#alteas one
sarikaya-teknik · 5 months
Ariston Alev Kaybı Arızası
Ariston kombilerde alev kaybı arızası, çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı oluşabilir. Bu arıza, kombinin ateşleme yapmaması ve ısınma problemleri yaşanması ile kendini gösterir.
Alev kaybı arızasının bazı yaygın nedenleri şunlardır:
Gaz vanası sorunu: Gaz vanası arızalı veya kirlenmiş olabilir.
İyonizasyon elektrodu sorunu: İyonizasyon elektrodu kirlenmiş veya arızalı olabilir.
Fan sorunu: Fan arızalı veya yeterince güçlü olmayabilir.
Kart arızası: Anakart arızalı olabilir.
Baca sorunu: Baca tıkalı veya çekiş yetersiz olabilir.
Gaz basıncı sorunu: Gaz basıncı düşük veya yüksek olabilir.
Ariston alev kaybı arızası ile karşılaşırsanız:
Kombinin fişini çekin.
Gaz vanasını kapatın.
Yetkili bir servis çağırarak sorunun kaynağını ve çözümünü öğrenin.
Kendi kendinize müdahale etmeden önce, servis çağırmanız önemlidir. Aksi takdirde, sorunu daha da kötüleştirebilir veya kendinizi tehlikeye atabilirsiniz.
Ariston alev kaybı arızasını önlemek için:
Kombinizin yıllık bakımını yetkili bir servis tarafından yaptırın.
Gaz vanasını ve iyonizasyon elektrodunu düzenli olarak temizletin.
Bacanın tıkanmadığından ve çekişin yeterli olduğundan emin olun.
Gaz basıncını ve su basıncını düzenli olarak kontrol ettirin.
Umarım bu bilgiler Ariston alev kaybı arızası hakkında yardımcı olmuştur.
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sarikayateknik · 5 months
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justaz · 2 months
all this was to say that lance had the perfect set up for a deep, beautiful character arc but…well. we all know what happened. he’s arrogant, overconfident, and cocky and this ends up with him making mistakes and costing his team a pretty run with the flight sim. yet you can see in that episode with the yupper that lance has a deep insecurity that he buries and hides under smirks and quips and a whole lotta pride. (they also could’ve tied it to his family as well since they gave him multiple siblings which would’ve overshadowed his accomplishments which is the root of him striving for greatness and perfection so much that he gets tunnel vision and his team pays the price, but i digress.) with his competition/rivalry with keith, the star student who is effortlessly talented, it would’ve been beautiful for them to be equals as coleaders without them realizing. it wasn’t a conscious decision for either of them but lance’s little line from the first episode had more truth than he realized - “lance and keith, neck and neck”.
and then to lose that along with himself when kuron takes control of the team, to watch him struggle and flounder and fall deeper into his insecurities, his pride and ego wounded so much that he is unsure of his every move, his every word, his every breath. it would’ve been PERFECT for him to figure out that kuron was a clone and that the team was under galran command. lance being forced into the leadership role, much like keith was, and having to make decisions and choices for the team as black paladin - still being so unsure of what he’s doing and if it’s right. he full heartedly believes that the team needs keith back, they can’t do this without him, but keith is on the space whale and no one can get ahold of him so it’s up to lance. lance who slowly heals the deep wound within him that has him believing that he’ll never be good enough and grows his confidence back on solid ground. lance who becomes steady and sure of himself and leads the team almost effortlessly.
all this paralleling keith’s character arc which (ofc) happened off screen in canon. keith who was restless and explosive for years bc he never had a mother, his father died when he was young, he was bounced around from foster home to foster home, and once he found a permanent home, shiro goes missing and is presumed dead. keith who is constantly searching for something he can’t name and finding his mother and is forced to be with her for two years while glimpsing the past and future. keith seeing his parents meet and fall in love, watching as his mother practically tore herself apart inside as she left him and his father behind - feeling a piece of him settle within at the sight. she didn’t want to leave, she would’ve given anything to stay. watching his father and shiro raise him, their love unconditional until the day they left. krolia watching little keith rage at the injustice and being there for his older self and healing those wounds. settling every restless piece within him until he became the man who stepped back onto the castleship with a space wolf, an altean, and his alien mom.
