#or do I go along with what op did hmmm
jascurka · 7 months
hey i saw ur post about being pro-ship and/or not caring about ships and that's cool and all i was just wondering if you could tag the posts with the shipnames so that folks can adequately filter stuff they do / don't want to see? like i'm not even asking as an anti or whatever, i have ships ppl wouldn't consider problematic blocked just cause i dont wanna see it lol its more like, we're not able to actually curate our experience / avoid things in a way that feels comfy for us on our end if its not even tagged yknow?
Oh, of course! Sorry if I haven't done that before. Muting tags still works if the original post is tagged with the ship name so theoretically I would not have to tag it again but I realize now maybe not every post is tagged properly so I will do my best to add tags when it's a ship post! I was a bit hesitant before because people are ready to send nasty things to someone as soon as they see the mobrei tag or whatever and I'll be honest, I didn't wanna get a bunch of death threats from the fandom of a show about kindness..
So your request is totally justified, I myself mute just ship names I'm kinda bored with, like Serirei gets muted for me. Thanks for the ask!
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So...hear me out-TFP Getaway He's an MTO (or whatever the Aligned equivlent is) and during the war on Cybertron was a member of the Elite Guard, and did spec ops work, similar to . He was partners with Skids during the war, though sadly Skids was presumed killed during a botched mission, something which greatly affected Getaway. Suffice to say, he hates the Decepticons with all his Spark-especially Megatron-and is willing to do whatever it takes to destroy them. Anyways he finds his way to Earth and joins Team Prime shortly after Cliffjumper and Arcee do. His dynamic with the Team is...intresting to say the least -Optimus: Looks up to him, worships the very ground he walks on, though he can't help but think that Optimus has grown soft since he's arrived on Earth -Ratchet: Mostly indifferent. But he's the medic so, best not to tick off the guy in charge of putting you back together. -Bumblebee: Respects him a good deal, especially for defying Megatron at the cost of his voice box -Bulkhead-Mild dislike, given I'm pretty sure the Elite Guard and Wreckers had a bit of a rivalry during the war (similar to IDW's rivalry between the Wreckers and Spec Ops), though Getaway is willing to put that aside for the sake of winning the war -Cliffjumper-Not a fan of his recklessness, thinks (correctly) that sooner or later it will get him killed -Arcee: She's the one Getaway gets along with the best, given they both lost partners during the war. After Cliffjumper's death, Getaway is there to let her know he knows what it's like. Eventually though Getaway gets frustrated with Optimus not killing Megatron, and decides to give him that little push he needs to finish the job: killing one of Team Prime and making it look like Megatron did it. And when Smokescreen arrives he sees his chance. He ingratiates himself with the rookie, earning his trust, and then, when he least expects it, tries to kill him. However, he fails, Smokescreen escapes, and with the rest of team prime knowing he's kind of a dick, Getaway goes on the run, waging his own solo war on the Decepticons Anyways, if you want to hear more about this AU let me know?
Ooooo, he'd look so fucking pretty
Getaway is a bastard but he's a pretty bastard, and his design would look so interesting in the tfp style
I don't think there quite is an aligned equivalent to MTOs? At least, not in a recognizable way I can recall. The closest thing we might have is the vehicons, or the protoform clones?? We can always suggest in this scenario MTOs do exist (though, since TFP seems to be a tidge more biology inclined I'm gonna suggest it's CNA based, rather than based on sparks.)
Hmmm okay so Skids is his motive, okay okay
Mmn, 100% revenge motivated. Now typically I'm more approving of revenge than TFP as a show seems to be, but trying to eliminate ALL decepticons seems a little... there are going to be issues.
Makes sense that the Elite Guard and the Wreckers would have a rivalry, especially since in aligned the Wreckers as a unit are older than the autobots as a faction, until they got ~absorbed~ into being part of the autobots, so I can see there definitely being tensions between the very Autobot-ey autobots and the often indoor outdoor equivalent of autobots. Oh! Or I'm wrong!
Makes sense Getaway would get along with Arcee, I wonder what consequences that'll have
of course getaway of course. He really is willing to do quite a lot in order to try and succeed at his goal, isn't he.
And we leave off with Getaway becoming an autobot rogue, which has gotta be a crunchy dynamic because we see how the decepticons interact with their rogues (Arachnid and Starscream at various points), I truly wonder how the bots would interact with Getaway
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megashadowdragon · 10 months
Daily Chaldea 1665: Didn't See That Coming
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[Event Spoilers in this comment]
Oryou's history is very suspiciously close to that of the tale of Hiruko, the first child of Japanese creator deities Izanagi and Izanami. Described in some stories as born without arms or legs (hmmm, snakes), Hiruko was cast out of the heavens. In Proper Human History, they eventually became a deity known as Ebisu, one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. GUDAGUDA timelines are explicitly different, however, and oh look, how incredibly interesting that a deity in what's probably the Japanese Netherworld - that would be Izanami, its ruler - claimed to be the one who branded Oryou a monster and gave her a way to return to the heavens. The entity then claims to be Oryou's mother, which pretty much solidifies Oryou's identity as Hiruko.
There's enough information here that I've decided to run with it for Daily Chaldea. This does, incidentally, make Oryou the older full sister of Amaterasu (Tamamo) and half-sister of Erice.
Does the entity refer to itself with any gender? I thought it was ambiguous whether it was Izanagi or Izanami and personally it made more sense to me that it would be Izanagi, who would still be in the heavens.
I always thought it was ambiguous whether Oryou was Hiruko or Wadatsumi. Wadatsumi was born of Izanagi's cleansing, which could also be his death since after it Amaterasu takes over as ruler, plus Wadatsumi is connected to the sea as far as I know.
The text says "replace us at death" or something along those lines so I imagined it might be someone born of Izanagi's cleansing, who was meant to replace him as Amaterasu did as ruler.
Of course with Tamamo(Amaterasu) referring to Izanami as her mother, makes it seem that either the version where she straight up is her mother is true, the cleansing is akin to a male pregnancy caused by Izanami's Yomi essence entering Izanagi, or it is simply her referring to her father's former wife as mother.
As an aside, I was curious whether they were going to make Oryou the sea god who blocked Theyber's path(Samurai Remnant), just to make a connection there. I thought that would make a neat parallel & a sign of Oryou's character development, but I forget if things line up in lore or actual myth for that to be possible. I don't know enough about Wadatsumi & Oryou's complete lore to be sure.
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User avatar level 3 Rednal291 OP · 9 hr. ago Smart money's on Izanami, as that's who you would expect to see in an underworld area. Also, Izanami had a bit of her own stuff going on with disfigurement, and would likely be much more empathetic to what happened to Hiruko as a result.
User avatar level 4 PeterDSaints · 8 hr. ago Underworld? Aren't they at the top of a mountain after being impaled from the heavens & then at the bottom of the sea after Ryouma died? Neither falls under underworld domain.
I do agree with the latter part, but again would Izanami still have the authority to return something to Heaven, now that she is a part of Yomi?
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User avatar level 5 Misticsan · 8 hr. ago To add to it, it is strongly implied that the one talking is the one who threw the spear, even saying it was "cast down":
It was cast down to welcome that monster back to the heavens as a new god. It is a symbol of my regret for branding her a monster all those years ago.
This strongly indicates that the one speaking would be Izanagi, the one in Heaven.
Even the underworld connection (which, as you say, is dubious) would work: Izanagi went and came back, whereas Izanami couldn't escape. Ryouma takes the role of Izanagi in the tale, so it only makes sense that Izanagi was the one guiding him.
User avatar level 2 Misticsan · 8 hr. ago The entity then claims to be Oryou's mother
Oryou's parent, I'd say. As I mentioned in another comment, it's implied that the god talking to Ryouma is the one who threw the spear from Heaven.
Given that Izanami's tale is about her being trapped in the underworld whereas Izanagi returned to heaven, it's more likely that Izanagi was the one talking to Ryouma. His regret about Hiruko probably echoing his regret about Izanami.
Not that it changes the joke. Erice and Oryou would still share the same mother, just not the same father.
User avatar level 3 Rednal291 OP · 8 hr. ago I'm going with Izanami for the purpose of Daily Chaldea lore, but agree that there are other possible interpretations of the scene. XD And it really doesn't change much regardless of which one you use, so yeah.
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User avatar level 4 Alisa180 · 3 hr. ago To add on to what others have said, there are strong marriage undertones in the scene. (I mean, Oryou comes out wearing a white dress). So going under the assumption that it was Izanagi, when he says 'Take care of my daughter,' its basically the bride's father giving his blessing.
Not arguing with your lore direction, just pointing out. Keep up the excellent work!
User avatar level 2 TheLuckyFateReviewer · 6 hr. ago · edited 6 hr. ago Wait so…that would Oryou never became a Divine Spirit as she was never killed by Sefar 14,000 years ago. She was already trapped under the mountain with the spear.
Ryouma is quite possibly the most luckiest man to have ever live. Man not only got the first child of the Japanese pantheon as a wife, said wife was also one of the few gods who still had their physical bodies and wasn't killed when Sefar attacked 14,000 years ago.
Also funny how around the time this GudaGuda event is coming out JP gets an event revolving around another divine being that still had their physical form due to them being sealed away under a mountain by the gods. Coincidence? Probably.
With all that said, funny how this is the second time a 'modern era' Japanese male ends up hooking up with one of Izanami and Izanagi's children, first being Hakuno with Tamamo (Specifically Foxtail Hakuno as their hook up there is probably the best one out of all the iterations in the Extra/Extella multi-verse, guy quite literally takes a bit of her killing stone curse as a sign of his devotion to Tamamo. What a champ).
Oh, and am I the only one who finds it weird that, so far, the children of Izanami and Izanagi that we've met have both been destroyers of nation? Oryou is a snake said in the event to be a devourer of nations while Tamamo, or more specifically Amaterasu, is a 9 tail fox that destroys dynasties.
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josephsaturn · 10 months
Just finished Attack of the Clones!
can’t skip the text crawl!
Wow they really did upgrade the CGI
what’s with all the fog tho
wait Padme’s still got her Girlies(TM)? And they’ve all got a name that ends with é?
Was that Jango w the eyepatch???
Padme once again being the baddest bitch in the room
God Palpatine really does act slimy
I’m gonna kill whoever thought that anakin’s haircut was acceptable
Captain typho huh?
Man obi wan looks great honestly
Jar jar doesn’t make me want to destroy my eyes
Oh she DEFINITELY recognizes you anakin
Zam?? Whomst???
Ope there’s Jango
More under the cut:
Dreamin bout ya mom???
Oh god centipedes???
OBI WAN??????? HELLO????
I see now why greater fandom always portrays him as insane cuz THAT is insane
Yea production value deffo went up
“Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?” Huh.
Obi wan gonna get HAMMERED
Honestly I wasn’t expecting the temple to look like that
Oh noooooo
Yoda my man my guy then why don’t you FCKUING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
Why does Padme sound younger here than when she was literally like 14
Come to think of it how was she in GOVERNMENT OFFICE at 14
Ohh boyyy we gettin’ prideful Anakin now
Padme looks like a girl I knew in middle school
Jeez he’s down BAD bad
Dormé. Just..Dormé. Padmé. This MUST be an inside joke.
Kenobi: anakin’s crazy
Typho: yea nah padme’s crazier
Oooh dex?
Ok I’m starting to get it now
Damn mean old lady
aw cute kids
Dang that’s one smart kid
Also, this is like a day after?? Bruv u better FIND that man
Yea girl u were like 14
Every fucking line of dialogue out of anakin’s mouth is either bad flirting or just bad in general like DUDE HOW
new Queen is slaying as well
yea get his ass girl
Ok so how far is Kamino exactly??? Cuz 12 parsecs is a lot (at least I think it is, from how they explained it) yet the cut makes it look like obi wan only spent like an hour to get there
Kaminoans got nice voices
The Kaminoans: talking about the army n shit
Kenobi: ???!!!????!?!?!
S-eye-fo dee-as? I thought it’d be see-foe die-as
Kenobi’s like 3 seconds away from freaking out lmao
Man Naboo looks so aesthetically pleasing; I’d love to live there
Oh god. SAND.
Anakin pls mans just quit while you’re ahead
Yea that’s not fUCKING scary
Naughty children get put in the tube merry-go-round
man it’s so interesting how none of the clones are talking in these scenes
They’re just silently going along
“We keep him here.” Huh???
Obi wan: What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Man boba’s got that resting bitch face
Why does he look like he wants to kill Obi wan in every frame he’s visible
Oh shit Jango doesn’t know sifo dyas?
Damn that was charged
Ok Anakin is talking like a human being now. Great
Man they wanna fuck so bad
Padme just fucking leave Like girl it isn’t worth it please just get out of there girl BLEASE
she’s like “damn he wants me that bad 👅👅💦💦”
I’m gonna kill Anakin
Yea girl woooo set those boundaries
God she really is always slaying
Ok back to Kamino cool
“Oh-bee wahn”
If Kamino is known as the cloner planet, who else did they clone??
Yeah y’all really are blind
Oh nooo shmiii
Stanced up
Wait did they sleep in the same room??
Were they fucking?
Well at least padme’s supportive??
Damn Jango taught boba well
Ok I can’t take this seriously cuz of the lightsaber
Damn some Kaminoans are prob watching this fight from the windows like 👁️👄👁️
[speaking huttese]?
So Shmi went to the Lars family huh. That’s one way to do it
Ok the time lag makes sense
Oh no not the bass boost grenades
Oh joy
Ok back to tatooine we go
Hey! An obviously cgi generated house in the desert!
Damn cliegg looks like shit
Oh god she was kidnapped?!
Oh so he lost his leg that’s why
Oh ok so it’s not generated
Hey playing with shadows!
And a callback to ep 4!
Duel of the fates again?
