wildflowercryptid · 7 months
someday i need to revisit my old sygna suit wally design and rework it into a neo champion design.
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bro he is literally just laying there saying whatever in their head talking about anything and everything but not sleeping.
#thinking about junior high#specifically it started with me saying i should relearn the clarinet i should get one again#then somehow to getting stuff i missed from teachers 'before or after class' because they were busy or i didn't want to be late for class#then to how i was usually on time so i had like no reason to worry#except for pe because i had math all the at the bottom of the junior high hallway then pe at the entire other end of the school#and we had to change but he was pretty lenient and i was usually one of the first kids out#also how most of us left our stuff in the locker room and not the lockers because they were a hassle and somehow we never had any theft#then i thought about how this kid next to my actual locker in fifth grade (no locks) took one of my pokemon magnets im pretty sure#and i never got it back#then i remembered another thing that happened in the fifth grade hallway#where that guy i had a crush on gave me a golf ball he found in his bookbag#well he asked if i wanted it and i said yes (like having things and liked him) and im pretty sure it stayed in my bookbag the entire year#if i knew which bookbag i used that year and if i still had it it might still be in there tbh#also when i was thinking about band i couldn't think of my study hall in 8th because i quit and then suddenly i membered#and idk how i forgot she was like my fav teacher and i had so much fun cus my 2 best friends (like the waterparks song?) were also in it#and since it was like the end of the day she let us like talk and mostly do what we wanted if we didn't have any late work#and me and andi probably spent like 75% of it doodling our little oc guys#i think our other friend spent a lot of it drawing aswell.#wait. now that i think about it. was she in our study hall? doubting myself all of a sudden.#yeah she was because we walked home together and i dont remember waiting in the hall for her or anything#i do remember that when me and her were still in band andi came and got us basically because we always took our time#i miss them :(#winona has something to say
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famewolf · 2 years
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Shout out to @bobbydurian for joining my husband ( @zyca ) and I in our really laggy Charizard raid so I could get my fav Pokemon. Immediately went to making some eggs so I could start sending Charmanders out on the Surprise Trade and got this gorgeous baby out of my third egg! The shiny I've always wanted, I could honestly cry! Charizard has been one of my favorite Pokemon since I was 4 years old and I've tried a few times to get a shiny without success. But after 24 years, she's here~
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unluckyxse7en · 2 months
Always funny when I forget a crucial influence on my childhood until something smacks me in the face so my love for it hits me like a truck all over again
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feline-insolitum · 9 months
i was gonna put this on a reblog to this post but i decided it needed to be its own post so here we go
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most other trainers will be super badass or cool whenever theyre terastallizing their pokemon. but kieran just kinda stands there devoid of life. he looks like hes not even there. almost like he's just... dissociating through the whole thing
you can also see eyebags that his teal mask model didn't have. he's been working himself to the absolute bone to get stronger. another character (i forget who) even says hes been sacrificing sleep just to get stronger. its very obviously been taking a toll on him
but looking back on the battle as a whole, this wasnt even the only time where he looked dull and lifeless. for the entire battle, when hes not being dramatic on purpose, he just looks so out of it
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you cant look at these pictures and tell me hes mentally present. the left picture isnt even timed to make him look like that. his expression is like that the entire time hes giving that line of dialogue.
and again, you can see visible eyebags!!!
i think part of it is that hes imagined the battle against the protagonist so many times since getting back from kitakami that it's feels like it's already happened to him, and he's just reliving a memory.
maybe another part is since hes gotten back, hes just been battling non stop when he has the chance. to him its just another battle. initiate, defeat, get stronger. rinse and repeat. its so repetitive that half the time he doesnt even know who hes battling. i feel like thats the case here, maybe sometimes he forgets hes even battling the person that he became this strong to defeat in the first place
i think why he did this to himself is because of more than "just getting stronger". after everything that happened in kitakami: gaining a friend, only for them to lie to and betray him about the thing he loves most, then for them to get closer with his sister, who would consistently shut him down, then on top of it all, ogerpon chose us, and even in trying to battle us for her, we beat him.
that is a lot to have happen to you in just a couple days, so i think part of the non stop training is him trying to cope. in trying to make up for "being too weak", hes also trying to escape reality and forget that those things even happened. he looks so out of it for the entire battle because he is. thats why he has such a reaction when we use ogerpon against him in battle. because by doing that, were reminding him
this is all part of why he freaks out so hard when we beat him. aside from his whole complex of getting stronger specifically to beat us, its because hes already imagined beating us so many times that to him, it already kinda happened in his sleep deprived mind. its because hes won battle after battle since getting back from kitakami, so after being in this rinse and repeat cycle of battling and winning, us losing causes him to finally snap out of it.
