#also. i was so anti link and jo getting together because i really really loved their friendship but when they did end up sleeping together
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
don't tell the person i just reblogged a gifset from this but earlier today when i was watching an episode of grey's (i'm three months behind but the season's been done for two so i'm only three episodes behind) i was actually thinking about how i kinda like jo better now that alex's gone. i was never team she should know her place and respect alex and meredith's friend (weird team to be on) and i liked her fine while she was with him but idk. when i rewatched the first 10 seasons in 2021 i had SO many issues with the way her character was written (probably one of the reasons why so many people were more interested in alex's friendship with mer actually their friendship was definitely more interesting because they were both...full-fledged characters) she was literally the archetype of a cool girl it was insane. she was written to be alex's girlfriend in a way that was painfully uninteresting. and look at her now. she hasn't talked about sleeping in her car in years.
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mayasdeluca · 3 years
Yes it me, LOL. Have you ever seen those reality shows where someone's first kiss is on their wedding day and it looks like they're 2 fish gasping for air...that's what the Kai/Amelia kiss looked like to me. Gross.
All I can say is I hope they're paying Caterina well for this cause not only does she have to play this dud of a storyline but her back probably hurts from having to carry both performances since Kai has ZERO personality in every scene.
Greys doesn't get a pat on the back from me for ticking a representation box; they had a trans character that seemed to have a meaty back story (hacker, ex-military) that they did nothing with and he could actually act. And they have Helm who could be great but they're boosting up Schmitt instead. And a rant for another day is Schmitt and Nico (another boring character). I swear if they ever put Nico and Kai in a scene together you'd be bored into a coma.
It sucks that we are still forced to get behind every form of representation because any criticism of it would make TPTB gun shy to do it again. It also sucks that if opinions were expressed negatively then you're dubbed anti non-binary or something when Kai being non-binary has nothing to do with why I dislike the character/storyline. I'm sure they're a nice enough person in real life just like I think Kevin McKidd and Boris Kodjoe are nice guys in real life even though I can't stand their characters.
Okay rant over...until February I guess.
Omg so sorry for the delay, this got buried under a bunch of other asks.
But this made me laugh so hard lol. That's a perfect description of their kiss and yet all I keep seeing is "chemistry!!!" whenever people describe them and I'm just thinking to myself...WHERE?!
Kai is just so bland to me. You're right, no personality. So monotoned too and I don't mean to disrespect them as a person but I just don't get anything from them at all. And it really feels like they're just trying to check a box which seems to be Krista's forte. It's like how when Station 19 tried to do so many social justice topics in a bunch of episodes in Season 4. It just felt like a jumbled mess and a bunch of PSA's instead of actually trying to show representation.
I totally forgot about the trans character Greys had. They barely gave him anything. They could definitely do more with Helm too but for some reason decided to introduce Kai and I don't get why. And you just know that it won't last so what's the point? Can we really see Kai sticking around? Because I can't. Even if Link tries to get Amelia back and she says no and they do Jo/Link for however long...I just can't see Amelia/Kai getting into this long term thing anyway so it's just stupid.
But yeah, god forbid you're against a storyline like this...you really get attacked. That's why I've stayed quiet about it on Twitter because people love them over there, it's wild. -_-
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
Darling, So It Goes
Happy holidays, @slothbaby424! I may not have had as much time as I would like to have had to work on your @destielsecretsanta2020 fic, but I hope you enjoy it anyway (so sorry but it has not been proofread. At all). And a big thank you to @exmintha for the idea when I was struggling!
Again, here’s the playlist. It’s not necessary, but I like listening to music while writing and it’s got a load of Christmas bops on as well!
And, here’s the fic! It is 4639 words, and here’s the link on AO3 if you prefer.
“Pretty please?”
Dean huffed in annoyance, shifting from foot to foot. He really didn’t want to spend a day being pestered by demanding young children and their parents, but when Donna asked like that… well, he wasn’t a monster. “Fine. But if anyone gets any kind of bodily fluid on me, I am out.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine, sweetheart,” she replied, grinning wildly, and Dean had to smile back. And so, that was how Dean Winchester found himself decked out in the full Santa outfit - beard and hat included - for the Wayward Sister’s Christmas party. 
Ever since they had set up the girl’s home, Jody and Donna had insisted on a big Christmas party. The first year, it was just a way to entertain the kids for the day, but since then it had evolved into an affair of epic standards. Practically the whole of Sioux Falls would show up at one point or another, usually with presents in tow. One year, Jody had confessed to Dean that they probably wouldn’t have been able to keep going without the support they got at Christmas.
To start with, Dean was not a good Santa. There were so many children that he had to keep track of, and who all wanted something and asked awkward questions that he didn’t have the answer to, and the hat was itchy and he could hardly see past the beard. By the time lunch rolled around, however, he had gotten into the swing of things, and was actually starting to enjoy himself.
That was when a stranger dumped a litre of chocolate milk over a guest’s head.
Castiel had been very grateful to get an invitation to a Christmas party, especially one from the people who had helped him adopt his son. He had learnt the hard way that society really doesn’t like gay people adopting kids, even if they were single.
Two hours after arriving, however, he was starting to have second thoughts. There were way more people than he expected and he had never been what someone might call a ‘social butterfly’. More like an ‘anti-social slug’, as Gabriel had once called him. The food was nice, but as it turned out, not all the people were.
“So, where’s your wife? Leave you with the kids, did she?” a man - Zachariah, Castiel thought his name was - said, punching him in the arm slightly harder than necessary.
“Oh, no, I enjoy doing things with Jack. And I’m not married.” 
