#also this was before I fixed its eye mask to make it more fitting
phantaseaz · 1 year
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2 notes · View notes
kaleidohscopic · 5 months
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PAIRING: baekhyun x female reader SUMMARY: a weekend up at the beach house might just be enough to make you crack and come clean about your little (big, fat) crush. alternatively, park chanyeol is possibly the worst wingman ever. GENRE: friends to lovers! au, crush! baekhyun, romance, fluff, a pinch of angst, pining, humour WARNINGS: swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension!!, slightly suggestive, reader and baekhyun are both kind of clueless tbh WORD COUNT: 9.4k NOTE: happy birthday baekhyun!! thought it would be fitting to start off this blog with a fic for bbh on his birthday. this was supposed to be a 4-5k piece of fluff but somehow it ended up being double that and a lot more serious than i originally intended (oops?). kinda nervy posting such a long fic for the first time ever so feedback is most certainly welcome and i hope you enjoy!
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“You definitely rigged this.”
Chanyeol only rewarded you with a shit-eating grin.
The scrap of paper couldn’t weigh more than a few grams, but in your hands, they felt like the barbell plates at the gym that he could never leave alone. Especially since a certain someone was also holding another scrap of paper with ‘ground floor twin room’ hastily scrawled across it.
You shook your head vehemently, fixing the tall boy with a dagger-like stare that he seemed completely unfazed by. “I demand a redraw.”
“Which is not going to happen,” was his gleeful response. “We all agreed — no take-backs before picking.” The hat that you had all drawn out of, now empty, was tossed on the coffee table as everyone else began to move their bags into their freshly chosen rooms. Somewhere down the hallway, Jongin tripped over the wheels of his suitcase, his pained groan and Kyungsoo’s laughter bouncing against the walls of the AirBnb.
“Besides,” Chanyeol continued, hand coming up to ruffle your hair, “if I had actually rigged it, you should be thanking me. I’d be doing you a favour.” He gestured towards Baekhyun, who was busying himself with packing his hoodie back into his duffle bag, hopefully oblivious to the fact that the two of you were conspiring about him less than three metres away. 
“Yeah, say it any louder, why don’t you. And no, that wasn’t an invitation,” you warned, catching the wicked glint in Chanyeol’s eyes. He opened his mouth, as if to make good on your request and let the whole house know, only to choke back a groan at the elbow you shoved into his side. Behave, said the glare that you shot at him. His replying smile was anything but reassuring, before he picked up his bag and headed upstairs.
That was what you got for getting a little too drunk at Jongdae’s housewarming get-together last month and accidentally slipping up about your big, fat, debilitating crush on Baekhyun after the third glass of pinot noir in one night. If it had been anyone else made aware of your juvenile secret, you would probably be feeling a little less uneasy — but it just had to be the one person who couldn’t keep his mouth shut to save his life. Not to mention Park Chanyeol was a terrible wingman, having heard about the ridiculous escapades he put Jongdae through before he finally cuffed his girlfriend. Lucky for you, you were now getting to experience it first-hand.
“I can ask Jongin to swap, if you really don’t want to room with me,” came a soft voice from your right. Baekhyun regarded you with an expectant, if somewhat hesitant expression. 
“No, it’s okay,” you replied, trying your best to mask the panic that was fighting its way into your voice. It would be just your luck, that he would think your reluctance to share a sleeping space with him was because you didn’t like him enough, and not that you liked him a little too much. The slight furrow in his brow seemed to melt away with your words. “I just wanted the big room with the queen bed, but somehow Chanyeol got it. I seriously think he did something to these,” you said, waving your slip of paper that matched the one he was holding.
Come to think of it, you and Baekhyun had also been the last ones to draw out of the hat, since Chanyeol had insisted on going counter-clockwise around the dining table. How he managed to game the room allocations was beyond you, but you were now almost certain that he did.
“It’s good that he’s by himself though. The snoring would drive anyone mad,” Baekhyun mused, and you had to chuckle in agreement. 
“That time he passed out at my place after Saturday drinks…I genuinely thought I’d end up with a murder charge that night.” you said, chest squeezing at the way his eyes crinkled into crescent moons at your words. You busied yourself with your own bag, hoping he wouldn’t see the dumb smile on your face, and be able to tell how pleased you were to have teased a laugh out of him. Laughter was not something he usually withheld — he gave it freely, if not a little too generously — but it always did a funny thing to your heart when you were the cause of it. 
“Definitely can’t have that. Pretty face like yours would not last a day in jail.” With one hand around his own duffle, he draped the free one around your shoulders, letting the warmth of his arm wrap around you as you headed down the corridor to the room you’d be sharing for the weekend.
Having a crush on Baekhyun was no big deal. Probably even normal, if his college days were anything to go by. But what made it so debilitating was things like this — the little comments he’d throw around that could easily be passed off as just friendly flirting if you were so inclined, though you sometimes let yourself imagine his intentions came more from the flirting than the friendly part. He was a generally touchy person too, never missing a chance to pat Kyungsoo’s ass when the opportunity arose, but sometimes the brush of his fingers against the inside of your wrist felt a little too affectionate for two people united solely through friendship, even if you were the only one who internally crossed that line a while ago. It was things like this that made you question, every once in a while, if your feelings were as one-sided as you believed. Most of the time though, you chalked it up to his disposition, his easy-going magnetism, and concluded that whatever signals you thought he was sending were merely due to your overactive imagination running wild with hopes that he felt the same way.
“Dibs left,” he said, plopping down on the twin bed closer to the window. His arms raised above his head in a long, yawning stretch, revealing a thin strip of skin at the waistband of his jeans. Just the sight of it was enough to control your blood, sending a rush of it to your face, and you internally cursed yourself for being so weak to such a small thing. It was obvious you had been alone for way too long. He was too comfortable to notice the flush on your cheeks, eyes shut and enjoying the tension leaving his body after the long drive up.
You sat yourself down carefully on the remaining bed, noting the gap between the two mattresses. Whether you wanted to push them together or against opposite walls of the room, you couldn’t be sure. It was hard to form coherent thoughts when he turned to you with a boyish playfulness that curled the corner of his mouth upwards.
“You’re not going to sleepwalk your way into my bed, are you?” he asked, chin in his hand, a teasing glint in his eyes. You tried hard to catch yourself from choking on your own saliva.
“I’ve been known to kick in my sleep,” was your reply, voice much more nonchalant than you thought you were capable of, given that he had just planted the seed of the two of you sharing a twin mattress that was definitely not big enough to lie down on without touching in at least three different places. The glint in his eyes faded immediately, giving way to thinly-veiled concern at the threat underlying your words.
“I was kidding,” you clarified when he sat up and started to back away from you. “At least, I haven’t done that for fifteen or so years. But you never know, it might come back again tonight, when you’ve finally fallen asleep, and then BAM! Foot to the face. You better sleep with your eyes open, Byun Baekhyun,” you warned, giggling at the realisation dawning over his face before his pretty features settled into mock annoyance.
“You just think you’re so funny, don’t you?” He was on all fours now, making his way towards you with a wolfish grin. In no time, he had crawled over the gap between your two beds and suddenly his fingers were prodding at your ribs. It was a well-planned tickle attack, and one you had no chance of escaping from, since his legs had caged you in and the rest of him was pinning you down. You were helpless against the ambush of his fingers, succumbing to them with gasping giggles, punctuated by desperate pleas for him to stop. He showed no intention of letting up, fingers digging even deeper into your waist.
If you were going to die like this, you thought, at least you’d be dying while lying under him.
“When you two are done canoodling, we’re going to go set up on the beach,” came a voice from the doorway. Baekhyun’s merciless fingers paused, and the two of you looked back to see Chanyeol’s amused face at the foot of your bed, smirking like he knew some big secret that neither of you were privy to. God, you were seriously regretting that third glass at Jongdae’s new apartment last month.
Baekhyun turned back to you, your noses almost touching, and you could feel the air from his exhales fanning against the skin of your cheek. There was a mole just above the corner of his mouth that you don’t think you had ever noticed before. Warmth from his jean-clad legs radiated into your hips and meandered up and down your spine, and suddenly the late summer air around you was becoming sticky and heavier than usual. 
As if just now noticing the proximity you were in, he slowly untangled himself from your limbs, making sure not to crush you in the process. You sat up, still breathless, having just calmed down enough for full inhales again, but so was he, you noted. Surely tickling wasn’t that exertive of an activity? Or maybe you’d put up a better fight than you had thought.
“Don’t forget your towels,” was the last thing Chanyeol said before he ducked out, yelling at Jongin to grab the beach umbrellas, not the rain ones. There were a few seconds just filled with the sounds of your slowing breathing.
“I’m going to go get changed,” Baekhyun said, turning around to dig through his bag for his swim shorts. You couldn’t see his expression, but you could hear the slight tremble in his voice that indicated he hadn’t quite recovered from whatever was afflicting him. “We’ll probably just be setting up the umbrellas, so no rush, just come down when you’re ready.” As he turned around to head towards the bathroom, he flashed you that familiar smile, the one that always resulted in one of your own to mirror his, and set you at ease again. 
“And make sure you bring your sunscreen,” he added, before disappearing down the hallway. You watched him go, throwing yourself back onto the bed with a frustrated groan once you were sure he was out of earshot. Two whole days and nights in this tiny room, in the languid death of summer, with his body just an arm’s length away from yours — you had no idea how much of this you could stomach and emerge with your sanity intact.
This was shaping up to be the longest weekend ever.
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The afternoon sun was unforgiving when you emerged from the house. Though you had thrown on a cover up before leaving, you could feel the heat tingling on the surface of your skin through the thin cotton. From the top of the bushy path leading down to the beach, you could already hear the tell-tale signs of a competition brewing between the boys, even if you couldn’t quite see them yet. A few steps down and you could make out their figures, managing to catch the view of Chanyeol flipping backwards off the jetty before plunging into the water, where the rest of them were bobbing around. Baekhyun’s voice floated above the others the way it always did when he was teasing, liltingly distinguishable, though perhaps that was only because you were now so attuned to it that other voices naturally started to sound more foreign. 
It was hard to pinpoint exactly when he went from Baekhyun, your friend who tended to get a little too rowdy after half a can of beer, to Baekhyun, your friend who made your heart pick up a little faster when you thought of him. One day his hiccuping laugh was teetering on the edge of obnoxiousness, and then all of a sudden it became endearing to hear the raw joy in his voice. If you knew exactly when the switch flipped, maybe you’d be able to retrace your steps and stop yourself from ever setting off down this path to end up where you were now, watching the sunlight glisten against his wet face with an overwhelming affection, wondering what it would be like to be the private audience of his radiant smile everyday.
You set your things down on the sand next to the pile of clothes and towels that were already there, recognising Chanyeol’s hat somewhere in the mix. The beach umbrella that Jongin had set up was already beginning to lurch towards one side, the brim rather close to the ground. Fixing it back in place and digging it into the sand a little deeper, you let out a fond laugh — some things, like the way Jongin used his hands like they weren’t his own, would stand the test of time. 
You had hoped that your friendship with Baekhyun would be one of those things, but the more time you spent casting longing glances his way when he wasn’t looking, the more you weren’t sure if you could ever recover from his rejection if you ever did decide to be honest about your feelings towards him. So you did your best to bury them, content to enjoy his company in the way you were both familiar with, afraid that if they did surface, they’d taint your friendship with something unpleasant and irreversible. If you couldn’t own the sun, at least you could still revel in its warmth.
Satisfied with the position of your towel underneath the shade of the umbrella, you looked back at the water, returning Baekhyun’s sweeping wave with a small one of your own. It was just enough of a distraction for Chanyeol to turn around as well, and Baekhyun seized the opportunity to dunk him, gleefully howling as the taller boy’s head disappeared below the waves. Before Chanyeol could resurface and enact his retaliation, Baekhyun was already making his escape, swimming towards the shore with fearful determination. Chanyeol made to follow, but upon seeing you sitting on the beach with your eyes fixed on Baekhyun’s approaching figure, he thought better of it, turning back around to continue the diving evaluation as Jongin took his turn to leap off the jetty.
With an amused smile, you watched as Baekhyun hurried out of the ocean, wet hair flying in all directions and flicking droplets of seawater across the sand. The water trickled down the planes of his bare torso, and you tried to keep your eyes away from the firmness of his pec, or the flexing movements of his abdominals as he made his way over to you. One thing was for sure — the gym sessions with Chanyeol were paying off. 
When he finally reached you, Baekhyun slumped onto your towel, ignoring your protests for him to stay away, and proceeded to soak you in the remaining water that was still clinging to his body. The skin of his stomach was cool against your calf, and he giggled delightfully at your attempts to push him off to avoid getting more water onto your clothes.
“Stop trying to fight it, you’re going to get wet when you go in anyway,” he said, finally rolling off you.
“I wasn’t planning on going in. I’m scared you’ll try to drown me,” you huffed, lightly flicking some sand onto his shoulder with your toe. He turned back around, chin cradled in his left hand, and flashed you a boyish smile.
“I would never do that,” he said, though the glint in his eyes was anything but convincing. “Besides, what are you going to do at the beach if you’re not getting in the water?”
You picked up the book nestled in between your shoes and waved it at him. “Read, of course.” He regarded the worn paperback with amused disbelief, eyebrows slightly raised. It was only when you flipped the book open to the paperclip you’d been using as a bookmark that he realised you were serious, and let out a scoff that was laced with something akin to fondness.
“You are such a cliche. Pretty girl reading at the beach? Unbelievable, seriously,” he said, before wriggling his head into your stomach, relishing in your shocked squeals as your cover up began to dampen again. His mischief had left a few wet patches on the fabric that were beginning to stick to your body in the uncomfortable fashion of late summer. You reached for the hem, pulling it off not without some struggle, and immediately felt the sun kissing against your bare shoulders. Though you were mostly covered by the shade from the umbrella, the last thing you wanted was a blistering sunburn where the straps of your tote bag usually rested, so you grabbed the sunscreen you had so diligently packed and began applying it on the parts of your skin that were exposed.
Baekhyun had gone uncharacteristically quiet. If you had been paying attention to him instead of so attentively rubbing the cream into the underside of your knee, perhaps you would have noticed the way his eyes lingered on you for a little longer than would have been polite. They followed the path your hands took, from the expanse of skin below your neck, across your stomach, and down the length of your legs.
“Do you want me to do your back?” he blurted, his voice a little more strained than usual. He was wearing an odd expression on his face, something you couldn’t quite place, but it was different from the usual playful one you were most well acquainted with. Nevertheless, you agreed, passing him the tube and turning around so your back was facing him.
His fingers were still cold from the water, and you jumped when they first made contact with your skin. He only laughed, squeezing both hands around your shoulders to hold you still before he got back to work again.
The first graze of his hands across your shoulders was tentative. You could feel the heat of him behind your back, the smell of salt and sun clinging to the air around you. His breaths fanned the skin on the back of your neck, sending goosebumps down your arms and legs despite the thick heat of the afternoon. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Slowly, his hands made their way down to your lower back, and it was then that you realised you might be in trouble. His hands pressed against the grooves of your spine, curving ever so slightly around your waist, and if you shivered, he pretended not to feel you tremble in his grasp. 
It was when his fingers slipped underneath the ties of your bikini top that the alarm bells began to go off in your head. His movements were hesitant, fingers stuttering in their dance across your skin before they gingerly pulled the strings aside to spread the sunscreen between the top and bottom halves of your back. It was too much, feeling his warmth, knowing there was only an inch of space between your bare torsos, having his hands on you doing such a thorough job with the task he had assigned to himself. When the tips of his fingers brushed the side of your ribs, just under the edge of the fabric, you couldn’t help the breathy noise that escaped your lips. 
“Actually, I think I left something back at the house,” you said suddenly, words hurriedly running into each other as they tripped over your tongue on the way out of your mouth. Twisting away from his dangerous touch, you bolted to a stand and hoped he’d attribute the pinkness of your cheeks to being outside in the brightness of the afternoon. Your words came out staggered, the slight tremble in your voice betraying the composure you were fighting so hard to maintain. 
Baekhyun’s gaze was careful, if not a little confused. The more his eyes ran over you, the more you were sure that the depth of your feelings towards him were beginning to surface on your face. Another second and he’d be able to tell, he’d figure out the little secret you’d been trying to conceal for the last couple of months. And then you wouldn’t be able to deny its existence anymore. 
So you fled, tossing a rushed promise to be right back over your shoulder before scurrying up the bushy path again. Away from the scrutiny of his eyes, away from the truth you did not want revealed to the world. The ghost of his touch lingered between your shoulder blades and along the ridges of your spine, your body already committing to memory the caress of his skin against yours. You realised then, that it would not be possible to continue living on as usual, now that you knew the taste of his closeness, as fleeting as it may have been.
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“I think you should just go for it.”
Your fingers tightened around the glass at his words. Chanyeol’s tone was light and pragmatic, speaking as if the act of unfurling your heart were nothing more than a decision about whether to have steak or pork belly for dinner. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you scoffed, bringing the bottle to your lips.
“I’m serious though,” he continued, nudging your arm with the lip of his own beer. “I think you should just tell him, and see what he says. And stop expecting the worst. You’ll never know how things could turn out if you never do anything.”
You let your head fall back to lean on the doorframe you were both standing against, gazing out at the patio that had begun to darken following the sunset. Baekhyun and Jongin were placed at opposite ends of the ping pong table that had been wheeled out of the living room after dinner, neither seeming to mind the soft prick of grass at the underside of their bare feet. Whether the game was proceeding well was difficult to deduce, since both were sporting wide grins and rosy cheeks, courtesy of the glasses in their hands — but judging by the cluster of orange balls around Baekhyun’s feet, you had an inkling that victory would not be his. He didn’t seem to mind yet, laughing gleefully as Jongin swung his racquet too hard and launched a ball over the fence. 
“Not everyone is as good as you when it comes to talking about their feelings, you know,” you said, fixing Chanyeol with a knowing look that was halfway between admiration and resentment. If you only had his courage of expression, perhaps you would’ve put an end to your suffering a while ago. Ripped the band-aid off cleanly instead of peeling away at it, day by day, bit by bit, until it was hanging on by the last of its adhesive. You weren’t sure how much longer your resolve could last, if it would even survive this weekend without snapping under the force of your attraction.
He only shrugged. “You can’t get good without actually doing it.” You pondered his words in the short silence that settled while you both took another sip. He was right, of course, you knew that, but it didn’t make hearing it any easier.
“I think… I’m just scared,” you began slowly. Realising you were about to put his advice into action, Chanyeol turned to you with reassuring and patient eyes, waiting. You took a deep breath, swinging the contents of your bottle back and forth, and continued, “I’m scared that if I do tell him, it’s going to change our relationship and then I’ll lose him completely. At least if I don’t say anything, he’s still my friend, and I get to keep being in his life.”
He regarded you for a moment, brows furrowed thoughtfully, as he decided on his next words. It was no easy feat to try on honesty the way you just did, having so carefully avoided it for your entire life, and he was well aware of it. The slight tremble in your hands was a dead giveaway.
“And I think that’s completely understandable,” he finally said. “There’s always going to be a trade-off, no matter what you choose to do. But I guess you have to weigh up which one means more to you, and if you’re willing to take that risk on the chance that it does work out between you two. I’m only telling you what I think you should do. You’re the one who knows your own feelings the best.”
Another silence fell over the two of you again. Your bottle was nearly empty now, the beer inside already lukewarm from being out of the cooler for too long. Jongin let out a cheer as the ball sailed over his head, landing far behind him on the grass and ignoring Baekhyun’s flagrant attempts at contesting the point. Even under the patio lights, he was still so pretty, cheeks pink and glowy, the shape of his mouth so endearing as it settled into a pout. By now, you were used to the longing, and paid it no mind as it filled your chest with a bittersweet warmth.
“Aren’t you two best friends though?” you asked, the thought suddenly occurring to you. “You’re telling me you don’t know anything about how he feels about… whatever is going on?” The look you gave Chanyeol was suspicious, but he stood strong, resisting your prying eyes.
“I wouldn’t be much of a best friend if I went around blabbing to you about his feelings, would I?” was his response, accompanied by an elusive smile. There was something in his words that lingered in your mind, some important detail you felt as if you had overlooked, but his amused expression gave you nothing to hold onto. “You’re both so clueless,” he chuckled after a beat of your thoughtful silence, downing the rest of his drink.
Baekhyun was skipping over now, having officially lost 18-21 to Jongin, who was heartily celebrating his victory with a series of hoots and giggles. He headed straight for you, hair all messed up from running his hands through it during the game, and a rosy flush to his face, though you weren’t sure if that was from the game or the glass that he had left at the ping pong table. When he wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in your shoulder, you knew that it was probably the latter.
“I lost the game,” he whined, petulant and firm against you. His hair tickled your chin, and you could smell the faint scent of his shampoo from his shower after the beach.
“Are you drunk already?” you asked, trying to mask your breathlessness at his proximity with a few giggles. Baekhyun’s affinity for physical contact was the worst — or best, depending on how you looked at it — when he had alcohol in his system, and it didn’t take much to push him past the borders of sobriety. His ache for touch and affection was most often relieved on you, and you always obliged, gladly and readily letting him take whatever it was he wanted.
The tip of his nose brushed back and forth against your skin as he shook his head. “Just a little, tiny bit,” he said, voice muffled, and you felt the warmth of his breath through your t-shirt.
“Where’s the love for your best friend?” Chanyeol teased, the only one amused at the way Baekhyun had dived straight into your arms without even sparing him a glance. 
The boy in your arms didn’t even falter, only snuggling further into you. “You know it’s because she’s my favourite,” he murmured, lips skimming your collarbone ever so softly as he spoke. The panic onset was instantaneous, and you prayed he was too drunk to pick up on the sudden rapid thundering of your heartbeat inside your chest. You tried to look at Chanyeol for help, but he was setting off across the patio, taking up Jongin on his invitation for a match with the promise that he would wipe the floor with the younger boy.
Baekhyun only hummed contentedly, oblivious to the havoc he was wreaking inside you, tightening his hold around you when you made a half-hearted attempt to wriggle out of his arms. His pink lips set into another rounded pout, brows slightly creased as he pulled back to look at you.
“You know you’re my favourite, right?” he asked, trying to be convincing despite the slight slur to his words. You could only nod, letting a small smile twist the corners of your mouth upwards. Whether he realised or meant what he was saying, you weren’t all that concerned, simply happy to bask in the warmth of his full attention knowing it was probably just nonsensical babble brought on by the drink in his belly. It was so much easier to be close to him when he was like this, hazier, and sure to forget most of what he had said the morning afterwards. It didn’t hurt that you were also starting to feel a little blurrier around the edges, the beer from earlier making its way through your system and leaving behind a pleasant fuzziness that made it all the more tempting to come clean about your feelings. But you weren’t quite there yet, and you had no plans to get to that point tonight.
Seemingly satisfied with your answer, he curled back up into you. With your hands around his back, you could feel the steady rhythm of his heart, the comfortingly even beat of it through his rib cage. It was so easy to imagine this was the way it had always been, and would always be, so easy to slip into the fairytale you often found yourself fabricating when your one-sided longing became too much to contain. It would be so nice if you could live in this moment forever, you thought. But was this small pocket of peace worth risking your entire friendship?
“I wish you’d stop running away from me,” he murmured, or at least that’s what you thought he said. It was a little difficult to concentrate when his lips were grazing your skin again, lightly feathering across your neck as the words shaped his mouth on their way out of it. 
And then you felt it, the unmistakable and deliberate press of his lips against your collarbone, the gentle pressure and the slight moisture on your skin from it searing through you like a lit trail of gasoline. This time, he had to have heard the stilted gasp that escaped your mouth.
He lifted his head slowly to look at you again, searching your face with glassy eyes — for what, you weren’t quite sure. The only things you were sure of right now were the fiery burn in your cheeks, and the deafening pounding of your heart that echoed between your ears. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, though his expression was nowhere near as apologetic as his words would have you believe. If anything, his gaze on you was almost daring, waiting to see how you’d respond, if you’d shrink back into yourself like you always did when he got too close and crossed that invisible boundary you only danced around. If you’d run away from him the way he had just said he wished you wouldn’t. Or if you’d let him push you over too, just this once.
