#also yes that's my own dang book. lol
obstinaterixatrix · 3 months
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here are all the f/f recs I posted for femslash february 2023...! each individual post can be found in my femslash feb recs tag. this was done on a whim, and I wanted to showcase works with official releases so folks could support the writers/artists/translators/devs/etc in a pretty straightforward way. I'm pretty pleased with this set!
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keithsandwich · 7 months
Hello I hope not to bother bit everytime I read you wanted to talk about Keith well I can't leave that unanswered and so here I am 🤗🤗 I love Keith kind and dark are bringing me on a rollercoaster of emotions and I totally adored how dark Keith switched to kind just for her even if he could literally vanish 👀😭 that is proof ifhowmuch he loves her 😳😳 but dang I find extra intersting to see the two of them talking like face to face aside from notes that is 😳 still I can't help but wonder why despite having being through the same thing made Keith shatter in two persons unlike Luke if you answers or hedcanons please tell me I am racking my brain over it and oh boy don't get me started on how I adore to see every details that make both Keith so different from one another but also similar from how much they love and cares deeply for her its heart melting 😻😻😻🦌🦌🦌🙈😍😍😍😍 and I just can't shake off the fact, personal hc of mine, that Keith loves stargazing and books almost as ilhe was searching for answers to his own personal questions 🤔👀😳🙈 I wish you a wonderful day 😘😘💝💞💕💗💓💖
Hi, Julie! You're never a bother ❤️
Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm with me! This is such a good route! Even tho I've read it with translator before, getting to read it in English has been such an amazing experience! My heart is so overflowing with love for him lol I'm sure I'm gonna read his whole route multiple times again because it only made it clearer that he is my one and only fav.
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Now, about him having DID while Luke doesn't, DID is a very rare condition, and the factors contributing to its development are still not fully understood. While it is certainly linked to trauma, not everyone who experiences trauma develops DID. So it's coherent to have only one prince out of many who had been through traumatic experiences developing such a rare disorder.
And yes, if we still don't have much answers about it now, imagine how it would be back then in the time period of the game! My poor baby... I love this idea of him recurring to the books and the stars to try to find answers to his personal questions 🥰 It's very lovely, and I can see it happening.
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gins-potter · 2 years
No context episode 10 thoughts
- last episode let’s gooooooooooo
- Dimitri just being so fucking calm while everyone’s dying outside I could never
- Oh my god Jesse seriously
- I need this show to stop trying to make me care about him
- Ok Mia and Victor having a moment is emotional I guess but also THERE’S AN INVASION GOING ON THIS ISNT THE TIME
- Mason you better speak up
- Ok good boy
- ummm rip
- Didn’t see that one coming
- umm girl what
- Can they not just tell who’s a dhampir and who’s a Moroi?
- Romitri reunion
- oh no Mum and Dad are fighting 😭😭😭
- Oh Mason you’re gonna die
- oh damn old lady has game
- lissa why don’t you heal her?
- Oh you’re doing it very good
- Andre I kinda love you
- Also you’re pretty resourceful for a posh Royal
- Man Daniela cries so pretty
- This queen iconic until the end
- I still find it so wild that Andre has been alive this whole time
- So wild
- lol this chick just making up her own rules
- We stan
- Victor there’s literally a FUCKING INVASION GOING ON and you’re crying in the church
- All these friendships that the books never gave us - living for it
- Romitri arguing and then completely dropping it when Rose senses the strigoi because Dimitri is a concerned puppy dog
- Tatiana what the fuck
- All these people running for their lives stopping to get luggage is so fucking batshit
- I oscillate wildly between wanting Jesse to die and finding him amusing
- “There’s more grace in that hope than in all the prayers I’ve ever uttered” I FUCKING LOVE THAT LINE
- “Thanks Jesse you’re not always a complete dick” Mia you’re such a mood
- Rose defending Dimitri like no one touches her man
- her accent is still so fucking hilarious
- Oh shit thought Andre was gonna survive a car crash and burial just to get killed by a random strigoi
- is lissa healing literally everyone but Mia?
- Disregard
- Oh this music I love it
- I find this deviation from the books so batshit insane but this is cute
- welp
- Brought him back just to turn him
- That’s so unfortunate
- Oh Sisi fucking ate with that scene tho
- she’s not gonna have any spirit left because she’s been fucking healing everyone
- Oh my god Mason that leap through the air was fucking hilarious
- I’m so here for this Rose and Janine team up
- Victor she’s literally a strigoi
- We’ll rip Victor
- Unsurprising result
- oh Mason
- … so is he dead?
- Get him to the infirmary where there’s no doctors?
- Welp, so I guess it’s gonna be Lissa’s escape story next season
- Oh Mason’s not dead
- Inch resting choice
- these children are married
- How
- Oh my god they’re such dorks
- Awww they said they loved each other
- so is it gonna be lissa, rose, and Dimitri together on the run
- Because that’s a vibe
- The drivinggggg
- incredibly fucking rude
- (Side note: do either of them remember she was just about to run away with Mason?)
- The nose nuzzle
- Oh these two
- They literally own my heart
- Sisi fucking serving looks in this scene btw
- The way Janine has grown on me so quickly
- Zmey’s number???????
- oh my god I need a season 2 just so they can cast Zmey
- two girls who don’t know how to drive road-tripping to escape murder charges? What could go wrong
- dang Andre has had it so rough lmao
- Anyway that was a wild ride but thoroughly enjoyable
- I do want to reread the books now tho
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theantarwitch · 2 years
Hi! Beginner non-Wiccan witch here! Been practicing witchcraft my whole life but only recently discovered that it was indeed witchcraft and that I am a witch. Now that I know, I research it and write everything down but I've also come across informations which are misleading or people having different opinions - for example, can I celebrate the wheel of the year's feasts? I've heard it's for pagans, witches and Wiccans but some Wiccans claim it's purely Wiccan and it doesn't help that a LOT of witchcraft books and sources are Wiccan too and that the words "witchcraft" and "Wiccan" are often used synonymously. So is there a neutral source out there? Do you know anything about it or someone who knows more?
Thank you in advance!
Hi there! You was a witch without knowing you was a witch, I feel sooooo identified! Welcome to the "gang" XD
That's a great question! We are indeed in an age of a lot of info and easy access to it, but also a toooon of missinformation and a huge more ton of "yeah but", so I will try to answer as tidy as I can.
Let's start with the Wiccan part. Pretty much a open practice invented in 1950ish, with some branches that are open by initiation, but the mayority is open to non wiccans, pagans and witches. Now, the Wheel of the Year is indeed a purely Wiccan thing. At least with that specific name (some celebrations as Yule are from ancient nordics, so they don't even changed the name)
They pretty much put these fancy names and rituals to something humans are doing since we first start to notice the seasons, so they "traditions" are just, as my friend EE stylishly point it, a not so secular way to celebrate solstices and equinoxes.
So yes, you can celebrate it even not being wiccan. Even more, do it more personalized if you want. Celebrate them at your own way, you don't have to make a feast in your altar and lit the candles if you don't want. Drink a glass of fresh lemonade in the first day of Spring and do cheers to the Sun is enough. If you prefer dance around a dry branch in the first day of Winter, go ahead. If you want to walk around a tree to celebrate Summer, heck yeah! If you want to make a fest in picknic style and feed birds and ants in all of them, RAD.
These celebrations are that, celebrations, party hard to conmemorate the seasons. You don't have to do it if you don't want or if you are not in the mood. You are not less witch for not do it (Dang it, I never do it).
And if you want to do it, you can pick the wiccan recipe or do it at your own. And if you have ancestors from some specific culture and you want to celebrate at their way, go ahead!
The use of Wiccan and Witchcraft as synonyms always make me mad, more when Wicca is pretty much a religion and Witchcraft is more a practice/lifestyle. The easy rule? If they mention "The God and Goddess", is wiccan. And since they pretty much just copy practices, history, culture, methods and stuffs from other antique open (and CLOSED) practices (like Karma and Chakras), learn from them eventually lead you to any kind of cultural appropiation, and you will need to start to research from more older practices and religions and and and and... a pain in the ass, I know.
From non wiccan books I can mention (I don't read any of them yet lol and I'm not sure if the links works):
The Witch's Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy- Hiscock (PDF here)
Black Arts by Richard Cavendish (PDF here??)
What's Next After Wicca?: Non-Wiccan Occult Practices and Traditional Witchcraft by Sophia diGregorio.
I will also suggest check this vid with 10 non wiccan books!
The books it mention (if you can't/wan't check the vid) are:
Love Is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals: The Reference Book Describing the Metaphysical Properties of the Mineral Kingdom by Melody
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness by Rachel Pollack (PDF Here or Here?)
Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners by Theresa Reed (PDF Here)
Blackthorn's Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn (PDF Here)
The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages (Is before the vid, I'm too lazy to edit lol)
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation by Mat Auryn (PDF Here)
Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft by Gabriela Herstik 
Besom, Stang & Sword: A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft, the Six-Fold Path & the Hidden Landscape by Christopher Orapello
Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways by Gemma Gary (PDF Here or Here)
A Book of Pagan Prayer by Ceisiwr Serith (PDF Here)
I can also suggest check this link of Quora where people do the same question and people drop a TON of books.
And as a last advice, start to narrow your search. Instead to look for especific books of witchcraft, divide the craft. What I mean is, witchcraft have "branches". You have divination, astrology, astronomy, kitchen witch, herbs, crystals, the historical part, myths, etc, and each one is also divided... Divination have runes, tarot, pendulum, etc.
When you start to divide, you can find not witchy info. For example, if you look for tarot, you will find different types, different styles, so high chances the books and info you find, be less general and less wiccan. Of course, if you are starting, please don't do that or you will lose you mind XD Start general, yes, but with the time, get more focused, specially as soon you start to find your own path.
Because with the time, some of the stuffs you learned at first, will be never used. Let's say you learn about crystals now but then you find is not your thing and you never use them, but instead you love work with water. Then you can focus more in consecrated water, moon water, rain water, all the water.
Or you start to work with a Greek deity (not NOW, is not for begginers), so you will start to look info from anthropological books about the pantheon.
Is what happened to me with pendulums. I learned a lot and I don't like them lol.
Anyway, I stop to rant before I give you brain damage.
Take your time, learn at your speed, have fun, be safe and be blessed!
