#amai mask scenario
animeficsworld · 10 months
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Amai Mask x Reader
You really felt special, being the girlfriend of the one and only Amai Mask was something you never even dreamed about.
But one unfortunate night turned your whole life around. 
A disgusting-looking monster decided that today will be the day when they will kidnap you.
You ran with all you had, trying to find someone, anyone who will help you. But no one helped.
And then, the monster caught you, you screamed, begged for help.
And finally, a hero did arrive to rescue you. That hero was Amai, he easily killed the monster and helped you to your feet.
The moment you locked eyes with him, it was over for both of you. You never would have expected more than that. But once you thanked him, bowed and was about to leave, he didn't let go off your hand.
You were shocked, and so was he. He always thought he will never fall in love, he wasn't cut out for it, is what he thought. But you changed that.
He knew, with his career, it will be difficult to maintain a relationship.
But both of you managed to stay a secret. 
Amai fell more and more in love with you. Your kind nature and beauty kept him going. You called him your hero, which always made him feel some kind of way.
And Amai just knew, he needed you in his life forever, so he had a plan to propose to you. But of course, you didn't know about that.
So when he told you about the date he planned in a very fancy restaurant, you didn't know what to wear or do. You hoped he wouldn't ask you to a fancy restaurant just to break up with you. During the past few months, he had been very distant with you. He had been of course busy, but not much busier than usual so you didn't understand why he was behaving weirdly. But you didn't ask about it. You knew he was a reserved person, and the last time he behaved like this was when he cut his hair and he thought you will get angry since you loved his long locks. So the worst you expected was a hair colour change. 
You ended up with a gorgeous dress on, right by his side. You felt so proud, proud of Amai and all his achievements. You heard his fans in front of the restaurant being sent away as the screamed for his attention.
"Is it okay that they see us together?" you asked as you sat down at your table.
"I'm done with hiding you, Y/N. From now on, I want the world to know."
"Well, I'm sure the world will know it very quickly since they all took at least one hundred pictures. "
You decided not to talk about his fans or any of that any longer. As a comfortable silence fell upon you two. You listened to the music that was playing in the background. You both ordered and enjoyed your food. You knew he wasn't much of a talker.
"So, how was your day?"
"Really good, thank you. I saw your concert yesterday on TV. You were really good."
"Thank you." you continued with small talk and soon dessert came around. 
You laughed out a little.
"What?" he askes watching you carefully.
"To be honest I was nervous. I thought you might want to break up with me, but then my friends said you wouldn't bring me here for that. One even said I might get proposed to." you laughed as you looked at your slice of cake. "But that's so cheesy. You wouldn't put a ring in my champagne or cake, right?" you meant to make a joke, but when you looked up at him and saw his face, your smile fell. His whole face was red and he was frozen in place, staring at his plate.
"You-You...I'm so sorry. Did you r-really?" you started to dig through the cake and funny enough, you found what you didn't expect, a ring. A gorgeous ring with a huge diamond in it. You washed it off in your water and handed it to him. Your face is just as red as his, your heart beating out of your ribcage. "A-ask me." you said and placed the jewel in his palm.
"Will you marry me?" you half expected a nice little speech about your love, how you met and how he fell in love, but just those 4 words meant more than any speech would. Especially after looking into his eyes. His eyes told you all that was necessary. 
"Yes." and he placed the ring to it's rightful place. Your mind barely registered what just happened. But you were extremely happy, you wanted to kiss him so bad, but you knew he didn't like to show affection in public places. So you were very surprised when he leaned over the table and gave you a quick peck on your lips.
Your evening went on as you got out of the restaurant, it was so late, you decided to take a short walk in the park. And lucky for you, no one was there. You were admiring your ring in the moonlight as you were walking hand by hand. 
"You know Y/N, I never thought I will be able to fall in love. Everyone sees me as this image, as a celebrity instead of who really I am. Then you came around. You weren't freaking out like others when I saved you. You were so reserved and you made me interested. You complete me, you don't complain about my lifestyle and work. You support me and don't ask unnecessary questions. I truly love you, Y/N. Thank you for saying yes and becoming my fiancé."
There he was, your Amai, the one only you saw and knew about. 
"I love you too, Amai."
You stopped right in your tracks and kissed him. He placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you back. 
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suprababka · 3 months
Hello! I love your hcs and txt message scenarios! May I req Zombieman + Sending them spicy pics/nudes during the day? Tysmm ❤️
Helloooo!👋 Thank you for the request and your warm words, I appreciate it! This scenario was already in my idea list, so of course I'm doing it!!🙌 Though, if something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕
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Sending them nudes in the middle of day
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• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
T/W: a bit of suggestive themes
A/N: I was surprised to recieve a few requests for this scenario, but hey, no complaints from me :D
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
“Why don’t you smile anymore?” With Amai Mask?
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Amai Mask x Reader
✂ Word Count: 494
✂ Trigger Warning: Idealization
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission.
Reading the recent chapters, Amai Mask gives me this huge delusional aura with his ideals and such. Of course, this is just a perfect recipe for a sweet disaster.
8. “Why don’t you smile anymore?”
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“Smile for me, even if you sad o. Be good to me, even if you bad o. Stay with me, even if you've got some place to be.” - Smile For Me [Simi]
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“Why don’t you smile anymore?”
A pair of slender hands, smooth and fragrant from the many expensive body lotions he wore daily, clasped your shoulders. It was a gentle hold, but you could sense the hidden strength flowing underneath. Sweet Mask leaned forward, perfectly plucked eyebrows creased at your gloomy face. Regardless of the fancy makeup that adorned your visage, or the exquisite dress tailored to fit your size, you no longer smiled at him.
The smile that brightened his day more than the constant flashes of cameras or stage lighting.
The smile that bloomed all the flowers nearby.
The smile that warmed his heart like the gentle sun to the frosty land.
All of them were just memories now; meant to be forgotten and buried under new experiences that should’ve made you even happier with him. Experiences that should’ve made you leap on to his embrace and thank him earnestly. Experiences that should’ve made you smile more because that was what he always strived.
Your happiness.
But you didn’t know that, did you?
“… Maybe if you didn’t try to mold me into your stupid ideal ‘girlfriend’, I might smile more.”
Yes, of course, you didn’t know that. You were too focused on the ‘trivial’ things, as expected from a former nobody. You were too accustomed to receiving less than what you deserved because that was what you’d always been taught.
No matter. There was still time and money to change everything. Little by little, he’d help you realize that your spot had always been beside him. You just needed to have some… arrangements before he could properly introduce you to the public. After all, he couldn’t have you dragging down his reputation, could he? The girlfriend of the most popular star should be able to exalt him as well, not just yourself.
And he was certain that you’d grow to enjoy your newfound popularity, too. You were still familiarizing, is all. Very soon, you’d clung to him and show him that beautiful smile as gratitude. And, who knows, maybe you could even say ‘I love you’ like he always dreamed to hear.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He coolly dismissed you and straightened his back, one hand squeezed your shoulder. A warning, you noted, for you to behave if you didn’t want to face the punishment. He could convince you about his kindness all he wanted, but he’d always be a monster in your eyes. “This is just the first step to a bright future. The ideal that you called ‘stupid’ will be a reality, and you will thank me for it.”
Sweet Mask pivoted towards the door, eyes cold and resolute. As always, he never gave you a chance to say the last word. “Style her hair perfectly. Make sure there’s no stray strand to be seen,” he demanded to the poor hairstylist who stood silently in the corner of the room. “If I see any kind of imperfection, your life will be mine.”
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Hey, congrats on the milestone! Could I please request Amai Mask and his gf being the center of attention at some fancy actor party (maybe he wins an award or something) and he gets a glimpse of the nice underwear she has beneath her dress? And if you're willing to, throw a kiss in there for good measure? Thank you very much!
(Changed as per anon's request to make this SFW. Also this is my first attempt at portraying Amai Mask, so I'm nervous AND excited to write him for the first time. He's one of my favorites, even if I always rail on the guy 😅)
To be honest, this happens quite often when Amai has an s/o that he somehow manages to fall in love with. While he loves basking in the spotlight, interacting with his fans, and effortlessly mesmerizing the people around him with his charm, it wears a bit faster if he has an s/o he loves.
At first he may not even know why he's feeling so tired and irritated. After all, he's the center of attention at this party; everyone adores him! He'd eventually realize why he's feeling different when his s/o gently asks if he wants some time alone with her--he seems a bit off. And oddly enough, his irritation vanishes in an instant the moment he feels her hand on his arm and hears her voice…only for it to come back when someone else tries to get his attention.
He'd bite back the urge to snap at whoever interrupted his s/o just to ask him an inane question ("Mr. Sweet Mask, when is your next tour going to start?"), and use his charm to wave them off and let his little crowd of admirers know that he was feeling a bit tired and wanted to get some fresh air with his lovely lady. 