Oooh pretty place!
Why DID Jango go to geonosis?
Oh god I’m getting Spy Kids vibes again…
Obi wan looking back at the camera like “y’all seein this shit?”
I’m actually starting to cry rn
So terrible even the Jedi on coruscant can feel it?
But something HAS happened to him
I wonder what would’ve happened if Anakin went back to save Shmi at the beginning?
Uh oh.
“tHe ChOsEn oNe.”
Ok props to Christensen for this scene. Genuinely.
Damn Padme THIS is when you start to think about it?
But I get it, he’s obviously in distress so she’s comforting him like a normal person
Ok THIS is the start to his fall. He’s so attatched that he doesn’t know when to let go
but he won’t
Padme girl you are NOT helping
Girl Mace LITERALLY said to stay there what are you on
Wait it’s JARJAR that gets the army???
Captured in stasis
Is dooku just humoring kenobi?
Ok but would Qui gon have become a sepratist?
I mean it’s kinda obvious who sidious is
Dooku’s in cahoots with sidious right
Oh shit Jarjar IS the guy
IT WORKED??????HUH????????????????????????????????????
Grand army of the republic? More like (G)ekid(A)n inu cu(R)ry
(I’ve been rewatching Madoka again too)
How come no one’s made a fic of Yoda going to Kamino?
Damn r2’s got no chill
He’s destroyed his lightsaber before?
She’s been enduring his horrible lines and pushiness for the entire movie
and here’s approximately 70% of the budget!!
Oh shit it’s mace!
Damn Jango had no reason for that twirl tho
That shadow of the heaaad
And boba NOOO
that stare between dooku & windu…is that like a “aw fuck” stare or a “watch ur back” stare
Ok I gotta ask: what’s the point of killing Jango? I get that it gets him outta the picture and gives boba a reason to be the hardass he is in OT, but like putting all that aside, what’s the point IN PREQUELS? Mace coulda just captured him
Are the guild guys gonna die
Ultimate weapon?
Oh shit
Hey an episode 1 callback!
shit is that dathomir?
Pffft not Vader’s theme
marriage huh
And that’s it for now! I’ll be back after I’m done with clone wars season 1!
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mathmusic8 · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi Reaction
Y'all, it was SO
<3 <3 <3
Spoilers under the cut
Episode 1
Pav-ti (Ahsoka's mom) is beautiful 
And she has a gun :D
Also her dad is a lovable dork <3
I appreciate how they have 1-year-old Ahsoka acting appropriately for her age
This is quite the ritual for one so young. But I appreciate it, in a way. 
Ohhhh no big bad monster
Hghhhhhhhhhhh very big bad monster!!
Is this gonna be a Grogu-with-the-mud-horn moment?
I mean we know how this ends but STILL
THAT SCREENSHOT THO with baby soka patting the tiger's nose <3 <3 <3
(How on earth did she get on top of that thing?? XD)
Gosh dangit y'all I need to sleep but I now don't WANT TO
Episode 2
Young Dooku!! Is that young Qui-Gon? Can't really tell. I don't see a padawan braid
That's the most actual dog-looking dog I've ever seen in star wars
Dooku's so dramatic with that cape XD
Y'all are leaving your backs wide open
Ohhhhkaaay this is sinister
Mmmmmm this does not look like it's going to end well
His lightsaber was blue <3
Why? Just... why, senator dude?
Heeheeheehee it is Qui-Gon <3
Good golly gracious I'm gonna cry Qui-Gon was so sweet
(Noooooo why is this show SO GOOD I WAS GONNA SLEEP BUT I GUESS NOT)
Episode 3
I can see why Dooku is getting very fed up with the system. I would be, too.
What are those GLOVES? Like, are they just for show or are these people only near-human? (I lowkey want a pair)
Hmmm the senator's nervous. He'll do ANYTHING for his people, huh?
Disaster lineage rebellion didn't start with Qui-Gon XD
Thhaaaat's a lightsaber mark in that tree
Ope, LOTS of lightsaber marks
Well this went downhill very quickly
This guy's got mismatched eyes. Neat
Semage. Is that a name I should know?
(As interesting and genuinely fascinating as Dooku's backstory is, I hope we don't spend a whole of time on his fall. It's depressing.)
Episode 4
At least one more Dooku episode. Alrighty, that's fine. I just kinda hope this is the last one.
Ooooooooh I like this inner view of the archives :D
There goes Kamino :'D
Ohhhhhhhhh this is DURING Episode I
"an active imagination", honey--Master Nu--that is NOT the right response to a report of Sith appearing--
Was NOT expecting that
So Yoda's just weird I guess
Dropping hints, are we, Dooku?
"I will not be there to protect you, my old Padawan" "You need not worry, Master. Obi-Wan fills that role now."
"He acquits himself quite well."
*shrieking continues"
Dooku still hasn't met Obi-Wan?? Even though he and Qui-Gon apparently still get along? 
Is that the last time they saw each other? D':
Here we go. I sense a climax coming. Yaddle's not having it.
Ohhhhh they just got the news about Qui-Gon's death. Oww.
Yeah, I bet this is Dooku's last episode
Yaddle doing some sneaky sneak sneaking
(Ahsoka canonically never knew Yaddle. This is going to be bad)
Ah, so Dooku's already been in contact with Sidious.
"You lost an apprentice and so did I. All in service of our greater goals."
That was a gut punch if I ever felt one
This REALLY hurts, watching Dooku voice all his regrets for his lost honor, as if he's having second thoughts, but we as the audience already know he's only going to fall further
Yaddle... you... okay, mad respect for giving your full and honest best effort to help this man. But this is an absolute tragedy.
Yaddle, I wish you'd've run. I get that you're still trying to save him, but---
Ohhhh that was unpleasant death
But this still can't end well
....I don't know which moment was worse.
Episode 5
Okay, there's only 6 of these, so better enjoy these last two
(Will there be any more? I don't think so...)
Anakin! During clone wars--baby face! LOOK AT THAT BABY FACE ANAKIN
Seriously, like, not very many people were in there. That super implies they're close friends
Of course Anakin thinks the training remotes are sub-par XD
Troopers! My boys! 
REXXXX <3 <3
"Don't worry Rex, she'll wake up"
*he waves* "Sorry Commander!"
also, super helpful to know stun blasts work for a whole hour. And that you can "get used to it". And that she's dizzy afterwards
Jeeze Anakin how long were you doing this?
So yeah, she does start waking up faster
awww she's still training later in the war
Episode 6
gaaaaaasp is this how Ahsoka gets her white lightsabers?? So excited
Gah the funeral tho (cries)
Bail absolutely saw her
Ah, there he is
Ahsoka's face--she's just... so broken right now
These poor troopers are like "we picked up a weeeirdo"
Ahsoka got the message, tho :D
Yeeee! Cut Lawquane and the Fam!
Orrrr just farmers, okay thay's fine
Aaaaand there goes Ahsoka's cover
Yeeeeaaah, kid, you better skip town. Like. Pronto.
Ah, but that's what attracted the Inquisitor. Got it.
Oh dear.
That is NOT how I expected this to go
Ohhh mmmaaan this is tense
Awww I'm almost sad that we didn't get to see this super cool/dangerous Inquisitor in Rebels. But nah, it just makes this little mini-episode epic
Eeeeheeehehe, there's where Organa's comm came in handy :D
It's implied that a significant chunk of time passed. And Rex wasn't with her.
But that was the last episode
Maybe we'll learn more in the Bad Batch
I'm going to bed soooooo late y'all
But was it worth it?
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m1ckeyb3rry · 13 days
LMAO no in between either cute or majestic where are the horses with the goofy ass names at (just an example but imagine someone w a horse named sock)
AHAHAH YEAH compared to karasus otoyas bfb has a lot more crack in it LOL lowk before discovering you whenever I saw crack it was usually like….brainrot crack where the characters would fully be like “OH MY GERD WHAT JN THE SKIBIDI SIGMA” “LMAOO DEEZ NUTS IN YO FACE” which personally had me clicking the close tab button asap I’ll be forever traumatized your crack content is the Goldilocks zone of crack
Imagine instead we just form a bllk au where the entire setting is the same we just bring justice to characters who need it LMAOOO people will be like bllk au? Aren’t they already in bllk?????
I’m fr just waiting to see the end the last few chapters have just been “hmmm who’s getting revived this ch?” Instead of who’s being thrown into the Sukuna fight arena shdgshshs yeah I have NO clue what’s going on tbh I thought higuruma was a confirmed goner alr but ig not??
I wanna see an expansion of the Barou aiku rivalry….like wdym we see them on the same nel team but we never address that??? Cmon…
Also PAUSE SPEAKING OF WE MANIFESTED OUR PRAYERS ANSWERED EGOIST BIBLE V2 RELEASING AFOUND S2 START TIME!!! Will be dropping translations ofc drop your requests here…there’s apparently a new ranking for “top 3 [insert category here]” so I’ll def do that along with any profiles we don’t have
I remember immediately getting rid of moves like leer and growl LMAO ofc if there was an obvious type disadvantage I’d bring appropriate pokemon (like gym leaders) but otherwise it’s kinda just brute forcing my way through with an op pokemon I liked
The way I completely forgot some of the teams you listed already Im gonna have to like copy it and paste it to the side so I can reference it faster shshshs imagine she traded that away and then later was like lmao u scammed me so this is my gyarados gimme the skrelp back /j wait that’s so funny LMAOOOO you fr had that trading business down…but on that note was there demand for phione for a particular reason….like did they just think it was manaphy….bc now that I think about it I fr cannot remember any significance to phione…
Mcs team sparking the whole uprising talk about girlboss!!!! Her exposing the govt plot on live tv stop that’s such a good idea (I’m crying the kids do everything trope is so funny thinking back on the pokemon plot)
No bc I was about to say I definitely feel like something similar happened in the plot (now I distinctly rmr some like clefairy moon tribe ep..?? Trust we’re definitely thinking of the same one) IM CRYING Reo finally getting gallade only for the competition to be over is SUCH a pokemon plot I can fr see it happening in canon like ash runs back asking where everyone is only for the worker to calmly be like “oh it’s over” and ash falls to his knees screaming LMFAOO but I DO RMR THAT we know my memory’s kinda shit though so idk exactly which pokemon ash brought (was it primape??? Idr tbh)
LMAO THE REVERSE OTOYA TEAM I kinda love that the unexpected trips are lowk my fave like you get ready to battle hiori fully expecting like, a Mareep and maybe a lanturn or a azumarill but no metagross and luxray you really cooked crafting mcs team though I could never LOL
AHDHSA gagamaru having no contact info is so funny he runs a elusive ifykyk business yuki having his Alakazam telepathically track him is so real
Nagi tweaking over the aegislash and having an unspoken sort of one sided Karasu rivalry is actually hilarious if this au actually comes into existence I will fr be laughing my ass off in this arc WHIMSICOTT NAGI SO REAL
LOLL fall is hibernation time that’s still only a quarter of the year idk how you do it
Ok time to merge asks before the other one gets too long and then your blog is fr flooded with these
NAH BC STEVEN STONE WAS JUST THE IT BOY/DUDE IG??? I’m ngl I see a lot of Steven fans around too idk there was just something so charming abt him….
