#am i making sense? this sounded funnier in my head
hcneyedpng · 4 months
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happy mother’s day to charles 🤭😘
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findafight · 1 year
On the one-sided harringrove post- I feel it becomes infinitely funnier with bi steve. He likes men, just not Billy. Never Billy.
Oh yeah. When Billy fiiiirst comes to school with his music blaring Steve is head over heels for Nancy, so he might register that the guy with the Camaro and loud music has a good ass, but then billy opens his mouth and Steve is like "oh, no ass can make up for that personality." And continues with his life.
Just. Okay I like to project just a liiiiittle on Steve with him just. Not realizing his attraction to men isn't a straight thing. Like. Of course all straight people feel that way, you just kinda ignore it or don't do anything about it. So Steve is half way between being comfortable in his sexuality and being closeted to himself because buddy used Hawkeye Pierce as the blueprint of straightness.
So Billy is out here, wallowing in self hatred and internalized homophobia, hating Steve and wanting Steve and hating that he wants Steve and wishing Steve would pay attention to him enough for a hate fuck he can cry about later, and it's all very angsty. All the while Steve is just actually completely fine with thinking a dude is hot he's just got standards that include "not racist" "doesn't try to beat up kids" "hasn't made me blackout from head trauma"
Wait. Oh no. I feel an au coming on. Shit. Au where post S2 Robin hears piano coming from the band room after hours and is her curious self going "I must see who is this mysterious genius" and it's Steve. They get to talking and hanging out and all of a sudden Robin thinks they are actually good friends. Best friends. Somehow.
Cue them going to a band party together. Someone spikes their drinks with waayyyy more than they were expecting so they are blasted. Robin has to go pee but does not want to go alone so she drags Steve into the bathroom with her and makes him face away. He's like haha Woah you really had to pee. And she goes shut upppp and washes her hands but sits across from him. Steve smiles at her and gives her his speech about how amazing she is and how glad he is to be her friend (it is like March '85 so he is still not ready to get back out into dating yet). Robin tells him about Tammy. They sing. Someone slams the door open and kicks them out of the bathroom because there's a fuckin line.
They lay on the grass outside and look at the sky. Steve like. Caaaaasually mentions once having thought he was gonna marry Tommy when he was six and then realizing you just didn't do anything about those feelings and Robin's gotta shoot up going WHAT!! WHAAAT? Because it sounded like Steve coming out to her? Right after?? She came out to him??
And Steve is like yeah. Like you don't really have to? Easier to ignore it and flirt with girls who I like or think are hot. And poor Robin's brain is melting she's like please Steve I'm really drunk are you telling me you sometimes want to kiss boys? And he's like yes, obviously, everyone does. Just like everyone also wants to sometimes kiss girls. Except lesbians I guess who only want to kiss girls? And gay guys only want to kiss guy? Yeah that makes sense and straight people don't care but go for the opposite ya know?
Robin is like NO!! And calms down some and says "okay I'm telling you this because you are my friend and you just told me almost the same thing. Steve. I like girls and only like girls. That not a straight thing"
"yeah. You've said."
"but I am ninety nine percent positive that just because you like girls doesn't mean you're straight because you also like boys."
"yeah dude, I do not think this is a heterosexual experience you're describing. I'm not an expert but. Yeah.
"oh. Huh."
"I definitely thought it was."
"your brain is so weird I'm still kind of obsessed with you."
"haha. Honestly I'm kind of obsessed with you. This is wild."
"well. At least I know you're stuck with me."
"ohhh nooooo whatever will I do with my best friend always around..."
ANYWAYS THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS is not in fact the stobin. It's actually that
Sometime probably in may, when Steve is ready to be on the dating scene again, he gets with Eddie. Robin is happy for him but also so mad because he went from "probably shouldn't act gay even tho everyone feels a little gay sometimes" to "hey Robin what would you say if I said I got a boyfriend?" In less than two months. How does he have straight AND gay game. That's not fair.
Steddie getting together is a non event. Eddie is still like ewww sports and yet somehow he made out with Steve Harrington and the next day Steve asked if he wanted to get milkshakes and throw rocks into the quarry to see the splashes. Eddie must restrain himself from thinking it's a date because he knows it's not but it'd also be the perfect date (Eddie is a simple man)
At the end of the night steve kissed his cheek and says "I had a really great time..."
Eddie just blurted "hey do you want to be my boyfriend?"
To which Steve perks up like "yes! I'd like that!"
And Eddie didn't actually think he'd get that far so he was like "neat!! See you tomorrow!" before slamming the door in Steve's face.
So they're dating and Eddie disparages sports but Steve is like haha aw you don't like watching me play? Which is sooo mean to Eddie because obviously?? He likes?? Watching his boyfriend??? Run around in tiny shorts and sometimes shirtless?? He has to reevaluate some things he supposes.
All while this is happening Billy is still on his Greatest Homoerotic Rivals shtick with Steve. Eddie notices and is like to dude...what is with Billy? And Steve just sighs. Says Billy is weird and obsessed with him and glares all the time. It's a whole thing. Billy is pissed because what is Steve, his epic rival, doing hanging around some random band geek, his sister's bitchass friends, and maybe the local dealer.
Alright. Grad happens. Yay Steve! Poor Eddie. They go to some party , hang out with people, sell some drugs, etc. Billy is unfortunately also at this party, and is like. Lazer eyes boring into Steve's back. Very annoying. At some point, he sees Steve slip away and is like this is my chance so he follows him.
Howmever he comes across Steve, his epic and totally heterosexual rival, making out with Eddie the freak Munson.
And listen this is a scary thing to be caught inna town like Hawkins, but that's not the point of this post.
So Billy goes "what the hell?"
They turn around. Billy is still spluttering.
"what are you-why would you-- with him?!" He says.
Steve raises his eyebrows, alllll cocky confidence. He smirks a bit. Drawls. "Well, yeah. I like cock, billy. Just not yours."
Because the point of this post is that Steve is a bitch.
Thank you.
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cjkie22 · 10 months
A non-exhaustive list of why you should listen to hit dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees:
their music is really amazing. you'll love it.
especially if your Spotify wrapped was on the pov: indie side of things
and even if it wasn't.
songs for every emotion
absolutely beautiful lyrics
sometimes these lyrics make sense. sometimes they don't. that's part of the fun.
songs about platonic love !!!!!
songs for the queers! the aros! the aces! the enbies! the trans community!
my dad likes them. doesn't sound like a lot, but it's an achievement.
(more underneath the break)
iain (bass/vox/lyrics) has "ginger" tattooed on the back of their head. if that isn't iconic I don't know what is.
on the note of iain, they were the first person i was aware of that used they as a pronoun, and that changed my life
they have a discord server! it's a really lovely community. i am not biased in the slightest. (discord.gg/sandbox) (https://discord.com/invite/thesandbox) (i will personally send you an invite i don't actually know what the link is)
they should DEFINITELY be on the heartstopper soundtrack
if I'm remembering correctly in the tiktok where they said they should be on the heartstopper soundtrack, they also said 3 out of 4 of them were in some way queer. seems like a good thing to me.
they opened for you me at six earlier this year. it was my first time seeing them live. and WOW.
