeper into the indoctrination of the Mark.
This is only a vague thought right now, but something about Jesus!Lucifer accidently relearning how to twist human souls on Earth into demons.
This leads up to where he was sacrificed on the cross. It's symbolic, as he created the human idea of sin and now he's dying for it. When Death comes for Jesus/Lucifer, he knew immediately that this was not a soul for him to take. Death had become well acquainted with Lucifer long before s5. Again, in parallel to Sam, Death returns Lucifer his memories along with the full access to his grace, leading to his resurrection.
All this is only rough thoughts but there's something so yummy about the believed human savior to also be the boogeyman as well. And just the crisp symbolism of both the past and future that's possible. You also have the addition of when the Archangels find out that Lucifer was Jesus, they lie to the rest of the Host about it. This is why Castiel believes Jesus to be "just be a man."
Chuck copying a lot of the details from Lucifer’s human run on Earth into Sam’s story. From Sam falling into indoctrination (Mark of Cain/demon blood parallel,) Sam “dying” for humanity and being resurrected from the Cage (Lucifer dying on the cross and being resurrected by Death,) and other teensy tiny things. Chuck is unoriginal when it comes to writing his stories, as he believes them not to be copies but new drafts that he can test out. As you know, his creations are just toys for his amusement.
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almightyhamslice · 2 years
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Team Smithereen reunion special when?? (never)
Nostalgic for Team Smithereen again. That show is literally so violent but it’s puppets so it’s fiiiiiine isn’t it lol
I think they may have lost episodes actually. Perhaps stuff that was too disturbing to put on Disney’s website? I’m really only saying that cuz I’ve been watching their behind-the-scenes videos, & there was new footage I’d never seen before. Felt like one of those lost episode creepypastas but like. it was literally right there?? Like one of the bts videos showed a shot of Whoop on fire with his skeleton visible... that’s not in any of the episodes I’ve ever seen.
... Anyways, when I was a kid I had a dream that there was a Team Smithereen special episode (longer than the usual ~2 minute length) where the boys meet up after being separated for years. Stunt Pig was just not there for whatever reason... prooooobably because he likes making everything worse & they didn’t want to look for him, lmao. And they talk, just like in the pilot! (though, if you ask me, I rlly dislike their voices in the pilot. I much prefer how they sound in the actual show...)
As you can probably guess, Whoop and Thrill Kat were my favorites. Also, when I was a kid, I thought Thrill Kat was a girl. I don’t really know why, like maybe it was because of his voice..? Though tbf, the descriptions for the episodes used to be notoriously vague, they only mentioned characters by name in a few episode descriptions (Whoop being the exception, his name is in at least 1 title), let alone referring to them using pronouns. I also used to call Brave Little Francis ‘Stitches’ as a kid, since I think I learned his name last. 
genuinely though, does anyone know if all the episodes are available somewhere?? There’s fragments of the series on youtube and vimeo, but I KNOW that’s not all of it. Like, I think my first exposure to the Ring of Fire stunt or the Smoothie stunt episodes was literally just behind the scenes footage. 2 of the stunt lab episodes are missing from what I can tell, and I think the aforementioned really disturbing episode shown in the bts footage is the one listed as ‘Maui Owie’ on the imdb page, since it’s the odd one out. 
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Just to any mods in general: When designing a character do you go through many design changes before settling on a final design?
I'll put it under a cut since it's kinda long.
not rlly tbh , tha only one's who'v rlly gone thru any sort of design changes was alien , tyrant , teen , an horror (an even then most were 4 sake of convenience/amplifying their characteristics y'kno ?)
4 example:
- while alien may hav gotten a new Frill around his neck now , he also used 2 b able 2 split his mouth all tha way down 2 his abdomen . not sure y i had that but i don't now
- horror's monster form design was a Lot different from how it was back then (never posted it publicly tho) . biggest difference was that he had eyes and a nose !!! an also chains on his wrists an ankles
- tyrant had a Lot mor scars , altho they were simplified 4 convenience sake . him being blind in one eye was ALSO not a thing originally ! ended up adding it bc ,,,, idk lol thought it looked neat
- i jus made teen look mor liek a ,,,, well a Teenager . fuckers sixteen now he can b a little edgy as a treat <3 also unrelated but fun fact he has three parents ! i forgot 2 include one of them when teen reveals who stars parents r whoops
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For me I just kinda .. make the character design and then … keep it like that until I look at it again and go “ew”
usually when i have an idea for character design i make a few sketches on paper to see what i like. ive usually talked about personality, characteristics, backstory etc beforehand so i have a vague idea of what i want it to look like!
-OWA's design changed a lot, more specifically his outfit and its colors. He used to wear a jacket until I decided that he probably wouldn't enjoy the restrictive movement that comes w it, and also drawing his scars seems cooler to me than just a normal jacket.
-Burnt Toast was going to originally be humanoid before the final design! He was going to have only one eye and a lower jaw, and he would wear a mask around people he didn't trust. After changing his story slightly, he ended up being the giant time noodle seen today :]
-Lizard RHM was actually very tricky at first. I knew I wanted him to be a lizard, but it was very difficult to decide how humanoid he would be, what his color scheme would be, what kind of lizard he would resemble, etc. Orange and spikey stuck out to me the most! im a sucker for orange. i love orangh
i kind of just accidentally make design changes over time and go "oh i guess this is how i draw them now lol!!"
the most common thing for me to do is to make hair fluffier over time or make the character shorter by accident
I tend to stick fairly closely to the original design (in Alex's case, I have not changed anything about them, but that's just because I got attached to the silly), but more often change the character's personality over time (Alex went from someone barely making ends meet and working paycheck to paycheck to a popular YouTuber because of a joke AU I made).
There's an example and exception contained in one OC of mine, who went over a huge personality overhaul (went from sad to thembo) and also had a lot of his features changed as a result of him actually being given an ethnicity (he didn't have one before), after which I changed his features accordingly.
I'll also change a physical design if the old design has bad memories attached to it (I recently redesigned a character because his outfit was created by my abuser).
Personally, I haven't really changed anything much design wise for my aus (except for my modsona she got a redesign recently). Triple Treat really only had this one rather dark joke I have since tossed aside I guess. However, how an au of mine did go through a bit of a change... Kid!
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Initially, Kid was meant to be a rather shy and quiet child. He didn't really talk with people or other kids at his daycare, his only friends being his toys. Mama V also wasn't part of the initial concept, coming from a suggestion that one of the other mods had
As you can tell, Kid has perked up quite a bit. He's a LOT more friendly and cheerful, and a lot more... Peculiar to say the least, with some of the things he's able to so ;)
Well, I guess there's also a lot of the ideas I had for Reaper! I just, haven't really been able to implement them.
If you want an example... Well, let's just say...
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Reapers... Aren't always Reapers :>
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clawsup · 2 years
whoops! my Secret Technique, having WAY too many things to say about enid marlow
favorite thing about them: shes absolutely so rude <3. shes just a little freak i love her. its like the one meme with the anime guy saying hes a genius and then OH NO. full of hubris #girlboss
least favorite thing about them: I think she like. doesn't really have object permanence. shes like a cat if that makes like any sense. If someone isn't on the same team as her or right in front of her they may as well not exist and this ends up making Many Issues. like i think she was pretty close with trin but when trin left she kinda just went 'who?' and repressed that they were friends. then befriended lorcan about it who bullied her into actually still talking to trin (on the rare occasion) which then leads to one of those unfortunate situations when the meet up where its like you were once super close friends w/ this person but just kinda. grew apart.
favorite line: "FIRE AND SMOKE AN EGG HATCHING YORK SILK RETURNS ENID MARLOW RETREATS TO SHADOWS" super early on as far as enid on the crabs go but god do i rotate this in my head. i super like the hc that enid is the one who necromanced york and then IMMEDIATELY faced consequences about it. It also a neat parallel in my mind between mikey t willingly going into the shadows for jaylen, someone he really cares about, and enid just fucking around to help some random lady (nagomi) bring her son back to life and then Find Out About It.
brOTP: no doubt in my mind bevan underbuck. I think that they have such an interesting dynamic w/ enid fucking around and finding out and having to learn to Not Do That from bevan and bevan learning to speak up more for themself from enid. My personal hc that the pitcher hallway of crab fame rlly started when bevan just accidentally moved into the same building as brock berite and finn, and then finn just moved into their bathtub. Then when enid joined finn went "yeah she was a pitcher" and invites her to crash on bevans couch (without telling bevan) and bevan goes wtf before being a bit of a doormat about it. Enid after a while absolutely could move out but simply just doesn't and her and bevan just start getting along super well, like just subconsciously knowing stuff off of vague body language level. not fully related but i also like to imagine that they (used to??) house sit for brock and bertie and were like. in the house watering the plants or smthin when brock got incinerated and had that game on in the background and Well. Things Got Awkward. i also like to think enid and bertie specifically have a weird dynamic bc bertie disapproving of what enid did to 'help' nagomi and york. also if not bevan i think her and kaz absolutely have a sibling dynamic. like enid hasn't talked to kaz in years until he joins the crabs bc like [points least favorite thing about enid] but theyre immediately just like talking like theyve been regularly hanging out together for years. OTP: honestly i don't rlly have any? i think her and bevan could be kinda cute but im not too into it as much as i am them just being bffs. trin and her could also kinda be cute but that ship sailed when trin went to go get a law degree. oh actually i literally just now thought of her and fran going out on one of frans iconic 'dates every new player that joins the wings' thing but like the frans stuck on the crabs boss rush version. not a ship but i think theyd have fun
nOTP: also none tbh? i mean like i guess her and kaz bc my headcanons on those two but also if someone had dif enid/kaz takes and had em as a i thing i dont think id largely care beyond being like 'eh thats not for me'
unpopular opinion: I don't know if this is really that unpopular as it is a thing no one rlly talks about but i still do feel about about but i do still feel bad about Whatever went down to actually get her on our team.