Me conveniently forgetting the teams you talked about even after I fr sent in info about said pokemon on that team but hiori embodying “I can fix it” for that ducklett and succeeding and then Karasu losing it like “wtf wdym it can do shit” would be so hilarious
Gyarados being flying never fails to make me scratch my head but wtv it’s pokemon logic but i love lowk inner team pokemon dynamics swanna and nidoqueen having beef LMAOO SWANNA MEETING BAROU IN HELL IS DIABOLICAL LMFAOOOO ig now you know where the pokemon universe gets it roasted fowl dishes from
Im ngl kangaskhan is fr like the otoya of the pokemon world it’s fr just kinda forgotten (by myself too) i totally forgot it can mega evolve LMAOO mega houndoom is fr cool as hell though (imagine mc and Barou got their houndoomite together SHDGSHS) galvantula being the secret ace of the team is so funny i bet everyone’s like “bro u brought this random ass spider” and then proceed to get decked
LMFAOO in your prev response I was fr gonna respond with Pablo’s last name but I couldn’t rmr how to spell it and did not want to look it up so I just left it bc lowk he’s not that relevant generally either I was almost gonna write “ca-“ and just dip
- Karasu anon
well i did know a miniature horse named boytoy KDCBSHSN idk if that quite counts as goofy in the way you were describing but it’s definitely up there in terms of craziness 😭
oh i have definitely seen those kinds of fics and agreed i’m not a huge fan…MY version of crack is just the characters being sassier than usual with each other and ending up in kinda ridiculous situations that are treated as completely normal in-story LMAOO tbh it’s basically just me writing in the comedy genre instead of doing angst/character studies but that doesn’t sound as fun as calling it crack does
HELPP bllk but it’s miraverse au…everyone reading is like “wtf does miraverse mean” BAHAH like no just trust the process your mind will be altered by the way each character is written TRUST
no literally it’s such a reversal from the sukuna fight that i’m just like 🤨 it feels very…not gege…idk like wdym this is the same guy that wrote shibuya?? honestly i wonder if he’s under pressure from his editor or smth to change the story/ending from what he wanted because if so that’s kind of sad
nah because so much could’ve been done w barou and aiku tbh idk why they made lorenzo try so hard to be friends with barou that role could’ve easily and more sensibly been filled by aiku 😭 also OMG NEW EGOIST BIBLE LET’S GOOO pls the top 3 categories are always so funny especially the little snide comments if you happen to translate those def send them in ‼️ and yess hopefully more characters will get profiles!! or the current profiles get updated with more silly stuff
LMAOOO I WAS EXPERIENCED WITH IT i think it was mostly people trying to finish the pokédex?? because you can’t catch or get phione in any way but the manaphy breeding trick so before most people figured that out i was able to get a bunch of cool pokémon in return for my fresh out of the egg level 1 phiones and then other people caught on so the market got saturated and they stopped being in demand 😒 so i had to differentiate myself and started using tms and training them up which worked for a bit but eventually even that stopped working 😓
no because pokémon is INSANE w the kids doing everything trope like wdym the literal champion is telling MY ten year old ass to go and fight a literal god?? is that not their job…anyways yeah i think this method allows for the e4 and all to maintain their notoriety and authority as well as showing the flaws in kids doing everything (because reader is lowkey reckless for confronting the entire govt without a plan and she got lucky that the e4 + gym leaders has smth up their sleeves or else she would’ve been done for) so i like that route a lot!! also the image of reader and houndoom standing there exposing the government to a defeated mr mikage while the camera quality slowly gets blurrier and shakier and right before it disappears into static entirely there’s just a shot of her and houndoom abt to be attacked by govt pokémon and then there’s a region-wide blackout does cook a little i fear
yess it was the mt moon episode!! but ash misty and brock had a researcher w them iirc meanwhile mc trio is literally just the epitome of yolo 😭 they’re honestly like living their best pokémon journey vibes (especially reo and chigiri because nagi does get dragged into reader’s bs with some frequency so he’s not as relaxed as the other two) LMAOAO like while reader and co are fighting corruption and processing grief and enduring trauma mc trio is just fucking around getting gym badges and completing side quests HAHAHA they’re so stupid i love them 🥹 and yeah i think it was his mankey/primeape i forget if it had evolved at that point or not
i think it’s so funny that hiori just wanted nice pokémon to play with and he ended up with a super well balanced team which includes a pseudo legendary, a dragon type, and a prehistoric pokémon revived from a fossil meanwhile otoya wanted a cool strong team and he just has really cute pretty sweet pokémon 😭 although in his defense his pokémon are all really strong as well it’s just a matter of the aesthetics not matching up with the vibe he was hoping to curate 😩
to be honest i used a website that allowed me to input my team and it told me its weaknesses and i just messed around with that until i got to a team that didn’t have any glaring holes!! i’m super happy with it especially because of how unique some of the choices are…like let’s be real how many people are picking DONPHAN for their pokémon ocs 😭
LMAOAOA pokémon au confirming the yuki x gagamaru bestie agenda fr 🤩 nah because lowkey maybe gagamaru’s just in hiding because he’s scared ness will come after him if he becomes a genuine competitor (not a wrong thought to have tbh)
THE AEGISLASH ARC IS SO HILARIOUS like out of context it’s just like “did mira forget what story she’s writing” but when you know what’s happening it’s so so funny especially the way nagi and reader decide to approach it 😭 “oh i GUESS we have to get married for uhhh the plot” “yeah i mean if i HAVE TO i’ll risk my life for you uhhh i mean the plot yeah the plot” (<- two idiots who will one day be madly in love) DNDKLSJDS nagi def wakes up afterwards like “damn dream me is so rizzful good thing i don’t act like that irl because i don’t even like anyone like that especially not y/n 😰” (not that they were really flirty or anything it was more of a “i’ll die for you if that’s what it takes and if it means you live and get to go home then i’ll even do it happily) and then he sees aegislash and is met with the horrifying knowledge that he did in fact try to rizz reader up and furthermore he might actually like her 😩 HAHAA the karasu beef is so funny too because when they’ve first been “isekai’d” reader’s like “yeah ok let’s just follow the plot of the world and get married or wtvr” and nagi’s like “what about karasu 😱” and reader’s like “uh idk what about him” and nagi’s like “aren’t you guys dating won’t he be mad 🤔🫣” which prompts reader to be like that one tik tok sound that’s like “EWWW no he’s like my BROTHER he’s so UGLY this filthy disgusting creature why was he even BORN” (i hope yk what i’m referring to HAHA)
no because steven is literally the ideal man like he’s smart…rich…pretty…strong…talented…shy…sweet…i’m realizing he’s lowkey a nagireo love child but we shall ignore that!!
HAHA to be honest swanna isn’t rlly a great pokémon competitively plus hiori has 0 interest in battling so i can rlly see him taming swanna just by being like “oh ya idrc if you don’t fight” and ducklett/swanna is like “oh fr okay” and decides to just be chill with him (imagine it tweaks when it sees karasu though he’d be SO offended)
swanna and barou #bestiesfortheresties 😜🤩 LMAOAO agreed some pokémon logic is kinda crazy but oh well!! and agreed it’s fun to give the pokémon personalities too!! within reader’s team we have houndoom who’s super loyal and cuddly but also strict w the other pokémon, galvantula who’s really sassy + has a napoleon complex + is besties with houndoom, dragalge who’s mostly rlly shy and keeps to itself but seems to like otoya’s greninja, aegislash who goes from supervillain to mild prankster after getting the beating of its life from houndoom (there’s no beef there but aegislash def has a healthy respect for houndoom and sticks close to gyarados after that), and gyarados who is CONVINCED that it’s still a baby magikarp that should be carried around by reader even though it’s ENORMOUS now (kinda like those huge dogs that try to cram themselves into your lap)
okay because hear me out…baby reader + barou find a really pretty rock when they’re playing so they break it in half to keep as like mementos of each other when they’re apart?? but it turns out to be houndoomite…and in the final battle both reader’s houndoom mega evolved so it kills its iwn brother as well as barou while wearing the proof of reader and barou’s love for each other…the way reader’s love for barou gives her the mental strength to command houndoom to destroy his body (out of respect to him/accepting he’ll never come back) and it also gives houndoom the physical strength to overpower its own brother and put an end to things no matter how hard it is…just thinking yk…haha…😭😭😭😭
LMAAOOA the galvantula downplay always goes crazy especially because a tried and true reader combo is sending out gyarados to use rain dance (100% accuracy for electric moves) and then she returns it so naturally her opponent is like what pokémon could she possibly have that’s scarier than a gyarados but then she sends out galvantula HAHAHA the opponent cracks up but they’re not laughing so hard when galvantula absolutely annihilates them w a combo of sure-hit electric moves and sneaky bug attacks 🤩
according to the wiki it’s cavasoz so that’s what i’m going with…anyways i THINK i have the teams down!! and i managed to avoid repeating any pokémon (more difficult than you’d expect) although if you see any repeats lmk so i can change it!! anyways in this au i’m going w the theory that the gym leaders have diff teams that they use depending on how many badges the challenger has (tbh this might be canon from pokémon generations or smth idk it’s miraverse canon) which is why some of the gym leaders seem noticeably weaker!!
gym leaders:
first gym leader — dada silva — ground-type
cubone + diglett
second gym leader — adam blake — normal-type
furfrou + sawsbuck + purugly
third gym leader — anri teieri — psychic-type
meowstic + slowbro + malamar
fourth gym leader — yayoi karasu — flying-type
hawlucha + skarmory + braviary + gligar
fifth gym leader — pablo cavasoz — fairy-type
wigglytuff + mr. mime + togekiss + dedenne
sixth gym leader — julian loki — electric-type
heliolisk + magnezone + stunfisk + electivire + emolga
seventh gym leader — leonardo luna — poison-type
tentacruel + roserade + scolipede + crobat + nidoking
eighth gym leader — jinpachi ego — ghost-type
mismagius + froslass + chandelure + golurk + trevenant + sableye
elite 4 members:
first e4 member — lavinho — bug-type
beedrill + shuckle + butterfree + scizor + heracross + volcarona
second e4 member — chris prince — fire-type
magmortar + camerupt + simisear + darmanitan + magcargo + blaziken
third e4 member — marc snuffy — fighting-type
medicham + scrafty + throh + mienshao + toxicroak + poliwrath
fourth e4 member — noel noa — steel-type
aggron + klefki + excadrill + bronzong + empoleon + bisharp
0 notes
darkmaga-retard · 1 month
By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost
It has been three weeks since ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine crossed into the Kursk province in southwestern Russia, surprising — or maybe not surprising — the U.S. and its clients in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Two days later, the AFU began artillery and drone attacks in Belgorod, a province just south of Kursk. It has been a little more than a week since explosions at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which lies in what is now Russian territory along the Dnipro River, ignited a fire in one of the plant’s two cooling towers. All six reactors are now in cold shutdown. 
In the still-to-be-confirmed file, BelTA, the Belarusian news agency, reported last weekend that Ukraine has amassed significant forces along the Belarus–Ukraine border. Aleksandr Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, put the troop count at an improbable 120,000. Further out in speculative territory, RT International reported at the weekend that the AFU is “preparing a nuclear false flag—an explosion of a dirty atomic bomb,” targeting nuclear-waste storage sites at the Zaporozhye plant. RT cited “intelligence received by Russia” and a military correspondent and documentarian named Marat Khairullin. 
When I began my adventures in the great craft at the New York Daily News long years ago, two of the better shards of wisdom I picked up were, “Go with what you’ve got” and “When in doubt, leave it out.” Let us proceed accordingly as we consider Ukraine’s latest doings in the proxy war it wages. I will leave aside the BelTA and RT International reports pending further developments, but with this caveat: Amassing units along the Belarus border would be entirely in keeping with the AFU’s recent forays into Russian territory. As for the imminence of a dangerous false flag op at the Zaporozhye plant, I would not put it past a regime that has acted recklessly and irrationally on numerous occasions in the past. 
Why, we are left to ask of what we know to be so, did the AFU send troops, tanks, artillery, drone units, and assorted matériel into Kursk on Tuesday, Aug. 6? And then the ancillary operation in Belgorod? Everyone wondered this at first—supposedly everyone, anyway. This is our question, and I will shortly get to the “supposedly.” 
On the eve of the incursion, Kiev was losing ground steadily to a new Russian advance in eastern Ukraine. Critically short of troops, the Ukrainian forces are, indeed, about to lose a tactically significant town, Pokrovsk, on their side of the Russian border. The thought that the AFU would sustain and expand its Kursk operation to bring the war to Russian territory in any effective way is prima facie preposterous. What was the point? Where is the strategic gain? 
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doomeddiary · 10 months
I pretty recently came across one of those ask game posts and in the format of "what color am i" with an edited png full of custom responses by the op and many of them were racy~~~ (breeding+watersports+more uwu) but one of them said something along the lines of "i want you to kidnap me and turn me into a snuff film star" and that made me go hmmm. Let me go and check this blog and see if what im feeling is the internal ping of intuitive pattern recognition or if this is something else, and as I'd come to find out no, miss mamas did have incest+rape paraphilias. Sad! Demoralizing! Blocked immediately! But i was still thinking about it.
(Readmore bc this gets long and rambly and tmi, cw for discussion on sexualized violence and mildly self fellating reflection over the nature of it and whatnot)
And i was thinking on how the first thing that made me pause was the innocent almost coquettish usage of "snuff" as a sexy fun cute concept, and trying to figure out what was the difference between her fetishization and eroticizing of violence and my own sexual proclivities.
Like being tmi open and honest mask off etc etc, I am heavily into bdsm, and i also love body horror. i adore blood and gore and guts and whatnot on an aesthetic and sexual level. It is largely fantasy as many of the plays id like to do are not safe or sane and i take safety very seriously, but its still something i know i am deeply attracted to and find erotic to fantasize about. So I did notice the parallels of my own deviant~ sexual tastes and hers, and i was upset and uncomfortable with those similarities bc again miss mamas is out here posting about wanting to rape st*ve h*rrington off ST like EEP... JEEPERS! and i wanted to unpack that thought and what real differences there were between these kinds of fantasies, and while my friends reassured me with "nooo youre into it differently/they're just doing it different" i didn't like the vagueness, because what is the difference?
And well I figured out pretty quickly and swiftly that it is ofc consent, which is funny given the context of "how are thy violent sexual fantasies different from thine" but yeah, while I am very into the idea of gore and blood and mutilation, it's only if like, my sub is also into it. And that they're miraculously ok afterwards. I am barred from ever being able to do any of my dream plays in real life because it would not be safe and anyone who would consent to them would probably have such a damaged or altered state of mind that any "consent" would be null and void so while its slightly embarrassing to admit, most of the time i envision fictional characters who are functionally unkillable due to some kind of heal ability or resurrection mechanic where they're not only able to enthusiastically consent but theyre ALSO ok afterwards! And its not my sole source of pleasure, i like vanilla sex as much as anyone, but it is one of those things that i know i love but will never indulge in, because i cannot and will not seriously maim or injure another person.
Anyways, all that to say that whenever i run across the "snuff as a cute sexy thing" girlies its pretty clear that the finality and lack of consent is the main draw. The idea of having your autonomy stripped from you or others as it would happen in real life is what is attractive and that will just never sit right with me, it is so clearly unsettling and unattractive to me. And yes, on its face they are both violent sexual fantasies that she likely won't be indulging in either, and I do not doubt that most regular everyday people would find my proclivities just as frightening no matter how fervently i reiterated how I'd never hurt a fly etc etc, but to me, the fetishization of removing consent is a significant aspect.