Seeing the hesitation in your face, he slowly extricated from you, retracting his limbs and warmth until they hung limply by his sides again. Scratched the back of his head. Let his eyes wander around the patio and settle on anything except for you. 
“I’m going to see if Kyungsoo needs any help with cleaning up,” he said quietly, not waiting for your response as he headed back into the house. The drink had made his gait unsteady, and you felt him sway against the doorframe as he brushed past you. A chilling unease began to settle in the pit of your stomach as you watched him go, the shape of his back getting smaller and smaller as he was swallowed by the light of the living room. 
Try as you might, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted, and that there was a possibility it had not been in the direction you had hoped for.
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Perhaps the second glass of wine had been a little overambitious, you realised, staring up at the ceiling of your shared bedroom. Kyungsoo had been so excited about the 2012 Shiraz he had brought from home, pouring you a full glass with an enthusiasm he didn’t often display. You couldn’t say no, and you didn’t protest when he refilled it a short while later. If he noticed the faster-than-usual speed with which you drained its contents, he did not show it. Whilst alcohol tended to put people to sleep, it had the opposite effect on you, dangling sleep in front of you like a carrot you could never get a hold of easily, or for long. That second glass of wine was the reason you were lying in bed, not soundly asleep like you wished, but keenly aware of every breath and every movement from the other occupant of the room, only an arm’s length away from you.
Baekhyun had spent most of the night with Chanyeol out on the patio, drinking and laughing under the generous light of the moon. Even if he wasn’t purposely avoiding you, you felt his absence from your side sorely. He didn’t say much during the wind down for bed either, only asking if you wanted the curtains fully shut, to which you gave an affirmative. Still, a sliver of moonlight speared through the gap between them, illuminating the room just enough that if you turned your head to the side, you could make out the outline of his body beneath the covers and acquaint yourself with the familiar curve of his nose.
It was only fair that the wine, having taken your sleep, offered something in return to mark an honourable trade. That something manifested itself in the restlessness of your mouth, which battled against the remaining rationality of your mind. Loose-lipped and anxious, you dug your nails into the palm of your hand, willing the war inside your head to approach a ceasefire. You did not want to make a fool of yourself in the intimacy of this small room. 
However, your resolve could not last for long, corroded by the hours spent without his presence, without the familiar warmth of his touch, without his little comments meant only for you as he pointed out something silly or poked fun at Jongin’s whining. Barely above a whisper, you called out his name, letting your voice permeate the darkness. It was loud enough that he’d hear it above the silence, but soft enough that he could ignore it if he so wished, and you’d attribute his ignorance to the deepness of sleep.
There was a second of silence, which he followed with an answering hum and a shuffle of his legs on the mattress. He was awake, and he was waiting for you to speak.
“Are you mad at me?” you asked the ceiling. 
“No, I’m not mad at you,” was his reply, accompanied by a quiet sigh. He was conversing with the ceiling too, just as reluctant to face you.
Your hands twisted the sheets in dissatisfaction. The even tone of his voice indicated truth, but his answer didn’t explain why he had spent the whole night outside without calling for you even once, when he usually couldn’t last half an hour without pressing into your side and tickling your shoulder to grab your attention. 
“Then what?” you probed, cringing at the whiny edge to your voice. 
He was quiet for a while, letting your words hang in the air, that for a moment you thought he wouldn’t speak, that your brief conversation had already come to an end, and you’d be left with unanswered questions as bedside companions for the night. There was another rustling from his side of the room as he settled himself under the covers.
“Sometimes, I think I want too much from you,” he finally said. He was quiet, but you heard every word with the clarity as if they had been projected through a stereo system. “And you can’t give me everything I want, but that’s not your fault. It’s an indication of my own greed and selfishness more than anything else.”
You kicked around at your sheets to signal your unrest at his words. “I don’t think you are greedy or selfish. At all. At least not with me.” If anything, you were the selfish one, wanting all his smiles and touches for yourself, wanting the entire spectrum of his existence to only ever be shown to you. Your generosity only ever came to light when it was in service of him, gladly letting him take your attention, your time, allocating space in your mind for him and him only. 
Baekhyun only laughed a soft and short laugh at your reply, the sound so different from the usual one filled with boisterous joy that you had grown the most used to. You heard him turn over in his bed to face you. In the quiet darkness of the room, the focus of his gaze flooded over you, and the intensity of it was so blinding you didn’t dare to look away from the smoothness of the ceiling, fearing you’d smoulder into ash the moment you locked eyes with him.
“You know that you are a really important person to me. You know that, right?” he asked, eyes searing into you with the force of a thousand suns. “I mean, everyone else is also important because they’re my friends, but you’re different — you are a special person to me. I don’t see you the way I see Chanyeol, or Jongin, or anyone else.” 
His words were still tinged with the slight slur of the beer from out on the patio, but you could feel the delicate care with which they were chosen and spoken. Something was different about tonight. You could taste it in the thick air between the two of you, feel it in the wire-taut tension stretching across the gap between your two twin beds. Your fingers dug into the comforter, willing the turbulence in your chest to subside.
He paused and took a deep breath, as if bracing himself against something devastating. “I don’t want the same things with them as I do with you.”
You held your breath until you felt the pain of deprivation in your chest.
“But I’ve made peace with the fact that what I want from you, and the way I feel about you, are things I’ll have to carry with me. They’re things I have to bear the weight of alone. I don’t — I would never want you to be uncomfortable, or see me differently.” There was a slight catch in his voice at the end.
You didn’t even know if your lungs were still working while you listened to him speak. There was a surrealness to the night, as if everything had been covered in a blanket of haze and everything that was transpiring was the product of a fever-induced dream, existing on an alternate timeline.
Baekhyun… it didn’t even feel right thinking it.
Baekhyun had feelings for you? And he had convinced himself it was one-sided?
“It’s pretty selfish, isn’t it? Asking you to act like things between us won’t change after everything I just said,” he laughed, but there was little humour in the sound. You finally turned your head to look at him, the wry curve of his mouth catching the moonlight as he gazed at you. He was smiling, the shape of it meant to comfort you, but he could not hide the sadness weaved into the downturn of his eyes. He had always been braver than you, perhaps not in the aspect of riding roller-coasters, but certainly in his ability to be honest and open about his emotions, regardless of whether they were good or bad. 
It was your turn to be brave now, and shed your own fear to meet him where he stood.
“I’ve been seeing you differently for a while now,” you admitted, turning under the sheets to fully face him. You were grateful for the darkness, hoping that it would conceal the heat creeping up your neck and face, painting your cheeks with a hot blush that accompanied the start of your confession. His brows furrowed slightly as he tried to process your words, confusion settling in the crease between them. You held yourself back from reaching out to smooth them over.
“What do you mean?”
“What makes you think you’re the only one who feels this way?” you asked instead, leaving his question unanswered. There was a tremble in your voice as you spoke, and you were sure he heard it above the quiet of your bedroom. It was the closest you could get to telling him without actually telling him about the silent battle that had been raging in your head for the last few months. 
This was it, you thought. He had to know now.
“Am I not?”
The weight of his stare pressed against you, drawing you to him with the tangible pull of gravity. The eyes that roamed your face had replaced their previous confusion with questioning, and a glimmer of something akin to hope. He had never looked more beautiful and devastating than he did right now. You felt the light of dawn breaking over your skin, a promise of something new and good sure to follow. Its warmth simmered within you, staving off the chill of the late summer night with a heat that had you pushing off your covers in a hurried frenzy and rising to sit on the edge of your bed, toes just grazing the floorboards beneath you. Would you still have had the same nerve to face him in the daylight, rough and exposed without the lulling comfort of darkness? Would he still look at you, unpolished and flawed in the clarity of the sun, the same way, with the reverence of man at the sight of an angel? 
Baekhyun mirrored you and sat up on his own bed, slowly, as if not wanting to spook you, fearing you’d run off and retreat back into the confined familiarity of your own head. His knees knocked against yours in the small space between your two mattresses. You jolted at the feeling of his skin on yours, having gone without it for so long that the mere touch was like the first drop of water after emerging from the desert. He made to move away, trying to shuffle across the length of the bed, but stilled at the hand you placed just over his knee, willing him to stay put. Surely, he could feel the beat of your heart thrumming through your fingertips.
It was your turn to be brave now.
Fueled by the second glass of Shiraz and the muted encouragement of darkness, before you could second guess yourself and overthink every possible negative outcome of what you were about to do, you closed your eyes and leant towards him. Slowly, inch by inch, until your journey ended with the soft, tentative press of your lips against his. It was short and chaste, nothing more than a gentle pressure, and you pulled back when you felt his lips part in surprise.
“Does that answer your question?” you whispered, heart in your throat. 
There it was. You had gone and done it. 
His eyes were closed, and in the dim moonlight peeking through the curtain, you could almost make out each of his eyelashes, fluttering dark and soft against the smooth skin of his cheek. For a few seconds, the room was filled only with the sounds of your breathing as you waited for his reaction, for the consequences of your actions and what that meant for your friendship with him. 
Then you heard it — his soft laugh, coloured with appreciative disbelief, and felt the air of it caress your face. The corners of his mouth curved upwards into a small, pleased smile. His eyes blinked open slowly, taking you in with a hunger that had desire curling in the pit of your stomach.
“You are just so…” he began, but you never found out just exactly what you were. He was already pulling you back into him, slotting his mouth against yours like they were always made to fit perfectly together. This time, the kiss was anything but chaste, the sheer force of it enough to scorch your insides down to your bones. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush towards him, and your knees parted around his thighs to adjust to the new position. Your own hands found purchase in the softness of the hair at the nape of his neck, desperate for something to anchor yourself to, in fear that the realisation of this moment would somehow make it slip away.
This was what it felt like to stand unafraid and bare in the light of unbridled wanting, to consume and be consumed by a ravenous appetite with no propensity for satiety. When his hands slipped past the hem of your sleep tank, fingertips grazing across the skin of your lower back, you were sure you could erupt into flames. He swallowed the breathy noise that escaped your lips, tongue brushing against yours as he claimed your mouth with his own. 
This was what it felt like to hold the sun in the palm of your hand.
When you broke apart to catch your breaths, his eyes were bright, lips plump and swollen, chest heaving beneath your hands. Somehow, you had ended up back on his bed, his head against the pillows, hands under your shirt and keeping you close to him with an unforgiving hold. He was gazing up at you with a devotion that made your heart swell even more than it did pulling oxygen back into your lungs.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a really long time,” he admitted, hiding his head into the crook of your shoulder. You felt his abashed smile against your skin and wondered how it could be possible that you had contained all of this, the longing, the yearning, inside you for so long.
“How long?” you asked, hearing the smile in your own voice.
“Since Chanyeol’s birthday, when you wore that brown sweater with the little bow on the back.”
Last year, Chanyeol had gotten everyone together at his place for a nice dinner and wine followed by a binge watch of all the Iron Man movies in one sitting. It was all going according to plan until a quarter of the way into the third one, when he began snoring at his own birthday gathering. The bowl of popcorn was sliding out of his hands and sure to make a buttery mess all over the rug, and that’s when the rest of you decided to turn the television off and call it a night. Sehun and Jongin tasked themselves with getting the birthday boy into bed, and likely collapsed onto it with him immediately after, while Baekhyun had offered you the couch, assuring you he’d be fine with the blankets on the floor. At the time, you hadn’t thought much of it. As chaotic as he could be, Baekhyun was nothing if not kind, and you had been grateful that his kindness had always extended to you over the three years you had known each other.
“But that was more than half a year ago. Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
His fingers prodded into your sides, eliciting a few choked giggles from you. “I didn’t know how you’d react. You know you’re not the most expressive person on the planet,” he said dryly. “Or the most observant. I literally frenched your collarbone and you’re telling me you didn’t realise I liked you more than as a friend?”
“Okay, well when you put it like that,” you huffed, feeling the vibrations of his laugh through his chest. “But you really didn’t know I had feelings for you? Chanyeol never said anything?”
His movements stilled, leaning back into the pillows so he could lock eyes with you again. “You talk to Chanyeol about me?” he asked, to which you nodded sheepishly. “Since when?”
“Last month, Jongdae’s housewarming. He fished it out of me after dinner,” you sighed, picturing his smug grin under the lights of Jongdae’s fancy new kitchen when you realised that you had slipped up and let him in on your little secret. 
“But I talk to him about you.”
You looked at each other for another beat, realisation breaking over the both of you, before dissolving into another fit of disbelieving giggles. Maybe Park Chanyeol did know how to keep his mouth shut after all.
“So he’s a terrible wingman, is what I’m getting out of this whole thing,” Baekhyun chuckled, rolling you over so you were now lying on your side, face to face with him. He planted a slow, sweet kiss on your lips, taking his time to acquaint himself with the shape and taste of your mouth, and you felt the contentment of his smile against you. “I can’t believe we could have gotten together a month ago. Some best friend he is.”
“Gotten together?” you echoed, one eyebrow raised in feigned dispute, delighting in the way his sweet mouth settled into the pout that you adored.
“You mean to tell me that you don’t want to be with me after your tongue was all up in my mouth?”
You pushed his face away, groaning, “Gross, don’t say it like that.” He, however, had different plans, hooking a calf behind your knees and tugging you back into him, before weaving the other leg in between your own.
“You know you like it,” he murmured into your neck, squeezing his arms around you just in case you’d disappear if he didn’t hold on tight enough. One hand traced absent-minded circles over the grooves of your spine as he breathed you in, warm and familiar against your chest. 
Yes, you thought, you’d risk any and everything for this exact moment. It was worth all the doubt and heartache, all the time spent replaying those moments in your head, unsure of the meaning behind his actions. You could be sure of it now.
“I do,” you agreed, threading your fingers through the softness of his hair. “I probably more than like you,” you added, tilting his face upwards to steal another kiss, giddy and chest swelling with affection. Perhaps you weren’t quite yet ready for that other four letter word, but you had no doubt you would be one day, and soon. He was all too willing to comply, letting his mouth mould against yours with the poise and patience of a saint. 
“I probably more than like you too,” he replied, punctuating his confession with one final kiss to the tip of your nose. It was enough for the serene smile on your face to persist, even past the arrival of sleep.
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“I knew it.”
You cracked one eye open, trying to adjust to the light flooding in through the open door to your room. Chanyeol stood at the foot of your bed, grinning from ear to ear with what could only be described as a look of triumph as he took in the scene before him. The boy next to you stirred lightly, digging his face deeper into the pillow, reluctant to leave the realm of the sleeping. Chanyeol was not in the least sympathetic to his friend’s struggles, striding over to the window and pulling back the curtains with a clang. You winced as the full force of the morning sun barged in, and Baekhyun let out a soft noise of displeasure at the intrusion.
“I fucking knew it,” Chanyeol said again, quickly bringing you to your senses as you registered the weight of another body on top of your own. You made to remove yourself from him, fighting the flush creeping up your neck and face, but it was an effort which proved futile as he only tightened the arm around your waist, loath to let you go. 
“Can you be quiet? You’re going to wake the whole house,” you hushed, finally succeeding in untangling your legs from Baekhyun’s, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately.
“They’re already up. I came to call you for breakfast,” Chanyeol replied, the grin seemingly stuck to his face. “Which actually reminds me,” he began, before sticking his head out of the doorway to holler, “You better pay up, Jongin. And you too, Kyungsoo!”
“You bet on us?” came the groggy voice from the pillows behind you.
“What the hell, Chanyeol? I thought you said you didn’t go around blabbing about his feelings!” you exclaimed, indignant.
“To you. I never said anything about telling anyone else,” was his reply, smug and victorious at having outsmarted you.
Kyungsoo appeared in the doorway, donning a flour-covered apron, as if to confirm for himself that he was in fact a debtor to the taller boy. “Even if he didn’t say anything, it wasn’t all that hard to figure out,” he said lightly, surveying the room with curiosity and paying no mind to the shock painted on your face. How had everybody known about your now not-so-secret crush on Baekhyun except for the man himself? “Anyways, I only said that it would be unlikely to happen over this weekend, not that it was impossible. So Jongin is the only loser. Now come for pancakes.” And with that, he headed back towards his bowl of batter on the kitchen counter, chuckling at the sound of Jongin’s complaints against fulfilling his end of the wager.
Baekhyun, having somewhat freed himself from the clutches of sleep, rose to a sitting position and shot a drowsy scowl at his friend. “You’re kind of an asshole, you know that right?”
But even the expletive could not put a damper on Chanyeol’s mood, his smile never slipping. “You two should honestly be thanking me,” he said, to which you also shot him a glare. “Also, I’m happy for you and everything, but can you please keep the PDA to a minimum in front of the rest of us? I will lock you out of the house if you don’t.”
Baekhyun turned to you, the creases of the frown on his face slowly but surely smoothing out as he took you in, cheeks puffy and hair a mess from having just woken up. He had seen you in worse states, and definitely in better states, but none of that seemed to matter as he regarded you with nothing but fondness in his eyes. You were sure that your expression mirrored his, affection spreading throughout your entire body, reaching even the tips of your fingers and toes, at the sight of his tousled bed head, the sleepy droop of his eyes, the sweet pinkness of his lips. 
The sun was yours. There was no feasible way to stop the smile from blooming across your entire face.
“No promises.”
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dottores · 1 year
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pairing: dottore x fem!reader & segments
summary: the gods were sick and twisted. for five hundred years, he believed he was fated to be alone. he had long accepted it—embraced it, even. that is, until a midwinter night when that elusive red thread finally appeared on his finger. but as much as he wants to ignore it, the pull of a soulmate simply cannot be ignored.
genre: soulmate au, canon compliant for the most part.
warnings: fem!reader, worldbuilding for snezhnaya & fatui & fontaine.
notes: i forgot it was friday SOBS i got distracted reading a new book so we're a little late but anyway <.< its time also i’m gonna answer asks tomorrow i promise 😭
You sighed softly, smoothing out the cloth draped against you as you took a look in the mirror again. There was nothing left to fix--your hair was done, the jewel of your necklace laid neatly in the middle of your chest and your gown was fitted perfectly. You thought you should be alarmed, you didn’t know how the masked person had all of your measurements. You assumed that they had been the one to drop off the gown at the inn you were staying at in Snezhnaya City so you could be properly dressed for the event at Zapolyarny Palace. 
You rose to your feet, gnawing at your bottom lip as you looked into the mirror one last time. They had given you a purple gown to wear--and not just any purple, the color of your family, the exact shade. You didn’t like it. You wondered if it was on purpose or just a coincidence but you figured that nothing about this person was a coincidence. They knew everything about you from who you were to the reason you came to Snezhnaya, a secret that you thought had been kept safely between you and your grandfather. 
Your eyes turned to the window, catching a rather fancy looking carriage making its way down the stone road in the direction of the inn you were staying at. You figured that was going to be him--whoever the aristocrat was that the masked person had said would be bringing you to the event.
The events were invite only, strictly moderated, how this person had managed to get you in was a mystery. You didn’t know what to expect--you didn’t know how many people would be there nor did you know if all of the Harbingers would be attending. You assumed that they would so you could prepare for the worst case scenario but you hoped that they didn’t. 
You didn’t know much about the Fatui Harbingers, just what your grandfather had learned from one of the few networks of intel he had access to that weaved through Snezhnaya. There were eleven of them, but only ten were active--ranked by strength, they struck fear and awe in the hearts of their subordinates. There were rumors that some of the higher ranked ones could rival even the Archons in power. Your grandfather warned you of a few before you left for the north: the Doctor, the Balladeer, the Fair Lady and the Friar, all brutal and dangerous and unforgiving, should they learn of your plans in the north, you would quickly find yourself a fallen pawn in whatever game of chess they were playing against the rest of Teyvat. 
You thought your best bet might lay with the Regrator. Evidently, he was the most recently promoted Harbinger of the active ten and focused more on the economy and politics than anything else… or so was assumed, at least. Snezhnaya had prospered since his promotion--the creation of the Northland Bank and its expansion across Teyvat had catapulted Snezhnaya to match the wealth of Liyue, they were even trying to set one up in Fontaine but were failing miserably. You were sure he was just as cruel and vicious as the rest of them but you thought that at least you wouldn’t be dealing with unfamiliar topics.
How you were going to ensure that you were placed with him… or even placed at all instead of being killed on sight, you didn’t know. You figured that was something important to know before you stepped foot in Zapolyarny Palace but you excused the lack of preparation by telling yourself there was no way for you to prepare for something when you didn’t know what to expect. You would figure out the plan as soon as you got there and knew who was there, what the event was for, and what you could do to ensure your survival and success. 
Your head hurt but the carriage had come to a stop at the steps of the inn you were staying at and you knew you had to get moving. You let out another heavy breath as you took one last look in the mirror before making your way out of your room and down the steps of the inn.
You gave a soft smile to the elderly man working the front desk as you made your way through the wide lobby, hesitating only for a second when you saw a tall figure ducking out from inside of the carriage. Swallowing thickly, you pushed the doors open, wincing at brisk air stinging your face as soon as you stepped outside. 
A brown head of hair whipped around at the sound of the doors shutting behind you, an awkward smile pulled at the lips of your date for the night, warm brown eyes focusing on you, “Hello,” he said, his voice was a bit hesitant and nervous, holding his hand out toward you. “I’m Artem.”
You placed your hand in his, watching as he bent his head down to press a chaste kiss to your knuckles, “I’m-”
“I know who you are,” Artem interrupted, then flushed in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, they… already told me who you were.”
They, you repeated silently as a particularly harsh wind swept through the city, the streets eerily silent. 
“They…” you murmured to yourself but Artem suddenly looked nervous, brown eyes flitting around before he motioned for you to join him in the carriage. You inhaled the bitterly cold air as you stepped forward, taking his hand as he helped you up into the carriage before following you in, shutting the dark door behind the two of you. 
“You shouldn’t talk about stuff out in the open,” Artem said quietly. “There are always people listening.”
Great, you thought to yourself, gaze twisting around outside. The streets were barren but even you knew there was something off about this city that you couldn’t quite place. For a moment, you caught sight of a figure standing in the window of one of the apartments across the street. You couldn’t make out their features against the backlight but you knew their eyes were directed toward the carriage. 
You’d been in the city for two days now and it felt eerily similar to the streets of Fontaine. You didn’t often leave the palace of the Hydro Archon, everything you needed was within it: food, water, libraries, the gardens, but every once in a while, you would escape to go watch a show at one of the theaters. The Hydro Archon liked to keep the nobles of the nation ignorant to the perils of the rest of the civilians and it worked when you were in the ivory tower of the palace but when you were down in the streets, it was impossible to miss how the civilians were on edge, eyes constantly darting around in an anxious panic. There were eyes everywhere--in every window, in every alley, in every corner and crevice and no matter how aware you were of them, there was no hiding from them. 
Snezhnaya City was just like that. 
Oppressive. Tense. Heavy. Cold beyond just the air around you. But unlike Fontaine, Snezhnaya was not your home. Your name and title held no weight in this city and the threat of the Fatui and what they could do to you weighed on you like the sky had fallen. 
“What is this event?” you finally asked, fingers playing with the fabric of your dress as you watched Artem from the corner of your eye. 
“They’re filling the last spot,” Artem responded, staring ahead. He didn’t look excited or pleased and you couldn’t help but wonder what the political climate was like here, the relationship between the Snezhnayan aristocrats and the Cryo Archon and her followers--maybe it was something you could use to your advantage… or maybe it would be something that would just damn you even further, showing up with one of them. “For the Harbingers, they’re promoting someone to fill the Eleventh seat.”
Oh, you realized what exactly he meant by filling the last spot, an intense dread sweeping through you because that meant that yes, all of the other Harbingers would likely be there. Instead of dwelling on the subject, you said, “You don’t seem too happy about that.”
Artem turned his head to look at you, evaluating you carefully before shaking his head, “What’s there to be happy about?” he asked dryly. “The stronger they get, the weaker my family gets.”
They’re not united, you realized, and they’re not afraid to admit it. 
That was interesting. Artem’s face didn’t twist in regret after he said that nor did he look ashamed, if anything he looked resentful… but then doubt began to stir. If the Fatui knew about the dissent, why would they invite them to their elite events?
“They let you guys into their events knowing… that?” you asked, side-eyeing Artem, wondering if you had dug yourself a bigger hole by showing up with him.
