gabessquishytum · 4 months
An add-on to the financial dom ask. When Dream is particularly bad, he is given the worst punishment. Worse than not being allowed to cum for days. Hob refuses to spend any of Dream money. Not a single pound. No new pretty clothes. No first edition books. No new toys. Dream cries when Hob complains that he can't go to this high-end restaurant opening night he had been excited about it because he could not afford it. (That's a lie. Not even a year as Dream Dom, and he has enough money to travel the world in luxury several times over)
YELLING this is such a good addition to the findom ask!!! I'm literally obsessed with dreamling and this kink now tbh.
Like. Imagine!!! Hob with his arms folded, looking at Dream so sternly. Such disappointment in his eyes. "You didn't follow the rules, did you darling? You haven't been looking after yourself, you've been working late again. Did you think I wouldn't find out and punish you?"
And Dream is squirming, feeling pathetic under the gaze of this young man who's decked out in Armani and Louis Vuitton - all bought with Dream’s money. Hob sighs sadly and shakes his head.
"Well, you can cancel my allowance for this month for a start. And you'll have to send back those concert tickets too. I'd better start looking for jobs again..."
Poor Dream ends up on the floor grovelling for forgiveness, promising to be good, promising to fall all the rules. Please, please just let him pay Hob’s rent and bills? He'll take the rest of his punishment but he can't bear it if Hob cuts him off completely.
And Hob is merciful. But Dream had better keep his promises this time, or Hob will make him watch as he puts all the shoes Dream bought him up for sale on ebay.
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designtheendless · 9 months
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A leisurely stroll through the Dreaming. Happy Meowpheus Monday ft. cat!Hob
@alyholmesz submitted a request that I accidentally deleted because I’m a fool, I’ll post your actual submission soon! But it had mentioned cat Hob so I give you credit for this Monday’s art! 💛
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hashtagonlyingotham · 3 years
#onlyingotham are the elderly feared and respected more then our own heros. These are the people who faced and thrived in Gorham long before Batman came along. I personally live in fear of the day they decided to take over the city. My grandma says they have already voted Alfred Pennyworth as Gotham Mayor. Isn't that Wayne's butler?
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
Can anyone help with this fic?
Maddie knew this one!!! Thanks hun! ❤️
Inevitable by FeelingsDusk  | 12.4K
Things go south in Beacon Hills and Scott and Stiles decide to make a last grand stand and take the bastards with them. Except instead of dying, they wake up on the night Stiles convinced Scott to go searching for a body and they decide to try again.
And again.
And again.
And again...
Hiya! I hope your day has been great! I was wondering if you have read a fic were Stiles and at first Scott get stuck in a time loop after the whole pack is killed and have to reddo their whole supernatural adventure again (several times). Stiles and Scott are not friends at this point due to Alison death and scott blaming stiles for everything. It turns out the ones that keep killing them are a group of hunters who belive in some sort of prophecy. In one time loop Scott and Melissa are murdered and Stiles is blamed because Scott wrote his name in blood before he died. I'm pretty sure it's a really long one shot, I'm not sure it it's sterek slash or just friendship though. Does it sound familiar?
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
@alyholmesz said ‘ For 'I wish you would write' if it is still open. Shouta Aziawa a 3rd year U.A student notorious for just not caring for relationships or romance. He had his small group of friends, his beloved cat, Gutter and his soon to be career as an Underground Hero. Why would he waste what little free time he had catering for someone else. It wouldbeillogical. That was what Shouta always said....right up until he was punched in the face by the quirkless first year hero student.  Midoriya Izuku. Hello future husband.’
Which, incidentally, still open if anyone is interested!  But also, this was super fun to write, so thank you!
Aizawa Shouta had very little interest in romance, despite Nemuri’s best attempts.  He had his group of idiots, his cat Gutter, and that was more than enough for him.  There were a surprising number of attempts to get his attention, given his general lack of social graces, but he assumed that was because Nemuri put them up to it-or they were dared to ask him out.  Either way, he had little interest in dealing with it.
Nedzu had asked the three of them to speak with the first year Hero class, and Shouta had let the other two take the reins when it came to speaking to the class.  His part came in when the Heroics’s teacher suggested sparring-as Nedzu had expected they would.
What Shouta, at least, hadn’t expected was for most of the class to back away and leave a small, entirely unimpressed green haired boy standing alone to face him.  Shoua mentally shrugged and disregarded it.  He was impressed enough by the smaller boy’s abilities, given that he was still in his first year, but it was time to end whatever Quirk was letting him keep up with a student about to graduate.
His eyes started to burn as they slid red, and the green haired boy punched him square in the face.  Shouta stumbled back a step, startled.  
“Can’t erase a Quirk I don’t have,” the boy said evenly.
Oh.  Oh.  Midoriya Izuku, the first Quirkless Heroics candidate.  
