#also you don't need a specific reason to have an abortion
wrathofthestag · 2 years
Not a Single Day
I was 20 when I found myself pregnant.  I was also in an abusive relationship.  
Ralph* was the cool guy in high school that I thought could never be interested in me.  We ran into each other after we graduated and he was charming, he was a good dancer, popular, and he was interested in me.  My ex-boyfriend at the time had said, “Don’t date him. Trust me on this one.” I thought my ex was just jealous, so I ignored him.
Ralph and I started dating and it was all great in the beginning.  I was going to parties with all the cool kids from high school---the group I wish I could have hung out with back then---and I was having fun. Until it started to change.
First Ralph began to tell me that he hated how I dressed.  I was too pretty to be dressing like that.  Then he didn’t like my music, my books, my friends in college.  
“You’re really immature, you know?” he once said to me.
Soon, he began to snap whenever I’d contradict him; if I had friends he didn’t know; if I had male friends.  Why was I with him?  Who can say?  I was 20 and dumb.  I tried once to break up with him, but it didn’t go well.  The belittling continued.  The verbal abuse increased. 
So when I discovered I was pregnant, I wanted to die. I had used protection.  What happened? My mother, who was a very strict Latina mom, always said if I was ever pregnant she would kick me out.  So, I couldn’t turn to her.  And what was I going to do?  Live with Ralph? No.
So I went to my local Planned Parenthood and had an abortion. The people at PP were very kind and compassionate and didn’t judge me.  I had judged myself enough for everyone.  Later that day, with my abortion that only Ralph and my best friend knew about, I slept on the couch after crying myself to sleep. I cried because I was tired, scared, but mostly relieved. I knew it had been the right decision.
A few days later, Ralph shouted at me that I was a murderer and that I hadn’t taken him into account. He kicked my car and screamed. Not long after, he punched me in the face for changing the radio station. It was the first time that he had been physically abusive. I told my family I had been mugged because I felt ashamed.  I felt ashamed that I had allowed that to happen to me.  I had had enough.
Without Roe v. Wade, I wouldn’t have been able to have an abortion. I wasn’t ready to become a mother, and I certainly did not want to have children with Ralph.  There has yet to be a day where I wake up and think, “Maybe I shouldn’t have?”  I have always been pro-choice and believed in a person’s right to choose, even before my abortion. That abortion saved me from being tied to an abusive, controlling prick of a human being for the rest of my life.  I don’t regret that abortion for a single moment.  Not a single day. Not one. 
(*Names have not been changed because fuck him. And for those who say that maybe he changed?  No, he didn’t.  Years later, he messaged me on FB and when I said I wasn’t interested in talking to him, he blew up and called me names.)
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lengthenedshadows · 1 year
fuck okay so I can't believe I'm making this post, but here we are.
despite birth control and my best efforts, i'm pregnant.
i can't handle this right now for a lot of reasons-- i'm going through a divorce, i'm deeply in debt due to the marriage i'm trying to end, barely staying afloat as it is working multiple jobs. i'm multiply disabled and so far have been EXTREMELY sick every day to the point of being unable to function. i don't have the time, money, physical and mental health, or resources to deal with a pregnancy, let alone a baby.
on top of all that, i have an infection they can't treat while i am pregnant, so they're trying to get this terminated as quickly as possible. i have an appointment set for Tuesday, 3/28/23 at 2pm.
my insurance does not cover abortions except in proven cases of rape or incest. all this to say, I need to somehow scrape together $600 by Tuesday for the abortion itself, plus cost of transportation. it's also been difficult to eat lately and i've been living off yogurt and the few other specific things i can keep down, so help restocking the fridge would be amazing.
i am of course gratefully accepting donations but am also just getting started as a content creator and i'm happy to do custom pics/vids etc as well.
c*shtag/v*nmo are both $wanderingivy
contact me privately for more info
please boost if you can
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hindahoney · 7 months
Sorry for this but as a disabled Haitian black woman living in America, I cannot sympathize nor agree with Israel’s actions against Palestinian people and their own people. What they did to Ethiopian Jewish Women when they they sterilized them with their consent. I cannot support Israel ruthlessly bombing churches, schools, and people’s homes where people live. I feel so bad for the Palestinian people and hostages who have to deal with ruthless bombng in Gaza.
The lie that Israel sterilized Ethiopian women has been debunked countless times, and yet it persists and is used by pro-Palestinians to be like "Look! Israel really is apartheid!" so that you don't ask them why they have had black Ethiopian Jewish man Avera Mangisto hostage for 9 years, or why they beheaded a black man during the Hamas attacks with a shovel. So let's talk about it.
Israel never forcibly sterilized Ethiopian women. They provided them with the depo shot, which needs to be renewed every 12 weeks or it becomes ineffective, or in other words, you can get pregnant again. It is not sterilization.
So, why did Israel give Ethiopian women the depo shot?
Ethiopian women arrived to Israel in either transit or refugee camps due to them fleeing a genocide, both of which are always in constant need of birth control. They need birth control for a few reasons, the major one being that infant and maternal mortality rates in transit and refugee camps are incredibly high, few gynecologists are available to work at these camps, sexual violence is also higher in these camps than the general population, and post-partum care is lacking for the same reason that gynecologists are. This is true in every transit or refugee camp, not just in Israel. The advantage of the depo shot specifically is because it decreases the bleeding for women on their menstrual cycle, which is good when the camps are lacking in menstrual products, which can lead to health problems. If they were to get pregnant at the camp and decide to have an abortion, the mortality rates are, as predicted, incredibly high. I would also like to add that it is standard procedure to provide women in refugee/transit camps with birth control.
Due to the high volume of people at these camps who need medical care, and the shortness of staff, as well as a language barrier, it is possible some patients do not understand what is being administered. This means that it is a case of negligent medical care, and not eugenicist sterilization of black women. The conditions since the initial absorption of Ethiopian refugees has increased, given that there is no longer a rush to get them situated, and the Ethiopian population in Israel has grown substantially. That could not happen if the women were sterilized. Their population is now well over 160,000 and make up 2.3% of the population.
The accusation that Israel forcibly sterilized these women is as heinous as it is ridiculous, considering Israel was the one who did rescue operations to get them to safety in the first place. This is not to say that there is not racism in Israel, but there is racism in every country on the face of this planet, and Israel's racism is not so great that they forcibly sterilized an entire population of black women.
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So I am a bit ashamed given modern day politics to admit that I'm left leaning at all. Even if I'm a just Left of Center Libertarian.
But the reason why is because of the fact that a huge swath of the left has an issue when it comes to words. Specifically changing the meaning of words until they mean next to nothing at all.
What do I mean by this? Well let's consider, what words have been made to mean nothing by the left:
The list goes on and on and on.
