#although I guess I'm not the best judge
arseniccattails · 6 months
Maybe writing Swindle as a pincushion will fix me
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fqirysim · 7 months
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genre(s): angst, some fluff at the end, exes to best friends to lovers, highschool au, lowercase intended, lots of pov changes
requested: nope !
pairing(s): yang jungwon x reader, ft. yuna (itzy), and intak (p1h)
word count: 7.2k (my longest fic yet ! ) 
warning(s): cursing, underage drinking, a tiny bit of infidelity 
synopsis: you had been in love with yang jungwon since the day you met him. 
note: lowercase is intended, lots of pov changes! (read carefully so you don’t get confused lol). this took me a year to make PLEASE don't judge too harshly i put my heart and soul into this 😭. took me a year to make but could not come up with a title for the life of me, hence why it is called untitled, silly silly me. this was really fun to make though and although it took me a while to make, i'm very proud of it. lmk if you want to be added to my taglist and i will gladly do so !! special thanks to my bestie abby and my bf dean for proofreading love you both <3333
you were certain this was the end of your friendship with jungwon. again. but this time you knew it would be permanent.
he was the boy who lived next door. growing up, you had always admired him from afar. the class president who everyone, including the upperclassmen, seemed to get along with.  
you had liked him until freshman year, when you got tired of pining over someone who didn’t seem to hold any interest in you. as comical as it seems, that was around the time that he had started to take an interest in you. 
and so he courted you, bringing you your favorite drink, walking you home, even coming over for dinner and hanging out at your house. this helped blossom a friendship that no one saw coming, and it wasn’t long until people started to wonder if you two were an item. 
it took two months for jungwon to muster up the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. 
you were sure you were over your crush on him, that it was just a silly childhood crush. but as you hung out with him more and more, you couldn’t help but fall for him all over again. of course you said yes, because who wouldn’t say yes to the pretty starry-eyed boy standing before you?
jungwon was a nice boyfriend; going on dates quite often, never fought, and he would buy you flowers without being asked.. maybe the latter was why the whirlwind relationship only lasted five months. 
you remember the day so vividly, sitting on the bench at your favorite park; the same park where jungwon had asked you to be his, and here he was, asking you to break up.
 it seemed poetic in a kind of way, starting as his, and leaving as no one’s.
“i’m sorry. i’ve just lost romantic feelings,” jungwon stated, staring down at the grass as a breeze of wind came, the blades of grass swaying slightly. “it’s just that we’ve both been so busy with other things, and i guess we kinda just like, drifted apart because of it.”
“yeah, i think so too,” you replied nonchalantly, ignoring the slight sting in your heart. 
his head snapped up, your eyes finally meeting his, “wait, actually? you’re not lying?” the sound of relief in his voice made your heart feel like it was being squeezed.
“do you want to get rid of me that bad?” you instead teased with a grin. 
“no!” he exclaimed with wide eyes. “i still wanna be friends with you. i might not like you romantically anymore, but i don’t wanna like, lose the friendship we have, you know?”
“yeah,” you replied, “we can still be friends.”
and you two meant it. there were no tears, and no broken hearts (that you would like to admit). it was just a simple case of the right person and the wrong time, and as the years continued, you tried to convince yourself that it was just nothing. that jungwon was not your “right” anything- he was just your best friend, nothing more, nothing less. 
you were almost successful. until your last year of high school approached. 
you and jungwon kept your word, you stayed friends. always being seen together; walking to class, walking home, studying in the library, eating lunch in the cafeteria. 
people still believed you were together, and you always had to correct them, because no you and jungwon were no longer together and no you were not a thing.
they never believed you, though. 
there was always a small part of you that wanted to say yes when someone would ask. that you and jungwon were a thing and that he was yours and you were his. but you never did, callingyourself crazy for even thinking of doing so. 
you found yourself doing it again as yuna had asked you earlier in the week. 
yuna was the new girl this year, having transferred from jyp high. from what you heard, she was nice, smart, and she was gorgeous. you were never one to put yourself down, but you couldn’t say that you didn’t feel insecure standing next to her. 
“no, jungwon and i are not dating,” you smiled politely. it was almost like a script at this point. “we’re just good friends.”
“that’s good to hear,” yuna smiled, her eyes sparkling. “i just wanted to ask him out, but i wasn’t going to if you had a thing!”
“oh, you’re thinking of confessing to him?” you questioned. there was that little part of you again. the part that always said no! tell them you’re a thing! tell them to not do it!
“yeah, he’s in a bunch of my classes. he’s super smart and polite and he always knows how to make me laugh. and he has such pretty eyes,” she sighed dreamily as her mouth formed into a lovesick smile. 
“well, he has that effect on people,” you grinned. 
i would know, you thought.
 “i say go for it! he’s not particularly interested in anyone, you have a good chance.”
“you really think so?” she asked, eyes wide. 
god, i hope not, you thought. as shitty as it was, you didn’t want jungwon to move on. you felt sick at the thought of him being with someone else. 
“why not?” you said instead. “he’ll be at the library after school today studying, i’m supposed to meet him, but i can just tell him something came up.” 
“oh my god, you’re the best!” she squealed, engulfing you in a hug. “thank you thank you thank you.”
“you’re welcome,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around her, ignoring the green monster growing within you.
it had been four days since your conversation with yuna. every time you saw him, you waited for him to bring up the date with baited breath- but he hadn’t said anything. not yet at least.
or maybe yuna simply didn’t ask him on a date. that’s what you were secretly hoping, at least.
it seemed hoping wasn’t enough. on the fifth day jungwon approached you from down the hall with those twinkling eyes and a bright smile you love so much, he seemed more energetic than usual with a little hop in his step. 
“you’re not gonna believe what happened today!” he exclaimed as he reached you at your locker. 
you could believe it. you were the one who hooked yuna up after all. yet you feigned curiosity as you looked at him quizzically, “what is it?”
“yuna asked me on a date! me! of all people! she’s so cool and smart and nice and pretty,” he said with a dreamy look on his face. 
you knew that look. the far away gaze as he thought of her. it was one you would never forget. it’s how he used to look at you. that lovesick grin and those twinkling eyes.
 it had never bothered you before when jungwon had crushes on other girls, because well, that’s all they were. they never escalated into anything more. looking at his lovestruck expression, realization hit that jungwon wasn’t yours anymore. 
you shouldn’t have thought of it that way. you should be happy for him! you should’ve been celebrating with him and cheering him on!  
you couldn’t help the bittersweet smile on your face as you replied, “oh, well that’s nice.”
his smile faltered slightly at your expression, concern slowly forming on his face.  
“are you okay?” he asked. 
“i’m fine, don’t worry,” you said, regaining your composure. “i’m happy for you! and don’t worry about spending less time with me, you’re gonna be a busy guy now! with a girlfriend…”
“okay, she is not my girlfriend. and even if she was, I would never ditch you!” 
“yeah whatever you say, loverboy,” you joked, giving him a playful nudge with your shoulder. 
“no seriously, y/n,” he replied, softly. “are you okay with yuna and i being a thing? i just don’t want it to be weird because you and i used to be a thing, and i know we’re both over that but i just wanted to make sure-,”
“what, me?” you scoffed, cutting the boy off. “what you and i had wasn’t serious, it was just some dumb high school fling.”
even as you spoke those words, you knew they weren’t true. it was more than just a fling. you loved him and maybe you still did. 
silence hung between you, the hallway getting quieter as the remaining students scrambled to their classes, the late bell ringing, leaving you and jungwon in the hallway alone. 
he looked hurt at what you said. you immediately wanted to take it back, to say you didn’t mean it and that he was your first love and you didn’t want him going on that date with yuna. 
“sorry, i shouldn’t have said that,” you muttered, not being able to meet his eyes and instead turning to close your locker. 
“no, you don’t have anything to apologize for,” he replied, as he started to back away, making his way to his class down the hall. “you’re right, it was just a fling, and honestly, it’s so weird to think of us as a couple.” 
it was like your world was falling apart around you as he spoke. did you interpret his hurt expression wrong? maybe this all was one-sided. did he not feel his heart breaking like you did? did he not wonder occasionally (or everyday) how his life would be if you were still together? did he not miss what you had?
maybe there really was nothing between you and jungwon but friendship. 
“yeah, so weird,” you awkwardly smiled, walking to catch up with him. “but you and i, we’re good, right?”
“yep, no worries,” he grinned back. 
“good,” you smiled. “so when’s your date?” 
his eyes brightened ever so slightly as you asked. he started to describe his date– how he was going to take her to the beach and have a picnic and play in the sand. 
you nodded along, your mind wandering off to when jungwon would take you on beach dates, burying him in the sand, splashing him with water and swimming away before he could splash you back. 
you looked over at the boy in question, his starry eyes wide as he talked about his date plans, his smile wide and giddy, his tone as sweet as honey as he talked about her. 
you knew you shouldn’t villainize yuna– she was a nice girl, a very nice one. it wasn’t her fault you were still in love with jungwon, and it surely wasn’t her fault that she liked him. it’s not like you could choose who you could fall in love with. 
you of all people would know. 
so you smiled and nodded along as you walked him to class, listening to him go on and on about his plans. you finally settled with the fact then and there, that jungwon would never be yours again. you had to let go. 
it has been six months since that day. the day that you had decided to give up. yuna and jungwon have been inseparable since then. 
he kept to his word though; still studying with you after school, showing up when you needed him, hanging out together. sometimes yuna would tag along, which you didn’t mind. she was fun to be around. 
you also didn’t mind being the third wheel when she was around, instead teasing the couple and even offering to take pictures for them. they were a lovely couple and they were seemingly happy– jungwon especially, and that was all that mattered. 
the school year was coming to an end, and seeing as it was your senior year, people were throwing parties almost every weekend. 
you went every once in a while, had some fun, did some underage drinking, even flirted with a couple of people. 
tonight was the party though. 
intak was throwing his first party of the year, and everyone knew his parties were legendary. 
you sat in the uber with jungwon and yuna, anticipating the night before you. you were excited, to say the least. the last time you went to a party was a  month ago, and you were ready to have fun. you even put on your best party outfit for tonight!
you arrived at intak’s house (or more like a mansion), and started to make your way inside until jungwon stopped you. 
“wait! before we go in, i think we should go over some basic safety rules!” jungwon exclaimed. 
you rolled your eyes with a small laugh as you replied, “only you would go over safety rules at a party.” 
“i’m serious, y/n, really bad things could happen,” he shot back with a pointed expression. 
“okay wonie, go ahead, we’re all ears,” yuna smiled supportively.
you ignored the slight heart ache at yuna using your old nickname for jungwon- the one you used when you were together. 
get it together, y/n you thought. letting go, remember?  
you instead smiled and nodded reassuringly at jungwon, who looked over at you to make sure you were paying attention. 
he sighed before continuing, “okay, i won’t be doing any drinking so i can babysit you guys all night. if you need to use the bathroom give your drinks to me so i can watch them. and y/n, if you leave the party at any point, for any reason, please let me know first.”
“sir, yes sir,” you muttered. 
“now let’s go have some fun!” yuna exclaimed, dragging the both of you by the wrists. 
you finally entered the house, where there seemed to be everyone from your school. even kids who graduated last year were in attendance, and as you searched the party for a familiar face that wasn’t jungwon or yuna, intak strolled over, a wide smile on his face. 
“you guys made it!” he shouted over the loud thumping of the music. he was wearing a letterman jacket with a white shirt underneath, and a pair of baggy straight legged jeans. the outfit looked so good on him that you had almost forgotten that you were talking to intak of all people. 
“you look nice, y/n,” he grinned.
you would’ve had a crush on him if he didn’t flirt with every girl he laid eyes on, and it seemed like his victim of the night was you. but damn did he look good right now. 
intak wasn’t a bad guy, he seemed harmless, not like the guys who wouldn’t take no for an answer. he just always flirted, with no intentions of making anything serious. most of the girls he talked to never knew the latter though. 
but you thought it couldn’t hurt, you were here to have fun, and if flirting with intak was the way to do it, then so be it. 
you saw jungwon step forward, about to tell intak to back off and go flirt with someone else, causing you to put your hand on his arm to stop him. 
you also noticed how yuna examined the scene in front of her; jungwon trying to be your knight in shining armor, and you with your hand on his arm to stop him. her eyes narrowed slightly in thought as you dropped your hand and turned to intak. 
