#amai mask x you
animeficsworld · 10 months
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Amai Mask x Reader
You really felt special, being the girlfriend of the one and only Amai Mask was something you never even dreamed about.
But one unfortunate night turned your whole life around. 
A disgusting-looking monster decided that today will be the day when they will kidnap you.
You ran with all you had, trying to find someone, anyone who will help you. But no one helped.
And then, the monster caught you, you screamed, begged for help.
And finally, a hero did arrive to rescue you. That hero was Amai, he easily killed the monster and helped you to your feet.
The moment you locked eyes with him, it was over for both of you. You never would have expected more than that. But once you thanked him, bowed and was about to leave, he didn't let go off your hand.
You were shocked, and so was he. He always thought he will never fall in love, he wasn't cut out for it, is what he thought. But you changed that.
He knew, with his career, it will be difficult to maintain a relationship.
But both of you managed to stay a secret. 
Amai fell more and more in love with you. Your kind nature and beauty kept him going. You called him your hero, which always made him feel some kind of way.
And Amai just knew, he needed you in his life forever, so he had a plan to propose to you. But of course, you didn't know about that.
So when he told you about the date he planned in a very fancy restaurant, you didn't know what to wear or do. You hoped he wouldn't ask you to a fancy restaurant just to break up with you. During the past few months, he had been very distant with you. He had been of course busy, but not much busier than usual so you didn't understand why he was behaving weirdly. But you didn't ask about it. You knew he was a reserved person, and the last time he behaved like this was when he cut his hair and he thought you will get angry since you loved his long locks. So the worst you expected was a hair colour change. 
You ended up with a gorgeous dress on, right by his side. You felt so proud, proud of Amai and all his achievements. You heard his fans in front of the restaurant being sent away as the screamed for his attention.
"Is it okay that they see us together?" you asked as you sat down at your table.
"I'm done with hiding you, Y/N. From now on, I want the world to know."
"Well, I'm sure the world will know it very quickly since they all took at least one hundred pictures. "
You decided not to talk about his fans or any of that any longer. As a comfortable silence fell upon you two. You listened to the music that was playing in the background. You both ordered and enjoyed your food. You knew he wasn't much of a talker.
"So, how was your day?"
"Really good, thank you. I saw your concert yesterday on TV. You were really good."
"Thank you." you continued with small talk and soon dessert came around. 
You laughed out a little.
"What?" he askes watching you carefully.
"To be honest I was nervous. I thought you might want to break up with me, but then my friends said you wouldn't bring me here for that. One even said I might get proposed to." you laughed as you looked at your slice of cake. "But that's so cheesy. You wouldn't put a ring in my champagne or cake, right?" you meant to make a joke, but when you looked up at him and saw his face, your smile fell. His whole face was red and he was frozen in place, staring at his plate.
"You-You...I'm so sorry. Did you r-really?" you started to dig through the cake and funny enough, you found what you didn't expect, a ring. A gorgeous ring with a huge diamond in it. You washed it off in your water and handed it to him. Your face is just as red as his, your heart beating out of your ribcage. "A-ask me." you said and placed the jewel in his palm.
"Will you marry me?" you half expected a nice little speech about your love, how you met and how he fell in love, but just those 4 words meant more than any speech would. Especially after looking into his eyes. His eyes told you all that was necessary. 
"Yes." and he placed the ring to it's rightful place. Your mind barely registered what just happened. But you were extremely happy, you wanted to kiss him so bad, but you knew he didn't like to show affection in public places. So you were very surprised when he leaned over the table and gave you a quick peck on your lips.
Your evening went on as you got out of the restaurant, it was so late, you decided to take a short walk in the park. And lucky for you, no one was there. You were admiring your ring in the moonlight as you were walking hand by hand. 
"You know Y/N, I never thought I will be able to fall in love. Everyone sees me as this image, as a celebrity instead of who really I am. Then you came around. You weren't freaking out like others when I saved you. You were so reserved and you made me interested. You complete me, you don't complain about my lifestyle and work. You support me and don't ask unnecessary questions. I truly love you, Y/N. Thank you for saying yes and becoming my fiancé."
There he was, your Amai, the one only you saw and knew about. 
"I love you too, Amai."
You stopped right in your tracks and kissed him. He placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you back. 
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foggyfrogss · 4 months
« MOIRA › fate; destiny
Gojo x Reader | Warnings: Pure Angst | Discord 18+ | One Shot List
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Synopsis— You are reminded of the horrors of Jujutsu, witnessing the last moments of Satoru Gojo and Yuta Okkotsu.
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Wake up.
Wake up.
Your mind repeats the phrase, over and over.
“Wake up…”
It had just been you left in the room.
No other signs of life. No other signs of life.
On the metal he lay, motionless and coated in red. It’s all red.
There was no way he could be dead.
“Wake up!” It’s a selfish act, pleading a dead man to wake up.
Oh how you only wanted to see those eyes just one more time. Just one more time.
His face is still, holding an expression you’d never seen him make.
Satoru Gojo was at peace.
Though severed in more places than one, cut in half and bleeding out; he was at peace. A peace he couldn’t find living, even if he searched far and wide. It was an unreachable peace for a man who was as burdened as he was. He was free.
Tangled in your soul, he stays, making it difficult to breathe.
The short time you had alone with him had not been enough, you wished for more— but Shoko had been insistent on preparing his corpse.
Satoru was good at many things, one thing being that he always kept you out of the loop of his plans. “You’re what?” The words fall from your lips in a shocked tone, devoid of anger but filled with horror.
You couldn’t be angry at Shoko for something out of her control. She wanted the same as you; you could see it on her face and in the amount of finished cigarettes on the floor.
“If we hit rock bottom— meaning we have no other choice, if Yuta can’t do it,” Shoko begins to explain as she rids Gojo’s face of the dried blood, “we are to swap Yuta’s consciousness into his body.”
“He was okay with this?” You ask, motioning towards Gojo. Shoko nods, but only once. Her tired eyes jump from his corpse to meet your eyes. “He was sure he’d win, but then expressed that he did not care what happened to his body… if he were to die.”
In silence, though standing back far enough to give Shoko room, you watch her prepare his body. The squeaking wheels of a cart could be heard as she brings over a tray of medical tools.
She cleans off the dried blood after removing the scraps of his torn shirt. In silence, Shoko stitches the man’s body back together. Almost like a puzzle.
She cleans the remaining blood, and then pauses; she’s looking up at you, brown eyes peaking up. Though her face is masked, she’s showing her concern.
“The next part may be hard to watch,” she says steadily, holding up what looks to be a type of scalpel.
One part you had completely missed was how the consciousness would be swapped.
“Wait,” you’re saying, “what are you about to do?”
It’s silent for a beat, and you don’t miss the way her fingers slightly tremble. “The curse that was inside Geto’s body- Yuta will be copying that technique to use Gojo’s technique.”
It was clear as day now, and your eyes widen.
“You’re using-“ you are cut off with a loud popping sound. Ui-Ui appears out of thin air, holding— to the best of his abilities, Yuta Okkotsu.
Once again, all you see is red. It’s spilling onto the floor, a lot faster than Gojo’s had been. Yet, as you watch in pure horror, you see the way Yuta is still alive. He’s still moving, but slowly. Yuta’s energy flickers as it clings to life.
Shoko had dropped everything in her hands to push another metal table over, helping Ui-Ui place his severed body onto it. Piece by piece, careful not to hurt him more than he already was.
Just like Gojo, Yuta matches his sensei’s fatal wounds.
Seconds after Yuta’s arrival, the double-doors to the morgue/medical area are busted open. A kid, who you faintly recall as Amai, and Nitta flood in. Both of them rush to Yuta’s side, doing what they can to help him.
With a few minutes passing, you feel the tension in the air rise. It thickens uncomfortably, making you more anxious than you already were. “It’s no use,” you hear Nitta express. “All my RCT is doing is pausing it— it’s not getting better or worse.”
“Rika is how I’m still conscious, b-but that’s at its limit too…” you hear Yuta’s strained voice choke out. It’s absolutely gut-wrenching, hearing a kid— Satoru’s student, you grew to know so well suffer in such a way. “Ieiri, we’re doing it,” he says, “we have to do it. There’s no other choice.”
For a second, it’s deathly silent. All that could be heard is the strained breathing of Yuta Okkotsu.
“I have finished the stitching on Gojo’s corpse. As soon as you have moved in, push your reverse cursed technique to its maximum and get the body ready,” Shoko is turning slightly to lock eyes with Amai. “Amai, you will help me support him.”
“You have the option to stay and watch or save yourself the grief.”
You are already grieving, what more could make it worse? You stay silent, practically unable to speak.
Her words make you glance up at her, tearing your eyes away from Yuta as you watch Amai move towards his extended right hand.
“Come with me,” you feel Nitta take hold of your hand, pulling you towards the exit.
As if you’re on auto-pilot, your legs take you with her. Your head stays turned as you leave, watching as Shoko begins cutting into Gojo’s head.
The sight is gruesome, making you sick, but the double-doors shut before you can watch any further.
Unable to move any further, you’re falling to your knees, releasing a pained sound as you feel the grief finally take hold of the wheel. It’s painful.
“No…” you gasp out, shutting your eyes tightly together. The last thing you wanted to do was cry, but the tears find their way out, falling down your cheeks in heavy streams. “This isn’t real,” you say, clenching your teeth. “Satoru couldn’t have just died like that.”
Nitta is silent.
When you no longer feel Yuta’s cursed energy, you know.
After peeling yourself off the ground, you’d found a seat in a row chairs just outside the morgue. You assumed they were for grieving people such as yourself. People who needed to say goodbye one final time.
It’s quiet. A quiet that leaves you bare and lonely, alone with your thoughts. All you can think about is how you’ll never see him again.
As you sit in the depths of your mind, wading through heavy thoughts and feelings, a sharp feeling strikes you. It hits you hard, making you jolt.
It was him. It was his energy.
“Satoru…” you’re saying to yourself, in disbelief, picking yourself up from the seat. Nitta notices you immediately, quickly reaching for you, but you slip away.