keith and lance finding a shred of stability with one another as coleaders of voltron and best friends since they definitely grew closer during s3. they were attached at the hip, they did everything together, the line between platonic and romantic blurred so much that it wasn’t even there anymore, it was just them. but it was unhealthy how close they were, how dependent they were on one another. only to be torn apart and with their unhealthy codependency, they completely fall apart without the other there so theyre forced to rebuild the foundations of their beings. lance crumbles all alone as he and the team become distant and he rebuilds as black paladin. keith crumbles alone at the blade hopping from mission to mission and rebuilds on the space whale with his mother.
steady keith and lance meeting almost like for the first time after lance and the team took out kuron and keith and krolia found a hidden altea. together they turn on lotor and take him down too. since kuron has already been dealt with, lotor didn’t get away and all that other shit in canon didn’t happen so they get to remain in space until they take the empire completely. allura places shiro into the clone’s body and meets romelle and talks of freeing the hidden altea after the war is over and theyre not at risk anymore. keith and lance are unsure of how to proceed with the whole leader thing but there again pops up the coleader resolution. as steadier, mature versions of themselves, keith has really stepped into the black paladin position while lance had always been more suited for red. keith and lance, leader and his right hand, but they’re equals. theres no competition, no rivalry, no jealousy or envy, just respect and love.
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bastart13 · 3 months
Would you ever draw Reiner/MC's future sons? The ones mentioned in the cave vision when they are in the dwarf territory.
Asking bc Lovestruck never relased a story taking place in Reiner's route after his marriage to MC, and I am bitter about it to this day.
I still blame the trainwreck that was Iseul's afterstory (the one with his daughter with MC), where his parents are very annoying grandparents, for it.
Pretty sure that there was going to be more afterstories, but the receptions to Iseul's killed it
Canonically, they only have (or at least were planning) to have one son, to avoid creating the same environment Reiner was raised in
Also, I think you might be a little confused? Every story had a 9th season honeymoon/epilogue of sorts after the war was won, is that what you mean by "afterstory"? Either way, it made sense to me that they'd focus on the immediate aftermath of the war and then the wedding. Iseul and MC timeskipped ahead because they had a baby and newborns aren't really characters or good vessels for fun adventures
Timeskips would have been fun to explore, though, and I do love drawing fanchildren so...
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I randomly generated some resemblances + genders to play with :D
I'm not sure if they'd all have children (particularly Helena or Alain) but it's fun to imagine
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torveiglyart · 3 months
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Allura, my beloved.
Not Lance, lol, but I just love drawing Allura in fancy dresses. Her colour palette is so so so satisfying to work with, especially when you can pull the values around and still get that base that says ‘Allura”, you know? I used heavy inspiration from latin ballroom dresses for this, and I wasn’t gonna do flowers, but then it felt empty (cause I didn’t want to draw her crown) so I had to do flowers.
Lance was so lucky T^T
I mean he has Keith now, but 🥺 <3 Allura
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literalcactusjuice · 4 months
Introducing her here because Altea needs to have her spotlight in every social media I have.
Last piece is by @tekkenenjoyerblue who is like literally the biggest Altea fan ever it’s insane (Insert epic shocked face here)
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ethereance · 2 months
Part 2 of my social media allurance au. Find part 1 here
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herotune · 1 year
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look gale i know my characters a twink but you dont have to say it
(this was like the first thing he said to me after i met him + added him to my party by the way ahsdfkds)
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star-racing · 2 months
I think having all the alteans be dead at the start of Voltron was a missed opportunity tbh, I know they were going for a sole survivor thing but I think it would've been so interesting to actually see Allura as a leader of her people for literally any amount of time
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fandomination666-blog · 8 months
What if one of the palladins gets a cavity? Does Coran do dental surgery? Does the pod just scoop out the cavity and fix the tooth? One could argue it can't bc it can't grow back bone (see: shiro's arm) but like. How do they handle this???
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alfea · 30 days
three days until wifey’s birthday :)
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swagging-back-to · 4 months
seetttthing scalding hot take but honestly i feel no sympathy or theoretical sadness about altea being blown to bits. the few alteans we DO know are all assholes. clearly the universe isn't missing much. in fact, if you look at the only canon universe that DOES still have altea--- they go on to be just as bad as the galran empire if not even worse.
so yeah. maybe zarkon did the universe a small favor before he went truly off the deep end.
edit; just found out alteans destroyed Diabaazal long before zarkon destroyed altea. nothing ANYONE says can convince me alteans are anything *but* the real villain of the show. they got what they deserved.