song I associate with them: probably this despite me just saying that i dont rlly have any romance hc for enid. iirc like awhile back my sister just put this on while i had to drive her somewhere and i went 'hm. enid' for fairly obvious reasons.
favorite picture of them: tbh either any drawing of enid by buzz of captainbuzzard fame or any drawing of cool fucked up praying mantis enid by gob of stainedglassgoblin fame
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batz · 4 years
I would love to hear about the fic concepts if you’re ok with sharing them!
one is just silly harmless road trip fanfic. no exact story, just the gang in an RV going from point A to point B (hehe that rhymed). dialogue heavy and focusing primarily on charactr interaction. just lots of fun moments w everyone getting into a heated debate about how small m&ms are better than normal sized m&ms (gordon admits he doesnt rlly get the difference between them and everyone just starts ragging on him for it). tire ends up popping and theyre stuck at the side of the road and whoops, benrey fucking ate a chunk of the spare tire so now theyre STUCK. late night conversations between charactrs tht r just sweet n nice n vaguely profound, to contrast with the chaotic shenanigans that take place during the day. YEAH.. idk shenanigans moments whatwver
uhhhh bottle episode trope! science team ends up stuck in a room for a couple hours (maybe anothr fuck up at black mesa or smthn happend) and the whole fic is just. again dialogue heavy charactr interaction. mostly comedy with a little bit of feeling. coomer suggesting using benrey as a battering ram to Make An Exit bc the rescue team is taking their sweet time, bubby is panicking bc he Hates being Trapped, tommy is Trying to calm everyone down but is freaking out himself, benrey is Revelling in the chaos hes loving it, and gordon is eventually the voice of reason. basically episode where things end up getting rlly chaotic when they rlly dont need to be, and friendships r Put To The Test, n then they end up eventually getting rescued n their evn closer friemds than they were b4 even tho they were like never in like. danger. u know, typical bottle episode trope!
science team game night. typical friendship destroying game like monopoly or something. ends with the table being flipped & ppl r arguing. tommy is (again) the one 2 try to calm everyone down, gordon is too but he ends up joining the argument. coomer suggests that they should all Engage In Fisticuffs and the one left standing is the Real Winner Of Monopoly. benrey says something mean (like a rly juvenile insult) to bubby and bubby just storms out of the room childishly, definitely NOT bc hes gonna cry. gordon isnt the voice of reason in this one bc hes too petty, but tommy eventually just like. Has Enough. and just tells everyone to Shut The Hell Up!!! right as coomer is abt to throw hands w gordon. tommy apologizes right aftr fr being rude but also ths is Game Night everyone's supposed to b Friends and Lov Eachothr;_; typical end of episode friendship speech complete w anaologies 2 video games & lots of stuttering bc tommy brand..... his brand...... HDJDHDD n yeah ths one probs has a sitcom-esc happy ending 2 it bc i love me some sitcom tropez.
we need more funny n cute domestic hlvrai content... ESP when it leans into silly moments:')
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gluttons-a · 4 years
family migrated from the uk to jap when he was young,  6 - 8 ? ;     dad’s family had work connections in japan so they moved .  his life was uprooted, & he blamed his parents for it
nothing out of the ordinary . maybe his parents were a bit emotionally neglectful bc they were extremely busy in the office or wtv but he had friends and stuff. things were gucci.
he’s unassuming n affable but he likes to make connections n worm his way into positions of power to get the results / info he wants.
he learns that info = power at a young age w regards to his quirk. is sneaky w it and secures a few w his friends.
he cares for them, dont get him wrong, but he doesn’t think using them is particularly bad either - friendships are all about mutual gain after all.
attitude towards heroism / villainy:
so much of the world caters to / idolises heroes but he’s always looked down on them: putting yourself out there, painting a target on ur back when u can just solve everything behind the scenes? suuper unwise.
fame has never been his goal. he wants to be involved in everything . n be a know it all. he a nosy boy. 
he doesn’t mind getting involved w villains or heroes  ——  doesn’t mind helping out w any agenda as long as he remains anonymous ( a clause written into his contracts ofc )
quirk :  promise !
any written / verbalised contract w sufficient specificity n time duration will be regarded by his quirk
if the person enters into the contract without the intention of honoring it, they will suffer tm. this can be discussed bc i don’t want to infringe on the autonomy of ur muse but think : instakarma, that sort of thing . 
if the parties don’t honor their bargains, they will also be wracked with a disproportionate sense of guilt n feels strongly compelled to heed it
for  ...  reasons this is withheld from his clients  /  not general knowledge .
contracts may be frustrated if the terms of the contract aren’t possible anymore or can be terminated upon mutual agreement.
his quirk is real vague and he still doesn’t understand the limitations of it. he originally thought his quirk was a guilt inducer quirk lmfao
a limitation is that hes not in tune w his quirk - i.e. he doesn’t know when its active or not , and makes contracts unintentionally with randos at times.  like . for instance. i’ll buy u a cup of coffee sometime next wk if u do this for me ! sure , and then like, a week later them: WOW IDK WHY BUT LIKE. i got rlly paranoid n worried abt not buying u that coffee so i took a 5 hr flight back from x to give u a coffee FUCK him: o shit
what he has to do is to make sure he doesn’t respond in definitives, like oh maybe or we’ll see,  stuff like that so he doesn’t accidentally create contracts hehe
plots i rly want / can envision:
he gets himself into deep shit bc he double crosses certain ppl or takes up two conflicting contracts where he’s just . spilling both their info to each other and he
seeks refuge from one of the sides ( by lying ofc. )
or tries to team up w / offer himself to a third organization w the expectation that they protect him ?? smth like that .
he’s never been rly into heroics but maybe a top hero reaches out to him knowing his connections / resources n offers him a really attractive deal he cant say no to and now he’s in Deep Shit TM
cooperating w the police??
umm i can see him being arrested for aiding / abetting villains whoops, but he’s sort of . harmless n generally annoying . maybe he gets into prison for a few months or is released on bail / has to do community service or smth idk man. anything goes.
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bae-leth · 5 years
I finished BL (my first path) and honestly it made me rlly into Edelgard whoops (also I never learned how exactly Dimitri lost his eye??)
OH congrats (whoops for this being late, sorry about that!) I'm intrigued about Edelgard too...
For the eye - when you get perfect teatime with Dimitri he says some stuff about his eye, but it's very vague and offhand. He even says it doesn't really hinder his fighting much, so maybe it was just a normal enemy attack?
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intp-fluffy-robot · 5 years
tips to know when an intp likes you pls??
[cont’d: “like, genuinely likes you. and i was the anon”]
(I answered this assuming it was in the romantic context whoops, but a couple of these can also really apply if they just like you as a person)
(I’m so sorry I’m answering this so late!)
Ahhh man I’m not entirely sure if I’m the best person to be asked
Well, of course there are several other factors that can influence the way a person behaves towards someone they like, including upbringing, past experiences, maturity, specific circumstances etc., but i’ll try to answer based on my experiences
- most likely will not flirt. at least not in the conventional sense. i don’t even understand how flirting works. i don’t think intp2 has ever rlly flirted with me. i’ve never heard of my other intp friends flirting with their crushes
- instead, well, there’s usually just random messaging. trying to talk to you. trying to talk to you a lot. bringing up stuff like random funny things, or stuff they’ve thought about (this one is usually a good sign, the things we think about are important to us), or ? stuff.
- a lot of it happens internally, i guess. maybe ranting to friends about how you said something vague to them and they’re overanalyzing what it means, writing stuff if they’re that kind of person who writes about their feelings ? or just,, thinking about you. like even as friends, intps don’t usually go all verbal “yes you are friend!” but just on the inside, it’s like “aw. i’m glad i’m friends with this person, they’re really cool.”
- oh yeah, there’s the “hey this reminded me of you!” move i guess ?? like not really tagging you in memes or saying “hey check this out” but more of “this made me think of you!1!1!” ?? (i don’t know how to explain it omg)
- but yes making time to talk to especially you, i’d say that’s a sign
- also, the closest to flirting! i guess? jokes! like, small, discreet jokes – idk if this one’s a cultural thing tho i mean in filipino at least i think we tend to have a lot of “hugot” (“pulled [from inside, presumably tHe HeaRt]”) and “kung magiging tayo” (“if we got together”) lines and jokes, often for the laughs, but sometimes we send it to people we really mean it for :”) but still in a joking way of course :”)
- probs gonna be kinda nervous around you, not sure how to identify that tho bc i’ve never been able to observe myself, and also, we’re already generally pretty awkward, so yeah
- care about what you have to say. if they take time to really understand and get to know you, that’s a really good thing. they tend to appreciate the mind a lot, so how else to care about you if not by understanding you?
hope it helps :”) all the best and i’m really sorry again for the late response!