Nazi more or less now means, "I don't like you and you don't agree with me thus forth I will bestow this label on you so as to smear you publicly"
Gender used to mean sex and now it both does and does not mean sex and even is now used to mean "Identity" with that was never what it meant.
Genocide is SUPPOSED to mean the intentional removal of a group of people through killing them or breeding them out by sterilization or intentional delusion of their bloodline. (Example of this is the raping of Uyghur Muslim women by Han chinese men and the sterilization of the Uyghur Muslim men by chemical castration or actual castration). Now it just means, "People dying in war is genocide. People not being allowed to chemically castrate themselves is genocide. People being allowed to eat meat is genocide". IE: It means nothing at all.
And then there's my favorite phrase from the left.
"This is a threat to our Democracy" which actually translates to: This is a threat to the power of Democrats therefore we need to smear and slander anyone pushing whatever is being pushed currently. And we will use weasel words normies use in order to scare them away from whatever this thing being pushed is".
First and foremost, we DO NOT live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic. Secondly, when people want power as BADLY as Dems and will lie, cheat, steal, and smear to get there, you should be concerned. I mean for god sake, people consider a very TINY riot at the capital with 99.99% of people unarmed completely, while we also know feds were in the crowd, an "Insurrection"; But then will not consider fire bombing the security office outside the White House, the pushing down of the WH fence, and the burning of a historical church across the street, and the injuring and killing of several Guards and Police the same thing.
So basically, it's a "If we are in power, everything we do, no matter what it is, is fine and reasonable. If you are in power anything we do to try to remove you from power is fine and reasonable.", situation.
That's why I don't like most of the left. Because they think they are gods. Their "Moral" is correct even when it never stops changing. Look at their defense of slavery in the middle east all because, "Those poor oppressed Arabs". I'm sorry but what?! SO slavery is FINE so long as it's non white doing it? That's what I'm hearing right? And sadly a lot of the time it's "YES! That is what you are hearing". If time has taught me anything it's that most of the left is a brainwashed, uneducated cult. They believe EVERYTHING outside of their cult views as evil and thus forth need to lie about it to make everyone else NOT involved or not informed also have the same resentment towards the people they hate.
And it was the last straw when I saw post after post after post of leftists excusing rape. And then people like Hasan Piker calling Kids, "Colonizers" while in the breath before talking about violent removal of people is fine if they are colonizers.
No leftists. You need to understand something very clearly. The "Right" you view as so bad and evil are consistent in most of their morals. But you view everything in bad faith. Thus can't see past your own bias long enough to realize the actual evil ones are you.
And understand. I'm not calling EVERYONE on the left evil. But if you worship the left, you probably are evil. Even if you believe you are doing "The right thing" that doesn't mean you are. And it's about time you realized that.
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transmascpetewentz · 6 months
i meant wrapped not trapped, I do not blame you for misunderstanding me, thats entirely my fault
I think you seem to believe that my issue with transandrophobia as a label is the idea that trans men face oppression (which they do), when instead its the idea that the oppression transmasculine people face is something completely unique to them, instead of being the underlying current of tranphobia
I literally spent the first paragraph explaining my issues with the *concept* of it before segawaying into my issue with it as a conterpart to transmisogyny due to them not sharing an underlying ideological framework
And to touch on some of doberbutts points, trans women are also correctively raped and have suicide rates, and the issue of access to abortion is for every person with a vagina, not just trans men
A frustrating thing that he does there is that instead of giving a counterargument to one of my points (what i personally believe to be a misnomer about the purpose of the label of transmisogyny, were you (nonspecific) view it as a threat to the validity of the trauma we face, and not as a way to describe their own, and what others believe to be just attention seeking) is to bring up severe (often sexual) trauma as a way to put a landmine on that specific point, because any attempt to explain why they are wrong becomes a personal attack on the traumatized parties
this got quite long, so response under the cut. @doberbutts this is the same anon you responded to (by reblogging my post) earlier.
no form of violence experienced under an oppressive system is truly "unique" in that i don't think there are any experiences of violence or oppression that apply to only one specific group, but the motivations behind the violence can differ depending on the demographic it's being done to. i do not think that any specific example of transandrophobia is something that no one who isn't transmasc has experienced, but transandrophobia is the oppression specifically targeting transmascs. i and doberbutts have already pointed out how this works, so i don't feel the need to reiterate that.
you do not understand the concept of transandrophobia, and you regularly demonstrate that your understanding is surface-level and comes from people who have an interest in making it seem less credible. instead of asking people who theorize about anti-transmasculinity (including me and doberbutts!!!) you immediately become hostile and make many incorrect assumptions about our beliefs. i find this highly disrespectful and encourage you to stop getting all of your information about transandrophobia from people who misrepresent it to argue against the concept of anti-transmasculinity.
yes, abortion access is something that everyone who can get pregnant has to deal with, but trans men face unique discrimination wrt abortion access and access to reproductive healthcare that trans women do not. this is because there is a fundamental misogyny component to anti-transmasculinity that you and others who deny it because "it's transmisogynistic!!!" seem to have a failure to grasp. transandrophobia is transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, and the specific modifier of maleness on this oppression all at once. i wish there was a better word for how maleness adds to and modifies oppression in an intersectional way that wasn't associated with mras, but alas there is none that i am aware of. also: anti-transmasculinity never says or implies that trans women don't face some of the issues that trans men do! you are treating this like a pissing contest for who has it worse and that is an attitude i'll need you to drop.
denying transandrophobia is a sentiment that is directly hostile to transmasc survivors of sexual assault, abuse, hate crimes and other things that arise from living under a patriarchy that systemically excludes you from both the male and female classes. the reason why we use this rhetoric is because these types of things arise from the specific intersection that trans men face, and how that can further intersect with sexuality. you are simply making up what we believe on the spot and not actually listening. if you want to come off anon and have a conversation in dms, i'd be willing.
talking to people like you is frustrating because you make these claims about what transandrophobia theory is as if we're a monolith or a homogenous group instead of hundreds of trans men on tumblr dot com all contributing to a larger conversation. no matter how much you claim to be in good faith, you continue to disregard actual transandrophobia theory in favor of some bastardized version you got from someone with "white tme/tma" in their bio. i hope you take this criticism and reflect on how you may be wrong.
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dangerpronebuddie · 1 month
(Hold onto your hoola hoops, folks, I wrote this at 2am after a paper that fought me tooth and nail, so if it makes no sense I'm sorry 😁)
Okay. I can't stop thinking we're in for some Eddie whump. (The whumper in me says we're overdue pero ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ that's beside the point). Anyway. The foreshadowing has been in the making since 4x14, and with them discussing that arc so much, I can't help feeling like they'll bring up something about it. (Under the cut, cause this gets a bit long)
This show doesn't often leave storylines open, so addressing the will again is inevitable. But what would prompt it? Eddie thinks Buck understands it (he doesn't), so why would they need to bring it up again?