I met some of my best friends through this band. I'm not joking; big shout out to the mojo dojo castle house, I'll never forget that weekend.
they're hilarious on the internet
you might cry at several of their songs for a million different reasons
BearBerry records
they have a tumblr blog @/bearsintreesofficial (iirc). I'm not gonna tag them but
BiT gigs are a safe space. I may have almost fainted at my last one (new cross inn, August 2023) but I've never met so many kind strangers and genuinely lovely people
merch is super comfy and really cute.
it gives stardew valley and animal crossing (trust me I'm right)
after the new cross gig (sweatiest gig in the world), despite surely being exhausted, callum (uke/keys/vox) took my bereal and i got my mini lesbian flag signed by them all
I turned out not to be a lesbian, which possibly makes it funnier, but the flag is stuck on my wall still
cryptids would LOVE their band
there's also a community minecraft server for discord members
BiT postcards !!!!
gosh and the bit stickers
they covered stick season on an Instagram live
they also do the funniest twitch streams
iain and the mountain
the raccoon email address
george (drums/production) is elite. the drum fills in doing this again? iconic. also has a specific really cool shirt I want to steal
wedding. dress. tiktok.
callum doesn't wear shoes on stage. apparently this was common knowledge but it sure surprised me at new cross.
the austrian soft drinks advert
iain make up looks
callum plays the flute. I want to say classically trained flautist but i may be wrong.
none of them have EVER bribed any members of law enforcement
their songs are very tattooable
talking of tattoos, nick (lyrics/guitar/saw him play the uke on stage once) has L + R tattooed on his forearms (iirc). absolute genius and I am stealing it when I get more of my patchwork sleeve done
iain releases solo music to under the name pet yeti. it's ethereal. callum also plays flute on one of them.
trumpet joe
the four of them never look like they are dressed for the same event
someone once edited the bears in trees wiki page to say that Ryan Ross was in their band
silly geese
that time we got singing? poetry? performance art? of THAT harry potter fanfiction
according to tiktok, iain and nick once had to sneak into their own show because they were underage
I have a video in the depths of my camera roll of them covering Mama by My Chemical Romance on a twitch stream
all of them give me gender envy at different times
their newest single (bart's bike) features banjo
patreon content
yelling it gets better with a room full of people was a healing experience.
modern baseball and fall out boy adjacent in my brain
if you like bears in trees you're automatically hot and really cool
they did a song with noahfinnce and its really super good
callum also featured on a myriad song which is also really super good
bit songs feel like coming home. they feel like hot chocolate and a blanket on a cold night. they feel like a warm hug. they feel like surviving and falling in love with life again and overcoming the worst things. they feel like victory, because you didn't think you'd make it to adulthood. but I'm 20 now. and I'm still here. I've almost graduated uni. and that's what bears in trees feels like.
all of their songs!!!! amazing!!!!
please feel free to add to this list. I'm taking suggestions.
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VH - Lost Soul
(tw: it’s backstory time for Vampire Hero, and it isn’t very nice. Lots and lots of torture mentions.)
Vampire Hero was in hell, although not for the reasons Villain thought.
According to his watch, he’d been trapped in this maze for hours. Amid the many gifts his vampire nature had given him, a sense of direction wasn’t among them. He’d tried to punch the walls, but that would have taken too long to burst through them. They were even thicker than the skull that had thought of such a stupid thing to build. What he could do was leaving a dent to make sure that yes, he’d been there before. He had his phone on him, but there was no wifi, so no way to use his GPS. He had very little battery left anyhow– he had emptied most of it to send his wife pictures of bats on his way, which was as far as he was concerned a very good and judicious use of it. All of that was already a bore, but to make the game even funnier, the labyrinth was full of traps.
Full of pathetic traps. The ground collapsed under his feet, rocks were falling on him, all of that accomplishing nothing – but it was annoying enough that it disrupted his concentration, preventing him to find a way out. That was not the main problem, though. There were screens everywhere, too high to reach, and Villain. Never. Stopped. Talking.
“What is good and evil ? Do you know for sure what the limit is ? Good is supposed to follow the law, but is the law always good ? Isn’t it pride to do what feels right ? You think you want to stop me, but aren’t you being selfish by doing what you want ?”
She’d kept going like that for hours now. Nails on a blackboard would have sounded nicer. Not only the words were as hollow as a dead snail, but the inflection of that pompous voice was unbearable. Vampire Hero was seriously tempted to hit his head against the wall to stop hearing anything, but that didn’t seem like it’d work in the long term.
At his limit, he stepped up, his lips pinched, and finally yelled back:
“Four words. Grow the fuck up.”
“That’s all you have to say ? You’re not much for philosophy.”
“You call that philosophy ? I hate to break it to you, but knowing that good and bad are social constructs is not some kind of genius insight. All I see is a kid yelling at me that she’s very smart. You don’t give a crap about all of this. You just want to prove to yourself how very superior you are.”
“Do you think you’re better than me ?”
“The bar is low.”
“Oh, because you’re good now ?”
Vampire Hero stopped dead in his tracks:
“Even before, I was better than you."
He raised his arms and bared his teeth, his voice loud:
"You think that you’re bad ? You’ve got nothing on me ! I lured people and made them dance with me over broken glass. I had them rot blindfolded in animal cages for days until they had to lick their own blood. I had cozy nights with them having a friendly little chat in the living room while I was drinking from a corpse, and they knew that if they broke they were next. I made them starve and eat their loved ones. And I loved it ! I loved all of it ! I loved the light dying in their eyes. I thought I was clever ! I am half the reasons you’re shaking at night !”
“Zdiiiiiiiingbonnng,” made the rock on Hero’s head. He sighed in exasperation and stopped talking, wiping gravel from his hair.
“I know about you.” said Villain. “The hero agency’s lackey. Aren’t you ashamed ? You were a great prince, once.”
“Actually, I never was really tall.”
“Go ahead, hide yourself behind this kind of childish retorts. But admit it: you’ve sunk low. You arrest people who weren’t caught like you and you bring them to the authority, like a good dog. Has it ever occurred to you how much of a failure you’ve become ?”
“Then why did you stop ?”
“If I tell you the story, will you finally shut up ?”
“Worth it.”
Vampire Hero jumped over a couple of spikes, groaned when he realized that his jeans had a new hole, and said:
“Once upon a time, asshole, I was living happily in my castle all alone. I was rich, I was immortal, I had everything I wanted, and what I wanted was a lot of toys.”
He glanced around him, noticed nothing that indicated he was on the right path, and sighed.
“By toys I mean humans, of course. I chose among the prettiest, kindest, bravest, and I tortured them to death. I hurt them until they didn't have anything to break. I was good at it. I experimented things that would give you and all of you so-called Supervillains nightmares for years. But, you know. Decade after decade, still doing the same thing – I was getting bored. I felt empt- aw man, a dead end again ?”
He turned on his heels, swearing. That was obviously the wrong way to solve his problem. The walls were smooth and impossible to climb, so it had to be arranged. He caught a rock and throw it against the hard surface with a little more strength than necessary.
“Well, anyway. I heard there was a great conqueror who wanted the world. I made my first travel since decades, by curiosity. I wanted to see by myself who could challenge me.”
“And you fought him and you lost ?”
“I told you to shut up. I met her, and not long after I was her lucky, lucky husband. I never had her ambition, but of course I supported her. She encouraged my own little hobby in return, so I became her special torturer. My life was even more perfect, and there was this void inside me, and I hated it, and I didn't understand it. And what happened happened. I tortured the wrong person.”
“Define wrong ?”
“It was the daughter of a vampire hunter.”
“A poor choice.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. The guy was really good at his job. He was already pissed off because of the world-conquering plan, but after I did that, well, he cursed my wife and I – oh, enough with this.”
Punctured by rock impacts, the wall in front of him wasn’t so smooth anymore. Vampire Hero took a run-up, jumped and landed on the top of it. He had a nice view on the labyrinth now. For the first time, he took the right direction.
“ That’s cheating,” complained Villain.
“I don’t care.”
“What then ?”
“What then ? I had a bad century. The hunter couldn't kill me, so he drank my blood to prolong his own life and tortured me. He got good at it, too. I felt what I’d made the others feel, but only at first – after ninety years it was back to nothing. I was 300 years old and reality was fading. I was a leech. I hadn’t made a thing for myself.”
“You mean you went soft because of a little torturing?”
“No. I got old. When you have a couple of centuries, this torture-people-to-death shit doesn’t have the same kind of kick anymore. You try to get creative, but it doesn’t help. You feel nothing. So there’s nothing else you can do but stop. And speaking of stopping, it’s your turn.”
Vampire Hero was now at the center of the labyrinth. He jumped to a silver door, decided he was too done with the whole thing to use the knob, and broke it open.
Villain turned towards him, a small smile on her face, and opened her arms in a welcome gesture:
“Behold, vampire ! This room have been made of silver walls and floor. You won’t be able to enter without squirming in agony and -
Vampire Hero stepped in. Villain braced herself for his cries of pain, but there was none. He still looked bored out of his mind. There was a long silence.
“That’s – that’s not possible.”
Hero laughed. A slow, sinister laugh that made Villain’s eyes open wide.
“What are you ?” she whispered. “You can’t be a vampire. You should be crawling on the ground.”
“Don’t you listen ? I told you I’ve been tortured for decades. You know what an immortal body does when it regenerates back for the hundredth time ?"