Once the two of them were on the nearest balcony, he'd sigh through his nose and hug his s/o from behind while resting his head on her shoulder. He'd vent about how annoying everyone was being at this party, and how he wished he could just go home without anyone noticing. He'd smirk and joke about how for once, he actually hates how much attention he brings to himself; after all, the only one he wants to be around all the time is her.
If his s/o offered to give him an excuse to leave early, his smile would be sweet at first and then turn a bit more devilish. If they were going to put on a performance for everyone, he was going to make it as dazzling as possible. He'd use whatever makeup he had on hand (let's be real, he definitely has a makeup "essentials" travel kit wherever he goes) to make her cheeks look noticeably warmer as if she had a fever. 
Once he told her the plan he had in mind, they'd come back inside and put it into action. His s/o would stumble a bit and when everyone was watching the two of them, she would swoon and fall into his waiting arms. He'd feel her forehead and hurriedly make his way to the valet and let any worried partygoers know that he would take her back to their apartment and call for his private physician if her condition worsened.
The moment they were in the limousine together and the windows were rolled up completely, he'd hold ____ close and smile against her as he nuzzled her cheek. She'd played her part perfectly! Now the two of them were alone, on the way back to where he could finally relax and enjoy his night.
Even though there wasn't any need to put up the act anymore, he'd still insist on carrying her in his arms back into their luxury apartment. He is her Prince Charming, after all, and relishes in any opportunity to show that side of himself to her. 
Now that they were back home, he'd shed his tuxedo and put on his favorite pair of silk pyjamas before pulling his s/o into bed to cuddle with. They'd likely fall asleep while watching a movie or something on the giant flat-screen in the bedroom, still cuddling each other.
When he checked his social media the next day, there was a flood of posts and articles praising him for being such a chivalrous and caring boyfriend. Apparently some photos of him carrying a flushed ____ and escorting her to the limousine had leaked from the party, and the little burst of good press was the second-best part of his morning...the best part was waking up and seeing ____ asleep in his arms, with a smile on her face--and then the way she snuggled closer to him after he'd bent down to lightly kiss the top of her head. The smears of blush on his chest and expensive sheets were more than worth it.
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faintwalker · 4 years
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Ah yes.  Me.  Kuroha.  And that guy we found with a village’s worth of corpses and blood on his face.  
- - -  
Meanwhile, in this night’s residence’s grain shed:  
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Ah.  Yes.  Me, the darkness, and where the hell did Kuroha’s new recruit go?!
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heroes-writing · 5 years
Hello new friend! Could I please request a scenario for Amai Mask with an s/o who had been turned into a kinda grotesque monster, and he was on her way to save her, but she didn't make it in time? The person who captured reader was out to ruin Amai, so The only way to transform her back, is to announce at his next concert (a huge one) that he was dating her, kiss her in front of everybody, and wait 24 hours. That works, but does he do it? Thank you!
Very interesting! I tried to make this as in character as possible lol?! Amai Mask is kind of a grey character for me, but I happen to believe him to be hiding dark depths. (In the manga he can be very ruthless and vain so ahh I felt very sorry for his monster s/o for a hot minute…)
So TBH: since -I- personally don’t trust this guy with the safety of any monster, regardless if it’s his s/o or not-- and because you gave me the option of “does he do it?” Weeellll! Read on and find out how he-- and the reader! Handles it!
Warnings: Dark themes, unhealthy relationships(?), inevitable break up.
Word Count: 1766
“Tell me where (Name) is before I slaughter you both—”
The woman in question flinched, her eyes watering and spilling over onto pallid grey cheeks.
The scientist holding her shackles reared his head back and belted out a cruel, shrieking cackle. The sound bounced around the cavernous lab. The mixture he had poured over (Name) sloshed in large beaker he held in a gloved hand, and he gestured with it almost drunkenly.
“Why Amai Mask—She’s right here!!” With a rough shove, her binds were released, and (Name) fell to the floor with a cry. Even in this cruel form, all hard and shell like in places, the fall hurt. A sob tore from her lips as her hot tears rained on the ground.
Even monsters can cry…(Name) thought as she sniffled and picked herself up. In a burst of hope, she dared to meet Amai’s gaze—She hoped to see a protective glare, or worried shock.
…Instead there was an ominous shadow cutting across his features, and his eyes were burning bright.
Not from recognition, not from love—All (Name) could see was hate.
His beautifully clenched jaw, his sculpted brows raised in apathy... (Name) had never seen this dark side of him directed AT her before. It was almost unthinkable to see him react so viciously.
The veins in her lover’s face were pulsing. It was a dangerous signal that every fiber of his being was flexing in white hot anger. She had cooed over it once before when he had dispatched a monster on one of their first dates, but not now.
He snapped his head to the side, making his flawless hair lay just so across his forehead to hide it. She assumed he would have threaded a hand through his perfect blue locks if both palms weren’t dripping with blood.
I’ve never seen him this angry…
Doesn’t he know it’s me?!
His eyes were growing hazy as he stared at (Name)—his irises doubled as they flickered at high speeds over her form.
He was judging her tears as weakness and analyzing her every flinch for signs of retaliation. There was not a hint of recognition within them, and she couldn’t help but whimper and hide her face in her heavily clawed hands.
The scientist laughed again, “You really don’t know!! How pathe—hiii!!" Their words were cut short as Amai released a low snarl.
Bloodlust flooded the room as if a dam had given way. The intent to kill was suddenly so thick in the air the scientist choked on his word and screamed instead.
The situation was becoming too stressful for (Name) to overcome. Her bulky shoulders hitched as heaving sobs wracked her body. Her tears were murky and discolored like mud—
Amai Mask swiped his hands low, perfectly dispelling the gore on them. The impact of the splash laid holes in the ground as if it had been sprayed with acid.
“I’d be careful if I were you…I don’t have to make your death quick, villain!”
He stepped closer, and something in (Name) flashed in bright neon lights: Danger! Keep away!
“Tell. Me. Where. (Name). Is!!”
(Name) shivered as a mirage of her lover flickered behind her.
As she turned in shock, the scientist was kicking his legs in the air. His voice squawking with the effort to keep his throat protected while Amai lifted him by his tie and collar..
“T-There—She—SHE’S RIGHT THERE!!” He pointed with both hands at (Name), and the solution he held crashed to the floor. The concoction was so strong it transmuted even the concrete into a monstrous shape.
Amai’s golden eyes peered down, before he slowly turned to face (Name) again. The scientist swung and scrabbled to lift himself up in Amai Mask’s iron grip.
Her lover’s face was devoid of emotion. “You really expect me to believe that you turned her into this monster?”
His voice was so cold…If her form hadn’t been changed, she would have never doubted his resolve to rescue her.
But now…
Doubt was thick and rotten in her stomach as she looked down at her body. She didn’t even recognize herself as she glanced down at her oozing and crusty hands and feet. Her clothes were shredded, but present. Surely, he could see the evidence of her transformation.
Her only other saving grace against Amai Mask’s brutal fury…Was that her voice was unchanged.
“Love….Love, it’s me, (Name)! I-I’m sorry I look like this!--”
His eyes glinted red as he bared his teeth, “Don’t try to save your pitiful life with lies!!!”
He raised the scientist up, his arm fully extended and clenching hard, “I’m tired of your games—” He raised his other fist and curled it into a fist, threatening a killing blow.
The scientist knew the jig was up.
“N-nonono! If you want to turn her back! It’s simple! J-just hold a concert in my honor—I MEAN!” They squeaked as Amai squeezed, “Kiss your monster lover in front of a crowd and I’ll turn them back—” With sweat dripping down his forehead and cheeks, he managed a small impish smile.
Both (Name) and the scientist froze…
“…W-what?” The scientist’s eyes bulged behind foggy glasses, “D-don’t you want them to return to normal?!”
“I’m going to kill you now.”
Amai Mask hushed him and set the scientist down with a scoff. He leveled them with stare of pure indifference.
“There’s one thing you must understand first since you’re human…”
“--As a hero, I will not buckle under the threat of others.”
The grip Amai had on the scientist crunched in a sickening sound. His musical voice carried over the sudden rush of desperate screams.
“As an idol, I won’t ruin my reputation for such a bold-faced lie.”
With a move so fast (Name) couldn’t comprehend, Amai Mask threw the scientist to splatter against the furthest wall. Computers shattered and buzzed with electricity. The foundations shook, the lights flickered, and dust rained from the ceiling in a sudden choking cloud.
Amai didn’t even flinch and instead brushed off his shoulders. He barely reacted at the sound of (Name)’s breaths turning shallow in her throat. He didn’t twitch when (Name)’s hazy vision made her sway in place.
He seemed to watch her curiously before he finally decided to face her. His hands slipped into his designer jean pockets as he hummed and blinked as if bored.