Zachariah looked Castiel up and down, and let out an interesting noise. He supposed it was probably meant to resemble disbelief, but to him, it sounded like an elephant stomping on a whoopee cushion. “Divorced, are you?”
Castiel raised his eyebrows. Did this man realise he was asking wildly inappropriate questions? He had half a mind to say ‘widowed’ just to see his reaction, but he didn’t dare. “No, I’m not.”
Zachariah seemed mildly uneasy at that, as if he wasn’t sure what other options there were left. “Well, I’m sure a nice lady will come along soon.”
“Actually, I’m gay,” Castiel corrected. So what if it wasn’t 100% true? In his opinion, this idiot deserved to be made as uncomfortable as possible.
Zachariah’s reaction was a little more… extreme than he was expecting. And, by extreme, what Castiel meant was that the man seemed to go through several stages - disbelief, at first, then confusion, and then his posture turned rigid and his face started turning a deeper and deeper shade of tomato red - before completely exploding into some kind of homophobic rage.
Castiel wasn’t even listening to the man ranting, just picking up words like ‘Jesus’ and ‘disgusting’ and more slurs than he could count. He was more concerned by all the children nearby who could hear the garbage this man was spouting, and he needed a way to quickly shut him up.
So, he took the obvious route, and poured the entire carton of chocolate milk that he had got for Jack over his bald head.
Dean felt, as Santa, he should probably go and sort out whatever argument the two morons were having that led to the waste of a perfectly good drink. He had been concerned about kids getting some kind of gunk on him, but apparently adults were equally messy.
“Hey, hey, what’s going on?” Dean asked, standing slightly in between them even though he couldn’t imagine either of them starting a fist fight. The guy covered in milk looked furious, but he was the kind of jerk who wouldn’t want his suit to get any messier than it already was, and the other dude looked like he was in some kind of shock.
“This- This queer just assaulted me!” Suit Man shouted, and Dean suddenly and rather desperately hoped that that chocolate milk was never coming out.
“Excuse me?” he asked, not entirely sure how to respond to that.
“It’s disgusting. They shouldn’t be able to raise a child in that lifestyle. It’s appal-”
“Shut up,” Dean said, rather forcefully and uncomfortably aware of the entire room’s eyes on him.
“What did you just say to me?”
“I said, shut up. What is really disgusting here is your behaviour. You think it is okay to be horrible to another human being just because of who he loves? Now that is bad parenting.” 
If anyone asked him later, Dean would say that he was fuming. That his anger was clouding his judgement. That this dude was being an asshole at Christmas in front of kids. Maybe that’s why his brain spotted the teachable moment - no one argued with fucking Father Christmas - and leaned down, slowly pulling the other man towards him and kissing him gently.
To be honest, Dean was sure that he would pull away. In fact, he gave the stranger plenty of time to do so. But instead, he kissed back. Maybe he was in shock. Maybe he also saw what Dean was doing. But they kissed, and Dean knew, somehow, that it was the beginning.
Castiel went to that stupid party because he thought it would be a good way to entertain Jack for the afternoon, and instead left feeling simultaneously embarrassed, with the bonus of a random man’s number. Who he had kissed. In front of a room full of people.
To his continued surprise (although Castiel thought that perhaps there was a limit on how many surprises he could process in one day), the man - Dean, he said his name was, seemed genuinely interested in going on a date with him.
The Roadhouse didn’t look like a particularly romantic spot, but he was not backing out now.
“You must be Castiel.” A stern-looking woman looks him up and down before nodding in approval. “I’m Ellen. You better not hurt my boy,” she warned with a threatening smile, gesturing towards where Dean was sitting in a booth in the corner. He was clearly not reading the menu, his eyes glassy and unfocused, but he fiddled with it anyway, his leg restlessly bouncing under the table.
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel greeted as he sat down, hoping he was hiding his nerves as well as he thought he was. Remember, fake it ‘til you make it, Meg’s voice reminded him. She had been so excited when he called her about his date, threatening him with unspeakable violence if he didn’t show up. Although, Meg could threaten unspeakable violence about anything. She once left the entirety of his cutlery drawer under Castiel’s duvet just because he forgot to feed her cat once.
“Hiya, Cas,” Dean replied, grinning at him. Even though he was clearly nervous, he still seemed sincerely glad to see him, and it warmed his heart. “You don’t mind if I call ya that, right? Oh - before I forget, you should totally get the Elvis burger. It’s absolutely amazing.”
The meal went remarkably well, considering that Cas usually avoided dates like the plague. First dates were the worst - the annoyance of getting to know each other, and the inevitable awkwardness at the end - and he rarely saw anyone more than once. After a particularly bad night, which had ended with Meg having to come and pick him up from a park during a thunderstorm, Cas had sworn off dating. Yet, here he was, and he couldn’t deny he was enjoying himself.
Just as they had finished eating, two girls bounded up to the table. They clearly knew Dean somehow; one was skinny and blonde and Cas could swear that he could see a knife peeking out from her apron, and the other had flaming red hair and a t-shirt which proclaimed ‘the internet is broken, so I’m outside today’.
“Wanna decorate cookies with us?” they exclaimed at the same time, and before he could process what was happening, Cas had been dragged over to the kitchen where there was already a tray of perfect biscuits cooling on the counter.
The next half an hour was spent in a whirlwind of icing and sprinkles and sugar, and Cas loved every minute, although he really hoped that none of the cookies ended up being given to customers, because he had seen Jack make mud cakes more hygienic than this. Charlie sat in a corner on her phone, blasting Christmas music while focused on texting and taking pictures, whereas Jo was thoroughly entertaining herself by drawing inappropriate designs on her biscuits. Dean and Cas’ actually ended up looking okay, but neither of them were artists, so the cookies still looked like they had been decorated by a toddler.