Your anguish had blinded you. All you wanted was him and currently all you could feel around you was him.
In a haze, you’re opening the doors to the medical area, wincing from the bright lights. Your body reaches for him, grasping at the air. It’s like a magnetic pull, unable to resist the force, you’re scanning the room for him.
Your heart thumps, sending a wave of tingles through you as you finally spot him.
Lost due to the overwhelming events, you weren’t sure what to expect. It had completely slipped your mind as to what Shoko genuinely meant when she’d explained… though you understood, nothing could prepare you for what you found.
Shoko is eyeing you worriedly.
The man turns, locking eyes with you.
Oh how you only wanted to see those eyes just one more time. Just one more time. Yet, when that wish is granted, when you lock eyes with this man— it’s not the same. At all.
They are distant, lacking the vibrancy of life Satoru Gojo once held when he looked at you. Blue, striking and bright, they’re now cold. Cold like the body that lay on that table moments ago.
The peace was gone, as was Satoru Gojo.
Dead man walking, he moves awkwardly, like a reanimated corpse trying to learn how to walk again.
Disheveled hair, you can see the fresh stitching across his forehead; Geto’s face pops into your mind.
Next to Gojo’s body, Shoko moves away, going to the other side of the room. The air around her has completely shifted, and you understand immediately.
In the background, you can hear Shoko clean the tools she’s used for surgery.
“Yuta,” you say, directing it towards Gojo’s body. When his mouth opens to speak, you feel as if your heart is ripped from your chest.
Gojo was not free. Though death has lifted the burden of his status off his soul, he is unable to rest. He is not free— a weapon, taken advantage of and used selfishly by your fellow sorcerers for their gain. For Japan’s gain. Call it selfish, but you understood why the plan had been kept from you now.
Hell would freeze over before you agreed to such a thing, even if Gojo was okay with it.
To have a body; to just exist, is to suffer— it was what you learned from him in the handful of years you had known Satoru Gojo.
He was not a man to speak up, especially about himself; you could see it in his eyes rather than being told in words. The second his blindfold was removed in the comfort of your home, his entire story would be told, expressed only to you in private.
He was a man, a human, just like any other sorcerer... just as Geto was.
To be used in the same way as his late best-friend, but this time for good; it was more than tragic... disturbing and unforgivable.
“Hello,” he says your name after, following the greeting.
It is his voice. It is his voice.
Under a white sheet, Yuta’s body— now corpse, lays still. His brain, and complete consciousness, residing in the corpse of your late lover.
“I’m sorry,” is all he says before disappearing from the room. His voice is pained, as if he had been in your shoes himself. As if he had been the one to witness his lover's body being used as a tool.
Silence follows his departure, filling the cold room.
You hadn't known warmth since he turned cold.
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xxspringmelodyxx · 4 months
That Girl’s A Liar~
Satoru Gojo x F!Reader
Here is part III! I hope you all enjoy<333 Part I Part II
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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I headed towards the library, where Kai and I had planned to meet up and go over his strategy to ask Amai out. My mind was still buzzing with thoughts of Toru and the missed chance to talk to him earlier. It had been such a strange, disheartening day. For the first time since we became friends, Toru and I hadn’t exchanged a single word.
We never even crossed paths, our schedules seemingly conspiring to keep us apart. That or we were just too busy with school work to talk. It felt as if a crucial part of my day was missing, leaving an empty void that gnawed at me. The absence of our connection cast a shadow over everything, making the day feel unusually long and painfully lonely.
Entering the library, I spotted Kai at a table near the back, surrounded by books and notes. He looked up and waved me over with a relieved smile.
“Hey, Y/N!” Kai greeted me. “Thanks for coming. I really need your help with this science project, and… you know, the other thing.”
“Of course,” I replied, setting my bag down and pulling out my notebook. “Let’s get started.”
As we began reviewing the material, I noticed Toru entering the library. He paused at the entrance, his eyes scanning the room. When he saw me and Kai sitting close together, his expression shifted. Instead of approaching, he decided to observe from a distance, his curiosity and jealousy piqued.
“So…do you think Amai likes coffee or tea better? I’m thinking about asking her if she’d like to get something with me sometime this week…or maybe next week.” Kai asked, glancing at his notes to mask the question.
I leaned in, whispering back, “Probably tea. She seems like a tea person.”
Kai chuckled, shaking his head. “You think so? What makes you so sure?”
I gasped dramatically, placing a hand over my heart in an exaggerated manner. “You doubt my finely honed abilities to discern whether someone prefers coffee or tea? That is blasphemous!” I declared with mock seriousness, a playful glint in my eyes. “My skills in beverage detection are unparalleled. I can read the subtle signs and nuances of a person’s taste preferences with unmatched precision.”
Kai laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Alright, alright, I believe you. I just want to make sure I do this right. I don’t want to mess up any opportunities given to me."
I smiled reassuringly, leaning in a bit closer. "You won't mess this up, Kai. Just be yourself and show genuine interest in her. Trust me, Amai will appreciate the effort and sincerity. And remember, you've got me in your corner to help you out."
Kai's expression softened, his nervousness giving way to a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot. I guess I just need to relax and take it one step at a time."
I nodded, feeling a surge of warmth from our friendship. "Exactly. And who knows, maybe this will be the start of something really great for you."
Toru found a spot behind a bookshelf where he could watch us without being seen. He noticed the way Kai leaned in close, and how I responded with a smile and a laugh. His grip on his bag tightened as he tried to make sense of our interaction.
We both giggled at our own seriousness, finding some levity in the situation. Toru, catching the intimate nature of our conversation but not the details, felt his jealousy deepen. He struggled to maintain his composure as he watched us from the shadows.
“What the hell could he be saying to make you smile like that?” He thought
Kai nudged me, his voice low. “Do you think Amai likes science fiction? I’m thinking of recommending a book.”
I leaned in closer, whispering, “Yeah, I think she does. She mentioned something about liking scientific settings in our last class. Maybe you should talk with her about what her favorite book is or something amongst those lines.”
Toru’s eyes narrowed as he watched us, feeling a pang of jealousy. The way we were huddled together, whispering and laughing, was unsettling for him. What was going on between you two?
Kai looked at me with a mixture of hope and nervousness. “Do you think it’s too soon to ask Amai about her favorite books?”
I shook my head, smiling reassuringly. "Not at all. In fact, asking about her favorite books is a great way to show you’re interested in her likes and dislikes. It will make her feel appreciated."
Kai’s face lit up with relief. "Right. You’re right… I just… I don’t want her to think I’m some sort of creep."
I laughed, rubbing my hand on his shoulder, trying my best to reassure him. "For asking her about her favorite book? Kai, I think you’re being too hard on yourself. You aren’t going to sound like a creep as long as you don’t ask too many personal questions. Just keep it simple!"
Kai nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Okay, got it. Keep it simple and genuine."
I patted his shoulder encouragingly. "Exactly. You're going to do great, Kai. Like I said, just be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally. Amai will see the real you, and that's what matters most."
He took a deep breath, seeming more at ease. "Thanks, Y/N. I really appreciate your help. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
I grinned, feeling the bond of our friendship strengthen. "Anytime, Kai. I'm always here for you. Now, let's get back to this science project and make sure we ace it."
As you two continued discussing both the science project and Kai’s plans for Amai, Aksana entered the library. She spotted Toru almost immediately and saw him staring at you. With a determined look, she walked straight over to him, her books clutched to her chest.
Toru continued to watch you and Kai, his frustration growing as he struggled to understand your guys’ interaction. Just then, Aksana appeared beside him, noticing his distraction.
"Hey, Toru, can you help me with my homework again? I’m really struggling to understand it," Aksana said, effectively blocking his view of me and Kai.
Toru hesitated, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer. He wanted to focus on our interaction, to understand what was going on between us.
"Uh... sorry, Aksana, but I am actually—" he began, trying to excuse himself.
"Oh, please, Toru? I really need you!" she begged, sitting down next to him and effectively blocking his view of me and Kai.
He felt a surge of annoyance but forced a polite smile, trying to be nice despite his reluctance. "Alright, Aksana. What do you need help with?" he asked, though his thoughts were still preoccupied with me and Kai.
I glanced over, catching a glimpse of Toru and Aksana together. My chest tightened as I saw them, their heads close together as they worked on her assignment. The way his arm grazed against hers, the way his eyes looked at hers—it all made my stomach churn with an unfamiliar pang of jealousy.
Kai noticed my distraction and gently nudged me. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, forcing a smile. “Let’s get back to work.”
We continued studying, but I couldn’t help stealing glances at Toru and Aksana. Every time I looked over, they seemed more engrossed in their conversation, making my heart sink a little further.
The image of them laughing together left a bitter taste in my mouth. The day that had started with a missed connection now felt even more complicated and heavy.
I glanced over again, catching a moment where Aksana playfully nudged Toru. He smiled politely, but there was something distant in his eyes, a flicker of the tension I knew he was trying to hide. Yet, the way they interacted still made my heart clench with jealousy.
Kai’s voice pulled me back to our conversation. “So, when do you think is the best time to ask Amai about her interests? I don’t want to come off too strong.”
“Maybe start with something light,” I suggested, trying to keep my focus. “Talk about school, then gradually bring up hobbies and books. It will feel more natural that way.”
Kai nodded, absorbing my advice. We continued to work, but my mind kept drifting. I noticed that Toru would occasionally glance my way, his expression unreadable. Each time our eyes almost met, Aksana would say something to draw his attention back to her.
Eventually, Kai suggested a break. “Hey, Y/N, why don’t we take a break and go to the café down the street? My treat for all the help you’ve been to me.” Toru’s expression darkened as he overheard Kai’s suggestion. The mention of our usual spot hit him hard. He watched as I hesitated, torn between helping Kai and the implications it might have for Toru. Maybe it would be for the best. It would help keep my mind off of him and Aksana.
“Sure, Kai. Thanks,” I finally said, trying to keep my tone neutral.
Kai beamed, completely oblivious to the tension. “Great! Let’s go.”
We packed up our things and headed out, leaving Toru and Aksana behind. Toru watched you both leave, his hand breaking his pencil in half from the jealousy and frustration he felt.