To have that gaze directed at her…It paralyzed (Name) from the neck down. Growths of all kinds dotted her form, and they shivered and folded back like a cat’s ears in response.  Even as she gulped and cowered, her display of surrender was clear.
…But she knew--!!
Amai Mask hated monsters. Wanted them all dead--
“They must not live. They are evil.” She had heard those words before, and they were ringing in her skull like a siren.
“I-It’s me!! I can prove it!!” She sniffled and pressed a sincere hand against her chest.
“Go on, then.” He replied coolly.
Biting her lip with sharp teeth she panted, “I-I know you were stressed out about your movie premiere! You told me in the green room before your interview—T-that you weren’t sure if the—the film would surpass your one from last year.”
He stepped closer, his heels clacking on the ground.
She buckled deeper into herself, cradling her head in her hands.
“You liked the strawberry mango smoothie I got you on our first date—” her voice warbled at the memories.
“You ate it for me even though you said you were dieting!”
(Name) shook her head hopelessly, “Amai, there has to be an antidote somewhere. Something that can change me back!!”
Before she knew it, he had closed the distance. The sight of his shoes tapping impatiently just before her knees turned her blood to ice. Wincing in on herself, she heard the slight gentle jingle of his many bracelets as he squatted.
“No, please, Amai…” She pleaded.
She didn’t want to raise her face—not if she had to meet her doom at the hands of her love, but one of his fingers dared to tap at one of the growths on her chin.
Shivering and crying, she squeezed her eyes shut and lifted her head.
“(Name), if that’s really you, then tell me what I prioritize most as a hero…”
The words formed unbidden in her throat, “You—You have to be beautiful, strong, and skillful…always.”
He paused for a long moment, before sighing.
He pressed his hands against his knees and stood smoothly. He didn’t offer her his handkerchief as he usually would, nor did he lend a hand to help her stand. His attitude was distant as he reached into his jacket and flipped open his cellphone.
He barely looked at her as he dialed a number.
“I’ll call the association. We’ll get some scientists to try and create an antidote if one can’t be found around here…” Then as if composing himself, he closed his eyes and nodded to (Name), as if she were a person he had bumped shoulders with on the street.
“I’m sorry this happened to you, (Name). For not being able to save you, I’ve gone against my own code of excellence...” He placed a hand on his chest, before turning away again.
(Name) blinked, speechless, as Amai walked away and began ordering the association at the other end into action. He walked and walked…
He carried on right out of the room.
Unsure of how to proceed, (Name) sat there shivering until a team of H.A. scientists arrived in contamination suits. The lab was swept, (Name) was put into immediate care, and Amai kept his distance—
No, he kept busy, is what he told the news outlets regarding (Name)’s disappearance.
“She has fallen ill, unfortunately. Please pray for her good health.”
His smile was, as usual, perfect in every way as he glittered on the tv in (Name)’s private room…She hadn’t seen him in person since his “heroic rescue.” But then again, she didn’t want to.
The growths were going away, slowly but surely. Her skin was returning to its normal pallor, the shells and carapace fell away to reveal her hair, but she had an awful feeling that’s all Amai Mask would see if he looked at her even now. She had no idea what to believe was real about that man anymore.
(Name) was almost glad he chose to stay away. It would make breaking up a hell of a lot easier.
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theomnicode · 2 years
I feel like there's a definite hint somewhere here
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About Saitama being lonely and the fix being found somewhere in a place of social function where you need a partner, but he's just procastinating. King naturally, has the best and most truthful advice in the series how Saitama can better his life. Not having friends is not the reason he feels he's lonely, especially when he has real friends now.
Many forms of social dances are in fact, partner dances. Like ballroom dances or something like competitive dancing. If anyone has seen competitive dancing...that shit is downright intimate and you definitely need a partner you can trust. Not saying Saitama is gonna go down competitive dance route. Dancing is definitely something he wouldn't do on his own. Classic waltz is a fair amount of intimate on it's own.
Now...if someone like Amai-mask pressured him to learn how to dance because of some high social function that he's demanding Saitama go because reasons and then he needed a partner for practicing...Genos would 100% be his partner in crime.
"Life is a journey with no destination."
If Saitama actually stopped procastinating, looked around, stopped being stupid and allowed himself some good things, he could notice that the answer to his loneliness has been living with him for the past 3 months. Because he's been craving for intimacy with another human being for quite some time, like he says in cd dramas, but he's slow to open up and realize what he wants and what he has coincide.
I understand the feeling all too well: low self-esteem, so you think you're not good enough or attractive enough for partner. Feeling like if people get to know you better, they would judge you and your eccentric hobbies to hell and back. Thinking you probably won't find anybody you yourself might find attractive and them liking you back. Because you're an oddity of the society and outcast, weird in some way, nerdy or otherwise. Then having similar hobbies to even spend time together. But still thinking at the back of your head how it would feel like to be intimate with someone and craving that human contact.
Saitama is self-conscious, has low self-esteem and struggles with expressing himself, his emotions, has problems with his humanity and doesn't let people close either. Trying to find a partner that would fulfill the above quotas and would also understand him would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Even worse, said partner would legitimately have to be S-class to even be able to survive Saitama's lifestyle of being a hero and practically facing god-level threats when OPM God for instance does not hesitate to use the people he cares about against him and kill them.
Yet ironically, he found exactly that kind of person, that one person in a million, someone who constantly gets stronger too but he keeps wallowing in self-misery anyway and doesn't do jacksquat about it. Ain't nobody gonna be able to say Genos is not practically obsessed already and isn't constantly trying to change himself to be more attractive choice. Either because Saitama's in denial, not openminded enough, thinking it's somehow inappropriate like perversion or he thinks intimacy is strictly romantic/sexual and he can't have platonic intimacy. Hugs between friends exist and it's toxic masculine way of thinking he can't do things like hug Genos cuz they're both guys and it's not manly enough or it could be seen as too homoerotic.
Now, my wish fulfillment scenario is for them to stop skirting around the issue and do something about it. They both need it and want it and I would die for some cute canon saigenos. Saitama cares about Genos a lot and he was practially getting shaken this last few chapters roughly to "bloody do something about it before that chance goes away, you dumbass." He can protect people he loves if he actually initiates physical contact with them and wants it hard enough, like he did with Genos' core. He won't be able to properly protect people he cares about if he never initiates proper physical contact.
My Saigenos shipper wish fulfillment scenario is to have Genos and Saitama dance and Genos actually dip Saitama. I want to see that entire bald head flush bright red.
Genos needs to be more bold if he wants to make Saitama figure out things inside that head of his and get some cogs turning. Sai takes too long to figure out shit.
Saitama getting together with Genos would solve about half of both their problems lol.
Now, if Z-city has an actual city station left though, after Tatsumaki and Psykorochi fight, to hold any dance classes in...oh well, it could be some other location anyway, since Saitama won't live in Z-city anymore anyway.
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the-nysh · 2 years
I think Garou may take Saitama's place when the Amai Mask revelation happens, since the ch 169 planted things so it could happen like that...
Amai Mask does not know Saitama at all, and Saitama has not showed the empathy necessary to stop the nobody heroes, he literally said: "let's them chill out".
Garou and Amai Mask would most likely clash a lot beforehand everything considered as we have said before.
What do you think?
Whoaa...I'm not sure how I'd feel about that - on Garou replacing Saitama's role, I mean. On one hand, manga Sweet Mask did not get the chance to witness/acknowledge Saitama's power (yet?) and angry mobs attacking a hated 'monster' who protected them is right up Garou's alley to recognize. So for his character it would be interesting to see how he reacts. But on the other hand....Saitama could always learn from Tareo how to intervene when the same situation happens again to SM, compared to how he didn't know what to do last time. It would show some (hero) growth on Saitama's part, rather than remaining passive and watching it happen all over again. So that change would be nice to see. And as we've discussed before, there's plenty of potential - depending on how it goes, between Garou & Sweet Mask's interactions anyway. (But this, combined with the scenario Garou's given a sucky hero name too, to align with Saitama's Hero Names Victim Association plot, that would aaaa! Feel like too many Garou-Saitama role merging/reversals happening ahaha. I mean, ONE could always do it up to his whims, but at that point he'd likely just go ahead and give Garou the 'one-punch' title instead for the ultimate lul bait n switch~)
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 7 years
Kilia: Could you write a scenario about Amai Mask's and Kagome's first meeting? Please?
I think this is my first time writing Amai Mask so I hope I can do okay for him.
“Ladies first.”
Eyes coming to meet a yellow pair, the miko noticed the door held open by a blue haired stranger leading to the Hero Association Headquarters. With a small bow of her head, Kagome walked in. “Arigatou…”
“A hero?” He questioned as he came to walk beside her. “Never seen you here before.”
The miko’ eyes slightly scrunched at the sight of the stranger coming to walk beside her. “I’m…a hero by contract.” She did not mind the title nor the work of a hero, but as she involved herself more with the association, she learned some heroes were not all pure.