“why don’t you get me a drink and then we can talk?” you smiled dazzlingly. you usually reserved smiles like that for when you wanted to flirt and get wasted, and just as usual, it worked like a charm.
“i’ll be right back then,” intak smiled, before making his way through the crowd of bodies in search of a drink for you. 
“really, y/n, intak out of all people?” jungwon questioned, arms crossed. 
“yeah, and what about it?” you replied, feeling slightly annoyed at his tone of voice. he had never acted this way towards you before, but you didn’t like it. it wasn’t his business who you flirted with. he talked to you like you were an idiot and you hated the thought of him looking down on you.  
yuna awkwardly stood between the two of you, not wanting to be in the middle of your fight, but not wanting to go off by herself at a party filled with people she barely knew. 
“‘what about it?’” jungwon mocked your voice in a high pitched tone. “you know how he is, don’t be dumb.”
“dumb? i’m here to have fun, jungwon, not to play third wheel again,” you snapped back. “and why does it matter, you’re not my boyfriend, and you’re not my brother, so it’s really none of your fucking business.”
yuna had been looking back and forth between you and jungwon, watching as you glared at each other, waiting for someone to say something. it was like watching a tennis match. 
at that moment, intak arrived, back with a red solo cup in hand. 
“a drink for the prettiest girl here,” he announced, handing the cup over to you. 
“why thank you love,” you replied with an innocent smile as you looked over at jungwon, still glaring at you, his arms crossed against his chest.
ignoring him, you took a sip of the drink you were given, your face scrunching up at the bitter taste. 
“hey intak, why don’t we go dance?” you asked, reaching for his hand. 
“that sounds like fun,” he replied with a smile of his own before you led him to the dance floor, leaving an enraged jungwon, and a slightly annoyed yuna behind you.
yuna had seen the way jungwon looked at you. she might have been a bit oblivious at first, but as time went on and she spent more time with the two of you, it became more and more apparent– jungwon had never gotten over you. 
at first yuna thought she could sway him, to get him to fall for her the way he fell for you. but it never worked. he looked at you like you were his own personal angel. no matter where you were, who you were with, how you looked, he was absolutely enraptured by you, and oh, how yuna wished he looked at her like that. 
it had been fifty minutes since your small tussle, and yuna and jungwon sat outside, occupying two pool chairs as he angrily took sips of his water. 
“it’s like she doesn’t even care, she just ran off with him knowing he’ll never want anything serious, knowing he’s gonna lead her on, and i swear when she comes crying to me, i’m gonna tell her ‘i told you’ right to her stupid dumb face,” he rambled, placing his bottle of water harder on the table than he intended to, spilling droplets in the process. 
“well, she’s young and single, and she just wants to have fun baby, there’s nothing wrong with that,” yuna replied. “and she has a point, you’re not her brother or anything, so why do you care so much?”
jungwon  looked up at yuna, not being able to ignore the bitter tone in her voice, “wait, you’re supposed to be on my side.”
“i’m not on anyone’s side, i’m just asking as your girlfriend why you care so much. because honestly, if i didn’t know any better, i would think that you were still in love with her,” yuna sighed, exasperated. 
“i am not in love with her, i like you!” he exclaimed, way faster than he should have. 
yuna wanted to believe him. she wanted to ignore every bit of doubt in her body and believe every lie he fed to her, but she couldn’t. not when she knew you loved him too. it was heartbreaking, really. to watch the person you love pine over someone else. but it was even worse knowing the feelings were reciprocated. 
“don’t lie to me, jungwon,” she deadpanned, feeling her eyes start to water with tears of frustration. “i see the way you look at her, and i know for sure you haven’t gotten over her. you have never once looked at me the way you look at her, and if you like her, just say that. just say that and we can end things here, without having to make this any more heartbreaking than it already is.”
yuna didn’t want to cry. the last thing she wanted to do was cry, but the feelings of anger and embarrassment had overwhelmed her, causing a few traitorous tears to spill. she was angry at herself for letting it get this far, for falling in love with a boy that she knew would never love her back. 
but she was also embarrassed. embarrassed that she had even tried to make an effort, that she had thought she could win him over. 
she wiped her face with the back of her hand, only for more to spill out, a sob fighting for an escape from her quivering lips. 
jungwon raised his hand to wipe the tears away for her, to cup her face and tell her everything would be okay and that he was sorry. but what was he sorry for? sorry for trying to keep you away from intak? or sorry that maybe yuna was right and he did still love you?
just as he opened his mouth to speak, you stumbled out, words slurring and barely able to walk as you stumbled your way over to them. 
“hey guys!” you exclaimed, as a worried intak came rushing out the house behind you. 
“oh god, y/n, are you okay?” jungwon asked, immediately walking over to your side to support your stumbling figure. yuna would have felt bitter over jungwon rushing to your side faster than he had ever run to hers. yet, despite the devil on her shoulder that told her to be petty, she instead felt worried for you. you could barely even stand up straight.
“what the fuck did you do to her?” jungwon asked, throwing an accusatory look at intak.
“nothing dude, i promise! she was the one who wanted to drink, she had like 5 drinks within the span of like, 10 minutes,” intak replied, panicked. “is she going to be okay? does she have a way to get home safely?”
jungwon looked from yuna to you, who was falling asleep just standing there.
“just take her home,” yuna sighed. “i’m not gonna make you choose because we all know who you’d choose every single time.”
“yuna it’s not like that,” jungwon groaned. “listen, i’ll bring her home, and then i’ll come over tomorrow and we can talk this out, okay? i promise.”
“okay, just get her home safe first,” yuna replied. 
you might have been the biggest obstacle in her relationship, but you were still a nice girl, and you had technically done nothing wrong, so yuna had no reason to want to keep you and jungwon apart. you were also wasted as fuck and there was no way you would be able to get home by yourself without something horrible potentially happen to you. 
jungwon grabbed his almost full water bottle from the table he was sitting at, muttering that he would “need it to sober you up”.
he gave yuna one last reassuring smile before he walked away, you on his back as he tried his best to carry you home. 
yuna sighed as she watched you go. she felt like something bad would happen today, something worse than her argument with jungwon, and she wanted nothing else but to go home and cry. 
all she could do was trust jungwon, even if she knew she already lost him, even if she knew she was never a contestant in the first place.
jungwon almost did it. 
he almost carried you all the way home, but his legs felt like they were gonna give out once he reached the park near your house, and he decided then and there that he needed a break. 
he sat you on the playground set, sitting beside you with a huff. 
you were awake by this point, taking long sips of the water bottle jungwon had given you. you wanted to sober up by the time you got home, but it wasn’t really working, with your words still slurring slightly and your mind all dizzy.
the two of you sat in silence as you gazed at the stars and jungwon thought of his argument with yuna. 
maybe she was right. 
even now, as he glanced over at you, studying the stars, his heart skipped a beat and he felt his face warm up. 
“do you remember when you asked me to be your girlfriend in this park?” you chuckled. “we were so young then, it feels like forever ago.”
jungwon was thrown off by the sudden conversation starter, but still smiled, “yeah, i remember it very well. i felt like i was gonna throw up because i was so nervous.”
you turned your head to look at him and giggled as his smile grew wider. 
“what, what are you laughing at?” 
“nothing, i was just so in love with you then. i used to think that we would be together forever and ride off into the sunset in a carriage.” 
jungwon inspected you as you talked, trying to decipher if there was any meaning behind your words or if it was just the liquor talking. 
“i just thought we were some high school fling?” he half-joked as he nudged you with his shoulder. he didn’t want it to seem like he was serious if you were sobering up. 
he felt his heart start to race as he stared at your slightly flushed face from the drinks you had, your hair fluttering as a soft breeze blew by. you were everything that jungwon had ever wanted, and here you were, telling him how much you used to love him. 
wait, no, what the hell am i doing? jungwon thought to himself. it wasn’t fair to yuna. it was already unfair to her that he only started to date her to get over you. he thought that if he dated her long enough, he would stop loving you and love her instead. 
and he genuinely thought it worked. fuck, he thought. i’m such a shitty person. 
until he saw you with intak, flirting, dancing with him, laughing at his jokes, he had never felt so jealous in his life, and yuna had noticed. and she was upset, which was fair. what wasn’t fair was jungwon using her to get over you. 
use. he hated the icky feeling that word gave him. 
“i lied,” you muttered, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“what did you say?” jungwon asked, making sure that he had heard you right. 
“i lied,” you repeated, eyes on everything but him. “i loved you, and i think i still do.” 
your eyes finally met his as you continued, “you are everything to me, jungwon. i’ve been in love with you since forever, and i only agreed to break up because you said you wanted to.”
jungwon could feel his heart starting to beat faster as he searched your eyes for any hesitation, any sign that this was a lie, or some sort of joke. his heart beat so fast he felt like he was gonna explode as he looked into your eyes, so earnest and so genuine and so filled with love that he knew you had sobered up. 
you reached for his hands in his lap, interlacing your fingers with his. 
“i can’t keep this from you,” you breathed. “i love you, yang jungwon, and i know you’re dating yuna, but i just have to tell you that i love you, that i always have and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same. i don’t expect you to leave her for me or anything, but i can’t help it anymore. i love you, i love you, i love you.”
silence hung over the two of you as he tried to form a coherent sentence after your confession. it felt like suddenly his brain didn’t know how to make him talk, to make him say i love you too, or to make him do anything, really. 
a minute passed, and then two as jungwon searched your eyes with the same desperation yours had– desperate to love and to be loved by the person sitting in front of you. 
jungwon didn’t know who leaned closer first. he thought it was you but maybe it was him. he didn’t even feel like he was in control of his body as he leaned closer and closer, his hand moving to hold your face, searching your face for any hesitation, for any kind of doubt.
 you were so close that he could smell the perfume you sprayed before you left your house and the drinks that you had earlier that night. 
impatient, jungwon finally closed the gap between the two of you, your soft lips colliding with his. he could have kissed you forever, wanting to stay forever in time there. until realization hit him.
he pulled away abruptly, your eyes still closed as you chased his lips with yours. he would have found it cute if he weren’t trying his best not to panic right now. he just kissed you. while he was still dating yuna. 
he thought of the look on yuna’s face if she found out– the angry, hurt expression that she had at the party, and even worse, the tears. he would break the poor girl’s heart. 
“i should go,” jungwon breathed, quickly standing up from his seat beside you. “it’s almost past my curfew.”
“wait, jungwon,” you said, grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt before he could walk away. “i think we should talk about this before you go.”
“yeah, we can talk later,” he replied dismissively. “i just need some time to think.”
you opened your mouth to say something else– anything else to make him stay, but closed it as you saw he was already speed-walking in the direction of his house. 
you thought that you would lose him forever after your breakup.  you had almost lost jungwon once, and you were nearly positive that you won’t be so lucky to keep him this time. 
you felt sick to your stomach, and you didn’t know if it was from the drinks or from the events that had just occurred, but nonetheless you felt nauseous. 
you hunched over as you started to gag, your vomit flowing out of your mouth, tears streaming down your face. 
you wiped your mouth with your sleeve, rinsing your mouth out with water as you started to tear up. 
before you knew it, you felt sobs rising, your nose stuffed from crying,  your throat getting dry from the sobbing. the embarrassment and sorrow was finally catching up to you– all of the years of repressed love you felt for jungwon, all of the embarrassment from him leaving after you confessed, embarrassment from being a homewrecker– it all came crashing down on you. 
you couldn’t go home like this. you were sober enough to know that, with your tear streaked face, ruined makeup, and vomit smelling breath your parents would put two and two together. 
your hands shakily reached for your phone in your back pocket, dialing your brother’s number and waiting for him to pick up with baited breath. your brother was your only hope. 
“chan?” you breathed into the phone. “i need to sleepover at your place.”
yuna hated this. 
the waiting, the feeling of dread as she sat on her bed, awaiting jungwon’s arrival. 
the fight that had ensued was horrible, but she believed she made a valid point. if he likes y/n so much he should just go be with her, she thought bitterly. 
jungwon had texted her last night at around 1 in the morning, just to make sure she got home safe. yuna didn’t respond. she instead left him on read, still pissed off from the fight.
she used to get butterflies when he would send her texts to make sure she got home safe. but now she didn’t know if he did it because he liked her or if it was just out of common courtesy. 
yuna was about to just walk to his house herself before she heard a knock on her door. 
“hey it’s uh, me,” she heard jungwon’s muffled voice through the door. “is it okay if i come in?” 