I stirred my tea with my straw, struggling to drink it as I was lost in thought. My mind kept drifting back to Toru and Aksana, and the unsettling feelings it stirred within me. Kai took notice of my distraction and leaned in, concern etched on his face.
“What’s up, Y/N? You seem really out of it,” Kai asked gently.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Kai. Really,” I replied, trying to brush off my feelings with a weak smile.
“Come on, I know self-deception better than anyone. Now, what’s going on?” he pressed, his tone sincere and encouraging.
I sighed, putting down my straw and looking up at Kai. His eyes were filled with genuine concern, and I knew I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer. “It’s just… seeing Toru with Aksana today. It made me realize how much I miss talking to him. We didn’t even get to see each other at all today, and it felt so… empty.”
Kai nodded thoughtfully, a hint of realization dawning in his eyes. “Do you… like him?” he asked, a small smile making its way to his face as he saw me look away from him.
I felt my cheeks heat up, and I avoided his gaze, fiddling with my straw. “I… I don’t know, Kai,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh, so you do like him!” he yelled, his eyes lighting up at the news.
“Will you keep it down, Kai?! The whole world doesn’t need to know!” I exclaimed, placing my hands over his mouth to muffle his excitement. My heart raced at the thought of anyone else overhearing our conversation.
Kai laughed, gently moving my hands away. “Alright, alright, I’ll keep it quiet. But wow, Y/N, this is big! No wonder you seemed so distracted today.”
I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I looked down at my untouched tea. “Yeah, it’s a lot. But just looking at him makes me feel so happy. His smile, his voice, his eyes…even his dumb jokes and antics make my heart flutter.
Kai laughed, making me look up at him.
”Why don’t you tell him?”
”I tried! But every time I try to, its like the universe always seems to find a way to stop it from happening.” I explained.
”Not only that… but stupid Aksana keeps butting in, so I can never get any time alone with him,” I finished, frustration evident in my voice.
As Kai was about to say something, he noticed the weather changing. The clouds began to circle around in the sky, making him look down at me with concern.
“Uh… Y/N?” he asked, pointing towards the outside.
I turned and rolled my eyes, realizing what was happening. “Damnit. Sorry,” I said, quickly taking a deep breath to regain control. Within a few seconds, the clouds disappeared and the sun began to shine once more.
Kai watched in awe, his expression a mix of surprise and admiration. “Wow, you really do have a unique and powerful cursed technique. I forget sometimes.”
I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, it tends to react to my emotions. It’s something I’ve been trying to control better. But now Im seeing that I need to work harder on that…especially if something like this is getting to me.”
“Don’t feel bad about it. Love is a powerful thing. It can make even the strongest of people lose control.” He said, making me ponder.
”Listen, thank you for the tea, Kai. It was so sweet of you…but I better get going. I have some things I need to sleep on tonight. How about we meet tomorrow during lunch and we can go over the plan some more and you can finally get some interaction with her.” I said, quickly leaving the cafe, not giving him any time to respond.
As I stepped outside, the fresh air helped clear my mind. I walked all the way back to my home, my thoughts swirling with everything that had happened. Once inside, I went straight to my room and face-planted into the bed, letting out a long, frustrated sigh.
As I lay there, the events of the day replayed in my mind. Every missed chance to talk to him, every moment he spent with Aksana instead of me—it all seemed to point to one conclusion. What if the universe was trying to tell me something? What if Toru and I were never meant to be more than friends?
I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. I couldn’t give up so easily. I needed to talk to Toru, to clear the air and find out how he really felt. But the fear of rejection, of ruining our friendship, weighed heavily on my heart.
Rolling onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling, Why did things have to be so complicated? All I wanted was to be close to Toru, to share everything with him, to hear his voice….I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. “Get a grip, Y/N,” I muttered to myself.
I don’t know whats going to happen to us in the future…but I do know that I am going to make sure I get alone time with Toru tomorrow…no matter what. I need to see him…and just him. With that resolve in mind, I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.
—With Satoru—
“I don’t know what the fuck to do, Suguru! It’s like he’s completely replaced me!” Satoru exclaimed, running his hand through his hair in frustration. The usually composed and confident young man was now a bundle of nerves, his eyes reflecting the turmoil he felt inside.
Suguru leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching his friend with a mixture of concern and sympathy. “Calm down, Satoru. Tell me what’s going on.”
Satoru sighed, pacing the room. “It’s Y/N. I’ve barely gotten to spend time with her, if any at all. She’s too preoccupied with that boy Kai. It’s like she doesn’t even notice me anymore. And seeing them together... it hurts, Suguru. It fucking hurts.” The words tumbled out of him in a rush, each one laced with the raw pain of unrequited love and the sting of jealousy.
Suguru nodded, understanding the depth of his friend’s anguish. He had witnessed the way Satoru looked at you, talked about you, even thought about you. He knew how much you meant to him. “Okay, first, you need to try and relax man-“
”How can you say that? You know how I feel about her. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about her. I miss her so much…I love her so much.” He started, looking down at his bandaged arm where you helped him. The memory of your gentle touch and kind words only made the pain sharper.
”i just…I thought maybe she might’ve felt the same for me.” He said, his voice breaking in defeat. Suguru lifted himself off the wall and walked towards his best friend, placing a hand on his shoulder.
”Listen man, I get it. I know how much you love her, and maybe it feels like she’s slipping away. But I feel like all of this is just a big misunderstanding. Maybe there’s something going on between those two that you don’t know of.”
”Like what? Like them dating? Do you think they are dating?” Satoru interrupted, his eyes widening in fear at the realization. The mere thought of you being with someone else made his heart ache with a pain he couldn’t bear.
”What? No! I'm just saying that maybe there is more to the story than you think. You need to talk to her. You need to finally let her know how you feel. Maybe then…all will be revealed.” He suggested. To be honest, Suguru wasn’t sure what you were doing either. He could’ve sworn you were absolutely head over heels for Satoru just as much as he was for you…did he interpret your feelings wrong? Could it be true that you moved on from his best friend to another boy?
“It’s not that simple,” Satoru replied, his voice tinged with desperation. “Every time I get close, something or someone gets in the way. Trust me, I want to tell her! I want to be with her so bad, to just hear her beautiful voice, see her beautiful smile… but instead, I end up seeing her with Kai...and hes the one getting all of those things that I want. it’s like a knife to the heart.”
Suguru placed a reassuring hand on Satoru’s shoulder. “Then make her see it. Show her what she’s missing.”
Satoru's eyes lit up with an idea. “You’re right. Maybe if she sees me with someone else, she’ll realize what she’s missing. Maybe I need to make her jealous.”
Suguru’s eyes widened in alarm. “No, that’s not what I meant! I was trying to say that you need to be honest with her, not play games.”
But Satoru, being himself, was already forming a plan in his head. “Thanks, Suguru! You’re a genius. I’ll show her that I can move on too. Maybe then she’ll realize how much she misses me.”
“Satoru, you fucking idiot, wait—” Suguru began, but it was too late. Satoru was already heading out the door, determined to put his plan into action.
Ignoring Suguru’s protests, Satoru sought out Aksana. If making Y/N jealous was the way to get her attention, then he would go all in.
It didn’t take too long before Satoru found Aksana. There she was, in the library, engrossed in a book.
“Aksana, hey,” Satoru said, putting on his most charming smile.
Aksana looked up, surprised. “Oh, hi, Satoru. What’s up?”
“Do you want to hang out? Maybe grab a coffee or something?” Satoru asked, trying to sound casual.
Aksana’s face held a sinister smirk. Had all the work she put into getting close to Satoru finally paid off? “Sure, I’d love to,” she replied, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she sensed an opportunity unfolding before her.
As they walked out together, Satoru couldn’t help but glance around, hoping Y/N would see them. Suguru’s words echoed in his mind, but he pushed them aside. This had to work. Y/N had to realize what she was missing.
Meanwhile, Suguru watched from a distance, shaking his head. “This is going to backfire spectacularly,” he muttered to himself. He could only hope that Satoru would come to his senses before it was too late.
”What the hell is he doing?” Shoko asked, showing up out of nowhere. Suguru looked down at her and shook his head.
”Something he's going to regret.”
—With you—
Well…your plan to get alone time with Toru plan went to shit. Weeks had passed, and you hadn't had a single opportunity to be alone with Toru. Each time you attempted to get close, someone inevitably interrupted—most often Aksana. It was almost as if she had a sixth sense for when you wanted to speak with him because she was perpetually by his side. The way she clung to him made it appear as though he were her boyfriend, the two of them always in close physical proximity. People around you even started saying how cute of a couple they would be.
If you wanted to talk to him before class, it was too late—Aksana had already walked with him to school before you even had a chance. Trying to catch him during lunch was futile because Aksana had preemptively whisked him away to a nice place to eat. Attempting to speak to him after school was equally hopeless since she was already monopolizing his time, ostensibly to get help with her “homework.” It was driving your emotions into turmoil, and consequently, the weather seemed to mirror your inner state.
Days that were forecasted to be sunny turned out to be rainy, and days that were supposed to be mildly windy saw unexpectedly strong gusts. There were even some days that would have a mix of both snow and rain. All because of you. Shoko, Kai, and Suguru quickly noticed the change in you and attempted to reach out, but you were so consumed by your own emotions that you began to shut them out. The frustration and longing were driving you to the brink of insanity, and you could feel your sanity slipping away with each passing day.
What made matters worse was that you started to notice how much closer Toru and Aksana were getting. Almost too close. You still remember the day you were in the lunchroom with Kai, preparing him to go talk to Amai, only to see Toru and Aksana leaving the school premises together. They were laughing with one another, their heads close as they shared a private joke. The sight made your heart ache, a deep, painful throb that you couldn’t ignore.
Kai, noticed your sudden silence, and he followed your gaze. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
You tore your eyes away from the scene, forcing a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, the words tasting bitter in your mouth. “Just lost in thought.”
Kai gave you a skeptical look but didn’t press further. “Well, if you need to talk, you know I’m here for you, right?”You nodded, appreciating his support but feeling helpless. “Thanks, Kai. I appreciate it.”
