#also. i'm not saying all of those characters are minors bc i don't honestly. know their actual ages
In an Everyone Lives scenario, what majors/career paths do you think all the Hacketteers would end up in? Obviously we have animation for Ryan and physics for Dylan suggested in the game but so many people end up changing their majors anyway, I wonder if the experience would lead them on different paths than they’d originally intended.
thank you for making me think about this, it's one thing i've been putting off but i also think about all the time
so right off the top of my head, i think about Max's major a lot & i end up tossing two things around - law school or childcare/teaching. he seems like a level-headed guy, he breaks down situations in pieces until he understand them ("You remember when I said, 'whoa, look at the moon. it's so big and bright and- it's so cool to see a full moon' and you said "yeah no shit, Max, it happens once a month'?"), & also.... we've all seen his outfit in the 50s pack. but i still come back to childcare bc i grew up working in childcare & he just seems the type for it. maybe he got rejected from Landis for law & pursues childcare or teaching at a smaller school instead & ends up one of those teachers that everyone wants to get on their schedule
Laura, the love of my life, the breath in my lungs, is such a headstrong badass that she prolly still pursues her vet degree, altho i can see her minoring/taking a few psychology classes to coach her & Max thru the rough times
Abi definitely finds her way to art school, i just don't see her changing that. i do think she expands from just sketching & gets into different mediums - pottery, possibly sculpting, using charcoal and paint - bc i think she'd find it calming to work with her hands, cover her skin in anything but red, & she'd lean into it for stress relief
uhh Nick is so complicated sometimes that predicting what the absolute FOOL (affectionate) is going to do is impossible. i want to say culinary school but if i'm being honest, i think he would end up dropping out & just working at restaurant. i don't say this bc i hate him, i say this bc he's a clown. (also i may or may not have done the same thing, minus the culinary part) or maybe he becomes a forest ranger & spends time alone in his ranger tower listening to the forest
Jacob i whole-heartedly believe goes for coaching/athletics or something, but he joins the college sports team (prolly football or maybe hockey) & that's the path he ends up following. he definitely has to get a tutor
i think Emma maybe pursues marketing/advertising or something of the sort, but i also think she def starts loading up her schedule. volunteer work? no worries, she can run it. student council? sure, she'll apply. you know, lacrosse sounds rlly fun all of a sudden, she should join the team! & she kills, obvi. if she never thinks about it, it never happened. if she never has time to think, she can never think about it
Kaitlyn.... she's the one i've been thinking about the most. she's such an odd character bc we see so much of her & yet i still feel like we don't know anything about her. her entire character is kind of just "im mean, i know first aid & i can shoot" & then we love her bc she's a badass. which i don't mind but it makes it kind of hard to make theories on her future. i imagine she IS one who ends up switching her major. she prolly starts with what she had planned - maybe an english degree? - but then switches bc hackett's quarry changed her & she'll never stop thinking about it. i like to think maybe she ends up in enviromentalism, or possibly on the nursing track. something to occupy her mind
Ryan & Dylan honestly seem rlly well suited for their majors so i don't know of i can imagine them doing something else. i do think Ryan starts taking self-defense class & prolly makes Sarah go with him just to be sure she knows. just in case. Dylan takes a part-time job at either the school's radio station or a local one, & if he DID drop out, he would 100% start a podcast. all those fanfics are canon
this was rlly fun to think about even tho i'm not sure how accurate they are - i would love to hear other ideas! thank you for the ask :)
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melodic-haze · 2 months
Lisa mentioned!!! I don't know much about the issue with her being flirty with the traveler and honestly, it sounds like people are nitpicking for something to complain about, but she's so cool!!
it sucks that the only thing people notice about Lisa are her looks (very pretty though) and flirtatious behavior when there's so much more to her! Not only is she the best Akademiya student they've had in the last 200 years, but she's also ridiculously strong. Varka wanted to make her a Captain right after Lisa joined, and it's stated that they would've been much stronger if she accepted that offer. Lisa has some of the coolest lore too and for some reason, no one talks about it??? She isn't even taking things seriously and she's already at this level of strength. She knew that she'd go crazy if she went down the path of pursuing knowledge no matter the cost, and a determined Lisa is NOT something that Teyvat would survive
For the other two that I definitely also agree with, I apologize if I get any of the lore wrong since I haven't done much of the Inazuma quests other than the main story (which was a while ago), but Kokomi, man!! Everyone was so hyped up when she first made her entrance, but then she suddenly just disappeared? In my opinion, the quest would've been cooler and had better lore if we spent more time with Kokomi than that Taipei (?) guy. No one talks about this either, but her ability to lead people is super impressive! Everyone doubted Kokomi when she first became the Divine Priestess since she was just a kid, but she proved them all wrong. Now, everyone trusts her and looks to her for help. Kokomi's skill as a leader is insane, and I really wish they did more with her lore 😭
Miko, man... No one talks about her unless it's to debate whether she's gay or manipulative!! She's only mentioned when people are talking about Eimiko and it sucks so much how seemingly no one sees how selfless and loyal she is. Miko was alone for 500 years!! I'm sure she had friends, but even those would only hurt her eventually since they would've passed away as well. The one person who experienced the same things, the one person who understood her, and the one person who she probably thought wouldn't abandon her like the others left her in her time of need without even saying goodbye. But Miko still waited! Even if she knew that there was a chance she'd never see Ei again, she was loyal enough to wait despite that. Miko gave up the very thing that gave Ei the authority of an archon without hesitation just for someone who had a chance to save Ei, the traveler. This is just my opinion, but I think Miko only really helped the people of Inazuma as much as she did as her way of preserving the eternity that her friend sacrificed so much for. She's so so kind and beautiful and loyal and selfless!! Whether you ship Eimiko or not, it's undeniable how Miko was such a good friend to Ei despite Ei not exactly reciprocating the same efforts.
Wow that is a lot of text. I am so sorry HAHAHAH 😭 There's no need to reply to this ask, I just saw you mention those three and wanted to ramble a bit hsjsh
Ik it's been a WHILE since this was talked about but I just wanted to 😊😊😊 put this out here BC YOU UNDERSTAND ME❗️❗️❗️ YOU UNDERSTAND ME SO HARD
Maybe I've just been on the wrong side of the fandom for long enough that I've seen complaints about Lisa and how she interacts with the Traveller ig (mostly due to the whole 'Traveller is a minor!!!!!' debate which......no energy is worth that age-old debate I'm ngl). SHE HAS SUCH INSANE BACKGROUND and so much of her is worth exploring????? Like I REALLY want them to go back to Mond and fully explore characters like her and Kaeya bc of how much they've got going on. While they're pretty, sure, there's so much more of interest beyond looks like it's actually WILD that Lisa has this much power despite her not visibly having some sort of indication she's blessed or has anything secret going on beyond her EXTREME capabilities
Not to mention tbh she seems like she'd be nice to have a nice nap with I'm gonna be real and put that out there 🤷‍♀️
IT'S COMPLETELY OKAY IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE LORE DW IDK JACK SHIT PAST INAZUMA AHAHAHAHAH but omg??? No yeah they SHOULD have put her and Teppei under the spotlight for a bit more. I get they wanted to show Teppei and his easy closeness with the Traveller, but I do feel like seeing a genuine connection between a leader and her citizen, a strategist and her soldier, until the very end would have been so???? Like it shows how both sides are important to the other bc they're acc quite dependent, it'd show off a LOT more depth between them. BONUS if, like I've said before, Kokomi had a hidden sort of grey morality and/or she KNEW about the Delusions but turned a blind eye for the sake of winning. It would've put Watatsumi AND her character AND Teppei's in such a conflicting yet important light, showing how Inazuma' sinner conflict's actually fucking things up everywhere beyond just "lol haha foreign intervention bc funny lmao". Would Kokomi get bad rep? Maybe, but at least then people won't just disregard her as some one-bit chr that appeared in a fit of bubbles and did nothing else
You're ABSOLUTELY right in saying that she had her own selfish-sounding goal of keeping Inazuma basically upfloat. I'm not going to pretend that this woman's selfless as hell and would do anything and everything for her country cuz she won't unless Ei or a close friend (whom most, if not all, have died long ago) told her to. I saw an Eimiko poll in twt at one point where it was like "would Miko choose Inazuma or Ei" and NEAR EVERYONE chose Ei. On B side majority agreed that Ei would be the complete opposite which. Is REALLY sad but MY POINT IS!!! She chooses to live by her instincts, to base her decisions and devotions to what she knows and what she adores bc she had No Choice but to basically grow up like that. With that in mind, she could have EASILY shirked her responsibilities and went on to live with amusement as the Only focus she has, but instead she actually chooses to devote herself to the role her best friend relied on her for. She is so??? Absolutely devoted and beautiful in the soul I love her so bad and she's such a lonely being :(((((((( I NEED TO KISS HER I LOVE YOU MIKO
I just. I really want and need them to be talked about more man :( they deserve so much attention compared to whatever they're getting rn 😞
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amethystina · 8 months
I was casually rereading whtd, as one does, and reading the comments (because i love the extra insight you give about the information that we're limited to in Ga On's pov) when i stumbled upon this comment: "… sort everything out? (and no one dies along the way, hopefully) He'll be very happy for them." about lawyer Ko and that in combination with the "minor character death tag" has made me Extremele worried about him. (plus you have also said that the kidnapping tag is not the one we should be worried about!!) I know you probably can't say anything about this because of spoilers, but know that it has been noted!!
