#also toby lives with them
hiyyihrts · 6 months
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them !!!
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italiantea · 3 months
bit of translation+parsing through the shooting scene
saw someone say they didnt know it was a model gun so yeah. gun's not real guys free my boy he did nothign wrong
so the insomnia mv was edited together in a purposefully ambiguous way, with scenes that are nonchronological or metaphorical, representing fuchi's chaotic mental state.
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first there's the shooting
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then this shot of a truck driving itself
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which then cuts to the seven car pileup
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and then transitions to the news story covering it, presumably the next day
translation: indiscriminate shooting with a model gun at shibuya scramble crossing. an indiscriminate crime?
below that: passenger car, truck, minivan etc. involved in seven-car serial collision incident
the date and time is 11pm on the 28th of march, which happens to be 1 hour before what I'm assuming is fuchi's 18th birthday
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sidenote: this crossing is literally the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world
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anyway the police come for him and he runs for it.
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'under arrest: occupation unknown, suspect fuchi sunao (18)'
then there's this sequence of him wrestling for control with his inner child, which is obviously not meant to be taken literally
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along with this shot of him tumbling down the stairs into the path of a truck
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however, that stairwell is nowhere to be seen in the shot after he's actually been hit by the truck, and if you look closely he still has both shoes on his feet
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so we can infer that the whole sequence did not happen in reality
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then there's this newspaper from the 30th of march. the headline says 'successive accidents in tokyo'. on the right: 'collision with a driverless* truck' and on the left: 'accident in the same spot as...' (cut off) *literally: in motion with no driver(human), not referring to self-driving technology
the words are blurry but basically the right part describes the seven-car pileup from the 28th again, and the left part describes fuchi's collision with the self-driving truck. the good news is at least the pileup doesn't seem to have killed anyone, with the text describing 10 people with light to severe injuries, and 2 people in a coma.
the caption to the left of the photo says it's the scene of the accident, taken at 11pm on the 29th in shibuya, tokyo
so yeah piecing all that together, fuchi went on a sleepwalking shooting spree with a model gun on the night of the 28th of march, caused a massive traffic accident that injures several people, presumably just??? left?? and went home?? they just let him? i guess all the people ran away or were too busy dealing with the 7 smushed cars. then on the night of the 29th he sees the news on the tv, the police knock on his door and he runs. one mental breakdown and dreamworld sequence later he ends up getting hit by a truck in the same intersection as before.
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edit: as some in the notes have pointed out, the truck is reported as 'driverless' because his zingai mr. creepypasta was the one driving it, and it's invisible to most normal people. it's also foreshadowed (represented?) by this shot during the scene where his child self is rampaging.
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anyway now he's in jail. rip.
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gh0stsblogs · 8 months
thinking about them makes me wana cry n throw up, i love them so mcuh
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give-grian-rights · 1 year
guys i need y'all to remember that superheroes have existed for So Many years . so you get to ask yourselves "woww why didn't you save them" . Superman where were you during the 1986 Challenger shuttle disaster . Spider-Man how dare you let 9/11 happen
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emo-nova · 9 months
I am terrified to put my two cents in for Tobirama Senju and Izuna Uchiha on this hell site. Mainly because 1, people are very vocal about their hate and dislike for Tobirama. 2, I tried to have a little look at character analysis for these two and found mostly hate for them.
But this is what I'm analysising them on, both Tobirama and Izuna, their trauma regarding war and their enemy and what caused it and how they reacted. And contrasting them with their brothers, who are humanisated the enemy when they were children.
I'm going to start with Izuna, from what I have gathered through Naruto Wikipedia and manga panels as well as other fan speculation, is that he was also a middle child and had been regarded as a spare to Madara who was the heir. Izuna's trauma comes from war, remembering vividly because of the Sharingan, and the child hunts. He is an angry character, wanting the destruction of all Senju on his death bed and to be avenged, after all, you're dying by a Senju's sword and your siblings killed by Senju. And he was taught to hate them but also that teaching was proved by the skirmishes and the fallout of those skirmishes.