He pointed to himself. There was a subtle change in his appearance. He still looked like his unimpressed self, but his usual lightness was replaced by something much darker. It was his eyes. Staring into them was like gazing into some horrible, nameless abyss. There was nothing human about them. They could only belong to some ghastly creature who'd lived centuries, not particularly nice ones.
Vampire Hero chuckled, and Villain shuddered.
"It gets tougher," he only said. "I’ve lost touch and taste. I feel nothing. Nor warmth or cold, and certainly not pain. My body is cut from the outside world. There's not much that feels real to me. You know what it is?”
He walked towards Villain, who took a step back and said:
“I hope you realize you’re monologuing yourself.”
“Habits die hard. I want to go back tonight and kiss my wife on the top of her head, just in the middle. It’s our habit. That’s all that matters. If I have to be on this side to support her, so be it. I don’t care about evil or good, and it won’t prevent me to eat your vocal chords if you’re off again. So, are you going to keep talking or finally shut the hell up ?”
“You know what, I think I’m good.”
Vampire Hero is a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
Have the CD guys ever read fanfic about themselves?
no, because back in the good ole days when the boys were still The Boys and darling scotty had not made his evil fuckboy transformation into Thot, they did a very silly segment on MTV that was sponsored by red bull, who, in my fake ncuniverse, collabed with grey goose,
and released these very crazy 4loko-esqe red/gray alcoholic energy drinks that the CD boys were taste-testing ( yes, they were Gone ) while they dramatically read and re-enacted the most vile, viral sex scenes written about them in aO3 fanfictions. it was...So Good.
( boxwinebaddie DEF made the cut, jsyk. xx )
but anyways, for con-sext, The Boys took turns reading...
kenny carried the whole thing on their back tbh ( all while wearing the skeleken facemask, might i add, which required them to suck their drink through a swirly straw...a lot of sucking jokes were made...smh )
scott, i think, had to pause every five seconds to laugh and when he wasn't, his med-student brain was looking too far into the logistics of all the sex positions and the motivations behind them...love him.
jimmy's performance was phenomenal, obviously, ( comedic legend ) but all the stuttering and slurring required subtitles, i fear. whaaack.
but, uh...speaking of Reading...and being Whack.
i just want to start out by saying...
Ravenstan...I Love You.
God Bless You, Baby.
you really....tried your Very Best.
...that man CANNOT read.
i need a ten minute super-cut of raven of crimson dawn trying to read because it is SOOOO Unserious. his dyslexia is soooo bad. RIP </3
however, i must say that i admire the confidence in which he very loudly and proudly read out words, smiled very cutely at the camera,
it was god tier comedy, i am not even joking, the boys regularly skipped turns so stan had to read more often...it was that funny, fml.
he would try to read something, sound it out, squint, tilt his head to the right like a small, confused dog and go:
"'his...Personal dick?' but that...doesn't even make SENSE??? pero like, Clearly it's Jimmy's Personal Dick and not someone elses?? so i don't know why xXdrummers-bang-harder-69Xx even Wrote that." :/
please note: scott and jimmy LITERALLY ABOUT TO START CRYING whilst kenny takes a v large slurp of their drink, also trying v hard not to cry like "rae, baby, i'm gonna hold your hand while i say this..."
*literally holds stan's hand.*
"it's not Personally...
...it's *Pulsating*.
'His /PULSATING/ Dick.'"
which i think they figured would’ve cleared that up, but, not enough, i guess bc ravenstan, squinting Again, said
"the stuff.....in orange juice?"
ft. jimmy shouting "AYOOOOOO! can we get some fanfictions with smaller w-w-words in them? because raven can't r-r-read."
Justice For My Sexy Dyslexy KING!!!! >:O
listen!!! he is Very Nice and Very Pretty, therefore, he does not NEED to know how to Read, okay?!!! he has Other People to read for him, namely, his super smart mega fine Law Student Boyfriend who rEADS TO HIM EVERY NIGHT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! he Won!!!
he did also say 'okay, FUCK YOU GUYS!' and scott legitimately waved the list and (th)said "i think you actually do that in thith next one."
WHICH????? the only thing funnier than stan trying to read on camera, is when they have to read any fic where ravenstan whips out...
when i tell you they were SCREAMING!!!! ohMyGOD.
that was sO FKN FUNNY to them, they were like OH MY GOD, RAVEN PUT THAT THING AWAAAAAAAY!!! ITS TOO LARGE WERE SCARED SKDJSLD dead, actually sooo dead...like their audience did not understand the context of that, but it was SOOOO unserious.
i swear the cd boys fave inside joke is to make an insane amount of out of pocket raven dick jokes in interviews, like i shit you not, they’re like "hi, sorry we're late! raven turned around too fast coming out of the shower, accidentally slapped us in the face with his HUGE DICK and knocked us out cold." SKHDD it happens so often ppl are literally Frothing At The Mouth trying to SEE IT.
like, besties...
I'm Gonna Hold Your Hand While I Say This.
Live, Laugh, Love My Boys. <3
-uncle nina, proud mother of four
( or, uh, Three ig )
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s1 episode 23 thoughts
back at it again with another post surgery painkiller and x-files combo, let's goooo!
i'm almost done with season 1, only 1 more episode! i'll have to see how long it took me to get to this point and then update accordingly- but i might finish today- which will be bittersweet
(update! i started watching 20 days ago, so a i'm at a little over an episode a day! wow, time flies. and yet it seems they have always been at my side)
anyway this episode was again Problematic but i did chronicle my journey like always. i am a citizen journalist.
episode opened with some math words, math words which i definitely knew the meaning of (/s)
then the scientist we see working on a sort of jet thing gets sucked into his jet- he was locked in there by the custodian- with a sound the closed captioning described as a "squishing thud" which was. unfortunate.
enter our duo! "how was the wedding?" "you mean the part where the groom passed out or the dog bit the drummer?" (mulder, teasingly) "did you catch the bouquet?" (scully, teasing back) "maaaaybe :)"
(your honor i would die for them. no hesitation. mulder, what do you care if she caught the bouquet? dreaming of her as a radiant bride or something? scully, you stringing him along with that imagery? lol. lmao, even. i need to put them in a bottle and study them)
another scientist is killed when the custodian puts him into liquid nitrogen which is not something i can endorse but he WAS rude asf so i get it. and then his ear falls off and crunches which was nasty!
scully says she has seen this happen on a fish before! mulder responds that this is not something they'll see on "beakman's world" (had to google that one but it seems to be a contemporary children's science programming of some sort. and there was a man in a rat suit playing a rat. which is absurdly funny to me. hold on NEED to get an image of him for you)
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i'm. gonna fucking cry why does he look like that. need to end this line of commentary here before i start begging for explanations on what the hell was going on in the 90's
so mulder seems to think that the custodian killed his boss and all the other members of this team working on the fancy jet stuff, which we know to be true but we don't know Why. turns out our custodian, roland, is the twin brother of the head scientist, arthur, who died a few months back, and has since had his brain placed in a cryogenic freezing chamber. JUST the head!
i love when scully and mulder need a visual on what a person would look like so they go to the woman in the fbi that presses some buttons on a computer and generates a dude. it brings me pleasure to no end. then they look at the guy like :0 yup that is exactly who we are looking for. i eat it up every time.
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she has two brothers, one older and one younger! (she's a middle child omg.........)
mulder thinks siblings have a psychic connection (which is actually deeply tragic if you consider his circumstances) and that the ULTIMATE psychic connection is between twins. so the twin that is currently in an icy soup is somehow connecting to the other twin to get him to kill all the other scientists and finish his research. sure. why not.
there's then a scene where mulder tries to walk in the wrong direction and scully has to correct him, which recalled him getting lost in the woods in an earlier episode i had No Positive Feelings Towards, but it does make him always driving funnier. like, can he follow a map but has no internal sense of direction? was the gps still in its early days? did he have one at all? how is he getting places? a lot of people want to know
the last remaining scientist who was not killed lowered the temperature on brain soup twin, which was stored in another part of the university campus where they worked. man my university campus has no jet propulsion wing OR brain soup section. did i get ripped off? what is my tuition even for?
anyway, the episode ends with the seeming psychic curse of soup twin being lifted from custodian twin, which we can hope to mean positive things moving forward
overall, like i said, any episode of a show from the 90's with the words "mentally challenged" in the description is bound to have aged poorly, which i am not surprised by- up there with the earlier Indigenous appropriation episode and the aforementioned episode i Shan't Name- but, we did learn things! for instance, that scully has 2 brothers (!!!), just went to a wedding where mulder teased her about maybe catching the bouquet (and also a dog bit a drummer, drop the full story time scully don't be shy), mulder believes in the psychic connection between siblings, and that there was a rat on a kid's show that was a mere man in a suit. that i'm still gonna cry laughing at.