Also kind of want a scene wherein lawyer Ko, Yo Han and Ga On are all together. Their dynamic would be so exquisite!! (obviously no pressure to actually write this, just a thought)
Anyway, whtd remains so good even after already having read and reread it in its entirety at least 5 times (and some scenes/chapters much more than that) (my ao3 history says i've visited whtd 200 times… so uh. yeah. i'm normal). I love slow burn so much (to the point where most romance book leave me disappointed bc they MCs get together like 100 pages in), i just love reading/watching the build up of a relationship and you write it so well!
I guess i just wanted to thank you for writing! I hope you're doing well <3
I'm usually very careful not to spoil what's going to happen in future chapters but I'll make an exception this time and flat-out say that you don't have to worry — Lawyer Ko is not going to die. I would literally never forgive myself if I killed him xD Not to mention that you all would probably come for my head if I did. He's just too amazing to be killed off!
So, rest assured, he's not going to die :)
And there will be at least one scene with Ga On, Yo Han, and Lawyer Ko in the same room unless my plans change dramatically. Which they rarely do, but "rarely" isn't the same as "never" so we'll see. Truth be told, though, I'll probably try really hard to keep it because I totally agree — the dynamic would be SPECTACULAR. So yeah. Stay tuned for that, I guess? ;)
You've definitely read Who Holds the Devil more times than I have x'D At least in its entirety. I mean, I reread the chapters at least twice (often three or four times) but I rarely start from the beginning and read it all the way through. I did at the end of my long break last year to get back into the swing of it, but it's difficult to find the time for that since I always have to focus on the next chapter. Which is a bit stressful at times, I will admit, since it puts more pressure on me to remember things at the top of my head (or at least know where to look if I want to check any details) but I'm lucky enough to be blessed with a really good memory, so that helps.
Anyway, I'm so glad you're enjoying it 💜 I honestly didn't plan for the slow burn to be quite this slow when I started the fic, but I can't say I have any regrets. Much like you, I just enjoy it too much ;) There's something so incredibly satisfying about delving this deep into Ga On and Yo Han's feelings and slowly developing relationship. And I guess that's also why I can't help throwing out tidbits of information in the comments, since there's usually so, so much happening within this story that you readers don't see (especially within Yo Han's head).
And I'm still not sure how to handle the knowledge that some people read the comments specifically to find those tidbits. Like, I don't mind you doing so! Go right ahead! They're public and all that. But it kind of blows my mind that some of you are so interested in what I'm writing that you'll do that. It feels a bit surreal to me, but in a good way? Like I'm an ACTUAL writer or something xD
Anyway, thank you so much for this kind and supportive message 💜 I definitely needed it right now because things honestly aren't all that great. Partly because of overall exhaustion and restlessness — mostly due to work — but even more so since it's now been a month since I posted a chapter and the requests for me to please update soon are starting to come in. I swear, it happens like clockwork every time I don't post within a month. And, what makes it worse, is that it's often from people I don't see comments from when I actually DO upload more frequently. As in, they don't comment on the fic itself, only when they think I don't update fast enough. Which is pretty disheartening, not going to lie.
Tragically enough, once the month mark passes, I have to start bracing myself whenever I get a comment or ask because there's now a 50/50 chance that it'll be someone asking me to update soon. They usually try to be nice about it, but it kind of always fails.
So, again, thank you for this. Because while I know that I should take my time and update on my own schedule, it's not always easy to remember that when people start asking me why it's taking so long. This was a nice change of pace and I'm very grateful for your kindness. Thank you 💜
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disclosed-spire · 1 year
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So if anyone knows and has spoken to me and seen any of my ocs, they'll know I LOVE making things wacky and out there if I have the ability to. If possible, I will have some wacky backstory too! For Enot's case, this is very much possible!
I'm basically just gonna ramble describe my own little thoughts and design choices for Enot with some of my art as reference!
If you want to know my own thoughts and design choices for another character, be sure to let me know! It'll take a little bit as I like to go all out with these as much as possible.
Spoilers for Enot's campaign below!
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Design Choices
So this is my Enot design!
Yes I know it's very strange and wacky looking, but c'mon. I think the little chaos gremlin deserves to have a chaotic design, y'know, as a treat!
I decided to make their whole body fade, but to fix the issue of their limbs blending in too much, their arms and legs are different solid colors, which allow me to draw them easier!
I really wanted to keep the red in Enot's design, but I didn't want to overuse it, so I decided to make it an accent color and sprinkle red throughout the design. I think this makes it easier to look at Enot, and also draw more attention to their face, as that's the most interesting thing to look at! Enot's eyes are red spirals because honestly I think that would be fun. Enot's red whiskers are made to look like a curly mustache because they obviously have to twirl it like an evil supervillain. The last red design choice is seen with their lizard-like tail, which I'm just about to get to.
Enot has a bit of lizard biology in their DNA, specifically white lizards. This explains their strange frills on the back of their tail, their odd distinct head shape, and one of their abilities that I'll list in the later sections.
The last thing I wanted to mention was glitches! As much as I love glitches and stuff with characters (If you have a glitched Enot design I absolutely love it already, please be my friend), I decided to leave this out of the physical design of Enot because I have a cooler idea! Based on text said by Five Pebbles in game:
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Five Pebbles obviously wouldn't say this, so I thought of something that I think would be funny. What if Enot was some kind of cryptid or eldritch horror kind of scenario? Whelp, I can say that my version of Enot is.
Enot causes the environment around them to distort and change sometimes because of a reason I'll get to in a different section of this post. Overall though, this explains the strange changes in the world, the weird Five Pebbles dialogue, and fits into the absurdity of Enot's character as a whole.
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Enot is basically chaos incarnate, nobody knows where Enot came from except Enot themself. To sum it up, bro is basically a real time cryptid or scp. Overall they're chaotic, and very loud, but genuinely entertaining if you manage to get to know them.