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xeno-aligned · 5 years
hey there, I’m trying out he/they pronouns instead of just they/them and I’m wondering if u could do smth for that? my name’s Kai btw. Uhh I’m not rlly sure what to say for a theme whoops-
Oops I sent that early. I’m the anon who’s name was Kai with he/they pronouns. I meant to put idk what to put for a theme but I like animals and space if that gives u smth to work off? Sorry if that’s vague I couldn’t think of anything 
it’s Kai! he’s trying out he/they pronouns, neat! mixing pronouns is fun and i hope that this works for them! he likes animals, cool! what kind is their favourite? does he have any of their own? if so, how many does he have? what kind of animals would they like to have? he also likes space, nice! space seems to be a very popular thing with enbys. do they know a lot about space? does he stargaze a lot? can they recognise constellations? what’s his favourite constellation, if they have one? i hope he has a great day and takes care of themself!
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system-architect · 6 years
50 Q for Vax... please, I need it
OH BOY vax... i’ve been rping him a lot lately but he still remains a bit of an enigma!! lets see..
1)      Age? 23! he acts older than his age i think
2)      Gender? like all my other ocs bc i’m very self indulgent, he is a trans guy!
3)      Romantic/Sexual Orientation? vax can think boys are cute, but he’s never been a very romantically active person. he doesn’t lack a capacity for affection, he’s just always... busy with other stuff? it’s not something he thinks about often. if he’s buzzy around someone it’s probably bc he adores their cybernetics/etc work
4)      Height? probably smth like 3′9″
5)      Race? asura (+ cyborg??)
6)      What do they look like? (i.e, hair color, eye color, etc). i’m gonna link The Vax Draw, i’m undecided about whether his hair is naturally full black or if the white stripes are weird pigment loss... PS he has a ton of moles all over, not just on his face :D
7)      Any disabilities? hokay this is a Vax Secret but he has some sort of muscular and/or skeletal disorder i need to research into/get specifics on but the general idea is that he can get very weak and achey and have trouble moving sometimes! he deals with this via another Vax Secret i might talk about sometime
8)      Is there a meaning to their name? in asuran ?? idk i dont think their names have meanings, but irl its a shortened asurafied version of ‘vaccine’ bc i thought it sounded cool
9)      What makes them, them? Odd Question but he’s very shaped by his childhood experiences studying his father’s work and looking up to his dad and he’s very defined by his innate drive to bulldoze towards goals he has and wants to research... he’s a very stubborn and determined person who’s very much an agent For Himself
10)   What do they want to be when they grow up/what do they want to do with their lives? he is Growed Up but he really wants to keep chasing revolutions in prosthetics/augments/cybernetics.. he wants to help people in ways they couldn’t otherwise be helped (atypical inquest huh)
11)   Do they have parents? What are they like and how do they act with their child(ren)? yes one parent, a single dad! ppl who’ve been watchin my hell rp server stuff will know his name is akka and he’s one of the top prosthetics smiths in the industry and was very private about his work but had a very cutting edge philosophy towards artificial parts and lead some really revolutionary work... dr. akka is a very kind and patient man with a good soul who is a tad weary from the world but he loved his son very much! he and vax had a great bond and vax was always eager to learn about his dad’s life work and his dad was always eager to teach him.. akka is an overall pretty amazing man, it’s a shame he joined the inquest for some reason and now we don’t know his current whereabouts......
12)   Do they have siblings? How do they interact with them? If not, do they wish they had siblings? he technically has a sibling! maybe more? but he’s never met them... vax is perfectly pleased with being an only child, we’ll have to see how he reacts if he ever meets this one. it’s actually a character y’all are already familiar with.......
13)   Extended family? Do they see them often? nope and nope
14)   Do they like where they live? (Is it a safe place?) vax essentially lives out of his workshop within the sigma-5 prime division laboratory space which is Not a safe place no....... but he loves it... he technically has an apartment somewhere in soren draa that is as much of a junk pile as his workshop whoops (vax is very much a ‘i know where everything is in this chaos. don’t move it’ person...)
15)   Where do they live? Are they wealthy? Poor? Middle-Class? i semi-answered this above but he has enough funding via the inquest to do his research projects as well as have a place for himself! i wouldn’t call him upper class probably just kinda middle ish, he keeps himself afloat alright
16)   Do they have a lot of expectations/pressure on them from family to do great? despite vax’s attachment to akka’s work and vice versa, akka is a very chill guy who never expected vax to live up to it or anything like that.. he just thought it was great vax had the interest in it
17)   Do they have pets? alas, no.... if he did i could see him owning smth more atypical like a ferret and fuck i kinda like that idea now i’ll have to meditate on it
18)   Who do they look up to the most/are the closest to in their family? take one guess
19)   This there anything special about their family? his dad being a renowned prosthetics doctors is pretty special yeah
20)   Do they wish they lived in a different family/household? absolutely not
21)   Best Friend(s)? alas vax is... very very much a lone wolf! this section is gonna be hard to answer and i’m probably gonna have to cross out some stuff because vax purposefully doesn’t really get close to anyone and he’s exceedingly unperturbed about this.. i meant it when i said he’s very self-driven! he’s not ultra egotistic and he doesn’t hate other people, nor is he unempathetic (i’d say he has a good degree of empathy actually), he’s just kind of... uninterested? he won’t hate you or be nasty to you for no reason, he’s just not interested in befriending/being around you as an aspect of his life
22)   Who was their first friend? probably some of the other progeny tried to befriend him in precollege he he was Smart which is Cool but they quickly learned that vax’s idea of friendship is he will give you a quick synopsis of what he’s currently on and then go silent as he continues to work on it
23)   What is their friend group like? there are a lot of inquest underlings who try to suck up to him because he’s their boss and also a shining star virtuoso with his work................. vax remains oblivious and unpeturbed
24)   Do they have a love/hate relationship with any of them? yes. specifically plex. who is his best tech ops drone but plex is a... sort of pushy person wrt trying to Befriend vax and he has a very obvious crush on vax and vax is mostly oblivious to it but sometimes feels weird about plex’s sudden ‘random’ bursts of being super buddy-buddy with him. in plex’s defense a bit, plex doesn’t know how to interact with people either
25)   Do they consider any of their friends to be like siblings?
26)   Have they ever hurt a friend or lost one? he’s probably unintentionally driven off people by coming across as super cold... i think he feels bad if he accidentally upsets people with his demeanor but he’s not quite sure what to do about it bc he doesn’t really want to upset people but he also doesn’t want to force himself to be MegaFriendly anyway esp considering his trials with social interaction are kind of a hardwired brain thing (he’s got like... vague assorted ADHD-autistic spectrum traits)
27)   Do they have a crush on any of their friends?
28)   Do they share classes with good friends?
29)   Whom do they go to the most when they need a shoulder to cry on? vax internalizes all his problems and works through them privately khgjdf he’s a weird mixture of stable and mature but sometimes unhealthy
30)   What would this person do without their friends in their lives? [img of vax doing vague shrugging motions here] as aloof as he is he probably at the very least appreciates that other people have interest in his work! so would be a bit sad if he didn’t have that
31)   What grade are they in? If they aren’t in school, how come? he has graduated college! he was top of the class his year at dynamics
32)   Do/Did they like their teachers? Was there a good one? Bad one? i’m sure he’s had a Variety of teachers but most of his teachers probably liked him a good bit since he’s smart and yknow, Asura Be Like That... i’m sure he’s conversely had a few who butted heads with him over his philosophy on cybernetics because he has a much more open ended approach that’s a bit focused on the idea that prosthetics are body parts and people with prosthetics are Whole People not People With Additional Bits Slapped On/In and he’s very ginger with prosthetics/augments he handles and treats them like they’re the same as fleshy body parts and deserve the same delicate care despite being metal, and overall he has more of a focus on the actual people he’s working with i think, and i can see some more hardass/uptight teachers in particular not liking this because it’s kinda unasuran to more traditionalist types to have such a.. humane view on work rather than being enthused solely with your numbers and research results
33)   Do/Did they listen to their teachers or are/where they goofing off a lot? vax is very headstrong and if you have useful advice then its useful advice but if you dont then fuck off and let him do his work how he’s determined to do it... he doesn’t goof off but he has no respect for authority if authority gives bad commentary
34)   Are/Where they a good student grade wise? top marks except for in classes where he was abrasive with the teachers who’s work ethics clashed with his but what can you do
35)   Do/Did they need extra help? nope... he probably ended up tutoring a few people actually (which probably was due to a nudge from a teacher and not.. vax’s sole volition of wanting to tutor people)
36)   What is/was their school like?
37)   Do/Did they have bullies in school? i’m sure he Didn’t Get Along With some others bc he’s Weird
38)   Have they ever gotten into a fight at school? yes he’s absolutely metaphorically gone for someone’s throat because they had the audacity to challenge him on something that they were both wrong about and not as passionate about as him
39)   Have they ever done something stupid/embarrassing at school? i’m sure he has but i can’t rlly think of anything (boring answer srry)
40)   How far do they plan to go with school? If they dropped out, do they want to go back?
