#also yeah this blog is proship!
jascurka · 7 months
hey i saw ur post about being pro-ship and/or not caring about ships and that's cool and all i was just wondering if you could tag the posts with the shipnames so that folks can adequately filter stuff they do / don't want to see? like i'm not even asking as an anti or whatever, i have ships ppl wouldn't consider problematic blocked just cause i dont wanna see it lol its more like, we're not able to actually curate our experience / avoid things in a way that feels comfy for us on our end if its not even tagged yknow?
Oh, of course! Sorry if I haven't done that before. Muting tags still works if the original post is tagged with the ship name so theoretically I would not have to tag it again but I realize now maybe not every post is tagged properly so I will do my best to add tags when it's a ship post! I was a bit hesitant before because people are ready to send nasty things to someone as soon as they see the mobrei tag or whatever and I'll be honest, I didn't wanna get a bunch of death threats from the fandom of a show about kindness..
So your request is totally justified, I myself mute just ship names I'm kinda bored with, like Serirei gets muted for me. Thanks for the ask!
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derangedfujoshi · 3 months
Love to see that even one year later people are still not tagging their ships in the Malevolent fandom *insert sarcastic voice here*
Anyway if you love romantic jarthur and don't multiship and want to scream about them and the podcast in general and you're also not an anti PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MY INBOX IS OPEN PLEASE I'M SO LONELY PL-
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Pairing: Ash (self-insert)/Basch fon Ronsenburg
Word Count: Almost 800.
Warnings: suggestive if you squint, literally just them making out, takes place a year after the game, vague ff12 spoilers
Synopsis: Unfortunately so, not even being a married woman could save Ash from the responsibility of being the Flame of Rabanastre. And yet, in times of peace, the distance between her and her husband felt farther than ever. With enough nagging from her friends and comrades, Ash takes the journey to reunite with her husband. And clearly, her knight in shining armor missed her just as much as she missed him.
The Arcadian silks are smooth and soft against Ash's bare back as she lies down against the back, letting Basch climb on top of her with ease. Ash makes herself comfortable against the cushioned pillows. Her hair was down, a halo of black curls that Basch had been so eager to feel once again. After all, it wasn't often they had time for themselves since the war ended, so all the time they had together was savored.
Ash's hands grasp at the sheets,
"Now these... These are nice."
"Aren't they?"
Basch's voice is deep and rough, and it's clear that the last thing he's focused on is the look of the damn sheets.
"You look beautiful with the red as your canvas."
Ash could never get enough of him, and she never planned to. The ring on her finger was but a physical representation of a promise that was always there, even when Basch was behind bars for two years. Still, despite it all, Ash thinks to herself that she was the luckiest woman in all of Ivalice to have such a view all to herself.
Ash humors his words with a soft smirk. Her fingers trail up from the red, silken sheets up his arm. Her touch is gently, her nails just dragging along his scarred skin and muscle to eventually rest her hand upon his cheek. She takes a moment to truly admire him.
They were older now, so much older than they were when they meet, but blue-gray eyes like a perfect storm always stayed the same. His hair was shorter now, in an attempt to look like someone who he never truly was. To the world, Basch was dead. To her, Basch was her life.
"It is rather exquisite bedding... Though I would expect nothing less from the Emperor's loyal protector."
Through the thin, white curtains blowing softly from the window, there was little but the moonlight illuminating them. Ash liked it that way—It reminded her of old times. Nothing but them and the sand beneath the stars, the sounds of quiet gasps and whispers of love the only thing either of them could care about. Archades wasn't the deserts she called home, but Basch's arms were home enough.
A flame needs a spark, and that's exactly what he was to her.
Ash leans her head back with a soft moan as her partner kisses her neck. If this is what happened whenever she got out of Rabanastre for a month, perhaps she had better become Archadia's Flame instead, always within arms reach of her loyal knight.
Basch leans in to pepper kisses along Ash's jaw, the poke of his short beard a contrast to the soft, feather-like touches of his lips.
Ash can feel him chuckle,
"I am much more than that, my lady. Allow me to show you."
They had been lovers for years, friends for even longer. It's not heated passion or lust that brought them together on that quiet night in the castle, but rather the feeling of two lovers reuniting. And Ash has no complaints.
There is nothing quick or hungry about the way Basch kisses her. Basch does not just kiss her. Basch worships Ash. Her body is one that he knows all too well. It was one that he had known when he was so much more than the man he was now, one that he had known whenever he was held in chains in Nalbina, and one that he had known in the hot, Dalmascan nights that left him red and exhausted.
