#although it begs the question of fridays or mondays off
cinastre · 1 year
i think i can finagle my pto so that this my last week of the year that isnt 4 days 🤔
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lipstick-stain · 2 years
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dirty words — ft. floyd leech
synopsis: ignoring floyd leech after being teased
this was a discarded draft that i deemed too off-topic for the prompt!!
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Soft lips were pressed against your ear as the moody twin whispered words that painted your cheeks in the brightest pink hues. When he pulled back, he silently admired your flushed appearance with a toothy smirk. He knows what he’s doing to you.
He noticed your quickening heartbeat and felt the warmth radiating from your face when he mumbled another dirty joke. His body was so close to yours. Floyd Leech showed you how much of a predator he was when he trapped you in one of Mostro Lounge’s booths during his break. Between his arms, you were unable to escape his crude words or hide your rosy cheeks from him.
You wondered if Floyd actually liked you or if you were just another one of his playthings. But with Floyd, it's best to keep your interactions on the safer side. What good is a relationship, if he drops you the second he’s bored? As bad for your heart Floyd’s flirting can be, you’d rather let him tease a relationship than ruin a perfectly good friendship asking for one.
Although Floyd’s mood swings might make him less emotionally dependable, his affection bettered your day more than anything else. A tight squeeze from your favorite eel when you fail a test or a pretty gem given to you after alchemy class always made you smile. But his kindness was a double-edged sword. The more you received, the more unwilling you were to settle on just being friends. You needed to get rid of your crush on him, and fast.
You thought that avoiding Floyd would make your crush on him disappear, but it only made your heart long for him more. On Monday, he tried giving you a pearl he ripped from an oyster. He said it made him think of you. You politely declined and left him standing in the middle of the emptying hallway as you turned to go to your next class. On Tuesday, he asked you to take a break with him during your shift together. You almost said yes, but a party of 18 was suddenly seated in your section, and no one was willing to cover you. When Wednesday rolled around, Floyd tried talking to you but you ran away from him, claiming that your club needed your help urgently.
Floyd finally catches you after class on Friday. He pulls you into a tight hug as he begs you to stop ignoring him.
When he questions, "How are we s'pose to date if you’re always avoiding me?” You realize that maybe you didn’t need to get rid of your crush after all.
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a/n: I scrapped this from the “can we always be this close?” post because,,, floyd and the reader weren’t close at all for the majority of this fic,,, anyways! i hope you liked it! also, this is to tie everyone over until the big smau im releasing !!!
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loveisbraveandwild · 2 years
hihihi grace i have been following your blog since i was twelve and i wanted to say hi. but also. wait. what is going on with Ticketmaster? im so lost all i know is no one got tickets
buckle up! rewind to about 2 weeks ago. taylor posted on instagram, announcing her tour and over 4 million people liked it within 12 hrs, 4x the number of ppl who liked her loverfest instagram post. when she announced it you could sign up for a chance to get a presale code on monday, november 14th. at this time, we were also told loverfest ticket holders have priority, as well as people with additional boosts received from purchases on taylor’s online store. we’re encouraged to link our store email with our ticketmaster email. monday roles around and a decent number of people get emails and texts with codes saying they were selected, although there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who did and did not get codes. we’re told to log onto ticketmaster at 10am the time you venue is closed. as an east coaster myself, when i logged in at 9:25, the website had already crashed. i spent 25 minutes incessantly refreshing just to get into the website. when i finally got into the waiting room and then into the queue, i had, wait for it, over 20,000 people in line in front of me. 2 hours go by, ticketmaster informs us they have pushed back the capitol one card holder presale back 24 hrs, as well as the west coast presales to 3pm local time, AND my queue is paused while they work at ~internal issues~ due to the fact that they, as they claim, had no idea how many ppl would show up on their website, despite having sent. out. the. presale. codes….. AND THEN around this time is when nosebleeds are around $120, floor seats are all vip for $800, and stubhub suddenly has thousands of tickets going for over $20,000. there, again, seems to be no pattern as to where you are in the queue, despite empty promises made by both tm and tn that fan loyalty would be a factor. by hour 4, most venues have no tickets allotted for presale left. many are devastated and feel scammed and are crying and confused
*deep breath* ITS WEDNESDAY! a new day and opportunity for capital one card holders to join a queue and get taylor swift tickets! it cant possibly be worse than yesterday, they naively think! only, its worse. while the queue moves slightly faster, the 6 digits tm asks us to use to confirm we have a card, don’t work. The website is crashing before its even 2pm local time, when we were told to join the queue. And then…… people finally get in to buy tickets and of course….. there is nothing left within the first 20 minutes of the presale. the world is outraged! what will tm and taylor say! people are begging tm and tn for answers (some of the answers are just them gaslighting fans convincing them they never said long time fans will get priority and they don’t know where that information came from)! what will they do!? nothing. the answer is nothing.
but! do not fret! friday is general sale! everyone will get equal opportunity! didnt get presale? no worries! don’t have a capital one card? a-okay! except….. about an hour ago, ticketmaster logs onto their silly little twitter to announce GENERAL SALE HAS BEEN CANCELED DUE TO UNPREDICTED SALES NUMBERS!!!! how could that be?? didnt they set aside presale tickets???? the stadiums can fit up to 6 digits worth of people!!! what abt the people who simply werent lucky or privileged enough to qualify for the first 2 sales? how can resellers legally do this??? what happened? where did they go wrong??? who even is gonna be in the audience a eras tour??? how did loverfest go so smoothly when there were only 4 domestic shows? all…..great….. fucking….. questions……
i am absolutely horrified and outraged at ticketmaster. 90% of my friends are people i’ve met because of the taylor fandom and yet a whopping like 10% of my friends who live in or can come to the US got tickets. the entire process sucked and to top it all off barely anyone got tickets. right now the only opportunity to get tickets is to spend either $4000 for nosebleeds or more for alternative sections. i dont know what to make of taylor and team’s silence, i am feeling blindly optimistic because i love her and trust her and she often, not always but often, pulls through. i am so sorry to everyone who wont be able to see her, as of now.
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sylphidine · 2 years
[Fic] Call Signs, Chapter 25
Fandom: Deltarune
‘Verse: Human AU
Pairing: Swatch/Spamton [Swatchton]
POV Characters: Ballew Addison, Kirov Rouvin, Regina "GiGi" McCray, Indigo Dyer, Catechu Dyer
Out-of-focus characters: Swatch Paletta, Spamton Addison, T.M. Tanner
Rating: Mature
Chapter title: Behind The Black
Chapter summary:  A kaleidoscope of varying viewpoints, during what may or may not be a significant week in the lives of our characters.
Author notes: The usual content and trigger warnings for discussion of alcohol abuse, emotional manipulation, misgendering, intellectual hypocrisy and guilt-tripping. The chapter title "Behind The Black" refers to the change of focus from Swatch and Spamton to some of our secondary characters, told from their own POVs. It can seem sometimes like they've always been slightly offscreen, when in actuality they've been here the whole time.
Monday, February 21, 2022
Ballew Addison's office door was closed, as it usually was on Mondays.
His employees knew not to disturb him on Mondays and were accustomed to funneling their questions about workflow through his personal assistant.
This practice served Ballew well this morning, although at the present moment he was not working on anything urgent. 
To any casual observer, it would look like he was trying to find an empty place on one of his bookshelves for an antique cloth doll,  dressed in satin and stuffed with sawdust. It was a jester garbed in black-and-white motley and sporting rouged cheeks, like the joker card found in very old decks of playing cards.
Anyone who knew Ballew more fully would recognize that the CFO was lost in thoughts deeper and darker than simple redecoration.
He'd thanked his new girlfriend Nixie for the late Valentine's gift during the weekend they’d just spent together; she had wanted to give him something from her own childhood. He was fairly sure he’d hidden any sign of discomfort from his face or his body language; they didn’t know each other terribly well yet.
She couldn't know how much of a devastating emotional trigger puppets and marionettes had become for him in the last few years.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Javits Center always seemed both airy and stagnant during the Electronics Expo. The beautiful crisp skies of September could be seen through the glass walls of the atriums and walkways, but inside the ballrooms of the trade show itself, the crowding together of demo booths fostered an atmosphere that could sometimes feel oppressive.
Eos had begged off from the Expo this year, claiming “gadget fatigue”, but Ballew still enjoyed the chance to get out from behind his desk and do the meet-and-greets that would accomplish business-to-business lead generation. 
Harvard Business School had given him the social polish and the managerial background to coordinate the financial success of the company that bore his family's name. If Ballew had ever regretted the missed opportunity to study engineering, as Eos had done at MIT… well, that was old, old water under a long-gone bridge.
Addison Cybernetics didn't usually take a booth at events like this.  The company dealt mainly in streamlining solutions, rather than in research and development, but it kept on top of such cutting edge improvements in fields like MEMS sensors, IoT technology, and biochips for prosthetics.
Ballew wandered the trade show floor wearing his usual poker face, not revealing the giddiness he still felt at the sheer inventiveness  surrounding him.  He collected business cards from various sales reps, both startups and established businesses. They ranged from companies that aimed to revolutionize medical consultation through augmented reality and artificial intelligence, to firms that dealt in safety management for drone operations, to businesses that handled illumination applications, and so much more.
He made a mental note to tell Eos later about the startup that was producing affordable 3D printed musical instruments. His older brother would react like a sweets-loving kid being given a lifetime supply of candy.
It was a great time to be alive.
And then Ballew’s mood soured as he rounded a corner and saw an unexpected face.
The person was a good thirty feet away from him, but there was no mistaking who it was. Ballew’s younger brother Gainsboro stood under a banner reading “HAVE YOUR HOME RUN LIKE CLOCKWORK!” in the GASTER Smart Homes Hub booth.
The younger brother who Ballew hadn’t seen in more than two years. 
The younger brother who had left home in anger, taunting Ballew that he, Gainsboro, was not going to let Ballew turn him into a puppet the way Ballew had done with Eos, and had gone to work for a shady, shifty, fly-by-night company that seemed to have sprung up from nowhere. 
From a distance, Gainsboro looked older.  Well, of course he did. He was two years older.  But there was something in the way his face was lined and the way that he carried himself that reminded Ballew of the grandfather who had died before Gainsboro had been born. A pale, lined face, stiff arthritic joints. 
Ballew couldn’t help himself. As angry as he was at his baby brother, he also missed him terribly. So instead of following his first impulse and turning around, he walked towards the GASTER booth, noting the old-fashioned text and the image of some kind of child-robot on the banner.  As he got closer, the realization as to why Gainsboro looked so unnatural became clear.
The youngest Addison still had his hair dyed jet black, as he had when he came home for that last shouting match and his final break with the family. But what made him look so odd was that he wore theatrical makeup styled to make him appear like a ventriloquist’s dummy, and he was handing out cards to passersby with motions that mimicked a wind-up toy.
Really?  The best use that this two-bit, shady, shifty, fly-by-night company could make of Gainsboro Stanton Addison was as some sort of…booth mascot?!
It boggled the mind.  
It took every ounce of restraint that Ballew had, but he made only the briefest eye contact with his youngest brother as he took the card held out to him. Gainsboro’s face was frozen in a rictus grin, and his eyes gave nothing away behind his two-toned sunglasses.
Ballew couldn’t help tossing a parting shot over his shoulder as he walked away from the booth.
“So who’s the puppet now? Seems to suit you. Hope you’re enjoying it.”
His feet suddenly felt heavy, as did his heart.
Monday, February 14, 2022
In Yantal, it would have been grounds for severe punishment for Kirov Rouvin to publicly celebrate Valentine’s Day, even if his tastes had run to women. As a man who was attracted to other men rather than to women, that punishment might have led to imprisonment or worse, as had been going on for years in Argun.
Here in America, though, he was safe. 
Well, safer. There were still reports in the newspapers about beatings and deaths in this country, but such crimes were usually committed by private citizens on each other.
Kirov knew how to joke and laugh with women so that they knew he was bantering rather than flirting with them.  He knew how to joke and laugh with most men in a way that led those men to believe that he liked women as much as they did.
He’d learned what his American sponsor had termed “protective camouflage” over the last two years that he had been in this country. He’d had casual dates with a few interested and interesting men in the last year, but there was only one man for whom his heart thumped as though it would tear itself out of his chest.
Luck had been with Kirov lately, in finding ways to gaze upon that enchanting, incomparably beautiful man.  Bless the fates that had arranged that chance encounter with Stanton at the library yesterday, and bless his own ingenuity for arranging a purposeful encounter tonight.  
Although he didn’t even really have to manufacture an excuse… he really DID need to use one of the library’s reserve copies of Harington’s “Orlando Furioso” to complete his “compare and contrast” assignment with the Waldman version for Dr. Nagle. 
After his two reserve hours were up, Kirov waited until there was no one else in line at the circulation desk. Stanton’s back was turned to him while he was sorting some titles on a shelf; he was wearing a black cable-knit sweater over a white turtleneck. No tie today. Pity.  
Trying to seem casual, he carefully put the Harington folio back on the counter and placed his gift-wrapped box of Twinings next to it. He had tied a red satin ribbon around the box and had pinned the samovar badge to the ribbon. He then cleared his throat politely and Stanton walked over in response.
“Thank you for the use of the text. It was most helpful for my assignment.” Kirov turned to go, as though he had forgotten his parcel, and as he expected, Stanton called after him.
“W-wait, Kirov! You left something.”
Kirov turned back, trying hard not to smile too widely at the flustered look on Stanton’s face. He said, “No, I did not.  It is for you. A small token of my esteem. Is today not a day to give such tokens to a person one esteems?”
Stanton stared back at him without speaking.  His thin cheeks became flushed. He blinked rapidly, and Kirov’s confidence started to falter. The seconds ticked by.
Finally Stanton seemed to find his voice again. “I’m - I’m v-v-very - flattered, Kirov, but I c-can’t accept this. I thought you knew I w-was seeing someone. A romantic - romantic s-s-someone.”
It took all of Kirov’s acting skill, but he managed to pull off a realistic-sounding amused laugh and to reply, “No, not a romantic gift!  It is just tea, a gift for a colleague whom I esteem! To repay you for your good teaching last semester.”
“Ah,” said Stanton after a long moment. “I ap-apologize if I got the - the wrong idea.”
“No, it is I who must apologize!” Kirov gave a big exaggerated wink and took a step back from the counter once again. “Please share the tea with your… romantic someone.  He must be a very special fellow.” 
His former tutor nodded and murmured, “Yes.  Yes, they are.”
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Regina McCray smoothed one hand over her lacquered helmet of blue-black hair while texting her roommate with the other.
Tabbycat I Can’t Believe I’ve Been Dating The Same Guy For Six Weeks Can You???! Me!!! Hard As Nails Me LOL!!!!!
The reply came gratifyingly quickly.
GiGi it surprised me too but i think you got a good thing going
And nice to see you happy
Only real surprise is how good you are with Leroux’s kid
GiGi smiled, even though T.M. couldn’t see her do so from the other end of the dorm suite. She picked up her oversized blue martini glass and waggled it in an impromptu salute, somehow managing not to spill a single drop of her Mountain Dew.
Lance Is A Brat Sometimes Like Any Other Kid But He Can Be Really Sweet Too Did You Know He Gave Me A Nickname???
A little longer pause this time, before T.M.’s new text appeared.
Oh what is it
Does he call you queenie😃
She took a big swig of soda and set the glass off to the side safely away from her phone.
Nope He Calls Me Girldad
A much longer pause this time.
It can’t be easy for the poor kid with one of his dads in jail
But don’t you think his bonding with you is rushing things a bit
As always, T.M. could be counted on to cut through any tangle to get to the heart of any matter. GiGi typed back quickly before she lost her nerve.
I’m So Scared WHat Do I Do Now
She didn’t wait for a reply, but shut the phone off and stumbled, blinded by panic, to T.M.’s room. The other woman was standing in the doorway, as though reading her mind as to what she needed. GiGi let T.M. wrap her arms around her and didn’t resist when she made her lie down with her on the bed. 
They were very nearly the same height, although T.M. was much curvier than GiGi. 
GiGi sank into those curves like a drowning sailor. She buried her face in T.M. 's shoulder and concentrated on the scent of her roommate’s English Leather cologne.
She didn’t cry.
GiGi never cried.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
It had been two days, but the rejection still stung. 
Walking from one end of the hilly Inwood campus to the other, multiple times, had not helped. Burying himself in his coursework and starting to work on assignments that were not due for weeks had not helped.  There was no one left back home to write to and pour out his broken heart.
Perhaps it was time to take the advice of some of his friends in the freshman dorm and drown his sorrows like a man.
And so Kirov found himself on a Wednesday night looking up at the very tall, very stern-looking bartender at Plato's Cave and holding out a $10.00 bill.
"A Smirnoff Ice please, good sir!" He plastered what he hoped was a winsome grin on his face.
It was apparently not winsome enough, because the man did not return Kirov's smile, nor did he take Kirov's money. Instead, in a surprisingly light tenor voice, the bartender asked, "May I please see your ID?"
“Of course!” He continued to grin, not wanting to show how annoyed he was that yet again, he’d have the disconnect between his class year and his age to explain.  To forestall the inevitable, Kirov put the money down on the polished bar, pulled out both his campus ID and his New Jersey state-issued photo ID, and pushed all three in front of the brooding brown giant, feeling his own lack of height keenly and sure that his own face was pinker than ever.
The bartender, who wore an intriguing pair of eyeglasses and had long curly hair pulled back in a ponytail, picked up the two IDs, which were dwarfed in his massively large hands. Kirov waited for, and got, the apology he was expecting, as the man handed back the laminated cards and said in that same mellifluous voice, “I do regret the inconvenience, but I am not supposed to serve alcohol to underage patrons.”
“You are only doing your job, sir, and I congratulate you on your thoroughness. Although babies drink vodka where I come from. Since I am a Joisey boy, you know.”
That got the bartender to smile slightly, as the line usually did. The man replied, “I can imagine. Someone with such a distinguished manner of speech could only be from New Jersey." He pulled out the requested bottled beverage and continued, “I’m afraid we only have the black cherry flavor at present.” He deftly popped the cap off with a bottle opener and asked, “Would you like me to pour?”
“Certainly, if you’ll join me in a glass.” 
“I’m afraid that we wouldn’t both fit, sir.” The bartender smoothed down the front of his somewhat gaudy half-black, half-white vest. He then turned to ring up the sale and make change, displaying a VERY nice backside in snug-fitting black jeans.
Kirov laughed, pleased at having someone to flirt with again. 
Thursday, February 17, 2022
As Indigo Dyer propelled his shopping cart towards the produce section, a familiar fluffy head of gray-streaked hair, attached to a familiar short skinny white dude in a familiar red hoodie, caught his eye.
He used his long-legged height advantage to catch up to Spamton. “Hey, Spam-man! Long time no see!”
Spamton’s gurgling laugh accompanied his protest. “You j-j-just saw me yesterday for lunch! It’s n-not like it’s been - it’s been YEARS.”
“I know, man, I know.” Indigo fell in step beside the shorter man as they both pushed their carts through the aisles between displays of fruits and vegetables. “But five minutes here, twenty minutes there, every couple of days… it’s not like it was.”
“I g-guess.” Spamton tilted his head to look his former roommate in the eye. “Why - why do I g-g-g-get the feeling you’re trying to ask me for a f-favor?”
No flies on this guy . Indigo grinned to himself. He was tempted to spin a long rambling tale to wind Spamton up, but then he thought better of it. Honesty almost always worked out best in the long run.
“Okay, you got me. And it’s not really a favor so much as me hoping both you guys might be open to a little tweaking on this Sunday’s plan.”
“Oh? I’m l-listening.”
“Good. Tabsy and me were talking, and first off, we love the idea of  fraction birthdays. You are a genius , man, for coming up with that.”
Spamton nodded as he grabbed a bag of carrots and dropped it into his cart. “My - my sister st-started it, and it kind of - kind of c-caught on.” He moved further along the corridor of vegetable bins, and said in a mock-sarcastic way, “If I ever g-gave T.M. a cutesy n-nickname, you’d be scraping b-b-bits of me off the wall.”
Indigo hooted and slapped the handle of his own cart. When he was able to stop laughing, he got back to the mission of selecting produce while returning the conversation to the celebration for Swatch.
“As I was saying, Tabsy and I wondered if maybe we could invite a few other people to this shindig.  Make it something separate from our Sunday family dinners.”
Spamton seemed to be giving it serious thought; Indigo could almost see the wheels turning in his head. At least it didn’t look like the Spam-man was taking offense at the idea; he hadn’t started yelling or carrying on. In fact, it almost looked like Spamton was trying very hard to not bust out smiling.  But the little guy was definitely holding some of his cards close to his chest as he answered, “How m-many extra p-people are we talking about?  The house isn’t - isn’t that b-big, remember.”
Score! That almost sounds like a “yes”.
Indigo tried to sound casual as he counted off on his fingers, “Well, obviously, you, Swatch, me and Catto and Tabsy. Then I was thinking about Catto wanting to bring Kendra, and that means some of the other fencers that Swatch knows, like Nishay and Liam, might want to come. And then there’s some guys on the basketball team that Swatch has been close to for years, like Romar and the two Adams —”
He broke off as Spamton interrupted him with a handwave, saying, “You’ve s-sold me! I'll ask Swatch t-to-tonight what - what they think. And I’ve b-been trying to - to think of a way to thank Leroux and GiGi for their help m-m-m-moving me and Swatch in, last m-month, so I’d invite them, t-too.”
The shorter man was practically glowing when he finished speaking, and Indigo had a sudden sneaking suspicion that Spamton had known of this plan the whole time and had just been waiting for Indigo to bring up the possibility.
“I’d be happy to do all the cooking and have the party at Overlook,” Indigo blurted out. 
Spamton seemed taken aback for a few seconds, but then he chirped cheerily, “That’s v-very nice of you. And cheaper than t-t-takeout for a gang of - of athletes - ”
“Hey, we’re not a GANG, mister - “
“Okay, okay!  Truce!”
“ - but I insist you make a couple of pots of your chicken soup. Me and Catto have missed that good stuff, man."
“Oh, the truth c-comes out, you d-don’t miss me, you just m-miss the soup.”
Spamton’s voice was a bit softer now and not quite so cheerful. Indigo looked around to make sure that the two of them were not blocking any shoppers who might want to get past them, then knelt down to give the shorter man a bear hug. So that no one would suspect him of turning mushy, he also gave Spamton a noogie on the top of his head.
Spamton sputtered at the indignity of the noogie, but clapped Indigo on the back a couple of times, like he was playing the bongos.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
This party couldn’t have been timed more perfectly, in Catechu Dyer’s opinion.
The men’s basketball team was coming off three straight wins, two away games earlier in the week and a home win just a few hours ago. He had his arm around Kendra, who was also coming off a winning tournament round in both saber and epee, and was smiling fit to beat the band. She was channeling her idol Nikki Franke this year with her close-cropped ‘fro. “Saves on shower time,” she’d told Catto the first time he’d spent the night with her. 
His twin and the Spam-man both seemed to be in their element, bringing out various platters of appetizers and finger food as soon as they were ready from the oven.  Of course, Indo had somehow convinced their former roommate to make some of his signature chicken soup, but neither Catto nor his current roommates were going to complain. He’d noticed Ryan and Watson going back to the kitchen for seconds and even thirds.
Everyone seemed to be mixing well together. The guy with the SERIOUSLY long silver beaded braids who ran the radio station was having a grand old time trading lighthearted Shakespearian insults with Nishay from the fencing team. T.M.’s roommate was perched on the clanky old radiator like it was some kind of rocket-powered throne, holding court with an attentive group of basketball players.
T.M. herself was circulating, never in one spot for long. The air seemed to be crackling with electricity around her; Catto made a mental note to try to catch her tomorrow for lunch and see if something was bugging her.
Indo stopped in front of the couch with a tray of pigs in blankets; Catto snagged a hot handful and dropped them on his plate. Spamton followed with a tray of broccoli bites, and Kendra took some in a far more civilized manner for herself. As they moved away to offer food to the other guests, Catto heard his brother tell Spamton, “You know, you really should think about joining the hospitality industry.  You’d be a natural at it!”
Spamton shot back, “Only if - if I can wear a sharp suit like Swatch does at P-Plato’s.”
The little guy’s stutter was barely noticeable tonight. 
In a corner, Swatch was standing and talking with Romar, their old teammate. They were both leaning up against the wall, a pose that Catto hadn’t realized how much he’d missed from his cousin. You couldn’t guess from looking at Swatch that just three months ago their leg had been smashed to bits. 
Romar was apparently continuing the harangue he’d gone off on during the bus trip back Tuesday night. Some of the players on the opposing team had been suspended earlier in the year for sneaking “lean” into team afterparties, and Romar wanted no part of that. He was audibly thanking Swatch for making sure this party tonight was a dry party, without overtly saying that he knew where Swatch was coming from regarding mutual experience.
Aunt Claudine had thought she had the kids fooled when she called her homemade red wine coolers spiked with cough syrup  “grape juice for grownups”. Those had been her downfall, literally.
Catto was grateful to his grandmother Fairlight that she had never outright forbidden him, Swatch, or Indo to drink alcohol on occasions when the extended family got together, but let the three of them make their own decisions as they went through puberty and high school. She also didn’t shy away from discussing in graphic detail what the abuse of alcohol had done to her daughter’s brain wiring, something that even his own mom and dad downplayed.
He didn’t abstain the way Swatch did, but if he had a few beers every couple of weeks, that was a lot for him.
Watching Swatch’s face now, he could venture a guess that Swatch had Aunt Claudine on their mind as well, and not in the “happy memories” way.
And almost as if the two of them had the same near-telepathic link that Catto and Indo had, Catto wasn’t surprised to see Spamton cross the room to Swatch and gracefully extricate Swatch from what was becoming a difficult conversation by asking for their help in tasting whether the macarons were ready.