So, returning to the "snuff" aspect. The way i see it and rationalize it to myself, these kinds of crimes of violent misogyny and femicide happen literally everyday and are not titillating and having that kind of violence and removal of consent be such a central part of your sexuality is different, it changes the context of everything, I don't care anymore that it's just a "fantasy" because what you're really fantasizing about is emblematic at its core of the real violence worldwide. No fucking wonder she also had incest+rape paraphilias. Anyways.
tl;dr my sexualized violent fantasy is better than yours because the people in my imaginary fantasy fully consent and are having fun and we're all going to kiss and cuddle afterwards
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nancydfan · 2 years
Hi hi it's 'bro i legit can't' 'table flip' anon
so I went and translated the Japanese interviews w gtranslate and DeepL (and my own limited knowledge of kana) and found no mention of mia. or any term for mother. at all. There's only a tangential mention of her (as she's included in the word parents) and it goes along the lines of "Rose grew up separated from her parents and lived a very lonely life" so yeah while it's v possible she lost custody of Rose it isn't explicitly stated or even alluded to anywhere. or that chris raised her or that the hws was present. the only times chris is mentioned is when they talk about the dlc that finally wasn't and when they talk about the Additional Orders for Mercenaries. Only Rose and some info about what she's going to go through. and some mentios of what Ethan went through for her. so i'm looking at the whole twitter thread a bit like 'hmmm susss' even though more than half is true it's kind of also made up a bit? weird… ah, in the qrts you can read op backpedaling a little lol "maybe confirmed was bit strong a word in my og tweet". But yeah to sum it up: Rose lonely and not accepted is absolutely true. chris is around to train her and give her Ethan's jacket and ring. and the castle is not the only area we'll see.
Hi, nonnie!
You're absolutely right. I personally did read the article that was linked in that really long twitter thread and it isn't exactly what was said in the tweet. I'm not sure if this individual gathered this information elsewhere and combined or if they're making an assumption. But because they're backpedaling (I don't follow them) I guess they just assumed and when people responded so strongly, they decided they didn't want to be the brunt of it if they're wrong. I did try to be clear at first that it was a possible spoiler, but I do apologize if I came off saying that it was fact. I probably got lazy or carried away at times, and that was absolutely not my intention!
I do think it is the most obvious conclusion though because at the end of re8 someone is coming for Rose and she mentions Chris. And while I do believe they've mentioned her schooling, I don't know if she's in boarding school or just regular school. I'll guess we'll see. Unless she's in a boarding school, I can't see where else Rose would be unless in Chris' custody. (For the love of God, pls don’t do the custody of someone random cause that might be even worse lmao). But it also may not have happened until she was like 12. I still wouldn't necessarily like that, but I can see that it might be considered a realistic choice. Or they killed Mia and that's it. Or she's not really in any type of custody. Again, we really don't know.
My frustration and why I've been pissed off is the whole thing of Rose growing up lonely. I don't know how or why this happened. But she grew up without her parents after everything that happened in RE8. And I can't help but be, fucking really?? I don't care where they put Rose. I care that Mia isn't there. I care that Ethan suffered and died for his family just for Mia and Rose not to spend it together. And from everything I can tell, that is confirmed. Again, I'll speculate all day with anyone who wants about Chris, but I don't care about him here in this. Regardless of his role, he's a pawn in a story like all of them. But if they have actually decided to write Rose away from Mia, that is where I'll stand with my banner asking why.
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luc1enn · 2 years
「 loading link, in three, two, one.. 」
thank you for the wait, [BLANK]. I hope you will have a pleasant dive.
I. - no user..?
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[This is a Xiao x fem!reader and the concept is fully based on the game Sword Art Online.]
—>> character introduction | masterlist | next
。。。one minute remaining.
“Link start!”
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language ->> ENGLISH
Log In_:: :account
-> YES. NO.
Welcome to Sword Art Online !
[Your avatar will be chosen from the Beta test.]
「Loading data..」
“Feels good to be back here.” A wide smile stretched over my face. I looked around my surroundings, the feeling of nostalgia washing over me…
CHAPTER I. no user..?
I walked around the bustling streets from the town of beginnings, seeing many people converse excitedly about the full game release.
Entering an alley, I was met with 2 guys. One seemed to be begging the other for help and it was over all a pretty amusing scene.
“please show me some tricks im begging youuu~” The first guy whined, his turquoise long hair in a braid and he also overall reminded me of a bard.
“Fine, only if you stop annoying me then.” The other guy grumbled, his black hair in a high ponytail. “Yay~ the names Anemo!” the back haired guys eyes suddenly met mine, and the scowl on his face seemed to deepen.
“Who are you and why are you eavesdropping on us?” He frowned at me, walking up to me. “Sorry bro, I don’t have a username it’s blank.”
He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms infront of his chest. “…right, Anemo let’s go.” He spoke, turning his back to me.
“Wait she seems like a nice person, let’s take her with us.” Anemo spoke cheerfully, dragging me along with them.
The back haired guy just shook his head in disappointment. “What’s your name by the way, you never mentioned it?” I asked him curiously, to which he only rolled his eyes to in response.
“It’s Alatus, don’t forget it.” I snorted at his words. “sure Alatus I won’t since it’s so important.” He only tsk’ed at my words, continuing to walk infront of me.
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I burst out laughing seeing Anemo get hit by a boar as he groaned in pain, lying flat on the ground while holding his crotch.
“But you do realize you can’t feel any pain while being in SAO right..” Alatus said, trying to hold his laugh in. “oh wait yeah! sorry, that was a reflex hehe..”
He rubbed the nape of his neck while laughing. “Okay so again: It all depends on the motion you do at the beginning.”
Anemo raised his eyebrow. “Easier said than done, that boar won’t hold still for the life of me.”
Alatus picked up a rock from the ground. “So you begin the motion, then start to activate your sword skill and..”
He aimed with the rock and the rock suddenly started glowing im a bright green color. He threw the rock full force at the boar’s ass making it screech and a red mark being visible at his ass.
“The system sets the rest of the techniques together.” Alatus finished his explanation, stretching his arms over his head.
“hmmm motions you say…” Anemo mumbled, pulling his sword out. “You have to feel the skill activation.” I added onto Alatus’ speech, making him nod at me.
Anemo pulled his sword behind his back, the blade turning into a light blue color. Alatus kicked the boar in Anemo’s direction, making it charge at him.
He swung his sword at the boar, making a big gash on it’s side and killing it. “omg i did it!” He cheered, making me chuckle out in amusement.
“Congrats.” Alatus had a small smile on his face, holding his hand out to Anemo for a high-five. They slapped their hands together, smiling at each other.
“Sadly, the boar is no stronger than a mere slime so you basically did nothing.” I explained to him to which he let himself drop to the floor with a sigh.
“Man and here I thought it was like an OP enemy or something.” He whined, while Alatus only shook his head in amusement to in response.
“There are supposed to be an endless amount of skills in this game, yet there’s no magic or anything similar..” I thought out loud, to which Alatus nodded in response.
Anemo hummed at my thought. “A RPG without magic heh?” He charged his sword and activated his skill, attacking the air.
He was overjoyed with himself by his attack, squealing like a little girl. “It’s more fun to fight with your own body instead of playing an avatar, right?”
I sat down on the floor next to Alatus, making him raise his eyebrows. “You’re right tho, it’s definitely more fun.” He responded, a small smile grazing his features…
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“This scenery is still so breathtaking.” I spoke with a smile, standing next to the 2 guys I’ve met today. “Yup. First day playing here and I’ve also 2 great friends!” Anemo spoke excitedly between Alatus and me, slinging his arms around both our shoulders.
Alatus only grumbled in response, yet he was not able to hide the blush growing on his cheeks.
“To think of it, this is my first full dive too, I can’t believe that this world isn’t real.” He muttered, staring off into the distance.
I hummed in response. “So you only got the gear for the release of SAO?” Alatus asked the bard looking guy next to me.
He nodded at his question, stretching his arms over his head. “Come to think of it, you were a beta tester right Alatus? you must’ve gotten pretty lucky.”
“Oh but I’m not the only one. It’s obvious that blank is a beta tester too by the way she was fighting.” He looked at me to which I nodded in response.
“Well then, shall we continue hunting?” I asked to which both agreed. “Oh wait actually I’m pretty hungry so I think i might log off for a while.”
Anemo sighed, rubbing his stomach from the hunger. “Later, some of my other friends wanna meet up with me, do you both wanna join?”
I nervously rubbed the back of my head, declining politely. “Sorry, I’m not really the person for groups of people.”
He gave me an assuring smile. “Don’t worry I understand. I’m guessing you won’t join either Alatus?”
“Nope, sorry man. I dislike many people.” I snorted at his response. “You’re a loner too I see.” He huffed at me, turning his head away.
“Well then, see you later guys!” He opened his menu to log off. “Huh? Why is there no log-out button..?”
“It’s fully down in the main menu.” Alatus and I both opened our menus. “What…? You’re right the log-out button is missing.”
I crossed my arms infront of my chest, letting out a sigh. “Must be a bug then. I mean, the game only has been out for a few hours after all.”
Anemo whined in response, dramatically falling to the floor. “I’m gonna starveee~” Alatus groaned in annoyance.
“Just text a game master then, they should be able to help you after all.” Anemo scratched his neck. “You see I tried that already, but there was no response. Is there not any other way to log out?”
I shook my head in response. “Sadly not, since you’re in a full dive. Plugging out the nerve gear won’t help either since it has build in batteries. The only way would be for someone to take it off your head.”
“You’re joking right? Man I live alone.” He let himself plop down on the floor, his spirits leaving him.
Suddenly, there was a loud bell ringing. “What’s….going on?” I mumbled, Alatus standing infront of me. A blue light engulfed all of us as we were suddenly teleported to the main area of the city.
“Are you guys all okay?” Anemo asked us, while I just confusedly looked around. “You guys stay on watch.” Alatus said, protectively stepping up closer to me.
“A forced teleport, but what’s the reason..?” I muttered, looking at Alatus in a questioning way. He only shook his head in response, signaling me that he doesn’t know.
“Guys look up there!” Anemo said, pointing at the ‘Warning:Announcement’ signs that started spreading around the area.
A red liquid started dropping from them, forming a body, similar to the one of a human. “That’s a game master..but he has no face?”
It suddenly started speaking in a robotic type of voice….
“Dear players, Welcome to my world.
I’m Ayato, the creator of SAO, I hope you guys enjoyed it so far..”
Many murmurs were heard from the people at his words, while I walked up closer to Alatus.
“I’m sure many of you have noticed the missing log-out button in your menu and I came here to tell you guys, this is not an error.”
My eyes widened at his words, a shiver overcoming my entire body.
“I repeat: This is not an error, but an original feature of SAO. Obviously since there is not a log-out button no one is allowed to take off your nerve gears, if they do it’ll send out waves with enough power to destroy your brain.”
I wrapped my arms around my body in a protective manner. “This has to be some sick joke..right?” Alatus put his arm on my shoulder in a way of calming me down.
“Sadly, many people have ignored that warning and have tried to remove the nerve gear by force, resulting in 213 players getting removed in the game and in the real world. The revival feature has been removed ingame, meaning if your HP sinks to zero, you’ll get erased permanently.”
Anemo gasped next to me in horror. “This is just fucking sick..” He muttered in fear, slightly trembling.
I noticed Alatus clutching his hands strongly next to me, blood slowly dripping down. I brushed my hands slowly over his to make him stop as I heard him take in a deep breath.
“Your only exit here out is to beat the game, meaning you have to clear all 100 floors. We are currently on the first floor in the city of beginnings. I will face you guys again in the 100th floor, but that time on the battlefield.”
“And the last thing, I left a present for you guys in your inventory, check it out. And with that note, I wish you all guys a nice time playing.”
I opened my inventory and saw a mirror. “What am I supposed to do with this thing?” Until suddenly a white light started surrounding me and the other players.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw in the mirror that I looked just like in real life. I looked back up and saw that a guy with yellowish cat-like eyes and short dark green hair standing very close to me.
“Are you…Alatus?” He mustered me up and down, not missing out a single detail from my appearance. “And I’m guessing you’re blank?” I nodded and looked next to us.
A guy with black hair and 2 turquoise braids was standing there and looked surprised at us. “Wow you guys look hella different.” The guy spoke, which I’m guessing is Anemo.
Panic started spreading around the crowd once realization hit in and everybody started running around.
“You guys come with me, I’ll go with you to the next best city before others arrive there.” Alatus spoke looking at us. “I’m sorry I can’t, my friends are somewhere among this crowd.”
Anemo looked at us apologizing. “I hope to see you guys again soon, don’t die on me.” He sent us a cheerful grin and set off to find his friends.
“Are you coming with me?” I nodded at him as we both took off to the next city together, unbeknownst to us making a new deep friendship bloom…
「logging out..see you again, [BLANK].」
[new story loaded, Alatus route selected. Good choice.]
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
My L'Manberg
this little piece right here, what if we, as the reader, blew up manberg (l'manberg), in the place of wilbur, and wilbur took the place of philza. this is in honor of wilbur getting revived.
pronouns: they/them
warnings: explosions, yelling, death/dead body, cursing, angst, blood
(gif not mine! it’s on pinterest)
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you were clapping for wilbur, in fact, most of the people was clapping for him. pogtopia and the rest defeated schlatt and his tyranny. finally schlatt's corrupt self wouldn't poison l'manberg, turned manberg.
wilbur gave his little speech about equality and peace and bla bla bla. then wilbur said something that was actually for importance, "it would be hypocritical if i lead this nation, so, i give the presidency to tommy, elected president tommyinnit, can you come up to the stage?"
tommy looked shocked, he didn't know that he would be leader of this nation. he came up onto the stage and hugged wilbur and thanked him for the opportunity.
"wow, in a million years i never thought that i would be president. well, thank you for the opportunity for this."
then he said something that blew everyone's minds for the second time, "i also cannot be president, i still have to get my discs back, and as i try to get cat and mellohi back from you dream, i can't handle a nation at the same time, so for the time being, i give the presidency to tubbo."
tubbo also looked shocked, not knowing that he was also a choice for the presidency of l'manberg. "holy shit guys, i never thought i would be pres, thank you tommy and wilbur for this opportunity, umm, so-"
you didn't hear anything else of tubbo's little speech. "how could they ignore me, i'm worthy to be president too." you thought to yourself. why would they complete forget that you were also a presidential candidate for l'manberg. you were one of the founder members of that nation. you, wilbur, tommy, tubbo, eret, even though he was a traitor, you guys found that wonderful nation. where men and women and just basically everyone could go and emancipate, right?
no, it wasn't like that anymore, l'manberg couldn't be restored to its former glory. nothing could be the same anymore. so you made the decision to blow the place to smithereens. you bargained with dream for 11 stacks of TnT.