As the days passed, the growing closeness between Toru and Aksana became increasingly difficult to ignore. They seemed inseparable, and every time you saw them together, it felt like a dagger twisting in your heart. You felt a mix of emotions—hurt, jealousy, and a strange sense of betrayal. Why was Satoru spending time with Aksana? Had you misread the situation all along? Did Satoru really not feel the same about you as you did about him? The thought was almost too painful to bear. You could’ve sworn he…you thought he…well maybe…maybe he just didn’t love you after all….
The following day, you decided to go to the cafeteria to grab something quick to eat. You and Kai were close to being done with the science project, and he and Amai were becoming closer and closer each day. He managed to build up enough courage to take her out to eat, so you were left alone. Now, you had some time all to yourself to just relax. It was a rare moment, but it meant that you got to actually sit with Shoko, Suguru, and Satoru.
As you made your way, the cafeteria’s usual cacophony of voices and clattering dishes seemed to fade into the background. You spotted Shoko and Suguru sitting together, but no sign of Toru. You went over to the table Shoko and Suguru were at, and forced a smile, trying to shake off the sense of dread that had been gnawing at you. As you sat down, you heard Toru’s voice from afar. Your eyes involuntarily drifted to the direction of his voice and found Toru and Aksana entering the lunchroom, talking amongst themselves about something random.
They were standing close, their heads almost touching as they shared a private joke, their laughter mingling with the ambient noise but somehow standing out painfully to your ears. The sight made your stomach churn with jealousy and hurt, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil that had become all too familiar.
Every giggle from Aksana and every smile from Toru felt like a dagger to your heart. The way they seemed so at ease with each other, so effortlessly close, was unbearable. You had always cherished the moments when Toru smiled at you like that, but now those moments seemed to be slipping away, replaced by this growing bond between him and Aksana. It was a bitter pill to swallow, seeing someone else enjoy what you longed for so deeply.
Suguru, sitting across from you, noticed your pained expression and turned to look at Toru and Aksana. He scoffed in disgust, completely in disbelief at what his best friend was doing. “Unbelievable,” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in frustration. He couldn’t fathom how Toru could be so oblivious to your feelings, so wrapped up in his plan to make you jealous that he didn’t notice the hurt he was causing you.
Shoko, on the other hand, looked like she was ready to strangle both Toru and Aksana. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she watched them, her fists clenched tightly on the table. “This has to stop,” she whispered to Suguru fiercely, her voice barely containing her rage. She had seen the toll this situation was taking on you and it infuriated her to see her friend in such pain.
Both Suguru and Shoko had witnessed your frustration and heartbreak over the past few weeks. They had seen the light dim in your eyes and the smile that no longer reached your lips. It pained them to see you like this, to see someone they cared about suffering in silence. They exchanged a look, silently agreeing that something needed to be done to end this misery.
“Hey, Y/N,” Shoko said, her voice softer now as she turned her attention to you. “Are you okay?” Her eyes were filled with concern, and you could tell she was genuinely worried about you.
You forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil inside. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, though your voice betrayed your true feelings. The lump in your throat made it hard to speak, and you could feel the tears threatening to spill over, but you fought to keep them at bay.
Suguru leaned forward, his expression serious and earnest. “You don’t have to put up with this, you know. We’re here for you,” he said, his tone comforting yet firm. He wanted you to know that you weren’t alone, that you had friends who cared about you and wanted to help.
And you were grateful. Truly. But the emotions were overwhelming, and you couldn’t bear to delve into them any further. You sighed deeply and placed your head in your hands, trying to steady your breathing. “Can we not talk about this… please?” you asked, your voice cracking under the weight of your emotions. The sight of Toru and Aksana together was like a constant reminder of what you couldn’t have, and it was tearing you apart. You just needed a break. A break from it all.
“Of course...” Shoko replied softly, her worry for you still evident in her eyes. She exchanged a glance with Suguru, both of them silently agreeing to shift the conversation away from the topic that was causing you so much pain.
“Well, how about we talk about training then?” Suguru suggested, his tone lightening in an attempt to lift the mood. “I heard Sensei Yaga is having all of us go out later today for a practice exam on our form to see where we are at.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and mild panic. Was that today? Just when you thought you might get a break, now you were bombarded with the realization that you had to use your abilities to get a good grade. The stress of everything was beginning to weigh heavily on you, and the thought of the upcoming practice exam only added to your anxiety.
“Great,” you muttered, your voice tinged with sarcasm. “Just when I thought I could relax, now I have to worry about my form and performance.” You ran a hand through your hair, feeling the tension building up inside you.
Suguru gave you a sympathetic smile. “I know it’s a lot, but maybe it’ll be a good distraction. Focusing on training could help take your mind off things for a bit.”
“Yeah, and you’re really good,” Shoko added, her tone encouraging. “You always impress Sensei Yaga. Just think of it as another chance to show what you can do.”
You nodded, appreciating their attempts to cheer you up. “I guess you’re right. It’s just… everything feels so overwhelming right now. I’ll try to focus on the training and give it my best shot.”
As the conversation shifted to the details of the practice exam and various training techniques, you found yourself gradually relaxing. It wasn’t a complete escape from your thoughts about Toru and Aksana, but it was a temporary reprieve. For now, you could channel your energy into preparing for the exam and proving your skills.
The laughter and chatter of the cafeteria buzzed around you, blending into the background as you listened to Shoko and Suguru discuss strategies and tips. You took a deep breath, letting their words wash over you, and tried to find some semblance of peace in the midst of the chaos that had become your life.
Just then, your phone buzzed with a new message. Glancing at the screen, you saw it was from Kai. His words caught your attention right away.
“Meet me before our practice exam today. I’m going to finally ask Amai out… and to the dance… but I want to practice what I’m going to say. I need you to pretend to be her,” he wrote.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling, a small smile grew on your face. At least someone in your life was going to have a good ending… hopefully. The idea of helping Kai with his romantic plans provided a glimmer of positivity in your otherwise turbulent day. It was a reminder that not everything was bleak and that happiness was still possible for those around you.
You quickly replied, typing out a response with a renewed sense of purpose. “Sure, I’ll meet you in our science class. We can practice there,” you texted back, feeling a bit lighter.
“Y/n…we need to tell you something. It’s about Satoru and what he’s been doing. Just please be ready to-“ Suguru started before being cut off by your voice.
“Hey guys, it was wonderful talking to you both… but something just came up and I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later today!” you said, not hearing a word they were saying before getting up and leaving, trying to muster the enthusiasm you no longer felt.
As you walked away, Toru’s eyes followed you, noticing the small smile on your face that barely masked your true feelings. His heart began to race with anticipation, a flicker of hope igniting within him. Were you finally going to come to him? Were you going to hug him and let him hear your voice that he had been longing for? He missed the way you used to laugh, the way you used to share everything with him.
Just as you made it a few feet away from him, your eyes locked with his, making both of you pause. For a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still, and all the noise of the cafeteria faded into the background. His heart pounded in his chest, a flicker of hope igniting within him. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment he had dreamed about during the countless sleepless nights. He wanted to reach out to you, to bridge the painful gap that had grown between you.
However, before he could make a move, you averted your eyes and walked in the opposite direction, directly ignoring him. He felt his heart shatter right then and there from your actions. The small glimmer of hope that had sparked in his heart was extinguished in an instant. Every step you took away from him felt like a crushing blow, each one more painful than the last. The rejection was a raw, agonizing wound that left him reeling.
“Y/n…” He muttered under his breath.
Part IV coming soon!
Taglist: @goreedo11
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whoishotteranimepolls · 7 months
1) Chrollo Lucifer (Hunter x Hunter) VS Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (Bungou Stray Dogs)
2) Theta (Hunter x Hunter) VS Miki Kinemi (Blue Period) (Miki is hotter in the manga btw so I'd prefer you use a panel of her from there)
3) Amai Mask (One Punch Man) VS Rip Tristan (Undead Unluck)
4) Billy Alfred (Undead Unluck) VS Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
5) Morena Prudo (Hunter x Hunter) VS Psykos (One Punch Man)
I said I was going to share good examples of how to format your request. Here is a great example now. This one doesn't include ages but I don't require that but it is recommended. Now I do believe there were some minor spelling issues but Google was able to figure it out so I didn't care but please watch for that.
But the way this is formatted is easy for me to just copy and paste it into both Google and the poll. So my only nitpick would be the spelling issues and the numbers because I did have to take that out but that's a minor compared to some of the things I've had to deal with
All future examples you'll be able to find under the tag #request example And I will share a few of these good and bad so you all know what to do and what not to do and why I've categorized it as a good and bad example
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theomnicode · 2 years
im curious- do you think saitama has romantic love on the mind at all? is romantic love a high priority for him(after all, he's only human) or do you think that personal connections is all he needs to create fulfillment and meaning in his life? i personally dont know if he could even be in a relationship, he's so depressed. i think his deep relationship with genos(whether platonic or romantic) is what makes him want to move forward and live and grow... i dont think that their relationship being platonic would make it any less deep tbh.
anyway i ask this because a lot of people, especially reddit, is so focused on who saitama wants to date when im not really sure if thats in the cards for him. i also dont think the only alternative to the silly psychic sisters/saitama ships is saigenos, as much as i enjoy it. what do you think as someone who is a lot more involved in this fandom? i think your analysis is always very interesting to read and would love to hear your thoughts, sorry for rambling so much lol x
Oh do I think Saitama has romance in mind?
Yes, yes I do in fact, I have made bunch of meta centered around Saitama and romance and it has been asked of me in the past and I cannot even recall every single one, you'd probably have a to dig a lot. But most notable hints are ofc the media Saitama consumes, which center strictly around both romance and battle shounen and shoujo specifically. One doesn't really consume media on their free time if it holds no interest to them.
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Saitama being romantic at heart
Love is in the air
Saitama's journey in self-confidence
And literally pertaining this:
Me when people say Saitama doesn't seem like the romantic type
But it's not just limited to that, but also the amount of shoujo elements and romantic elements in seinen, like sunsets, sparkles, late night dinners, cozy slice of life, romantic outros (ending anime songs), references, you name it.