41)   Are they dating anyone? Do they want to date? Are the married? Divorced? i already kinda answered this but he’s not partic romantically involved... however i think if he found someone he was In Sync With and who understood his mannerisms then he’d be very content with them... i think he would need a stable easygoing relationship based on shared interests and just casually fitting together and supporting each other rather than anything passionately heated or overly focused on traditional displays of affection
42)   What is their favorite hobby? Do they keep it a secret? he’s a big nerd who collects various prosthetics/augment models and he absolutely doesn’t keep it a secret...................... 75% of the RP i’m in with him rn has been him geeking out over augs. the other 25% was me describing the facility.
43)   If they could have one thing in life, what would it be? i think he’s more overall focused on the idea of a continuous stream of improvement over a few static goals? he’s constantly laying out new traintracks in front of himself to steam ahead on... he’d like to be happy and successful at what he does, ultimately, and really attain super advanced inventions
44)   Do they work? If so, what is it? If not, are they looking for one or even want one? despite everything i’ve said here about him being a good empathetic guy, he is Inquest........ the inquest funds his research he does at their labs and they pay him for being the sigma-five supervisor
45)   Do they use social media? i can’t see him using social media much tbh... he might be into podcasts and asuran youtube a bit
46)   Have they ever been in the hospital? due to his strength issues and some stuff that happened as a very small child he has been quite a bit yes
47)   Do they believe in the supernatural, that there is more than the eye can see? this is a weird question in the context of gw2 which has canon ghosts whoops.. im gonna interpret it as ‘are they superstitious’... vax isnt superstitious and i think he’d be very brave facing questionably supernatural forces but in a sort of logical way uh... he would Not be the first to die in a horror movie.... he’s a skeptic of non-scientific magic things with i think some lingering internal paranoia.. he’s a very logical person
48)   What do they do when they get angry, stressed, or upset? broods in private probably....... depending on what he’s heated about he might go sit by himself for awhile or he’s gonna take his anger out while working on a project
49)   Would they consider themselves as a good person, bad person, or morally grey? i think he tries to be a good person but he’s skeptical of that Status a lot and worries over it a good bit... again, typical inquest!
50)   Does this OC have any part of you in them? (I.e, personality traits, similar background, etc) all of my ocs have parts of me in them to some degree, i think vax carries some things related to my disabilities, interpersonal and moralistic struggles, and the nerdy passion over my special interests
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
park jihoon as your older friend
(( AS REQUESTED! // jihoon scenario where you're 2 years younger than him so you think he only sees you as a little sister but he confesses to you when he thinks you're gonna date someone else bc he's scared of losing you??? this is lowkey rly specific but THANK YOU!!! ))
ure used to hearing ppl talk abt how young jihoon is, and how hes so so so cute
of course, u agree with him
everyone does tbh
still, it makes u feel a little upset bc it seems like everyone who says those things are older than him, with jobs and life experience and history and Fancy Stuff like tht
so compared to them, u feel like a toddler
even tho ure only 2 yrs younger than jihoon, it feels like theres 100 yrs between u
it doesnt help tht jihoon is always going on radio shows and reality programs, acting cute whenever someone older so much as looks his way
u know u should prob just feel grateful tht ure close friends, since most ppl dont even get tht far
but sometimes u wonder if itd be better if u werent close, bc now he only sees u as a little sibling to take care of
u wish u could say it wasnt true, but everything he does is exactly like an older brother
he dotes on u and watches over u, but instead of acting like a caring boyfriend, he just seems like someone babysitting his little sibling and u haTE IT
ure not even sure how long uve liked him romantically, but its like whenever u remember how he used to treat u even when u first met, ure stuck thinking abt how he mustve seen u
after all, who can look at a kid tht used to cry whenever their parents went to work and go “oh yeah theyre cute i like them a lot” ???
not jihoon
esp when hes already way out of ur league to begin with
as u get older, ur feelings for jihoon dont completely fade
there r times when theyre easier to ignore, sure, but its impossible to think tht theyre actually gone
whenever u guys make eye contact over dinner at a fast food restaurant, he beams at u in a way tht cant possibly be taken as platonic
ur heart is beating way too fast for u to lie to urself
u try and move on by befriending other ppl and even trying to date some other ppl
of course tht rlly doesnt work out
u turn down almost anyone tht u could possibly go out with, and even when ur friends try and set u up with other ppl, u can never make it past the first blind date
(ure too busy comparing the strangers to jihoon and watching them all fall short)
u mention some of the blind dates to jihoon
at first its bc ure hoping he’ll get jealous and confess
but as more time goes on, hes still just as supportive in his answers, and u realize tht theres no use in hoping when he clearly doesnt feel the same way
then a new guy transfers to ur school, and hes vaguely attractive and smart and funny and u get along well enough
he asks u out after school one day, and ure like why not? so u accept a first date bc u might as well give it a shot
its the first date tht ure on where u try not to think so much abt jihoon
it works for the most part, but u still find ur mind drifting off and wondering what jihoons up to
when the guy excuses himself to take a phone call from one of his friends, u manage to text jihoon to check up on him
u banter back and forth, and u cant help the way ure grinning down at ur phone with every text he sends u
at some point he asks where u are, and u realize wHOOPS guess who didnt tell jihoon tht u were having a date tonight
cmon dude whats up w that
anyways so u explain to him tht ure on a date w the new guy in ur class
and jihoons response is surprisingly short and clipped
its just a quick “oh” and ure like “???” bc hes never responded quite like tht before
so u ask him if smthns up
u see the typing bubble appear and disappear, appear and disappear, and so on
eventually it just disappears completely and he doesnt start typing again and ure even more confused than u were before
after what seems like forever, he texts u to ask if ure having a good time
u tell him tht u think u are
honestly tho, ure not too sure bc now its impossible for u to think of anything other than him
the guy comes back with an apology and a smile, and ure forced to tuck ur phone away and try not to be too obviously distracted for the rest of the evening
tht proves to be WAY TOO HARD
the entire night ure picking apart the way the guy cuts his food (jihoon looks cute doing literally anything), how he gives u a smile when u meet eyes (it doesnt look as genuine and bright as jihoons), how jihoon wouldnt even take u to a restaurant like this (u both feel more comfortable somewhere lowkey and relaxed)
if the guy notices, he doesnt say anything
at the end, he just drops u off back at ur home and tells u he had a nice time, and “maybe we could do this again?”
all u can do is choke out a “maybe” in response before ure hurrying inside and scrambling to check ur phone
jihoon hasnt rlly texted u since u last checked, and u can feel ur heart drop a little in its chest
u send him a quick msg, asking what hes up to and if he wants to facetime or smthn bc ure done with the date, and hes quick to agree
right before u call him, u see his text saying tht “i need to talk to u abt smtn too so its good timing”
ure freaking out a little bc maybe hes going to tell u abt his own s/o now tht uve told him abt ur date and u can feel ur hands shaking as the connection loads
once ure in ur room, u manage to make out his tired (but still glowing) features on ur phone screen
u greet each other with half-stilted questions, and u cant help but wonder why ure both so awkward w each other
i mean. obv u know why u are
but ure like ? why is HE acting so weird
and after a few more moments of tense silence, u finally ask him what he wanted to talk abt
somehow even thru the phone screen u can see his face turn bright red
and u would think abt how cute it was if u werent also thinking tht u mustve been right, hes dating someone else, and u can feel ur eyes start to well up w tears bc uve always known tht he didnt like u back, but this time its so painfully obvious
thts when he clears his throat like “um,, y/n,,,, we’ve known each other for awhile and i kno ure kinda young but,,,,,,”
and somehow he hasnt noticed tht ure having a mental breakdown as he gets closer and closer to saying what he wanted to tell u
“anyways y/n,,, i rlly like u so please dont go out w that guy again and mb go out w me instead??”
which. WHAT
ure literally shellshocked and hes trying to explain on the other end like “i mean u dont have to if u dont want to i just wanted to tell u and-”
its honestly precious tbh
u barely manage to cut him off but ure still a mess of emotions so u cant rlly talk properly
ure pretty sure tht u end up saying the equivalent of a keyboard smash,,,
he quiets down tho, and as ure trying to figure out want u want to say, he just looks at u w this rlly cute earnest expression and ur heart MELTS
eventually u manage to choke out tht u like him and now its his turn to get surprised
he whisper-screams the whole thing, bc he doesnt want to actually scream and hurt ur ears but hes still freaking out and cant contain everything hes feeling
all u can do is nod and grin into ur hands and hes like “uGH now i wish i could tell u in person” but hes acting all soft and shy and tbh u dont think either of u could handle it if u were in the same room right now
ure both blushing and giggling and u feel so so relieved its kinda embarrassing
but he manages to cough out tht he’s rlly rlly happy tht u like him too, and “lets meet up soon? please?”
and who are u to deny him smthn like tht
(esp when uve been dreaming abt going on a date w him since forever ago)
eventually u have to end the call
but u both go to sleep that night with ur phones nearby, smiling even as u drift off to sleep
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denouementism-blog · 7 years
( rome flynn / 25 / he/him ) is that ( mason danvers ) ordering a ( black eye ) at mocha? i heard they’re a ( club bouncer/aspiring singer/songwriter ) who’s known as the ( halcyon ) around here. however, they say ( mason ) is very ( ardent ), but ( lethargic ). well, better get their drink before it gets cold! ( astra / 17 / she/her / pst )
oh boy !! if u thought me, a muse hoe, was going to settle for one character in mocha ?? u thought wrong !! anyways, go ahead and shamsh that like button if u wanna plot ?? idc if we already plotted w/ dani. just shamsh it regardless. cross ur fingers that this shows up in the tags.