“That’s true love for you,” Catto said out loud, and squeezed Kendra tighter. She started to snort derisively, but her dark face softened when she watched Swatch walk into the kitchen, arm-in-arm with their partner for the whole room to see.
“Yeah, that’s love.”
Monday, February 21, 2022
Ballew was jolted out of his reverie by the vibration of his cellphone. The incoming text was from Swatch Paletta.
May I set up an appointment to discuss business with you? And also possibly the topic of love?
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mxxnlight-99 · 3 years
🌼chifuyu x reader🌼
Warnings: +18. Praise kink lots of dirty talk. Squirt. The reader (?) Has a date with kazutora but very short and nothing happens. Slight but very slight spoiler of chifuyu and kazutora's relationship and job. i'm not very good at English so i apologize for possible mistakes
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You and chifuyu had met at an animal shelter. you liked them a lot so you were volunteering at various shelters.
You met him several times before you talked to him. He had caught your eye, not that the boy would go unnoticed with those blue eyes and his hair.
He told you that he owned a pet store with a friend but that he also wanted to help out and so he volunteered at various shelters just like you.
Often their schedules coincided so you had built up a nice routine of going out for a drink, going out to eat or just talking about their day, it was nice to have someone to share things with.
He had told you about his past with Toman and you were quite surprised that someone like him had been involved in such situations. Although it didn't really bother you, Chifuyu had always shown you that he was a good person.
Over time you had begun to realize that your feelings towards Chifuyu were more than friendly. You had watched him play with a puppy, he was so loving and then he had turned around and looked at you with those beautiful eyes and gave you that beautiful smile and your heart almost burst out of your chest. You had always wanted to be with someone who shared your love for animals so it was no wonder you felt that way about him.
You had decided to ignore your feelings for him. Clearly the boy didn't seem interested and you didn't want to ruin his beautiful friendship by confessing to him, so things went on as usual.
you had left the shelter and were having ice cream with chifuyu until their phone rang. It sounded like it was from the store it was something with some cages that had arrived it wasn't that important but they needed the main owner's signature and he asked you to go with him.
There you met his friend Kazutora, he seemed nice but since you arrived he didn't take his eyes off you and started to make you uncomfortable.
Chifuyu came back and Kazutora spoke.
- So this is the reason why you've been absent so much? - he said in a playful tone - nice girl -
- She's not my girl," Chifuyu hastened to clarify.
You weren't but feeling the urgency with which he had to clarify that he's not with you hurt you a little bit at the end of the day you really liked him. The situation stayed there and you helped the guys to settle things down.
You had started going to the store more often and now you were helping to clean up and feed the animals. Kazutora was really nice once you got to know him you had a lot of fun hanging out with the two of them.
you were cleaning the place where the kittens were, well more like Kazutora was cleaning and you were playing with the cats.
- you know... - kazutora started talking - you're very cute - you stopped playing and watched him.
- What was that for?
- I'm sorry, I know it's a sudden comment, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable -
- no, it's okay it just took me by surprise I didn't expect you to say something like that -
- I umm... you are very pretty and nice and I wanted to ask you... if you wanted to go on a date with me, that's why I told you that, it's okay if you say no -
You stood there not knowing what to say your feelings for chifuyu were still there and even though you didn't expect anything to happen you didn't want to go out with kazutora if you had feelings for someone else it wasn't fair to him and he had been through enough in his life. You were about to speak when he interrupted you
- I know you like chifuyu - you froze in your place How had he noticed? - It's obvious you're the only one capable of putting up with his tricks but since you haven't told him I figured he might have a chance, it's just a date and we'll see what happens -
You thought about it for a second and agreed. It was just a date and nothing more and you would see how you felt about the situation.
The date was on a Friday afternoon, it was no big deal and you thanked Kazutora for choosing something simple. you had a picnic on a lake where there were some nice ducks. You fed them and took pictures with them it was really a nice afternoon. You didn't rule out the idea of going out with him again.
Monday you went to the refuge as usual, it was one of the days you shared a shift with chifuyu, he had been tense and distant all day, you didn't understand why but you didn't inquire too much, for sure he would tell you when you left.
when you two go out You tried to make conversation but he was still with the same attitude.
- So you went on a date with Kazutora? -
- yes, we had a little picnic -
- why? -
- Why? - you asked confused.
- yes Why did you go on a date with him? -
The question caught you off guard. What were you supposed to answer to that? He had stopped walking and was looking at you waiting for you to answer. You stood a few steps ahead of him not knowing what to say.
- tell me, tell me why you went out with him -
- I... I don't know -
- What do you mean you don't know? Do you like him? -
he approached you and took your face softly making you look into his eyes his lips inches from yours
- tell me now that you really like him and that you want to be with him and I'll leave you alone otherwise... I'm going to kiss you right now -
You couldn't think anything else when you felt his lips against yours. Chifuyu's lips were soft and warm and he held you as if you were going to break. It was a soft kiss but full of longing and as quickly as it started it ended.
- I'm sorry, that was wrong. You're going out with my friend what was I thinking. I'm leaving -
He turned around and started to walk away but you grabbed him by the arm.
- don't go fuyu -
He stopped and turned to look at you, his eyes were teary.
- Why did you do that? why did you kiss me?
- Why would I kiss you? Think what reason could there be for me to kiss you?
You looked at your feet. You knew the reason but you were afraid you were wrong
- because I love you. But that doesn't matter, you're with kazutora -
- I love you too chifuyu -
- What? Then why...? -
- I went out with him because I thought you didn't return my feelings and I just... wanted to try dating other people -
He looked at you for a split second and kissed you again. You couldn't believe that chifuyu returned your feelings.
You kissed him back by putting your arms around his neck and touching the short hair on his neck, he put his hands on your waist and pulled you to his body, cut the kiss short and rested his forehead on yours.
- Let's go to my house. I need you right now - he said
- yes let's go -
The ride to chifuyu's house was filled with anticipation and little kisses.
as soon as they crossed the door of the house you had him on top of you devouring your lips.
- hold on to my neck - he said softly against your lips
You did as he said and he lifted you up by your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist. He went into the bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed on top of you.
His kisses moved to your neck and his hand slipped under your shirt and gently caressed your ribs.
- God! You are so soft baby -
He attached his hips to yours rubbing his erection against you and you let out a little moan. He pulled away from you and started to remove the top part of your clothes leaving you only in your bra, he went down your chest kissing and licking your pelvis, he unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down barely revealing your mons pubis and biting it gently.
- you have a beautiful body baby -
He took off your pants and panties and went back up to your chest and took off your bra.
- Fuyu... - you complained - you're still very dressed up I want to see you too - I want to see you too -
He laughed - whatever my baby wants - and started to undress.
- Do you like what you see? - he said teasing you
- very much -
He kissed you again and moved his hand down to your pussy running his finger softly feeling your wetness.
- you are so wet baby -
He started sucking one of your breasts filling your nipple with drool while playing with your wet pussy.
- Fuyu put your fingers inside please -
Immediately he put his finger inside you putting it in and out gently
- You are so hot baby you feel so good on my fingers. You touch me too baby please I want to feel you -
Your hand went to his cock, it was already fully hard, you started to move your hand up and down and chifuyu moaned against your neck as he increased the rhythm of his fingers inside you.
The sensation of orgasm started to form in you chifuyu's fingers tapping at the right angle to drive you crazy.
- Fuyu... I'm coming ah!
- yes baby do it cum in my hand, I want your cum dripping on my fingers. Please, please baby give it to me - I practically begged.
And you cum driven by his dirty words the walls of your pussy convulsing on his fingers and panting heavily.
- you look so beautiful when you cum baby, I want to see you again -
Chifuyu positioned herself between your legs looking at your pussy glistening from orgasm
- look at that pretty pussy all wet from me - he said spreading your juices.
You moaned and squirmed from the touch still sensitive from your orgasm.
- now I want to put it in. will you let me baby? I can? - he said running his cock up and down your pussy
- yes Fuyu fill me up please - you asked desperately
In less than a second he was completely inside you and let out a moan of relief.
- oh god baby you feel so good, so much better than I thought, ugh I can't take it... I'm not going to last long -
He started ramming gently biting your neck and looking for that sensitive spot inside you. He straightened up trying to go deeper, your eyes rolled back and your back arched, grinding your pelvis against his.
- you have no idea how sexy you look like that love - he said and started massaging your clitoris with his palm as he thrust - you don't know how many times I imagined having you like that but none of my fantasies came even close to how beautiful you look and how good you feel -
Each onslaught brought you closer and closer to the abyss and you held on to the sheets as if your life depended on it.
- Fuyu... Fuyu... Fuyu ah! It feels so good. Fuyu... I'm going to come again -
- aaw my baby wants to cum again? Does my cock feel that good? -
- yes! yes! It feels so good make me cum Fuyu please -
- do it love cum all over my dick let me see that beautiful expression on your face again -
The movement of his hand on your clit increased, the sloshing sound louder each time his cock went in and out of you was too much stimulation and you cum audibly moaning. a white ring covering his cock as he kept going in and out of you seeking his own release.
- Fuyu...I can't - it's too much -
He bent down and kissed you softly
- I know love but hold on a little longer for me I'm almost there... you're doing great - he took you by the hips giving firm thrusts
The sensation of a third orgasm was starting to form but it felt strange it was too much
- baby I'm coming, I'm going to come deep inside of you I'm going to fill you with my cum -
- ah! I can't... I'm coming again -
you came for the third time shuddering and whimpering from over stimulation dripping and wetting all over. And you felt it... chifuyu's hot semen inside you, his breathing completely agitated and small spurts running through you.
They stayed in each other's arms catching their breath. Finally they got up to change the sheets and clean themselves.
- I can't believe you made a squirt, it was so hot, baby -
They had gone back to bed and you had your head buried in chifuyu's chest hiding in shame.
- don't be ashamed love, it was amazing - he said and kissed your head - now let's sleep.
The next day after talking seriously about their relationship and what they both wanted they went to Kazutora to explain and apologize. It had been just a date but you wanted to set the record straight and make sure no one got hurt.
When you talked to him he just laughed at you telling you that he only asked you out so that chifuyu would finally do something about his feelings. You playfully hit on him and feigned anger because that was the reason for going out with you even though you were deeply grateful to him and that things had worked out really well.
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
kids and car rides- feysand
AN: hi yes hello there- again, it’s been a hot minute since i’ve written anything so here’s something i’ve been pushing myself through for these past couple of days. this is my first time writing feysand so i’m sorry if this sucks- i have to wake up for school in... five hours... so... yeah. if there’s any typos or the plot is kinda... ?? just... cut me some slack :) anyway, hope you enjoy!
part two
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Feyre was going to murder her boyfriend.
No- mutilate was more like it. How and where were truly her only thoughts as she glanced around her at the full bleachers of screaming students covered in black and blue face paint. 
Dating Tamlin Hybern had been nice at first- surreal if anything. When the star lacrosse player had taken an interest in the quiet girl at the back of the class who spent her free time in an art studio, Feyre had been flattered. He had asked her out in between classes a few months ago and Feyre had managed to stutter out a blushing, yes, still reeling that the handsome blonde had even noticed her. 
But her relationship was dull and boring, lacking in color, and gods, Feyre needed to end it. 
Tamlin had dragged her to the football game, practically begging on his knees for her to come with him. Feyre had relented, not even having enough time to shower after her art class before Tamlin was picking her up. But the second they had pulled up to the school and gotten out of his truck, Tamlin had disappeared with Lucien and left her in the bleachers with nothing more than a kiss on the cheek and a promise to find her later. 
It left Feyre seeing red. The crowd raged around her as the Bats scored a touchdown, and Feyre glanced at her phone. Shit. It was seven-thirty, meaning Nesta had already left on her date with Tomas, leaving Feyre without a ride home. Elain was out with her friends, actually enjoying her Friday night as a teenage girl should, and Feyre was left alone and ready to leave. 
She had been at the game for thirty minutes, in which the sun had gone down, blanketing the sky in a twilight full of stars. Feyre would stay if only to watch them a little longer- her favorite thing to paint. But as the crowd raged again, Feyre stood up from her spot on the bleachers and began pushing her way through the crowd and back to the parking lot, ready to walk home. It was only a few miles, really, and she had her sneakers on. She could manage. 
“Feyre!” A kind voice broke through her thoughts before she was halfway through the crowd, and she turned to see the familiar face of Morrigan from French class. 
Feyre’s lips turned up into a smile at the sight of the girl and her racing heart calmed a little as Mor came closer, stopping in front of her. 
“Hey, Mor.”
“What are you doing here? I thought you hated football.” Mor’s question was innocent, lacking the judgemental tone that most people would have added on. 
“I do,” she snorted. “But Tamlin wanted me to come, so here I am.” 
Mor’s smile turned down at the mention of her boyfriend. The girl had never tried to hide her dislike for Feyre’s boyfriend, even if the two of them weren’t very close and although she should have been offended, Feyre relished in her honesty. “Either way, I’m ready to go. See you Monday, Mor.”
“Wait, do you need a ride?” Feyre smiled, shaking her head at her easy kindness. She knew she liked Mor. 
“Thanks, but it’s really fine. I only live a few miles down the road- I’ll be fine to walk. Besides, we’re not even halfway through the game. Stay.” Mor bit her lip, clearly deciding whether or not to pick a fight, but Feyre fixed her with a look that eventually had her sighing. 
“Ugh, fine. But text me when you get home. Who knows what kind of creeps are wandering around here.” Feyre nodded, squeezing Mor’s hands in thanks, and left the bleachers, stopping only when she was back in the student parking lot.  
She pulled out her phone, remembering that she came here with her boyfriend. 
>> Hey wasn’t feeling well. Getting a ride home from Nes. 
It was five minutes before he responded. 
<< sure thing- see you later babe
Feyre scoffed, shoving her phone into her back pocket. Unlike Mor, he had not asked her if she was okay and to text him when she was home safe. She had told him that Nesta had a date too- which he obviously hadn’t been paying attention to. 
Ready to start walking, Feyre patted her pockets, looking for her ID, just in case anything happened, only to find them empty. 
“Godsdamn it,” Feyre muttered under her breath, realizing she must have forgotten her wallet back on the bleachers. Turning back to the field, Feyre almost tripped on her own feet when she heard a little voice behind her say,
“That’s a bad word. And my mommy says you shouldn’t say bad words.”
 Spinning back around, she was surprised to see a little girl- no older than six staring up at her and twisting her little fingers together. Her jet black hair was pulled back into two short ponytails and Feyre swore she was one of the cutest things she had ever seen. Bewildered, Feyre stared for a moment before shaking her head. 
“Uh- yes. You’re right- I… I shouldn’t have said that. And neither should you.” The little girl just continued to look at her in silence, causing Feyre to raise her brows. Who was this girl? And why was she by herself? What kind of parent left a little girl alone at a high school at almost eight o’clock?
“What’s your name? Are you lost?” 
“My mommy says I shouldn’t talk to strangers.” At that, Feyre smiled a little bit. She bent down, putting her weight on her knees so she was eye level with the girl, and mustered up her friendliest smile. 
“That’s very smart of her. Well, how about this?” Feyre stuck her hand out to the girl who eyed it warily but didn’t back away. “My name is Feyre. I go to school here. There, now we aren’t strangers anymore.” 
The girl’s eyes widened and it was then that Feyre noticed their unique color, unlike any she had ever seen before. Her eyes were a beautiful violet, and in the reflection of the moon, she swore she could see stars in her eyes. 
The little girl took her hand, practically dwarfed from the size of Feyre’s, and she gave Feyre a small smile that had her melting just a bit. 
“My name is Thebe,” she finally said, her voice small. 
“Well Thebe, are you lost?” She nodded, looking at the ground. Feyre gently took her small hand, forcing the girl to look at her, and smiled again. She could see small tears beginning to form in the little girl’s eyes. 
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. I’ll help you get back. Who are you here with?” 
“My brother,” she responded, and Feyre clenched her teeth. What kind of brother left his little sister alone? With all the fighting she did with Nesta, Feyre knew her sister would never have left her alone in a public place, let alone at night. Once again, Feyre was seeing red. 
“Okay then. Is he at the football game?” Thebe nodded, and Feyre deduced that she must have snuck off into the crowd, bored with the game. She couldn’t say she blamed her.
Taking the girl’s hand in her own and trying not to sigh when little fingers wrapped and her own, Feyre led the little girl back to the raging football game. 
“Do you think you can show me where you were?” Thebe nodded and gripped her fingers tighter, pulling Feyre through the bleachers, using her as a shield from the crazy teenagers. 
Feyre saw Tamlin through the crowd and quickly averted her gaze, focusing back on the girl in front of her until they came to a stop on one of the bottom bleachers. It was surprisingly empty, other than being filled up with athletic bags and water bottles. 
Feyre frowned, following Thebe as she sat down next to one of the bags and pulled out a small jacket that was clearly her own. 
“Thebe, where is your brother?” It was then that the little girl pointed out to the field. “Your brother is playing?” Thebe nodded, leaning her small head on Feyre’s shoulder, her hair tickling her neck, and Feyre admitted that maybe she could stay at the game a little longer, even if she would eventually have to deal with one of the loathsome jocks. But her blood still boiled at the fact that her brother had left her alone. Gods know what could have happened to her if someone else had found her.
“Why did you let me walk you back?” Feyre wondered aloud. Thebe shrugged. 
“You’re pretty. My brother says you can always trust a girl with pretty brown hair.” Feyre blushed, the compliment warming her to her toes. 
“I think you’re pretty too Thebe,” she whispered. 
It was only then that Feyre realized how cold it had gotten. She shivered, running the free hand that wasn’t around Thebe up her arm, which was barely covered with a paint-stained t-shirt. Thebe only reached into the bag in front of her and pulled out a much larger jacket, one with the familiar school colors. She handed it to Feyre, who quickly realized it was a varsity jacket. 
“This is your brother’s jacket Thebe. I can’t-”
“He would share.” Feyre fixed her with a look which Thebe returned with a more convincing one. “Trust me- he would.” Another shiver ran through her and Feyre, sighed, relenting, and shoved her arms into the jacket, immediately warmed. 
They stayed there for a while, watching the game in silence as Thebe began to doze off on her shoulder. Feyre hid her smile as the bleachers creaked, announcing that another person was coming to sit. She looked up to see Cassian Guerra lifting himself onto the bleachers, a carefree grin on his all-too handsome face. The football player’s hair was pulled up in a bun and Feyre vaguely remembered Nesta saying something about him. She doubted it had been positive. 
Feyre remembered Tamlin mentioning how Cassian had gotten injured and was out for the season. It was cool of him to come and support his team. 
His hazel eyes glanced over the little girl next to him and he grinned. 
“Hey, Thee, I thought you were with Az. New babysitter?” Feyre scowled and the little girl seemed to brighten as she looked at Cassian- then at Feyre. 
“New friend,” was all she said, bringing a smile to both her and Cassian’s faces. It was then that he truly looked at her, and a spark of recognition flashed through his eyes. 
“Hey, you’re-”
Cassian broke off as a buzzer sounded through the stadium and the crowd erupted into cheers. He was grinning at her, and Feyre managed back a small smile as Thebe shoved her head into her shoulder. The crowd began emptying out, and Feyre turned to Cassian, meaning to ask what she should do with the little girl. Not that Feyre was too eager to part from her. But he had vanished, finding somewhere else to be, and Feyre huffed, waking the little girl. 
“Alright, I think it’s time we found your brother.” Feyre got up from the bleachers, taking the little girl down to the field where most of the players were still talking to each other and clanking helmets. “Okay, tell me when you see-”
Feyre’s heart dropped into her stomach as she realized who the little girl was pointing at. Because not ten feet from her, looking impossibly attractive in a way that shouldn’t be possible after sweating for two hours straight, was the bane of her existence. With his jet black hair and twin eyes to Thebe’s, he looked like a god made man. 
“Your brother is Rhysand Knight?” Feyre practically screeched at the little girl holding her hand. 
Thebe nodded excitedly as Rhysand jogged over to his little sister who had quickly abandoned Feyre’s hand and met him halfway. He scooped her up into his arms easily, the grin on his face much too gorgeous for a high school boy, and Feyre grit her teeth. 
Maybe it was just her, Feyre realized, that had to have some sort of connection with the most popular boys in school while managing to remain in the background herself. Rhysand was the captain of the football team and unsurprisingly, loved by most of the people in the school. If he wasn’t so infuriating, Feyre may have even liked him.
But from debating her points in English class to attempting to speak to her afterward, Rhysand Knight was nothing more than a massive pain in Feyre’s ass. A handsome pain, coincidentally, but Feyre refused to acknowledge that at the moment.
“Hey Thee,” he smiled, placing the girl down. “Enjoy the game?” 
It was only then that he noticed Feyre standing behind his sister. It seemed that widening eyes ran in the family, as Rhysand did the same thing his sister had as he gazed at her. 
“H-hey,” he stuttered, the sound strange coming from his usually smooth lips. “Feyre, right?” 
She awaited the inevitable words that always came after the sentence. Tamlin’s girlfriend, right? 
“From English. With Suriel?” Feyre started in place. So he had remembered her. 
But as Thebe ran up to her and tugged at her hand, Feyre ignored the flipping of her heart in her chest at his nervous smile. Instead, she nodded, her movements jerky and final as she arched an angry brow at him. 
“Did you enjoy the game?” he asked, smiling casually again. Feyre huffed. 
“I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I didn’t have to worry about something happening to your sister. I found her wandering around alone in the parking lot,” she snapped. 
Rhysand frowned, glancing at Thebe quickly before looking back at her, pinning Feyre in place with his gaze. 
“What are you talking about? I left her with Cassian and Azriel. They’re like brothers to her and they were watching her the whole time.” Feyre fixed him with a look that said they clearly weren’t and Rhysand’s gaze turned frustrated as he seemed to realize what had happened. 
He sighed, kneeling down until he was eye level with his sister who seemed to be looking everywhere but at him. The sight brought a small smile to Feyre’s face. 
“What did I say about running off Thee? And what did Mom say about talking to strangers?”
“But she said her name is Feyre, like the one you and Cass and Az talk about all the-” Rhysand cut off his sister’s rambling with a playful hand over her mouth and Feyre could have sworn she saw bits of red dotting his cheeks. She pushed away from the thought of how cute she found it. 
“Alright, I think it’s past your bedtime you little menace.” Thebe narrowed her eyes and bit at her brother’s hand, causing him to leap back with a curse, earning an instinctual laugh from Feyre. 
His gaze snapped to hers, softening at her laughing face, and his own turned into a small grin that sent her heart fluttering. 
Shit Fey, you have a boyfriend. 
Her cheeks colored as she noticed Rhysand’s gaze conspicuously running up and down her body and she realized she still had his jacket on. Feyre cursed under her breath, just loud enough for him to hear as she fumbled for the zipper on his jacket. 
“Sorry, I was freezing. Here-” 
“No!” Rhysand cut her off and the blush returned to his cheeks. “I mean- it- you look- uh, you’re just gonna be cold again. Keep it- for now.” Feyre shook her head, unzipping the jacket and handing it to him.
“I should head home anyway. Good game.” She tried for a friendly smile. She had never given him one. Feyre leaned down until she was eye level with Thebe. 
“Thanks for being my game buddy,” she whispered. Thebe beamed, throwing her arms around Feyre’s neck. She hugged the little girl back and tried not to look at Rhysand, whose gaze she could feel on the two of them. 
“Feyre, do you need a ride? I saw Tamlin leave and didn’t know...” His voice rolled over the words like midnight and Feyre shook her head. 
“Thanks but I really don’t live far-”
“It’s going to start raining soon, and I’m not letting you walk home in the dark. Just take the gesture Feyre.” He sounded exasperated, running a hand through his hair. Her eyes narrowed.
“And what, Rhysand, makes you think I want anything from you?”
“People call me Rhys. Especially people who let me drive them home from football games.” Feyre shook her head in disbelief. 
“Gods, you’re relentless, aren’t you?”
“It’s one of my best qualities darling,” he smirked. 
And there it was, that insufferable charm that had every girl at school drooling over him. Feyre couldn’t say she blamed them, even if it did slightly annoy her. She finally smiled, reaching over to cover Thebe’s ears with her hands. 
“Only second to being a prick?” 
“If I say yes will you let me take you home?” Feyre rolled her eyes and Rhys’ grin widened, both of them knowing she had long since relented. Rhys handed Feyre his jacket and she grumbled, shoving her arms through.  
“Give me a second to find my wallet, then I’ll meet you at your car.” Rhys practically beamed in triumph, scooping his sister back up in his arms and heading back to the parking lot. Feyre loathed admitting that she watched them until they were out of her line of sight. 
She sighed. It was those damn eyes. It had to be.
And it was because of those eyes that ten minutes later, Feyre sat in the passenger seat of Rhysand Knight’s jet black ford fusion. Thebe was in the back, kicking her feet to the beat of whatever song was playing on the radio- one that Feyre couldn’t hear over the pounding of her own heart, and Feyre eyed the little girl through her side mirror so not as to look at the boy beside her. She was keenly aware of the small amount of space between them.
Rhys drove safely, unsurprisingly through their small town, and Feyre gazed out the window until Rhys cleared his throat. She turned to him. 
“So… how are you liking Bronte so far?” Feyre frowned before realizing that he was talking about the book they were reading in English. The book he had argued with her about to no end. 
“I think you know the answer to that Rhys, considering you make it your business to disagree with me.” Surprisingly, the words held no bite to them, and Rhys smiled without taking his eyes away from the road. 
“Well, darling, if you didn’t make it so easy to disagree with you, maybe I wouldn’t have to.” Feyre gaped at him and it was purely instinctual as she reached over the center console and shoved his shoulder as if they were best friends that did it all the time. Gods, what was she doing? She hated him. Maybe.