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Reason why it's so appealing to the female demographic in japan I bet when most of OPM fans are ladies instead of guys in there, or so I've heard haha.
Also, Saitama is depressed yes, but he's finding a lot of help to his depression from the people around him, the lack of connections being one of the biggest reasons for his depression after all as he says in the King chapter. Not having relatability with others causes him to feel Othered by the society itself and not know how to live in it.
Tbh, I'd personally want him to find more happiness in life like he wants in the audiobooks. :)
I'd be kinda sad if he didn't find that kind of fullfillment eventually. That and it would definitely break my heart if Genos found nothing but platonic response from Saitama, after all and everything he has done so far. But such is life sometimes. It doesn't make their relationship less deeper even if they did nothing, but still. :/
(Tbh Genos hasn't been very platonic in a long while lol, he even borrowed Saitama's underwear in hotpot as Murata-sensei said. It's hard to not notice and I think Saitama has.)
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I just think Sai is very subtle lol. But we'll see if he actually gets physically affectionate with Genos, then you know for sure hah.
Genos already armless glomped him, we need a glomp back to get even.
But yea, if I saw a good dynamic for Saitama specifically, I might also check out that avenue in terms of shipping. I just don't personally think romantic SaiBuki or SaiTats are my thing. Some people ship SaiKing which is wholesome but again, I tend to personally think them as great friends. SaiAmai would be...interesting. I'd like to see more of Amai-mask in general, their chemistry and how their character dynamic evolves. One fling man? Genos would disagree.
One of my friends ships Sonsai (zombieman x saitama) which I think is a fun dynamic because they're both quite funny characters. But again, I need to see more of their chemistry to get into it myself.
I have something else in mind though, but I kinda wanna see more of this character first. No it's not Suiko or anybody you'd be able to guess.
I'll give that person a cookie if they can guess who I am refering to without outside assistance lol.
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scary-senpai · 2 years
I saw @unfortunatelycake post this get to know you game and it’s been kind of a rough day, so I am allowing myself some silly internet things as a treat.
I didn’t tag anyone but you should reblog if the spirit moves you! 90% of my tumblr interactions have been blocking / reporting porn blots so it’s nice to hear from actual people
3 ships: Garou x Genos, platonic! Garou x Saitama, Zombieman x Amai Mask
First ship: if we go really far back, it would be the Blue Ranger and the Yellow Ranger in Power Rangers… although I don’t know if that counts, because I was like 7. It wasn’t until I was in middle school I saw The Road to El Dorado, at which point the Chel / Miguel / Tulio dynamic truly awakened something in me.
Last song: “mostly major chords,” Shayfer James. It is achingly beautiful and sad.
Last movie: I watched Scrooge with my cousin over Christmas. I thought we were watching A Muppet’s Christmas Carol. He tricked me, but I forgive him. Even though I’ve had “Thank you very much” stuck in my head for like two weeks now.
Currently reading: tut / keep — it’s a poetry book written in English and Turkish. Maybe I will finally, finally start to understand how Turkish works :-/ I’m also doing Whale Weekly, so Moby Dick (my mom gave me a sparkly whale ornament for Christmas)
Currently watching: bungo stray dogs
Currently consuming: water with lemon
Currently craving: a really, really intense yoga class. Either very fast paced or very stretchy, possibly both. My shoulders have been misbehaving
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Hello friend! Are requests for the alphabet still open?? If so, could I request B,C,E,F and P for Amai Mask please? Thank you :)
HI FRIEND 🥰 Yes of course!
Blush (Do they blush easy? What’s guaranteed to make them blush?)
- Ooh he is frustratingly tough guy to get flustered
- Amai is a superstar, literally the most famous hero, and it’s made him almost immune to flattery
- Despite that, he hasn’t made a lot of genuinely close connections with people
- What would really get him is someone showing they cared about him as a person, rather than an idol
- He could just be ranting about a show or a movie clip he’d been working on that didn’t turn out quite how he wanted it to
- And a simple “Don’t be so hard on yourself” or “I think you did a wonderful job” will catch him off guard
- Really hopes you don’t notice the redness creeping up to his ears
- He’s gonna avoid eye contact for a while and act a little miffed until he composes himself
- Don’t blame him he’s just used to looking flawless all the time
Cuddle (Are they cuddly? How do they like to cuddle?)
- He’s not overwhelmingly cuddly, but he does tend to have an arm over your shoulder or around your waist when you’re together
- When it comes to more than that, he’s actually a little bit stiff
- Sure he’s seen it done on TV and has probably cuddled on screen for a role, but he’s always had a script to refer to
- In the beginning he’s mostly just mimicking you, but over time he finds what he likes best
- Especially once his hair is washed and he doesn’t have to worry about makeup or anything, he’s a lot more chill and open to curling up with you
- Really loves having you lay on his chest
Emotions (How do they express their emotions?)
- He’s not really one to keep his feelings hidden. If something’s upsetting him, he won’t hesitate to say so
- He acknowledges the fact that he has a temper though, and it’s something he really doesn’t want you to be exposed to
- So, instead of boiling over, he might disappear for hours without explanation
- But when he comes back he’s completely himself again, and he’s very apologetic for worrying you
- Amai also doesn’t show his genuine smile very often
- It’s something he’s trained himself not to do, but every now and then it’ll show when he’s feeling really happy
- All toothy and cheesy, it’s completely different from his “professional” smile, but kind of adorable actually
- You’re probably one of the only people to ever see it
Flirting (How do they flirt/react to being flirted with?)
- In general, conversations with Amai tend to be flirty. He does it so perfectly and without always realizing it
- This is all before he actually develops feelings; once he does, he really steps up his game
- Might start off a little secretive just for the mystery of it, but like, how many other people would be able to send you three dozen roses and expensive jewelry on multiple occasions??
- Just pretend to be surprised when he confesses it was him lol
- He just has to act a little hard to get when you flirt with him
- It’s just his nature
- Even if he’s totally got feelings for you too, he comes off like he’s too busy to get too involved with you
- But then he’s like “I suppose I’m not booked for tomorrow evening, I’ll pick you up at seven” and that’s that?
Phone (What are phone conversations like?)
- He’s a busy guy, so phone conversations aren’t incredibly frequent, and tend to be shorter than he’d like
- If he’s got time to spare, he’d rather just see you in person
- Almost always uses facetime with you kinda nosy and wants to see where you are, what you’re wearing, etc.
- If he’s away on a trip or a mission that’ll take a few days, he does make sure to call and tell you good morning and good night
- Hits you with something cute like “Sweet dreams, love” before he hangs up
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hero--for--fun · 4 years
Bedtime!Partner for Amai please! (You said you were only doing one at at time, so would you be okay if I sent it in a different ask?)
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~Amais partner usually has to pull him to bed in order for him to even head there, and even then he always using an annoying loophole to avoid having to go to sleep.
~”I’m in bed with you, thats what you said I had to do.” He says, tapping at his laptop. 
~Usually you fall asleep before him, thats a given, so he’s up alone working and listening to his night staff. Occasionally one will come in and ask if he needs anything and he’ll turn them down.
~When Amai does go to sleep, he slides under the same blanket as his partner and PULLS you to him rather than scoot over to you. If you happen to wake up from this, he will quiet you with a kiss or two, but if you stay asleep he continues as normal.
~He wraps his arm around your waist and puts his other arm under his pillow. If you try to pull away for any reason (and he doesn’t give a SHIT if your too hot or whatever) he lets out a whine and firms his grip. If you fight back hard enough, he eventually lets go and rolls over. You don’t get his full affection in the morning, but he does kiss your cheek before he leaves.
~Normally by morning he’s got both arms around you, his face in your neck, and about two blankets off both of you despite you trying to keep them on.
~When his alarm goes off for the day, he kisses the back of your neck and whines about not wanting to get up or leave you. He puts the alarm to snooze and gets comfortable again.
~ If you also happen to have been woken up by his alarm and show signs of this, he asks you to turn around and he’ll hug you close to him. If you kiss him, he won’t stop kissing you. 
~When it goes off in 5 minutes he gets up quickly, but carefully so you can stay in there. Kisses you before he goes.
I rate him a 20 out of 10 as a bedtime partner. Normally I’d dock points for his loop hole at first, but he more than makes up for it later.
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batneko · 4 years
Wildlife Rehabilitation, Chapter 9!
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apexqueenie · 4 years
Master of Master lists
Welcome to the Masterlist! Go forth and explore my love! No judgment here:)
Last Updated: March 3, 2021
My Hero Academia
One Punch Man
*More Universes Coming Soon!*
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unfortunatelycake · 2 years
20 for opm? 👀
(Salty Ask List)
Thanks for the ask, Raya!
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Oh man that’s a tough one!
There are characters who are pure, but does it make a pure ship by putting them together? 
In which case I guess it’d be Tanktop Master x Mumen Rider. 
They are both dedicated to saving/protecting people, they fight until they can no longer fight, they acknowledge their limits and recognise the potential in others. 
In a relationship, they would be supportive and respectful of each other, and wouldn’t try to control each other-- Mumen wants to attend a battle despite being injured, because he knows there will be civilians there in need of a C-Class hero? TTM recognises his passion to help people and is 100% behind him (riding illegally on the back of his bike. I mean, this is canon already lol). 
I don’t ship it, because I like my ships messy and chaotic, but there is so much potential for pure goodnes from these two. 
Alternatively! Mumen Rider x Glasses. 
Because why have one hard-working and determined glasses-wearing character when you can have two?
They would eternally be encouraging each other and cheering each other on. These two would train together (on a fairly equal footing I think, because who knows how far up the ranks of B-Class Mumen could climb if only he’d gain some self-confidence in his abilities and let himself be promoted...) and they’d figure out each other’s weak points and work on them. And they would tend to each other’s injuries, and commiserate with each other about not being strong enough, whilst reminding each other they are not strong enough yet. 