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wisismydumpstat · 1 year
Tell us everything you feel about Ascians and Shadowbringers, do! You only get to do this for the first time once after all, and we're all dying to know what you think is going on, what you are pretty sure is going on, what you are positive is NOT going on and every speculation and heart palpitation you got so we can all bask in the confusion and hand flapping by proxy.
Sorry about the late reply, this week has been A Week!
I was kinda waiting until I was a bit closer to the end of 5.0 before doing this, but it sounds fun and I think it's funnier if I do this now and then I keep updating all the things I was wrong about as I get closer and closer to the reveals!
So! I am currently on quest Return to Eulmore, 24 quests left to reach the end of Patch 5.0, and those are my opinions and feels about... stuff!
Spoiler-filled text dump incoming!
Ascians Ascians are cool! :D I'm a sucker for immortals of any kind, I do like their possession gimmick, I like that they're way too intense no matter what they're saying. I don't particularly sympathize with their revealed backstory so far, and I'm glad the game brought up the whole "Cool motive, still murder" aspect of it. And that's just assuming I actually trust Emet-Selch, which would be a stretch.
An Emet-Stretch.
Please laugh.
2. Shadowbringers
I am really enjoying this expansion. I don't think it's a surprise to anyone at this point that I greatly enjoy drama and emotional pain, and this expansion is giving a lot of both in a very realistic way. I like the WoL's dialogue prompts getting angrier and snarkier as they get fed up with everything, I like people getting tired of all the secret-keeping and the moral ambiguity (Great for a plot, bad for a team), I like how hot Urianger is now, I love Alisaie having a well deserved turn on the spotlight, I like how hot Urianger is now, I like the whole "Ardbert and the WoL are friends now thanks to their mutual existential crisis" arc, I freaking love that Thancred is a dad now, and HAVE YOU SEEN URIANGER THIS EXPANSION??
3. Random speculation and thoughts!
I would like to punch Emet-Selch on the face. Amazing voice actor tho.
The whole absorbing-light-thingie is clearly bad. I would love to have something like an inner soul battle or something to destroy your corruption. Very Kingdom Hearts.
I... don't know what to think about the whole "Vauthry controls Sin Eaters" thing, but the way this expansion is going I fully expect to get into Eulmore and discover he has a disgusting one chained in a dungeon or something. Either that or Eulmore itself is a sin eater somehow. That'd be cool.
I don't trust the Crystal Exarch. At all. I would also like to punch him on the face, once I'm done with Emet-Selch. Which, admittedly, will take a while. This game has taught me that people with hoods and/or any way to cover their face are evil. Privacy bad.
Hydaelyn being a Primal makes So. Much. Sense. I was suspecting something was afoot since I realized every other deity and figure of legend was just a primal, but somehow I never made the connection.
Does that make the Echo just a very polite way of tempering?? Are the random flashbacks actually a "Go do my will" tactic instead of just a convenient plot artifact??
Someday I'll get Titania's theme out of my head.
It isn't gonna be today.
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dear-ex-person · 5 months
Dear ex-best friend,
Do you remember how we met? It was a bus in 8th grade, and we sorta knew each other but not really, and you were showing me pictures on your phone and there was an aroace flag in there and I went, “Me too!”
And from then on we were close! You introduced me to fandoms, and we texted so so much, and I think you smiled and laughed so much (but what if I’m making that up?). I practically had a crush on you! It was something I’ve only felt for a few people, and it was so strong, this queerplatonic or alterous or whatever attraction . There was a time in 9th grade when one of our friends saw us laughing over some fandom thing and told me we had incredible chemistry, and I just giggled and informed that other friends that we were both aroace.
So yeah, we were close. I loved you more than I loved anyone, probably. You laughed so much. We talked every day, we made silly joking threats, it was fun.
What happened?
We’re still friends, but I don’t know how much either of us want to be. I don’t know what changed! What happened, what happened?
You never smile around me, you don’t laugh, you take all my jokes like they’re serious statements in this way you never did before. I’m trying, I swear, I’m trying so hard, but you never seem happy with what I’m saying! I try to be funnier than usual, even, but you don’t laugh. You laugh with everyone else! You share fandom things with everyone else! But when I start reading a whole four volume translation of an ancient book because it relates to your main fandom that I like too, you seem annoyed. Do you think I’m trying to one-up you? To take over your thing? Or do you just… hate me, for some reason I can’t imagine?
Last year we sat next to each other in class and elbowed each other until one of us gave up, and we laughed about it. This year I tap you on the head and you ask me to stop, please don’t do that again, you’re not mad I just should know. And that’s ok, but what changed? Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong?
I hate hate hate how I fucking feel around you. I just want to know what I did wrong! I have to have, right? Did I say something wrong? Is there some belief of mine that you hate, but you’re too polite to say it? Is it something about me as a person? Did I fuck up and say something insensitive on accident one too many times?
I miss being able to make you laugh. Now I could say anything and you’d just stare, or act like I said something FUCKING WRONG, something strange and horrible, WHAT DID I DO WRONG? I can’t TALK TO YOU! I can’t bring this up to anyone, because we’re all one friend group and you laugh with all of them.
There’s one thing you did that makes me want to break ties, even though we can’t because one big friend group. One of my other friends from another group, someone I love so so so so much, said one tiny insensitive thing in a class the two of you have, and you brought it up. And I know it was a topic extremely personal to you, but when I left the conversation and came back ten minutes later YOU WERE STILL FUCKING TRASH TALKING THEM! For one thing, for one insensitive but fair comment, you acted like they were the world’s largest piece of shit. You said “I think people shouldn’t voice their negative opinions of others” and then talked shit about someone I love and trust for way longer than made sense. Is that why you seem to hate me? Because I’m friends with them?
They’re a better friend than you.
There are times when you don’t seem to hate me, or be annoyed or bored with me, or whatever. Times when you spill your issues, and I pick at leaves and listen and you say you’re so glad we’re friends now and I say I am too and it sounds so toxic when I type it out but it doesn’t feel that way in those moments! I don’t think you’re doing any of this intentionally, I’m just hurt for no reason or something.
I wish we could have back what we had. I miss texting with you. I miss seeing your face light up. I miss loving you.
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drawnaghht · 2 years
ok, so, I'm seeing that apparently some folks are scared to use the yuinardo tag for the Yuichi x Rise!Leo ship bc maybe 1-2 ppl are now suggesting that it should be for the Yuichix12!Leo ship (which I wasn't aware of).
please don't do that. The tumblr tagging is confusing enough xD
Basically, it's ok to have multiple tags for multiple kinds of the "same ship". Basically, I made this ship tag specifically for the Yuichi x Rise!Leo ship back in october because I thought a funnier or light-hearted sounding name would be fun - it combines Yuichi and Leo's nickname Nardo cuz well, those are both unique parts of their names.
But I also I made it bc I wanna eventually write a tmnt crossover where both leosagi (03) and yuinardo (these younger ones) show up as pairings, and wanted something that sounded unique and - smth that's become a "discussion topic" now in fandom - separate the tags a bit! cuz I like going into one tag and seeing one kind of ship vs multiple different kinds. it's confusing after a while.
so if you want to use it too, keep using it and see if others pick it up! I'll prob keep using it bc the Leochi/Leoichi tags are confusing to use for my dumb simple brain.
i don't know what could be a good tag for Yuichi x 12!Leo, but imo the peeps who ship it should decide themselves. I guess something like 12!Leochi would make sense based on previous shipname conventions or maybe 12!yuinardo if it's smth people really like to use
I've seen one person tag the transfem version of both (?) as "Blue Sapphics" and that's valid, sounds like a nice tag.