“They don’t know all of it,” Artem said, “and even if they did, it’s more of an intimidation tactic than anything else. They bring us there to show us their strength, scare us into submission. That’s all it’s about.”
“All of it as in?” you pushed, figuring that if he was going to be so open with information, that you might as well get as much as you can so you knew exactly what you were walking into.
Artem gave you a look as if you should know what he meant. “They think that the Triglav was the only organization we had to fall back on--the Regrator tore it apart a few years ago.”
Why are you telling me all of this? You wanted to ask, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Brown eyes met yours at the silent question, he knew what you were asking. 
“They told me who you were,” he said again, except this time, you felt a bit more cold, realizing he knew more than just your name. “I figure they want you to fumble around in the Snezhnayan courts for their amusement but it’ll get you killed--I’m trying to help you.”
“Why?” you questioned. You didn’t know if you could trust him or believe his words and you felt so damn alone and lost that a part of you wanted to jump out of the carriage and flee back to Fontaine--you didn’t know what you were thinking, you were a damn noble girl not some secret agent, super spy who could successfully infiltrate one of the most dangerous organizations in all of Teyvat.
“You want the same thing as I do, don’t you?” was all Artem responded with. “No one knows what they want, what their goal is or anything, but they promised to restore the aristocracy and to do that, the Fatui needs to be weakened… so I figure the more people working for this, the better.”
Your nose wrinkled, “You aligned with these people without even knowing who they are or what they want?” you asked in disbelief.
“Didn’t you?” Artem countered sharply.
You felt hot, called out for your hypocrisy, “That’s not the same. I was desperate.”
“So are we,” Artem said, lips pressed together as he turned away. 
The carriage was approaching the palace, as large as the one back home in Fontaine and just as magnificent. Where the one in Fontaine City was lined with gold, stunning beneath the rare show of the sun, Zapolyarny Palace glittered white beneath the moonlight, like a million diamonds coated the surface--beautiful, but possibly the most daunting sight you’d ever come across. The sky that weighed on you tripled in weight, you thought you might throw up. 
“What should I expect in there?” you asked quietly, breaking the sudden tension between the two of you. You figured it was not the best idea to antagonize your one ally in this place. 
Artem sighed, looking back over at you, “Just stay by me,” he said. “Of all the aristocratic families in Snezhnaya, mine is one that’s heavily aligned with the Fatui… at least in their eyes. We’ll probably have a few of their more important subordinates coming over to talk to us but the Harbingers will be focused on the more antagonistic families to make sure they don’t pull anything. We’ll keep away from them and hopefully, keep their attention off of us. As long as we skate by without having to deal with any of the Harbingers, we’ll be good… I’ll try to find some opportunities for you to slip away and do what you need to do.”
What I need to do, it echoed in your head. The palace was right before you and you still had no idea what you needed to do to prove your stepfather’s hand in your father’s death. You had to find evidence. But how? You figured that there weren’t a lot of Fatui spies in Fontaine--too many would draw too much attention, it would be easier to just have one embedded deep in the courts… which would make it an important, covert operation. They had to have records of that somewhere. 
“Do you know what each of the Harbingers do?” you asked.
“Like what they oversee?” Artem questioned, brows furrowed, you nodded. “Vaguely.”
“Internal intel? I’d say the Regrator or the Rooster. External? The Knave, the Marionette and the Friar all deal with it, as far as I’m aware.”
You went quiet, letting out a shaky breath at his words. Three different Harbingers who could be overseeing your stepfather in Fontaine--the Fourth, the Seventh, or the Tenth. You shut your eyes, trying to calm yourself down. The palace would be crawling with Fatui operatives, how the hell were you supposed to sneak through them all and figure out where the information might be. 
Instead of letting yourself become riddled with anxiety, you asked the last question that had been weighing on your mind.
“How don’t the Fatui know about these people?” you asked quietly. “I figured they knew everything that goes on in Snezhnaya, you’d think an organization with this much influence…”
Unless there’s someone hiding it from the inside? But what were the chances of that?
“I don’t know,” Artem admitted. “Maybe they do and we’re all just getting played, or maybe the Harbingers are blind to a rat right beneath their noses.”
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“You could do something beyond just standing there,” a cold, dry voice said from behind him. 
Dottore didn’t even bother to turn around and face her, instead watching the scene before him carefully. The aristocrats had been steadily arriving for an hour, filling up the ballroom, mingling with one another. Most kept a wide berth from the Fatui who had come out for the event. It was the largest event the Fatui had hosted in decades, twice as big as Pantalone’s promotion because it was signaling the completion of the upper echelon, the start of what would be the final preparations for war.
“I don’t see you rushing to join in the celebrations,” Dottore responded, gaze finally shifting from the wide double doors to Arlecchino, who had come to stand next to him, arms crossed against her chest as she watched Columbina’s fingers fly across the piano.
“I plan to,” Arlecchino told him, “I have a feeling tonight's going to be more interesting than we think.”
Dottore eyed her carefully as he digested the cryptic comment, trying to figure out what exactly she meant, before simply saying, “I hope so, at least then it will be an entertaining waste of my time.”
Arlecchino only let out a huff of laughter, but there was no amusement behind the action, “What do you think of the boy taking the Eleventh Seat?”
“He’s a child.” Dottore waved off the question, he cared not for the boy. 
Capitano evidently saw potential in him but Dottore only saw an unpredictability that they shouldn’t be risking this close to the beginning of their real purpose. He only advocated for him because he thought he would get the chance to study him but Pulcinella was being careful to make sure that he was never in the capital long enough for Dottore to get to him. The only boon that came along with promoting him was that he was eager to please, willing to take on the jobs that none of the rest of them wanted to deal with as a means to prove himself.     
“Then his moniker is fitting,” this time there was a scathing sort of amusement in her tone, “but even a blind man could make that observation. I asked you for your opinion of him.”
Dottore’s lip twitched in irritation. “That is my opinion of him,” he said coolly. “He is a child. He is immature and foolish, abuses the technique he learned while in the Abyss. He will die soon because of it. I would like to run some tests on him before then but I suppose life isn’t particularly necessary for them anyway… just more convenient.”
Arlecchino scoffed. “All you care about is your research, hm? Not even a hint of concern for those whom you call comrades?”
Dottore leveled his gaze on her. “No,” he said firmly, “and do not pretend as if you do. We both have seen what lies beneath that false face of yours.”
Arlecchino smiled, teeth glimmering like knives beneath the lighting of the ballroom, “Fair enough.” 
“Don’t you have something better to do than bother me, Knave?” Dottore asked, a sardonic tone seeping into his words as he continued, “like to go fetch your pet before he makes an embarrassment of us again.”
He turned his attention back to the ballroom floor, pointedly looking in the direction of Brighella, busy trying to woo the daughter of one of the aristocratic families who was giving Pantalone a hard time. 
“Speaking of pets,” Arlecchino said, a mocking tone to her voice that Dottore didn’t quite like, “do you plan on getting rid of yours because of his failure to get you the funding you wanted? … I overheard your conversation with the Jester the other day, shame to hear about how poorly all of your projects are going.”
Beneath his mask, Dottore’s eyes hardened, turning his head to the side to look at Arlecchino again. He wasn’t sure what he was more annoyed by: the fact that she had listened in on his conversation with Pierro and he hadn’t even noticed or the fact that she was making a dig at his research.
“Not quite as poorly as the decline of the House of the Hearth. How many of your orphans have gone missing in the past few years again?” Dottore countered lowly, watching as Arlecchino’s eyes flashed with fury for just a moment, needling right through her cold mask.
It wasn’t even like his research was going poorly. It was just the typical pattern of adjusting to failures to find the right set of combinations to perfect the formula. Pierro was just impatient because he did not want to send three of the Eleven out to their missions with delusions that were still sapping their vitality. He had made enough progress so that they were no longer life-threatening with significant use, and as far as he was aware, the Balladeer was going to bring the old, faulty delusions down to Inazuma once Arlecchino’s agents wove their web through the Commissions. 
Dottore didn’t even understand why this was all necessary, frowning again as he looked out at the aristocrats. Pantalone had already torn the Triglav apart at its seams and the aristocrats were floundering with no shield to protect them from the Fatui. There was not much consolidation of power left to do in Snezhnaya. If anything, this was just excessive—making sure they knew just how strong the Fatui was so that they didn’t get any bright ideas when they began to focus on obtaining the Gnoses. 
“I have the House of the Hearth under control,” Arlecchino said, voice icy. “Can you say the same about your segments?”
Dottore smiled thinly, “Yes.” 
Especially now that he had finally made contact with her. If he had known that the barest conversation with her would lead to even the Theta segment doing as he asked with little pushback, maybe he would have reached out sooner.
An odd feeling settled in his chest as his thoughts fell to her again. He didn’t like thinking about her for too long but he hadn’t heard anything from her since that night Rho lost her. He knew she wasn’t dead, the thread still hung from his finger and the mark between his shoulder blades was still a bright purple. He wondered if she was just ignoring him or if there was something else going on. He had tried to look into it but hadn’t been able to find any previous examples of something interfering with a bond… which led him to believe that she was ignoring him, maybe as payback for all of the years he went ignoring her. 
Either way, he didn’t like it.
Arlecchino abruptly stepped forward next to him, eyes narrowed. Dottore followed her gaze, eyes falling on the livid expression that Sandrone wore as she spoke to Capitano, standing near the piano Columbina was playing at, motioning in the direction of the double doors of the ballroom. Dottore tried to figure out what had her so angry but nothing stood out--Scaramouche was nowhere to be found and usually he was the one to set her in a foul mood by insulting her automatons, otherwise it wasn’t often that her temper was set off because she simply did not care for anything else. 
Arlecchino immediately set off in their direction and Dottore, curiosity piqued and hoping to make the night pass faster but entertaining himself with whatever had Sandrone set off, followed after, watching in amusement as their subordinates and the few aristocrats who had crossed the floor to intermingle scattered at their approach. 
Capitano raised his head once he caught sight of the two of them, motioning them over. Sandrone pressed her lips together, staying silent until they were close enough to hear what they were talking about. Columbina’s fingers still flew across the keys of the piano, focused on the sonata, but Dottore knew she was listening too: there was a soft smile gracing her face, one that screamed amusement and not the mere enjoyment that came with playing the instrument. Dottore thought that if Columbina was amused by something, then it might spell trouble for all of them, the eerie comment she made about his soulmate a few months back suddenly ringing through his head. 
I would like to meet her when she gets here.
Dottore felt unsettled, raising his head to look out across the ballroom floor to look for something but he didn’t even know what he was looking for. All it took was Sandrone opening her mouth once, and the entire world around him froze and shattered.
“One of the aristocrats brought one of the Hydro Archon’s dogs to our event as his date,” she spat out. “This needs to be handled now.”
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There were eyes on you. 
You didn’t dare to turn to look so you could figure out who was watching you, the last thing you wanted to do was bring more attention to yourself but you couldn’t smother the growing anxiety. You kept your back to them, feigning interest in whatever conversation Artem was having with one of his cousins so that they didn’t know you were aware of their scrutiny even though every inch of you itched to look behind you. 
The ballroom was packed to the brim, you thought that every aristocrat in Snezhnaya must be attending this event. It almost reminded you of the balls back home in Fontaine City. The paintings lining the walls were stunning and the ornaments glittered prettily beneath the dim lighting. No one had made their way to the smooth hardwood floor to dance yet despite the quintet of musicians playing in the corner of the room, a beautiful symphony that was not quite harmonious with the eerie piano being played somewhere behind you. 
If you weren’t so nervous, you might be able to appreciate the beauty of it… but Fatui lined the room--agents and mages and captains, they were unarmed as far as you could tell but you had a feeling that could change in a moment’s notice. 
You felt trapped, like a cornered animal.
There was no way for you to slip away, not when you were being watched and not when the Fatui seemed to be guarding each and every exit. Everything was crumbling around you and you had only been there for a half hour. You tried to calm yourself down, force yourself to think and figure out a plan but every time you tried to do that, you were interrupted by some Snezhnayan noble who wanted to greet Artem. 
What did you expect? You spat at yourself angrily. For the Fatui to leave holes in their defenses right at their heart? For you to just walk right in and be given the information you wanted by your stepfather’s superior?
You would leave empty-handed at this rate--the one opportunity handed to you on a silver platter slipping away like water between your fingers. You had to figure out what to do now because there was nothing you could do if you left the palace without the evidence you needed. Zapolyarny Palace was impenetrable, everyone you had come across had made that clear, you would not get another chance like this. This was your easy way into the palace but what could you do? Even if you managed to slip past the guards into the hall, making an excuse to use the bathroom or freshen up, it didn’t change the fact that somehow, you had already drawn attention to yourself. 
How? What had it been? 
You had not made any sort of scene. You were not overdressed or underdressed, nor did your colors stand out. There were people dressed in bright red gowns, different shades of purple and blue and green, blacks and whites. Artem was not from a contentious family so there was no reason for him to have drawn attention. 
What had done it? Was Artem unaware of some conflict between his family and the Fatui? Or was it something else…  
Did someone know who you were?
You felt a bit sick at the thought, smile faltering as your grip on Artem’s forearm tightened. You noticed him cast a brief, worried glance down at you but you were too preoccupied to reassure him that you were okay. 
Did someone know who you were? 
The question echoed through your head over and over again and you realized, slowly, that it was very, very possible and it was something that you had not even considered could be an issue. Your stepfather shouldn’t know where you were going, you hadn’t even confirmed to your mother that you were leaving for Snezhnaya--you had insisted it was Mondstadt--but if he had taken a picture of you and sent it to his superior in Snezhnaya as intel he was passing along about your family and they recognized you when you walked through those doors with Artem…
Suddenly, the urge to turn around and pinpoint who was watching you skyrocketed because if it were true, then that was how you were going to know which Harbinger was supervising your stepfather’s mission--the first step in finding the evidence. 
You let out a quiet breath, about to turn your head to the side just a bit to see if you could catch a glimpse of whoever was staring at you but before you could, a hand brushed your forearm. You masked the irritation you felt as you turned your attention back to Sonia, Artem’s cousin’s wife. She smiled at you, brushing her dark hair over her shoulder as she asked:
“So how did you and Artem meet?”
You smiled, leaning into the man and looking up at him, hoping that the gesture came across more adoring than the brief spike of panic you felt. The two of you had intended on going for a simple story: you had met while on the Snezhnaya-Fontaine border and instantly fell for one another, love at first sight, a classic romance… but now you weren’t sure if admitting that you were from Fontaine was the best course of action. Artem was confused, you could see the glimmer in his eyes as he smiled down at you, and you didn’t know what to do. 
The split second that had passed since Sonia’s question felt like eternity and finally you responded with a soft laugh, “We met on the border between Snezhnaya and Fontaine. I had gone a bit north to find a nice present for my siblings, their birthday is coming up. I ran into him while shopping and he helped me find the perfect gift. I thought all of those romance books were exaggerating when they talked about love at first sight but I became a victim of it just like that.”
You were only half listening as Sonia cooed and leaned into Artem’s cousin, talking about how the two of them met at a seaside village in western Snezhnaya. You decided that going with the original story was for the best. If, by chance, the Harbingers did happen to know that you were a noble from Fontaine already then it would only draw more suspicion if it got around to them that you were claiming to be a Snezhnayan commoner or even from another foreign nation.
So many ifs. You hated uncertainty. 
Lost in thoughts, you were only drawn back to reality as your forearm stung--the telltale sign that your soulmate was reaching out, again. Your lips pressed together in annoyance. 
He had been persistent the past two weeks. Every day, he would ask where you were and what had happened but even if you wanted to, there was no way of telling him where you were--he should know that--but the thing was, you didn’t want to. You thought that he had no right suddenly caring about where you were and if you were okay and you were mad at yourself for giving in and responding when you were hurt. He went twenty years ignoring you when you tried over and over and over again just to get to know him, the person that Celestia had tied you with, and he constantly disregarded and even rebuffed you. 
You had never heard of someone being rejected by their soulmate until yours had rejected you. It was humiliating, even if only the two of you were aware of what had been said, but more than that it hurt. You dedicated years to him, your whole life was centered around him from having to hide the fact that you had a soulmate to the years you spent in libraries trying to understand him in hopes that it would somehow make him care about your existence, years that you could have spent with your father.
You looked down as discreetly as you could, reading the scratchy words painted on your forearm: 
Where are you?
You barely withheld the roll of your eyes as you turned your gaze back up to Sonia, smiling as she laughed at whatever Artem’s cousin had said. 
Artem looked as if he was about to speak up but before he could, there was a sharp rap of metal against glass from the front of the room. Instantly, conversation silenced and all heads turned in the direction of the noise--finally, you could turn to see who was staring at you but it was too late; whoever they were, they had already looked away. 
“We are here today to officially announce the occupation of the Eleventh Seat,” a low, male voice announced. Your eyes shifted to him--half of his face was covered by a black mask, white hair long and slicked back--you weren’t sure who he was, you hadn’t been given descriptions of the Harbingers, but you figured he was high ranking if he was making this announcement.
“The Jester,” Artem said under his breath. Your eyes widened just a bit. The Jester, you recognized, the leader. “The rest are…”
All around him, you finished silently, your throat closing up as you caught sight of the daunting figures standing around the stage at the front of the room. You didn’t have to know what they looked like to know who they were, their presence and way they held themselves was evidence enough. An unnerving woman with long black and pink hair leaning on the piano, a man wearing a helmet where the face appeared to be an endless void, a woman with an empty expression, silver hair and a blade strapped to her side and…
“A recruit who has proven himself time and time again: felling our enemies without question when we were faced with the threat of a Natlan tribe on the southern border, protecting our people when the Great Wyvern of the northern caverns awoke from its slumber to terrorize our villages, and defending our integrity when called into question by the former Duke of Costesov…”
The Jester was still talking but your gaze had focused in on a familiar man standing off to the side, a bit aways from the small group at the piano--masked and with wavy blue hair, the Fatui subordinates in the area kept a wide distance from him. 
It was him, you realized, a cold feeling settling over you, the man who had attacked the inn you had been staying at. 
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It was her. His soulmate. 
Dottore was barely able to mask the torrent of emotions tearing through him. He had known it even before he reached out to her to confirm it, watching her look down at her forearm as soon as he had asked her where she was, and he didn’t know what to think, or do, for that matter.
Around him, the other Harbingers were still talking amongst each other--Arlecchino making snide comments and Sandrone’s letting loose livid remarks about the sheer audacity the Hydro Archon had to a spy so blatantly to their main base. They were talking about handling her and Dottore knew very well that the only way the Fatui knew how to handle things was by getting rid of them. 
Getting rid of her. He couldn’t let that happen--he didn’t know how it would affect him and… Something unfamiliar and uncomfortable tugged hard at his chest as his eyes fell back on the girl in the purple dress, watching as she leaned into a boy from one of the Snezhnayan noble families, listening to Pierro’s speech. This was why he didn’t like thinking about her for too long but now he didn’t really have a choice.
“How are you so sure that she’s a noble from Fontaine?” Dottore asked, cutting off Arlecchino mid-sentence as he looked at Sandrone. 
Sandrone’s lip curled up, not even bothering to hide the irritation and disgust as she spared Dottore half a glance. “I’d recognize a member of the five families anywhere,” Sandrone said coldly, nose turned up at him. “I was born into one of them.”
That’s right, Dottore remembered vaguely. Sandrone had come from Fontaine. The Harbingers had long given up their names and old lives, they rarely mentioned their pasts--he wasn’t even sure some of them remembered their pasts, he sent a short look toward Capitano at the thought. 
“She’s part of the third family, the one that controls the prisons. You know what her family’s talent is?” Sandrone asked sharply, looking back in the direction of his soulmate. “They learned to utilize their hydro vision in a way that lets them twist up peoples’ insides. They usually use it for interrogation but do you know what else it can be used for?”
The third family. Dottore knew enough about Fontaine’s structure to know what that meant: Fontaine had five aristocratic families that were held above the rest, each one of them controlling one of the five main institutions of the nation. No wonder she had to hide her mark. 
“Assassinations,” Capitano finished, voice low. 
Dottore scoffed loudly. “Her?” he asked dryly, nodding in the direction of his soulmate, dismissing their deductions instantly. “An assassin? She looks like a newborn deer, not a killer.”
She did, Dottore noted offhandedly, eyes drawing back to her for just a moment. She was trying to hide her anxiety and she was doing a good job at it but every now and then, she slipped up, hands shaking just a bit more than they should, tongue darting out to wet her lips as she looked around. Dottore thought a bit of fondness might’ve been stirring the longer he looked at her so he immediately looked away and quashed it, forcing his attention back to the other Harbingers. 
“Appearances can be deceiving, Dottore,” Capitano said quietly. 
Not hers, Dottore wanted to spit right back—the girl that spent hours on end trying to talk to him and get to know him, undeterred by his lack of response, was no damn killer but he had no way of explaining that to them without admitting who she was to him and he simply refused to open up that weakness to them.
What should he do? He had to interfere but he didn’t know how to do that without making them question why he was stepping in. Dottore cared for nothing but his research--if this was any other person, Dottore wouldn’t have even bothered to give input into the conversation and he was sure that he was already making them suspicious.
“Whether she’s a threat or not, this has to be handled quickly,” Capitano finally said and Dottore felt cold, mind racing to piece together a plan but nothing was feasible. “We can’t afford to risk anything, not here and not now.”
Dottore’s anxiety began to shift into anger the more he dwelled on it and realized that he was backed into a corner because of her, wondering just how stupid his soulmate was showing up to this event on the arm of some random aristocrat. Livid, his gaze shifted to the side again, watching as she leaned into the man’s arm and smiled up at him.
Betrothed, Dottore suddenly remembered one of the things he had recalled from one of the dreams he had of her life. Is this…
“Who is the man she is with?” he interrupted abruptly, voice tense.
“Artem Melnyk,” a new voice said from behind him, Dottore glanced over his shoulder as Pantalone came to stand next to him. “I take it you all are discussing our unexpected, foreign guest.”
Pantalone looked at Dottore as if he knew exactly who she was--maybe he did, Dottore didn’t know if that was for better or for worse. He felt like a cornered animal, ready to lash out at the first perceived attack.
“He will have to be handled,” Dottore said tightly. “I’ll deal with that.”
Dottore thought he would enjoy having this particular new subject in his labs.
“The more pressing matter is the girl,” Sandrone spat out, her one-track mind stuck on Dottore’s soulmate. “She needs to be taken out.”
Dottore thought this might be it, he was about to lash out, but before he could, Pantalone raised his eyebrows. “A bit rash, no?” he asked, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “How will that make us look? Executing a foreign noble for no good reason besides attending a ball with her lover?” 
Lover, Dottore was appalled, turning his head to look at Pantalone. Pantalone, evidently, was incredibly entertained by the situation, smile widening just a bit as Dottore looked at him, making him feel as if he knew exactly what he was doing. 
“What do you suggest we do then, Regrator?” Capitano questioned. He did not sound half as amused as Pantalone did.
“Send someone out there to feel her out,” Pantalone said as if it were obvious. His voice took on a more exasperated tone as he continued, “Snezhnaya is in such a poor diplomatic position already specifically because you all tend to kill first, ask questions later. Have we not been trying to rectify that? In what world is killing her the best course of action?” 
Sandrone did not look happy, lips pressed together tight, and Pantalone was looking at Dottore, violet eyes expectant as if he was waiting for Dottore to offer to be the one to go talk to her. Dread began to build in his stomach again, realizing that if he went to go talk to her, it would be the end. All of the time he had spent ensuring they would never meet, all of the years he was working severing the bond, it would all be for naught.
“Fine,” Arlecchino said before Dottore could open his mouth. “I’ll do it.”
Dottore didn’t speak as he turned to look at Arlecchino, barely catching the frustrated look in Pantalone’s eyes. Arlecchino was staring right at him, the red x’s in her eyes boring right into him as if she knew something that she shouldn’t, expression cold and unreadable. 
Dottore suddenly felt as if he had made a mistake not speaking up immediately.
Just as Arlecchino moved to make her way to his soulmate, Columbina finally spoke up, long, pale fingers wrapping around Arlecchino’s wrist. “No,” she said. “The Doctor will handle it. You promised to play a song with me.”