But if Rhys was surprised by her actions, he didn’t show it as he let out a laugh. Damn, that sound would be staying with her. 
“Look, I’ll give it to Catherine-”
“If this ends with any Heathcliff support I will jump out of this car Rhysand,” she cut him off, tone deadly serious. 
“No!” Thebe called from the back, causing both of the teens to laugh, catching each other's gazes before Feyre quickly looked away. She couldn’t be more grateful for how dark it was in the car so Rhys couldn’t see the blush attacking her cheeks. 
“So, what brought you to the game tonight? Not that you don’t seem like that type of girl but you… don’t seem like that type of girl.” His chuckle sent goosebumps up her arm even though she was still wearing his jacket. Feyre fidgeted her fingers and gazed down at her lap as she shrugged. 
“Uh, Tamlin asked me to come so… here I am.”
“Here you are… in my car.” Feyre sucked in a breath, glaring at Rhys from the side of her eye. The rivalry between the two athletes was no secret, and Feyre had yet to figure out where it had originated.  
“It’s not like that, Rhys. He thought I left. I had… until I ran into a certain black-haired beauty.” Feyre smiled at the side mirror where she could still see Thebe singing along to the radio. Rhys finally smiled too. 
“That’s fair. I know I can be a lot to look at once.” Feyre shoved him again, both of them laughing, and Feyre questioned when her life had turned so off-kilter. 
“Shut up, prick.” She didn’t joke with Rhysand Knight. She didn’t even talk to Rhysand Knight outside of class. So what in the gods was happening?
“Turn here,” she directed, shoving herself out of her thoughts. Rhys obeyed, moments later pulling up in front of her dark house where clearly none of her sisters were home. They sat there in silence for what seemed like eons. Just… sitting there. 
The two laughed as they cut each other off and Feyre shrugged off Rhys’ jacket, shoving it into the open athletic bag next to Thebe, who grabbed her hand before she could pull back. 
“Are you leaving?” she pouted. Feyre gave her a kind, tired smile, and nodded. 
“Sorry Thebe, it’s past my bedtime. But I’m sure I’ll see you around, yeah?” The girl nodded excitedly and Feyre almost startled back when she turned to see Rhys looking at her with a strange expression on his face. 
“What?” Rhys shook his head as if erasing the thoughts.
“Nothing… you just… surprise me.” Feyre snorted, ignoring the blush that had risen to her cheeks. 
“Yes, well, my kid whispering does tend to floor men at times.” But Rhys didn’t smile, or say anything in return, leaving Feyre to raise her brows and clear her throat. “So, I guess it’s my turn to head out.” Feyre placed her hand on the door handle before turning back to the boy next to her. “Thank you. For the ride.” 
Finally, Rhys smiled, his eyes betraying something that looked almost like… anxiety. 
“Hey, Feyre?” The car door had just shut behind her when she heard his voice again.
“Would you want to…” Rhys scratched at the back of his neck and Feyre arched a brow. 
“Would I want to…?”
“Uh,” he cleared his throat. “Go over art notes sometime?” Feyre frowned, fully turning back around and crossing her arms in front of her body to shield herself from the night chill.
“I didn’t know you were in art.”
“Yeah uh- new class.” Feyre nodded, tapping her foot on the ground as she stared him down. Rhys stared right back, clearly unsure of what her answer could be. And she couldn’t help it as a small smile graced her face. 
“I’ll think about it,” was all she said. “Goodnight, Rhysie.” 
Feyre laughed at the sound of Rhys banging his head on the steering wheel and approached her house once more, using her phone flashlight to find the spare key Nesta had hidden somewhere. It was for that reason that she was still outside when Thebe’s little voice spoke to her brother. 
“I like her hair. With the colors. She looks like a princess.” A frown graced Feyre’s lips once more as she subtly inspected a strand of her hair, wondering what the child was talking about. Sure enough, the strands crunched under her fingertips and Feyre had to bite her tongue to keep from screaming in embarrassment.
Of course, Feyre had forgone taking a shower before going to the game. And of course, she had been using her last period of the day as a free period in the art studio. And of course, she had mistakenly dyed her hair with acrylic paint that she had now kept while being in a car relatively alone, with one of the most attractive boys in school. Not that she cared about that, of course. 
Cheeks burning, Feyre finally found the key and rushed into her empty home, wishing for nothing more than a black hole to swallow her whole in her embarrassment. 
But if only Feyre had waited; had paused for more than a moment or tried to hear over the raging sea of emotions inside of her head, she would have heard Rhys’ dazed voice speaking words she wouldn’t even conjure up in a dream. 
“Yeah. Yeah, she does.”
hope you liked it :)
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How did you learn so many languages. Do you have any tips?
Yes!!!! Yes I do!!!
Everything I wish I could tell myself before starting my language “journey” lol:
🦩Dont be intimidated
Don’t be intimidated, specifically by doing listening or speaking practice. I know in the US (or for most English speakers), when we hear someone that speaks perfect English but merely has an accent we think “they don’t speak English”, but from experience this mentality is not shared with other languages. When you know even a little bit of a language or can’t speak it very well, natives speakers are really really encouraging. I think since we view not being 100% fluent without so much as an accent, as “not knowing any of a language” we are hard on ourselves and give up pretty easily.
🦩Listening practice is as important as studying vocabulary and grammar
When you listen to native speakers talk, you are training your ear even though you don’t understand it. Listen and listen, eventually your brain stops picking out English words that aren’t even there, but rather, starts to catch patterns in the language (for example, the same words sticks out to you over and over).
🦩Set realistic and doable goals or you’ll get discouraged and quit
If you are a busy person, make small goals to fit language study in. Don’t tell yourself that you need to master _____ within a week. Instead give yourself 15 mins of reading in the evening, and 25 mins of language listening in the morning. It’s also easier to add the language into stuff you do on a daily basis anyway. For example if you are religious, find your prayers you pray daily in the language you are learning.
🦩learn to read the language first (obviously this tip might not be applicable for character based languages like Chinese)
I know everyone says “immersion is the best and most important part of language” but honestly, a lot of our native speaking knowledge comes from our literacy education. When we are taught how to read, it’s through reading we can discover new words through context. It’s also easy to pick up new language reading since it’s available anywhere, where immersion is only available when you are surrounded by native speakers. The first thing I do is learn how to read and write the language, then the entire language becomes accessible to me.
🦩Spend time perfecting the sounds of the language that are most difficult for you
The vocal sounds of a language is the foundation of a language. I know we are all impatient and want to simply learn as many phrases as possible as fast as possible, but if you get down the unfamiliar sounds of a language that don’t exist in English, you’ll have a better foundation of the language and your speaking and listening will be better from the very beginning. So take the time to practice those weird sounds by looking into the position of the tongue and where the sound comes from, from the chest to the lips. Look into how tense the mouth is, how much air comes from the lips, what the sound is like next to other sounds. When you master this speaking becomes more instinctual and it’s easier to pick up the language.
🦩Search YouTube, google, Instagram IN THE LANGUAGE YOU ARE STUDYING.
Don’t search “korean music” or “korean kids tv” or even “korean vegetables” in google. Just translate how to say them in a translator app, then copy and paste them into the search bar. This way native korean information, videos, posts will come up. For example, if you’re in the mood for some horror comics, and want to read/watch them in the language you are learning, go to the translator app, and figure out how to say them, then search it. It works way better, even if the translation isn’t correct or more natural, you’ll still get the information, posts, and videos you want to see.
🦩Find ways to practice speaking the language (I use HiNative) and don’t be discouraged by corrections.
Getting corrected does not mean you’re wrong, corrections are the most useful part of learning a language. If you are the type of person who is sensitive to criticism, you need to remind yourself corrections are NOT criticism. They are NOT a reflection of your progress, they are NOT you failing! You will always be corrected as a language learner and the sooner you are gentle with yourself in learning the sooner you will learn more. Get those first corrections out of the way, allow yourself to butcher pronunciation, get corrected for the first 10 times, let it sting a little and move on. Eventually you will be begging native speakers to tell you every little detail in where you went wrong!
🦩Tv and Books seems to be more useful for immersion and listening practice then music does
So far in my experience music is its very weird and abstract, and the things said in music aren’t really useful in speaking? It’s good for gathering vocab, but if you want music listening practice that’s music based try searching for rap in that language, although obviously you’ll be picking up a lot of informal language in music/rap. Tv shows however are typically how people really do talk, so turn off English subs and just listen! Books are really useful for learning new vocabulary, but sometimes written language is different than spoken (often), although when you speak it the way you’ve learned from a book the worst you’ll sound is “formal and poetic”.
🦩Look up “insert language you are learning phrases and words that aren’t useful or correct”
There so many programs and books that teach you phrases you’ll never use or that are only appropriate in very specific situations. I don’t know why language programs do this, but learning which ones are weird or only in specific settings before you start learning really helps. Chinese Especially does this...like I learned so many phrases and words that natives will never use and have no purpose???
🦩Know the different subjects of learning a language and which apps to use for that
Everyone uses Duolingo, but this app alone won’t make you speak a language. Duolingo and Memrise are great for memorizing vocab, but, is it vocab that in the context of your reading and listening practice? Are you learning words you are hearing and reading all the time? Duolingo is a lot of fun but I feel like the vocab is so broad and it doesn’t go deep enough into the language. Feel free to use it at first to get used to the sounds of the language, but try using flash card apps like quizlet or Anki instead where you can write down and study words you are hearing constantly. Memrise does have actually study sets for many language books and lessons! So you can study words you are hearing in specific programs and books which is pretty useful in regards to vocab.
There obviously is more than just learning vocab. What about grammar, listening practice, speaking practice and reading? If you are wanting to use primarily apps find out which apps are available for your language. Here is an example of the apps I use for each subject. Be aware some languages are not available on them.
Vocab: quizlet, anki
Grammar: books (printed or kindle), YouTube grammar lessons, websites
Reading: books (printed or kindle), beelinguapp, instagram (posts that have text), Netflix/YouTube with both subtitles in the language you are learning and spoken in language you are learning, epic app
Writing: just use paper and pencil/pen
Listening: audio books (beelinguapp/epic/kindle/YouTube), tv and movies (Netflix/YouTube etc with no English subs), conversations on YouTube (search in language you are studying, don’t search “Spanish conversations” or “Japanese conversations”)
Speaking: HiNative (pretty much all I use since it’s all languages, quick, and you get immediately answered and corrected by native speakers), get friends in language you are learning through lots of apps
Translator: it’s really hard to find a good one, most of them are really weird so only use them for words and the most basic or simple phrases and sentences, otherwise use HiNative to ask native speakers directly, or ask people on the apps that connect you to native speakers
🌱I should note that for talking to native speakers I only like HiNative, since it’s built to NOT be a form of social networking at all. It’s not personal in anyway, and there’s no way to private message or speak to other users outside a asking questions publicly. The people on there are only about learning or teaching a language, not usually making friends. I’ve found the sites that are built to make native speaking friends aren’t useful to me personally, as most of the native speakers are either dudes looking for a woman to date or people wanting to only practice English with you, so they wasted a lot of my study time. People who are willing to help you learn are there, but it takes time to filter everything else out. If you would find it helpful to make friends by all means use them but I don’t really use it myself.🌱
You don’t want to really study EVERY SUBJECT every single day (unless you have the time). It can get really overwhelming, and you don’t really absorb information that if you are just cramming. While I would say it’s good to read and listen daily, spread subjects out over the week. Grammar on Monday and Friday, vocab on Tuesday and Thursday. Take one day to review all of what you’ve learned all week. Pick a day you have the largest block of free time. Bi-weekly works fine too.
I have an old post on how I organize my study time for multiple languages: https://alwaysabeautifullife.tumblr.com/post/182817883372/what-do-you-use-to-learn-your-languages-im
🦩Write sentences daily of everything you’ve learned (no THIS I RECOMMEND DAILY)
Write as many as you can. Use all the grammar you’ve learned, the words you’ve learned, everything! Write them in your notes and submit them to be corrected in HiNative. The sentences they correct, put them in flash cards!
🦩It’s ok to abandon languages you aren’t passionate in
So you’ve learned to read the language, and you know basic phrases, and now you just don’t want to do it anymore. If you can’t think of any reason to maintain it and don’t know why you are studying it, learning some of the language is good! Fluency does NOT need to be everyone’s goal. You can hold a conversation, and that’s good enough for you. Feel free to try out various languages, there will be one or some that really are your passion, it’s fine to have the goal of fluency in those and conversational in others.
Don’t abandon languages however because you feel discouraged. Discouragement is just a bump to get over, when you train your brain to maintain study habits through the days you feel discouraged, you make it habitual. Habits are harder to break and abandon! Evaluate your reasonings for wanting to speak a language, and your reasons for abandoning them if you want. Don’t let difficulty, disorganized, discouragement, or poor time management get in your way!!
🦩With all that said it’s ok to take breaks
It’s ok to get overwhelmed and take breaks from language learning. If you can still maintain what you’ve learned by listening to music in your language or staying connected in some way that’s good, but the “you’ll loose a language” isn’t entirely true. I’ve taken year long breaks and refreshing what I learned previously is pretty easy! Your brain really does go “oh yeah I do remember this!” when you’re studying information you studied years ago.
🦩Be gentle with yourself
Be gentle with yourself. People that claim to be fluent in 6 months are selling something or want to be an influencer. Don’t compare yourself to them. Language learning even for natives is a lifetime education. It’s not something you do for 6 months then stop. It’s continual and that looks different for everyone (yes native speakers included). Don’t bother watching YouTube videos on how to learn in 10 mins or 3 months, you’ll only get discouraged about your own amazing progress and all the work you’ve done.
🦩Plan your “can you say something in it” phrase now
This one is just for fun but after hearing you are learning a language the first thing you’ll get asked is “oh cool you speak (insert target language here)? Can you say something in (insert target language here)?” It does not matter what level of fluency you are at, you will absolutely forget the entire language and your own native language when you are asked this because it sends your brain to another dimension. So think of some funny phrases to say to people who ask, master them, then when they ask what they mean you can have a laugh. Other wise you will say something stupid of jumbled words (my go to was ‘we women are fruit’ for some reason thanks brain you’re incredible) you’ve learned that don’t belong in a sentence, or even worse you’ll run a blank and you’ll just look at them like:
So think of inside jokes to tell your friends, funny phrases, even goofy insults! Memorize them and tell them at your friends and family to torture them because they can’t escape sound waves! It’s a good way to memorize the language but also to become confortable speaking it!
Please excuse any errors I don’t wanna go over my mistakes so pretend u can’t see them 🙈
437 notes · View notes
qianinterprises · 4 years
Companion of Tomorrow {Kun x Reader}
Light poured into the window of the parted curtains, casting a warm ray of light on your back, bringing a gentle heat throughout your body. A hum found its way from your lips as you were sleepily guided from the comfort of your dreams. Your eyes slid open slowly, blinking away the remnants of sleep as your body awakened itself to new sensations. The smell of morning wafting through the cracked window. The sun, warm on your back. The arm draped delicately over your waist. The soft rise and fall of a chest right beside you.
Your eyes trailed over him. He was on his side, one arm draped across your waist, the other curled up beneath his wrinkled pillow. His hair was tousled and messy but fell delicately across his forehead. His eyes were closed but fluttering with dreams. His lips were slightly parted as he exhaled, sending a less than pleasant wave of morning breath over you. You wrinkled your nose but didn’t move. His arms and chest were bare, the same way he always slept when the weather was warm. The white bedsheets gathered around his waist, hiding the red and black plaid pants he’d worn to bed. The blue duvet settled on his hips, hiding the imprint of his legs behind its bulk.
A smile found its way to your lips as your eyes moved back to the beautiful face. Three years and you still couldn’t get used to seeing his face every morning.
“Your staring.”
Your body jolted, sending a ripple across the mattress at the sudden movement. Your heart thudded loudly in your chest, calming itself down from the sudden rush of adrenaline spiked by the fear.
A chuckle found its way to your ears as his brown eyes fluttered open, meeting yours.
“Don’t do that!” You hissed, shoving him lightly.
He laughed and little louder and gathered you closer, bringing you in until your body was pressed to his, his arm around your waist tightening to hold you there. You let out a playful groan and wound your arms around his middle, snuggling into his chest.
“You’re a jerk,” your voice mumbled.
His body shook against yours as he laughed. You patted his back lightly but didn’t say anything more as you settled against him, eyes closing.
“Good morning beautiful,” his soft voice whispered in your ear after a moment of silence.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps climbing your arms.
“Good morning my dove,” you whispered back.
You paused after speaking, waiting to hear the mocking retorts of his two roommates, only to be met with silence.
Your eyes opened and you lifted your head, eyes drifting to the bunk bed along the other wall, the bed YangYang and Dejun usually occupied.
“They got up earlier this morning. I heard them sneak out. They probably went to disturb Kunhang and Ten,” he sighed.
You let out a grunt of acknowledgment and rested your head back against Kun. It wasn’t very often the two of you had alone time, especially in the mornings, unless you stayed the night at your apartment, which only happens about once a month when Kun could convince Doyoung or Taeyong to stay over to make sure the others didn’t burn down the dorm.
“Do you have to practice today?” you asked, mumbling against his shoulder before pressing a kiss against his skin.
He shuddered lightly.
“No, we have the day off,” he answered.
You could honestly say that you were shocked. You often spend your weekends at the WayV dorm, taking care of Bella, Louis, and Leon while the others were at various schedules. You usually would see Kun as he was climbing out of bed to get the others up or when he was coming back to the dorm after a long day of schedules, where he and the others would sit down to chatter over whatever meal you had prepared that night. It was rare he had free days on Saturdays, but you certainly weren’t going to complain.
You pushed yourself closer to him and slid your bare legs between his.
“What are you doing?” he asked, clearly amused.
“I want to crawl inside your skin.”
The comment had clearly surprised you both. You hadn’t intended to say your thoughts out loud. You looked up to meet Kun’s face, opening your mouth to apologize when he let out a guffaw of laughter. You felt your cheeks beginning to turn pink.
“You want to share my skin?” he asked, teasing.
Shyly, you nodded and slid yourself closer. He responded by wrapping both arms around you, tugging you against him until your chest was pressed tightly against his.
“I love you,” he whispered softly in your ear.
Your cheeks flushed again. Sure, you’d heard him say it a thousand times now, but you just could never get over how good it felt to hear those words. Your heart swelled with love and joy.
“I love you too.”
One hand came up to cup your face softly, drawing you in until his lips touched yours softly. You pressed closer, begging for more contact as his lips moved perfectly with yours.
Your heart hammered in your chest as your eyes closed and you tucked yourself back under his chin, your eyes fluttering closed, a smile ghosting on your lips.
Being with Kun was like a dream. A beautiful, wonderful dream you never wanted to wake up from. And thankfully, you didn’t have to.
Meeting Kun had felt like a dream but after three years and four months, you had no doubt that, even if it was a dream, you’d cling onto it and never let go.
A fond smile grew across your lips as you nestled closer, your mind drifting off to that magical day.
You had always dreamed of traveling and working in South Korea, at least for a year or two. Being immersed in a culture that was so different from your own was something you desperately desired. So, when the opportunity arose to travel abroad to teach the English language at a South Korean entertainment company, you had jumped at the offer.
The company had set you up with a really nice, fully furnished apartment close enough to the company that you could walk it. You’d sent most of your things, clothes, shoes, books, etcetera, a week ahead of your arrival. You had flown out on a Friday in August and, by the time you’d touched down in Korea, it was late afternoon on Saturday.
An English speaking driver had been sent to collect you from the airport. He had been a nice man. He loaded you into his company car and drove from the airport to your new apartment, which wasn’t too far away. Your eyes had been glued to the window the whole time and, although he answered any questions you had about the city, it wasn’t really a tour.
By the time you’d gotten to your apartment, he helped you inside and you were sprawled across your bed, fast asleep.
Ironically, you had found yourself asleep for most of the day on Sunday, waking up in the wee hours of the morning for food before putting yourself back to bed and waking up again early Monday morning. You wouldn’t start at work until Wednesday, so you took the time to begin going through your things, putting them away.
As you had finished, your stomach growled in hunger, but the only thing that had been left in your apartment was crackers, cookies, and water, which would not be sufficient enough to satiate your hunger. You grabbed your phone, stuffing a few dollars in your pocket, hoping you could find somewhere to convert them. You walked out of the apartment, locking the door behind you.
As you stepped outside the apartment complex, you were immediately swept away by the sights you’d never seen before. The big city of Seoul. Sure, it was similar to what you’d imagined New York would have been like, but it was different. People walking the streets, bustling to their jobs; cars and buses occupying the streets; the scent of restaurants wafting to your nose making you rethink going to the supermarket as opposed to a restaurant.
You didn’t realize you were just standing outside your apartment complex, in the middle of foot traffic until you felt something- someone, slam into your back, knocking you to the ground.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” rapidfire Korean met your ears.
It took you a minute to make out what the stranger was saying. You were still learning the language and you were, by all accounts, horrible at the language.
“I… uh…” you stammered.
Standing above you was a gorgeous man whom you, of course, being a mega NCT and WayV fan, automatically recognized despite his facemask as Qian Kun. Your eyes trailed over what you could see of his face, but it was his eyes that gave him away.
“Can I... help... you up?” this time, his words were in choppy, but semi-perfect English, which, to say the least, surprised you.
He offered a hand down to lift you up and, after staring at it for a moment, you immediately grasped his hand and allowed him to haul you back onto your feet.
“I’m Kun,” he introduced.
He stilled hadn’t let go of your hand.
“(y-y/n)” you responded, an embarrassed blushed creeping to your cheeks.
“I’m sorry I was just standing in the middle of the streets. I just moved here and this is my first real look at the city…” you mumbled.
His eyes lit up.
“Well! I have time! I have the day off! I was just heading to get some lunch. How about I take you to my favorite restaurant and then give you a tour?” he beamed.
It took you a moment to agree, shock spread across your face. This person whom you’d never physically met before, who didn’t know you from Adam, was suddenly asking you to lunch and a visit around town?
You didn’t know what to say but ‘yes’ and thus started your friendship that would eventually lead to something so much more.
“What are you thinking about?” a voice pulled you from your reverie.
“When we first met,” I responded.
He hummed in response and pressed a kiss to your head.
“That beautiful girl standing in the middle of the sidewalk distracting me from paying attention.”
With a small laugh, you slapped his shoulder lightly.
“Hey! The city was too gorgeous not to look at,” you retorted playfully.
He didn’t respond, just pulled you closer, squeezing your soft skin to his before pressing another soft kiss on your lips.
The day Kun asked you out, you nearly had to pinch yourself, which, turned out, you didn’t have to because, as you were staring at Kun, attempting to judge whether he was joking or not, Ten had pinched you hard in the back of the neck, kickstarting your brain.
Blubbering and blushing, you managed to choke out the word “yes” in agreement to letting him take you to the carnival in the nearby town.
That date had been so perfect that, standing at the door of your apartment, Kun had kissed your cheek and asked to be exclusive, which, you didn’t need a moment to ponder as you wound your arms around your neck and teasingly whispered the words “my boyfriend” in his ear, making him blush and squirm. He’d still ended up in your apartment that night, lounging beside you on the couch eating a large bowl of ice cream as an old Marvel movie played on the television.
After your first date, not much time could be spent between the two. Sure, you were already the babysitter for their pets, spending much of your time after work walking Bella or keeping the cats from destroying all the furniture, but you didn’t get to see Kun very often. You’d whip up something simply they could heat when they returned home, but, not wanting to overstay your welcome, you’d always return back to your own apartment thirty minutes before they’d gotten home, with the exception of one day.
You had lost track of time as you lounged on the couch in a pair of leggings and comfy top the boys had let you keep in your personal drawer. Your laptop rested on your lap as you scrolled through the homework assignments from your students as Bella curled up beside you and Leon wrapped himself around your neck. You weren’t paying attention to the time until keys jiggled in the door and Bella was flying off your lap, barking with her tail swinging rapidly, waiting for one of the boys she loved so much to step through the doors.
You closed your laptop hurriedly and glanced toward the kitchen, vacant after you’d forgotten to cook anything. You’d jumped off the couch to hurry out the door when Kun’s voice stopped you.
“Why do you always leave before we get here? Do you not want to see me?” he asked, voice sounding hurt and dejected.
You immediately turned, face dropping in shock.
“No! I just didn’t want to be one of those clingy girls that’s always lurking in every corner!” you defended.
His face softened.
“I don’t mind the clingy. It lets me know that I’m wanted,” he spoke.
Bella bounced at his feet, begging for attention as Louis wound himself between his legs. Kun knelt to pick Bella up, petting her head softly.
“I do want to be around you. All the time, actually. I just thought you’d want some space.”
He crossed the foyer slowly, careful not to step on Louis or Leon. When he reached you, he placed Bella gently on the couch and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I love how considerate you are, but it’s seeing your beautiful face that gives me all the energy in the world,” he whispered.
Your heart melted. Tears welled up in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I’ll never leave early again,” you promised.
A smile ghosted over his lips.
“Good,” he whispered, leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You’d gasped at first. He’d never kissed you before. Not on dates, not when he walked you back up to your apartment, not when you met up to go somewhere together. For a while, you’d questioned whether or not he’d actually wanted to kiss you, but this… this was well worth the wait.
You melted against his lips, leaning into his touch. They were so soft and warm, gliding perfectly across yours, pulling you deeper and deeper into him.
When he pulled away, you were left breathless, the taste and feel of his lips lingering on your own.
“How about tonight, I make dinner and you finish grades. The boys will be home in an hour and we both know chaos will ensue after that.”
You smiled softly and kissed his cheek before letting him go into the kitchen as you sat back down on the couch and re-opened your laptop.