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after the protag wins, hes genuinely confused that he lost. but he knew how strong the protag was going into this. i think its because, for the majority of the battle, due to not being mentally present, he forgot he was battling us.
this, as well as how often he wouldve imagined him beating us, explains very well how surprised and shocked and panicked he is that he lost. "this wasnt supposed to happen" because it was just another battle, and he wins battles. "this wasnt supposed to happen" because he already imagined him beating us so many times that it had to have been real, right?
and because this monotonous cycle he was in that was actively draining him of energy was broken by us beating him, everything that he hadnt had the energy to process since training is hitting him like a truck now. ogerpon, the betrayal, how he kept losing to us, how he just lost to us right this moment, its all too much and he cant handle it. and so he crumples to the ground and has a mental breakdown
i didnt mean to turn this into a whole character analysis on kieran but i have a LOT of thoughts on his character and how hes written
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xxtc-96xx · 27 days
Rant about the mirage special.
well I guess I just did with the whole "mirage bad except mew we love mew" and the fact they try way too hard to make us feel bad for it
I think you could count like six mewtwo deaths for one mew death they drag it out so long so you have to see how sad everyone is, and Oak looks honest to god distraught, like way more than ever before XD
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they're more upset here than all of the collective deaths of pokemon we've seen before and after. and like I said before, this mew only hangs around back looking sad, getting tortured, beaten up and dying, it only does one thing at the end and even then holding mewtwo is obviously tormenting it so you see it in even more pain there. I know pokemon always had a thing about putting any pokemon protagonist in movies and specials through the wringer but this was so excessive XD
(also because it's the new cast for the first time they have some pretty awkward line reads too, it's pretty funny)
the whole thing with Misty possibly dying and no one cares XD even when Ash honest to god says "oh yeah I forgot" goes to call down the big stairway "hey misty where are yoooouuu?" without any sense of urgency, then Mew wants him to follow it which I assumed it was initially going to take him down the stairs to find where Misty fell...no, mew takes him somewhere else to where Oak is with bad guy doctor and later on Misty shows up with May and Ash is like "oh yeah you ok" not even directly to Misty. In fact she probably would have died for real had May not just happened to be around to catch her. ALSO it was pikachu and Ash's fault she was flung to her assumed demise in the first place XD
I'm probably being mean but eh I always found it super silly and dumb
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peachypede · 9 months
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Au: What if humans had pokemon types?
The idea struck me after seeing some of @bluebellowl ‘s art of Ingo and Emmet wielding flames and electricity and I was thinking ooo what if humans had typings.
Then I made an au with a bunch of headcanons…
More below the cut
(Almost forgot to add that I took some inspo from @critterbitter ‘s Elesa hairstyle because I love how they draw her hair in the back all spiky, electricy like in some of their drawing just yes)
- most humans are purely 1 type, but a rare person may have a dual typing. (Ingo and Emmet are dual types that cover their least publicly liked typing with their more favorable type)
- Some types are more stigmatized and feared than others for have abilities/features that are frightening: Bug, Ghost, Psychic, Poison and Dark types are the 5 most stigmatized groups.
- Most humans have very small or weak abilities, but some are capable of amazing feats.
- Humans tend to favor pokemon partners that share their typings since it’s easier to connect and communicate but some people do like opposite or different typings.
- When babies are born, they’re given a test to see what type they are so their parents will know how to handle their abilities.
- Each types abilities include:
Normal - Sadly, this typing doesn’t get much special abilities. They’re normal humans. A very, very rare normal type can send a hyper beam out of their mouth.
Fire - Can control small flames and are fire resistant. They can warm their bodies up to feverish temperatures without being sick. Some can breathe fire and have flame like hair. Fire types often have irrational fears of water.
Water - They can control small amounts of water. Their skin gets dried out easily and they have to take showers frequently or have humidifiers in their homes. A few individuals have gills that allows them to breathe fully underwater.
Grass - They can breathe life into plants and cause flowers to bloom. If they have a garden, they’ll produce giant and delicious fruit. Some can make plants move on their own, but this is a rare ability. When happy, a lot of grass-type people will sprout plants on their heads. Some even have plant like hair.
Electric - Able to cause small electric shocks and store bits of electricity. Can turn off and on appliances without touching them. Those who take time to learn can communicate with electric Pokémon using the electrical language all electric types know. They can also talk to humans in electric language who are electric types as well.
Ice - Freezing to the touch and tolerant to below zero temps. They can freeze the surface of water by touching their hand to it. They’re a rare type that hardly leave frosty mountain cities and towns because they’re prone to overheating in warmer weather.
Fighting - Stronger than other humans, but few reach true inhumane strength. Rare individuals have an extra set of arms like Machamp. Most take pride in their strength and hone their skills their entire lives.
Poison - Immune to poisons, some even have poisonous breath or saliva. Most of them have to wear masks around people who aren’t fellow poison types. Some individuals have multicolored skin, like frogs warning others that they’re dangerous. People of this type like steel types, because they can remove their masks for once around these people who are immune to them.
Ground - Can feel vibrations in the ground and if they learn, can properly use this as another sense of sight and see things underground. Rare individuals can make the ground shake and have long claws for digging. Some families are known for living underground where they feel more at ease.
Flying - they have a very keen eye for long distance sight. Lots of people with this type have wings. Not all can fly, since one needs large wings and hollow bones to do so, but some can. Most however are gliders. Some have feathers instead of body hair.
Psychic - People with this type usually have one “talent” ability, such as levitating objects or seeing the future. It’s rare for an individual to have more than one of these talents but it has happened before. They’re seen as power houses amongst the other types for their special abilities and usually are seen offering their services in exchange for coin.
