#also was just gonna do the first one but the one with kb is SO funny to me
delightfuldevin · 9 months
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Very quick but Very Important coloring of sketches by @kakusu-shipping
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aahsoka · 1 year
i want the lead to Not be a reincarnation of his past love a little bit i think that would be juicy. like absolutely this current girl is gonna make his heart beat for the first time so like why didnt it back then ???? hmmm ????? 🤔🤔
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jo-harrington · 7 months
Developmental Achievement (A Store Manager Verse Story - Steve Harrington/Reader)
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Previous Part: Incremental Planning
Pairing: Steve Harrington x HawkTheaterManager!Reader
Summary: Steve messed up and now he needs to fix things if he wants to win you back, hopefully for good.
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. November through January 1986, Steve and Robin work at Scoops (OR DO THEY?), Reader works at The Hawk Theater (formerly at Dippin' Dots AND Wicks and Sticks; you job hop...it's a thing), Relationship Break, Hopeless [Romantic] Steve, Tie in with the Store Manager Verse
Note: So this is the end of our Steve saga of the SMVerse, kind of wrapped up in a neat little bow. Is it the best? Probably not, but it's silly and corny and cheesy and I needed all of those things yesterday and instead of RELEGATING IT TO MY FIRST FAVE...I'll inflict it upon Stevie. Tagging @dr-aculaaa and @loveshotzz because COME AND GET HIM. (@deathbecomesthem ...and a possible Easter Egg?)
You can find my masterlist here for more fics featuring pretty much exclusively Eddie Munson content but also a little Steve.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Steve Harrington fucked up.
Ok. Ok. That’s not right.
Steve Harrington really fucked up.
If he was being honest, he always seemed to fuck up when it came to you, his...well...he could really only call you his ex now, couldn't he?
From rivals in ice cream where he missed every sign that you might like him, to sickeningly-sweet dates around Hawkins because he was being too boring of a boyfriend, and finally to Thanksgiving Dinner with his parents where he absolutely stuck his foot in his mouth.
He thought making a joke about your job-hopping was funny--from Dippin' Dots to Wicks and Sticks to KB Toys, it's lucky you decided he was worth sticking around for--but it only put you under his parents' scrutiny.
He got an earful as he walked you to your car after dinner was over. You stayed a few steps ahead of him until you got to the driver's door and turned to him with tears in your eyes.
"That was embarrassing, Steve," you said through clenched teeth.
"I'm sorry, I..." he was at a loss for words, especially making you cry. As strong as you were, you never seemed to be flustered at all; what was happening? "I thought it was a joke. We always laugh about it. I’m gonna work at scoops forever and you’re gonna work everywhere else."
"But it’s meeting your family, you shouldn't joke about...about what a huge flake I am that you're lucky I don't jump from boyfriend to boyfriend just like I go from job to job. They're never gonna look at me the same way again. You only get one first impression."
"You shouldn't worry about what they think about you. I've stopped caring about what they think about me too."
It went back and forth before you threw your hands up and got in the car.
You didn't even kiss him goodnight.
Then sometime during Black Friday weekend, you stopped by Scoops before your shift and broke up with him.
"It was nice, Steve," you said, barely able to look at him. "But uh...I don't know. I need to know I'm with someone who doesn't think I'm some kind of joke."
He chased after you, even with his manager screaming that if he left he'd be fired, and begged you to reconsider.
You didn't.
He watched you ride up the escalator to head to your shift.
And when he got back to Scoops, he was actually fired.
What a great day.
Of course, Robin quit as soon as Steve was fired.
"Can't stick it out without you dingus," Robin announced as she approached him in the parking lot shortly after, tossing her hat at him. "And you can't have Scoops without...Stoops. Get it? Because you're stupid. Scoops? Stoops? Stupid. Why aren't you laughing?"
It was pretty funny.
But Steve was heartbroken.
Unemployed and heartbroken.
Robin insisted that she could land them both jobs at Family Video--
"Keith hates me. Pretty sure he calls me Sleeze Harrington."
“Well he loves me. I can vouch for you, come on."
--but Steve was sure that he would have a better chance at winning you back if he kept working at StarCourt.
What an epic bust that was.
Not the job part.
Well, that too.
Most of the stores near the toy store were done hiring seasonal help, and the best that he could land was a temp job as a Mall Santa.
On the upside, it meant that he could walk around the mall on break in his Santa suit and watch you with you none the wiser until he could beg you to take him back.
"It sounds creepy," was the unfortunate response from Steve's newest friend and personal relationship expert, the Claire's Store Manager.
He stopped by before his shift to pick up some of his lucky strawberry lipgloss to make sure he was very pouty and puckery for the moment you realized you'd made a mistake...and after effectively getting it all over his fake beard, the Manager decided to take pity on him and listen to his woes while helping him clean up.
"I'm gonna need to start charging you for advice," she laughed and wiped him off with tissues from the ear piercing station. "You seriously need it if that's the idea you came up with."
"You're a real Lucy Van Pelt," Steve deadpanned. "I'll buy you cookies one day just...please...help me."
"Have you tried just talking?" she questioned. "Wasn't that your problem in the first place? Way back when? You didn't communicate."
"But they're mad at me, they don't want to talk. And I need to fix it."
"Then give them some space, and try again, ok? Give it a week or two. They probably just need time to cool down, sounds like you really hurt their feelings."
"And if they can't forgive me?"
"Then you move on," she sighed. "Sometimes things just don't work out and even though it doesn't make you feel ok, you have to be ok with it."
So he waited a week.
A week was long enough, right? His own personal Lucy said so.
He chose a day he wasn't scheduled at Santa's workshop and waited for you in the food court where he knew you'd seek refuge during your lunch break, just like the two of you had taken your breaks together. He wore his best polo, made sure his hair was perfect, applied some of his lucky lip gloss and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But you never showed up.
Not during your usual break. Not an hour later. Not even at the supposed end of your shift.
Maybe you were working a double?
So as much as he told himself he wouldn't follow you because it was creepy, he ran up the escalator two steps at a time to KB Toys where you would surely be.
Or not.
"They don't work here anymore kid," your former manager sighed after he asked about you. "I'm sorry."
"W-well where did they go?" he asked frantically, pathetically.
"Didn't say, not really my business to ask. Put in their notice...right after Black Friday, actually. Right before the Christmas rush too."
If he was heartbroken before...his heart was just gone now. Obliterated. Non-existent.
Along with any hope of trying to win you back.
Steve stuck through the rest of the holiday season at the mall; you could call him many things but a quitter wasn't one of them. However, come the new year, he needed a new job again, and he took up Robin's offer to butter Keith up and get in at Family Video.
He was offered an opening key shift, a decent employee discount, a better paycheck than both Scoops and Santa's workshop combined, and unlimited access to choose the movie playing overhead whenever he was in charge.
"You're lucky the other person I was about to hire bailed," Keith said after his first week. "Got a job at the Hawk or something. Can't blame 'em. Free popcorn and all that."
The distraction helped the heartache.
Surprisingly, he got a few phone numbers. Nothing ever came of them, nursing a broken heart the way he was, but it was nice. He'd been tempted to call you, several times in fact, but in the end he just decided fate knew better. Still, he denied himself the role of Hawkins' resident heartthrob.
"Are you hearing yourself right now?" Robin scoffed at him as he scrubbed off yet another phone number that had been written onto the palm of his hand by one customer or another. "Resident Heartthrob. Seriously? Ok Cassanova."
"What else do you wanna call it?" he asked, holding his arms out helplessly. "They can't resist the Harrington Charm, even when I don't want to use it."
"It's because you keep putting on sappy romance movies when you're here. Girls like that shit, a guy in touch with his feelings."
"First Nancy and then..." he trailed off, thinking about you sadly. He had to let you go.
"Are you kidding me?" Robin hit him upside the head and shoved him out of the way so she could start processing returns. "You can't even say their name? You need to get over it."
"It's hard."
"Were they your soulmate or something?"
"Robin, all men must...have someone who will never take advantage of a love bright as the sun."
"Someone to stand beside them."
"You're quoting the Monkees now."
"They were the one," Steve lamented. "And now they're--"
He trailed off as his eye landed on something outside the window.
"They're what? On the Last Train to Clarksville?" She made a buzzer noise. "Try again."
"No they're walking in right now, act casual," Steve announced and started typing away at the keyboard of the computer.
The doorbell chimed as you set foot inside Family Video and Steve glanced up to get a look at you for the first time in weeks.
Ok, so maybe he was being a little pathetic with this heartache.
Maybe it wasn't that bad for him.
It was pretty bad.
But when your eyes met, Steve could just tell...it had to have been just as bad for you too.
Because he knew you by now. How many months had you been dating? Dates and lunches and breaks spent together. Was it love? Maybe. Probably. Even if it wasn't, it was damn near close to it. So he knew the way your eyes lost their sparkle a little bit when they landed on him, knew the way your shoulders sagged, knew the words that refused to escape your lips when you saw him.
Stevie Stew. Pookie Bear. Dumb dumb. All the pet names he missed too.
Robin greeted you with an exaggerated lengthening of your name and a pointed glare shot directly at Steve.
"Hey Rob," you cleared your throat and offered a strained grin. "How are you? Didn't know you were working here."
Your eyes shifted to Steve and then back to Robin.
"Either of you."
"I've been here since before Christmas," Robin leaned against the counter as you approached and thumbed over her shoulder at Steve. "And of course dingus over here just couldn't stay away."
"You're the dream team, of course," you nodded. "Scoops Troop. But, uh, not anymore I guess."
"We're workshopping a new name."
The two of you laughed and then you excused yourself to peruse the shelves for a new movie. Robin even offered to show you some new tapes with a low pull it together hissed at Steve as she rounded the counter to show you a new display.
Steve willed himself to say something, Do something. Anything. Say hello, walk over and suggest a new movie, say that it was good to see you, that he missed you.
Communicate, god damn it.
But he was frozen.
Even more when you and Robin returned a few minutes later debating which John Hughes flick you should get: Sixteen Candles or Weird Science.
"You could always get both," Steve suggested, the words rocketing out of his mouth violently as you reached the register.
"Uh, yeah, actually..." you nodded. "That's a good idea, I think I will."
Steve typed in all the information and got your rentals rung out, and as he asked if you wanted candy or popcorn, you laughed.
"You know what, I'm actually all candy and popcorn'd out," your smile faltered when your eyes met again. "I'm...uh...you know."
"Know what?" Steve asked dumbly.
"I'm over at the Hawk," you nodded. "New shift manager and everything. I was...I was actually supposed to work here when Mr. Phillips offered me a dollar more at the theater. And the popcorn didn't hurt."
"I didn't know that," Steve shook his head.
You and Steve stared at each other for another long, drawn out minute.
You opened your mouth to say something--
"Can we ta--"
--before Steve, idiot that he was, pushed your tapes across the counter at you and practically shouted at you.
"Your rental's due back on Friday by 2pm, enjoy."
Robin gave him the silent treatment for the rest of his shift.
"Do I show up with flowers?"
"What's that voice, you don't like flowers?"
"Not really."
There he was, back at Claire's the following day, sitting in the chair at the Ear Piercing Station as the manager restocked the jewelry wall. A bag of fresh chocolate chip cookies from the food court sat on top of the station and the two of them periodically reached in for a treat as Steve regaled her with his tale.
"I know they miss me, I just know it."
"Then why did you freeze up?"
"Because I'm an idiot. Help. Please."
So far, the manager hadn't really been able to offer him much advice outside of a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. Especially now as he planned a way to win you back.