A pair of warm lips pressed against your own, drawing you out of your memories as you kissed back, gliding your lips along his.
The kiss was quick, but it was enough to stir up the butterflies that never seemed to stop fluttering when you were around Kun.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered when he’d pulled away.
You smiled and ran a hand up through his hair.
“You’re gorgeous,” you whispered back.
Pink dusted his cheeks.
After your conversations about your leaving early and your first kiss, you never left early again and, most nights you found yourself tucked in Kun’s embrace as YangYang and Dejun argued over whose feet stank the most.
To be fair, it was Kun’s feet they were smelling, but you’d never tell them that.
“I love mornings like these,” he whispered.
You nodded. Most mornings, you either were forced to sleep in your own beds in your own houses, Kun not wanting to disturb you as he got up at odd hours of the morning before you. You, not wanting to wake him up if you had to leave first. It had just been easier, but it wasn’t an arrangement either of you were particularly fond of.
Something soft hit the outside of the door, slightly starting you both until the distinguished sounds of two cats pouncing on the door at the same time met your ears. You rolled your eyes. YangYang or Yukhei were likely teasing the cats.
That was an everyday thing too, except, most of the time, it ended with someone opening the door and an excited Bella jumping in bed with you both as two cats scurried around the door chasing a toy.
“Do you remember when you first met them?” Kun asked.
You let out a laugh. That was one interesting day.
Meeting the rest of WayV had been a dream and a nightmare rolled into one. Kun always met you outside of the dorm and the company, always keeping two parts of his lives separate, something you didn’t mind too much as you and Kun were really in the beginnings of your friendship. (You didn’t find out until later that he’d been hiding you away so the insanity of six crazy boys didn’t scare you off).
The day you’d met them had been a complete accident. Kun had asked you out for coffee, something that had become quite normal, normal enough that the ladies at the counter knew exactly what you wanted before you made your way to the counter. As you’d gotten your drinks and sat down at your usual booth, both sitting on the same side, you pulled your laptop from your bag and plugged your earbuds into the port. You fired up the Netflix show the two of you had been watching and started the next episode.
Not ten minutes in, the door to the coffee shop swung open, something that wasn’t out of the ordinary, but it was Ten’s voice that caught you both off guard.
“Yukhei! This is a public establishment! You can’t just go around flinging doors open so hard they smack the wall!” he scolded.
Kun’s head immediately shot up, startling you into following his gaze.
Standing at the entrance to the coffee shop were six boys, all of varying heights. They were standing around in a sort of semi-circle before moving to the counter to order.
“Oh God,” Kun mumbled.
You didn’t have to question him. As Yukhei, very loudly, placed his order (a large vanilla coffee with extra sugar), Kun slid down in his seat, cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
“Of all the ways you could meet my members, this is probably the worst,” he complained.
You let out a little giggle which, you had hoped was quiet enough, but, as YangYang scanned the shop looking for the source, his eyes landed on you.
At first, he did nothing but offer you an eye smile over his face mask, sending you a little wave in which you awkwardly returned. But as Kun glanced up briefly, the maknae’s eyes zeroed in on his face.
“Kun-ge?” he asked.
This caught the others attention and, before long, your booth was surrounded.
“So this is where you run off to!” Kunhang stated dramatically.
Kun sighed, rolling his eyes.
“I-” he started but was abruptly cut off as Dejun’s eyes fixed heavily on you.
“Is this your girlfriend?”
Kun’s cheeks were red again.
“What?! No! She’s just a really good friend!” he defended.
That had hurt a bit but you didn’t say anything, just awkwardly sat there with a half smile struggling on your lips.
“Where did you meet?” Ten interrogated.
“I bumped into him and he offered to give me a tour of the city,” you answered quietly.
Your cheeks were warming now too as all eyes directed onto you, your hands getting clammy at the attention.
“What’s your name?” Sicheng asked, sliding into the booth across from you and offering you a peaceful smile.
“(y/n)” you responded.
“Such a pretty name!” Ten cooed.
Your cheeks reddened.
“Do you like our Kun-ge?” Yukhei’s voice boomed.
You flinched at the loudness, but your cheeks grew redder still.
“Yukhei! You don’t ask questions like that! You’re all making her uncomfortable! That’s why I was putting off introducing you all!” Kun scolded.
No one said anything for a few minutes before Ten slid into the booth beside Sicheng.
“Are you dating Kun?” he asked.
You shook your head.
“Kun and I are honestly just friends. I just moved here not too long ago and he was nice to me. So he’s kinda the only friend I have here,” you said quietly.
YangYang squeezed himself into the booth beside you, sandwiching you between him and Kun.
“Do you like cats?” he asked.
A weird question, but you nodded. You absolutely adored all animals.
“And dogs?” Yukhei bellowed.
After flinching at the sound of his voice, you nodded.
YangYang gripped your wrist.
“Let’s take her back to the door so she can meet Louis, Leon, and Bella!”
With that, you were pulled from your seat and excitedly marched out of the coffee shop, Yukhei and Kunhang excitedly bouncing behind you as YangYang led you down the street. As you passed the coffee shop, Kun was shaking his head and packing your laptop back into your computer bag, preparing to follow the excitable children.
“And when I finally walked in, you were playing with Leon as YangYang and Kunhang spitfired question after question! And you never missed a beat!” Kun laughed.
You reciprocated his laugh, curling into him.
Meeting the guys had most certainly been an adventure, but it was an adventure that led you to laying in Kun’s bed now, snuggled up to his side.
“I wouldn’t trade you or them for anything in the world. Even if you are all crazy,” you laughed.
“I think they may love you about as much as I do,” Kun laughed.
“YangYang even called me “mom” the other day when he called me at work to ask how to get a poop stain out of the carpet,” you giggled.
Kun laughed alongside you before pausing.
“Wait- what poop stain?”
You laughed and pat his chest.
“Don’t worry about it baby,” you cooed.
You nuzzled into his chest and, for a moment, he seemed to ponder whether to push you away to ask more questions or just drop it. As he wrapped his arms tighter around you, kissing your head, you smiled and laid your head on his chest.
As his heartbeat sounded in your ear and the room fell silent, you could feel your eyes beginning to close, body sinking deeper into his hold as comfort washed over you.
“My sweet love,” he whispered.
You smiled and burrowed closer. Your consciousness wavering, body going limp in his hold as sleep tugged at your eyelids. You felt Kun settle beneath you. He wasn’t far from falling back to sleep when…
The sound was so loud it rattled the windows and doors. Your eyes flew open and you lurched forward, blindly grabbing for your housecoat to cover your pajamas before running for the door, Kun hot on your trail.
Your heart was racing. That boom had sounded too much like an explosion. Fear spiked through your veins. What if someone had gotten hurt?!
“Yukhei!” Dejun’s voice was shrill from the kitchen.
Your feet raced, pounding on the floor as you swung yourself into the kitchen and immediately stopped, taking in the sight before you.
The microwave was swung open, dark smoke rolling out in waves, rising toward the ceiling. Your eyes caught the flicker of a small flame from whatever had been in the microwave. Your eyes scanned the room as Kun moved into the pantry to grab the fire extinguisher.
Yukhei was on the ground, large, silent tears sliding down his face, one large hand clutching his right eye. Your heart pounded in worry.
Kun pulled the pin on the fire extinguisher and aimed the hose at the microwave, firing the foam at the microwave. You knelt by Yukhei and gingerly guided his hand away from his eye, examining any damage.
He had a large, red welt directly under his eye, right along the bone. It oozed a little blood, but what worried you the most was Yukhei’s inability to keep his eye open. It blinked and flinched, but never opened more than halfway.
“Come on sweetheart, let me check your eye,” you spoke softly.
You placed your hand on the back of his shoulder and slowly guided him off the floor. Tears continued to slide down his cheeks and he stumbled slightly, but allowed you to guide him to the nearest bathroom down the hall.
As you led him inside, you instructed him to sit down on the toilet lid, which he quickly complied, hand still covering his eye.
You grabbed a washcloth, running it under cool tap water and ringing it out before guiding his hand from his face and pressing the cool cloth against his eye. He squirmed for a moment before relaxing and leaning into the cloth.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
His bottom lip trembled and a small sob fell from his lips. You leaned patiently against the edge of the sink, keeping the cloth pressed to his eye.
“W-we were trying to heat up breakfast so we didn’t wake you b-but… something went wrong and when I tried to open the microwave door, it flew open and smacked me in the eye!”
He stammered and stumbled over his words, but as he finished speaking, you had a better understanding.
“I need to have a look at your eye, alright,” you spoke tenderly.
He let out a whimper but nodded and you moved the cloth away.
“Can you tell me how it hurts?” you asked as his eye flinched and twitched.
“It hurts all over but it also feels like there's something in my eye,” he whimpered.
Softly, you slid your fingers along his jaw and encouraged him to tip his head back. Once at an angle where you could see, you gently placed two fingers along the bone beneath his eye, careful of the wound. Your thumb rested just below his brow. Slowly and carefully, you caught his eyelashes with your thumb and coaxed his eye to open. He flinched a little and fought against the movement, but as you opened his eye fully, you found the problem.
The whites of his eye was red with irritation, and, settled right near his iris, was a long eyelash probably knocked into his eye as he was rubbing it after the door hit him.
“You have an eyelash. Be very still so I can get it out,” you spoke tenderly.
He didn't move as you used your hand resting below his eye to gently dab your finger over the eyelash and extract it. When it was out, you let his eye close and, without the irritant, it no longer flinched and twitched.
You allowed him to tilt his head back down and, with the eyelash resting on your finger, you brought it up for him to see.
“Make a wish.”
He closed his eyes for a brief moment before blowing the eyelash off your finger.
After the extraction of the eyelash, you cleaned the small wound under his eye and placed a Spiderman bandage on the wound.
“Now, let’s go get you some ice before you get a black eye.”
He stood up from the toilet seat and placed his head in yours. You laughed lightly and led him into the kitchen, him trailing behind you like an overgrown toddler.
As you entered the kitchen, you found YangYang, Dejun, and Kunhang all lined up by the table, Kun standing in front of them running his hands through his hair, a habit he only did when he was highly stressed or annoyed.
You pulled an ice pack out of the freezer and handed it to Yukhei, who scampered off to sit at the table with the ice on his eye.
“So I know the microwave door hit Yukhei in the eye, but why exactly did it fly open? What was the bang? What was on fire?”
Kun let out a sigh and shook his head. No one else said a word, the boy’s attention on anything but you.
You put your hands on your hips. You keep be gentle and loving when it was required, but, while Kun was usually soft and gentle, you had an attitude and you had high morals and expectations.
“I’ll ask again. Exactly what happened?” you asked sternly, soft eyes turning hard as you stared down the four.
No one said anything for a moment before Dejun opened his mouth to speak.
“We were hungry but we didn’t want to wake you guys up…” he mumbled.
“So we thought we’d make something ourselves but Kun doesn’t allow us to use the stove after we almost burnt down the kitchen that one time,” YangYang continued.
“We found the bacon and sausage from yesterday… so we decided to heat that up,” Kunhang added.
You closed your eyes. You’d put the sausage and bacon in aluminum foil to keep it from dying out and getting soggy. Please please let them not have put metal in the microwave.
“We didn’t know the foil in the microwave would catch fire until it blew the microwave door open…” Yukhei finished.
Aluminum foil in the microwave… They’d put METAL in the microwave.
You let out a drawn out sigh and rested your head in your hands, massaging your temples.
“You can’t put metal in the microwave,” you muttered.
“We know that! … Now…” YangYang spoke.
You heaved a heavy sigh.
“Was anyone besides Yukhei close to the microwave when it blew open?” you asked.
They thought about it for a moment before all four shook their heads.
Kun looked at you questioningly for a moment before realization dawned across his face.
“You stay here, I’ll take him to the Emergency Room,” Kun said, walking out of the kitchen to retrieve a shirt from the bedroom.
“Emergency Room?!” YangYang shouted.
“He could have been exposed to radiation from the microwave. There’s nothing they can really do if he has, but we need to know for sure,” you stated, rubbing your temples.
Kun returned back still in his pajama pants but now wearing a black hoodie to match. He guided Yukhei out the door while you sent the others to clean up the kitchen.
Stange how quickly a peaceful morning can turn to chaos.
It was noon when Kun’s car pulled into their house and he and Yukhei were stepping out, both carrying large takeout bags. As they made their way inside, they plopped the takeout bags on the counter. Kun came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss to your jaw.
“Doyoung, Taeyong, and the Dreamies will be over in an hour. I’m taking tomorrow off. We’re taking a little vacation to the hotel we usually stay at to get away,” he whispered in your ear.
Apparently, he wasn’t quiet enough because as YangYang grabbed his takeout box, he made a gagging noise deep in his throat, earning himself a lightly headslap from Kun.
You nodded and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“He’s fine. His eye will bruise, but he’ll be fine otherwise.”
You nodded and slide yourself closer into his side, kissing his jaw.
A few hours later, while you all were playing fetch with Bella, Doyoung, Taeyong, and the Dreamies let themselves in. Upon seeing them, you and Kun grabbed your own respective duffel bags and headed for the car before anyone could stop you. One catastrophe was enough to make you need a break.
As you settled into his car and he started the engine, he didn’t move for a long moment. You looked at him questioningly.
“You were so gentle taking care of Yukhei but then so firm when you needed answers and disciplined them…” he muttered.
You nodded, confusion etched across your features. Things like this had happened before. Maybe not to the magnitude, but you’d handled sprained ankles and broken bones together before. It honestly wasn’t too out of the ordinary.
“It just makes me think about actual children,” he mumbled.
By now you were beyond confused. Sure, you’d talked about children before, but only enough to know that you each wanted children, granted, you wanted more than he did.
“And I love you,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow.
“I love you too.”
“I had something so much more romantic planned but… I just don’t think I can wait. Not after today,” he said.
“Ok, what are you talking about?”
You had more questions than answers, at least, until he opened the glovebox and pulled out a small velvet black box.
A gasp tumbled from your lips. That box! It was the size of-
He flipped open the lid, pulling you from your thoughts as he presented you with a dazzling diamond, perfectly centered in a triangular receptacle, delicately placed on a band of white gold with tinier diamonds decorating halfway down both sides.
“(y/f/n) (y/m/d) (y/l/n), will you be my wife?”
Don’t leave Kun hanging! What’s your answer?
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hyuckssunchip · 4 years
Shakespeare Sucks Pt. 1
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Pairings: Jaemin x Reader, ft. Jaehyun, Renjun, Mark, Jeno, Taeyong
Words: 1.9K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), angst, mentions of violence/death
Like Romeo and Juliet... less death though. You and Jaemin are blissfully unaware of the fate the lies ahead of your relationship. That is until Fate unveils the cruel plans that She has for you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
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“You know, if you weren’t so pretty I could actually focus on lecture.”
You blushed, glancing at the light haired boy next to you. But he looked so focused on the lecture you wouldn’t believe that he had just spoken to you. 
Shaking your head you turned back to your notes, scribbling along with the professor.
“If I could stare at you for two hours I wouldn’t have this problem.”
You couldn’t stop your face from heating up, this time elbowing him slightly in his side. 
“Jaemin, focus.” 
“I am.” He whispered back, staring at you.
You smiled, lifting your hand and turning his face back to face the professor. You didn’t have to look to know that he too had a smile adorning his face.
You felt his hand creep onto your thigh, squeezing slightly making your breath hitch. You tried to slap his hand away, an attempt to focus back on your professor. 
The rest of the lecture you were distracted by his overwhelming presence and before you knew it, everyone around you was packing up.
“Jaemin! I didn’t catch anything he said.” You pouted at him, “How are you going to make it up to me?” 
You teased him, knowing that your best friend Mark always took meticulous notes and you that he would give it to you in a heartbeat.
“Oh that’s a shame. I’ll make it up to you at my place.” He grinned, wagging his eyebrows while you giggled, packing your own stuff up. You looked over at his seat, he hadn’t even taken out notes for this class and you rolled your eyes knowing that he wouldn’t need them anyways.
“You know date night is coming up.” He said as the two of you walked out the lecture hall side by side.
“Date night?” You asked.
“Yeah, Friday.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer to him.
“Since when is Friday date night?” You asked, smiling at your fingers.
“Since Monday through Thursday don’t work.” He grinned turning to face you.
“Right. What are we doing?” 
“I was thinking that cute little diner next to the mall and then we go back and have a cuddle sesh with a movie.”
You blushed, “Why do you always call it that?”
“What? A cuddle sesh?”
You nodded.
“Because we’re going to cuddle? Isn’t it just logical to name it that?” He nudged your side, poking fun at you.
“Right.” You giggled, “You didn’t have to name it anything, like we’ll just cuddle.”
He laughed, “But it’s cuter if I tell my friends I can’t hang out with them cause I have a cuddle sesh.”
Your eyes widened, “You tell your friends that you’re going to have a cuddle sesh?”
“No, but I can imagine it would be cuter.”
You smacked his chest and continued towards his car. “What do you tell your friends?”
You were curious, Jaemin wasn’t very open about many things. For one you had no idea who the majority of his friends were. You simply knew that he tended to hang out around you and Jeno, but other than that he was very mysterious. Not that it really mattered to you, he was a sweetheart and nothing could change your mind.
He shrugged, not offering much, “They don’t really ask much.”
Nodding, you expected that much. It’s not that you felt that he was trying to hide anything from you, he just wasn’t volunteering information.
The ringing of his phone interrupted the comfortable silence that washed over the two of you in his car. 
He frowned at the screen, however, as you looked over you cocked your head in confusion. There wasn’t a contact, simply a number, obviously one that he had recognized. 
He looked up, meeting your eyes with a tight smile, “Let me take this real quick and then we’ll head to my place, okay?”
You nodded into the chaste kiss that he left on your forehead and you watched him leave the car. 
Was it that serious? That he couldn’t talk with you in the car?
Watching his stressed back as you gazed out the window, you had an unsettling feeling rise in your stomach. 
He kept running his hands through his hair, the faint whisper of his hushed words could be heard through the cracks of the car door. Although you couldn’t make out any words, you could tell that he was distressed. 
The slamming of the car door startled you, too caught up in your own thoughts. You sent a small smile, an attempt to ease him as you could tell he had become tense. 
“Everything good?” You asked timidly, not an attempt to pry, but to console.
“Yeah.” He sent back a smile, one that you could tell wasn’t genuine. It didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
The mood shifted quickly as he pulled out of the lot. “Ready? Time to get our cuddle sesh on.”
He grinned and you relaxed a bit, he was less tense, or showed that he was and you felt more at ease. 
You laughed, shaking your head, “Whatever you want to call it.”
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However, he wasn’t comfortable and you could tell.
As you leaned into his side, you could feel his muscles tense in anxiety and he was obviously distracted. The movie was the last thing on either of your minds. But you both sat through it anyways, not wanting to break whatever tension there was.
The movie had ended a while ago, the both of you staring at the ‘Are you still there?’ font that had now taken over the screen.
You felt your stomach flop at the sudden movement of Jaemin nustling his head into your neck, taking a deep breath.
“Hmmm.” The deep vibrations rumbled through your body.
“Did you get a new shampoo?” The sudden question would normally leave you giggling but you couldn’t bring yourself to at the moment, it almost felt wrong. 
You lifted your hand to the back of his head and you ran your fingers through his hair, sighing in response. 
“It smells like peaches.” 
You nodded slightly, continuing the rhythm of your fingers tangled in his hair. 
“Hmmm?” You hummed in response, knowing you couldn’t quite trust your voice at the moment.
“Let’s just stay here forever.” He lifted his feet off the ground and threw his legs over yours, cuddling you closer. 
Again, you just hummed, wrapping your arms tighter around his body.
The odd feeling had slowly faded, but was quickly brought back at the familiar sound of his ringtone.
He groaned, pushing deeper into your frame, shaking his head slightly, planning on ignoring the call. 
When it rang again he let out a sigh, reaching blindly for the phone, leaving you with a clear view of the screen. 
It was the same number.
“What do you want now?” He snapped into the phone, nothing like you had ever heard him sound before.
Your fingers, still wrapped in his hair, froze. 
He slowly got up, pulling away from you and leaning onto his knees, head hanging low.
There was a sharp sound from the other side that could clearly be heard by you and he stood up jerkily, sparing you a glance before leaving the room.
You curled up, the emptiness of his leaving made you suddenly cold. You involuntarily shivered, looking at the reflection of yourself in the blank TV. Your heart dropped, the reflection of a certain object caught your eye, sending shivers down your spine.
You urged yourself not to look at the object, but you couldn’t stop yourself. You stood up, as if in a trance and walked towards the key tray that sat on the table behind the couch. 
How have you never looked at his keys? How could you have never noticed?
Your fingers stretched out, as if attempting to grip the keychain, but the abrupt entrance of Jaemin had you pulling your arm back, as if suddenly burnt.
“You good?” He asked, hand scratching the back of his neck, looking at your surprised expression. 
He gave you a wary look, you had made it too obvious that you were startled. 
“How about I take you home now? Before it gets too late. You have an early lecture tomorrow.” You nodded, eyes not focused on anything in particular because your mind was running a mile a minute. 
He gave a small smile, the clinking of his keys catching your attention. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it. 
“I didn't scare you too much did I?” He laughed softly, noting your expression.
You snapped out of it, “No, I think I was just tired, I didn't realize how late it got.” You looked out the window for the first time, the streetlights already lit and shining on the sidewalk.
“Right, well… you ready?” You nodded quickly, shuffling your shoes on and turning around only to find that Jaemin already had your backpack resting on his back.
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The drive home was unnecessarily tense, despite your attempt at appearing indifferent to what you had seen before.
Jaemin could sense the weird air, but chose not to say anything. Simply looking over at you every couple of minutes. 
You had arrived at your apartment, normally you would invite him in, or beg him to stay a little longer, but today you had no intention of doing so. 
“Hey Y/N?” You turned back one last time.
“I-uh… I’m going to a friend’s lake house this weekend. You want to be my date?” There was a slight hesitation that you caught, but he managed to lose it at the end of the sentence, a hint of humor seeping through. 
You returned the tone, “You need a date?” You laughed slightly, “Of course I’ll come.”
“Great.” There was an elongated pause. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You nodded waving him off, “Drive safe.”
You watched the small car disappear down the street and your hand dropped to your side, the smile on your face fading. 
Upon entering your apartment the first thing you did was rush to the kitchen drawer. A drawer where lost things were often found, a drawer where you shoved things to be out of sight out of mind, a drawer where you hid things you didn’t want to be seen.
The drawer was emptied to a mess on the floor as you scrambled through the junk, hands flailing in desperate search for what you were looking for.
The glint of the item made you freeze and your eyes locked onto the emblem that you wished didn’t exist. You picked up the charm holding it at arm's length as if it would attack you at any moment.
You were right. You wished you weren’t. You wished your eyes were playing tricks on you, but it was uncanny.
The emblem was the very same that you had seen on Jaemin’s keys. You fumbled with your necklace that hung around your neck for the last twenty one years of your life. With shaking hands you put the two charms together and held your breath as they clicked into place, becoming one. 
You dropped the charms, watching them break apart to their respective forms again, and you felt your stomach lurch.
You felt if for the first time in a long time. 
Absolute fear, absolute utter fear. And you felt it in your bones, blood running cold.
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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tsukikento · 4 years
Empathetic Chapter 13
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: I finished this weeks ago and then took forever to do my final edit! Which may suck, but I think the wait is worth it. I’m hoping to write much more in the new year! :) Please let me know what you think.
It was another mundane and busy week until anything eventful occurred.
Although, there were still highlights to your week, particularly the lunch periods.
On Monday, you ate with Ashido, Kirishima, and the rest of that small group of friends you were becoming more acquainted with. News of Ashido and Kirishima’s relationship spread quickly as they sat together before class started and were giggling messes for much of the day. Therefore, the couple decided to sit next to each other during lunch instead of in the usual seating order. Because of the seating change, you were now positioned next to Bakugou who kept rather quiet except for the few times he nudged you to laugh at how idiotic the couple was being.
Tuesday was rather similar, except now Kaminari and Sero were pretending to be a couple in order to mock Ashido and Kirishima. They comically fed each other lunch, called each other disgustingly sweet pet names, and even pretended to kiss a few times. You, out of everyone there, found this the funniest. You could not help but laugh loudly at their antics while Ashido and Kirishima swayed between being upset, bashful, and laughing along. Bakugou had a small smile planted on his lips throughout the lunch, but did not bark out a laugh once.
On Wednesday, Ashido practically ruined your plans by telling you that she was eating with just Kirishima that day. You had been so excited to sit with Bakugou once more that you weren’t quite sure what to do. After some debate, you ended up sitting with the rest of the Class 1-A girls. They spent most of the lunch talking about school, which wasn’t horrible, but they were much less humorous than the ridiculous and rambunctious boys you had been sitting with.
On Thursday, you once again sat with the girls. However, Uraraka was missing today and was replaced by an Ashido who could not stop staring at Kirishima. Despite ogling him during lunch, she firmly believed in spending time with other people and taking things slow. This resulted in her promising one day for “just us girls!” As the two lovesick puppies continued to shift in their seats to get a look at the other.  You even found yourself preemptively looking towards the table of boys to catch Kirishima’s glances. It seemed Bakugou had the same idea because you made eye contact with him almost as much as Kirishima and Ashido had.
When Friday rolled around, you were fairly tired. School picked up quickly and you were still working on catching up from the weeks you missed. With little sleep, you trudged to the table with Ashido and Kirishima and allowed anyone but you to carry on a conversation. Luckily, that was easy for the group sitting with you.
Although you weren’t quite sure what was happening, you were fairly certain Ashido and Kaminari were rallying a humorous bit about Aizawa and another hero. Something about jokes? Or somebody with a lot of jokes?