“I think I’m in love,” Shouta decided.  And then he took advantage of Midoriya’s surprise and pinned him down.
“Yield,” Midoriya said after a moment, lips twitching in a reluctantly amused smile.  He accepted the hand up Shouta offered him and added, “That was definitely a different way to throw me off my game.”
“Oh, it wasn’t a trick to throw you off,” Shouta said blithely.  “No one in this school has managed to land a hit on me in years, even using Quirks.  You keeping up with me as a first year, with no Quirk, is impressive.”  He hid a smile at Midoriya’s narrowed, suspicious gaze.  “I’ll come find you at lunch,” he decided.
“Wait, what?”  Izuku’s suspicious glare faded into confusion, but Shouta was making a beeline for Nemuri and a hysterically laughing Hizashi.
“Who would have thought competence was your thing,” Nemuri said drily, before pausing.  “Actually, that makes total sense, never mind.”
“Those poor girls might have stood a chance if they’d just punched Sho in the face,” Hizashi managed, before losing it laughing again at Shouta’s expression because yes, actually, they might have stood a chance at that point.
“I’m going to marry him,” Shouta decided abruptly, making Hizashi wheeze and Nemuri shake her head with a smirk.
“Why don’t you see how lunch goes first?”  She suggested wryly.
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I have an idea for your Husbands AU. Ra's or Talia or both find out that Colin and Damian are dating or getting married and try to force Colin to leave Damian because they don't think he is good enough for Damian and Colin puts him/her/them in their place. Don't matter who or what they are because Colin love Daman and Damian loves him.
I could definitely see that! Because actually, as mentioned in The Partners, Bruce isn’t too fond of the idea of the two getting married either. So that would be a great thing for Colin (and I guess Damian) to go through and overcome. (I plan/planned to write Colin confronting Bruce about all this - and it wouldn’t be too hard to add Ra’s and/or Talia into the idea as well, so I just might!)
But yeah, no, Colin doesn’t care at all what Damian’s family thinks. He loves Damian with his entire soul, and he know Damian loves him back with his whole being. And that’s all he cares about.
Honestly, he’d fight the whole League of Shadows if he had to, if Damian’s family demanded it of him. Wouldn’t even hesitate.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Retired Dream struggles with how he looks. He used to be known as the shaper of forms. Dream would change his shape; change his species as easy as most beings blink. And now he is stuck. In this one form. This one gender. This one species. In the form he wore when he was murdered.
Oh I am sad and soft tonight, let's be sad and soft together.
Hob quickly notices the signs that Dream is struggling to adapt to the fact that he's just... a guy, now. He can see Dream agonising over his reflection in the mirror. Draping his body in so many layers he's at a risk of heat stroke. Sometimes Dream scrapes at his skin and Hob has to grab his hands to stop him hurting himself. Dream doesn't even seem to know that he's doing it.
Hob can offer only a few comforts. He makes sure that Dream has access to clothes that are traditionally masculine, feminine, and some that are neutral. He introduces Dream to ways that he can express a particular gender by tucking or using padding on his body. He buys Dream a whole crate of makeup, and this is really a hit - Dream watches hours of tutorials and becomes quite an expert at contouring, as well as making himself look pretty.
Hob also provides fidget toys. For the days when Dream just wants to pick himself to pieces.
It isn't easy, but there are ways of coping and ways for Dream to express himself. Art, textiles, singing, screaming, being loved by Hob and loving him fiercely in return. He's not Lord Shaper any more. But he is Dream. And that, as it turns out, is more than enough.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
How about something a little bit different. Small mention of attempted sexual assault.
Dreams form can be influenced not only by others but by his OWN dreams, whether they realise it or not.
Ruth (femHob) has had enough of men. First, there were several centuries of being looked down on because she was childless, unmarried, and had an opinion and was more than willing to say it as loudly as she wanted.
Then, when she did marry, she had to put up with people looking down on her husband because he would not 'put her in her place'.
After the deaths of her husband and children, those same men would be the ones to drown her.
The final nail was a few decades of scoundrels thinking her status as a woman (very, very much) down on her luck was a fine enough reason to attempt to force themselves on her. She never did forget the sills she had picked up as a bandit.
Not even her beloved Stranger providing her with enough money to see herself taken care of for a time was enough to redeem the collective male sex in her eyes.
Something that she told her Stranger rather bluntly.
Maybe she should take a hint from Hortense and have a nice affair with a lovely woman for a change. High cheek bones and rose red lips and a boosem to play with sound nice right now. Maybe deep blue eyes and dark hair.
Dream of the Endless, upon returning to the dreaming, is rather confused to find their form has changed to that of a female human with high cheek bones, red lips, and a soft chest.