Yes, manage. Bro is very scatterbrained and is always all over the place.
Other than that, Enot thinks of themselves as some kind of incredibly evil supervillain, but they're absolutely horrible at it. Not horrible in Enot's bad at their job, Enot's bad in terms of the fact that they just don't actually do supervillain things. The most evil thing they can think of is filling a room with their weird eggs, or causing some minor inconvenience as some silly joke.
This basically makes Enot one of those supervillains that is actually not even bad, just a silly guy pulling pranks because they have the power and capabilities of doing so.
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"Enot has a bit of lizard biology in their DNA, specifically white lizards."
For Enot's white lizard biology, this gives Enot the ability to change colors like some kind of chameleon like the picture above. They cannot change shape, just color, which means that if they were to try to imitate another Slugcat, or another species, it would look off.
How to tell the difference between another Slugcat and Enot is obviously the body, but also some of the red on their body. The spirals in their eyes, the red whiskers, and the tail frills always stay red, no matter what the rest of Enot's colors may be. This makes it easy to tell that Enot is pulling a prank or messing with other Slugcats.
"Enot causes the environment around them to distort and change sometimes because of a reason I'll get to in a different section of this post."
Ah yes, the completely wacky idea I had stored for this moment. Enot is some kind of universe or dimension traveler, which explains the environmental distortion, but also the really weird ending of their campaign, the dating simulator.
No Slugcats were found before (minus Slugpups) in Enot's campaign, until the dating sim which just came out of the blue. The lizards changed personalities, somehow all the Slugcats are alive at the same time, moon is now alive yet she was powered off in the campaign previously, and so much more about the dating sim can make me believe this weird belief.
Enot can just go to different dimensions just because they think it's funny and likes to mess with others by doing that. I don't make the rules, Enot does.
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Yes the egg gets its own section.
Enot can lay eggs because I think that would just add to the absurdity of their character. I don't actually know how they would do it , so maybe they just throw up an egg like an scp scenario, similar to a hairball. (Also to keep up the weird factor about them)
These eggs are an active threat when thrown, so I think it's at least worth mentioning. I don't know how to describe the fact that Enot's eggs are singularity bombs, so I'm gonna try to explain how it could work by how I've been making the rest of this post with my weird logic.
My best guess as to why Enots eggs are the way they are is because of the fact that Enot is a weird universe traveling cryptid or something similar to that, so all eggs that Enot creates are pretty unstable, and when thrown, this disrupts the balance, similar to a fire egg.
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Relationship Descriptions
OKAY SO THE FINAL SECTION. Wow this has been quite the wacky post. I'm just gonna explain why my relationships for Enot are the way they are. A lot of these are gonna be grouped together.
All of them have pranks pulled on them because it's Enot. Why wouldn't Enot do so?
All of them are neutral except for Five Pebbles because Enot never really had a wacky connection with any of them, except for Pebbles and Moon. Enot just really likes Five Pebbles' strange personality. Too bad it's one sided though.
Downpour Slugcats + Hunter
Enot is relatively friendly towards all of them, having crushes on the others (except for hunter). Think of it like having a crush on an actor from a tv show or a movie. Enot doesn't have that strong of a crush, but it's still there.
Enot does have a small bit of respect for Artificer as they know what Artificer went through. This was unfortunately found out from a prank they made, but once they found out about the whole incident, they backed off and apologized.
Enot does have a huge amount of respect for Gourmand though, as it has to do with when they first met. When Enot and Gourmand met, Enot was looking for a place to call home, so Gourmand decided to take Enot under their wing and accept them into their colony. Enot has a lot to thank Gourmand for, as they wouldn't have met anyone of the Slugcat crew, and wouldn't have a home.
Also sometimes Enot and Hunter hunt together, which does give bonus points for the friendly factor.
Monk, Survivor, and Their Family
Enot is generally friendly towards all of them, but especially has respect for Monk and Survivors family. (This is my own little made up campaign for them that's part of my own little story for the Slugcats, so keep that in mind.) Enot thinks that the whole family going in for Monk and Survivor, despite the little hope left is very admirable, and generally finds it heartwarming that they all could reunite again.
Nightcat at the very least is very close to Enot, as they both have very strange origins, and both are oddballs out of the Slugcat colony. At the very most though, Enot and Nightcat would be together as they both are pranksters by heart, and can fight the uncaring world off together like partners in crime.
OKAY WOW WHAT A RIDE! I hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this! I spent quite a while writing this, so if you'd want to see more of other characters, be sure to let me know!
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prythianpages · 4 months
Thank you for the tag! @ninthcircleofprythian (you tagged my main but I'll post it on here <3 I also promise I didn't just copy & paste, we just have very similar minds bc I agreed with you on most of these lol)
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
Do I have to pick? It's so hard! But since I'm in my Eris era, I'll go with him rn.
Who's your least favourite character?
It's between Mor or Amren. Idk, I just don't really vibe with them as much.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
I did like that Amren gave Feyre that ruby or jewelry to give her the courage to go back to the prison. That was sweet of her 🥹 & Mor for taking Feyre away from Spring.
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
It's also Helion. He seems like such a good time (; like mans has the best library in prythian and glorious thighs??? c'mon now
Favourite MINOR character?
The Suriel. I loooooove gossip and would literally just summon them for the tea.
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
Azris hehe. They'd be so hot together.
Favourite court and why?
This is hard to answer when SJM hasn't given us much info about other courts 😭 So I think I'd have to pick Summer Court because I love the ocean and if there are mermaids, it's over for me there. I love them!
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
OOhh! Umm...idk what I would name it but it would be nice if there was a court inspired by Dia De Los Muertos/ Day of the Dead. Like an underworld type of court where the High Lord/Lady there can helping the souls of prythian after they die and somehow it's associated with Starfall. Marigold Court? idk lol Like I said lame name but cool concept.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
Honestly, I would sell my soul for a pre-ACOTAR book that focuses on the Bat Boy friendship. Like when Cas mentioned waking up naked with some decoration around him? And Az hiccuping when drunk?? I NEED to know more.
What's your unpopular opinion?
Idek if this is unpopular but I do feel for Tamlin. He did fuck up but given other characters have also fucked up, I really hope he gets a redemption arc or is able to pick himself up. Like dude is really going through it and so are his people, someone pls save Spring I also kinda wished Amren had stayed dead. I don't hate her character but it felt too good to be true when both her and Rhys died and then they came back to life. It would've had more impact if one of them stayed dead.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
Right now? These body headcannons from @readychilledwine
If you were to be swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
I would want to experience Starfall with the IC. I love looking at the sky, especially stars and the moon and with all those hotties? Sign me tf up.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
I would love to control water! Blame my mermaid fascination & h2O tv show addiction for this haha. But also making water wolves sounds so cool.
no pressure tags: @stormhearty, @daycourtofficial, @milswrites, @sarawritestories, @sillysillygoose444,
@acotarxreader, @pit-and-the-pen, @lady-of-tearshed
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globodamorte · 2 months
the painscreek killings minor spoilers IG. no reveal of who the killer is, just critical towards the ending.
like I hate how clue-ish the ending is. oh sure (redacted) killed Vivian using (weapon) but ... that's it?? you uncover so much more and the end of the game kind of brushes it off???? I KNOW this game was kind of unfinished as in they needed to scrap a lot of content like the girls in the hospital, the missing child etc. but I don't think that's an excuse to make the ending so blegh. also the images/photos suck ass it looks uncanny like shitty AI they should've just hired an illustrator. or drawn it themselves tbh. they use hyper realistic pictures of the characters and the end where the ONLY person you ever see in game has stylized graphics??? idk maybe I'm crazy id just like for it all to be more coherent within itself!!! do NOT get me wrong I LOVE this game so much and this is precisely the reason why I have these criticisms. like cutting bonus stuff from the game does not mean it should be unpolished. does that make sense? if drawing didn't trigger me and made me feel terrible I'd do some redraws of some screenshots so I can illustrate my point better.
sometimes I worry like what if this clue ass ending is in fact exactly what the devs wanted. I say this bc it's surprisingly similar to their other game, crime scene investigators
.I guess then good for them. I kind of hate it tho
I guess for crime scene investigators it would make more sense bc you just. uncover MORE murders in painscreek. MORE killers. fuck!!! what do you mean "who killed Vivian Roberts"??? what about the rest of the people!!?!! aaaughh!!!!
also idk. maybe release it as a 1.0 version you know. I honestly do not know how well they were doing and why they had to scrap those extra tidbits. but are they scrapped forever??? will we never know what happened to that boy that went missing? what about the girls in the hospital?? why not rerelease it but better now?? I really hope they do that eventually. because I love this game so much but it's also so lacking in some parts.
waugh. that's it I'm done I feel like if I keep writing it will be incomprehensible
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amethystfox4 · 1 year
Heres my tier list!