Some heroes were after the fame and riches. The Hero Association had found out about her abilities and identity after saving a certain bald and cyborg hero from unknown demons. She was against the idea of becoming a hero and saving others for money, but wanting to do something about the unknown increase of demons, she decided to do it for a period of time until they were gone or tamed.
“Contract, huh?” He rubbed his chin in thought. “Never heard of a hero being signed for a contract. What rank are you?”
“Is that how you introduce yourself?” She raised a brow as she stood before the elevator doors. Clicking the button to go up, she was gifted with a smirk.
“Oh? Do I need an introduction?”
“Everyone does at a first meeting.”
Astonished by her clueless mind, he could only blink back. Did she really not know who he was? Even if she was new to the hero world, she should know him just by his looks. Clearing his throat, he gave a scoff to match his smile. “Well, I guess a beautiful woman such as yourself deserves a formal introduction.” Turning to her, he gave her a small bow with his head. “A-Class Rank hero: Amai Mask.”
A few seconds of her stare were given before she turned her head away and walked into the elevator once the doors opened. “I have heard of you.” She spoke. Waiting for him to go inside, she noticed him push the button to her needed floor.
“Oh?” Amai Mask smiled again. “So you do know about me.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “Saitama-san told me about you.”
‘Saitama?’ His eyes narrowed at her before an image of the bald hero appeared in his head. ‘Oh…that guy.’
“Something about a pretty guy who didn’t look much like a hero.” Kagome continued as she stared at the screen going up one floor at a time. “Are you heading to the meeting for all heroes?”
“All heroes?” He repeated, trying his best to ignore Saitama’s given description to her. “I believe it is for all A Class rank heroes and up. Are you there to deliver something?”
As the doors opened, she gave him a scoff before coming to see Genos outside the meeting doors. “Genos-kun!” She called. “You’re here!”
“Oh, Kagome-dono.” He greeted. “I came early and was told to deliver this to you.”
The miko blinked before her eyes narrowed at the ID card being handed to her. “I told them I didn’t want a rank…”
“Then you wouldn’t be allowed into the meetings, Kagome-dono.” Genos’s eyes rose to see Amai Mask coming out of the elevator. “Amai Mask-san,” he bowed, “ohayou gozaimasu.”
Giving him a stern look, Amai Mask walked behind the girl. Was it not her turn to introduce herself? Before he could call her, due to his taller height, he was able to look over her shoulder and see her ID: Higurashi Kagome - S Class. Eyes widened slightly; he watched her leave as another of the association called her to sign a few papers. “She…is an S Class hero?”
“Kagome-dono?” Genos questioned. “Many feels embarrassed to admit it, but I have no shame to admit she is one of the strongest out there. She outclasses everyone when it comes to experience and strategies.”
Amai Mask clicked his tongue wondering why he had not heard of such a person rising through the ranks so quick. ‘Higurashi Kagome, huh? I’ll keep my eye on her.’
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Mean yanderes? Like, the worst and overall most abusive yanderes from each fandom (whether you’ve wrote for them or not)
I actually do have a limit on how mean/sadistic/ruthless a yandere; meaning explicit violence towards darling is something I can't really write. However, they'd still be horrible in their own ways.
For this, I'll go with a few fandoms. Some of those fandoms are ones I've written more about. Others are ones I just thought it'd be fun to do.
If you want to hear my input on other fandoms, feel free to look at my fandom list and ask away!
Starting off with Danganronpa... Junko. She's  honestly the easiest character to pick from if we're talking about who, out of all the games, would be the worst yandere to deal with. Remember, she had feelings for Matsuda and remember how that ended? I'd like to think in this scenario, where she doesn't kill her darling off (because it'd be a very despair filled experience if the object of her affections witnessed every crime she committed, furthering the plummet of your sanity or even better, the pain she'd feel if you ever stopped her). If I was excluding Junko for how easy of a pick she is, I'd say either Byakuya or Kokichi. I've already written headcanons on them, so it's explained there, but these two are straight up the worst. I cam also count Celeste and Miu as well (maybe even Hiyoko but she's 50/50 on either terrorizing her darling or being highly defensive of you).
With fandoms like My Hero Academia and Pokemon, there are a lot of characters to look through in order to do this. I could name several and it'd be too long, so I'll make a separate top five for each of those fandoms one day. For now, I'll skip over them.
From Twisted Wonderland, I'll have to say there's five characters that immediately come to mind: Vil, Riddle, Ace, Sebek and Floyd. If I were to choose solely on opinion, it'd have to be Vil. His darling would break sooner or later, faster than most compared to the other yanderes listed. I have even stated that he's a yandere I would absolutely hate to have and I'd be emotional/mentally exhausted. The same will happen to his darling, especially if you are unable to keep up with his expectations.
One Punch Man. It's Amai Mask (Tornado is a close second). Like, out of all the heroes, he'd be the worst yandere to ever have. Have you seen him? The man is a complete monster figuratively and literally— Amai has standards and they are pretty high indeed. His obsession with self image has truly clouded why he even wanted to become a hero in the first place and I wouldn't be surprised if it does the same when it comes to his darling. He is like Vil in a sense...
It'd be too easy to pick off a RWBY character on who'd be the worst. It'd be Salem, of course. Other ones would be Cinder, Raven and Adam. Avoiding that, I would have to pick either Cinder or Adam in terms of how they treat their darling. The two are extremely manipulative and use these aspects to keep you under their thumb. You are nothing without them. Stay reliant on them and they'll ensure your place in the world. They also can be pretty cruel towards you and the amount of emotional whiplash you'll get once they turn around and express that they love you is unhealthy. Disobeying them will be the worst choice you'd make.
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cuddlyscribe · 4 years
fijiflower asked: Hello new friend! Do you write for Metal Bat? Amai mask? Flashy Flash? Suriyu? Please let me know if you write for any of them. If you don't, that's okay too! Just use Saitama, Genos and Sonic. Regardless, could you please write some headcanons/scenario/whatever's easiest for you for a breakfast while snuggling in bed style thing? Are they just chilling at home? On vacation? Special occasion? What do they make/buy for breakfast? Thank you very much, and good luck with the blog!
[recognize these headcanons? this is a repost from my old blog opmmadness!’ You will see this disclaimer above all of the content i have moved from my previous blogs.]
Metal Bat: Metal Bat can’t stray far from his little sister, for more than one reason. He has to be there to protect her if necessary, and she’s a bit of a bossy-pants so whatever she says goes. And because of this, Bad has to have his little breakfast-in-bed surprise be at home, when Zenko is at school. He ravishes them with attention, more than usual since they rarely get time alone like this. He puts on a movie, tries not to burn the eggs and bacon, and always brings a small present along with him. This time, it’s a little teddybear. Cliche, he knows, but it’s something he’s always imagined buying them as a small gesture of his love.
Suiryu: Suiryu was hoping to win the tournament so he could lavish his s/o in the fanciest of vacations and expensive gifts. But after recovering from his attack at the hands of Bakuzan, Suiryu is humbled by his encounter and decides to enjoy life for what it offers him now, in the present. Luckily for him, it’s him and his s/o’s anniversary the next day, so sets out to make a grand breakfast for them both to enjoy together. He revels in the way his s/o’s eyes light up at the sight of the food and him, squealing with happiness. He’s learned that the small things are important, while money and fame can come after.
Saitama: This man is so goddamn lazy that even when he plans a breakfast in bed for his s/o, he orders the entire thing in (he can and will Postmate everything, right down to the orange juice). Saitama and his s/o usually wake up later than most, so he sets the delivery to be brought at around 10:30 or 11am. It’s right on time, and he carries everything to the bed, where a couple things are nearly spilled. His s/o flips to their favorite game show and they sit together giggling and enjoying themselves. Saitama doesn’t need a special occasion to treat his s/o like royalty, he kinda does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. :)
Amai Mask: Oh yeah, it’s gonna get fancy. Amai Mask spares no expense for his s/o’s birthday, and that means a glorious breakfast-in-bed at the fanciest hotel he can get. Not only is it a suite overlooking the beautiful City C, but it’s got every amenity they love. All Amai Mask has to do is give the call and the food is already on its way to them, being delivered right in front of them without him having to move a muscle. While they wait, the handsome boi takes this moment to give them a few gifts he picked out that they had shown interest in earlier before (oh yes, he listens and is observational). Once the food is there, it’s all smiles as the most relaxing birthday ever begins for Amai Mask’s s/o.
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suprababka · 3 months
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Hey there!👋
Welcome to my masterlist! Here you can see some of my works. For now, I write only for One-Punch Man (text messages and headcanons).
Characters I write for:
Saitama Genos Speed-o'-Sound Sonic Garou Metal Bat Amai Mask Flashy Flash Zombieman King
Please remember that the order of my posts isn't chronological.