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im-no-jedi · 7 months
3, 6, 13, 15, 16, 24, 29, 33, 39 for the Star Wars ask meme! GIVE ME ALL OF THE INFORMATION~!
aaaaaaaah so many numbers!! but I will GLADLY answer everything! 😁
3. Favorite character from the prequels: ANAKIN OF COURSE. I had a HUGE crush on him (and both of his actors) when I was younger. he quite quickly became my favorite character of all time after watching the original trilogy, so I have to say him for this 💙
6. Do you have any ships?: a few, yes!! mainly the ones that are canon, like Han/Leia, Cut/Suu, and Anakin/Padme, or ones that were semi-canon like Obi-Wan/Satine and Rey/Finn (despite what anyone says otherwise!!). there's also some that I wouldn't be mad about like Fennec/Boba and Din/Bo-Katan. my OTP though? Kanan/Hera. by FAR. like legit, that is one of my top OTPs in general. I love them so much 🥺💙
13. Would you want to be a Force user?: YES. VERY MUCH SO. being an empathetic and neurodivergent person, I often feel like I have "special powers" like Force users do. and who wouldn't want to be able to make stuff float all the time? (also, just sayin', if anyone has read any recent MLWTBB stuff, then this answer shouldn't be any surprise 😜)
15. Did you play any Star Wars video games?: yes!! I've played all the LEGO games and still play the newest one to this day 😁 also, the Podracer game for N64, Rogue Squadron for Gamecube (didn't care for that one though 😝), Battlefront 1&2 (2 is better!! and I LOVE the story for that one!!), and Squadrons! we owned both of the Force Unleashed games at one point, but I never tried playing them cause my bro said they were bad LOL. also, we own Fallen Order, but my bro said it's basically unplayable due to loading times, even on our PS5 😩
16. Have you read any Star Wars books?: only a few. I've read Phasma (my longest sigh ever 😞), Before The Awakening (the Poe story is the best!!), and some of the Breakout Squad books! I also have the first Poe Dameron comic, and LOTS of visual guides 😌
24. Would you want to be human, or from another species?: well I kept myself as human in MLWTBB so 😬 my favorite species are Devaronians though, so if I could be anything else, it would be that 😋
29. Which character doesn't get enough credit or screentime?: there's honestly a lot of characters I could put here, but I'm going to be completely biased and say Phasma and Crosshair. as much as I had... feelings about the Phasma book, herself as a character was one of the only interesting things in that entire story. she absolutely fascinates me and is such an interesting villain; that story really drives home just how cruel and selfish she is. also I just adore her and want to see more of her 😩🙏🏻 and I shouldn't even have to explain myself for Crosshair. he's one of the most interesting characters EVER created for SW. I want an entire series about that man. GIVE ME MORE OF HIM DANG IT 😤
33. Which movie have you watched the most?: honestly? it's probably The Phantom Menace. I've watched the original trilogy several times, but overall I'd say TPM has all three of those movies beat. mainly cause my bro liked to watch it as a kid haha
39. If you wrote a 'fix-it fic', what would you write about?: funny you should ask! I actually already am writing a fix-it fic! 😌 this isn't spoilers cause I've already talked about it before, but I'm changing Plan 99 for MLWTBB. despite wanting to keep that series as close to the show as possible, I simply can't remove Tech from the story. despite whatever might happen in season 3, Tech is making it out of Plan 99 in one piece. I've actually already written several chapters in this far-off future fic and have most of the rest of it planned out. idc if I have to completely alter the events of season 3 because of this, I refuse to lose my favorite nerd tyvm 😤 honestly, at this point, it's not even so much me condemning the choices of the writers, it's me showing grace and love to the character. Tech literally changed my life in the absolute best way possible, and I can't let anything bad happen to him because of that 🥺💙
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jobethdalloway · 2 years
Okay, I JUST KNEW you’d watch a league of their own. That makes me so happy!! I LOVED the original movie. Now, I just want the same kinda TV adaptation for fried green tomatoes. I know it may not lend itself as well, but it just warmed my heart to see a movie I loved when I was younger be given new life. It’ll never happen, and maybe a part of me doesn’t want it to, but still lol.
Yes, it is SO special!!! About to finish the last episode and I'm dying a little bit also I kinda wish they were weekly episodes instead of all at once bc I want to space it out to enjoy it more but feel like I gotta binge bc I wanna avoid spoilers & they're everywhere. also when you & your friends are all on different eps and there's so much to dig into with each one it's like dang i wish we could just be on the same page and break 'em down one at a time bc it all flows together otherwise anyway
yeah. When the show was first announced (before anyone suspected it would be nearly as canonically gay as it is), I was surprised/disappointed to see a lot of (older tbf) fans of the movie expressing their annoyance. Granted the name of the film and show are the same, and they both focus on the Rockford Peaches*, but I never considered this a remake or a reboot. It's just them going back to this historical event to share more stories. And thus to reflect more of its actual history. We have a zillion movies about men and baseball, why not rejoice in telling more about women and baseball, y'know? I adore most of the movie and am so glad it's there. I LOVE, fucking love, the show - there's absolutely nothing out there like it.
I wonder how Fried Green Tomatoes would fare today!! It would of course allow the leads to be as gay as they are in the book, which would be great. And logically I know that there are other actresses who could play Ruth and Idgie, but... damn. So hard not to mourn what could've been with those two as played by the Marys!
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hi ily. for questions, 1, 12, and 24? <333
HI OMG ILY TOO 😭😭 already know this is gonna take me a hot minute because u chose some deep questions but mostly because that’s just a me problem <3333 here we go!!!
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
dAng okay starting off STRONG hm for positive things i’d say first my middle school friends. my friend group coming out opened to door to my own queerness and created an atmosphere where queerness was the norm and we were able to unapologetically express that. it’s a little nostalgic looking back because since moving schools i’ve definitely had to suppress a ton more and talking about my queerness in any way irl has become sort of taboo for me which is a little sad. but i will forever be grateful for them for introducing that side of the world that i might have taken a long time to meet otherwise and ofc for being such a beautiful support system and lovely people <3 i miss yall second uhhhhhhhhh i’d say omg okay so listen this is gonna sound stupid but i am 100% serious when i say seaweed brain podcast. they not only reintroduced me to percy jackson and showed that it’s okay to still love this fandom when you’ve “outgrown it” (and that led to me re entering a lot of fandoms that used to bring me a ton of joy as a kid) but they’ve also taught me a ton, how to think critically about text you read and topics you hear about, how to love a text and see it’s faults, showed me a ton of new perspectives and taught me a lot of important lessons about like problematic parts of literature or tropes or ideas that as a kid i obviously didn’t catch but are so so important for me to learn about and start unlearned now. and ofc theyve showed me that it’s okay to have different opinions and to change your opinions and to share your opinions and have respectful open fun discourse about them <3 and always such a queer safe space for me before tumblr was in the picture and have let me live vicariously through their rants of how gay the books are with their guests :) so yes i would fr say they have shaped me a lot into the much more informed nerd i am now and help provide a support system and a source of comfort from irl <33 love u erica and carter lol keep slaying and lastly i’d say definitely joining tumblr <3 i first came on here last summer after a therapy session where my therapist was asking about my friends and was like ‘well do u have any online friends’ and i was like no my parents wouldn’t let me and also i wasn’t sure how to even find those friends. and then i remembered about tumblr which i had previously though was like an old app like i didn’t think it still existed 😭😭 and i was like well hm lets see if it’s still there and honestly *winks at camera* it was the best thing that i’d ever done no but seriously i was not doing so hot at that point and the community on tumblr—just the unapologetic joy and curiosity and passion and casual affection and community—it really helped me just to get through the day knowing i had a source of joy at the end of it! and it also gave me a space where i could be myself after a day of masking and conformity and finally god finally have somewhere where i could express things like hyperfixations or simple queer things without apology or criticism and ahhhh it’s helped me love myself so much more and encouraged my curiosity and helped me learn so much through so many resources! and ofc gave me many many lovely ao3 fics :) ily all so so much ty for being the best <3 tumblr for the win
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
probably something i think a lot more people need to hear is that no one fits into a box. humans exist on a spectrum in pretty much every dimension of our life and trying to limit yourself to just one point on that spectrum erases so much of the beauty and potential and magnitude of just living as yourself. even though society might tell you that you’ll only be accepted if you look, dress, talk, act, believe, grow up, love, experience the world in one way, they’re lying. those are systems of oppression that have hundreds of thousands of forever of years integrating in our institutions and so yes they will make it hard for you to exist as you are no matter what. but they are nothing compared to the true complexity and nuance of being human. they cannot define you—literally no one can define you except yourself. and that’s another thing: it’s okay to be wrong about that definition. the journey of self discovery and throwing off the labels society has placed on you since birth is not. easy. but it doesn’t have to be, and it will never look the same for anyone, and you will probably make interpretations about how you fit into the world that you will disagree with later on! but the important thing is to find people who care about you and support you and love you not despite but because of who you are and if you are struggling to find those people, make sure to care about and support and love yourself!! because you are beautiful and strong and worthy for just existing in this world that is trying it’s damn hardest to make it difficult <3 i love you for all the wonderful confusing doesn’t make sense and doesn’t have to lovely rainbow of a human being you are
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
jesus u fr chose the hard ones bestie 😭😭 um i’d say one thing i am proud of myself for is how much i’ve grown over just the last year or so? i’ve found so many incredible resources and learned through research and communities and self reflection SO much about myself and about others!! i’m really proud of how much more informed and critically thinking and mature i am today, and how much i’ve learned about my own biases and those present in the institutions controlling our everyday lives. obviously still working on it but i think i can say i’m much more able to see things in a nuanced way and im more informed about a TON of things that i previously assumed i knew! i also love how this has really fed my curiosity and also allowed me to connect with other people like y’all in communities i never would have reached out to otherwise <3
well oh my gosh. would you look at this. kiri finished an ask response the???? day of?????? thank you so much for the ask bestie ilysm hopefully this unedited rant was understandable <333 have a slay day u icon
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shiegra · 11 months
TEOM adaptation thoughts
I do also think that it’s fascinating that Till the End of the Moon is almost in a different subgenre, but despite the layers of changes they made I think the vast majority of them show either hard-pressed necessity or a genuine appreciation for and understanding of the strengths of the original text, that tries to keep those strengths incorporated in every change done for the new medium.
And I just think that’s dang cool to be honest.
Obviously it’s not perfect! But all the ways they find to take story elements they had to cut for time and weave them back into the changed story so that it’s economical but still hits the emotional beat the original carried is like. I wanna take notes lol. I feel like in noticing these I’m learning things to take back to writing first and second drafts.