Every inch of her is something that he knows so intimately, so he takes his time kissing her, feeling her as if to memorize her with his lips once more.
How could she? She had spent so many nights in Rabanastre dreaming night and day about her husband's arms only to realize that, as always, the real thing is so much better. Basch's lips trail down to her clavicle, kissing and sucking soft bruises that he knew Ash loved. The sweet melody of her breath and soft whispers of I love you only serving as motivation for him to continue. After all, it was a knight's job to serve his lady.
His hand trails to the side to meet hers, their fingers interlocking in a way that only affirmed the belief that, yes, they truly were made for each other. Ash simply closes her eyes and sighs, basking in the feeling.
Perfect in every single way is what Basch was to her.
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narmothewraith · 1 year
Introduction of my blog
My main rule is when interacting with me: just be nice and if you harass people for the content they like?? Just fuck off, this page is safe for the freaks. (I mean look at the warning) As long you're nice and you let me be me, I won't give a fuck who you are. So yeah that's all :)
~ I go by the name; Sam
~ I'm a masc person and while I prefer male pronouns I don't really give a fuck, so you can call me anything.
~ I'm 18 and post/reblog 18+ content now and then, so if you're uncomfortable with 18+ content or are a minor please do not interact with those posts... Thank you <3 Uhhh so basically I'm being horny on main...
⚠️ WARNING: I play DoL (Degrees of Lewdity) and I post/reblog stuff about it but it's a very fucked up porn game, so I will post/reblog dark content on here. I will try to tag accordingly but yeah. In general there will be some reblogs of dark content, so if you don't like that, well this was a warning ⚠️
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rhys-ravenfeather · 11 months
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*Disclaimer: When I made this, I was thinking about people who act like siblings can't/shouldn't like one another and have positive relationships, but this also applies to proshippers, as well as people who think it's okay to ship adopted/foster/step-siblings together because 'they're not blood-related'.
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olderthannetfic · 18 days
Re: discourse about using outliers / the worst examples of a group to justify generalizations-- this is also a problem with the femslash wank asks
I'm one of those filthy f/f folks who actually does want to see more femslash relative to mascslash, but I'm not anti-fujo or a terf or telling ppl to change their own tastes. I'm proship / SALS and kinkmato and I think fujoshi are great; I appreciate their massive contribution to fandom culture including AO3's existence itself
But some ppl seem like they just hate f/f fandoms generally and want a reason to bitch about us? and I've felt super demoralized by it whenever I read your blog lately
Like the complaints about f/f being too wholesome and fluffy and that this is somehow bad?? tumblr is C O V E R E D with cutesey fluffy bubbly m/m art using That Artstyle we all know and nobody complains about it. But when sapphic art is like this suddenly its cause we're boring sexless puritans who dont know what pussy should look like? The huge amount of kinky weird depraved f/f thats out there gets totally erased and the wholesome stuff gets scapegoated as a symbol of regressiveness.
Or the constant lecturing to "JuSt CrEaTe It YoUrSeLf" as if nobody who says they want more f/f would actually be making it??? How do you KNOW they're not making it? Are you stalking the tumblr of every ao3 f/f author to make sure they never expressed the opinion you hate , and vice versa??
Yeah a few awful ppl have been super obnoxious, terfy, or puritanical bullies with how they talk about this topic. But when you constantly bring those people up to demonize talking about it at all it feels like you're creating a taboo around it because you want those annoying lesbian feminists to shut the fuck up. Cause how dare we, right? How dare we express desire for something in a way that reminds you patriarchy exists.
You won't even let us express that we're bitter or sad about feeling like a minority even amongst other queer women. You won't let us express simple jealousy without interpreting that jealousy in the most terfy antiship bad faith way possible!
I won't defend those who actually harass ppl or moralize over ships. I won't defend anti-fujos. But when you constantly lump me in with those people just because I looked at AO3 stats and went "Hmmm, it would be cool if this was more balanced :/" or whatever it feels like you just don't want me to say anything at all
Is this about me personally? Yes, I agree that topics that are repetitive start to feel like an attack.
But with regards to AO3 stats, this is my pet peeve, as you probably know if you read here often, and I'm unlikely to stop being angry about it.