Dottore thought he liked that even less than Arlecchino’s immediate offer to speak to her but he wasn’t going to give the Knave any time to argue with Columbina, scoffing as he took the opportunity to turn on his heel and walk in the direction of his soulmate and her date. 
Pierro’s speech had ended and the musicians were picking up the volume of their piece--soon, couples would make their way out to the ballroom floor to dance but for now, they parted as he crossed the hardwood floor, giving him a wide berth as he walked directly to her. 
What was he going to do? 
He wondered if this was her plan all along, if she had somehow figured out who he was and what he was a part of so she could throw herself into a dangerous situation and he’d be forced to act. Not for the first time, Dottore felt like he was being played as a puppet except now he didn’t know if it was Celestia holding the strings or her. He had half a mind to let her deal with the consequences of her own actions, let her face one of the other Harbingers and try to convince them she was no threat, but he couldn’t risk letting anything happen to her because it would affect him. 
He would have to make sure she knew who he was to her. The last thing he needed was her making a scene if she realized it mid-conversation, assuming she didn’t know already. 
She was oblivious to his approach, back turned to him as she talked with Artem Melnyk, but he was not as oblivious. He caught sight of Dottore over her shoulder, expression shifting into one of fear—something that ordinarily would have had him amused but now, just as for the past half an hour, he could only focus on her. 
She turned as she noticed Artem’s change in attitude and Dottore wasn’t sure what he was expecting but he wasn’t expecting the anger that followed the confused expression on her face, eyebrows knit together as she stared at him, a hint of anxiety painted in the rage but just that, only a hint. 
No recognition and no familiarity--not a type that signaled that she knew she was meeting her soulmate, at least.
Dottore wondered if that meant she had no idea who he was to her and if that was the case, what the hell was she doing there?
For the first time, Dottore’s eyes traced his soulmate’s face. He couldn’t help but notice that even with the anger, her eyes were still gentle and her expression was still soft. You don’t belong here, he wanted to say, not in this place and not with me, but instead, he only held his right hand out to her and watched, waiting for her to take his hand and finally take notice of the thread that connected the two of them.
She hesitated only for a second as she glanced down at his hand, placing her own in it and Dottore watched the double-take, the way her eyes widened just a bit as she looked down at their connected hands, at the thread connected to his thumb that she could see. His grip tightened just enough to force her attention back to his face before she could make a scene. 
There was still anger as she looked up at him again but it was diluted beneath a type of astonished adoration that had never before been directed his way. He knew it was just the shock of finally meeting him and that the anger would return when she remembered the years he went ignoring her but it didn't mitigate the unwelcome feeling rising in his gut. He wanted to look away, uncomfortable under the affectionate gaze and uncomfortable even just touching her because he knew deep down that it felt right and he refused to give into this bond. 
He refused to play Celestia’s game. 
He leaned down to brush his lips against her knuckles, “Dance with me?” he murmured, loud enough just for her to hear. 
He figured that once people began to flood the dance floor, he would be able to speak with her without as many unwanted ears able to listen in.
“You’re-” she began, breathless and stunned--distastefully, he noticed that Artem was still holding her arm, as if to protect her from him. The thought itself would have amused him in any other circumstance but now it only irritated him even more.
Dottore cut her off, giving her a thin smile: “The Doctor, Second of the Fatui Harbingers.”
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893 notes · View notes
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 3 months
Hi. I have a pretty specific request for Kaz x reader. Basically, the reader was a part of the dregs for some time, well acquainted with Kaz, Nina and Inej (and Jesper, though I don't remember when he dropped studies and joined, but like yeah). After some time (2 years?) the reader is sent off to a job that causes them not to run into the main group a lot. For half a year they almost disappear (maybe swindling people in the harbor or watching some other Dregs’ territory). When they return all is good, new scars were definitely made and all, but that's a part of the job. They did mess up their leg though, having the knee crushed by a heavy object. They didn't get to heal it and after half a year its pretty hard to really fix. Unfortunately, they were known for their dancing and athletics as well as hand to hand combat before. That was why thy were seen as a valuable asset in the first place. And in the Dregs it’s not uncommon to overlook or hide injuries. So, though it's clear that something is wrong, they downplay it, afraid of being seen as weak or useless. But they struggle on the daily. I mean, from experience, that kind of an unhealed injury is hard to manage - they don't know how to sleep without pain flaring up bc the usual positions just don't work anymore, they have to relearn walking the stairs in a painless manner, whether changes are number one enemy, riding in anything is a nightmare bc the roads are bumpy, sitting apparently can cause pain too not to even mention walking. And all the fighting and acrobatics aren't as effective. They try to make others forget, trying to dance with Nina and Jes and sparring with Inej as if nothing happened. They want their life and self worth back
Before, they were known for keeping Kaz at a distance, which doesn't change at first. They still bicker, the reader is still distrustful. But I think he would be helpful. Not out of kindness, especially at first, but out of convenience. He can’t have them messing things up and so it starts small with offhand tips. Just enough not to have them get killed. Later, perhaps, they start talking more and the reader isn't sure if Kaz is still just the ruthless asshole they have to work with
To be fair, I don't have much plot. I just have my love for bittersweet stories and my messed up leg to provide inspiration. Also, don't care what you do with the gender, I used they/them to make in neutral but I don't really care. I know this request is long. No pressure if you don't like this scenario
My apologies for this taking so long. I was just scared that I wasn’t gonna do this justice. I hope it’s at least somewhat close. 🥺😫
Broken dreams
Playing a part was always hard. Fitting different masks. Making sure they didn’t slip. Always a smile. Always a careless, wild girl. But she just died last year. She was beaten. Broken to bits. Tossed aside. Left to die in that ally. To rot. Forgotten. Would anyone have come looking for you? Would have missed you? Grieved you? They killed the innocent girl that day. Left a broken shell of a woman in her way.
“Come on one more”, Nina pulled at your hand breathlessly. You quickly shoot her a smile, pushing the demons running in your mind aside. “We just sat down”, you chuckled while in reality, the idea of being up on your feet was making you want to turn to the side and vomit. “Oh, come on, we used to dance all night long, remember?”, she tossed her head back, downing her drink. “Jasper always steps on my toes, I need you to save me from that”, she cackled. Your eyes followed Jasper who was turning Wylan around. How much has everything changed in the time you were gone? It felt as if you no longer belonged. As if this version of you didn’t belong here anymore. “Are you feeling okay?”, Nina’s worried eyes watched you and you instantly nudged her, “Morning my freedom now that you’ve pretty much left your boyfriend for me”, you teased her. Happy to see her laugh. Off the hook then. “Lead the way”, you urged her. You could dance. Then down half the bottle of painkillers. Snatch one of the absolute bottles from Kaz’s drawer. It would work. You just had to pretend for a bit longer.
The pain was unbearable once you finally excused yourself. Sobbing the whole way back to the den. The agony felt like tongues of flames. No longer just in your legs. All over your body now. You slumped against the door. Letting yourself breathe. Trying to breathe. Only twenty sets of steps. It used to be only. Now it felt like twenty too many. Ot aggravated you. You wanted your body back. Wanted your freedom back. Wanted to be able to do things that others did. You just wanted it all to stop.
“Back early”, the voice makes you halt. Eyes growing big, you wipe your face before turning around, “Been a while since I drank so freely, Nina is also too persuasive”, you shoot a somewhat dazed smile at Kaz, who’s leaning against the the hallway arch. “You used to dance till early morning sun”, his words meet the target in a blind shot. Making your eyes sting once more. “You used to be more quiet. Don’t want to crawl back to your hole?”, it’s bitter. So bitter because he had learned to live with his pain. You were jealous of that. You had hoped that by watching him you would learn some tricks. How to navigate things that were easy once but brought you pain now. You learned to walk down the stairs because of him. Of watching him.
“You’ve changed”, Kaz’s eyes don’t leave you as he speaks. “Rich coming from you”, you let out a chuckle, locking the outside door. “You’re defensive”, he continues to push, “You were never defensive with me. We argued. You tested my patience but you never bit me”, you hear the sound of his cane, then the smooth steps. “Why are you biting me now, YN?”, Kaz asks. “Don’t make everything about yourself, Kaz”, you turned around swiftly, feeling your legs dip slightly beneath your weight. But you bite back the cry of pain, stepping forward. Hoping to escape him. But Kaz’s cane comes in front of you blocking your way.
“You don’t get to walk away”, he grunts, turning his head to you. “I’ll ask this once”, his voice low, lethal, “So take your time to think”. You can feel him. Feel his eyes when he asks, “Who hurt you?”. The anger takes flight within you. Sending traitorous tears falling down your cheeks, “If I have an idea they would be six feet under”. He had played his part. Made you open the throbbing wound up for him to see. “They captured me. Broke my knees. I couldn’t…”, the words tumble freely, as you hide your face in your palms. “Why didn’t you say anything?”, his tone is blank, emotionless.
“What was I supposed to say?”, you crock out in frustration, “I was worthless then. I was of no use”. Kaz clenches his jaw, “So you hide the truth from me?”. You can’t help but growl in frustration, “I did the job you gave me. I got you what you wanted, what else do you want from me for fuck sake”.
And it’s a matter of heartbeats as your back hits the wall, Kaz’s cane now pressed against your chest, “I don’t give a fuck about the job”, he spats, veins visible in his tense neck now. “We could have gotten you a good doctor, could have…”, he grunts, “Did anyone look at the injury at all?”. You look at him for a moment. You could lie but what’s the point? “Some passing by a doctor”, you admit, “Fixed what he was able to, wished me luck, and left”.
Kaz shakes his head as he steps back, “How bad is the pain?”, “You want to bask in it?”, you clip right at him. “I should throw you out. Make you pay for ruining your own body so carelessly”, he hisses, “Legally you are mine. I own you. So your legs are mine to worry about”. You scoff, “How sweet of you, my gods”. Kaz’s gloved hand catches your jaw, the touch starts you both it seems. “I’m mad at you because you should have spoken up. I would have helped you. Would have dropped everything and made my way to you”, Kaz snarls through gritted teeth, “You’re starting physical therapy from tomorrow. That’s an order”, he steps back, pulls at his west. You blink up at him, knowing that you should say something. Anything. He would have come to you. But was it true? “If you ever pull anything like this ever again…”, Kaz doesn’t finish but you know well what his words imply, “I’ll see you in the morning at my office. Think well about the features of people who attacked”.
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mossmotif · 10 months
let them hear it (n.kento)
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pushing away the angst i had in mind and prioritizing kissing nanami till he's on the verge of giggling while the two of you are outside in the snow.
What the two of you have is complicated; as complicated as something gets with someone as straightforward as Nanami Kento. 
You vaguely knew of each other because of work before you quit, and then you found yourself taking the same commute as him to get to your new building.The familiar face was a surprise; autumn was on the cusp of tipping over and you were looking over at a man already dawned in gloves and a suspiciously thick looking coat you swear you've seen hanging on the hooks of previous office walls. 
It’s what he’s wearing tonight, although it’s winter, so he’s also smothered in a wool scarf and stops to adjust his ear muffs every once in a while as the two of you walk. The action is somewhat unserious on its own; the idea of a man as serious looking as him so attentively dressed for the weather is already an easy thing to make you smile. But, you’re both a little more than tipsy. 
When Nanami stops for the third time to stop the thing from falling into his eyes, you burst out into laughter as he groans to mask his own slew of giggles. 
The reservation the two of you made this month was on the late side, so after too much wine and food, the streets are empty for the two of you to wander. These appointments have been something a little more than precious to you recently. You aren’t sure how it all started, but you and Nanami have both found ways to indulge in yourselves at least once a month without feeling too guilty about it for about a year now. Lately, it’s been something you look forward to more than anything else you have planned. 
This isn't the first time you found yourself testing your tolerance with Kento. You quickly noted how much of a heavy drinker he was once you found yourself slipping trying to keep up with him. Every month he’ll assure you there’s no need, but you’re rather adaptable yourself; and Nanami would never admit to liking a challenge. It might be wrongfully advantageous of you, but you liked the look of him loose like this. He lets himself lean on you a little more. 
It just helps that the sidewalks happen to be particularly icy tonight. 
“Hold it, hold—hold on,” he says breathlessly. There’s been the hint of a smile teasing the corner of his lips since the two of you have left the restaurant doors. It’s so contagious that you’re sure your lips will be split and bleeding by the end of the night. 
He’s doubled over now, earmuffs on the brink of falling once more. You snort before stepping in front of him, bending down to clumsily bring them up his forehead. He looks up to you as you do, looking a little unlike himself. His cheeks are pink, eyes are wide and nearly starry, his lips are wet because he keeps licking them to fight off the cold. It takes everything in you not to ruffle up his hair even more than it already has been. It would be different, you think; it would be your own hands doing the carnage. Maybe he wouldn't be so quick to try and fix it then. 
“What is it?” your breath comes out as fog in the air. A physical thing your sluggish brain finds beautiful when you watch it mingle with Nanami’s own breath. This close, you can spot tiny snowflakes melting into his lashes.
He hesitates, as if fighting himself for wanting to speak in the first place. There’s a strange expression on his face, too old and twisted to fit his features.
“My stomach feels like it’s about to burst,” he blurts, still clutching to his middle while hunched over. 
A silent beat passes before you explode into laughter loud enough to wake people, playfully slapping your hand on his shoulder. 
“How crude!” you exclaim, half scolding in your tone. “You’ve seriously got a foul mouth after a few drinks.”
“I would say that was more than a few,” he notes dazedly. 
You hum, trying to get him to match your pace once he straightens himself. His shoulders hunch up to his ears as he does, a slight shiver hidden in the sea of fabric he's practically being swallowed into. His chill, the same as his concealed smile, is infectious. Your body follows his, feeling every bit of the breeze that passes through your clothing. Crossing your arms over your chest, you try and steel off your body.
"Are you cold?" Nanami offers his arm for you to cling onto, giving you no time to answer him. 
The buzz radiating off your skin is silenced by the fabric he wears, squashed into his figure and sticking to him like scorching asphalt. You feel cemented this close to him, letting your arm fall and feeling him interlace your fingers while still keeping it close to his. His gloves keep you from feeling his skin. Your tease about him being the coldest between the two of you dies on your tongue. 
The two of you bump shoulders, a little too inebriated to be walking this close together. The surrounding snow swallows up all other sound, only leaving your heavy footsteps and gentle breathing to be heard. Nanami sighs. You feel the noise travel from the soles of your feet, tingling at the tips of your ears. 
“Comfortable?” you ask cheekily, feeling the pressing weight of him melding into your shoulder as time passes by. He hums in response, another vibration you can feel dancing on your skin.
“You’re warm,” he states, squeezing your hand firmly. Still painfully gloved. “Thank you.”
The sincerity in his voice knocks the wind out of your own, the only trace of it being the small cloud that leaves your lips. It takes everything in you to not dig your fingers into his hand, until you reached the skin, until he could really feel you, until he would be able toleach all the warmth he wanted from your blood. You think he would do it gently. 
Nanami stops walking first once the entrance of his apartment comes into view. The steps up to the door are covered in snow and ice, they haven't been salted yet. You’re about to tell him to be careful while walking up the steps before you feel something foreign being placed on your head. They’re his earmuffs, unbelievably warm. They smell like the shampoo he uses. 
He keeps his hands on the covers, an extra blanket on top of your ears. The weight makes any noise around you sound like it’s been drowned underwater. The feeling is as steady as his stare, half lidded and a little heavy, but balanced. The falling snow seems to still, as stagnant as the stars above your head. The warmth on his skin matches the mellow light seeping from people’s windows. 
Your skin seers when his hand drifts to your cheek, dragging his thumb across your skin. 
His face looks wind beaten and cold, cherry red at the tips of his ears, his nose, and his cheeks. The flush must run all over him, down to his knuckles and elbows, up his chest and shoulders. You wish you could see. 
“You look like you’re freezing, Kento.” You lean into his touch unsubtly.
This proximity should maybe feel odd, but it’s hard to ignore all those secret moments the two of you share between meals, on commutes to work, on tipsy walks back home, now that you’re both facing each other. 
And he shivers when you use his first name, when you raise your hands to fix his scarf and let the tips of your fingers graze the exposed skin of his neck. The cold teases at those that are cloaked the most, clawing at anything it can find. 
“I’m fine,” he sniffles; soft and trailing and good natured. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” you chuckle. He smiles at the noise. 
Something overtakes you, some kind of greed that can only be found in snow so pillowy that it wolfs down any noise, a force you can’t stop unless you step into it with your own shoes. There’s that crunch: where the only noise that life seems to need is your own. His. Yours. You’re both holding each other. The sound of his clothes are all you can hear. 
You hear his movement before seeing it, feel his cold lips on your cheek long after he’s pulled away from you. It’s innocent, modest—but his hands—they cup around your entire face, shifting across your neck. His gloves are still in the way, but you can’t muster any complaints when the feeling is so intoxicating. 
“Are you drunk?” he asks quietly. 
“The cold sobered me up,” you answer, voice thin with the slightest shock. “You?”
“Me too,” he replies. He’s hastily taking off his gloves and the action momentarily puts some distance between the two of you. 
“What—what are you doing?” you scoff confusedly. 
“I can’t feel you,” he explains simply, stuffing the gloves into the pocket of his coat. “I’d like to feel you.”
Laughter ebbs past your lips for the millionth time. The happiness you’ve felt today only feels real because your cheeks are beginning to hurt from all the strain. 
Kento has wrapped you in an embrace, easily picking you up from the ground by your waist. You gasp, smirking into his neck as you wrap your hands around him and try not to jostle the earmuffs too badly. 
You might never know a strength like his; his hands are gentle and firm. When you press a lingering kiss to the juncture of his jaw, one coasts across the curve of your ass before settling into the meat of your thigh. 
“Don’t be too quick just ‘cause you want to get out of the cold. The steps are icy.” You advise him while bombarding his face with light pecks similar to his first one, musing his hair and admiring the pliant looking smile on his face. It’s also the kind he holds when he’s holding back a laugh. 
He hums deeply. You feel it intensely this time, it echoes against your own chest. 
“I’m not being quick because of the weather,” he grumbles, barely hiding his urgency. 
His response has you looking down at him smugly, wishing you could take a picture just so he could see his own flushed face.
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this post is the culprit !! everyone please point and laugh at it, it is so embarrassing how long i thought about it.
i hope yall dont mind being tagged, but @riaki @maeby-cursed @threadbaresweater are also enablers!!! wrote this with yall in mind hope u like it
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The Miracle We Need
Chapter 2
<- previous next->
Holly must undergo intense Hamon training led by Lisa Lisa while awaiting her chance to travel to Egypt.
Read on AO3 here!
Warnings for suffocation mentions, mention of a deceased character/character death
Chapter 2: Spread Your Wings
Through the gate, Holly saw a slick black sports car with tinted windows park by the street. Her heart jumped to her throat. Was that Lisa Lisa? She didn’t know why she was so scared of her own grandmother, but something about the way Suzi had been talking about her was anxiety-inducing.
A woman got out of the driver’s seat, grabbing a cane and a rolling suitcase out of the back, then slowly walking up the driveway.
Her gait was confident, graceful. She almost glided across the pavement. As she got closer, Holly was able to make out some of her features.
She was tall but a little thinned out due to age. Lisa Lisa wore a black blouse, gray pants with a red silk sash, and knee-high leather boots. Over all of that was a long black trench coat with a cherry-red silk lining, as well as a flowing red scarf that seemed to shimmer in the light. On its hem, iridescent bubbles had been embroidered. Lisa Lisa’s hair was perhaps the most eye-catching, though. A full head of silver hair shot through frequently with lighter gray and white around her face. It was very long, reaching the small of her back. The front was gathered around and braided behind her head, showing large ruby earrings.
As she reached the front of the house, Holly rushed out to greet her, closely followed by Suzi. “Hello…ma’am…can I take your suitcase?”
Lisa Lisa evaluated her from behind large sunglasses, showing no reaction to what she’d said. “That won’t be necessary.” Her voice was cold, however just as elegant as the rest of her. She had a strong English accent and sounded like she could sing.
Now up close, Holly could see the wrinkles on her face and her thinned cheeks. She was wearing light makeup with a deep red lipstick.
Holly swallowed hard. Had she already done something wrong? She looked at Suzi for answers.
“Will you kindly step down onto the lawn for a moment?” Lisa Lisa said.
Holly immediately obeyed her. “Of course.” Now facing her grandmother, Holly saw that she would be taller than her if Lisa Lisa wasn’t wearing heels. Holly was also broader, but that was par for the course. She took after her dad in that aspect.
Lisa Lisa now glanced at Suzi, before suddenly pushing off the ground with her cane. She went up like a gymnast, seeming to hang in the air for longer than she should be able to. Holly looked up, baffled as to what she was doing.
Suddenly, Lisa Lisa was gone.
No, she was behind Holly.
Holly tried to twist around in time but stopped when she felt a pressure around her jaw. Lisa Lisa had put some kind of muzzle on her. She fell to the ground, gasping for air. It was suffocating her!
“You’re alright. The mask won’t allow you to breathe unless it’s with good form. Breathe deeply and evenly, and you’ll have no issue,” Lisa Lisa said, landing on her cane with a yellow strike of lightning and bringing her feet lightly onto the grass like a ballerina. “You’ll be wearing this mask during all hours of the day, only taking it off at mealtimes.”
Holly fixed her breathing, standing up shakily. “I see.”
Lisa Lisa smiled a little. “JoJo pitched a royal fit about this part of the training. I see you’ll be a more agreeable student.”
“I’m sorry about him. I’ll do my very best to learn.” Holly ducked her head into a bow.
“No need for that. I’m your coach, not the Queen. And you can call me Grandma if you want. Or Lisa Lisa, or ma’am…whatever you like, dear.”
Holly nodded vigorously. “Thank you.” The mask was heavy and uncomfortable, but she would get used to it if it meant she could learn to fight and save Jotaro. She would get used to anything.
“Now, Holly. How about we get settled?” Lisa Lisa said, beckoning Holly to follow her inside. She seemed like she was walking faster now, her cane thwacking against the path. Holly, still winded, had trouble keeping up.
“Grandma…if you don’t mind my asking….” Holly said hesitantly, almost tripping over her shoes after she took them off.
“How old am I?” Lisa Lisa predicted. “I turn 100 this year.”
“Really?” Holly exclaimed, starting to count on her fingers. She was so shocked she forgot to breathe properly, so the mask suffocated her for a moment. “You don’t look like it!” She said after a coughing fit, wiping her eyes. She heard a small giggle from Suzi, who was trailing behind.
“Of course I don’t, dear. Hamon training slows your body’s aging process, and I’ve been doing it since I was very young. I also have good genes.”
“Why does papa look old, then? Didn’t he train with you?” To Holly, he looked more like Lisa Lisa’s brother than her son. Did it just not work for him?
Lisa Lisa paused. “He quit his constant Hamon exercises abruptly a few years ago in order to age alongside Suzi, however he hasn’t used it in combat for about 40 years. If you quit completely, it catches up to you quickly.”
“That makes sense,” Holly said, filing that away to talk to Joseph about later. “How long will I be training with you?”
“I trained your father to a rather high skill level in one month. I don’t doubt that with the natural skill you inherited you’ll be able to fight well within that timeframe.” Lisa Lisa smiled a little. “I have no doubt your boundless Joestar determination will show through.”
“Papa only trained for a month? How did he beat all the Pillar Men?” Holly thought that was the term Suzi had used. Her mom had filled her in on most of the story about Joseph’s time with Lisa Lisa.
Holly’s mind was boggled that all those things happened. Her father had saved the world, and he’d somehow gone 50 years without bragging to her. She was impressed.
Lisa Lisa chuckled. “That was a combination of skill and sheer dumb luck, as well as a lot of help. One thing JoJo has always had on his side is Lady Luck. Maybe she’ll favor you as well. I suppose we’ll see over the course of your training.”
“Okay!” Holly said, trying to be her usual enthusiastic self despite the anxiety that now gripped her heart. She needed to keep her motivation. Lisa Lisa’s training would be brutal, but she’d get through it so she could see Jotaro.
Her lungs starting to ache for air, Holly screwed her eyes shut tighter. She was submerged by weights in a swimming pool Lisa Lisa had rented out. Lisa Lisa herself stood atop the water, watching Holly closely so she wouldn’t drown.