"what do i get out of this if i give you this?"
"i'll give you all the op shit, the op armor, potions, weapons, and most of all, power, after all, don't you want to hold yourself in a higher position than tommy?"
he complied after you sweet talked him. he gave you 11 stacks of the TnT. so then you went to your little hiding place, hidden behind two blocks of stone. you pickaxed the stone, went inside, then placed it back.
"hmmm, should i, i mean, this is stupid. tommy shouldn't be president, i should, you khow what, no one should, everything we went through, everything that i went through, what's the point of this stupid nation, judgement and death passed on to everyone like a piece of cake at a birthday party, why should i let a hypocrite run this nation?" you contemplated.
it was confusing, you wanted to be president, but at the same time, you wanted this nation gone. meanwhile the other side was chaos. on the other side of the stone, the lyrical scribbles of the l'manberg anthem on signs, there was death. the badlanders and dream killing citizens of l'manberg. technoblade killing badlanders. but one person got away from this, it was the one and only wilbur soot.
he knew your little spot, he had found it on one of his daily strolls along l'manberg. he found the little seat you placed right in front of the button. right, the button, the one that would set his, your, nation up in flames and destruction.
so he went to the little spot, knowing he would find you there, since you were missing from the surface. "y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked you. he knew what you wanted to do. "why are you doing this y/n, we won manberg, no l'manberg back, why you want to destroy it?"
you were furious, why would he ask you a ridiculous question. "BECAUSE WILBUR, YOU AND TOMMY AND TUBBO ARE HYPOCRITES, YOU ALL DON'T DESERVE TO BE PRESIDENT, I DO, OR NO ONE DOES." you yelled at him. "i seriously was about to push this button, why did you stop me?" you groaned. you were about to push the button before he came into the hiding spot.
you heard people try to get to you and wilbur. "noo, they can't come in here." you retaliated.
"you don't know how close i was going to push this button, 7-8 times i think. you can't stop me wilbur." you blankly stated.
"no, y/n, don't do this."
those five measly words didn't stop you. you said one finally thing before l'manberg would be gone, "wilbur, are you familiar with the traitor of this nation, eret, well he said something, it was never meant to be." those words from eret, the ones that would be one of your final statements of your life.
you pressed the button and everything went haywire. the stone in front of you guys exploded, scratching your skin, making it bleed. wilbur trying to cover your body from the explosion. people being launched in the air. people getting killed from their enemies. people being in shock of the sudden explosion that occured in l'manberg. they finally got it back, now suddenly ripped to shreds.
"MY L'MANBERG WILBUR, MY UNFINISHED SYMPHONY FOREVER UNFINISHED, IF I CAN'T HAVE THIS NO ONE CAN." you saluted wilbur. signs of the lyrics smashed across the ground. blood shed everywhere. people looking at you with horror.
you threw a sword at him, "take my life right now, i can't handle the embarrassment, please kill me." you whispered at him. all you wanted was death. he picked up the enchanted diamond sword, and drove the sword right through your heart. "thank you wilbur." you told him. your final words, haunting him, ringing through his ears. everyone looking at him with shock.
your blood coating the sword. everyone looked at your dead body. but then, wilbur hugged you to his chest. "why y/n, we had everything, you had everything." he cried, and he cried, and he cried until phil came and consulted him. "it's ok son, it's ok, let it all out." he sobbed in phil's arms, hoping that this was a nightmare, and that you were alive, and that l'manberg was blown apart.
but no, it was reality, you died by his hand, l'manberg was done for, and everything was torn to shreds, never getting rebuilt ever again.
(This is a extra piece, let me know what you think about it.)
you woke up in your bed, feeling like shit. you remembered what happened, your TnT ruining l'manberg. wilbur driving your sword through your chest, the pain, your final last words.
you forgot that you didn't have one last life during the explosion, you had two left. the first canon life you lost was from dream, during the disc war. the second was by wilbur. wilbur, your savior, the one who gave you peace for once in your life. "so i have one last life huh?"
so, later on made a beautiful house in the middle of nowhere, pet enderman named bob, op potions, armor, and weapons. you kept yourself secret from everyone, making sure that no one would find out you were alive.
(this part was kinda poo, i just added it for no reason)
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Love and Medicine ~ 8
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 4,175ish
Summary: Your roommates are annoyed and Gamora is determined to make you jump through hoops.
Notes: This is based off of Grey’s Anatomy 1x07. I do not own Marvel or Grey’s Anatomy.
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When your alarm went off, you were naked in your bed. With a naked Steve beside you. A small groan passing between his lips, Steve reached around you to turn off the alarm clock and then cuddled into you.
“Hmmm,” you hummed, enjoying his arms around you way too much. “You have to get up now.”
“What?” Steve mumbled, half asleep. “What time is it?”
You smirked, rolling on top of him. “It’s 5:20, and I have pre-rounds. And you,” you booped his nose, “have to leave before they see you.”
You gave him a small kiss before rolling off of him.
“Oh, come on, now,” Steve grumbled. “Why don’t you just let them see?” He quickly rolled on top of you, pinning you down.
“No! No!”
He began placing kisses all over you. Saying, ‘please’, between eat kiss.
“Steve!” You squealed. “St-stoppp!
“You two get any sleep?” Scott asked, walking into the kitchen where Val and Clint were eating.
“Oh, she could oil the bedsprings as a courtesy or at least buy a padded headboard,” Val complained.
“So, uh, who’s the guy?” Clint asked.
“You think it was just one guy doing all that work?”
“Yeah, do you mind if I don’t think about that?”
“Oh, you jealous, Barton?” Scott teased.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Well, I am,” Val responded. “But at least I know she’ll be having a long day at work.”
They all froze when they heard a floor board near the top of the stairs squeak. The three of them rushed over to the doorway, wanting to see who was coming down the stairs. Steve snuck down the stairs and out the door, seen by Val, Clint, and Scott.
“Well, at least we know that brain surgery isn’t his only skill,” Val commented, going to get more coffee.
“They—they can’t be…” Clint stared at the front door in shock. “He’s… he’s our boss.”
“Yep,” Scott replied, glancing at his watch. “We’re late. You know, she has been scrubbing in a lot lately on his surgeries.”
“No, Y/N wouldn’t sleep with him just to… no.”
“Well, if she’s not ashamed of it, why is she keeping it a secret?” Val wondered.
“Maybe she didn’t. Maybe it just happened. You know, spontaneously, last night.”
“Good morning,” you greeted, entering the kitchen.
“Morning,” Val and Scott responded.
“So…” Val started, “it sounded like you were having some pretty radical sex last night, all night long. Who was the guy?”
“No one you know,” you lied with a shrug.
Clint, Scott, and Val all gave each other a look.
“We’re late,” Scott said. “Let’s go.”
“I’m gonna beed a major rush to make it through this day,” Clint said in the locker room. “I need a kick-ass surgery.”
“Ooh, you a bad boy last night, Clint?” Peter taunted.
“No,” Val answered for him. “That would be Y/N.”
“You a bad boy, Y/N?”
“Do tell,” Natasha urged.
“Nothing to tell,” you shrugged.
“That says it all, huh?”
Val slammed her locker door shut, annoyed at your lies.
“Sorry, I have a sex life,” you apologized.
“Don’t apologize,” Peter said. “Embrace it. Share it. Count me in.”
“Yeah, next time, just let me know if I need to go to a hotel so I can get some sleep,” Val said.
“Am I missing something?” You asked.
“You were just a little loud,” Scott replied.
Everyone left except you and Natasha.
“Do they know it’s Captain McDreamy keeping them up all night?” Natasha asked.
“I hope not,” you answered. “I already have Gamora riding me, I don’t need my roommates thinking I’m getting special treatment.”
You yawned as you and Natasha met up with the other interns and Dr. Gamora. You just hoped that you didn’t look as tired as you felt.
“Barton, Romanoff, Lang, Quill, go on to the clinic,” Gamora ordered. She looked up, catching Clint watch Steve through a window. Steve was putting in eye drops. “Barton, patients are waiting.” Clint scurried off. “You two,” Gamora motioned to you and Val, “come with me. Val, you’re hanging with me today.” Steve walked over. “Good morning, Dr. Rogers.”
“Dr. Gamora,” he replied as you yawned. “Late night, L/N?”
“No,” you responded, “caffeine just hasn’t kicked in yet.”
“If you’re at all religious, you would want to start praying it kicks in soon,” Gamora retorted. “There’s a consult in the pit. Girl with a fever and abdominal pain. After that, Lee in 3311 needs his meds. Mr. Jackson’s IV fell out, and he’s a hard stick. Post-ops in 1337, 3342, 3363, and 2381.”
You had nodded along, trying to get your tired brain to understand what she was saying. “3381, 3342, 3363,” you repeated, “and 23… 81?” 
Gamora simply glared at you instead of answering what you needed. “Why are you still standing in front of me?”
You quickly hurried down to the pit, not wanting to get on Gamora’s bad side anymore than you already were. You started your consultation with an eighteen year old girl named Jessie Todd. Her mother and father were both accompanying her. Jessie seemed nervous, biting her nails.
“I think she got some bug on her trip to Mexico with her friends,” Mrs. Todd said. “I told her not to go to a third-world country, but does she ever listen?”
“She’s been weak ever since and she’s lost weight,” Mr. Todd worried.
“Barely,” Jessie mumbled.
“And this morning, she passed out in the shower.”
“When was the trip?” You asked.
“A couple weeks ago,” Jessie answered. “I’m really fine. I just have a fever.”
“Okay, well, will you lie back for an exam for me?”
“No, please, I don’t need an exam. Just give me some antibiotics and send me home.”
“Well, maybe it is just a fever, but they called down for a surgeon, so I have to give the ok to let you go. So just let me do the exam.”
“Do the exam,” Mr. Todd urged.
“No. This is crazy. I’m fine.”
“For God's sake, Jessie, I don't want to spend my entire day here,” Mrs. Todd exclaimed.
“You know, actually, Mrs. Todd, this might be easier if we had some privacy,” you told the parents, sensing that Jessie was worried about their reactions to whatever was going on. “So would you two mind leaving the room?”
“That’s fine,” Mr. Todd said, guiding his wife away.
Jessie lied down and you began to push at her stomach.
“Ow,” Jessie complained. “Don’t push so hard.”
“Can you lift your shirt so I can examine your stomach?” You requested. With a sigh, Jessie slowly lifted her shift, revealing pink scars. “Where did you get these? Jessie… you've had surgery recently. These scars are still pink.”
“Don’t tell my parents.”
“You did this in Mexico so your parents wouldn't know? What did you have done?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“I can’t!”
With a sigh, you walked away, ordering a CT for Jessie before heading to help the other patients that Gamora had for you.
You at just finished Gamora’s last job for you when she paged. You were quickly to go find her.
“You paged?” You questioned, finding her near a nurses station.
“Where are we?” She asked.
“I did the consult, did the IV, the meds, the Post-ops, everything.”
“How is your pit patient?”
“She’s febrile and has peritoneal signs.”
Both you and Gamora’s attentions go to Natasha, who is walking by looking ill.
“You alright, Romanoff?” Gamora wondered, not caring all that much.
“Fine,” Natasha responded, waving it off as she kept going. “On my way back to the clinic.”
“Anyway, about the pit patient.”
“I think she had some sort of illegal surgery done in Mexico,” you stated.
“Botched abortion?”
“No. She has four laparoscopic scars on her abdomen and won't say what they're from, the parents are clueless.”
“She’s a minor.”
“Seventeen. Freshman in college.”
“You order up for a CT?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“So while she's there, the nurses couldn't get a Foley on Mr. Garay. He may need a Coude cath if you can't get a normal one in there. Write up post-op notes on all surgical-floor patients that had surgery within the last 24 hours. Be sure to document their EKG's and x-rays. Hunt them down if you can't find them.”
“Right away.”
You were exhausted by the time Jessie’s CT scans came back. Gamora was really working you to the bone. Of course, it didn’t help that you had spent most of the night up with Steve, having some of the most enjoyable sex you’ve ever had. But that wasn’t the point. Scans in hand, you found Gamora at the nurses station near the lobby.
“Dr. Gamora?” You walked up to her. “Jessie Todd’s abdominal CTs.” You handed her the scans.
She took them, holding them up to study them. “Is this girl fat?”
“Not at all,” you shook your head. “She’s a normal college kid.”
“So,” she handed the scans back to you, “what do you see?”
You took them back and studied them yourself. “Her stomach’s stapled. She’s had a gastric bypass.”
“And a bad one at, at that.”
Jessie Todd was moved into a patient room. So you and Gamora requested to speak to her parents outside of the hallway. You were tasked to explain to them what at happened.
“Gastric bypass is a procedure normally done on obese patients to help them lose weight,” you stated, after telling them what their daughter had done.
“Jessie?” Mr. Todd questioned. “She doesn’t need to lose weight.”
“Are you kidding?” Mrs. Todd responded. “This means the world to her. But it is so typical of this girl to take the easy way out. She's done it with everything since she was a little kid.”
“Mrs, Todd, nothing about this is gonna be easy,” Gamora said. “She's gonna face a lifelong struggle with malnutrition unless she has surgery to reverse the procedure.”
“Do the surgery,” Mrs. Todd ordered before turning to her husband. “I told her to watch the freshman 15. Don't eat junk, exercise. But when she came home Christmas, who had to take her out and buy her a brand new pair of size 6 jeans because she couldn't get in the ones I got her last summer?”
