#also who cares about quality when they're this happy
lunatic-pudge · 7 months
Scout, Pyro, Demo, Medic, Sniper, and Spy Relationship Headcanons
Can you tell which ones are my absolute favorite:')
• Unsurprisingly, it takes him a long time to get over his infatuation of Ms. Pauling (I'm 110% convinced she's a lesbian), so you must be basically a deity to be catching his attention (though he'd the type to flirt with EVERYONE)
• Golden retriever energy, also youngest child energy. Constantly wants to do everything for you but also needs constant attention. He's also used to be getting picked on by the other mercs and his older brothers so he'll be going to you for validation. But he also doesn't want to appear weak so it'll take some time to break through his (fragile) shell.
• Love language: physical touch and acts of services. Will be constantly trying to act like a macho man for you but will also beg to hold your hand. Cuddles are constant. He may not be good at being a handyman, but my gods he's gonna try his darndest. Plz tell him that he did a good job, he's trying his best.
• He's the best person to go to if you wanna go on randon and unexpected adventures. One minute you're both in Teufort, the next your across country at the beach up east coast. Poor thing gets yelled at a lot for just uping and leaving without notice.
• Local snack dealer. Ma is always making sure that he's got sweets on hand. His room has care packages from her with some of the most wholesome letters from her and the box if FILLED to the brim with sweets, treats, and soda
• My little baby boo, a wholesome partner who would kill for you. Can get jealous very easily so you might have to hold them back from committing manslaughter.
• Love language: quality time and gift giving. Time with Pyro is time well spent. Constantly just wants to be in the same room with you. They don't do well when you're not around. Also loves to give gifts. Most of their gifts consit of stuffed animals and handmade drawings. Your room will be filled with gifts from this goofball.
• In my opinion, they're a lot more there than people realize. Some days are better than others though. They were literally CEO of an engeneering company! And I believe they made all their weapons to but I could be wrong on that. Homie is definitely reliable when they're having a good day, but on the bad days, just sit and spend time with them. You don't gotta say anything, just knowing your right there beside them is enough conformation to know you'll always be there no matter what.
• You two are little troublemakers. You'll constantly be up to no good with them. It seems like harmless fun, but you've both almost burnt down the base five times just this month!
• Probably one of the best lovers you could have out of all the mercs (aside from Engie, they're competing for the number one spot). I'm deducting points cause of the nonstop alcohol consumpution. :(
• But he is a happy goofy dunk so thank gods for that. Always happy to be here. Very attentive, caring, cuddly, overall a good person to date or even just be friends with.
• Cause the constant alcohol ruined a good portion of his memory (and Medic as well), he writes down every little detail of you that he can in a little journal he secretly keeps on his person. Important dates, likes, dislikes, ect. The man has it on file in case of emergencies.
• Love language: gift giving and act of services. He works three jobs and makes over 5 mil a year, he's LOADED. He's gonna buy you the world if you ask. Definitely good at money managing so he never worried at how much gifts cost. He's also gonna try his darndest to help you out with any problems, though it can be a bit hard when you're constantly drunk. Hims trying his best, okay?
• Wants his mom to approve of you but knows how critical she is of him. Poor baby has some self-esteem issuses cause of her so please give him lots of love and support. It's hard when your mom never has anything nice to say about you and compares you to everyone else. It's a neverending struggle. :(
• You're definitley into weird and questionable people if you like this man, and that means we're best friends now. :D
• He will ask you to help him out with surgeries and organizing his lab. You're hims little nurse. He'd probably (absolutley) be getting you a nurse outfit with his symbol on it.
• He's very much the possessive type. What's his is HIS, no if, ands, buts, or questions about it. Would put a tracker in you so he knows where you are at all times, but someone would have to talk him out of doing it... for now...
• Constantly talks about you to his birds, if any on them ever have babies, he's naming one after you. Would get you a stuffed dove plushie to cuddle with at night when he can't be there with you
• Love language: physical touch and quality time, you're ALWAYS welcomed in his lab, in fact, he expects you to be there with him. Is the type to ask you to grab something and will graze his hands against yours when grabbing it from you. (then give a shit eating smirk afterwards) He'd also be the type to stand VERY close to you, and stand behind you in an intimidating way to keep others from talking to you.
• This man is my all time baby boy so I have LOTS to say about him and how much I love him :')
• Is someone who takes a while to get close to, especially in a romantic way. He's just a shy little boy who's used to being alone. But isn't introverted, just has introverted tendencies (you literally see him hanging out with some of the other mercs in Expiration Date)
• Love language: words of affirmations and physical touch, he sucks at verbally saying how he feels about you but will leave cute little love notes around for you to find. He's also VERY touched-starved so he will just flat out lay on top of you if you let him. Loves hearing you say how much you love him, plz just hold his hands and say how much he means to you, he might just cry from it.
• Is also someone who goes on random adventures, but they're usually just out and away from everyone. But I could see him taking you to a zoo or aquarium to look at the animals. But you're not allowed to go to a Humane Society cause you'll be walking out with all the animals they have and raising them like they're your babies,
• Another gremlin who takes a long time to warm up to you. He's a grumpy old man who's never really been with someone in such a serious light (aside from Scout's Ma)
• Love language: gift giving and words of affirmation, another merc who would buy you the world if you asked. Will only buy you the best of the best and will throw hands with someone if it's not up to his standards. He could go on about his love for you. His words sound like poetry. You'd wake up with a bouquet of roses and one of the most beautiful love letters anyone has ever read.
• Is 50/50 on PDA, he'll wrap an arm around your waist, call you beautiful, and give you a peck on the cheek in front of others but that's about it. Any extreme PDA is to be in private or you're getting a scolding.
• Would definitely help you learn French. He's way more patient with you than anyone else. You've seen him yell and insult every merc a couple times (Scout getting the brunt of it), but he refuses to ever say anything negative about you
• Definitely the bragging type. He'll put you on a pedestal and go on about how gorgeous you are. How you were crafted by gods, and so on. He thinks he's better than everyone else so if you're with him, than you're right up there with him.
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blue-sterling0357 · 1 year
how about some ciel headcanons with a demon s/o? not with angst, like s/o is a young chaos demon that just squeezed themselves on the contract so s/o helps ciel with his work and so.
🐈‍⬛ anon
(I remember a very similar thing of demon! Ciel with a albino! demon! S/O, it's quite cute, but I'm not adding it here! Hope you enjoy reading this!)
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Ciel with a Demon! S/O
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✣ You met Ciel, when Sebastian introduced you both to each other. Sebastian was an elder demon who used to follow you since he met you because he had this instinct to follow you, no matter what you do and he was right as you being a chaos demon happens to be quite harming to his contracts...
✣ Whenever you would get even a hundred mile near the person he has a contract with, they would get in some type of wierd situation, but he enjoys your company even though he hates all demons, except you as you're quite helpful and you knew how to protect his masters and wouldn't be salavting over his master's soul, like he though you would.
✣ So, upon his introducing you, Ciel took you in as one of his maids and upon taking you in, he noticed the immediate change it had on the manor, the trio would cause less problems for him, Sebastian's cats aren't shoing up as often, the place is often clean and Elizabeth ins't decorating it in embarrasing yet cute decor he hates so much.
✣ As he slowly developed feelings and you both started dating, he got to learn about you being a chaos demon, he learnt how Sebastian would protect him from you accidentally bringing chaos everywhere you go, but he doesn't care as you bringing chaos isn't going to change his loves for you.
✣ He is actually quite happy you're a demon, it's because he knows you won't die and it definitely won't be easy to kill, with Sebastian polishing your skills and helping you and though you're younger and around Ciel's age in demon years, you're a fast learner, except sometimes in battles you zone out, but are still fighting and dodging your enemy amazingly except you're staring into nothing...It concerns both Ciel and Sebastian as is this even normal?
✣ Ciel now has another protector, also since you eat the souls of certain people who try to attack Ciel and have a tasty soul, you're rather full and have no need of eating Ciel's soul. If it's Sebastian who kills the perpetrator, he will bring those souls to you, but only if they are high quality souls, he refuses to have his child/sibling/problem child figure have low quality and disgusting souls..
✣ Ciel allows you wayyyy more freedom than he allows Sebastian, like you have brought in three, white tigers in the manor, and Ciel didn't even care, he was also wearing a mask, did those even exist back then? But anyways, Seb is jealous at the amount of freedom you have, except it goes away when you invite him to cuddle with those three, adult, white tigers.
✣ Also, you're just as talented in things as Sebastian despite being at such a young age like you already know 21 languages, can manipulate anyone you want, great st using multiple weapons at the same time, fighting and dodging while drinking a smoothie or eating a cake at the same time. And even though Sebastian says it's because of him, Ciel doesn't believe him because he believes you're just amazing like that!
✣ If you're happy with showing him your horns and wings on occasions, he would love to groom them, clean them, wash them and polish them nicely for you and he does it so often, he knows everything about demon self-care, you'd look all shiny and whenever you and Sebastian show each-other your wings and horns, he's surprised at how clean they are, despite knowing how you don't clean regularly...
✣ Oh, speaking of wings, he loves to cuddle you and sleep with you while you have your wings out, he gets all whiny and upset if you refuse to show them to him when you go to sleep because they're dirty or smell or whatever because you know he will drag you to clean them no matter how late at night it is, cause he now can't sleep without stroking, touching or cuddling your wings..Have fun!
✣ Overall, he doesn't really care, but he's less possessive because he knows demons don't fall for just anyone they meet, only special chosen one, so you won't fall for anybody else and because he knows you won't die during a stupid assassin!