They promoted Chris/ Gavin along with the main cast. No other kids were. So why?
You could argue the 7x01 storyline was the reason behind it, but I don't think that line is completely done. The premieres usually foreshadow some events through the season. Bringing up Shannon not only gives new viewers a glimpse into the Diaz boys and their trauma, it sets up something they'll revisit. She's been mentioned a few times throughout the season, and having her be a part of the guilt storyline makes perfect sense and is absolutely beautiful.
Eddie still holds this guilt about their relationship. All these if onlys. He's come a long way in his healing and growth, but it isn't linear, and that loss will never completely heal. He's still looking for that magic, that deep love he had (and still has) for her. He can't move past the guilt he feels about it all.
A coma dream of his own, or some kind of hallucinations, would be the perfect way to get him to forgive himself. How we get there? I'm not 100% sure. But I have some ideas!
1. Trapped dads (thank Anna)
@lover-of-mine can explain it so much better, but we've been rooting for this for ages. We thought they were going to drown Buck this season, but it doesn't look like they're going that way. So, we thought about flipping the scenario. Eddie is the one gravely injured, not Buck. Aborted confession? Possibly! Buck being the sole parent while Eddie is in the hospital? Absolutely. It would bring about so many possibilities. Eddie wouldn't confess to Buck as he was dying, he wouldn't make Buck carry that. But Buck might confess to Eddie as Eddie is dying so he knows he'll die loved. When he saves Eddie (desperate CPR when???) they have to live with what was said in the moment. Even better if Eddie is in a coma afterwards. Bonus points if they're still in their relationships through it all. Mutual pining anyone? Buck will be taking care of Chris in the midst of it all, possibly revealing to T and M that the will exists. The season ends with Eddie awake and healing, knowing how Buck feels. He of course won't say anything because they're still dating other people. Allows for a LOT of pining through s8.
2. Hallucinations (thanks Saturn)
I hadn't really considered this possibility, but @steadfastsaturnsrings brought up a great idea. I tried to find out the specific episode that takes place in the desert, but as far as I've found, they haven't specified. I'm assuming 7x07. Since 7x07 is Ghost of a Second Chance, Shannon could be appearing in that one. And if 7x07 is the one in the desert, then there's a lot of possibilities there too. Heatstroke or snake bite... either could cause hallucinations. Since the writer for 7x07 is likely Taylor Wong (wrote 6x15) then some Eddie and Shannon angst is definitely possible. Any way we look at this, the will could factor in. Eddie can't care for Chris, so Buck steps in. I think something happening in the desert could add some visions focused around his service and we get some very Eddie Begins type scenes that maybe show more positive calls between Eddie and Shannon. We could also possibly get a callback to 6x15 and Eddie's fear of dying alone (and having Buck there with him would prove him wrong. Wishful thinking).
3. God only knows
He gets trapped in a collapsed building? T involved? Sinkhole? Some kind of blood loss? We don't know! But I do know that Juan Carlos Coto usually writes huge episodes for Bobby, Eddie, and Buck (3x09, 4x05, 5x13, 5x16, 6x10 just to name a few). And since he's writing 7x08, which is titled Step Nine, the guilt and Shannon could happen there too. I mentioned in another post (which I can't find, naturally) that Step Nine in AA means making amends, no matter what. So, while Bobby is likely making amends with Amir, Eddie is making amends with himself, Shannon, and his guilt surrounding it. (There's a possible firepilot storyline there, depending on how 7x06 goes but I won't get into that rn).
Any way it goes, Shannon appearing, especially appearing older, will show Eddie all those if onlys he's been dwelling on. It will show him how different his life could've been (parallel to 6x11) and it will show him he hasn't failed. He has nothing to feel guilty about. He's not going to find what he had with Shannon. But he can find something just as deep and meaningful. And it's something Shannon (his subconscious) has to show him. Something he has to figure out on his own, like he usually does. No outside force is going to push him past it, no matter how hard he tries.
Perhaps in that dream/ hallucination, he'll realize he's not a commitment phobe, he's not a failure, he's not a sinner doomed to hell. He's human, and he's found love he's not allowing himself to feel.
Feelings realization (or more acceptance of those feelings) and some delicious pining is imminent. How we get to it? I'm not sure. They usually repeat kinds of injuries so I'm leaning more towards trapping him somewhere, but I love the idea of a snake bite. It's happening to someone, based on the fact they had dangerous reptiles on set (or a prop for it). Any way it happens, it'll be amazing, especially if this happens with it.
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rainybraindays · 5 months
I don't like making posts like this, I don't like opening my blog up for people to come and harrass me but oh my god, why does the fandom allow posts like this to get away unscathed?
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You don’t have to like Marina. I'll never claim that. You can like or dislike whoever you want.
But I do wonder, if Marina was played by a white woman would we get nearly as many posts like this? Would everyone be as okay with it? Would we have been so quiet about the fact that Ruby Barker was harrassed for this role? Or would there be way more people defending her? Would she suddenly be sympathetic when now shes not?
Why are we all so okay with taking this character with a nuanced story, put in a horrible situation with almost no options and turning her into a villian?
Like did we watch the same show? Did you miss the bit where she doesn't want to find a husband at all and only starts when she thinks shes been abandoned, which she only believes because she gets a forged letter saying she was? Did you not see Portia slap her? Did you not also watch a man old enough to be her grandfather being forced on her?
Lying to Colin wasn't okay, I'm not defending that, but literally tell me what her options were?
The man she loves is dead, but she doesn't even know that she thinks he abandoned her, so she can't reasonably assume Phillip will take responsibility when his brother won't. The only people Portias interested in introducing to her are those she wouldn't introduce to her own daughters. She can't reasonably think Colin will be open to her as a wife since shes pregnant becausethats not the norm. But Colin is, he says he would have married her even knowing. And Colin also doesn't view Marina as a villian, in season two hes sad yeah, but he’s also guilty because he doesn't think she deserved what happened.
This is a nuanced messy situation but no one wants to look at that.
Like you all make it very clear you view her as a whore, because she did a very normal thing and had sex. You all view her as a manipulative snake of a person, when if she was even the Whistledown article wouldn't have been a stop for her because she would have tried to get out of it. You conveniently forget that she almost killed herself in an attempt to abort her children because of her mistreatment post Whistledown article because that takes away from the idea you've concocted that shes some villainous bitch.
But then you turn around and want Penelope to have sexual knowledge that she realistically wouldn't and canonically doesn’t. You praise her for her Whistledown work even though it keeps hurting people she loves and shes lying about doing it.
This is weird, posting about how you can't wait for a character to die, and how you hope the death is - lets be honest here- humiliating, is a bizarre thing to do.