Bug - They can attract a lot of bug type pokemon to them via pheromones and with practice, they can even control them. Like ants, bug types can talk through pheromones like alerting to danger, creating trails, or even just generally talking like electric types do (its not all just attracting mates although bugs are more likely to be attracted to other bug people) Grass types dislike the smell of bug types, whereas flying types get hungry around them. Rumor has it that bugs can control others through their pheromones but its just a rumor. Pheromones make it easy to persuade, but can’t truly control people.
Rock - They have skin as tough as rocks and most can dig through rock itself. Rare people look like a cluster of rocks themselves. They dislike water since it erodes away their skin, so they take mud baths and showers instead.
Ghost- Many can float above the ground and go through walls. Similar to ice types, They are cold to the touch. They can see ghost type pokemon even if they are invisible. Rare abilities are being able to see and commune with human spirits. (And only once a century is there an individual who has truly open eyes and can see the entire world of the dead walking amongst the living) People who fear this type spread rumors that ghost types are evil and can raise the dead to do their bidding, but these are only rumors.
Dragon - Noble types that are descended from long blood lines. A lot of individuals have scales and wings and claws. Rare ones can breathe fire. Once in every 100 years there will be a dragon-type who can communicate and wield their type’s pokemon with high efficiency, even mighty legendaries. Families of dragons can be very prideful and look down on other types. Noble families don’t like their children mingling or marrying other types.
Dark - A stigmatized group to the point that their typing is labeled as the “evil” type in some languages. Many have a bad luck effect on the people around them and some can sense disasters before they happen. Dark types often are lonely because of their bad luck charm abilities make other people wary of them.
Steel - Most in this group have skin that shines like a type of metal and are able to bend metals in their hands. They’re immune to poison and bug types abilities, and often are friends with these stigmatized types because of this.
Fairy - This group have small magical abilities and unluck the dark type, they have a lucky effect around them. Some individuals have wings, some have unnaturally colored hair. Fairies have a high social standings with other types because they’re thought to do nothing wrong, when fairies actually often have trouble makers in the midst of them taking advantage of this.
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starrysharks · 6 months
name: ZENO
age: 15-17 (don't wanna share my exact age sorrey)
gender/pronouns: maybe genderfluid, probably just cis girl - use any pronouns you'd like but she/her and he/him are best
race: ghanaian AND PROUD 💯💪🏿🇬🇭 (living in bumfuck britian tho)
other than that basic info, i am a CARTOON ARTIST inspired by stuff like invader zim, sonic the hedgehog, and moe anime, who enjoys drawing primarily CUTE GIRLS... but also some GUYS too i don't discriminate. i'd say my art covers around 50% fanart 50% OC art. i LOVE my ocs so much and so should you, so check out the tags for them and ask lots and lots of questions about them please.
(HERE is where i'll eventually put links to my OC comics and projects when i finally finish them, so look forward to that!)
i also do COMMISSIONS! i can draw for absolutely anything you want, and these days i've been wishing to be commissioned for a T-SHIRT DESIGN, ALBUM COVER, or MUSIC VIDEO... so if my comms are open when you're reading this, GO COMM ME WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?! (BY THE WAY even tho i am a MINOR all comm money goes into an adult relative's paypal account, so your money is 100% SAFE!)
other than art, my interests include nintendo games like SPLATOON, POKEMON, and the like, other games like TWDG, SKULLGIRLS, LITTLE NIGHTMARES, WORLD'S END CLUB (the best game danganronpa guy ever damn made), and KATAMARI DAMACY, cartoons and comics like INVADER ZIM, JTHM (which everyone should totally read please it's so good), DUNGEON MESHI, MLP, SOUL EATER, FLCL, SCOTT PILGRIM, and DOROHEDORO, and a million i forgot to name, and movies like THE SAW SERIES, SPIDERVERSE, and PROMARE!!!!
also i don't talk about it much, but i love NU METAL... i love KORN, LIMP BIZKIT, KITTIE, COAL CHAMBER, NOTHINGFACE, AND SLIPKNOT as well as many other music artists nu metal or otherwise!!! (notable ones being MCR and literally every vocaloid producer under the sun.) (i will reblog posts from haveyouheardthisband constantly to recommend my followers music, it's my god-given right)
i also LOVE TO HATE (am a critical fan of) DANGANRONPA and COOKIE RUN from time to time...
anyway even tho this is an account mostly for art posting and question answering, i do actually care about serious stuff going on in the world and will reblog posts talking about it sometimes... AND SO SHOULD YOU!!!
also i don't really have a DNI, just don't follow me if you're like. racist or something man that's fuckin' weird... also don't follow me if you're a TERF, NSFW account, or ED/pro-ana account! (SERIOUSLY)
ok i think we're done? cut the cameras
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boiledegghole · 4 months
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i'm a chronic furry so i turned the isat gang into birds. the earrings are clipped onto the feathers. the hair is a wig. why? uh. uh. uh. good question. also i forgot siffrin's little eyepatch
here's where i explain my choices of bird 👍
mirabelle- canada goose!!!! heavily migratory (as befits the change belief) waterbirds (water is constantly shifting and changing by the seasons)!!! theyre cute!!! theyre pretty!!! theyre fierce when the situation calls for it!!! also idk i feel like the colors just fit for her!!