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imloyaltoscoups · 20 days
you're safe | kim mingyu ft jeon wonwoo | part 1
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It's 10 am, and you're still on your dorm bed, lost in the comfort of your blankets as you stare at your phone screen, the weight of your decision feels heavy. You've been contemplating this for weeks, but finally, you've made up your mind to end things with Mingyu. Typing out the message to Wonwoo feels surreal, yet necessary. He's been your rock through thick and thin, even if life has taken you on different paths.
The vibration of your phone breaks the silence, and you see Wonwoo's reply. His words bring a mix of comfort and validation. "You mean that giant dog, your schoolmate?" he asks, and you can almost hear the concern in his voice through the text. Your thumbs move across the screen as you reply, "Who else? I've been seeing him for three years."
The familiarity of Wonwoo's understanding fills you with a sense of relief. "I know, I've had my doubts about him too," he responds, and you can't help but feel grateful for his unwavering support. Wonwoo's been there through it all, even when distance and time tried to pull you apart.
Reflecting on the past, you remember the strain Mingyu's jealousy put on your friendship with Wonu. It wasn't easy, navigating between your boyfriend's insecurities and your lifelong bond with your best friend. But now, with Wonwoo's reassurance, you feel a sense of clarity. Maybe it's time to prioritize your own happiness and well-being.
You think back to all the times Mingyu's behavior raised red flags. His overly friendly interactions with other girls, the way he'd discourage you from talking to Wonwoo, citing baseless concerns about guys and girls being friends. It's become exhausting trying to decipher whether his actions stem from genuine care or something more sinister.
Wonwoo's agreement brings back memories of that painful period when you distanced yourself from him under your boyfriend's influence. It's a reminder of how toxic Mingyu's controlling behavior has been for your relationships outside of him. Maybe it's time to reclaim that lost connection with Wonu, to rebuild what was once a cornerstone of your support system.
As you lay there, your thoughts swirling, you can't help but dwell on Mingyu's positive qualities. He's been a pillar of support through thick and thin, always there to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. His kindness, his patience, his unwavering presence – they're all reasons why you fell for him in the first place. He also helped you with your studies that's a bonus points from him.
But amidst the warmth of his affection, there's a nagging doubt that refuses to be ignored. The way he interacts with other girls, the way he brushes off your concerns, the way he restricts your friendships – they're all red flags waving in the back of your mind.
You shake your head, trying to push away the doubts and uncertainties that threaten to consume you. Maybe you're just overreacting, letting your insecurities get the best of you. After all, Mingyu has never given you a reason to doubt him before.
But then again, there's that gut feeling, that sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach that tells you something isn't right. You've always been intuitive, able to sense when things are unsual, and right now, things definitely feel off.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice the soft buzz of your phone until it draws your attention back to the present. Glancing at the screen, you see a text from Wonwoo, his words a reminder of the support and understanding he's always offered.
With a sigh, you realize that you can't keep brushing aside your concerns, pretending that everything is fine when it clearly isn't. You owe it to yourself to trust your instincts, to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means facing the uncomfortable truth.
Taking a deep breath, you reach for your phone, fingers hovering over the keys as you prepare to confront your long time boyfriend and finally address the doubts that have been eating away at you. It's not going to be easy, but it's time to stop second-guessing yourself and start listening to that inner voice that's been trying to tell you something all along.
As you wait for his response, you take a moment to gather your thoughts and prepare for your own classes. You quickly gather your books and notes, double-checking that you have everything you need for the day ahead.
With a final glance at your phone, you see Mingyu's reply, a simple acknowledgment of your message that you'll be the one picking him up after his class. It's not much, but it's enough to reassure you that he's on board with the plan.
Rushing out of your lecture hall, you quickly pack your things and make your way outside your building. Your heart races with anticipation as you check your watch, knowing that his class is likely finished by now.
As you navigate through the lobby of Mingyu's architecture building, your eyes catch sight of a couple locked in a passionate embrace near a gap in the wall. At first, a flicker of recognition crosses your mind, the tall silhouette triggering a momentary sense of alarm.
But then you shake your head, reminding yourself that there are plenty of tall guys on campus besides Mingyu. You try to push the thought aside, focusing instead on fetching your boyfriend from class.
However, despite your efforts to ignore them, your instincts urge you to confront the couple. Taking a deep breath, you approach them, your heart pounding in your chest.
To your surprise, it's not him that was entangled with the girl in the embrace. Relief floods through you, quickly followed by a pang of guilt for assuming the worst.
"Sorry to interrupt," you say, your voice laced with sincerity as you apologize to the couple for intruding on their moment.
With a polite nod, you swiftly make your exit, the encounter serving as a reminder to trust your instincts but also not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
But as you reach Mingyu's lecture hall and spot him waiting outside, a warm smile on his face as he sees you approach, those doubts fade into the background. You push aside the lingering unease, choosing to focus on the present moment and the person standing in front of you.
"Hey," Mingyu greets you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and you return the embrace, feeling a sense of comfort wash over you in his familiar arms.
"Hey," you reply, forcing a smile as you try to shake off the lingering unease from earlier. "Ready to go?"
He nods, as you two step outside the building, the weight of your decision to break up hangs heavy in the air. Taking a deep breath, you steel yourself and finally broach the topic.
"Mingyu, we need to talk," you begin, your voice trembling slightly.
His eyes widen in surprise, and you can see the beginning of tears forming in his eyes. "Did I… Did I do something wrong?" he asks, his voice cracking with emotion.
You notice the curious glances from passersby and quickly take his hand, leading him to a more secluded spot nearby. Cupping his face gently in your hands, you feel a pang of guilt at the sight of his vulnerability. He isn't the type to get emotional easily, and seeing him like this only adds to your turmoil.
"I just… I don't think we should be together anymore," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Why? Why would you say that?" he responds, his voice desperate and pleading. "I would never cheat on you. You're the only girl I have eyes for."
Your heart aches at his words, but you can't shake the feeling of unease that has been gnawing at you. "It's not about that," you explain, your voice tinged with frustration. "It's about the other girls, the ones who keep flirting with you, and you just let them."
Mingyu's expression darkens, hurt flashing in his eyes. "Don't you trust me?" he asks, his voice tinged with disappointment.
You take a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. "I… I don't know," you admit, feeling a knot form in your stomach.
His gaze softens, and he reaches out to take your hand. "Look, if it bothers you that much, I'll stop talking to other girls," he offers, sincerity lacing his words. "Even though I know you and your 'boy' friend have started talking again."
You bristle at the mention of Wonwoo, but you quickly defend yourself. "Won and I are just friends, Gyu. Nothing more, nothing less."
He furrows his brow, considering your words. "But Wonwoo never had a girlfriend, right?" he asks, a hint of accusation in his tone.
You nod, feeling a sense of unease settle over you once again. "That's beside the point," you say, trying to redirect the conversation back to the issue at hand. "What about the girls who keep throwing themselves at you, Mingyu? And you just let them…"
Mingyu's expression softens, and he pulls you into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't realize how much it was bothering you," he says, his voice filled with remorse. "But I promise, from now on, it'll just be you and me. No more distractions, no more doubts."
Feeling a mix of relief and guilt, you can't help but apologize to Mingyu, realizing that perhaps you've been overanalyzing things. His gentle demeanor and golden retriever-like friendliness have always been one of his endearing qualities, and maybe you've let your insecurities get the best of you.
"I'm sorry, love," you say softly, meeting his gaze with a sense of regret. "I think I've been overthinking things. I know you're just naturally friendly, and I shouldn't have let it get to me."
Mingyu's expression softens, and he leans in to give you a soft peck on the lips. "It's okay, love," he reassures you, his voice warm and comforting. "You don't need to worry about these things. I'm here for you, always."
Feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders, you return his kiss with a grateful smile. Maybe you were letting your insecurities get the best of you.
As Mingyu drops you off at your dorm, he suggests going out together on the weekend, and you agree with a smile. "That sounds great," you say, feeling a sense of relief wash over you.
You give him a tight hug, savoring the warmth of his embrace, before leaning in to give him a goodbye kiss. "Thanks for understanding," you say softly, feeling grateful for his patience and reassurance.
Mingyu returns the hug with equal warmth, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Of course, Love. I'll see you soon," he says, his voice filled with affection as he reluctantly pulls away and heads off.
As you watch him go, a smile tugs at the corners of your lips. Despite the doubts and misunderstandings, you know that your relationship with Mingyu is stronger than ever.
Once he's out of sight, you pull out your phone and quickly text Wonwoo, letting him know that the misunderstanding has been resolved. "Hey Wonu, just wanted to let you know that Gyu and I talked things out. Everything's fine now. Thank youuu," you type out, feeling grateful for his understanding and friendship.
Mingyu's POV
As Mingyu steps out of Y/N's dorm building, a sense of relief washes over him. He takes a deep breath, feeling grateful that they were able to resolve their misunderstanding. He then pulls out his phone, opening his group chat with his friends, feeling the need to share his thoughts.
"Y/N's instincts are scary accurate," he types out, his fingers tapping out the message quickly.
His friends respond almost immediately, curious about what happened. "Uh oh, did you get caught?" Minghao teases, adding a winking emoji for good measure.
Dokyeom added, "Seriously, if you got caught, it would've been game over."
Mingyu chuckles, shaking his head as he types out his reply. "Nope, all good on my end," he responds, feeling a sense of satisfaction at successfully navigating the conversation with Y/N.
As he walks, he runs a hand through his hair, feeling a surge of confidence coursing through him. Mingyu prides himself on his ability to charm and manipulate situations to his advantage, and tonight was no different.