#calling coran an asshole only bc he's... well. kind of an asshole.#and honestly speciesist.#the first episode always makes me seeth mad over that one line 'look at your synapses firing away in their primitive brain cage!' bc#apparently only alteans can make observations and only alteans have 'evolved' brains#what pidge said wasnt even that ground breeaking of an observation. anyone who wasnt actually blind would be able to see the lions together#that one line was the perfect glimpse into how alteans ACTUALLY behaved and how they ACTUALLY viewed all the planets they colonized.#bc i do not believe for a second that they were actually a 'diplomatic race'.#that's just sparkly language for space colonizers.#and all the times he rambles on about altea while the paladins are stressed. he doesn't even consider their feelings or notice.#their constant dismissal and even insulting of the humans' biological needs and social behaviors. aint no fucking way a diplomatic species#that has traveled the universe and seen and allied with billions of species would behave like that. and it isn't just allura. it's coran to#they constantly compare everything the humans do to what the alteans COULD do. again; first episode allura gets mad at these teenage kids#for not being able to fiht a gladiator 'fit for an altean child'. she gets mad at them for laughing and bonding (the ENOUGH! scene at dinne#allura is self explanatory.#honerva is self explanatory (she was a major asshole long before she became haggar)#lotor is self explanatory#i havent watched past se 6 bc i refuse to but the small bit i have seen from romelle? also an asshole.#and again. alllllll of the comet au alteans.#even alfor is kind of douchey at times. i mean clearly he raised his daughter to do nothing other than kiss his ass.#vld#anti allura
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pinkhairswagtourney · 7 months
Pink Hair Swag Tourney: Niche Edition , Round One , Part Three
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treesbian · 1 year
hunk: (explaining the function of a machine he built bc he is so smart)
keith: whoa you built that? that's really cool. (sheepishly, but also selling himself short honestly) the only things i know how to build are pipe bombs
hunk: i'm sorry the only things you know how to build are What
keith: do you want me to teach you. (with big sparkly anime eyes) (because autism)
hunk: (genuinely considering it for a bit) (pretending he wasn't genuinely considering it but he's a bad actor) keith i don't want to learn how to build a pipe bomb
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I wrote a very small snippet for my voltron rewrite!!!
Allura stood outside of the door that she knew so well, overwhelmed.
It has been 10,000 decapheobes for the universe, but for her, it had been less than a phoeb.
Another explosion shook the castle, and she picked up her pace, running faster. She could hear the footsteps of Coran behind her, and it reassured her to know that she wasn’t alone in this moment.
When she finally reached the doors to the med bay, she could hear the voice of her brother arguing with someone, but it stopped the moment she and Coran stepped through.
She wrung her hands together, looking at the door. She doesn’t know why it’s so hard to take that final step to enter, but she’s frozen in place.
Melchor turns to look at her, and he hides any signs of distress on his face. Allura knows he does this to reassure her, but she can’t fathom why he would try to hide it at a time like this.
“Allura-“ Melchor starts, but Allura cuts him off.
“Melchor, why did you tell me to come here? Is anyone injured?” She asked when she noticed two empty cryo-pods sticking out of the ground.
Her brother didn’t answer, hesitating and looking behind her to Coran.
Melchor rarely hesitated when speaking.
Something was wrong.
Melchor took a breath, and moved his eyes back to hers. “Allura, there seems to be an issue with some of the cryo-pods. They need to be fully operational for anyone who needs them. You and Coran know the pods much better than I do, so I called you here to take care of them.”
That’s…a rather odd thing to for him to summon her and Coran for so urgently. She looks back to Coran, who seems to be none the wiser to the strangeness of the situation.
It should be so simple to step through the door. But she can’t. She feels pathetic.
Allura inspects one of the pods, Coran doing the same to the one beside her. She tries to find any sign of anything wrong when a hand falls on her shoulder. She looks behind her to Melchor, who has an oddly determined on his face.
“Melchor, what- oh.” Allura is cut off when her brother brings her into a sudden hug. He holds her tightly, only making the strange feeling she’s had since she’s entered the med-bay stronger. She brings her arms up to return the embrace, and looks towards Coran who is watching them with a pained expression on his face.