Explanations below the cut and thanks to @starrjoy for the blank list!
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Note: every ship (excluding Knuxuge bc that is the only ship I have zero thoughts about other than "its canon") will have caveats to it.
Most of them being I do not have enough knowledge of the actual source(s) to have an opinion
My other one being I really don't care about the supposed canonisity of a ship so if you're wondering why theres only one ship in OTP its bc most of the others have some sort of hc attached to it (ex : All of Sonic's parings)
I love them!:
Hey look its the individual ships that make up SonAmyShad! In all honesty, I really like these three ships individually too, but I will gravitate towards the Sonic pairings more than Shadamy on an individual basis.
And I'm going to say it here Sonic as a character has two modes for me in a shipping sense- Hes either a disaster biromantic demiace or straight up aroace (no inbeween)
I like Sonamy in sense that yeah I can see yeah it can be cute but only if Amy isn't portrayed as an obsessed stalker. I know shes infatuated with Sonic and the idea of being with him, as shown in multiple games (I don't think its been a thing in recent years but I still feel the need to mention it), but I like to believe as Amy matures she realizes that putting Sonic on such a pedestal wasn't a good thing to do for either of them. I also like to think that as Amy mellows out her friendship with Sonic becomes a lot more solid.
Also if I was on a computer I would definitely put Sonadow between I love them! and I ship them for comedic value, bc you know those two idiots would not handle having romantic feelings in any normal way
Shadamy is interesting to me- I really like it I think its cute (Gives me Grease vibes now that I think of it) but I cannot see it being a thing in actual Sonic canon (honestly this is with most ship excluding a few). I see it in a "canon but to the left" kind of way.
So the next ship is Bunny x Antoine (I think). So my only and I mean only exposure to this ship (and these two characters) is from the fan comic TMOM (The Murder of Me) by Gigi and if their characterizations in there are anything like they are in Archie than yes!
Please do not comment asking for me to read the Archie Comics, I do not want to touch that monstrosity with a 10ft pole. (It scares me./j)
I purely ship them for comedic value!:
Infitgadet, I think is how that ship is spelt, is a funny crack ship that I just laugh at. Its stupid, its dumb, but I see the appeal.
Sonjet, a petty minor rivalry that becomes a bromance.
Sonic x Elise umm in canon: No. But outside of that...Ha ha, One!
Kinda cute sometimes:
Alot of these fall under "canon but to the left"
Shadilver and Sonilver, could work either way but in a similar but slightly different way to ShadSonAmy, I prefer it to be Sonadoilver over the individual ones
Blazemy, not much to say other than I like it.
Silvaze, I can see it better than the other three but not much else.
Tangle x Whisper, now I have not read IDW and I want to, so I don't much about these two other then sure, I'm cool with it.
Not for me but I can see the appeal:
Shadouge, I see Rouge as more as the older sister/wine aunt to Shadow more than anything else
Sonally, never watched Satam or read Archie but I do know of Sally through pop culture osmosis. If we're talking about how 90s American (cartoon) Sonic was than sure I see it. But for current Sonic (even Adventure Sonic) not really but I do see them as friends if she could exist again.
Espilver, dont know why I just like them a little
Sonknux, just a really good bromance, with Sonic being a little shit and sometimes flirting with Knuckles.
Not on the list but Sonouge is similar where I dont see them in a relationship they just like to throw flirty banter at eachother and it just confuses anyone who knows how Sonic normally reacts to being flirted with (even funnier if Sonic is aroace)
Sonaze, um its there, to me they'd just be friends with just a heavy meaning behind holding hands
I have never watched Sonic X but I can see the appeal of Tails being in a relationship but I really strongly see him as being aroace flat out, with strong platonic love for his brother and friends.
Not for me and I CANT see the appeal:
Shadknux, I see we are shipping the lancers together (Shadow and Knuckles are both lancers to Sonic in the five man band trope while Knuckles is the big guy/lancer Shadow is just Sonic's lancer imo). This confuses me I don't hate it I just don't get it.
Vanilla x Vector, huh? I'm not saying its bad just...
Silvamy, um what? I don't see them having romantic feelings for eachother like at all.
Wait this exist?!:
Metadow, Waveouge, and Blaze x Omega (?)...[Confused Laughter] What? Are these crack ships bc I can't wrap my head around them.
Surgeamy, now I have heard of this but why?
Sally x ???? (explains itself)
Shadaze, I see that picture is from Archie right? Uh...
Ian Jr. x Infinite, now thats a crack ship if I ever saw one!
Rouge x Topaz, uh I can't say I didn't know this existed just that I had no where else to put it since I have no idea what Topaz's character is like.
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khattikeri · 7 months
Mdzs for the shipping grid? 👀👀👀
YESSS here we are! v surprised at how strong my opinions are for this fandom but probably shouldn't be sldkfjlksd
- xue/xiao compels me and is in the middle of the makes sense line - song/xiao is closer to makes sense but compels me a bit less - song/xue/xiao is somewhere in between them.
further explanations of all other pairings under the cut!
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quadrant by quadrant bc my explanations are Long for this one
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out of the way: wang/xian undoubtedly peak! xuan/li v cute, love em. xi/yao is my favorite of the possible 3zun pairings, they're just too juicy and such good narrative foils to wang/xian...
nie/yao is also fun to me because of how much tension and strife they have.
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i like nie/lan the least of all possible 3zun pairings just bc i like the conflict jgy brings to the table LOL
even though zhui/ling is the most popular junior pairing i... am not a huge fan of it? they're not blood relatives at all but both are still family to wwx in ways that make me feel weird about them romancing each other. in no war/wens are good aus i'd be more into it...
jingzhui isn't on the chart but they're also both inner lan clan members. so. weird to me! i like ling/yi best. they banter a lot but still get along well as friends
i can see why people are compelled by wen ning and wwx. i love their fucked up codependency too. i just don't see it romantically
i also see why people might ship cheng/xian, i just sincerely think their relationship is most compelling as siblings or pseudo-family due to the social class tensions.
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chang/mian is quite rare just bc both characters are so minor but like... god can you imagine all the jiang cheng & wwx parallels. pointing. those are their dads
sang/cheng is like... most of the time it feels very pair the spares-esque. BUT. they both have a lot of similarities underneath the surface and if people tap into that i do like it. BUT (again) i just really prefer it platonic. jiang cheng is like peak "this man is aroace and does not know what either of those words are" to me. celibacysweep and all that
sang/yao. honorable mention to my favorite fucked up ship that literally nobody ships (including myself!). i can't like em romantically, only enjoy the dynamic, but it's so fun to think about. like spy x spy but worse.