I had a longer post written for this but I am too tired to edit and post it rn
Here's the og post where I discussed it back in december 2022. The tag is only 3 or so months old but sdfsd I only see Rise Leo in it so far:
anyway, ship names are supposed to be just fun and easy to use so that was my main motivation to make a new one cuz it seemed a bit confusing to use the leosagi one originally :'D
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ivyroseposin · 1 year
Confidence Is Key- A Papa Secondo, One-Shot- Fan Fic
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Papa Secondo and Reader (Even though the the character name is Ann )
Summary: Sometimes confidence is key and sometimes it ends up with Secondo and Ann in an office... Doing stuff
Ps- This is the first smut smut that I've done so it wont be the best...
2.7k Words
Here I was at the ministry at 9:00pm waiting for my best friend to show up. Don't know what it was about her but she was always late even back in school every period she was late and one time she had classes beside each other and she managed to be 30 minutes late it didn't make sense. Papa Terzo was hosting his weekly Sunday party that filled what seemed the entire building up. People drinking, smoking and trying to do some very not so PG stuff. I stared around looking for Secondo my all time crush ever since he became papa but it seemed he was no where to be seen. That’s the only reason why I ever came and of course because of my friend…mostly.. 
I stared around the room trying to find V and soon enough she appeared though the crowd looking wonderful as always. “You made it” I said. “Oh gosh if I don't come Terzo may have my head and I simply don't have time for that” She laughed grabbing a drink off the tray. “I would kill to see that” I nudged her shoulder. I would tell her about the rum in the glasses but as her friend I thought it would be funnier to see. “Of course you would but you would also kill to see Secondo naked in which I am terrified that you will actually kill someone to see him naked” She said before downing her drink. “Why must he put rum in a champagne glass is he trying to get people drunk” She grumbled. 
“That man is hot I don't know how you don't find him attractive he is literally a god and a god that I would love to fuck maybe marry not sure where I stand at that but he is a man and I love a man that is hot” I said looking over at her. As always she was now in her world not ever paying attention. Before I could grab her attention in the corner of my eye I saw him. 
I looked over seeing him in his glory with his rob and full make up. I guess it was one of those parties but my god did he look as good as ever. “V its Secondo” I said to her still she was looking around in her own world. “Are you listening its secondo” I nudged her till she looked over at me then up at the balcony. “Talk to him then huh” She nudged me back. I took a chug of my drink my heart beating faster than I wanted it to. “And stop drinking the last thing you need is a drunk Ann talking to that whore of a man” she said reaching grabbing the glass out of my hand. “I'm not bad just a little bit out of control” I replied trying to take the glass back. 
“No but go have fun with him or whatever I'm gonna go find Terzo god forbid this man is somewhere in the middle of this place dancing his life away” She said pushing me away into the pit of people I really didn't want to go through. 
I huffed as I pushed my way through all the dancers. As I got to the middle it was mostly people making out and just standing still. The whole point of being in the middle is to dance not try to make a damn baby. What seemed like minutes I finally made my way through the lust and sweat of people. Wasn't that pretty to say the least. 
“Ann” I heard the familiar voice. I looked up sure enough it was the one and only Secondo calling my name. “Wow you remembered what a shocker” I chuckled. As much as I sounded confident my heart was no longer apart of my body it ran away probably back into the pit of people. “You make it seem like I am forgetful” He said as he leaned onto the balcony “You always seemed to be one” I replied. Seriously have no idea how I was talking to him like this. We weren't like V and Terzo they were best friends. Secondo and I well we just ended up talking at parties that was all. “A shame you think that and a shame you think someone would forget someone like you Ann” He said the last part is a whisper that just was melting my legs. “Dully noted” I smiled as a person walked by with a tray of drinks. “Want one” I asked grabbing two of the tray. “Walk up darling” He pointed to the stairs behind him. So I did walking past another group of people was met with ghouls standing near the stairs. “Water” I nodded as he moved out the way. “Beautiful as always” He whispered as I walked past him. “Didn't take you for a flirt” I whispered. “Always was love” He replied. 
“Why is it that every party you come with a different dress never seen the same one worn again” Secondo asked as I handed him his drink. “Oh c'mon the clergy asking you to party can’t dare to wear the same dress too many hot men'' I replied leaning up against the balcony. “Uh yes of course” He chuckled, leaning beside me. “What's with the fancy dressing and face paint” I asked staring at he beautiful make up he put on. I was seriously down for this man it was concerning and V was correct I would literally kill to get to this man. 
“Father wanted so he said we needed to dress the best for the evening” He replied drinking from the glass. “But its Terzos party isn't Terzo the one who comes up with the dress code” I asked. “Father is weird and said we must be fancy so we dress fancy” He replied staring down at his outfit. I wonder how we would.. you know what never mind… 
“You look good either way” I stared down at his outfit then back up at him. He stared at me with a small smile to his face. His eyes lowering down to my dress then up to my face. “I know I look amazing” I did some sort of pose that was failing miserably. “You do” Was all he said before drinking the rest of what was in the glass.  
The music changed and only got louder words got out to the ghouls that they saw Terzo and V leave the building to go somewhere. Secondo wasn't the happiest that Terzo left his own party but what much could he do. 
“How often does he piss you off” I asked. By now he was much closer to me then before. Since the music was so loud it only got harder to hear each other. “Often but he means well” He chuckled staring out into the crowd. “I must admit as much as I love your parties I prefer Terzo's” I wasn't lying but what I said secondo parties were always filled with more women then men finding men was like finding Waldo. “Oh my darling stabs me right to the heart” he groaned hitting his hand to his chest. “You know how hard it was to find a man like just a man was nearly impossible” I nudged him earning a laugh. “Yeah yeah” he whispered.
I stared into the dancing crowd seeing everyone just enjoying and having the time of their life. As much as there were hot men that I could hook up with the one beside me was really the only one I wanted as cheesy as it may be but the good news of the night was I was never his type and well for that he never thought of me as someone then just a friend at a party. 
“What is on your mind darling” He asked. I could feel his eyes burning on me without having to look at him. “Figuring out who the hell im gonna sleep with tonight” I looked over at him a loud chuckle left his lips. Whatever I had drink was in more control then I was and truly could not care. “A question” I lean closer towards his ear. “A answer” He whispered. “How do you fuck someone in that” I ask. He looked down at his feet then up at the crowd. I have no idea what I was doing and I just might make an embarrassment out of myself. “Not as hard as you think” He whispered.
I couldn't help but look away from his eyes. As much as this drink was making me confident there was no control of the blush that covered my cheeks and him staring at him would only make things worse.”For someone so confident you dont looking me in the eyes” He whispered so close to my ear I could feel his hot breath. I turned my head staring right into his eyes. Only inches or closer then that. “For someone who is so confident and powdered your eyes so yet so soft”. Secondo was always known to be the tough guy and the scary one but his eyes told something much different. I looked away from him yet again my hearting beating faster then ever and a cold chill running down my spine. 
As I his eyes burned into my skin. I watched people dancing away on the dance floor till one spotted my eye. The most annoying human ever to exist.
 “Oh Christ its Gio” I huffed pushing myself up. “Gio” He asked looking up at me. “Come here” I grabbed the collar of his suit pulling him up towards me. I played with the collar of his suit while inching my body closer to him. “Gio is some dude who likes me so very much and I don't like him very much” I explained looking up at Secondo who was much taller than I was, “Your doing more than just trying to get him away” He whispered inching closer to my face. “No I wouldn't dare”. 
I pulled him in closer sliding my hand down his chest down to his hips down to his thighs. “My friend Ann is up there” I heard Gio explain to Water or at least was trying to. “Yeahh she's busy my friend come back later” Water replied “Ann hiii” Was all I heard before the ghouls moved him away. As everything around us happened. There was one thing Secondo and I were good at and that was keep eye contact. “You ok” I asked hovering my hand over his hard that his suit would not hide. “You wouldn't dare” he mumbled. “Your right I wouldn't” I replied pulling away. “Good night Secondo” then I pulled my hand off him walking past him barley being able to walk down the stairs.
“Jesus Christ” I whispered to myself as I turned the hall. I had no idea what I just did and I was really gonna regret this tomorrow and I truly wish V was here at this moment. I rushed down the hall wanting to get away from the music and just people as much as the drinks were affecting me. I wasn't all that drunk and sober Ann was freaking out. 
I walked into an empty room shutting the door before I paced back and fourth. Should have I just left, yes that would have been smart but at this moment I am not. “What did I do” I whispered taking a seat on the couch. 