AO3 is extremely unusual in the history of fandom for being a very big, very multifandom site that is not m/m-specific but where m/m outnumbers other things. There have been large-ish slash archives before. There have been and still are other large, multifandom archives, from FFN and Wattpad, which are in AO3's weight class, to medium size ones like MediaMiner. The spaces that aren't m/m-specific generally have f/m vastly outnumbering m/m. They also make it harder to get stats than AO3 does.
I don't have an issue with people looking at overall fandom stats and complaining that f/f has the short end of the stick when it comes to fanfic broadly. I do object to people pulling only AO3 stats and going "The one anomalous clubhouse that looks like this is the problem" and pointing at m/m.
It's the same problem you point out, just in another direction. After being told "Okay, but the amount of m/m..." constantly for years, people are fed up and never want to hear it again. Even if it's phrased nicely. Even if the person saying it is also hurting.
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twsted-idiot · 4 days
yall. @/dannysdreamgirl / @/studyandtamper (on discord) is a fucking proshipper and actually disgusting!! (I'm not blaming whoever invited her, because I'd assume whoever didn't know about this, just wanted to make this known ^_^)
Runs a mdni blog, that's fine, but then you join a server with SEVERAL minors?? Yes, most of us are 16-17 but are still legally minors, so that's irrelevant.
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These are all from intros in the server from MINORS
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Technically, nothing actually wrong with that..but it's still extremely fucking weird, yeah??
Then there's also this shit... about Nancy SAing Johnny and now it affected him or whatever. That's fucking disgusting, biologically her kid or not, and not something she would do.
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That alone is genuinely gross and sickening, and then there's the repeatedly interacting with a KNOWN proshipper in the fandom.
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They're deactivated because they actually got called out on their shit, as they should because that's nasty. Blood related or not, the family, shocker I know, SEES each other as FAMILY n guess what, incest isn't a normal thing. It's not cute, or funny, you're gross and actually need help.
"Proshipping's a coping mechanism" it shouldn't be. Yeah, cope with whatever however you see fit for yourself, no one can stop you, but this isn't a coping mechanism, you're just using it as an excuse to be fucking vile. Posting that publicly makes younger people think it's okay as well, and the cycle continues. "Fiction doesn't affect reality" except when it does, your brain can become conditioned to think something's okay when it's very clearly NOT.
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This shit?? Why. Genuinely why?? Maybe let's not push our GROSS fetishes onto characters, especially not PUBLICLY.
There's other things too, I'm not going to continue to go through that disgusting blog to find it all though.. because then we'd be here forever.
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mrsleepytello · 3 months
( introduction post ,, )
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hi hello yes, i am mrsleepytello but you may call me kiki, matt, dee or donnie ( or whatever you want ... idrc ) this is my art blog or just blog where i post anything my heart desires and i am definitely not a younger version of rise donnie in disguise. wink wink.
more important info beloww ... vvv
things to know / boundaries !
DNI ; basic dni ykyk, proship, tcest, neutrals, nsfw accs. no weirdos in general. small note, rise april x turtle shippers are on thin ice, feel free to interact idc but i probably won't interact with you ( personal reasons ! )
BFYI ; i am a MINOR and on the younger side at that ( still 13+ though, duh. ), don't be weird. i am autistic and need tonetags when talking since it's very helpful, i am also a bit shy so sometimes i respond late to things especially dms.
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RANDOM INFO ABT YOURS TRULY ; as mentioned before i am a minor. my pronouns are they/she and i use neos ( star/tech/byte ) i am a filipino artist and local donnie kinnie. my special interests are tmnt ( mostly rise ) and sea creatures. BIGGEST kendratello fan, if there's zero kendratello fans i'm dead. i also really like being sent asks/questions so PLEASE feel free to do that
and although unrelated bettertwin9000 is a nerd and bettertwin1 is awesome AND URPLEPURPLEGURGLETURGLE SHOULD BE HIT BY A SEMITRUCK /lht /aff promise
that's all ! noting i might update this from time or time ( or when i make au stuff ... wink wink ) but yeah, ciao.
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aut1smkid · 6 months
❍⌇─➭ welcome to ⌗my blog : ๑ ˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ ⌨꒱
Heya people! I'm Auzie! I'm an artist who likes drawing gay lil objects, or whatever. I'm still in school so I won't post often. I stand with Palestine! Fuck them stupid terrorists. They can burn in hell. No matter what happens to Palestine, I won't stand down. I'll just spring right back up! I want to apologize for the awful situation going on in Palestine right now. No matter what happens I'll always be here for you. I take requests too. They're free. As long as you don't pester the shit out of me, I'll be no problem! Also I like taking my time, so please don't rush me. Also, you can ask me for art requests too. Idc. And I'm into vore. Nonsexual vore! If you're uncomfortable with that please leave this blog!