Feeling a buzz from his phone, he glances down to see his friends' responses. Dokyeom jokes about him meeting up with some girl, but Mingyu quickly sets the record straight.
"Nah, different plans tonight," he replies, keeping his tone casual as he continues on his way.
As he navigates the bustling campus, Mingyu can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at his ability to play the game. Pretending to be vulnerable, shedding a few crocodile tears – it's all just another day in the life of Kim Mingyu.
With a smirk, he sends one final message to the group chat, informing his friends that he'll be radio silent until midnight. With that, he pockets his phone and heads off to meet the girl who's invited him to join her. After all, when you're as charming and charismatic as he is, it's all just a game.
part 2, part 3
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author's note: hi there, you reached the end. congratulations. i think you guys already know what kind of "genre i want" to write, hahaha. if you're wandering if someone hurt me. nope, no one.🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻. am i enjoying this? yes, yes i am. this is one of the mini series i'll be posting.
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....... ≿━━━━༺MINGYU༻━━━━≾ .......
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Yanderes with a Darling that's in that fatigue state of depression (whether it's chronic or from being kidnapped) and don't really know how to deal with it. On the one hand, Darling lying in bed all day is perfect since they're not trying to escape. But they also think that if they make Darling happy the way they SHOULD be, then Darling will finally be "grateful" and see that they love their yandere
Tomura just drags them through a portal to do what he likes to do when he feels empty: destroy shit. They can't disentegrate things, so he just hands them a crowbar or a baseball bat and takes them to a junkyard he liked destroying when he was a kid. He also tries to fuck them to make them feel better, giving them oral or rubbing his cock against them until they cum.
He'd also let them be for a while, but not for multiple days. He knows a depressive spiral when he sees one. So he'll slip an antidepressant into their drink and force them to swallow it, make them drink water and bring them food. But he also has them lay in his lap while he games and won't make them get up too often.
Amai is annoyed at first. They're just...lying there, dark circles under their eyes, tired and poor quality skin, hunched up and ruining their posture. But he concedes that he's the only being in the world that could make self hatred and loathing look good, so that isn't Darling's fault. He would insist on giving them a spa day, if only so they don't have to feel and look as poorly on the outside as they do on the inside. Plus they're not going to object and he gets to use them like a doll for the whole day. He also doesn't get why this is their way of coping, since whenever he's depressed he just throws himself into his work. He can't lay around all day looking like a depressed, tired little...thing when he's got so many people who love him and depend on him! And now that he's starting to actually care about his Darling (in his own sick way), he can't stand to just do nothing and let THEM do nothing. It won't help.
He'd also use sex to try and coax them into feeling something, but it's more of an ego thing; if sex with HIM, where Amai Mask himself is focused entirely on your pleasure doesn't make you feel good, nothing will. Plus it makes him feel like he's helping them and even saving them from themselves instead of being the one responsible for why they're in such a state.
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semisolidmind · 2 months
been seeing some anthro designs of the current blorbos and i can’t stop thinking about an au for it. so, to get it outta my brain;
(i guess this is a college au?)
—dogday and catnap as adoptive brothers, with a big group of friends (the critters, who are mostly dogday’s friends that tolerate catnap), the cat is primarily mute and allows his brother to do the talking for the both of them.
—catnap was kidnapped when he and dogday were kids. he was 5, and he was missing for five years. to their credit, his family never gave up hope of finding him. when he was found, he was dazed, stumbling along the road, malnourished, and bleeding from shallow wounds on his arms and legs. his vocal chords had been fried through the forced inhalation of some strange drug, and he couldn't speak at all for a good long while after. catnap and his adopted family learned sign language (and though his voice healed somewhat as he got older, he still prefers not to use it). despite getting better, his voice maintains a raspy, whispery quality.
—catnap was obviously traumatized by his time away and refused to talk about it. it was deduced that he'd been taken by an infamous cult in the area and indoctrinated. a very close eye was kept on him throughout the rest of his grade school life. with no behavioral problems beyond a lack of speech and general closed-off attitude, most write off any weird behavior of his as a result of his trauma. he maintains a close relationship with his brother, he works nightshifts at a gas station, and stays out of trouble. supposedly.
—(catnap's a serial killer. he destroys anyone with a target placed on them by his god; a being the cult calls "the prototype." the cult conditioned him to be their executioner. catnap still smokes the opium-based drugs fed to him all those years ago, now sent to him discreetly by the cult; to help him "see what the prototype wants him to see," and "enact his will." his almost-full immunity allows him to use the smoke to knock out his victims by casually taking a drag and blowing it into their faces (he then either kills them right then or takes them to the cult to be sacrificed).
—dogday is a bright, happy fella who makes friends with almost anyone. he's a favorite on campus, a sweet guy who radiates sunshine and maintains a large group of friends. he has a massive crush on y/n, a newcomer to his school, and immediately integrates them into his circle (he calls them angel, something about them "saving" him from some accident? no one is really sure what happened there). he's terrible at hiding just how smitten he is, and his friends tease him when y/n isn't around. dogday swears he'll confess, but he gets so flustered and nervous about messing up their relationship. it doesn't help that his angel is so oblivious to his love (bobby does her best to try and nudge y/n towards dogday, but it never seems to click). y/n and dogday are very close despite all this tension.
—catnap likes y/n too, in his quiet way. he'll stand with them when the group is together, resting his chin on the top of their head or leaning on them while everyone stands around and talks. he sits next to them in the library while bubba tutors dogday in math, resting his head on the desk and watching y/n read out of his peripheral. he likes how quiet they are. they're so...so gentle with him, without being condescending or infantalizing him. he appreciates the care they show him. he wants all the attention they'll give him.
he also likes that they're a little scared of him.
some more ideas:
—both boys are close to y/n and spend a lot of time with them, without the rest of their friends.
—y/n becomes one of the only people catnap won't kill. he's gotten attached.
—happening in a universe where monsters and humans coexist. not a ton of division, but there's a monster side of town (where the buildings are much bigger to accommodate larger bodies) and a human side.
—you think catnap is the only dangerous one until you see how dogday reacts to y/n being harmed in some way. like catnap is the obviously dangerous one you don't take your eyes off of but then you catch dogday outta your peripheral about to clock you with a pipe
—dogday is an absolutely wonderful partner, so devoted and loyal, and willing to throw hands if given a reason to (a big surprise to anyone who thinks he's just the "nice" one). y/n isn't completely oblivious to his affection, but is hesitant to act on any feelings they have; while most monsters don't mind human/monster relationships, there are plenty of humans that disapprove. they don't want dogday to be harassed because of them.
—a scene where catnap forcefully shotguns red smoke into y/n’s mouth to knock them out cause he thinks it’d make them happier to not have to “worry so much" and take a nap w/ him (also he wants a lil kiss and can't be normal about it). or maybe he's tryna kidnap them or smth. y/n doesn't really remember much when catnap does this, and writes it off as catnap's drowsy nature rubbing off on them when they wake up after an unexpected snooze.
—catnap doesn't like being touched usually. his brother and y/n are the exceptions.
—it's very subtle, and noone would notice if they weren't watching them closely, but both catnap's and dogday's pupils get a bit bigger when looking at y/n. two overgrown, lovesick housepets.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Oh my goodness, that SKZ signs they are falling for you made me want to immediately ask you to do Ateez next (ofc when you have time, if you'd even like to!) Can't wait for the second part of SKZ on that either!
signs ateez would show when they're in love
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genre: fluffy romance stuff because we're all softies here
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy! <3
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hongjoong is an endearing mixture of confident and shy
he's very smiley and doesn't want to miss any opportunity to spend time with you. his confidence comes in the way your conversations flow so smoothly with each other. he feels like he could talk with you for hours on end without getting bored or tired. and it would all be worth it
the shyness comes from when you compliment him. and this is how he knows that he is in love. usually, compliments don't faze him as such. he can take them quite well and humbly accept them
but when the praise comes from you, it hits different. he feels a sense of pride and joy that he has never felt before. suddenly his cheeks are heating up and his ears turn red
his main love language is quality time. and this, you would assume, is a tricky situation, because... he's kim hongjoong. he's busy 25/8, is constantly at the studio and his schedule is packed
but when he's in love, he never lets his busy life get in the way of time with you. on the contrary, it doesn't faze him at all
he didn't realise how romantic he could possibly be. but being in love has made him see he was clearly underestimating his romantic side
suddenly all the songs he writes are about you. suddenly, when his mind wanders, they wonder to thoughts of you. and when he picks up his phone, his fingers automatically look for your number.
it seems that you have replaced his eyes with stars
because they shine ever so brightly when they look your way
he's entranced by you. everything about you to him is intoxicating and exciting and beautiful and amazing and perfect
a main sign that seonghwa is in love is the constant, persistent smile that is plastered on his face when he is with the one he loves most
his smile never falters. how could anyone ever be this happy?
compliments you forever and ever - there is no end to his praises for you. and he will reject every single praise he gets from you in return because he's a humble king and can't take a compliment
also, another sign that he is in love is if he, ehem, shares his interest with you
be prepared for a lot of lego and star wars talk. and you best believe he's forcing you to play animal crossing with him this man is adorable
no but sometimes he gets a bit shy sharing his interest with people because he's unsure about how they might react. but because he loves and trusts you so much, he wants you to be part of that aspect of his life :((
overall, he's just very attentive and loving. wants to be there for you and comfort you and provide you with the emotional support you need. he just cares a lot about you and wants to take care for you jn a way only he can.