Bonus ship, because they’re my best idiot rarepair: Okamaitachi x Bushidrill
They’re both so dedicated to their master and the art of the sword, they have so much banter together and there’s so much respect between them. Kama may have her head temporarily turned by beautiful monsters, and Bushi may roll his eyes at that, but along with Iaian they make a tightly-knit squad. You cannot tell me they would not be prepared to die for each other if things got really hairy (which it literally has, previously)-- or with each other, for that matter (Apollo better not be reading this). 
Kama and Bushi are confident in their abilities as heroes, but they’re also confident in each other as heroes. They respect each other’s ability to hold their own in a fight, but they still have each other’s backs, and they know they can always rely on each other to be there for them. There’s never any jealousy over their slight difference in ranking or the differences in their techniques (though Bushi may feel a little put out when Kama is drooling over Amai Mask). Their differences are what make them stronger as a team, and the respect between them forges a much stronger personal relationship. 
Because yes, Kama ‘falls in love’ with handsome monsters, and yes, Bushi rolls his eyes and teases her for it-- but it’s done with humour and affection, and Kama teases right back. (”Did you fall in love?” / “Absolutely not!” ...sure, Bushi.)
(”Have you fallen for me again?” / “I never did!” if you’re going by Viz translations. Yes I needed to put both. Either way, sure, Bushi.)
They are just so good, okay? Neither of them are as pure a soul as the others mentioned here but they still have good hearts. And I think things like respect, dedication, support and acceptance of each other’s flaws makes a ship purer than both parties being pure in their own right. 
And yeah, you could include Iaian in most of these statements because the sam fam trio are super close and work together like a well-oiled machine, but this is about ships and if I have the opportunity to ramble about a rarepair I will grab it with both hands lmao
This reply got long, thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble!
(Salty Ask List)
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g4rous · 4 years
Masterlist <3
One Punch Man:
headcanons and one-shots
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader fanfic series)
Pride and buffoonery (Garou x Reader)
Garou general (fluff) headcanons
Garou shared apartment headcanons 
Garou x Psychic! Reader (headcanons)
Garou at the beginning of the relationship
Garou having a crush (headcanons)
Morning after (Garou x Reader)
Garou x confident s/o (headcanons)
Garou with a humorous s/o (headcanons)
Genos x Strong!Reader (one-shot)
Comforting s/o (Genos x Reader)
How to make Genos blush
Amai Mask x Male!Reader (one-shot)
Under the cherry blossoms (Garou x Reader one-shot)
Garou x Reader (fluffy moments!)
Kabedon! (Garou x Reader)
Anticipation (Garou x Reader)
More fluff (Garou x Reader)
Garou x chubby s/o aftercare hcs
Locking eyes (Zombieman x Reader)
“You’re the breathtaking one” (Amai Mask x Male!Reader)
Just Garou things ✨ (random hcs)
Garou with s/o who wants kids
A matter of trust (Garou x Reader one-shot)
Cooking for Garou (hcs)
Garou x Artist!Reader (headcanons)
Garou x Reader who likes music (headcanons)
Self-care day with Garou (headcanons)
Garou taking care of sick reader (and vice versa)
In a quarrel with the reader (Garou x Reader)
Saitama with s/o who likes to wear his hero outfit (hcs)
Under the sakura (Lightning Max x Reader)
Insomnia (Garou x Reader)
“A nightmare too realistic” (Garou x Reader)
Dr.Genus x scientist s/o
randomness ( no x reader inserts)
Garou and Tareo appreciation post
The esper sisters taking in a child
OPM zodiac headcanons
Garou’s music taste (hc)
Tatsumaki random hcs
Just Garou things ✨(again but no x Reader insert)
Garou high school headcanons
If Garou had a diary 
Garou’s dojo days
Garou’s cooking skills
Garou and daydreaming
Martial arts movies Garou would like?
Dr. Kuseno (and Genos) random hcs
Drive Knight random hcs
Demon Slayer:
headcanons and one-shots
Kyojuro Rengoku under the stars ( Rengoku x Reader one-shot)
Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader shared apartment headcanons 
Kyojuro Rengoku with grieving s/o
Kyojuro Rengoku general (fluff) headcanons 
Tired! Kyojuro Rengoku x reader hcs
“Like a lullaby to me” (Rengoku x Reader)
Dad Kyojuro Rengoku headcanons
Kyojuro Rengoku x self-conscious Reader
Kyojuro Rengoku x Artist!Reader
Kyojuro Rengoku x sleepy!s/o (hcs)
Kyojuro Rengoku x Tsundere!Reader
Kanae Kocho x Reader modern au headcanons 
Tomioka Giyuu x outgoing!Reader headcanons
Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader (Valentine’s day hcs)
Pillow fight! (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader one-shot)
“I think your cooking is pretty nice” (Genya x Reader one-shot) 
Genya with s/o who wants children
“You caught our attention” (Tengen and his wives x Reader)
Kibutsuji Muzan x Reader Valentines day (headcanons)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni getting comforted by Reader (hcs)
‘‘About time you two idiots said something.’‘ (Genya x reader)
randomness (no x reader insert)
Q: Why is Genya your fave character from kny?
Jujutsu Kaisen:
headcanons and one-shots
Jealous Kento Nanami x Reader (one-shot)
Yuuji, Megumi & Nobara comforting s/o on a bad day (hcs)
Yuuji x Reader (fluff) headcanons
Nanami Kento x Reader (fluff headcanons)
Yoshino Junpei x Reader (fluff headcanons)
Nobara Kugisaki x Reader (fluff) headcanons
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader (fluff) headcanons
“His name was Yoshino Junpei” (Itadori x Reader one-shot)
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure:
headcanons and one-shots
“Nightmares again?” (Noriaki Kakyoin x reader one-shot)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader (general fluff headcanons)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader (after school headcanons)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Artist!Reader (headcanons)
Kakyoin and Giorno taking care of sick s/o (headcanons)
“Care for a dance?” (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
To rewind time (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
Hope delicate as a feather (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
A ray of light which I held on to (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
Giorno x Reader general (fluff) headcanons
Bucciarati Squad x Reader (fluff) headcanons
‘‘Welcome newbie’‘ (Giorno x Reader)
Comfort after a nightmare (Josuke x Reader)
Comforting Narancia (Narancia Ghirga x Reader)
“Strange people” (Josuke x Reader)
randomness (no x reader insert)
Movies & Kakyoin
506 notes · View notes
thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Dr. Mael Halvorg (Part 3) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Male Part-Fae/Female Part-Fae Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Fae, Naga, Reader Insert, Genetics Content Warnings: Children, Pregnancy, Incubation, Oviposition, Egg Laying, Birth, Surgery, Male Infertility Words: 4029
Dr. Halvorg learns what could be causing his infertility and makes arrangements to try and correct it. He and the reader become closer, and the reader attempts to do something to help him feel less lonely and unfulfilled. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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Halvorg went in for the tests that same week, returning afterwards subdued and blushing slightly. You assumed he’d never given a… sample… before.
“How’d it go?” You asked him.
He rubbed his neck bashfully. “It was… thorough.”
You snickered. “At least it wasn’t a biopsy after an abnormal pap smear. Those are traumatic.”
He looked aghast. “I can only imagine.”
“Did they say when the results would be in?”
He shook his head. “No, they’re supposed to call me when they come back. Could be a week or so.”
You patted his arm softly. “How are you feeling?”
He sighed heavily. “Worried. This could change my life or confirm my worst fear. Either way, I’m… well, to be honest, I’m a little scared.”
“I understand,” You replied. “Well, no, I don’t. My family is disgustingly fertile. If I ever tried to get pregnant, I’m sure it wouldn’t take me long.” You looked up at him with sympathy. “But I do feel for you.”
“I appreciate that,” He said solemnly. He looked at you curiously. “If I might ask, how old are you?”
“I’ll be one hundred and seventy four years in August,” You said.
“And you’ve never considered having children in that time?” He asked.
“Not really. I figured I had enough nieces and nephews that I didn’t think it was necessary. I mean, I’m not against the idea of having children, I’ve just been career oriented for most of my life and never really settled down in any place for very long. I’ve never been married, never had any serious relationships, never dating with the intent on finding ‘the one.’ I figured if I wanted that, it would come in time and I would let it happen naturally and there was no need to rush it. Does that make sense?”
“It does,” He said. “That’s how I used to be for a good three centuries. It wasn’t until I did marry and tried to make a family and failed, again and again, that I sort of became… obsessed.”
“How many times have you been married?”
“Thirty times, I believe.”
“Were they all human?”
“Most of them were,” He said. “There were a couple of tieflings, a half-orc woman, a faun, a selkie, and a dryad. I stayed with them all until the end of their lives, except the last one who left me. I’m nothing if not devoted.” He cocked his head. “Well, I divorced the dryad. She wasn’t happy that I couldn’t conceive children and berated me for it.”
“Oh, jeez, what a bitch,” You said, frowning.
He snorted. “I may have used similar language at the time.”
“I can’t imagine you calling someone a bitch,” You said, side-eyeing him.
“I was a different man in my youth,” He said, smiling. “I’ve got some papers to file. I’ll see you later.”
You waved him off, watching him walk briskly and frowned. He’d lost so much, been disappointed so often, given up on the things he wanted for himself to help others. He was using what he had to give others what he wanted, and as noble a pursuit as that was, it was also rather sad. And what if he got the news he was dreading the most. He’d be devastated.
Was there anything you could do to make him feel better? Was there something you could give him that would make him feel less… incomplete? The only time he seemed genuinely happy was when he was with the children. What else could give him the same joy?
The boy. It came to you suddenly. What about the boy he thought was his son? The one he raised until his mother left with him? Could you find him? Was he alive?
At lunchtime, you sat down with Amai in the cafeteria.
“Can I ask a favor of you?” You asked.
“Sure, what is it?” She responded, sipping her coffee. She always craved coffee when she was incubating and downed gallons of it after laying.
“The boy Halvorg raised, what was his name?”
“Robert, I think?” She said. “I can ask Yenuno, he knows.”
“What year was he born?”
“Uhhh… 1901 or around there.”
“What was his mother’s name?”
“Martha--why are you asking about this?”
You sighed. “I want to find Halvorg’s son. He may be dead now, but I have to try. Halvorg is so unhappy, he’s just gotten really good at hiding it. I want to give him some kind of closure.”