Holly had been underwater for around five minutes. This was a breath exercise to help her regulate. She was keeping a constant flow of Hamon moving throughout her body, and the aim was to conserve the breath she’d taken before jumping in.
Her chest wrung itself. was she at her limit? She had The Miracle reach for the clasp of the weights to release herself, floating up to the surface. When she finally reached air, she inhaled slowly and evenly instead of all at once. The difference was huge—she felt a spike of energy even though she had just gone so long without breathing.
Lisa Lisa clapped politely. “Very good. I was worried you’d lose your technique. That’s the real test here. Well done.”
Holly smiled, lifting herself out of the pool to sit on the edge. Seeing her arms, she noticed she’d gained a little muscle definition. Her workout routine was almost as rigorous as Lisa Lisa’s training. Holly didn’t doubt the Hamon had something to do with this new strength.
It was about a week into her training, and Lisa Lisa wouldn’t give her a clear answer about whether she was making good pace. Not that it exactly mattered. Suzi managed to get the Speedwagon people to trust her so she was able to keep closer tabs on the new Stand user. So far, they still hadn’t caught him.
Another bonus was her getting all of the doctors to leave. Holly was pretty much back to normal. The doctors weren’t needed and hadn’t received instructions for the contingency of Holly waking up. Since Joseph was radio silent, they took Suzi’s orders instead. She also told her butler to return home, much to his chagrin.
Suzi trotted over to her with a tray of drinks. “Are you thirsty, sweetie?”
Holly grabbed a lemonade. “Thank you, Mama!” She opened the little port at the bottom of her mask which allowed her to drink through a straw. According to Lisa Lisa, the original model of the mask hadn’t had this amenity. Previous students would have had to either take it off to drink and risk losing their rhythm, or drink their daily allotment of liquids all at once during a meal.
Holly watched in amusement as Suzi hastily trotted across the water to give Lisa Lisa a lemonade. Her ripples were strong but not uniform, meaning she got soaked up to her shins. Once she returned to the deck she took off her sandals to dry them.
Lisa Lisa followed her out of the pool, sitting down to rest her legs. Suzi said Lisa Lisa had some scar tissue and nerve damage in her ankles that would occasionally act up, which was why she used a cane and sometimes a wheelchair or walker.
Holly suspected there was a Hamon battle that had led to her getting those injuries, but try as she might, she couldn’t get Lisa Lisa to tell her any stories.
Once she finished her lemonade, Holly gave the glass back to Suzi and dried herself off.
Lisa Lisa got up and grabbed Holly’s empty glass off Suzi’s tray, much to Suzi’s bewilderment. Lisa Lisa settled into a stance and Holly realized too late what was happening.
Lisa Lisa threw the glass a bit to the side of her. Holly caught it quickly, using The Miracle to extend her reach. “Grandma! What was that for?” She asked, setting it down carefully.
“I knew it.” Lisa Lisa strode over to her, her stilettos clicking against the concrete. “You have more than just my techniques you’re using. What is it, though?” She started to circle Holly like a vulture, looking her up and down.
“Uh,” Holly said. Suzi hadn’t told Lisa Lisa about Stands? Although…it was possible Joseph hadn’t even told Suzi. Holly was reasonably certain he didn’t even tell her all the details when he explained Jotaro’s predicament.
She didn’t know whether Lisa Lisa would believe her about The Miracle. She may be able to use fantastical life-giving lightning, but where did she draw the line? 9-foot tall ancient vampires were at least tangible, unlike Holly’s Miracle…
On top of that, Joseph was very picky about who he told his secrets to. It seemed like the more innocent people knew about the existence of Stands, the more likely they were to be hurt. Lisa Lisa being involved in this was the last thing Holly wanted. What would Joseph do in this situation?
“Well? What is it? Did you develop some sort of new technique without me knowing?” Lisa Lisa said, crossing her arms. “Wouldn’t put it past Joseph’s daughter. But what did you do exactly? I should hope it’s not cheating. I also wouldn’t put that past someone raised by him.”
Holly relaxed a little. She had to say something that would make Lisa Lisa not be suspicious anymore.
“I think it’s air currents,” Holly blurted, then cringed. How would she back that up? Now her coach would just be suspicious she was stupid…
“Is that so? The wind blew it into your hand?” Lisa Lisa said, leaning in close to Holly’s face. Holly could feel Lisa Lisa’s eyes burning into her skull even though she still had on her sunglasses.
Holly glanced at Suzi, who looked completely bewildered. “Uh, no…I think it was Hamon. The air in here is very humid, so the water helped me.”
Lisa Lisa paused. “Very well. I’ll study this phenomenon…I suppose stranger things have happened. Carry on, then. Once you finish drying off you’re running a race. I’ve signed you up already. You’ll be coming in first place. By a lot.”
“Oh, okay…when is it?”
“Ten minutes.”
Block high. No, higher. Too late. Lisa Lisa broke Holly’s defense and easily struck her. Holly hopped backwards on the balls of her feet, circling her opponent.
Sweat trickled down her brow. She gritted her teeth. This sparring match was going on for too long. Neither fighter was making any progress. It was to the point that Suzi, on the sidelines, didn’t seem to know who to cheer for.
Lisa Lisa rammed her cane towards Holly’s forehead. Holly narrowly caught it. She tried to send Hamon up it but it blew up in her face, showering sparks all over her. She jumped backwards.
“What’s your secret?” Holly said. “What makes you so good at this?”
Lisa Lisa smirked. “As if I’d tell you while we’re fighting.” She leapt towards Holly, striking her in her solar plexus and then her shoulder. “A magician never reveals her tricks.”
Holly stumbled back, surprised she didn’t fall. Instead of retreating she hunched down and rammed her shoulder into Lisa Lisa’s stomach.
This seemed to genuinely catch Lisa Lisa by surprise—not because it was a good move, but because it was so bad she truly wasn’t expecting it.
Lisa Lisa fell backwards and Holly quickly took away her cane. She pressed the end of it to Lisa Lisa’s chest, pinning her down.
“Do you yield, Grandma?” Holly said.
“Of course not!” Lisa Lisa said with a chuckle, batting the cane away with her forearm. Holly recoiled from the force and dropped the cane. As soon as her grip slipped, Lisa Lisa swooped in and snatched it back. Holly retreated.
She shook her head. “I should have known better. I’ll have to do something really special to keep you down.” She again circled.
Lisa Lisa smiled. “You’re right about that. Give it your best shot!”
She rushed forward, striking at Holly with a flurry of blows from her cane as well as her hands. Holly stayed on defense, dodging each attack narrowly. She was in the clear, that is until Lisa Lisa caught her off guard with a crack to the shoulder.
Holly wobbled, and Lisa Lisa hit her in the knees to buckle them. Holly crumpled to the ground. Her coach placed the tip of her cane against Holly’s throat.
“Do you yield?” Lisa Lisa said, a bit smugly.
Holly smiled. “Nope!” She grabbed onto the cane, directing a shock of Hamon up through it successfully. Lisa Lisa, not prepared for this, was stunned in place by the lightning.
Holly rolled away and quickly swept Lisa Lisa’s legs. She actually fell this time. Instead of immediately retaliating, she laid there for a moment.
“I yield. What…” Lisa Lisa shook her head, confused. “What did you do?”
Holly helped her up and they bowed. “I noticed that your cane only accepts Hamon one way. I couldn’t shock you from my side.”
“Exactly…how did you do it just now?”
“When you fell, I switched the ends. I saw that the head of the cane can come off, so I just moved it and hoped you wouldn’t notice.” Holly smiled. “I can’t believe it worked!”
Lisa Lisa stared. How did she unscrew it that fast? How did she even think to do that? “You’re very clever. You earned this victory.” She said, composing herself.
“Okay! Thank you! Oh, and I hope your cane isn’t damaged.”
“I can get it fixed. I’m very proud of you for thinking outside the box, dear. You can have the rest of the afternoon off.” Lisa Lisa now spoke to Suzi. “Bring my wheelchair, would you? I’m feeling a bit drained.”
Suzi nodded vigorously, trotting away. Holly helped Lisa Lisa to a seat before leaving.
As she walked the halls back to the kitchen, she couldn’t help but wonder if Joseph had a similar experience. Did he ever defeat Lisa Lisa in sparring? If he did, he would have never let her hear the end of it.
Would he be proud of Holly for her accomplishments?
She missed him so much. She missed Joseph, and Jotaro, and even Kakyoin and Avdol. She hoped they were safe. Her gut told her they were, or at least they were alive.
Recently her nightmares got more frequent. She saw DIO more often. Did that mean Joseph’s group was getting closer to him?
Dread crept into her chest, the sickening weight of it settling on her. It happened whenever she thought about her visions of DIO. This was just a fraction of his presence—what would it be like to face him head-on?
“HOLLY! HOLLY! WHERE ARE YOU?” Suzi shouted, startling her.
“In the kitchen, Mama. What is it?” She called back, sipping her water.
Suzi ran in. “They got the guy! They’re getting him on a plane to Egypt as we speak. Get packed!”
Holly dropped her glass but quickly caught it with The Miracle. Water spilled everywhere. “Huh?”
“I said get packed! We need to get you to the airport within the hour!” Suzi glanced at the floor. “I’ll clean the mess. You just focus on getting ready!”
Holly nodded. She hurried back to her room, hauling out her duffel bag.
She picked out her most practical outfits, which ended up being mostly jeans and cotton button-ups. She also grabbed a jacket. It’s cold in the desert at night, right?
Once that was done she got basic toiletries, extra shoes, lots of extra socks…
She put on her favorite fake pearl necklace, running her hands over the smooth beads. It was calming for her. She captured the sensation with The Miracle, so now whenever she was stressed she could touch her necklace to calm down.
She put on her hiking boots, quickly ducking into Jotaro’s room to grab his spare pocket knife. He probably wouldn’t mind. She also grabbed a few fresh pieces of clothes for him.
Sadao had briefly gone through a phase where he bought a surplus of survival equipment despite never even camping. It was possibly Holly’s fault, as most of the supplies came from American catalogues she showed him.
This collection was one of the many things he never bothered to come pick up, and which Holly had placed in a guest room closet.
She now opened it up and took the expensive over-engineered canteen he’d bought. It had normal things like peroxide and a filter, but it also had a built-in compass, a sheath for a tiny knife, several strap options, and more. It was almost useless.
She shrugged, tossing it in her bag. It wasn’t like Sadao would be using it.
Holly found her mother and grandmother in the front room waiting on her. “Am I late?” She asked.
Lisa Lisa shook her head. “No, not at all.”
“Are we leaving?” Holly said, cocking her head.
“Aren’t you missing something, dear? What do you think you’ll do with that big mask you’ve got on?” Lisa Lisa said, laughing a little.
Holly had honestly forgotten about it. Her hand wandered to it absentmindedly, tracing the grooves in the metal. “Oh, yeah.” Suzi laughed at her a little.
Lisa Lisa unclasped the buckles and carefully lifted the heavy mask over Holly’s head. “You might be thinking I’m doing this because you’re leaving and I have to, but that’s not the case. You’ve done well, and you don’t need help anymore. I’m proud of you, Holly.”
Holly beamed. “Okay!” She quickly hugged Lisa Lisa, almost crushing her before remembering she was almost 100 and Holly should probably be more gentle. Lisa Lisa laughed, patting Holly’s back.
“I’ll miss you, Grandma. Thank you so much for training me,” Holly continued. “I’ll make you proud, I promise!”
“Just be safe. I’ll be the most proud if you survive.”
“Likewise!” Suzi chimed in, her voice sounding a little unsteady. Holly immediately turned and hugged her.
“Mama, I’ll miss you too.” Holly buried her face in Suzi’s shoulder. “I’ll ask Papa to give you a call.”
“That would be very nice,” Suzi said. Holly felt wetness on her shoulder—Suzi was crying.
“Mama, don’t cry! I’ll cry too!” Holly said hastily, hugging her tighter. “I promise it’ll all turn out okay in the end.”
Suzi sniffed. “Be safe, sweetie…”
“I will!” Holly declared, stepping back. “I’m ready to go. I want to stay and say goodbye for longer, but I know I’ll start getting emotional if I do.” Her eyes were already teary.
Lisa Lisa nodded. “It’s good that you know your limits. The Speedwagon Foundation driver is waiting out at the gate. He’ll take you to a secret location where you’ll board a plane, then rendezvous in Egypt with your teammate, before finally joining Joseph’s group. Make sense?”
“Yep! Bye-bye!” Holly slipped out the door and waved back at them as she trotted down the driveway.
Suzi, her tears flowing freely, alternated between blotting her eyes and waving at Holly. Her heart was full of pride but her hands shook as she took in the possibility that this could be her last time seeing her daughter.
Once Holly was out of sight, Lisa Lisa turned to Suzi.
“She’ll be fine. Joseph and Jotaro will fight tooth and nail to keep her safe, and she’ll do the same for them.” She put her hand on Suzi’s shoulder. “I don’t know what she’s been doing, but she has some kind of trick up her sleeve. It seems like sleight of hand, or maybe she’s developed a Hamon variation. She inherited Joseph’s ingenuity. She will beat the odds here. Just have faith in her.”
“I know…I feel useless again. I thought dropping out of Hamon training would only be bad for me…I never realized it would cause my best friend to die,” Suzi sobbed. “When you left for Switzerland…I couldn’t go with you. Then before I knew it you were missing and JoJo was on my doorstep in shock from burns saying Caesar was dead.”
“Suzi, dear, why didn’t you ever say anything to me? That’s not your fault. Not even I could save him.”
“I know, it just hurts…and now it’s happening again. Why can Joseph and Holly go on this journey but not me? Why am I never able to help?” Suzi raked her tears away. “I don’t want to have to wonder if my daughter and husband will come back to me.”
“Sometimes you just have to wait. It’s not worth thinking about what could have been, or what might be. You’ll just make yourself upset.” Lisa Lisa touched the end of her scarf, pondering the embroidered bubbles. The iridescent thread caught the light, sparkling back at her just like Caesar’s Hamon used to.
“Not everyone can fight. Even if you can, oftentimes you have to let others help. That’s what being a team is. You’re part of their team, even though you can’t go with them. You orchestrated all of this. Without you Holly would be stuck here.”
“Did I do the right thing? It’s possible I could lose all of them now.” Suzi’s lip trembled and she started to tear up again.
“I think you did.” Lisa Lisa offered Suzi a clean handkerchief. “You and I will never know the full extent of it, but I’ve never seen a stronger bond than the one through this family. They’ll take care of each other. You just wait for your call from JoJo, alright?”
Suzi nodded. “I will…I miss him…”
“I’m sure he feels the same. He gets so whiny without you.” Lisa Lisa smiled.
Suzi finally laughed a little. “You’re right, I wonder if he’s complained yet.”
“Oh, absolutely. Remember when we were on vacation and you left to get lunch without telling him? He was pacing up and down the living room, and he wouldn’t shut up. Completely hopeless, I tell you.”
“Completely!” Suzi finally dried the last of her tears, her sorrow evaporating into fond laughter.
They returned inside and sat in the living room chairs. Suzi looked out the window at the bright flowers swaying in Holly’s garden, resolving to hold out hope one last time.
Holly stumbled out onto the helipad, shielding her eyes from the morning sun. She was jet lagged and her legs screamed from climbing so many flights of stairs, which her escorts had insisted on in case of tampering with the elevator. Holly was pretty sure she’d heard somewhere that elevators were safer.
The helicopter landed a few minutes ago, so its blades were still. It was silhouetted against the sunrise. She could barely make out the Speedwagon Foundation decal. The escorts walked her to the craft, opening the door for her.
In the back, there was nothing but a crumpled up jacket. Holly paused. Wasn’t the other person supposed to be here? They were probably another Stand user. Maybe their stand allowed them to be invisible? Or maybe tiny?
She turned to the pilot, who cut her off before she could even speak.
“He’s here. Just get in quickly, please,” he said, motioning her in.
She sat down and eyed the jacket as the escorts closed the door behind her. The pilot and copilot flipped a bunch of switches.
Once they were safely in the air, the copilot turned around to talk to Holly.
“Your teammate is under that jacket. Don’t disturb him if you value your hair.” He tossed his head towards the other seat. “His name’s Iggy. Seems like if you leave him alone he won’t bother you.”
“Bother me?” Holly said. “I hope not. If we’ll be working together I want to be friends.”
“I wouldn’t recommend trying that, ma’am…he can be very irritable at times.”
“Isn’t it rude to talk about someone as if they aren’t here?” Holly crossed her arms, making the copilot flinch.
“Mrs. Kujo…are you aware that Iggy is a dog?”
“No, I wasn’t told.” She looked at the jacket again. There was actually a suspiciously dog-sized lump in it. “That would make sense. I wasn’t aware dogs could be Stand users.”
“Neither were we until we caught him. You learn something new every day, I guess.” The copilot shrugged.
Holly heard rustling. Iggy was moving around under the jacket. He eventually poked his head out, blinking at her.
“Oh, a Boston terrier! Aren’t you good-looking!” Holly said cheerfully. “Nice to meet you, Iggy! I hope I didn’t disturb your nap.”
He stared at her, walking forward a bit to see her better. She offered her hand for him to smell.
“My name’s Holly, by the way!” She smiled.
Iggy nodded at her after sniffing her hand sufficiently. Holly was a little surprised—she’d never seen a dog do that. Was he more smart than a normal dog? Did he understand bits of human speech? No wonder he was irritable, then. No one was speaking of him very highly.
He didn’t seem mean at all. He sat next to her politely for a moment before flopping down on his side against her leg.
“Would you like to be scratched?” She said.
Iggy squirmed a little, closing his eyes. Holly assumed that meant “no,” and he just wanted to sleep. She was fine with that. He seemed to be able to tolerate her, and she was thankful. She wouldn’t push her luck.
The copilot looked back at Holly again curiously, and his mouth fell open when he saw Iggy snuggled up to her. “How did you—“
Holly shushed him. “He’s sleeping!”
The copilot rolled his eyes.
Actually, sleep sounded pretty good right about now. The flight was supposed to be decently long. Holly leaned up against the window, taking in the beautiful Egyptian landscape for a moment but quickly drifting off.
This time she didn’t dream of DIO, only a bright vision of reuniting with her family.
Thank you for reading!
Reference drawing of Lisa Lisa here
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inkperch · 6 months
Just watched Damsel and I reaally do not get the hype ngl.
Like... Possibly bc my first exposure to her was Enola Holmes, but something a bit Millie Bobby Brown's performance is jarringly broody (like, in a dcu batman way, not in a well-written batman way-) and the talking to herself sounds less like an actual 'Stressed as fuck twenty-something clinging desperately to her last shred of sanity-' more "Enola Holmes' snarky audience asides" which just did not. Fit.
Which was especially egregious when she spends 90% of the film entirely alone, despite several opportunities to fix this- either by making the dragon a more present and constant threat, doing more than one cryptic dream sequence with the ghosts, having her dad actually speak with her instead of apologising through desperate yelling and the narrative not even giving her time to like. React to that. She didn't know that-
Or the REALLY interesting one, which realising they weren't doing was what honestly made me check out of the movie entirely: the other girl she'd been making eyes at who got sacrificed just before her? Would Not Have Been Hard to just. Have her survive. And I, obviously, am leaning towards a ship there, but even just giving her someone to play off of would've done wonders for the pacing, especially for the exposition.
Meanwhile the plot was so busy being subversive it forgot to be coherent? Like. The dragon was already annoying, but then she killed Eloide's dad and just lost all sympathy from me. He literally spelled it out to her that he is a narrative parallel to the guy who killed her kids and she doesn't realise. That she's become the monster she hated. And just. Ahhh-
Also! That ending.
Total girl boss moment! Slaughtering your way through an innocent kingdom because the Queen (not the king, note, and the Prince was shown to be against it but spineless against his mean mother, bc nothing says girl boss like that old chestnut) and some creepy masked people did the only thing they could do to protect their kingdom from an unreasonable, illogical and unstoppable force holding a centuries long grudge. (Do we see their thoughts? No? They're just mean in one scene and so we're meant to ignore their lack of other choices?)
And then. Boat! And Dragon friend! Because its not like it was literally the first thing the film established, that her home was struggling with an issue a fire breathing dragon would be super helpful with dealing with, or anything- look, adventures!!!! Boats!!!
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clonehub · 2 years
Episode 3 of the bad batch!
"we're fine" girl the gonk droid is on its side
I wonder what these rations taste like
Okay so echo can eat solids. And also everyone is yelling at him to fix everything on the ship. They are flying through hyperspace on a ship that doesn't work properly and I'm SORRY but techs priorities are BACKWARDS
The way they're acting I'm thinking theybe never crash landed before which is actually really funny bc Anakin only knew how to crash. Like it was a regular occurrence in tcw for bitches to be crashing all over the place
Okay first mention of crosshair.
"Crosshairs actions may have been influenced by his inhibitor chip" "it can do that?" Was it. Like wasnt this established. Like one or two episodes ago? I'm genuinely confused this could be my own standing knowledge of the chips getting in the way but why's echo surprised the chip is influencing Crosshairs actions
I will say. There's times where the lighting and the model rendering blends in such a way so that u can't really differentiate the features on omegas face if that makes sense. Like it blends too much
I do like how much they do the blur/focus thing I've always liked that
Rampart being like the only person in this entire series with decently brown eyes :/
Oh look. Once again referred to as enhanced (crosshair). And it's like the more that I think about it. It would not make sense for the Kaminoans to work so hard to keep tbb alive if they believed they were really defective. They're very much like "here's our enhanced product here's our enhanced soldiers see how enhanced they are" like tbb are advertising so they wouldn't say "yeah they're defective BUT--"
So crosshair just walking about in his jammies
Tarkins face model is p good
Something about the models for this first batch of conscripts is like. Like they were built the way they were bc the animators knew they wouldn't be on screen long.
This is kinda funny tho bc they definitely made some heads and just stuck them on a clone models body HFKSBFKSNDKSJS not that I'm mad I like they didn't do boob armor but fhakdnaksk
Tech is so like. Not arugmentative but he has to reply to everything and it's normally in a dismissive or disagreeing way and normally I wouldn't care at all but sometimes it's like was this line necessary.
"you wanna narrow that down" bitch can you go outside and look damn making all this noise from the back seat
I wonder why if Wrecker is having all this obvious hesd pain nobody is actually like checking on him?
A nice blend of music here
It's so funny like how much ppl just fucking hate being scanned because like for me if every doctors visit could just be a scan I'd be so gung ho for it. Yeah let me just lay here for three seconds and hardly get a needle or anything tf
Willing enlistment as metric for a good soldier is interesting and I feel like purposely manipulative bc the guy in the scene before this just said he's got like food and housing so that's partly why he's staying. It's not a loyalty thing at all lmao
What's funny is that I think tbbs helmets for all their little specialities don't actually contribute to air tight contained suits the way the normie clones do. Bc if this was Rex and co they could probably just keep their buckets on w a lil attachment. So they get the headlamps and the HUD. But hunter can't have that so he has to remove the entire thing and put on this mask.
"we each have enhanced skills"
See I wish they could have maintained this tension around crosshair better through the season
Not this white boy poking crosshair in his insecurities BDMABDLSNSLAK no wonder he was so gung ho to kill him and also why he wanted to stick w the imps so bad. Again again again it's ego
They use English letters a lot here not that it's a bad thing or anything but like I remember how in tcw during some like behind the scenes things they basically implied they tried to avoid doing that. They sometimes would say the aurebesh letters and sometimes it'd be A and B
Oh he didn't tattoo his eyelid. Not that it like has to be but like. I just noticed
Sorry these choking noises are so throaty
Bro just unconscious here fjandnaknsa
Wilhelm scream :/
Yeah wow the uh. White boy was the only one with moral back bone huh. The only one who said extrajudicial execution of civilians was bad. Just him huh. Hm.
This is an interesting creature
Oh she gotta be standing on something to be this tall
DNA degradation still doesn't make sense to me given what should be the kammies gene prowess but whatevs
It's like. They're hung up on Jango DNA but if hsi stuff is swirling the drain and you don't have boba would the next thing not be to just find a new guy? Also how does any of that make this any less cost prohibitive
"such a contingency would require a direct source. The clones required will not return willingly" / "they are kaminoan property and we only need one"
Uh but tbb are enhanced and mutated so therefore not the best candidates for sourcing for Jango DNA? Unless I've got this wrong (I'm thinking I do).
