#Pruitt Family oc
callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven
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Richard Eric Neven was the fourth eldest out of nine. The Neven family lived in a house way too small for all of the bodies that lived there. It was a three bedroom house with the master being taken by his parents, Douglas and Marsha, the second biggest being taken by all of his sisters (3), and the boys (6), getting the smallest. It didn’t make sense that the girls got the biggest room, considering there was less of them.
The boys had to have two people in the single beds at all times and forget having friends over, that was a fat chance getting one of the brothers to move outta their bed for a guest. The girls had extra space and could walk into the room without knocking into another bed frame. Rick promised to himself that when he turned eighteen, he’d get outta this hell hole and never look back.
Which is the start of many fights with his parents on what he’s gonna do after he’s old enough. His parents never believed in him, always being rude and hateful towards him. They acted like they didn’t want him, which wouldn’t surprise him one bit considering how drunk or high they are most days that they can’t even find work. The family paid the bills by each kid getting a job, or two, at fifteen and saving up.
Between all of the siblings, they could just make it by. Rick worked the hardest, took every shift he could and stayed out of the god forsaken house for as long as he could before the old battered up truck came down the road looking for him. He did his homework at school and at the library most times. He needed good grades to get out of here, as quickly as possible. And when he finally achieved that, and got to graduate early, he took that chance and joined up the next day.
This started the second fight, it was a yelling at the top of your lungs and pretty ugly. Marsha accused Rick of not wanting to be part of the family anymore, doesn’t care what happens to them if he leaves, and that he doesn’t appreciate anything that his parents do for him. Rick didn’t like the sound of this, and told Marsha that they haven’t done anything for him in years! They didn’t even go to his graduation because they were busy drinking and getting high!
Of course, being the ‘man’ of the house, Douglas had to step in and tell Rick not to raise his voice at his mother, which only made him more temperamental. How could they do this to him and not be proud of him wanting a better life than the one he grew up with. With one last remark, Rick packed his things and left to a buddy’s house.
Once Rick had made it to basic, he didn’t think he’d get any letters from his loved ones, he only just left the mailing address to his friend that let him stay until he left for basic. The envelope showed his mother’s sloppy handwriting, and so with a deep breath, he opened it, and surprise, surprise. It was a letter filled with hateful and rude remarks and curse words. It even smelled like the cigarettes she’d light up after a good stiff drink, most likely drunk off of Jim Beam or the Captain.
He didn’t even finish the letter before trashing it, he’s not going to sit around and read what she’s got to say to him if she’s not going to say it to his face. The next letter he received that day was of his father’s handwriting, just as, if not more sloppily written as his mothers. He didn’t have the patience for his parents, so he trashed that one too.
When Marsha and Douglas realized that they weren’t getting letters back, they recruited the other children to help, unknowingly to them. The envelope would have one of his siblings handwriting and he could see that they’d been tampered with, but thought of how the younger kids might’ve forgotten something.
As soon as he realized what is parents were doing, he had written home for the first time. He cussed out his mother and father for taking his letters from his siblings that he hasn’t heard from in months and missed incredibly. He said all of the things he’d been thinking of for years, finally getting that off his chest felt like a boulder lifted off of his chest.
The next letter had two sentences; You are no longer a son of mine. Richard Eric Neven, you are now, until the end of time disowned from this family and cannot have any type of contact with anyone with the Neven name. How could they just pretend he doesn’t exist? He cried that night, and he’s very thankful that his bunk mate, Leonard Wolfe, had kept that quiet.
The next morning when Leo had asked if he was ok, Rick spilt all of the bad memories that were locked in his head to him. Leo shared some of his painful memories too. This made the two men closer and by the end of basic, best friends. The two were paired together for Pilot and RIO, and when they graduated, took pride in their tight bond in and out of the sky. It was that, and Rick’s flying that out them at the top of the list to go to Top Gun.