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siffrin: catlike, cute, nocturnal, and undeniably sharp- the barn owl!!! i couldnt NOT make siffrin a nocturnal species with their whole cultural thing being around the stars!! also, owls historically have had a bunch of symbolism placed around them being symbols of death, with some cultures also having them be symbols of victory in battle!!!
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isabeau: cockatoo!!!! theyre like if a cockatiel (smallish, kind of wimpy) pokemon-evolved!!! theyve got the big ostentatious head feathers!!! big tough nut-cracking beak!!! heavy duty parrot!! while also being incredibly smart and stylish!!!
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odile: great blue heron!!! undeniably graceful and wise looking, yet sharp!!! impressive plumage, but in a more understated way!! truly the embodiment of modern dinosaurs!!
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bonnie: zebra finch!!! little but loud!!! big colorful beak and cheek patches!! not as robust as the cockatoo or the goose, but no less enthusiastic!!!
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loop: uh. mystery bird? owl??? lets say a weird owl. theyre just the same as normal loop but slightly more birdlike
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Salutations Factual! I really wanted to say, I was completely blown away by your new pixel art collages! I've always really liked pixel art, both simple and complex (even though I'm no good at it) and it's sweet to see you're so skilled at it! As always, keep on drawing whatever it is that you want to draw, but it would be sweet to see some more pixel in the future!
Also, thank you so, so much for answering my last few questions regarding your Pokemon team! I just love those guys so much- and I'm glad to hear they are the very least understand that not all humans are bad- they just tend to attract trouble!
Speaking of which, thanks especially for answering my older ask regarding a potential Hydreigon encounter- I really liked your idea of Gloria, as always, recklessly taking one for the team! In fact, I liked it so much, it gave me a sweet story idea- which, if you don't mind, I would like to "pitch" to you, even if just for fun!
So- what if, during their time in the dark woods, the "worst case scenario" does happen- while still recovering from the Trevenant battle, the gang is ambushed by the forests apex predator- a savage Hydreigon! After Which, Gloria, much to the team's protests, attempts to distract their attacker and lead it away- in the process being near fatally wounded and cornered. However, her cries of pain do not go unheard- as nearby, perhaps in a cave or some other remote location- is none other than Baragara the Metagross- while in the midst of another frightful anxiety attack due to his conflicting brains, perhaps with Patty by his side- he distantly hears the sounds of a Pokemon in need- at which all his brains agree on one thing- they need to help! Then, swiftly as possible, he would jump into the forest below, and aid Gloria by facing down his fellow, rampaging pseudo legendary... Eventually, despite sustaining serious damage, he would triumph, and chase off the beast- just as the rest of Gloria's friends arrive!
And that's my pitch for how the team would meet Baragara and Patty! Sorry for the paragraph- I know you prefer to write your own stories, and probably already have a much better idea for how they meet- but I just wanted to give it a shot, and see what you think! ( Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, thank you a thousand for drawing low Polly Grimace- absolutely made my week! )
Hello! I'm glad to hear you've been liking my pixel art! :DD And that you got a kick out of low polly Grimace XDD
AND HOLY COW!! What an action packed way to be reunited with their old friend Patty! And of course, meet their new friend Baragara! Originally I just had a passing thought of Gloria sensing Patty's aura nearby and them reuniting that way. But I like your idea more! XD
Thinking about how Baragara would handle that situation though.. I wonder. He was supposed to be a normal functioning Metagross. But after having a traumatizing near death experience where he miiiight have suffered some kind of brain damage...? He just wasn't quite the same anymore. I wonder how he would handle a dangerous battle.. maybe his instinct would be to flee? :0 Who knows..
Either way, this ask got me thinking about my team again and has given me a few drawing ideas XDD So thank you!! :}}}
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spittyfishy · 1 month
If the Pokemon world had their own "Remnants of Despair", who do you think would be in it. (Junko somehow made a portal there or something.)
Buckle up fellas this is gonna be a long one
Ooo okay that’s a super interesting thing to think about! There’s a lot of things to consider when picking remnants in this sort of context (fighting tooth and nail against the instinct to just bonk my favs with the villain au bat but I shall resist!)
I think it’s important take how the Pokémon world works into account, like having Junko just physically torture someone into despair (think Chisa) wouldn’t fly, Pokémon’s ratings as a franchised wouldn’t allow it. So I’ve only picked characters who already had something that Junko could pull on to manipulate them into despair. I also tried to get at least one person from every region! I'm not 100% certain about some of these, so I’d definitely love to hear other people’s thoughts! (And let’s see if anyone can guess which character I had the most thoughts for lol)
Chloe: I think I’ve talked about Chloe’s villain au potential before, but at least during the early part of the Journeys anime she fairly closed off and distant, her dad paid more attention to Goh and Ash then to her, and there were loads of instances where he put his Pokémon work above her needs and family plans.
Jessibelle: Listen, Jessie and James are too whimsical for something like this but Jessibelle was already a physically abusive gold digger lol so I’m sure Junko would have something to work with there.
Silver: Not only is his dad a globally wanted criminal, but he also abandoned Silver when he went into hiding (I think that’s the backstory at least), and Silver has a lot of dialogue about treating Pokémon only as tools. If being a strong trainer didn’t get Giovanni’s attention, then maybe being a Remnant would.
