#genus one
sarikaya-teknik · 5 months
Ariston Alev Kaybı Arızası
Ariston kombilerde alev kaybı arızası, çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı oluşabilir. Bu arıza, kombinin ateşleme yapmaması ve ısınma problemleri yaşanması ile kendini gösterir.
Alev kaybı arızasının bazı yaygın nedenleri şunlardır:
Gaz vanası sorunu: Gaz vanası arızalı veya kirlenmiş olabilir.
İyonizasyon elektrodu sorunu: İyonizasyon elektrodu kirlenmiş veya arızalı olabilir.
Fan sorunu: Fan arızalı veya yeterince güçlü olmayabilir.
Kart arızası: Anakart arızalı olabilir.
Baca sorunu: Baca tıkalı veya çekiş yetersiz olabilir.
Gaz basıncı sorunu: Gaz basıncı düşük veya yüksek olabilir.
Ariston alev kaybı arızası ile karşılaşırsanız:
Kombinin fişini çekin.
Gaz vanasını kapatın.
Yetkili bir servis çağırarak sorunun kaynağını ve çözümünü öğrenin.
Kendi kendinize müdahale etmeden önce, servis çağırmanız önemlidir. Aksi takdirde, sorunu daha da kötüleştirebilir veya kendinizi tehlikeye atabilirsiniz.
Ariston alev kaybı arızasını önlemek için:
Kombinizin yıllık bakımını yetkili bir servis tarafından yaptırın.
Gaz vanasını ve iyonizasyon elektrodunu düzenli olarak temizletin.
Bacanın tıkanmadığından ve çekişin yeterli olduğundan emin olun.
Gaz basıncını ve su basıncını düzenli olarak kontrol ettirin.
Umarım bu bilgiler Ariston alev kaybı arızası hakkında yardımcı olmuştur.
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sarikayateknik · 5 months
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
would you perhaps do the Danny Phantom opening theme?
String identified: ' a at a at, a at, a at g a t, a t at t a tag ac t a g t a (' ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at) t 't t , , t t t t t a t a t T a a gat g a, tg t cag c gt a aag (at, at) t , a a -t a A gg g c a tg a, aa, a a c ta t t g t a t tat at a t a t t a t gt cg tg ' t gt a ' ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at Ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at Ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at
Closest match: Osedax frankpressi genome assembly, chromosome: 6 Common name: Bone-eating Worms
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(image source)
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markscherz · 7 months
check out this neat little guy i found in a park in northern california! he was iridescent, so cool!
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Pretty sure this is a Sceloporus, which are just awesome lizards. Did you get a chance to see the belly? Because it can be just *stunning*.
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njere · 2 months
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Accipiter pecten oculi
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political opinion: fingers should have more joints
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soupandmushrooms · 6 months
Stropharia aeruginosa
Commonly known as the blue-green stropharia or verdigris agaric.
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Another very pretty blue mushroom!
Stropharia aeruginosa can be found growing on rotting wood in  Europe, Iran and parts of North America. It is typically found in woodland and on roadsides.
Part of the genus Stropharia (or roundheads). As the mushroom ages its cap broadens and becomes umboate, which means it gaines a little round bump in the centre of its cap! Example of a verdigris agaric with an umbo on the left:
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Young mushrooms (right) are vivid green/blue and are very slimy. As they age their colour fades and becomes yellow, this is usally found around the centre of the cap. The mushroom eventually loses all of its original pigment, here are some examples:
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Weather the mushroom is edible is debated many guidebooks state that it is poisonous while according to others it is edible and has a mildly spicy taste.
There is little known about the effects of the mushroom if it is poisonous, or what sorts of toxins it contains.
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ihavenosoul12 · 7 months
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torchwood. what a show
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ringgurinn · 1 year
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The MB doodle is only for sweetener <3
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spocks-evil-godmother · 11 months
Why don't we talk about Yossarian more? He is like the most Tumblr user literary character of all time. He finds fun little ways (faking an illness) to get out of doing his job. He makes blackout posts using the outgoing letters of other soldiers. He hates war but finds everyone he knows oddly compelling. He has a weird homosocial thing going on with a chaplain. He likes hornyposting on main but still finds sex complicated. He's haunted by the horrors, even.
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Daily fish fact #599
Goonch (Bagarius yarelli)!
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There are more than one species referred to as a goonch (and, honestly, the genus Bagarius has a lot of confusion related to it), but I'm talking about the giant devil catfish here. It is one of the largest catfish species in the world, reaching two meters (6 feet 6 inches) in length. They possess varied teeth, having several rows on both upper and lower jaws!
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tansypaws · 2 years
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leafpool + sloe (prunus spinosa)
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radioves · 2 years
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brugmansia [angel’s trumpet]
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no1monstersimp · 1 year
All my dreams came true guys
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amenoromen · 11 months
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Please excuse me I can't get used to this platform in any way
I'm not comfortable here, but welcome to my twitter @/Shheartattack
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soupandmushrooms · 6 months
Trametes versicolor
Also known as Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor, but more commonly called turkey tail.
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Trametes versicolor is a polypore mushroom (plate fungus) that is found worldwide, growing on dead wood and tree stumps.
There has been research into the use of a protein bound polysaccharide: Polysaccharide-K, that can be extracted from the mushroom for its use cancer treatment.
Its name means “of many colours” this is due to its colourful markings:
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Look they’re so pretty!
These mushrooms are inedible. However in Southeast Asian countries Trametes versicolor have been used for various health issues since 2nd century BC in the form of tea.
Many sites would recommend checking with health professionals incase it has any affects on health issues as well as ensuring you cook it for at least 30 minutes if you want to try making tea out of it.
If you do want to make tea from it i would suggest doing more research on the mushroom than the facts here so that you are confident in what you are doing and able to make an informed decision about what you are doing.
I also don’t want any mushroom induced illnesses being due to this blog! /j
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