However, the happy atmosphere changed quickly as Mineta approached you all with a sick smirk plastered on his face.
Despite Kaminari and Sero being friendly with Mineta in their first year, and not outright hating him now, they knew better than to welcome him with open arms to a table with two girls, the chivalrous Kirishima, and a short-tempered Bakugou. With this in mind, they stayed quiet as the purple-headed boy arrived at their table and gained everyone’s attention.
“Can we help you?” Kirishima asked politely. He cautiously wrapped his arm around Ashido, very aware that Mineta could be more vulgar than the average person.
“I just wanted to congratulate you on your relationship,” He began, surprising all of you.
Even you turned to look at him out of surprise. The action wasn’t too difficult because he was positioned between you and Bakugou who sat at the head of the table. You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him begin to speak once more.
“I have to say I’m pretty jealous you get to tap that pink a—“
“Oh my god,” Ashido’s voice covered up his last word and you all looked at him in mal contempt and utter disgust.
Anger immediately flooded through your veins and you almost threw yourself away to distance yourself from Mineta as much as possible. Furthermore, despite your tired mind, you had been wanting to destress for hours, and you swiftly placed your hand on the short boy’s shoulder as you saw the opportunity arise. Although it pained you to even touch him, you craved to let your aggressions go much more than your craved distance.
You smirked as his emotions ran through you. With as much control as you could muster, you did not allow his perverse feelings overcome you and instead focused on his insecurities.
“Pretty big words from someone who wouldn’t even be a hero if it wasn’t for your grape-filled brain,” You said, letting your aggression take over your conscious. “I wouldn’t make comments like that knowing full well all of us here could kick your ass. You don’t even fit well into our class when your quirk is easily outdone by Sero and your smarts are far from the best in the class.” Every word your spoke spit the venom of a snake, but you couldn’t stop yourself from letting though go into the loud cafeteria.
“Holy shit,” You heard Kaminari chuckle out of pure surprise once you finished ridiculing Mineta.
You removed your hand from his shoulder and stared at him with a sickly evil smirk, practically begging the purple pile of garbage to try and retort to much too real claims.
“Scram,” A deep voice beside you spoke up.
You looked over to Bakugou and saw as much anger in his eyes as you were sure were in yours. However, you were quite sure yours were now being replaced with confusion.
Mineta fled with his theoretical tail between his legs. You didn’t have to remove your earbuds to know he was regretting ever coming to this table.
Good, you thought as you watched him leave.
Once he was a good distance away, you turned back to your groups of friends who stared at you in shock.
“Damn, L/N-san,” Sero commented, very purposefully using formal language around you.
“Your tongue is as sharp as Bakugou’s,” Kirishima added while Ashido ran around to give you a hug for defending her.
“Thank you,” She whispered in your ear, her tone happier than you would expect at this time.
You nervously chuckled and scratched the back of your head, not expecting them to be so accepting of your angry side. It really only ever come out during a fight or when someone was particularly pissing you off.
“Yeah,” Bakugou quietly added. You looked over to him as he continued to speak, “It was,” A pregnant pause filled the table, “Cool.” Despite him still looking dissatisfied with his choice of words, you didn’t push for him to clarify.
“Thanks,” You replied, a gentle smile stretched across your hot cheeks. His own cheeks tinged a hue of pink you saw rarely and you knew that this moment was special. You didn’t want to rush to conclusions because assumptions were never ideal, but you hoped Bakugou actually liked seeing your quick wit come out.
The bell rang, signaling that your session of lunch was coming to a close and you had 5 minutes to get to your next class. You grabbed your small dessert before tossing the rest of your lunch. While Bakugou, Ashido, and Kaminari departed in a separate direction for the class with your mom, you gingerly walked with Sero and Kirishima back to the 2-A classroom.
The two boys continued to compliment you as you walked into class on your impressive words.
“If it was anyone else, I would be nervous to say this,” Kirishima spoke, “But Mineta is so crude that he kind of deserves it. Especially considering what he was saying about Ashido.”
You smiled at Kirishima, who currently had pink spreading across his face. “I’m sure you would have stepped in if I hadn’t,” You added, knowing full well that Kirishima was very polite.
The conversation continued until you arrived at your class. Sero moved to his seat while you and Kirishima walked together to the back to sit in your seats one behind the other.
When Monday had come, Aizawa still hadn’t prepared anything for the class to do, but today he came prepared.
With a pop quiz.
Everyone in the class groaned as he insisted it would give you all a better chance than the other students on the next exam.
By the time you got out of class, you were sure Ashido, Kaminari, and Bakugou were still with your mom.
Despite knowing full well that you should head over to your mom’s house and feed your cat, you were also very tempted to sit in on the class. Or at least see Bakugou again.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, something that had become more and more common, at the thought of seeing him. You felt like such a fool with your ridiculous crush, but you couldn’t help how excited you got at the idea of seeing him.
Additionally, today’s class was supposed to be her day with every year rather than just one. The large crowd would mean she wasn’t as intense and detailed. Finally, you decided to use a simple excuse of a question to have a reason to go and see your friends.
Primarily Bakugou, you admitted to yourself as you trekked the halls to the large gymnasium.
Despite his previous comments, Bakugou’s temperament towards your mother’s class had gone down by Monday when she was able to talk to him more one on one about manipulating his explosions and how it matched with her fire manipulation.
Having sat in on your own siblings' training sessions multiple times, you knew the speech about fire, or explosions in Bakugou’s case, not being able to provide nearly as much defense as offense.
Ashido had recanted to you that Bakugou spent most of the day trying to use his explosions to block attacks from whatever partner he was with instead of using his explosions to attack them.
You were glad they were getting along with each other, but you want for them to get along together also scared you to death.
Is me wanting them to get along too much? You questioned, trying to be conscious of how quickly your feelings were getting the best of you.
Reluctantly, you attempted to swallow your nerves and went to grab the door handle of the gym.
Since your mother would be talking to all her students as opposed to just one years’ worth, you knew you would have quite the audience as you opened the loud door to the gym. That could be positive and negative.
As you predicted, a plethora of eyes moved from your mother to look at you as you bashfully came in. They were currently sitting on the ground as your mother talked to them about who knows what.
Immediately your eyes found Bakugou’s sharp vermillion eyes. You felt your face flush as his piercing gaze stared back at your shamelessly. It was almost intense enough for you to look down and run out of the gym.
However, before you had a chance, your mother whipped around and smiled at you as she noticed herself lose everyone’s attention.
“Ah!” She cheerfully exclaimed as you tentatively approached her and stood in front of more than fifty students.
You couldn’t help but watch Bakugou as his eyes brazenly traveled up and down your body as you approached the group of students. The smirk on his lips was a bold reminder that he was much more confident than you.
“Everyone,” Your mom spoke and she turned to face the crowd, “This is my daughter, Y/N!”
Although you knew what type of situation you put yourself in, you still nervously waved at the class before leaning into your mom. “Sorry, I just needed to ask you something.”
“We’ll be right back,” She told the class. Gently, she grabbed your elbow and pulled you away so the students couldn’t hear you. “Yeah?” She asked.
Although you appreciated her moving you both out of earshot, you were intending to talk to her in English, which many of the students knew very little of considering it was your first language and most likely their second.
“I was just about to head over to feed Cody and remembered you being a little low on food on Wednesday. Do you want me to pick up more?” You asked.
“Oh, yes! That would be perfect!” She exclaimed, “Thank you for remembering.”
“Okay, cool, see you la—”
“Come talk to the class before you go!” Your mother excitedly said as she pulled you back to the students, clearly wanting to show off one of her 5 prodigies.
Although she was strict when it came to training and held standards for you that were much different from her siblings, you were still her pride and joy. She acted so childishly when not focused on work, and it almost felt like Ashido was the one dragging you to do something you didn’t want to do.
“Tell them about how I am as a teacher,” She said in Japanese so the class could understand.
You sighed before looking to the students and trying to find the best words. Although there were many people in the audience you knew, you only kept your eyes on Bakugou as you spoke. Having my mom as your teacher can help you so much, so pay attention, you thought to yourself before speaking. “She is a hard-ass. She knows your potential and knows you can do better than you think. She is kind to you, but when you slack off, she gets more serious than you will ever see. Take this class seriously.” You paused for a moment before adding. “My mom trained all four of my older siblings. She is the number 1 hero in America, and they are all in the top 20 and climbing. You are lucky to have her help.”
Your tone was serious, but your mother’s kind smile was what made the situation scariest. She didn’t even correct you or criticize her for calling her a hard-ass. Many students had shocked faces with only a few exceptions for the students you knew would take her seriously and use her skill before she left.
“Thank you so much for stopping by,” Your mother spoke before turning to only address you. “This class is almost done, but I have a meeting, so I won’t be home by the time you feed Cody.”
You promptly nodded before turning to leave. You were too nervous to spare a glance at your friends, but you heard Ashido and Kaminari say goodbye as you opened to gymnasium door.
You used the small walk to the local pet store and then to your mother’s house as an opportunity to be with yourself. You thought over your week and what you needed to do. From homework, you needed to catch up on, personal training, and your hero costume, your life was fairly busy.
Additionally, the back of your mind prodded you with questions about Bakugou.
Did it seem weird that you stopped by your mom’s class?
Is it obvious you like him more than others?
You shouldn’t even be thinking about romance when you have to focus on your career!!
You knew full well that you had leaps to take in order to be an excelling hero. You knew it was more important to force yourself to actually train and practice than to worry about little friendships and romances. However, you felt tired.
You tried to calm yourself down by reminding yourself that you just moved to a new country and started school in a whole new place.
This school is made to help me train and get better, at least I have that if I am not doing much extra outside of class.
By the time you arrived at your mom’s house and were done feeding Cody, your feet, and brain ached. You spent the next half an hour on the couch with your cat by your side, lackadaisically petting him while scrolling through your phone.
Once your feet were no longer crying for a break, you made your way back home. The sun was still up, the warm sun shining perfectly on the concrete. It was just now entering the end of May and many bushes and trees were lush with green leaves and various vibrant other colors. The temperature was nice and tepid, making the walk home very comfortable because of the occasional breeze.
By the time you were home, the sun was just beginning to set. You quietly took off your shoes and greeted the few students downstairs.
“Ah, L/N-san,” Iida began once he saw you. He, Asui, and Tokoyami were currently stationed in the kitchen. “I know you aren’t used to the normal schedule yet, but we usually eat dinner around 6. Everyone takes turns cooking.”
You nodded while walking up to them. They were currently cooking up a pasta dish and the smell was making your stomach ache.
“Once you feel comfortable, we would love to add you to the list,” Iida continued.
Although a little tired, you still smiled at the trio, “I would love to. Is there a spreadsheet or list? I really only know American dishes so…” You trailed off at the end of your sentence. You enjoyed cooking, but you hardly knew how to make true Japanese dishes.
“Of course,” Asui began. She pulled out her phone to show you. “Each day has certain people with the dishes already listed. The school provides us with some money for food and different people go shopping each Saturday. It is usually the girls though, ribbit,” She explained.
Your eyes glazed over this month’s sheet. Each person appeared a few times with the respective dishes also listed.
“Who makes these?” You asked.
“Momo does,” Iida quickly replied while he drained a large pot of pasta.
You nodded, debating what would be your best action. “I’ll talk to Momo some time about getting put onto the schedule.”
The three classmates nodded and thanked you for understanding.
You sheepishly waved them off, telling them you were happy to help. You finally made your way upstairs with a small snack in hand. You were quite hungry at this point and hoped it would help satiate you until the food was ready in an hour.
You immediately plopped down on your bed and pulled out your phone once upstairs.
I can do homework after dinner, you told yourself as you scrolled through social media.
However, before you had a chance to really relax, you heard 3 rapid knocks against your wooden door. Quizzically, you stood up from your bed, debating who could be knocking in such a short, yet recognizable way.
Unsurprisingly, Bakugou was the person on the other side.
I should have known, you told yourself as you took in his outfit. He wasn’t too sweaty, but it was clear he has been active for at least the past hour. He was dressed in basketball shorts and a basic t-shirt.
“Can I help you?” You inquired. It seemed he rushed over to talk to you, making you wonder by he couldn’t wait.
“I want to fight,” He bluntly explained.
“Okay, um,” You mumbled, “I am pretty good right now. Can I take a rain check?” You retorted. You definitely were not ready for a challenge.
The blond rolled his eyes as you and sighed, “Dummy. I don’t mean right now.” His voice was harsh and it made you want to laugh at his reaction to your reply.
Your mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape and Bakugou leaned up against the door.
“Are you gonna invite me in?” He asked. The pout on his lips was rather cute, but you tried to stay focused on what he was saying.
“Do you even want to come in?” You pushed.
Bakugou scrunched up his nose at your sarcastic comment and leaned up to stand tall against you. “It would be rude not to. We have to plan when we are going to train together.”
“Ah,” You mumbled.
You moved aside to let Bakugou in. When he came in, you finally noticed the water in his hand and the way his eyes scanned over your room carefully.
“I didn’t realize you meant training,” You explained as you quietly closed your bedroom door.
No matter how calm you tried to stay it was rather difficult to do so when he was looking over everything you had.
He turned to look at you. “Are you dumb?” He judged, “Do you need coffee or something?”
You waived him off and grabbed your laptop, not feeling the need to keep this small spat going. You gestured for him to sit at your desk chair while you perched onto your own bed.
“Do you know your schedule?” You asked him as you pulled up the calendar app on your laptop.
“Yeah,” He began while taking a seat at your small desk chair. He slouched over in the chair and gave off a very nonchalant vibe.
You wondered for a moment what kind of vibe you gave off.
“I am free on Wednesday and Sunday,” He explained.
You nodded and looked through your schedule. You didn’t really have anything that couldn’t be moved considering you had only been living in Japan for a few weeks now. Silently, you wished your schedule would pick up more. You noticed most of your classmates were gone a few times throughout the week for their internship.
You bit your lip, debating your schedule before mumbling out, “Do you cook dinner at all?”
Bakugou stared at your quizzically, your eyes glued to your laptop screen. “Huh?” He replied, his voice louder than intended. He honestly wasn’t even sure if you knew you asked that question.
You looked up from him and immediately felt nerves wash over your body. “I’m just curious because Iida was talking to me about adding myself to that schedule. I was wondering if you did in the case that would mess up our training. Or, like, also because I know you go to your internship a lot and wanted to make sure I didn’t take up too much of your time. Sorry, I didn’t m—”
“You talk too much,” Bakugou interrupted.
You abruptly stopped talking. You stared at Bakugou, not quite sure what to say.
Is he even going to answer my question, you debated as you watched him.
“I do,” He finally added. “On Mondays.”
You nodded your head and simply looked back to your computer. You gulped down the lump in your throat before mumbling out a small and meek, “Cool.” Your eyes gloss over your computer once more despite already having your schedule memorized. “Wednesday and Sunday work for me too.”
Bakugou stood up from the chair. “Good,” He replied, before making his way to the door.
“Wait!” You exclaimed just before he opened the door.
He turned to look at you, his features were curious as to what else you could add.
“What time are we going to meet up?” You asked. “And where?” You added. A small pause, “And what are we going to do?”
“Geez, you have so many questions,” Bakugou groaned, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. You found your eyes scanning over his slightly damp hair. It was still standing at attention and looked incredibly fluffy.
You didn’t react at all and simply gestured for him to keep talking.
“We can meet this Sunday at three in the afternoon. Just meet me downstairs and I’ll walk us to the Cityscape I end up renting out.” He paused and looked you over. “We are going to fight.”
You let his words wash over your and you simply nodded, giving him his cue to leave. When the door finally shut and Bakugou was gone, you sighed.
You definitely needed combat training but were not excited to face the fiery hothead again. You were absolutely sure he held a grudge and would put his all into beating you.
Reluctantly, you jotted down the time in your calendar and made notes for all following Wednesdays and Sundays to close off at least part of the day to training. You weren’t sure how long this would last considering you would rather face a wide variety of people a few times than consistently work with only one person. However, you were sure it would at least last a few sessions and that you would both surely help each other get better.
After dinner, which was quite delicious and filling, you stopped Momo to tell her you wanted to sign up for dinner duty.
Delighted, the hero in-training took you to her room where her computer was and showed you the schedule.
Each day was color-coded. In the description were the people cooking and the type of cuisine they would make.
“Most days are balanced with good cooks and not as great cooks,” She explained. “We keep the cuisines here for variety, but the groups have to choose 2 weeks ahead of schedule what they will be making. That way we can buy them with enough time.”
Your eyes glossed over the screen and looked at the various cuisines. Most were nights were dedicated to Japanese food except Friday, which was dedicated to pasta, Tuesday, which was dedicated to American food, and Wednesday, which was dedicated to Chinese food.
“The groups can also change the cuisine if they want,” She added after seeing you intensely scanning the days.
“Yeah,” You mumbled out. “I’m just not sure if I should go with the cuisines that would be easier for me like Tuesday or Friday. It might be nice to work on the Japanese days because I would be learning.”
Momo nodded understandably. “I’m sure everyone would be happy to work with you. I would note though that every day except Monday has 3 people. You would even out that group if you chose to and learn Japanese cuisine.”
That was Bakugou’s day, you immediately noted.
You looked at the calendar schedule and saw that he was also set to be cooking with Sero on those days.
You hummed while debating your options. “Could I try out Mondays? Maybe if I don’t like it I could move the day?”
Momo eagerly nodded. “Of course!” She moved her computer closer to you and put your name in the schedule. “Do you have their numbers?”
“Just Bakugou’s,” You quickly replied.
Momo nodded and pulled out her own phone. “Let me give you Sero’s so you can make a group chat.”
Once the kind girl gave you his number, you tentatively put him into your phone and made a group chat with the three of you. “Thank you, Momo,” You spoke while standing up to bow.
Yaoyorozu bashfully replied with a “You’re welcome.”
After a brief goodbye, you left her room and made your way back to your own. Homework… you mumbled over and over in your head as if it would make you more likely to actually get things done.
Once in your room, you posted up at your desk, laptop in front of you. However, instead of doing anything important, you stared at the blank, black screen.
After debating your actions for a few minutes, you grabbed your phone from your pocket and unlocked it.
The group chat stared back at you as you thought about what to say. You knew it was important to start the conversation, but you had no idea how to. You bit your lips and tried to calm your nerves, knowing full well that there was no reason to be anxious. However, you still felt your nerves crawl up your spine.
After way too long, you finally typed out a small message.
Hey, this is Y/N! Momo had me join you both for dinner night on Mondays. Hope that’s okay and please let me know how to help!
You immediately put your phone on silent and tossed it onto your bed, telling yourself that you needed to focus on homework.
You opened your laptop up and grabbed your notebook and pen.
You sighed before beginning an assignment. You just needed to finish it tonight so you would have time to work on your hero costume tomorrow.
101 notes · View notes
lovelyirony · 4 years
fic title: I’m falling and the sun is blinding me to your faults
i wanted to do an au of this one, so presenting: tony and rhodey, but make it villainous. i think it’d be fun! 
James Rhodes is two things, first and foremost being that he is a businessman. 
People call him a villain. He doesn’t really think he’s that villainous. 
After all, he only took over New York. He left all the other states alone, so that has to mean something. He was gracious! 
He also wouldn’t consider himself a villain because everyone who works under him gets health insurance. They don’t complain that much, although he’s gotten some about the quality of the buffet on Fridays. 
Catering companies. Hit-or-miss, you know? 
There have been a couple of companies who try to stop him. Rivals that hate that his products are better and employees are happier, for one. Those are easy to dismiss. 
SHIELD is one company who tries, and fails. Repeatedly. It would be embarrassing, but Rhodes has respect for Agents Romanov and Hill, who have been the closest to breaking into his personal office. 
The player that isn’t registering on the field is Tony Stark. Perhaps because he isn’t so much of a player on the field as an existing person who just happens to be on a field. Or a building. However you would like to imagine it. 
In other universes, he walks like he owns the world because he could buy up everything and still have money left over to get ice cream at the end of the day. 
In this universe, his father kicked him out of his house for various things, the most prominent being that Tony is rather partial to kissing guys and ladies, and that just simply won’t do. 
(Tony also stole enough money out of his bank account to buy a house and also start his own business without his knowledge, but in the grand scheme of things, that’s just a small drop in the ocean.) 
Tony made his own tech start-up business. He’s invented a few new things that hit the market discreetly, and he’s building up more and more clientele. He’s about to open another shop, and in all honesty he’s not worried about getting noticed. 
This is until Rhodes comes across an employee bragging about a new repair guy who makes computers run twice as fast, charges less than most repair shops, and looks mighty fine in a tank top.
The last reason is reason enough to visit. 
But also, to see who’s been fixing up Rhodes tech and can make it faster. He doesn’t know why he wouldn’t have just applied for a job. 
Tony is not expecting Rhodes to enter into his building. He has people who are walk-ins, but usually you would expect a villain to make an appointment. Or not, they are villains. 
“I heard that you’ve been improving my phones,” James says. He leans into Tony’s space. He smells quite nice, has a well-tailored suit, and Tony is trying very hard not to find him attractive. That’s not the sort of thing you could be focusing on. 
“You gonna sue me or something?” 
“No, I want to hire you.” 
Tony blinks. 
“Oh. No thank you.” 
Rhodes pulls back. 
“Why ‘no’?” 
“I like my shop just fine. And you have things well-handled.” 
“Could I consult you?” 
“You can’t afford me.” 
Rhodes grins. 
“Are you sure about that?” 
“Of course I am. Can I get anything for you today, or did you just want to beg me to come work for you?” 
“Most people would never be this bold.” 
"What would they be? Terrified in your presence?” 
“More or less, yes. It’s what I prefer.” 
"I don’t cater to people’s preferences, it’s a character flaw and strength,” Tony quips. 
Rhodes smiles. 
It’s terrifyingly beautiful, really. Tony is at a loss for words. 
“I think I’m liking you, Stark.” 
“Tony. You don’t call me Stark. I don’t do the last name dynamic.” 
“Sweetheart, then. Not your last name.” 
“Pet names, seriously?” 
“Oh you got it, honey.” 
“Then go on, platypus,” Tony throws back. 
“Platypus? Really?” 
"Pet names are on the menu, honey bunch. Just try me.” 
Rhodes smiles, turning to exit. 
“I’ll be in touch, darling.” 
Tony leans against his desk, legs shaking underneath. 
There are two problems that he’s not sure how to solve. Here they are: 
1.) Rhodes now has Tony on his radar, which is probably bad because Tony will absolutely be used for world domination or whatever. 
2.) Tony doesn’t really mind as long as he gets to see Rhodes because goddamn. That man could get so many things, and he probably has. And Tony wouldn’t mind being one of those things if he played his cards right. 
But for now, Tony just wants to fix computers and maybe just buy a new brand of tea, but he’s honestly not sure. 
Rhodes makes an appointment to meet. 
Of Fucking Course. 
Tony is not impressed, and is also not impressed that he comes in with a very expensive custom-made designer suit, whereas Tony is not sure the last time his pair of jeans got washed, and an old t-shirt that’s advertising an ice cream shop that is closed now. 
“You love to make an entrance all the time?” Tony asks. “What can I legally do for you?” 
“You’re assuming I’m making you do illegal things, babe?” 
“Yes, Rhodey.” 
“It’s Rhodes.” 
“Hm, maybe. But not to me. Rhodey. I wanna ruin your business impression.” 
Pepper snorts besides Rhodes, who is suitably impressed that Tony doesn’t give one flying fuck about the fact that he could destroy him at any point. 
“I’m ordering that on your next business card deal.” 
“I’ll fire you.” 
“You can’t find someone as competent as me, don’t even joke.” 
“I came here for an opportunity for you. You’ve managed to get some people’s computers to speed up so much. And I want you to do it with all of my employee’s computers.” 
“What, you couldn’t reverse-engineer it? See what I did for yourself?” 
Rhodey grins. 
“I never question a handsome man’s work, darling.” 
Tony turns red. 
“You’re really bad with professionalism, honeysop.” 
“What the hell is that?” 
“What, never heard about romance in the fifteenth century? Boring.” 
“Will you do the job or not?” 
“What are the terms, the conditions, and how much are you paying?” 
Pepper steps forward, a sizable stack of paperwork in her hands. 
The work would pay off the building. It would pay off his mortgage on his house. Hell, it would help a lot. He’d have extra to mess around and maybe go on a vacation. 
The downside is that he’s helping a villain get faster speed and better battery life with laptops. This could also mean he’d die, but honestly he was kind of expecting an early death. 
Rhodey assures him that he won’t die. 
“If anyone touches you, then they feel my wrath,” he says. His teeth glint underneath the lights. “And honey, no one ever likes feeling that.” 
“What, it isn’t all feather-light tickles?” 
“Touches a bit more than that.” 
There’s an unspoken story there. Rhodey’s grin goes from tight and eyes empty to refocusing on Tony and turning soft, genuine. 
“We can discuss the official plans over dinner.” 
“Dinner won’t work for me, I got plans tonight.” 
“A hot date?” 
"A special movie screening,” Tony says. “Can’t miss it. Maybe next time, or the next three times.” 
Rhodey smiles. 
“Maybe sometime.” 
Holy fuck.
Rhodes International has a local coffee shop on the lobby. A barista is a cheerful girl who has neon yellow hair greets him and asks if he wants a complimentary drink. 
“You...know who I am?” 
“Not in the slightest!” she says cheerily. “I have a memory thing where I remember everyone I ever meet and who I don’t meet. What kind of coffee guy are you?” 
“Um...you guys have mint syrup?” 
“Then I guess a peppermint latte?” 
“Coming right up!” 
So here is this girl humming what sounds suspiciously like the Winnie the Pooh song as she makes a drink, and that drink is amazing. 