Izuna hasn't had a humanisation of the enemy like Madara had. He knew what they were like through teachings and the battlefield. Madara was taught the same until he met Hashirama and met face to face with someone with the same pains. This is a time where there is no Internet to spread word about different operations within clans, there is no peace to talk freely with eachother, you only have your clan to teach you about the enemy, which they teach you to hate and not think about who they are or why the fight, just to kill and hate the enemy.
I truly believe, that the Izuna and Tobirama's fight was reversed, that Izuna would have turned out to be similar to him.
Here's the reason through my examples of Tobirama. He was the middle child, he was the spare to the heir, his trauma of the war came from fighting and the child hunting and his younger siblings' death. They both have the same traumas and they reacted in a similar way.
Tobirama and Izuna trained hard to kill the enemy, using new techniques to kill the other. They viewed the other as the enemy, their siblings dying by the other clan, their only reference to the other clan is through their clan's teachings and through skirmishes.
Izuna's last breath was to kill the Senju, not to make peace with them, Izuna hated and feared the Senju. He hasn't seen them as humans but other. Dehumanisation of the enemy is a common tactic in real life, especially during war and within the army/military. This is done in these clans to kill others.
Izuna and Tobirama have these ideas due to their clans and due to the war. Hashirama and Madara don't have this to an extent, seeing as they in the end agree to peace due to Madara knowing Hashirama is human and willing to disembowl himself. Tobirama and Izuna never had this for each other.
So, if Izuna were to have swapped positions with Tobirama, there would be a difference within the Leaf. Uchiha's will still be around, Izuna wouldn't want people to marry out of the clan like Tobirama would have done, the Senju would be under surveillance instead. The Senju would properly still be around but they would be restricted. Izuna most likely would have taught others to hate the Senju as well.
What I am saying is that these two characters are messy. They are human. They have trauma as soldiers, and later, they are terrible historical figures. As characters, they are nuanced as they have to deal with living with the enemy since childhood. They can never truly trust them due to fighting them for so long and what they have been taught.
Tobirama, as Hokage, built up the village with plans and legislation and treaties. But his trauma as a child soldier, like Izuna, inhibits him from teaching without prejudice. Am I saying he's a shit man because of it? Yes. But he and Izuna would not simply hug the taught enemy like a brother. Madara and Hashirama could due to meeting and becoming friends when they were younger and out of skirmishes.
What I'm saying is that Tobirama and Izuna are shaped by their trauma. They reacted to that trauma with the sword, and they were taught to be soldiers, not men. These two were used to the chaos of war, and they died in it, do I think they could have been rehabilitated? Yes, though it would be slow.
But they didn't have that. Izuna died hating and cursing the Senju. Tobirama died to save a child from the Uchiha Clan.
Does Tobirama teaching an Uchiha change anything? I am unsure, but it shows growth from his trauma. Would Izuna do the same if he survived instead of Tobirama? I am unsure, possibly due to understanding that they are humans.
As historical figures within Naruto, if roles were swapped, I think it would play in a similar manner. Just with a Senju massacre and possibly also the Uchiha as well, but I'm uncertain. These two, in my opinion, are parallels of each other.
If Tobirama isolated the Uchiha from the Leaf, I truly believe Izuna would have isolated the Senju from the Leaf as well.
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
in love with both the roleswap ficlet you have as well as Utopia. im curious, what are your thoughts/hopes with rin? i feel like she always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to fics and id love to hear anything about her from you
I do have a soft spot for characters who haunt the narrative - who create an empty space so tangible that the void is its own character. When Obito and Kakashi stood in the same room in Utopia, I always considered the imprint she left on them as a third character. Not Rin herself - just how she damaged them. I think it's heartwarmingly toxic yaoi how Kakashi stole Obito's personality, so I decided that Kakashi actually stole the erotic novels from Rin. She was a superfan of bodice ripper steamy romance novels, as it turns out.