yunho feels himself falling in love very quickly. it's not a revelation that catches him off guard. rather, he can sense when he falls, deeper and deeper, and he doesn't try to fight it. what's the point in resisting something like love? oh no, he embraces it
there are certain signs that people who are close to him can catch onto, but perhaps a stranger or an aquaintance might not be able to tell the difference between when he is speaking to you compared to when he's speaking to someone else
he is the usual happy, smiley puppy, laughing charmingly and sprinkling jokes here and there
but his ears are bright red and he literally can't help it
makes it his whole purpose in life to make you laugh or smile. like... him being the reason you experience happiness?? even if it's momentary, it means everything to him. he feels so light-headed and giggly when you laugh at his jokes - it's really like he's won at life
is too shy to initiate physical contact :< but if he ACciDentaLlY touched you like idk leaned over and mindlessly wrapped an arm around you or even caused you to trip and land perfectly in his arms WhAt a CoiNCIDenCe - then he tries to be smooth with it (all according to plan 👿muhahahhaha)
yeosangie can be a very private person, especially when it comes to his innermost feelings
so when he's in love, he's likely to keep it to himself at the start. and he doesn't want to seem too obvious with his lovey-dovey feelings
but there's always someone that sees the signs. someone who knows yeosang better than he thinks he does
ehem, jung wooyoung
wooyoung would relish in the knowledge that he is the only one who has figured out that yeosang is in love (much to yeosang's irritation)
wooyoung would love to sit back and watch shy yeosang's interactions with you. all the different signs he's in love are so obvious to his playful friend
yeosang would blush whenever he spoke to you. he would want to make a beeline to you at social events but he holds himself back for a bit, not wanting to come on to strongly
his eyes will grow wide with interest when he finally starts talking to you. he wants to hear everything you have to say. you're the only person who's on his mind at this point - his focus is solely on you
it's so cute to watch yeosang try and interact with you ;-; gosh he's so smitten and doesn't know how to act after the time
it is very obvious when sannie is in love
his eyes are only on you
his focus and time and energy are all on you
there is no one else. nothing else. there is only you in his life. all the other things are just distractions to him
when he falls for someone, he falls hard. he's a very passionate being and, when his emotions are involved, his whole heart is consumed by these feelings
and he doesn't hold himself back. he wants to act on these feelings in whatever way he can
physical affection - he will leave light touches here and there. lingering touches that leave you flustered, and wanting more. he'll hug you when he says goodbye, and basically give any excuse to touch or be near you
but words of affirmation seem to be the most prevalent signs of san's love for you
that, and the fierce, unfaltering eye contact
like... we've all seen him at fansigns recently... honestly i wouldn't be able to cope, myself. if he looked at me like that and SPOKE to me like that i would melt into the ground ANYWAYS
that's a massive sign that he's in love. just the closeness. the one-on-one connection that he craves. it's something very beautiful to be on the receiving end of
when mingi falls for someone, there's no going back
mingi is a mixture of things when he's in love - he can be lively and playful, all the while being a bit shy and hesitant. he has sparks of confidence mixed with sparks of awkwardness. it makes for a very exciting time
he wants to talk to you all the time. but when the time for talking comes, he can get a bit shy and awkward in himself. he may stumble over his words and chuckle at himself. it's all very endearing and cute <33
probably would want to be touchy with you as soon as he possibly can, but might not know how or if he even should
but he's just so cuddly and craves a lot of physical contact :( he tries to rein it in for you, but if you're happy to oblige and indulge his hugs and kisses cravings then he will be very happy
when he's away from you but he's constantly texting you... yeah, that's a massive sign
especially when he's on tour and he's updating you about what he's been up to and wants you to do the same. just get married at this point, idk
he just wants to share all these precious moments with you. like he can't imagine living his life without you by his side, experiencing the same things and living life with him
to be honest, some might say he is totally obvious when he is falling for someone, especially if he isn't dating them yet
but think about it
this guy is friendly with a lot of people, right? sometimes it's hard to differentiate who he reallyyyy likes compared with who he just likes as a friend, you know what i mean? he's flirty with everyone, he teases everyone, he's affectionate to most people. so it's not as easy as one might assume to find out if he's actually in love
but the main signs are when he can be serious with you
wooyoung loves having a laugh. but with those he's closest to, he feels it's also important to know what they're feeling and thinking. he likes to learn about them on a more personal level. he doesn't want to be shallow when he's in love
so him wanting to spend more time with you or asking questions about you sincerely is a clear sign
also, inside jokes and small acts of service from him is another indicator
idk he's just so full of love. so it will not be obvious at first, but once he's completely fallen for you, he shows so much love towards you it's insane
honestly, it takes a long time for jongho to fall for someone. so when he does fall for someone, the signs are really gradual but solid... if that makes any sense
it probably doesn't lmao so let me explain
it takes a certain type of person for jongho to fall in love with. and when he does feel these feelings bubbling up within him when he is near you, he doesn't ignore them
he takes this as a sign and is moved to get to know you better
so a main sign of his love for you would be the fact that he wants to spend his time with you
he views you as his close friend and feels you getting closer and closer with each encounter; something which he has never experienced before
he's more inclined to tell you about his thoughts, emotions and secrets than anyone else. there's something about you that just... brings it out of him. he trusts you enough to share this stuff about him, so count yourself lucky!
he might even grow physically affectionate too! that's when you know he is undoubtedly in love with you. because never usually initiates physical touch with anyone. but now he's reaching to touch your hand, or wrapping an arm around you if you get cold
if the other members catch him doing this, he will never be able to live it down because it's so revolutionary!!
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ateez taglist : @a-wandering-stay, @xlovehwa, @yeosangsbiceps, @acciocriativity, @hawaiian-angel, @chammak-challokys (if you want to be added or removed please let me know :D)
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almightygremlinblob · 13 days
Sukuna Ryomen HCs - Canon & Fanon!
CONTENT WARNINGS: Unbeta'd. None, for the first part - which may as well be a part character analysis of sorts along with hcs. Under the cut is when stuff gets weird. So minors and those uncomfy with anything remotely sexual don't click the "Keep Reading" and just scroll past! Will put another warning, tho, just in case.
Personally I LOVE Sukuna's true form, but these can be read as any of his forms (except for the tummy mouth stuff, haha).
Word Count: 1694
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Sukuna HCs - Canon Sukuna
1.) Aromantic, Asexual and sex repulsed or; Demiromantic, Asexual and sex repulsed. Listen. Has never done anything to Uraume (MY LOVE) - well, that we know of, anyway. Yorozu, beautiful, beautiful Yorozu, hugs him completely nakey; no reaction AT ALL. Kenny sleeps with his brother and it's "Kenjaku does the grosest things." Come on. 2.) Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually think he's super arrogant. He just STRONGLY believes that the weak should eat their suffering at the hands of the strong - and he's at the top of the food chain. All that smirking during the fights, talking down his opponents and just generally toying with them, completely lines up with his worldview. Even when he converses with Yorozu about her conditions for winning, he says that she can do whatever she wants with him because if he loses, that's "akin to death" and she proves herself stronger than him - again with the previous point. His worldview doesn't exclude himself just because he's been given the title of the strongest, unlike a lot of arrogant characters who think they're exempt from the rules they "follow". Sukuna seems to be…like a whole lot of neutral, as long as it lines up with his worldview. When it DOESN'T (ahem-his soul nephew-ahem), then he begin to lose it. 3.) Speaking of, he's obsessed with Jujutsu and honing his craft, having good food and a good fight - it's all he wants. Sukuna doesn't care where he stands at the food chain, he'll accept if there's an opponent stronger than him and die happy, and if it's weaker but puts up a good fight then he'll kill it and still be happy. He's living moment to moment, doing what makes him happy, poking at whatever interests him and living his life according to his values. (Sounds good on paper but ALSO just sounds like he's chasing the next "high" as long as it comes from an opponent that lines up with his beliefs). 4.) Is a wonderful artist and poet and, much like traditional Japanese painting (which is surprisingly close to Chinese painting), he prefers ink for his works and calligraphy, charcoal, too. He would have plenty of it back in the Heian era. 🙃 5.) UNWANTED. As a child he was unwanted, as a sorcerer nobody liked him or working with him (also because he was tricky to work with - essentially using the other sorcerers to get the upper hand in battle), curses tried to stay clear of him, and even when he was worshipped nobody wanted to do it - they only did it to get on his good graces or get something from him. Sukuna may have been a king, but he was an unwanted one, all the same - an unwanted king who sat in his empty temple. 6.) Views Jin as simply part of himself, because by Jujutsu standards that's the case - twins are considered one - and the Jujutsu world is heavily tied to his worldview. However, Jin himself is a completely different person; personality, physique and all. 7.) Hates modern food. Just…hates it. From the meat, to the veggies, to the spices, to the PEOPLE. It tastes SOOO BAD to him. Everything's become more abundant but at WHAT COST??? Quality of the food is out the window completely. Only Uraume can make something decent out of everything (leave it to our favorite chef). Because most animal meat was prohibited from consumption in the Heian era due to the influence of Buddhism (as far as I know), he had a lot of those to choose from back then. One of the dishes he did eat frequently, though, was Hishio with rice and some kind of meat (any he had access to at the time). 8.) Loves fighting because that's when his worldview IS a reality. It's only win or lose, the strong or the weak…AND THEN THERE'S YUUJI- 9.) Given the themes surrounding his character, and Yuuji's, actually, the quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson comes to mind; "Tis better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all." 10.) Generally doesn't like to be stared or looked at unless it's in a fight - he's had plenty of staring and hushed whispers back in the Heian era.
Sukuna HCs - Fanon Sukuna x Reader
These are not specified to be romantic or platonic, and can be read however you'd like. Reader's gender or sex is not specified.