Its even more bizarre to do that, tag the character, and then also tag two ships that really the post really isn't about.
Like why is Polin tagged? Because they're both mentioned? This isn't a polin moment. You don’t talk about them at all in the meat of the post. Why is Philoise tagged? Because she's an 'obstacle' for them? They haven't even met, they aren't mentioned at all, they have nothing to do with this.
And on top of tagging these things you say "don't try and defend her to me" which why would we you clearly wouldn't listen. You follow that with saying "If you like her you probably suck" and claim to have tagged this as anti marina when you didn't. You put this in her main tag and then added "death to marina".
Theres no respect to your peers in the fandom, and clear disrespect to people who do like this character and are actually willing to engage with the character beyond fanon portrayal. Because thats what this is its not even taking her at face value anymore.
You wonder why people dislike this fandom, specifically the polin side of it, and do things like this. We as a community need to improve because stuff like this isn't uncommon, this is just one of the most blatant I've seen.
I'm going to be entirely honest if you follow quotegirl19, or don't see the issues with Marinas portrayal and treatment by the fandom this is not the blog for you.
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gurggggleburgle · 9 months
throwing my hat into the should bingqiu be parents ring to say No. Neither of these adults should be parents but for wildly different reasons until they've had like 10 years post cannon to work shit out.
This is because these idiots have so much shit to work out between them and if you threw a kid in there any point before the story ends and well after I can't see this going well.
Reason 1) Have you ever met someone in their early 20s who has been in an on and off again mess of a relationship that clearly needs couples therapy? I have. Don't
reason 2) Everyone keeps being all Luo Binghe would be absolutely jealous of whatever baby ends up in their acquisition and I would like to say FALSE. Binghe's hatred of any babies is tangential to age and adoption vs weird mpreg vs where in the timeline. For example if Shen Qingqui acquires a baby pre abyss at 17ish and said child is in an age range of 7-15ish he's gonna be jealous because that's an age range where this kid could potentially compete with him any younger and you're bordering toddler territory which is about in the same range as literal baby. Where this kid could get his room. If it's a baby tho he doesn't hate the baby. It poses no threat. It's a bonding experience.
If anything he's absolutely more worried about the kid being a secret love child with Liu Qingge or some other threat.
The same applies also minus that last caveat if he ends up teen pregnant. This version of child snatching is weirdly the one I think they'd be the best with even tho they absolutely should not be doing that.
Meanwhile if Shen Qingqiu acquires or has Luo Binghe's kid while their in the abyss then Qingqiu is gonna be a mess of a parent if it is full straight up baby. The man has the domestic skills of a boiled potato. He probably is leaving most of this baby's care to Ning YingYing and Ming Fan by virtue of having to actually do his own paperwork now and other tasks. Like he loves the kid but.... like let's be real liking children and being nice to them does not a good parent make. He's probably panicking and demanding help every five minutes driving them all insane. Meanwhile if Binghe finds out about this kid and it's not his specifically he's gonna lose his shit because it means Shizun's got himself another malewife and he bets it's that whore Liu Qingge. And if Cucumber man let's it slip then Lou Binghe is never letting that child leave his sight. He is acquiescing that kid. And if that child is not a baby he will go into panic mode because that's his REPLACEMENT. Shizun got a new fluffy child to dote on.
Again if Luo Binghe somehow ends up pregers when he falls into the abyss I will say he will become the most disturbingly devoted parent possible and both cherish and resent the child and be absolutely feral about it. If he finds one down there he probably takes care of them and is kind because like Luo Binghe is a fucking orphan. He knows what it means to suffer without parents. If he sees a small demon kid named 4 balls (the long lost brother of 6 balls) or something he's not gonna abandon them to die.
Meanwhile if it's like new item obtained: small child! about water prison and after or one is found out to be mpreg.... I mean Luo Binghe would triple on his imprison Shen Qingqiu for the sake of the baby if it's him. For himself I think he would either tragically walk away and say the baby is all he gets as a piece of Shizun's love or it's like more desperately clinging and waiting for SQQ to cave. Any adopted child at this point is a threat. Our boy's brain is too far gone for that. Child's must be acquired before this point or risk softlocking your game. Also side note depending on where in the timeline Yuan gets pregnanté you can make an incredibly angsty but also comedic argument about abortion as that is certainly one way to take care of it.
Post cannon children can be acquired and this will not make Luo Binghe jealous. Man will see any kid as an extension of his and Shizun's love immediately post cannon. He's not jealous of the baby. If anything they're vetting the baby's playmates. He insists on breast milk long past it being required. You have to get a daypass to even look at this child. The baby has nappies worth more than your house. Man would be a disturbingly protective parent. He would be the one to spoil the kid rotten.
Our trust fund protagonist would have to be the moral compass on this and that is funny and terrifying
Reason number 3) they would be those hoa and pta parents. their kid would be the asshole child in the school who everyone knows they can't bully.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
since sans is of another world, is papyrus from another world too? are they from different worlds but just so happened to end up in the same one, or does papyrus belong to the world of undertale while sans doesn't?
things we know about sans in deltarune:
he has a younger brother, presumably kris' age or not much older considering he's very protective of him and acts like leaving them to hang out alone "in his house" would be irresponsible
that or he's just weird about his adult brother for no discernible reason. which I sincerely hope isn't the case because come on
ironically, while the skelebros house sprite in undertale is named sans' house, the one in deltarune is named "paphouse".
the game value that checks whether you've already talked to sans about his brother in ch1 when you see him again in ch2 is called "paptalk". it's not his full name, but i believe it's safe to assume that sans' as of yet unnamed brother in deltarune is still papyrus.
naming yourself or the vessel after papyrus in the goner maker sequence will get the prompt "an interesting coincidence" and the steam page (i think?) for deltarune says he's "busy" so it's highly lilely he'll play a role in the story.
still, like you said, part of the evidence that sans comes from deltarune is that he dies in a way that's different from every other character in undertale. papyrus included.
something else weird about his death: he's the only character who has color (red blood) in his sprite in the battle screen, which is strictly black and white. this is very obscure and likely means nothing, but there's a weird comment in the undertale crosstitch book about how you can color the battle sprites if you want to diversify things but they "won't be canon". what an interesting thing to say, why would they feel the need to specify that...
thing is, papyrus' death remains much more similar to ye average undertale monster death. so... what's up with that?
papyrus and sans showed up to snowdin one day out of the blue, though it's not explicitly stated, they most definitely got there together.