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and finally stuff that i don't like
no real reason for sang/yu, i just don't see em that way. i'm too novel-only to like wen qing/jc.
LWJ/anyone else feels too much like blasphemy. similar to shipping hua cheng tgcf with people who aren't xie lian LOL
this is like peak pair the spares to me. they're literally coworkers. they're just two people who lead clans and only talk business with each other. they aren't friends, they don't even make smalltalk. their relationship is the equivalent of sometimes bumping into a linkedin connection at the grocery store. come on. COME ON. they have zero personal ties except for the fact that their brothers are deeply in love and have a torrid romance spanning decades
for lxc especially this just feels like such a weak ship to me bc you have TWO whole other people he has fascinating, actually existing dynamics with (nmj and jgy), and xi/yao especially has so so so many parallels to wang/xian. 3zun ships have so much angst and what-ifs and there's so much more meat to it.
see also my thing about jc just... honestly i cannot see him romantically working out with anyone. nobody. whatsoever. this is a man for whom romance is not the solution, ever
so i can't. it literally drives me crazy. i cannot make sense out of xi/cheng whatsoever it doesn't compel me one bit and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say i hate it when there are other ships right there ahahahghdskljfdslk
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if you click this unrebloggable minor ew vent post it's on you
glad i decided to nope out of watching this part of the stream, seeing chat call g'raha's bullshit in ultima thule "sweet and well-written" makes me convinced people wouldn't recognize bad character writing if it hit them with a truck
maybe if the writers ever took into account that his characterization is that of a manipulative asshole it would be good, because he is incredibly consistent on being a specific growth form of asshole, but they so clearly think his bullshit is cute and not bullshit so he's completely fucking unbearable to have pushed to the fore this much
maybe during dt they'll keep him offscreen long enough that i don't want to give him a one-way trip to the bottom of the ocean anymore
(this all would be less of an issue if a specific breed of g'raha fan weren't incredibly obnoxious if you so much as breathe in a way they dislike in his direction even when it's untagged, up there with the zenos hater reply guys (gender-neutral) for most prominent obnoxious people in this fandom (note obnoxious rather than actively harmful, those have overlaps with harmful groups but this is about people who are annoying)
granted, i also thought a lot of the ultima thule writing up to the dungeon was not that good. thancred and estinien are the only ones allowed to have any kind of tension, but they keep acting like the tension is at max the entire way through and it's just fucking not. you can try to argue that the characters don't know you'll succeed, but Y'shtola blowing the lid on the whole thing should have had more impact than it did on how the characters treated it. Also, having the two characters who are a single fakeout death apart (I have seen enough people 100% convinced that Zenos killed Y'shtola in stb that yes, I count it, and if you don't you're being disingenuous because they clearly want the player to think she's dead for a moment given that she has special textures for it) fakeout die AGAIN is just cheap emotional shots.
And maybe if EW had been allowed to actually heavily address any of 6.0 in its patches I would feel better about the weaknesses, because 3.0 has a lot of weaknesses that I felt were well-addressed in 3.x patches and I ended up with HW as my favorite expac! But EW's instead three expansions in a trench coat and they're not only not covered by the trenchcoat they're on the ground bc they fell over when they tried to add the third. The one aspect 6.0 skimmed over for pacing that 6.x does heavily address (garlemald) it addresses in different ways every time it comes up!
(thavnair doesn't really get addressed as a location in the 6.x msq, it's mostly about vrtra... which would be fine, if they hadn't decided to do ff4 but worse at the same time. and i say this thinking ff4's writing is very mid when viewed without nostalgia goggles, even if it was impressive for the console and era (and like, mid ain't bad given the technological limitations! i'm just sick of people acting like it's the best jrpg story in existence). just next to no effort to reinterpret it like they did with ct, weapons (i don't like the writing there at all but they did a lot of work to make it uniquely 14 and not "as seen in ff7"!), or the various scattered 5 nods.)
haterade empty. in conclusion i will be glad to see this expansion's back bc it's the only expansion where my opinion of it actively worsened as patches went on. e: honestly. i also would be glad to just stop having people crawl up my ass for criticizing ew's msq. i know that the loporrits are there to decompress, it doesn't change that i think they suck up way too much air for too long in an extreme pressed-for-time expac and, worst of all for a walking comedy routine, often aren't fucking funny in mandatory content. I can understand why something is there and still think it sucks shit in execution.
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demonsfate · 1 year
soooo likeeeee idk how hot of a take this is but. with this whole jin vs kazuya debate i honestly see more people defend kazuya than i see people defend jin. “jin stans go all the way to the ends of the earth to defend him and his crimes” like no???? we actually HATE jin’s crimes, it’s the literal one thing about his character that we criticise to oblivion and drag him for. and we’re fully aware that HE was fully aware that he was doing the crimes. whereas i see more kazuya stans be like “yeah he had every right to become a villain bc he’s been through worse.” ???
like even i will tell you that yeah kazuya DID suffer worse since he was like 5. but just like how jin’s trauma doesn’t justify his actions, the same can be said for kazuya. sure, it’s an explanation as to why he turned out that way. it’s not a justification. with villains, i always wish things had turned out differently for them. but i’d NEVER say that their crimes were allowed bc of what they endured.
as i've said multiple, multiple times. most of us don't really "defend" jin's actions. we "deny" them in the way that we acknowledge it's a poorly written game, and those actions were blatantly out of character. like yeah, we KNOW he was written to perform those actions. but does it make sense? no - THAT'S what we point out. we don't defend these actions, we just want these actions to be retconned lmao.
also like kazuya had "every right" to become a villain because he was originally conceptualized as one, whereas jin wasn't until he just suddenly was. (which again, was solely harada's idea, the writing team disagreed with this, but eventually went with it because harada wouldn't shut up about it)
kazuya did go through worse, because he suffered at a much earlier age (being 5). but one of the original points of jin and kazuya is that jin was if kazuya had gone on the right path because they both still suffered similar traumas. (both had a dead mother, both were abused and used by heihachi as a minor, it just didn't happen until jin was 15, both were "killed" by heihachi, both suffer from the devil gene, both even have a hot-headed biker rival) which also doesn't make sense for jin to become just like kazuya in tek6 considering he was supposed to be his foil, or in a way, even a "what if."
there may be those who DO defend jin's actions. but those are usually the kind of fans i criticize - which are those who turn their brains off and don't critically consume the media they're indulging in. i'm talking about fans who just say jin was in the right because the game told them he did the war for a "good reason." Same fans who refuse to see how Jin being a bad guy made no sense even if you point out the inconsistencies just because the game told them he was bad now.
i think fans are also more likely to defend kazuya, not just because of his childhood, but because kazuya is... generally a more liked character. like even though i love jin, he's my favorite, i won't deny that kazuya's definitely the more popular one. probably because most fans prefer him as he isn't an ""emo"" like jin is, and because... maybe because he has been a better written character, because you know - as i pointed out yesterday, even if jin being a bad guy DID make sense in 6, his characterization was still all over the place. so, kazuya being more popular also means there are more fans who just want to see him be the "Good Guy" simply because they like him more.