You have to make up your own personality for Rin. So I made decisions as an author about writing her for the roleswap. I wanted her to be the Naruto figure - the leader, the glue who held everybody together, the one who was very smart about people. She was just as stubborn and fiercely smart as the boys, but because her genius was in noncombat arts it was overlooked. The idealist and optimist, who hoped so genuinely for a better world. One where she could protect the people she loved. I think Rin loved far, far too much. She and the boys were thrown into insanely traumatic situations far too young, and as a result I think they developed a codependent trauma bond that resulted in over-emotional reliance and falling in desperate teenage love with each other.
As we all know, in Naruto these traits are the recipe for either the greatest hero or the most insane supervillain in the series. The most dangerous person in Naruto is the person who loves too much, who believes in a better world where peace and love and happiness can reign, and who has the power to make it a reality. The person who's lost everything, and as such has nothing to lose.
I don't think one little sword and seal can kill a jinchuuriki.
Yeah, Rin plays a major role in the AU lmfao. Personally, I support women's wrongs. As does Kakashi. #feminisminnaruto
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harapeveco · 9 months
Maybe this is just me but don’t you guys get the impression that newer Eve characters don’t have the same impact as older ones? What I mean is that charcaters like Pattun, Kuru, Bun, Dancer, Seki (tg specifically) and the Okinime desu mama boy are always in fanart I always see fanart of them but newer ones…I only see them on my tl for like a week or two and they just disappear and I never see them again
The only exceptions to this rule I can think of are ofc Tobi and fs Ryuuko but other than that characters from Gunjou Sanka, Don’t Replay The Boredom, Yusei Boushi, Hakugin, etc I just don’t see them like that much compared to when their MVs came out….every once in a while I see the Heart Forecast girls and maybe Raison D’être or Baumkuchen End guy in the wild but it’s very rare…even Akame and Zukin who were really popular when their MV came out are not there that much
It’s funny bc Tohiko came out two weeks ago and I already stopped seeing fanart of it like???? Idk exactly how to explain it but yeh it’s like idk they just don’t have the same impact or charisma? Or maybe it’s that we are so used to fast consumerism we just forget about them after a week or two? Idk does anyone else feels this or it’s only me?
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A sneak peek of my contribution for the HashiMada Week 2024 Day 5 prompts “Memories” and “Love Letters”
It’s set during the pre-Konoha Founders Era, Warring States Period
(Wordcount: Approx. ~800)
Wordlessly, Tobirama crossed out Mito's name listed at the bottom of the scroll.
Izuna looked over his shoulder with a low whistle. “Nii-san, I think you’re shit out of luck. There are no more marriageable candidates to harass—er, to choose from.”
Madara crossed his arms as he looked away. “Tch. I still think that capturing all the bijū is a lot easier than finding a spouse worthy of me.”
Even Tobirama, being the sole survivor of his clan, who still had to represent the Senju in the Summit, had Izuna with him, who agreed to be his guard and (fake) betrothed.
Am I the only only who has no one to be fake betrothed to?!
Tobirama opened his mouth as if to say something, then seemed to change his mind, biting his lip and looking away instead.
“Out with it, Tobirama,” Madara snapped.
“…I—I have a plan,” Tobirama said haltingly. “But if Tajima-san and Shirabi-san ever find out about this, they might revoke their wardship of me.”
“That bad?” Izuna asked, his expression gleeful.
Madara flicked his brother on the forehead, ignoring the dramatic ow! to level Tobirama with a steady gaze.
“That bad?” he asked, repeating Izuna’s earlier question but this time more serious.
A glum nod.
“Don’t worry Tobi, if that ever happens, Nii-san and I will support you instead,” Izuna reassured, patting him on the back.
Tobirama pulled away with a scowl. “With what money? I have dreams too, you know. Dreams that need financial support.”