“yeah, let’s get this over with.”
she couldn’t meet his eyes as he walked in, striding over to the corner of her bed. yuna hated waiting, but she now felt dread as the pair sat in silence for a bit, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. she had sat nowhere near him.
 usually she’d be cuddled into his side, but she instead opted to sit at the head of her bed, seemingly as far away from him as possible. she was worried that if she was too close to him, she’d crack; she’d look at his doe eyes and forgive him and that would ruin the entire point of her argument. 
“so,” she cleared her throat, interrupting the silence. “did y/n get home safe?” 
“yeah, she’s at her brother’s apartment. he texted me when she got there.”
 “‘when she got there?’ did you not walk her there?” 
“no, he picked her up from the park near our houses. but anyways, i have something important to tell you.” 
yuna felt even more dread seeping into her as he finished his sentence. she should’ve seen this coming from the start. here it comes: the breakup. 
“i kissed y/n last night.” 
yuna’s eyes widened in surprise. she had expected the breakup, yes. she knew jungwon was emotionally cheating, but now he was physically cheating? 
“wait, are you being serious right now?” she laughed in astonishment. she couldn’t believe the audacity of the man sitting in front of her. 
“i know it’s bad. i feel horrible, because an amazing woman like you should never be treated as horrible as i’ve treated you, and i am so so sorry,” jungwon started, tearing up from how bad he felt. “all of the apologies in the world could never make up for how i’ve treated you. i’ve made you feel terrible and i’m just making it worse by breaking up with you to be with her.” 
“i love y/n, yuna. and i’m sorry that i didn’t tell you, or that you had to find out for yourself before i even knew. you are so so perfect yuna-,”
“but i’m just not perfect for you?” she replied, tears starting to form as she breathed those words. 
the silence that followed was more than enough to answer her question. 
she hated this. she hated this so so much. but she didn’t hate you, or jungwon. she just hated how love worked, how she had to fall in love with the one boy who couldn’t love her back. she hated that she gave her heart away to a boy that was never going to belong to her– not fully. 
she wanted to scream, to throw something, hell, maybe even hit him. she instead took a deep breath, composing herself before she said, “okay. go be with her then.” 
jungwon looked over at her, wanting nothing but to comfort yuna. he may not be in love with her, but he did love her, and he still cared for her. 
“i’m sorry, yuna,” jungwon said instead. “you’re an amazing girl, but you should never be anyone’s second choice, and i’m sorry for making you feel like mine.” 
yuna couldn’t even look at him, fidgeting with the strings of the hoodie she wore. 
“just leave, please,” she muttered. 
she didn’t want him to see her cry, he had already broken her once, she didn’t want him to see her fall apart again. 
with a guilty expression, jungwon hurried away, also not wanting to see her cry again. he felt gross. he felt disgusted with himself for treating her that way. he didn’t like the person he was with yuna, and he felt sick thinking about how heartbroken she was; how she was so hurt that she couldn’t even look at him. 
it has been two weeks since your kiss with jungwon, and you hadn’t heard a word from him since. not a single call or text, hell, he didn’t even acknowledge your existence when you walked by him in the halls. 
you had seen yuna around, but seeing as jungwon wasn’t joined at her hip like he used to be, you assumed that things didn’t end quite so well between the two. knowing that you were the cause made you want to never show your face ever again, especially because of the dirty looks yuna’s friends have been giving you. 
you were relieved it was the last day of the school year; you’d never have to see yuna again and feel the guilt at seeing the sadness in her eyes. 
you walked into the bathroom, wanting to wash your hands after eating your lunch, when you saw yuna, touching up on her makeup in the mirror. she looked at you through the mirror above the sink, before going back to her makeup. 
the tension was so thick you didn’t know if you should just leave or hide in a bathroom stall until she left. 
“i’m not gonna bite, you know,” yuna chuckled. 
you smiled back nervously as you started to make your way to the sink. 
“yuna i’m really sorry,” you sighed, mustering whatever courage and dignity you had left. 
“it’s okay,” yuna replied, finally meeting your gaze. “although it was wrong for you guys to have kissed, i saw the breakup coming from miles away. he was never mine to begin with.” 
you were taken aback just by how calm she was, with the way she spoke those words with such elegance and grace. she had every right to be angry with you, to yell at you and call you a homewrecker. 
“even if you did think you were going to break up, that still doesn’t excuse what i did, and i really am sorry,” you said, trying to project every feeling of sympathy and sincerity you could in that one sentence. “i’m not asking you to forgive me, or jungwon, but i just wanted to tell you that you really are a cool person, and you’ve always been so kind to me, even now. all of this for a boy, and he hasn’t even talked to me in the past two weeks.”
“wait, he hasn’t reached out to you at all?” yuna asked, confused. “i thought he would say something to you at least.” 
“did he say he would?” you replied, confusion reaching you as well. 
“no,” yuna replied, fixing her hair in the mirror. “i just assumed so because he’s in love with you.”
once again, you were stunned by her nonchalance. “he’s not in love with me.” 
“don’t be silly,” yuna smiled softly. “i can’t tell if dating jungwon was the best or worst six months of my life, to be honest.” 
“don’t get me wrong, he was a good boyfriend,” yuna backtracked quickly after seeing the guilt on your face. “he did the usual boyfriend stuff, and he really did try, but i could just always tell that his heart was always yours.” 
you couldn’t meet yuna’s gaze as she said this, your face hot with shame. you felt so bad for her, and you didn’t quite know what to say in response. 
“i’m sorry that things ended this way,” you finally said. 
“it’s okay, it was gonna happen sooner or later,” yuna replied. “but if i’m right, then you should probably go talk to him, he’s probably going insane with guilt right now over me, and over you. bro’s got a lot on his plate.” 
you gave a small chuckle at the last sentence, making yuna smile a bit. 
“well thank you for the talk yuna, but i’ve gotta go. i think i need to go find jungwon.” 
yuna felt her heart break a bit at the words, but she smiled anyways and said bye as she watched you leave the bathroom. yuna didn’t know if she was supposed to cry or feel happy for you and jungwon, but she did know that she was right. again. she knew his heart had always belonged to you. anyone could see that. 
trying to find jungwon was easier than you expected. he was sitting on a swing, at the park that you became his, then wasn’t his anymore, and then confessed your love to him. there was so much that had happened at this park that it made your head hurt a bit just thinking about it. 
“is it okay if i sit here?” you asked, motioning to the swing beside him. 
“of course you can,” jungwon replied. 
the two of you sat in silence.
“i don’t think we should be friends anymore,” you finally spoke up. 
he jerked his head to look at you, shock coursing through him. “wait, why not?”
you took a deep breath before saying, “i can’t be friends with you anymore because i’m in love with you. there hasn’t been a moment since i’ve met you that i haven’t been.” 
his heart skipped a beat at your words. 
this was it, this is what you’d been waiting for since the day you laid eyes on jungwon. but you didn’t think it would go quite like this. you sat there for a moment as jungwon studied you, and you wished he would say something, anything. 
“but did you ever consider how i felt?” he finally asked, his voice cracking ever so slightly. “have you ever considered that maybe i’ve felt the same way?” 
you felt your breath catch in your throat as he continued, “i’ve seen you everyday since we were five when your family moved in next door. but i didn’t really see you until freshman year, sitting in class by the window, your hair flowing from the breeze that came through, doodling in your notebook instead of paying attention to the lesson. and when you caught me staring, you smiled and waved, and i swear i fell in love with you that day. that day, i knew my heart would always be yours.” 
“so please,” jungwon pleaded. “please, do whatever you want with it. you could break it a million times over and it would still be yours.”
now this, this was exactly you had always dreamed of. 
you couldn’t stop yourself from kissing him, trying to convey all the repressed love you’ve had for him for years through the kiss. you loved him. you loved every single part of jungwon, every flaw, every imperfection, everything that made him him. 
“so does this mean we’re official?” jungwon grinned as he pulled away, a playful look in his eyes. you smiled back, feeling the heart eyes in your gaze and the way your heart melted just by looking at him. 
“took you long enough.” 
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transmascaraa · 3 months
Noelle Anon here! I loved your work! It was so cute and made my little sapphic heart explode! Could I maybe request the same thing with other genshin girls of your choosing? I just love them all so much!!!! Maybe with fem!reader this time?
Have a good night/day! <3
multiple characters headcannons!
cooking with them...
characters: furina, sucrose, arlecchino, navia x fem!reader
author's note: hiiiii i haven't written in a while😭 didn't have much time and not too much motivation for writing lmfao but now i'm here to write this because the req is adorable! i chose women that i thought you'd like because everyone likes them i guess so yeah<3 i hope you enjoy this and i tried my best to write smthn wlw i hope it's good enough
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♡ Furina
-we all know how she's not one of the best cooks. so, you being one makes it a bit better.
-still, if you wanted to cook WITH her, then the food would probably just have to be macaroni.
-not gonna judge, i love it js as much as she does.
-you decided to get prepared one day, to cook together, and prepare a meal for one another!
-although you know that the only options you had were macaroons and macaroni, where she only had one option.
-so you started cooking macaroons.
-it is always SO fun to cook with her. she's always smiling and talking with you, talking about the most random things ever.
-of course, if you don't like talking much, she'll talk less but not be quiet entirely.
-know that you're gonna get a few kisses during the tiem being.
-and when you finally finish both of your meals, and prepare them for eachother, furina literally has a new shine in her eyes.
-when she tried it, she mumbled something that she thought you wouldn't hear
-"i don't care. this is my new favorite food."
✿ Sucrose
-she's like noelle, so i think you get the point what she'd be like.
-whatever you'd cook for eachother, she'd like it. and the other way around.
-the cooking experience with her is very calming, too.
-you might chit-chat about something randomly but know that it's mostly quiet with the sounds of nature from outside.
-if you liked to talk a lot tho, she had no problem of listening to your pretty voice while she cooked something for you.
-you made a cheesecake for her!
-setting the table together, and finally sitting down to try the food.
-whatever she made you, it was really decorated and the only thing that you knew that it was some type of cake.
-and she recognized that your's is a cheesecake almost immediately.
-when she tried it, she started talking to you, blushing a bit, about how much she's grateful for you.
✧ Arlecchino
-i'm pretty sure this isn't too ooc
-now, what i know is that she's definitely a great cook.
-i mean, she's a 'father', a parent to her children, of course she knows how to cook!
-so you had no problems asking her to cook with her. you knew that the kitchen wouldn't be burned down. hopefully.
-alright, you start cooking something that everyone likes, cupcakes! but the ones that you were able to make for her were cherry ones!
-arlecchino wasn't entirely quiet throughout the cooking either. it was either you or her talking with some kisses that can't be missed. she talked about her kids and her missions, while you either talked about her work in return, or about why you still love her despite it all.
-when you finish cooking and come to the dinner table with her, there's not much reaction on her face yet, unlike your's which was clearly happy.
-she made you cinnamon rolls!
-(i'm sorry if it's something you don't like)
-when she tried the cherry cupcake, you got a smirk from her.
-"you're a good cook, pretty girl."
✯ Navia
-this girl will make you the best food ever. she will take this activity very seriously with you.
-usually, you'd think that maybe the conversations that you'd have throughout the process very little, but that's not the case.
-she would talk with you the whole time.
-"i remember once when i was little..."
-"do you remember when i..."
-"can you pass me the sugar?"
-you get the point.
-of course, she won't miss the chance to give you a few kisses.
-and finally when you cooked eachother the "special food", turns out the both of you made macaroons for eachother.
-that just resulted in a laugh from you both as you now started talking about whose are better.
-she said yours were better.
-but you denied and said the opposite.
-however you look at it, cooking with her is a great experience to not only get to know eachother better, but also just for the fun of it.
okay i love this one
it's so cute
i hope anyone who reads it likes it, especially you anon because i liked the noelle req too!!^^
| @mariaace <3
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thechekhov · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts
CH. 34 Cockatrice
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He's doing his best.
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L...Laios no..... LaioS NO
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I respect Kui-san so much for the work she puts into not only the Senshi pantyshots but also affirming the fact that Marcille and Laios are in no way sexually interested in one another whatever.
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I suppose it itches BECAUSE it's healing but also.... w...why does it look infected?
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...did.... did Senshi consent to being a test subject? He looks a bit nervous 😂
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(Marcille has no time for your internalized homophobia)
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Oh??? Is there old-party drama that we're about to be privy to? I'm listening reading.