It means that the scenarios below I publish based on my preference. In addition, it's not a final list, so new scenarios will appear.
Have any requests? Please be welcome to write me! If I accept your suggestion, I will add it to the scenarios list and publish it as an answer to your message (when it'll be done of course). Requested publications are my top priority!🙌 But please be patient since it takes time for me to make these posts! If I don't accept your idea, then I will let you know and name the reason (but please consider that I for sure won't take any requests regarding crimes, drug usage, cheating and other stuff like that).
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Scenarios for texts:
Calling them "bro" [+ requested]
Texting them "She is busy"
Flirting with them from a different number
Gaslighting them
Ghosting them
Texting them "I love you"
Pranking them with song lyrics
Sending them nudes in the middle of day🔞 [+ requested]
Asking them ass or tits🔞
Abruptly canceling your date with them
When they’re missing you
Texting them at the night
When you’re feeling ugly
Sweet morning texts from them [+ requested]
Asking them "1 million dollars & the prettiest girl in the world or me?"
Asking them "Do you love me because I’m beautiful or I’m beautiful because you love me?"
They change their contact name in your phone
Asking them if they jerked off while thinking of you🔞
Texting them with only emojis
When you’re jealous
When he’s jealous
Random texts with them
Finding photos of them (prank)
Calling them different ridiculous pet names
When they try to prank you
Arguments with them [+ requested]
Making up after the argument with them
They change their contact name on your phone
When the Internet connection fails you
When they babysit your pets and send you pics of them
When you don't say back "I love you"
Texting them "That guy is hot" [requested]
Texting them "Sorry, we can’t tonight, I just got my period" [requested]
Sending them pics of you in a sexy swimsuit/dress and telling them it's for hanging out with your friends🔞 [requested]
Telling them you’re pregnant as a prank [requested]
Telling them you’re horny🔞 [requested]
Telling them you can’t walk because of the night before [requested]
Asking them the amount of likes needed for them to buy a Darry Ring for you [requested]
Buying Hello Kitty matching pajama pants for both of you [requested]
Pranking them with opening your OnlyFans account🔞 [requested]
Talking about your future family with them [requested]
Telling them a monster hurt you [requested]
Asking them "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" [requested]
Telling them how much you love and appreciate them [requested]
When they’re jealous because you spend more time with your friends instead of them [requested]
Breaking up with them as a prank [requested]
Calling them daddy🔞 [requested]
Their reaction to you teasing them in public to rile them up🔞 [requested]
Telling them that your parents want to meet them [requested]
When they turn into a cat [requested]
Asking them a weird question [requested]
Accidentally butt-dialing them while singing about their good looks [pre-relationship] [requested]
When you surprise them with a gift [requested]
Drunk texting them [requested]
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Scenarios for headcanons:
General relationship headcanons
When they’re jealous
When they have a crush
How they confessed to their s/o
How your relationship started
Arguments with them
Morning after with them
Fluff moments with them
How they comfort their s/o
How they would propose to their s/o
Cuddling & hugs with them [+ requested]
How they kiss their s/o
When their s/o get injured
When they get injured
What they look for in their s/o
When they’re sick
When their s/o is sick
Their motto in your relationship
First date with them
First time with them🔞 [+ requested]
General NSFW headcanons🔞 [+ requested]
Who fell first and who fell harder
How they call their s/o
Their insecurities in your relationship
What they usually say to their s/o in the relationship
When you use safe word🔞
What they usually say to their s/o in bed🔞
How they grieve over their s/o's death
Their last thoughts before their death
Me gustat tu trend from their POV
Waking them up with giving them a head🔞 [requested]
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
So what do you think Drive Knight plans to do with the Orochi cells? Maybe it will be the reason they’re able to unleash so many monsters onto the public in the Neo Heroes arc? The idea of an even shadier group mass producing them is a scary thought. I know Monster cells aren’t a thing in the webcomic but this opens up some interesting potential plotlines in the manga.
You're looking to carve out a niche as purveyor of scary scenarios, aren't you? :)
You're right, the mutagenic potential of Monster King Orochi's cells would make monster manufacture much more efficient, and we know that you can culture them at scale. Psykos was doing that before Amai Mask destroyed those tanks.
If the manga covers the Neo Heroes, that could be a very efficient engine of mass terror and chaos. Without raiding the Hero Association's monster-holding facility.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Hi! Yay! Open ask box! So, I've got a thing for Amai Mask, and I was wondering if you could write something (hcs/scenario idc, whatever's easier) about him and his s/o facetiming while he's on tour? (This is just for me but could you mention his hair being in a ponytail please, thank you!)
He makes sure his "trailer" (it's more like a studio apartment on wheels) has the best wi-fi router to avoid any possible connection errors on his end. Knowing him, he also got one for his s/o's apartment if they weren't living together.
Normally his hair's styled immaculately, but when he's alone in his trailer for the night he enjoys just throwing his hair up in a ponytail while he chats with his s/o. Normally he wouldn't be caught dead with his hair not done up in a more fashionable way, but...____'s different. He's not as afraid of looking a little "flawed" in front of them. But just a little.
He carries himself a little differently when he's in public vs. in private. The instant he sees his s/o's face and hears their voice, he instantly relaxes. It's a subtle but still visible/audible change.
He tends to start venting about his day, then realize he hasn't even asked about his s/o and has been talking for a while, and he feels kind of shitty for it. He's naturally used to the spotlight being on him, but he tries to limit how much he tends to monopolize a conversation with his s/o. If his s/o pointed out that he was monologuing, he'd be a little embarrassed and give them a small sheepish smile before asking how they've been.
He tries not to let on how much he really misses them, but his s/o can tell he's hiding it. Even though he loves his s/o, he doesn't like acknowledging how much he relies on someone (which he rarely does, tbh). But with his s/o, it's different. They're the one person who he trusts to even consider letting his flaws show in front of them. He'd be terrified of them seeing everything, especially his real appearance, but when it comes to his real feelings and thoughts he's more comfortable with sharing those.
Still, even with this time they have to talk, it's not the same as being with them. He wants to pull them close with one arm and hold them, enjoy their warmth in bed at night, hear their voice without it coming from a speaker, etc. 
He might even have something like a custom body pillow made with his s/o on it (the manufacturer knows better than to ever reveal that Amai Mask was a customer) to sleep next to while he's on tour. After years of being alone, he just can't stand sleeping without ____--even if it's just a cloth facsimile. It's...kind of weird, but it helps him cope with those lonely nights on tour.
Whenever their video chats end, he spends a minute or so just looking at the blank screen with a slightly put-out look on his face. He used to love going on tour a lot more, but now he finds himself less happy to see/interact with his many fans and seems more and more homesick. At some point, he'd probably arrange for his s/o to go on tour with him just because he can't stand the thought of another night in his bed without them.
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the-gordianknot117 · 3 years
Chapter 114, Redraw
Manga Chapter 110, webcomic spoilers. It goes without saying that my opinions may change depending on future updates.
I’m not disappointed by this chapter simply because at this point the remake has made abundantly clear what kind of role has been assigned to Fubuki and what we can(not) expect from her.
It always baffled me how badly mishandled Fubuki happened to be in the previous version of the events (Chapters 95  - 122): outside of 3 pages (that adapted a webcomic moment), Fubuki did nothing but wander aimlessly with Fang and Bomb* for almost 30 chapters (with some ranging from 50+ to 100+ pages), waiting for the Rover fight to start. If this wasn’t already grating enough, Murata/ONE previously foreshadowed another confrontation between Fubuki and Do-s only to kind of forget about it and have Amai Mask face (and kill) the monster instead.  
But with this new direction for the story provided by the recent redraws and the resurrection of Do-s, the authors had the perfect opportunity to make up for all of that, correct their mistakes and finally give Fubuki some actual content displaying Fubuki’s supposed growth and showcasing her qualities as a leader and/or her psychic powers. Even the fight with Rover or other future moments could have benefited from Fubuki starring in this new scenario.
Furthermore there was a score to settle with Do-s, who already fought with Fubuki back in Chapters 64-65 and was responsible for brainwashing and injuring the Fubuki group (with the help of Tatsumaki, that is). Do-s works well as a foil to Fubuki, with both characters surrounding themselves with subordinates and fighting alongside them despite the nature of their “leadership” being very different: while the existence of the Fubuki Group spawns from Fubuki’s unconscious desire for human contact caused by her troubled childhood and serves as psychological reassurance more than for assistence in battle, for Do-s her underlings are nothing more than disposable assets who follow her, not because of the loyalty she inspires in them as a leader (contrary to Fubuki), but as a result of the brainwashing effect caused by her whip. All of this naturally carries in the different dynamics that links Fubuki and Do-s to their followers: if Fubuki acts like a mother to her loyal and devoted subordinates, a sexually themed bond born out of coercion and torture is what ties Do-s to her “slaves”. Do-s could even represent the worst and most negative sides of Fubuki’s overreliance on her group and her obsession with maintaining and securing her position at the expense of others. With these premises, I think there could have been plenty of ways to write this encounter and its outcome as meaningful confrontation for Fubuki at this stage of her development.