“Hey, now—”
“Let’s hear it,” Madara cut in. “Then I’ll decide if it’s as serious as you claim it to be.”
The plan was simple.
With Hashirama recognized by the Uchiha as Tobirama’s long-lost brother, but in truth was really just his imaginary sibling that he made up to cope with his trauma, all Madara had to do was write several (fake) love letters asking him to come back and honor their supposed childhood vow to marry once they were of age.
The subsequent letters would infer that Hashirama left to make a name for himself in order to be worthy of Madara’s hand.
They would bank on the cryptography team—who would no doubt monitor the comings and goings of correspondences, however clandestine—to relay Madara’s “secret” to Tou-sama and Kaa-sama, as well as good old-fashioned gossip to spread the Uchiha heir’s search for his long-lost betrothed.
All of this, so that when Madara finally confessed to the high council that he had already long affianced himself, the lie would have a foundation to take root in, and hence lend to its credibility.
No more matchmaking.
A seat to the Clan Summit secured.
Problem solved.
It’s been a while. You’ll have to forgive me for not writing for so long.
I’ll cut to the chase.
Hashirama, my family wants me to marry before the year is out. I haven’t told them yet of our pledge to wed each other when we’re of age, but it’s only a matter of time. If you don't show up, then I'll be forced to marry another.
Still, I am holding out hope that one day you will return and fulfill your promise.
I know not where you currently reside, so I am trying to send as many letters as I can to several post-stations in hopes of reaching you.
May this letter find you well, and I pray that you haven’t forgotten about me.
Send a sign—a letter, a river pebble, a leaf, anything—if you still remember our oath. Better yet, come back Hashirama. I will be waiting.
Always yours,
“Always yours?” Izuna asked in a deadpan voice, cringe seeping in his tone.
“What part of ‘make it believable’ don’t you understand?” Madara shot back, even as heat crept up his ears. He was desperate, damn it! “You got any better ideas?”
His brother shrugged. “Fair.”
With the letter penned, Madara stamped his personal seal on the scroll, and attached a coin as payment.
Reduced to writing to an imaginary fiancé, he thought as his gyrfalcon took the scroll to be handed to the couriers. Shameful.
No matter. The important thing is that I get to attend the Clan Summit.
After that, all of this ridiculousness would end soon enough.
“Hey,” Izuna piped up as they were clearing away the evidence. “Wouldn't it be funny if there’s someone actually out there whose name is Hashirama?” He grinned. “What if he actually receives this letter, or any of the next ones?”
“Then I’ll tell this funny Hashirama of yours that he doesn’t look like my brother,” Tobirama replied with a straight face. “Problem solved.”
Madara also directed a dismissive snort toward his brother. “Besides, as if that would ever happen.”
Izuna pouted. “Aww. You’re both no fun.”
With the desk cleaned up, the three of them left the room to get ready for dinner.
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despairforme · 3 months
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manofthepipis · 1 year
yknow ⟟ just wanna share the dumbest true thought ⟟ got
toby fox is so smart about the details in ut/dr that if toby fox were to put "removed taxes" in the patch notes somewhere, the whole fanbase would search every pixel and line of code for some evidence of taxes 😭
this fandom is very dedicated ⟟ do appreciate it
i had to read this twice because i saw "toby fox", "patch notes" and "removed taxes" and i was about to search every pixel and line of code for some evidence of taxes
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mymarifae · 1 year
after all this time i still can't predict how mayor holiday will be characterized
because like. i feel like all the fanon versions of her where she's stoic and serious and gruff are like... not right?? queen is supposed to reflect her. right. like that much is painfully obvious
... none of those adjectives apply to queen????? now ofc she could be mayor holiday's total opposite to highlight the differences in their approach to mothering noelle - i'm not discounting that or anything because i literally do not know. it's just that's not necessarily the vibe i got
queen is cheerful and silly but very pushy. very demanding. she expects a lot and doubles down and really puts on the pressure when people don't meet those expectations. all with a smile! like. i feel like the fandom saw rudy say noelle's mom is hard on her and saw the thing about her keeping her office frigid cold and automatically assumed she's a cold person who only knows how to frown
you don't have to be stoic to be a strict parent. you can be all smiles and be more demanding and controlling than the gruffest most stone-faced parent in the world. and like... we saw that when it comes down to it, queen is more than capable of dropping the silly antics and jokes and she can and will get serious. she doesn't need cages or control plugs or an army or anything but herself and a few well-placed threats. which reminds me of when alphys said hometown's cops (ugh) don't really do anything because mayor holiday takes care of it all.