She’s a princess, and a part of Voltron. A room shouldn’t be causing her so much distress, and yet here she is.
Before Allura can even ask Coran what’s wrong, another distant explosion sends a shockwave through the castle. Melchor breaks the embrace, hands on her shoulders and a determined look on his face, his eyes that are exactly like her own holding a deep pain.
“Allura, I hope that one day, you can forgive me for what I’m about to do.” She feels her heart drop, and she’s suddenly shoved backwards into the cryo-pod.
“Melchor, what are you doing?!” She goes to step out, but the glass of the pod comes up, effectively trapping her in.
She sees Melchor start pressing some buttons outside of the pod, and her eyes move towards Coran, who doesn’t seemed surprised at all.
It finally clicks.
She looks back to Melchor, and hits her hand against the glass. “Melchor! You can’t do this!”
Melchor looks at her, and she can feel the pod getting colder. She hits her fist against the pod.
“Please! Don’t do this!” Allura continues to hit the glass, trying desperately to break the glass even though she knows that it won’t break. She has to try.
Allura knows that he isn’t here anymore. Her and Coran are the last Alteans left, but somehow, it feels that if she doesn’t walk through the door, she can still pretend.
She feels her movements getting more sluggish as she watches Melchor guide Coran inside the other pod.
“Melchor!” She doesn’t want him to do this.
Melchor steps back once he’s done configuring Coran’s pod, and he looks at her again.
She can feel herself growing more and more sluggish, her vision fading, the cold bearing down on her now.
“Please, forgive me.”
Then, everything went black.
Allura steels herself, and walks through the door.
It’s just like it was 10,000 decaphoebs ago. All of Melchor’s things are left exactly as they were, his bed still unmade, his desk chair left at an odd angle. It looked as if he had simply gone out that morning, if you ignored the layers of dust that had built up in the room.
She walks towards Melchor’s desk, and she sees his small projector still on the desk. She picks it up, carefully blowing off the dust from it before activating it.
A picture of her and Melchor shows, and she immediately turns it off, closing her eyes and gripping the projector in her hands. She can’t bring herself to see it.
“How can it be that it’s been ten thousand decaphoebs since you’ve last walked the halls of this castle, yet for me it has barely been a phoeb since I last saw you?” Allura sits on Melchor’s unmade bed, looking at his room.
Allura looks down to where the projector is gripped in her hands, and feels a few tears rolling down her face.
“It’s so hard not having you here. You’ve always been a constant in my life, someone I could turn to. It feels so odd to walk the halls and not hear you joking with one of the guards, or to hear your footsteps when you would try to sneak up on me.” Allura huffs out a laugh, tears still rolling down her face.
“You never managed to sneak up on me, and every time you swore that you would get me next time.” She wipes some of the tears on her face, and continues.
“You would’ve loved the new paladins. They’re so brave, and there’s so much good within them. You would’ve gotten on very well with Lance. I can see so much of you in him. I can just imagine now the banter between the two of you. It would’ve been never ending.
“It’s almost painful for me to look at him at times, because I can hear your laugh echoing in his. I…I could’ve never thought that there would be a day where I would be without you, brother. You’ve always been in my life and now…” Allura closes her eyes and tries not to choke on the sob that’s trapped in her throat.
“Now I have to walk these halls alone, without you guiding me. I can’t even bury you. All I have to serve as your grave is your room, and dust serving as the flowers placed on it instead of juniberries.” She looks at the projector, and turns it on.
The smiling face of her brother as he poses beside her looks back at her, and the sob that had been trapped in her throat escapes.
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justaz · 2 years
i’m mad about the implications of the lion switch and the way the creators/writers/whoever the fuck ignored it again
if lance going from blue to red was supposed to signify his attention/attraction switching from allura to keith WHY DIDNT IT FUCKING HAPPEN
listen. allura never reciprocated his feelings. blue SHUT. HIM. OUT. honesty it was pretty fucking obvious keith had a thing for him: bonding moment, “lance i got ur lion back”, “are you joking?” in the softest fucking voice ever, etc etc and red ROARED FOR HIM. RED CHOOSE HIM.
why tf wasn’t klance canon. there was so much development for it to happen but noooo we hate gay people or sum
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