anyway, i'd never defend jin's actions... in fact, they're NOT defendable. like even with the excuses Tek6 made, they can't be defended nor are they redeemable. BUT... i will always say they absolutely should be retconned, and i will continue saying that they are actions that makes little to no sense for jin's character and i will not acknowledge them as such because it's poor writing.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
I just finished Adastra and I am about to make that everyone's problem
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Tldr: it slams and (if you are over 18) you should play it
Disclaimer: Adastra is an 18+ VN. There will be no nsfw content in this post but like. If ur a minor get outta here
This isn't a liveblog, since I already finished the game, but it's a pretty similarly scattered collection of my thoughts while playing so there's no real narrative cohesion to this post. If u were looking for a detailed review just watch the video by Boringkeith
I think the biggest thing about the game to me is how insane the plot gets at Act 2. Act 1, while admittedly kind of dull, does a great job at setting up characterization and tension over time, introducing motivations and worldbuilding in a really natural way. The way the author handles the delivery of information is just. Fucking fantastic if I'm being honest, and the conversations-- ESPECIALLY arguments-- just feel so natural. There's a great tension and release that the game has, and it's a really gripping story. I think writers like this shine in this medium because God. GOD. the dialogue is good. Then Act 2 happens and shit hits the fan and does not STOP hitting the fan until the poor thing is bowled over and unplugged from the wall. Genuinely unhinged, the pacing is breakneck and it is GOOD
The protagonist actually being their own person was also fantastic, and honestly one of the only ways I can see this story going. Despite inevitably being a romance VN with intertwined political drama, I never really felt myself occupying the protagonist (Marco)'s role too much, and this is for the better. Ultimately, Amicus (the love interest) is perfect for Marco, but not for me. Neferu is hotter anyway. But Marco? Amicus??? Those two dumbasses are made for each other. Plus, the actual codified personality of the protagonist allowed for a great deal of information to be presented and withheld in ways that wouldn't be allowed by a blank slate protagonist. The dynamics wouldn't have worked as well either, and I think the story is all the more engaging for it. I, personally, would have been more lenient on Alexios but Marco? He wants that twink OBLITERATED
Cassius is the funniest character in this game I think. He just reeks of like. Loser redpilled 17 year old projecting all his insecurities into the incel takes imaginable. I'm going to wring him out like a wet paper towel. Yes he's a borderline space fascist but I can fix him I swear. When he hotboxes and trips so hard he sees God, only to have God call him a cringefail loser and he starts crying about it? Yeah that's babygirl material. Pathetic beast
It is very funny to me that the game has to spend 80% of its runtime trying to convince you that Amicus would make a good emperor and explicitly has rules in place to say that females can't rule because you KNOW within 15 seconds of her opening her mouth that Virginia is the un-debatable best choice. The fact that Amicus doesn't immediately give up his throne for her is his biggest flaw
Cato is kinda one note but he is supposed to represent heternormativity and the pitfalls of bigotry in this giant scifi queer allegory so he gets a pass. I'll admit I found him to be a lil too mustache twirling snarky towards the climax, but eh. Also I'm dead convinced that the parents meddled with him. He started freaking out when his visor got taken off and acted more erratically now that he lost his parental tech (hm) and also him crashing the parents' ship was totally out of line with his motives even as mentioned by other characters. The parents def manipulated him I can feel it
The Parents are sus as fuck I will stand by this. The game really makes you want to choose the option of trusting them (and I did bc I just want Marco and Amicus to be happy) but like. Fuck man. They mad shifty I don't trust like that they got some other shit going on. BoringKeith says more than I ever could about it just watch his video
For personal reasons I am furious about them not showing the ram civilization. We know about four of the civilizations (greek cats, roman wolves, egyptian jackals, and indian tigers) but like. What about the rest? Based on the little we've gotten it looks like the bears are norse and there are rams but I don't even remember the other two. What are they I want to see them
My only mark against this game is that both of the disabled characters are evil. I don't think there are any non-villainous disabled people which kinda blows. I heard Echo is better about it which is good? but even still it left a sour taste in my mouth
The art? is really good??????? I love the expressions and the way the CGs look especially. Fucking fantastic
The themes of homophobia in this game are ROUGH and really really raw. Again not gonna talk about it much here watch the boringkeith video but Woof. This game is so good I highly recommend
Go play Adastra
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but they are minor
i was honestly waiting to see when i'd get an ask like this; looks like i can cross it off my list for 2022
anyway, since i'm in a good mood and you've not been overtly rude, i.e. no slurs or death threats, i'll humour you
[i believe you’re talking about my bllk fic bc i don’t have anything else on here yet]
first of all, i'd like to stress that if we were talking about real life people, then i'm right there with you
but we are talking about fictional characters, not people but characters; both the defintion of fiction ("something invented by the imagination or feigned", merriam-webster) and of character ("one of the persons of a drama or novel", merriam-webster) support the idea that we are talking about made-up stories which are meant to be seen as a different entitiy or aspect from real life
the way i see it, fictional characters are merely a more defined blank slate with certain characteristics already set in place (although even those characteristics get thrown out of the window by some); they're a canvas the consumer of that medium can project thoughts or ideals or headcanons onto; that's why every character imaginable has been dragged into a hogwarts or soulmate au, characters who are canonically dead are suddenly alive and kicking again, etc.
i'd argue that authors are doing just the same with their characters as well; they create one and than just put them through all sorts of trials and tribulations like e.g. a post-timeskip era
take haikyuu!! for example (because it's also a sports manga/anime): the first 369 chapters were about the highschool volleyball team, so canonically speaking they were minors; but the second chapter 370 drops they are suddenly not anymore and that fic where 28 year old business man kuroo testsuro comes home to his partner and they decide to have kids is suddenly more appropriate than before? because the person with the magic pen drew the character at an age people already imagined them before? (also idk if such a fic exists, i'm making things up as i go... look at me using my imagination to expand upon a character /lh)
i think it's plausible blue lock will have a similar post-timeskip era some day, for all we know muneyuki kaneshiro might already have the characters’ futures planned out but we're just not at that part of the story yet
also, to bring this back to my content, when i say the characters are aged up in both my mind and the fic, then i mean it; and, i'd like to think you can also see that in my works, for example characters who own their own house, drive a car, move in with someone or have successfull careers... all things that are generally speaking adult things to do (because that is more appealing to me)
but that is just my opinion; fictional characters are canvases for people to project onto and if i want to live in our shared house with my professional striker boyfriend who loves me very much and occasionally rails me into the next year, then i will... here in my mind, on this page but unfortunately not in real life (the most unrealistic thing about this is being able to afford a house in this economy but i digress)
tl;dr characters are like schrödinger’s cat dead and alive at the same time /j
if you don't share that opinion, that's fine, we can both go our seprate ways and coexist; i just can't support people who throw slurs at others, mostly creators, or tell them to k*ll themselves over a piece of fictional literature written in their free time with no profit whatsoever (i'm not saying you are that kind of person anon, this is just a general statement because i've seen other writers receive much nastier asks)
if you are the kind of person who does that... i don't think i'm the problem here
to close this off, i'm willing to have a conversation about this as long as everyone remains civil and open for arguments from the other side; if you just come in my inbox to argue without even wanting to hear the other side out, i'm sorry but this is not the place for you
toodles ッ
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deluluwonderland · 1 year
Peeks...hi hello, so we can ramble about our crossfandom agendas here? 👁️
If you don't mind me— i have MULTIPLE of them, and would love to share about the multiple brainrots i have about them. heck i even made a whole very self-indulgent casual modern college au for them because i terribly need to shove all these characters in a single room and see what happens
I'll try to keep my first ask short tho, so I'll just drop my agendas and then maybe elaborate on them more in future asks? if that doesn't bother any of you-
(just a heads up, I'll be talking about characters from enstars, genshin and danganronpa!)
So first of all, my main and favorite duo (the one which started the whole college au mess)— my two favorite characters from two games i like, leo tsukinaga and lyney! :]
I have TOO MANY thoughts about them for it to fit here...so i might ramble about them another time. But please think about them for me 👉👈
Next one i am very insane about is the fontaine twins and 2wink because??? I am not the only one to see the multiple parallels between them right??? Especially lyney and hinata??? Both pairs of twins have such a similar past too— grew up on the streets by themselves (fontaine twins because parents died, 2wink because they ran away) and had to perform to earn money to survive
Then there's once again lyney, but with kokichi (danganronpa) this time— it's less i want them to interact, and more like holy fuck why the fuck are they WAY TOO SIMILAR??? they even have the same japanese va....