Amai winced in sympathy. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Spending all these years around him, I can see how much he’s hurting, even if he tries to mask it.” She sighed. “I have some contacts at the census archives and I can make some inquiries. I’ll check the lineages websites and find as many records as I can.” Amai snorted. “Maybe he’ll be less uptight.”
“Amai!” You retorted.
“Sorry, sorry!” Amai held her hands up. “I’m sorry, it’s a reflex by now, sorry. This is serious. I’ll look into it.”
“Thank you,” You said with a warning tone. “This is serious.”
“I know,” Amai said, her face more solemn. “I’ll do what I can.”
“Thank you,” You repeated. “I’m sorry to put more work on you, though.”
She tsked at you. “Please, I always take maternity leave during Yenuno’s time incubating. I generally have nothing to do but keep the big guy company while he’s stuck in one place. It’ll give me something to do.”
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Halvorg got the call a few days later and informed you of the appointment time. You offered to drive him, and he gratefully accepted.
“Are you alright?” You asked him.
He took a deep breath and blew it out through pursed lips. “I don’t know. This is either a new beginning or the end of the road. I don’t know how to feel.”
“I’ll be with you, no matter what,” You told him.
He grimaced in a failed attempt to smile. “Thank you.”
The two of you sat in the waiting room for a moment before being called back into an exam room. He sat there in his chair and fidgeted nervously. You put your hand on his and held it. He looked up at you with fear in his eyes and didn’t shake you off.
The doctor knocked on the door and let himself in. Halvorg straightened up, releasing your hand.
“Alright, Dr. Halvorg,” He said, sitting at the table. “We Have your results back. Blood and urine came back normal, and there’s nothing abnormal on your x-rays.” He flipped on the computer screen on the desk in front of him and pulled up Halvorg’s file. “However, there was abnormalities in your sperm sample and the MRI.”
“What type of abnormalities?”
“Well, first of all, your semen sample didn’t have any sperm in it.”
Halvorg looked confused. “What?”
“It’s a condition known as Azoospermia. It’s basically when there’s a blockage somewhere that’s trapping the sperm, which is why there weren’t any little swimmers in your sample.” The doctor clicked on one of the tabs and opened an MRI of Halvorg’s pelvic area and pointed out the anomalies. “The MRI confirms it. There doesn’t appear to be a connection between your epididymus and your vas diferens, and without that connection, the sperm is completely blocked. There’s also a blockage from your testes to the urethra. You appear to have been born with all of these blockages.”
“How does that happen?”
“As to that,” The doctor said, looking at the paperwork he came in with. “Your genetics test came back, and it appears that you have a mutation of Cystic Fibrosis. Thankfully, with this mutation, there are no other typical symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis besides the infertility.”
“Can it be corrected?” Halvorg asked anxiously.
“Yes, microsurgery can correct it. Before we do that, we’ll need to take a sample directly from the testicle with a needle to see if you’re producing sperm at all and look at the count. If we determine that the general sperm production is not the problem, then we’ll proceed with surgery.”
Halvorg sat in a stunned silence, gripping his knees tightly.
“So… it’s possible that I could have children?” He asked.
“There is a possibility,” The doctor said. “We would have to wait until after the surgery and take another sample. I don’t want to get your hopes up too soon, the sperm count could be low, they could be abnormal. There are a bunch of things that could go wrong.”
“But there’s a chance?” Halvorg asked, his eyes as wide and vulnerable as a puppy.
“There’s a chance,” The doctor replied.
As the two of you left the clinic and headed to your car, before you could get to your door, Halvorg gently took your arm, swung you around, took your face in his hands, and kissed you full on the mouth. You made a sound of surprise, but you didn’t push him away.
He lingered for a moment or two before breaking away and saying, “I’m sorry, I know that was extremely unprofessional and probably unwanted, but I don’t know how to thank you. I owe you so much, I can’t begin to express how grateful I am.” He gulped and looked at you earnestly, breathing out a shaky breath. “Do you remember when you asked me to dinner?”
“Yeah?” You asked, confused but intrigued by the sudden softening of his prickly exterior.
“Does the offer still stand?”
You smiled at him slowly and took his hands. They were trembling. This was the first time in a century he’d asked a woman out, after all.
“Yeah,” You replied, stepping closer so that your body lightly brushed his. “Yeah, it does.”
He smiled wide and kissed you again.
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Maël went in the next day to have a sample taken, and was thrilled to learn that he did have a decent amount of sperm production. He scheduled the surgery immediately. The recovery time would be at least six weeks, and it was advised that he didn’t try to have sexual relations for another two weeks after that. Plenty of time to feel out your new blooming relationship and get more comfortable with each other.
Thankfully, you had a week to actually go on a few dates before he went under the knife. He took you to Dunmountain on a weekend trip to the museum and the opera. It was the first time you’d done anything like this recreationally in a really long time, and you loved every second of it.
Even though you were sharing a hotel room and a bed, he didn’t attempt to be intimate with you, and you didn’t push him. It had been a century since he last took a woman to bed, and you imagined he felt a little nervous about it.
You didn’t go out of your way to tell people that you were together, but it wasn’t a big secret either. Yenuno and Amai were overjoyed for the two of you. Maël had told Yenuno and Amai about the surgery, but he claimed it was a hernia. You weren’t sure if he would tell them the whole truth. Not unless he got the results he wanted.
By the time he healed completely, it would be about time for the eggs to hatch. Yenuno was already restless and it had only been a month.
You drove Maël to the surgical clinic on the day of his surgery, sat with him in pre-op while he waited nervously and just talked him through his anxiety, holding his hand when they put the IV in. They gave him some medicine to help calm his nerves, and he began to grow sleepy. You stroked his head and watched his eyes fluttered closed. They wheeled him into surgery while he was still snoozing.
The procedure didn’t take very long, only about an hour, and you waited to be called back. A nurse came to retrieve you and took you to his room.
He lay there in bed, drifting in and out.
“Hey, sweetie,” You said, rubbing his arm. “How are we feeling?”
“Sore and thirsty,” He croaked.
You picked up the cup with water in it the nurse had provided and helped him take a sip.
“I’m not surprised you’re sore,” You remarked, setting the cup back down. “A whole bunch of people fondled your balls for an hour.”
He wheezed a laugh. You loved it when he laughed. It changed his whole face. “Did they say when they’d release me?”
“As soon as you can pee on your own, they’ll let you out of here. They said there would be swelling so it might be a while before you’re able to do it, though. I’ll wait.”
He held his hand out for yours and you took it.
“I feel like all I do these days is thank you,” He said. “I wish I could do as much for you as you’ve done for me.”
“You don’t have to do anything for me,” You said. “I’m a strong, independent woman who don’t need no man. But I’ll keep you around. You’re cute.”
He breathed another laugh through his nose. “I’m glad. I’ve become rather fond of you.”
You kissed his knuckles. “Likewise.”
He managed to relieve himself right after dinnertime, and was declared clear to go home. You drove him back to the facility and helped him to bed. He was asleep before you left his apartment.
Heading back into your own apartment for the night and sat heavily on your couch. God, you needed to do laundry. It had been a chaotic few weeks.
You started picking up clothes that were strewn haphazardly over furniture, and while picking up a pair of jeans, a small book fell out.
Oh. Right. Maël’s research notes. You’d meant to give it back. Well, Maël was going to be recovering in bed for a few days and likely sleeping most of that time. You could give it back when he was back on his feet. You placed it in the drawer of your nightstand, stared at it for a minute, and went on to start laundry.
And promptly forgot about it for a second time.
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Maël slowly healed, though he walked a little stiffly for a few weeks and was careful when sitting. He was a little more irritable than normal, but you imagined he was trying to adjust and was also still worried about whether or not the surgery had worked. He wouldn’t know for another several weeks.
The children kept bringing him flowers they found in the forest to cheer him up, which always seemed to lift his spirits. You spent the evenings with him, talking and cuddling and kissing. You felt like a teenager again, and you hadn’t been a teenager in over one hundred and fifty years.
You were starting to regret the timing of the surgery, though. Sometimes the making out would get pretty hot and heavy, and you had to force yourselves to stop for fear of injuring him.
One night after you’d been dating for just under two months, he was kissing your neck and began to unbutton your shirt. You stopped him.
“You haven’t been cleared for intercourse, have you?” You asked him.
“No, not yet,” He said, breathing heavily and biting his lip. His white-blonde hair was out of it’s normal clean braid and falling around his face. “But I can do something for you.” His hand drifted down your abdomen and between your thighs.
“Oh,” You said, smiling a little. “Are you sure?”
He slipped his hand into your panties and stroked you, and your breath caught in your throat.
“I haven’t done it in a while,” He said, trailing open-mouthed kisses down your stomach. “But I think I still know how to do this.”
He got up from the couch and pulled you by your legs gently so that you were laying flat, pushing up your skirt and pulling off your panties. He knelt back down on the couch, yanking off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He slowly spread your legs and pushed your knees upward. He started kissing and sucking the inside of your thigh while circling your bud with his thumb. You moaned and lay back into the cushions, giving over to the sensations.
As he kissed his way toward the apex, he slipped his middle finger inside you and thrust it gently in and out. You whimpered and gripped the couch, your hips grinding against his hand.
“Maël, please,” You breathed.
He growled low in his throat, sending a shockwave through your spine.
“Since you said please,” He whispered teasingly, and pressed his tongue to your clit. Your toes curled at the contact and you grabbed a handful of his hair.
“Oh god,” You whispered. “Maël.”
He placed his whole mouth over you, licking and sucking, adding another finger inside you. He certainly did remember how to do this.
“Fuck!” You said through gritted teeth, followed up by a shuddering moan, raising your head to watch him. He looked up at you through his long lashes and doubled his efforts, sucking your labia into his mouth and pulling, adding a third finger. “Fuck, I’m so close.”
Still sucking, he grinned up at you and quirked an eyebrow. He withdrew his fingers and used his hands to push your knees into your chest to open you up wider. You grabbed his head with both hands and rocked your clit against his tongue.