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In a storytelling sense, this is very clever. Chillchuck is clearly drawing parallels (unknowingly, I assume?) between Laios and Kirby(?). That guy is.... In Control of his party in a sense, and clearly has earned their trust as a leader. But he trusts himself a little bit too much for it to result in an unhealthy feedback loop of 'I'm always right, these other people think so too!'
Meanwhile, although Laios isn't actively trying to steer the group, they DO trust him to care about their safety, to an extent, and retain their own goals and judgements about certain other things. In fact, it's arguably BECAUSE they all trust each other to be better judges of character that they keep one another in check, so to speak.
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The tea is SIZZLING. The girls are fighiiiing
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So. Natural energy points. You're basically using energy of unknown origin to fuel spells instead of tapping into what is available readily.
But that sounds like maybe you'd have some. Hm. Questionable side effects? From adding ingredients into the mix which you can neither understand nor fully control.
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......of course............of course it was.
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it's got business to attend do, presumably. Also, which floor are you guys on? Are you still in that ancient city?
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Maybe that would have been good to.... lead with.......
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.........IS THIS WHAT FALIN IS CAPABLE OF?? IS THIS WHAT SHE USES TO COMMUNICATE WITH SPIRITS? Maybe they ARE both talented, but Laios just never bothered to tap into this.
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I'm sure it's fine. Hang on, didn't they fight this before once already?
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AH right, that was the basilisk. My bad.
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I don't. So this'll be a double surprise for me!
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I aLmost thought this was it!!! Marcille don't fuck with me like this!
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You can't not love her.
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This is NOT the time to be a zombie movie deuteragonist
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.........I guess that's. a good point but. Laios. Buddy.
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I have nothing to say here. This is peak DnD behavior.
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...hang on they never took her out of the pot? 😂
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..how proud you are of them?
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....................yeah alright I guess that works too.
For a second there I thought maybe her petrified hair was gonna snap off and she'd get a haircut.
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bug-mode · 10 days
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what is the context for these, you might ask… instead of answering, i welcome you to the [fangame marathon], part 1.
to clarify some things, my goal with this is not to "review" these fangames, but rather to either recommend you some games you might not have heard of for you to experience yourself, bring attention to ongoing projects, and to find something fun in unexpected places. i genuinely believe that if a person put their time and effort into something, then it'll always be worth seeing.
i downloaded a lot of games from gamejolt, ranging from "widely popular" to "possibly a virus", and i'll be playing through them in no particular order, so don't be surprised if you see some familiar titles. that said, let me tell you about what i've baked for you today..
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sans simulator by NekoGlass status: complete full release date: 3 years ago (that would be 2021)
this one is intended for two players, but i could not muster the courage to venture into online multiplayer servers, and i don't have anyone to play with offline except for my cat (who would make an excellent opponent if not for the lack of keyboard-applicable fingers). so i had to do everything myself. the game has an ai that can play as sans, which effectively turns the game into a survivor battle. there's not a lot of variety in attacks, so they're pretty easy to learn, but it still took me a couple of tries to beat him (then again i am kinda bad at video games so…)
the game offers different sanses from the utmv for you to fight with, but it's effectively just a reskin of the sprite and attacks (although a very well made one).
obviously i had to try out the offline two player mode, playing as both sans and chara, trying to survive and and not survive at the same time. probably not the best way to play this game, but it was still pretty fun. still think you should probably grab a friend for this one.
overtale (3D) by OvertaleRPG status: cancelled last update: 7 years ago (2017)
only a very short tech demo was available for download, showcasing some simple button, door and dialogue mechanics. this game is in 3D!! and we play as asriel!! but sadly according to the last dev update it has been cancelled.
still, i felt like it deserves an honorable mention because it accidentally did the funniest thing which took me so far out when it happened:
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anyway, that was asriel in 3D. but if you wanted to see frisk in 3D, then prepare for…
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undertale 3D by 000RedX000 status: work in progress last update: 7 years ago (2017)
a very good snippet of a game. very short, only showcasing the rooms up to flowey, but i really like how it was done. it would be a huge undertaking (undertaling…) to remake the entire game in 3D, so i'm not surprised there were only a couple of beginning areas done.
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undermate by ChiiAka (chiiakagames) status: work in progress last update: 2 years ago (2022)
not the first undertale dating sim i've played (don't judge me, i will play every fangame i get my hands on), but this one wasn't really my thing, so to say. i kind of have a gripe with people turning non-human characters into human ones. but if that's your thing, then go ahead, whatever. and if making all of the humans into white twinks is also your thing, why should i care. (i am side-eyeing you intensely.)
this demo includes only the intro chapter with not a lot of choices, but the art is pretty, so i guess you can take a look if you want to see white twink sans undertale.
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icebound by LucanaDLL status: work in progress last dev update: 1 month ago
no idea how i haven't played this one yet… i'm sure i've seen a trailer or something before, but i've no idea why i haven't downloaded it immediately, because this game looks amazing. it's really well polished, the spritework is exceptional, and all the transitions and effects just tickle my brain pleasantly.. i haven't beaten the demo yet, because sans and flowey are taking a shovel and burying me even deeper underground, but i'll come back to it once i'm done with the marathon.
very worth checking out, and following the development of the project as well!
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storyswap color: asriel genocide battle by MrEpicIsHere777 status: complete date released: 6 years ago (2018)
i promised myself that i'm not going to play through all hundreds of dusttale and final breath and whatever else sans battles, mostly because i know they're too hard for me to beat, but a non-sans battle fangame is always worth checking out in my opinion.
to be upfront, i haven't beaten this one (again… my vidiod game skills are brittle) and i stopped trying after 10 deaths, but i might come back to it. the attack patterns are creative, and i'm interested in the character and the story as well. worth playing for yourself in my opinion, see if you can beat it.
undermoon by Artem-Nesterov status: work in progress? last update: 6 years ago (2018)
unfortunately, this game only comes in russian, but i asked my brain to translate it and it did, so i understood everything perfectly.
this is a very neat short little demo that presents some pretty cool concepts. the movement is a bit slow and wonky, but i really liked how they did the ambient narration:
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there was also a very funny moment where i run into the bullets that flowey surrounds you with, thinking that i'd get teleported back like you do in ut, but no… i died. that was fair, can't complain.
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according to the last dev log, the development has been frozen, but i really hope they get back to it because the setting looked very promising!
that's it for now. not a lot of games this time because the gods are trying to stop me from achieving absolute fangaming by repeatedly cutting off the electricity at my house, but i'll compensate for it next time. i checked and it turns out i have downloaded 284 games…. and that's not even all of them. this might take longer than a couple of weeks.
if you want me to play a game, leave a title/link somewhere i can find (replies, reblogs, asks, the front door of my house), and i'll give it a try!! until next time………
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brightgoat · 7 days
Hi idk if you’ve answered this before but genuinely curious: what’s your favorite jjba part? And/or would you be willing to rank them?
I’m obsessive over your art so bad btw
My fav is Stone Ocean! Not necessarily by writing merit (although i do like the way its written sometimes over the other parts) but just by how much brainrot its given me. Also its got my fav jojo and jofoe.
If I had to rank them... I've done that several times before but my opinion keeps changing so I guess, from best to worst, judging by how much I personally enjoy them:
Stone Ocean
Steel Ball Run , Stardust Crusaders
Golden Wind (though I have stuff to say-)
Diamond is Unbreakable , Jojolion
Phantom Blood
Battle Tendency
Too early to put Jojolands anywhere but just so you know i'm REALLY enjoying Jojolands.
and thank youuu heheh
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hyuuukais · 4 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, mention of cheating, yn lowkey overthinking
CHAPTER NINE -> IS THIS A DATE? (partially written! wc:1.2k)
There's a knock at your door followed by silence while you internally debate whether or not you should open it, or if you should pretend you aren't home. As far as you know, no one saw you come in, just heard you. The atmosphere was suffocating, heavy. This had to be your fault. You shouldn't have pressed, you shouldn't have-
"Y/n?" Minho's voice comes from behind the wooden barrier. "I know you're in there."
"Sorry, Y/n isn't available! Only her twin sister who did nothing wrong and totally isn't stressing!"
No response.
With a sigh, you get up to open your door, Doongie running off your bed and back into your closet. You open the door, but your eyes are glued to the floor, unable to face the man in front of you. The door is only open a crack, just enough for him to see your face, and you, his. His arms are crossed, body tense.
"Have you seen Soonie, Doongie, or Dori?" Minho asks curtly.
"Um, yeah, Doongie is in my closet-"
"What?" Minho tries to push past your door, but you're able to keep it mostly closed. Your room was currently a mess, no doubt a reflection of your mind the past few weeks. "Why is he in your closet?"
With a light shove, he makes his way in and moves quickly toward your closet opposite your bed. You watch as he slides the curtain away, your lack of a closet door making you shrink a bit into yourself. To be fair, it was like that when you moved in, so obviously the boys knew about it already. Still, you couldn't help feeling a tinge of embarrassment, not to mention the fact most of the content in there is strewn across your floor.
A small meow is heard from behind the curtain, Minho's arm outstretched. His shoulders seem to be a little more relaxed as he stands back to his full height, finally taking in your room with a low whistle. Now you cross your arms.
"If you're going to judge, you can leave," you huff, but then remember the reason he's probably upset in the first place. Your face flushes. "Oh, and I wanted to say I'm really, really sorry."
"You know what for!" You move to the edge of your bed, playing with the corner of a blanket on the verge of falling off. "In the group chat, I shouldn't have pried. Obviously you don't owe telling me anything, which I know you know, but still. I guess I was just shocked? Surprised? Whatever? That's totally messed up by the way, having a secret husband. I mean, who does that? Seriously, who does that?"
"My ex, apparently." Minho sits at the end of your bed, grabbing the blanket as it falls to the ground.
Gently, he folds it up and replaces it at the end he's sitting on, getting up and doing the same to another half under your bedframe.
"Well, your ex needs to learn what commitment is then." He grabs the half empty laundry basket from under you windowsill. "Mine too."
"Do you know if he cheated on you before?" Minho asks, picking up a few shirts abandoned next to the basket.
"I- he-" You stutter, bringing your knees up to your chin as you lean back against the headboard. "He loved me."
"That doesn't answer the question." He puts the basket down, grabbing a small pile of clothing from beside your bed on the opposite side you sit on.
"Don't tell anyone," you whisper, ashamed. "Once, but it was right at the beginning of our relationship and I don't think we were even technically official yet since he seemed so unbothered when I walked in on them together. After that I had a conversation with him about what we were to each other, and he hasn't cheated since. I mean, he has now, but not counting that."
The laundry basket is full, Minho placing it outside of your door. Next on his list are dishes, beginning to make a stack of plates and mugs on the dresser by your door. There aren't many, but enough to be a problem. Enough to be overwhelming.
"Back to the point, I never should have asked about anything." You rub a hand down your face. "I was being stupid."
"No, you were curious," Minho says. "But you're right in thinking you shouldn't have asked."
"I'm sorry."
"Are you going to apologize as much as you thanked me?" He tosses a missed sock at you, hitting you in the knee.
"S-" You freeze, making eye contact with him as he places the last mug aside. "Forget what I was about to say."
A small smile tugs on his mouth as he leaves your room. He's back in record time with a broom and dustpan in his hands. It's only now that you realize what he's been doing for you and you jump up, grabbing his wrist to halt his sweeping.
"Stop! You don't need to clean for me, I can do it myself." You attempt to take the broom, but he switches it to the other hand. "Please. Why are you doing this?"
"Because once this place is a little more cleaned up, you are going to help me find my cats." Minho finishes sweeping the little pile of dirt and dust.
"So this was for a favour?" You ask. "I would have helped you anyway. But what do you mean by 'find my cats'? Are they missing? What happened? How would they get out?"
"You tell me," he says, placing the broom against the wall by your door and heading out. You follow him to the back door, slipping on some sandals before walking out to the balcony. "The door was left open, so I have to assume they went out this way. Ah, I'm going to kill Han."
"Han? Don't kill Han. Why would you kill Han?"
"He left the door open," Minho starts up the staircase leading up to the roof.
The way the roof access was connected to your balcony confused you, but you assumed it came with the apartment. You'd only been up there once since moving in to water some plants at Han's request since he'd been gone all day and hadn't gotten the chance. A light breeze hit your face as you stepped onto the roof, scanning for any sign of cats.