It all started september 1st 2023, when i was rambling about lyney to my friend who knows nothing about genshin (but was into dr with me), and she pointed their similarity out
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And ever since then, i have not been over it at all
(scrolls back up, see: "I'll try to keep my first ask short tho", dies a little inside BECAUSE ITS ALREADY GETTING SO LONG I AM SO SORRY...i am normal i swear (i am not))
OK BEFORE I FINISH I JUST HAVE TWO MORE— do you know the fanganronpa dra? Because I've had a leo and yamato friendship agenda for so long now. I just think they would be the best of friends, because they have a lot of similarities imo? They're also both my faves from their respective medias so,
BUT RECENTLY I'VE ALSO BEEN THINKING OF YAMATO AND FREMINET INTERACTING...because they're both somewhat into machines right? So I'm just thinking...yamato acting like some sort of older brother/senior/mentor figure to freminet? I don't know??? I think it has the potential to be cute and wholesome
OK I THINK THAT'S IT I AM SO SORRY FOR JUST. popping out of nowhere...but finding a blog about crossfandoms just! Made me excited because i am very passionate about my brainrots about it...hope you guys don't mind! Have a nice day :]
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putting under a cut bc this can get long, but also MINOR warning for genshin main story spoilers + enstars spoilers regarding 2wink specifcially, again its minor but still!
'' my two favorite characters from two games i like, leo tsukinaga and lyney! :] ''
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THEY WOULD BE SO FUNNY AS A DUO, im pretty sure leo would love lyney's shows and even made a song based on them a few times, they would be very inspiring!!
as friends i think lyney is the oddly 'sane' one of the two, usually, in a casual normal day lyney has to put idealistic leo in place, honestly
BUT i also feel like in a way leo can ground lyney, bc that guy is someone who lies a lot, its all for a purpose, even someone's good, sure, he even puts on a happy facade bc thats what everyone likes
but all that has GOT to be exhausting and he's surely been in a place where he's just lying to himself even, saying whatever nonsense with a fake smile. leo might be childish but idk i feel like he tell when someone is at their limit like that, ground him back to the truth but not harshly
ykno?/w??/ ajdhasjkdsah am i making sense?? i sure hope so but i will defo be keeping them in my thoughts thank you
'' Next one i am very insane about is the fontaine twins and 2wink because??? --- Especially lyney and hinata??? ''
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trust me lyney and hinata both gush about their younger siblings together, then lynette and yuta at the same time elsewhere are complaining about the trouble their elder got them into over tea hasjdhajksfha
'' Then there's once again lyney, but with kokichi (danganronpa) this time— ''
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ahh yeah yeah! i remember seeing like, fanart of lyney and kokichi back when the fontaine vas where announced, but man thats a while ago now... BUT YEAH THEY ARE SIMILAR, LIARS, LIARS, PANTS ON FIRE
irl i hate liars sm but in fiction they scratch my brain so much, theyre so... interesting... give me more...
actually on the topic of same vas, wasnt there someone in genshin who had kiibo's va? i cant recall who tho, maybe it was just a random shitpost...
'' you know the fanganronpa dra? Because I've had a leo and yamato friendship ''
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hmmm im only familiar with official danganronpas unfortunately, so im afraid i can't comment much, but still by all means encourage you to tell me more about them!! since i know nothing about yamato, please tell me more about how you think these characters interacting would go? :o
please please please give fremmy more people to look up to and to encourage him, he deserves all of it and all the love and care!! imagining him building robots with someone else makes me ahsdkjashdkjahskdjahsjkhasjk EXPLODES /pos
~mod Star
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linabirb · 1 year
👀👀👀 For the bingo, I'd like to hear your thoughts on Aki (csm just to be safe because its quite a common name haha), Makima, Isagi, Kaiser, Reo, and Mikoto.
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.. i'm going to be honest. I GENUINELY FORGET AKI EXISTS SOMETIMES. like my brain just goes "uhhh remember denji and power's big bro" and im like "OH". if you remember my akutagawa bingo, i think you can see a pattern which can only be described as "i am so sorry but i just cannot make myself care about brooding dark-haired anime boys" 😭😭 (dan heng from hsr is one of the few exceptions) idk i really do think his story was sad but i'm also kinda like. i was too focused on other things when i read and watched csm JSKDSLASLSL. "what things" well.. let's talk about the next character on our list.
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feel free to shoot me or stab me for this. but yes, THIS WOMAN IS ACTUALLY MY FAV CSM CHARACTER 😭 (along with kobeni and asa) i just love evil women! and i love well-written evil women! and i have so much to say about her. i genuinely love the way she was written and she's a very realistic character, but i am not a fan of how the csm fandom just. doesn't care about her character at all and cares only about her crimes and i'm not even talking about her basically destroying the whole world and killing SO MANY PEOPLE, i'm talking about her relationship with denji. which is, OF COURSE, bad and extremely toxic and unhealthy, especially considering that denji is a minor. however, i think seeing that as her only "personality trait" is so.. it just doesn't sit right with me. like i would be okay with people talking about everything she's done and analyzing it and going "yeah she's still a bad person even if she's well-written and deep" but i am NOT okay with people going "yeah she's a groomer and also she killed my faves :(" like. i don't know. if you don't want to interact with such "problematic" content just don't read it? though i'm gonna be honest i'm pretty sure most csm fans are very young and from what i heard, a lot of them haven't even read/watched any "dark" content before csm. me picking "they are innocent if u ignore their various crimes" is obv a joke, i definitely agree that makima is a terrible person, but also. i can't deny that she's pretty <3 and also the fact that she just needed a hug breaks my heart every time i think about it. i actually have a plushie of her too! one of the best purchases i've ever made, she stares at me with her big ol' yellow eyes and i do everything she says. thank you for motivating me to do my hw, queen.
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but enough talking about my faves. honestly.. i don't really care about isagi? which actually makes me very sad bc i found him very relatable at first but then i kinda got bored? like i can't even describe his personality, i can only say "uhhh he's friendly with other guys unless he's playing football and also. uh. he likes football"? and ig that can also be very fun and i'm usually a huge fan of characters that usually act nice but also have a very rude and mean side, but isagi is just. idk, i don't really find him that interesting and those moments when he's like, busy analyzing everything and coming up with strategies.. honestly, i just skipped them JSDKSLSLS. I WANTED MORE ACTION OKAY. i think his relationship with bachira is cute though!
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BACK TO MY FAVES. i would bite kaiser's head off if i ever got the chance but he's also one of my fav characters. yeah. he's so cool, i love his design sm, i need to look like him. i want to get into his head and figure out what's wrong with him. i want to squeeze him and crush him and tear him apart, but i also love him so much. tbh i don't know anything about the new chapters, but i'd love to learn more about him, it's like, at the same time, i want him to have a backstory that's a little bit (or maybe VERY) sad, but i also kinda want him to be like that just bc he can (even though i'm pretty sure it was implied that he does have a reason for acting like that). and yes, i love his relationship dynamic with ness. yeah.
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reo. another fave of mine. though i actually didn't like him that much when i first saw him, but. i knew deep down that a purple boy will become one of my faves. love this gay disaster of a man, everything that happened between him and nagi was more entertaining than every single romance movie that i've ever watched. i want him to get better and realize that he's capable of doing great things without him. i also want him to become even more dependent on him for angst reasons. it's hard. and i honestly both love and hate that moment when he decides to return to nagi right after he finally started to get some character development, because YES I WANT HIM TO GROW AND I WANT HIS PERSONALITY TO BE SOMETHING OTHER THAN "if i spend at least one day w/o nagi i will die", but also it's very realistic and as someone who was in MULTIPLE (platonic) relationships that were exactly like his relationship with nagi.. that moment was very painful. in a good way. and again, i wanna look like him.