But obviously Fubuki can’t get a moment of actual spotlight so this “rematch” quickly becomes the Fang show, with Fubuki playing the third wheel for the rest of the chapter (minus a few panels at the end). I bet that if this “rematch” involved any other character we would have gotten a prolonged battle between the two contestants. It’s nothing new, though: every time the manga seems to allude to a moment where Fubuki will finally play an active role, with a cliffhanger seemingly setup something for her, it’s always bait and swith - usually setup for a joke. In general, the remake appears to be hellbent on not giving Fubuki any actual battle scenes**, contrary to basically any other character in the series. In this case, what makes it hilarious is that both Murata and the title of the chapter refer to a rematch that never really happens.
And it’s not like the manga hasn’t written off, even temporarily, some powerful character offer to the comparatively weaker ones the chance to grow and develop - many arcs in the series work around the premises that, while Saitama is late or stuck elsewhere, other characters have to deal with the current threat up until the moment he shows up. Similarly, receiving help from someone else could still be done without stripping a character of its agency or shifting the focus to someone else. For example, in the new version of the Phoenix Man fight, Saitama is present and stealthily assists Child emperor during his battle. Yet, the protagonist of the chapter is still the S-Class Hero. We can argue about Child Emperor’s behaviur here and whether or not he was “robbed” from killing a Dragon. Personally, I find the dialogues rather cheesy and the entire sequence is full of contrivances and plot convenient moments, but it’s undeniably that the star of the chapter is first and foremost on the Rank 5 S-Class and the focus is firmly set on him: from his struggles while fighting Phoenix Man and protecting Waganma all at the same time, through his insecurities, his loneliness, his feelings of being underappreciated by his colleagues and his doubts about the HA as a whole, to finally finding his purpose and his motivation thanks to the help of Zombieman and Saitama. Child Emperor may not have beaten Phoenix Man on his own, but he clearly deserved the help that was granted to him and the success he achieved in the end.
None of that happens here.
By having Fang bail out Fubuki from this fight, Fubuki is granted a “victory” she hasn’t earned, and for this reason her role in this chapter carries no narrative weight and the only impact this chapter leaves on her is to meet Rover early on - unless Murata/ONE intend to give Fubuki and Do-s another rematch down the line. This all goes in the opposite direction of how Fubuki original character arc is supposed to play out (I briefly talked about it  in my post regarding Chapter 147). One of the key points of Fubuki’s character arc is that she refuses to face her own inner demons and prefers to play the big fish in the small pond, staying in the reassuring environment she has built for herself, but at this poitnt this applies more to wc Fubuki than to manga Fubuki for reasons I discussed here. It’s only by being put out of her comfort zone and forced to confront these limits that Fubuki will finally grow both as a hero and as a person - as we see during the MA and Esper Sisters arcs. Do-s being swiftly subdued by Fang doesn’t accomplish anything that couldn’t have been better achieved by giving Fubuki an actual role in the scene. The chapter doesn’t offer any commentary or insight on Fubuki nor does her character develop to any significant degree as a result of it - outside of a dominatrix awakening, maybe. There is even little to no buildup to this rematch for the punchline (Fang solving everything) to work as a joke and make this “subversion of expectations” (if we can even call it that way) somewhat worth it. 
For all the problems I have with it, the previous Fubuki vs Do-s at least represented a turning point for Fubuki’s character arc (or it seemed to me at the time): 
it deprived Fubuki of the reassurance represented by her group; 
pushed Fubuki out of her comfort zone and forced her to ask for help (in the Fubuki way, that is) to the only people she knows in the HA outside of her group and her sister, Saitama and co.; 
showed the closest thing to a conflict Fubuki and Tatsumaki had in the remake (which isn’t to say much, I admit), seemingly foreshadowing the Esper Sisters arc; 
gave Fubuki a personal reason to be involved in the MA arc and so on. 
To be honest, I wouldn’t even criticize this particular chapter if Fubuki had screentime to spare and wasn’t reduced to a clown with plot-convenient healing abilities for years, but right now this update feels like a missed opportunity to me (to put it lightly). We could have gotten something between these (1,2,3; Chapter 95) and these (1,2,3; Chapter 143), something that could actually showcase Fubuki’s supposed growth and highlight how Saitama’s positive influence has started to change her mindset because, right now, this “development” comes completely out of the blue. The closest thing we get to Fubuki reflecting on Saitama’s words happens in Chapter 65, when she recalls Saitama’s prediction while fighting Do-s and the brainwashed heroes. And that’s it. 
Even Tatsumaki prasing Fubuki for becoming “stronger” carries no weight and is not earned because we have barely seen any change in Fubuki and, at best, we have only seen her facing new situations and acting accordingly. And the same applies to Fubuki’s desire to save her sister: the remake seems to be suggesting that, at an unspecified point in the timeline between encountering Saitama and the battle on the surface of Z-City (which encompasses a time of a few weeks at best and a few days at worst), Fubuki has gone from being utterly terrified of her sister to being capable of understanding Tatsumaki’s life choices (whose influence on Fubuki’s life are one of the main topics of the Esper Sisters arc), to the point of wanting to outright save and free Tatsumaki from the curse imposed onto her by Blast - and this all thanks to Saitama. This should be a big deal narrative-wise, and yet I have not a single clue as to when this maturation started to happen nor is there anything in the old chapters that supports these claims - more about my thoughts on Chapter 144 here. In the wc we see Fubuki facing her inner (and outside) demons, growing through these encounters and overcoming her traumas, and all of that happens on screen (at least so far). The difference is pretty easy to tell: in the webcomic you can pinpoint any important moment of Fubuki’s growth and see the ramifications of it because these are actually shown, whereas in the manga most of it happens off-screen and relies on spelling it out to the audience (telling).
The closest thing we got to a real progression in regard to remake Fubuki seems to revolve around the whole group and leader delusions, something that has been shoehorned in a rather clumsy and contradictory way, especially when the character behaves like a screaming toddler in front of her “subordinates” and then gets praised as a “great leader” for doing what essentially is “simply” an heroic and selfless action that doesn’t suggest any ulterior predisposition towards leadership - as I said in a previous post, webcomic Fubuki’s leadership was presented in the Esper Sisters arc in a much more beliavable and convincing way. And even then, her willingness to sacrifice herself for Fang and Bomb or for Genos is nothing new, since we already saw her being ready to die rather than harming her group or the other brainwashed heroes (Chapters 64-65). So, as much as I appreciate these moments for at least delving into the psychology of the character, those don’t qualify as development simply because they don’t show any sign of actual progression experienced by the character. The clear purpose of these scenes is simply to remind and confirm Fubuki’s predisposition as a leader - things that were already established back in “The Struggles of the Blizzard Group”, the S1 OVA 5 or in the battle against Do-s. If anything, all the jokes and gags post-Chapter 95 rendered her actual predisposition and compatibility towards such a delicate role more like wishful thinking than anything else.
With all that said, it’s weird how the authors can indulge in 100+ pages of fight between the Support Team and fodder monsters, 150+ pages of Child Emperor or dozens of pages of the Mercenaries being escorted through the MA base (to name a few), but exploring Fubuki’s ongoing character arc and consistently featuring her in character-focused chapters it’s apparently where Murata and ONE draw the line, despite Fubuki being part of the main cast and being a prominent and relevant character in this arc EDIT 01/09/2022: well, having read the whole arc now, she certainly is not in the manga. Better limit her to funny faces and comic relief scenes, I guess.
Fubuki’s webcomic progression was - and hopefully is and will still be - a simple yet effective tale about self-worth, emancipation and human connections - I briefly talked about it while discussing Chapter 147 (I linked it above). In the manga her arc and her characterization are a convoluted mess that serves other characters (mostly Tatsumaki), resulting in a character with no clear direction or consistency (especially after Chapter 95). 
Where are Fubuki’s insecurities, her lack of confidence and her self-doubting nature? Why, instead of being cautious and careful to a fault, Fubuki acts like a cocky and arrogant fool that keeps getting ridiculed and humiliated all the time? Why has the remake discarded the fact that Fubuki’s sense of worthlessness, her fear of her sister and her traumas are what are holding her back and instead decided to portray her as an actual weakling that doesn’t understand her place and needs to be babysitted and protected by other heroes (basically the opposite of what the original was seemingly going for)?*** 
If you compare the Hero raid related chapters of the wc (62, 66, 69) to the corresponding manga ones, outside of tiny bits taken straight out of the webcomic (mostly limited to manga chapter 109), Fubuki feels like a totally different character with clearly different narrative purposes. In regard to Fubuki’s cocky and bossy attitude, I already mentioned in another post how wc Fubuki dropped her act of being the one in charge the moment she was informed about the crisis happening literally under her feet. Well, this is how remake Fubuki behaves in front of an energy-blast vomiting monster (and with civilians nearby)****. 