"Everyone likes flowers," Steve argued skeptically. "You're telling me Munson hasn't gotten you roses or something?"
The shop bell rang, a chain rattled, and leather squeaked, and instead of the manager answering with a gentle tone and an eye roll like she'd been doing all day, Eddie Munson himself chimed in.
"If I was a jealous man," he started with an exaggerated glare at Steve. "I would say you're here flirting with my girlfriend."
Eddie "The Freak" Munson was somehow the Dad to Steve's reluctant Mom when it came to the ragtag gang of Freshman that they shared role-model-ship of, and because of that their previous animosity had been turned into some kind of...agreement.
Could Steve say Eddie was a bad guy? No. Was he still wondering why the kids liked him so much? Yes. Could the two of them get along? Up for debate.
Which was why Steve wasn't so concerned when the metalhead was feigning some kind of intimidation tactic; they had an agreement that went from unspoken to shaken on come the new year: No fighting in front of the kids, no making fun of each other's hair, no stealing Eddie's girlfriend.
"What are you doing here?" the manager laughed at the two boys antics and crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't you have school?"
"I came to ask you a very important question," Eddie smiled a lovesick smile at her, Steve momentarily ignored. "But imagine my surprise when someone else is sitting in my spot."
"It's not your spot. And I'm giving him advice."
"He's hopeless, apparently."
"I'm right here," Steve exclaimed and got to his feet, ready to leave. "I didn't come here to be made fun of. I actually need help."
He didn't like the way Eddie clapped him on the shoulder, or steered him out of the store, or gave him a patronizing smile.
"Listen," Eddie started once they were out of the store. "I know you're having some issues but seriously, you need to get your act together."
"And how should I do that Munson? I've thought of everything and your girlfriend keeps telling me that my ideas are stupid."
"I'm sure they are stupid," Eddie nodded. "I trust her judgment."
"What would you do to win her back? If you fucked up?"
"I wouldn't fuck it up, Number one," Eddie smirked. "Even at the risk of jinxing myself there. Rule Number One in the Munson Relationship Doctrine, don't fuck it up."
"Well that page is missing from the Harrington Relationship Doctrine, because I clearly went and did that."
"Rule Number Two," Eddie continued, ignoring Steve. "Is by making a grand and personal gesture. Didn't you ask Nancy Wheeler to Junior Prom by having the cheer squad perform a routine just for her a few years ago."
"Yeah that took a lot of begging," Steve nodded eagerly, already formulating a plan. "But I could do it again if I--"
"I heard she hated it," Eddie shot a sour expression. "So no, not that."
"Then I'm out of ideas," Steve admitted.
Eddie threw his head back and groaned, and Steve was sure he heard him say something along the lines of and Buckley called him Hawkins Heartthrob.
"Listen," Eddie recovered, tightened his grip on Steve's shoulder with one hand, and jabbed him in the chest with the other hand. "Don't ever say that I didn't do anything for you ok? Where does your friend work? The Hawk?"
"How do you know that?"
"News travels fast when you're friends with 5 freshmen and Robin Bigmouth Buckley ok?" Eddie shook his head. "Now listen to me. Your friend works at the theater? Showing movies right? And what are movies made of?"
"Sure. And the kids...Dustin...what club is he part of at school?"
"Uh...Hellfire Club. Chess Club..."
"AV Club," Eddie insisted with an exaggerated nod. "And where do you work?"
"Family Video."
"And what is in a vid--you know what?" Eddie groaned. "I don't have time for this. How are you not putting two and two together Harrington?"
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be putting together."
"What they all have in common?"
Steve took a second as Eddie leaned closer expectantly, as though trying to transmit his idea through osmosis because Steve was just not getting it.
Until the osmosis was successful and Steve had his lightbulb moment.
"There you go!" Eddie's face stretched with a feral grin. "I see the wheels turning. Ladies and Gentleman, I believe a plan is underway."
It took a little more than a week, the combined efforts of the AV Club and Hellfire Club, and a good chunk out of Steve's paycheck for supplies and to bribe them all and the projectionist at the Hawk.
But the plan was in place.
Steve found out your schedule, bought tickets for a 5pm show of Hey there, It's Yogi Bear.
There couldn't have been a worse movie to choose, but it was the only one he could buy out the theater for.
He showed up to the Hawk promptly at 4:30, got his soda and popcorn, and hung around the lobby impatiently. He was pretty sure he'd ruined his hair from the number of times he'd run his hand through it.
Slowly his friends started to filter in: The Sinclair kids and Max, Mike Wheeler and Will Byers with Nancy and Jonathan in tow--that wouldn't be nerve-wracking or embarrassing at all if the plan didn't work out. At some point, Eddie's van pulled up in front of the Theater and Dustin, Jeff, Gareth, and Dave all walked in bickering about nachos and sour worms, before Eddie and the Claire's Store Manager followed suit, Eddie telling his friends to shut up.
Steve was beginning to sweat at 4:55 when Robin ran in, hand in hand with a new girlfriend that he'd seen waiting for Rob when he dropped her off at school in the morning.
That he'd been maybe a little too in his own head about you to hear Robin rave about for the past few months. He really did feel bad about that.
"Thought you were gonna be late," he accused Robin.
"Me? Late?" she beamed. "Never. Do we have time to grab candy?"
"Just go," he waved them off, then shot Robin a secret thumbs up as she pointed to her crush excitedly, then got nervous when he spotted you across the lobby, talking to one of the ushers.
You faltered when you locked eyes with him, waved back when he sent you a little hello, and then you scurried into the box office.
He allowed himself one more moment of heartache. Then at 5 on the dot, Steve entered the theater and sat in the back row, as close to the projection window as he could get.
The previews started, and for a moment, Steve looked at all his...well, they were all his friends now, weren't they? Here to support him on this hare-brained endeavor. He suddenly felt loved in a way that he didn't think he'd ever felt before, not like this.
The only thing missing was you.
Suddenly the projection started skipping, and he could hear his accomplice in the projection booth shuffle around, then a door opened and closed.
"And so it begins," Eddie said dramatically a few rows ahead.
"Shut up, you're gonna give it away!" Dustin shouted at him.
Everyone started chattering until Steve sent them all a shhhhh when he heard the projection booth door open and shut again and your voice, clearly irritated, started speaking.
"What do you mean it isn't working? Did you try...I don't know...unplugging it and plugging it back in? Re-roll the film and try it again...here let me see..."
Steve felt himself shake with anticipation as the projector started up again, but the images on the screen were decidedly not Yogi Bear and Boo Boo.
"What the hell?" you exclaimed.
On the screen were pictures of you and Steve, all the polaroids and film strips from the little Photo Booth at Starcourt that you'd taken together over the months of your relationship. The ticket from the aquarium that he'd saved. The note you'd pinned to his back one morning when you hugged him before his shift that said "Steve Harrington is a loser."
He heard your snort as the scene panned up to a shot of himself sitting at the desk in his room writing a letter, shot on the Wheeler family's camcorder. The Steve on the screen looked up into the camera and startled.
"Oh," he laughed. "Didn't see you there. It's been a long time, hasn't it? I uh...I really wanted to talk to you and figured there wasn't a better way than writing a letter."
"Nerd," you called through the projection window, garnering laughs from his friends.
The scene faded to Movie Steve in a turtleneck skipping rocks at Lover's Lake in a very artistic shot that Director Dustin was apparently "proud of."
"But a picture is worth a thousand words so I'm pretty sure a video is worth a million." Movie Steve said your name sadly and looked deep into the camera. "I messed up, I was an idiot and a jerk and only took my own feelings into consideration when I made that joke to my parents. I don't care how they felt about you because I'm past the point of caring how they feel about me. My screw ups.
"And unfortunately I made the biggest screw-up of my life that night. I might not care what they think about me...but I care what you think about me."
The scene changed once again, Movie Steve leaning over the counter at Family Video filling out a form on a clipboard.
"There are a million better movies out there than this one you're watching right now Honey, but none of them are able to show just how truly sorry I am, and how much I miss you. I know that we still need to talk things out in person but I hope this shows how much I'm willing to put in the work so you'll forgive me."
A few rows ahead, he could hear Eddie speak along with Movie Steve, he leaned into his girlfriend and said "I wrote that line. Pretty good, right?"
"Uh huh," she pushed his head away from her. "Sap."
Eddie turned back to look at Steve and shot him a thumbs-up.
The scene changed one last time to a panning shot of Steve walking out of StarCourt mall towards his car.
"This is your chance to decide now. I wouldn't blame you if you chose never to talk to me again. I'll wait outside once your shift is over, but I'll respect your choice either way. I miss you Honey, and I love you."
Movie Steve got in the car and drove away into the sunset, only for the camera to pan over to Corroded Coffin playing a sweet ballad that Steve knew was your favorite.
The screen faded to black and the audience erupted into applause before the real previews resumed and the eventual movie.
Steve listened intently for some sign of life from the projection booth, but aside from a few footsteps and the door opening and closing again, there was nothing.
After the movie was over and all of his friends went their respective ways, Steve sat by his car until the end of your shift. When the last lights of The Hawk marquee finally turned off and the employees all started filing out, he knew he was holding his breath.
The last person out of the building was you, and as you turned around and spotted him, you stopped in your tracks.
Just like the other day at Family Video, it was a standoff between you and Steve, and although Steve wished that you would just come running into his arms to kiss him, insisting your forgiveness, he knew things were never that easy.
"That, uh...was something," you finally broke the silence.
"It was, wasn't it," he agreed.
"Was that your idea?" you asked. "Pretty sure those were all your friends in there."
"Yeah I bought out the whole theater."
"You bought...seriously?"
"I wanted to make sure you weren't embarrassed...in case anyone else saw."
"And I wouldn't be embarrassed by your friends?" you scoffed.
"Well they all helped me make it so I think I was more embarrassed asking them all for help than you." You let out a long sigh and put your face in your hands and Steve started talking rapid-fire. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I know that sucks when...when I already did. But I promise I'll do better. I'll be better. I'll be anything you need me to be, I just...I need you back."
You said something but it was muffled by your hands.
"I said," you pulled them away and looked up at him with watery eyes, and he felt his heart drop again. "Do you really love me? You said so...at the end of that...whatever that was."
"I mean...yeah I guess I do."
"You guess?" you laughed.
"I do!" Steve said with more confidence this time. "I do love you. I'm...sorry I didn't say anything sooner."
"I'm sorry you didn't either," you muttered. You closed the distance and grabbed the lapels of Steve's jacket in your hands, as though you were about to shake him. "Do you know...the real reason I was upset?"
"There's...a real reason?" he asked.
"Why I broke up with you."
"Oh. Uh...no."
"I mean," you took a great breath of confidence. "Yeah I was mad because you made me seem like a joke to your parents on Thanksgiving, and I know...I know their opinion doesn't mean that much to you. But after I left it got me thinking...what if you made a joke like that...because I was a joke. And maybe thats why nothing was ever coming of our relationship because it was just...you didn't care about me. You didn't...love me, the same way I loved you."
Steve felt the invisible hand clench around his heart; it was like Nancy all over again.
"Loved?" he whispered weakly, the sense of deja-vu undeniable. "Honey..."
"So I had to end it. To protect myself. And I took a long hard look at myself when I got to work. The what? Third job I had since I started at StarCourt? I realized that maybe...I was a joke. Maybe you were right, that I was...this job-hopping, unreliable...thing and that's why I quit. And I started looking...for a management position somewhere so I could be better."
"But you were already great," Steve assured. "Can we get back to that...loved thing?"