“Chrissy, you know, she tries so hard,” Mr. Todd retorted. “She does. She gets good grades. She gets A’s.”
“She had illegal surgery in Mexico.”
“Unfortunately, there were complications with the bypass,” Gamora stated.
“What do you mean?” Mr. Todd asked.
“She has what looks like an abscess under her diaphragm, and edema, which is a swelling of the bowel wall. I can't say for certain she'll recover completely.”
“Just do whatever you have to do to make her well, ok?”
“Of course, sir.”
Gamora walked away, and you stayed to check up on Jessie. It was then that Mrs. Todd entered Jessie’s room, angrily.
“Before you guys start,” Jessie quickly said, “I know you’re mad.”
“Disbelief, Jessie,” Mrs. Todd exclaimed. “Just disbelief.”
“I’m just concerned,” Mr. Todd added, much more calmly than his wife. “Where did you get the idea to do this?”
“The internet,” Jessie answered quietly.
“But, honey, there is a healthy way to lose weight,” Mrs. Todd said.
“Yeah, I tried that, but...it doesn't work for me like it does for you.”
“Hey,” Mr. Todd said, putting a hand on his daughter’s leg, “you don’t need to lose weight.”
“What are you eating?” Mrs. Todd quickly wondered. “And how much have you been working out? I mean, you know, most of the time, when people hit their target weight, they have to work to stay there.”
“Everyone gains weight in college, Mom,” Jessie responded. “It’s—it’s stressful. There’s... there's not enough time for exercise. I just thought if I wasn't worried about my diet, then… I could focus more on my studies.”
“So you took yet another shortcut? Life doesn’t work that way, Jessie.”
“Chrissy!” Mr. Todd exclaimed.
“What? You want to argue this?”
Huffing at his wife, Mr. Todd turned to you. “She has so much potential, if she would just apply herself—”
“Okay, okay,” you interrupted, having heard enough. “I think we should focus on taking care of your daughter. And, Jessie, your parents agree, the best thing to do is to reverse the bypass.”
“No!” Jessie shouted. “No, it's my body. I do not want surgery again. Please?”
“There were serious complications. And this is about your health.”
“But I’d rather be thin.”
“Well, I’m afraid the choice isn’t up to you,” Mrs. Todd responded.
With a sigh, you found yourself pushed up against the wall in the stairwell. You were tired and so over Mrs. Todd.
“Long day?” Tony’s voice came closer.
You opened your eyes to see him walking up the stairs. “You could say that,” you responded. “How’s trying to get a date with Dr. Potts going?”
“Not so well,” he sighed, coming to leaning against the wall beside you. “I’ve been bringing her coffee or tea every morning though. I’m trying.”
“You really screwed up,” you giggled.
“You’re telling me. How are you and Steve?”
“We’re… fine.”
“He told me you were up all last night.”
“Okay, he didn’t tell me. But I can see how tired both of you are. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”
“It’s that obvious? Tony, are you serious? This could totally ruin—“
“Woah, woah, woah. Calm down there, Y/N. I’m just playing with you. Gosh, you need to take a chill pill or something.”
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just… I know we shouldn’t be doing what we are doing.”
“But you enjoy it too much to stop. I get it… I just wish I was getting some too.”
Natasha was standing in the hall looking nauseous.
“Romanoff!” Clint called, excitedly hurrying up to her. “I’m scrubbing in on a hemispherectomy with Rogers.”
“Get out!” She responded. “I would kill for that.”
“We're gonna cut out half a girl's brain and it's going to work. It's outrageous. Almost makes it hard to hate him.”
“Why do you hate him?”
“Oh, no reason.”
“You know about him and Y/N, don’t you?”
“You know?”
“When are you gonna figure out that I know everything?”
Noticing Val walking up from behind, Clint pointed at Natasha. “She knows.”
“What?” Val questioned. “About Y/N and the Captain?”
“It’s been going on for, like ever,” Natasha commented.
“And you didn’t tell us?” Clint wondered.
“Ooh, you’re a gossip, huh?” Natasha responded.
“I am not!”
“I am,” Val said.
“He’s about to go into major brain surgery on no sleep? Not very responsible.”
“Jealous much?” Natasha chuckled. “Sex all night isn't about being responsible.”
“No,” Val agreed, “it’s about sex all night. I can't believe you're not more pissed off about this, you of all people.”
“Well, Y/N works hard all day. She’s good at her job. Why should you care how she unwinds? I mean, you like to bake all night. Some people like to drink. Others like an occasional screaming orgasm.”
Gamora and you were carefully operating on Jessie in the OR. Gamora was letting you help with more than you thought she would.
“Handle with care,” Gamora advised as she handed you Jessie’s bowel. “This things—“
“Full of gunk,” you responded. “I know.”
“We need to free the bowel from the adhesions caused from the abscess. This poor girl. What was she thinking?”
“She wants her mother's approval. She wanted to please her.”
“And this damage is the result? Here, resect that.”
“Needle-tip Bovie, please,” you requested, handing the bowel back to Gamora.
“When you’re done here, you have post-ops waiting.”
“I know, Dr. Gamora.”
“Natasha also has the flu. So, you need to pick up the slack in the clinic as well.”
“Look, I’ll mop the floors, okay?” That earned you a glare from Gamora. “Sorry, that was inappropriate.”
“It's not the only thing that's inappropriate. While we're on the subject, you care to tell me what you think you're doing?”
“Look, I'll jump through hoops if you want me to. But what I do what I leave this hospital is my business.”
“Half this hospital knows your business. Flu isn't the only virus spreading around here.”
“I made a choice, and I know you don't respect me for that choice. But I'll live with the consequences.”
“Then I'll have lots of hoops for you to jump through.”
“I've done everything you've asked me to do. I may not do it your way but it gets done. So whatever else you got, bring it on.” 
Suddenly, Jessie’s bowel burst. Spraying you with toxic waste. You could hear the people watching in the gallery go, ‘ew’.
“Okay, Dr. L/N, now that you’ve drained the organ, we can attempt to repair it,” Gamora said.
“Now my day is perfect,” you muttered.
The nurses tried to clean you up the best they could as you operated. Though they seemed to only make it worse. After the surgery, you and Gamora headed out into the hallway together.
“I need a shower,” you commented.
“No, I need a shower,” Gamora retorted. “You need to go tell that girl's parents what kind of kid they're getting back.”
“You're not gonna let me shower first?”
“That would be a hoop, would it not?”
“It would qualify.”
“Shower first, then.”
You rushed to the locker room. Val and Natasha were already there.
“Ew, what smells?” Val asked as you passed her.
“That would be me,” you answered, "or more specifically, my patient's insides all over me.”
“That makes me strangely happy.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Natasha grimaced, “you smell like—“
“What?” You asked Val.
“Something vile is stuck in your hair,” Natasha told you, pointing to your hairline. “You know, just go stand over there, please.” She shooed you to the other side of the aisle.
“Ugh, how much do I love being a surgeon right now?” You mumbled.
“Karma,” Val laughed.
“What does karma have to do with anything?”
“I'm just saying, you've been given all the best surgeries. And now you smell like putrid goo. And you're giving off a stench. Karma's a bitch.”
Gamora walked into the locker room. “Dr. Rogers needs an intern in surgery,” she stated. “Which one of you is clear?”
“I’m good!” Natasha raised her hand. She was still looking pale. “Where do you want me?”
“You need to lie down somewhere.”
“I’m fine, I’m completely healthy.”
“Of course,” Val grumbled.
“What is your problem?” You asked Val, annoyed.
“Um, you! Cause apparently you can help Captain McDreamy in ways the rest of us can’t.”
“You did not just say th—“
“Yes, I did!”
“Hey!” Gamora called out. “Natasha, hemispherectomy in OR 1 with Dr. Shepherd. Go.”
Natasha nodded and hurried away. Val marched off as well.
“Apparently, I’m not the only one with hoops,” Gamora smirked.
After showering, you found Mrs. and Mr. Todd in the lobby. As you walked, you explained to them what had gone on in surgery.
“We were able to reverse the gastric bypass, but we did lose a significant portion of her bowel,” you told them. “And because of the short gut syndrome, Jessie will never eat normally again.”
“Ok, wait, do…” Mr. Todd tried to put his thoughts together. “How do we help her here?”
“Well, getting proper nutrition will be a lifelong problem for Jessie.”
“Great,” Mrs. Todd murmured, annoyed, “as if we already don't have our hands full with her.”
“She gets good grades. She stays out of trouble. She's smart. I just think she feels like nothing she does is good enough for you.”
“If you somehow think that I'm responsible for this…”
“I think Jessie is killing herself to please you.”
“Oh, please. You have no idea what's going on in that girl's mind.”
“You're her mother. She worships the ground you walk on. She didn't do this for herself.”
“I think that this situation is completely—“
“Chrissy, shut up,” Mr. Todd interrupted.
Both you and Mrs. Todd looked shocked as Mr. Todd walked faster to Jessie’s room.
Clint had had an interesting day, to say the least. He had discovered that the anesthesiologist in Steve’s surgery was drunk. Bringing up to Dr. Rogers, both the anesthesiologist and Dr. Rogers got mad, throwing him out of the surgery. Which is why he needed another intern.
Durning the surgery, Natasha and Dr. Rogers quickly realized that Clint had been right. Allowing Natasha and another doctor to close, Steve requested Clint to met him outside of the OR.
“Let me explain,” Steve began.
“It’s fine,” Clint responded.
“No, there is a code among doctors. We're not supposed to ask each other questions, not within the walls of this hospital.”
“Okay, so, I was out of line.”
“No, you weren't. I was. I was out of line. Somebody should have taken responsibility. It should have been the guy doing the cutting. It should have been me. You didn't deserve what happened to you today. You did the right thing code or no code.” Steve held out his hand for Clint to shake. Hesitantly, Clint shook it. “You saw me leave the house this morning, didn’t you?”
Clint pulled his hand away. “Oh, was that you?”
“Hmm. I’m not using her. And I don’t favor her.”
“She’s pretty great, you know.”
“Mm-hmm. I know.”
You went to Jessie, getting her into a wheel chair so that you can walk her around while talking to her alone. You had made a phone call, and you needed to tell her about it.
“Did you fix me?” Jessie asked, after the two of you walked in silence for awhile. 
“No, not completely,” you responded.
“So, I won’t get fat?”
“Oh. That’s awesome.”
“Jessie, I’ve asked social services to contact your parents.”
“What? Why?”
“They can help you.”
“With what?”
“You don't know this yet, but life isn't supposed to be like this. It's not supposed to be this hard. And your mom… she isn’t suppose to treat you this way.”
You were so extremely grateful when you were finally allowed to go home. It was late, so you were expecting your roommates to be asleep. When you entered the kitchen, you found Val frosting a cake.
“I thought you’d be asleep by now,” you commented, searching for food.
“Yeah, well, I’m not,” Val retorted. “If you wait a few minutes, you can have a piece of cake. Baked it chock-full of love. Actually, chock-full of unrelenting, all consuming rage and hostility, but it's still tasty.”
“So you know?”
“I know.”
“Well, do you want the long, sordid version, or do you want the short version, where I started sleeping with a guy who turned out to be my boss?”
“Val, cut me some slack here.”
“No. You went to Dartmouth. Your parents— don’t get me started on that. I know you’re trying to hide who your parents are. But I know. You grew up— look at this house! You know, you walk into the OR, and there isn’t anyone who doubts that yo should be there. I… I grew up in a trailer park. I went to state school. I put myself through med school by posing in my underwear. You know, I walk into the OR, and everyone hopes I'm the nurse. Y-you have their respect without even trying, and you're throwing it away for...what? A few good surgeries?”
“No. It's not about the surgeries. It's not about getting ahead.”
“Then what? A little hot sex? You're willing to ruin your credibility over that? I mean, Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” You huffed, shaking your head. “Oh, my… you’re falling for him.”
“I am not.”
“Oh, you so are.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You so are. Damn it, you poor girl.”
“You know, it's just that he's just so… And I'm just… I'm having a hard time.”
"Wow, you're all, uh, mushy and… warm and full of secret feelings.” Val handed you a piece of cake.
“I hate you!” You snatched the cake from her. “And your cake.”
“My cake is good. So, um, how hot is the sex?”
“What? Come on, my girlfriend broke up with me, I’m not getting any. Help a girl out with a few details.”
Steve showed up at your door an hour later, exhausted as well. You two headed up to your bedroom. You were both on either side of the bed, pulling back the covers.
“You know,” Steve slurred, “we could just…”
“Sleep?” You finished.
“We could, yeah, if… if you want to.”
You both crawled into bed. You turned off the lamp beside you before cuddling into Steve’s side. He reached over and turned off the lamp at his side.
“I could get used to this,” you whispered, falling asleep.