It was amazing flying with other pilots who were just as, if not better than them (not that they’d agree to that). The two men were known to be laid back and humorous at times, that being seen on the first day when whispering ‘This gives me a hard-on’ and ‘don’t tease me like that.’
After the mission that was handed out at graduation was over, the big guys at Washington gave the pilots some leave. Rick didn’t really wanna leave San Diego, but after Wolfie had pestered him enough, he gave in. Leonard had told stories about the chaos of his two best friends, but he forgot to mention one small detail… Baylie, or Duckie, as she liked to be called it seems, was very beautiful.
Rick, even though he had been warned many times before by Leo, tried to flirt with her. Which got him nowhere unlike it usually did with the opposite sex. I mean, come on, his callsign is ‘Hollywood’ for Pete’s sake! He knows he’s attractive!
Weeks went by without any progress with Duckie, so he tried a different approach; Friendly. It seemed to work just fine, because the next couple of weeks she was nothing but sugar, spice, and everything nice. Then while Rick and Duckie are talking in the woods, she grabbed his face and kissed him.
As soon as it was over, Duckie all but hauled ass back to her house. Rick just stood there confused, what had just happened. Was this real or another dream? It turned out to be real when he could still feel the ghost of her lips on his. He smirked, and headed back the ranch.
When the other pilots visited, it was a huge help around the ranches. Work seemed to be done faster and the days shorter as fun followed the group everywhere. Rick was thankful to see his friends again and not have to deal with Leonard by himself anymore.
He thought that Leo in San Diego was Buck Wild, boy was he wrong! Hometown ranch Leo was far more crazy and always getting into trouble by someone! The others saw this side of him and felt bad for his pilot, even though it was overruled by the humor they saw in Leonard’s behavior.
After the other aviators left, Leo asked Cricket to their first official date, which ended early and horribly. Rick and Duckie had gotten a call from their respective best friends and told all about the failed date. Rick dropped Duckie off at her own house before driving to his friend’s family’s house. Leo came stomping into the house and slammed the door before treading up the stairs and to their shared room.
He sat silent for a bit, then got up and followed his friend. It took hours, but Leo finally told him what had happened and how badly it went. It was quiet for a few minutes before Leo’s head popped back up and he started to pack up his duffle bag, tossing Rick his own.
He signed regrettably, he didn’t want to leave just yet! Rick just got Duckie to like him, and they just started dating! He also couldn’t not go with his best friend who so generously let Rick into his home and meet his family and friends. When they got off the plane back in Miramar, the drive was silent as they drove to Rick’s house.
The weeks after that were nothing special, he stuck to his schedule; 4 am wake up call, 4:15 breakfast ate, 4:30 showered, hair and teeth brushed, 5:00 out the door. It was so boring without Duckie’s energy radiating off of her, she made even the most repetitive jobs feel fun!
One day after being on base all day, sweaty and smelling of jet fuel, he decided that he’d take a shower before cooking dinner, only to be interrupted mid rinse by the doorbell. Regrettably, he got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around himself and answered the door. When the door was opened, he couldn’t believe what he saw, it was Duckie! He pulled her into a sweet kiss before leading her inside of the house.
The girls stayed for a few weeks before returning home, and as the couple continued to date, and the time apart got too much, the guys had made the decision to ask their girlfriends to move in with them. Rick had been with Duckie for three years before he asked her to marry him. The wedding was beautiful, tears shed and laughter heard in every corner. He had the best wife any man could ask for in his opinion, and he’d stick by that.
Duckie and Rick were married for a couple of years before the subject of children was introduced. Both agreed on only two kids, coming from a household of 5 and 11. Duckie didn’t care what the gender was, as long as the baby was healthy. As for Rick, he wished for two healthy, beautiful daughters. When the appointment to see what each baby would be, Rick held his breath and prayed for a daughter, and when the wand showed it was in fact going to be a little girl, he cried.