1.) Expect stern, gentle and very QUIET comfort from this guy. Sukuna isn't one to coddle, and he might even be annoyed if you're crying. If he isn't wordlessly wiping your tears away, he'll be softly chastising you for crying over "someone so insignificant" or "a situation you can easily handle". He's not trying to belittle your problems, not at all - he recognizes your strong points, where they are, and he just truly KNOWS you can handle whatever it is you're facing. It's less "Stop being so dramatic, it's annoying." and more "What are you upset about? You can handle this easy…" 2.) Doesn't like grandeur displays of affection, it reminds him of all the (frankly fake) worship he recieved in the Heian era. He appreciates small and meaningful gestures SO MUCH more. Likewise, he also gives small and meaningful gestures to his favorite person; a poem, a painting, good food, letting your touch linger, letting you stare at him. Don't talk down on him or about him, though, and keep the teasing to a minimum; he does demand some level of respect. 💜 3.) As stated before, he's obsessed with Jujutsu and honing his craft, having good food and a good fight - it's all he wants. But then you come along and make days without that…somehow bearable? And then somehow he begins to seek out your company. And then somehow, he feels anxious and as if something's missing without it. 4.) The tummy mouth WILL purr, but it's more of a low and content growling than a cat or cheetah's purr. 5.) Sukuna doesn't like to be looked at, although your gaze doesn't bother him as much. However, he does NOT like it when your attention is on someone else when you're with him - even if you can't look - he needs to know your mind is ON HIM, still.
Alright you know the drill. Minors and anyone uncomfy with anything remotely sexual DNI further, and just scroll past this. Don't click the "Keep Reading" if you don't wanna see all the romantic or sex-y stuff, and just go on with your day furendo!
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Fanon Sukuna - Romantic & Explicit
⚠️Further Content Warnings:⚠️ Soft Sukuna, Sukuna fluff, Virgin!Sukuna, Whiny Sukuna, as usual Sukuna writings = food metaphors.
1.) Falls first, face first, and falls HARD. Was in complete denial because "love is trash" but this feeling is…actually NICE??? Actually makes his days better??? For once he's not bored out of his mind (and nearly to insanity) when he's not fighting or eating??? 2.) Virgin. Guy is inexperienced with all genders and sexes. Listen, as much as I love King!Sukuna and his favorite concubine trope, I'll have to do the 180 here. The guy probably never touched anyone in his life - cuz he also didn't want to. Why would he, when all the women and men offered to him were sacrifices from families with ulterior motives, and who were, themselves, harboring alterior motives, too? Nobody actually wants to be with him - he was an unwanted king, with followers who only bowed to get on his good graces and GET SOMETHING from him. Why would he want what they were offering? 3.) This guy has never been this close and intimate with anyone in a way that's not TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER, and it takes him quite a bit of time to get used to this. It's all so overwhelming the first few times; the emotions, and the pleasure of it, and the fact that he's being so vulnerable with YOU. However, once he starts to get more comfortable, then he gets more eager and if we've seen anything about him - it's that he's a fast learner. Starts to pick up on what feels good for the both of you. Starts to look forward to it, too. 4.) He'll tease you - of course, but all the same he'll growl and whimper and plead for you, too. Yes, the tummy mouth will also growl and whine. The sweet noises he makes are reserved for you and only you. 5.) He WILL lick and taste your skin, let his teeth dig softly into your flesh but never biting too deep to break it - it's his favorite thing to do. Remember how he can manifest multiple mouths? Yeah, he's absolutely doing that to taste you more. 6.) His kisses, once hesitant and dare you say - shy, become passionate. Way too passionate. It's overwhelming. His tongue tastes every part of your mouth he can, gently biting and suckling and licking your lips (your neck, your shoulders, your wrists, your SKIN in general...) as if to drain the blood from them, hands roaming your body and kneading the soft flesh. Every part of you like a feast he can almost eat. 7.) Slow and intense lovemaking; almost violent in a way that feels like he's trying to literally devour you. 8.) Does NOT like your attention elsewhere and WILL NOT share you during lovemaking. Think about him, not someone or something else. Be with him, not elsewhere. Look at him, and only him.
GOD is it difficult to be a Sukuna fan sometimes - especially if you like other characters, too. Especially Gojo and Yuji...coughs awkwardly. Well that'd be just terrible now wouldn't it?
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
There's a stereotype about children of strict parents having their Teenage Rebellion Phase in grown adulthood, doing all the things that were strictly prohibited at home. My family didn't have any kind of clear or consistent rules or discipline, but I've been noticing the things that I now feel allowed to do.
One major one is fussing over my appearance. While it's good to teach your children that the way someone looks shouldn't matter, we were also quite clearly taught that how you look shouldn't matter to you, either. We were scolded for judging people, but were definitely taught that people who care about their appearance beyond making sure that they're clean and dressed appropriately for the occasion are pathetic, pitiable creatures. "Nobody cares how you look" wasn't just something that insidiously seeped through in unintended implications, it was repeated out loud every time.
My mother was never pretty. We were strictly taught that looks don't matter and being bothered by something like that is something you should be ashamed of, but she was in the habit of standing in front of the mirror and complaining to her children about all the ugly things in her appearance. Often enough that I don't balk to say that my mother is ugly. And I grew up to look just like her. I got her bad skin and bulldog jowls, every feature in my face that's ugly is one that I got from her.
I got three face piercings, changed my whole wardrobe, and dyed my hair bright pink the year I cut my family out of my life. I didn't go out of my way to choose some specific style they would disapprove of, just one that made me happy. The part that they'd disapprove of was spending time, money and effort on it. Professional, good quality piercings cost money, I had to travel to another city to get them and spend months meticulously cleaning them just to have stupid shiny things on my face that make me happy. I spent time and effort finding clothes that I really liked, and take the time to put my jewellery on when I leave the house, because I like the way they look and it makes me happy. I spend money on skin treatments and a twice-per-day hair care routine because I have the time and money and that's what I want to spend them on.
My family wasn't religious but I sure was taught that vanity is a sin. My mother was an ugly woman and I grew up to look like her. But I'll be ugly in my own terms.
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pathetic-sapphic · 3 months
I'm a humble sapphic Karlach lover asking for imagines about being married to her (maybe including if she'd actually like to settle down, have kids, etc) pls and thank you :'D
Settling down with Karlach
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I definitely think that, after the whole mess, Karlach would love to travel with her beloved for a while. She wants to enjoy her newfound freedom and share everything that the world has to offer with them.
Eventually though, she starts getting homesick. Which is weird since you two don't really have a home of your own to go to. You have spent countless evenings under the stars, soaking up each other's warmth by cuddling and exchanging loving kisses inside your shared tent.
You have started growing weary too. Adventure is wonderful and the world has so much to see and so many experiences to offer. But one can hardly go for so long without some quality rest.
So, you settle down eventually. A quaint cottage with a vast garden that the two of you can call your own. The nature surrounding it gives you some well-earned peace and a nearby town has any supplies you might need.
It's easy to become familiar with a routine. Karlach has discovered a passion for gardening. It keeps her calm and thus allows her to work with plants without fear of destroying them.
Your wonderful cooking keeps her sated and, with this new way of life, Karlach has had to let out almost every pair of pants she owns. She can relax now and enjoy the quaint day-to-day life with you. She indulges in your home-cooked meals and tasty pastries, making her gain some weight.
And oh, does it look good on her. You have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself whenever she's around, her soft stomach and strong arms right there for you to hold. Seeing her so happy and pampered makes you proud, knowing that she's so comfortable around you and that you get to share this peaceful life together makes you tear up.
When you bring up the idea of having children, Karlach's heart almost stops beating. Before it quickly picks up again from the excitement at the thought of becoming a parent.
If you're the one who carries the child, she is so doting and caring. Never lets you do anything, you cannot even lift a finger as long as she's around.
Is in love with your pregnant belly, a protective hand is always resting on the swell of it. She massages your back and feet, helps you dress or bathe as the pregnancy progresses. Holds you when you cry due to the fear and anxiety of becoming a parent and loves you endlessly through all of it.
Almost passes out during childbirth, seeing you in pain is the hardest thing she ever had to go through. Lets you squeeze her hand as hard as you need to, all the while pressing soothing kisses against your sweaty forehead. Cries along with you when the baby is born, sobbing as she holds them in her arms for the first time, all the while telling you how amazing you were.
If you decide to adopt, she's also immensely happy. Karlach admires your kindness and willingness to give a child a better home.
An extremely nervous mother, especially in the first couple of years of your child's life. Jumps out of bed at the smallest sound of their distress, anxiously shushing your baby as they cry. She hates waking you up, knowing how hard you work all day to take care of the house and your child. But sometimes, she honestly can't figure out how to calm them down and hesitantly wakes you up to ask for help. This is mostly because she hates the sound of your child crying, knowing that they're uncomfortable and sad makes her heart squeeze painfully and renders her brain useless.
As your child grows, she relaxes more and lets her playful side show. She makes toys for them and wants to give them the best childhood they could ask for.
Wouldn't mind having more children if you were up for it. Karlach loves the idea of your home being lively and warm.
She never thought that one day she'd be able to settle down and have a family with someone she considers her soulmate. But life has a curious way of surprising us with the things we least expect.
Every night when she goes to bed, after tucking your child in and kissing you goodnight, Karlach thinks that all the pain and suffering was worth it, if this is what she did it for.
a/n: im alive! also, i still haven't played bg3 so please lmk if i made any micharacterizations or mistakes. i'm mostly going by how i've seen karlach act in clips and walkthroughs :)
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
(Reader x dsmp/mcyt)
Reader who just got their tongue pierced and their s/o's/partners reaction?