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alright so for starters ?? mason is a reincarnation of an old muse of mine but it’s like.. an au younger version that the muse bcs his original storyline was rlly meant 4 apocalypse-esque rps. anyways, let’s begin !!
so ya boi mason ?? is a baby ok. he grew up in a super strict household where it was a thing to go into the army or the marines or whatever. in general, his family rlly thought that doing stuff like that equated to success so he was raised to fit that role. his parents made sure he did well in school and filled his time with extracurricular activities and sports to keep him off the streets. rlly, he had little to no freedom as a child. he also grew up moving all over the place bcs his dad was constantly being moved around and consequently, he is a pretty cultured dude ?? like, he’s live in a lot of countries so he can kinda, vaguely speak a multitude of languages. english and spanish are his strong points, tho !! along with that, he knows ?? the smallest amount of japanese and french... but like.. dont test him on it 
all the moving ?? rlly got to him tho. he hated it and he really just wanted to have a home. like, a real home. a place where he actually felt at home. so he kinda grew up feeling v out of place and in general, just felt ?? disconnected ?? so he ended up running away from his home when he was abt 15 and never went back. he had to live in the shadows for a while bcs his parents were.. not the type of just let their kid run away and not do shit abt it, but he basically ?? just somehow managed to survive on the streets and made some cool friends who would secretly let him sleepover. once he was old enough, though, he got a job and slowly worked his way up. 
he ended up finding happiness in writing since it was the only thing that he could rlly do without having money. it was his only source of entertainment and he just ?? would get lost in his own little world of drawing and writing. it wasn’t until he found an old guitar in the trash that he found his one true passion. he ?? quickly caught onto it and started to create his own rhythm and beats and he would sing on the sidewalks and ask for money and stuff. then he started to actually write out lyrics and that’s how he RLLY found his passion. 
currently, he is just ?? chillin. he’s really into being active so he ended up getting a job as a club bouncer and he’s a sweetheart ok !! i love him. i love my son. but yeah, he also writes songs and sends his mixtapes to record labels and he’s just rlly passionate but also super lazy ?? 
he also basically just ?? walks around in leather jackets and rides a motorcycle. looks like he could kill u just with one look, but as soon as u talk 2 him, he’s the softest sunshine baby ever
he also has a youtube channel on the dl where he posts things of him singing like the damn nERD he is. bbut the youtube channel hasnt blown up yet so he ain’t famous
that’s all i can think of at the moment so ?? let’s get into some plots i want
ok so... im lit open to anything for plots, but here are some suggestions: 
possible romantic interest (??) / friend: okay listen !! give me “i saw a creepy guy trying to do stuff with you while you were drunk and i wasn’t about to let that happen so i made the guy go away and i made you sit next to me while i bounced people to make sure you were safe then took you back to my house and let you sleep and made you tea in the morning” type of things. i will love you 5ever. 
possible romantic interest (??) / friend: same basic idea as the other one, but give me “i saw you leave the club while you were crying and i stopped to ask if you were ok” type of things. rlly.. just give me those good Emo plots 
childhood friends: maybe ?? friends that he used to know before he ran away and they think he’s probs dead but whoops ?? guess not !! maybe they’re mad @ him for not telling them, or maybe they’re happy. who knows !
ride or die / savior: people that he may have met when he was around 15-19 that would have helped him out & possibly let him secretly stay at their house ?? or maybe not even secretly ?? just chill ppl in the chicago area that probs pitied my poor bby runaway
partner: look.. this is a v specific plot but like.. i kinda want someone who’s a singer to partner up with him so they can be cute singing buddies ?? he could write songs with/for them and it could be rlly cute ?? they can have a cute band and jdfnhiuhgierj give it 2 me. maybe they even start a youtube channel together. who knows!!
ex-romances: ok so ?? please give me a cute plot based on the sleep on the floor music video by the lumineers. just an relationship where they were super care-free and probs did impromptu roadtrips and just.. the cutest fluff fest ever. but now it’s not rlly like that anymore and they broke up bcs they lowkey had a rlly bad relationship ?? like toxic af bcs they were too passionate and ended up arguing 2 much & shit. or ?? they didn’t even break up. one of them just up & left the other. it would probs be mason bcs hes a flighty mo-fo but who knows !
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g1rlcore · 7 years
ok so heres somethign thats been bothering me lol let me explain bc i blocked them. i had a mutual that wasnt wlw they were gay but not a lesbian or anything yet still they felt the need to be an Authority on wlw headcanoning sapphic characters and it was rlly uncomfortable and annoying and they were just annoying in general with their mannerisms and i followed them first and wanted to unfollow them like 4 days later but they followed me back and messaged me which was whoops. anyways they kept on making post after post abt how bi girls are fucking stupid and dumb for headcanoning lis characters in any way and it was really annoying and upsetting and i vagued abt them which was shitty but i apologized and addressed it after and they were not fucking.....responding they were so just annoyinbg i know this is vague but gjkgjhhjdk 
i hate how unsafe ive been feeling on my own damn personal blog not to be dramatic but with mia following me (i dont like my irl friends seeing my shit fucking mental health ramblings) and like this boy i knew irl for a bit also follows me i think??? and also just a bunch of people who i dont know and i feel so uncomfortable but its so hard to maintain a vent blog for me like idk ggtgthjhjk
i wanna journal again bc i want to be safe with my own thoughts but i also want to get validation and attention for my thoughts and i hate the vent blog format i never follow anyone elses vent blog but i want people to follow mine???
so also i blocked that person that night after trying for like an hour to fix the situation but i didnt i fucked it up and also i just think i have such a massive issue with people not liking me like more than usual, it makes me fucking cry and panic like when i told that girls bf i liked him which was something i needed to get off my chest to move on, which worked, she got rlly angry at me and it was a tough situation bc like yeah i did pull him aside and tell him without her knowing i guess but i didnt tell him i wanted to date him i didnt put any ideas in his head i just told him so i could move the fuck on!!! and she got so mad and i didnt even particularly like her but she confronted me the next morning and i fucking sobbed afterwards. like i dont give a fuck about these people and i would honestly rather have them jsut not be in my life but conflict scares me so much and anyways this has been a recurring thing this past month and i havent been outside or at school for 1 whole month now besides , you know, leaving the fucking country for a week but since the airport ive just been at home. like what the fuck, im so goddamn depressed lol 
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Your Heart’s Desire
a very late submission to tmntflashfic‘s valentine’s day prompt thing, since it got insanely long, and has to be broken up into parts.
Master Post of Chapters.
————————————————————————————- Chapter Five.
Casey slammed his bag down on the table, and slumped into his seat. His fellow arts student, directly across from him, raised her eyebrow.
“What crawled up your sorry ass and died?” She asked, eyes skimming over the dark circles under his eyes, and the scratches on his arms. “Or better question, what attacked your sorry ass?”
“I went from having one demon, to two demons, to three demons, all of them pissy little assholes-” Casey counted on his fingers quickly. “-in under, like, a week or two or some shit. I don’t even know anymore. Jesus.”
“You got another cat? Cats? Two new cats, plus the first one. Yikes.”
“Yeah. Sure. My cats.”
“Three cats is a lot of cats, Casey. Even for a currently single art student.”
Casey dug out his energy drink, cracked it open, and took a sip before answering. “You’re telling me.”
“So what happened to you last night? The cuts and shit. Your cats turn on you or something?”
“Or something.” Casey grumbled, nursing his drink. Caffeine. Sweet, sweet caffeine. “Two of them got chased off by the other one, and then showed up again in the middle of the night- not even after four AM, god- and proceeded to continue their piss fit in the middle of my living room, trash my kitchen and couch in the process, and bring my neighbor’s wrath down on all of us. Again.”
Two extraordinarily angry demons dropping out of thin air- right onto another demon, who’d finally gone to sleep maybe an hour ago- in the middle of the night hadn’t been fun. Casey had woken up to the loudest racket he’d heard in… probably a few hours. Maybe.
There’d been fire involved. There’d been purple electricity involved. And just for shits and giggles- knowing Mikey- there’d been balls of pure energy launched into the fray that left chunks missing from whatever they hit.
And then April had kicked down his door, broom and water gun in hand, and everything went straight to metaphorical hell.
Not literal hell, thank god, but they certainly were heading that direction for a while there.
Donnie had tried to kill Casey at least twice more. Maybe Mikey too. That being- Mikey maybe trying to kill Casey, and Donnie maybe trying to kill Mikey. At the same time. Casey hadn’t been able to tell for sure if Mikey actually tried to kill him or not, but he had a very deep suspicion of that one stray plasma shot.
April was the only reason anyone actually went to bed afterwards. Casey now had three new words to live by: Witches Kill Bitches. Yikes.
Casey took another long sip of his drink.
He’d gotten electrocuted, beaten, and just a tiny bit burned. Fun night. Maybe one of the wildest he’d had in a while.
“Why don’t you just give two of the cats back? The first one sounded chill enough without the others.”
Casey laughed dryly. “Oh I wish. I really fucking wish.”
If April couldn’t chase the other two off- and damn if she hadn’t tried- then no one could.
Casey’s classmate shook her head sympathetically and despairingly. “Casey, I do not envy your life, nor do I understand it.”
Casey slumped over the table, balancing his already empty drink in his hand. “You and me both. God.”
fuck april*
 Casey for god’s sake
What is it?