"where do skeletons come from" is a question posed more than one time, if jokingly, such as by the baby bunny in deltarune
the snowdin residents had never seen them around before. which can also mean absolutely nothing, because they didn't even recognize us as humans lmao
undertale papyrus appears to have never seen the sun before
there's always the "forgettable" check description in the genocide run that haunts my every waking hour.
which is a theme that recurs both in deltarune (the song "don't forget") and in undertale through sans' workshop and the hidden drawing with "don't forget" scribbled on it.
sans has an attack called "gaster blaster". in one of undertale's patches, a bit of dialogue was added when checking the box of attacks in his room if you abort your geno run with his fight about how with his special attack "you surely would've been BLASTED to..." with blasted highlighted in yellow. yeah. safe to assume he has those too.
his paper with Toby's original concept art/details about him had a bit about him having a [REDACTED] named [REDACTED], right under another line that read "has a brother named comic sans". if we take this mysterious presumed relative to be gaster, then his connection to him becomes even stronger
papyrus has a negative reaction to the CORE specifically (he gets inexplicably sad when we call him and he can see it in the distance) but also hotland in general.
Gaster created the CORE and "fell into his own creation". from the way it's phrased, it's highly likely it WAS in fact the CORE, even if it's just vague enough i have my doubts
i really have no idea! I'm heavily inclined to think that the papyrus we meet in undertale is NOT from deltarune/the papyrus we'll meet there, while sans is the same person. this opens some pretty complicated questions to answer, especially from lack of evidence as we're still in chapter 2 out of 7 and we haven't met papyrus yet.
what happens to deltarune papyrus by the end of the game?
if papyrus is from undertale, what happened to UNDERTALE'S sans when deltarune's version got isekaid
exactly how long ago did all of this go down?
sans likely worked with gaster at some point after arriving in undertale, where they found out about the anomaly "our analysis" (which is mostly flowey's work after being resuscitated ie: not in deltarune. the "our" also couldn't have been alphys instead because she gives no indication of being aware of the SAVE powers, the anomaly or time manipulation—though she DID study alternate universes! and she knows sans! interesting coincidence). if so, how is gaster involved with the fate of deltarune NOW, when sans is still there? sure, he was shattered through TIME and space, but wouldn't that constitute a paradox? of course, unless we take "another Him" literally and this isn't the same gaster as the one from undertale
if we go "papyrus is gaster" instead, why does he respond to "papyrus" in deltarune too, why isn't he just gaster (and why does the name "gaster" still crash the game)?
all in all, i DON'T think we have enough material to work with, especially with papyrus. sans had his arc, his lore you could find and piece together with a satisfying conclusion ingame (think of the narrative payback that's finally reaching the workshop behind their house) while papyrus', while still being as much if not even More befuddling, was... all over the place. unexplained. incomplete. you can't piece back much of anything about his past. which is why i have SUPER high expectations for him in deltarune. he's clearly being built up for SomeThing,and i think it's going to be a lore arc just like sans had in undertale, all to himself, while his brother is off having his hotgirl customer service summer with the local goats and... presumably getting sucked into another universe. whoops!
here's a link to the crosstitch page comment, courtesy of @undertale-encyclopedia (you're a godsend to theorists everywhere, thank you so much)
if you're interested in the otherworld/deltarune sans theory, then i cannot recommend @megaderping 's two videos enough, which showcase both its proof AND the contradictions and issues it brings up (HERE'S the original, and HERE's an addendum after some discussion on the previous video). she gathers and mentions pretty much EVERYTHING that made me believe in it in the first place, AND the bits that make me doubt my interpretation of it, though surprisingly i DON'T think they touch on the blood business, which is curious because it's such a big controversy even now. i also owe them and their discord friends credit for the "papvalues" discoveries in deltarune's code, as my hacking and cracking skills are non-existent.
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Jessica Valenti at Abortion, Every Day:
You don’t need to be a political genius to know that Republicans are straight up shitting themselves right now. The Arizona Supreme Court ruling in favor of an 1864 ban was a tipping point across the country, and the GOP—in every state, at every level—knows that voters are furious.
It’s not just the nightmare stories of raped children being denied care and women going septic that put voters over the edge, but the disdain for women that seeps out of every anti-abortion decision. At the same time Arizona Republicans are enacting a law from before women had the right to vote, anti-abortion groups and Idaho Republicans are headed to the Supreme Court to argue that states shouldn’t have to give women life-saving abortions. How much clearer can they get? All of which is to say: strategists have their work cut out for them. How can they convince voters ahead of November that the anti-abortion horror show they’ve unleashed on Americans is good, actually?
If anyone has an answer, it’s Kellyanne Conway. The Republican strategist and all-around terrible person has been doing damage control in the wake of the Arizona ruling, pushing out talking points at record speed. And the messages she’s focusing on paint a clear picture of what we can expect to see from GOP candidates—including Donald Trump—over the next few months. In a recent appearance on Fox News, for example, Conway stuck to some of her old standards—namely, attacking Democrats as the real extremists. She honed in on ballot measures, specifically, saying that abortion rights activists are trying to pass amendments that are “more permissive than pre-Dobbs.” Of course, this is demonstrably false. It’s also one of the reasons I don’t love ‘viability’ language in proposed amendments—in addition to the fact that it’s just another restriction, Republicans will claim we’re pushing for abortion ‘up until birth’ regardless.
Conway also repeated some of our favorite anti-abortion bingo words like “compassion,” and “federal minimum standard” in lieu of ‘ban’—but it was something she said about states’ rights that piqued my interest.
[“What is state’s rights? Is it when the state Supreme Court speaks? Is it through a ballot initiative? Is it through the governor and the state legislature working together? Is it through the trigger laws that have been on the books? I can argue that it’s all of the above.”]
Over the last few months—especially as pro-choice ballot measures have advanced in multiple states—I’ve noticed Republicans tinkering with the definition of states’ rights and the ‘will of the people.’ Essentially, they know that they’re passing abortion bans against voters’ wishes, so they need to make it sound as if these laws are something Americans actually want. (That’s why they say ‘consensus’ instead of ‘ban.’)
This week, for example, Fox News ran a headline about the EMTALA case headed to the Supreme Court, stating that the Biden administration is “subverting state’s rights” by requiring hospitals to give women life-saving and stabilizing abortions. John Bursch, an attorney from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the radical legal group arguing the case, told Fox News, “It’s pushing abortion on states that don't want it.” It takes a lot of nerve to pass abortion bans no one wants, only to then accuse pro-choice politicians of disregarding voters’ wishes! But that’s the message I’m seeing come up again and again among Republican legislators, anti-abortion activists and conservative media.
Jessica Valenti’s Abortion, Every Day Substack exposes the GOP’s abortion bans are the “will of the people” charade in which they falsely suggest that the Democrats are the ones extreme on abortion.
These nimrods claim to be for “states’ rights” when it comes to abortion bans, but they would ban it nationwide in a heartbeat if given a chance to do so.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Tipping :)
Hi Besties!