FOR EXAMPLE, in the dream there’s a SECOND Big Misunderstanding where after the split and the one-sided reconciliation while he heals, Sang Jiu teams up with a random demon (because more people came into the dream in the book) and Ming Ye thinks she ~has someone else because he’s misled and it’s just d r a g g e d ON. In the show? They don’t overcomplicate it and they don’t add in unnecessary one dimensional characters with little relevance - their decision to combine two bland side characters into Scholar Pang was similarly FANTASTIC - they simply wrap that misunderstanding into the original awkward arranged marriage deception.
They hit the same story beat while eliminating story bloat and actually adding in extra nuance - because the arranged marriage in the show was told in a more linear fashion and he opened with ‘we can separate if you find someone you actually love and want to marry, I understand neither of us wanted this.’
This being a pre-existing thought lends more credence to the idea that he would be fooled and more melancholy to the idea that now he’s in too deep but doesn’t want to renege on his promise to her at the start.
Somewhere in my head is like ‘make mental note: remember this tactic for attempted use in your own second drafts’ lol. Which is something I should have already known but sometimes having a concrete example to fall back on helps the brain process IMO.
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lisacatara-actress · 1 year
Almost Lisa: Pt 8, “Laughable... Almost”
*I retain all rights to my photography and story, story details, biographical information, fashion designs, art work, and anything and everything I have posted which is my own creation*)
You're still thinking about it, aren't you? Why I haven't dated an 18 years. It does sound pretty incredulous, bereft of the story behind it. No, I’m not crazy or have unrealistic expectations. Well, I do NOW. And life is just too damn short for bad company, bad sex, bad coffee, or fake relationships . The funniest ignorant comments men make to me are that they're surprised “nobody scooped (me) up yet”. As if I would relinquish that decision or fall into the arms of any man who wanted me. As if I OWE that to someone because simply having standards isn't enough for me to remain single. I want and deserve to be attracted and inspired, too.  And honestly, I seldom meet someone who excites me in the ways I find attractive (intellectually, spiritually, and yes, physically).
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Fathers / Daddies,
Hug your baby girls. As often as you can. If they don't learn what non-sexual touch is from you, they will have nothing to compare it by moving forward. Sex will feel like respect and appreciation when it's not.
      Sincerely,   A woman who learned this the hard way.
Once I moved to LA, I apparently developed attractions (and tolerances) to grown-ass man-children. My ex (yes, 18 years ago) had terrible mommy and daddy issues, was a pathological liar, and had at least three personalities (that I counted). He was also a kleptomaniac and stole a substantial amount of money from me (and a couple of his friends), just after cheating on me. Total package, obviously, lol. After that experience- which culminated in about a year of my life spinning out of control, dropping down to 105 lb because I just couldn't believe I didn't see signs of his illnesses- I eventually took a few lovers. But always unfulfilled and with unwarranted drama. One such arrangement lasted nearly seven years, on and very “off”. He was another (older) grown-ass man-child with serious Daddy issues. But wait! There’s more... He was also a narcissist, an over-compensatory control freak, and a very angry human who threatened to commit suicide every few months right about the time he knew I was going to leave him. But dang, if he didn't get the soft part of me that wanted to help him heal from his own trauma. Some people can't. So why did I stay?
Sex.  Literally, that's the reason. I was completely focused on my career and wasn't in a position to have a more committed or permanent relationship. Plus, he had an adorable little dog. It was- I thought- a mutually agreeable arrangement. But once he sexually and psychologically abused me, I was gone. Permanently. You get to a point in your life where you realize how valuable time is. When I say I no longer make time for bullshit, I mean it. That dude- by the way- later acquired (I've chosen this word on purpose) an industry award. Hollywood is full of - and too often celebrates- bullshit. And it’s hardly difficult to find in an industry that attracts hurt and broken people, looking to find themselves. Sadly, many believe what The Biz tells them is true. And others support those lies to further their own careers. I’ve witnessed many a colleague completely lose themselves, desperate to fill a gap in their lives. Few actually find the “Happily Ever After” of Hollywood success. And of those who do, there is most often a price.
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There are 2 reasons people do things: 
               1) the desire to experience Pleasure,
               2) the need to avoid Pain
A few years ago, while still living in "The Valley” (CA), I’d frequent cafes (as I am right now- quel suprise) and edit photos for the books I self-published. Joan's on Third was a favorite stomping ground. At the time, one of my neighbors was (is) a famous name actor being dragged by the media (and rightfully so) for a slew of disgusting accusations which surfaced. He would deliberately position himself where I had to glance in his direction, then stare me down until I looked his way. He’d invite himself to join me, looking over my shoulder at what I was working on, lavishing compliments, trying to win my favor. Then- manically- complaining about everything and everyone. He wasn’t nervous, just pissed. As if consequences were so...like...annoying.  A few years later, He was back on the film grind with a new show and more in the pipeline. Everyone stopped talking about his indiscretions. This happens A LOT in Entertainment. The next public outrage comes along and the old one is forgotten. When I worked in public relations (damage control and marketing), we'd tell our clients that Time was a friend. For this reason.
Hollywood runs on false power and real control. Piss off the wrong player and you'll find your climb up the ladder is greased and missing rungs. To succeed you must - to some degree- be a “Team Player”. Not only where booking jobs is concerned, but out in the field. The general public has heard and become familiarized with some of the behind-the-scenes debauchery over time, but they really cannot grasp that its REAL, and how DEEP the rabbit hole goes.
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In my early days in the Biz, I was invited to countless industry parties and events. Some, I actually went to. It was common (for me) to dance with celebs and share booths at exclusive clubs. There were also copious organized events which were more private, where celebs could “let their hair down”, away from the medias gaze. It was around midnight at one such party in The Hills when a large bouncer approached me and my host and explained that we were welcome to stay, but that the party was “going in a different direction”. I got it, immediately, and got up to leave. JUST as a certain celebrity’s naked ass went running up the stairs, chasing a bevy of young, star-struck, spandex-clad 20-somethings (something they were known to do). Lisa, OUT. I never believed I had to sell myself to achieve success. I had the “it factor” then, was talented, smart, and professional. Surely if I kept studying, auditioning and improving my craft, success would be inevitable.
I was wrong. Truth be told, playing the Game can be... helpful.
Everything I’ve accomplished has been done with my integrity intact. There were many opportunities to advance by other means. I couldn’t. Or wouldn’t. Though through the years, I watched several colleagues chose to go the route of hotel meetings and “favors” to shortcut their careers forward. It often ended in tears, protests, pleas, and even blacklisting. I’ve lost at least a few colleagues to suicide or substance abuse along the way. If you don’t have solid people who care about you and keep you grounded, Hollywood is a dangerous playground.
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La La Land gets a rep for being a meat market and playground for soulless opportunists and pedophiles. I wont pretend they aren't in the mix. But there are infinitely more good people than bad. Unfortunately, often bad ones are gate keepers and decision makers. It’s not as if depravity and abuse run rampant across the industry. It’s there, but you generally find it by looking for it. I learned to recognize trouble and mastered getting out of uncomfortable situations before they became confrontational / "icky”. Though not necessarily unscathed.
Case in point: I’ve worked in The Biz for nearly 20 years and have around 160 or so credits to my name. But you probably never heard about me until you read this Blog.
         (to be continued...)
(PS If you like what you're reading, I welcome contributions to the efforts via Venmo @LTarantinoDesigns)
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Same anon as before (at this point I'm not H2O only anymore right?):
Everything about Fae Jazz is great. If you're taking suggestions for other names, I was thinking more along the lines of clever reference (because like... "bearbert" is a pun and I know you were going for something along those lines but Higgs isn't exactly a pun? And yes she's prone to naming things badly but this is someone she's actually trying to do someone nice to, not someone considered an enemy like Crate Creep lol). May I suggest Elsie, Frances, Doyle, or a combination of all 3? (In case you missed the reference, the Cottingley Fairies were very famous in photography history! I learned about it in college because I'm a nerd :3 still one of my favorite random things I've learned about. I get the feeling Jazz might know about it because the Fentons could have done research into other mythological creatures while on the hunt for ghosts or to prove they were ghosts not mythological creatures? I feel like it could have been one of those things baby Jazz would've been interested in--even weirdly mature smart little girls like horses and fairies and stuff y'know?)
Oh speaking about college, if this is later in the main trio's adventures (ie. Danny is king and etc. and everything else seems to have already happened) since I've been imagining most of this stuff pretty much post series/Danny and co are in Junior year, that means Jazz is in college by now and it's more reason for her to have gotten sucked into her own adventures and picking up her own supernatural responsibilities outside of the main group. (I mean, where else is she gonna meet fairies? Kinda doubt they'd hang around Amity Park!) Like how Tucker and Sam have their own supernatural responsibilities that Danny tends not to get involved in unless they really need it (whether they get in over their heads or they ask for it), Jazz's own supernaturalness gets separated from the ghostliness of "normal life" in Amity park that way, and like the others Danny only really helps out if needed and requested (because... let's face it, he's clever but not that clever, he'd probably get his name stolen if it weren't for Jazz's interference...)