It took Rick by surprise when he realized he was crying again. He kisses AJ’s little forehead before doing the same to Duckie, whispering, ‘Thank you Baylie.’ A confused look crossed Duckie’s features as she asked, ‘What for Rick?’ ‘For coming into my life, I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better woman to come into it and change it into something so perfect.’
Duckie smiled and rolled her eyes, ‘Oh shut up Pretty Boy!’ Rick looked at AJ with admiration in his eyes before looking back up at Duckie, ‘I’m serious Bay…without you, I’d still be seeking conquests. You changed all of that.’ Duckie just melted in his embrace, she was the only one who got to see that Rick could be an emotional guy.
The day that Addie Kate was born, Rick knew what was coming, the emotions and overwhelming intrusive thoughts. He also knew that no matter how long he held Duckie’s hand as the doctors performed the surgery, that he was gonna cry. Both of the parents were scared of the outcomes from the birth and now hard it would be for Duckie to recover.
But that was all washed away the second Rick and Duckie heard her screams, tears filling both of their sets of eyes. He kissed Duck’s forehead and went over to the nurse to hold his new born daughter for the first time after he cut the cord. He was overjoyed by the healthy baby, especially when they were told that there was something wrong and the doctors had to do an emergency C-Section.
He cried again later that same day when AJ came skipping into the hospital room in her princess Belle dress and plastic tiara smiling wide at her new sister. He explained to her how to hold Addie, and after that, cried at how much love AJ had for a baby that was only brought into the world six hours prior to knowing her. Rick could tell that his daughters would be just like their Mother and Aunt Cricket; partners in crime for life.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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blueboyblue3 · 2 years
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Presenting the Pruitt Family <3
Wow Lou has a family?who could’ve guessed, thankfully only his parents are shit people.
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cecexwrites · 3 months
New Gossip Girl OG OCs
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Nico Radcliffe The son of a tech industry giant, Nico has two big problems, a crippling energy drink addiction and a massive crush on his step sister Kimber. He is best friends with Finn, Tinsley and Cal. He has all the makings of a mega nerd but the money and morals of a supervillain
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Callahan Pruitt Cal, the future criminal psych major and current anger issue king. He started boxing when he was young to work out pent up energy and it's something he kept up over the years. He is a nice guy- usually. If you cross him or his friends though, you better watch your back.
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Kimber Alderidge Princess Kimber is the light of her mother's world. Until her mother went and married some guy name Radcliffe. Now this Fashionista has to deal with a whole new family.
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Lorelei van Doren When Lorelei's family suddenly found themselves drowning in money, they weren't really sure what to do. But what they eventually settled on was moving to the upper east side. New money isn't respected like old money, but Lorelei is hoping to find some kind of friends at her new school.
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Tu Quid Edas
by LindirsArchives A supernatural journalist sought out to create a new story on the remote timeless island filled with mystery, Crockett Island Words: 2531, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Rain (Boldly in the Pretend) Fandoms: Midnight Mass (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Original Characters, Wade Scarborough, Dolly Scarborough, Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt, Sarah Gunning, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Nonbinary Character, POV Original Character, Crack Treated Seriously, Vampires, Human/Vampire Relationship, Family Dynamics, Small Towns, OC has no name June 26, 2023 at 04:19PM Read it on Ao3 » https://archiveofourown.org/works/48163234 ✞ Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to let the author know you enjoyed their work ✞
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years
Letters 2
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nMsfw1A
by lila_luscious1, mariann_tx, Patty_Parker60
Mostly short chapters; some are a combination of au and canon or only au. Characters from various fandoms pen letters to their romantic interest partners former partners, or family members.
Words: 1398, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Fire
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, F/F
Characters: Michael Dixon, Station 19 SFD OC, M'arkiem Everett Jr Staiton 19 (OC), Sean Beckett, Greg Tanner
Relationships: Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop/Various, Gabriella Aurora/Carina DeLuca, Andrea Herrera/Robert Sullivan, Elena Herrera & Pruitt Herrera, Sylvie Brett/Matthew Casey, Past Gabriela Dawson/Peter Mills
Additional Tags: Pioneer Times Surrera, Arranged Marriage, Marriage Contracts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nMsfw1A
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Goodbye, you two. Hello, you three.