Also, people are wearing, it seems, whatever outfit they want. There are some people talking, and two look to be dressed in professional business clothing, but the third guy they’re talking to is wearing ripped jeans and a tank top has the phrase of “I’m Just Existing on a Manifestation of Reality” emblazoned. 
It’s odd. 
“So glad you could make it, Tones,” Rhodey says. 
“What, too much?” 
“Tones sounds like you know me.” 
“And I don’t?” 
“What’s my favorite jam?” 
“Why jam?” 
“If you know someone well, you know their favorite type of jam.” 
“Orange marmalade?” 
“What the fuck do I look like, Paddington?” 
“You’re right, Paddington’s not near as sexy.” 
“This counts as harassment, right? This counts as harassment.” 
“Don’t have him sue us already, he’ll win,” Pepper says, breezing to their sides. God, she’s gorgeous. Casually dressed in a pencil skirt and a blouse and acting like she doesn’t look like a goddess. Must be exhausting. “Tony, great to have you. Let me show you who you’re working with.” 
He has his own fancy office, a team that knows what they’re doing, and catered lunch. 
Catered lunch. It’s not even a Friday. 
“Friday’s are questionable,” Rhodey says. “Weird selection.” 
“You don’t wanna know,” says Intern Joe. 
That’s literally on his ID card. 
Tony starts work. It’s not bad, not at all. He works in the mornings on the weekends and Mondays as well as Thursdays, and then sometimes does work from his own office. 
Rhodey is...nice. 
This is a bit unsettling, because Rhodey literally just threatened the president over an environmental bill not being accepted and currently all employees are only slightly scared. 
“This is just like three months ago,” says Janice The Badass. (Also on her ID card.) “Don’t worry, the government can’t do anything. They rely on us too heavily.” 
“For what?” 
“For safety.” 
“Not asking.” 
“Good, I’m not going to answer.” 
It’s also weird that Rhodey checks in on him. He brings him coffee how he likes it, and he makes him sit down and try new foods with him. 
He’s not bad at conversational topics either. Tony’s used to talking, and he’s used to bad-talking on dates. This doesn’t come close. 
No, they talk about the differences of Star Trek and how much Tony hates specific brands of pens, and how Rhodey is a disaster when it comes to coordination of ties. 
“I don’t like ties,” he scowls. 
“Then why wear one?” 
“Pepper says they look nice.” 
“Why do you need to look nice?” 
“Most things are all about presentation.” 
“Ah, need to be taken seriously.” 
“Only at times when I’m facing government officials or weird corporate bosses.” 
“Aren’t you a corporate boss?” 
“I’m a corporate boss who is also an enemy of fellow corporate bosses. Weird thing.” 
“How so?” 
“Well, how does that work?” Tony asks, popping a couple blueberries into his mouth. “How are you both the same and an enemy?” 
“Watch and learn, sugar. Watch and learn.” 
Tony is allowed on the next business meeting. Which, coincidentally, his old Uncle Obadiah is part of. 
This leads to rather undesired complications. 
“You’re working for a supervillain?” Obie practically yells. 
“Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that,” Tony says. “I just work with computers.” 
“Besides if he wanted to work for a real supervillain, wouldn’t he be working for you?” Rhodey asks. 
He’s sitting in one of those rolling-chairs, and despite that, he made it his throne. He’s relaxed in it, perfectly at peace with the situation. All eyes are on him. 
“I’m not the one that the government is after.” 
“And yet I’m the one who’s successfully paid taxes. Where have yours gone, hm? Strip club in Vegas? Weapon sales in Afghanistan?” 
Obie freezes. 
Tony knows that when you freeze, it is your worst tell. 
“Does dad know?” 
This time, Rhodey turns towards him. He’s surprised. 
“We’ll discuss that later. But does Howard know, Obadiah?” 
“Howard is none of your concern.” 
“Oh my god, he is,” Rhodey says grinning. “You haven’t told him about your little back-door escapades. I wonder what would happen if I told him.” 
“You don’t want me as an enemy,” Obadiah says, shaking. He looks at Tony. “And you, boy, you just earned yourself a death sentence.” 
“Funny, Howard said the same thing when he kicked me out of the house,” Tony says as he’s checking his nails. Rhodey thinks he is in love. 
“Go ahead and try to get me as an enemy, see how well it works for you,” Rhodey says, pearly whites on display. “I took over the entire state of New York, leaving everyone in power allied with me. Plus, Tony hasn’t pushed his legacy from what I’ve seen, but what would happen if I just...let him talk? At the next press conference, perhaps.” 
Tony grins, and it’s dangerous. 
“Yeah Obie, what if I talked? I’m sure Howard’s disastrous attempt at fatherhood would be a real uptick in stock points.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“Just watch. Just fucking watch,” Tony says. “I still know how to smile for the press, and I still remember all of my lessons for how to make sure anything is believable.” 
He shakes. 
Rhodey gets security. 
Tony visibly relaxes as Stane is led out of the building, and Rhodey smiles over at him. 
“You wanna grab dinner with me?” 
“Like as a casual dinner, or a date-dinner?” 
“How about both?” 
“Thank god, I can’t remember where my nice shoes are.” 
Tony supposes it is odd to be out to dinner with one of the most-feared men in all of New York. 
But it was hard to fear him when he was currently trying to lick ice cream off the tip of his nose with no such luck. 
Or when Rhodey kisses him senseless on his doorstep and makes fun of the little gnome that he’s put outside, and Tony giggles and watches him leave in his fancy car, still leaning on his door. 
Oh, he’s got it bad. 
But he doesn’t mind. 
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squishymochisoo · 4 years
the ghost, my past lover || seo changbin (ft. kim seungmin)
genre: angst
pairing: seo changbin x reader, kim seungmin x reader
words: 2.2 k
synopsis: the boy you once loved was gone. but why did you still see him around? you blocked everyone out of your life and surrounded your heart with an iron wall. how on earth did seo changbin manage to break through those walls?
trigger warnings: death
a/n: happy birthday to me (in a few hours)! as my birthday treat to myself, i decided to post something! enjoy! and let me know what you think about it!
i hate that i can’t seem to forget you.
i hate that you’re a part of my psyche.
why did it have to be this way? “y/n, clean up after yourself please” seungmin sighed from across the room as he saw you slouch against your bed frame laughing at some drama you were watching. seungmin scrunched his nose as he saw your different pair of socks littered all over the floor of your room. for the past 5 years, he has watched you hide yourself away, closing every door that has opened up for you. five years it’s been five years since his passing it’s been five years since seungmin’s passing you had pushed so many people away in the past five years and build up a wall that separated you and world. seungmin could tell you felt reluctant to start anew. he knew you felt as though you didn’t deserve happiness, especially if seungmin wasn’t there by your side. he knew you felt as though his passing was your fault. as though your loneliness was your punishment for someone you lost. did you think that your own happiness would bring yourself further guilt? maybe you felt that you would forget him and your past if you found your happiness once again. as you watched your drama, you slightly casted your eyes to the corner of the room, wondering what the figure was doing just standing there. even after years since his passing, you still see him around. 
at first you were afraid. but after a year, it felt as though the presence was really truly him, the boy you once loved. sometimes you could feel his burning stare on your back as you cleaned the house or as you trudge back into bed after a long day at work. 
when you first saw him a week, days after his passing, you thought it was just the lack of sleep from those sleepless nights you lay in your now empty bed. as those days of seeing him around became weeks, you thought it was just the devil playing tricks with you. 
but when you catch a glance on his face whenever you cried, a part of you knew it was your seungmin. 
although you knew, the boy you loved and lost was with you all throughout these years, you never approached him or signalled to him that you knew of his existence.
whenever you wanted to speak to him, whenever you felt like you needed him. a part of you just couldn’t. you missed him so much. but he was supposed to be gone. why has he been walking around your house and talking to you for the past five years? 
was it guilt? was it sadness? were you just trying to punish yourself that you got out of the mess unharmed but the consequences that came afterwards left a scar on your heart? 
some days seungmin trails behind you and nags at you for not cleaning up your apartment. or for ordering in instead of cooking at home. but what hurts most is when he mentions your friends. “seriously babe, you’ve got to talk to jisung, jinnie and lix. you can’t just cut off contact with our friends. they are so worried about you. go talk to them, do this for me please” he pleaded. do this for me.
those words stung your heart. you couldn’t blame him, he didn’t even know you could hear him. but sometimes you would hear him talk about his dreams that he wanted to achieve, what he wanted to do when he was still here. you felt guilty as if he was also putting the blame on you. you knew he would never blame you for what had happened, but a small doubt did live in your mind. ~ “get ready you’re going out!” jisung screamed through the phone. no matter your efforts to cut off ties, the boys never gave up … surprisingly. “no thanks, my boss wants a lot of paperwork done by monday.” 
“so? it’s friday. you have another two days to complete it. please boo, it’s my birthday today!” jisung whined through the phone. 
“fine.” you reluctantly agreed as you saw seungmin’s figure sitting at your desk swing his legs happily at your answer.
“yay! wear something nice!” he shouted as he hung up the phone. ~ “y/n! come here quick!” jisung gestured you over as he held a drink in his hand. you looked at the people around the table only to find that you only knew felix, hyunjin and jisung. you stared at the three other men confused. 
“okay! this is changbin, minho and chan! now that you know each other let’s drink!” jisung laughed as he downed a shot.
 “hi” you laughed awkwardly and sat yourself next to hyunjin. 
“felix told me you work as a reporter?” the one called changbin asked from your left. you smiled and nodded.
“yeah i usually report social issues. you?”
“oh, i work with children as a psychologist.” you eyes widened, not expecting his answer.
“wait, how do you know jisung?” confusion evident in your eyes that someone like jisung are friends with psychologists. not that jisung was not capable of doing so or anything. 
“i took music production as an elective in uni and met him” changbin laughed, understanding your confusion. 
you and changbin watched from the booth as the other boys danced their heart out. as much as  you hated the club, it was the twins birthday party after all. 
“you sure you don’t want to dance?” changbin asked gesturing to felix and jisung whooping while dancing. 
“maybe some other time then”
 “you know, you shouldn’t suppress yourself from happiness you know” changbin muttered from the side. you weren’t sure if you were meant to hear it or not. you turned to him, your eyebrows raised as if questioning his statement. 
“i didn’t mean it in a very harsh way, it’s just – just – occupational habit, that’s all” 
“it’s fine” you waved off. 
“i’m sure the twins and jin would have told you about my … situation. seeing as minho and chan were very careful when talking about jisung finding his true love tonight. but it’s been five years you can talk about it.” 
“well… if it’s really fine, i’d like to help you out. i’ll help you to try to stop you from suppressing your emotions and desires.”
“yeah, i really can’t afford a psychologist right now.” you let out a small laugh, although thankful for his kindness. changbin shook his head instantly.
“i’m not doing it as a psychologist but as a friend.” changbin pouted and gave you puppy dog eyes that made you reluctantly agree.
 “okay it’s settled! now what drink would you like?” changbin asked as he stood up. you kept quiet pondering if you should be drinking. 
 “y/n, you haven’t had the mojito here in so long. wasn’t it your favourite?” you could hear seungmin ask from beside you.
oh right. 
you almost forgot that seungmin has been there beside you this whole time.  
“i’ll get you a mojito then” changbin voiced, breaking your train of thoughts. the look of surprise on your face, made him laugh as he walked away. 
how did he know what’s what you wanted? 
“where are we going?” as asked changbin as you entered the car. 
“amusement park!” your face felt at the answer.
“oh my god changbin no. y/n hasn’t been to an amusement park since i was gone and that’s where i you know – “  
you could hear seungmin question changbin from the backseat, nagging and scolding changbin for making such a decision. 
“take y/n ice skating! they love ice skating”  
“oh how about ice skating?” changbin asked you. 
your eyes widened in disbelief. 
can changbin see seungmin? was that possible? seungmin was not part of your imagination?  or did he find out about your hobbies through jisung?
“oh my god can you actually hear me?” seungmin exclaimed. 
“y/n likes any type of bread and cakes you can find. they really like rice not noodles. when they need cheering up just bring them to a karaoke room to sing their hearts out. y/n hates liars and despises lizards. they suck at cooking and can only make scrambled eggs.” you heard seungmin went off tangent on your likes and dislikes.  
you couldn’t help but let out a sad smile. he still remembered all those things about you.  
“that’s not fair!” you whined as you pointed to minho and hyunjin. the 7 of you crowded around your living room.
“stop giving minho money, hyunjin! he’s supposed to be bankrupt by now.” minho stuck out his tongue at you. 
monopoly games with the boys are always … intense. 
they never tried to hide the fact that there were cheating which frustrated you more as you tried to play fairly. 
you rolled the dice and gasp when your thimble landed on minho’s park lane with a hotel.
“i can’t afford to pay that!” you glanced at your money pile. as minho celebrated your loss, changbin piped in.
“i’ll pay for y/n!” you felt your ears heating up at the comment.
“ooooooohhhhhh, what a man!” jisung swooned from the side causing you to roll your eyes. 
“ you can’t do that, it’s against the rules!” hyunjin added. 
“ and since when have you played by the book?” chan laughed from the sofa watching the game. 
hyunjin huffed and pouted causing you and changbin to break out into laughs. 
it’s been about three months since you met the three boys and they have been a handful. changbin kept his promise and helped you out whenever you tried to suppress your emotions and desires and it a weird way it worked.  
‘no i need to know’ 
you thought as you paced back and forth in front of changbin’s office door before entering. 
“changbin.” you approached the man sitting at his desk in his office.
“i need to ask you a question. and please answer it truthfully. don’t deflect it and please don’t judge me.” you begged. 
“w-what’s going on?” changbin asked nervously unsure what you were going to ask. 
you pointed to his couch in his office. 
changbin following the direction of your finger. 
“do you see him?”
both changbin and seungmin voiced at the same time. your lips quivered as you took in a breath.
“it’s too big of a coincidence that every time he talks about what i like, what i hate, my drink preference, my subway order and to even my dreams. you seem to echo what he says.”  
“y/n –”
“at first i thought jisung had told you everything about me. but there were things that even jisung couldn’t have known. from my first pet to my family?” 
you heard seungmin take in a deep breath. 
“ y-you could see me?” tears collect at your eyes as you heard his broken voice. 
“how did you know about ice skating and how did you know that i couldn’t go to amusement parks anymore, not after the accident.”
“why didn’t you tell me? why didn’t you tell me you could see me?” seungmin screamed out. 
more tears fell from your eyes are you looked at seungmin. 
“i couldn’t. not after what happened. i just couldn’t face you. it was my fault.”
“how was it your fault? it was nobody’s fault! i died due to my own negligence.” 
 you shook your head violently as you sobbed.
“i- if i didn’t force you on that roller coaster ride. n-none of this would have happened” you hiccuped.
“y/n, i didn’t tell you about my heart condition. you’re not to blame. please stop blaming yourself. you’re getting better and happier thanks to changbin hyung. please to this for me” 
 please do this for me 
you cried out and your breath quickened. you fell to your knees as you tried to gasp for air. 
“y/n, listen to me and take deep breaths” changbin held your shoulders.
 “deep breaths, “
“i didn’t know you could see him too, he told me a bit more about you and what happened. i couldn’t tell you because how absurd would that have sounded?”  
you nodded, understanding where changbin was coming from, tears still spilling from your face. 
“seungmin,” you started as you turned towards where you saw him last. only to find that he was gone. 
“seungmin!” you cried out looking for him around the room. 
 the boy you once loved.  
the boy you never saw again. 
it was at that turning point , where you got better exponentially. changbin helped you moved on and sealed the scars that was once left on your heart.  
sometimes you felt like you weren’t ready to find love yet. a part of you still thinking you deserved this punishment, that part of you stopping yourself before your heart could skip a beat. 
 although… your cheeks heating up or your heat beating slightly faster whenever you saw changbin might prove you wrong.  
you deserved to feel loved. 
you deserved to be happy. 
although seungmin was the boy you once loved. 
changbin might just be the boy you love.
hope you enjoyed this short fic! i wrote it quite quickly so forgive me for any grammar errors whatsoever.
also leave a comment or anon me about what you think of it! your critiques /comments do make my day!
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gethappy80 · 3 years
  Penny stopped short on the concrete as her eyes scanned the busy London road, they lit up as she saw a cab approaching. She waved frantically grabbing the handle to force the driver to stop.
"I'm sorry, I'm really late!" Penny begged before giving the driver the address and didn't even notice the wide eyed man on the other side until he spoke up.
"You're going to the capitol office too?"
"Uh yeah... I'm sorry, It's just my first day there and I'd hate to be late and I need the job and-"
"It's ok, don't worry, I'm sure they wouldn't get rid of you just because you're late" he held his hand up and chuckled at her forwardness.
"Where are you from?" He stared at her intensely, studying her almost.
"New York" penny smirked and fixed her sleeve.
"Oh alright, so you're new here"
"Yes... like 3 weeks ago" he nodded and ran out of questions.
The rest of the cab ride was silent, but it was only 3 minutes. When they both got out she ran to the door and he held it for her then both awkwardly waved at each other as they separated.
*2 months later*
Penny sliced open the third box of the day to reveal posters of a geek armed with a jazzmaster guitar, which was the usual for her since starting at Colombia records. she recognized the geek known as Elvis Costello, who was on the record label. She picked up the phone and called his manager to request the representative of the band to come in and approve the box of merchandise.
He agreed,
she hung up and swung the box to the side.
Soon enough a short man in glasses, a suit and Cuban heels turned up and spat the words
"what do you want?"
they hit her in the back of her throat like nails and rendered her speechless. If they were in a less formal setting, she would have no problem laying hands on the man because of his attitude, but alas she just closed her gaping mouth and waited.
"are you just going to stare at me?" his words still sharp.
"I'm waiting for you to drop your attitude" penny stabbed back and crossed arms. She was already skeptical of him and hoped they wouldnt have to work together much.
He gulped and darted his eyes around her because someone as new as Penny was already calling him out. Usually people let his attitude knock the wind out of them and even got excited about his rudeness... one perk of being a slimy rockstar... or so they said. He was still new to the title and preferred songwriter when he wasnt talking down to people.
"I'm sorry... what did you call me in for?" he said in a much softer voice and the apples of his cheeks turned a red tint... or maybe penny just wanted them to.
"thank you... you have to approve these posters" she swung the box up on the desk again and pulled the flaps with fraying ends back. She noticed how he winced at the sight of himself and chuckled.
"maybe not all rock stars are vain" she thought to herself. 
"yeah they look alright... is that it?" he raised his eyebrow.
"sign here" she handed him a pen and paper.
Before she knew it, he was out the door again. She thought he was strange, but thats what she expected from a guy called Elvis, so she shrugged it off.
she almost didn't realize he was the one In the cab with her when she first started working here only 2 months ago.
. . .
"you'll never guess who marched into the office this week," penny smiled before taking a big gulp of her drink.
she found herself in a local bar with some a new friend nick, who also gave her the job at the label he was signed to, Colombia records.
"oh yeah, who?" he did the same and took the last of his drink.
They would often find themselves in this pub on Friday nights just talking about their work week since they knew little else about each other. They were always trying to one up each other with how bad or how good their week was.
"some angry wimp Elvis Costello" penny rolled her eyes and nick stayed quiet.
That angry wimp was nicks friend, and nick was his producer. He knew Elvis wasnt a mean guy and the angry young man as they named him was only mean to press and the public. Why he was rude to Penny, Nick didnt know.
"the one in the enormous glasses?"
"yup, thats him... you know him?" pennys eyes narrowed. She was only teasing and nick knew that so he just nodded in response.
"yuck" she made a sour face, and he burst out laughing.
. . .
nick woke up the next morning knowing the perfect way to cause mischief on Monday.
"you want me to what?"
"hold on to it, someone will be by to pick it up" Nick explained to Penny again as he handed the note to her. She rolled her eyes and agreed to do what he asked.
Nick rushed out with a thank you and left Penny to wonder what was going on. He was acting different but to be fair penny didnt know him all that well so she just put the note to the side.
That afternoon Elvis walked in to pick up the note that nick had left him, although he has never left a note for him before.
Penny looked up at the man in glasses once again and rolled her eyes.
"hello again" Elvis tried for an awkward smile and Penny returned it.
"I'm here to pick up a note my mate left me," his eyes darted around the area.
"your mate?" Penny tilted her head and her voice sounded harsh.
"yeah. my friend. He left a note, didnt he?" Elvis raised an eyebrow, Penny could also see that he had a gap in between his front teeth because of the way he bit his lip.
"Nick, hes your friend? Like you two are good friends?" Penny interrogated the now almost frightened man on the other side of the desk.
Elvis honestly didnt like how this was going and it seemed so far he could do nothing right with penny.
"Yes, Im good friends with Nick Lowe" he looked down at Penny who in a matter of seconds of an eye roll and an exhale went from argumentative to defeated.
"Alright well heres the note" she shoved her arm out to him and he took the note gently
"Thank you Penny" he took a half step back and flashed a proper smile now. All she could do is a half a smile. Elvis considered asking her what she had against Nick but with how the last two conversations went with her, he decided against it.
That Wednesday the same thing happened, and it left both Penny and Elvis suspicious.
"What did he say to you when he gave you the note?" Elvis shifted his weight to the other leg with a click of his heel and bit the inside of his cheek.
"Nothing just to hold on to it and that someone would come and pick it up and before I could question him he left," Penny sat back in her chair and threw her arms up.
"Yeah well, the notes arent saying anything important so you could just throw them out when he gives them to you," Elvis shrugged his shoulders.
"Sorry for all this" he added and his voice was much quieter
"Dont be, its ok" Penny smirked at how quiet the angry young man could be.
there was a silence between them, a potential conversation that lingered maybe.
"Ok, well I'll get going" He picked up the paper and left with a slight wave.
Penny didnt know why but she wanted to know more about Elvis and if maybe since he is Nick's friend she could be friends with him too.
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Dusk Till Dawn - Part 3
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: An argument between you and Peter leads to others getting involved in your business and Ellie gives you some unexpected news.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Hurt!reader, Hurt!Peter, jealous!Peter, and maybe some fluff.
A/N: Collaboration with my good friend,  @rosaliestark01​. I don’t own any GIFs.
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“Y/N!” Peter yells from across the hall. You stop putting your things in your locker as you see Peter running towards you. You don’t know what’s gotten into him. He seemed perfectly fine after doping you back home after paroling. 
He seemed too caught up in getting to you as soon as possible that he ended tripping over his own feet, causing Flash and a few of his “friends” to laugh at him.
“Peter?”  You run to him and quickly help him up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I-” He begins but Flash, being the dumbass that he is, cuts him off. You honestly don’t understand why Flash keeps trying to make Peter’s school life a living pain.
“Nice one, Parker,” he snorts. For some reason, his “friends” laugh as though bullying someone who is clearly better than them is suddenly the most hilarious thing in the world. “Did your parents forget to teach you how to walk?”
“At least he doesn’t walk like he has a silver spoon up his-” you try to retort, but Peter hurriedly interrupts you.
“Y/N, I have to tell you something.” Peter looks at you pleadingly and you are suddenly worried about what happened.
“What is it?” Peter grabs you loosely by your arm to lead you away from Flash and his band of laughing brainless idiots.
“I can’t tell you here,” he whispers as he drags you away from all the people watching the two of you curiously. Peter is starting to worry you even more. What is he so afraid to tell you that he has to drag you into a janitor’s closet to tell you? “I don’t think that Eloise is who she says she is.”
“Who is she, then?” You ask. 
“Well... I don’t know, but I saw her talking to a man in a black ambulance and they traded stuff.” You knew that Peter didn’t trust Ellie one bit, but this had to have been him just assuming things.
“Okay. I’ll agree that that’s suspicious, but you can’t just say that she’s not who she says she is because she talked to some random dude. You’re mind is probably just blowing out of proportion,” you tell him, but the look he gives you says that you really need to listen to him. “When was this?”
“Around midnight,” he whispers. “Y/N, I don’t trust her.”
“She’s never given me a reason not to trust her. Can you please just drop it?” you beg. You didn’t want to fight with Peter about whether Ellie was trustworthy or not. Peter didn’t really know her and you did. “Are we still on for this Friday?”
“Yeah,” he nods his head. “I’ll see you there.”
You really were excited about going to the movies with Peter. He never outwardly said that it was a date, so you didn’t want to assume but this was the first time the two of you were watching a movie without your friends tagging along. 
You and Peter casually walked out of the janitor’s closet, hoping that you two were casual enough to not attract attention. However, you were quickly met with Ned, MJ, and Harry’s questioning stares.
“What were you two doing?” Harry asks. You look to Peter to come up with a good excuse.
“N-Nothing,” he spits out awkwardly. You mentally facepalm because although he has no problem making up excuses on a regular basis, the one time you get caught walking out of a janitor’s closet is when he can’t come up with a proper excuse.
“Okay, well... I’m going to go back to my locker,” you say in order to escape the awkward tension that filled the air.
“I’ll come with you,” MJ said. Harry followed suit. Ever since he and Gwen broke up, he’s become a lot closer to MJ. You had a feeling that they were starting to really like each other, but it was too soon to tell.
“So how come you never told me that you were taking Gwen to homecoming?” Ned asked Peter once you, MJ, and Harry walked off.
“What? Where did you hear that?” Peter had definitely not planned on taking Gwen to homecoming and he certainly never told anyone that he planned to. If anything, he wanted to ask you.
“Ellie has been saying that you were going to ask Gwen to homecoming,” Ned said and Peter lightly winced at hearing one of his best friends call her Ellie.
“Well, Eloise is a conniving liar who doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about,” Peter says bitterly. Had you heard any of those rumors? You probably have. You and Eloise have gotten way too close for Peter’s liking. 