Also dang please imagine Jazz starting to apply Fae rules to just about everything she does to not only get used to it but also because they apply to her now too? Like not entering a house without being invited, etc. (On the Darker side of things, maybe she technically owns her friends' names so that other fae can't steal them? I don't know much fae lore though so idk how that'd work, I just think it'd be an interesting thing for Jazz to have/know/do.)
love it, higgs is now doyle. and while i feel the fenton parents were always obsessed with ghosts specifically and would actually ironically write off other paranormal creatures on principal. because science. ectoplasm and ghosts are provable with shoddy science. and they're in a different dimension, that's why no one sees or believes in them. but monsters? living in the same world as us? just in hidden societies? now lets not be silly.
jazz on the other hand, rebelling as a kid, and firmly parking her camp in fairies and not ghosts. stubbornly maintaining that they're real. having little wire and fabric fairy wings that she would wear all the time. having books and figurines that she still loves but keeps in storage since she became a 'grown up'. love it. doyle sees a picture of jazz wearing fake wings and is so offended.
as for this being an exclusively collage adventure i am down for it. i can imagine her ivy league school, which we can fudge the details on since it's a fantasy world, is like a collage town surrounded for miles by dense forests and there's all sorts of stories about people going missing in those woods or seeing weird thing. jazz mainly blames drinking and considers herself too mature for that. but then of course while walking home from the library someone calls for help from the forest and she goes, getting led deeper and deeper into the trees until she gets a clue into what happening and maybe almost shoots the mysterious person who appears to help her with an ecto-weapon. they of course are doyle and jazz is both weird and clever enough to talk circles around them. she of course immediately recognize that mysterious people appearing deep in the forest when you're lost should not be blindly trusted. between being a psychologist, having experience with ghosts, and being polite enough not to be rude, jazz is unlike anyone doyle has ever met before.
i'm also imagining jazz bringing doyle home when she visits home and everything clicking into place for them when they see the family this girl came from and the terrifying amount of ghost activity going on. are fairies and ghosts rivals? there's potential for that. do they at very least normally stay out of each others affairs? for sure. i just like the idea of doyle having a 'oh no. oh shit. oh shit. i need to get of here' moment when they realize that they're in over their head and had completely misread and underestimated jazz as a human. she is so much more chaotic than they ever knew just looking at her and her school life. and that's not to mention the creature her brother is. because he's not even technically ghost. like i can't imagine other magical creatures reactions to danny being a halfa. if we're going with mythology being half dead and alive is considered dark as hell so he's probably scary to other creatures and developing a reputation when he helps his friend.
jazz takes to be a fairy way too well in all honesty. she was weirdly mentally prepared for this day. not intentionally of course but between having her fairy phase and frequent exposure to weird and crazy things... lets say her morals were already a bit skewed and she was prepared for fae rules. applying them in general life is a vibe though. most of them she already considered just polite or her things she could pass as being weird. but it's becoming a thing. i actually see her accidentally being really good at stealing names. like she's not doing it intentionally but she keeps getting more powerful the more names she has. doyle is both frustrated and impressed. i don't see jazz taking her friends names if she can help it, in part because she already knows them and doesn't need reintroduction, but also because having someone's name is mostly about having power over people. like names are powerful. the whole point of giving your name away being considered is dangerous, is that the fairy will use your name to control you. so jazz definitely isn't taking names intentionally. and even when she does take a name doesn't use it.
some other fairy lore things to play with. jazz having an allergy to iron and by extension steel. jazz being much more protective of nature. sam low key being annoyed that jazz got better with plants than her, but also 100% ready to use that to her own ends. jazz being able to travel to the faery world through fairy ring portals. jazz getting sharp teeth. jazz developing a thing for counting. the fairy world being split into courts and having a whole lore and internal logic that is human logic. wordplay and music suddenly becoming really important in jazz's life. - Hestia
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hollowedwing · 3 years
BNHA Hawks x Harpy!gn!Reader
No warnings: Just general fluff(that is if I can make it cute)
heck well, I haven't written fanfic/scenario/hc type stuff in 5 years, lets see how this goEScbdksofjwosofjwnsckdw ok ok
Reader has a Harpy type quirk!
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(This is an OC, they're name is Baofeng, but this is the style of the Harpy quirk, just imagine it as however you'd like, hope that's alright)
There's not really a gender mentioned, so you can imagine it however you see comfortable?
Keigo fell for you like love at first sight! He saw you soaring through the skies one night and decided to investigate
he didn't remember seeing other winged people around ?
You had just moved from northern Japan to start a new life in Musutafu! No specific reason, you're just very adventurous!
Although your arms are basically wings, you have hands still! Your ears are small wings and you have a tail of silky feathers.
Deciding to settle for a job at large, open spaced library, you worked mainly night shifts(7pm-3am) restocking the large shelves. Reading was one of your main hobbies, as you really didn't want to become a hero.
Your dad and peers wondered why you didn't want the hero life, your quirk could definitely be of use! But alas, you settled for minor jobs and not so life threatening work.
So, one night precisely at 3:31 am, you decided to tour the city from the skies after an exhausting workout of book shelving. (did that make sense oop) Flying alone was so peaceful, especially with the gorgeous view of a dimly lit city where most people were sound asleep.
You flew by Hawks who had been lost in thoughts on a rooftop, quietly gliding through the cool breeze. Just a few stray feathers fell past his face as he was snapped out of his trance and quickly looked around.
of course, he had to see what giant thing just flew by him. That was most definitely not your normal bird.
He hurriedly jumped off and dove into the night sky.
"Hey! Hey dove!" He hollered out a random bird nickname while flying faster to catch up with you. You hesitantly glanced around, hovering for a bit to see what exactly called to you. More like a who. What you didn't expect to see was Japan's number 2 pro hero Hawks flying straight at you at an almost alarming speed. Milliseconds before he would collide into you, he came a an abrupt halt just a foot away from you.
"Ummm, hello there, sir..Hawks. Is there anything you needed from me?" You cautiously asked, kind of scared that you had done something wrong.
"No need for sir, just Hawks is fine! And uhh, maybe, a chance to get to know you?" He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as his other hand slid into his pocket giving him a casual stance. You were kind of in awe now. It all seemed so surreal.
"S-sure! I don't see why not?" You stuttered out as you avoided his curious gaze. You both awkwardly made your way to the rooftop of the library. Hawks stared intently at you before starting to speak.
"So uhh...."
"Y/n, my..my name is Y/n." You introduced your name as he looked a little lost on how to start.
"Oh what a pretty name for a pretty/handsome bird!" He chirped happily. "Well, you already know I'm Hawks so! If you don't mind, may I ask about your quirk? Or, or when you got to Musutafu? Or if you even did move here but were here all along? A-" He was just so excited to see a fellow winged person!
"H-hold on!" You waved your hands, flustered at the amount of questions. Hawks looked to you sheepishly and quietly apologized while maintaining a small grin. "It's ok, it's ok! Just, need to collect my thoughts hahaha." He nodded and patiently stared at you, or, more specifically your winged arms.
"Well, for my quirk, its just Harpy. I have,-these things-" You fluttered your wings to show them off, "and a tail, and yes, I do have talons, but I'm able to retract them so I can wear normal shoes lol. My ears, also happen to be wings too.." You trailed off while looking to the side to show him your ears.
He stared in wonder and whispered beautiful when you turned your head. "Oh! Uh- well- Are you new around here dove?"
"Oh, yeah, I just decided to move here about a week ago, no special reason if I'm being honest. Just simply needed a change of scenery..." You shifted nervously being in the presence of the #2 hero. Hawks smiled warmly with a closed eye grin.
"Well, you probably (lol definitely) know already that I'm Hawks, the #2 hero of Japan! I uhh, if it's alright with you, maybe we could exchange phone numbers! Maybe we can meet up for coffee or something?" He blushed and looked away as your eyes slightly widened at this offer.
You really were having a hard time believing this could be true, it all felt like a fantasy or something. Like it was an imagine if sorts. "Pinch me now, how is this happening," you whispered, still slightly dazed. Hawks slowly lifted twi fingers towards your cheek, pinching the squishy skin. You jumped slightly and let out a little yelp. He smirked back at you.
"Did I saw that out loud ?" You voice wavered with embarrassment. He just chuckled at you and extended his phone out to you.
"Here, you can enter your number! And I'll do the same for you!" You fumbled to pull your phone out of your bag and shakily handed it to him while taking his into your own hands.
Is what he decided to put into your phone while you just save your name as "Y/n". You smiled at this and clicked your phone off.
"Well Hawks...it was really nice meeting you! I should get going now, y'know, maybe actually try to get some sleep hahaha. If it's ok, text me when you're avaliable next?" You stared right into his golden eyes, taking in the beauty of it all. He's such a pretty birb.
"Sounds good! Will do! See ya around dove!" He waved with a large grin as you both took off in your separate directions.
As you flew through the cool nightly breeze, you smiled and warm feelings filled your chest as you recounted your conversation with Hawks. Dang, he is just so dreamy and sweet!
slightly self indulgent if I might add
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smolchildlevy · 3 years
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A Day Off
Karasuno x F!Reader
(Not including the side characters sorry.)
Warnings: suggestive, fluff, language
A/N: This is part 4, and I still have so much in mind I- Well anyway, this is another long one.
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It was just another regular, boring day in school. Doing projects and so much work. It was tiring to say the least.
It’s a Friday. The team is supposed to have a Saturday practice.
You’re in your last class, 8 minutes before the dismissal bell sounds. Everyone is chatting and on their phones.
You get a notification. “I wonder who it is” you think to yourself.
You decide to check it.
-1 Message from Captain ✨-
“Oh, it’s Daichi”
Captain ✨: Y/N, can you head to the gym early? You don’t have to, but I asked everyone to since I have an announcement.
Y/N: I’ll try. My teacher likes me so I’m sure she’ll let me go if I tell her why.
Captain ✨: Good! See you in a few :)
Y/N: See ya! 😊
-Captain ✨ and Y/N are offline-
As you thought, your teacher was more than happy to let you go a little early.
You head to the gym once again, curious as to what Daichi has to say. On your way, you spot Asahi, who was buying water from a vending machine.
Walking up next to him, you say, “Asahi! Do you wanna walk together?”
“AH- oh. It’s just you Y/N..sorry.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “But yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great! Let’s go see what Daichi wanted us for.”
Side by side you proceeded to walk to the gym, chatting along the way.
Opening the door, you notice everyone’s there. “Maybe it’s a practice match with another team later?”
The both of you head to the group.
“Okay! Now that everyone’s here I have an exciting announcement to tell you.” Daichi declared.
“What is it Captain?” Asahi questions.
“Coach told us we have a break day tomorrow! So, Suga and I decided to go to the beach in Tokyo.”
“YAY!!!” Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka exclaimed.
“Tch.” Tsukishima hissed.
“Sounds fun, but I can’t go.” Kiyoko smiled.
“Awww ok. But yay! Beach day!” You grinned.
After a while of discussing the plans for tomorrow, Daichi tells everyone to pack up clothing and everything else they needed.
7:00 am
It’s the day of the trip. After a long night of deciding what to bring, you hop off your bed and put everything in a [insert favorite color] bag.
Then, you get ready— getting dressed, brushing your teeth.
You had put on an nice outfit. (Pick one of these ^ ^)
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Walking over to the meeting point (the front of Karasuno), you put on some music in the headphones you were wearing, humming to the song.
As you approach, you hear two voices shouting.
You identify the voices as Hinata and Kageyama.
“SHUT IT, BOTH OF YOU!” You hear Suga yell.
They see you approaching and immediately calm down. Then the automatically blush at how cute your outfit looks on you.
“Hey!” You sang.
They all say hello to you. Right after that, the bus arrives.
“Y/N, Can I sit next to you?” Suga asks.
“Sure! As long as I can sit next to the window!”
“Mhm! Let’s go.”
“HEY NO FAIRRR!” Hinata complains.
The rest of the boys glare at Sugawara. But he just looks back and smirks.
“Lucky bastard...” Tsukishima mutters.