"There!" You jog across the roof to the small garden where Dori sits amongst tomatoes. "Come here you."
Dori stretches out, emerging from the plants to headbutt the hand you stick out. He rubs against your crouched knees purring up a storm, stepping up half onto your leg to ask for pats. You giggle, rubbing his soft cheeks and watching as he lifts his head up, giving him some chin rubs before picking him up.
When you turn, you see Minho with Soonie cradled in his arms like a baby. He's not facing you completely, but you can see him pointing a finger at Soonie and scolding the cat for scaring him like that. Soonie nudges his finger, giving a small lick. Minho shakes his head smiling, taking a small treat from his back pocket. Your heart stutters, a warm feeling blossoming in your chest as you watch.
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notes -> so soobin, huh?
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Steve sniffled as he cleaned off Eddie's gravestone once again. The town had been saved, the crack closed, and somehow Vecna had been defeated. No one really knew what happened. Only that a mysterious figure with wings had saved their asses. El was still trying to find them, but they were hiding themselves pretty well. Hopper believed he slunk back into the Upside Down before it closed, but no one else believed that, especially Dustin. He didn't say it outloud, but he knew the kid believed that it had somehow been Eddie. Steve didn't want to discourage him or get his hopes up. He didn't know what to do.
All he could do now was to keep cleaning Eddie's headstone. Edward Munson: Now At Peace. Yeah, right. People keep spray painting "burn in hell" across the headstone. He didn't deserve this. . . Even in death, they were still fucking with him. Steve let out a strangled yell and threw the rag.
"It's not fucking fair!" Steve snapped.
Steve breathed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. He stared at the headstone and did some breathing exercises to help calm him down. Now would be the perfect time to tell him everything, at least, Robin said it would help.
"I never got to really know you, man," Steve said. "And I really wish that I did, though. I wish I could see you play that guitar even at the Hideout. . .to see you up on that stage. I kind of wanted to see you graduate, too. I would have loved to see you give Higgins the finger. I always hated that guy. Fucking asshole. I would have loved to see you DM up on your throne. I'm not sure I would be able to play, I honestly would have gotten distracted. I wish I knew more than that, though. Like, what's your favorite song? Your favorite movie? Your favorite color, man? I don't know. . .anything. I wish you were here to tell me. I just wish. . ."
He stood there for a moment as though he were expecting an answer. Steve sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He went to reach for the rag, but someone beat him to it. A man with a hat over his head and sunglasses on his face was kneeling in front of Eddie's grave. Steve had no clue who it was.
"Let me help, son," the man said in a deep southern accent.
Steve had been spending enough time with Wayne and Dustin to realize that this man sounded an awful lot like Wayne with his accent. He knew it wasn't Wayne, though, because this man was too young and he knew that Wayne was working.
"You didn't do this, did you?" Steve asked.
"I just want to help, boy," the man said. "A handsome man like Eddie Munson doesn't deserve this. Although, I guess you could say he is hot as hell."
"That's a weird thing to say about a dead guy," Steve said, scrunching up his nose. "Did you know him?"
"You could say that. You could also say that I knew him a little too well," he said. "I kind of overheard your speech there, son. I can answer some of those questions for you, ya know?"
"I - would like that," Steve said softly as he grabbed the extra rag and knelt down to clean up the headstone.
"Well, most people would think differently about his favorite song. He loved the song Rolling Stone by Muddy Waters. His mama would teach him how to dance to that song. Sometimes, she would place him on her feet. He loves red, but he also loves the color blue," the man said. "He loves Conan the Barbarian. He used to sneak into the theater with his best friend, Ronnie."
"Ronnie?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, she was the first friend he ever made, and she was never more than his best friend despite him making an embarrassing move on her," he chuckled.
"That sounds familiar," Steve laughed. "He told you all this?"
"In a way," he said. "Ronnie showed him the way into leading lost sheep. His uncle gave him the kick in the ass he needed into not giving a fuck what other people thought of him. He still had some learning to do. He was kind of queer in the head, though, despite all of that."
"What? Who cares what he was into?" Steve scoffed. "Are you seriously judging him on that? I'm queer in the head myself."
"Wait, hold on, son. I ain't judging him for that, and you do know that queer also means weird, right?" The man asked.
"Yeah. . .I mean, I forgot," Steve stuttered.
"Should I just forget that you came out to a complete stranger, son? Doesn't matter, I didn't have a problem with Eddie being like that," he said, and then he dropped the accent. "I can't believe you did that!"
He dropped the hat and the sunglasses, slapping his knees as he stood up. Steve gaped up at him. His hair was cut short, but he would recognize those dimples anywhere. He was grinning wildly down at Steve.
"Eddie?!" Steve choked and he stood up.
"Hey, Stevie," Eddie said.
It was the first time he had called him that, and it made his stomach flutter. His brain tried so hard to comprehend that it was Eddie, but he looked so drastically different without his hair that he couldn't really focus. He noticed that he was also wearing a hoodie and a polo that looked awfully familiar.
"Hey, that's my polo," Steve said.
"Yeah, I broke into your house," Eddie said. "I wanted to look the least like myself."
"Why?" Steve asked.
"So, that people won't try to murder me, Steven," Eddie said.
"No, I mean, I get that. Why the deception?" He asked.
"Hi, I'm Eddie Munson. I like to be dramatic," he said, and he held out his hand. "Go ahead, take it."
Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie's like he was shaking his hand. His skin was cool to the touch, and Steve couldn't help but stare at it.
"You're real," he whispered.
"Very," he grinned.
"Why is your hand so cold?" Steve asked.
"I'm vampire now so. . . ," Eddie said, shaking his head from side to side.
"You were the mysterious figure that destroyed Vecna," Steve said in realization.
"He tried to make me his little bitch. Wanted me to do all his dirty work and kill of you," Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes. "No thanks. I can't even clean my room when my uncle asks, and I love the man. Do you think I'm going to kill people I care about for someone I hate? Yeah, no."
"You saved us. You saved this town despite the fact that they hate you for no goddamn reason," Steve said.
"Well, my dad conned half the town, so yeah," Eddie shrugged, and then his eyes lit up. "Oh, I saved Higgins! You should have seen the egg on his face. He does know I'm alive, but he probably feels guilty about blackmailing me into dropping out in '84 now."
"He did what?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, crazy story. I should tell you all about it over dinner," Eddie said.
"That was smooth," Steve smirked.
Eddie ran his hand over the vest Steve was wearing and smirked.
"My vest looks good on top of a polo," Eddie said and paused, looking at him softly. "I'm not going to waste my chance this time. Hey, Steve?"
Suddenly, Steve was brought back to the Upside Down, and Eddie had looked at him with meaningful eyes before they parted ways. The memory was soon gone.
Eddie grabbed him by the vest and pulled him in, crashing their lips together. Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, pulling him in closer as he deepened the kiss as Steve gripped his hips. Eddie broke the kiss, allowing Steve to breathe.
"We're kissing over your grave," Steve said.
"Better than walking over it," Eddie cackled.
Steve suddenly began pushing him backward until Eddie's back hit the tree that was next to his grave. He pressed his body up against Eddie's and covered his mouth with his own. He really should care that he was making out in a cemetery, but all he was aware of was Eddie. Eddie's mouth against his, Eddie's tongue making its way back in, and Eddie's hands quickly pulling his polo out of his pants so his hands could press themselves against his skin. All that mattered was how alive Eddie was and how much Steve could feel it. It was like all the lights were turning on inside of him, and it was Eddie that was flipping them on. Steve quickly broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against his, breathing heavily.
"We better stop before we do something else in cemetery that we're not supposed to," Steve said.
"Probably a good idea," Eddie said. "I think we just gave a granny quite a shock."
Steve looked over his shoulder and saw an older woman standing a few yards away, looking appalled.
"My God. She's literally clutching her pearls," Steve said.
"What do you think it is? That we're two men or that we're making out in a graveyard?" Eddie asked.
"Young man, my hearing is just fine! I don't care if you two have dicks! I mind that you two are fooling around in the place where the dead sleep!" She scowled.
Eddie and Steve looked at her in shock for a moment.
"I was not expecting her to say that," Steve said with wide eyes.
"Who would?" Eddie asked and glanced at the old woman. "Alright, time to adopt a grandmother."
"No, Eddie, we have to tell everyone you're alive, especially Wayne and Dustin," Steve said.
"Right. . .Dustin. Shit, I died in front of him. I know this is a stupid question, but how is he?" Eddie winced.
"Devestated but also hopeful that the mysterious figure who saved us all was you," Steve said and took Eddie's hand. "Let's get you home."
They laced their fingers together and walked out of the cemetery, apologizing to the granny as they left. They didn't care if anyone saw them, but after the town nearly went apocalyptic, how could anything else matter? The only thing that mattered was that they were both very much alive.
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(shaking, through tears) may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
mulder and scully:
Infamously treated and teased by showrunners + writers like how a gay couple would be baited and like a gay couple in general, although eventually they do kiss and have a son (although that falls through and they become kind of divorced)
during the entire original run of the show i'm pretty sure chris carter would have said they never had a romantic relationship (they had a baby without ever having had sex!) however in the revival their sort of ambiguous What Are We deal was made a lot more explicit so feel free to veto based on these grounds LITERALLY INVENTED 'SHIPPING'. YOU'RE WELCOME
while i'm... pretty sure they get together eventually (i've only watched a bit of the x-files), from what i've heard they invented the term "shipping" because of people arguing over whether they would/should be romantically involved, so i think they should be included, for fandom history reasons if nothing else
they are a man and a woman who don't get together until ridiculously late but are hilariously devoted to one another, clingy, self-sacrifice-y, and also Forehead Kisses
They’re together but they’re not they love each other but barely know each other
clara and twelve:
their relationship is heavily romantic coded, but is never explicitly confirmed as romantic or not. the queerbait thing of teasing them on socials but never paying them off in canon applies here! also secret love confessions by way of double entendre or omission
they "arent romantic" but obviously they are
They are a man (I guess?) and a woman never get together but physical contact is filmed with such tension, there's jealousy with one member's significant other, "do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference," "I'm changing history to save Clara," "run you clever boy and be a Doctor," "people like you and me, we should say things to one another," "I'll be the judge of time," "If you love me in any way..." okay these all have context but trust me it's Insane
They never get to be together and in their last episode together, Clara presumably confesses her love to him and WE DONT EVEN SEE IT. like immediately after he gets his memory wiped.
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lawqual1ty · 6 months
Why...? (College AU! Trafalgar Law x Gn! Reader)
Pov: Hanging out with some of your mutual friends results in you having a new doubt that racks your brain for a bit... Unfortunately (or not) thanks to a twist in fate you end up having to be attended by your roommate where finally your questions are answered...
I got the idea thanks to me actually going through the same thing rn
This is a part 2 following the story line of this fic! Since so many people seemed to want more and who am I to say no?
Warning: Sort of angsty (I was feeling sad sorry), Hurt to comfort, Migraine, curse words
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"Say what now...?" You stopped stirring your coffee with your straw as you looked flabbergasted at the two guys sitting in front of you.
Sachi and Penguin nodded as they looked at you with a same level of shock while Bepo just seemed a tad bit confused by the situation, although judging by his worried eyes it was pretty serious.
"Yeah... He never lets anyone hang around him when he's studying..." Sachi started, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Or worse let them touch him..." Penguin added with a small sweat drop rolling down his temple.
Your brain took an awkwardly long time to process everything... You kept going back and forth between their words and the memories you had shared with Law during these two years that you had been roommates. Something didn't seem right, although yeah he wasn't the warmest or openest guy in the universe he was never very shut off to you... Going from casual hang outs while you two studied to you sometimes helping him out with caring for his tattoos after the previous shirtless incident (you grew used to seeing him bare chested as he began asking you for help with placing some hydrating creams or sunscreen on his back tattoo). Silence surrounded the three of you as you slowly narrowed your eyes in almost a comedic manner.
"You're lying..."
They yelped making both you and Bepo flinch with wide eyes as the poor bear started apologizing profusely while you patted him on the back, he could be quite the fragile guy sometimes, although it was adorable. You looked back at Sachi and Penguin with a confused look.
"But then... Why is it different with me? I guess it's because I'm his roommate right...?" You were reasoning more with yourself than with the two males, you turned your head over to Bepo with a furrowed expression "He's your best friend right? He must let you do that same stuff because he trusts ya'..."