When they were finished, they left Charlie and Jo to clean up and went back into the main area of the now empty restaurant. A new song came over the speakers, slow and enchanting, and Dean offered Cas a hand. “A dance before you go?”
Dancing with Dean, Cas decided, was magical. They swayed together, gradually getting closer and closer until their chests were pressed together and Cas’ head was resting on Dean’s shoulder. For a minute, Cas could forget everything but this moment. He allowed himself to simply be lost in the music and the warmth of Dean’s body, listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat and feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
As the song ended, Dean carefully pulled apart just enough to lean down and join their lips in a tender kiss, and Cas thought that he could be in heaven.
But the kiss only got deeper and suddenly Cas’ mind flickered back online just in time to remind him what a ridiculous idea this was. Red flashing lights screamed and wailed and reminded him of what always happened, and the sudden warning jolted his body into action, pulling away from Dean in a panic.
Dean looked down at him with a lazy smile, only frowning when he realised something was wrong. “Cas? Wha- did I do something wrong?”
Cas was shaking his head and reversing all at once, all higher functioning processes having been thrown out of the window. He was babbling, apologising and saying it wasn’t Dean and all the while he knew he was on the edge of some kind of embarrassing meltdown, so in the end, he let his feet do the talking, and fled.
Dean didn’t think the fact he hadn’t left his house in two days had anything to do with the best date he had ever been on ending with the other dude running out on him, but apparently Charlie did. She had been pestering him all day, asking if he wanted to help her decorate for Christmas or go and get milkshakes or watch a film. No matter what she suggested, Dean always declined. He wasn’t feeling it, and if it had anything to do with the trenchcoat staring at him from across the room, he wasn’t going to admit it to anyone.
It wasn’t the first time someone had run out on him, of course, but usually that was on a particularly awkward date or if something bad had happened. He just couldn’t understand what had sent Cas running out of the Roadhouse like that, so panicstricken that he forgot his coat which he came with. Dean didn’t think he had read the situation that badly; in fact, he had been sure that the other man had been enjoying their date.
He sighed and pulled the pillow over his head, trying to ignore his phone as it pinged constantly. Yeah, it was probably Charlie spamming him, but there was always the chance it could be Cas…
Charlie: What about we just go on a really long drive?
Charlie: You can pick the music
Charlie: You shouldn’t be cooped up on Christmas eve eve!
Charlie: Dean Winchester, you better not be ignoring me
Charlie: Dean???
Ellen: You still coming to the party tomorrow?
Oh, shit. Dean had totally forgotten about the Annual Roadhouse Christmas Bash. It was the perfect opportunity to distribute the presents and cards he bought, there was plenty of delicious (and free!) food, and it was generally the highlight of his Christmas. Everyone would be there - Ellen and Jo, Bobby, Charlie, and practically everyone else who lived within a hundred mile radius.
No matter how down Dean was feeling, he wouldn’t miss it for the world. In his opinion, family came before everything.
Dean: course i am
“Come on Clarence, it’s Christmas!” Meg encouraged, nudging Castiel’s shoulder. “I’ll go with you, and Claire can watch Jack. She already agreed.”
Castiel looked down at the napping toddler, one thumb in his mouth and a teddy clutched tight in his tiny hands. It felt like he had barely spent any time with his son in forever, even though he knew it wasn’t true. He knew that if he really didn’t want to go, Meg would let him weasel his way out of this particular social gathering, but he couldn’t help but think that it might be good for him. 
“An hour’s all I’m asking,” Meg begged. He was surprised she hadn’t threatened him with Nair or something yet.
“Fine.” Just one hour, and then a quiet Christmas. What could possibly go wrong?
Dean had busted out his favourite leather jacket, and (at Charlie’s desperate begging) was even wearing just a bit of eyeliner. He was determined to not let his failed date ruin his favourite thing about Christmas, and he would be damned if he spent another minute thinking about Cas.
(So, maybe he had brought the forgotten coat along with him, but that was just so he could give it to Ellen in case Cas came in the Roadhouse again! She was much more likely to see the dude again than him, anyways. It wasn’t Dean’s fault that - because of Charlie’s enthusiasm  to get inside - he had left the thing in the Impala's trunk.)
For the first hour, his plan entirely succeeded. He was distracted by the gift exchanging and the procuring of food and catching up with old friends and avoiding people he didn’t like (namely that one girl who delivered food for Ellen sometimes who he could swear was a demon). It was only after the hour mark when he swore he saw a familiar mop of dark hair, but he immediately dismissed the thought. No way.
He went into the kitchen and chatted to Benny for a while, enjoying catching up on his old friend’s life. Perhaps he got a bit distracted when he heard a familiar gruff voice in the hallway, but other than that, he was sure that his mind was playing tricks on him. Besides, Jo was always up to something. Just because she had a glint in her eye when she came into the kitchen, it didn’t mean anything special. Probably just that some poor fool had a whoopee cushion on their chair somewhere.
It was about halfway through the party when Dean’s plan really started to fail. The music suddenly seemed too loud and the once friendly crowd suddenly made him feel claustrophobic. The smell of burgers and chocolate - no matter how delicious Dean knew they were - was making his stomach roll. The best course of action, he decided, was to step outside for a few minutes, to get some fresh air.
He didn’t expect to find Castiel already out there.
Meg - being Meg - had absolutely insisted, upon their arrival at the Roadhouse, that she didn’t know that it was the location of Castiel’s failed date. Apparently she had been invited (with a plus one) because she occasionally delivered food for them or something, but Castiel smelt a lie in there somewhere.