I sat on the couch thinking what I could say to him or V how would I explain what I did maybe V was right maybe I am out of control when I drink. All the thoughts stopped when a there was a knock on the door “yeah” I answered still sitting. The door opened and around the corner came Secondo. “Don't you have a balcony to attend” I asked. He stayed silent walking towards me. “Or don't answer at all” I chuckled. 
He stood in front of me reaching his hand to my lips pulling on my lower lip. “Just gonna stand there” I asked standing up. “A creep really”. I walked past him leaning against the desk. He turned around watching me. “Nothing” I asked. It was getting weird. 
He stepped closer closing the gap kissing my lips. I kissed him grabbing ahold of whatever part of clothing I could. “You wouldn't dare” He whispered between the kiss pushing me up onto the desk. Moans escape my lips as his bare hand slid up my thigh. His kissed my lips then my jaw towards my neck. His tongue slide down my neck towards my chest. “You wouldn't dare” I repeated. “Oh I would” he replied pushing my dress up pulling down the decent lace thinking no one would see it. 
His lips went up back to my jaw then to lips more aggressive then before. The lust and sweat was now filling the room but this time it was just us and no one else. I lifted his robe placing my legs around his hips. “You say you can fuck in this” I whispered staring into his eyes that had now darken. “Show me”. Without hesitation he unzipped the second part of his suit realising his dick. “Of course you wouldn't wear anything else”. 
I grabbed ahold of his hard stroking him ever so slowly. His head fell back small moans escaping. “Fuck me” I said pulling up my dress more. He kissed my lips bitting down on my bottom lip.With his on hand on my hip and the other on my thigh I felt him slowly slide in me. “Oh god” I moaned. “Fuck my love” He moaned placing his head between my neck as he thrusted into me slowly. “I'm not here for slow and careful” I whispered pulling him in by my legs. “Fucking hell’ He whispered his pace fastening. 
“Oh god Sec” I moaned falling back onto the desk. He grabbed ahold of my neck as he his thrusts turned into pounds. The pencils and pens began to fall onto the desk as he got rougher. “Yes fuck” I moaned. “Jesus christ” he whispered kissing my chest up to my boob and sucking my skin. “Oh fuck” I moaned. I could feel him pulsing inside me and god I wanted all of him.. “God woman you- feel amazing” he barley got out. By now the entirety of the desk was shaking. I pushed myself back up barley pulling him close to my body as he slammed into my pussy his dick only feeling better by the minute. 
“BOSS FATHER CALLING FOR A MEETING” We heard water yell from the other end of the door. “I- IN oh fuck” He whispered into my neck “ILL- B- BE THER- SOON -G- GO AW-AY” He could barley get out. “Oh god im gonna cum” He whispered his pace only fastening. “Cum in me” I whispered. “Fuck Ann” He moaned one last time. 
As he slolwed down I felt the warm cum fill inside me his dick throbbing. “Ohh”I moaned almost feeling to cum. He soon fastened his pace holding my tightly onto my ass. ‘Oh god oh fuck” I moaned. “Cum for me” He said. “Oh oh god” I screamed feeling the release. “Ohhh” I moaned as he slowed down. “Good girl” he said as he pulled me up kissing his lips. “You are magic” He whispered as we kissed again. “A compliant” I laughed as he want onto his knees. We kept eye contact as he spread my legs licking my pussy filled with his and I’s cum. “Christ” I moaned throwing my head back. “You have black makeup all over you” he chuckled standing back up. 
“You have red lipstick all over you and your makeup is smeared” I pointed to his face. “Wait for me my dear I have a meeting” he whispered as he fixed his clothes. “Mhm I’ll be waiting” I replied standing up fixing my dress. “Good” He whispered walking away. I grabbed ahold of his hand pulling him back into me kissing his lips. “Have a good meeting” I whispered letting go of his hand. 
He chuckled turning around and walking out the office. Water and Omega stared at the door. “Gentlemen” He nodded walking past them. “Ann” They nodded walking away. 
Holy shit. 
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
Hi can i get a nijisanji matchup if u dont mind (:
Male nijisanji en member :DD
Pronouns:He/him(literally any of those)
Sexuality:Gay for the homies....jk im bisexual.But men.My favorite genre of men is men who seems cool-headed but turns hot-headed whenever he plays amongus cause they're so fun to annoy(i may not have a type,but i have a pattern.and that's men.That's it.I'm so sorry for putting you through this but this sounded funnier in my head)
Zodiac:...what is a zodiac.I was born on April 12th if that helps?
Appearance:176 cm,almost a literal twig(i make up strength with agility i swear),dark brown eyes,short fluffy(?) brown hair??like those kinda wavy hair thing tho sometimes i tuck my bangs behind my ear like a disney princess if the temperature's hot,i don't neccesarily wear edgy clothes,sometimes i just find what's comfortable or i dress like a manhwa male lead.One day you see me in a black turtleneck and white shirt and the next day you see me in a blown up two piece suit while playing the most random stuff ever.I guess i have like a small waist??my friends told me i have those thin waists than even a corset wouldn't affect me(send help) oh and i had an era where i had waist length hair and ended up cutting it out of impulse,i only have like 3 fingers on my left hand cause im missing a pinky and ring finger(i honestly dont have any trouble against it i just think its annoying that i cant remember what even happened to begin with)
Mbti:ENTP/INTP(sometime si get entp sometimes i get intp)
Personality:Pain in the ass.Metaphorically.I will not hesitate to say something so abominably horrendous for the sake of arguing cause it's my favorite passtime.I'm the embodiment of that one character who never dies in a series and die at the end of the series from a tapeworm cause it felt lonely--On super duper rare occasions i get serious when it comes to problems but that's just a whole nother person atp,i'd be serious and maybe waaaaay too logical and blunt....but i still have a sense of humor tho
Likes:When people just randomly ramble to me,random 3 am shower thoughts,crabs(they taste good i swear),the concept of death(not in the depressing way i meant as in 'what if i die from a washing machine while showering' type of thoughts),physical touch and affection,i'd literally propose to someone if they'd let me doodle(rick astley) on their skin for funsies
Dislikes:Curfews,this thing we call math,toxic parents like if i see one im deadass gonna roast the hell out of them and mentally adopt the child(this happened like 3 times and im a children magnet atp)
Love language:
Giving:Words of affirmation(affectionate insults),physical touch
Receiving:Words of affirmation(affectionate insults),quality time
Extra:I get hurt kind of often so they'd probably see bandage rolls in the trashcan everyday,i actually love math but the act of actually counting the numbers makes me sick/lh,my room is a literal shipwreck unless someone scolds me to actually clean up my room LMAO usually i have to keep up a reputation so sometimes it's a shock to people that think that im introverted
i pair you with…
Uki Violeta!
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hear me out…
• you are literally uki reincarnated
• i swear i didnt do this just because both of you are gay
• it works out great though
• you and fulgur probably jokingly fight for uki’s love
• omg imagine you went on Luca’s dating show and thats how you both realized that you loved each other
• might be writing a fic ab that…
• Uki knows your room is a wreck and he will FORCE you to clean that shit. he’ll also help u if u beg enough
• Uki also knows how often you get hurt and he’s always there to help, whether that be wrapping you up, or just giving you soft kisses <3
• its just so fluffy and cute and adorable and
• sorry this is really short, i am extremely sick but i’m trying to pop out all these reqs!!!
RUNNERS UP: Fulgur Ovid, Claude Clawmark
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sonnet141snz · 2 years
Council Meeting
Ok sooo I finally done it! This is the first time I’m posting original content here and I’m quite nervous about it, but these characters just wouldn’t stop banging inside my head so I just had to do it. But anyway, don’t mind me lol.
This story is set in a dystopian world where each high born family has some sort of supernatural ability. The two main characters are Aiden and Callum. They kinda hate each other at this point by the way lol. Aiden is the crown prince and has ice powers. Kinda like Jack Frost lol. Callum is a metal manipulator and is the fourth son of the Daewynn family. He’s at that council meeting for… reasons lol. I’ll explain later why his father or his three older brothers aren’t there to represent their family.
Anyway I’ll stop rambling now. If by any chance anyone is interested I can do a more detailed description of the two of them, but for now that’s it I guess :)
Needless to say, minors DNI. And please don’t reblog this on non kink blogs.