Both you and Suga sit in the back of the bus together.
On the way, you and Suga watch memes on his phone (with headphones) and laugh at them.
~~~~~~~TimeSkip of a few hours (sorry-)~~~~~~~~~~
10 am
“Everyone get up, we’re here.” Daichi exclaims.
One by one, you all get off the bus.
“Where do we put our things?” You question.
“Oh, the coaches booked us rooms in a hotel. The problem is that it’s three per room with one having four, so we have to decide who goes where.” Suga points out.
“Oooh. Well why don’t we write our names down on paper and mix them?”
“Good idea! I have a notepad in my bag so we can use that.” Suga offers.
He takes it out and writes everyone’s names on small pieces of paper. Then, he puts it in a small empty pocket on the side of his bag.
“Y/N, why don’t you draw three to see who are the first roommates?” He asks.
You pull out the pieces in sets of three. Daichi writes down each room and who is in it.
Here’s the groups:
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(Yes I wrote them myself but I accidentally forgot Suga lol)
“YEA! I GET TANAKABRO!” Noya approved.
“Why do I have to get Saltyshima?!” Hinata murmurs.
“Oh god, this is gonna be chaotic..” Kageyama grumbles.
“Yay! I get Captain, Asahi, and Suga!” You squeal.
Daichi, Asahi, and Suga mentally congratulate themselves for getting this opportunity.
For a second, you thought it was funny that you get a room with the third years.
“Okay, now that it’s been settled, let’s go check in and set our things in our rooms.” Daichi ordered.
You all head to the hotel and check yourselves in.
“After we get settled, get changed into your swimming outfits and we will meet in the front of the building.” Suga advises.
Walking with the third years, you go into your room. After opening the door, you notice something.
“Uhh there’s only three beds.” You say, also noting they are queen sized.
“W-what?-“ Asahi stiffens.
“Coach didn’t tell us that-“ Suga defended himself.
“I guess two of us could lay next to each other.” You shrugged.
“I suppose.” Daichi sighs.
“Daichi I’ll lay with you since you’re the closest to me right now!”
“O-okay then, if you’re alright with it.”
“Dang..” Suga says under his breath.
Once talking it out, you decided to lay with Daichi. But since it’s a queen bed, you wouldn’t be that close so even though the other two were bothered by it, it wasn’t that bad.
—After putting your things down—
“Y/N, do you mind if Suga, Asahi and I go first? It’s so we can make sure everything is in order after we change.”
“Sure! I’ll remind everyone to bring sunscreen and stuff.”
One after the other, they get changed in swim trunks and a shirt and walk out to check on the others to see if they’re doing alright.
Then, you go and change into your swimming things.
Choose one below:
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When you were done changing, you put on some clothes over it. (You would take it off when getting in the water.)
You get a text from the group chat saying they were all going to the front.
Smiling to yourself, you walk down to where they said to go.
~~~~TimeSkip to when you get to the beach~~~~~~~
12 pm.
“Ok! Go put down your stuff and you’re free to go!” Daichi affirmed.
“Yes!” Everyone replies.
Everyone goes off on their own, some immediately running for the water.
“Hey Suga, I’m gonna go to the bathroom to put on sunscreen since I forgot. I’ll be right back.” You mentioned.
“Be careful.” He tells you before going to the water.
You skip your way to the closest bathroom near the beach.
Grabbing your sunscreen, you put it on while making sure it’s in every right place. Then, you take off the clothes over your swim suit and put it in the small bag you were carrying.
“Heyy.. where’s Y/N?” Hinata asked Suga, upset that he doesn’t see you.
“She went to the restroom to put on sunscreen. She’ll be back in a second.”
“Dumbass forgot to put it on.” Tsukishima commented, with Yamaguchi snickering in the background.
“Language.” Daichi warns.
After finishing what you were doing, you happily walk back.
“Sorry I had to go for a sec guys!” You apologize.
“It’s alright Y/N-“ Asahi says, suddenly tensing up and becoming flushed.
“What’s wrong Asahi?” Noya questions loudly, then he looks where he was looking. “Oh.”
The rest look away from what they were doing, and look at Noya and Asahi before looking at you.
Just then, their faces become just as red. (Noya, Tanaka and Kageyama even have nosebleeds I-)
“Y-you look nice Y/N!” Yamaguchi spoke up.
Everyone nods.
“Thank you!” You grin while getting in the water as well, a faint blush on you since you’re around several shirtless men.
The day goes really well. Everyone, even Tsukishima, had fun.
3:30 pm.
Now that everyone has gotten tired, you all decided to go back to the hotel.
“I wanna go to a restaurant! My treat of course.” You gushed.
“You don’t have to-“ Suga tries to say, before you but him off.
“I insist! Come onnnn”
“Ok, sure. Let’s do it at around 5:45 pm.”
“YESSS,” Hinata and Noya exclaim.
When you get back, you watch TikToks on your phone and vibe until the time you go to eat.
After eating at the restaurant, they all thank you as they head back to their rooms.
Today was a great day.
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Ahhh this took me forever sorry ( ̄∀ ̄)
I enjoyed writing this part though
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there’s so much interesting shit that made me go HMMM. Now, much of this is gonna sound like random bs but i’m putting it all in the post bc i can lol everything is soriku cause i say so
We start with “Once Upon A Dream” as the intro credits song. So that’s great. It reminds me of how Cinderella started with a very 👀👀👀 song as well lol. Without even having to put the lyrics we can already see the connection to /dreams/.
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.” i’ve already posted about how this is basically the kh3 secret ending lol ow 😭
anyway, after the song we get the story book intro, telling the story of Princess Aurora’s birth.
“Yes, they named her after the dawn, for she filled their lives with sunshine.”
One thought i had was that the whole first part of the movie actually reminds me of Riku more than Sora, but mostly bc of personal headcanons. The dawn thing stuck out to me for sure, though, for obvious reasons. *cough* Riku’s dawn imagery *cough* But also yeah, aurora’s life is symbolized by the sun.
lol i forgot about how sora means sky rip
The prince and the princess are betrothed, Maleficent curses Aurora, and Merriweather gives Aurora her final gift.
“Sweet princess, if through this wicked witch’s trick, a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee. Not in death, but just in sleep, this fateful prophecy you’ll keep. And from this slumber you shall wake, when true love’s kiss, the spell shall break.”
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a light in the darkness yall.
“For true love conquers all.”
Just. Damn. “Not in death, but just in sleep.” WOWWWW
(Baby Aurora being taken by three peasant women to be raised in secret vaguely reminds me of riku’s hercules parallel, and even baby xehanort lmao but that’s random bs.)
The way Maleficent is looking for “a maid of sixteen”, and Aurora says it, too. …How old would Sora be now? 👀
The three good fairies send Aurora, now named Briar Rose, out of the house because they’re planning a surprise party for her sixteenth birthday. The green fairy, Fauna, says she’s gonna make Rose a fifteen layer cake, with pink and blue forget-me-nots.
The red and blue fairies are constantly arguing about Rose’s dress being pink or blue, respectively. So the pink and blue thing just made me go 👀🤷🏽‍♀️ And, seriously? Forget-me-nots?
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Sora, forgetting. Riku. Yozora. Being true to the one you love. IM—
Anyway. Meanwhile, Rose is out in the forest, singing. And i wanted to note that it interested me that Prince Philip found Rose because he heard her song.
Another random thing I wanted to mention was the art style of the movie in general. I’m not smart, so i’ll just summarize and say the style of the backgrounds is very geometric and often it’s distinctly square. Square trees, for example. We even saw the style replicated in BBS. So that’s there.
I also thought about how the style allows the movie to really like, distinctly show how Rose and Philip are on like, separate planes? Where Rose is in the foreground, and Philip is in the background? It made me think of how Sora and Riku might be on different planes/versions of unreality. But 🤷🏽‍♀️
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also lmao if philip got a horse then riku can get a motorcycle, i am manifesting—
Also love how at this point, Rose is vocalizing/humming the song “I Wonder”, on her own. (As she waits 👀) And the lyrics to “I Wonder” are pretty dang interesting.
“I wonder, I wonder, why each little bird has a sweet little someone,
to sing to, sweet things to, a gay little lark melody.
I wonder, I wonder, if my heart keeps singing, will my song go winging,
to someone, who’ll find me, and bring back a love song to me.”
UMM??? i’ve screamed about this song before bc it’s just so 👀👀🤌🏽🤌🏽
that’s both cinderella and sleeping beauty that directly say GAY lmao i know gay can mean happy but IM TAKING IT.
A heart singing? To someone who’ll find me? Um, sora sweetie?? is there someone you’re waiting for??
also we got “winged heart” imagery from both cinderella and sleeping beauty now! *cough* gayblade keychains *cough* gayblade handles *cough*
I forgot that Rose says these lines. “Why do they still treat me like a child? They never want me to meet anyone. But you know something? I fooled them. I /have/ met someone.”
These lines make me think of Sora if the case ends up being something akin to Yozora somehow getting in Riku’s way, keeping Sora from “meeting” him. All guesswork, ofc.
“Oh…a prince. Well, he’s tall and handsome and…and so romantic! Oh, we walk together and talk together…and just before we say goodbye…he takes me in his arms…And then…I wake up.”
“Yes, it’s only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a thing more than once it’s sure to come true. And I’ve seen him so many times.”
I had to include these because. They’re just so good 😭😭😭 (Also bc of secret ending vibes) Make of them what you will.
The way Prince Philip heard Rose’s song and says, “There was something strange about that voice. Too beautiful to be real.” A strange voice, that isn’t real… HMMM
Rose and Philip finally meet and dance and sing “Once Upon A Dream” which is a (waltz) song too perfect for this earth, once they’re finally on the “same plane”. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️👀
Philip asks Rose “Who are you? What’s your name?” AHHHH and Rose can’t tell him AHHHHH (she knows her name, she just isn’t allowed to. making note of it bc wtf is the deal with names lately???)
Back home, the fairies are breaking their “no magic” rule to plan Rose’s party. The red and blue fairies are fighting over making Rose’s dress pink or blue, and that’s what lets Maleficent find Rose after all this time.
edit bc i completely forgot the three good fairies make sora’s clothes in kh3 😭 i’d add pictures but image limit rip
Rose comes home super excited about Philip lol it’s adorable. “Just wait till you meet him.”
“You’ve met a stranger?”
“Not a stranger. We’ve met before. Once upon a dream.” THEY WAY SHE KEEPS REPEATING IT
Ofc Rose, or should I say Aurora, is already betrothed to Prince Philip, though Aurora doesn’t know the prince and the guy she just met are the same person. I thought it was interesting, y’know, that the person she loves and the person she’s betrothed to are the same guy, but she doesn’t know it yet.