Clair: Okay I’m going to be honest, I realized there weren’t enough girls on the list and threw Clair on last minute, but she also is super annoying in the Johto games lol. Like come on I won the battle just give me the badge!!
Courtney: So in the Pokémon Masters phone game there’s a bit where Courtney is shown to really believe in the Team Magma cause and really hates Team Aqua even after everything had been resolved at the end of ORAS, so I think Junko could get her that way. Have Courtney convinced that it’s her duty to keep Team Magma’s ideals alive even if the rest of the team forgot them.
Cyrus: Cyrus failed. All that effort to create his perfect world, catching the lake spirits, scaling Mount Corinette, he got so close— Just to have it all come crashing down at the last moment. His life’s work destroyed by some kid! He already had little to no patience for humanity, so thanks to Junko’s influence fine, he’ll make this world so unbearable to live in that people will beg him to create his perfect world at last.
Saturn: Saturn will follow Cyrus anywhere, both Pokémon Masters and the Chronicles of Arceus movie showed that if the Commanders are put in a situation without Cyrus they will go to any lengths to get him back. Saturn's devotion runs deep, so if Cyrus says despair is the answer then that’s what it’ll be.
Roxy: I’ve got nothing to justify this one with other then Junko wanted an Ibuki replacement to preform silly little despair concerts and I needed someone to rep Unova.
Sycamore: I’m not the first person to say Sycamore and Lysander were in love if not in a full blown relationship when everything went down in Kalos. But Lysander died, crushed under the weapon he’d risked everything to restore. The longer Sycamore goes without him the more he notices the flaws in humanity Lysander was talking about. People are selfish and greedy, look at the state of the world! Professors in Paldea nearly caused an ecological nightmare! The president of the Galar region Pokémon league almost plunged the world into eternal darkness! Not to mention what the morons over in Hoenn tried to do. If even people that were supposed to be trustworthy were causing this much chaos then there was no hope for the rest of humanity. If he could just get Lysander back, just see him one more time— tell him he’d been right, Sycamore was sorry for not seeing it sooner, that he missed him, and that if he could go back he’d have never given those kids the Pokémon that he was ultimately defeated by. If he could just get him back— if there was just some way— like if there was a big, giant, ancient machine that was capable of bringing back the dead still sitting in pieces in Geosenge Town…
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Faba: Is anyone really surprised? Faba is a little weasel of a man and will jump ship to whoever currently holds the most power. He could be a Branch Chief again! Or even better, if he does a good enough job maybe Junko will give him the whole Aether Foundation as a reward! (She won’t, but the possibility would always be held over his head to keep him in line)
Hau: Okay but hear me out— in the Ultra games specifically Hau has a few interactions with Guzma where he taunts him about being in his grandpa’s shadow and never being able to prove himself as a strong trainer. Gladion’s dialogue reinforces this, that Hau is always too busy goofing off and never takes anything seriously. If Hau’s just stuck there, his friends surpacing him, his rivals surpacing him, the mantle of Kahuna an unattainable goal constantly hovering over him, all those expectations and the realization he’s never going to meet any of them— it might become too much to deal with.
Rose: He was only trying to help! Why couldn’t anyone see that? Galar needed Eternatus and the dynamax particles it could make, Rose had been saving the world! They were all so ungrateful, locking him in jail for saving them, who do they think they are? He made this region into what it is today! Everyone relies on Macro Cosmos, and he ran the entire Pokémon league on top of that! That Leon would be nothing without him! It was a region of ungrateful brats. But even so, he’ll still keep working to ‘help’ them all again, you’re welcome.
Oleana: *holds up photos of Oleana and of Peko* Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures. They’re the same picture.
Raihan: He had to beat him. If he just trained harder, more sandstorms, bigger dragons, if he wanted it more. Leon couldn’t be invincible, he couldn’t be, and Raihan would prove it. Turn all of Galar to a battle ground if he needed, but he was going to take down that champion once and for all.
Kieran: Again, no one’s surprised. Just take BB league champion Kieran and turn him up to 11, and boom. Remnant Kieran. He’s still on a hunt for a legendary Pokémon, if he can just find one of those then he’ll be strong enough to defeat anyone right!
Bonus, all the Team Star bosses: I’m thinking they’d be like the equivalent of the Warriors of Hope, not really part of the Remnants group but still very much in despair. I mean come on, a group of bullied teens like that, Junko would have a field day.
And there we go! 15 Remnants plus five Warriors of Hope! I thoroughly enjoyed this ask, I know some of the concepts were much more fleshed out then others, I almost went with Misty and Brock for Kanto (his parents abandoned him to raise all his younger siblings while being the city gym leader, and Misty was so stuck in her sister's shadow she ran away from home) but I just couldn’t do that to two of my childhood faves. (Pierce and Gladion also almost made the list).
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askmerriauthor · 2 years
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Regarding this post I made earlier examining Geeta's antics in Paldea.
In Defense of Geeta
I feel like Geeta absolutely was written to be the shitty boss she is intentionally. There's too many situations where attention is drawn to her bad habits, either as them being directly pointed out or indirectly referenced. But what I really hope the case ends up being is that she's not at all a villain. Pokemon has gone the route of the suspicious CEO-type character being the "twist villain nobody could have seen coming!" for several games now. It's getting pretty old and I feel like it would be a weak direction for S/V to take.