After getting a few requests for ways to tip me, I decided to accept tips here on Tumblr.
A few things!
If you want to tip an author in general, please tip another author! I don't need the money though the thought is LOVELY. There are plenty of authors on here who need it more than me!
If you really REALLY want to tip me in particular, know that I will be donating any money I get from Tumblr. Charities I support right now include: Palestine Children's Relief Fund, NPR, St. Jude, RAINN, HRC. In the past, I've thrown a lot of money at Planned Parenthood but their stance on Palestine has made me donate elsewhere. That being said, I also donate to abortion funds in general, so if that's against your personal views, be aware that I will probably send money I get from here to an abortion fund at some point. I donate to bail funds regularly, too. (Not linking to those because I try to keep them local and I don't want to dox myself for obvious reasons.)
Please do not feel obligated in ANY WAY to tip me! And please do not tip me in lieu of donating somewhere, please donate directly if that's what you'd like to do. And if you want to just donate to one of the organizations I've linked to, that's amazing! Please do so!
If you have any questions, please reach out! I'm also not going to say that I accept commissions. However, if you want a specific story and are up for donating to one of those organizations or tipping other authors for an agreed upon amount, I can write you something :)
Thanks for being here and being so lovely!! This community is just the best and I love it here.
Love you!!
UPDATE: OK so I changed it to a Ko-Fi because OMG the big tip button was making me feel so strange! You can find it on my homepage or right here. Love you!!
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talaricula · 11 days
Hi, I saw you post about the PvdA and I really appreciate how in depth you go, many of the issues you've brought up are things I agree with and are reasons why I don't want to vote for the PvdA, but I still haven't decided who to vote for, could I ask why not vooruit? I am aware of the more obvious reasons (basically everything that Conner Rousseau is the face of to simplify it, one of the reasons I don't want to vote for the party), but are there other reasons? And why you specifically are going to vote for groen? I have some more ecological oriented friends who I fully expected to be voting for groen and they don't really want to vote for groen, so I'm curious what convinced you to vote for them? Asking here more for the regional and federal elections.
I am basically just jumping between groen, vooruit and PvdA (definitely never saw PvdA as a possibility on the European level) atm, I think if Conner Rousseau hasn't become the head of the party, I probably would have voted for vooruit, but from the beginning he became the head of the party, I just felt less and less like voting for them and then the thing™ happened with him.
Sorry for the later answer, I wanted to take my time with this a bit!
Why not Vooruit: because they have, in the words of the standaard, rebranded as "vooruit en rechtsaf". Their communication and an essential part of their program seems to me to court Vlaams Belang and NVA voters and smacks a bit of "eigen volk eerst" socialism. There's Conner's catastrophically racist rant of course, which the whole party is a bit quick to forgive after an apology, as if the fact that the party head clearly holds such views does not mean smth for the party line. More importantly imo, there's the concrete racism in the party program : one of Vooruit's main points of action in their program is to make immigration harder. Now, again, I'm a human rights lawyer, I've seen my fair share of migration and asylum cases in Belgium, and Belgium already does everything it can to avoid respecting international refugee law. Presenting things as if Belgium takes in too many refugees, as if refugees have it too easy to get here, as if they have it too easy accessing benefits here, is simply factually false and clearly meant to recruit voters who are, at worst, openly racist, and at best, subconsciously only believe in socialism, state support, equality and welfare for westerners (aka white people). Family reunification is already super hard, does not need to be harder. Making benefits dependent on an inburgeringstraject is counterproductive - how do you want to integrate if you're obnibulated by the poverty line. Encouraging asylum in neighbouring third world countries is ignoring Belgium's colonial history and responsibility in the socio-economic fragility of those regions. Basically, Vooruit's entire migration policy is, imo, built on false narratives about migration, at best casually racist, and courting VB voters. By contrast, Groen's position on immigration is orders of magnitude more inclusive, they want to make it easier in general, and their proposals about it correspond much better to what I've seen in my line of work. That's the main reason why I am not voting Vooruit and am voting Groen.
Vooruit is also less pro-Belgium, while Groen wants to federalise some competences and wants a federale kieskring. Vooruit is more circumspect on queer rights, while Groen is going to bat for some of the most concrete and controversial among them (surrogacy, trans rights, and education in schools). There's other things I agree more about with Groen but I'm not gonna go super into detail on every element - in general, their stances on education, welfare, pensions, care for sick, disabled and elderly people, ethical questions of bodily autonomy (abortion and euthanasia) are bolder and lean closer to mine, while Vooruit keeps wanting to put asterisks next to many of them which reads as paternalistic to me and imo undermines their efficacy.
(Worth noting that on the questions of Belgium, queer rights and other "ethical issues", OpenVLD is actually much much more progressive than the Vooruit. Not gonna vote for them bc their economic policies are fundamentally antisocial and I don't believe in "fiscally conservative socially progressive" bc economic equality is essential to social equality but, yknow, worth noting when comparing parties.)
I don't love everything Groen stands for - I know their hardline stance against nuclear energy is v controversial, for example, and I strongly dislike their history of making ritual animal sacrifice a hot button issue that contributed to islamophobia and antisemitism (it smacked of "I can excuse racism but draw the line at animal cruelty"), but it is still by far the party I agree with the most about the most things, which is how you pick a party to vote for, I think.
I assume you've done the stemtest, but if you don't feel up to reading the complete programs of the parties you're considering, I'd recommend checking out De Tijd's kieswijzer too. You can compare some hot button issues without registering, and if you make a free account for a month (no automatic payment after) you can compare more issues in detail. It's been v helpful to me.
TL;DR again : not voting Vooruit for (program content wise) their asylum and immigration policy and (communication wise) the racism, which I am very actively opposed to, voting Groen for their positive stance on migration and asylum, Belgium, queer rights, abortion and euthanasia, social welfare, education, and ecology.
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neshatriumphs · 6 months
One time I was at work at a place that had a copy center, etc. I was making some copies for a little pig faced white lady for her lil' church group event or whatever. Now, I don't remember which church it was, as my city had many, but what I do remember is that it was a white church. I remember because that's important for context of this conversation with this also white customer.
She begins the conversation. I actually am multitasking multiple jobs and didn't intend to talk to her. She was a regular and she knew how this worked. But, she starts this conversation inviting me to the event. I kindly decline, mind you, this was during one of my church phases. Even when I was "in church," city's pretty segregated and the few times I'd been to one of their churches, it wasn't for me.
Then, she tells me that the event is specifically designed to stop abortions. And I'm a different person at the time. I'm a person with poor views on this matter from being youngish and being religiously conditioned + by this time I've had, I believe 2 miscarriages, but I'm not positive.
So, I guess with that, I say either, "Oh, that's nice" or something, idk. And this woman says to me, somebody she only knows from making copies of fliers and ringing her up when done...