I wonder if this room still stinks
This is a sweet thing wreckers done I will say that. But also is omegas room just a viewport or is there a turret attached to that chair?
"I never had my own room before" who was she sharing a room with?????
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cheeseandbretboy · 10 days
the painting i continued (from longer than a year ago) has too bright white highlights so i need to get rid of them AND quite possibly it would be nice to just give up and do whaeter and get on the train just ot look at all the stations i havent seen before nd cvt and listten to whip your kids on repeat again and again and have no money to afford to eat and find someone who is just so ?? and mean but not in that non self absorbed self absorbed way and stupid because everyone has too much to look forward to and too much to complain about and that makes everyone so yucky and hypocritical and ughghurejne me whenni have work tmr ALSO need to print out more movie photos AND anyone i meet gets so human and i get sick of them so easily but not myself so i will always be alone and thats a good thing unless im not listening to music then it is not so good bc i can hear my breathing an feel my skin also what even is life without music its just ------------------ no ty i do not want to be like amber or ritchie but oh i did thrift their shoes and also jasons but hes kind of an L WAIT that makes so much sense anyway that scene where they are walking in the store with the heavy combat boots that have been discontinued (why?) and a shotgun wow! imagine being tricked by a soda can what a loser anyway the sehleves ive built are really nice and after doing that with hands blistered and joints sore i realised i can fit everythign insdie it and oh god im gonna lose absolutely everything! and thn something even WoORSE hit me that none of this even means anytnign, what the flip, imagine this format will stop and we only live in the real world what then maybe just maybe musicals make sense and then i bash my head into my desk HOW COULD U FOR A SECOND THINK MUSICALS ARE OKAY blood is spurting just likein that scene in longlegs dilf, jokes no maybe nicholas cage hes too pasty this has gotten long uve recently discovered this rly underground and unpopular artist michael jackson yea nobodies really heard of him sigh WHY DO I HAVEA FRENCH BOOK OH GOD IM GOING TO HELL people should put everything ive ever ever made into a bible because that is all i am and i am so happy that is true so yea put this in as well and all my assigmnets and paintings and digital art from 2019 and old drawings and scribbles and south park doodles and short stories ad gore and all the deleted notes of measurrements (sigh why phone) and dont forget all the photos and the annotations i rubbed out later cuz they sounded dumb and too personal remember always to make ur writing as obscure as possible because people always look to make everything about them hey emotions are really stupid our brains are amazing at finding information so much of it but our conciousness is preoccupied with other stupid stuff like education and being horny so all we get is emotions that have been processed information so hey our thinking brain really is in the back seat and we cant change it yk im bnad! im bad! u knowit really really bad megamind... evan peters is eyeing me rn.. i did a really good job of diverting my mental problems its actually really good but i am hoping we can get back to them once they get fixed and maybe this dependence wiol go away too right maybe and wait a darn second are you telling me i wont find myself a tim burton anti hero what the flip unbelievable may i get a refund never sell your doc martens just break them in please the blisters and pus and blood will pass and they will be great i swear unless theyre the max platform types then u might have to keep getting pain but thats okay god dont tell me i need to work in the future although when i watched the movie for the 2nd time in cinemas there was 3 seconds where there was a doctor with a mask and wowww maybe i shld become one of those but i dontthink i have the right motivation maybe neurobiology maybe quantum mechanics mabe maybe even both like quantum mind god thats interesting but only after biology i need to get worried abt climate change and then realise OH MY GOD NOTHING MATTERS BUT OUR MINDS and thats
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knifechased · 10 months
Pocky day was over. Almost a week. Still, Linn had a couple of boxes she just couldn't finish alone; hell, why not try to offer the blonde some? The biscuit sticks are conveniently shaped, fitting perfectly in his mask holes. Linn would bet her last bit of fur that Killer must like them at least a bit.
And so she drags herself nervously to the masked one, chocolate-flavored Pocky in hand - these are a classic. Can't be wrong with them. The doctor cleared her throat to get his attention.
❝ Killer? I still have some Pocky. And yes, before you point it out, I am sure Kid would help me eat them. I just think he had more than enough sugar for the next month already. ❞ The last sentence sinks into a whisper. White paws fumble one stick out, holding it in front of his covered face.
❝ I am sure you like them, no? It's chocolate. I also have other flavors, j-just in case you like another type. ❞
                    【 November 11 — Pocky Day. 】           @medicus-felini
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          Admittedly, the Mink doctor has caught him at an unfortunate time. He's halfway through moving the band equipment from the stage on the main deck, back down to its usual home in the dedicated music room situated in the lower part of the hull. Nobody had bothered packing anything up after performing last night, which, he supposes, was fairly inevitable; with how much everyone had been drinking, half the crew hadn't even properly made it back to their beds and ended up passing out cold drunk on the wooden floorboards. Tidying up and putting away the instruments had been a chore best saved for when they were sober enough to carry heavy equipment.
Killer is supporting the weight of two amps when she approaches him, one under each arm. The wheels on their cases had mysteriously broken off and shattered recently, and though he has no evidence to prove his theory, he suspects it may have been the doing of a certain infamous duo using them for racing down the hallway again. Carrying the equipment was easier than troubling himself with fixing the busted transporters.
Peering at Linn's paws through the holes in his mask, Killer ceases his footfall, yet his grip on the amps remains. Though she may not have specifically stated that she would feed him, he has, without realizing, misinterpreted her suggestion. Unknowingly, he has taken this as an offer to give him the snack by hand, since he's obviously too busy to do it himself. And since she is correct in her assumption that he's a fan of the biscuit sticks, he's going to accept her invitation.
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            ❝ Sure, the original is fine. I like most of them. ❞
He's immediately then leaning down towards the cat Mink, moving his mask to her face as he expects the delivery of the chocolate treat towards the circular coin-sized hole situated just before his lips.
Should she look carefully enough, she should just be able to make out the glint of ice blue eyes through the light filtering in through his helmet; his expression calm, nonchalant, expecting, as if this occurrence were typical for them.
He merely sounds casually conversational when he speaks again.
          ❝ Have you tried Pretz? ❞
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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A not so Cinderella story
“I’m the only one in this room that knows you don’t have panties underneath this beautiful dress”
Pairing: football play! Jeno Lee x female cheerleader! reader
Genre: SMUT, FLUFF, enemies to lovers
WC: 4,507k
Warnings: mentions of food, as requested the reader here is a cheerleader so the character is fit. Please dont come at me. Public oral sex (female receiving) (inside school classroom), swearing, unprotected sex, mentions of rough sex, the sex was just inspired by Diggity Jeno hahaha, a lot of cliché moments here, mentions of bruises and dislocated bones (bc athletes) NOTHING DESCRIPTIVE IT WAS JUST MENTIONED
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I get my internet connection back. Part of Request Party. Also Jeno has been wrecking me lately.
Peanut butter and jelly. That’s the perfect way to describe you and Lee Jeno.
The famous sandwich is known with its unbalancing tastes of flavors where the tastes of peanut butter and jam always fights in your mouth, but that’s what makes it so delicious. Something so unfit, unbalanced, contradicts, but still they’re better together. And just like the sandwich, you and Jeno are two different mixing flavors.
As the captain of the football team, and you as the captain of the squad, people around you expect that you ‘mix’ well with each other to the point that they expect you to be dating by this time.
“Nope. Not gonna happen. I hate him, he hates me. Let’s just accept that,” you whine to your friends as they ask you to take Jeno as your date for the dance this weekend. “It’s an exciting masquerade party, please let me enjoy my night without that dick ruining it,”
“And speaking of Jeno’s dick. Look at the size of that... Mmm,” one of your friends said and pointed to the side of the field where the football team are practicing and Lee Jeno’s shorts are just... so thin that his big dick is obvious.
“RIP to that pussy he’s fucking after dance...” another one comments.
“Okay, continue your drooling after practice. I need your full attention now. Let’s go! Move your asses!”
And just like that the captain in you is out in no time, earning respect from your friends and even impressing the guys from the football team. Of course everyone admired your leadership, skills and well... hot body. That’s why Jeno’s focus is nowhere to found the moment he heard you shouting from across the field and seeing your nice ass and-
“You can always say that you like her,” Jaemin disturbs Jeno’s thoughts with heavy breathing, sweating handsomely and waving at the students who calls him.
“Yeah, It’s not that simple,” Jeno said.
“Psh. Of course it is. HEY Y/N!!!! JENO SAYS YOU’RE SEXY!”
Jeno’s eyes went big and tried stopping Jaemin but its too late. You heard him already. Everyone, heard him.
“Stop staring at my ass Jeno, go back to practice” you said sternly and rolled your eyes at him. That was hot, Jeno thought.
You see, just like peanut butter and Jelly, you’re two different amazing beings. Each has unique personalities and charm, but you can’t see the good things in Jeno because you’re always blinded by his cocky attitude. But for Jeno, whenever you’re mad at him, annoyed to the core or whenever you talk back at him, he always finds it sexy. Until one day he fell for you, by just looking at you long and hard one perfect afternoon at the cafeteria while you’re busy reading something.
As the school dance commence and everyone had unique masks on their faces tonight, to be honest you quite enjoy it because somehow you feel invisible. You don’t feel popular and people are just so comfortable with talking to you, not knowing that you’re Y/n. And the only people who knew it was you was of course your friends, and you are having a great time.
“She’s the one wearing a white ball gown,” Jaemin whispers to Jeno under the loud party music and howling teenagers, “you owe me captain, it’s not that easy to make her friends talk,”
“Psh. Of course it is, you’re Na Jaemin,” Jeno pats his friend’s shoulder as a thanks and walked towards you with a smile in his face. Confident that you won’t shoo him away because you don’t know that he’s Jeno.
“Looks like I found my princess,” he said with all his might. Looking so handsome and perfect even with his mask on. You can’t help but accept the compliment and flirt back. So you turned towards him, flashing a big and excited smile and so thrilled that someone finally had the guts to call you princess.
“I thought you’d never show up! Now, dance with me!” you reached for his hand and the masked prince immediately twirled you.
Everything was suddenly beyond perfect that you felt like every second was a beautiful well written scene in a fairytale book.
It’s the way he holds you while dancing, telling you the right words that goes straight to your heart and immediately give you a smile. A kind of smile that only the right person can give you. But of course, you don’t know that yet.
As the night became even more perfect for the two of you, not knowing each other’s names just makes everything more thrilling and interesting but you promised to each other to stay true to each other when the clock strikes midnight and everyone has to take off their masks.
And to maximize the fun, you and Jeno ended up making out in one of the empty classrooms while everyone is busy dancing and enjoying the program. And by the way, it was a passionate kiss, not like those innocent kissing-a-stranger type of kiss that you see in movies. You both didn’t care at that moment whether you know each other or not.
“Fuck- I have to go back before midnight, I kind of... have an important duty during the event,” you said. Careful not to tell him that the captain of the cheerleading squad is needed to crown the voted prom queen.
“Understood,” Jeno says because he is the one crowning the voted prom king. “Does your lips always tastes sweet?” he asked with a very sexy tone, lifting you effortlessly with his incredible strength and making you sit on the desk. He reaches dow to your dress and went under it, completely startling you with the way he holds your thighs and kiss your knee, inner thighs, until he reaches your clothed pussy. Kissing the wet center and drownig with the feeling of his tongue shamelessly ruining your panties.
Bravely, Jeno removed your panties without breaking the soft kisses he’s giving you, putting your panties straight in his pocket for safe keeping and to make sure that you have no choice but to go back to him after midnight.
“Oh fuck-“ you moaned softly, covering your own mouth while the man in between your legs is giving you kitten licks on your pussy but intensifying everything when he spread your folds and focused on your clit. Licking it fast and kissing it like it it was your lips. It was unbearable, and this time two hands are covering your mouth to muffle you moans because you knew that what you’re doing right now can jeopardize your cheerleading career.
“Close- ooh, fuck. Right there please, faster. Ahh!”
You don’t know but Jeno is smiling right now, happy and contented that he get to do this with you. And in a matter of seconds, your legs are shaking and wanting to be closed so bad, but Jeno is giving you oral like he had never licked a pussy in a year and stopped your legs from closing to torture you further with his tongue.
Then suddenly, you heard your name being called and you made Jeno stop and quickly went down from the desks with weak legs, not having any other choice but to face everyone even after having a nice orgasm just a few minutes earlier.
You feel sorry for your prince of course because you literally kicked him and bolted away without any other words, not even a smile.
“Sorry I’m late, I was in the comfort room handling my tummy ache,” you cleared your throat and did what you had to do. A few minutes later, Jeno is now crowing the voted prom king and you didn’t bother looking at him because you knew he will look so handsome tonight. So you just stood there in the corner of the stage focusing on your weak legs, and feel Jeno stood beside you afterwards. Watching the the prom king and queen dance at the corner, both with tired smile and hearts yearning to be with each other again, suddenly Jeno spoke to you.
“I’m the only one in this room that knows you don’t have panties underneath this beautiful dress” he whispered beside you with a small smirk that only you can notice.
And the moment you lift your head to face him, you see you le prince.
Jeno is your prince. The prince who just gave you a mind blowing orgasm just a few minutes back.
“Lee Jeno- what the fuck. What have you done,” you said quietly, trying to control your reactions in front of the entire school.
“Date me and I’ll give it back to you”
“No thanks, you can keep it- just please dont tell anyone what happened to us.”
And just like that both of your happy endings are cancelled for the night. He felt broken, you felt guilty. But he can’t just finish this night without a fight.
“Fine. At least let me drive you home” he said bitterly.
The drive was quiet as expected. No one saw you get inside Jeno’s car, you made sure of it. To be honest you wanted to apologize to him for the kick earlier, but you figured it will make everything even more awkward. So forget it.
When he had finally pulled in front of your house, neither of you started moving as if you didn’t want this night to end badly than it already is.
“I had a great time...” you started, hoping that it’s okay to even say ‘thank you’
“Can’t you see that I’m trying my best here?” he said and it turned quiet again, “I like you Y/n,”
“Are you sure?” Are the only words that came out from you.
“A hundred percent sure. If you don’t let me date you even just for a short period of time to prove my feelings to you... I might cry while driving home,”
“And that’s fucking dangerous. Okay okay,” you were panicking at this moment “I accept your offer. Please, just drive safe. You’re making me nervous,”
Jeno smiled from ear to ear upon hearing your decision. Even though you didn’t actually accepted his offer because you wanted to date him too,it’s fine. Jeno is willing to work hard for you.
Day after day Jeno ask you if you’re free for the most awaited date but you try so hard to avoid him. It was not easy to hide your ‘relationship’ and to be honest it’s starting to annoy you.
One awful day after practice, it was the weekend and only the squad and the football team is in campus for practice. It was a tough and ugly day, so you decided to wait for everyone to finish showering before you start cleaning yourself.
The water was nice and the warm feeling of the showers just relaxes you to the max and enjoy the running water. You take this opportunity to sort out your thoughts...but someone disturbed your peace again.
You feel him hold you by the waist and encircle his arms around it, head rests by the crook of your neck and even by just feeling his embrace, you knew that Jeno is tired too. That he had a bad day too and you didn’t want to make things worst for the both of you.
“The door was open, I locked it for you” he said quietly. The tiredness was even obvious through the way he speaks.
And knowing that Jeno is using you to comfort himself, you just let him do what he wants as a way to give back to the comfort and company that he’s giving you now.
Wet kisses were place on your shoulder and neck, his strong arms kept you close to him until your ass is so close to his cock that it’s poking your ass cheeks but you just let it be. To be honest you love the feeling of what’s happening now, you feel so close to Jeno just like the night during the dance.
You turned around to face him, only to find his face full of dirt from practice, exhausted expression and silence. He was never silent when he’s around you, and that’s how you confirmed that it was indeed a bad day.
“Want to talk about it?” You offered and Jeno just rests his forehead on yours, letting the water run through your naked bodies. Hands all over each other, no funny business just providing comfort. You took initiative to clean his face with your soap and pour shampoo on his hair, washing it gently as he lets you do what you want.
And finally, you see a hint of smile from his face and you cant help but to smile back.
You didn’t do anything stupid in the showers with Jeno, you just literally had shower with him while he keeps you close but it felt that you did something so intimate together. Like a couple who passionately had sex in bed.
After cleaning yourselves Jeno reached for your towel and wrapped you nicely, looking at your boobs without feeling ashamed because you’re looking at his cock too. If it was a normal day, you’d have sex right then and there, but you both don’t want it as of the moment.
“Wait here don’t get dressed yet,” he said when you’re back in the locker rooms.
And when he came back still wearing a towel wrapped around his waist, he dropped on bended knee as if he’s going to propose. But instead of reaching for your hand he reached for your leg, and made you wear the underwear that he took from you during the dance. “I washed it myself,” he said and placed a quick soft kiss on your waist before he gets up.
It was a sweet gesture. Not normal, but it was sweet and you liked it. He got up, turned his back and left you to finish putting your clothes. You wonder if he’ll wait for you outside because truth be told you don’t want this to end yet.
After you finish drying your hair and making yourself decent again, hoping that someone is waiting for you outside already. You saw Jeno waiting for you outside the school beside his car, looking so handsome on fresh new clothes with the cutest smile. Of course he waited.
“How was your day?” he finally asked you.
“Bad,” you answered and took a big bite on your hotdog sandwich. “I pushed my team so hard today that everyone just hated me during practice,”
“Same thing happened to me, me and Haechan almost got into a fight in the middle of practice earlier. I guess this what happens when we don’t practice at the same place,” he joked but his intentions were cute. “I’m not sure if were going to win this season. If we don’t, I would have to wave goodbye to my dream college”
“Jeno, we’re aiming at the same college, and knowing what they look for an athlete, it’s impossible that you won’t get scouted. I mean, you’re the reason why we keep winning. College football is no joke, so hang in there just do your best”
“College cheerleading is no joke either, you have to get in for me. I’m not taking cheers from a stranger it had to be you,” he made you giggle and let out small laughs that echoes around his car. You just nod at him and wiped the ketchup from his lips.
“Thank you and I’m sorry I’m always an asshole when it comes to you,” you said perfectly ruining the mood but Jeno did not let that happen.
“And for someone who used to hate each other, we sure are better when we work together,” he said, leaning closer to you for a kiss that you didn’t avoid. “Watch me win you fair and square,”
You smiled at what he said and returned the kiss to shut him up. And the next thing you know, you’re making out with Lee Jeno in his car in the middle of an empty fast food parking lot.
“You’re the first boy I ever kissed, Jeno, and I want you to be the last.... I mean you’re the first sincere kiss-“
“I get it, I get it,” he said and continue kissing you again.
After that fateful day, you’ve been each other’s rocks and support system. Meeting under the bleachers, showering last so you could shower in peace together after every weekend practice, and have secret dates whenever you want to. It was a beautiful time even though you’re not yet officially together. And that proper date he was meaning to give you, finally happened and you feel bad for avoiding this amazing moment to happen.
“Okay, I think we should stop” Jeno cut the kiss when you’re both getting too carried away. Knowing that his parents are away and you have the house all for yourselves just makes everything even more dangerous now. But instead of stopping you pushed him on his bed and went on top of him. Putting both of your legs on each of his sides and earning a cute giggle from him. “Alright, if this is what you wanted”
Jeno then traded places with you, putting you beneath him effortlessly and kissing every exposed skin he sees while slowly lifting your shirt and unclasping your bra effortlessly. Cupping your boobs and kneading them gently while he makes you crazy with his touch and the way his tongue swipes on your lips and dominates the kiss with that powerful tongue.
When he removed his shirt, you expected to see a very hot body, a perfectly sculpted abs, and his strong arms. You were prepared to see that. What you didn’t expect to see were the scars and bruises he got from practice and from his past games.
“Hey, don’t mind the scars. They don’t hurt anymore,” he reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Even though his body was all ruined like this, he looks so happy in life and this current moment. You then realized that Jeno is more than football and his cocky attitude. He’s a man who loves the game and is willing to do everything for his dream.
And that.... fucking turned you on that you attacked him with kisses and quickly removed your pants, Jeno did the same with quick movements until you’re both wearing only your underwear and ready to do it for the first time. He was the first one to remove his boxers briefs and thats the time when you remember how your friends drooled over Jeno’s big dick. It was true.
And that’s going inside you. Every inch of that veiny, thick cock of Jeno.
He removed your panties next, kissing your legs as he swiftly pull it down you thighs and expose your pussy to him. Whispering sweet words, comforting and filthy ones to balance this beautiful moment. You smiled when he pulled away from kissing you and finally lining his cock to your entrance.
Pumping his cock in between your opened legs and in front of your wet pussy, he started to tease you with the tip of his thick cock. Up and down, Jeno made you feel how raw he’s going to fuck you tonight. He started kissing and touching your body, slowly pushing in your tight hole and stealing your breath away, making you breath so heavily and grip his strong shoulders as he oh so slowly put his entire cock inside you.
“Does it feel nice?” You struggled talking but you managed to let out decent words. He nodded and rolled his hips, making you both moan and hold each other tightly. That’s how nice Jeno feels around you.
He gave you a few gentle thrust, stretching you good so won’t get hurt when he starts fucking you hard. You watch his cock go in and out of your pussy, and you can’t help but feel proud that it fits perfectly. “I love seeing your smile,” he said when he caught you smiling. He kisses the top of your breast, softly and just making you feel crazy with his soft lips around your nipples. Suck it good and twirling his hot tongue around it until your nipples are hard and swollen.
You didn’t notice that he has been fucking and giving you harder and faster thrust that his bed is starting to creak so bad and your bodies are slightly bouncing from the mattress. The pleasure was so nice especially its you that he’s fucking now, that his mind just went blank and started kissing your breast wildly which made you part your lips and furrow your brows. You then reached for him because you can’t take the pleasure anymore and made him kiss your lips instead.
But just as you thought that the he will go slow, no. When his chest hit your breast, and you’re now bodies to bodies that he’s putting his entire weight on top of you, Jeno became wild again and pinned your legs on the mattress and started fucking you hard.
Thrust and thrust you feel the impact on every inch of your body, and feeling the sting and hurt on your cunt as he continues to fuck you so good and the pleasure did not stopped from there. He lifted your left leg, using your flexibility wisely and placing your leg on his shoulders, earning a kiss on your leg when he saw that you got excited with the new position.
Jeno went back to fucking you again, putting his left thumb on your clit to draw small circles while his other hand is holding your leg safely as he fucks you good again.
“Jeno- ahh! Fuck, not on the pill” you informed him with heavy breaths and delicious groans. Gripping his sheets tightly as you slowly feel your orgasm build up and made your toes curl. Pushing Jeno away and closing your legs immediately so could curl in a ball and enjoy your orgasm. You didn’t noticed that he came on your body the moment he pulled out, painting your skin with his hot and thick cum.
Suddenly it was quiet and only your heavy breaths can be heard.
“Sorry about that,” he apologized immediately and placed soft kisses on your shoulders while you still curl and shiver.
“No it’s perfectly fine,” you reached to him for a kiss and then Jeno proceeded to cleaning up his mess. Kissing your sensitive body while he wipes it and putting you both in the mood again for a second round, but stopped yourselves and just enjoy the night while you talk naked in his bed.
“Can you please play more safely? I see you go to the nurse’s wing every after game, but I never understood why until now. I though it’s just simple bruises.... and not, dislocated bones and-“ He cut you off with a soft giggle and caught him blushing like crazy. Who is this man? Is this really Lee Jeno? “What?” You added.
“Nothing. You’re just so cute when you worry for me. I remember back then you told me you wish I break my ankles during one of our morning practice because we had the field that day first,”
“Yeah... I’m sorry about that. You’re just so, annoying sometimes and I just hate you so much,” you gave him a hug as a sorry for what you said back then, which he gladly accepted and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“How about now? Do you still hate me now?” He squeezed you butt cheek to remind you of what happened earlier and how you loved every second of it.
“I most definitely, still hate you Jeno Lee” but of course, Jeno did not buy it and started kissing you again. Touching all the right places and whispering the right words. Until you two fucked again that night and he had to drive you home a little later that usual. This was the first night that you realized, you never wanted to be apart from Jeno.