Interestingly enough, one actually can look at all of Geeta's actions and not really see anything nefarious about them. Discussion after the jump for the sake of spoilers and wall'o'text.
It's very easy to look at Geeta and think she's a Bad Guy, given her strange behavior and all the negative attention she gets among the fandom. I'm certainly not innocent of seeing her in a less than endearing light, given my prior post. But a lot of that view does come from real world parallels and comparing the game's presentation to past Pokemon games in which nobody ever says the slightest criticism of the Champion, which may not necessarily be fair.
One of the biggest justifications Players have to indicate Geeta is bad is the way she meddles with the Gym Leaders and how corporate she's made the League. I pointed that out myself. But to flip it around... maybe she behaves that way because it's what the Gym Leaders need?
We constantly see Geeta inserting herself into events throughout the game. She shows up at the Academy, pops up at Gyms seemingly at random, and is always talking about how she has other pressing business that pulls her away from lingering too long. The only way she gets time to participate in casual encounters is when others (usually Nemona or the Player, if not both) take some of her workload off her plate. While I criticized the way Geeta had apparently deeply intertwined the Pokemon League, the Academy, and the Paldean economy itself, it does stand to reason doing so puts a ton of work on her having to maintain it. That's her own doing though, so it's a case of her getting what she signed up for and she never seems to shy away from it despite her habit of recruiting others to help.
The Gym Leaders, though? While they do remark about Geeta meddling with them, giving frequent reviews, and otherwise sticking her nose into their business, they've also shown that they're all pretty flaky. Rather, they're a total mess both individually and collectively. It's possible that the reason Geeta is constantly keeping an eye on them is because they need that in order to fit the direction Geeta is trying to guide the League in.
When we meet each of the Gym Leaders both in our first encounter and in the rematch post-game, we learn a lot about their behaviors through casual exposure. All of the Gym Leaders have a job besides running a Gym and, with the exception of Grusha, all of them show that running the Gym is by no means their top priority. Nor are any of them especially reliable when it comes to managing their Gyms. Based on past games, we're accustomed to Gym Leaders taking a large amount of pride in their position and holding it in esteem even when they also had other simultaneous jobs. We've seen Gym Leaders and Elite Four who were also artists, performers, athletes, CEOs, and such before. That's not the case with Paldea though; to these Gym Leaders, it's just a job and not necessarily one they put a lot of personal investment into compared to their actual passions/careers. It's mentioned that Geeta "strong-armed them" into taking on the role, which can be read that she went out of her way to convince strong, capable Trainers to become Gym Leaders for the sake of Paldea and because she saw the potential they held but weren't utilizing.
Katy flat-out forgot that she was under review and only appeared for the rematch by pure coincidence because she just so happened to visit that day. When we first meet Kofu, he and his assistant are both a totally scatterbrained mess. Iono only bothers with being a Gym Leader because it gets her viewership for her streamer career; if something else better came along, she'd surely jump for it immediately. Brassius is very upfront about his artistic passions being the number one thing in his life and openly abandons his responsibilities as a Gym Leader to pursue them during the rematch. Tulip's modeling career keeps her busy and she only has just enough time to show up for a brief match before immediately leaving to get back to her work. Ryme is more focused on her music career and wasn't even the original Gym Leader; that position belonged to her sister, Professor Tyme, who left the role to become a teacher. Larry, despite being the most vocal about his dislike of Geeta's habits, is also the most distracted as he has three simultaneous jobs and constantly works overtime. Finally, Grusha doesn't have any job besides being a Gym Leader, but that's only due to an injury that has made it impossible for him to pursue his original passion. That same injury has likewise cost him his motivation and drive to improve; he's only hanging onto his role as Gym Leader because he doesn't think he has anything else going for him now.
With all that in mind, it makes sense a rigid sort like Geeta would want to keep a close watch and short leash on all these unreliable personalities, doesn't it? She has to keep tabs on them because they risk failing the various Trainers who hope to challenge them otherwise, along with squandering their own potential. Geeta is always very open about her desire to foster powerful Trainers out of Paldea, if nothing else. After the rematch, all the Gym Leaders express a level of understanding and even appreciation toward Geeta for what she's done for them. Grusha and Larry stand out in particular, as they both confess that her meddling has helped motivate them to go beyond what they've settled into. Where Larry mentions that Geeta will dock his pay if he wastes time, he also mentions that she insists he stop overworking himself with overtime hours. So it's possible she's simultaneously trying to keep him focused without letting him overdo it as well.
When it comes to how corporate Geeta has made the League, that's not technically fair to say either. It's an easy shorthand but not entirely accurate. The goal of corporations is to make profit no matter what, but that's not really Geeta's motivation. She's not looking to get rich or powerful, but to rally as many genuinely powerful and talented Trainers up within Paldea as she can. That, in and of itself, isn't at all a bad thing and is commonly shared among all regions that have a League. While I criticize League Points as being company scrip, it does supply not just Trainers but all citizens of Paldea with an alternative way of funding themselves. This would include the Gym Leaders; despite common remarks (which I have made myself) about Geeta not paying the Gym Leaders a living wage, it's entirely possible they do indeed make plenty to thrive on and just have their non-Gym Leader job because that's their true passion that they want to put their effort into. Be it cash or League Points, they do have a salary. Larry himself mentions it outright, while Grusha and Brassius don't seem to be in any financial straits despite their unstable working conditions outside the Gyms. When it comes to the region's economy as a whole, subsidizing major commercial chains throughout the region just to make food and supplies more accessible can't be cheap; when you sell goods to the PokeMart for cash, you only get a fraction of the total value, but get significantly more (usually double) the value in League Points. Geeta's overall emphasis doesn't seem to be shaping the League and its sphere of influence within Paldea to make herself wealthy or powerful, but rather to make the whole affair as plainly efficient and self-sustaining as possible. In that regard, she's done a fantastic job.