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Da rulez!
❧Object shows of any kind! I love the osc, and anything to do with the popular ones!
❧Inanimate insanity! Love it so much! I can't stop doodling the characters someone pls stop me (TдT)
❧AUs! Love em or hate em, there's tons to offer!
❧Proships! Nothing to do with them AT ALL!
❧ ( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─ NSFW!
❧R*cism! No.... Just no.
❧F*tish! Uhhh.... This one's a maybe. Depends on which one, but here a list of the ones I despise. 👇
F&t/st*ffing/w3ight g&in
f##t l!cking
(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ
Oh yeah!!! Almost forgot!! Here's the specific inanimate insanity ships I don't like or dni 👇
On thin ice:
Paintyang, Comedygold, Ojphone (idk wtf you call it) Twophone (as long as it's platonic or not very much kissing I'm cool) testcab, micsoap
Silverfan, knifan, Tissyang, Tacomic, trofan, being problematic
I'm a minor!!!
NSFW dni!!!
Auzie's stamp hoard!!! 👇👇👇
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
Legit Bad-take/Bad-Faith Helluvaverse critics you should not trust if you see them
Interpersonal squabbles within the critical tag are irrelevant, sorry. This here is a genuine warning against users you should keep your distance from in regards to any VivziePop drama-discourse because their names may come up and you should know what it is that crossed the line.
Starlatte/Starvader/HonestHazbinCritiques/OhGodDude and Woomycritiques/RaySquid - Serial harasser(s). Long story incoming. Starlatte was/is a Vivcritical who got involved in the fandom back in 2019/2020 when she was a minor and didn't tell anyone. Her blog on tumblr was HonestHazbinCritiques where she made some good points but also managed to find/be a part of everyone else's takes in the critical community. Her relationship with several criticalblogs turned sour when she started lashing out, talking over people, being accused of faking her age, and doing stuff like arguing with irl sexworkers abt how they should feel about Angel Dust. Whatever her age actually was at the time, she was also sending her own rewrite scripts and fanwritten episodes to Spindlehorse in order to 'fix' Hazbin. In 2021 Star returned to Tumblr under the name "Oh-God-Dude" w/o disclosing to new people who she was while also starting shit. When said new ppl found out her past and got mad at her, she proceeded to block-backtalk every one of them.
Woomycritiques (twitter handle: Raysquid) is a critical blogger who stans Star and calls everyone else in the critical community an obsessed stalker while lashing out herself. She accused others of racism (unfounded), her friends of predation just for being proship (not the 'cest and underage is good'-kind, the "I like some problematic stuff in fic-context"-kind), and heckled Dirgentlemen over how much they should hate Helluva, and more.
Regardless of if you believe Woomy and Star are the same person, which ppl do, they are both -by now- adult persons who have been asked to stop and DIDN'T, which is why people don't trust them. Star and Woom were asked to tone it down, stop making accusations and even asked by many criticals to leave and stop talking about Helluvaverse as she/they seem to have nothing good to say about it. To put that into perspective, cuz I know some HH/HB fans are gonna be reading this: the people who've self-styled themselves antis and criticals begged this person to leave cuz she had nothing nice to say and was being a nuisance. I know the stans think that's all of us anyway, so let that sink in.
LincarRox aka ToyTaker - Creep. Nasty jealous stalker freak who got kicked out of Helluvaverse servers and Aminos for saying nasty shit like how he "wants to put a baby" in Viv. No really. He took his shit and grievances to BadWebComics wiki under the name TheToyTaker while also seemingly trying to get work at Spindlehorse in order to have access to Viv directly and to 'fix' her show. He did so by faking his animation portfolio. BWW did eventually catch on and kick him out but yeah....bad. May or may not still be going under his old pseudonyms, but regardless if you see someone talking weirdly sexually abt Viv while saying they were "let go" both by SH and BWW, get out now. That's probably him.
Animation Call-Out - Bigoted shitlord. Twitter user who rags on Vivz' controversies w other people but also hates gays and BIPOCs. Admitted to submitting one of the anonymous reviews against Spindlehorse "for fun" amidst legitimate ex-employees. All of the reviews, even the ones that seem the most validating/believable should be taken with a grain of salt I believe especially since they are coming to us anonymously, but when a racist person admits to def being one of those fake reviews for "Lolz" sake, that's def when shit's hit the fan.