-🌕 anon!
oooo I like this one!! I got a little handful of mcyts here so hopefully I got all the ones you were looking for! and welcome to the family 🌕 anon! you're officially my first child lmao
MCYT ; you get your tongue pierced
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, karl jacobs, quackity, nihachu, and foolish gamers
warnings ; language, mention of pills, mentions/descriptions of oral anatomy (ik some ppl get icked when ppl talk about insides of mouths i get it)
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"woah- hey there"
you're bouncing off the walls and dying to show him
you picked the one moment he's busy with editing and you stand behind him for a solid 3 minutes before he turns around
you stick your tongue out to show off your new piercing and he exclaims a bit, his emotions in awe
he may look disgusted or cringed, but he's just surprised you're for one, not in pain, two, how good it looks on you
"Holy shit, it looks awesome y/n!"
then proceeds to ask a million questions about it
he's mostly just curious what it feels like inside your mouth and how you take care of it and eat around it
idk what to call it bc I obv don't have a tongue piercing (or any in general LMAO) but you do the little putting the piercing between your teeth trick for him and he jumps back all frightened at first
he had no idea how you did it somehow
"how the fuck did you just do that???"
you to be fair jumpscared him with it so you just kinda show him
"doesn't that hurt????"
once you show him (coming straight to him after leaving the piercers) you're all happy and shit and happy to show him that you're doing things to express yourself and be more comfortable in your body
"Holy shit, that's so cool! Wait, oh my God, did you get stabbed in the tongue with a needle??"
"Not really stabbed but-"
"ohhh God no! are you okay? does it not hurt???"
also proceeds to ask you a bunch of questions
he's confused on how you'd disinfect it and shit considering it's in your mouth and shit
he's overall just really fascinated and he likes asking questions to better understand this new change for you
he's happy if you're happy yk? 🫶
he makes sure that you remember to take care of it and whatnot, and you're taking plenty of ibuprofen/tylenol for headaches while it's still fresh
he likes helping you style outfits according to the jewelry too, he's a little fashionista fr
"Ran, lookit!"
Bro looks up at you with your tongue out and his resting face turns into a wide smile
"Oh my God!? you actually got it? I'm so happy for you!"
wraps you in a hug
once the excitement wears off he's super paranoid about you being uncomfortable or in pain because I mean your tongue just got jabbed with a needle and now you've got a piece of metal in it
also asks questions, mostly because he also wants to understand how it feels in your mouth
"does it like... rub up on the roof of your mouth and scratch it? like, does it hurt other than the pain from the insertion?"
they LOVE when you do the little teeth trick, it's just so cool to them lmao
they'll gift you some new (high quality) jewelry as well every once in a while
he literally went online to get a customized one that says "#1 Ranboo fan" in it for you 💀💀
instead of wearing it, you turn it into a bracelet/necklace/use it as another kind of piercing that way you can actually show it off
he likes seeing you fidget around specifically w the pill ones
questions you constantly how you don't accidently swallow it or something
"wait.. do you take it out when you shower and brush your teeth? genuine question, I swear!"
again, they're happy if you're happy
they're happy seeing you be able to express yourself more clearly and they don't care what it is, they're always by your side
he, harry, & bill came with you for moral support
he wasn't staring down the inside of your mouth but he felt the pain with how hard you were squeezing his hand 💀💀💀💀
he looks up at Harry and Bill with pleading eyes like "Holy shit they have some grip help me"
he refuses to buy/let you buy jewelry that isn't 100% high quality
nor is he letting that shit get infected either
he always notices when you match the jewelry to your outfits or the occasion as well
like you'll be attending the streamer awards and you'll smile for a picture and he'll just see your jewelry perfectly matches your outfit
he likes buying you the fun colorful ones bc you only buy the plain silver/gold/black ones for yourself
"Wait, how do you like... get it out?"
"how much does it hurt?"
sometimes he just finds jewelry you left on the nightstand or dresser from when you have sleepovers
he'll text you like "dude you left your stuff here again I told you to check 💀"
"Shut up I'm omw back"
like engulfs you in a hug
instantly shows you off the the gang and shit
you basically tell chat all about the story at the piercers and he's cringing in pain all the way through
oh my God he hates the descriptions you use he swears it's just to tease him or something
also the type to custom order jewelry for you
you do order a custom one with the pixel :) tho & u wear it the most out of the other jewelry you have lmaoooo
if it was still 2019 u totally would've done the iconic quackityhq duck
when he kisses you he likes touching the piercing w his tongue just to fuck you up bc it feels weird
genuinely concerned sometimes bc you sit there and fidget w it and zone out for a solid 5 minutes in a loud room and he's just worried you'll rip it out or smthn
also the type to wonder how you don't accidently swallow it
always makes you pose with your tongue out in pics he takes of you bc he's so in love with it
he probably loves that damn piercing more than he loves you
"Oh my gosh! you look so good!"
like hugs you and spins you around
helps you take care of it and stuff, always on top making sure you're not in pain and whatnot
she'll match her snakebites with your new piercing
if you're wearing some silver jewelry, she'll change her snakebites to silver hoops or spikes etc etc
also gifts you jewelry religiously
she found some online (high quality as well 🙏🙏🙏) that perfectly match your aesthetic and never has she ever clicked add to cart so damn quick
also helps you style jewelry with outfits
she also likes the teeth trick, she likes the sound mostly of the jewelry clinking off your teeth
it's one of those like adrenaline shudder moments yk?
but she is constantly getting pictures of you showing it off/with your tongue out
like quackity, I think she likes the piercing more than she likes you LMAO
"Oh, hi- oh my God, hi!"
he's so interested just off the bat
you do the little teeth trick and he does his little giggle ❤️❤️
"that sounds so weird"
he has you show it off to his stream and he's all smiles and shit
he of course gifts you a lot of jewelry as well and always triple checks to make sure it's high quality
his Google history is just "Is _____ high quality?" "Is it safe to buy from ____?" etc
when you're making out or whatever he loves tasting the metal of the piercing on his tongue, he's addicted
always compliments you as well, always posting photos w you showing it off too
like you'll most a photo showing it off and he'll be in the comments like "marry me pls" and be fighting off your fans who are just complimenting you
like some random person will be like "omg you look so cool!!" and he'll jokingly reply with a "back off buddy they're mine 😡"
God I'm so in love with this man
you walk into his stream and jumpscare him with the teeth thing
"Oh, fuck! hi! wait, oh my God, you look so good!"
he makes you show it off to the stream & the friends he was streaming with
he's already obsessed
like others, he's obsessed with the taste of metal on his tongue when you're making out
loves gifting you jewelry as well
he's also the type to custom order some as well
he also asks a lot of questions cause he's just curious
he likes organizing your jewelry as well
like you'll walk into your room and just see him organizing by color and type
"What're you doing, karl? I thought you were watching that new episode of survivor?"
"organizing, babe"
dudes so fucking focused
he always wonders how it doesn't hurt
also asks you how it feels in your mouth all the time
"how do you not accidently swallow it? how do you eat with it?"
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imreadydollparts · 6 months
Q&A stuff here
(If you have any other questions, let me know.)
How dirty of a doll or pony can I send?
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Inside and out, these are both fine to come to the salon.
I may decline a pony or doll if they're dirtied with bodily fluids of any kind. I will be more than happy to talk you through the cleaning process so you can take care of that yourself.
However, if you are distraught and can't handle it, we can talk. I absolutely need a warning.
What happens if you damage a pony/doll someone sent?
I fix it.
For example, I got some 40Vol on a customer's Confetti's yellow hair and it bleached out the yellow color. I told the customer what had happened and did a partial rehair with vintage hair of the same color from my MLP G1 tail stash. That way the owner is informed and the pony is still full vintage.
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Another example is that I was resetting the pose on a Flutterbye, and her feet turned white where they'd sat in a little boiling hot water (I didn't take a picture). I blasted them with a heat gun for a while and they're good as new.
And another was a Birthday Pony who's ribbons had been tied in knots and were weak. I snapped one when I went to recurl it, informed the owner, and they were amenable to replacement of all of the ribbons.
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Repair is often risky. If I do damage that I can't fix, I will pay the going price for one of the same quality on eBay or order it for you and give it the salon process for free.
What hair do you use?
I use high-grade, silky smooth nylon mostly ordered from Shimmer Locks for full rehairs.
For partial rehairs like replacing a few plugs here and there or a forelock that was cut, I use vintage hair as long as I have it available in my stash of tails or can harvest enough from the pony's own tail without making the tail too thin. I do offer full tail replacements if I happen to have a replacement tail.
Can I request a hair style?
Absolutely! I can't guarantee that I'll be able to do the style you're wanting, but I'll certainly try. I can attempt a few different kinds of curls and have both a standard size and mini crimper.
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You can also let me know if you want every pony's mane to be on the same side of their head. I'm not very consistent with that otherwise.
Why do you charge so much more for deflocking?
I hate doing it.
What paints do you use?
Right now I'm using Army Painter acrylic paints. I was using Liquitex before and found it difficult to get just the right consistency, whereas Army Painter has been easier for me to manipulate.
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Why is your hair styling/photography/etc. so inconsistent?
I am not a professional anything and have a poor memory.
My photography is also inconsistent because I use my phone and every time I take my phone on or off of the cheap ringlight-phone-tripod the tripod moves.
The way I style a certain pony's hair will change between ponies because I don't remember how I styled it before and if I've had to flat iron it, I may not remember that it had been curly.
One of the great things about this being a hobby as opposed to a business is that I don't have to spend a lot of time on the parts that aren't fun (for me photography isn't fun), and don't have to be consistent. I just have to enjoy what I'm doing. If I can help out other people and get a little money so that I can keep doing what I do enjoy, that's a bonus.