i think... maybe. she used to be a little less strict and a little more genuinely lighthearted. but after dess disappears, she drops that lightheartedness. she gets really, really serious about turning hometown into a safe place and making sure noelle is strong enough to like. Survive.
but she does it all... with a smile! after all, every politician's got to have a dazzling fake grin, right?
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acourtofquestions · 4 months
My inner Pretty Little Liar fangirl resurrecting itself for the Backpack song by Bear Attack! During the Queen of Shadows (what I am dubbing/titling) “Rowaelin Reuinion” hug scene🥹😂😍🥰😭🥹
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me when sweeney goes “tobias!” at the end of “the judge’s return”
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tenpixelsusie · 2 years
"Rick is the better scientist!" "actually, Reagan is the better scientist because-!!" shut up shut up shut up we all know the best fictional scientist is ALPHYS from UNDERTALE
#jeremy hater moment#hate hate HATE looking up reagan on anything and seeing her compared to rick like leave my girl alone !!!#STOP BASHING HER!!!#istg anytime i see rick and reagan in the same post i'll think ''god help me''. this is making me hate r&m fans so bad#where was i. oh yeah#in comparison to both of these characters i personally think alphys comes out on top both in a better written and better story arc stance#like don't get me wrong!! i love reagan!! but alphys will always be first in my heart#alphys is an amazing example of the ''good person who's done bad things and has to live with themselves'' character archetype-#what with the amalgamates and locking them away and hiring mettaton to stage stuff for the human just so alphys could be apart of it all-#and her arc about forgiving herself and finally giving the families closure and bringing their relatives back home and confessing-#what she had done and just. overall- everything about her story and her time interacting with frisk and undyne and everyone-#it's amazing how toby fox created this- this AMAZING little dino gal and wrote her with so much love and. just. AH!!!#alphys is. an amazing character. and i wouldn't have had her story go any other way.#(also if any of the details here are inaccurate please be nice 😭 i haven't replayed undertale in fuck knows how long)#like i said i think she comes out on top for any fictional (mad?) scientist in any media tbh. she's so sillay ♡#(sorry to reagan. even if i love her character and overall just. her in general i'm giving alphys this one. she's the og 💥‼)#one last thing: outside of everything i've mentioned alphys is just SUCH a charming character overall !#alphys appreciation club 4eva *peace sign*#(also i think reagan and alphys should meet and become friends right... neow!!)#(should i tag rick and reagan??? i'll tag em for organizational purposes)#reagan ridley#rick sanchez#tw rick and morty#<- for blacklist#inside job netflix#im not tagging r&m LOL#alphys undertale#undertale#dr alphys#this is ok to reblog by the way
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crush-like-that · 1 year
Was standing with some girls in gym today, one was my old bully, the other was her best friend (an important thing to note about this second girl is she's not mean nor a bully, she's just not... nice.) We were grouped together but not by choice. Anyway, the second girl was expressing her dislike for something and she very angrily mumbled "faggot." I swear she went through all 5 stages of grief in like one nanosecond. Her shoulders shot up to her ears and her eyes went all wide and she just looked at me over her shoulder. So yeah. I've not talked to those girls for years, never had any sort of personal conversation, never told them about who I am. But she said faggot and immediately looked at me cause she was afraid I was going to yell at her
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lousiee · 10 months
im so happy 2nite holy shit eeehehe
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