"Let me finish."
"And you know what I found out since I've been here?" you asked. "I...kind of hate working at a movie theater. And I need to leave again. I'm...I'm a free spirit. I can't be tied down to one kind of job. I saw an ad in the paper for an arts and crafts instructor at the Park District and I sort of wanna quit before applying, I would be great at that."
"You would," Steve laughed, still unsure of where this was going.
It was always a bit of a rollercoaster with you though, and it was another thing about you that he loved.
"So...tonight seeing all of that," you waved an arm behind you at the theater. "Seeing you...realizing that you loved me all along...I don't know. I don't need your love to keep being who it is that I am, it's just nice to know that you love me, the same way I love you."
"Love me?" he asked hopefully.
He whispered your name desperately and then cupped your face in his hands.
"I love you Honey."
"I love you too, Steve Harrington."
You pulled him into you and smashed your lips to his. The heartbreak faded away from both of you, and in its place, undeniable love and affection for each other.
Steve Harrington might have been many things, he might have fucked up.
But he was happy to say he was someone who could fix it.
With love.
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genichisojo · 6 months
Chihiro's Age and Being the Perfect 18 Year Old Protagonist
Today I will be breaking down Kagurabachi's Chihiro’s age and why he’s a great 18 yr old protagonist and acts his age. Please forgive if my current DC brain rot bleeds into this.
I think Chihiro’s core can attributed to growing up being loved and respected by his parents. One of the first conversations is Kunishige telling Chihiro that if he wants to be a blacksmith like him and carry the burden of the role’s consequences, “…If that’s how you feel, all that’s left, is for me to believe in you.”
I think when you grow up with a loving parent like that, that loving voice is always in your head. He reminds me of that joke that the reason Superman is so good is because both of his parents loved him unconditionally. But who do we get when you have loving parents who get killed in a traumatic way in front of you? Batman, hi! Hi, Batman! Hi! AKA “that nut from Gotham city” and Chihiro already has such a reputation. Not as a psycho, but he’s deemed dangerous and strong. He’s someone to keep an eye out for now. He’s been underestimated before this arc because of his age.
I personally think that had Kunishige never been murdered, Chihiro wouldn’t had ever chosen to wield a blade unless it came to a time of war. But he adapted to the idea easily because he’s been preparing himself his whole life to be responsible for deaths as a blacksmith. What’s the difference anyways when you’re the wielder? Probably a lot, but you’re a teenager and want one thing, and it’s the right thing in your mind so let’s just start moving.
He has assigned himself the responsibility to get the katanas back and get revenge, and he’s very set on it in a one track, 18 yr old way. When Char got taken, his mind was on getting her back. When Sojo was doing his shit, his mind was on taking him down. Then he immediately moves back into getting back the katanas, not really taking time to process literally losing a limb after already not fully healing from a hospital visit. He’s reckless with his physical health- typical for his age.
Older characters around him also treat him his age. Shiba doesn’t really leave him out of his sight if we’re real about it. He lets him fight on his own and trusts that Chihiro has a handle on things because he knows him and probably trained him. He would’ve gone in during the first fight with Sojo had Azami not stopped him. He is willing to hop in when things get bad, and he will always be there to catch him, but overall, he knows he’s old enough to handle physical strain. Still, there’s that famous moment in the train at the beginning where Shiba does warn Chihiro all the hatred he’s been carrying is “…gonna break you.”
Chihiro asks in return, “So you wanna stop me?” And neither of them says anything and continue to go about their mission. Shiba respects Chihiro and his choices, understands he’s an adult and this is what he wants, but he looks out for him because at the end of the day, he’s still eighteen. And his best friend’s baby.
We also have Azami who summoned the Kamunabi because although he he’s been told Chihiro can fight, he also knew that he had never fought another enchanted blade wielder before and knew the city damage could get crazy. In a way, I think it was also a way to keep an eye on him because he doesn’t want him to get hurt, either. Azami has been proven to be sentimental with his phone lockscreen. He kept Chihiro’s existence a secret because until KB’s starting point, he was a child. He’s barely an adult, and Azami who hadn’t seen him in a while, is still like I guess he can handle it, if Shiba says and then absolutely not.
My final point is that Chihiro treats children well. He talks to children in a way kids like to be talked to- like real people. Kids say crazy things, but he still took time to feed and talk to Char and take her seriously even before they were attacked. The same thing occurs with Mr. Inazuma. He gets down to their level, listens to them in the way his father listened to him, and he goes along with what they want while making sure they’re not going to die.
Chihiro was shown to have been a responsible child and he had to grow up quick to be able to accomplish his goals. In a way, an indirect goal of his is to protect the innocent- children. He knows what it’s like to be a defenseless child and to have nobody run to your aid, so he acts the most rational when other people’s lives are on the line. And when it all falls on his life, he lets himself get a little bit reckless because that’s just what allegedly blood thirsty 18 yr old boys do. I’ll come back to the allegedly later.
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mxeve0 · 9 months
Bakugou x Ochaco fluff:) (Also jealous Mydoria cos who actually likes him🤨)
Context: Bakugou wants to ask Ochaco to be his valentine's, but she thinks his anonymous gifts are from Mydoria...
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Bakugou watched as the pink envelope fell through the slats of the silver locker. He stared at the metal for a moment, deciding if he should try and pick the lock and take back what it says. Shaking his head, be dismisses the idea, knowing that if he didn't tell her now he never would.
Adjusting his bag, he quickly walks to catch up with Kirishima and Kaminari, who were on their way back to the dorms.
"Did you do it? Is the cat in the bag?" Kaminari asked, elbowing him with a cheesy smirk.
"What? That's not how that expression- nevermind. Yeah, I put it in her locker," Bakugou answers, turning away from the two of them.
"Still don't understand why you didn't put your name on it," the red head says. Truthfully, he didn't know why either. The only reason he could think of was that he was worried that she didn't like him back, and that he wouldn't be embarrassed if she didn't know the letter was from him. But he wasn't gonna tell them that.
"No there's no name on it," Ochaco tells Momo as they enter the dorm building. She flipped the paper over in her hands, looking for a clue as to who it was from.
Bakugou watched quietly from where he was sitting on the sofa, slightly regretting his decision.
"Do you recognise the handwriting?" the taller girl asks, looking over her shoulder. The writing was scruffy and illegible in some parts, wasn't one she recognised. She shook her head, folding it back up and sliding it back into the pink envelope. "Maybe it's from Mydoria," she teases.
Bakugou's brows furrow and his heart burns as he watches her cheeks redden. It was a mistake not putting his name on. No. It was a mistake even writing it in the first place.
"I don't think so," Ochaco managed to mumble. Her face was hot and flushed, but she didn't understand why. It's not like she liked Mydoria, in a romantic way anyway. She looked over at the couches, her eyes connecting with Bakugou's. He was frowning, as usual. The pair disappeared upstairs and Kirishima piped up.
"Told you you should have put your name on it. What if she does think it's from Mydoria and ends up going out with him instead?"
"Yeah I realise that dumbass," he says. Shaking his head, hoping he was wrong.
"So you do have a secret admirer!" Mina squealed, rushing over to Ochaco's desk. Bakugou turned to watch as she picked up the bouquet of flowers he'd placed on the desk. It was an arrangement of pink, white, and lilac flowers, wrapped in tan paper.
His heart raced as Ochaco took the bouquet from her friend. He watched intensely as her hand brushed over the top of the flowers, her cheeks pinker than usual. A smile tugged at his lips, and for a second, he allowed. Just a second, though.
She stares at the flowers, ignoring the girls behind her debating who they could be from. Looking around, she noticed Mydoria staring at her blankly, blushing slightly. She turned away, feeling...upset? Maybe Momo was right and it was Mydoria giving her these things, she just didn't know how to tell him she didn't like him like that.
Bakugou watched as she looked over at Mydoria before turning away quickly, her cheeks even more flushed. He turned away, fixing his gaze to the window, trying to ignore the feeling in his gut telling him that she thought they were from Mydoria.
Maybe he was going to have to tell her. In person.
Ochaco stopped, looking up from her phone. Sat at the bottom of her dorm room door was a stuffed bear. It was a classic brown bear with a cream ribbon tied in a bow around its neck. Attached to the bow by a red string was a brown card. Bending down, she picked up the bear, the faux fur soft on her skin, and read the card.
It was the same handwriting from the love letter, only in gold pen. Entering her room, she sat on her bed, looking at the bear, trying to think about who 'KB' could be. It wasn't Mydoria that was for sure.
Racking her brain, she remembered how Bakugou was looking at her when she was discussing the letter with Momo, and how she caught a glimpse of him looking at her again in the classroom when she picked up the flowers. She swore he was smiling then, but she couldn't be too sure. Ochaco looked over at the class picture she had stuck up on her mirror, and how he was scowling, even though everyone else was so happy.
It couldn't be from him...could it?
Bakugou closed the door behind him, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He didn't make it far down the hallway before his name was being called.
"Bakugou!" Ochaco called from behind him. His heart skipped a beat as he turned around to face her. She was holding a white box and had a cheesy smile on her face.
"They were from you, weren't they? The flowers and the bear?" she asks, stopping a few feet in front of him. He could see through the clear film on the top that the box was filled with cupcakes.
"What- oh um, yeah," he answered, trying to look anywhere but her as the heat rushed to his cheeks.
"Well, I got you these. Uh I don't know what flavour you like so I got one of each, uh...oh there's a Valentine's event happening at a park not too far from here if you wanted to go. Maybe, I dunno, I just-"
"Vanilla," Bakugou blurted out. His mind was going a thousand miles an hour, and all he managed to say was 'Vanilla'? He could have died right there. He almost did.
"I prefer vanilla cupcakes," he says looking at them through the film again.
"Okay, well there's some vanilla so..yeah. Did you want to go to the park, I think they're setting up stalls and stuff ready for Saturday," she says, tilting her head to the side with another grin.
"Together?" Of course she meant together. He was losing his mind.
"Yeah," she laughed. He smiled, agreeing to the date, or at least he assumed it was a date.
Bakugou looked up at the stall, at the giant teddy specifically. It was light pink with a white muzzle and stomach and had a dark purple bow.
"Didn't I already get you a bear?" He asked, turning to Ochaco. She nodded, swallowing the candy floss in her mouth.
"But this one's bigger...and pink," she said, turning away sheepishly. He whispered a 'fine' under his breath and paid the vendor; he wasn't even mad about it, he just found it funny to tease her.
Ochaco watched as he threw the balls with great precision, knocking all but one of the cams off. He had one ball left, which he managed to knock it off with, although she swore she saw him use his quirk a little. Putting the last of her candy floss in her mouth, she put the stick in the bin next to the stall, and reached her arms out.
"They rig these games, I swear," the blond says, giving her the bear. She squeezed it tightly before tucking it under her arm, to the best of her ability. It was practically the same size as her. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, Ochaco wrapping her arm around his as they continued to walk around the fair. A head of green hair caught Ochaco's attention.
"Deku!" she called, waving her arm in the air. Bakugou groaned as Mydoria and Iida walked over to the two of them. Ochaco shot him a quick scowl before turning back to the other two.
The blond watched as she showed off the bear that he won her, a smile appearing on his face as he watched him realise they were together. His brows furrow for a second. Angry? Jealous? Bakugou didn't care as long as he was upset.
"Oh well, you guys have to try these Monaka, they're so good," he says, holding up the flower shaped wafer dessert.
"We will," Ochaco replies, noticing that her date's patience was wearing thin.
"You two have fun then," Mydoria says.
