#always destined to die
qvid-pro-qvo · 2 years
okay but where is the "natasha is actually a phoenix" au guys? top gun fandom i need it
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nelkcats · 10 months
Death Loves No One
Cause if he did he'd want to keep them forever
After obtaining the title as Ghost King and losing all his family, Danny started to feel lonely. He had friends, ghosts that would stay for eternity by his side but it wasn't the same. Danny felt that his personal connections were what kept him sane, the evenings with Clockwork calmed him down, but it wasn't the same calm that Jazz used to provide.
So, when he was given the title of Equilibrium it wasn't really a big deal. It was just another title among a thousand others, Clockwork advised him to visit earth to discover his purpose but also warned him that he would not look human.
Danny accepted it but didn't take it seriously, he couldn't help but get scared when people started screaming around him. He wasn't doing anything weird, he was visiting the cemetery, his family's graves, but everyone was running away scared.
He realized that since he lost Jazz (the last one to leave) he no longer looked human. He wondered if it was possible that someone might be interested in talking to him but dismissed it. Some people began to nickname him "Death" because all he did was stay in the cemetery.
That's why it was extremely rare to find a boy calling him every day and making a small talk, he became attached to the boy. The boy would visit different graves but always stayed to talk to him, never yelled, or called him a bad name. Danny couldn't help but love him the same way he loved his family.
He wasn't surprised that the boy died soon after (knowing him brought misfortune didn't it?), but he never stopped visiting the cemetery. So, when the boy rose from his grave completely disoriented, Danny wondered if it was somehow his fault.
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bigbrainbiology · 15 days
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Penny's dress has me rolling on the floor <3
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shivunin · 1 year
the fact that you start the Tabris origin by literally stepping into your mother's shoes. the fact that what you get is a wedding outfit and your mother's worn boots, kept carefully intact for years, tucked away for this exact moment. the fact that you then immediately take the path she never could, leaving behind the alienage and the wedding and following Duncan (who would have recruited Adaia first, if not for baby!Tabris) to what ought to have been death.
And Then!! instead of fighting and falling as she did, cheating death and becoming the fighter she always intended you to be instead??? Reliving and simultaneously subverting the story of her life??
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eloise175 · 4 months
Callisto trying to stop Penelope from leaving for the excavation sites and her honest reaction:
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Callisto has malewife potential, the way he wanted to crown Penelope as the Emperor and he’d be her spouse sksksksks. He wanted to be her trophy husband lmao. This happened at some point, canon I was there, I was the pillow Callisto hid underneath the robes, pretty sure they had a conversation that went like this
Penelope: I’ll go—
Callisto: I’m pregnant.
Penelope: what.
Callisto: I’m with child, and it’s yours
Penelope: how.
Callisto: we didn’t use protection, didn’t you say you were going to get me pregnant if we were to get stuck in a closet? That was not a closet, but it most definitely worked. You can’t leave your pregnant spouse to be just like that.
Penelope: get rid of that pillow. now.
Callisto: this is OUR CHILD
Penelope: do not. I will deny your weekly visits.
Callisto: *throws away pillow all harumph harumph* fine! come here, we’re getting to work for the real deal since you’ve denied me this child
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sidra-de-callisto · 5 months
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Missing my boy every time he doesn't appear in the new episodes
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bloggerspam · 1 day
"Trying to do right by me now will not lessen the wrongs you've done to me before. Your actions of comfort are mere pebbles against the cavernous valleys you've inflicted upon me."
She turns dead, empty eyes at him, and some part of him breaks. He knows he doesn't deserve any less.
"I will say this once more, my lord, as you have deemed to ignore my words yet again." She smiles softly, insincere.
"I expect nothing less than apathy, nothing less than being treated as a stranger, and wish it to remain so for the rest of my so-called wretched life." He winces, as a conversation they once had haunts him here, in broad daylight. He does not hang his head, though he wishes he could. He turns to focus on the cage before him, the beautiful bird that reminded him so much of her hair, her eyes.
He sees her delicate hand, dainty and oh so breakable, gently caress the bars of the cage. The bird stretches, tries to entice her to pet her, cooing softly. He can hear her huff a soft laugh, indulging the creature for a moment before she freezes and pulls away.