It would be fine. One hour, free punch and food, and he could go home. He could avoid Dean for one hour. He might not even be there.
An hour in, and Castiel was sure he wasn’t there, in fact. He politely greeted Ellen (who glared daggers at him, which he felt he deserved) and Charlie (who apparently knew Meg). He had a conversation with Jo outside the kitchen (which mostly consisted of him asking where the toilets were and Jo asking if he had called Dean). In fact, he was actually having a fairly pleasant time when he realised that they probably wouldn’t make it home in time to relieve Claire of her babysitting duties, so he quickly rushed outside to call her, but she didn’t pick up.
God only knew where Meg was, but she was - as she put it - a ‘big girl who could handle herself’, so Castiel didn’t bother waiting up. He simply called a taxi, hoping it would get there before he froze to death. He still hadn’t managed to find his favourite coat, and he had deeply mourned his loss.
He was so caught up in hopping from foot to foot and thinking about how much of a tip he was going to give Claire that he nearly didn’t hear the voice coming from the doorway.
“Cas?” Dean Winchester asked.
Fuck, he thought, slowly turning around to be met with the sight of the gorgeous man with a handsome jacket and eyes like a forest. Oh, he was so fucked.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas replied instead, not sure what else to say.
The younger man walked up to him tentatively, as if any quick movement he made might scare Cas off. “Uh… what are you doing here?”
“Meg convinced me to come,” Cas answered, his eyes never quite meeting Dean’s.
“Meg? She- Is she your girlfriend?” Dean looked hurt, but Cas couldn’t help but laugh.
“God, no. She’s my neighbour,” he chuckled.
“Oh, sorry,” Dean mumbled.
It was a lot quieter outside, but even with the background noise - wispy notes of music and the occasional growl of a car’s engine in the distance - their silence seemed deafening. Neither of them was quite sure what to say, and even though Cas knew that it was him who owed Dean the explanation, he did not have the energy to explain himself. In all the twenty two years in which he had understood his sexuality, he had never once been able to describe his experience succinctly, or even in a way that wasn’t babbling nonsense.
Of course the taxi was taking its sweet time to show up.
“I’m sorry,” Cas blurted out, at the same time Dean stammered, “why did you leave?”
They are silent for another moment. “It’s hard to explain,” Cas hesitated.
“Well, I’d kinda like to know,” Dean snapped, wincing as the words came out of his mouth. “Sorry, ignore me. I’m being a dick. You don’t have to explain if you don’t want-”
“I’m asexual,” Cas declared abruptly, cutting Dean off.
Dean opened and closed his mouth for a few seconds, trying to process this. Cas knew, he just knew from the look on his face that this conversation was going to be as horrific as it is every. Single. Time.
“I’ve not heard of that before,” Dean eventually stated.
Cas sighed. He liked Dean, he genuinely did, but it was usually The Talk that scared people off. “I’m not sexually attracted to anyone.”
“Oh,” Dean mumbles, sounding disappointed. “So, the other night…?”
“Romantic and sexual attraction are two different things. I enjoyed our date, but I… panicked, at the end. People tend to, uh… expect things, and I didn’t want to lead you on. Sorry, again. I should have handled it better.”
“S’okay. So you don’t have sex at all?” Dean asked, deadpan. Suddenly, he realised what he said, and he clapped his hands over his mouth. “I am so sorry. That is such a weird question. Don’t answer that.”
Cas huffed out a laugh, watching his breath disappear into the night. Looking up, he watched as the stars winked at him against the inky backdrop, and he took a deep breath. “Would you like to go on another date?”
Cas finally allowed himself to look at Dean, and he was greeted with a warm, sincere smile. “I would love that.”
The moment was broken when Cas’ phone rang, and he fumbled to pick it up with his frozen fingers. “Claire! Sorry I’m late, I’m on my- what’s wrong? Claire, slow down. The hospital? Shit, I’m on my way.”
Cas glanced up at Dean, barely registering his concern, only managing to choke out, “Jack is in the hospital.”
Dean didn’t even hesitate. There was no way in Hell he was gonna let Cas wait for a cab when his son was hurt, and he was bundling the distressed man towards his car before he could even protest. “Which hospital?”
Cas stood by the passenger door completely rigid, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Dean, what are you doing?”
Dean looked at him incredulously, one eyebrow raised. “Giving you a lift, dumbass. Baby is way faster than any taxi.”
“Baby?” Cas asked, but he got in the car anyway.
Luckily, the Roadhouse was only a twenty minute drive away (if you went by the speed limit, and Dean most certainly did not) but even that seemed like an age when he was trying to simultaneously not crash the car and comfort the man in the passenger seat. Dean didn’t have any kids of his own, but he could imagine that this was the worst possible thing that could happen to Cas; to have your own child in danger and not being able to be with them must be torture.
Cas was opening the car door before they had even come to a full stop, and by the time Dean had parked, he was already inside. By the time Dean caught up, he was already deep in conversation with Jody’s daughter, who was distraught. It was almost scary; Dean remembered her as the girl who had thrown a full grown man out of a second story window because he groped her, and every interaction he had ever had with her had made her seem like a badass.
“What’s going on?” he asked, gently shepherding them towards a seat in the waiting room. 
Cas wasn’t listening. He had already stormed off and was in a heated discussion with the receptionist, who kept shaking her head more and more forcefully. 
“A dog attacked him,” Claire hiccuped. “Just came out of nowhere and started tearing at him.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Dean assured her, bringing in a hug. He didn’t even care that she was probably getting snot all over his favourite jacket.