"You really should get involved in these efforts. You would not believe how many young Black women are there, denying beautiful Black babies the right to live." And now, I'm done with customer service, because Idek if I replied to her. But, I look at these damn fliers and they are the white saviorest fliers about Black abortion that I have ever seen.
I'm ringing this bitch up, and she's talking about what her church teaches about life before the womb, circa the book of Jeremiah, etc. I say, "Yeah, they teach the Bible in my church too," and I told her the total.
She reaches for her checkbook, and instead of writing the check starts asking ME, the lady from the copy center/cashier/asst manager of a local supplies store, if I have ever been pregnant or if I have kids. I say, since we so cozy and I actually want her uncomfortable, "No kids, just miscarriages." And smile.
Do you know this heffa, without missing a beat, tells me, "More of a reason for you to care about these Black babies!"
I repeat the total. She starts finally writing her check and my manager walks up. Fellow Black woman, and the homie at work. "Tenesha, I need you to go cut soem butcher paper in art supplies." I go.
After the woman leave, Michelle says to me, "Now, I don't know WHAT that woman was saying to you, but I know that look on your face that you had and you looked like you was gettin ready to get her. So, I stepped in."
There really is no message or purpose or nothing of me telling this story. It just popped into my mind. But, for what it's worth, this was a perfectly normal conversation for this person to have. Some white lady at a church that was predominantly white, if not all white, with her save the Black babies from them abortions fliers and chit-chat. With a Black woman at least 20 years younger than her, I'm guessing from looks. Tbh, I can never tell how old they are because they... you know they age differently. And to have this conversation while I, apparently look so disgruntled my manager sent me away from the transaction?
They're just a trip. That's the point, I guess.
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
What are some of the more quiet tragedies that happen in Auradon proper that we haven't heard about?
- birb
I don't know what really counts as a quiet tragedy, but
- There's a lot of prejudice and bigotry towards anyone who isn't a white cishethet able-bodied neurotypical human with "no" accent who's part of a Jesus religion who holds conservative beliefs. There's a reason almost no people who are in that very specific demographic get sent to the Isle.
- There is a major outdoor cat problem. They're killing all the small native wildlife and causing a million other issues.
- There's also a huge exotic pet problem. A lot of them end up released or euthanized because there are so few sanctuaries that can take a full-grown Silverback or tiger.
- Also, people keep getting and then discarding fish, bunnies, birds, snakes, small rodents, etc, because they're "cute" but the person quickly grows bored of them or finds out that they aren't toys and have food, space, or enrichment needs that aren't being met and they can't be bothered.
- Also, people keep taking things like coyotes, foxes, beavers, groundhogs, wild rabbits, and other medium-to-small native fauna and keeping them as "pets." This never ends well for the animal.
- People feed foxes and raccoons and stuff because they refuse to acknowledge the harm it causes. Then, when a habituated coyote tries to drag off a three-year-old because it lost its fear of humans, the animal gets killed because they're a danger.
- People keep endangering the megafauna. Stop petting the moose. That mountain lion does not want head scratches. This often results in injury or death that the animal will be killed for.
- There's a troubled teen industry to straighten out "troubled" (rebellious, curious, mentally ill, non-cishethet, or completely normal and maybe even healthy) teenagers "to stop their behavior before they get sent to the Isle." If you wants to know exactly how terrible it is in these places, check out breakingcodesilence on YouTube or on their official website.
- Kids and teenagers are not allowed to do normal kid and teenage things. Kids are expected to be perfect angel caricatures of what a child "should" be until they hit eleven or twelve, at which point they're expected to suddenly become mature adults with no room for being a tween or a teenager. There's no room for them to make mistakes without judgement. There's no real childhood.
- Mommy vloggers are a big thing
- Mommy bloggers with disabled children (like Autism Mommies (TM) or Fathering Autism) are even bigger.
- People keep trying to "cure" disabilities like autism, Down Syndrome, etc, which is usually just eugenics with a nicer name. While abortion is "illegal no exceptions," it's silently allowed if the fetus is disabled.
- Care for disabled people is terrible. Most facilities or training courses don't care about improving their quality of life, just on supporting them enough that they aren't a visible problem.
- The universal healthcare doesn't cover mobility aids or "elective" procedures such as surgery to lessen or end epileptic seizures. And that stuff is expensive as hell in Auradon.
- The "eradication of drugs" makes it hard for people to be prescribed class 1 drugs, stuff like Adderall or opium things for pain, harder for them to get refills, and they can't display any "drug-seeking" behavior (and the behavior of a person who has MS and desperately needs their pain relief or similar cases will be seen as drug-seeking.) Addicts and "addicts" will be sent to the Isle.
- A lot of disabled and mentally ill people get killed by caretakers. This is usually not reported on and the murderer gets off free due to some very ableist rhetoric.
- Rape and other sex crimes are usually not prosecuted unless the survivor is under 12 or if the case somehow already has media attention. There's a massive amount of victim-blaming in the courts and the media is not allowed to report on the trial at all unless they prosecute the perpetrator, creating an illusion of "it rarely happens but when it does, we act swiftly and harshly."
- The media rules are the same for child abuse, by the way. And elder abuse. And dependent abuse. And domestic abuse and IPV. And a lot of murder cases. And assaults. And discrimination lawsuits. And- basically any crime, really. It only happens if the court says it did but the court rarely says so.
- True crime, documentary, commentary, and criticism ThouTubers are usually banned from the platform or sent to the Isle for "dissidence." Because talking about anything without pushing Auradon's "everything is perfect" narrative is considered dissidence.
I should probably stop now before people get angry at me.
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archiveofkloss · 2 months
st. louis public radio: “Fashion icon Karlie Kloss emphasizes Missouri's role in national abortion rights fight” by Jason Rosenbaum
Webster Groves native Karlie Kloss took the modeling world by storm in the 2010s before launching a highly successful effort to connect young women with computer coding and, more recently, helping relaunch Life magazine.
On Monday, Kloss discussed another passion: her advocacy for abortion rights in Missouri and around the Midwest.
“I'm one of four daughters. I grew up here in the Midwest. My father is a physician. The idea of reproductive care was never political in my house,” Kloss said. “It's devastating to me the reality of what is happening and how it has become so politicized. Because to me, this is a conversation that belongs between an individual and their physician and an individual and their loved ones. To me, politicians should not be involved.”
Kloss helped gather signatures in Creve Coeur for the Missourians for Constitutional Freedom initiative, a measure that would legalize the procedure up to what’s known as fetal viability. That’s defined in the initiative as when medical professionals determine that a fetus could survive outside of the womb without extraordinary medical intervention.