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my relationship with mikoto is very hard to explain bc it's like. in theory, i'd love to learn more about him. i'd love to stan him. but also.. i'm not a fan of how the fandom pretty much makes his DID his only personality trait? maybe i'm just on the wrong side of the fandom, but i rarely see any posts about his other traits? again, i'd love to learn more bc i have a feeling that we have a lot in common, but. but yeah. i'm a huge fan of his minigram version though <3 so silly. so squishy. so funny. (honestly, me being salty that almost all convos about mikoto usually discuss his DID is so funny to me now that after three therapy sessions i've found out that i'm most likely a system SJHSJDKDLSL like bro THAT IS YOU) about "i would push them down the stairs" i mean it in a silly playful way :) like i want him to fall down and scream in a very cartoony and funny way.
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meownotgood · 2 years
i keep seeing a lot of himeno hate recently and i wanted to ask some questions and kinda vent ig?
himeno offering a kiss to denji was supposed to just be her teasing him but did she explicitly know he was a minor at that point? even then, since she was kidding and no serious intention to romantically engage with him, shouldn’t that be okay? like it’s weird? but not im going to call the cops on you weird??
people saying she’s 30????? is that like kinda ridiculous, she gives me 2-3 years older than aki and aki in present time is like 21-22?
my question is something in regards to what ive seen so much online “himeno met aki when he was a teen so falling in love with him is gross” and “himeno only likes aki for his looks”
himeno commented on aki’s looks when he was a teen and she literally said she doesn’t like the whole stoic, cold people energy. she also is the only person that has a firm grasp on aki’s entire character?? so falling for him based on solely his looks is super surface level to me.
also himeno never expressed romantic feelings for aki when he was a teen, it developed throughout their time when he became an adult. it’s probably not even just a romantic love, but more platonic even as she built such an emotional connection and attachment around the idea of protecting him and keeping him safe simply bc she DOESNT want to lose him.
i think the bigger thing about himeno that people forget is how she doesn’t want to build friendships and memories and connect herself with people that will just ultimately leave. that’s why she asks aki about the new recruits and what he thinks about whether they will live or die. she’s scared about losing them.
himeno also prioritizing aki’s safety and her “love” and connection to him is probably one of the only motivations in her life and the thing that keeps her going ESPECIALLY in the line of work that she is in.
when he was a teen, she just cared about keeping him alive. her falling for him was most likely during when he became an adult. so is knowing him when he was a teen like really bad? / gen
the stuff about denji too. like it’s inexcusable. even if you’re drunk, you’re still responsible for the decisions you make. but as explanation (not an excuse) she did not want denji, apologizes the next day because she was not in her senses, and commented that she would have gotten arrested. she also NEVER wanted denji in the slightest. like yes she made a terrible choice and regardless of circumstance, it was gross and i would not be cool with it. but is she really a pedophile when she WOULDNT have made those choices without the influence of alcohol. she doesn’t want to date children.
i dunno thank you to reading this i needed to get my thoughts out. i DIDNT mean to pile this on you. i think himeno is a tragic character that plays a huge role in the story when looking at it at a literary standpoint. im a bit disheartened that she’s reduced to JUST this.
I totally understand why people dislike or even hate himeno, I just think a lot of people take it a bit too far, or fail to see the aspects of her character and writing because they hate her. I'm not even the biggest fan of her character honestly, but it's clear to see that people blow things way out of proportion
when himeno offered to kiss denji, she didn't know he was a minor (he didn't reveal his age to anyone until the drinking party). I definitely think it's weird, I don't think it's difficult to tell that denji is a teenager. but I don't think it was her trying to be weird towards him, she was just messing with him, probably like she does with all of the new recruits.
in terms of her age, it's definitely debatable. in my opinion, based on the flashbacks we see with her and aki, I think she's maybe 24-27? but obviously it's subjective (wish fujimoto would just confirm the actual ages....). I don't necessarily think her attraction to aki is weird or wrong, I just think it would be a bit of a toxic / codependent relationship, and I think perhaps himeno is too old for him? although, they're both adults so it's really not that big of a deal, not worth losing your mind over people shipping it, imo. save your energy for people who are shipping characters who are minors with adults instead of people who want to ship two grown, fictional adults together...
I think himeno never had romantic interest in aki when he was a teenager — I talked about this in length in a himeno analysis I did, but basically I feel as though himeno latched onto aki from the start because of her attachment issues and because of aki's determined personality. I agree with what you said: she became attached to aki because she was so terrified of losing another person. she only fell in love with him much later on, when she was able to see a different side to him.
also the thing about his looks? that's from the scene where denji and himeno are talking after denji stayed over at her house, and when denji asks why himeno likes aki, she answers simply: "his looks". I think it's pretty obvious she's only saying that to give an excuse to denji, not that it's her actual feelings. people who think "his looks" is the only reason himeno likes aki were possessed by the lack of reading comprehension devil
and obviously the stuff himeno did to denji is inexcusable. like I'd never try to defend it. being drunk is never an excuse. but yes, it wasn't because she specifically wanted to manipulate or hurt denji. it was a mistake — a horrible mistake that she needs to be held accountable for, but a mistake nonetheless. people saying she was after denji from the start or something like that are just plain wrong.
she's a very flawed character, and a very flawed person but sometimes people just take things way too far because they can
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lunelegy · 1 year
`` ୨୧ rules! (&&byi)
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be normal, please. that's literally about it, what else can i say? i'm a minor, i'm not interested in any of the 18+ stuff (unless it's for scientific purposes) and literally, if you get all prissy and weird i'm just going to block you.
no blank blogs interaction now, while i can't tell which are bots and which are real people, what i do know is that it's best to block it, so if your acc is blank (ex: untitled, blank banner and generated avatar) and you'd like to interact, at least give me a sign you're not a bot (like reposting which is an actually really cool thing to do bc it boosts people)
no hate this is fairly obvious i think. i don't condone any sort of homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc etc here (although viola hate is 100% justified (jk i love violists)). honestly, i dont think i'll come across any people like this but just saying, if you dont like at least respect them as humans, just don't be here. oh and this also applies to the characters and whatever i'm gonna do here so if you don't like what i'm doing just block and go on your merry way.
₊˚⊹ byi !
☆ this blog is just for fun and let me rediscover tumblr. i used to have another acc but it was trash so let's not talk about that. ☆ i do keyboard smashes a lot when i'm talking, it usually means that i'm really excited (all caps) or that i just don't know what to say (no caps) ☆ i do sometimes type in all caps, i often use tone indicators, i make classical musician jokes (aka the viola jokes which is all in lighthearted fun so don't take it seriously) and i am very sarcastic ☆ i'm an 08s so be mindful of my age when interacting. (when i say interacting i mean like, yk, talking to me) ☆ no sexual allegations towards me please (jokes are allowed but don't direct any towards me, i am asexual and still a minor) ☆ i swear quite a lot (it's a miracle how civilized i am in this post) and i also do make some suggestive jokes (do tell me you're uncomfortable with them i will immediately stop them if so) ☆ if i blocked you, it's probably for a good reason. if you blocked me, it's probably for a good reason too, so let's not argue over this. ☆ finally, please keep in mind that i am (distracted, impulsive, forgetful, dramatic) and that i have no sense of humor (unfortunately for those who have to suffer my god awful jokes)
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