“Y/n,” he called you just before you enter your house. You turned around to face him and gave him a sweet smile.
“Jeno Lee?”
“I love you,”
“I love you too,”
And just like that he made your heart jump again without any warning. Leaving you safely and driving away from you with both happy hearts.
When Jeno’s most awaited game finally came, by this time around you’re both still seeing each other secretly.
“There’s my favorite cheerleader,” he grabs you by the waist and admire you in your cheer uniform. You rolled your eyes at him and raked his long hair away from his face. Reminding him to play safely tonight.
“Win for this pussy,” you said with a smirk. You haven’t had sex with Jeno for some time now because he was so focused with practice and you think, tonight is just perfect.
But the handsome guy has something more in mind, “uh uh, Im winning for something else, this game is big I need a motivation,”
“Well, name it lover boy and I’m happy to give it,”
“Your heart. If we win this game we will be officially together and of course, the sex is just a bonus. What do you say? My place?” he’s waiting for an answer that will give him the energy that he will need all throughout the game.
You kissed him on the lips and encircled your arms around him and said, “Deal” then placed another one, “Now go win because I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else”
“You just had to set the bar high right before a game, huh?” He smirked and asked for another kiss. Completely transferring your balm to his soft, addicting lips.
Of course you and Jeno were excited and all for the thrill that night. The game wasn’t easy to win, but he worked hard inside the field while you worked hard outside the field, making sure that the people will have faith to Jeno until the end of the game, win or lose.
And speaking of win or lose, of course you’ll still make him your boyfriend after tonight. You just couldn’t let his heart break two times in one night.
But no worries, because as you wave your pompoms and screamed for Jeno’s name to take the winning shot, everyone celebrated with you.
“THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!!” You shamelessly shouted and came running towards to Jeno together with the others and Jeno caught you in his strong arms and lifted you off the ground. Kissing you in front of everyone which made their jaws drop.
That night, you have never been so flirty around Jeno, and he had never been this sweet to you. Maybe, you two were just holding it in and now that nothing is stopping you, you’re ready to love each other with everything you got.
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heyy it's the giyuu simp hiding in your request box ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ mind if i sneak in another request :> just gonna slide this with a belated valentines day card
may i request a giyuu x reader headcanons? where its just giyuu and the reader living a peacefull and happy life with their kids, just fluff of how their every day life goes and giyuu with his kids :D maybe even some headcanons of the other pillars meeting the kids and his s/o (feel free to change the idea ofcc i don't mind if you write it at all (~^.^)~)
Hello fellow Giyuu simp lolol
This sounds really cute! Of course I’ll write it! ʕ◡ᴥ◡ʔ♡
This turned out to be very long haha hope you don’t mind :)
Giyuu x Fem!Reader with Kids!! ♡
AU: Life Without Demons
♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
Giyuu was the first to ask for kids. It was a shock since you’d figure he’d be too nervous and insecure to think he’d be able to be a father. But he loves you too much to not have children with you. He just can’t picture his life without you and both of your guys’ children in his future.
“Y/N...” he approaches you timidly, “I have um something to ask you...” he kept fidgeting with his hands and struggled making eye contact. His cheeks starting to burn. “What is it, Giyuu??” He sat there a bit, his brows knitted together as if he’d trying to figure out how to compile his sentence. “Let’s have children!” He finally bursts out boldly. You were taken back for a second but smiled wide and hugged him, agreeing with all of your heart.
Giyuu didn’t want too many kids. He only wanted about two children. (Maybe three children he’s thinking on it 👀) And that’s what you both had. One boy and one girl. The boy took more of your looks but also had a good mix of Giyuu as well. He ended up taking his eyes and messy hair but had your hair color and overall facial features. The girl was a very good mix between the two of you. The boy was the eldest child.
Giyuu was the type of parent to spoil his children a lot. You often had to stop him because it got hard for him to say no to them a lot of the times. But when it came down to it, he knew when to be strict and stand his ground. Like if one of your children throws a tantrum for not getting the toy they want, Giyuu would have a stern tak with them about how they need to learn the importance of being told “no” and to handle it like a “big boy/girl”
Giyuu would also do whatever it takes to help you with anything around the house or with the kids. He’d also do anything to spend as much time with his children as possible.
Giyuu also secretly loved it when his kids would get nightmares and ask to sleep with the both of you. He really loved sleeping next to his family and would often invite the kids into the futon even if they didn’t have a nightmare that night. They’d always get really excited and join without hesitation. He also LOVES holding their hands. He loves how tiny and soft they are in his large, calloused ones. He also really loved having them ride on his shoulders
When it came down to being the good cop bad cop, you both had an equal share between it. I can see Giyuu being pretty strict but not to the point where it’s suffocating. He’d still take extra precautions to make sure his kids are safe and don’t get into trouble. He also tries to come to complete understandings with his children when they’re in disagreements with him. He’d sit and talk with them and make sure they don’t feel invalidated or hurt. Sometimes though, he’ll have to put his foot down and tell his children to listen to them and not question his thinking. He’ll often try to come back to them later and explain again.
Kamboko Squad and Pillars’ Reactions to First Born (and general interactions with kids)
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When the news got out to everyone that you both were expecting children, they were all so very excited.
You were a few weeks pregnant and Tanjirou (and the rest of the squad) came by to visit and he was able to smell it off you. You were a little shocked how he was able to notice until he explained how his mom smelled a certain way when pregnant with his siblings. Then it made a bit more sense. Kind of.
Poor little boy teared up because of how happy he was for the both of you. He was so happy to see Giyuu with the love of his life and now starting a family. Inosuke got all those fluffy things around his head. He was very soft and gentle around you and it was really cute. Sometimes he’d just stare at your bloated stomach and it seemed like he was having a psychic conversation with the baby lolol.
Nezuko was very excited to meet the new baby and couldn’t wait nine months! Zenitsu was really happy for the both of you and it really warmed his heart to hear the baby’s heartbeat. He also got very scared for you because he heard that giving birth if very painful and he’d never want to go through something like that either.
They all saw your kids as their own little siblings, especially Tanjirou. Tanjirou is very good with kids so they ended up liking Tanjirou a lot and would often beg you to let him visit more often so they could play with him. Nezuko also saw them and her own siblings and would always volunteer to knit/fix their haoris if they ever got damaged. She always brought snacks (usually toasted rice crackers) for the kids when she visited. She also helped with cooking dinner when she visited.
Zenitsu loved playing with them. Until one day your son found a worm and showed it to Zenitsu and he freaked out and thought it was a snake for a second. He started to become more wary of your son from then on.
Inosuke shared his boar mask with them and would let them ride on his back as he ran around. He also visited one day with a nicely wrapped box (wrapped by Tanjirou) and gifted it to your kids. You and Giyuu were very confused to see that it only had acorns in there.
You had Shinobu do regular check ups with you to make sure the pregnancy was going well. Despite her constant teasing, she actually told Giyuu how happy she was for him. This really warmed his heart and he couldn’t thank Shinobu enough for all her help. She helped with both the pregnancies/deliveries
Mitsuri was so so SO excited to meet the new babies!! She seemed more excited than you and Giyuu! She loves babies and thinks they’re really cute. And the fact that it’s going to be yours and Giyuu’s baby??? Geez, that just makes it 10x more adorable!! She really really wanted to be the first friend to hold the baby so you granted her wish. She was crying so much, she was so happy.
The baby’s cheeks became very red from how much Mitsuri pinched them. She nicknamed him her “Little Mochi” because of his squishy cheeks. (and she nicknamed your girl her “Little Sakura”)
Obanai kept trying to deny how happy and excited he was. “Hmph! I don’t do babies. Not at all.” But then he saw its cute, little chubby cheeks and couldn’t resist. He then vowed to be the greatest uncle to your baby boy (and girl once she visited the world)
Kyojuro was really excited to meet the baby too. His booming voice scared the baby and made him cry so Kyo learned to be more quiet around him. He was so nervous holding the baby but then got more use to it and didn’t want to hand him back. He wanted to hold on to the little boy forever!!
Muichiro was mostly dazed out but waved his finger in front of him and your little baby boy held onto him. Muichiro got very happy. “Y/N, Y/N! Look! He’s- he’s holding on to me!!” You’ve never seen him smile so wide. He’d often visit and be like, “Can I play with him today? I’ve missed him.” And he’d play with him for hours! He was the same with your little girl as well once she came around.
Sanemi kept trying to act all tough. “No! I don’t care about kids! Least of all babies! I couldn’t care less about Tomioka’s stupid ba-“ his eyes widened when he saw the baby. Then you saw the most softest smile on his face for the first time. He hugged the baby tight to him and didn’t let go or move for a while. He might or might not have teared up. But you swore with him that you saw nothing 👀 He’d make plenty of ohagi for the kids and make some extra for you and Giyuu. Giyuu was very happy to see Sanemi opening up a bit more and glad he became better friends with him as well.
“Tch, don’t get too comfortable, Tomioka. I’m only here for my niece, nephew and Y/N.” He was teasing he loved Giyuu too.
Tengen and his wives were all over the baby! His wives loved the baby so so so much!! They even planned out a baby shower for you when they heard the news so a lot of your baby stuff came from them! Once he finally joined the world, all of them teared up from joy. They all took turns holding the baby, playing with him, bouncing him on their laps. Tengen said that if you or Giyuu ever needed help, him and his wives were right there anytime.
The wives loved playing with your daughter! They’d often do her hair and make it really pretty. They’d also often spoil her with new pretty kimonos and hairpins and always said, “Once she gets older, we’ll always have girls nights out! Do all kind of girl talks and girl things! It’ll be so much fun!!”
Tengen got the baby a whole bunch of shiny jewelry and was like, “Ha! Now your baby boy shall be flamboyant! Even more flamboyant than he was before!!” He also secretly found it extremely adorable how he looked like a little baby Giyuu at first. Then he grew to have more of your facial features and it just made it even cuter for Tengen. He had a little soft spot for your daughter because he thought having a daughter would be very precious so he’d literally do anything for her (and would protect her with his life)
Gyomei was SO happy!!! He of course teared up too and was very very gentle with him. It was kind of cute seeing such a large man hold such a tiny little human. It’s like he could fit them each in one palm. He was one of your go to nanny’s and he’d always wear a pink apron when looking over the kids. He’d spoil them with lots of baked sweets. Everytime he visited, he always had a new beaded necklace to gift them. They ended getting too many and he stopped at one point. But he still gave them one on their birthdays
Shinobu found babies/kids a bit icky since they do have many bodily fluids they can’t control and sometimes don’t wash their hands but she still did normal check ups with them and was very good with them. She’d often visit with some new toys for the kids. She even got your daughter and little butterfly clip. Your son felt left out so she got him one too. For a while both your kids refered to her as the “Butterfly Lollipop Lady” since she gave them lollipops after every doctor visit. She’d just smile chillingly at Giyuu and say, “Tomioka-San, I figured you’d at least teach them my name after all I’ve done for you and your wife.” She was just teasing, she secretly loved her nickname
Shinobu also really loved listening to the baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope. She also loved putting her hand on your belly and often talked to the baby. She’ll never admit to anyone else but she really enjoyed doing these things with both your pregnancies
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Happy Haunted Houses?
Word Count: 3.4k Description: Lucifer and you are doing inspection rounds on the Haunted Houses ... but it seems none of his brothers are sticking to the "haunted" part. (Lucifer x GN!MC) Note: A slight fix-it/rewrite of Lucifer's Happy Haunted Houses? Devilgram. We were unhappy with how it mischaracterized Lucifer, so I decided to fix it. Not my usual writing style, so forgive the quality of this. Can also be found on AO3 here. [Mod Cosmos]
LordDiavolo: The mask suits you.
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“There you are, MC.” Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as you hear the familiar deep voice, startling you out of your reverie. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Was this déjà vu? You could have sworn this was the exact same scene you had to face earlier, when the masks had revealed just how tantalizing your soul was to the demons who regularly surround you. You turn to see Lucifer standing before you, that eerie smiling mask firmly in place. A deep breath, and you remind yourself that the entire cursed mask ordeal is now over. You’re safe.
“You sure like that mask, huh?” You wonder if the wariness is evident in your voice.
“Not entirely.” The sigh that leaves Lucifer puts you at ease. “Apparently, our masks made an impression on the guests. Quite a few comments were made about how the haunted houses felt that much more frightening.” He shrugs, pulling the loose end of one of the bloody bandages that is wrapped around his right hand to tighten its hold. “So, in the end, we decided to include them in the production.” He pauses, his voice growing quieter. “And, well, the curse isn’t an issue anymore.”
It’s best not to stay on the subject of the curse, so you give him a smile. “It suits you.”
“...What makes you say that?”
“It goes with your whole vibe.” You motion to his whole costume, the elegantly spooky attire fitting him perfectly. “And, everything looks good on you.”
“Oh? Ever the flatterer.” There’s amusement in his voice, though he shakes his head. “I suppose it does work with this costume nicely, yes. Which reminds me...I secured a mask for you, as well.” He holds up a mask, matching the strangeness of the others. “Since you’ve gone through the effort of wearing a costume, why not try it on?”
“I’d love to!” Gently taking the mask in your hands, you ease it onto your head, adjusting it so that you can see out of its eyes. With a flourish of your arms, you strike a pose. “So, how does it look?”
“Hm, while it does compliment your attire … in the end, you’d be better off without it.” You can practically hear the frown in his voice.
“Why, doesn’t it suit me?” You tilt your head, tapping at the hard shell of the mask.
“That’s not the issue here.” He shakes his head. “The problem is that I can’t see your face when you’re wearing it, and that makes me anxious. So, it won’t be necessary.”
You can’t help the small smile that curves your lips, though it’s safely hidden. “Well, what if I said the same? Not seeing your face makes me anxious too, you know.”
“Ah, well…” Even with his features obscured, you know he’s got knotted brows trying to come up with another excuse. You hear the faint sound of leather stretching as his fingers curl into the palms of his hand, relax, and curl again.
“Here, I won’t wear the mask fully. You can still see part of my face, even if I can’t see yours. Deal?” You adjust the mask to sit on your face just so, barely covering a quarter of your visage. “You went through the trouble of getting me one, so I’d like to wear it, at least like this.”
“Fine, fine.” He relents, stepping forward to lightly bump your chin with his gloved hand. “Now, I suppose we had better start on our rounds. After all, someone has to make sure that those slackers are taking things seriously.”
AsmoBaby: I want to go back to that haunted house!
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It was amusing how a holiday like Halloween could take such a hold on the Devildom, where haunting atmospheres and creepy sights were the norm. Ever since Diavolo introduced the idea of celebrating the human world holiday here, the denizens of the underworld found great fun in it all. As you walk through the halls of RAD, however, there is something that makes everything seem even more unsettling than usual.
“The RAD campus has turned into a sea of masks. Did they start passing them out to everyone?” Lucifer murmurs, scanning the crowd.
“It’s cool, but .. also hard to tell who’s who.” You step closer to Lucifer, becoming acutely aware of your surroundings.
“Indeed. I hope that no one tries to take advantage of that.” Lucifer sighs, fixing his hat in place with a pull on its brim. He offers you his arm, which you gladly lock with your own. “Mammon and Levi’s haunted house should be the closest one to us. Let’s go check up on them.”
As the two of you approach the location of the projected town, it becomes very clear that there is no haunted house in session here. You can feel the bass vibrating under the soles of your feet before you’ve even stepped within the boundaries of the area that Leviathan had carefully set up.
A groan from the first-born. “...Could someone explain to me why visitors at a haunted house are dancing up a storm? And just where are those two?”
Before you can get out a quip about how this seemed to be more of Asmodeus’ scene, you hear a familiar voice over the speakers.
“Yeeeeeah! Let’s kick it up a notch!” There, you can see Mammon standing atop a platform with a mic in hand, still in full costume. He’s answered with a burst of cheers.
“Coming up next is the Ruri Hana Theme Dance Remix!” Next to him is Leviathan, who is the last demon you would expect to be in a situation like this. “DJing anime songs is life!” Ah, that explains it.
“This isn’t right. What self-respecting haunted house would even have a turntable?” Lucifer crosses his arms. Despite the big grin on his mask, you knew he was rolling his eyes beneath it. “If they were going to do this, they should at least be playing some cursed songs. Aside from their outfits, there isn’t a single thing here that could be seen as frightening.”
“Well, they’ve at least gathered quite a crowd?” You offer, looking around at the mass of costumed demons. “Though it’s a crowd of partiers and not of freaked out students.”
“Yes, this is far from the intended result. I’ll have to have a good talk with those two after this is all over.” A shake of his head. “Although, considering this is Mammon and Leviathan, the two who are so often terrified themselves, I guess this isn’t at all surprising.”
“No, it’s not.” You laugh, taking a hold of Lucifer’s hand and tugging him along with you. He briefly sputters in protest, but otherwise doesn’t resist. “While we’re here, we might as well have a good time. Why not have a drink? One glass of Demonus, at least?” You stop at one of the bars that has been set up, grabbing a hold of two flutes of the beverage.
“...Only one. We are supposed to continue with our inspection rounds after this, after all.” He takes a hold of one of the flutes, examining it in the light. “Why is the color of this Demonus so strange? Did they put some syrup in it?” He moves his mask to the side, and you’re surprised by how relieved you are to see his face, even just for this brief moment.
“Well, no matter. Cheers.” He raises his drink towards you with a small smile. The two of you clink your glasses together before taking a large sip of the Demonus -- though you both nearly choke on it as a sickening sweetness overtakes your tongues.
“..Eugh! It’s so sweet!” The look of disgust on Lucifer’s face has you burst out in laughter, though you probably look no better.
“Yeah, that’s gross.” You shudder, taking the glass out of the demon’s hands and then dumping the contents of both your flutes into a nearby bush. The plant seems to instantly react, absorbing the strange Demonus as its leaves curl and dance. Devildom nature was truly a sight to behold. “At least this guy likes it.”
“Hopefully it isn’t too terribly toxic to it.” Lucifer chuckles, fixing his mask back in place. “Let’s get moving then, shall we?”
Beelzeburger: Not coming back probably.
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You convinced Lucifer to dance with you as you made your way out of the party, though he teased you all the while for it. Soon, you’re greeted once more with cool air as you leave the mass of bodies and the thumping music behind you.
“Beel and Belphie are next, then.” Lucifer sighs, leading the way to their set-up. They had gone with the theme of a haunted hospital, and it looked incredible -- but there wasn’t a single soul in sight as you approached. No sounds of screams or horror, either.
Just … quiet.
“...And unlike earlier, things are rather calm. At least they aren’t up to some nonsense, like their older brothers.” Lucifer murmured, stepping through the dimly lit corridor. “Beel, Belphie. Are you here?” No response.
“Ah, looks like there’s a note there.” You point to a piece of paper stuck on the wall, words rushedly scrawled across it.
“Hungry, gone to find food. ...That would be Beel, I gather.” A sigh, and Lucifer shakes his head again. “Given how destructive he can get when he’s hungry, it might be best to let him do as he pleases. And Belphie is … ”
He’s interrupted by the snoring of the seventh-born.
“Fast asleep on one of their set pieces, I see.” The lack of surprise in his voice was amusing, though it certainly spoke to how often the brothers didn’t take things seriously.
“...What about the haunted house?” You frown, looking around at all the hard work that went into building the set, only for it to not be in proper use. “I helped them paint so much of this! Ugh, Belphie, WAKE UP!”
With a slight start, Belphegor slowly blinked his eyes open, mouth opening in a large yawn. “Huh..? Oh, hey.”
“Good job, MC.” Lucifer pulled out his D.D.D., shooting off a quick text. “I recall that Barbatos said he had been interested in this particular theme. Perhaps he can come by and liven things up.”
“Barbatos...? I mean, yeah, sure �� wake me up when he gets here, I guess.” With that, Belphegor turns back over and slips right back into his slumber.
If anyone was going to put on a truly frightful show here, it would certainly be no other than torture-extraordinaire Barbatos, that you could certainly agree with. Perhaps you would have to come by later to see for yourself…
“Well, only Satan and Asmo remain… And I can’t say that I have much faith in them, either.” A huff leaves Lucifer’s lips as you both walk back through one of RAD’s hallways. “But before that, we should rest a moment.”
He leans against the wall, momentarily taking off his hat to run a hand through his raven locks. “Honestly, not a single one of my brothers is doing what was expected of them. All those preparations, and for what?”
“Hm, at least there was a good crowd at the first one. We had fun, didn’t we?” You chuckle, leaning your shoulder against the wall as you face him. “Beel and Belphie though … perhaps they weren’t the best demons for the job.”
“You can say that again.” Lucifer let out a low laugh, shaking his head. “I suppose I can let Mammon and Leviathan off the hook, yes. At least they’re doing something.”
“Probably should have had a constant supply of snacks for Beel, at least.” You sigh, wondering if even that would have been enough to keep him in place. “Speaking of, would you like something to drink?”
“Now that you mention it, I am feeling slightly parched. That disgusting Demonus earlier didn’t help.” You laugh, and he pushes himself off the wall with a chortle as he places his hat upon his head once more. “Would you like to go get something together?”
“I would, yes.” You happily agree, taking a hold of one of his hands.
“Mm, I would worry if you went off on your own.” There is a softness in his voice, making even his unsettling mask seem charming. “Keeping you within my field of vision always puts me more at ease.” Your cheeks feel warm as he shows his concern, a smile glued to your lips. “Here, there ought to be a vending machine nearby.”
A few moments later, and you both slowly sip on a couple of canned iced coffees. You can’t help but sneak a few glances at Lucifer, his mask partially moved to the side so that he can easily drink. He seems lost in thought, gaze focused on distant dark shadows. What’s on his mind..?
“You know, I can also refresh you.” A teasing comment, but one that grabs the demon’s attention and snaps him out of his thoughts. He slowly turns to look at you, brow raised as he fixes you with a mirthful look. “Hm? And just how do you propose to do that?” An invitation.
“Like this.” Stepping closer, you take a hold of the collar of his cloak and pull him down to place a chaste kiss on his lips. He hums against you, crimson eyes narrowed as you pull away.
“And you think that’s enough to be considered refreshing? Hardly.” His voice is low, his bandaged hand coming up to take a gentle grasp of your jaw as he gives you a playful smile. “Still, we are currently on duty. I suppose I’ll have to be content with that. You can make up the rest later.” A deep laugh leaves him, and it sends a shiver down your spine. “I trust that won’t be an issue?”
You manage a nod, then clear your throat as you turn and motion down the corridor. “Well, let’s go finish up then, shall we?”
monSOLO: Helping with the line
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“Finally, we come to Satan and Asmo. ...Why is there a queue?” Lucifer slows down as the both of you arrive at the last of the haunted houses. A long line of demons seem to be waiting to get in, and … was that Solomon, acting as bouncer?
“Oh! Hi, you two.” The sorcerer gave you both a sly grin. “Here to inspect?”
“Yes.” Lucifer responded warily, peering past the entrance to see what was going on.
“Well, let’s just say Asmodeus decided he got bored and wanted to do things a bit differently.” Solomon sighed, motioning with a nod of his head to what the aforementioned demon was up to.
“Hi, there! Asmo, the most beautiful ghost to ever haunt the Devildom, at your service!” Asmodeus, proudly wearing his bloody jorougumo outfit and mask, welcomed the various students that had gathered. “And, in a distant second is … “
“M-Me, Satan …” Reluctantly taking part was the fourth-born, looking rather defeated as he adjusted his veil.
“The line for pictures starts here! Don’t forget to upload them to your Devilgram for us, m’kay?” Asmodeus cheerfully rang out, elbowing Satan in the side. “And we’ve got some wonderful tea and treats to the side over there, made by yours truly!”
Lucifer was silent, but you could tell that he was irked.
“...At least they’re pretending to be ghosts?” It was no haunted house, but perhaps there was something to be said about it now being a social media attraction. “And, there is quite a line, so I guess people really want to take a picture with them.”
“That seems to be as far as they’re going, though. What about the haunted house itself?” The first-born takes a deep breath, turning away from the scene. “I give up. Let’s just move on, MC.”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening!” Solomon calls out after both of you, though he quickly turns his attention to a demon trying to cut the line as you both disappear from sight.