"Whatever, nerd," Bakugou scoff, intertwining his fingers with hers, watching how his face scrunched up again.
"You don't have to be so mean you know," Ochaco states as they walk away. He shrugs, bending down slightly to kiss her cheek. She squeals and hides her face in the bear, whilst Bakugou laughs quietly, admiring her in the evening lighting.
idk how to end fluffs 🤷‍♀️
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
I'd like to grab a chance when my new love, Letter is out. This a post dedicated to all of my favourite jikook vocals be it on or off stage. This post will highlight their "two shades of tender in a tug of war". Please be prepared to reminisce about the old jikookery days. Don't say I didn't warn you! Let's get it~~
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ALSO! I am not ranking the vocals. What song comes up to my mind first grabs the top spot.
There's no official MV for this lovely song and won't likely have one as it is meant to be a hidden track. Just putting this lovely cover by Elisssa here. Check it out!
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Like the tweet says, their raw vocals are absolutely beautiful. Their voices hits different, you know? 😭❤️
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Yes, you're hearing it right, it's not that run bts song, but the hyhh era song. My forever favourite song, run. A song that makes me so energetic whenever I feel down. It enlightens me so much. For jikook? Good lord save me! They are wild 😂.
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1. Seoul Final 2019
Psst, you saw this coming, didn't you?
Yes yes, you're still hearing me rambling about my favourite moment of 2019 (I say this "favourite moment" thing for everything 😭 I just can't choose!!)
2. BTS HONG KONG 190321
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This moment is so underrated. I'll be sure to create a post just for this day and song. Highlighting all the pictures.
A beautifully written song by bangtan. Soulful lyrics and heartwarming meaning.
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Stay gold outro has got to be one of my favs. Just jikook staring at each other while ending the song. Pure comfort.
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A super cool and hip song. Dedicated to the fans. JM's and JK's voice blend in so nicely!
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A song which never fails to capture the feelings in my heart. Forever fav. An intimate song released before the hiatus, it depicted our journey together of both army and BTS.
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"Feeling hypnotized by the words that you say"🎶
A collaboration between Lauv and JIKOOK.
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TTU is a song that carries a lot of emotions and it's very well executed by BTS. The vocal line surely knows how to change their mood during songs and I applaud them for their professionalism. Ok okay, but I'm still not gonna deny that jk cracked up when Jin didn't hit his note well 😭💜 (my JINKOOK heart)
Do you remember the time where they changed the lyrics from "and I still want you" to "But I still want you" while facing eachother, still not breaking their locked gazes when the lights went out?
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I lost track of the source, if anyone of you knows where it's from, please let me know! For now, enjoy their harmonious vocals!
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Nothing to say. Just embrace their vocals.
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Something about this song makes me feel it's meant for jikook. I'm not saying the lyrics but their body language here is......
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Jikook's cover, ya know?
Happy 7 years to this cover~
I briefly started blogging on this platform around this era. Film out contains a lot of emotions. I love the beat.
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This post was long due and it took me a long time to get all the materials. My drafts got deleted and I got upset. That's why it took a while to be redone, lol. Anyways, please enjoy and support this post since it took a really long time to get it back on track. ENJOYYY~
Sincerely, tokyokookmin.
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
thinking about Wayne picking up a small cold at work and not thinking much of it cuz it only lasts a couple days until Eddie (in his true dramatic fashion) gets is 10 times worse (like total feverish sneezy mess) and he doesn’t want to bother Wayne but also all he wants is to be taken care of
First of all I Love this prompt! I’m so weak for the Munsons and this is such a them thing. Have some CanonVerse Munson action. ~KB
You could say Wayne Munson was old school. Growing up in the early 40’s, he was accustomed to a hard days’ work, even on the bad days.
In his lifetime, he’d had to work through snowstorms, heat waves, strained wrists, and so much more. So it comes as no surprise to Eddie that his uncle is still go go go when he wakes up one morning with a cold.
The 20 year old had been living with his uncle for the last 12 years. They sometimes joked that they knew each other better than they knew themselves.
One thing Eddie knew was that Wayne was always awake by noon. His uncle worked nights at the plant, would come home around 5am and sleep until twelve. He’d get up, have his coffee, and usually they’d work on fixing up parts of the car if Eddie wasn’t in school.
So when 12:30pm rolled around and Wayne was just starting to wake up, Eddie knew something was up. It was Sunday, so he was at home making himself some lunch. Apart from the sizzling of the grilled cheese in the pan, the only other noise came from the older man on the pullout.
Eddie looked over his shoulder, “Bless you!”
Wayne groaned, the mattress squeaking as he sat up and cleared his throat. “Thanks.”
Eddie tried not to let the concern be heard in his voice as he spoke, “I’m making grilled cheese. You want one?”
The man shook his head as he headed towards the shared bathroom to brush his teeth. Eddie frowned slightly, plating his grilled cheese and turning off the burner.
He was leaned against the counter, eating his sandwich when his uncle emerged from the bathroom, looking slightly more awake. He was pouring his coffee when Eddie decided to address the elephant in the room.
“Feeling alright?”
Wayne sighed, of course Eddie could tell, “Feeling a bit under the weather, Ed.”
“I’ll live, son.” He added for good measure, chuckling at the panic on Eddie’s face. “Probably gonna rest before my shift tonight.”
Eddie didn’t think he should have to be at work, but he was glad his uncle was taking the day to rest instead of working on the car. “I uh rented a new movie the other day. Wanna watch together?”
“Sure, put it on.” Wayne smiled as he took the coffee and sat back down on the pullout in the living room.
Eddie was fiddling with the tv before he made himself comfortable on the couch.
Tuesday Night
Eddie’s alone at the trailer after Wayne leaves for his shift at the plant. He’d just performed a small gig at the Hideout and had just gotten home. The last few days were filled with his uncle resting or watching tv.
The 20 year old has been trying to keep things in order while Wayne was down - dishes, attempting laundry and other things like that. The living room was pretty messy now, so he took it upon himself to clean the clutter - picking up tissues and binning them, putting the medicine back on the shelf, making Wayne’s bed look nice.
By the time he’d finished, he was exhausted. He went to lie down on his bed and fell asleep.
Thursday Morning
The alarm came way too early. How was it only Thursday? The long haired man peeled himself out of bed and shivered slightly as the air hit him. He pulled on jeans, socks and his leather jacket before he went to brush his teeth and tame his hair.
Wayne knocked on the open door and poked his head in.
“What’re you doing awake?” Eddie asked.
“Just wanted to say thanks for being a help the last week. I took tonight off. Wanted to see if you want to work on the car after school?”
“Yeah sure!” Eddie smiled.
Wayne nodded and padded off to go back to sleep. Eddie’s nose was buzzing. He scrunched it up and rubbed at it to try and quell the tickle. Not wanting to wake up Wayne, he slipped on his shoes, grabbed his backpack and keys and hurried off to the van.
He sat in the drivers seat and allowed the tickle to bloom now that he was alone. His elbow hovered in front of his face as he squinted, nostrils flaring slightly.
“H’yisSSHuhew! T’CHiew! …hh - H’eKSHTT!”
He groaned as he pulled back, mess clinging to the crook of his leather jacket sleeve. He reached over to grab some tissues from the glove compartment, first wiping off his arm, then blowing his nose. He could feel the congestion settle and swore under his breath.
He definitely caught Wayne’s cold.
Thursday Afternoon
Today sucked. Eddie was already the “freak” of Hawkins High and hated drawing unwanted attention to himself. So of course his cold had decided that it would turn him into a sneezy, germy mess.
The first couple classes he could get away with asking to go to the bathroom to cough or blow his nose in private, but by the end half of the day, his nose was running so much, he couldn’t ask to go every couple of minutes.
He sank into his chair in the back of Ms.O’Donnell’s class, silently wiping his nose on his bandana every few minutes, sniffling. Robin had the desk next to him and kept glancing over at him and shooting him a glance of concern. He wanted to reassure her, but he was too busy fighting off the tickle buzzing in his left nostril.
He managed to fight it off for about 25 minutes, but towards the end of class it was too strong. He brought the bandana up to his nose and tried his best to be quiet.
“H’xxT! ii’xtch! X’T’chew!”
“Bless you.” Robin whispered.
He nodded and rolled his eyes, trying to blow his nose discreetly, blowing his cover when a thick gurgle came out instead. Fuck.
A few of the popular kids turned around and stared at him with a look of disgust, his cheeks crimson with embarrassment. Once the bell rang signaling school was over, he all but bolted from the classroom.
Robin grabbed her notebook and bag and jogged after him, walking towards the parking lot. “Are you okay Eddie?”
“Yeah Robin, I’b fucki’g peachy.” He coughed to himself before stopping and turning to her. “Sorry. That was m’bean. I have the whhh worst - Heh!”
He brought the crumpled, damp bandana back up to his face.
“H’ixxTCHU! N’Gshuh! … H’aKSHT’iew! Ughhhh I have the worst fucki’g cold.”
Robin bit her lip, not sure how to fix it. She dug around in her backpack and pulled out a travel pack of tissues.
“Well sneezing into the same wet bandana probably isn’t helping. You can take these. I usually hang onto them for Steve but I have loads at the house.”
Eddie pocketed the bandana and took the tissues from Robin, “Thanks Birdie.”
She nodded before turning towards her ride home, “Feel better!”
Eddie smiled before turning on his heels and muttering “I hope so…”
He’d all but spaced out on the drive home, mentally taking note on how shitty he felt. Headache? Yes. Sore throat? Yep. Sneezing his head off? 100%. He could not wait to get back to the trailer, shower and climb into be-
As he pulled up to the trailer, Wayne smiled and waved. He was outside, hood of the car open and he was wiping his hands off on a dirty rag. Fuck he totally forgot they were going to work on the car today. That could take hours.
As he turned the van off, Eddie took a deep breath and put on his best ‘everything’s fine’ act, finally stepping out of the vehicle.
“Hey kid, how was school?”
Eddie’s brain quickly scanned for a response that didn’t involve M’s or N’s.
“It was uh… it was good. Snfff”
Wayne noted the boy’s posture. His usually full-of-energy nephew looked like he could about collapse, and his nose was tinged pink, as were his cheeks.
He knew immediately that Eddie was sick and that he would try to deny it so he could hang out with him. He quirked an eyebrow. Two could play this game. He’d been doing it for 12 years.
“Great! Why don’t you put your bag down and we can work on fixing up the engine?”
This was a test. Eddie seemed stumped for a minute, trying to come up with an excuse to go inside first because he had to sneeze again.
“Yeah, let m’be just uhh phhh put this hh away?”
“You can just set it on the porch for now. I got the car all set up for your magic touch.” Wayne clapped a hand on Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie panicked, trying to turn to keep his uncle out of the spray zone. He brought the collar of his shirt up to his face just in time.
“Okay holdonIgotta.. H’eKSHTiew! T’shew! iigSHUh! … H’eSHiyue!”
Wayne sighed, “Bless you, Ed.”
“Sorry those uh SNF sn’duck up on m’be…” Eddie lied, wiping his nose on the back of his wrist and sniffling thickly.
“Mmhmm.” Wayne nodded sarcastically, not buying his nephews act for one second, “Eddie, go march you and that terrible cold of yours into bed.”
Eddie nodded and sniffled again against his wrist as he headed up the porch steps to the front door.
“And blow your nose!” Wayne called after him, as he closed the hood of the car.
“Yes sir! Ah’yeSHuhew! Ughhhhh”
After a nice shower and changing into pajamas and a sweatshirt, Eddie retreated to his bed, a box of tissues in clutch, one pressed to his nose.