DoodleToons - Also bigoted creeperlooser. Altright white kid who hates BIPOC existing in anything and admits to hating Viv's stuff for their LGBTisms and 'demons'. Yes, there legit are bad-faith critics who are homophobic. Just because Viv and her crew have a way of saying that's EVERY critic of her work doesn't mean there aren't shitty people out there.
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quietforest-system · 2 months
Okay, real quick. we accidentally ended up on sophieinwonderland's blog (we had her blocked so I'm not sure how this happened but whatever) and it really fucking ticked me off so a little PSA
We are firmly anti-endo. They are not systems, they do not belong in the same spaces as actual systems, the majority of them are uninformed and hateful. I don't support attacking or harrassing anyone, system or singlet, because of their beliefs.
We have a fuckton of trauma with an endogenic system who tried to manipulate us, a traumagenic DID system, into thinking we were also endogenic, causing us to develop incredibly unhealthy splitting patterns, a lot of amnesia, a lot of 'decoy' alters, a lot of fucking trauma, and forcing us to detach from society and reality. They also used their BPD to manipulate and abuse us, stating we were manipulating them since we knew they had BPD, or when we tried to take a break claiming it was because we didn't love/support them when they had a BPD episode.
Obviously that's not going to be every endogenic system, I understand that. My system understands that. But I have literally never, in my time online, seen an endogenic system who didn't perpetuate some kind of genuinely dangerous misinformation or support something else (proship, attacking people for beliefs, terf, transreligion/transsystemhood, etc).
Yeah, some anti-endos are out of control, they're malicious, sure. But that doesn't account for the vast majority of anti-endos. Most of us are people who have been traumatized by endos or are just normal fucking people who are tired of chronically online people finding excuses to 1) mock our disorder or 2) not get help for what's actually wrong with them
Just my and my system's thoughts here.
- Glenn (He/Him) 🎸
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Meet the artist!
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^ This is me! Hi. lol (If you wanna draw our personas together GO FOR IT I WOULD BE SO HAPPY!!!)
I love any and all fanart of my ocs/ hc designs, SEND ME/ TAG ME WITH YOUR FANART!!!!!
Here are some of the fandoms I'm in/games I play:
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Now To request stuff!
Requests Are OPEN
Art requests: open Writing requests: open(full time again baby)
Qna: Open
How to request! (Writing)
Send an ask, stating: Who you want(one of my ocs, canon character etc) what type(canon x canon, or x reader) and what type of prompt(see the what I write second down below!) and if you want preferred pronoun for the reader! If not specified they will be gender neutral!
How to request! (Art)
Send an ask stating: What character you’d like, if it is purely canon or my personal hc design, and if you want it to be a ship doodle or not! (Can be canon x canon, oc x reader, and Canon x reader!! And OC x OC [you unlock this when you’re my close friend! Yes I’m showing favorites.]) NO NSFW STUFF!!!
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What I will write
Fluff Angst Hurt/comfort Gore fics x reader OC x reader (Mainly my ocs) Canon x Canon(I can reject it if I don't feel comfortable with the ship) Heavy topics (Such as depression, anxiety, loss of loved ones)
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What I won't write
Smut/ overly suggestive (Im a minor) romanticizing heavy topics Proships(If you are a proshipper gtfo my page.) Suicide fics (Character found out you commited) Cheating fics Infantlizing hcs Abuse fics (Reader/character being abusive)
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Fandoms I write for
Phighting (my ocs included)
Pressure (my ocs included)
Hollow knight (my ocs included, also only platonic for ghost/little knight)
Crk(my au and ocs included)
Regretevator(my ocs included)
Blocktales(my ocs included)
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Extra Info
Projects: Creator of cookie run: malachite rot Co-creator of @phighting-tal-au Working on a Roblox game, might post a bit here idk tho
Socials(Add/Follow me >:3) : Artfight: horror_bee_ing Roblox : Horror_Beeing Discord: horror_bee_ing Steam: Bee
DNI: Basic DNI Under 17 Proshippers/darkshippers Subkit shippers My Blog is my safe space I vent here sometimes it is tagged under "Bee should shut up" Please block this tag if you are uncomfortable!
Remember you are loved These are the help lines around the world please call them if you need too.