Peter knew he shouldn’t feel jealous over you making friends, but Eloise was obviously up to no good and you were to blind see it. Plus, you felt comfortable telling Eloise what has been bothering you ever since that stupid mission you went on. It hurt that you didn’t feel comfortable talking to him, but it hurt more that you were comfortable talking to conniving Eloise Day.
“So who are you taking?” Ned asks. Peter knows who he wants to take, but he;s not sure what you would say.
“I don’t know yet,” Peter says (sort of) truthfully.
“I think you should take Y/N,” Ned suggests. He doesn’t know about Peter feels about you, but you seem like an obvious option. “or MJ. You like her, don’t you.”
“Only as a friend,” Peter says. Once upon a time, he had feeling for MJ, but they never went as deep as his feeling for you. Besides, he was sure that Harry and MJ (although neither one probably knew it) liked each other.
“Then you should totally take Y/N,” Ned suggested happily. Peter knew that if he were to ask you, it would have to be soon.
Needless to say, once Saturday came around, you were pissed. Peter hadn’t shown up to the movie and instead, you ended up sitting next to some random person who wouldn’t put his phone away, kept flirting with you during the movie, and laughed at the stupidest stuff. You ended up getting kicked out once the two of you started fighting (even though he started it). Out of all the people in the theater you had to get into a fight with, it was the owner’s stupid cousin.
On the bright side, you got a call from Ellie telling you that the DNA test result would come back on Monday. She asked about how the movie went and although you were majorly pissed at Peter, you didn’t want to give her another reason to dislike him. You told her about the movie without telling her that you were kicked out of the theater.
On Monday, you woke up to something falling on your floor. After turning on the lights, you found that instead of a something, it was a someone.
“Hey, Y/N-” Peter says quietly.
“Peter, it’s four in the morning,” you hiss. “Get out.” Peter looked taken aback by this. He always came here when he couldn’t sleep and you’ve never kicked him out before.
“But-” He suddenly looked like he had just noticed the look on your face. “You’re angry.”
“Yeah, I’m angry,’ you say, stomping over to him. “You didn’t show up.”
Peter looks at you with confusion written all over his face, which only angers you more. He stares back at you for a few seconds before he finally realizes what your talking about. Soon, his realization turn into worry.
“Oh! Y/N, I am so sorry,”he says quickly. “Something came up and I had to deal with it.”
“Right. Something always comes up.” You weren’t sure if you were being petty or not. For six, almost seven, months, you allowed everyone to forget about you and treat you like shit.
“Y/N, I can’t just stop being Spider-Man just because you wanted to see a movie,” Peter fights back. This wasn’t your first fight, but this was by far the most serious.
“First of all, I never told you to stop being Spider-Man and secondly, you were the one to ask me to the movies,” you try not to raise your voice because of how late (or early) it was. 
“You could’ve asked someone else to go with you,” Peter argues. If anything, his argument only angers you more. 
“You literally said that you wanted it to be just the two of us!” you yell. “Instead, I had to deal with some creep that didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘no’!”
Hearing that you had to deal with some creep and he wasn’t there to protect you made his blood boil. He knew that he should’ve at least told you a head of time that he wouldn’t be able to make it, but he also didn’t want to admit to you that he had completely forgotten about your date. Wait. Was it a date?
“What the hell is going on in here?” Nat said, storming into the room looking grumpy and tired
“Nothing. Peter was just leaving,” you say, not wanting to fight with Peter anymore. You hated fighting with Peter, but you still felt hurt by his actions.
“Y/N-”Peter began softly.
“Both of you. Kitchen. Now” Nat demanded. The tree of you made your way to the Kitchen where Nat sat the two of you down and glared at you.
 “What the hell happened to the two of you?” She asked harshly. “Since the day you two met, you’ve been a team. Best partners in the field I have ever seen. Something must have happened to make you turn on each other and I’m here to tell you to get the fuck over it. I don’t care what it is. Put it in the past. You’re best friends. You’re partners. Now start acting like it.”
She stomped back to her room, leaving you and Peter sitting quietly in the dark. You were going to say something, but he beat you to it.
“Wow,” he says, referring to Natasha’s passionate lecture. “So, um... since it’s late...?”
“Yes,” you say, offering your hand. He takes it gingerly, and you both quietly make your way back to your room. You’re already in your pajamas, but Peter is still wearing his Spider-Man suit.
“Here,” you say as you hand him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that he left here once. After he got dressed, you both crawled into bed. “I’m sorry I got mad. Whatever it was, I’m sure it was important.”
“I’m sorry I left you alone to sit next to some creep,” he whispered. You could tell that he was being sincere and you began to wonder why you were so mad at him in the first place. Saving people was a priority and you felt bad at yelling at him over something that probably wasn’t even a date to begin with.
“At least I got a few swings in before I got kicked out,” you say, trying to lighten the mood but Peter just looked at you sadly.“Either way, the world is lucky to have Spider-Man in it.”
“And I’m lucky to have Y/N Stark as my best friend”. Peter scoots closer so that the two of you were practically holding each other.  “I’m still sorry for ditching you. Maybe we can still see that movie tonight?”
“I’d love that,” you say. You close your eyes, ready for sleep to take over again.
“Y/N?” Peter whispers. He knows it’s late, but he feels as though this were the right time to ask.
“Will you go to homecoming with me?” After a few seconds, and there’s no response, Peter looks at you. “Y/N?”
You had already fallen asleep. Peter curses himself for not asking earlier. He’s not sure when he’ll get the chance to as again or if he ever will.
“Y/N Stark!” Brad Davis yells as he struts towards you. You look for an escape, but you don’t see a very good one. You look at Peter for help, but he doesn’t know what to do either.
“What do you want?” you ask. Everybody, except for Brad, knew that he was a total jerk. He was one of the brainless idiot who laughed at Peter after he tripped last Friday.
“I’m taking you to homecoming,” he said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. You scoffed at the nerve this guy had. You noticed the way Peter tensed up, but you didn’t say anything.
“No you’re not,” You tell him. He just smirks at you. “I already have a date.”
“Who?” He and Peter both asks. 
“Peter.” Peter looks confused, so you decide to elaborate. “He asked me this morning.”
“Whatever, nerds,” Brad scoffs before walking off to join his friends.
“You heard that?” Peter looks at you nervously and you couldn’t help but think it was cute.
“Yeah,” you say.  “I wanted to answer, but I kinda fell asleep.”
Peter smiles at you before you both go your separate ways. You go to art class and Peter has History. You hope that Peter doesn’t forget about the movie this time. You knew he had his reasons for missing it the first time, and you were going to try to be more understandable if he misses this time too, but you really hope he doesn’t.
After school ends, you see Ellie jogging to you with an annoyed look on her face.
 “You’re going to homecoming with Parker?” She asks. 
“Yeah. He asked me.” You knew that she didn’t like Peter but you still hoped that she would’ve been happy for you. She had to have know that you really liked him from all the times you gushed about how amazing he was to her.
“I though he stood you up.” She said. You both begin walking to the parking lot.
“He did but-” you stop suddenly after hearing that. You didn’t tell Ellie that Peter stood you up. In fact, you clearly remember trying to make her think that didn’t. “How do you know about that?” 
“Spider-Man saving those hostages was all over the news,” she casually says.
“Right.” You think back to the argument that you and Peter had and you instantly feel ten times worse. Peter was a hero.
“I honestly thought he would have asked Gwen to homecoming,” She tells you. “They seem pretty close.”
“I thought so too.” Ever since you started hanging out with Ellie, Gwen had obviously tried to make a move on Peter. You felt lucky that Peter was pretty oblivious to those kinds of things. You were also pretty lucky that Peter had chosen to ask you.
“Do you want to come over to my house to study today?” Ellie asks hopefully. 
“I would love to, but I already made plans with Peter.” You started to feel bad when her hopeful face turn into a scowl at the mention of Peter’s name. You had really hoped that they would get along. They were both nice people. They were among the smartest students at this school and Ellie knows that Peter is Spider-Man.
“Oh. That’s okay.”
You were glad to finally be able to enjoy the movie without some creep ruining it. Peter looked like he was enjoying the movie, and you loved the way he gasped when the main character was manipulated into teaming up with the bad guy. It had a good ending, but that part was hard to concentrate on when Peter grabbed your hand during the big climax.
Afterwards, Peter swung you back to your room before he left to go on patrol. You would have gone with him, but you really needed to finish your Art project.
A few hours later, you felt pretty good about it. You made miniature figures of all the avengers. It took longer than it should have, since you had to remake the Iron Man figure after “accidentally” breaking it.
“Y/N, you have a visitor,” your AI, Cas, said. The only person who would has ever visited you at the late hour of 1:53 am was Peter. Instead, you were met by another familiar face.
She was texting someone on her phone by the time you finally made it down to meet her. She looked up at you with excitement as she held up a small stack of papers.
“Y/N, I got the results back for the DNA test,” she whispered. You had completely forgotten that Monday was the day that the DNA results would come back.
“Really? What does it say?”
“Your dad’s name is Ezekiel Stane and he only lives a few miles from here.” You scrunch up your nose upon hearing his name. She had to be kidding right? There was no way that this could be right.
“Stane?” Ellie frowned at your disdain for the name. “Like Obadiah Stane?”
“It’s what the papers say,” Ellie says, shoving the papers into your hands. Looking at them, you had no choice but to believe her. According to the papers, Ezekiel Stane was, without a doubt, your dad. “You trust me, right?”
“Yeah.” As much as you wanted this to be a joke, you really did trust Ellie. You just didn’t want to possibly be related to the same guy who kidnapped you and tried to kill you and your dad Tony. 
A/N: Would you trust Ellie?
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@eridanuswave​ @drishtisikarwar​ @spideygirl2003​ @ilovespideyyy​
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starrybethany · 4 years
Maybe Someday - Matthew Tkachuk Imagine Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Word count: 4.0K
Hockey equipment is so expensive. Even used skates are around fifty dollars- at least the good ones. I know the cheap ones will break as soon as my clumsy son steps onto the ice.
“What are you doing?” A voice close to my ear asks, causing me to fumble with my phone in my hands.
I shove it deep into my pocket, turning around to face the person with guilt at being caught shopping on the job. I sigh in relief when I see that it’s just Matthew with an amused smile on his face. He shoves his hands into his pockets, tipping back on his feet, raising his eyebrows at me.
I blush, suddenly remembering that he asked me a question.
“I’m looking for equipment for Wyatt,” I confess.
“Oh, get him some Bauer,” he suggests.
“Yeah, but it’s so expensive,” I sigh, the price tags flashing through my head.
“Here, come with me,” he reaches out, grabbing my hand. I barely have the time to recognize the fireworks shooting through my hand at the contact before he’s tugging me down a hallway.
“Where are we going?” I ask curiously, silently begging myself that my hands aren’t sweaty or cold.
“I think Charlie just said something about his son outgrowing his skates,” he informs me, pushing open the door to the locker room before I can react. I lift my other hand to cover my eyes, a deep blush covering my cheeks at the thought of being surrounded by half-naked men as Matt shouts, “Pretty girl in here boys, cover up!”
My cheeks get even redder at those words.
“Hey, you can open your eyes now,” he pokes me in the side teasingly and I squirm at the action, moving my hand from its position in front of my face. A familiar blonde stands in front of me, a kind smile on his face as his eyes meet mine.
I try to hide the shock on my face at seeing him. When did Charlie McAvoy get traded to Calgary? I really have been out of the hockey loop for a long time.
“Charlie, what did you do with Luke’s old skates?”
“I think they’re just hanging in the garage right now, why?”
“Can we have them?” Matt questions eagerly.
“Please,” I add.
Charlie’s grin widens at that and he nods. “Yeah of course. Can I ask why?”
“I’m going to teach her son how to skate,” Matt informs him, nodding his head over in my direction.
I take that as a chance to introduce myself. I’ve never actually met Charlie, since I met Matthew early into his career with the Flames, but I have heard stories about him from when they used to play together. I loved when Matt would tell me the stories about all of the crazy things he and his old teammates used to do together.
I wonder if they still do the wild stuff they used to do.
“I’m Y/N,” I state, reaching my hand out to shake his hand.
Charlie grips it softly, a concentrated look on his face as he shakes my hand. “Wait, why does that name sound so familiar?”
“Oh, this is, uh, my ex-girlfriend, Y/N,” Matthew expresses awkwardly.
“Cheating ex-girlfriend Y/N, right?” It’s like Charlie says it before he can think about it because his face immediately transforms into an ‘oh shit’ expression as soon as he realizes what he’s said.
My heart drops into my stomach and I wince at the thought of my previous actions. I didn’t realize we were still holding hands, but Matt releases my hand from his and my hand falls to my side.
I swallow uncomfortably, shifting on my feet. “Uh, yeah. Um, do you want any money for the skates, Charlie?”
I try brushing past the awkward interaction but it’s clear that there’s tension in the air now instead of the playfulness that it used to be. “No, you can just have them. I’ll just give them to Matthew at tomorrow’s practice.”
“Okay,” I nod, “Thank you so much. I’m going to go, get back to work and everything.” They nod silently, watching as I numbly walk out of the locker room.
It’s like I can breathe again as soon as I step foot out of that room. How ridiculous was I to think that it would be easy to get past something like cheating on Matt? Although it was a few years ago, I don’t blame him for still holding some kind of hurt or resentment. There’s nothing I can do about it now except continue to feel completely apologetic and that’s the worst part.
If only I didn’t do it in the first place.
But I also feel like I needed to cheat on Matthew just to get to where I am right now. I needed to get my heart broken from Matt’s broken heart to grow as a person and to get the two beautiful babies and the college degree I have now.
I can’t help but feel guilty for benefiting from cheating on someone. And not just someone, Matthew. Matthew with his expensive golf clubs and vast inside jokes with his family and his undying love for the city of St. Louis. And not just once, three times. I had to fuck Matthew over three times in order to become a better person.
I freeze in my spot at the thought of something. What if I hurt Matt again? What if I fuck him over again? Not on purpose this time, of course, but I could do something, anything, to bring up the memories of me breaking his heart.
It’s something I can’t take back. It’s something we can’t just get over. So as much as I love Matt’s stupid curls and gleaming eyes, I have to keep it to a friendship base. I can’t do anything to hurt him again. He deserves better than that.
“Be careful, Wyatt,” I warn him, the giggle escaping my lips betraying my words. The huge chunk of ice cream on his spoon drops onto his shirt, causing the green to turn brown at the contact.
He looks up at me in shock, blue eyes wide and round. I can’t help but to laugh even more at his reaction.
Curtis reaches over, picking up the sweet substance with a napkin and dabbing lightly in hopes that it won’t sink in. It clearly won’t work by the apologetic look he sends me, but I don’t mind.
He’s three, he’s bound to get messy sometimes.
“Good game tonight, N,” Curtis compliments his daughter, taking a bite from his own turtle sundae.
“Thanks daddy, did you see me slide into home plate?” She asks eagerly. Despite seeing her father sit on the bleachers for the whole game, she still wants to make sure that he saw her every move.
“Yeah, that was a great slide, honey.”
“I’m, I’m excited to go, skating,” Wyatt stutters through his words, still focused on his cup of ice cream.
“You’re going skating? When?” Curtis asks, sending me a look. I send him a sheepish one back. Sometimes I forget to tell him things and then he gets upset, understandably. It’s hard to co-parent sometimes.
“On Saturday! Mommy’s friend is teaching me,” the young blonde cheers, clearly oblivious to the small amount of tension that’s now in the air.
“Mommy’s friend, huh?”
“It’s Matt,” I confess.
Now Curtis looks surprised. “You’re talking to Matthew Tkachuk again?”
“Yeah. We’re renovating the Saddledome and I’m in charge of the project and I ran into him and he found out about the kids and how Wyatt wants to learn how to skate, and well,” I ramble, nodding at the end.
“Do you like… like him?” He asks awkwardly.
Curtis and I aren’t shy about our relationship statuses anymore. I’ve met plenty of his girlfriends, he’s met plenty- well, that’s a lie, I don’t date a lot, a couple of my boyfriends since the breakup. It’s not uncomfortable, we’re totally over each other by this point.
But with Matt it feels different. Matt is part of what caused our relationship problems in the beginning, beside my infidelity. I was so beyond in love with Matt and I feel like it left Curtis feeling insecure when it came to us.
So, to bring Matt back into the picture brings up a sore subject for us. But, truthfully, I miss Matthew. Not just in a boyfriend-way, but I miss having him in my life in general. And despite knowing how Curtis feels about him, I’m going to see him and talk to him because I can’t stay away from the curly-haired boy.
“We’re just friends,” I reassure him. “He’s just going to teach Wyatt how to skate because it’s what youpromised him, remember?”
Curtis freezes up at that, staring down at his melting sundae. “Oh, yeah. Right.”
I turn to Naomi. “Now, honey, how was school today?”
Of course, it’s a stressful Friday. The shipment for the lounge room’s flooring was delayed, the demolition crew found mold in the walls, Kelsea won’t answer her phone so I can’t tell her any of the information, Naomi didn’t want to go to school this morning, and all of my business pants were dirty so I had to throw on jeans today so I look unprofessional.
Honestly, I’d rather be in my pajamas right now, snuggled up and watching Hotel Transylvania with my kids.
“Is there any way we can get it on a truck to arrive on Monday or Tuesday? Yes, I realize that it’s Friday, ugh don’t put me on hold,” my protests go ignored as the familiar music rings through my ear.
A chuckle causes me to lift my eyes from the floor. My eyebrows instantly unfurrow at the sight of Matt and it feels like all of the stress lifts off of my body.
I can’t believe the effect this man has on me.
“Having a little trouble there?” He questions, a toothy grin on his face.
“The flooring got delayed and- yes hi, I’m calling about the wood flooring for the Scotiabank Saddledome,” I say through the phone, hope filling my veins. Instantly my body slumps. “Yes, I’ll hold.”
The hockey player cackles at that and I lean forward to swat at his shoulder playfully. “It’s not funny,” I whine.
“It seems pretty funny to me,” he continues to laugh while I can’t help but smile at him. He always looks so carefree while he laughs.
“Anyways, I just wanted to ask you if the kids were excited for tomorrow.”
“They’re so excited. Wyatt won’t stop talking about how much he wants to skate,” I gush.
“And Naomi?”
“Naomi’s more excited to see her brother fall,” I shake my head with a sigh, but Matt laughs again. “She’s six, Matthew, she shouldn’t be looking forward to that!”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, it’s her younger brother, it’s a sibling rivalry thing,” he brushes it off.
“You would know all about sibling rivalry,” I smirk at him. He nods in agreement.
“And you… are you excited?” The aura suddenly turns serious at the question and I know there’s much more weight to it than just feeling ecstatic to see my kids learn something new.
I nod, raising my lips into a soft smile. “Yes, I’m excited, Matthew.”
“And you have the address, right?”
I nod. “Yep, you gave it to me a couple days ago.”
“Do you want to exchange numbers? You know, just in case you get lost,” he begins to blush at that. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve seen Matthew remotely embarrassed or shy. Usually he’s very outgoing, outspoken, confident. It makes me curious as to why he’s so shy now.
“Sure.” I continue to wait on hold as we exchange numbers and as soon as the interaction is over, someone begins to speak over the phone again. “Yes, hi, the floors were delayed, and I was wondering if I could get them here sooner than their rescheduled date.”
The hockey player continues to look back at me as he walks away but I keep my eyes away from him. The less intimate interactions we have, the better.
“Mommy, can I have the Cheez-Its?” I fiddle with Wyatt’s seat buckle, sighing in frustration as it gets stuck once again from all of the juice and crumbs spilled on it. “Mommy, can I have the Cheez-Its?” Maybe this way, a little bit. Nope, that didn’t work. “Mommy, I want the Cheez-Its!” Naomi pushes into the back of my legs, causing me to stumble and hit the door of the SUV. A curse slips from my lips. “Mommy, you just said a bad word. Can I have the Cheez-Its now?” I lean forward, grabbing a bag of Cheez-It’s from the box of snacks I leave in the car and turn around to hand it to the six-year-old.
My eyes catch Matthew standing on the porch, leaning against a beam with an amused expression on his face. I can’t get over the way he looks in the gray sweatshirt he’s wearing and black sweatpants. It feels very domestic, like it’s meant to be, him showing my two kids how to ice skate.
I turn back to Wyatt, fussing with the buckle some more before it finally loosens, allowing me to lift my son and set him the ground.
“Mommy, I want to go up,” he whines, tugging at my leggings as I close the door to the car. I’m too exhausted to fight him so I pull the growing boy into my arms, putting my hand out for Naomi to take. She looks at it, wrinkles her nose, and shoves another Cheez-It into her mouth. I sigh at her teenage-like attitude, leading them up the porch to the waiting Matthew.
“Hi Matt,” I greet him.
“Quite the process to get them out of the car, aye?” He teases.
I roll my eyes at him. “Aye? You’re Canadian now, huh?”
He shrugs at that, leaning down to be on Naomi’s level. “You must be Naomi. I’m Matt, your mommy’s friend.”
“She told us,” Naomi says through a mouthful of crackers, “She also told me that you’re a Cardinals fan!”
I chastise her for speaking with her mouth full as Matt is sent into a fit of laughter. “I am. Maybe you could become a Cardinals fan, too.”
“No way, I love the Cubs,” she proclaims, “Anthony Rizzo is the best!”
The older man turns his attention to the toddler cuddled in my arms. “And you must be Wyatt.”
Wyatt turns in my arms, snuggling his face into my neck.
“He’s shy,” I explain simply, rubbing my son’s back comfortingly.
Matt nods but I don’t miss the hurt that flashes through his face at the reaction. But my kids are very different. Naomi’s not afraid of new people, she’s very expressive and loves to talk. Wyatt, on the other hand, would prefer to spend all day by my side only talking to me, Naomi, Curtis, and his daycare teacher.
“Well come on in,” Matthew opens the front door, ushering us in with his arm. Warm air hits me instantly and I look around, taking note of the modern, open-concept house.
“Wait is this your house?” I question.
He nods patiently, watching as I take it all in. It looks exactly like how I expect his house to look. It may be a little too big for one person, in my opinion, but then I remember that I don’t know much about his personal life.
Although there’s no wedding ring on his finger, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have kids.
“Do you want a Cheez-It, Wyatt?” Naomi asks her brother.
He nods, peaking out of my shoulder to grab the cracker from his sister. Matt and I watch the interaction.
“Why don’t I show you guys the rink?” Matthew offers, leading us through the enormous house to the backyard. It’s a big backyard, an ice-skating rink right in the middle of it. The lines on the surface shows that Matt’s already taken a few laps on the surface.
“Cool,” the six-year-old cheers, running to the side to stare at it. Wyatt wriggles in my arms so I set him down, watching as he runs over to his sister’s side.
“Well, I can tell they look a lot like their father,” the tall man jokes from beside me, motioning towards their matching blonde hair and blue eyes.
I roll my eyes but nod. “It’s not fair that I spent eighteen months carrying them in total yet both of them look like Curtis.”
“Curtis, huh?”
I glance at Matt from the corner of my eye, unsure of where he’s going with this.
“Is that one of the guys you cheated on me with?”
I freeze up at the question. I should’ve been expecting it. I deserve this question; Matthew deserves any answer that I can give him.
It’s just… hard to hear the words out loud.
“No, he was actually your rebound,” I admit, “We just dated longer than a normal rebound relationship would last.”
Matt nods in understanding. “Dated?”
“We broke up a few years ago. Shortly after Wyatt was born,” I confess, pushing away the questions of why he was asking.
“That had to be rough, a toddler, a newborn, and a broken heart,” he states.
“It was,” I agree, an adoring smile spreading across my lips as I gaze at my two little angels. “But it was so, so worth it.”
I look over at Matt to see him already watching me with an expression of admiration. His eyes flicker down to my lips in a moment of thought and I just want him to lean forward and place his lips against mine.
But I can’t do that. Even though I’ve become a better person, I’m sure I remain that horrendous person in his mind.
So, I cough, walking forward to join my kids at the side of the rink. “You ready to ice skate, kids?”
“Yeah,” Naomi cheers, Wyatt hesitantly nodding.
Matthew joins our side with four pairs of skates in his hands, two pairs much smaller than the other two.
“Who are these for?” I ask in confusion as he hands me one of the larger pairs.
“You, of course.” He’s already putting his skates on.
“What do you mean me?”
“You’re going ice skating with us,” he gives me a ‘duh’ look before helping Naomi out of her shoes and into the skates. My heart swoons at the sight.
“No, I’m not,” I laugh.
“Yes, you are,” he argues, holding her hands as she takes unsteady steps. “I’m going to help your brother now, okay, Naomi?”
She nods, stumbling around more as he helps my son into his ice skates.
“I don’t know how to skate, Matt. I’m too old to learn, anyways,” I come up with an excuse.  Truthfully, I just want to watch him interact with my children. I also don’t want to give him the added pressure of teaching the three of us how to skate instead of just two influential, spirited kids.
“You’re not too old, you’re like, thirty,” he scoffs, helping Wyatt onto his feet.
I scoff, reaching out to swat at his arm playfully. “I’m younger than thirty.”
“Then get on the ice,” he smirks at me. I barely have the chance to roll my eyes before he offers, “Here, I’ll even tie your skates for you.”
Somehow the ice skates end up on my feet. Matt ties them with delicate hands, then they slide up to hold my ankle gently. He looks up at me with soft eyes and all I want to do is bend down and kiss him like my life depends on it.
But a loud thud snaps us out of our moment, and I look over to see Naomi fallen over on the ice- when she even got on is beyond me.
“Oh, Naomi, be careful,” I cry, rushing over and stopping at the rink’s edge, unsure of how to even get on the surface.
“Here,” Matt touches my waist to move me to the side, stepping on and helping Naomi stand up. He holds Wyatt’s hands tightly and helps him on the ice, gripping my wrists next to guide me onto the surface.