Wayne popped in shortly after with a bowl of soup on a tray, “Brought you dinner! Don’t want you at school tomorrow, so just try and rest okay?”
Eddie nodded taking the tray.
“Didn’t mean for you to get sick too. Sorry kid.”
“It’s okay Wayne, this is’t the first time and it wo’t be the last.”
The two of them laughed, knowing Eddie was referencing the time two years ago that he gave Wayne bronchitis.
“Get some rest Eddie. Drink all that broth.”
The 20 year old nodded, setting aside his Hellfire binder so he could eat the soup. Being sick sucked but it definitely sucked less having Wayne to take care of him.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
A Funkin Chaotic Neutral
This is probably my first self insert/reader based idea I made. If you haven't known, I'm sorta in the mod based fandom of Friday Night Funkin since mentions are usually dropped in multiple posts to BF, GF and other characters popping up sometimes. Figure why not expand on that?
Anyway, this is basically Reader having the ability to summon or gain the powers from these characters. When you consider the cast whether it be from Newsground in general to other fandoms in general then we all know things are gonna get insane. Although there are implications.
First, these abilities originate from a unique building that houses a more 'direct' version of Friday Night Funkin. It allows Reader to face off various characters in rap battles or directly interact with each version's world. This is very important and here's why.
Reader can gain allies called Rappers' by beating them in these battles. Some are quite difficult to recruit or remain part of the roster so they have to be beaten multiple times. If a battle has hazards then Reader is forced to comply with them. Ex: Instakills such as Expurgation Tricky Flaming Notes if hit or KB's saw blade if not dodged in time.
These characters are split into three categories: Ace, Battle, and Support. Aces are very powerful but Reader can only bring one with them. EX: Convict from Newsground is a deadly killer who has the ability to shapeshift into anyone and gain target's entire active skillset.
Battle are characters that can fight or have combat based abilities. EX: Pico from Newsground is a gun wielder that can dish out powerful blows and is very agile. Support characters can't fight but can offer supportive abilities such as healing. EX: Skinner from Madness Combat is a doctor and has various medical experience to use.
Reader can carry up to three active Rappers and 3 backups should they need to switch. If one dies then it takes at least a day or two for the defeated to become usable. This process can be sped up by rap battling although some characters might get annoyed.
Reader is a chaotic neutral since the Rappers they can recruit are split between heroes, villains to even mercenaries. It also reduces any chance of rap battling to keep some characters from leaving their roster. Some such as Tabi are just like that in general.
Losing a rap battle does have more consequences though. These can vary depending on who their opponents is and the conditions for such a battle. Against every opponent, Reader will take on temporary aspects from Boyfriend.
These include becoming short/chibi like, minor loss in intelligence(the guy is very dumb) and being stuck having to say variations of beep boops. Uncommonly, they could take traits of their most used Rapper than just Boyfriend. Reader gets one every time they lose unless the character is kind enough to not dish out the punishment.
Some characters such as Madness Combat's Agent Torture can kill them. Thankfully, Reader has the ability to retry in a short 10 second time limit just like the game. Some characters only give limited chances and losing all of them is guaranteed death with no retries. It's best to be careful unless you want to lose your soul to Lord X.
Should this happen then the building will lay still until someone else gains ownership. Only one individual can wield the mysterious abilities inside. Passing it down to someone else is possible but this process can't be forced. A mutual agreement with no outside factors or it won't work.
Funnily enough, I do have some ideas on how to use this. Those will be saved for a different post as I don't want to make this too long. If anyone wants to do their own version of this then go ahead. Just mention the post here so everyone else can check it!
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later. Enjoy this little song from the One Shot Mania mod, Sacrifice.flp!
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ariibees · 5 months
*climbs into your askbox like an old friend* I just wanted to come and say I vibe so hard with your feelings about Outer Wilds! Unfortunately for stupid reasons of physical impediment I'm unable to play games with a controller and it is, as it turns out, pretty impossible to play on mouse and keyboard, so i had to experience it through other people's playthroughs which was a huge shame. but nevertheless, I absolutely agree with "rewrote my brain"!!
Interestingly enough, I had the exact opposite experience with the control schemes -- I played the game using keyboard & mouse pretty comfortably, and absolutely would have suffered with controller. In the early game the controls do take some getting used to (particularly the delayed jump and zero-gravity maneuvering) and I was using a pretty awful button mapping setup earlier on, but with the exception of [THAT SECTION] that controller can arguably-slightly-cheese I preferred the ease of looking around and aiming my scout that kb&m provided. Though I'll admit I'm biased in that regard, as I've gone to pretty comical lengths to avoid having to use a controller for anything (looking at you, Sonic Adventure 2) and thus never really learned how to hold/use them.
That aside, even though you didn't get to play the game on your own, I'm glad you were able to enjoy other folks' playthroughs -- there are some seriously awesome ones out there. Since it's impossible to replay Outer Wilds for obvious reasons I always try to push people towards experiencing it on their own first, but in a situation where you can't I'm glad you still got to see it through one way or another.
As for the actual point of the ask hahaha, yeah, gosh, this game just fundamentally dug into me in a way others haven't. I legitimately went through the five stages of grief over the game's ending.
The game is also just great at putting you in the shoes of the Hatchling. With the exception of like, continuing a save after getting the kazoo meme ending which technically "doesn't happen," you explore the world and learn everything entirely in-character, which made it all hit much harder for me. It didn't feel like I was observing a story, it felt like I was the one making it and uncovering the mystery and having all of this happen to me. That and the fact that I had some personal things going on in my life around when I played Outer Wilds that aligned with the game's themes, leading to it kinda taking me out on a very personal level.
Outer Wilds also just seemed perfectly engineered to suck me in, haha. It's got computer simulations! Black holes! Quantum mechanics! I was the kinda kid who lived for space documentaries so getting to fly around and explore everything was amazing. Going through environmental puzzles, reading adorable exchanges with the nomai, getting to see the most incredible sights (the door falling away at the [SPOILER] and having to make a leap of faith to get across the gap was amazing), and putting it all together in a wild red-string conspiracy board...I completed the entire game over the course of like, 2-3 days as I recall? Just entirely immersed for that time.
It's inspired me so much in my stories and how I think about mysteries. It's the best time-loop game out there, and the presentation of the sandbox mystery is just unparalleled in any other game. Hence why everyone who's played it is left looking up Youtube playthroughs and chasing that high again -- personally I think going into the original Subnautica game blind touches some of the same feelings, but you're never really gonna get the Outer Wilds Experience again.
The mechanics are great, the mystery is presented wonderfully; I fell in love with the environments and the characters and the dialogue. The themes were tied into the story very naturally and hit me right in my core. Obviously I can't really replay it, but I do sometimes boot it up just to reread some sections or go hang out on Giant's Deep for the ambiance; it's comforting and nostalgic in a weird sort of way.
Sorry that this response isn't anywhere near coherent. I'm very, very tired right now, and I love Outer Wilds a lot and won't pass up a chance to ramble about how great it is. It's a very special game to my heart and dug into me in a way other games often can't do. It's not for everyone, but if it is for you it's REALLY for you. Clearly I like it and clearly you like it. So thanks for climbing into my askbox and setting me off, haha.
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greaterbalrogcat · 10 months
Can you talk wbout the lugas missed in the tales of nekoluga post? Im talking about Bikiniluga and Betrothed Balaluga, of course. One is a wierd surge unit. and the other is a slightly more offense driven CC Unit. If you can, the PC exclusive would be interesting to discuss too, although I'ven't a clue if a stat block exists about it. I think its mimiluga? Dont quote me on that.
didn't talk about em cuz they aren't in the normal banner lol, i'll probably talk about PC exclusives at a later date (it is called mimiluga you are correct) but summerluga and betrothed balaluga (henceforth referred to as weddingluga)? absolutely
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unit stats shown at level 30 because you aren't gonna boost them lmao
summerluga's true form requires three aku seeds, three epic fruits, and three red stones. weddingluga currently lacks a true form.
summerluga is a nekoluga variant that trades the KB + freeze of nekoluga for a level eight surge (level five in second form). while this seems decent in concept, its surge spawns from 150 to 1050 range. for reference, asukasli's surge is considered inconsistent, and its spawn range is one of her major flaws. her surge spawns from 400 to 800 range.
while this does make summerluga's surge inconsistent as fuck, it comes with some of the same benefits as asukasli. it can, rarely, hit backliners. it can, rarely, boost dps at the same range as the base attack. it can, rarely, create a wall that will permaKB a high knockback threat such as brollows or puffington. however, it's just too unreliable. if you need backliner DPS, you can bring a better wave/surge/LD sniper. if you need frontline DPS, most units can provide some form of it. anything that summerluga, with its 20400 health and 650 range, with no immunities, no trait target, and 19 second time between attacks can do, something else can do better. one of the worst ubers in the game. decent meme tho
weddingluga is a balaluga variant that trades in the uptime for multihit and actual DPS. as you may remember from the lugas review, balaluga has 28.9 dps at level 60+70. not 28.9k. 28.9. weddingluga has 3.2k dps at level 30 if all attacks hit, giving it decent chip damage and the potential to clear peons so that your attackers are more likely to hit their intended target. its freeze uptime is actually slightly higher than piccolan's despite the lower freeze time, due to its faster attack rate. however, it's still deeply flawed.
one of its biggest issues is its omnistrike. its standing range is 640. its three hits all have different omni, with the first hitting from -310 to 540, the second from -635 to 590, and the third from -960 to 640. while the backwards omni is only relevant versus zombies (and in some really weird niche situations with base hit and an enemy like angel doge or brollow that goes fast enough to go past it), it's nice to have, and can help in stages with a zombie threat or zombie peons. the issue, however, is that the omni doesn't reach to standing range, and doesn't go past its standing range (which happens to be rather low for a variant of a superbackliner, at 300 lower than piccolan). ponos could've theoretically made up for this somewhat by giving it piercing range, so that it can CC past its initial target. this does not happen. the omni actively makes weddingluga worse. if the enemy is at its standing range, it will hit once, giving it only a third of its total damage and dps. this hurts.
its multihit honestly holds it back even more. its freeze is only on the third hit, which matches up with standing range, but if either of the first two hits damage the enemy enough for a KB, the freeze won't connect, leaving the enemy to come back and block your attackers from hitting any frozen enemies. this will also prevent the other hit(s) from connecting, decreasing damage further (all hits connect in under a third of a second). multihit on a freeze unit can work, as seen with chronos, but it just holds it back, as does its omni. not a good CC unit, but can work in a pinch.
tl;dr: summerluga is too inconsistent to be any semblance of good, weddingluga could've been decent but they fucked it over, seasonal uber + luga + variant of an already not great uber in summerluga's case hurts
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lesbiantrish · 1 year
hai bbgs im just gonna link a bunch of songies 🙏 no pressure to do them all (this ask is gonna be so long sorry dearies)
(^ solace begging me 🙏 to put it)
(i have my own lil thing on this and i wanna see ur thoughts on it 🙏)
(i. i also have my own thoughtsies.)
^ or any other tlo song 🙏 also maybe a hadestown song for ur valgrace i think hadestown au
hello!! here is the first one! i will continue to work on the others :3!!
okay!! so i pretty much immediately thought of percy thinking of octavian,. such lyrics as, “i just really hate your face, though i know that won’t surprise you”. there’s this idea throughout HOO (specifically SoN) that Octavian is just horribly annoying to Percy. when they first met, to my knowledge, octavian didn’t do anything right away, percy just found him HORRIBLY annoying lmao 😭😭,.