On Prince Philip’s side, he’s gone back to the castle to tell his dad that he’s met the girl he’s going to marry.
“Change into something suitable! Can’t meet your future bride looking like that!”
“But I have met her, father!”
“You have? Where?”
“Once upon a dream.”
The prince says he wants to marry this peasant girl. Naturally, the king is outraged.
“You’re a prince! And you’re going to marry a princess!”
“Now, father, you’re living in the past. This is the 14th century! Nowadays—”
“Nowadays, I’m still the king! And I command you to come to your senses!”
Lol had to include this bc it seems very similar to another type of argument (smh). I would compare the king to mickey mouse but mickey is ironically one of the people most supportive of riku’s love for sora LMAO
The fairies at this point have snuck Aurora into the castle, since it was agreed Aurora would return on her sixteenth birthday at sunset. The fairies give Aurora a crown. “A crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right and royal duty.” But Aurora’s duty is marrying someone she doesn’t love, living a life she doesn’t want. Very…sus.
The blue fairy is upset on Aurora’s behalf. “I don’t see why she has to marry any old prince.”
“Now, that’s not for us to decide, dear.”
More sus dialogue.
Then the fuckin—real kicker.
Outside, everyone is celebrating and shooting fireworks, because the princess is supposed to return to the castle at sunset. This is supposed to be her big happy reunion with her parents and her betrothed, her happy ending.
“The sun has set! Make ready to welcome your princess!”
Instead, Aurora is left alone, and Maleficent appears before Aurora as a green ball of light. Aurora follows Maleficent’s light, pricks her finger, and fucking DIES. AT SUNSET. EXACTLY. The camera LITERALLY pans from Aurora’s dead body, to the window of the tower. And we watch the sun set and fade away.
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“I’ll never forgive myself.” “We’re all to blame!”
And i get that Aurora is the sun, I mean it’s in her name. When she dies, the sun sets. But. I’m talking potential parallels here and. LIKE. OH MY GOD. DUDE. “Lets just have sora fuckin DIE at sunset, too!” BITCH—
But she’s “not in death, just in sleep.” So the fairies put her sleeping body to rest in the tallest tower of the castle *cough* 104 building *cough*, and put the whole kingdom to sleep until Aurora awakens.
And the fucking sonngggg, dudeee. The SONG.
“Lips that shame the red, red rose,
Dreaming of true love in slumber repose.
One day he will come,
Riding out of the dawn,
And you’ll awaken to love’s first kiss.
Till then, sleeping beauty, sleep on.
One day you’ll awaken to love’s first kiss.
Till then, sleeping beauty, sleep on.”
As the fairies are putting the kingdom to sleep, the red fairy hears Philip’s father, the king, mumbling about the peasant girl Philip met.
“Where? Where?!”
“Once upon a dream.”
Prince Philip went back to Aurora’s home in the forest, where he gets ambushed and kidnapped by Maleficent (who gives a srsly good but twisted speech 😭). The fairies try to rescue him at the Forbidden Mountain, Maleficent’s home.
The red fairy turns the projectiles they’re being attacked with into bubbles and flowers, and when Maleficent’s army tries pouring boiling liquid onto Philip, the red fairy turns it into a rainbow 🌈 . Which, nice. (they also turn the raven to stone, which, also nice lol)
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We know the story from there. The forest of thorns around the castle, the bridge fight, dragon Maleficent—
The fairies arm Philip with a Shield of Virtue, and a Sword of Truth. wanted to note that.
And when Philip defeats Maleficent, her magic dies with her. The thorns fade, and Philip enters the castle.
Philip looks up at the tower. And we see THE SUNRISE SHINE ON AURORA’S TOWER. SPECIFICALLY. In that moment.
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I love this detail because even though it was in the song, we also see here that even though Aurora’s life is represented by the rise and set of the sun, PHILIP is SPECIFICALLY the SUNRISE. The sunrise isn’t necessarily Aurora, yet, because she’s still dead asleep.
The prince is the dawn.
Just saying. (I’m going to tear out my hair.)
Philip wakes Aurora with true love’s first kiss. The kingdom wakes up. Philip’s dad is trying to tell Aurora’s dad about how Philip wants to marry a peasant girl instead of a princess. But it’s weird bc the king has seemingly changed his attitude? And now he’s okay with Philip marring a peasant? And he’s trying to tell this to Aurora’s father:
“Well, after all, Stefan, this is the 14th century.”
“Yes, you, uh, you said that a moment ago.”
“Well, to come right to the point, my son Philip says he’s going to marry—“
But Aurora and Philip come down the stairs before he can finish. They waltz to Once Upon A Dream, the red and blue fairies are still bickering over the pink or blue dress, the scene shows Aurora and Philip waltzing in the clouds, happy endings all around. Yay!
IM. DONE. Kinda. OH my gosh that took me too long 😭😭😭 This movie just gave me so many soriku thoughts and i had to get them out. Ofc i didn’t manage to put in every little thing but rewatching Sleeping Beauty was yet another amazing decision lmao, after Cinderella. I don’t know if i’d have the life force to make a more in depth cinderella post tho 😭😭😭 Bc Cinderella is rikus side and i get overwhelmed—
excuse me while i go listen to the songs again bc DAWN RIKU is taking over my MIND, esp after chikai 😭😭😭 and cinderella (“For with each dawn, she found new hope that someday, her dreams of happiness would come true.”)
this game has me—
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excelsi-or · 2 years
welcome to svt (pt. 12)
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hello friends~~ are you all still there? hahaha, i can’t even remember the last time i posted on here. and honestly considered not coming back? but i love writing, svt, and this crazy site too much to leave. so even if there are only a couple of you left here to read, i appreciate it.
the last two-ish months (?) since i last posted have been the craziest, funnest times since i’ve been in uni. grad school is its own hell-beast, but i am enjoying everything i’m learning. 
ALSO svt have been active AF and doing insane things. i’ve got a month off school and have every intention of catching up as much as i can lol. 
anyway, that’s the life update. i’m going to try to get the rest of this story up this month. start fresh in the new year. i have been writing on and off the last couple months but dang, it’s been hard.
BIPOC rec: i actually have something for you today! A Mind Spread Out on the Ground - Alicia Elliott (a non-fiction book about the life of a white-passing Indigenous woman from Ontario); Kissez - Sevyn Streeter (catchy song); Haliwa - Brooke Simpson (I’ve rec’d Brooke before. I adore her and her music and this one is so catchy. I had it on a loop for like four days straight.) 
w.c. 2k (angst?)
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13
pairing: lee jihoon x OC/fem reader
‘I want an out,’ she says. She’d arranged for a meeting with Seungcheol. After being stabbed, Joshua had recommended she take it easy for a few weeks.
But that wasn’t the real reason she wanted the out.
Since she and Jihoon had spoken at the university, she’s noticed dark circles growing under her partner’s eyes. She can hear him making music some nights. However, it’s also very clear that he’s not sleeping.
Every time she asks about it, he says he’s fine. ‘Just having problems sleeping.’
But sometimes on an overnight flight, she’ll watch him flail in his sleep, his brow furrowed in pain or intense concentration.
And she’s realized that Jihoon finds ways to fall asleep around or near her. Either on the couch with everyone else around or in the car when she’s driving. Sometimes, she’ll look over and find his face and body turned slightly towards her. The pain, the flailing, all of it stops.
She’s getting a bit worried that Jihoon is digging himself into a hole that he can’t get out of, and now being housebound, she’s noticed it a lot more.
Now, Seungcheol tips his head. ‘Out of what?’
‘Out of SVT.’
Seungcheol appears taken aback. Until two months ago, she would’ve had the same reaction if someone told her she’d be having this conversation. Two years on the job and she still enjoys it.
‘Out of SVT? Why in the world would you want to do that?’
‘Because of what Jihoon’s being put through right now.’
‘I haven’t put Jihoon through anything he wasn’t willing to do.’
She takes a deep breath and leans forward onto her elbows, closing the distance between them. ‘Look, Cheollie, I’m not an idiot. I know that to get Jihoon to go on a job without me, you’d leverage my safety. He told me what happened two months ago, what he had to do. It’s eating away at him.’
Seungcheol’s cool demeanour changes. Concern laces through his features. And his concern seems genuine. ‘What he had to do?’
‘Yes, and it’s making me reevaluate a bit. So, I would like an out.’
‘Okay, okay. I’ll give you an out if you want one,’ Seugcheol agrees. ‘But what happened?’
She frowns deepens. ‘Why are you doing this?’
‘Doing what?’
‘Acting like you don’t know anything.’
Seungcheol shakes his head and leans forward. ‘I will admit that I sent Jihoon on a mission without you two months ago. I admit that I used your safety to encourage him to go. But that’s all I know. He texted me saying the job was done, he came home, and he’s been around. You guys got in a fight that we all knew about, but both of you have been acting normal again. I assumed you guys didn’t get romantically involved. Other than that, I haven’t seen any indication that anything’s wrong. We haven’t talked about it, because I was under the impression that he hadn’t told anyone about the mission. So, what are you talking about?’
She levels him with a stare and Seungcheol allows her to do so. ‘You really don’t know.’
‘Fill me in. Why do you want an out all of a sudden? What’s going on with Jihoon? What’s going on with the two of you?’
‘Hold up, we’re in danger and you don’t even know what the danger is?’
‘Jihoon dealt with that.’
‘Jihoon killed someone to deal with that,’ she hisses. It’s the first time she’s said the words aloud since that night.
Seungcheol pales. ‘He what?’
‘And he’s stopped talking to me about it. If this is the kind of ship you’re running now, Cheollie, I want an out. I like what we do, but I will get good honest work somewhere else if it’ll keep Jihoon’s head in a good place.’
Seungcheol noticed her slipping around his question about their relationship status. However, this last statement implies that they’ll be leaving together if they leave at all. That’s something to analyze later.
He presses a button on his desk now and speaks aloud. ‘Everyone to the kitchen, please.’ He motions for her to stand. ‘We’ll sort it out. No one’s going to be out of the loop this time.’
‘My out,’ she says once they reach his office door.
‘I’m going to give everyone an out,’ he promises. He reaches around her for the doorknob.
They can hear all the feet padding around the apartment as the members make their way to the kitchen. She finds Jihoon near the fridge, having just come out of his bedroom. He tilts his head when he sees her coming down the stairs with Seungcheol’s help.