“We’ll close the damn gates to the peasants then. They belong in the battlefield anyway, not the capital.”
That prick. How could someone be such an asshole? This is exactly why Aiden absolutely hated these Council Meetings. It was depressing enough to sit here and talk about warfare, and now he had to deal with arrogant bastards like Brandel.
“Tell me, Lord Brandel, didn’t your own men die in that same battlefield? Although I suppose I shouldn’t sound so shocked, considering it’s you we’re talking about.”
The temperature in the room rose. Lord Emyr Brandel stood and looked at Aiden as if he was scolding a dog for eating his lunch. It made sense, really. As pyrotechnics, the Brendels were natural enemies to his family and had always felt like they should be the ones sitting on the throne.
“I am not having my honor questioned by a boy, ” he practically roared.
Oh. He looks absolutely furious. Now that’s some fun Aiden thought he wouldn’t have today, especially not here. He smiled at the challenge and said nonchalantly as he made the temperature in the room drop several degrees.
“I am not questioning your honor, Lord Brandel. I’m denying its existence.”
At the far end of the table, Aiden caught a glimpse of Callum, raising his eyebrows and smirking. He was fidgeting — more like playing really, with a sphere of pure gold he always seemed to carry around everywhere, changing its shape to a dragon, sigil of the Brandels, a crown atop its head.
Aiden couldn’t help but glare at him but decided to say nothing about it.
“You little- we shall hear what the king has to say about this.”
“No, we shan’t. This meeting is over.” Aiden said.
The members of the Small Council stood, Lord Brandel being the first to storm out of the room, Callum being the last. Or at least he would have been.
“You’re not that funny you know?”
Callum looked over his shoulder, the little golden ball morphing itself into a necklace, a pendant that looked like a shield hanging on it.
“Oh, I know I’m not. Your reaction was much funnier, Your Highness.”
Aiden closed the distance between them and could have sworn he saw Callum shiver a bit. Most people did though. Not exactly out of fear (although he supposed some did) but because they actually felt cold when they were around him. But not him. Not ever. Something about metal manipulators being able to endure both high and low temperatures alike or whatever. Come to think of it, this was the first time Aiden actually got a good look at him today. His cheeks were flushed same as his nose, and there were dark circles under his eyes, a sight he never thought he’d see. He was about to respond to Callum’s provocation, when he saw a hazy look across his face. The scar that practically divided his face in half, beginning on his left eyebrow all the way to his right lower cheek, scrunching a bit. Aiden never understood why he didn’t have the Healers get rid of it. He was certain they could make it look as if it was never there to begin with. Every metal manipulator he’s ever known has lost at least a finger or two, and he was sure Callum did too. So why wouldn’t he have this one specifically healed? All his fingers were there, and he didn’t seem to carry any other scars, not visible ones anyway. So why— 
“— nkggt! Nggxt!” Callum’s shoulders shuttered with the effort. He stayed in place for a few seconds as if in anticipation, but finally decided to turn back around as he lowered his arm.
“Sorry.” He murmured, probably out of mere habit.
Well, that’s unusual. Men like Callum never showed their “weaknesses”, even when they were bleeding out right in front of you, especially not in front of Aiden. And for Callum to apologize too… something was definitely wrong. Either way, Aiden chose not to acknowledge it and decided to carry on with their usual banter.
“I don’t believe I reacted in anyway, Lord Daewynn.”
“Oh but you did. It was quite amusing seeing you talk to Brandel like that too. I didn’t know you had that in you.” He gave a wet sniffle as quietly as he possibly could and rubbed his knuckles at his nose.
“Well maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”
Another sneeze. This time it was only half successful and the goblets still at the table, the chandeliers and his own necklace shook a bit. After that display, Aiden decided he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
“Alright, what’s the matter with you?”
Callum stopped rubbing at his nose almost immediacy as if coming back to reality and said “What do you mean ‘what’s the matter’ with me?”
Unfortunately for him and without his consent, his chest jumped and he uttered a barely audible sneeze once more, even more forceful than the last three.
Aiden only stared at him for a brief moment and said “You know, you really shouldn’t do that.”
For how long has he been doing that anyway? If his powers were starting to go haywire like that, probably for quite some time.
“Do what, sneeze in front of my prince? I’m so sorry Your Highness, but I can’t exactly help it, can I?”
Aiden rolled his eyes “I meant trying to be so damn polite about it. It’s not like you’ve ever done that before anyway.”
He might not exactly like the guy but he wasn’t that cruel. It weirdly bothered him to see Callum look so miserable. Besides, it was not that fun to taunt him when he was in such a state. He was not one to kick a man when he is down.
“I assume you don’t want to get stabbed by every piece of metal in this room, so I’m afraid I have to.”
“You, caring about my well-being? I’m flattered,” Aiden says, raising a hand to his chest to emphasize his statement.
“Not really, no. It just would be such a nuisance to kill the crown prince, and I really do enjoy my freedom, so I’d rather avoid it.”
Aiden chuckled at that “Fair enough.”
For a moment they just stared at each other until Aiden realized that his cold nature might not be exactly helping Callum. Suddenly, he felt surprisingly guilty for lowering the temperature so much when Brandel tried to defy him.
“Go rest, Callum. You look like you need it.”
The only answer he got was a quick nod before Callum left the room. He lingered there for a bit, looking at the now crumpled goblets at the council table, before finally returning to his rooms.
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Star Wars: Visions S2
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Instead of doing awards, I'll just do thoughts.
The Sith - It's up and down for me because I really like the aesthetic and it looks gorgeous at times almost like spiderverse but also very corrupted, like I get why everything's a canvas and how the colors change depending on what's happening but I actually wasn't sure if it was supposed to look like that at first, it looked corrupted or glitched and I had to look up some more footage to make sure. Weird.
Screecher's Reach - I feel like there's a trend with these shorts where there's a potential Jedi, a Sith shows up, they defeat it, the end. Like, I get that you're pressed for time but I've thought of all kinds of diverse shorts in general. Here's one right now, have someone scarred by a lightsaber keep one in their drawer, scared of the thing. They challenge themselves more and more to look at this thing, to touch it, to even go as far as to grab it but nothing more, we never see any colors. Then there's a disaster (house crumbles on the pet Massiff or something) and they have to use the lightsaber to cut them out of the rubble. They begin to learn new ways and uses for it. Cutting crops, starting a fire, etc. Really push the limit of what a lightsaber can be used for and how it reacts in certain situations. Anyways, as for Screecher's Reach, the style is unique and it's an interesting ending but nothing beyond that, just like half a prologue. Don't just bank on a twist or sequel, give me flavor.
In the Stars - Easily the best one so far, and I do mean that for both seasons. Other than Tales of the Jedi, this is the best thing I've seen in Star Wars in a while. The claymation, the hieroglyphics and the tribal-like setting, the characters, the plot, the scenery, it all just works. Give me this. I'll be surprised if anything surpasses it in this season.
I Am Your Mother - Play on the- I don't have to explain it but it sounds cool already. Not sure how they could top the last one though. It was good though, another claymation with british humor AND IS THAT AARDMAN?! FINALLY! It'd be a lot funnier if the mom was evil though and that's why the daughter is embarrassed. (Creates mini Death star) "Mom!" "I can't help it honey, it's how I was raised."
Journey to the Dark Head - Film level. Wow. Had to shut everything else out after this one so it could consume my thoughts. And people were disappointed with this??
The Spy Dancer - That sounds...really cool actually but eh. I see that they followed tradition in a way, a lot closer to something you'd see in S1 but I imagine it better as a Clone Wars episode where they're watching the opera (like in ROTS) and the performers use that to extract information whereas in this one, the actual spy part was a failed attempt because we didn't get to see what would've happened with that, we can only imagine. Fight dancing is cool and all but I just think it could've been delivered better.
The Bandits of Golak - 3D, fancy shaders, could've been about anything. Might've had a more interesting dynamic should he have resented her for her powers, idk.
The Pit - Sarlacc? No, a dark little oppression short. I'm not too sure what to think about this one, definitely interesting. The whole chanting thing was a bit cheesy though.