When all is said and done, I genuinely hope Geeta isn't a villain but simply a boss with lofty visions, exacting demands, and absolutely terrible interpersonal skills. I feel like she'd be a lot more interesting that way in that she'd be a genuinely flawed person without her issues just being dismissed as "because she's the Bad Guy".
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deathdestructiondoom · 4 months
Anyways guess whaaat, i have a new au.
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An Isekai AU where Akito, Saki, Shizuku, Nene and Mizuki were sent to save the Creatio World from being stuck in it's years long Time Loop, however only Akito seemed to remember each Loop and something weird is happening to him. What shall happen to our favorites lesbians and pathetic bisexual ginger? Let's find out.
This is where I'm gonna go unprofessional (I lied) (Ft Pokemon references)
Also yes there are doodles.
Akito : Poor guy is not having a good time. Hes going insane, not mentally okay. His friends keep dying in each loops and he has barely anyone to talk with. And he has the burden of the world's fate on him as the Timecatcher, the only one in this world who can beat the Time God's stinky narcissistic ass. Oh and something went wrong and now after each loops he keeps growing and he gotta do this quick until his height become a major inconvenience. But that doesn't mean he's doing this alone, he got teammates, most he's barely familiar with but teammates nonetheless. They helped him through his lowest, he helped them at their lowest and they helped remind him that it’s okay to ask for help, something he forgot during the midst of each time loops. The constant loops may have changed him, for better or worse, mentally and even physically but what not has changed is his love for his teammates and how he would do anything to not let them die. Oh and he has a cool sword. He also pukes sand. He also may or may not become a demigod.
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Saki : Barbaracore Pookie bear. Shes the team's healer and keeps them alive with her magic healing book. If girlypop wanted to, she can become a full Physical Catalyst user by wacking the book to enemies. Either way she's a silly patootie in a silly magical world, she knows abt the loop but still gets her memory erased, yet will that stop her from smiling? No! She's still the bright and cheerful Saki Tenma and even through the worst times, she won't falter her smile. Also she still gets tired easily due to her health but she got some strong teammates who are willing to support her. She truly loves her new friends and teammates, and wants to support them fully!
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Shizuku : The Mom Friend™. Her Leoncore sense of direction is still here and everyone has to keep her on a leash to prevent her from being lost and die. Yes she's a powerful witch but still needs supervision. She's also motherhenning the shit out of the younger ones, if she says you sleep then you fucking sleep, Akito i don't give a shit that you're supposed to save the world, if you don't get atleast eight hours of sleep i will kill you. She too is aware of the loop, memories still erased but is always taking care of her teammates, being the oldest in the group makes her feel responsible to care for the younger ones wellbeing, feeling closer to them, like how she feels with Shiho.
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Nene : Siren aaah powers. She got the FANGIES AND THE SHORT HAIR. She has the ability to tell people to shut the fuck up with just her voice but shes too nervous for her liking to actually do it. She's also a Disney Princess, animals love her. In case she isn't using her siren inspired powers, she has a poison-infused dagger ready at hand. She also learns how to trust her teammates even if she's unfamiliar with most of them, and they helped her gain some confidence and she slowly gets more comfortable around them. Shes still mostly shy, being in a new world, but still determined to not let the time loops, that wiped her memories, stop her from supporting her teammates to save the world and cut the time loop. She is Zubat but human.
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(Ignore the other lil guy ill talk abt em in another post)
Mizuki : Take Kirby, Tinkaton and Amy Rose and mash em into Mizuki and boom you got a pretty pink lil pookie with a big ass hammer ready to whack some monsters. They got LIPSTIIIIICK. Mizuki is still their teasing self in here and yes they do gush over the cute things in the Creatio World and yes they really love their outfit and hammer like FUCK YEAH THIS IS WHAT I WANNA LOOK LIKE IN A FANTASY SETTING, they are truly in love of how feminine they look (Demigirl Mizuki is canon, if you are transphobic or think they're still a guy pls kindly get off my blog and never touch it again). Mizuki is still observant on the mood of the gang and still helps their teammates, gaining eachothers trusts and starts to express themselves more freely. They are too aware of the loop despite not keeping their memories but will that stop them from supporting their teammates, friends to save the world? No! also they pull ligma and candace jokes on the creatio world's people.
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(Side note : i love their lipstick)
I don't ship these 5 romantically (lied bc i was heavily considering a rlly close SakiNene qpr) but they are still family and love and care for eachother.
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Pookiebears <333
Oh and did i mention their Creatio World selves are just their consciousness transferred into their current bodies and their actual bodies are in a coma.