It’s not even three AM yet why are you texting me
 …how is this news?
He threatened your life at least five times the first day you met.
 You’re worse than I am at three in the morning.
What ‘soul thing’, Casey.
 Typos galore, and
 And somehow, I’m betting you still find him ‘hot’.
 Oh Casey.
Casey, Casey, Casey.
How did you make it to adulthood? Really.
 Raph’s kept you alive this long, he probably won’t kill you.
I’m assuming, at least.
You’re very hard to keep alive, Casey. If he just went and killed you after all this, it’d be a waste of time and effort.
Of course I could be wrong and your demon call boy could just be insane.
 At this point, you may be beyond help.
Even mine.
ohshit i woke up don
fuckripme mikes awaketoo fukcv
apl make sure my funeral is a nece one I deserved better ing likfe than this
Good grief. None of us are ever getting a full night’s rest ever again.
I’m getting my gun, Casey. I’ll be there right away.
I just need pants first.
    In the end, Casey didn’t ask Raph about the soul thing. He was, in a word that he was never ever going to repeat to anyone, too chicken-shit to do it.
If Raph’s reply was “Yup. When we complete the contract and I take your soul- you die. Tough.” then Casey wasn’t sure how he’d handle that. Better to just avoid the whole awkward “will you kill me or not” conversation for now.
And besides, he didn’t really want to bring up the whole ‘ending the contract’ thing. If he did, that meant they’d have to start working on it again, and Casey… didn’t really want it to end. Not just yet.
He focused instead on surviving the transition into having Donnie as a member of their crowded household, and not dying in the process.
The lanky demon, dark as Raph but with way more hair and way less muscle, was a complete know-it-all. He took every chance he had to lord over Casey the fact that he was just some ‘ignorant human’, Donnie’s words not Casey’s.
He also took every chance he had to hint very unsubtly that Casey didn’t deserve Raph’s presence in his home, and Casey tried not to read deeper into that beyond speciest tendencies Donnie seemed to have.
Mostly though, as long as Donnie was preoccupied by the thick textbooks he kept getting from somewhere, or by Mikey or Raph, he didn’t give Casey much attention at all. Just lounged around Casey’s apartment building, and made snide comments at everyone.
It wasn’t intolerable, seeing as Donnie had gotten over his ‘murder the human’ phase pretty quick. Still annoying for Casey though, trying to make it through his own apartment, only to have a long tail trip him up, or a large wing snap out in his face. Casey retaliated with holy water mixed into Donnie’s food portions, smacking the demon’s protruding appendages with his hockey sticks, and sicking Raph on his brother when all else failed.
Or April, but watching the two of them stare one another down, broom and magic in hand, was a bit hard on Casey’s heart, so. Not so much that option. He liked his apartment intact, thank you.
So basically, Casey snapped at Donnie and Donnie snapped at him and they both threatened violence until someone pushed them apart. No blood was shed- no more than what was usual lately- and they somehow found a balance of mutual dislike.
In the end, neither of them liked one another, but Donnie had been very clear he wasn’t leaving until Raph did, and Casey had been very clear that he either shove it or shove off.
But no one was dead yet, so. Kudos to both of them.
Now Casey was dealing with a new problem, created another time over with the newest addition to his already too cramped home: feeding them all.
“Why do you guys have to eat so fucking much?” Casey grumbled, shoving the heavy grocery cart along. “God. This is more than I eat in a month.”
“I need power, because you’re a moron who can’t even remember why he summoned me,” Raph answered as he tossed yet another package of food into the cart. “And because Don and Mike are little shits who like to be as annoying as they can.”
“Yeah, I kinda figured that out,” Casey said sulkily. Accommodating three demons at once was a major hassle, especially when one was liable to set the neighborhood on fire for a laugh, and the other was still in the middle of a silent pissing contest with his neighboring witch. Oh the trials of adulthood. Casey felt like he deserved a vacation.
If it wasn’t for the insane load of cash Donnie had magicked up, Casey knew he would’ve hit broke by now. From where the cash had come from, Donnie wouldn’t say, but looking at all the zeroes in his account, Casey hadn’t felt like questioning its origins.
He had however, questioned why he wasn’t paying some price for the generous donation. Donnie had replied vaguely that his due was being covered by Raph, and then promptly fucked off into the open air; lifting off the ground with sweeps of his wings, and leaving Casey outside the supermarket without a real explanation.
Fucking demons.
Upside of things, Casey had gotten to send his dad and sister a good chunk of cash, and he didn’t have to worry about student loans anymore. Downside, his dad had texted to check if Casey had switched career choices to become a hitman and his sister had texted with the question if escort prices had suddenly gone up.
No faith from his family, honestly. Couldn’t he make money in a legal manner? Casey could totally make that much money if he tried.
Raph came back to the cart with an armful of hotdog and hamburger buns, and dumped them into the already very full cart.
“For the meat,” Raph explained shortly to Casey’s questioning look.
“What meat?” Casey asked.
Before Raph could answer, a shopping cart went racing past their aisle, and Casey caught a glimpse of Mikey riding it and what looked like majority of the raw meat section stacked in with him.
“That meat,” Raph said, pointing after his brother, and Casey could hear semi-maniacal laughter coming from that direction.
Casey sighed, and started to push their cart towards the direction Mikey had gone. “Guess we’re having a barbeque tonight, since no way this is all fitting in the fridge.”
Something crashed on the other side of the store, and Casey started pushing their cart a bit faster.
After they’d wrangled Mikey, magicked away the witnesses memory of the demon’s full-tilt crash into the flower stand, repaired said flower stand, and Donnie had at some point reappeared mysteriously out of thin air to snark at everyone- Casey managed to herd the three demons towards the check out with their purchases.
Again, he got his usual cashier, and the man gave Casey another look for his newest addition to their gaggle. Donnie admittedly stood out even more than Mikey did, in looks at least, being well over six feet. Mikey still had him beat in aura of crazy though.
In comparison to his siblings, one twitching constantly and the other giving everything a calculative and condescending look, Raph was practically normal seeming. Slightly below average height, and just a tinge of surliness to him.
And then Raph hiccupped a smoke ring, and the image was ruined.
Casey paid for their food, and didn’t give the cashier any explanation for his friend group.
     Since Casey didn’t technically have a barbecue for barbecue, and neither did April, the task of cooking the meat got passed over to the walking fire pit. They also ended up relocating to the roof, after Raph set Casey’s ceiling on fire.
A pleasantly warm evening wind blew over the roof top, wafting the smell of cooking meat towards Casey. He glanced up to look at the other roof top occupants.
April had brought one of her folding chairs up with her, and was reading a book near her garden. The position was only semi-protective seeming, and everyone was giving her garden a wide birth.
Mikey was busy playing with a cat that’d appeared out of nowhere, despite Casey’s apartment building being pet free. Casey had started to question the cat earlier, but then he’d seen it had deep, bottomless black eyes, and had figured he’d leave well enough alone. At least it seemed more interested in rolling around on the roof with Mikey, rather than causing extra property damage like all the other demons in Casey’s life.
Donnie was the opposite of Mikey, completely lax and silent. He was laid out on a blanket that he’d probably stolen from Casey’s linen closet. Wings out and tail twitching, Donnie seemed intent on catching the last rays of the sun before it went down, slowly paging through yet another thick book he’d pulled out of nowhere. Eventually, he and April were probably going to bond like the condescending smarty-pants assholes they both were, and then everyone else was probably going to die.
Raph was rotating a couple dozen meat products in the air, flames licking around them in helix spirals. It smelt great, and Raph’s intent focus on keeping the food from burning gave Casey the chance to side-eye him a bit.
Admittedly, Casey might’ve been side-eyeing all the demon brothers, because shit- it wasn’t like they weren’t all relatively to very good looking. Even Mikey wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes, as unlikely as it was for Casey to ever risk going for him. Because he liked his extremities intact and not bitten off, and he totally still caught Mikey eyeing him like food sometimes.
Point being- Casey had a lot of very attractive men staying in his apartment at the moment, and wow was he very gay.
He tried to remind himself that A) two out of the three would probably kill him if they got the chance, and B) his focus was on Raph, as impossible to obtain as the demon likely was, and that he shouldn’t get distracted by the demon’s siblings.
And besides, he liked Raph the best anyways. Better personality, even if no one else would probably think that except for Casey.
Casey refocused on the sketchpad in his hands, and did his best to reroute his wandering thoughts. No gay thoughts for him, no siree. Not while he was in the presence of others.
He was in the middle of yet another sketch of a full demon form- this time Donnie’s, because the long swooping tail and wings were fun to draw. He was still trying to get the proper look down, since at the moment it looked too much like a regular dragon, and not a demon.
“Hey Raph,” Casey said, glancing up from his drawing again. “Quick question. How come you all look like dragons? Not very demony.”
“Because that’s what fits this era best,” Raph replied. Which made no sense.
“Elaborate a little more than that?”
Raph gave him a look, but answered anyways. “Our manifesting shapes change depending on the plain of existence we enter, and also with whatever the sentient population will fear best. In this era, it’s apparently big scaly lizards with wings. I’m not complaining, since it’s better than some we’ve gotten.”
“Dragons are cool shit though,” Casey said, twirling his pencil as he watched the meat in the air do the same. “They’re everywhere in media. Not exactly the boogieman.”