With Tatsumaki’s dislikable and threatening flaws erased in the remake, the oppressive role she played in Fubuki’s life is now nonexistent and the relationship between the two sisters has been turned into a wholesome and heartwarming sibling dynamic. Interestingly enough, if Fubuki is more childish and immature in the remake compared to the webcomic, the opposite could be said in regard to Tatsumaki. Even Fubuki’s connection to Psykos has been barely touched upon in new original scenes outside of one chapter (and even then only briefly), which is weird given how much the manga has been stretching this arc compared to the wc and how much foreshadowing there has been regarding future events with flashbacks, relationships and mysteries revealed way earlier. Actually, it’s beyond me as to why a writer would put these two characters in the same scene and have them ignore each other’s presence completely (1, 2). What remains of Fubuki is nothing more than a caricature, a parody of her former webcomic “self” (whose future navigates uncertain waters right now). 
If it wasn’t clear from this or my previous posts, I want to clarify that I’m totally okay with Fubuki being used for comedic scenes or for jokes that weren’t present in the webcomic as long as these respect her characterization (so definitely not this). My favorite example of a chapter that combines humor and Fubuki’s spotlight is definitely the Special “Numbers”, where Fubuki tries to recruit Saitama and his group with a gaming competition. If at first glance this premise seems to simply provide a narrative frame for hilarious antics between the characters, the special actually deals with Fubuki’s obsession with status, appearance and public perception, giving us glimpses of her worldviews, her role model and her ideals - and with a good dose of humor at that. More about this here. The Extra “The Struggles of the Blizzard Group” is another good example of this, focusing this time on Fubuki and her group, and the same could be said about Fubuki’s interactions with the Saitama Group around Chapters 86-90 (despite some signs of flanderization): Fubuki’s lack of social skills and experience when it comes to ordinary human relationships is well highlighted by the naivety and ankwardness of her behavior with the other members of Saitama’s group and her inability to understand Saitama’s mundane concerns. All these chapters employ jokes in order to tell something meangful about the characters (at least most of the time), whereas this chapter (like many of the remake in “recent” years) does the exact opposite.
Moving on to some random thoughts.
The way Murata draws Fubuki nowadays feels off to me, but I guess that her old expressions and even facial features wouldn’t fit the characterization of this “new” Fubuki.
It’s kind of hilarious how Do-s teleported behind her underlings between the end of Chapter 113, when she was in front of them, and the beginning of Chapter 114, as if Murata realized that there wouldn’t be any reason for Fubuki to not attack Do-s from the get-go and prevent the monster to pull out any trick if the latter was directly in front of her - and with the ability to manipulate the direction of her psychic waves, Fubuki shouldn’t have any problems targeting the monster hiding behind the brainwashed slaves as well as preventing the hostagesv from killing themselves (”Psychic Strike” or even some application of her psychic powers could have been employed here, for example), but Murata/ONE clearly forgot about Psychic Whirlwind and Fubuki being a skilled and capable esper in general.
Why would Fang spare Do-s instead of insta-killing her? And why would he leave her unschated? Fubuki, Fang and Bomb were really holding the Idiot Ball when they allowed Do-s to use the whistle. Besides, why didn’t the monster attack Amai with the rest of her hostages and with the whistle at her side in case of emergency? 
I’m more and more looking forward to Fubuki vs Psykos, not because I expect that to even loosely follow the original fight or have the same importance within the arc (EDIT 01/09/2022: well, it didn’t happen within the arc), but precisely because moments like this one seem to be out of the equation for Fubuki in the remake and only reserved for the “cool” members of the cast (so, not even you Amai). It would be hilarious if Murata/ONE tried to give that confrontation any sort of gravitas or pathos after having portrayed Fubuki like a clown.
On the positive side, I really liked some of the interactions between Fubuki and the two martial artist brothers.
Fubuki’s Hellstorm page was cool, to be honest. It’s the first time she uses her powers against someone in this arc. Though if Do-s survives this (and she will), then this psychic technique will be reduced to a complete and utter embarrassment. Moreoever, I find it weird how remake Fubuki (outside of “Numbers”) seems to only rely on this particular attack and not on the rest of her arsenal of techniques.
*Admittedly, they had their moments in Volumes 16/17 and so the lack of focus on them was more excusable.
**The last one occurred back in Volume 12, half series ago, if we consider that this chapter will be part of the content of volume 24. It’s quite impressive how little Fubuki got in all these years compared to any other member of the cast. It wouldn’t be so bad if the manga wasn’t as action-heavy and the last few years weren’t basically an endless sequence of battle scenes, but here we are. For now, the only new real fight scenes starring Fubuki in the manga are the Demonic Fan one (Extra “A New Wind Blows”, Volume 3) and the battle against Do-s (Chapters 64-65, Volume 12). To put it in perspective, Fubuki in the webcomic was introduced in Chapter 47, alongside Genos, Fang and Bomb she bumped into Rover in Chapter 69 and her fight against Psykos started in Chapter 74.
***Even Season 1 OVA 5 did a better job at portraying Fubuki than anything that has happened in the manga from the beginning of the Hero raid onwards.
****For the record, Fubuki’s reaction to Rover in the Webcomic (Chapter 69).
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What do you think the OPM characters' guilty pleasures would be? I feel like Tatsu loves soap operas and Atomic Samurai secretly loves a really popular boy band, like SMAP
Thanks for your request, anon! Sorry this took me so long to get to, you were buried in my inbox lol. But I hope this was worth the wait because oh boy this required all 3 of my brain cells.
Tornado of Terror: As you said, soap operas. She also loves candy apples in canon. But...she also is a HUGE fan of those really cheesy Cosmopolitan magazines that have all of the personality quizzes and the “which hot male celeb would date you” scenarios. She doesn’t fall for it one bit. In fact, she hate reads those fuckers in the same way that people pay to go see bad movies. It’s fun.
Silverfang: Yoga and following along to some cheesy-ass 80s workout videos. I’ve said he likes yoga in a previous headcanon, but he also likes to exercise along to some obnoxious 80s pop while some dude in a leotard instructs him on what to do from a TV screen. He wears sweatbands and legwarmers, too. The whole shebang. He only does it when he’s alone, though. Sometimes he’ll try to teach yoga to his disciples as a way to help them decompress after a long training session, but his workout tapes are his best-kept secret.
Atomic Samurai: I don’t know what a SMAP is, but he’s definitely got some questionable music choices going on considering he’s... well, the way that he is. I’d say he likes to listen to old country, like Marty Robbins and Glen Campbell. It’s really funny because you’ve got this intimidating man from Japan (or a fictional universe basically set in Japan) with a badass katana and shit but inside that empty head of his, there’s just a faint “out in the west Texas town of El Paso....”
Child Emperor: Picking at scabs. He’s often on his knees fixing shit in his lab, and he probably gets burned all the damn time from playing around with lasers so he’s undoubtedly always has a wound healing somewhere. Whenever he’s working on something, he’ll just absentmindedly pick at his scabs. It’s a bad habit and he knows it, but nothing beats the feeling of peeling off an entire patch of that shit. So satisfying.
Metal Knight: Buying books. He doesn’t even read them. He just buys bigass novels with smart-sounding names to fill up his library because he thinks it’ll make his dick grow another three inches or some shit. One of the few things he likes in this world (besides homicide) is the smell of a new book. If he’s feeling particularly pissy, he’ll go into his library and just ssssssnnnnnnnnnniififfffffffffff. He spends an outrageous amount of money on it. If he has anyone over (which is unlikely, but hypothetically speaking) and they mention his library by asking something like “have you read all of these?” It’ll be one of the few times in his life that he’ll feel shame.
King: Reading and writing fanfiction based on his favorite video game/anime series. Nobody knows he does this except his small following online, of course. And even more so, nobody online knows he’s an ultra-popular S-Class hero who’s friends with the most powerful man on earth. He’s actually a pretty decent writer, he just doesn’t take himself too seriously so the plotline to his stories tend to get a little haywire and overly self-indulgent. Let him have his fun. He just wants to be a Sailor Scout.
Zombieman: Singing. He actually used to be a good singer (he sounded like a discount Steve Perry back in the day), but constant smoking really fucked up his voice. He might as well have lungs the size of grapes because he can’t carry a note for more than 2 seconds without wheezing like an accordion with asthma. He’s never sang in front of anyone before because he thinks it’s silly thing that isn’t worth showing off. Play anything from The Eagles though, and he’ll have a hard time resisting.