Cas stormed back over, looking like he was ready to level a city. “They won’t let me see him until they’ve operated.”
“Shit,” Dean replied, a plan forming. “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. Claire, you go outside and call Jody and ask her to pick you up, ‘kay? I’m gonna call someone at the Roadhouse to bring some supplies so we can camp here overnight if we need to… Cas, do you have a spare key or something? I can get someone to pick up some stuff from your house that you might need?”
“Meg has a key,” he sniffled.
Fifteen minutes later, everything is as sorted out as it can be. Bobby - the only person left who is safe to drive -  was giving Meg a lift to Cas’ place to pick up their things and to bring some food, and Jody was there to pick up Claire. 
“It’s not your fault, kiddo. Go home and get some rest, we’ll keep you updated,” Dean reassured her.
An hour later, the doctors agreed to let Cas in to see Jack, assuring them that he will be absolutely fine. When Cas finally untangled himself from Dean’s side, he seemed reluctant to leave him, but Dean just smiled gently at him and squeezed his hand. “I’ll wait right here,”
In the end, Jack gets discharged the very same night, coincidentally right as Bobby and apparently an entire ensemble from the Roadhouse show up. Jo is there with enough leftovers to feed an army, and Charlie and Meg had enough blankets and bags of clothes with them that Dean winced when he spared a thought for the state Cas’ house was going to be in. 
It was a little awkward when Cas walked out of the hospital with a sleeping Jack in his arms, bundled in one of the many blankets, but Bobby just huffed and offered to give them a lift back home. Charlie clambered into the Impala without a second word - it would not be the first time she had slept over at Dean’s while drunk - leaving Dean to say goodbye.
“Night, Cas. And Merry Christmas,” he said, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.
“Thank you, Dean,” Cas replied, and they both knew he wasn’t talking about the holiday wishes.
The next time they actually managed to see each other was New Year’s Eve. Dean had shown up on Cas’ doorstep with chocolate, an armful of fireworks, and his usual lopsided smile. Obviously, he was not going to be refused.
They set the fireworks off as soon as it went dark, Cas holding Jack a safe distance away while Dean lit them, his silhouette dancing in the darkness of the garden. The bangs elicited excited squeaks from Jack, his eyes open wide in awe. He had never seen fireworks up close before.
After Jack had been tucked into sleep, Cas returned downstairs to find Dean lounging on the porch, two glasses of champagne poured. They sat outside for hours, watching the explosions of colour mix with the stars until it was impossible to tell them apart. 
Cas couldn’t help but think that Dean was beautiful in this light; mellow and golden, his eyes sparkling underneath a halo of sparks.
Before long, it was a minute to midnight. “I… can I kiss you again?” Dean mumbled, his eyes flicking over to Cas nervously.
He smiled reassuringly. “I think I would like that.”
“Oh, uh, awesome.” It was hard to tell, but he was sure that Dean was blushing furiously. “I just wasn’t sure if you were, like, aromantic or something.”
Cas’ eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You know what that is?”
“I googled it all after you told me. Figured I should probably learn all the terms, y’know?”
All of a sudden, Castiel realised that he might be falling in love. No one had ever bothered doing anything like that for him before.
A chant started up in the distance, a thousand voices all counting down at the same time.
Dean gently cupped the back of Cas’ neck, pulling him closer until he could feel the warmth of his face.
Cas smiled up at him, lost in the forests that he called eyes.
“Happy New Year, Cas,” Dean whispered, and their lips collided, better than any firework.
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 15X25
Well that was depressing. I don’t think I’ve been this upset about an episode since they wrote off Riggs. I was so excited for it and it was such a letdown. Who the hell thought this was a good idea? The Season Finale of Grey’s Anatomy this week was soul crushing to watch to put it mildly. I was so crushed. I miss the show I used to love. It’s just not fun to watch anymore. Which is really sad because up until the second half of this season it was! They've set next season up to be a show about arrogant male surgeons where the main character has been reduced to a silly love interest.
I never thought I'd say this as Grey’s Anatomy is my favourite show, but if it doesn't approve and they don't get some new writers and rebalance the cast I might not watch new season.  I'm planning to watch the Season 16 Premiere and maybe a few episodes after that, but if Meredith and DeLuca aren't going to break up and they aren't going to get some more female characters and fix a bunch of the issues there's no reason to watch anymore.
They had me right up until the end where Meredith told DeLuca she loved him. Meredith's not even smiling when she says it. How are we as fans supposed to get behind a relationship when the main character clearly isn't happy? They don't have chemistry and they don't work. That was completely out of character for her. Meredith has only been dating DeLuca for half a season (aka a few months).
After Derek went back to Addison out of obligation it took her YEARS to be able to say those words to Derek: the love of her life. And now she just says them to some immature resident she barely knows? I don't buy it for a second. This is ridiculous. I really hope DeLuca does go to jail or gets deported after the nonsense that was that finale, but I know now not to get my hopes up. This is so sad. These actors and these characters and us fans deserve so much better than this.
I also hate that after specifically showing us what an asshole Owen is and how badly he treats the women in his life they had Teddy pick him and had them get together. I have lost all respect for Teddy at this point. WTF? I was really excited when they brought her back as a main character and she’s been so frustrating to watch this season. I hope Owen continues with therapy. He's got a long way to go before he's a whole person.
Teddy's an idiot for going back to him. She's watched him abuse and screw over so many women and yet she goes back to him. What an idiot. Also, poor Tom! He's at home building a crib for Teddy's baby. Meanwhile he has no idea he's missed the birth and that Teddy and Owen are now together.