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR: Returning companions wishlist
I like the way the class story companions are being incorporated a little into the story since Ossus. Like everyone else, I'd like more - but it's a start. (Spoilers for everything up through the current story beat, Whispers in the Force) I especially like that they are using these small story beats to introduce companions who really should have been part of the story all along. Akaavi's been sorely missing from the other Mandalorian content like the chapter in KOTFE and Spirit of Vengeance, and it's good that they are finally incorporating her. They found a plausible way to use Zenith. And if you didn't kill that Zakuulan person they found a way to use him again, and to compensate if you did kill him. I really hope this continues and that we see more companions being brought back. My wish list: Vette. I saved Vette, and I'd like to see her again. Torian has had lines and scenes regardless of that kill option. I know Vette doesn't fit into the Mandalorian storyline, but um, the woman spent a lot of time exploring tombs and knew how to unlock things that confounded the Sith, so I would have to think there's a place for her in a storyline about ancient Sith/Force artifacts. Talos Drelik. I am going to tell myself that the only reason we have not seen Talos yet is because they are cooking up a wonderful part for him in 7.0. I hope. He's been woefully underused. I've said before that his expertise could have come in really handy in KOTFE, KOTET and the traitor arc. Talos will not work for the Republic, and he's canonically left the Alliance for Republic Commanders - he sends in his resignation from the Alliance after Ossus if you're Republic. That can be a problem. All the same they managed to use Zenith for a mission, and he's very vehemently opposed to the Empire. So I have to think there's a way to maybe, I don't know, have a Republic commander steal from Talos's workshop while having Imperials work with him directly. Raina Temple. She has made it clear she wants nothing to do with the Empire or Republic now, given her letter after Ossus. I can't say I blame her at all. However she's the Alliance's liaison with the Chiss Ascendancy, and that has been left hanging. Thus, she could be used for storylines involving missions with the Chiss for commanders on both sides, both loyalists and saboteurs. The Commander canonically destroyed the Chiss Ascendancy's failsafe - something tells me they have more weapons tucked away that we don't know about, though. Ashara Zavros. Ashara says in the class story that she's neither Jedi nor Sith now. She continues that theme - if you ask Master Ranos about Ashara, she says that sometimes Ashara is the hero of the stories that are told about her, and sometimes she's the villain. In the Alliance base she's on the DS side of the room, channeling the Dark Side. That all means that Ashara could potentially work for both sides. I could see her cooperating with more open minded and neutral Commanders and shying away from the ones that are dogmatically fanatic about either the Jedi or the Sith. She might be way more receptive to working with someone who has split with the Jedi like Satele Shan and her enclave's students, or with Zakuulan Force techniques. And of course you found her on Voss, so there is potential there for stories. Risha Drayen. Risha's a queen, a pirate and an all-around interesting person, and this would give the devs a second chance at reuniting her with Vette. Given that piracy seems to be on the rise in the galaxy, what could Risha's knowledge and expertise provide to the Alliance on either side? Mako. We already have Mako's girlfriend working in the Alliance more actively now. Let's bring her in, too. She's a data broker with a lot of experience finding things in the underworld, which could come in handy on both the Mandalorian and piracy storylines. Andronikos Revel. As long as we're speaking of pirates, how about hiring Andronikos for a job? Dude was able to get into an Eternal Fleet ship on his own without being vaporized. More than one, in fact. I
can't see Andronikos working with the Republic at all, but we could have a Zenith type situation where one side works with him and once side plays him. Blizz. I have no idea what Blizz could do, but I just want the little guy to come back and have another fun storyline. Vector. Vector has some very interesting insight on Darth Rivix, and he's a liaison with the Killiks. And a diplomat. Surely they could find something for him to be involved with here, right? Felix Iresso. Dude has a holocron in his head. Dude has a holocron in his head. In a storyline about ancient artifacts, FELIX HAS A HOLOCRON IN HIS HEAD. And hmmm, Malgus has a scar on his temple too. Do you think...? I'd love to see Felix have way more to do because he's such a wonderful character and has been so underused. I don't think he would be married to working for the Republic either, given how they abandoned him. He could be open to working with Commanders on both sides, particularly those who kept their Alliance technically separate and are more even-keel. Pierce. I'm really surprised we have not seen him yet, Imperial-side. He's a Black Ops strategist. You have to think Pardax would want his help. Fourex: Same on the Republic side. Fourex's propaganda is something that might help the Republic right now.
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
shoutout to @punishing-gray-raven-ocs for this ask game!! (didin't expect to be tagged with one so soon lolol but i'm overjoyed~~ 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。❤️❤️)
1) What made you even think of trying Punishing Gray Raven? What made you stick with it?
Funny story actually-- I've long heard about PGR, way back when it was first released even, but I just didn't give it a chance back then mainly because it was in CN and I couldn't understand shit (rather ironic given how I am now lmao).
As for why I decided fairly recently, a couple of months give or take, to give PGR a shot? It's mainly due to the fact that I heard that the Global version would be out very soon, so I thought why not dive into what I've missed so far... not knowing that I'd become THIS obsessed with the game, aha~.
The most obvious thing that made me stick to this game are the interesting cast of characters, the "fun" story, the amazing yet simple game mechanics, and etc. etc.
2) What problems, if any, do you have with PGR?
Honestly speaking, the thing that most VEXES me at the moment about PGR, specifically PGR Global, is the wonky translations. It feels like a group of half-assed fan translators and one official translator who's not doing a good enough job with reigning everyone in instead of feeling like a group of professional translators who know what they're doing. Hell, I've seen better translations from some of my twitter mutuals!
3) Who is your favorite Construct, and why?
Lee. There's no question about it, Lee is my most favorite Construct at the moment (and forever perhaps ohoho~). As for why, god, hold that mic for a bit, I'm gonna go on a fucking rant. Ehem.
First of all, let's start with the most basic of things, like his appearances; As Palefire, he looks like this suave, very aloof, super serious, unapproachable, and "gets shit done efficiently" type of person, and while that description certainly isn't wrong, it's also hiding more layers of Lee's overall personality; as Entropy, he certainly looks and feels bit more casual than before, along with feeling somewhat more, even if a tiny bit, more honest with his feelings and easier to approach than before.
Despite being a serious, no-nonsense, grumpy guy, he's prone to occasionally quip and snark at anyone at their own expense especially if they get on his nerves (see his interactions with Kamui, not even the Commandant is spared from this!). He's also not as cold and distant as he may come across, given that, early on, he quite literally jumps in front of Liv to take a hit that was meant for her with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever, he's almost always the first person to make comments on the Commandant's state as well as express his undiluted feelings (though not without hiding it on occasion behind anger/annoyance, thus making it a case of "anger born from worry").
You can also easily tell if you pay close enough attention to his dialogue and actions that he's not good with expressing his true feelings even to the people he cares about (thankfully Murray, Skk, Lucia, Liv, Kamui, etc. can usually pick up on what he really wants to say), is the type to often be misunderstood due to him being the kind of person who believes in "actions speak louder than words", that he's used to taking care of others instead of prioritizing himself even to his own detriment; while making it clear that he prefers to think and act in a logical and practical manner, he's not exempt to having emotions/feelings, as such, he can be pretty empathetic towards other people even if he doesn't look like it (he's even the first one in the Gray Raven squad to point out WHY EXACTLY the people they come across in Echo Aria refuse to leave their homes even with high risk of the Red Tide washing everything away, and fully understanding as well as getting it).
Alrighty I'm gonna cut that segment short now before this becomes too long for anyone to read through, ehe~!
4) What made you think of designing PGR OCs, instead of making yourself into a self-insert?
.... Actually, truth be told, both of my Skks are, in some way, self-inserts~. It's just that they start out as one before eventually developing into their own characters with only hints/traces of their self-insert origin. Though my Construct OCs are definitely not self-inserts, that much I can certainly say so!
I made them mainly because I really enjoyed the official cast so much I wanted to make characters that would get to interact with them somehow, though I take great care in making sure they aren't TOO out of character with how they're canonically portrayed.
5) What's your thought process behind creating your OCs?
Honestly, it usually starts of something like this--
"lol wouldn't it be funny if I made this type of character? Oooh, what if they interacted with this character? Or this character? Or that character? Let's see, what's missing... Backstory and profile, check. Appearance, I'll sketch one in a bit. Hmmm... I know! *drowns the OC in mountains load of angst*"
6) What's your favorite chapter from the main story?
If I'm limited to talking only about the main chapters currently released on Global then it would have to be Fallen Star, mainly because it's Watanabe's time to shine~. (*´∀`*)
However, if we were to look at the overall chapters, then, I would have to say Imprisoned Sight.
7) What do you think of the new Liv shown in the latest stream? Where do you think the story is going with her? What do you think happened to Gray Raven?
With Liv, I have a really bad and somber feeling about what Kuro Game has in store for her, given how she looks almost complete different than what she's looked so far, as well as the vibe her new look gives off.
Fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to thanos snap her memories away as well like they did with Lucia, or worse, infect her with the Punishing and turn her into an actual enemy (for a while before we get her back).
As for Gray Raven, considering what happened at the end of Evernight Beat, wherein the Skk is in a fucking coma with a chunk of the Mother Structure lodged in their abdomen, while Lee and Lucia are in repairs along with Liv, and, if I recall correctly, the Merciful One managed to reach Babylonia and is now onboard the space station as well-- I have a feeling that the despairing Liv will be approached by her and be given a new frame.
8) Have you seen the animated shorts? What do you think of them?
If you're talking about the Panini anime then yes, I've watched them already! Still ripping my insides open from laughter everytime I watch them lol. Favorite episode has got to be the toilet episode, next to that would be the episode where Chrome takes Kamui to Karenina and Liv for training.
9) So do Constructs eat or not? (I'm really confused, especially since I saw Karenina sipping a drink in one of the shorts)
Oh they most certainly can! Fuck, it's even explicitly stated that Camu likes to eat and sample foods whenever he can (revealed in his secrets, as well as his affection stories).
As Camu explains, while they don't get nutrients from human food, they most certainly can still enjoy them and use them as a type of fuel.
10) Do you think Kamui and/or Camu will be a really pivotal plot device at some point, considering how the information on Kamui is so top secret?
Hmmmm.... unless the story at that point is revolving around Kurono Ops and how shady they're being, then personally speaking, the chances are slim.
11) Do you think, at any point, any of the Gray Ravens will die off?
Naaaaaah. They won't do that. Sure, they TECHNICALLY killed off Lucia, but she's still "alive" in a sense, so it both counts and doesn't count.
Besides, sometimes death isn't the worse thing you can inflict on someone/a character~.
12) Who is your least favorite Construct, and why?
I don't really hate/dislike any of the Constructs if I'm being honest. Though I hate how shitty of a unit Sophia is, and that it's kinda pitiful that she's become even more useless now that the new S-Liv is here; but I am in no way saying you should stop using her, keep using Sophia if you really like her! It's your choice after all, and I'm not about to contest you on that part, after all, everyone's enjoyment is subjective.
13) What part of PGR's lore really holds your attention?
The part of the lore that really holds my attention are the characters, and seeing how they react and act to the situations happening to and around them, especially concerning the Punishing and forces out of their control~.
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Hetalia Family Week - Day 1: Hobbies
This is my entry for @hetafamilyweek day 1 - hobbies (and hugs)
Summary:  They didn't have time for family hangouts often, with them being nations and all that, but whenever they did, it was safe to say it was the most fun any of them would have that week.
Sometimes, they would just go for a coffee or lunch or have a picnic. Other times, they would binge-watch a series while cuddling on the couch. And then, there were times like this.
This has also been posted to my a03!
Disclaimer: the opinions of the characters aren’t necessarily the authors opinion. Also, some of the sentences have been translated with Google Translate. If there is any mistake, please let me know and I'll fix as soon as possible! The translations are at the end.
Names used:
Willem = Netherlands
Femke = Belgium
Laurent = Luxembourg
Antonio = Spain
Matthew = Canada
Abel = Holland, @starflight-blog oc
Sjoerd = Friesland, @starflight-blog oc
Lieke = Groningen, @starflight-blog oc
Relevant headcanons time!  
- Femke owns a cat named Mika
- Matthew and Willem are married (see end notes for more info)
- Matthew uses he/they pronouns
They didn't have time for family hangouts often, with them being nations and all that, but whenever they did, it was safe to say it was the most fun any of them would have that week.
Sometimes, they would just go for a coffee or lunch or have a picnic. Other times, they would binge-watch a series while cuddling on the couch. And then, there were times like this.
"Can't you two sit still for like five minutes? If you want this painting to actually look good, you're gonna have to let me actually have time to paint you!"
"What if we want it to look like Picasso?"
"Laurent, hoepel een eind op, Picasso sucks and so do his paintings."
"Don't let Antonio hear you say that."
"Antonio can go fuck himself."
"Guys, let's keep this fun, alright? I want to enjoy this day," Femke chimed in. Willem huffed but didn't complain further. Laurent grinned and continued composing a piece for the harp standing next to him.  
(When Laurent had led them towards his "inspiration room" as he liked to call it, which was just a room filled with instruments, art supplies and more, both siblings had been filled with dread at the thought of Laurent playing the tuba, or god forbid, the trombone. Willem had said: "Laurent, I swear to god, if you're going to play the tuba or the trombone, I'm going to throw both you and the instrument out of the nearest window." To which Laurent had been a smartass and replied, "Can you even lift all that weight though?" That had ended up in a chase through the house that ended when Femke tackle-hugged both.)
The comfortable silence continued for a while, broken only by the occasional sigh from one of the siblings or Laurent trying the piece on the harp.
"Hey, Fem," Laurent walked up to her while he was taking a quick break, "What're you making?"
"Well, I'm trying to embroider our pets, but this stitch just won't work, godverdomme-"
"Maybe you should take a break and come back to it later? It's getting late anyway, we should eat dinner soon," Laurent suggested. Femke nodded. When no conformation came from Willem, they turned to him.
"Hey, earth to Willem! Did you hear what we just said?" Laurent asked, walking up to him and quickly stopping next to him. "Nondikass!" He exclaimed. "Willem, that looks amazing! How'd you do that in such a short time?!"
Femke, now curious, walked up to her brothers and peeked over their shoulders. "What the fuck, Willem," she gaped at the painting in front of her. It was clearly her and Laurent doing their respective hobbies, with beautiful lighting and background. The vibrant colours of the front of the painting was a stark contrast to the background, which had much softer tones. "You told us you were rusty! What part of this is rusty?!"
Willem, who was now looking more like a tomato, opened his mouth, no doubt to point out all the things that were wrong with it, but Laurent cut him off. "Nope, Mr. Perfectionist, you're not pointing out all the imperfections of this, and that's final. This is a masterpiece, seriously. Don't give me that look!"
"You know," Femke mused, "I might actually hang this in my house once it's dry."