Do you always ---
deflock So Soft Ponies?
No. I only do that when asked because I hate doing it. I will also deflock a pony I bought to clean and sell if the flocking is bad enough, but if the flocking is decent I don't ruin it.
straighten doll/pony hair?
No. I will do my best to preserve factory curl if it's present and the hair is in good enough condition it doesn't need flat ironed, but can't guarantee I will succeed...
How aggressively I treat hair depends entirely on the hair itself.
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silent-sanctum · 4 months
You know in honor of Valentines Day, how about I make a list of Valentines headcanons about Jotaro Kujo:
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♡ When someone asks what flag color he is, one would most likely say red because of his rude, standoffish, and aloof personality (mostly seen in his teenage years)
♡ However, if you think about it aside from the rough exterior, he's actually a subtle green flag. Let me explain-
♡ This is one of those instances where you have to look past his awkward loner-esque personality and observe how he treats people that don't constantly piss him off.
♡ There's a reason why some of us compare his "heart of gold" to the Amazon Forest that is Jonathan:
♡ Jotaro respects boundaries. As someone who's space often gets violated by unwanted fangirls, he's very aware of the importance of personal space. He won't force you to do stuff you don't want to.
♡ Jotaro is open-minded. He likes to explore his surroundings a lot and isn't exactly rigid with preferences or routines. He's willing to accompany you to wherever you want to go and would try out stuff you'd like for him to try out. After all, he did surprise Joseph when he said India was a neat place to be in.
♡ Jotaro is an active listener. Unlike Jonathan, he can't really offer you solid words of comfort. It's not his expertise. But to make up for that, he'd lend a ear to whatever you want to say to him. Sure, he won't talk much but at times, when you really need someone, he'd be there for you- help you out by giving advice on how to not get hurt again, and help provide you logical reasoning that validates your feelings.
♡ Jotaro is loyal and caring. Yes, he's all "mean and grouchy" no one's denying that, but behind that tough skin is someone that loves his friends and family. He values their security above all else and is willing to put his life on the line just to keep them safe from danger. He also isn't one to condone cheating as evident by his statement about Joseph's infidelity.
♡ Jotaro's love languages are Acts of Service and Quality Time. He likes company but he just can't express it well. At times, he'd spend some of his free time just being by your side, lowkey glad seeing you happy with him around. He can tell when you're upset just by reading your body language or can tell what you need from piecing together recollections of your words. As a result, he'd find ways to make you happy using the methods he can do. He'd buy stuff you like, offer you dinner dates at a restaurant that serves your current cravings, put on your favorite movie or music etc.
♡ Jotaro isn't as possessive as you'd expect him to be. He's very aware he's shit at being an entertaining guy, so he isn't in the position of being all high and mighty of wanting you to just be with him. If anything, he likes seeing you enjoy your day hanging out with friends... but he'd really appreciate it when you'd often have him in mind and you invite him to hang with your friend group. Whether he accepts or declines, he's happy you considered inviting him. But if he sees someone blatantly trying to make moves on you, then he has to intervene to remind everyone that you're taken.
❣️ When Valentines arrives... ❣️
♡ Honestly, don't expect him to show up in public being head-over-heels with some grand display of affection because he's not Jonathan nor Joseph.
♡ Instead, you'd find him waiting for you to finish your tasks and either tells you ahead of time where they're going to spend the day or asks you where do you want to go.
♡ Either way, you engage in usual banter and conversation, just how you both liked it over the months, and continue to do so even when dining or spending time in said place.
♡ You both don't show much PDA as an average couple would, and you didnt mind it one bit. But there are times where Jotaro wouldn't mind holding your hand in public. He'd slowly reach your hand, hold it, and place your interlocked hands in his pocket. And you find that genuinely endearing.
♡ Depending on his impromptu plans, he'd either bring you out in a quiet area of a park or ask you if you'd like to hang in his place or yours. And when reaching somewhere private, it's only there that you find out he actually bought you a bouquet and a gift containing something you wanted.
♡ With the way he approached you all bashful under his hat throughout the entirety of the day, you're reminded why you fell in love with him despite the awful first impressions.
♡ To end it off, you both finish the day either by cuddling to sleep or having an intimate session before going to sleep.
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balkanradfem · 7 months
Learning more about animals made me think about an interesting comparison on how we decide to reproduce, compared to how animals do it.
In the wild, animals will usually reproduce less, or simply survive less and thus do less populating, if the habitat isn't suitable for them, temperature is wrong, and if they don't have enough reliable food sources. Sometimes they will be able to adapt to a different habitat and temperature, like having their reproduction cycle delayed or done in a different time of year so that their young would survive, but if there's no food source, they'll reproduce in smaller numbers.
This is why sometimes animals will overpopulate the areas near humans, if they're able to access people's food storage, trashbags and pantries, it will give them a great, fulfilling source of food and thus an incentive to reproduce as much as they want to - after all, there's food for everyone.
But with humans, it's like we don't even pay attention to that. Or rather, our reproduction is governed by culture that isn't built around human needs and quality of life. We're taught that we need to reproduce, especially if we're women, because:
everyone else is doing it and it's the only normal thing to do
if we don't do it we're failing to contribute to future society
we're going to be an outcast if we don't do it
we're going to end up alone and unloved if we don't do it
there's a limited time frame in which we can do it, and if we don't we might regret it later
there's intense pressure all around us from our peers, relatives, family, cousins and others to do it, and they are all assuming we will and ask us why
if we don't we're contributing to extinction of the human species
we're supposed to want to do it
we're threatened of missing out on a fulfilled life if we don't do it
we're depicted as wasted potential if we don't do it
we're told it's what we exist for and it should be our only purpose to do it
And this fails to take into account absolutely everything that comes into being with creating human life. We aren't supposed to pay attention to the amount and quality of food that we have, to the state of the habitat all around us (if we can even access the information about it), the amount of energy, free time and willingness we have to nurture and raise a human child, or what kind of life this child can have in a world like this. It's almost like we're pushed to be more mindless than animals, reproducing simply because it's the thing that is done, rather than assessing the situation and making a reasonable call of whether someone should be living in a world in this state.
So whose idea was it to create a culture like this, who benefits from it? The answer is very simple, m*n. Just from looking at the culture they developed, it's obvious they don't care about the quality, length, or resources put into a new human's life, all they care about is producing as much offspring as possible, regardless of circumstances. All of the beliefs I've mentioned above, that are forced onto women, come from that simple-minded desire: let us multiply uncontrollably. That's also where the idea of taking away womens choices comes from; it makes it all male choice. They can decide for a woman, whether she'll have a child or not, giving them absolute control over human reproduction, while they clearly do not care what kind of society this builds or what are the consequences for the said children.
When this control is put into women's hands, all of these circumstances are taken into account. Quality of environment, available funds, food, energy, human influence, the amount of danger and threat to the child, the climate, the chance of that child having a safe and happy life, woman will be aware of all of this, because she is the one who will make sure that child stays alive and well. Fathers can ignore all of this because they know mothers will take on this labour on themselves if given no other options.
I've read recently, on how human lifespan increased so grandmothers would be able to take care of their grandchildren, giving the parents more time to work and care for themselves, and isn't it interesting? How only women were ever expected to do that. Every grandfather I've heard of was not only incapable of taking care of a child, but also incapable of taking care of himself, burdening his wife with his every need until his death. Often, they were also a danger to the children (not every single time, but often enough to be mentioned).
And we're stuck in the world where they're the ones making the calls to create more children endlessly, all while ignoring the circumstances of that child's life, and doing massive acts of violence, wars, terrorism, destruction and devastation of human life worldwide, ultimately killing both mothers and children.
It feels wrong on every level that anyone except women should have authority on human life, when to reproduce and in which circumstances. We have to endure devastating trauma and pain, intrusion in our own bodies and risk of death to make just one person. We evolved to live longer in order to take care of children, to create a better environment for them to live in, and we should let someone else make the call? It's insane.
Not only women should have the ultimate say in this, for the sake of quality of human life and the environment, but all of the culture surrounding reproduction should change. Making children in a world where we can't care for, feed and protect them isn't normal. Not paying attention to whether a creation of a child will only cause extra suffering to the child, is not how we create a future our children can live happily in. Males spreading their broken dna is not worth creating a human society that is built up on suffering, and will lead into more suffering.
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tarotwithdanise · 11 months
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What qualities do you bring in a relationship?
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SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and the reading itself belong to me. I use the editor tools canva and ibispaint for the header and divider. If saved/downloaded the divider use a proper credits and tag/mention along my acc @tarotwithdanise. Expect grammatical errors with this reading, bear with it because english isn't my mother tongue.
💌 check out my back-up account @danisetarot bio ; click the link, choose your favorite deals that you wanted to purchase and then send all of them to my email account ([email protected])
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Right off the bat, you will bring harmony with this relationship. It's like you were the one who will balancing this relationship, I see that you will going to mirror each other most of the time. You maybe bring this possessiveness and jealously towards your partner when they're with others, well that's okay though and that's valid. Your love language is maybe act of service and physical - you were probably like helping them out with their garden or cleaning their house windows. Also, sitting alone in a couch just feeling each other or holding hands while waiting for sun to rise. There's a lot of things can be happening between the two of you when you are alone. As well, with the hermit card here this talks to me that you two prefer to have an alone time, like discussing about your future plans, getting to know each other more and etcetera to build a strong romantic relationship with them.