Aau's Song - Big finale. What'd they save for last? The Halo theme is magical, I'll tell you what. I'm interested in these creatures, I want to see more of them in the Star Wars universe, perhaps even Aau herself but the plot remains an AU. Its a strong premise, though different from Star Wars lore, it makes sense that the kybers would have a voice since they "scream" at ignition and its implied that being in its raw form can cause damage as well, making the saber the tool that grants it a voice and manipulates it. I always love the exploration of kybers in general from quests to get them in TCW and Fallen Order to having them be a part of Jedi Knight II in weird, unconventional ways. And the styling of this short is neat, they have set models for everything, just change the eyes and switch out the heads sparingly to accommodate the mouths and such. It reminds me of something you'd see out of Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio.
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werewolfoverlord12 · 2 years
Addendum Post Fall 7
@littjara-compleated-sage @delta-hexagon
Several hours later, Urabrask sat, reclining in Lab 1, replaying the past hours events over and over again in his head.
None of it made a Phyrexian Curse Word ounce of sense.
He grinned biting his knuckle; he loved it.
Confusion, chaos, questions; it fed his spirit each time something made him shake his head. Living people hated it because their lives were confusing enough, and there far more questions than answers already.
But... there was something insanely entertaining feeling your brain running around in circles as questions flew by.
He laughed and felt his brain relax; the Living worried about the future because it came so fast and yet worrying about it made even less sense than magical gold oil flowing down his spine into a stinger that wasn't there that morning.
The future was coming regardless, so why not enjoy every second you have with people and things that might not always be there.
He dropped his feet down from the one empty area on the console before spinning around in his chair.
He'd learned the sensation of your head feeling unstable and your stomach turning over on itself was called Dizzy.
Despite feeling ill for a few minutes afterwards, he found something enjoyable about the feeling too.
He glanced over at Jin Gataxias, "What's wrong Gaxy?"
"Your antics make no sense. You learn nothing from spinning in the same area again and again, besides your frail, imperfect body grows ill."
Urabrask laughed, "That's the point. It's called 'Fun', you giant stick in the mud."
"Negative. I am Jin-gataxias, not a Stick, and my current location is a holding cell, not mud."
Urabrask grinned broadly; turns of phrase made Jin not only confused as hell, but infinitely frustrated.
"It means you're a party pooper." Urabrask said, using another one Amelia had explained to him.
Jin growled, "One does not defecate a celebration."
As Urabrask burst out laughing Sheoldred sighed, "He means you are ruining his fun by being your normal self."
"Why did he not just say that to begin with?" Jin asked.
"Because it's funnier watching your brain blow a gasket." Urabrask said.
"My brain does not contain a gasket!" Jin Gataxias said.
Sheoldred groaned, "By the Oil, you are dense."
"My alloy density has nothing to do with our current conversation." Jin gitaxias said.
"BE QUIET! ALL OF YOU!" Elesh Norn shouted.
Urabrask's laughter abruptly stopped, "What's wrong? Not enjoying the show?"
Elesh Norn turned her eyeless face towards him, "No. You assist the imperfect in continue to exist in ignorance, you mock your fellow Praetors, you HELPED our enemies capture us and reduce us to torsos in glass tubes! What part of this is enjoyable?"
Urabrask got to his feet, and walked around the console towards Elesh Norn's tank, "Says the entity who took pleasure in destroying others individuality and free will. I'm sure becoming a test subject isn't something the great Elesh Norn would ever have thought of when she imagined her future... but let's be honest," he stepped close to the tank, "I would have burned you in my furnace before i ever bowed to you, you narcissistic zealot."
As he turned to walk back to the console, a sound above him caught his attention; hidden within the complex canopy of wires, tubes and ductwork were two crouching figures.
Glissa Sunslayer and Ezuri, Stalker of the Spheres.
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kuraikyu · 2 years
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ㅤ𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓'𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 demure lingered, and re-kindled velvety with a faux sense of glamour; like the Moon welcomes the Sun in that sacred fraction of second before each shall return to reign their kingdoms. This childish, arrogant display, in contrast to succours in wanhope and distress silverette so pompously enforced, was naught but a shell emblazoned with spikes in place of gemstones where his more vulnerable side took shelter from external influence and emotional maelstrom. Physically Satoru could not be threatened nor easily challenged, but there were other ways around. When the serpent knows he can't win by sending head and fangs, other cards need to be used just like sending a tail under the table. This whole time during Gojo's presence he felt watched, not by people around but under the heft of scorching gaze coming from all his six eyes he so profoundly perceived with his every fiber; if not sixth sense. It was disturbing yet thrilling all at once. The curse user's amusement did not seem to falter, still so where shoulders slouch loose tension, there words conjure a snag of invisible thread such as chuckle-snort when ashy eyebrows knit together.
'' My, aren't you quite feral today? ~ And I barely did a thing! Well, someone has to be honest with you if others refuse to do so. But I am not here to play awakening to your sense and sound, lest your ask prove too great and wearisome, '' a disparaging click of tongue in the context of response leaked with impartiality if only not old remnants of tenor hinting his sense of nurture, '' and you know, coming from you ... speeches about anyone else being overly-dramatic sounds even funnier. I have a feeling no matter what I would tell you today it may ring threat in your ears. Know that if I am ever to come with one, I'll make sure it won't be hollow. But of course, at the same time, I know you are overly prone to complicate things over nothing, Satoru. ''
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He smoothened the mysteriously prolonged hum, " Are two sides of the same coin still a part of one whole? '' An answer served right back in a question. And this diabolic sting dives deep, for Satoru sure knows where Geto was going with that one.
'We are alike' - caused a barely noticeable but erratic twitch of lip-corner. That part spun in his ears like a mantra that made his nose lightly scrunch. Life just won't stop being one big, f*cking joke. Yet another nostalgia balancing on a bittersweet threshold. One would have to be stupid to not see the aggregate conjunction of their very existence. Like Yin & Yang ... day and night ... in tempers and colors ... hell, even their names and last names shared the same initials. How utterly frustrating their overall connection was. But unlike Satoru, no longer had he ingrained sense of structural integrity, and maybe even there was a symbolic meaning to it. If there ever was a virtue he valued, it was diligence and humility, and certainly, someone missed the latter.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤW̩̍h̩̍y did he not come searching for him.
The Honored One should have chosen him, not them, those, damn monkeys, over his best friend and brother, and what's even worse? His own kind.
This is something he shall never forgive him. During their school days, Geto himself would die for him and Shoko, but apparently, one fated day when his resentment festered in malevolent tenebris - he was forced into a brutal awakening and a reminder that he was alone ...
Enough. He'll rather wait for his weak moment to happen just so he could personally rip the heart out of Satoru Gojo's body pierce it with ritual dagger, hang and frame it all-picture-perfect as a museum exhibition made for odes to glorify its fractured figments of splendour; rather than watch how he continues to protect the unworthy vermin that needs to be eradicated in spite of those old, noble ideals he so profoundly used to believe in until his moral compass turned topsy turvy. But these were dangerous thoughts he refused to dwell on in public. The last time such brooding invaded the obscure gardens of Suguru's mind-scape it had but only violent endings; full of roaring rage, choking on his own venom, punching reflection in the mirror with bloodshot eyes so hard that the shards in his flesh reminded more of a blooming Spider Lily in the backdrop of impendent gloom by dusk than an actual appendage.
He purposely left the mention of close-knit naivety without a fruity comment as the urge to lash tongue forth saying 'you mean the way I felt those past three years' ticked strong. Infinity spares no one, but neither does void. At last, the traitor's gaze which seemingly tried to avoid eye contact with his former friend this whole time shifted focus right at him. The way black pearls countered crystalline cusps spoke louder than thumping cadence of their energies. ㅤ ㅤ
'' It still can be a pleasant exchange over tea; unless you feel bratty enough to ruin it. ''
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nanjokei · 1 year
one of my biggest issues with myself is that i got too used to speaking online with a falsified sort of bravado just to sound funnier/more interesting when that is not my personality at all. so people started to believe that i really am stuck up and self important and i don't like that. but talking out of that voice is so difficult at this point...
i wonder if i'm just worrying too much, if i should just stop caring and that i am just inventing in my head that people actually believe i am bigheaded when i am a timid person who is definitely just very neurodivergent and bad at expressing myself in a "normal" way. but i have been questioned once or twice by people who actually know me who took the hyperbole as my 100% true feelings. so it is scary
i really do just exaggerate. but part of it is true. but i also do not mean the insane parts of it. does that make sense
i am scared i sound mean and like actual stupid people online when i am not. lol
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