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That's all uh...Yeah Hi! :3
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damn-it-not-again · 8 days
Me, on my non proship blog: and remember guys, I don't condone this stuff irl!!! This is a psychological horror au, don't do any of this in real life!!! It's bad, ew, gross, icky!!! (Has to put at least 4 different minors dni banners, an egregious amount of trigger warnings about the dumbest things, a full dni banner, and an actual "i dont condone this irl" banner)
Me, on my proship blog: yeah, I love sh0tas. Oh and n0nc0n. And dr0g use. Oh and also inc3st. (Can just post whatever the hell I want with my "op is a proshipper" banner and be done with it)
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model08 · 1 month
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𐔌  . about me !!! :
hai hai ! I'm chip! (any pronouns) aka that one goofy robotic caregiver (techinally flip but STILL!!!!!)
so yeah welcome to my 100% sfw cg blog !!!
i don’t have a little to take care of at the moment but i’m always open to babysit one (if i’m free ofc !)
also it’s been a while since i did anything related to age regression (including caregiving) but i try my best to be the one of the greatest cgs out there !!!! :D (also i’m new to the whole tumblr thing so be patient with me alr ^__^;)
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𐔌  . do NOT interact !!!! :
basic dni crit (racist, homophobic, ect), anti agere/petre, NSFW, DD/GL (and every other ver of that), proship, just anything that a child isn’t supposed to see!!!
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bigbackdandy · 19 days
L O A D I N G . . .
Hello Everyone who is viewing this blog rn!!!
Im basically mod of this rp blog ig (IDK HOW MODS WORK) Uh I just wanted to be silly so i made this lol. (BIGBACKBIGBACK) btw this is gonna be an ask blog so im gonna set some rules. And also I might make it also a serious blog like yk stuff so yeah-
And also I LOVE RPS PLS PLS PLS and ocs r also allowed too :DD
Pls no nsfw asks i am a minor.
Dni incest and proship
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“ Ruining another run for the millionth time ‼️ “
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I’m going to give myself some time sit on it and think more, maybe look for more perspectives and info on it but as of now, my gut reaction to pro paraphilia stuff is kinda “ummm idk about that” at the moment. To be clear y’all aren’t on my DNI list, I’m just iffy/nervous about it. Because my comfort and acceptance currently goes toward FICTIONAL taboos (hence my proship stance) but people who have attractions toward irl beings that can’t consent …. Yeah even if you’re anti contact I don’t know if it’s a good idea to advertise that you’re still supportive of them as people. But idk. Maybe “paraphilia” isn’t as scary as it sounds.
But recently a pro-para blog followed me (I won’t be saying names because they didn’t harm me and also backed off when I asked them to not interact with me) and told me straight up they were a map (I don’t even like that word, would rather just call them pedos to be honest) but were anti contact. Like okay, it’s great you’re not hurting anyone but to be honest I still don’t want pedos or people who are attracted to real animals anywhere near me.
Yes, to be fair, not EVERYONE uses darkship or kinks as a coping mechanism but let’s be honest, a lot of us still do. I use darkship and lolicon stuff to vent and explore what I’ve been through as a teen. So seeing people in the proship community saying “well I still support people with harmful paraphilias, just not contact” STILL makes me very uncomfortable?? Scared?
And on a greater level even just beyond me, I also think it’s going to make it ten times harder to advocate for proshipping. I mean it’s already kinda hard to explain that pro/darkshipping is ultimately harmless and non-toxic, but yall advertising being “pro” for anything to do with irl attractions (harmful attractions, to be clear) MAKES IT EVEN HARDER AND FRUSTRATING WHEN CONVERSING WITH NORMIES/NONPROSHIPPERS.
Lastly, when it comes to people struggling with irl attractions that are dangerous or sexual disorders in that category, I don’t necessarily know if it’s our place? Like yeah we can debate and advocate all day long for expressing fiction freely and anti-censorship but most of us still aren’t mental health professionals and idk if we should be putting out a stance on shit like this. I mean. Irl people with dangerous, harmful attractions to irl potential victims.
I hope this post didn’t come across as mean or attacking anyone because I don’t want it to. I think I have a few propara moots following me (I’m only just now kinda learning what it is) so if y’all can educate me, the comments and reblogs are y’all’s place to do it. Maybe this whole propara thing isn’t even as big in the proship community as it looks or maybe “pro para” isn’t even as scary as I’m seeing it currently. Im open to opinions and education what not. But ofc personal attacks and stuff will be blocked!
Edit:to be clear—I still don’t want irl pedos or zoophiles to interact. But propara blogs in general may, as I’m not saying that automatically makes someone pedo/zoo/whatever else is harmful.
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