"I wonder, my lord, if you wish to cage me just like this bird that reminds you so much of me." Though her voice is thoughtful, as if she is merely thinking out loud, he can still hear the scorn. He tenses, because that was not his intention, because that is far from what he wanted, he merely wanted her to be happy---"I wonder, my lord, if you ever thought to ask the bird if it would like to be kept." His thoughts screech to a stop.
He hears her laugh, before softly asking him, "What a silly thought, asking a bird what it wants." A moment later, the soft clacking of her heels walking away echo in his brain. The door opens, but does not close. "Truly, because what else would a bird want but to fly?" The door clicks gently closed.
The bird coos and turns away from him when he reaches in, forlorn.
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kibo-ichiro · 2 months
Me while reading chapter 146:
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the-genius-az · 2 months
Tuberculosis Au.
Everything fell apart after Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal, Azula never thought that would happen, they had spent more time together, they had shared a "kiss", why did they betray her? Has no sense.
After that, Azula began to neglect herself even more, she had no one to take care of her, her throat began to bother her, she didn't eat, her fire diminished due to her sick lungs, and everything went to shit when her father left.
Azula was so sad that she couldn't move, her curse was killing her, but she felt like it was the sadness that was really taking over her.
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merakiui · 1 year
I love how this implies that Azul had been waiting for them to get tired enough so he could approach and -ahem-
I think he would send the tweels to chase after beta mer darling so she gets more tired and more vunerable to his touch without running the risk of her attacking him.
Or maybe she was tired from fighting another beta mer fish (Even better if it's a male, cuz i want to see distressed tako feeling panic over the thought of losing his darling, and then relief when he sees her fighting back).
Just, stalker tako using his camouflage abilities to follow beta mer darling without her noticing him 🥺❤️
Yesss!!! <3 stalker tako who gets so nervous when other males approach you, but he's silently cheering you on from the sidelines while he's camouflaged. And he's very pleased (and proud of you) when you fight off every mer who attempts to court you. From observation, he can easily guess you'll likely try to scare him off if he tries to approach you (and Azul's confidence is always so low, even more so when he's trying to interact with you). He probably would get the tweels to chase you, whether to tire you out or to corner you, or he lets you tire yourself out when you're fending off so many males hehe. >:D
Since he's an octo-mer, he's so much stronger and bigger than you, so it's likely he'd win in a fight. But he doesn't want to hurt you. D: and he wants you to love him and accept his affections, so the only logical method of approach (in his mind) is to follow you and wait for an opportunity when you're vulnerable. <3 he's so cute when he stumbles over his words and tries to confess, but all forms of eloquent speech evade him because you're so pretty up close and being able to hold you (even if he's holding you down so you won't escape) is such a wonderful feeling. How can he possibly be smooth when he's finally getting to be so close to you after many months of watching from afar? >_<
On the other hand, he's not so cute when he's rambling obsessively about how much he loves you, how he's always wanted to approach you, how he's admired you from afar for so long, how he's always fantasized about filling you up with so many clutches until you're on the verge of bursting. :)
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 4 months
came back wrong but each time she dies Penelope is resurrected as the kind of person her abusers remember her
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watanabes-cum-dump · 6 months
Smth smth Haurchefant and WOL will never have enough time together. They ran out the moment they met. One of them had to die at the Vault that day. Haurchefant will always be destined to die, he will always be the one we can’t save.
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penelope-regulus · 10 months
Happy Birthday To Our Beloved Original Penelope Eckhart!
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Even if there are some in this universe that don't...!
We love you with everything we've got!
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bigbrainbiology · 11 months
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Need more Penny fanart in my life <3
Ref image (art by SUOL) ->
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whoredmode · 1 month
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whitney srtt is my fave
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pikkish · 3 months
Yeah we've already talked about how outright stupid the lore n writing for modern Doom is, but tbh I can understand why they had to do something with Doomguy, why they had to make him The Specialest Boy instead of Just Some Guy. Do I like how they did it? No, I would've taken it a different direction. Do I think that hugo could've done it well even if he took it in the direction I would've? No, I have minimal faith in his story writing. But realistically, how many times can a guy singlehandedly accomplish the impossible before you have to acknowledge he's very much not Just Some Guy who happened to be at the right place at the right time? I think that, with how every single other person on the Phobos UAC base were killed in Doom I, doomguy stopped being Just Some Guy the moment he decided to do anything other than just lie down and die.
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