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fallershipping · 6 months
Thinking on Nanu, I realize that there's actually kind of a good reason why he disappeared or just left Interpol without warning-- I forgot to take Tapu Bulu into consideration.
After the Guzzlord mission which was both effectively a success as well as a horrific failure, Nanu and Looker cut contact or kept a figurative and literal distance. Nanu was haunted constantly by that day and lost himself to drink and work just to feel numb, and presumably this was made worse when the younger woman found on Poni Island, Anabel, joined Interpol all on her own as his junior agent.
However, this actually served to motivate Nanu a bit. He'd train her so effectively so that the same mistake wouldn't happen again. If he can't convince her to leave since she's dead set on this goal, he'd make sure she isn't naive. Nanu sharpens Anabel as an agent to make sure she doesn't fall for any tricks, doesn't kiss up to anyone, doesn't get taken advantage of, etc etc. He's part the reason she climbed the ranks so easily, contributed with her natural talent but also some not so good motivations due to her Faller energy.
During this time however, I feel as if Nanu has either been taking regular trips to Alola or has spent a considerable amount of time there; never once did he tell anyone where he was going. Perhaps due to penance, to seek redemption, pay his respects, or a mix of everything above. He meets a younger Acerola, maybe goes through a mental breakdown... And then Tapu Bulu emerges one day.
The Pokemon has chosen him. And he can't leave.
And so, all Interpol receives is a "Retirement effective immediately" response from Nanu. Though I'm not sure if it was accidental or intentional, he also cuts contact with Anabel and anyone else in Interpol. So, no one really knows for certain what became of him.
Looker's shock when seeing him again in SunMoon and his line of "I knew him once... I thought." was leftover resentment for their falling out and thinking Nanu was a major hypocrite for several reasons, though did not know that it wasn't his choice.
Edit: And tbh, Anabel was pretty shocked to see him alive! It was probably kinda hurtful to disappear without warning, she's happy to see he's ok but damn she would love it if people she relied on didn't disappear. :)
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mollyhale · 8 months
tagged by @jade-efflorescence to do some tag games!! tysm for the tag friend!! 🩵
1. Named after anyone? no but my parents picked my name from a book of names so shout out to the other girlies with my name <3
2. Last time you cried? i think it was on christmas if im not mistaken LMAO i was just mad as fuck about a grade i got back the night before and the shitty prof who was absolutely useless all sem for her rationale like she was not helpful at all ofc i was shooting in the dark with my final
3. Any kids?
no! maybe one day but def not now lol
4. Sports played/playing?
only ever really seriously did/do taekwondo all my life (basically, i mean i've been doing it for 17 years that's the majority of it anyway) but it's a bit of a sore subject rn
5. Do you use sarcasm?
fluently <3
6. First thing you notice about people?
eyes always, i know what i see, i can tell if i feel safe with someone based on their eyes otherwise my ass is NOT making eye contact with you
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
(so much for my) happy ending!
9. Talents?
good at art! i'd also say painting my nails i guess lol but that took some WORK to get here lol
also random but i can crack my pelvis kinda on command ??
10. Where were you born?
usa :) midwest gang rise
11. Hobbies?
art, video games (pokémon my beloved), collecting pokemon cards, writing, reading (!! so excited to be able to say that seriously for the first time in ages)
12. Pets?
not anymore :( used to have a cat when i was younger but we usually get a fish almost every year for the haft seen around norooz and sometimes we keep it but most times we give it back to the pet store once new years is over lol
13. Height?
5' on a good day - just saw a video using the phrase "5 foot negative 3" and im absolutely stealing that
14. Favorite subject at school?
15. Dream job?
creative director/art director at vogue or like if i could just be a traditional artist and have that be a viable career i would
i think that's everything?? i probably forgot something i'll kick myself for later lol
tagging (no pressure!!) - @borntobewondering @flippinfins @mickeysjones @seancamerons @bl33ditout @21-roses-a-day @loveution @bethestars @cottoncandywhispers @jewelledmoths and anyone else who wants to!!
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artistibatt · 9 months
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Ogrepon! My sweet child!! She was one of the best pokemon I used in the entirety of the Indigo Disk and I used a different combination of pokemon for each major battle. Other good pokemon I had were the pairs Excadrill and Flygon as well Alolan Ninetails and Alolan Sandslash.
This drawing comes from a joke I kept telling myself based on that one scene of SpongeBob where Patrick goes "AND HERE COMES THE GIANT FIST," because Ogrepon got the final hit in two major fights in the DLC with ivy cudgel.
(I forgot two of Ogerpon's spikes shhh)
-Indigo Disk talk below this-
For the Champion Kieran and Terapagos fights, the one who terastilized and got the finishing blow was Ogrepon with her ivy cudgel.
I have a no healing in battle rule in pokemon games so with the Kieran fight, she was my last pokemon against his Hydrapple. Then, after my Alolan Ninetails toughed it, got a hit to go towards my last Tera moment, and fainted soon afterwards with the aurora veil leaving too... Ogrepon was left and Kieran was fighting by my side. With my own Tera and his Hydrapple using syrup bomb, I was guaranteed to out speed and defeat Terapagos. Ogrepon had saved me twice in this DLC and I am so grateful for her y'all,, To me, how these battles played out was poetic also considering Ogrepon was part of the conflict with Kieran and the protagonist.
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