Drive Knight: He likes to open up panels in his arms and legs to play with the wires (basically a robot’s version of nerve endings, I’m assuming) just so he can feel something. It’s kind of sad because he doesn’t experience pain or the cold or being tickled... (I know what y’all are thinking and you’d better STOP). So he sometimes takes it upon himself to dick around with his insides and dip his toe into what it feels like to be human, even if it’s just for a little bit. He’s super secretive about it (he’s just secretive about everything, really) because he doesn’t want anyone to know that he desires something outside of being a weapon of mass destruction justice.
Pig God: His whole schtick is basically indulging in a guilty pleasure — pigging out on delicious food with no regard whatsoever for one’s overall health. Other than that, however, he does like to collect body pillows. There, I said it. All he fucking does is eat and he’s too much of a big boi to be going out 24/7, so he’s gotta be on the internet/watching anime/playing video games/reading manga during all of that downtime between his stints of doing hero work. His bed is fucking ginormous to handle all of that big boy-ness and on it, he has his body pillow nest. He rests on a throne made for kings. A true icon.
Superalloy Darkshine: Also working out along to some cheesy 80s exercise videos. His hero outfit was inspired from what those ravishing instructors would wear on the television. Well, it was supposed to be a full leotard but it ripped every time he flexed just a tiny bit so the speedo is the only thing that’s left. He’s gotta hella rhythm and keeps up with the music using little to no effort. Although, he can’t go too hard because he’s also a big boi and he’ll literally shake the entire building if he gets too turnt up. Dance muscle boy, dance.
Watchdog Man: Eating too many dog treats lol. Sometimes while he’s stationed on his little podium thing, visitors will leave him little offerings like dog treats and other miscellaneous food items/toys. He never takes them or eats them in front of people, but he often brings everything home with him after a long day just to gobble that shit up. He’s gained a little weight since he started doing it but you can’t even notice it because his suit is hella bulky. Some of it is due in part to stress-eating because being a dog and dude at the same time is hectic, but it’s honest work.
Flashy Flash: Racing shit. Whenever he’s on his travels during, say, assassination missions or hero work, he gets hella bored really quickly. So, to help with this, he’ll often race birds or planes flying in the sky on his way to his destination to see who’s quicker (it’s always him). Sometimes he’ll even play catch with himself by throwing a pine cone or something and running to the place he guesses it’ll land before it even touches the ground. He just does a ton of weird speedster shit whenever he’s bored and he’ll deny it if anyone asks.
Genos: Purposefully putting a little bit too much oil on his joints after each upgrade so he’ll be as slick as a salamander. It’s a really funny feeling to be able to move your limbs with little to no resistance without having to worry about popping or breaking anything. It just makes him feel so agile despite being like, a hunk of actual metal. If he wasn’t so uptight, he would loosen the screws in his fingers to he can bend them almost all the way back (he’s actually thought about it a few times), but both Dr. Kuseno and his 3 remaining braincells attested to that. He just likes to tinker around with his body and see what weird shit he can do. It’s a bad habit because it’s led to a few things being broken on multiple occasions.
Metal Bat: Zenko’s shitty pop music. Whenever he drops her off at school or piano practice, he’ll immediately go home and blast that shit on full volume (because he’s practically deaf from always jumping out of falling buildings and continuously blasting music in his earbuds) while doing chores and the like. He’s one of those people that HAVE to have something going on in the background as they’re getting shit done. He’d rather be caught dead than listening to the OPM equivalent of Taylor Swift because he knows Zenko would never let him live it down.
Tanktop Master: Wearing suits around the house when he’s not even going anywhere. He’s got to wear his tanktop 24/7 whenever he’s in public to keep up The Image (which he has no problem with, he genuinely loves the tanktop ideology) but he also needs to feel fancy every once and a while. So, if he happens to have the time while in between appearances, he’ll prance around in a suit tailored just for him. Because he’s so fucking huge that he had to pay someone a large sum to custom make an outfit that actually fits. He is 7-motherfucking-feet tall. 7.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: Making Valentine’s Day cards all times of the year. Listen, it gets boring as hell in prison. Sometimes the guards will let all of the inmates have a little glitter and glue to keep themselves busy because no harm can come of a little arts and crafts, right? He likes to make cards on the daily just to let all of his lovers know how much he appreciates them. If they express even the slightest amount of disdain for his creations, he’ll spent the next week crying in the darkest corner of his cell block. He also likes origami. Origami is huge in prison because it’s hella time-consuming and guaranteed to calm a busy mind. His favorite things to make are little unicorns.
Amai Mask: Bath bombs. There have been several mishaps in which he’s used a poorly-made bath bomb and came out of the tub looking like Shrek but he’s grown and lot since then, okay? After a long day or a particularly stressful concert, he’ll sink into some hot water and drop a ball of lavender-scented goodness in there. It’s become a bit of an addiction because he’s got multiple cabinets dedicated solely to his collection, but at least he always smells divine.
Iaian: Shakespearean dramas. Kama got him hooked on theater shit and he’s since ripped through all of the most well-known plays. He thinks in iambic pentameter. It wasn’t always noticeable since he’s a quiet, well-reserved guy but his fellow disciples and Kami have recently noticed that he’s developed a bit of a dramatic flair. Even worse, he’s started calling himself a knight whenever he puts on his armor. Everyone prays it’s just a phase but seeing as how stubborn Iaian is, that seeks highly unlikely. Kami is dying inside because he can’t handle another drama nerd.
Okamaitachi: Soap operas, like Tatsumaki. Kama is the most dramatic out of all of the disciples so it’s only natural that she’d like the most dramatic genre of any show out there. She doesn’t exactly watch them religiously though. She’s the type of viewer to drop off the face of the earth for three seasons and come back without knowing what the fuck is going on (because the disciples have limited access to cable due to Kami’s dumbassery and ignorance to anything technology-related), but still cry during the finale anyway because oh no these people are so hot and one of them is deaaaaaad and the other one is that person’s long-lost sister....
Bushidrill: Taking alcohol from Atomic Samurai’s stash every so often. Bushidrill knows what the good shit is and he could buy it himself if he wanted to, but why would he when there’s a perfectly good alcoholic to steal from living right down the hall? He only takes in small doses because, believe it or not—he’s smart, but Kami isn’t gonna notice regardless of whether or not Bushi takes 1 or 5 bottles at a time because the old shit couldn’t spot a purple raccoon if it was 3 feet in front of him. There have been times where Bushi has opened bottles of Kami’s alcohol right in front of him just to play God and he always, without missing a beat, says “Oh, we have the same taste. How neat.”
Fubuki: I’ve said this before in a previous headcanon, but she has a mild obsession with Victorian aesthetic. She’s got a small collection of semi-authentic ballgowns that cost upwards of a-fuckton-of-money each, but anything’s worth it to be able to play dress-up with Lily. Fubuki’s favorite thing is making Lily feel beautiful because everyone has been an insecure teenager at one point and she knows how it feels to not be comfortable in one’s own skin. This isn’t exactly a guilty pleasure because she’s not guilty about it, but it’s almost gotten to a point where an intervention is needed. She’s got so many damn dresses and sooooo much fine china....
Saitama: Retail therapy, lol. Saitama is only good at budgeting because he has no choice given how fucking poor he is, but give this boy even a little bit of leeway and he’ll buy the ugliest clothes (to which he thinks look poppin’) and the best meats without even batting an eye. His entire manga collection is the product of him having little to no self control the moment he realizes he’s got a bit of money to spend on himself. This is also the only time he’ll experiment with cooking because now he can actually afford to fuck up, literally.
Mumen Rider: Sweets! I’ve said this in a previous hc but he has a major sweet tooth. You can substitute salt for sugar in any given recipe and he’ll see it as a major improvement because he just goes absolutely buckwild for anything sweet. His pancreas is suffering, but he believes nothing feels better than curling up under the covers on a rainy day with a heaping helping of milk chocolate. The only thing that makes him feel better after getting beat to shit is a kiss on the cheek and box of his favorite cookies (and some bananas, lol).
Sonic: Like Flash, he also likes racing things. But, in addition to that, his guilty pleasure is doing his own hair in elaborate hairstyles (when it was longer). He’s pretty much homeless so he’s got a lot of time to himself in between murders. This is when you can find him sitting in the woods somewhere braiding flowers into his hair and tying it off with a moss ribbon. He’d never admit he does this because he’s a big macho man and he’d probably cry.
Garou: Spicy chips. I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he absolutely inhales his food without even tasting it half the time so it’s not even like he gets to enjoy the flavor that much. He just likes the burn because he’s a shithead. He also doesn’t fear death or a torn-up asshole, so he’ll eat an entire family-sized bag of the OPM-universe equivalent to Takis without even batting an eye. He’s been beat to shit so many times that the agony that comes with downing so much spice is lost on him. He doesn’t even need water. It’s insane. Someone stop this madman at once.
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