Your partner probably likes your jokes, you might be a jokester. You were type of individual who is happy as clam, you enjoy every moments you will have with them perhaps that you maybe someone who is likely resist of change? yeah change, you kinda afraid of changes. I see that almost of your all your cards talks about ‘stability and security’, so I'm not quite sure where this insecurities you have for this relationship come from? where your partner make sure to love and give you the best care as they can. It may not be perfect but atleast they're trying their best, maybe from your past? You are like all in one package, you will bring flaws and good points for this relationship to build stronger and longer as you can.
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The first thing I noticed with your traits is that you have this motherly nature, regardless to your gender. You also like to initiate the conversation with your partner, you probably nourish every romantic relationship you have or will going to have. You also like to explore things or other places, it's soothing for you. And maybe you may want to travel with your partner in every places, cities or countries someday. I do see here you like get aways, you and your partner will be like best buddies at the same time lovers.
They will learn many things from you and so they do too from you. While, if you are single currently you are ready to mingle or if not, you are open with any romantic connection. I also feel, you were type of individual and lover where you like to fit-in with your person standards, like you were trying your best to be your person ‘ideal type’ in reality. You will also make your person as whole and complete individual. You will make them the best person on the earth. I do feel here for this pile the first up until the last seconds, you will love your person is about strong and unconditional love. Like a beautiful flower growing, the more it's grows the pretty and blooming it is.
You probably thinking that every person that come on your way is important. You were also a fighter or maybe someone who is ready to fight who everyone that will try to come across with your relationship. You don't give a f*ck about will others people will says about your relationship you have with your partner. You are good at starting conversations, you are not afraid to tell what's in your mind ; someone who can be very honest. You are charismatic and nurturing person that makes your (every) partner to fall in love with you way deeper.
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This is somewhat a heavy spread. Okay, you maybe feeling unlucky when it comes to love and it seems like you are not yet ready to take risk and embrace change, you are waiting for change to come but you aren't taking the first step to continue your journey when it comes your relationship with others. You are not going with the flow as your Guides and Angels wanted you to do so, it seems like you are just sitting there and waiting for change to come. Changes when it comes to love won't come on your way if you are not taking any actions for it, the possibilities of you getting on a relationship keeps delaying and delaying by itself.
You not even trying yourself to keep learning, you are putting boundaries, restricting and trapping yourself in a cell of negativity which is stopping you to start a new beginnings. Well, about the qualities you bring in a relationship? You will be a great partner to them. Someone who is willing to give everything all of they have with their partner. Aside from that, you may have trust issues and lead a relationship like be a dominant. You prefer a partner who is under to you rather than you will be under to them in a good or bad way because that's depend on you. I also do see here that you are finding someone who is sharing the same interest, hobbies and mindset like yours.
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© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work in any other social media platforms with or without my explicit permission.
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kazumist · 5 months
masterlist / prev ep / next ep / angsty stuff ahead!
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cw: drinking, alcohol, a few profanities here and there. wc: 1023.
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kazuha settles down at the table where his miserable and dear friend is brooding. “i just don't get it," his friend says.
“i’m right here, kazuha.” 
“how's your heart at this point?” kazuha asks him. “same old. would it be cheesy to say broken?”
“if that's the best term you think would describe it, then no, it isn't cheesy.”
kunikuzushi pours himself another shot and takes it down in one gulp. he isn't going to last anytime soon, kazuha thinks. “you know what the funny part is? even if i want or try to get mad at them for being selfish, i just can't. i can't do it, kazuha.”
“what am i if not theirs?”
and just in time, “the man who can't be moved” by the script started playing. how perfect for kunikuzushi’s situation.
“a huge and miserable idiot, that's what you are," kazuha replies, pouring himself a shot as well. kunikuzushi lets out a weak laugh at his response, “well, i can't certainly deny that.”
“it's okay to be selfish every once in a while, kuni. you should raise your pride higher again.” 
“i’d rather lose my pride than lose them in my life.”
“you're really stubborn; did you know that?” oh, he knew that very well. 
“you know, if the pain is starting to become more heavy than the joy, then you should let go. you're always the miserable one, kuni. the fact that you're already hesitating already says a lot about what your mind is trying to tell you.”
when those words left kazuha’s lips, kunikuzushi thought it was a nice idea to drink four consecutive shots. “i’m not taking care of you if you get drunk, idiot.”
“just take me home after.” another shot.
not too long after that, kunikuzushi was drunk.
when you got a text from kazuha saying that he had a gift for you, you didn't expect to see a drunk and sobbing kunikuzushi by your doorstep.
you wanted to see kunikuzushi, sure, but not in this state. definitely not in the state where he's continuously apologizing for not being enough for you to stay.
“love, come home to me. let's go home.” 
you felt like crying too, because, as much as you also wanted to go home with him, you couldn't even dare step a foot inside the front porch to kuni’s heart.
“fuck you, kazuha.” you cursed at him.
“take care of him, (name); after all, you made him get into this state.”
“kazuha, who are you talking to?” kuni asks.
“that's lyney, kuni.”
before kunikuzushi could even curse at him, kazuha already left and started up his car again. and now you were left with a drunk kuni thinking you were lyney.
“let's get you to bed, kuni.”
“fuck you, lyney. if you hadn't given them heizou’s contact, then this wouldn't have happened. i would've been the one who was with them by that tree.”
you were stunned. you didn't know he saw you two back then.
“lyney, just tell heizou to take care of them," he says again, completely convinced that he was talking to his friend and not his ex.
“tell him that they're not really a big fan of chocolates or flowers, and that they prefer quality time and physical affection over gifts. tell him that they get cold easily, that they're not a huge fan of horror, and that they're prone to sickness if their health isn't maintained.”
“just tell him to take care of them, yeah? because i won't be the one who's going to do those things anymore.”
you managed to pull kunikuzushi into your room, but you still didn't say a word. you wanted to hear what else he had to say.
“you know, i kinda wish those alternative universes were real,” he started again. “because maybe, in another universe, we would've gotten our happy ending.” you couldn't help but let the tears sting.
“it hurts, lyney. and it's unfair. whenever i feel down, if i just see them okay, then i’ll also be alright. if i had to choose where i’d go home, i would always choose to go home to them. i’m getting tired already. is this still leading anywhere?”
“why can't they just let me love them? why do they have to run away? what are they so afraid of? i know i have my own flaws too, lyney, but i’ll be willing to catch them if anything goes wrong with us.”
you finally decided to speak up. “pretend that you're talking to (name) right now; what would you say?”
“(name)?” he repeats.
“i love you, (name). i know you'd never say it back, but i love you all the same. i love you even if you push me away. i love you even if you become too much to handle. i love you even if i’m not sure if you'll ever love me back again. i love you to the bone, (name). maybe i'm still seeking something we could never have again, or maybe i’m still choosing to give you the love that you won't ever accept, but even so, i love you," he says, a sob coming in every now and then.
“in another life, i’d be your lover, and i hope you'd be mine too, even if it's not in this life if you're not ready yet. i love you so fucking much.”
“and i just want you to love me back.”
“but i’m getting tired, (name). i’m sorry if my love wasn't enough to make you stay, but now that you're happy with someone else, i have no choice but to be happy for you. he’ll get to do the things i wanted to do with you, and you'll be happy with him, and i’ll watch. because i have no other choice.”
“i love you, (name), but i can't do this anymore.”
with tear-stained cheeks, kunikuzushi fell asleep on your bed. giving him one last kiss on the forehead, you pulled the covers on him. and you cried yourself to sleep on the sofa soon after.
“i’m sorry, kuni. i’m here. i’ll come home to you now.”
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extra notes.
yeah so that happened. crazy ikr haha
i told u all things were gna get messy
link to the smau playlist is here !! would reco to listen while reading
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172 notes · View notes
James Wilson and love languages
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Warnings: absolutely none! Just a bunch of Wilson being the doting boyfriend that he is <3
A/N: this pathetic puppy dog of a man is consuming my every waking thoughts and I'm not even mad about it (also look at how silly he is in that gif. I chose that one because he looks like such a dork in it lmao)
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To me, Wilson's biggest love language to display is probably acts of service
Sure, he loves you to bits and pieces, but he's not very good at vocalizing his feelings with words of affirmation or even showing it with physical touch, though he does tell you he loves you nearly every day and always kisses you when he sees you
Spending quality time together doesn't happen that often due to how busy he is at the hospital and he doesn't always have extra money lying around because House steals it from him, so he'll only get you an expensive gift if he's been saving up and he knows it's something you want
But acts of service? That's right up his alley
Even if he's tired from working (read: dealing with House all day) he still makes the time to do housework
Washing and folding laundry, cleaning the dishes and putting them up, preparing you lunch for the next day- he really does go all out in order to make sure you're happy and well taken care of
Basically he's a malewife, which I'm sure is surprising to no one (certainly not House, who picks on him for it constantly)
"I'm surprised you're not late for work today. Don't you usually spend your mornings dusting for your partner in your pretty little maid outfit?"
"You're just jealous that it's not your apartment I'm dusting"
"Right, because I really need you picking up after me"
"I do it every other time, why not also do your housework on top of that?"
(The sexual tension between them is so crazy even in scenarios where they're seeing other people, although I guess that's partially my fault for being the massive Hilson shipper that I am skgdjkd)
He definitely owns an apron that he wears whenever he's cooking in the kitchen which certainly does nothing to beat the malewife allegations
Sometimes you'll come home to find him wearing his apron while vacuuming, a sure sign that he's spent all his free time trying to impress you with his impeccable house cleaning skills
Honestly he's happy with any kind of love language you show him (because he's just needy like that) but especially words of affirmation
Tell him how happy you are with his cleaning, compliment him on the way he put up the groceries, anything like that is guaranteed to have him practically melting while he gives you big heart eyes
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