Ooo, this is a great idea! Honestly, it's understandable that Ruth would be at least a bit traumatised by men throughout her lifetime. She finds it difficult to trust them, not because she doesn't like men or think that they can be lovely on an individual basis. There's just something about maleness that brings back too much pain for her now.
So in a way, when they meet again - Dream is actually pleased to find that their form has changed. Dream wouldn't want their friend to feel any discomfort. If a female body makes Ruth feel better and less afraid, then that's a good thing! But maybe Dream doesn't expect to feel so... flattered? By the way Ruth looks at their female body. It doesn't feel exposing, like Dream felt in the fishbowl, in their male body. There's a softness to Ruth's gaze that maybe Dream needed to feel...
Maybe a soft touch would be acceptable, too.
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designtheendless · 9 months
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@alyholmesz requested Dream working with cat!Hob as a scarf, and who am I to deny such a cute photo opportunity.
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designtheendless · 1 year
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Happy Meowpheus Monday! Celebrating with part 1 of Hob’s costume camera roll.
@polvillodecanela suggested Meowpheus dressed up, and mentioned the taco costume!
@alyholmesz suggested Dream’s 1789 outfit- so I referenced his hair bow (I hope that’s okay!)
@maelstroms-blog suggested a pumpkin costume!
Part 2 next Monday!
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designtheendless · 1 year
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Meowpheus Monday! (Part 2 of Hob’s camera roll)
@omgkalyppso suggested the spider costume
@alyholmesz suggested Puss In Boots
And I threw in a little red sweater I like to imagine Hob’s elderly neighbor knitted for them once she learned Hob adopted a cat
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The Robin Reversal with Colin hit me right in the soft spot. Can I ask for a continuation of that scene. Like later where Dick asks about Colin. Since Colin has been thought to be dead I don't think Damian would have like to talk about it a lot before probably doing the family tradition of blaming himself even if it was not his fault.
Just to set the parameters, this is when little Dick meets Colin, and then he doesn’t see Colin for years after that. This is said years later, when Colin returns.
This is somewhere in the middle.
Other Robin Reversal AU stories
“Hey, D?” Dick hummed. He sounded far away, by the trophy cases - and that was just another reminder to Damian that he needed his own space, his own cave. Not this dark hole.
Damian didn’t look away from the computer, or the blood analysis about to be finished. “What.”
“What ever happened to that friend of yours? The redhead guy, who smiled a lot.” And Damian couldn’t help but freeze, stare blankly ahead as Dick continued. “Alfred said he was your best friend. How come I haven’t seen him around, like…ever?”
Damian bit his lip, closed his eyes. Took a deep breath, and a slow exhales. Began typing once more. Tried to keep his voice cool and even, though he knew Dick would be upset regardless.
“Because he’s dead, Grayson.”
And over the sound of the keys, he heard Dick’s quiet voice. “…Oh.”
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Can I ask for a sad Robin Reversal between Damian and Dick. Something were Dick says "I thought I meant more to you then that."
During their time as bats and rob.
Other Robin Reversal AU stories
“It was stupid!” Dick screeched, gauntleted hands on Damian’s knees as he pushed himself upwards, pushed himself into Damian’s face. “It was like you were trying to get yourself killed!”
Damian didn’t respond. Didn’t open his eyes. Kept his head bowed, kept silent as Alfred continued stitching at his wounds. And that was answer enough for Dick.
“I thought the mission meant more to you than that.” Dick hissed, dropping back to his feet and turning away with a whoosh of his cape. The crack in his voice was obvious as he whispered, “I thought I meant more to you than that.”
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Us & Our Parents
alyholmesz submitted:
Hay Bee not sure if this is the right place (I am new to Tumbler) but I just wanted to share my opinion about your post about your parents and equality and all that. I have a similar situation with my mum and step-dad. There are just some things we don’t talk about much; same sex marriage and some religious and political views among them because we know its just one of those things we disagree on. But when it does come up on T.V. or something and I state my thoughts and its clear they disagree they have never really told me I was wrong or abnormal for thinking that. It makes me happy to know that they will still listen to me, and some times they even agree with me. I have even gotten them to warm up to a few of them to0. Things like that make me happy.
No problem, it’s a great place to get in touch with me! :3
I totally understand you, though. We don’t talk about our religious/political/human views much, unless it comes up in the news or real life somewhere, and most times my mum and I will get into an argument if we debate it too long, so we don’t do that a whole lot either, but. You know, sometimes my parents will make a comment that lets me know that...well, they’re actually listening. That sure, maybe they don’t agree, but they understand. And that’s a great first step, in my opinion.
Because, I mean. That’s what the older generation is. Some of them are just...incredibly set in their ways. Forced to be, by the generation before them. So patience is sometimes necessary, especially with loved ones. It’s a process, but I agree, dear, it does make me very happy to hear my words are getting through!
 It’s a small victory, but it does mean there is hope for the future, somewhere. Some day! I hope! 
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