HOWEVER!! as the song goes on, i begin to think a different character fits this song more.
i have settled on, instead of percy towards octavian, jason towards octavian. “and if the world was perfect, you would be gone without a trace, but since the world could never be that great, i’ll just hate your stupid face” reminds me of jason because jason is someone who tends to settle for things.
allow me to explain.! percy is someone who fought the god of war when he was 12, he doesn’t let people just push him around. he has pretty much always been someone who has put matters into his own hands, which in my opinion, is part of what makes him such a good protagonist.
jason, on the other hand, lets himself get pushed around. he has always been a rule follower, probably since he first met lupa. yes, he did take matters into his own hands in the sense of the legions, but in some cases, jason just kind of lets things happen. when piper broke up with him, i sensed there was this kind of shrug he did regarding it all. yes, i don’t think he loved piper like that. but i do think he loved her, the way a brother loves his sister. he didn’t want to lose her companionship, but, maybe because he felt there was nothing he could do about it, he just let her go. he did his best to protect her even after that, when he thought the prophecy was about her.
coming back the the lyrics, specifically “i’ll just hate your stupid face”. kind of like what i was just talking about, since jason feels he can’t really do anything about octavian’s existence, he kind of just shrugs at the situation. if my memory serves me, when jason met percy and found out about how he kind of out-ruled octavian, he was surprised. maybe because he didn’t think there was ever anything to do about it, and then something did happen.
“i just really miss your face” ok just here me out ok. no i don’t think jason has a crush or anything on octavian. BUT. i do think he missed octavian. octavian is a kind of symbol of how things used to be for jason. they knew each other for at least a good while, probably years, if i’m being honest here though. i think a part of jason misses how things used to be, before he got his memory erased. i know he loves his friends and all, but i think it can be a kind of double edged sword. he wants to go back, maybe take his close friends with him.
“but since the world denied me one last kiss” meaning he never got to say goodbye. not to anyone, but especially not to the place he grew up in. he never got to return home, he never got to be a hero. (meaning in greek myth, the hero always returned home after the journey.) he never got to even say goodbye to his best friend, let alone his home of so many years.
what i’m getting at here is that perhaps he uses octavian as a reminder of his past. maybe of all he has lost. perhaps even all that he misses.
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delightfuldevin · 1 year
I am staring SO hard yes bestie give me EVERYTHING on your Mario S/I. I'm so fascinated by the part Shine Sprite part, reminds me of the Peach is a Super Star (Grand Star? Star Spirit??) reborn theory from forever ago. Would LOVE to delve more into the lore ramifications of that.
I hope it's okay I ask more like. Specific questions?? Sorry if this is a little annoying I just love to learn other people's S/I lore...
Like, what's his timeline? How old are the main characters compared to him? How old are the Koopalings when he meets them? HOW did he almost die to the Odyssey Dragon (another game I haven't PLAYED but have seen playthroughs of)? What's with Wingman King boo? What's he do in-game style? What's his opinion on Peach? E. Gadd?? Gooigi??
And also could I, when I get my bones together, draw him because he is very cool and I would love to doodle him some if that's okay
So yeah, cut again cause I just love talking a lot and giving copious amounts of information dhbcbjhhsdshcjvsxh
So, I don’t have an idea of ages for anyone, except Bowser Jr who is somewhere around 6 or 7? Ludwig is actually close to my age I think, and I imagine that he probably calls me by name rather than the same parental term the others call me (Ven or Venny). Though, I think he’d use Ven sometimes. I like to go by the SMB3 order for the Koopalings’ ages, so youngest to oldest is Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig. Larry is older than 12. That’s all I can really say on that jbcjxncjshc
There is an age gap between Bowser and I, but I’m not sure exactly how much. I think Dragon-Koopas age differently than even regular Koopas, let alone humans, so I’m not too sure on his age. Cause in the games when everyone is babies (Partners in Time, Yoshi’s Island, etc) Baby Bowser can speak full coherent sentences and walk while the bros and Peach are just making baby noises and crawling. Sure, maybe he’s just a lot older than them, but I like to think they are somewhat close in age chronologically and his species just matures faster mentally. I like to think the bros and Peach are either the same age as me or within a year or two of me.
(When I was a kid, I thought every media made for kids only had kid or teen characters. So yes, I thought the bros and Peach were teenagers, even with the bros’ thick impressive ‘staches. The only, and I mean only, reason I knew Bowser was an adult was because he had kids. After learning about the Yoshi’s Island games, which I also have never actually played, I realized they all had to be adults since they were all babies at the same time.)
King Boo is my bestie!! First time I saw him was actually in Mario Kart DS in the mission where you play as Peach and collect coins and he steals them from you. At the time, all I knew about him was that he was a king and he liked stealing my coins. Next time I saw him was in Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games for DS. At that point, I knew he had some history with Luigi, but I didn’t know the context. Now, he didn’t really stand out to me all that much, until Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon came out and I FELL IN LOVE. I thought he was sooo cool!! When I reached the end of the game and he said to Luigi “Remember that time you trapped me in a painting for all eternity? Good times” that’s when I realized that this had happened before! There was another Luigi’s Mansion game before that one! Needless to say, I was very excited to learn that.
My S/I meets King Boo in a Mario Kart tournament. They don’t even know each other, but for some reason, they feel compelled to target each other specifically. After the game and everyone splits ways, they mostly forget about each other… until my S/I accidentally stumbles into Boo Woods. Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that my favorite color is green and it’s what I like to wear. Well, who else wears a lot of green? Luigi. And that’s who KB thinks I am when he sees me again. He jumps out to scare my S/I and my S/I throws fireballs at him in response. A couple misunderstandings resolved later, and boom! New bestie!
The whole targeting each other in Mario Kart thing remains a big part of our dynamic. If we’re on opposite teams, we usually go after each other. But if we’re on the same team, everyone else better watch out. We also throw a joint Halloween party every year! Also fun fact: my S/I initially only called him King Boo, but picked up the nickname KB from Bowser. It stands for Kool Bro.
Now, I have a headcanon that Bowser and KB are also best friends, *coughcough*and later queerplatonic partners*coughcough*, so when KB discovers Bowser and I are mutually pining for each other, he takes it upon himself to help get us together to make fun of us because he’s a good friend. He enjoyed teasing us in the early stages of our relationship cause our feelings were so painfully obvious to literally everyone but us.
As for Gadd, well, my S/I doesn’t care for him to say the least dhgfsjhbcs. My dude is faaaar too invested in his paintings that are just prisons for actual sentient beings rather than the safety and sanity of my little brother. Plus, those ghosts in LM1 weren’t even causing trouble! Just living their afterlife in a nice big house and then all of a sudden some lil onion man comes and shoves them into a painting forever. Definitely siding with KB on this one and agreeing that little onion man deserves a taste of his own medicine in his own special painting. Maybe not for eternity, but at least until he gets his shit together.
Peach is also my bestie!! It’s a bit complicated for obvious reasons dhbcsjhbdc. On one hand, my S/I enjoys being villainous with his husband and invading the Mushroom Kingdom. On the other hand, sometimes he just wants to hang out at Peach’s Castle and have tea parties and get little kissies on his cheek,, Listen, Mario canon is weird. If Bowser can be the scourge of the kingdom one minute, then get invited to go karting and sports the next, then so can I,,
In terms of actual in-game stuff, I most easily imagine my S/I as being part of a dual final boss with Bowser ala New Super Mario Bros style! That, or a penultimate boss that would happen right before Bowser. Thing is, because I’m Mario, I can’t imagine interacting with him since how do I interact with myself??? But since he’s the main character, it’s kinda hard to get around that cshbvddhh. I can imagine fighting him, but not much else. I also can’t really fit myself well into any story driven game like the rpgs cause those are actually the games that give me the biggest kin feels haha. The most I can do is that I like to imagine being a secret boss in the challenge mode (if you’ve played the M&L series, I’m talking about the boss blitz modes in Bowser’s Inside Story, Dream Team, and Paper Jam). So yeah, if not a final or penultimate boss, then definitely a secret boss cause that’s just really cool to me. Maybe even like, the boss of World 9 in the New series!!
Okay so now the Odyssey Dragon! (I know you asked this, so you obviously want to know all this, but I can’t help but feel like I am talking waaay too much shcbsjhj)
My S/I spent a lot of time being in the forest due to it being the most familiar since that’s where he first arrived. He was caught out in the forest during a really bad storm and only realized too late that the storm was being caused by a dragon passing overhead. He was struck by the dragon’s lightning and blacked out. He woke up in the clinic in the forest Toad Village a few days later with a nasty scar, cloudy vision in his left eye, and wicked lightning powers. (Fun fact: I based the eye injury on the fact that I actually do have really bad vision only in my left eye. My right eye can see great, the left one not so much).
Now, this is one of few things that only I know and my S/I doesn’t. See, in universe, he has no idea how he ended up in the Toad Clinic and absolutely thinks that he should have died in the forest. But it was actually Bowser who brought him there! At the time, Bowser would stalk him come check up on him in secret sometimes, since this was back before he started liking Bowser. One of those times happened to be during that storm. Bowser brought him to the clinic and hung around outside until he got better, then left. Bowser still has never told my S/I this because he’s (Bowser) afraid to admit that he (my S/I) could’ve really died that day ;-;
Thank you so so much for continuing to let me yell about my S/I!! I can’t tell you enough how happy it makes me that you’re so interested!! And ABSOLUTELY you can draw him whenever you want!!! I will BURY YOU in heart emojis
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the-type-a · 2 years
Gonna give you ideas for your Duncney playlist. I don't have the energy to see if these are already on there, so I'll just drop them here. Also I'm not sure if these actually work for canon Duncney or the Duncney that exists only in my mind but EH.
-Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps (Doris Day) -The Last Time (Taylor Swift)
-Bad Blood (Taylor Swift)
-My Life Would Suck Without You (Kelly Clarkson)
-The Kids Aren't Alright (Fall Out Boy)
-The Countess and the Common Man (Anstasia)
-Catabolic Seed (The Scary Jokes)
-Two (Sleeping At Last)
-Colors (Halsey)
-Ghost (Halsey)
-Lethal Combination (The Wombats)
-Something There (Beauty and the Beast)
-A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into (Be More Chill) -Womanizer (Britney Spears)
-Community Gardens (The Scary Jokes)
-Where Were You (Maria Mena)
-Partners in Crime (Set it Off)
-Weak (AJR)
-Never Love an Anchor (The Crane Wives)
-It's Alright (Mother Mother)
-King (Florence + The Machine)
-Only Us (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Despair (leo.)
-Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Set It Off)
-Everybody Loves a Clown (Gary Lewis & The Playboys)
-New Year's Eve (Mal Blum)
-Pardon Me (He Is We)
-The Way I Loved You (Taylor Swift)
-Broken (lovelytheband)
-Fire On Fire (Sam Smith)
-Burn/First Burn (Hamilton)
-What Do You Know About Love? (Frozen)
-Don't You Want Me (Glee version because shut up) -Sorry I Stole Your Girlfriend (Stereo Skyline)
-From Now On (The Greatest Showman)
-Animal (Neon Trees)
-All I've Ever Known (Hadestown)
-Congratulations (Hamilton, sung by Bridgette maybe?)