Bepo looked over at you for a minute before gently shaking his head "Not one bit..." His demeanor then turned apologetic as you flinched at his words "Sorry"
You couldn't help but sigh as you kept gently stroking his back "Don't be..."
"That's what we're telling you! It's super rare..." Penguin started out as he tapped his fingers on the table only making you grunt further as you squeezed your eyes shut "There's something weird going on here... Maybe something..."
Although you had your eyes closed you could sense how both Sachi and Penguin looked over at each other with a creepy blushing face, the faintest scent of blood coming out of their nostrils making you sigh deeply "Don't..."
They gently stopped although you had a feeling that the idea of it being because of "something else" never left their mind as they started giggling on their own. You rubbed the temple of your nose as you tried to process everything, the mere idea of what you considered to be normal in Law now being rare raised so much questions which, based on your previous experience, know they were going to go unanswered...
One thing to know about having Law as your roommate is that he usually kept a lot of fitness stuff around, being a medicine student he cares a lot about his health together with yours so it wasn't unusual to find some stuff organized to the side of the room where he usually worked out when he had time. You occasionally used some of the equipment since he convinced you to... Much to your complaints, but it's something you have slowly gotten used to.
One of these mechanisms was a bar that was placed at the top of the door frame that lef to the kitchen, it should be perfectly safe if it wasn't for the fact that well it wasn't screwed onto the door... It just was placed there, it had never given you much of a problem until today.
You just got back to your dorm with an exhausted sigh, you kept on pondering about the conversation you just you had with Sachi and Penguin... A confused glint in your eyes as you processed their words about you and Law... You had never seen his behavior as unusual so for them to say it's rare out of the blue sure caught you off guard. You dropped your keys on the key bowl (as you liked to call it) with a loud exhale, the sound of the keys clanking being a clear signal that you could finally relax... Or well...
"I need to study..." You muttered to yourself with a soft grunt, you never got to really catch a break... And honestly it was nerve-wracking...
You walked towards the kitchen to get something to snack on while you studied hoping the small treat would keep your sleepless ass awake in some way shape or form, you were in a pretty grumpy mood so you didn't pay much mind at your surroundings as you leaned a hand on the door frame.
Out of nowhere you heard a loud thud and felt your mind go numb for a moment... You froze, not out of shock but rather because you couldn't move, your body didn't seem to respond at all... You looked at the ground and saw what had produced the loud thud, it was the weird bar thing on top of the kitchen door. As soon as you gained consciousness you started to feel a sharp pain at the top of your head, your vision began to get blurry with tears as the pain was changed from a sharp sting to a numbing rumble that made you dizzy, you didn't want to move at all... Finally everything clicked in your brain: The bar had fallen on your head.
You didn't yelp, you didn't move... You just... stood there trying your fucking hardest to keep yourself a foot, luckily you weren't alone at the time... A loud pair of footsteps came running over to you, Law had heard the loud thud and made its way to you in an instant, you raised your eyesight to meet his... Your eyes blurring with tears as the pain turned into a sharp migraine.
"Ouch..." Those were the only words you could utter as you tried your best to chuckle so that the scene didn't look all that bad, unfortunately for you Law had never been one to fall for your strong acts... If anything he grunted as he gently approached you and with a steady hand touched your head gently, the sudden contact made you jolt away, or well as best as you could in your state, as his skin felt weird against yours... That was never a good sign. He silently looked at you with a stern expression as he analyzed the scene.
"Did the bar fall on you?" His words came out in a concerned yet gentle tone. You nodded, words didn't come out of your mouth and if they did they were a muttering mess, he frowned.
"Do you feel like puking?" You shook your head
"I just..." You paused for a bit, the mere fact of taking seeming like a struggle "Migraine..." You spoke as best as you could, he gently took your arm and guided you to the table for you to sit down "Just stay here... I'll go get something"
He headed off and before you realized he was gone he brought a pill with him together with some water and an ice pack, he offered you the pill and you silently took it... The act of kindness made your tears start to roll down your cheeks in rivers and rivers of salty water, why were you being so sensitive? Was it because of the strike? You had no clue, you just placed the pill in your mouth and washed it down with the water, you suddenly felt a ting of coldness at the top of your head finding yourself with Law who stood really close to you as he placed the ice pack on the spot the bar had fallen on you "This should calm down the pain..." He spoke gently as he looked at you with a furrowed expression, your eyes never left him as a comfortable silence surrounded the two of you... The pain was still there but it was no longer unbearable, the one thing that was a bit annoying to you was how much you were crying... Your mind was racing, going between being completely blank and drowned in pain to being fully covered in weird thoughts about you wanting for Law to stop caring for you that much... Why would he do such a thing? Oh right he's a medicine student... This is normal work for him right? Right...? Then why did it hurt...? You hated feeling vulnerable... You got back to blank thoughts as you played with the glass of water and took a few sips. A caring hand took you out of your trance as it wiped a few of your tears away, gently squeezing your cheeks as it did so... You turned to face the one responsible for such gentle care, finding yourself with those grey eyes that confused you so much... They somehow looked so much... Warmer than usual, almost as if you were a delicate piece of pottery that he really appreciated and wanted to fix as best as he could without breaking it further, you couldn't help but cry more.
"Why...?" You muttered catching his attention
Your lips started trembling, the words not coming out of your mouth as you kept crying.
"Why... Are you so nice to me...?" Your words came out in shaky breaths, your lips trembling as you started crying even more than before... A sense of fear surrounding you as you waited for his answer in between whimpers and hiccups, his eyes widened at your question, you were never one to go ask this kind of stuff and it was rare seeing you in this state. He sighed deeply as he kept his hand on your head with an ice pack.
"You remember when you asked me how I was single...?" He looked away as he spoke, you were surprised... You thought he would have forgotten about that moment but it seems it made quite the impact on him, much to your luck, You just nodded... He took a deep breath before continuing. "Well... It's mainly because I never found a reason for me to be nice to others... Some people could be nerve-wracking in my opinion so I just never thought much of actually dating someone..."
You listened to him attentively as you saw the faintest hint of a smile on his lips, almost as if remembering this amused him, he paused for a moment... His eyes gently closed shut as he thought about his next words and actions, he slowly fluttered them open and looked at you in the eyes but there was something... Different in his gaze... You noticed a small hint of warmth behind those cold grey eyes, it was odd, you assumed your brain was starting to hallucinate thanks to the hard hit from the bar but you had a gut feeling it wasn't the case...
He parted his lips to speak once more, his breathing soft as he looked at you "But then you came... And... Although you were pretty irritating at first I got to enjoy your presence..." He chuckled ever so slightly "I even got worried about you whenever you... Got hurt..."
Your eyes started watering even more... He wasn't usually the one to talk so for him to be so open about it all was... New... It was almost as if he had rehearsed this a thousand times before he talked to you but didn't feel ready until he saw you so vulnerable and felt obliged to do so... To finally open up, to finally show himself bare to you. He took another deep yet shaky breath, he seemed to get even more nervous the more he spoke... Like there was a truth behind his words that he wasn't quite ready to admit, a level of fear that covered his heart as he laid it bare with doubt.
"I just... Didn't want to lose you..." He spoke gently, a soft tear drop rolling down his cheek as he looked away into the distance... Your eyes widened in shock.
"You have... Lost someone already haven't you...?"
He looked at the ground and you regretted your words immediately.
"I'm sorry..."
"I did..." He looked back at you "That's why I acted like a coward in front of you... Always caring but never..."
He stopped in his tracks, his words getting stuck in his throat, you felt a sharp sting in your heart as you looked at him... Something in your gut told you he felt the same way as he saw you get hurt and cry... Your shaky lips parted slightly.
"Is that... Why you're so kind to me...?" You looked up at him "Because you're scared...?"
He chuckled gently "Not just because of that..." He admitted with a soft yet sad smile "You have a knack of getting into people's hearts... And unfortunately I was no exception..."
He gently turned to face you with a warm smile, you must be hallucinating already... There was no way he was smiling to you that way... Was there...?
"I fell for you, Y/N..." His words struck your heart strings, if you could move you would have jolted up but you were still kinda numb thanks to your headache... All you could do was stare in disbelief. There were no formalities in his words, his usual '-ya' was not added at the end of your name... Making it all the more... Close... You felt your heart beat rapidly.
Slowly but steadily your lips started shaking even more as you felt like crying your whole heart out, trying your best to hold it in you bit your lower lip as you let out a few hiccups and whimpers... But alas you weren't that strong... You bawled your eyes out as Law stared at you warmly... He froze for a moment not really knowing how to proceed, with a hesitant hand he pulled you closer to him letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you cried everything you had inside...
"It's okay... I'll stay with you..." He spoke gently as he stroked your back lovingly, now his touch didn't feel so foreign in your skin...
He loved you... He really did...
And you loved him...
You loved each other...
You kept crying on his shoulder for what felt like an eternity, snot and tears ruining his hoodie as you kept trying your best to compose yourself... You wanted to talk... You wanted to yell out to him that you loved him too, you really did... But your headache didn't allow you to do so... You only had the strength to cry, not that Law minded at all... He loved being your pillar of support.
You sniffled as your crying came to a stop (at least for a bit) slowly incorporating yourself, the gentle taps of Law's hands on your back giving you a level of reassurance that made you be able to ground yourself...
"I..." You started out gently "I have fallen for you too, Law... Heck I think I did for longer..." You started chuckling nervously as your hand tried to clumsily dry up your cheeks, to no avail "But I... I was a coward... Fuck... Still am!"
You admitted with a sort of bright smile, Law looked at you with wide eyes before chuckling gently... You almost started blabbering your thoughts, unlike him you didn't take much time to think what you were going to say... You just spoke your heart out, and right now it turned out even messier than usual thanks to your dizzy brain... He rolled his eyes with an amused smile, not that you could notice in between your rambles, and then leaned closer to you...
Silence once more surrounded the two of you as he made you freeze... Not with a glare... Not with words... But with the gentle graze of his lips on yours.
You felt like crying again...
You didn't move... You just drowned in the feeling of his warmth against you... His lips stroking yours in a gentle and loving kiss that none of you realized how much you needed it until it happened... All your emotions, your truth, your hearts... Laid there, bare, a show of love and acceptance for only the two of you to witness...
You gently closed your eyes as the kiss dragged out for longer. He slowly pulled away and smiled at you with a hint of red in his cheeks.
"Did I answer your question now?" He asked with a playful tone, you froze for a moment only to laugh, he sure liked being sarcastic even in moments like these huh? You hugged him by the neck, a soft smile grazing your lips...
"You sure did..."
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kakapim · 1 month
Playing devils advocate here.
I still think that Toichi being alive is ... a not very good idea, but... now that the shock has passed and I'm chill about it now, and have been rereading stuff... there Might Be Something Here.
My favorite theory about Toichi that saves his ass from being a completely shitty father is that the assassination attempt did not kill him, but DID leave him disabled somehow. Kinda of what happened to Kudo, except he wasn't shrunk.
That would explain:
1- Why he had to disappear for 8 years. I don't think Chikage could explain to a child that his father "had an attempt on his life and is now hiding" that would be hard to explain, and kids aren't the best at secret keeping.
2- Why Toichi left stuff behind for Kaito. Since he cannot perform magic tricks and parkour anymore, he let Kaito decide if he wanted to carry the mantle of being KID.
3-Why he still hasn't showed up. Remember that Kaito Corbeau was Chikage dressed as him, and in movie 27 is flashback from Yuusaku (as I've heard, I have not watched the movie). And he was dressed as Corbeau, so I guess we don't fully know how he's doing modern-day. Him being in Japan would be too much of a liability.
This stuff also explains why Kaitos room was timed. His door was going specifically open after 8 years, being 17, which is old enough to know the truth and not spill.
Interestingly enough, it seems this decision of making Kaito the Kid was not something Toichi and Chikage agreed on, judging by the fact she asked Kaito to stop being KID and move to Vegas (and the whole Corbeau fiasco) and seemed somewhat upset in the first manga chapter when she realizes Kaito had found out the secret room.
But despite all of this, it doesn't explain why Toichi couldn't have simply just... called him? Like once the door hit the timer, he could've just called the boy. Tell him "Hey son I am alive although not well. Yes, I was the thief KID. I dont know what you will do with this info but have fun I guess". Cmon. Unless the disability in question was amnesia or something.