He's a wonderful person who deserves so much better than this crap. I’ve heard people speculate that him and Meredith might together. Literally anything would be better than DeLuca at this point. I also felt the scene with Teddy and Owen at the birth was really anti-climactic which was weird. By having Owen say 'I love you' to Teddy in that way they went the predictable route which has never been Grey's style.
On the plus side, Maggie had some great one liners this episode! I hope her and Jackson are done now. He's being such an ass and he wants her to change who she is now that he's found God. Who does that to someone they love? As Maggie says Jackson loves her, he just doesn't like her. She deserves better than that crap and so does he. Maggie's right about Jackson and his privilege. He needs to check himself and stop trying to change others on his spiritual quest.
Meredith, Alex and Richard getting fired wasn't really much of a cliff hanger since we know they'll be back next season. I really thought they were going to do another cliff hanger and I was wrong. This finale sucked! I think it's sweet that Richard tried to cover for everyone. I wonder what the impact of that will be on his marriage to Catherine? I loved the scenes with Amelia and Link. There's been some real growth for Amelia's character this season which has been beautiful to watch. I'm also glad that Amelia and Teddy are becoming friends. Having them at odds always seemed really petulant to me. Same with her and Cristina. I'm glad we got growth there. Also, Teddy and Amelia's lines in relation to Carina were great.
Also, what is Carina's status? She's there and then she disappears for a while and then she's back. I feel like they need to make a decision about where her character is going. She did have some hilarious lines this episode. I'm glad Jo is finally getting the help she needs and that they were able to save Gus and that the blood donor Francis made it okay! I'm also glad that the horrible experience got Francis to let go and be less afraid. That was nice. I'm glad that Kari the quadriplegic patient had a breakthrough! I'm also glad that Schmitt stood up for himself and told Nico off! Nico's been a real jerk the last few episodes and I'm glad that Link finally called him on it.
Until next time (maybe).
Au revoir!
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willexxmercer · 6 years
Becho, Kabby, Brandon/Grace, Jolex
when of if I started shipping it. Long story short, I could see the crumbs back in s2, it was vaguely on my radar in s4, and early s5 sealed the deal
my thoughts: So healthy.  So supportive of each other.  So pure.  So in love.  I just love them so much
What makes me happy about them: Their way of just understanding each other.  The way they can comfort each other so easily.
What makes me sad about them: Knowing that so many fans of the show can’t see how healthy they are as a couple
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Tagging blatantly anti-Becho fics as Becho
things I look for in fanfic: Hurt/Comfort, Modern AUs, Ring headcanons
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Bellamy with Clarke (maaaaany years down the line after things get sorted out and forgiveness is granted), Echo with Raven maybe?
My happily ever after for them: Hiding away in a corner of Spacekru’s 80 acres, away from the madness, taking care of each other, inviting the rest of Spacekru for dinner to play with their nieces and nephews, never having to pick up a weapon ever again
when of if I started shipping it. When they were trapped in that collapsed building I think
my thoughts: A year and a half ago, I loved them.  Now… I’m not so sure.  I don’t know if they can recover after the bunker
What makes me happy about them: Thinking about them as de facto Mom and Dad of the younger cast
What makes me sad about them: Knowing how much the bunker screwed them up
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Don’t read their fanfic
things I look for in fanfic: Don’t read their fanfic
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I honestly don’t know?  This ship is weird for me now
My happily ever after for them: After lots of long conversations and forgiveness being granted, I might be able to see them settling down together to live out the rest of their lives not having to worry about taking care of the young ones anymore because the next generation are adults now
when of if I started shipping it. Probably
my thoughts: -sobs-
What makes me happy about them: How Grace helped Brandon lose his inhibitions a bit and enjoy life some more
What makes me sad about them: NOPE
things done in fanfic that annoys me:  don’t read their fanfic
things I look for in fanfic:  don’t read their fanfic
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I really can’t say anyone for either of them.  They’re soulmates.
My happily ever after for them: Running off into the sunset, going to every music festival together, going ziplining, jumping out of planes (because they kept upping the ante on their “do one thing a day that scares you”), singing together every day
when of if I started shipping it. Technically because I started watching on the s12 finale, that was it.  I saw the chemistry instantly, especially seeing how Alex reacted to Jo with another man (still angry at Deluca for that btw).  When I started watching from the beginning and finally met Jo, the chemistry was there right away.
my thoughts: These two are great.  That scene in 15x1 with them on the beach was fantastic and I’m so glad that despite their difficulties they’re still going strong.  They just… I’m in love with their love
What makes me happy about them: How supportive they are of each other
What makes me sad about them: The entire Paul storyline was intense
things done in fanfic that annoys me: don’t read their fanfic
things I look for in fanfic: don’t read their fanfic
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Alex with Amelia???, Jo with Link
My happily ever after for them: Getting out of Grey Sloan and starting a new and improved version of Alex’s Africa program with Jo as the chief of general surgery working with Alex.  Also at least 2 kids and Alex being the absolute best dad he can be and Jo being so proud of him
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Supernatural - Paleyfest Red Carpet From SpoilerTv
Couldn’t help myself, this is so full of bs. Big sigh, breathe, read:
(under the cut some extracts from the interview, with some things highlighted by me. Long post, and a few bitter thoughts)
Bob Singer Q: What keeps you excited about the show? A: We really make an effort to keep it fresh. You see the show from year one, it’s so much a different show now in terms of mythology and where we’ve taken it. And every year after we end a particular season, we end on a cliffhanger, which we really don’t know where exactly we’re going to go next season. Which is challenging for us. We’ve always managed, I think, to keep it fresh. If we couldn’t keep it fresh, I wouldn’t be here that long. We’ve seen the guys grow into these parts, the recurring actors… there was Misha, Mark Pellegrino, Mark Sheppard for a long time. All terrific, they play these characters for the show, and it’s enjoyable. That’s the big thing. It’s still fun to do, and I feel like every year’s a new challenge. 