Wacky Drabble #100 :)!!!
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Message to the drabblers: Wow, 100 weeks of wacky! emceesynonymroll invited me to join some of the most amazing people on this journey and the work is now carried on by wackydrabbles. I was a part of the 1st class of dabblers and so I wanted to make sure that whatever I did this week that this drabble would be one of them. I wanted to do something special so I brought back the prompt that started it all “Don’t open that box.” Who knows where my writing journey will take me but thank you for allowing me to come home. I hope to put this golden ticket to good use.
dcbbw bbrandy2002 burnsoslow you were my very first tags when this all started! xoxoxo
Drabble Prompt #100: This is huge - we need to celebrate!
Books: The Royal Romance, Perfect Match, & The Nanny Affair, (Character visitors) … W.E else I throw in here it’s a wacky NOTHING makes sense.
Rating: G
Pairing: Liam x OC, Damien Nazario x OC, Leo x? Drake x?
This is an alternative universe that might be something *fingers crossed*
Song Inspiration: The Weeknd & Ariana Grande - Save Your Tears (Remix)
Word count: 500 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.*
Reading time: 8 minutes
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1 month ago
It was the feast of the five kingdoms and she was trapped in a porta-potty. She broke the lock trying to exit. She pulled out her weapon to shoot but it was jammed as she holstered it fired and she shot herself in the foot. She fell into the door, the force knocking over the porta-potty finally freeing her but exposing her foolishness.
His gray eyes were red-rimmed the Rhys family had enough of the incompetence during the Royal Regatta he walked away on their orders to get them Cordonian Apple flavored cotton candy but he failed to secure his charges’ wheelchair and they fell into the ocean. The solid gold Cordonian ruby-encrusted wheelchair weighing them down. The Crown no longer could afford any more humiliation.
The Crown Prince handed the head of the Royal guard a box.
“What is it?” he said as he attempted to remove the tape.
The Crown Prince looked at him and said, “Don’t open that box.”
“Sir after all these years.”
“Yes, Bass. I have decided to terminate your employment. Now that Mara can ambulate she has also been terminated. I had to hire a public relations firm to fix our image and they thought it best that we terminate you and Mara. There have been far too many issues with the guard. I have decided to take the Royal Guard in a new direction.”
“Who will replace me?”
“Amanda Pruitt, our HR Director, is assisting me in recruitment efforts. We sought out law enforcement expertise overseas. So my brother, the Queen’s mother, the future Queen, and I will have new details.”
New York
Damien Nazario sat in his assigned seat and he was headed to his new home Cordonia working as private security for the Royal Cordonian family. He played the events over in his head the reason he decided a life overseas could help him get over her.
“Kai, you picked a fucken robot over me?”
“Damien, he has a beautiful soul.”
“It’s a fucken walking X-Box is what that is!”
She held the ‘Star Gossip’ tears streaming down her face today’s headline ‘This is huge - we need to celebrate! Sam marries Sofia! PLUS the DOJ and FTC approve Dalton - Russo merger.’ “I saved his kids from getting kidnapped white van 80’s style, and still he married her. He told me he was ending it last night!” Alessandra said.
“I get it he makes your panties drop but he is a liar. Fucking the boss always ends up in tragedy. It’s like some impossible dream. We are always the help.” Jessica’s phone rang and she took the call and said, “I accept.” She turned to her best friend and said, “ I got the job.”
Alessandra’s phone rang, and she picked up and said, “I accept.” Alessandra wiped her tears and said, “We are moving to Cordonia. Fuck Sam.”
“Save those tears for another day, time to leave these broken hearts behind. Cordonia here we come.”