When she’s within reach, Jihoon tugs her to his side. The other members congregate around the island so they can see Seungcheol.
Even Jeonghan looks confused when he takes his position at Seungcheol’s side.
‘What’s going on, hyung?’ Chan asks.
Seungcheol meets her eye before speaking. ‘It’s come to my attention that you all need an out. You don’t have to use it, but you should be allowed the option.’
The members exchange looks, and she feels Jihoon shift towards her, aware that he’s put his body slightly ahead of hers.
‘Jeonghan and I have been keeping something from you and I just want it out in the open before we deal with the “out”.’ Seungcheol plunges into an update about how they’ve started stepping on criminal toes. Toes that don’t like to be intercepted one too many times. They’ve started upping the ante, sending Jeonghan occasional threats. The threats have apparently been becoming more violent as SVT’s intel and connections have improved, allowing them to foil plans and protect assets more efficiently than ever.
‘Is that what we concluded with the museum mishap?’ Jihoon asks.
Jeonghan blinks in surprise, glancing past him to his partner.
Jihoon turns to look at her, as do the rest of the members.
‘Yes,’ she says to Jihoon. ‘That’s what we concluded.’ His brow furrows at not being told this information.
‘I sent Jihoon to get us intel a few months ago,’ Seungcheol continues.
Eyes move their way again. She notices Jihoon stepping out of the spotlight, but she rests a hand on his back.
‘Did you wanna let us know how it went? We haven’t had a chance to talk about it.’ Seungcheol phrases it as a request, but they all hear the underlying command.
‘You’re the one who wants the out,’ Jihoon murmurs loud enough for only her to hear.
The hand on his back presses gently to confirm his guess.
Jihoon meets their eyes and begins talking about what had happened. As per usual, the group listens attentively. The job started as they tended to.
‘Jeonghan hyung told me that they would be out doing something else, that I didn’t need to worry what that something else was because Chan and Shua hyung were dealing with it,’ Jihoon shares. ‘But not everyone was out. I got caught by one of their security guards, which I should have anticipated because it’s exactly what Cheol does when we’ve all been sent somewhere.’
‘Leader stays behind?’ Soonyoung guesses.
‘Except I think it was one of their better fighters, because we got into it and I nearly died. But your gag gift of a pocketknife, Chan, is probably what saved my life.’ He holds his hands up. ‘I had to leave it in him.’
A murmur runs through them as they realize what Jihoon is implying but hasn’t explicitly said. The murmur doesn’t overpower Seungcheol’s question. ‘I shouldn’t need to ask, but were you wearing gloves?’
‘Yeah. They won’t know it’s mine.’
Seungcheol sighs in relief and then motions for everyone to come closer. ‘In light of that, I want to give you guys an out. The better we get, the more work we do, we’re going to wind up on people’s hit lists. And the stakes will be higher. We’re gaining a reputation and while we can wipe you from every database you wind up in, I can’t guarantee your safety anymore.’
‘You never could do that,’ Joshua points out. ‘We knew what the stakes were when you recruited us. You made that clear.’
Jihoon glances at Seungcheol, who notices he has something to say. Seungcheol nods.
‘We’re playing with guns. Big guns,’ Jihoon points out. ‘It is actually getting dangerous. It’s not as if art thieves are running around with guns all the time. And there are going to be more groups coming after us with ammunition.’
Seungcheol catches Jihoon’s eyes again to nod his approval of the input. ‘If more and more groups start to recognize you and put names to faces, your families will also be at risk,’ he continues. ‘So, my out for you is this: we can cut ties here. You can go back to your families, to your lives before we met. We’ll wipe you from our system, give you your life back.’ His eyes move over the members.
‘For those of you that want to stay on, to ensure your family’s safety, we’ll do everything we can to properly disconnect you from that life. Make you a ghost. If you ever wanted to leave afterwards, we can create a new identity and you can live your life elsewhere.’ He leans forward on his hands. ‘But the one thing I ask is that you don’t meet with your families and friends until you’ve distanced yourself enough from SVT in time and space before you return.’ Stepping back from the counter, he bows his head. ‘I’ll give you guys a week to decide what you want to do. Until then, everyone stays here. I’m not sending any of you out.’
Jeonghan’s brow furrows at that, but he says nothing. It isn’t until he follows after Seungcheol to their offices that he seems to pepper the man with questions. Meanwhile, the members talk amongst themselves, partnering up to discuss their futures. She feels Jihoon’s hand wrap around her own and she lets him lead her back down the hallway.
She shuts the door behind them once they step into his bedroom. She’s never heard Jihoon yell before, but if he were going to, she thinks now would be the time.
‘You told them,’ he states.
She remains near the door. ‘You didn’t.
‘Because they’d worry.’
‘As they should.’
‘I can take care of myself.’
‘I know you can.’
‘And I can’t go back to my family.’
‘I figured that too.’
‘But you can.’
She tips her head slightly, but nods.
‘Will you?’
Realization dawns. ‘You’re asking me if I’m going to leave you.’
Jihoon waits.
‘We don’t have to decide it now.’
‘I think I’d prefer to know where we stand now.’
She tips her head. ‘So, you can distance yourself from me if I say I’m going home?’
Jihoon nods.
Her tongue runs along her teeth as she thinks. ‘Maybe we need to make this decision separately.’
‘I want to know where we stand so I know where my walls need to be.’
‘They can be whatever you want them to be, Hoonie. You already made that very clear.’
Jihoon’s expression freezes and then hardens. She can feel her heart clenching at the walls she can already see being built.
Wordlessly, she slips out of the bedroom. The door closes behind her and she leans back against it, taking a few deep breaths so she doesn’t start crying. She can hear the others talking in the kitchen and then she hears footsteps moving towards her. When she turns her head, Hansol and Mingyu are making their way over. Both of them stop in their tracks when they get a look at her face.
Hansol turns on his heel and announces, ‘I’m telling Seungkwan to make you soup.’
She sniffles. ‘I’m not sick.’
Mingyu tosses an arm around her shoulder and leads her back towards the light of the kitchen. ‘Being love sick is the same thing.’
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You’re getting two parts today :) 
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Weirdly enough Red Robin is the series I’d be most scared to review, because for obvious reasons I imagine more than any other character it’s the Tim fan base (I won’t say fandom, because I feel like that gives a different connotation nowadays. and it’s a bunch of chill, un-interactive but very passionate, chaps) that follow me.
And I’d just get sooo many people giving me nit-picks, and telling me stuff I already know.
Cause I can say anything against Teen Titans 2003, New 52, Rebirth, and Wonder Comics stuff cause that’s the generally agreed upon stuff that you can complain against for Tim. Cause like, to not play dumb to it, this whole Bat-Family fandom acts like there’s freaking laws to abide by if you don’t want a bunch of batty (not a pun, not even saying not a pun in sarcasm lol) fans and stans down your neck. Normally involving certain characterizations or comics that, honestly, aren’t even usually the more accurate ones, but the contradicting ones that don’t make a lick of sense, and that’s not even talking about the straight up fanon ones.
Not to say I wouldn’t get why it’s the Red Robin series that’d get people to give me crap out of all the Tim stuff, because I do. It’s a lot of peoples entry to Tim, and it’s pretty heavy implications of suicidal ideation, and more so obvious mental breakdown journey across continents means a lot to people. I can get why, and if it wasn’t those characters in it, I’d think it was great too.
Also I know for a fact people would act like I’m just bias for 90s Tim, and point out Timmy’s in a teddy bear hoodie in my header. Cause it’s the most weakest defense someone could possibly make cause they’re lacking an actual point. Like they know everything a fucking ‘bout me, when they don’t, I’m just allowed to think my own stuff, and I’m allowed my dang comfort art, so blah blah blah. I’ve proved myself enough. I don’t need some random dismissive guys random approval or not, but man can it be annoying when someone thinks they’re smart about it.
Like basically put, it would be very exhausting to go through the many different series and years of comic book content to explain why I think the way I do, when all the other person has to say is “I like this series a lot, and it means a lot to me, it’s story about depression, and plus it’s Tim being at the button of his sanity so-- And I think this person is stuck on 90s Tim” cause like I freaking get it, and acting like cause I prefer a different Tim comic means my opinion isn’t valid, is the most childish thing ya can really do. Like I love 90s Tim the most for a reason, and I started reading Tim as Red Robin first, ya ninny.
But to just be honest, it is an incredibly flawed series that has overall, in the long game, soiled the character of Tim Drake, and directly influenced the New 52 and beyond depiction of him. Not to give Lobdell an excuse, I just find it really odd that people getting praising it as the peak of Tim content when it’s even caused some really freaking toxic fandom beliefs.
When some of the most important scenes in the series are so botched that it has genuinely made people despise other characters when I don’t even think they were portrayed well for that to make sense. The messy inconsistent writing as it went between two different writers causing some absolutely terrible characterization for Tim that isn’t even always consistent within the series itself because FabNic is just awful, and how forgettable most stuff after the first story is.
That first story I can understand the love for it. But people treating the whole series as a whole like it’s a great journey of long-term story development just feels like a real bad describer for it. Because to me by the end of it’s run it caused Tim to be put in the terrible spot that he’s only now escaping from little under a decade later. As well as only really starting cause people in the company didn’t like Tim and the characters around them as much as you’d hope.
In total, I honestly feel like if it wasn’t released during a time were the common tastes were very edgy and emo-esque, as well as around the time the online fandom spaces were only really then being formed in a way that was practical for casual interaction and discussion, and being the only series titled “Red Robin” therefore people seem to think it’s Tim’s variation of “Nightwing”, when it’s honestly not, it wouldn’t be a series that highly regarded.
I’m not saying the whole thing is a pile of shit, cause it’s also frankly not. There’s some powerful stuff in there, and some moments that really do hit super hard in ways that don’t feel superficial. Cause another thing people don’t seem to understand that when I say his characterization isn’t good in it, does not equal me saying “He is not the same exact character he was 15 years before the series came out”, it legitimately just means I feel they took the character to places that felt more forced than genuine, or just had him stuff that goes against what he’d do for the sake of just being edgy as if it’s deep, even during his circumstances and it created people having a false understanding of who Tim is at his heart, that made it incredibly difficult for Tim to get a good story for basically a freaking decade.
It’s a series I want to review because I have genuine things to say about it, but when ever I do say anything about it I feel like I see several sub-posts that are almost undeniably about me (hasn’t happened for a while cause I don’t really bother talking about stuff I don’t like anymore, cause life's hard enough, and I’ve seen the worst end of a lot of people from it) trying to downplay me, because they got defensive about it, rather than actually trying to process what I meant by things instead of just assuming it cause it’s touchy for them.