Brad Buckner
Q: Have you got a favorite of the episodes that you’ve written? A: I did like how “War of the Worlds” turned out because of the evolution of Lucifer from being this pure monolithic evil character to one that discovers the possibility of being a father and what that’s like and experiences being human in a weird way. He’s never had any empathy for human beings. And the fact that he was disgusted by human beings is what got him into so much trouble to begin with. And now he’s kind of discovering the idea, the subtleties of that and it was an interesting idea to play with.
Q: Mark Pellegrino is amazing in the role… A: He’s gold. And he throws in little things. Basically sticks to script, but every once in a while just tosses in something that is just terrific. Q: And he’s been great with Danneel [Ackles – Sister Jo] – they have amazing chemistry together. That was fabulous! A: Yes! And coming up is his first meeting with Jack, the son. And that’s going to be brilliant.
Eugenie Ross-Leming 
Q: What’s your favorite episode that you’ve done so far this season? A: I’m trying to remember the episodes we’ve done… I love writing for Lucifer. He’s just so deliciously bad. I really like the last episode that we wrote that has not been shot and the one right before it that is about to be shot because they’re heading for the climax, so they’ve got a lot of blood and guts, betrayal, and heartbreak, and redemption. A lot of these characters are looking for redemption in this episode, and they’re trying to find redemption through Jack. Everyone’s got a piece of Jack. So I kinda like the last two.
Andrew Dabb 
Q: And there have been so many new dimensions to the show. Mark Pellegrino has been great, and I’ve really enjoyed his chemistry with Danneel, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of them… A: Cool! Anything you give Mark he makes better, everything you give to Danneel she makes better, and I would say that’d what makes writing for them great, you know they’re going to improve anything you put on the page.
Q: Is there anything you can tease us about what’s coming up? A: There’s a really cool Gabriel episode coming up. That I think people are really, really going to enjoy. A really cool Rowena episode people are going to enjoy, and we’ll see the return of our good friend Death coming up.
Misha Collins
Q:How does it feel being on a series that’s been around for 13 seasons?
A:Thirteen seasons is amazing in any day and age. The show has been on so long now that it represents a significant portion of our lives. It’s actually a quarter of my life that I’ve been working on this show. Half of my adult life. It’s a big, big part of both my career and my personal development, and we all feel that way. Jensen, not too long ago, was telling me and Jared about a dream that he had about the last scene of the series and both of us teared up because it’s that emotionally connected to us. So it feels like we’ve won the lottery and it feels like a big part of our lives.
Q:So Castiel seems to be moving back into being a soldier again, the way we first saw him. How does it feel going back to Cas’s roots?
A: I think it is going back to his roots. I think Cas came into contact with humanity and the boys and it mitigated some of his militarism and now he is kind of abandoning that because he feels like it didn’t work. Cas, I think, logs his failures, so over and over again he’s tried things and he feels like they haven’t worked. I don’t think Cas spends much time reflecting on his triumphs? It’s more regret and loss for him, so I think that he is sort of taking off the fetters and doing what it takes to get the job done. Even if that means casualties.
Full interview is on the link above, although there’s no much left out.
Some thoughts:
So basically, it’s the Lucifer fest and redemption arc. I’m going to throw up. They are giving him a redemption arc and they are giddy with it. Yuck! Buckner being so happy with the Lucy/Jo thingy, ofc he is happy the creep! As much as I don’t like Pellegrino I give him props for changing the scene where he takes part of her grace, and refused to make the full on sex scene Bucklemming wrote! Sick fuckers! I want to punch him right in his old pervert face. 
Also they are so glad for the Scooby ep! And oh boy! If we are pissed now, you have no idea how much more we are going to be after that one. There’s a comparison threw in there, that is going to make every bitter Cas fan scream murder around the world. I don’t think they are going to edit that out. But just waiting for the real ep to talk about it. Have at hand something strong to drink if you are planning on watching and you love Cas.
Misha is just a recurring role, hey! I’ve been saying for ages, that Singer doesn’t like Misha, and that they don’t treat him as a regular. Don’t shoot the messenger. I know I’m not positive with this show, but this can’t be twisted as me being bitter. It’s just what the fucker said. Also talking about Misha in past tense. And hey! If metas can read anything from a fucking color on the wall, I can make my own assumptions with what’s right in front of my face. No subtext here.
Cas going back to his roots. Really? Full powered and everything or just another guilt trip from the bros? I bet is the latter. Also Cas is going to keep killing for them it seems. It doesn’t seem that he is out of his depression at all, as some metas said was going to happen after his death. He is full of regret and loss, not my words, Misha’s. At this point in the season if people didn’t realize that they killed Cas for man!pain I don’t know what you are watching really. Misha talks about Cas giving up, and going back to his old soldier self, and that’s NOT progress! I don’t see how metas are going to twist this into happy go lucky Cas, towards the big destiel ENDGAME! I see a colder, killing machine Cas in the few episodes that are left. In the middle we have Dean really obsessed with Daphne. ENDGAME my ass. (Stop lying to people, and shippers I’m sorry you keep being manipulated like that)
Btw I still maintain that they were going to keep Cas dead. The way Singer talks about Misha sort of gives it away imho. Again, the outrage was too strong. That’s why Misha asked to film our reactions, remember that? And Mark S. liking that anti Misha tweet that said if Mark’s fans were as crazy as Misha’s, Crowley wouldn’t be dead.