Before Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, Kloss started the Gateway Coalition, which provides financial and logistical assistance to small clinics that provide abortions throughout the Midwest. She said those facilities, particularly the ones in Illinois, have become havens for people in states like Missouri where most abortions are prohibited.
“What I really realized, especially once Roe fell, was about the fragmentation of care across this country, but specifically in the Midwest,” Kloss said. “I wanted to do whatever I could, and initially focused on Illinois of just the infrastructure that exists — the independent clinics, the clinics across Illinois who are really holding up the front line.”
She called the Missourians for Constitutional Freedom initiative “an opportunity to take it to the ballot box and actually have Missourians reinstall protections in our home state.”
“So you don't have to leave Missouri to receive just the vital care that I believe every woman deserves,” Kloss said.
Since rolling out the initiative at the beginning of the year, Missourians for Constitutional Freedom has raised more than $4.5 million in contributions of more than $5,000. That includes a $50,000 donation from Kloss.
She said that the initiative can find support with a wide range of voters — pointing specificallyto polling from SLU/YouGov that showed more than 20% of Republican respondents backed the initiative.
“They see this as a human issue,” Kloss said. “And also, the fact is that the trigger ban that went into effect had no exceptions, which to me is just unacceptable.”
Kloss was referring to how Missouri’s abortion ban that went into effect in June 2022 contained no exceptions for anyone who became pregnant due to rape or incest.
If organizers get roughly 171,000 signatures all over the state, the amendment legalizing abortion could go before voters in either August or November. It’s part of a trend in other states, including Arizona and Florida, of trying to use the initiative petition process to enshrine abortion rights.
Backers have until May 5 to turn in signatures.
Kloss said there’s a reason for people everywhere to care about what’s happening in Missouri and other states with strict abortion bans.
“To me this issue is about dignity,” Kloss said. “It's about respect and an individual's bodily autonomy to decide what is right for them in their life at whatever time they need to be making that choice. And so this ban, I believe, we have a chance to overturn.”
While in town Monday, Kloss participated in a ceremony officially naming a portion of Washington Avenue after her.
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anamericangirl · 11 months
Ya miss this part of the ask "all of the others that closed down were due to government funding to the non-profit organization being severely slashed" or something? Cause that's the part that squarely debunks your argument that they shut down due to lack of abortions. Which none of your sources even hinted at let alone outright said. It's the same with how your claim that PP has abortions as their main source of revenue and your source doesnt say that and shows abortions not being #1 service.
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Ok, this is the last time I'm responding to any messages stating "durrrr pp doesn't close because of lack abortions they close because lAcK oF fUnDiNg haha DeBuNkEd." I can provide sources for you but I'm not going to read them to you and if you lack the brain cells to put two and two together, which you apparently do, then you're just too dumb for this conversation.
But the only reason I'm responding to this is not for you idiots who sent the messages and cannot for the life of you read a source and glean any information other than what they point blank tell you and will just repeat your same brain dead arguments regardless of what information is provided for you, this is for people who might be interested in this information and can use their heads and understand what's going without an article stating verbatim "this Planned Parenthood closed because of lack of abortions." I don't know how you idiots made it through grade school with such shit processing skills.
The anon this first idiot claims "squarely debunks my argument"
Misrepresented my argument
Stated an objectively false claim about one of the clinics, proving they cannot read or did not read the article
and they expect me to take them seriously and just pretend their criticisms are valid and debunk the sources.
So the one this anon thinks is super intelligent and "squarely debunked my argument" claimed a Steamboat Springs PP clinic that closed did not provide abortions. And that is a blatant lie.
This very article was in the post they were criticizing. They had easy access to it so there is no excuse for making that bullshit claim and expecting to be taken seriously. And, as it clearly states here: "Planned Parenthood in Steamboat never offered surgical abortions but was able to help with pharmaceutical avenues."
It is a LIE to say they don't provide abortions when they help provide pharmaceutical abortions. They didn't provide surgical abortions but pharmaceutical abortions are still abortions.
And why, if they didn't provide abortions, are the people who oversaw the clinic bemoaning the loss of abortion care in the area with the closure of the clinic? Now the anons who sent these messages can't decipher that on their own because they need articles to explicitly state what something means in order to understand written language, but for people who possess the ability to think, it's pretty obvious that they did, in fact, provide abortion.
Now let's talk about the "LaCk Of FuNdInG" argument these idiots think is completely separate from Planned Parenthood's willingness or ability to provide abortions.
This is one of the articles I linked in the post these anons are responding to. It states "funding challenges" as the reasons these clinics closed. Notice these clinics are in Washington State. They specifically cite "medicaid reimbursements" as the biggest issue.
Now, if we look at this source of state funding of abortion under medicaid from Guttmacher, we can see that Washington state, where these clinics are located, voluntarily funds all or most "medically necessary" abortions.
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So it appears they might be possibly be having trouble funding abortions. I know the anons can't make that connection, but most people should be able to. "Funding issues" and their abortion providing issues aren't always separate issues.
And, also, how convenient that of all the sources I gave of Planned Parenthood closures, you picked the one article that didn't directly mention changes to abortion laws among the reasons for their closing and pretend that debunks the entire point.
Like these clinics in Iowa
Or these in New England
This clinic in Idaho
Or this one
Or these
And recently, more in Iowa.
And since you'll care so much about whether the closings were pre or post the overturning of roe v wade (although this qualification was something you'll straw manned and never part of my claim) here's a NYT article, published about a week ago, reporting that "dozens of abortion clincs (which we discover are going to be Planned Parenthoods) have closed since the overturning of Roe (I'm aware not all of them closed, but some did).
So even if I relented with that one article they chose to highlight and said "ok since they didn't specifically mention abortion we can take that article out of consideration" it doesn't "squarely debunk my argument" because the other articles still exist and they are from the same post. So a challenge on one article doesn't debunk all the others like you idiots seem to think.
Anyway, make of that what you will but I am NOT going to respond to another message that consists of anything similar to "hurr durr I am ignoring the sources, didn't read them, or lying about them or I think I found one issue so you're DeBuNkEd."
And for you other idiots, whose asks I will not be publishing, who are dumb enough to think that if lack of abortion provision causes some Planned Parenthoods to shut down then the reversal of Roe V Wade should have seen clinics closing "immediately" you're just exposing, yet again, how incredibly ignorant pro-aborts are. The overturning of Roe v Wade did not make abortion illegal. It is still legal accessible throughout the country so your premise is wrong because you don't know what you're talking about. And if even the overturning had made abortion illegal, the closures still wouldn't have been immediate you numbskull. There's hundreds of Planned Parenthoods across the country and closures would not happen over time. It would take several months or even a couple of years. So you're stupid.
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I hope this helps serves as a reminder to how incredibly dishonest and how embarrassingly ignorant you have to be to support abortion. These sad pathetic individuals think they know everything but they know nothing.
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