“Worked well enough on you,” Raph said, giving Casey a teasing smirk.
Casey scoffed. “Man, whatever. It was morning and I was hung over. ‘scuse me for not being able to keep my cool with a fucking demon in my house.”
Raph gave a warm laugh, and Casey found himself smiling just a tad wider than he usually would.
“Okay, I got another question then,” Casey said, leaning forwards on his crossed legs. “Which one of your ‘manifestations’ has been your favorite? You gotta have one, seein’ as you’re old as shit now.”
“Shut up, I’m young by demon standards,” Raph said, rolling his eyes. “And if you really wanna know, one of them was one I had just a couple hundred years ago. Not on this plain of existence, but it wasn’t too far off in similarity.”
“Yeah? What was it?”
“A turtle,” Raph said, and Casey couldn’t help the startled laugh that came out of him.
“What? No way. How is a turtle scary?” Casey asked in disbelieving amusement. “They’re like- tiny and cute and shit. Slow too.”
Raph shrugged, twirling his wrist so all the meat in the air would too. “I’d show you, but since I’m busy… hey Donnie!”
“What?” Donnie said in a tone that Casey recognized easily from his own sibling.
“Get over here; I want you to show Casey what the turtle manifestation looked like.”
“Ugh, no way. I’m busy right now,” Donnie said, giving them both a grumpy look.
Raph twirled a couple hotdogs threateningly towards Donnie. “Do it, or I use your horns as extra roasting sticks.”
“Raph- come on, don’t be a dick.”
“Don’t be a lazy shit.”
“Fine,” Donnie grumbled, getting up if only because the hotdogs had been getting dangerously close to his seven inch horns.
Casey stood up too, officially and extremely intrigued about what would happen next. He wasn’t alone in that either, since April had set down her book to watch the rest of them, and Mikey and his weird cat had gone still.
Donnie steepled his fingers together, and closed his eyes. For a moment, nothing happened, but then a rune circle appeared under his feet. From the bright purple magic, a wall of water swirled up and around Donnie. The height of the airborne whirlpool grew, and Casey could see that something inside was growing with it.
Then, the water’s surface broke at the bottom, and receded upwards to reveal-
-a giant bipedal turtle.
Casey let out a shocked laugh, and couldn’t believe his eyes.
Donnie had gone from six something to twelve something, now with the addition of a shell, plastron, and dark green scales. A long staff was strapped to his back, held in place by royal purple sashes wrapped around Donnie’s chest and shell. The water receded to pool in the air above Donnie’s head, and it condescend into a sort of reflective disk. Casey mentally compared it to the halos he’d seen on angels in church murals.
Donnie reopened his eyes, which had remained luminous red through the transformation, and looked down Casey with a displeased look. Somehow, even with a beak like mouth, he managed to sneer at Casey.
“Ta da,” Donnie said, giving a half-assed jazz hands. “One turtle reporting for duty. Can I change back now? This itches.”
Casey noted that instead of discordant and harsh, the demon’s words were actually close to lyrical sounding in this form.
“Why’s it itch?” Casey asked, secretly hoping to prolong things so he could memorize the finer details of this form. Shit, this would look amazing in watercolors.
“Because it’s not the right one for this world,” Donnie said in a deeply annoyed tone. “It’s wrong and it feels a bit like wearing a winter coat in summer, I guess.”
“Oh. Neat.” Casey replied vaguely, still busy memorizing.
“You know,” April spoke up. “I wonder if anyone can see the shit you guys do on this roof. I don’t know about you, but it would be weird to see a giant bipedal turtle on my roof if I didn’t know better.”
“I have spells that erase memories of events like this,” Donnie replied smoothly, with only a hint of ‘duh’ in his tone.
“Yeah, but I’m pretty sure Raph doesn’t, because yesterday a guy at the coffee shop down the way said he saw a really weird ass bird in the sky. About the size of a mini-van? Pointy horns too.”
Everyone looked at Raph, who looked a little embarrassed.
“Raph.” Donnie said in a disapproving tone.
“Sometimes I forget to turn them on, okay?” Raph defended.
“I can’t believe you.”
“Shut up! Do you want dinner or not?”
“I do! We do!” Mikey interjected, waving his cat around in the air like something out of the Lion King. The cat made a long warbling meow, and Casey’s felt goosebumps prickle on his skin.
While the others were distracted, he took the chance to pick up his sketchbook and start a rapid gesture drawing of Donnie. Maybe later, he could get Raph do switch forms too, and draw him as well.
So while Casey hurriedly drew, Donnie got pelted by hotdogs as he kept berating Raph for his carelessness, said hotdogs quickly snatched out of the air by Mikey and his cat and devoured, and April calmly watched the whole show from over the top of her novel.
All in all, a pretty normal evening for them lately.
Casey was about done with being assaulted by demons.
Example: being stalked on the way home from campus, and feeling increasingly evil vibes being aimed at the back of his head.
The first afternoon in days that didn`t involve one or more of his mostly unwanted house guests tagging along- and this happens.
Casey risked a glance over his shoulder.
The man, concealed by his loose black hoodie and blue ball cap, was still following him. He seemed normal enough from first glance, no tail or horns or anything in plain sight, but Casey also knew better by now than to be fooled by that.
Casey thought he saw a flash of icy blue eyes from under the hat brim, and he whipped his eyes back to the sidewalk in front of him.
He was at least a half hour’s walk from his apartment still, and the bus wouldn’t save him now.
Why didn’t demons have cell phones? Raph could probably destroy a small city on his lonesome, but he didn’t have a god damn cell phone.
Casey tugged out his phone, trying to casually speed up his walking as he did.
april help im being stalked by one of raphs crazy relatives pls send help rn
A cold shudder went through Casey, and he knew the guy following him had gotten closer again. On and off as he’d been walking the last five minutes, every time Casey looked back, the guy got closer.
Fear sweat prickled the back of his neck, and Casey swallowed.
He didn’t have a handy bat or hockey stick, and he didn’t have a demon protecting him either. Unless someone got here quickly, he was probably going to end up demon food.
Pretty sick way to go, all things considering, but he’d rather not die on this particular day.
“Respond,” Casey muttered. “Please, god- April, respond already.”
Casey felt a rush of air go past him, and it felt way too fucking cold for this time of year. Something not actually there tried to climb up his spine, and Casey shuddered all the way down to his soul.
He typed an all caps message of ‘HOLY FUCK APRIL IM SERIOUS PLS RESPOND RN’ and started walking even faster.
Wow this was not how he wanted to die right now. Maybe later, maybe a few years down the line, but not right fucking now.
His phone chimed, and Casey gasped out a choked laugh.
Raph’s on his way. ETA should be less than a minute.
Why can’t our lives be normal anymore.
What else is new?
Casey would have replied again, but a violent shudder went through him as an ice cold feeling gripped his body. He didn’t want to turn around, really, he didn’t- but he did anyways.
Raph’s brother- probably the elusive Leo- stared Casey dead in the eye, from just a block away. Navy blue eyes froze Casey to his core, and he felt like he was suddenly breathing sub-zero air.
Leo opened his mouth, and something reverberated through the air. The other humans walking down the street around Casey stumbled, and Casey’s knees came close to buckling. He only barely recovered enough to keep standing.
Welp. Time to start running.
Casey bolted fast as he could, and he cursed Raph for bringing this kind of insanity into his life.
Casey might’ve been slacking on his exercise lately- too much demonic influence in his life to even remember- but he could still sprint like the wind. He’d never quite grown out of the skinniness from his teenage years, and he counted his blessing that he hadn’t packed on muscle like he’d hoped he would. Wind whistled past him as he ran, and Casey felt caught between sheer terror and utter excitement.
Nothing like running for your life to kick the old adrenaline into gear.
Casey risked a partial glance over his shoulder, and regretted it as caught sight of Leo still hot on his tail. The demon wasn’t even running, he was just walking- and yet, he was still only a block behind Casey.
Fucking demons. Fucking demon magic. Fucking life.
Casey pushed himself to run faster, and prayed he wouldn’t land on his knee wrong and wipe out. He’d be screwed if he did.
He yelped as the sidewalk ahead of him was suddenly coated in ice, and he had to stop short before he hit it. Casey turned to the left, and darted across the street. A lone car honked at him as he ran, and for a second, the accident that’d fucked his knee over flashed across his eyes.
Then it was gone, and his feet hit the sidewalk across the street. He kept running, lungs heaving as he attempted to give Raph time to show the fuck up and save his ass.
Casey had to change directions again though, as the sidewalk again was covered in ice. This time with jagged points aimed directly at Casey, ones that would impale him clear through if he fell on them.
Casey dodged away from them, and found himself in an alley. An alley with a dead end.
Shit. Clichés. He hated clichés.
Casey whirled to run back out, and found Leo blocking the way. Casey retreated further into the alley, and raised his hands to the calmly advancing demon.
“Okay, so, I dunno if the other two have told you this yet-” Casey swallowed, trying for bravado instead of nervousness. “-but I’m officially off the menu. Just ask Raph, he’ll vouch for me.”
Leo didn’t pay his words any mind, and the air around Casey suddenly went freezing. With a wave of his hand, encircled by blue runes, Leo sent the alley into the deep freeze.