You came as though hit by a bus, loud and violent. Your butt lifted off of the couch as you pulsed in ecstasy, screaming. You hoped the walls of his apartment were soundproof. You couldn’t believe that he’d made you come in under a minute.
“How? How did you do that?” You wheezed.
He chuckled darkly. “I was married thirty times, darling. If I don’t know what I’m doing by now, I shouldn’t be dating at all.”
You just sort of laid there like a starfish while you got your breath back and cooled down. Maël went to fetch you some water and a snack. Eventually, you found your underwear and put it back on. Once your heart rate had slowed, he pulled you into his lap and kissed you slowly until you fell asleep. The next morning, you woke up next to him in his bed. You were tucked up under his arm and he was sleeping peacefully, a small smile on his face.
Suddenly, both of your cellphones buzzed at once. Maël snorted awake and untangled himself from you, picking up his phone, looking at it, and jumping out of bed.
“What’s wrong?”
“The eggs are hatching!” He exclaimed hastily, pulling clothes out of drawers and putting them on hurriedly. You threw your clothes on and joined Maël’s mad dash for the door.
When you got to the receiving area, the kids were milling around inside, instructed to stay away from the cottage until the babies were born, but they were craning their necks to see what was happening.
Amai was in the shelter with Yenuno and several members of the hatching team, looking into the circle of his tail. She looked up and saw the two of you running up and shouted: “Hurry! They’re almost out!”
You and Maël darted up the ramp and looked down into the coil. All three of the eggs were cracked open and little arms and tails were poking out.
“Vitals?” Maël asked, donning a surgeon’s paper outfit and instructing you to do the same.
“Vitals are elevated but within acceptable range,” One of the nurses said.
“Good,” Maël said. “Alright, we just have to stand back. They’ll do most of the work.
Amai and Yenuno were watching the eggs hatch with awe on their faces. You supposed watching this never got old for them. You wondered if they would miss this now that they decided to stop laying.
Slowly, the little wiggling figures freed themselves from their shells and were crawling around on their hands, looking up at their parents. Maël used that distraction to examine them.
“No way…” He said in a hushed tone. “I don’t believe it.”
“What?” Amai asked a little shrilly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Maël said, grinning up at her. “They’re all girls.”
“What?!” Yenuno and Amai said in unison, looking at their new little ones.
From what Maël had told you, the ratio of male to female births of Blue Gill Nagas was disproportionately skewed in favor of males. One in twenty eggs contained a female. Having an entire clutch of females was extremely rare.
Yenuno and Amai cried with joy and excitement. They’d been hoping to have at least one more little girl. To get three in one go was overwhelming.
Maël supervised the clean up process, and when they were ready, Yenuno and Amai brought the three baby girls out and introduced them to their siblings. You watched on the ramp with Maël, smiling, and took his hand. He squeezed yours in return. Looking up at his face, you could see he was crying, too.
This is what Maël wanted. He wanted to be the first to say hello to his own child, to be the first to hold them, to be the first to tell them he loved them. He wanted to kiss their brow and dance with them when they were crying and sing them to sleep at night. To get on the floor and play with them and put bandaids on their knees when they scraped them. He was desperate to experience that again, like he had with his son.
After the hatching, Maël went to file the new birth paperwork and Amai and Yenuno and their children were spending the next few days together. That left you with nothing to do.
Back in your apartment, you lay in your bed, thinking about that morning over and over. The babies busting out of their shells, the look of joy on their parents’ faces, the mix of happiness and pain on Maël’s.
You sat up to get your lip balm from your night table, and again found the book. You really ought to give it back. You’d been absent-minded about this for too long.
You opened it, flipping through pages until you landed on the date you first arrived at the facility. Intrigued, you read it.
“Amai’s friend finally made it today. It was exciting to meet her; I’ve been following her career for so long. She’s done so much for the non-human community. Amai didn’t tell me how breathtakingly beautiful she was. My heart stopped when I saw her out of the window. I haven’t felt attraction like this in centuries.”
Oh. Oh god. This was his personal diary. You knew you should stop reading it, but couldn’t. You had no idea he’d felt this way.
“I think I’m flirting with her, but I’m not trying to. I can’t help it. She’s funny and intelligent and everything I love in a woman. She’s gorgeous. I don’t know what to do. I’m trying so hard to stay professional, but I can seem to stop smiling around her.”
The next entry was the day you asked him to dinner.
“She asked me out on a date tonight. It was so hard to say no, but there’s no point, is there? She won’t want me if she knows I can’t have children. She’ll either leave me or mock me. There’s no point. I’ll avoid her. That’s all I can do. It’s best if I don’t get closer to her. Even friendship is dangerous. I’m already half in love with her, and I don’t think I could take it if we started a relationship and she ended up pitying me or disgusted. I can’t do it again.”
There were no more mentions of you in the book after that. You didn’t realize you were crying until the tears hit the page.
It was then that you made a decision.
You took out your phone and dialed your gynecologist’s office. “Hi, Grace, I’d like to schedule a consultation with the doctor about canceling my next birth control injection.”
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Since my work is no longer searchable, please do me a favor and reblog this story if you enjoyed it. Help me reach a wider audience! To help me continue creating, please consider buying me a Kofi, becoming a Patron, or donating directly to my PayPal!
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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handlewcaare · 3 years
Hey, are you still rating anime crushes? Mine are Amai Mask, Flashy Flash, Zombieman, Fubuki, and Captian Mizuki
[ x ]
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😒/10: I have MANY problems with Amai; one of them being his refutation to see himself outside of his own dilemma. He’s got too much baggage to carry and if you so much as even have an opposing opinion than him, he’ll outright berate you for no reason other than to make you feel bad. His pants are tight because his ass is clenched tighter. He would deliberately chose out dishes he thinks you SHOULD eat and then make you pay the bill when you say “no thank you.” You can do so much better beloved
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8.5/10: absolute bitch twink who loves to make sure his hair is brushed thoroughly. I’ve ranked him pretty high because he’s somewhat being tolerant to Saitama’s goofiness and hasn’t tried to sabotage him into getting himself hurt. He’s also REALLY funny in the webcomic, especially when Saitama just shut the door behind him. You saw this man and went “my beloved” and I couldn’t agree more.
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9/10: TASTE. Absolutely the finest of wine when it comes to men in the OPM-verse. This man probably would serve you some of the oldest wines in his cellar and he would be so damn attentive in your little dates that you’d be surprised that he actually remembered some aspects about you. Give this man his own spinoff Murata, I am BEGGING you—
(I’ve already done Fubuki)
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9999999999999999/10: must I explain myself? Should there be elucidation for Mona Lisa’s smile? Is it her not being seven feet tall not enough? Is her with her powerful thighs and her overall golden retriever attitude not enough? Is it her ability to bolt at the speed of sound? Is it her strength, her courage, her compassion? Are those all not enough for such perfection to be bestowed upon us? I need not to explain art in her purest form.
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portaltotheopmworld · 3 years
Welcome to the portal to your fantasies. On this adventure, I'll be taking you to see Amai Mask as he spoils you on his private plane.
Have no fear, traveler, this adventure is rated G, but be warned, this is a romantic x reader
With all that being said, hop in my portal, and enjoy your adventure!
"We're about halfway to our destination, sir." The flight attendant says, lowering her tray of crystal wine glasses just within his reach.
"Yes thank you." He takes one off the tray. "One for them too."
You say a quick thanks as you take your glass.
"I've never been this spoiled in my whole life." You say to him after she leaves.
"See, this is the reason I work so hard. I want the world to bow and kiss at your feet, while you don't even lift a finger." He takes a sip of his wine, letting his eyes slowly drink up your figure, savoring every last inch. "And you look quite good in red."
"Baby." You whine in embarrassment at his words and his loving gaze.
"Come sit next to me, darling." He slides over, patting the seat to his left. You sit where you’re requested, relaxing into the fabric of the couch.
"Get comfy, sweetie pie." He snakes his arms around your shoulder, pulling you ever closer. "I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon."
Welcome back from your travels! Requests are open, and I hope you enjoyed your adventure!
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psychewithwings · 4 years
original mlist
18 +++ Minors DNI: I will block you 
Pining hcs: Sai, Shikamaru Kiba
Strip Tease hcs: nsfw
A Gift 
Being Sweet on Kiba
Kakashi likes you?
Kakashi’s Motorcycle
Kakashi Sunday morning hcs nsfw
Sex hcs
Confessions: romantic nsfw
Brat Taming nsfw
Motivating Shikamaru
Shikamaru Sunday hcs nsfw
Smoke and Bubbles nsfw
Breeding hcs nsfw
Fluffy afternoon
Neji Senpai, Neji Senpai Pt. 2
Hunter X Hunter:
Sex Hcs : Adultrio nsfw
Partying With the Adultrio nsfw
S/o loosing virginity Adultrio nsfw
Jealous Adultrio hcs
Phinks & Feitan fighting over you
Knuckle & Shoot dating hcs
Daddy Kink hcs: Silva, Feitan, Leorio  nsfw
Hisoka & Pop Idol!Reader 
Hisoka Office nsfw
Chrollo Mansion nsfw
Chrollo Party nsfw
Illumi’s Needles nsfw
Impact Play nsfw
Pregnant s/o w/ Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, and Tamaki
Choosing Midoriya
Midoriya Sleepless hcs
Love Bakugo, Pt. 2: The Red Door , Pt. 3: Missing Person , Pt. 4: A New Perspective, Pt. 5 The Letter
Bakugo’s Brat nsfw
Kirishima Caring for You
Kirishima Dom! hcs nsfw
sad boi thought
A Bad Date...
dating hcs  some nsfw
A-a party?
Strip tease hcs: Meliodas, Ban, King nsfw
Blue Exorcist:
Rin x Siren!Reader nsfw
Another Realm Pt. 1
Tokyo Ghoul:
Akira and Amon: Office Sex hcs nsfw
Dating hcs
Sex w/ Ayato NSFW 
One Punch Man:
Saitama likes you?
Saitama Train station nsfw
Saitama w/ Hurt Y/n
Saitama Kinky? nsfw
Saitama sex hcs nsfw
Amai Mask-
164 notes · View notes