The only thing that breaks this theory is the fact that apparently Corbeau has been making the rounds in Las Vegas... but as I said before, Chikage asked Kaito to come with her and get there. Which is curious... does she want Kaito to meet the real Corbeau? To know something that's been a secret? Def something to ponder about.
So yeah... Gosho might have burned the rice but he might be able to clutch this. What I'm saying is, while hating on Toichi is funny, perhaps we should be a little more patient to see what happens.
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flower1622 · 15 days
From what i saw people commenting about PJO, i made some different opinions from Rick and the fandom:
. "Percy is the most powerful"
Percy is still a mortal, he gets tired and also could be defeated by the gods (especially his father), Typhon (if I'm not mistaken), the cabins of Hypnos, Hecate, Zeus and Hades or maybe Dionysus too. Who knows? I think that any character/cabin with a good strategy could win from Percy.
. "Annabeth is the most intelligent"
Even though she is daughter of Athena, from what people commented, there are other characters that are or can be smarter than her many times.
. "Percabeth is the best ship"
I already made posts about this ship and I find the couple a little toxic sometimes with red flags. I like to watch the version from the series because they seem more mature and I love the way Percy cares about Annabeth. However, Annabeth can have some questionable actions towards Percy.
. "He could be saved"
I don't remember many things about Luke, but from what some people commented, I guess that Luke would have joined Kronos by the same way. He kinda seems arrogant and a little pyscho. Maybe if Thalia had survived when they were kids....I don't know.
. "Perachel, Pernico and many other ships with Percy (that are not Percabeth) are horrible"
I don't agree because everyone can ship Percy with any other character. If the fandom doesn't like when people outside it judge the fandom because they only ship Percabeth, the best way is to give voice to multishipper fans. Respect always! If someone doesn't like Pernico because of age, that's also okay. Others should respect your decision. But, Solangelo wouldn't be very different either from Pernico. Rachel is a good option for Percy. She seems to really care about him even though they don't know each other very well. I think the hate on her is totally desnecessary. In my opinion, there are better ships than Percabeth.
. "Jason is boring"
I don't know the character because I didn't read HOO, but from what people commented...he doesn't seem so bad. He seems a nice person that cares about others and tries to do what is right. So, I don't understand the hate on him either.
. "Leo and Calypso are toxic because of age"
I don't think an age difference would result in a couple being toxic. Again, I didn't read HOO. So, I don't know the characters, but if the problem is about age, I guess people wouldn't like Solangelo or a vampire romance.
. "Rick likes to kill blonde guys"
It's funny to see Rick using a blonde boy as the protagonist (who isn't blonde) in his series.
. "Solangelo and Percabeth had the best chemistry"
Although I like Solangelo a little better than Percabeth, I don't think the two ships had a great development. Sorry! Percy and Nico also had more chemistry with other characters than with their own partners.
. "Percabeth had the best enemies to lovers story"
Romeo and Juliet - We don't exist
Percy and Thalia - We don't exist
Percy and Clarisse - We don't exist
Percy and Jason - We don't exist
Percy and Luke - We don't exist
Percy and Nico - We don't exist
. " It's so cute when Percy tries to get well with Athena because of Annabeth"
Am I the only one that find this relationship boring between these two? I think Percy would have a more interesting relationship with other gods like Hades, Ares or even Zeus...
."Annabeth was only rude to Rachel because she was jealous"
Alright. So, if we ever feel jealous, it's okay to be rude to other people, even if they are being nice to us and we don't even know them.
Annabeth can be arrogant and for these kind of people, they like to have control over everything. When something happens that wasn't in their plans, they get mad. Rachel happened to be one of those things she couldn't control. Percy wasn't even Annabeth's boyfriend at that time and she already was possessive of him, but that would explain her stalking him. This usually happens when someone gets obsessed with something (like in Annabeth's case). There are people who love this, but in real life they wouldn't like to have someone too possessive of them or they are this kind of obsessed people. I have these two possibilites on my mind since some of them see themselves in Annabeth's questionable actions towards her partner. So, I really wouldn't like to know how they really are in a relationship because real life tends to be ten times worse than the fictional world. Coming back to Annabeth with Rachel...she even calls the girl "just a human" in front of Percy (her future boyfriend) who has a human mother that he loves very much, thanks! But, I got curious. Isn't Annabeth human too?
I know she can be a demigod, but without powers, she is not that different from a human. In the world, there are very intelligent humans like Annabeth. So, I don't get Annabeth's words. I got this part about Rachel with a post here on Tumblr by a page that showed many moments with Annabeth and Percy from the books.
. "Annabeth is the queen and everyone should obey and bow to her"
There are some people who think like this and my reaction is just...
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I think Annabeth could be one...in neverland. The lost boys don't study. They obey Peter Pan because he has the knowledge. Annabeth has knowledge and intelligence. She would do well there teaching the kids. She even could take Percy with her. He would love the place. Both would stay young forever. Unfortunately, they don't exist in real life, so it would be pretty hard to visit them and bow, along with Peter, Percy and the lost boys to the new queen of neverland. Sorry! I wish many characters were real, with some exceptions of course.
. " If Percy can't trust Annabeth, he can't trust anyone else"
He needs help.
. "Annabeth is Percy's weakness"
Does he have a family? A best friend? A brother? Friends? 🤔
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rainsoakedphoenix · 7 months
i love you
pairing: f!reader x chris sturniolo
wc: 1.6k
warnings: couple uses of y/n, chris ghosting you, i guess slight angst in the middle if you squint?? idk, not proofread bc i'm not entirely sure how i feel about this one and for some reason i'm lowkey embarrassed to read my works back
summary: chris realizes his love for his best friend goes beyond friendship
requested?/notes: nope! - i just love how in a looooot of sturniolo fics i read, if not all of them, nick is the middle man/the one reader goes to when there's an issue with one of the other two, it's so funny to me
"i don't think he should've made it through; his other performances were okay but that song didn't fit his voice very well, and i don't think he has a good chance of winning the whole thing considering who's on the other teams. what do you think?" you ask your best friend, who you were currently curled up to while watching a live singing competition.
"i don't really care." chris shrugs his shoulders, although his eyes were trained on the screen in front of you, lost in thought. "i guess you're right, he's not as powerful of a singer as the others, i don't think he's gonna win."
"you weren't really paying attention, were you?" you smirk. he turns his face toward yours, a sheepish grin taking over his features as he shakes his head.
"chris! this is our show, you're supposed to be more involved." you gently smack his chest as he chuckles, before turning your attention back to the tv even though you feel his eyes still on you, causing your face to heat up slightly. you hoped he wouldn't notice.
as if on cue, your favorite contestant appears on screen, preparing to perform for the judges. you briefly point to her, hoping to get chris' attention off of you. "oh, there's my girl. i hope she makes it to the top five."
you see his face turn towards the screen out of the corner of your eye, and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
"are you okay?" he faces you once more, having noticed your sigh, causing you to do the same.
"yeah, i'm good." you look back and forth between his eyes, hoping your voice and expression were enough to convince him.
"you seem a little on edge all of a sudden, i wasn't sure if-" he turns his head slightly to the side to let out a loud belch, and you couldn't hold back your laughter. on nights when you and chris watched your show together, there were always drinks and snacks involved, so you weren't surprised by him in the slightest.
"it's all that damn pepsi," you grabbed his jaw and gently turned his face a little more away from yours, giggling into his shoulder.
you felt his fingers graze over your wrist, traveling to your own fingertips before he interlocks them, slowly pulling your hand away from his face. holding hands wasn't exactly new for the two of you as you've been best friends for a few years now, but something about this felt different somehow. your eyes met his, and he quickly looks from your eyes to your lips and back again. there's a flicker of hesitation before he leans in, and before you can fully process what's happening, his trembling lips are on yours, both of your eyes closing just before they touch.
time seemed to stand still as your heart began to race, your mind finally catching up to the present. you started to relax under his touch, about to deepen the kiss when he suddenly pulled away. almost expressionless at first, chris' eyes slowly widened as he realized what he did. "i'm sorry, i wasn't thinking. i don't know why i did that."
"chris it's okay, don't-"
but before you could finish your sentence, he abruptly stood up from the bed, panic etched across his features. he hastily gathered the few items he had brought with him to your apartment, completely ignoring your reassurances.
"chris, please," you pleaded, already standing up from the bed and watching him walk to your bedroom door.
he paused for a moment, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and fear, but he shook his head and whispered "i can't, i can't do this. i'm so sorry."
and just like that, he was gone. he didn't talk to you for about a week after. when he first left, you tried to go back to your show, although it proved difficult to pay much attention to it anymore. you didn't want to bombard chris' phone about what happened and you understood he needed space, so that's exactly what you gave him.
after a couple hours though, you figured you would shoot him a text to once again let him know you weren't upset with his actions. but he never responded. you waited another few hours and sent another text to ask if he was okay, and still no response. another text the next day, still nothing.
you thought about showing up to his house, but you didn't want to make him feel forced into a situation he wasn't ready for. as much as hurt to be ignored, you decided to just wait until he reached out again.
after a few days of still not hearing from chris, you decided to call nick and explain the situation to him, and to also see if chris had mentioned anything to his brothers.
"yeah, he told us what happened," nick had said. "he's been hiding in his room for the most part, until we have to film a video or go to a meeting. we've tried telling him he can't just ghost you like this and he needs to talk it out with you, but he's just not ready yet i guess."
nick and matt were aware of the feelings you harbored for their brother, but of course they would never say anything to him. you had actually almost worked up the courage to confess the night chris kissed you. your heart raced every time you thought back to the kiss and how it meant he might return your feelings, but the ghosting told you a different story.
you periodically checked your phone for a few more days after that phone call, still not seeing anything from chris. but after almost a week since the kiss, you found yourself getting ready to go out to dinner with friends. after all, you had nothing else to do, and you were tired of moping around your house. but just as you had put the last of your makeup on you hear a knock on your front door.
confused, as you weren't expecting company, you step towards the door and open it to reveal chris. your eyes widen slightly in surprise, and his do the same when he sees you all dressed up.
"hey," you say to him, opening the door and stepping out of the way so he could come in.
he returns your greeting just as softly as you did, biting his lip as he enters your apartment. "am i interrupting something?"
"not exactly." you shut your door, turning to face him. "i'm just going out to dinner with some friends, they'll be here to pick me up in about twenty minutes."
he nods, staring down at his feet for a brief moment before taking a deep breath and looking into your eyes as he talks. "i'm sorry for ditching you the other day. and for ignoring your texts."
"it's okay," you begin, but he cuts you off.
"it's not," he shakes his head. "i was just embarrassed after i kissed you, but that's not an excuse to treat you the way i did. you didn't deserve that."
it was your turn to look down at your feet as you nodded, dreading asking this question in fear of what he might say. "why were you embarrassed?"
he took a moment to answer, which initially made your heart sink, but what he says makes your heart skip a beat.
"i like you. as more than a friend. and i was scared that you might not like me back so i panicked."
you tilted your head in understanding, hesitantly stepping in front of him. "i like you too, chris."
he stares into your eyes then, smiling softly, and seemingly debating on his next words. "you're the most beautiful woman i've ever met."
your face heats up as you look back and forth between his eyes. he tentatively takes your hands in his as he continues. "from the moment we met, i've always thought that. i've always thought you were funny, and kind, and creative. i've always felt something for you but i tried to push it down because i didn't want to be heartbroken if i found out you didn't like me back, and i'm terrified to be with anyone. but i want to try with you, if you'll have me."
somehow, your face heats up even more, and you look down at your intertwined hands, eyes blinking rapidly. "don't make me cry, i just finished my makeup."
he chuckles, one hand reaching up to your chin, coaxing you to look at him. "i love you."
you breathed out a sign of surprise, throwing your arms around him as you bury your head in his neck. his arms surround you, hugging you tightly as his head goes to your neck. "i love you too."
you can feel the vibrations on your skin from his voice as he jokes. "and i won't ghost you again."
you laugh, before leaving a kiss on his cheek as you pull away. you smile at him before you turn to walk to your waiting friends, having heard the horn of a car outside.
chris grabs your hand, causing you to turn around and look at him expectantly. he gently pulls you back to him, his other hand reaching up to cup the side of your face. he looks between your eyes and lips, and you instantly help him close the gap between the two of you.
giggling as you pull apart, a look of amused confusion crosses his features. "what?"
your hand comes up to lightly scratch the stubble covering his cheeks. "it tickles."
he chuckles as he shakes his head at you, placing another kiss to your lips before gently ushering you to the door. "go have fun. i'll be here when you get back."
you did as he said, excited to come back home to him; the man you've had feelings for for the longest time and who you now know has feelings for you too. the man who you love, and who loves you.