-Furniture (Owen Pallett)
-Human (Christina Perri)
-Fight For Me (Heathers)
-Seventeen (Heathers)
-I Won't Say I'm In Love (Hercules)
-Like Real People Do (Hozier)
-The Good In Me (Jon Bellion)
-I Like Me Better When I'm With You (Josh Wall)
-I'm Just Your Problem (Adventure Time)
-Thnks fr th Mmrs (Fall Out Boy)
-Toxic (Britney Spears)
-We're Gonna Be Okay (Cody Francis)
-I Could Say (Lily Allen)
-I've Had Enough (Melina KB)
-A Lovely Night (Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone)
-LOSER (Neoni)
-Love The Way You Lie (Part II) (Rihanna)
-Cruel Summer (Taylor Swift)
-Lay All Your Love On Me (Mama Mia)
-Kids Again (Artist Vs Poet)
-Doctor (Jack Stauber's Micropop)
-Anti-Hero (Taylor Swift)
-Moral of the Story (Ashe)
-Love Love Love (Of Monsters and Men)
-New Light (John Mayer)
-Crash (Neovaii)
-Girl Crush (Little Big Town)
-Still Into You (Paramore)
-interlude IV (Showtime) (Zach Callison, Grace Rolek)
-Love Again (Pentatonix)
-Buzzcut Season (Lorde)
-Small (chloe moriondo)
-Don't Blame Me (Taylor Swift)
-In Fact (Demo Version) (Gregory and the Hawk)
-This Feeling (The Chainsmokers)
-Traitor (Olivia Rodrigo)
-Mine (Taylor Swift)
-Don't Do Sadness (Spring Awakening)
-Crush Culture (Conan Gray)
-I See the Light (Tangled)
-Just a Friend to You (Meghan Trainor)
-Her (Loving You) (Glades)
-School Friends (Now, Now)
-Nothing (Bruno Major)
-Strange Sight (...Tinkerbell)
-Very Good Bad Thing (Mother Mother)
-It Took Me By Surprise (Maria Mena)
-The Zombie Song (Stephanie Mabey)
-Way less Sad (AJR)
-White Rabbit (Jawster)
-Call You Mine (The Chainsmokers)
-Your New Boyfriend (Wilbur Soot)
-Pools (Glass Animals)
I can feel you judging my music taste. Half of these are insanely basic and half are theater kid songs.
Added all the ones that weren’t there!
No judgement at all! I love the majority of this selection lmao but I will say… I’m very disappointed you did not mention Niall Horan with Moral of the Story, or Harry Styles’ cover of girl crush 👀😂
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trickster-whim · 20 days
I managed to get out of the house the other week and took a walk to Goodwill, and there was kind of a lot of stuff there! But unfortunately for me, I got super sick immediately after. I still wear a mask everywhere I go (I was wearing one on this trip also), and I do try to social distance as much as possible, no movies or restaurants or parties or whatever. But my parents don't. So my parents got covid and gave it to my sister and me, and we've been sick for days.
But that's just me being bitter!! Let's see what Goodwill had for me. (I can barely even remember when this was, so it's gonna be mostly brief, but I'm mostly not sick anymore, so I'm just getting it out of my drafts)
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Most tempting was a pile of about a dozen NaNaNa Surprise Maxwell Danes. I wanted to get him when he was in stores, so I obviously picked one up, but unfortunately I didn't need a dozen. At least not for (an admittedly very reasonable) $5.50 each. I don't love his shirt, but I always want more boy dolls, so I'm glad I got one at least.
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Why was I so tempted by this little rocking horse?
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Good face...
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This actually made me a little sad to see. I used to be really into Harry Potter before I grew media criticism skills and also JKR went mask off as a terrible person, and I remember being so into the board games. I still miss the style of the first couple books, but now whenever I see HP I mostly just feel jaded and bitter.
(It also reminds me of shopping at KB Toys. I remember digging through bins of discounted Quirrells and trolls, looking for catgirl Hermione... I have some regrets in life, I must say...)
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Anyway! There were a lot of tempting fashion dolls in the bagged doll section. I love a Snow White, especially an emotionless mask like this, and there was also a Belle. It's kind of interesting looking at disney dolls from before the very standardized Disney Store or Hasbro/Mattel look of today, if that makes sense. Some of them are just hunks of plastic in the shape of princesses, and some barely resemble their characters at all. I just didn't need any dolls, so I mostly just looked.
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I was tempted by these chubby babies...
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Hey, good lookin'.
It wasn't actually clear whether the mannequin bottom was for sale or just the jeans, but it did startle me, because we don't have mannequins here.
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I found this wedding bag with just... the most comfortable- and happy-looking couple... They look so glad to be there...
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Cool tote bag I found. I have no idea where Wheatsville Co-op is, but it's been almost 30 years since this 20 year anniversary.
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I think this was a shower curtain, and I gotta say... yellow splotches was a bold choice.
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If I had been looking for a table runner, this nwt ouija board one would a been tempting. I think it was $13, though, and I didn't need it.
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I think this was a paperweight? It was some sort of architectural blueprint made out of a thick plastic and formed into a sort of ball around a weight. It was kinda quirky, and I'm actually pretty curious about it. It might just be mundane, but I don't think I've ever seen one before.
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Gotta take a photo of blowjob cat in the wild.
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This skirt was sooo tempting. It was a candy corn dream, but also I didn't want to spend $10 on a skirt. Apparently it originally cost $69 (nice), and I'm not sure why. It is super tempting, though.
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There was a CD case hanging up, and these were the only two CDs in the whole book. Sounds like a party.
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Was I tempted by this plush bear-dog-thing? Yeah :p But it didn't have a price, and I have too many plushies to bring all of them home, especially if I have to ask someone how much it costs, even if it's vintage... I like the yellow and brown, though. Very bold.
So I didn't get any of that stuff, but I did get:
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Wow, what a terrible photos. I got one Maxwell, a copy of The Game of Sunken Places (one of my all-time faves) for the little free library, a stack of DVDs for my sister because she's been looking for them, a Breyer stockhorse, and a free local paper with an advertisement for Sabo, since I wasn't sick then and still thought I'd be going...
And then the next day I got really sick, and I've been sick since. I hadn't had covid before, and again, my sister and I have been trying our best to avoid it, but if our parents are sick, it's hard not to catch it from them. But I'm not trying to be bitter right now! I should be better within a few weeks, and then I'll try to find a vaccine event, and then I'll probably be back thrifting, still in a mask because being sick sucks.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
4x20 the limey
man's in trouble nvm he's the killer Oh no he totally gonna get caught-- NO IS IT GOING TO BE A DOUBLE HOMICIDE WHERE HE KILLS THE CLEANING STAFF TOO? but dang he should have put up the do not disturb sign Love the music btw, 10/10 Girl just take the coat with you Strokes her face... sus U gonna run after him?
u'r a detective u should have figured out he heard you in the box. Lanie is SO right but gosh I cannot believe it has been four years! LP: You remember how he used to be, girl on either arm? Me: Yeah that's how he was but even back in s2 during his book launch party the girl on either arm were his mother & daughter respectively. Also what's with her outfit? What's her shirt? KB: What if it doesn’t work? What if it ends up like you and Javi? ((first names still shock me but they are outside of work rn speaking as friends in relationships ofc it's going to be his first name)) LP: Well, at least we gave it a shot. ((So true bestie)) And so it didn’t work out. So what? Now we can move on, ((Heck yeah)) give or take the occasional booty call. ((Wait what?)) You should have heard me out loud there.
Why didn't lanie get the call first? Wrong times & definitely wrong times Gina? Not gina just some gal Wow castle is very... intense Wow vegas? lmao Is this his rebound or he trying to make her jealous or what??
Not robbed for that but maybe robbed for smth else? Like a really fancy expensive painting? LP: Like you waited too long! KB: THE VIC "Espo" is so weird
How do you have jobs in two countries at once? it's insane. "choices" you say. "unconventional" you say. Like escorts, not necessarily sex workers but also pretty dates. idk.
KB, assuming they have the shared brainwave thing going: Are you thinking what I’m thinking? RC, being horny & silly & a man who likes to party (while theoretically also drawing out the murderer or witnesses): Yeah, that we should throw a party and hire a bunch of models.
What is WITH ryan's outfit today? Not necessarily good not necessarily bad, it's just,, that vest has an interesting hem on it.
Ok so she has her gun out but they are not wearing their vests? Also don't just barge in that's horrible. Announce yourself. *walks into the room wearing Very Little* He just cover's beckett's eyes while she's holding a gun OHHH I just noticed the accent!
That's sweet. I mean he's right. She's right nvm He's also right nvm. Sus. Nobody else tossed it, you're the tornado in the room. Like beckett & Royce. Colin Hunt: He made her put pepper spray in her jacket lining. that's where I found it. KB: Found what? ME: The pepper spray??? That's what he just said Girl you're technically witholding evidence rn but that's so valid bestie. I kind of like him. He's a lot like beckett. Castle seems surprised she went down without a fight but that's bc beckett is territorial, I'm of the perspective that she knows his situation & that's why she didn't fight too much. That or made gates fight her battle.
RC: Yeah, well, sometimes it’s the people we think we know the best that we don’t really know at all.
RC: Well, I guess it’s not outsiders she doesn’t like. It’s just me. *looks at her in her office rly quick* Unless she just put the key there for safekeeping bro. I really like keys. Arco-Rifkin 1130R. feo k1/elevator key (tbh it's good until you need a second key behind the panel in the elevator), c415a, ch751 (that entire line is good), 1284x (kind of useless for me personally lol), 16 120, (plus jigglers & a wire loop heheh), 222343 (I don't remember this one actually), & a cuff key (castle had one of these. btw you're more likely to get accidentally cuffed in some sort of sex cult than accidentally cuffed by cops but whatever it's useful either way), plus of course my lockpick set which I don't carry around bc it is illegal. ugh I love a good key.
KB: He's from scotland yard JE: !! Holy crap that's a great photo there just fist in face for the camera like that lol Castle actin real weird here. Oh that's why. She misses him omo it's so sad a few HOURS?
Nicky Jay: Hell, yeah, I clocked her! Biggie slim,,, hold on that's an oxymoron
Love his hat. Angry sex yeah lol Castle would sympathize with the "women are powerless against my charm" dude
That's a great photo they're using of him lol btw we are missing ryan & castle here, it's beckett espt & hunt. (Maybe ryan is castl'es lunch date lol) & now it's just her & hunt. Weird how they have these situations go in these directions to leave them in groups like this. "total pants" is not smth I have heard before CH: I just wanted her to think I sympathized. And honestly, after meeting Biggie Slim, I do. Me, for just a second: Hold on do you mean you sympathize with her bc he's hot or are you just european? Me: Wait he has a wandering eye & he's kind of an a-hole, you sympahize with her for those reasons. nvm. She Is Not Talking About Random People Right Now.
I totally thought Lanie would hit on Colin (also lanie has a nice rack but I feel bad for her bc I know how much of a hassle boobs can be. The trans man in me & the lesbian in me are fighting rn.) I thought for a sec that the bruise had a fingerprint but no it was the lotion, phew, I was insane for a sec there. Sus how he just goes away to make a call like that. LP, being the realest fellow on the show: Look, maybe it’s the wrong time, or maybe he’s even the wrong guy, but if he is, how long are you gonna wait to find out?
So now we know Dr Parish has been here for ten years. & interesting shot there, we usually don't see that perspective.
Oh he just excused himself bc he was sad & uncomfy. I thought he was closer to her dad's age but maybe it's the way fathers say "I have the prettiest baby girl in all the land" All dads are supposed to interrogate the date lol what if she IS a different person? KB: People change when you’re not looking. HHHH I like how she says "excuse me" before answering her phone & then answers mid-ring, smth movies often don't do. He really is replacement-castle rn, maybe she can make castle jealous. (But he's from over the pond, no wonder esposito doesn't look into him when he's trying to figure out beckett's boyfriend in s5)
Ryan looks normal again. that's good. Looked like a phone number at first Where did she get the photo from?