"Guys," Willem said, flustered, "It's not that good. Really. Thanks for the compliments, but-"
"No buts!" Femke exclaimed at the same time Laurent yelled: "Not that good?!"
"Yeah, it's... the colour's off, the perspective is weird, and-"
"I am this close to actually strangling you with your scarf, Willem," Femke cut him off, her hands on her hips. "So what if it isn't perfect? That doesn't make it look any less amazing! I'll tell you what, we're gonna take a break, then we're going to come back here, and you'll see how amazing this actually looks."  
Willem looked at her for a few seconds before sighing. "Fine..."
"Now don't go around brooding like that, it's no fun," Laurent said while shooting Femke a quick thumbs-up. Femke grinned.
"Now, come on! I'll make waffles!"
"Hey, Matthew replied!" Laurent exclaimed, effectively cutting off Willems' story on the antics of Abel and Sjoerd.
(Apparently, they had gotten into a fight over who had the most creative curse words. This had ended in Abel singing along to the curse word song in Dutch, until Lieke walked in. Sjoerd had promptly slapped a hand over Abel's mouth to stop him from ‘tainting Lieke's innocence’. It was weird.)
"What do you mean?" Willem asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, dearest brother of mine," Laurent replied with a shit-eating grin, which did absolutely nothing to ease Willem's worries. "Because you didn't seem too convinced by us literally shouting how amazing your painting was, we decided to send a picture to Matthew-"
"You what?!"
"-to see what he thinks of it," Laurent continued, unfazed. "Since, you know, you seem to care a lot about what they think, about as much as you care about what we think? I mean I would hope so, considering we're your siblings, but-"
"You're getting off track, Laurent," Femke cut him off. "Anyway, we figured that if anyone other than us would manage to convince you that your painting is amazing, it's gonna be Matthew."
"Don't even try to deny it. We went to your wedding, remember? We know how much you care about him. Which is a good thing, by the way. So, Laurent, what did they say?"
"Well, there's an all-caps keysmash, followed by an all-caps 'what?!'. Scratch that, basically everything is in caps. So, the general train of thought is 'what the fuck, this is beautiful, how the fuck did he do this, he calls this rusty?!' And finally, 'I love it 10/10 would hang in my living room and/or show off to my family and friends. It's beautiful and I'll physically fight him on that.'"
"Awww, that's so sweet! See, Willy, your painting truly is amazing!" Femke, sporting a somehow genuine but shit-eating grin, patted her brother on the back. Said brother had his head in his hands and may or may not be crying.
"I hate you two," came the muffled reply with no real heat behind it. Femke and Laurens laughed.
"We love you too, you softie! Now come on, who's ready to spend more time together!" Femke cheered, already halfway across the room.
"Jezus Christus, Femke, that looks amazing!" Willem said, looking at the embroidery his sister had made. It pictured their pets, Pelutze, Mika, and Nijntje. 
"Aww, thanks Willem!"
"Wait, let me see- wow, sis, this is really good! I love it!"  
"Thank you, Lau! By the way, is your composition nearly finished? I want to hear it!"
"Me too, actually."
"Well, it's not done yet, but I can play what I have so far?"
"Yes please!" Femke smiled.
Laurent sat down and started playing the piece of music he had written on the harp. Moving his fingers delicately along the strings, the beautiful melody carried along the room. Once he was done, he looked up.
"So... what did you think- Femke are you okay?!"
"Yeah, sorry, it's just... it's so beautiful!" Femke cried, flinging herself at Laurent and crushing him in a hug.  
"I agree with Femke, it was wonderful," Willem chimed in, walking over to his siblings. Femke quickly included him in the hug.
"You two are so talented, what the hell!"
"Fem, you're crushing me," Laurent gasped. "And don't you dare exclude yourself, have you seen what you just made?!"
"Yeah, but-"
"No buts, remember," Willem said, parroting her words back to her with a smirk.
"Why are you like this?"
Willem laughed at this. "You still love me despite it, though!"
"That's not an answer!"
"Is it not?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Guys, please stop. This is a stupid argument," Laurent rolled his eyes.
"Rolling your eyes at us? How rude, Lau," Willem said, locking him in a headlock and ruffling his hair.
"Hey, let me go!"
"Hmmm, let's see... Nope."
"Oh, come on! Fem, help me out here!"
Femke just laughed in response.
"Betrayal!" Laurent screeched, struggling to get out of his brother's headlock. Femke just laughed harder in response, almost falling over.
"You know, you could always just say the magic word to get out."
"The magic- What am I, five?"
"You certainly act like it sometimes."
"Fëck dech."
"Real mature, Laurent."
"Oh, like asking for the magic word is so mature."
"Absolutely. I haven't heard it yet, by the way. Femke, are you doing alright?" Willem asked, as his sister was now lying on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Gasping for air, she shook no.
"Seems like you'd better let me go before we make Femke choke," Laurent commented. Willem tsk-ed.
"Fine, fine. Fem, get up," he said, letting Laurent out of the headlock and extending a hand towards Femke.
"Give- give me a... minute," she said, still gasping for air. After she managed to get enough air in her lungs and not burst out laughing after she saw her brothers standing in front of her with worried (albeit semi-irritated) looks, she finally took Willem's offered hand.
"You two are utter morons."  
Willem gasped. "Are you hearing this, Laurent? Slander, complete and utter slander!"
"Well, she's right about one of us, and it isn't me."
"Laurent, ik tyf je de Noordzee in als je niet ophoudt-"
"Try me, old man-"
"Who're you calling old you little-"
''Oh for- hou uw bakkes! If this becomes another argument, I will smother both of you!''
''You wouldn't dare,'' Willem said. After a beat of silence and a fierce glare from Femke, he added: ''Would you?''
''I don't know, why don't you find out?''
''Fem, you're scaring me a bit here,'' Laurent said nervously. Femke hummed. Laurent looked at Willem, wide-eyed. Willem just looked back and shrugged.
''Could you even reach me though?'' Willem, who apparently had a death wish, asked.
Femke whipped around, glaring at her brother. Willem just glared back.
''Guys, no, no one's getting killed today,'' Laurent interjected. ''This is supposed to be a fun family meeting, remember? If there's any way anyone's going down,'' he added on, a devilish grin on his face as he slowly inched closer to his still glaring siblings, ''It's going to be this way!'' he yelled as he quickly poked Willem in his side, who immediately yelped and tried to get away. To no avail, because Femke quickly latched onto his arm and started poking him in his side too.  
''No, Fem, wait- What did I do to deserve this?!''
''Well, uh... you took the last waffle?''
''Are you asking me, or-'' Willem started to ask, then yelped again as his siblings started to tickle him.
''No! Please, mercy!''
''Hmmm, Lau, what do you think? Should we stop?'' Femke asked, looking at her younger brother.
''I don’t know, Fem,'' Laurent answered back, devilish grin still on his face. ''He hasn’t said the magic word yet.''
''Godverdomme, natuurlijk is dat het antwoord. Kut! Laurens, stop!''
''Hmm, let me think. Nee.''
Femke snickered. ''He looks like a worm, wiggling like that.''
''How the fuck-''
''Oh my god you're so right,'' Laurent said. ''Willem the worm,'' he started to say, but burst out laughing halfway through. Femke laid on top of Willem, wheezing. Willem, meanwhile, looked absolutely mortified.
''You two are so immature,'' he said.
''Says the guy currently laying on the floor because he's ticklish.''
''I will strangle you,'' Willem threatened.
''Try me, bit- Hey!'' Laurent started to say, before Willem had reached forward and pulled him besides him.
''You know, this is actually surprisingly comfortable,'' Femke commented after a beat of silence.
''No, you're heavy. Get off me- Lau don't you dare lay on top of Femke or I swear- oof!''
''Hmm? What was that?''
''I'll kill you.''
''Aw, we love you too!''
''... Ugh, fine, if I say it, will you get off?''
''You two are gremlins, oh my god. Fine, I love you too.''
''He said it! Lau, he said it!''
''Yeah yeah, we all heard it. Now get off me.''
''I mean... technically I never promised I'd get off-''
''Off. Now. Or I'll never bring you stroopwafels again.''
This earned him a scandalized gasp from both of his siblings.
''You’re so mean! How dare you deprive us of stroopwafels?!''
''You can't do that!''
''You two are impossible. I said off,'' Willem complained, trying to sit up. Which was hard, considering Femke was literally laying on top of him.  
''Say the magic word first.''
''Are you serious right now? Femke, we are not five.''
''... Fine. Femke, can you please get the fuck off me?''
''Fine, close enough,'' she said as she got off Willem, who immediately took a deep breath.
''Finally, oh sweet air how much I've missed you.''
''You’re so weird. Anyway,'' Femke said, turning towards Laurent. ''You recorded the whole thing, right?''
Laurent laughed and rolled his eyes. ''Like you had to ask.''
Willem gaped at them, before jumping up. ''Godver- Laurent give that camera here, right now!''
''No, I don’t want to. I must say this is great blackmail material.''
''Laurent, als je nu niet die camera hier geeft, dan-''
''Du muss mech als éischt fänken!''
Needless to say, Willem ended up chasing Laurent through the house, Femke following closely behind. In the end, all three of them ended up in a dogpile on the couch, laughing. Yeah, family meetings were fun indeed.
Hoepel een eind op (Dutch) = a nice(ish) way of saying ‘fuck off’ or ‘go away’
Godverdomme (Dutch, Flemish) = goddammit
Nondikass (Luxembourgish) = used as an exclaimation, meaning something like ‘damn’.
Jezus Christus (Dutch) = Jesus Christ
Fëck dech (Luxembourgish) = Screw you
Ik tyf je de Noordzee in als je niet ophoudt (Dutch) = I will throw you into the North Sea if you don't stop. (The word ‘tyf’ is pretty rude though, albeit used by a lot of teens in my experience, so I would not recommend going around actually saying this.)
Hou uw bakkes (Flemish) = shut up
Godverdomme, natuurlijk is dat het antwoord. Kut! (Dutch) = ‘Goddammit, of course that's the answer. Fuck!’ (even though the word 'kut’ doesn’t mean ‘fuck’, it's used as a replacement pretty often. The more accurate translation would be ‘vagina’, as that is literally what it means, but it's used as a curse word more often than not.)
Nee (Dutch, Flemish, Luxembourgish) = No
Laurent, als je nu niet die camera hier geeft, dan- = Laurent, if you don't give me the camera right now, then-
Du muss mech als éischt fänken! (Luxembourgish) = youre gonna have to catch me first!
Stroopwafels are a Dutch delicacy, I love them so much. Basically, they’re waffles with syrup in between. Google them for examples and probably a better explanation.
I am physically incapable of not adding in a sprinkle of NedCan. I'm sorry (but actually not really,, as stated, Willem and Matthew are married so technically Matthew is family- *gets smacked*)
The ending is more crack and longer than I intended because I have no self-control. Sue me.
Moral of the story: don't anger short ppl. They’re angrier cuz they’re closer to hell-
Yes Willem is ticklish, I said what I said.
Bonus scene: ''Wait, so if Willem is a worm, would Matthew be like... a moose?''
''I am begging you two to stop. Laurent, stop laughing!''
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Winter Wonderland-Festive Sweater
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Steve Rogers X Reader
Words: 487
Warnings: Light swearing, but good fun
A/N: Hello and welcome to day five!! I had fun writing this one. So much fun that I made my own edit!! Please don’t steal it, I did put a mark on it but that won’t necessarily stop someone from using it. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did!!
“Absolutely not!” You glare at your husband with a sour face.
 “But why not?! I think it’s the perfect sweater for the holiday party. I bet it’ll get a lot of laughs.” Steve smirks back at you.
 The sweater in question is red with snowflakes and an upside-down snowman in the middle. Green tinsel appears to make up the hat and blue bulbs hang down, perfectly resting at your husband's groin. All this you could handle. What you can’t… the carrot nose. It’s strategically placed and protruding from the shirt. Looking at it you know exactly what people are going to think, cause if your gears are already shifting, you can imagine just what other people at the party will say, especially the host. Tony Stark would never let an opportunity like that slide. Ever!
 “You can march right back upstairs and try on another sweater. I know I bought you a couple others to choose from, please and thank you,” you try to be as calm as possible waiting for Steve to put up his usual Captain stance. “Why can’t you wear the one that matches mine?”
 Steve huffs, “You mean the one that says, ‘I’ve been naughty’ that goes along with your ‘I’ve been nice’? Why do I have to be the naughty one?!”
 You glare at your husband and click your tongue. “Of the two of us who is one, not wearing a suggestive sweater that is practically begging for a sexual favor and two, not an active army Captain who pulls rank on his friends just because he’s an asshat and likes to see his fellow soldiers suffer, hmmm?”
 Steve shrugs. “Special Ops…” he corrects, and you roll your eyes, “... and it’s fun and they love me for it. Come on!! Please?!” Your husband begs, sticking out his bottom lip and pouts.
 There’s a part of you that is internally screaming to let him wear it. It is a festive sweater, after all and that’s the theme of the party. The only reservation you have is how this will be the sweater that never dies. You know just how well it’ll be received and even if he promised it to be a one and done, you know Steve will never get rid of it and he’ll keep the tradition of wearing it every damn year. You’ve got to find a way to escape that nightmare.
 “Okay, what if I let you wear it…”
 Steve jumps up in excitement, the carrot nose bobbing along as he does. “Yes!”
 “However… after you will give me the sweater and we shall never speak of it again. Agreed?”
 Your husband cocks his head. “I’m never gonna see it again, am I?”
 You shrug. “It’s possible.”
 Steve smirks. “Guess it’s a good thing I’ve got an entire arsenal of festive sweaters hidden elsewhere. I accept your terms! Merry Christmas, baby!” He laughs.
 “Merry Christmas, you ass!” 🤦🏼‍♀️
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