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indouloureux · 2 years
Ohhh my god that wayne fic!!! What about one where reader sleeps over and when they wake up wayne's already home so eddie has to introduce them and shes so nervous but wayne finds it v endearing <3
wayne wayne i love wayne :( thank you for requesting! <3
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when eddie hears the tires of his uncle's car from inside the bathroom, he looks at you with a mouth half-full of toothpaste foam with his toothbrush hanging from his lips, and you snap your head at him from the doorframe, mug halfway through your lips to look at him in confusion.
he says something, gibberish with the white cloud in his mouth. you set the coffee down, world's best uncle mug meeting the sink.
"what?" you question.
eddie pulls his toothbrush out, bending to spit the foam before he goes back to you. "uncle wayne's home early,"
your face falls slightly. you've never met wayne, being introduced to him first through his picture on eddie's wallet—wayne in his early thirties and him on the brink of adolescence—and you were never one to judge a book by it's cover; however, the smile his uncle wore was undeniably intimidating, but kind nonetheless.
"i thought you said he wouldn't be home for another two hours?"
he says something muffled again. you roll your eyes, taking the toothbrush from his mouth and urging him to wash. he does it in less than five seconds before he's speaking to you again. "i said i think he wouldn't be home for another two hours,"
you groan, taking your coffee and tugging on your shirt, walking out of the bathroom. eddie follows suit, guiding you to his kitchen where he sees you nervously tapping the countertop, staring out the window.
"sweets," he comes up to you, arm around your waist as the other hand reaches for your coffee and takes a short sip, frowning at the lack of sugar. "did you even put sugar on this?"
"why not?"
"i like it bitter," you say.
eddie shakes his head. "right. babe, why're you nervous, huh?" he rubs your waist, placing the coffee down and pulling you closer to his side. "he's my uncle. he's nice. you were bound to meet him, anyway."
"'s not that," you tug on the loose thread of your shirt—his shirt, yellow iron maiden logo below the collar and the album cover right in the middle— "i don't look nice. i haven't even cleaned up properly! it's- it's weird if he sees me like this."
your boyfriend snorts endearingly, digging his nose in your hair and lets his lips press a feather kiss on your head. "you look beautiful. you're gonna be fine. he's my uncle. he's seen my many phases of boyhood. he's gonna love you, and he will love you."
you look up at him, chin on his bicep and pout. "and if he doesn't?"
"well, then i guess you'll have to help me buy every mug in the world to convince him to love you,"
he beams when you laugh, couldn't help but place the softest kiss to your smiling lips that lingers until the door unlocks. eddie breaks away from you, helps you tug your shirt down as his uncle emerges from the door.
poor uncle wayne looks tired, but there's a faint smile on his face as he says, "hey, kid, i'm home."
when he looks up, he pauses at the sight of you next to his nephew. you shoot him a rather nervous grin, hands shaking as they clutch the sides of eddie's sweatpants.
wayne hangs his hat on a rack beside the door and clears his throat, offering you a tight-lipped smile. "well, hello there. you must be (y/n),"
"yes!" you almost topple the mug over had eddie been too late to take it from the countertop. "i'm- i'm (y/n). yes. i- i'm sorry if i'm here right now without letting you know!"
wayne sees the anxiousness in your eyes and the bemusement in eddie's, although his nephew's face had a tinge of pink coating his cheeks. he chuckles, walking over to you to set the keys on the small china plate.
"'s alright, kid," he runs his hand through his head. "i've been wanting to meet you, anyway. eddie's been telling me all about you. like a fly to an ear, i'm tellin' ya. but i don't mind," wayne looks at him. "he's happy,"
you look back at eddie who's already hidden his face behind his locks of brown hair, turning around to groan quietly into his hands that turns into a low whine. "uncle wayneee."
"he talks about me?" you turn back to him, lips twitching up. "that's... nice."
"it's very nice," his hand comes up to pat your shoulder, chuckling at how quick your nervousness has withered and transferred to his blushing nephew. "now, if you'll excuse me, i'll be using the bathroom. then we can talk over this with coffee,"
"how 'bout you stay in the bathroom for..." eddie crosses his arms, eyes gluing on the ceiling. "like, four more hours,"
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
Today in, "Conservatives keep making me side with Disney"...
So, Gina Carano is suing Disney. And Elon Musk is paying for her lawyers. And they released the complaint document.
It's... a doozy.
I can't decide if her lawyers are not taking this seriously at all or if they are taking it super duper extra seriously.
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Like, that's a real thing that a lawyer wrote.
As you know, judges are famous for enjoying levity in official court documents. I think in law school you are encouraged to add comedy bits. True facts.
Gina wants money for emotional damages. But she also wants to be rehired, which sounds like another funny comedy bit. They scrapped an entire show because of her nonsense.
Most are saying this will get thrown out with haste due to the fact that Gina wasn't actually fired. She had already done her contracted work. Disney decided not to hire her for any *new* work. So I guess she wants them to honor an imaginary contract that was in her head.
The entire document is just as ridiculous as the opening crawl. It starts out by listing Gina's show biz bona fides. Her myriad accomplishments in Hollywood were listed one by one in a section titled...
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Well, I'm intrigued.
Let's take a look at this illustrious career, according to this document.
"Carano is the first-ever female star in mixed martial arts cage fighting to successfully transition to a career in movies, breaking down substantial barriers for women in the sport."
Off to an interesting start.
All the cage fighting gals can act in movies now and they all have Gina to thank for barrier busting.
"Carano received roles in Hollywood and independent film productions such as Haywire, Fast & Furious 6, Heist, Deadpool, Almost Human, Extraction, Daughter of the Wolf, and Madness in the Method."
I've heard of several of those things! And I think I almost remember her in Deadpool! Very impressive.
Oh wait, they're not done...
"On May 13, 2008, “Gina Carano” was the fastest rising search on Google and third most searched person on Yahoo! while being ranked no. 5 on Yahoo!’s “Top Ten Influential Women of 2008” list."
In 2008 she was popular on Yahoo for a bit. Got it.
Has she won any awards?
"In 2012, Carano was the first recipient of the ActionFest Film Festival’s Chuck Norris Award for Best Female Action Star.
In 2017, Carano received the Artemis Action Warrior Award.
In 2019, Carano received The Rising Star award at Ischia Film Festival."
Very prestigious. I'm sure Chuck Norris has a lovely basement where that ceremony was almost certainly held.
You know what, why don't we just skip to The Mandalorian?
"Although her character instantly became one of the most recognized and popular characters in the series..."
Gina, no... that was the little green puppet.
You were the one who couldn't act very well but you made up for it by punching things good.
"Carano was again instrumental in the success of Season 2 of The Mandalorian."
Nope, still the puppet.
End of "accomplishments."
The next section is titled
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For some reason they left out "bigoted" before speech. Weird.
In most of it, it legit sounds like they are making a case *against* her. They show that everyone at Disney and Lucasfilm tried very hard to give her chance after chance. They did everything but point blank tell her, "Either learn and relieve yourself of this ignorance or stop posting shit online."
She totally had the option to keep her shitty views to herself and shut the heck up for the duration and enjoy the money and success a Star Wars show can bring. It's like swatting away a lottery ticket.
I'm all for free speech. And if the government tried to arrest her for saying dumb shit, I'd be against that. But that freedom to speak does not mean there are never consequences. People are also free to not like what you have to say.
The entire last section of the document is just tweets that Gina screencapped. Like, her lawyers didn't even redo them so they had consistent formatting or pixel dimensions. They were literally just off Gina's phone.
She thought she was collecting receipts but it was mostly just her co-stars standing up for marginalized groups.
Based Pedro Pascal posted this...
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And the document commented...
"Pascal was not disciplined, required to review documentaries on any of these topics or speak to individuals with contrary points of view, or pressured to apologize for any of his posts. His employment was not terminated, and Defendants made no public statements about his social media posts, much less refer to them as “abhorrent.”"
Yes, why wasn't Pedro forced to listen to MAGA dipshits tell him why they hate his sister? Why wasn't he told to watch a Dinesh D'Souza documentary? Why wasn't he told to apologize for posting cool ass muppet memes?
The most telling part of the document for me... the part that really showed her ignorance... was when she compared one of her tweets to one of Carl Weathers'.
First, her infamous tweet comparing the holocaust to conservatives being moderated on social media for spreading misinformation...
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And then Carl posted this in response to conservatives banning books...
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And the document says...
"Even Carano’s male co-star, the late Carl Weathers posted the exact same message, but no action was taken against him. Nor was Weathers accused by Defendants of denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identity."
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shmaptainwrites · 5 months
Hiiiiii againnn its meee coming back to annoy you again :D
I saw you extended your accepting date until the 9th, and I know I literally just requested something, but would you be down to write a blurb for an angry love confession in the pouring rain? I'm a sucker for that cliché trope, and I love your writing so so much <3
Once again a female reader if you don't mind 😭
bestie you've freaking GOT IT and sometimes cliché tropes are the best, really who are we to judge btw i also put carl davis' pride and prejudice suite iii on repeat while writing this for ~vibes~
Pairing: Fitzwilliam Darcy x fem!Reader
Warnings: scandalous behaviour for the 1800s i guess, minor height description (shorter than Colin Firth and Matthew MacFayden, they're both like 6'2)
The Truth
Normally when the rain was pouring down from above you'd make it a point to look for cover, but what was the point in that anymore. You let the cold water from the sky envelope you, absorb into your skin, soak your clothes. If you just focused on the rain you wouldn't have to focus on anything else.
If it were just you, alone in the world perhaps that would be the case, and although it felt like it sometimes, that didn't mean you'd get peace when you wanted it.
His voice was muffled at first, but you supposed that was your own fault, too focused on other things to bring your mind to hear what he was saying, but as he approached closer you could hear him clearer.
"What are you doing?! It's pouring outside!"
You could hear the urgency in his tone, but couldn't bring yourself to feel it.
"I'm well aware of that," you called back.
"Then why in God's name are you out here?"
He was behind you now, you could tell, his voice so close you could just about feel his warm breath cut past the cold air surrounding you.
You turned around and shook your head with a slight shrug of your shoulders.
"I don't know," you admitted.
"Well come inside then," he insisted, offering an arm to you. "We'll both get sick if we stay out here any longer."
"I don't care."
"You don't care?" he frowned. "What is going on? You don't seem like yourself."
"Lying can do that to a person," you said simply and turned away.
"Lying?" you could almost hear the exasperation in his voice. "Please, I don't understand."
"Of course you don't, why would you? You don't feel the same," you mumbled to yourself.
"I really must insist you explain what is going on," he said quite firmly.
"I can't!" you shook your head and wrapped an arm around your waist, the other covering your mouth. "Please, Mr. Darcy, just...just leave me."
There was silence for a moment and you thought maybe he head left, the downpour masking the sound of his footsteps, but then a voice spoke up.
"No. I will not leave you."
"What is it you want from me?" you turned back to him again and asked angirly.
"I want the truth."
"The truth is that I love you!" you looked down at your feet, knowing you wouldn't be able to meet his gaze. "I love you and I don't think you feel the slightest ounce of that towards me."
"And what would give you that impression?" you heard the squish of wet grass and mud beneath his feet as he came closer to you. "Because if I, in any way, have made you feel like that, it must be rectified."
You finally looked up at him, tears mixed with raindrops runnig down your face.
"Fitzwilliam, please, I-I can't bear to have my heart broken," you whispered. "If this is just kindness I-I-"
You weren't given a chance to finish your sentence as he lifted your face to look up at him, his hands were warm against your cold skin and out of instinct your eyes fluttered shut, just as he pressed his lips on yours.
You gripped tightly onto his forearms, bringing him as close as you could, wishing nothing more in the world than for that moment to last forever.
When you pulled apart, his forehead still resting on your own, you let out a small breathy chuckle, letting one of your hands come up and hold his cheek.
"You never said anything," you whispered, "and with all this-this talk of suitresses...I-I thought I was being foolish."
"I must be the fool for not saying anything earlier," he lifted his head only to kiss your forehead, and bring you in for a proper embrace. It felt as if you were meant to be joined and knit together as one and it reminded you that in the end, it was always important to tell the truth.
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