Casey’s airways went dry from the sudden drop, and he glanced around in panic. The walls of the alley were quickly being covered in ice, sharp points growing from both sides like jagged teeth. Casey’s shoes skidded momentarily, as the ice spread across the ground as well.
“I’m serious, Leo,” Casey said, trying to get the demon’s attention by saying his name. “Raph and me are cool. So if you could, like, be a little less literal with the chill, he’ll be here any second now to explain the shit that’s been going on-”
Leo remained quiet, but shut Casey up with a harsh gust of ice wind. Casey inhaled sharply, and coughed at the sheer coldness. It spread through him, and he coughed harder as he struggled to breathe.
He realized he couldn’t move his feet.
Casey made the mistake of glancing down, and saw that his feet were encased in ice. Ice that was steadily climbing up his legs, and locking him in place.
The dark ice moved quickly, spreading up Casey’s body almost faster than he could register what was happening. It covered his legs, and then spread to his torso, and Casey couldn’t breathe, ice filling his lungs and chilling him through.
His eyes clouded with tears, as ice wind kept whipping around him. He was half blind, more than half frozen, and came to the conclusion he probably was going to die.
He managed one last cough, before the ice spread to his neck, and froze his lungs in place. He felt the ice spreading down his arms, and Casey couldn’t think it was so cold. Everything was burning, the freezing prison wrapping itself around every piece of his body.
Casey felt the ice creep onto his face, his vision blurring as it did, and he couldn’t fight it at all.
The ice covered his nose, and spread over his eyes and head, and then Casey was trapped in the dark. His eyes frozen shut and his lungs frozen in place.
Something flared, hot and burning, on his chest-
And the ice shattered around his face, around his chest, and Casey could breathe again.
He blinked rapidly, sucking in as much air as he could, and tried to clear the clinging ice crystals to his face. Everything hurt, his hands and feet and legs and every bit of skin on him- they felt like they were still encased in ice. Cold enough that the warmer air was making them burn.
Casey saw something red flicker on his chest again, but he couldn’t see well enough to recognize what it was.
He spotted Leo, who’s calm, blank expression had broken. He was staring at Casey in shock, visibly confused as to why Casey wasn’t a human popsicle.
Then Raph fell out of the sky, right onto Leo, and threw his brother across the alleyway. Casey managed a short laugh at the sudden shift in mood, Leo looking utterly confused and offended by the turn of events, and Raph looking like he wanted to set everything and Leo on fire, the both of them yelling at one another in increasing volumes-
And then Casey’s vision went black, and he felt himself hit the ground.
next part.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 12
lets do itttt
I love nick roches art...he draws rodimus so twinky, its a delight
ohhh I forgot abt the non-linear storytelling this issue. bangin
rewinds feet don't even touch the ground hhhhhh tiny
i fuckgin love that panel of skids talking abt briefing vs debriefing, everything both he and rodimus say is just golden
I love hearing tailgate tell completely made up stories from his primal vanguard days, that slaps storytelling-wise
HHHHHH and the fact that tailgate’s happiest memory is movie night at rewinds ;_; gosh
lmao I love whirl kicking down the door 
OOOOH and then the time skip!!!!!!!!! I fucking love non-linear stories
jesus, swerves whole face being gone is still disturbing
magnus rlly is a grade A badass. I forgot he has missile shoulders
rodimus saying ���wham, bam, in the van!’ is my fuckgin favorite hvbsdhhfbhdjkf that's my son right there
cd saying that rewind is allergic to ultraviolet light [eyes emoji] remember how UV light is the only way to see mnemosurgery marks? that little detail must be in there for that ‘cd did mnemosurgery on rewind’ plotline that jro didn't end up doing (thankfully) 
I love how mtmte came up with a name for cybertronian marriage :) that's the kind of lore I want baybe!
also rewind and cd hhhhhh they....the og canon gays...confirmed outright in issue 12, which is so early on, considering!...its a beautiful thing. I will talk about the representation in mtmte Extensively throughout my reread since this is, yknow, Just The Beginning when it comes to canon gays - which, again, what a beautiful thing!
actually I'm not done. thinking abt the fact that this issue came out in 2012 and also this is freaking TRANSFORMERS of all things - a long-running franchise whose primary audience is adolescent boys - is extra amazing. augh, the representation! it gets me man.
ok, so, the story! jesus poor cyclonus
chromedome riding on the trex guy hbhsjkfbjshdf dude. I choose to believe that that’s his go-to tactic here bc he’s probably pretty terrible at fighting. idk how canon that is but I just see cd as the type of dude who cant fight well at all, regardless of how many fights he’s actually been in
minibot squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really interested in the little we see of general cybertronian attitude towards organics - obvs the decepticons think very little of them, and the autobots generally believe all life is important, but the post-war attitude seems a little more grey and I like that 
tailgate!!!!!!!!!!!! I love tailgate SO much. the way he volunteers to defuse a bomb that he has NO idea how to defuse, and the way he lies so quickly and casually? fucking love it 
and then he takes all of his bomb disarming cues from rewind, who ALSO isn't a bomb disposal expert by any means - like, tailgate risks both his own life and everyone else’s, just because he wont come clean about his real job - that's some [chefs kiss] characterization right there, I love it
augh I love how he prompts rewind, who of COURSE would have some idea about this as an archivist, for help, and rewind doesn't have any idea that tailgate’s even more clueless than him
but tg, being a generally good person, still tells rewind he should proooooobably stand clear - just in case!!!!! 
and then rewind whips out some marriage issues and tg is like ooookay then lol
cyclonus just stabbing people w/his hands....icon
whirl quoting the raw ass line ‘you, who are without mercy, now plead for it?’ nice
swerve. WHY would you point a gun AT YOUR OWN FACE. especially a gun made by BRAINSTORM. why did anybody let swerve handle firearms if this is how he does it. actually, why did anyone give swerve a gun after the thing w/rung. jesus yall. so not only are hipaa laws basically non-existent on cybertron, but gun safety is a rarely-taught thing as well. no wonder yall have issues
so cd must not like cyclonus bc cyclonus was the one who attacked kimia, where cd worked. right?? am I remembering tfwiki correctly? lmao 
OOOOF cd saying he was born w/out innermost....I cant remember, is it canon or just extrapolation that that isn't true, and rather it was that cd gave all his innermost energon away w/his previous husbands and whatnot, but he doesn't remember since he forgot about them? either way, oof
all the functionist history stuff is so INTERESTING...I could read an entire comic about just like, pre-war when the functionists were just taking over
tg saying he hates dominus - is that that tweet from jro where somebody asked him why tg said that, and jro basically said ‘he’s petty and jealous’ lol I fucking love it. I love how a character like tailgate, who is very ‘pure’/innocent, has flaws as well
cd has a good point - its hard to kill tfs. so, that makes it extra fucking depressing that cd was seeking out death to that extent
gahhhh the whole rewind-dominus thing is so INTERESTING - I love how vague things are...we only hear about dominus from other people’s perspectives; mainly rewind who clearly thought highly of him, but he’s obviously biased, so it’s hard to tell what dominus was REALLY like, especially with the unavoidable power gap between rewind and dominus...UGH its so interesting
oof, the whole dynamic of cd thinking that rewind cares more about dominus - dominus the ghost, and finding out what happened to him in general - than chromedome himself, is just so Ouch
and the fact that cd thinks that the SOLE reason that rewind is going into battle is so he can look for dominus, but tg makes a good point - rewind is likely also worried abt cd’s safety, especially after dominus disappeared how he did - rewind is probably terrified that the same thing will happen w/cd, bc rewind cares about cd just as much as he cared/cares about dominus, but cd cant see that. AUGHHHH the Complexity!! mannnn
HHHH and like I adore that this first gay couple we get isn't perfect, and that's OKAY bc they’re not The Gay Rep, we get plenty of other gays with their own 3-dimensional relationships....augh bruh it Gets me ok
who was that talking to cd?? I don't remember....it must've been drift, I think? or maybe brainstorm...
whirl :’) I mean, we find out later that its kinda his fault that rewind was blown up, but still, him putting his own life at risk to save rewind...aww
cyclonus be nice to tg, he’s trying to give you his cool baja blast innermost energon
we gotta have our slowburn, tho....OOOOUGH
hhhh and then cyclonus like, realizes how much of a dick he’s being and goes back to help tg.... ;_; 
cyclonus my man u are lucky that tailgate is so forgiving
and then we have whirl and cyclonus, which is another relationship i LOVE. their development is just...[chefs kiss]
cyc just grabbing tg by the head and YEETING him out the door...lmao
cyclonus’s extremely detailed threat to whirl came at like, the WORST possible time lmao 
alternatively, rewind unfortunately asked the worst two people for help at the worst time
also alternatively, tg defusing his first bomb ever based on instructions from another amateur was maybe not the best move
and of course whirl just deciding to lock cyclonus (and rewind whoops) in with a bomb lmao
the requisite to joining the lost light is that you have to be a complete disaster of a person, on some level 
cyclonus shielding rewind ;_; 
fucking love how they managed to have a cliffhanger w/the bomb going off, despite us seeing exactly what the outcome of that was earlier in this very issue. brilliant
ah, issue 12, the issue that officially canonized the gays and introduced us to a whole bunch of worldbuilding on cybertronian relationships. i love it! plus we have some fascinating backstory and some cool character stuff, and relationship development for tg and cyclonus. awesome stuff!
up next: humansona business! oh fuck yeah
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