"I'll bet" At least he is pulling in his favours with his scotland yard mates. Reminds me of the detective slaughter episode except hunt probs does not need to lend out a ferarri for favours.
Ah nepotism. I got my first job because the owners were my mom's cousins. Well that & they were short staffed & I had experience in kitchens. Good thing is I didn't need a resumé. In fact, my previous job was busking so I didn't need a resumé for that either, & then my most recent job I had an impromptu interview on the spot (neither me nor the interviewer were prepared, we just sat down in the cafeteria at my college, I was still wearing my whites from class) apparently there was a competition to see who could hire the most people & they got a bonus for every person they hired. So I haven't needed a resumé for any job I've had in my short life so far. Well there was this one time I had a resumé & technically got a job but then the owner (a guy I knew) went to china & I never actually got hired. So the one job I got with a resumé I never worked & all the jobs I've worked I haven't needed a resumé. Ah, I was just wondering where Ryan was! Castle spinning again. Not super into it. "kill" his marriage & career lol. Silence speaks. They won't be Nigel's prints. It won't be a match. It wouldn't be a good story if that happened to be the case.
Ooh heck YES look at ryan there MMm! Shiny red back on that suit vest & it has stripes not in colour but because the weave direction changes? Beautiful! Rolling up his sleeves? I could die right now. Esposito on the other hand is wearing a plain long-sleeved sweater, the kind of thing I have started wearing recently bc I want to hide my SH scars but it is too hot for a real sweater. That's the kind of shirt I wear at home when I want to be comfortable not fashionable. (Except when I embroider it to look pretty.) The boys finishing each other's sentences hh so good. I also can't help it, Ryan rolling up his sleeves is not smth I thought I needed.
*castle rolls a whiteboard across the screen* *rysposito look over with mild confusion, & only half intrigue* He has some good art skills there apparently I've posted the youtube clip of this, right? bc it was hilarious. & I've posted screenshots of the pictures Castle uses for them, right? Btw, how did castle get the floor plan for the building? ok yes I did post it & I will reblog it BUT THE YOUTUBE ACCOUNT ASSOCIATED WITH THE VIDEO HAS BEEN TERMINATED??? SCREW THAT. I guess I WILL have to film the clip to post. See my other post for my comments
Ooh love the music The boys watching "or they could do that"
CH: He’s British. Trust me, he drinks Oh woman I miss dancing. But it is hard (for me) to dance to that kind of jazz. Aw that was sweet. "Well, that’s because my companion is the most beautiful woman in this room." He has gained a surprising amount of respect from me throughout this episode. It would be nice if he were a recurring character. "These aren’t my people. My people are the ones carrying the trays. Yeah. I grew up on the East End. My mum cleaned flats. Dad worked in a factory. They wanted something better, they just…they couldn’t quite get it." T Eaton Fiddle? Beckett backstory!!! KB: I grew up in the city, and, uh, went to college in California. I struggle to trust "my calling" answers. Nurses who say it is their calling tend to be more in love with being a people-helper than actually helping people. Saviour complex. Like how cops often have the hero complex where they are more in love with being a cop than actually doing things that would get you listed as a hero in my book. She just doesn't answer whether it leaves time for personal life. "Call her the bit the way I'm committed to her" - my older bro That dress is too long to dance in btw, I could never.
Ugly ties lol. Not a good music transition imo... Becks is way too obvious here. "Jean Harrington, bored." LMAO THAT WAS ACTUALLY KIND OF FUNNY Mum totally thought that she switched the glasses
But ew how can u dance with the glass?
Nigel Wyndham: Well, what meets the eye is irresistible. She is being SO obvious
He is really struggling to get there huh. You know what? She should have tripped him & made him break the glass & then they could have stolen all the broken pieces.
She is SO struggling to dance with him rn, just focus on dancing, you can let hunt out of your eyes for a sec babe! "Other activities" lol Casually grabs a caviar & what is even going on? I SAW THAT WEIRD THING IN HER BRA, I WAS SO CONFUSED.
are there ALL of his prints on the case? WHICH finger's partial was on the vic? Also in s1e1 they had to wait ages for the fingerprints to go through, now ryan can just run it three times???
CASTLE Or a better path might be to look into this mysterious number that Naomi wrote on the back of that photo, which is a mystery no longer.
[Castle points to the "W4-1949-898" written on the murder board and then hands Esposito a box of leftovers. for some reason he decides that esposito would like this food, or maybe esposito told him "if you have any leftovers bring em back for me"] JE: Is this lobster, bro? RC: Lucky for you, Jacinda's a light eater. You heat that up, little bit of melted butter-- KB: *ahem* The Case maybe? Succulent? Earthy yet elegant pinot noire? Girl RC: Right. Well, we were going over the file. Turns out Jacinda's quite a little crime solver. KB: !?!? You showed the stewardess the evidence file? RC: No. *laughs/scoffs* RC: I took a picture of it with my phone.
Where IS ryan rn? lmao the coffee is so awkward Does the end justify the means? Maybe, but what if it did not have that end?
Ooh oh heck I love this, look at the way he walks! CH: Well, Then it's a good thing I'm not NYPD. RC: *that's my line!*
Bauer? Really? Ryan is such a smarty pants, it is 200lbs so it must be sturdy, it would not be a flimsy cardboard box. (Maybe a sturdy one ig... it depends on the contents)
MORGAN (AIRPORT SECURITY): Agent Bauer! I need you to step outta there, please. KR: Okay, that didn't sound good. RC: Agent Bauer--what did he expect? CH (on cell): I heard that.
CH: It's clear to me that you've been working harder than a… (!???!?) …one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. DHAFKJDH WHAT He spent a LONG time waiting to tell them it was missiles
lol I love esposito's face when hunt talks about getting into hot water.
All finishing each others sentences, five people same brainwaves
Man just happens to know the name
She demands I gotta supply lmao Man has a nice hat btw Oh wow the plot thickens I hope biggie slim is not the murderer Ok nvm this is sad
*calls for security* *security shows up* *they arrest him instead lol*
Her eyes went so squinty & cute when she smiled there uwu, I might snag a pic tbh. K I did, uploading rn. Tbh I wish that esposito had looked into colin hunt when he was trying to find beckett's boyf in s5 Fun & uncomplicated. That's what my life needs right now. tbh that's totally valid
jdshjkadshfkjdfh pining
Ok so I think I'll record a few clips to post now
0 notes
softsnzstuff · 2 years
40. “You’re sneezing everywhere. Clearly, something’s up.”
Streamer AU with fetish Steve and sneezy Eddie. Eddie trying to hide that he's sick (or allergic to something scented that Steve finds soothing) and doesn't want Steve to feel like he needs to stop streaming for him
❤️ Bewitchedfeathers
Thank you, friend! This is such a cute prompt. Opted for knk!steve doing a GRWM stream and poor sick!Eddie trying to go about his morning as well without disrupting Steve. ❤️KB
“What’s up guys! This morning I’m doing a Get Ready With Me stream.”
Steve was standing next to the bed he shared with Eddie as he streamed with his phone.
Shame we didn’t get to see you waking up?
Aww bed head
Where’s Eddie?
“Usually Eddie is still sleeping when I get up for a jog, but since today is a lazy day around here, no run this morning. But uh… Eddie is up already? Think he went to sleep on the couch but not sure why. Maybe he couldn’t sleep?”
Steve used one hand to gesture.
“So first thing I like to do is make the bed. My mom always told me you should start the day by making your bed. Next thing I like to do is start the pot of coffee before I start everything else.”
Steve exited the bedroom and welt through to the living room/kitchen combo. Sure enough Eddie was laying on the couch looking tired. He was still in his pajamas as well, but also sporting a hoodie.
“Oh here he is! You want one or two cups of coffee?”
Steve pointed the camera at Eddie who waved.
“Umm just one today I think.”
Steve propped up the phone to point at him as he filled the pot with water.
What’s the go to coffee flavor?
I use that brand too!!
I’m a three cup kind of gal myself…
“Go to flavor right now is the Starbucks fall blend.” Steve held the bag up to the camera.
“H’etchUMPF! ikt’CHISH! TschEW!”
The sneezes came from Eddie in the background, muffled into the elbow of his hoodie.
Bless you Eddie!
Bless you!!
That was so cute??
Steve felt his cheeks get hot. He couldn’t just let the stream know that he thought sneezes were hot though, so he had to play it cool.
“B- bless you!” He called over his shoulder, trying to sound normal.
“Thanks.” Eddie sniffled.
After the pot of coffee was going, Steve retreated to the bathroom they shared. He started squirting some toothpaste on his toothbrush.
“I’m gonna brush my teeth now. Obviously.”
As Steve was brushing his teeth, there was another outburst from Eddie in the other room.
“iTSCHew! Hu’ktchiew! AesshIEW!”
Jesus Christ it was going to be hard to stream with that going on in the background…
“Bwesh oo!” Steve yelled past the toothbrush in his mouth, ducking down to rinse his mouth out.
“Now for the good stuff…” Steve mentioned, pulling a few things out from under the sink.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
He’s gonna show us how to do the hair 😭😭
“You guessed it! I’m gonna do my hair now. So usually I like to shower first, but I’m clearly not going to show you that. So here’s what else I’ll do. I get a little bit of mousse and will sort of run that through my hair if it’s slightly damp….”
He wet his hair just slightly and then put a small dollop of mouse in his hands, running his fingers through his hair.
“Now I gotta blow dry it so it sort of styles correctly I guess… so headphone users might wanna unplug for a second.”
Steve turned on the hairdryer and started blow drying his hair, using his fingers and a brush to style it the way he wanted. He was looking at himself in the mirror to make sure he was doing it right when Eddie sulked up to the open door. Steve flicked off the hairdryer.
“Hey Eds, what’s up?
“SnFF Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt the stream…”
“No you didn’t. I’m done with the dryer anyways. Plus they love you.” He pointed to the phone comments flooding in.
It’s my birthday can you say hi?
I love you Eddie!
When’s Eddie’s next stream?
The older man smiled, “hey guys! Hoping to stream some stuff within the next week.” He turned back to Steve and pointed slightly past him, “can I just grab… I need to blow my nose.”
Steve turned around and grabbed the tissue box at the other end of the counter. When he turned around to hand it to Eddie, his eyes were fluttering shut as he brought his elbow up to his face.
“IxxxT! N’xxt!! H’eKSHh! snfsnff… excuse m’be.”
Steve was biting his bottom lip without realizing. He blinked a few times and brought himself back to reality, handing Eddie the tissue box.
“Bless you! Are you okay? Let me stop the stream for a sec.”
“No no! Don’t stop it. I’b fine…” he paused to blow his nose quietly.
Bless you again
He sounds sick
Bless you x3
“Well, you’re sneezing everywhere so clearly somethings up.”
Eddie rubbed at the back of his neck. “I guess I don’t feel great… it’s nothing. I’ll live.” He offered a smile.
Aww he is sick
I knew it!
Poor guy
“You’re more important than the stream Eddie. I get ready every morning anyways.” Steve laughed.
He reached over and ended the stream, putting his phone down. Moving closer, he pulled Eddie to him by the hips.
“Couldn’t focus on the stream anyways. You’re too cute when you’re sneezy.”
Eddie rolled his eyes with a short laugh. “You’re something else Steve…”
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