I’m fuming tbh. I know, I know, I should take my own advice and just not expect anything from this show. But they just keep getting worse and worse and when they talk my head boils. It didn’t help that the girl doing the interview seemed obsessed with Lucifer, or maybe that’s what pr wanted her to ask. It wouldn’t surprise me. 
All in all it is even worse that I imagined. But well if there is little Cas to see, at least I know I’m not going to be watching this crapfest. 
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OC questions : All of them. :p
….Massi. Ca fait BEAUCOUP. BEAUCOUP.
1. Your first OC ever?No idea honesly. The first I really though about were probably really bad ^^’
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?Francis is so fucked up and Jo is SO PURE and Will is such a little shit and Alex is so caring, and don’t get me started on Ela/Elo/Gabe/Cyrius or ANYTHING from FSF.  non fsf: Anna is a plane-driver scientist, red haired, ace & aro, who travels a world were populations from all periods of time come from Earth and live in floating islands. The land beside them is wild and Anna kind of map that, note what kind of culture or invention are ther, and after months she comes back to the Academy for like a week and she’s out again.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?I love @trashlord-watson‘s OC Mino and I helped raising him so I guess that counts?
4. A character you rarely talk about?My Quator. Four persons having different backgrounds, races, genders, sexualities,  together to kinda fight evil with kinda characteristics from animals? Their animals are Axolotl, Flamingo, Echidne and Artic Fox.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? Mino? Or one person from FSF, because that mean everyone from FSF is popular, and that mean FSF is popular that’s good
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?Nah, don’t got these ._.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!Not at all x)
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?Give only if they treat them well, if they’re going to make a story with them and I can’t, I guess I could?…
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Anna got an eye-patch, and her friend  the mercenary Arthurius has lot of scars at precise points of his face (three on his left eye, two on his nose, some on his cheek with one going all the way to his upper lip), but I don’t have any tentacle or really weird one…
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? JO. JO IS PURE AND PUPPY AND SUNSHINE.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lotOllie (a Doctor Who OC by @trashlord-watson) and Mino (by the same man)
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? …This is about Will, isn’t it?
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory …I swear we don’t have enough time for all FSF characters. I’m gonna post them one day, I swear, but we really can’t right now.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?YES. Talk about my oc and especially THEIRS.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Anna I guess? Or E (the Echidne from the Quatuor)?
17. Any OC OTPs? …I should rally post FSF one day.
18. Any OC crackships? Meh?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)Francis means a lot to me because it’s François Theurel as a fucked up gay cop.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?Will sings. Very well. Jo too. They met  because one was singing musicals in his shower and the other started singing the other part in his own shower and they sang duets and thet’s how they started talking.
21. Your most artistic OCLike which one like more the Arts? A, from the Quator.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? I don’t talk about my OCs enought XD
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?FSF was supposed to be a dark cop, a sarcastic mafia chef and the mafia chef’s lover who sleeps with the dark cop to get infos, except the cop knows it and use it too and the other knows that he knows and basically it was a dark psycology thriller. Now the cop is a DRAMAQUEEN babe with mental issues, the mafia chef is… well still sarcastic but caring and mostly done with everything, and the mafia chef’s lover is a MASSIVE LITTLE SHIT and he passive-agressive the cop, also now there’s Jo who is pure and nice and everything pure
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?Jo
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)The most self insert would probably be Anna and/or Axolotl
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? Naaah :D
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? Nope x)
28. Your most dangerous OC? Francis when he’s off his meds, or Arthurius because well, mercenary.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?…Francis beacuse he’s reckless and stupid.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Arthurius probably. Jo’s one is not secret.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)Will’s blog would be just a serie of discourse, passive agressive  response to antis,  “lmao” and memes.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? Francis would be the hero of a survival zombie game.
33. Your shyest OC?The two at the Academy (a purple haired chimist lady and a green haired mecanist guy) who have a massive crush on Anna.For FSF,
34. Do you have any twin characters?Yup , but again another story in the same world as Anna and Arthurius (the floating island one) : they’re member of a pirate crew for genderfluid chef Olfd Tom, on the Down Land, or rather the Down See.
35. Any sibling characters? Well, these two, and the 12 siblings of Jo :D
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? Nope!
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human I… don’t think I have one?… Well I have my story about romanticizing Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux, so like, the four werewolves in it ^^
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? Will can Magic Mike a dancefloor. Francis and Alex aren’t bad either. Ela like to dance but I don’t know if she really knows how to. (and in the Quatuor, Flamingo can do everything)
39. Introduce any character you want Anna’s manager, the one planning her travels and checking the sate of her airplane and fixing it, is short, wears chapkas, has five kids and and and a husband at home, and always complains
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!Naaaah
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)I did x) Anna & Axolotl here
Tumblr media
Anna ^ and Axolotl v
Tumblr media
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? No idea.
Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to
favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confessI DON’T GET WHAT YOU MEAN PLEASE LET MY FRANCOIS THEUREL CHARACTER ALONENo but for real, the silent badass with gender neutral clothes, who doesn’t say much but act and is lawful neutral/Neutral good… Also the puppy sunshine ready to fight.
44. Something you like about your OCs in generalTheir clothes. And the fact that they act.
45. A character you no longer use?Nah. I don’t talk about that.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?Nope. I’m pure and so are they. (MWHAHAHAHAH HALF OF MINO AND FSF PROBLEMS ARE BECAUSE OF ME but Léo like it :D )
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?Me. They are all my children.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureStill Jo.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memesWILL.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
I… literally can’t. Too much to talk about. x)
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