I grip at his forearms nervously and he squeezes my wrists, a reassurance that he’d never let me fall.
I mostly watch as he teaches the kids how to skate. Wyatt’s a quick learner of the skill while Naomi is not, which makes her frustrated. I have to tell her a few times to just give it some time and practice. I’m not the best skater ever, but I’m not as competitive as Naomi is.
“I’m doing it, mom,” Wyatt squeals as he skates around the ice, Matt trailing behind him to catch him in case he falls.
“I see you, great job buddy,” I cheer.
Matthew looks over at me and I lose my breath. Seeing him in his natural element, on the ice, curls wild, a smile beaming across his entire face, chasing behind my child- I’ve never loved a man more in my life.
And it’s such a shame that we’ve had the past that we have. What I would give to be his wife, the mother of his children, just the person he loves and spends his time with.
But I threw that all away years ago.
He gives me a look of concern, obviously sensing the inner turmoil going on inside my head. I try to give him a reassuring smile, but Matthew is good with emotions, so he can probably tell that it’s a lie.
Naomi stopping on the ice next to me whining about how she’s thirsty interrupts our moment, but for once I’m glad that a moment between me and Matt got interrupted.
My mind was going to a dark place, but it can’t right now- right now it’s about my kids and my kids only.
I pack the kids back into my car a few hours later, Matt carrying a sleeping Wyatt and a half-asleep Naomi barely able to buckle herself in.
“They’re great kids,” he tells me as I close the door.
“Thanks, they really are,” I respond, rocking back and forth on my feet. I don’t know why I’m nervous now. This is Matthew, you dated him for several months and introduced him to your kids.
“What are you guys doing next weekend?”
“Oh, they go by their dad every other weekend,” I answer, not wanting to answer for myself. Sitting at home, watching reruns of 90 Day Fiancé and judging other people’s love lives while mine is nonexistent.
“Oh, well if you’re interested, I’d love to have you over for dinner. I make a mean plate of spaghetti and meatballs,” he grins.
I let out a weak smile. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Matthew. Just with our history and everything- I think it’s best- well, um, first, thank you for teaching the kids how to skate- and me, how to skate-“”Organize your thoughts, Y/N,” the hockey player somehow manages to let out a small chuckle through the impending rejection.
“I really appreciate your effort with the kids. But I think that our relationship would strictly have to just be skating lessons, if you even still want to teach them how to skate,” I respond apologetically.
“Oh,” he shakes his head vigorously, a sign that I recognize when he’s just been told something that he doesn’t like. “Yeah, I can still teach them how to skate. Just, um, let me know when works best for you guys.”
He takes a step back. It’s not just a step back from me physically- it’s a step back from us. From our relationship, what could have been if I just had enough guts to give it a chance. But I have too much respect for him to do that.
“Matthew-“”No, no, it’s fine. Drive safe, okay? Text me to let me know you get home alright.”
He’s closing his front door before I can respond.
But I’m not even sure what I would say.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Class Reunion
Pairing: Benny x Reader
"No. Ruthie, no. I don't want to go to the reunion," you replied from your desk in the back office. "You remember how it was for me in high school. I didn't 'fit in', all I did was study and babysit the neighbors' kids. I don't have the greatest memories of high school, except meeting you," you explained.
"You 'fit in' just fine, and all that studying has certainly prepared you for your current occupation," Ruthie pointed out. "Besides, you're nowhere near the same girl as you were in high school," she remarked.
"I'm aware of that, Ruthie. I didn't even go to prom, remember?" you reminded her.
"Will you at least think about it? I talked my husband into going, and Charlie has a date. I'm sure you can find someone to go with. Please? Charlie and I need to go dress shopping for this, and it just won't be the same unless you're there with us," she begged.
You pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger. "Fine. I will think about it. That's the best answer you're gonna get for right now. I have to get back to work now, my break's over. Bye Sis," you said softly. After you hung up your phone, you leaned on the desk with your elbows and covered your face with your hands.
"Bad news, darlin'?" a voice from the doorway caused you to nearly jump out of your seat. You looked up and saw it was Benny, the handsome blue-eyed head bartender.
"Nah, just a call from my sister, Ruthie," you sighed wearily. Benny nodded, as he had seen the two of you in the bar together on one of your nights off.
"You look upset, chérie. Wanna talk about it?" Benny asked. "Look, two ears, ready to listen," he drawled in that sexy Southern accent.
You smiled as you stood up from the desk. You put a hand on Benny's shoulder as you left the office and to go back out to the front of the house. "I'll help you close up, and we can talk then, okay?" you suggested.
"Fine by me, darlin'," he agreed, flashing you that winning smile of his.
You had been working at Rocky's Bar for about the past eight years. The bar was co-owned by brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, whom you'd met through some other friends. Your business degree helped to make their bar a success among the locals and tourists alike. Most of your time was spent in the office doing paperwork, but on the weekends especially, you helped as a server.
It had been your idea to hire Benny as the head bartender. Benny previously worked in one of the higher end clubs in New York City, which is where you met him. The two of you got to talking one night, and he let it slip that he was looking to slow down a bit from the New York bar scene.
Sam had tried his hand at being head bartender, but he quickly got overwhelmed. You remembered what Benny had said about wanting a change of pace from New York. You called and invited him to work for Sam and Dean on a one-week trial basis. His easygoing manner and lilting Southern accent had the ladies swooning in no time. Before the week was out, Benny was offered the job, and ever since, the two of you have grown to be even better friends.
The rest of the night was fairly quiet, with only a few regulars left in the bar at last call. You cleared up the tables and brought the dirty glasses to Benny so they could be washed. After the tables were wiped down and the peanut shells were swept up, you took a seat on an empty barstool.
"So, what about that phone call got you all upset?" Benny asked while he continued to scrub the glassware.
"It's something kinda stupid to get upset about," you started. Before continuing, you took a deep breath. "My ten-year high school reunion is later this month, and Ruthie wants me to go," you explained.
"And you don't want to go?" Benny guessed.
"Right-O. She and I met when we were transitioning from junior high to senior high school. I didn't have a lot of friends in junior high. Any of the friends I had in high school were because of my association with Ruthie.
"Plus....I was kind of a nerd. Always studying, and I babysat the neighbors' kids all the time. I didn't get to do the high school activities thing. Didn't go to the Friday night football games, Homecoming Dances....I never even went to prom," you finished in a small voice.
Benny put down the glass he was washing and focused his gaze entirely on you while leaning on the bar. "Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that a pretty lady like yourself didn't go to prom?" he asked.
You cast your eyes downward to hide the blush on your cheeks. "No, Benny. I didn't go because I wasn't asked. What you see before you is a more improved model, I guess you'd say. If we had met in high school, believe me, you wouldn't have even given me a second glance. You're way out of my league," you replied.
"Aw, darlin'--" he started but you interrupted.
"Besides that, I learned my lesson about aiming too high. The guy I had a crush on asked me to prom but it was done as a joke. Eric was one of the popular kids, but I thought he was one that didn't always go along with the crowd so much.
"Long story short, he stood me up and walked into the dance with someone else. The following Monday at school was humiliating for me, because everyone knew. After that, I put my nose in a book and studied," you explained.
Benny came out from behind the bar and took your hands in his. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, chérie. No one deserves that. If I may say, though, I think you need to go to that reunion. If for no other reason than to show them what they missed out on in high school by being so mean," he remarked and gave you a wink.
You blushed again and dropped your gaze to study the wood grain of the floor. "I told Ruthie I'd think about it," you replied as you stepped down from your barstool. "Even if I decide to go, there's still that one other pesky detail," you said.
"And what's that?" Benny asked.
"Finding a date. Goodnight, Benny. Thank you for listening and being such a good friend," you remarked softly. You gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek, then picked up your denim jacket and walked out the back door.
Just as the door closed behind you, Dean walked into the main bar area. He had been in the back taking inventory, and had some supply questions for his head bartender. Dean was studying the inventory sheets on the clipboard in his hand. "Hey, Benny, how are we doing on our supply of--hey, are you all right?" Dean asked.
Benny stood, rooted to the spot. A dazed smile was on his face, and his fingertips touched his cheek where you'd kissed him. Dean stood directly in front of Benny and snapped his fingers in his face to try and break the trance. Benny blinked and shook his head to slowly come back to reality. "Dude, what happened with you just now?" Dean inquired.
Chuckling to himself, Benny returned to his place behind the bar and started to wash up any remaining glassware. Then he brought Dean up to speed on your conversation about your high school reunion. "So, she hasn't decided whether or not she's going. Her sister and Charlie both want her to go. Only problem is, they have dates, but she doesn't," Benny finished.
"Hmm. That would be a problem. I can't see her being comfortable walking in there without a date. Not with how complicated high school was for her," Dean observed. "Hey, maybe you should be her date," he suggested.
Benny stopped what he was doing to consider his best friend's suggestion. He'd known you for a few years now, and he looked forward to seeing you every night. He would always be grateful to you for giving him the chance to get out of New York City's bar scene.
He couldn't deny the spark he felt when you kissed his cheek tonight. You always had a smile for him, one he was always sure to return. Whenever he heard your laugh, it was like hearing his favorite song. Each time he looked into your hazel eyes, a comfortable feeling washed over him, like coming home. One time, Benny was lucky to get close enough to you, and he caught the green apple scent of your shampoo. From then on, he became obsessed with anything apple.
Benny finished his closing duties, grabbed his leather jacket and flat cap then walked out the back door with Dean. "I think I should do that, offer to be her date," he conceded.
"Yeah, 'cause it's not like you have a crush on her or anything," Dean smirked.
"I don't know what you're talking about, brother," Benny grinned. "See you tomorrow night, Dean," Benny called.
The next night, you were in the back office going through some paperwork. You were entering last week's sales figures into the online books and signing off on the inventory reports. After a while, the numbers started swimming before your eyes, and you realized it was time to take a break. You closed your eyes and started massaging your neck, trying to work out some of the stiffness.
After a few moments, you hear the sound of someone clearing his throat to get your attention. You looked up and smiled to see that it was Benny, standing in the doorway.
"Good evening, Benny, so nice to see you! Sorry I haven't been up front much tonight. What brings you back here?" you questioned.
"Well, it's like you said, sweetheart. You haven't been out front very much, and I thought I'd check and see how you're doing. Everything okay?" Benny asked.
"Just going over some numbers, boring data-entry stuff. Although, there's a lot of it, and you caught me taking a break," you explained, reaching up to resume massaging your neck.
"Here, allow me," Benny offered, pulling up a chair to sit behind you. He rubbed his hands together briskly then gently placed them on your shoulders. His now-warm hands instantly calmed you as he started work through your tense neck muscles. "Relax, darlin'. You sure have a lot of knots here. Just close your eyes and let this work," he crooned.
As directed, you closed your eyes as Benny continued to massage your neck and shoulders. His skilled fingers kept working out each knot, and you could feel the tension begin to melt away. "Whoa," you whispered. "This feels amazing, Benny," you said as you groaned with the relief provided by his strong hands.
"Feeling better, chérie?" Benny asked, his breath hot against your ear.
"Much better, thank you," you breathed. "Were you born with such magic fingers, or did you find them on the internet somewhere?" you teased.
Benny chuckled. "Original equipment, darlin'. All me," he answered and wiggled his fingers.
"Lucky me," you murmured.
"Hey, have you decided what you're going to do about your high school reunion?" he asked.
You looked down at your hands, which were folded in your lap. "Not yet. I think you're right, though. I should go, even if only to show people how I've changed from how they knew me in school. Although I don't know why I care so much about what other people think," you muttered.
Benny reached over and with his index finger and tilted your head up to gaze into your hazel eyes. "The only person you have to answer to is yourself. Doesn't matter what other people think. As long as you're happy with who you are, that's what's important," he replied.
You gave Benny a shy smile. "Thank you for saying that, Benny. Besides, if nothing else, it's an excuse for me to buy a new dress, get all dolled up and have a dance or two. Except I still don't have a date," you remembered.
It was now or never. Benny took a deep breath. "So, if you had a date, then you'd go?" he asked, to which you nodded. "Okay then. I'll be your date," he declared.
Your eyes widened at his suggestion. "Really? Why would you want to put yourself through that? You wouldn't know anyone--" he stopped you.
"I'd know you, Ruthie and Charlie. Anyway, it wouldn't exactly be torture, you know. I'd get to see a beautiful woman in a new dress, all dolled up. And, I'd get to slow dance with her a few times," he winked.
"Wow, you would do that for me?" you asked. Benny nodded as he inched closer to leave a lingering kiss on your cheek this time. "Now, go get that new dress, chérie. Can't wait to see you in it," he winked and went back to work.
You pulled out your phone and dialed a number. "Hey, Ruthie? What time are we going shopping for dresses tomorrow?" you asked.
The following day, you went dress shopping with Charlie and Ruthie for the reunion. They were so happy that you had decided to go to the reunion with them and that you'd found a date. The more you thought about it, the more you started to warm up to the idea and actually looked forward to it.
You thought back over the years that had passed since you met Benny, ever since that night in a New York City nightclub. You had been visiting your brother, who was the one who wanted to go out in the first place. He was off chasing some girl, while you were left at the bar with your drink.
Benny kept you entertained all night, with the two of you sharing stories of your childhood. He was from a small town in Louisiana, while you were from Iowa. Neither of you seemed to fit with the fast-paced world of NYC. You hung around the bar until after closing, then you and Benny walked the streets, checking out the city. He kept your hand in his the whole time, which made you feel safe in such a big city, and you enjoyed his company.
The thought of your first time meeting Benny made you smile, just as you did every day at seeing him. You always felt safe around him, protected. He was handsome, but in a way that might lead to him being overlooked by some women, but not by you. Benny was sweet, making time to check on you every night you were hard at work in the back office. He had kind, blue eyes that sometimes held a bit of mischief when chatting with customers or co-workers.
And as with nearly every woman, you often fell victim to the charms of his sexy Southern drawl. Probably how he got you to agree at the last minute to go to your reunion. Up until he offered to be your date, you had successfully resisted Ruthie's attempts at getting you to go. Then Benny made his case, and you found yourself giving in to his suggestion.
The night before the reunion, you and Benny were both working late. You had paperwork to catch up on, and he was in charge of closing the bar. With it being the end of the quarter, there were additional responsibilities, and you hadn't been sleeping well all week.
Benny had finished all of his closing duties, and was getting ready to head out the door when he saw your office light was still on. He gently knocked on the door and smiled to himself at seeing you. Your head was resting in the crook of your elbow, your crossed arms leaning on your desk. He reached over and tenderly brushed the hair out of your eyes and from your forehead, which caused you to stir.
"Evenin' darlin'," he chuckled softly.
You gave him a sleepy smile, then stretched in your chair, trying to wake up. You gathered up your paperwork and locked it in the desk. You retrieved your purse and car keys. "Must've dozed off, sorry. Thank you for checking on me," you said softly, still a bit sleepy.
"Of course, chérie. You going to make it home okay? I can drive you if you'd rather," he offered.
"I think I can make it home, it's not too far. Thank you though," you replied, blushing. "Big night tomorrow. You know, we can still call it off, hang out at my place instead with pizza and movies," you suggested.
Benny chuckled again. "Not a chance," he shook his head firmly. "I'm looking forward to seeing you in your new dress, with your hair done up just so. Even though no matter what you do with your hair or makeup, you're still beautiful to me, chérie," he replied softly. "And I can't wait to dance with you," he said as he brushed his hand to your cheek.
For a moment, you lost all ability to form a coherent thought, all due to Benny's words and his touch on your skin. "Well, I just hope my reality can live up to your imagination," you whispered.
"Of that, I have no doubt, darlin'," Benny remarked. "See you at seven, your place," he promised.
"Seven it is," you agreed.
"Charlie!! Have you seen my pink lipstick?!? Aaarrrggghhh! Benny will be here any minute, and I can't find my stupid lipstick!!" you shouted. Ruthie and Charlie were getting ready for the reunion at your house, and you were getting more and more nervous.
"Relax, chickie, it's right here," Charlie placed it in your hand and held onto it, trying to calm you down. "You have plenty of time to finish getting ready. Benny won't be here for another 10 minutes. Okay? Come on, deep breaths," she got you to breathe with her, which did calm you down.
"Charlie, I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous. I haven't been on any kind of date for a long time, and I really like Benny. We've gotten to be good friends over the years, but lately....I've started to have those 'maybe-we-could-be-more-than-friends' feelings. I don't even know how he feels, or if he feels the same. If not, it could make it awkward to work together," you finished.
Ruthie came in to the bathroom to have you zip up her dress. "Do yourself a favor and just have fun tonight. It doesn't have to lead anywhere. If it does, fine, but if not, you'll still have your friendship with him, right?" she asked.
"Yes, that's true. Okay. Time to shimmy into my dress," you grinned. You had found a strapless, floor-length, navy blue gown, with a criss-cross bodice that was form-fitted to your upper body. Although you loved the dress, you weren't exactly comfortable with the amount of skin that was left bare. As a solution, you found a wrap for your shoulders made of a sheer material that was a sparkling silver.
A knock at the door was heard and all three of you froze. You looked out your bedroom window and down to the street to see a shiny, sleek, black Lincoln Town Car parked in front. You knew that Benny drove an old pickup truck, so it had to belong to either of your friends' dates.
"Hey, which one of your dates owns a Lincoln Town Car?" you asked. Charlie and Ruthie looked at each other and shrugged, then continued getting ready. You grabbed your shawl and slowly made your way down the stairs. "Just a minute," you called out to your visitor.
When you opened the door, the figure on your front porch nearly took your breath away. Benny was dressed in a charcoal grey suit with a silver tie and pocket square. Gone was his usual flat cap, his hair neatly styled with gel and his beard freshly trimmed. His smile was the first thing that caught your attention. One part genuine appreciation of your appearance, one part mischief, which meant that you were in for an interesting evening.
"Wow," you whispered. "Won't you please come in?" you asked, after you managed to regain your composure.
Benny chuckled and crossed the threshold into your living room. He took your hand and gently pressed his lips to the back of it. "Bonsoir, chérie. Forgive me for saying, but I didn't know it was possible for you to get any more breathtaking since the last time I saw you," Benny remarked.
"My goodness, but you're a charmer, Benny. Thank you for the compliment. You look very handsome as well. Don't think I've ever seen you without your usual cap. I have to say I like it, though," you added softly.
"Well, thank you darlin'," he winked. In his right hand, he produced a clear plastic box, which had a corsage in it. "Now, this ain't no dozen roses, but you are the first woman I've ever given flowers to 'sides my mama," he grinned. Benny took your right hand in his and placed the corsage on your wrist. It had pink and yellow roses with a navy blue ribbon woven through.
"It's beautiful, thank you, Benny," you beamed.
"Not as beautiful as you," Benny whispered and kissed the back of your hand.
By this time, Charlie and Ruthie had finished getting ready, just in time for their dates to arrive as well. They went to their respective cars and said they'd meet you there. Benny offered you his arm, so you slid your hand around it and he tucked it in close to his side. When he got to the car, he opened your door and waited for you to get comfortable before closing the door.
As he drove to the reunion, Benny reached over for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Try not to worry, sweetheart. I'll be with you every step of the way, and if you want to leave, just say the word," he promised. You squeezed his hand in return and gave him a grateful smile. Once you arrived at the venue, Benny repeated his gentlemanly gestures and opened your door for you. He held out his hand to help you out of the car, and you took it.
Just before you walked in, you tugged on Benny's arm. He stopped to look at you, wondering what you were doing. "In case I forgot to tell you, I appreciate what you're doing for me here tonight. Takes a special kind of person to do a favor like this for someone. You are definitely someone special to me, Benny Lafitte. Thank you," you said as you reached up to give him a kiss to his cheek.
Now it was his turn to blush. "Oh, darlin', you don't have to thank me. You're my friend, and it's my honor to help you. 'Sides, like I said before, this won't exactly be torture. Got a gorgeous woman by my side, and I'm lookin' forward to some slow dances, if you know what I mean," he grinned. You giggled, and since Ruthie and Charlie had caught up to you, all of you walked into the party.
As the evening progressed, you found your earlier worries about attending the reunion had melted away. You knew that a lot of it had to do with Benny, who made it his main priority to see that you were taken care of. He was never gone away from your side for long, usually just to get a drink at the bar.
Whenever a slow song came up, Benny was the first one out of his chair with his hand out, asking you to dance. You always accepted with a smile, and the two of you headed for the dance floor. By the third dance, you realized that your feelings for Benny had definitely progressed beyond friendship. A part of you thought that maybe he felt the same for you. However, there was just as much possibility that he didn't. You also knew that if you didn't say something and soon, that you may regret it.
Benny could tell you had something on your mind. He hooked his index finger under your chin to peer into your hazel eyes. "Are you all right, chérie? You look like you're a million miles away," he observed.
You gave him a shy smile. "I'm fine, just thinking about how wonderfully this evening has turned out. And I have you to thank for it, Benny," you replied. Now was your chance, as the song was ending. "There was something that I wanted to tell you," you started. Your eyes shifted only to catch sight of the girl Eric took to prom instead of you. Tracy Anderson, head cheerleader, student class president, Miss I'm-Great-at-Everything-I-Ever-Do.
"And what is that?" he asked, tightening his embrace and drawing you closer.
A feeling of panic swept over you and you couldn't tell him how you felt right then. "I-I'll be right back," you stammered and ran off towards the ladies' room. Benny stared after you, not quite understanding what just happened. He walked back to the table and sat down to wait for you.
Once in the bathroom, you paced back and forth trying to collect yourself and your thoughts. Can't believe you chickened out, you scolded yourself. So what if she's here? Eric was a jerk to ditch you at prom. He didn't care about you, but Benny does, you explained. Now, get out there and tell him how you feel while you still have the chance, you ordered yourself, smiling in the mirror.
You walked into one of the stalls to get some toilet paper to fix your make up. At that moment, Tracy Anderson and two of her friends walked in. You closed the stall door before they could see you.
"Hey did you see who was here? That girl who Eric asked to prom as a joke," one of them giggled.
"Yeah, I saw her. That guy she's with? He's the head bartender at Rocky's Bar. Oooh, he's so cute! And have you heard him talk? Love his accent, how he says 'darlin' and 'sweetheart' all the time," another girl said. "You don't seriously think they're dating, do you?" she asked.
"Please, do you think he'd waste any of his time on the likes of her? She was such a nerd in high school, always reading and studying. She probably had to pay him to show up here with her so she wouldn't look so pathetic showing up alone. He's way out of her league," Tracy remarked. "Come on, girls, let's get back to the dance," Tracy ordered.
Looks like they remembered me after all, you thought. Every reason for not coming tonight was voiced by none other than the most popular girl in school. All of a sudden, you didn't feel well and decided to ask Benny to take you home. At least there, you could cry in peace and no one would care if your mascara ran all over your face.
You exited the restroom, but didn't notice that Benny was standing outside by the water fountain, waiting for you. He caught your arm and as you turned to face him, he knew something was wrong. "Hey, whoa, are you okay, chérie? You look upset," he said.
"I was headed back to the table to find you. Is it okay if you take me home? I'm feeling a little tired," you replied.
Sensing there was more to the story, but not wanting to press you, he agreed. Benny grabbed your shawl and draped it around your shoulders for you. He held out his arm and you slipped your hand around it, holding on dear life. Benny helped you into the car and started the drive back to your place.
Benny scrambled to think of something to keep the evening going. He knew that as soon as you walked in your front door, he would never know what happened tonight to upset you. "Do you mind if we take a little side trip before I take you home, darlin'?" he asked.
"If you want, you're the one driving," you answered absently.
Benny steered the car to a nearby park and drove to the top of a hill. He got out and ran around to your side to open your door. You leaned against the passenger side of the car, your arms folded across your chest. You looked up to see the millions of stars spread across the night sky.
As Benny stood next to you, he searched your face for some sort of clue as to what happened at the reunion. "What was it you wanted to tell me? Back when we were dancing, you said there was something, then you ran off to the ladies' room," he remarked.
"It's nothing, not important now," you responded softly, a single tear streaking down your face.
Benny moved to stand in front of you. His hand cupped your cheek and his thumb wiped away the tear. "Now come on, I don't believe that. There is something I wanted to tell you, though," he started. "We've been friends for a lot of years now, and you're pretty much my best friend. But seeing you tonight, I realized that I think of you as more than a friend. I'm falling for you, chérie, and I'm crashing hard."
You stood there, stunned at his admission. This was something straight out of your wildest dreams, that Benny felt the same for you as you did for him. "You are an incredible woman. You're smart, sassy, with a great sense of humor. You also have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known. You're always there to help when someone needs it, and you are beautiful, inside and out," he finished.
"Benny, you are the most wonderful man I've ever met. You're sweet, handsome, romantic and I'm falling for you as well. That was what I wanted to tell you earlier, but I chickened out at the last minute. The reason I did doesn't matter any more, because you helped me to believe in love, that it can happen to me. I love you, Benny Lafitte," you declared.
Benny's face inched towards you until his lips swiftly captured yours in a kiss that seemed to imprint itself on your soul. Your hands slid up his chest until they locked behind his head and kept your mouths in constant contact. Benny's hands in turn started weaving through your hair, releasing it from the pins holding it in place. "Mon amour....comme tu es très jolie au clair de lune," Benny whispered.
"Mon cœur, je t'aime toujours," you responded.
Benny pulled back a little in surprise. "Since when do you speak French, ma belle fleur?" he asked in amusement.
"Since I met you," you said simply. "At first, I only wanted to know what you were saying, but now I get to tell you how I feel. Je t'aime toujours, Benny," you repeated.
"Je t'aime aussi, mon amour," he returned, just before his lips meshed with yours.
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