Despite being done with your initial inspection rounds, your evening became far from enjoyable. A fight had suddenly broken out among some students, blowing up into a huge ordeal as claws and fangs came out, inhibitions lowered no doubt by Demonus running through their veins. Lucifer and yourself had been alerted to it as you heard a loud crash in passing -- followed by a series of more blows and shattering windows.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long to resolve -- the moment Lucifer appeared before the students, they all scrambled to stop their brawl and clean up. You didn’t want to think about how much they all would be paying for the damage … and how.
“Finally...a moment of peace.” Back in the RAD Student Council room, Lucifer eases the mask off of his face, gently placing it to the side. “Hopefully there are no other issues the rest of the night.”
He takes a few steps towards you, one hand behind his back. “Thank you for your hard work, MC. Here, hold out your hand.”
“Are you giving me something?” You slowly hold out a hand as requested, tilting your head to the side.
“It is Halloween, after all. I made sure to stock up on candy for Beel. While it’s not fair compensation for your time, it’s the best I can offer at the moment.” He places a large candy bar in the palm of your hand, the wrapper iridescent and captivating. “I’d offer you more of it, but it’s limited edition and that’s about all I can save from Beelzebub’s grasp.” He chuckled, loosely crossing his arms. “You truly went above and beyond today. Consider this my thanks.”
“Please, I didn’t do all that much.” You shook your head, smiling as you tucked the candy bar away for later. “But, thank you. You also worked really hard, so I’d like to reward you, too.”
“Come a little closer, then. Simply being near you is enough to boost my spirits.” That soft smile he so often reserved for you could make your heart melt. He took a seat at one of the lounging sofas, patting the space next to him. You readily oblige, scooting up close to cuddle against his large frame as he wraps an arm around you.
“I would appreciate it if we could stay like this for a short while.” He sighs, leaning his head against yours. “Mm, much better. While the others seem to derive pleasure from fooling around, I prefer these unassuming moments with you.” Your heart flutters, sinking into his warmth. “Getting to spend these last few moments of the holiday with you has kept it from being one of the worst ones I’ve had to endure.” “Worst ones?” A dumb question, you think, the moment it leaves your lips. Still, you carefully turn to look up at him, feeling a tightness in your chest as you see the sorrowful look in those pools of red.
“Not about my brothers being fools. That’s normal.” A somber chuckle. “...But about what happened with you, my brothers, and the masks. I don’t know what I would have done had I hurt you, or if any of my brothers had. Knowing that they were all lost to the masks’ curse, and that I was barely holding on, well...” A shudder of a breath leaves him as he shakes his head, his hand going to rub your arm as he squeezes you closer to him. “I don’t think I’ve been frightened like that in quite some time.”
Lips pursed for a moment, you shift slightly to hold Lucifer’s face in your hands, thumb brushing his cheek. You treasured these moments, where he let his walls down and allowed himself to be vulnerable. “Well, I’m here, alive and breathing, and all of you are your normal selves. It’s all over now.”
Lucifer sighs, gently grasping one of your wrists as he turns his head to place a kiss on the palm of your hand. “Yes, it’s all over now.”
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wastelesscrafts · 3 years
Hi! I wonder if you know any way to fix/replace the stretchy elastic band on sleep eye mask. I love sleeping with an eye mask but the elastic streches out way too fast and I really hate throwing away a perfectly good one just because of this one thing. Thank you so much for all the advice and tips on here!
Replacing elastic straps
They're quite easy to replace, so no need to throw away your masks. :)
Broadly speaking, there's two types of elastic straps: the elastic is either bare or encased in a fabric tube. This goes for most items with elastic straps, not just sleep masks.
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(Image source) [ID: a sleep mask with an encased elastic lying on top of a turquoise background. The mask is made of white fabric with colourful triangles, and is surrounded by sewing pins and a bobbin of white thread.]
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(Image source) [ID: two sleeping masks lying on a soft pink background. One is made of white fabric with black polka dots, the other one is made of blue fabric with white triangles. Both have the words "Go away"! printed on them in black lettering. Both have a white bare elastic. They're surrounded by sewing supplies.]
Removing the elastic:
If the elastic's sewn to the outside of the fabric, just remove it with a seam ripper. If the elastic's end has been sandwiched between two layers of fabric, you'll have to carefully open up the seam and remove it that way.
You could also just cut if off of course, but the original ends will remain in place and might feel itchy when you wear your mask.
Bare elastic:
Find a length of elastic that fits comfortably, or that's the same length as your original elastic.
Finish off your elastic ends with a whipstitch or blanket stitch to stop them from unravelling. If your elastic's a 100% polyester (which is basically plastic), you could also slightly melt the ends by briefly exposing them to a flame. Be careful not to burn yourself, allow your molten edge to cool down before you touch or use it, and don't do this to fibres that will burn instead of melt! Keep some water nearby if you've never done this before, just to be sure.
If your original elastic was sewn to the outside of your mask, just sew the ends in place where the original ends sat.
If your elastic was sandwiched inside the mask, open up the seams if you haven't yet and insert the elastic's ends where the original ends used to be. Sew them in place, then close up the seams again.
Encased elastic:
Making encased elastic straps is pretty easy, but requires some extra work.
You'll need a fabric strip that's about twice the length and twice the width (+ seam allowance) of your unstretched elastic. The extra length will allow for your elastic to stretch while encased, and the extra width will allow you to turn the fabric into a tube while still fitting your elastic.
Fold your fabric strip with its right sides together, and sew along the long side. Turn it inside-out, then thread your elastic through. Use a safety pin if this gives you trouble.
You now have a new strap. Attach it to your mask the same way as described above.
If you'd like to see a more in-depth tutorial, check out this encased elastic straps tutorial by Sansahash.
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(Image source) [ID: two strips of floral fabric lying next to two lengths of white elastic. The fabric strips are about twice as long and twice as wide as the elastic. Text: "Sansahash".]
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Broken-Style Remix: Yandere Mother Talia Al Ghul
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Broken: When it comes to Yandere Mothers, Talia Al Ghul is one of my favorites; considering how obsessed she is with her baby daddy. Recently, I came into a Yandere Talia Al Ghul Image made by @anxiousnerdwritings & with their permission, I have been allowed to make this Broken-Style Remix! Now, let the words weave together!!!
@anxiousnerdwritings's version: LINK
Talia Al Ghul wanted things thing and would do anything to obtain those things - Complete Control & Undeniable Power. She was the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul - The Head Demon of the League of Assassin & Immortal Mad-Man, well...not anymore; now Talia was on the Throne as Head of the League of Assassins, but there was a time before everything went to hell. Talia always wanted to have power but she also wanted someone to share it with - that came in the form of the Protector of Gotham - The Masked Savior, Batman. Talia was entranced by his power and skill, he would have been a perfect partner to rule with if he wasn't so hesitant to kill but she could sculpt him to fit her mold one way or another but first she needed to get him on her side. Her father thought of him as the perfect heir but there was no way the protector would join him, so Talia planned and that plan was to give herself and Bruce an heir - the perfect combination of the two of them. However, a wrench was thrown into that plan when inside of one - there were two.
A Son & A Daughter.
A Son that mirrored his father in young as he would in adulthood, with the exception of the emerald eyes that Talia possessed - the eyes of an Al Ghul. He was given the name Damian.
Her daughter was another story: she grew to look just as Talia did in her youth but she had her father's calm blue eyes - the eyes of a protector. The eyes of a Wayne. The eyes of a savior, not a killer - she was flawed with those eyes. She was named Bellatrix - just as her father, she would be expected to be a great warrior.
When it was time to hone their skills, it was clear that they were the perfect combination of the Al Ghul and Wayne Genes - Damian more. He was the perfect killer, merciless and quick; he wouldn't give his enemies time to speak. No, enemies were too kind of a word to describe them - they were his prey while he was the hunter. He didn't care how many he had to cut down; he would never tire until all of them were dead at his feet.
Bellatrix - on the other hand - was a different story. It was clear she had the skills, it was obvious that she had the power, but the main issue was that she wouldn't finish the job; she lacked the most important trait of the Al Ghul Bloodline - she refused to kill. Talia feared this - she was just like her father and she didn't want weakness into the pain; especially since she was the eldest of the two. She either had to fix the problem or completely remove it.
And she would much prefer the latter.
Ra's loved his grandchildren all the same - he didn't care of Bellatrix didn't kill, he was pleased enough that she was able to complete impossible tasks alone and come back unscabbed. He would praise her and he would train with her in his free time - the two of them were fond of meditation to keep themselves centered.
"Remember Granddaughter: If you are completely centered then there is nothing you can't overcome. Knowing your center is knowing your true power." - That is what Ra's would tell her during those times.
As time passed on, Talia noticed that Bellatrix gained in power and knowledge every day while her son showed just how much of an Al Ghul he was every time he went on a mission, but that didn't matter to Talia - that girl...that mistake...was a single dot in the way of her son's rightful place as Head of The League & she had to something about it.
And she did.
One night - Talia told Bellatrix to accompany her to the desert for recon and the girl agreed, thinking it was going to be a mother-daughter experience. The two of them sourced their bounds but found nothing, Bellatrix looked around the dunes to see if there was something hiding in the desert's darkness until her body made her move and she dodged just in the next of time as a blade came in close contact with her throat. She reached for her sword, only for her hand to be grabbed, and turned it to her back. She was then grabbed from other directions before being kicked in the back of her knees and came to her knees in the sand. She struggled and looked at the cloaked figures that held her until she looked at her mother.
"Mother! Help!" She begged for her mother.
"Why would I do that," Talia walked over to her bound daughter as one of the assassins handed her a sword, "When it took me so long to get you here?" Talia looked into her daughter's eyes with emptiness.
"You...You planned this? Mother, why would you do this?" Bellatrix asked.
"This is something I should have done from the start, after all - My Beloved needs an heir, not a burden. You are a stain on the Al Ghul Name, an Al Ghul that refuses to kill is not an Al Ghul; hell, you aren't even an assassin. You're a defect, a flaw, a wrench in my plan to have my beloved rule behind me as King and Queen of the League of Assassins."
Bellatrix's eyes widened at the sight of her mother raising her sword.
"And all defects must be eliminated." Talia growled as her arm thrust forward - Bellatrix's eyes widened and her jaw locked to keep herself from screaming as the blade ripped through her chest and came out on the other side.
Talia lifted her foot - the other assassins released the girl - and kicked her to the dirt and watched her groan in pain before going limp in the cold desert night.
"Dispose of the body. I have to deliver the news that the heir has been killed and watch my one true child take his rightful place." Talia didn't give her daughter's body a second glance as she turned and walked away to her jet that was waiting for her.
She should have checked her vitals.
[Timeskip - Years Later]
Years had gone by but Talia still thinks back to the night she stuck her sword through her daughter's body and left her for dead; she was so certain that was what she wanted by there was something missing and for once in her life, it had nothing to do with her Beloved Bat. She tried to put those thoughts aside for she was on a mission.
After the death of her father, she found some research on a mind-control agent that she could use to have the one she wanted most but the League was too thin and most were doing other tasks while some were rebuilding the complex, thus the Head of the Demon Clan had to deal with it on her own, which she was fine with.
However, something felt different - she wasn't sure what it was...but she knew something was going to happen tonight.
Talia did what she had to do and secured to the agent before making her way back to the roof - only to have two people walking for her.
One was a tall man with a red helmet, a brown leather jacket, a gray Bat-Armor with a Red Bat Insignia on the chest; Talia could see the pistols and ammo belts around his waist.
The second was a feminine figure: She was around the same height as Damian, wearing Bat-Armor that looked a lot like a Ninja's outfit with a sword on her back and a dark blue Bat Insignia on her chest. Her hair was long and black but tied in a ponytail, except some hair that freely fell in her face and covered some of the ribbon eye mask around her eyes.
"I guess my beloved couldn't make it to see me?" Talia asked as she placed the agent in her pocket.
"We were the closest in the area so he sent us to what it was about - didn't think we'd find his batshit crazy baby-momma here." The Red Hood said as he folded his arms.
"Too bad, he might have convinced me to surrender but I don't have an issue with breaking children who stand in my way." Talia said.
"You never had an issue with killing them, why would you have an issue with breaking them?" The female said.
"What did you say?" Talia said as she looked at the female figure.
"You don't remember the child you killed? The blood of the Al Ghul you spilled? The child you detested because she wouldn't kill so you decided to kill her instead?" The female stepped forward and reached for her eye mask, "You don't remember my voice...Mother?" She pulled it off and Talia's eyes widened when they locked with the blue eyes of her late daughter - the one that was supposed to die. The stain in her plan.
"You lived? After all of these years, you dare come to face me again?" Talia narrowed her eyes.
"Rather cold to say to your kid who came back from the dead, Lady." He looked at Bellatrix, "Bat-Fang, you wanna deal with her while I wait on the old man?" He asked.
"You read my mind." Bellatrix stepped forward and pulled her sword out, "Arm yourself."
"I guess some stains are harder to wash out." Talia said as she pulled her sword out, "I'll make sure you don't come back."
Emerald and Sapphire locked with each other before the thunderclap of the coming storm sent them both into attack mode. Their blades clashed against each other as the two women danced in a deadly dance, Talia was focused but at the same time confused - how was Bellatrix this focused when the anger in her eyes was so strong? Talia tried harder and used more power but that was the opening Bellatrix needed.
Talia watched as the girl grabbed the sword with her left hand before delivering a swift but devastating kick to her gut, sending her skipping like a stone against the roof as she released the grip of her sword. Talia picked herself off the ground and glared at her eldest as the girl place her own sword back in its sheath and shatter Talia's into two halves, letting the shards and sword halves fall to her feet before she charged at her mother. Talia's guard went up as the two of them locked in a brawl.
'What is going on here? She was never this fast or ruthless! What is...'
Her thoughts were cut off as Bellatrix grabbed her foot and began to swing her until Bellatrix let her go and got stuck in a window. Talia opened her eyes from the impact just in time to see the glare on her daughter's face as she came soaring and her fist connected with Talia's face, sending them both into the abandoned building. Talia groaned from the pain but more pain was added when she felt her daughter grab her by her hair and pull her to her feet.
"What do you have to say now, Talia? Am I still defective?" Bellatrix asked before she punched the Assassin Leader in the face, making her crash into a crumbling wall.
"Am I still a flaw?" Bellatrix asked as she spartan-kicked Talia through the wall and into the living room, making the woman fall on her back.
"Am I still the wrench in your perfect plan? Am I?!" Bellatrix barked as she grabbed her mother by the next and punched her in the face, making her back hit a window. Talia's version was blurry from the pain but when it came together - her eyes widened at the murderous gaze in her eyes.
"Am I still not an Al Ghul?" Bellatrix punched her in the face again - sending the woman crashing through the window again but this time, she felt on a lower roof of a building just as another thunderclap echoed through the sky and the rain began to fall. Talia grunted at the pain but opened her eyes to watch her daughter jump out the window and walk over to her; glaring down at her with blue eyes.
"How... How did you survive?" She asked.
"You should have checked my vitals before you left me to die; once you were gone, I took care of the assassins that you had hold me. I'm not proud I shed their blood but I knew if I didn't, they were going to make sure I was dead." Bellatrix answered.
"You survived... You killed... And now, you have me helpless." Talia smiled at her, "I'm so proud of you, My Baby Girl." She cooed.
"What?" Bellatrix glared with confusion.
"You are everything I want in a perfect heir: You survived my trap, you killed those who held you captive, and you reduced me - the Leader of the League of Assassins - to this pitiful state. My darling, you are perfect." Talia smiled at her daughter.
"I don't know what you are thinking but I'm nothing like you want me to be and I never will be." Bellatrix reached down and took the mind-control agent from Talia before turning and walking away.
"You can walk away now, My Sweet Child, but know that I am coming for you. I will bring you home and you will be what you were born to me - The Perfect Al Ghul Heir. Run while you can, my dear, Mother is coming for you." Talia laughed at Bellatrix as the girl jumped off the small roof, leaving the woman alone.
Talia looked up at the rain in the sky and smiled before picking herself off the ground, touching the side of her lip, and looked at the blood - her blood - that her daughter spilled.
'It was a mistake to let you go but now that you are back, I shall have you once more and we shall be a family. You can't escape your blood, Bellatrix; you're an Al Ghul...and you belong to me.'
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vinnieswife · 3 years
Dirty Secret
Vinnie hacker x reader
Words: 1794
Warnings: smut
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Vinnie had that look in his eyes, that look that pierced your soul making your head spin, making your panties wet in seconds, just the idea of ​​him on top of you, kissing every part of your skin, his hands tracing each curve of your body, making small waves of pleasure reach your senses.
Vinnie began to approach you, his gaze fixed on you, without deviating for a second, when he finally arrived at his destination his hands traveled to your hips tracing soft circles on the fabric of your shirt.
"Hello Princess"
"Hi Vin ... what is that look?" You asked with curiosity, even though you already knew the answer, you wanted to know how far he would speak.
"Oh you know exactly what it is" oh hell you did, you knew that look better than anyone.
"I really don't know Vin"
He grabbed your hips drawing you closer to him, when he did that you perfectly felt his erection against your thigh, one of his hands flying up your throat, sticking his mouth to your ear.
"This look princess, says that I want to fuck you until the sun rises and continue after that, that I want to make you scream and moan my name until you can't anymore, that I want to fill you with pleasure even knowing that I will pay dearly and that I want to see how you fall apart in my arms because it's too much pleasure" oh shit, his dirty talk was something that you could never eliminate the effect it has on you, his mouth dropped just a few inches to leave a wet kiss on your neck, sucking to leave a mark.
"I have an idea" he put that smirk on his face, indicating that it was something dirty, Vinnie and you had a pleasant sex life, but when he had that look the night would be wild, hard and even exhausted.
His hands caressed your arms gently, feeling your warm skin gently, his fingers found their way to your breasts, caressing them over the fabric of your shirt, he played with your nipples, pinching them slightly, making you throw your head back, your neck exposed to him, he grabbed the hem of your shirt moving it up, detaching it from your body completely, your nipples erect from the cold air hitting them.
His lips made contact with your neck, leaving marks and bites on their way down, his kisses down your collarbone to your shoulder biting lightly in the area, his eyes made contact with your breasts as he licked his lips. He lifted his head, leaving you somewhat confused by not feeling the touch of his tongue on your nipple.
"Lie on the bed princess" if hands were placed on your lower back as you both walked to the bed.
You lay down as he ordered, when your bare back touched the cold sheets of his bed a chill ran through your body.
"Too cold love?" He laughed, while your brow furrowed.
"Have I never told you my dirty secret?" You shook your head, thinking what it could be.
"It is something simple, pleasant, even exciting, to have you at my mercy every second, without knowing what my next move will be, your hands tied against the head of the bed, your body trembling, your agitated breaths flood the atmosphere of the room, while a blindfold covers your eyes from any type of vision, your skin bristling at each of my caresses, and your body responding to each little spasm of pleasure pulling the handcuffs, that is my secret ..." his eyes did not leave yours in the whole time he was speaking, each of his words making you wetter every second, his gaze remained fixed on yours waiting for an answer.
All this you just swallowed dry, looking at how his pupils were so dilated that his eyes were completely dark, lust and heat running through his veins. Without thinking twice he grabbed your throat and I kiss you, he kiss you like never before, with such passion that you could barely keep up with him, his tongue made its way into your mouth, sucking on your tongue, pulling a moan from your mouth, when you both separated your breaths were shaky and agitated.
His hands stroked your arms down until the tips of his fingers reached your wrists, grabbing them and placing them at the height of your head, he got up from the bed, looking for something in his closet, he took out a small black bag, the metallic sound echoing in the small atmosphere of the room. He undid the bag knot, taking out small handcuffs with a pad in the wrist area.
"Are you ready?" He whispered, pressing a soft kiss against your forehead.
"Yes what?"
"Yes sir"
"Good girl"
He fitted the pieces of the handcuffs, placing the area with protection over your wrists, and fitting the other part to the headboard, your hands stretched over your head, a chill ran down your spine, Vinnie slid his hands down, getting rid of your shorts, sliding them slowly down your legs, which detached the piece of clothes from your body, he separated your legs, noticing the small wet patch that has formed in your panties, he smiled extending a hand to the bedside table, to taking out a blindfold from one of the drawers, your eyes widened, following each of the movements of the man in front of you, he placed the blindfold over your eyes passing the tape behind your head, he caressed your cheeks leaving a soft kiss in your lips.
"Now that you are at my mercy, what should I do with you?" He asked aloud, his hand caressing your ribs getting a gasp escaping from your mouth.
"Vinnie please ..." he smiles but you can't see it, he got out of bed once more, you heard him unzip his jacket, letting it fall to the floor, you also heard his steps moving away and how he He opened the door to your room, there were a few minutes when you didn't hear any sound, until the door opened again, and he placed an object on the nightstand.
His hands caressed the sides of your waist, moving up to your hips giving them a gentle squeeze.
"Oh love you have no idea what comes next"
"W-what ...? What do you want to say- "A gasp is the hood of your lips when you notice something very cold in your abdomen, an ice cube, he took the piece of ice between his fingers again, passing it over your abdomen causing you to twist, pulling the handcuffs, his hand rose to the valley of your breasts, passing the ice over your breasts, he was quiet for a moment thinking about his next step, which was to put the ice directly on your nipple, generating a great moan from you, Vinnie began to move the ice in circular shapes over your nipples, changing from one to the other, making more or less pressure depending on how you want.
When the ice completely melted, his tongue found your nipple, sucking on and lightly biting the little bud, your wrists sore as he pulled the cuffs every time his tongue made contact with your skin.
His kisses descended back to your sex, his hands slid the fine fabric of your panties to the end of your legs, leaving you completely naked.
"Are you so wet from my darling?" I have smirks caressing your thighs.
He placed your legs on his shoulders, stroking the back of your thighs, his mouth attacking your clit flicking his tongue at a fast pace, moving his tongue from side to side, sucking hard, making you throw your head back, desperate to not be able to see absolutely nothing.
"Vin please ... let me see you"
"Not yet love"
His tongue gave small thrusts to your core, leaving you in a state of pure ecstasy.
His fingers quickly found their way to your center, while his tongue rose up to your clit giving it slight twists, the tips of his fingers played with your input for several minutes that seemed like hours.
"Please ..." that's when Vinnie inserted his fingers into your entrance, moving them in and out at a rapid pace, your moans echoing through the room, making his dick incredibly uncomfortable in his pants, your body began to squirm on top of it. bed, making Vinnie grab your hips, pinning against the mattress with his free hand, the knot in your stomach was tighter every watch, getting closer and closer to your release, his fingers increased even more the lunge rite making you the few movements you came on his fingers.
"Such a good girl ..." His tongue wiped every drop of your juices on his fingers and on your sex, Vinnie smiled and licked his lips at the taste.
"Are you going to help me now princess?" You fervently nodded your head.
Vinnie got rid of his shirt, pulling it over his head by throwing it around the room, next were his pants, unbuckled his belt by pulling it to the side, unbuttoned the button and unzipped it, his alley pants at his ankles, He grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down, leaving him completely naked, even though you couldn't see anything.
You felt like the mattress around you sank indicating that he had placed himself on you, the back of his hand caressed your cheek and his lips left a kiss on your forehead, the same hand that caressed your cheek took care of the edge of the mask sliding it up, allowing you to see again.
"Hi" you smiled, the look in his eyes was no longer lust but one full of love, seeing your eyes again, your expressions, just drove him crazy.
He kiss your lips gently, and you tugged at the handcuffs.
"Uh, uh, not yet love"
"Shh" and I kiss your lips again.
Vinnie aligned his tip with your entrance, slowly inserting himself inside you, watching you bite your lip and throw your head back in pleasure.
His pace was slow but surprisingly pleasant, the more sow he was, his rhythm rose and his thrusts became more careless.
"Vin ... I'm close"
"Ah I know baby ... I know"
You clench around him, making him groan in pure extasy, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, his heavy breathing echoed in your ear, you pulled the handcuffs that were holding your hands as you came on his cock, causing his orgasm right after yours, his head fell into the crook of your neck, both of you gasping for air.
"You are such a good girl for me, don't ya?"
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