Like I’ve openly shit on Damian’s most popular series’, and accepted fandom malarkey, because I legitimately think they’re overhyped as could be, not that great, and only have the popularity they do through bandwagoning and going along with things. And I did that while knowing how defensive the Damian fandom is, and how quick they are to just leak out nasty assumptions or outright suicide bait you (yes I remember someone tried to defend me by suicide baiting someone else, but fuck them too, I never defended them or asked them to. idgaf which fandom does it. i’m clearly not on anyone's team. this isn’t a fucking sports game).
I’ve even straight up shit on pretty much every single Jason story except Under the Red Hood, while defending some Robin Jason stories, and I haven’t even got crap on me for that, which is honestly strange. Surprisingly just got told “Ya know what. Fair point. I can accept that. I don’t agree, but I can accept it.”. Which given what I have been shown of the Jason fandom I expected much worse, but they’ve honestly been really chill with me. Me and the Jason fandom has been actually some of the most pleasant interactions I’ve had outside my own bubble.
The majority of Steph’s existence as a character I’ve criticized and gotten crap on it, but honestly I found the response of countless anons going “YEAH MAN I AGREE WITH YOU” and going way harder on her than I ever did to be pretty dang annoying, and even more annoying cause people kept thinking I said stuff I freaking didn’t out of it. So every now and again people will just straight up lie about me to my face. Like you try to talk to someone that’s been preparing to talk to you by fighting an imaginary version of yourself. It’s pretty difficult if I had to be honest. Talking ‘bout bias’s like I didn’t write TimSteph fan fictions before I realized they weren’t that great and didn’t work, while realizing that I honestly didn’t think Tim was into girls in-general.
But, to get back on topic, with the Tim fandom it’s less like, open faced attempts to make you feel like a garbage human being, and more just straight up rudely dismissive as quite often the ones I’ve seen do it try to portray themselves as some calm knowledgeable unbias source of Tim knowledge.
And there’s a different sensation of annoyance at that.
Like what is the point of trying to pretend to be some source of knowledge and for a few comradery, while also being a dismissive person that first has to make others seem lesser.
And there’s some that I’ve seen do it that I don’t even think are dicks honestly, and have no problem with it, cause it’s just so innocently “I just really like the series and still think it’s good”. That I’d be confused why people would think I have a vendetta against everyone else. I’ve never been like, straight up offended more than once over the specific topic of Red Robin. But it is a thing that makes me like “I’ll get so many people giving me crap over having a different opinion for this won’t I”. And get some people trying to validate just being a bit of a fucker to me for no good reason.
So like, may or may not write a Red Robin review, but I might not cause despite quite a few people in the Tim fandom being quite chill about it, there’s quite a lot of people that are low-key toxic about it, and a lot of bad fandom things came out of it as well.
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bhah ch7 can’t stop won’t stop
lmao Dani being like ‘we should wait to discuss kids til after we’re married’ yes doesn’t seem like a giant thing u should make sure u agree on before u make a major commitment at all
Dani is so in love with Jamie sdjkhdfkjg driving to her house on instinct and just like...gazing at her in her old t-shirt and sweats like you’ve finally seen the light girl just kiss her already
god I can’t believe I have 2 more chapters of them as adults just being the absolute perfect match for each other to get through before they finally kiss in ch 11 (i’m maninfesting it no one say anything) I am literally going to scream. Dani will like... feel a little off and it’s all “i need to go to Jamie’s house and also tell Jamie everything and she will make me tea and let me be myself without all the expectations and I will feel better” I AM VERY HAPPY SHE CAN BE THAT FOR YOU BUT ALSO CAN YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE MS CLAYTON (actually I think she kind of does but she must extract herself from her real life first I guess)
oh no the new chapter is almost here I still have so much to read
forget ‘there was only one bed’ this is now a ‘there was only one tent’ stan blog only
thirsty Dani truly is the funniest I am so sorry ur suffering is so entertaining. Dani: literally whacks her finger with a mallet bc horny for Jamie. Me: uncontrollable chortling
the idea of Dani wrangling 8 year olds that are probably just about as tall as her is too funny. tiny legend
aww the lil background Hannah and Owen moments. cute
Dani in a big ol’ straw hat pls that’s so cute
this Jackie and Jamie situation..... GIVE US THE DEETS
hmmmmnnnnnngggg Jamie just straight down on her knees in front of Dani to tie her shoe lace I will absolutely let u have this gay panic Dani u don’t deserve to be made fun of right now
Jamie “I have a story” absolutely NOT
Viola, emerging from the lake in this no ghosts childhood friends story: surprise bitch
these two drunk idiots are literally teenagers dsjkhdfkgjh just get in ur tent
Dani, drunk in a tiny tent w the love of her life: hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
when we finally get a Jamie on her knees redemption moment-
Dani, drunk in a tiny tent w the love of her life currently taking her clothing off: oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck (y’all really wanted to torture her this chapt huh?)
“dawn was a saffron colored suggestion peeking through a pinhole gap in the tent’s zipper” god that’s a pretty sentence can i pls borrow some talent
Jamie and Dani w kids is sooooo cute they have such a nice balance between them
just thinking about if teenage Jamie desperately in love w her bestie could see things now Dani being all into her w all her lingering looks etc how the fuckin turn tables
“Dani kept a firm grip on her sanity” lol
oh my god they’re both drenched in the tent w the soft lamplight and only their own bodyheat to keep warm whatever will they do
oh wait they also have the heat of their burning attraction to each other they’ll be toasty as anything
hhhhngggg abs
that’s like 4 mentions of Jamie on her knees aklhfdkjgkdjh enough
lads is it gay to imagine running ur fingertips over the scar on your friends back before pressing ur lips to it or...?
Jamie taking the time to teach Dani car things aww
lol not the smutty book
eddie honking at her gets so under my skin like my dude... my guy... stop
Dani thinking so hard about rain damp Jamie and how much she wanted to jump her while she’s in the car w her boyf and MIL. girl
imagine if we had to sit through a dani and eddie wedding before she finally managed to call this off how cursed
ayoooo Carson’s show I cannot wait. omg we get it this chapter too gbless this really is the Dani suffering hours
Jamie just so casually like.... not even flirting w Dani it’s all just kinda observations but every other thing she says makes Dani stop breathing skdhfdkfjh this is so good
Dani has like... a lack of object permanence but with Jamie feelings ok
pleeease the Dani Carson road trip that’s so cute I can just imagine what fun they would have had
uuughhh i wanna go to a sweaty bar n listen to loud music again
also would like a Jamie to press their hand to my lower back n make me lose my mind in a sweaty bar to loud music
this lil jamie dani carson trio is my faaaave
“Girls must be all over you.” and Jamie choking on her drink dsfkjsdhkf oh Dani u beautiful naive angel. god that’s so funny
Robin instantly going for Jamie... same bro
Carson’s lil found family band pls my heart is so full
Carson calling them his sisters n Jamie freezing up bby when are u going to accept these people care abt u and love u like family
Robin is so brazenly just like ‘ur hot’. a voice of the people i love her
Dani being lowkey jealous as IF Ms Taylor has eyes for anyone else babe
Carson knoooowwwwws. When do we get the Carson O’Mara biopic please I want his takes on everything I know they’re excellent
oh my god Jamie knowing Dani’s fave kind of pizza pls I love that so much (I can’t remember if it’s been mentioned in the past few chapters but I remember her being mad that Eddie didn’t in CH1? i love this lil detail) (also I literally just ate vegge pizza I feel so immersed in this experience)
dfkgjhdfkjgh Jamie licking her finger and Dani completely combusting this is so entertaining
fuck n then it gets all soft and about how they’ve been in love their whole lives this is emotional whiplash
Jamie constantly in protector mode but in this really quiet comforting way is so sweet I love her so much
god I just feel so bad for Dani that this kind of insane electricity she has with Jamie has probably never been a thing in her relationship w Ed bby u deserve someone that makes u feel like this
awww Carsons bf
Dani’s soul leaving her body when she sees them kissing oh no
Jamie giving Dani her jacket pleeease I am dying here... the romance of it all
and shariing cigarettes and intense looks these two really are somethin else
lmao even Robin is picking up on their vibes you two could level a building with the amount of tension between u
Dani’s moment of Realisation abt Carson n Jamie just being like... well yeah
lmao Dani subtly trying to figure out if Jamie is gettin’ it sdkgdfhkjgh
when these do two finally get together both of them are gonna be like... taken out by all of this. Dani has only ever known Eddie who just does not get her (and the fact that she is a lesbian so she’s never had real feelings for him in that way) and it seems like Jamie has only ever had surface level relationships with people who never really got her either (while also being in love w her best friend who she never thought would love her back). there’s no way this is wont eventually make at least one person cry a bunch (probably me) with how right all of it is
god Dani is so horny for Jamie sdflkdfjgkfdj preemptive RIP for Ms Taylor when Dani finally does get to live out all these daydreams on her I just know someones gonna end up pulling somethin
Does Dani like.... get that she will never love Edmund that way like is she fully aware of the fact she loves him but she’s not in love with him and all these feelings for Jamie aren’t just because it’s Jamie but because she’s not straight??? have we gone on that journey yet
aw Ed waited up for her
the book the book the book
dsfkdhfgkj oh Dani
“Jamie on her knees, looking up at her” listen-
girl u are so fucked
who could this possibly be about hmmmm Dani
“baffled but excited” i think is how I almost always picture eddie lol
dang get it girl take control
aw dani u poor confused little duck. i just wanna give her a hug
Dani dressed as Dorothy is awfuly cute
heh Jamie as a wolf i love her fursona
lmao toto
of course Jamie is well aquainted with the bleachers. cheeky. oh no not the art room. Dani dying inside and then imagining herself there with Jamie girl has got it baaaad u poor lil repressed gayby
Dani is... so thirsty... goddamn
lmao Jamie blatantly checking her out are u trying to kill her she already wants to rip ur clothes off
“To the third floor art room?” dfksdhfgkjdfhgjdhf imagine if this was it they just banged it out in the art room right now n got things sorted
god they go from horny to soft so quick i love the ways they care about each other
Jamie saying the scarecrow costume is fitting for Eddie PLEASE
ooh the infamous hickey
What Dani deseves: snuggles. What Dani recieves: struggles
the MEMES. god bless the memes
this was an excellent companion for my Wednesday hopefully I can churn through the rest of em before we are blessed w ch11 amen
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