*edited to change F!OC name on 10.16.2022 -J
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brokenhardies · 3 years
like esther’s family were hermits who lived out of everyone’s way in crockett, really only interacting with people when they had to (so going to church) which meant that when esther’s parents died and she stumbled back into town, everyone was just like
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come-along-pond · 2 years
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⇨ Ainsley Garner {YOU}
face claim: Willa Holland
nickname/s: Ains
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: N/A
fic title: N/A
ainsley garner: you oc
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⇨ Angela Baker {The Gray Man}
face claim: Emilia Clarke
nickname/s: Angie
allegiance/s: MI5 (Previously), The Fitzroy family
love interest: Sierra Six (Courtland Gentry)
fic title: N/A
angela baker: the gray man oc angie x six
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⇨ Christina King {Midnight Mass}
face claim: Elizabeth Lail
nickname/s: Chris
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: Shabazz Hassan +  John Pruitt
fic title: N/A
christina king: midnight mass oc christina x shabazz christina x john
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⇨ Julia Morningstar {Lucifer}
face claim: Kate Winslet
nickname/s: Jules
allegiance/s: Lucifer
love interest: Lucifer Morningstar
fic title: N/A
julia morningstar: lucifer oc julia x lucifer
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⇨ Sophie Rival {Riverdale}
face claim:  Aimee Lou Wood
alias/es: N/A
nickname/s: Soph
love interest: Jughead Jones
fic title: N/A
sophie rival: riverdale oc sophie x jughead
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⇨ Amelia Rowe {Criminal Minds}
face claim: Amanda Seyfried
nickname/s: Amy, Pretty Girl
allegiance/s: The BAU, The FBI
love interest: Spencer Reid
fic title: N/A
amelia rowe: criminal minds oc amelia x spencer
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⇨ Hazel Conner {White Collar}
face claim: N/A
alias/es: Helen Carbon, Hazel Copper, Jennifer Holden
nickname/s: H
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: Neal Caffery
fic title: N/A
hazel conner: white collar oc hazel x neal
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⇨ Hazel Sheridan {Mamma Mia}
face claim: Margot Robbie
alias/es: N/A
nickname/s: N/A
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: Many undecided ocs
fic title: N/A
hazel sheridan: mamma mia oc
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⇨ Rapunzel {Once Upon A Time}
face claim: Taylor Swift
alias/es:  Hope Regal,The Forest’s Hope
nickname/s: Rap
allegiance/s: Snow White
love interest: Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
fic title: Everything Has Changed
hope regal/rapunzel: ouat oc hope/jefferson rapunzel/jefferson rapunzel & grace
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⇨ Viviana {Good Omens}
face claim:  Karen Gillan
alias/es: Viviana Blossom
nickname/s: Viv, Anna
love interest: N/A
fic title: Life Itself
viviana: good omens oc
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⇨ Elizabeth Anderson {Friday Night Dinner}
face claim:  Florence Pugh
nickname/s: Lizzie
love interest: Jonny Goodman
fic title: Saturday Mornings
lizzie anderson: friday night dinner oc lizzie x jonny
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⇨ Taylor Green {Brooklyn Nine-Nine}
face claim:  Sophie Turner
alias/es: N/A
nickname/s: Tay Tay
allegiance/s: The nine-nine
love interest: Jake Peralta
fic title: My Life Would Suck
taylor green: brooklyn nine-nine oc taylor x jake
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locke-writes · 3 years
To-Do List
All requests received will be placed here under the category they fall in. This is not indicative of the order they will be written/posted. Requests will be crossed out once written and deleted from this list once posted.
Fics (including Prompts & Song Fics)
Into the Spiderverse - Peter B Parker - Fic where Peter is set up on a blind date and has to deal with falling in love all over again
Mad Max: Fury Road - Max Rockatansky - Song Fic with Rise by Glitch Mob
Inception - Eames - Fic where Eames goes after the reader in limbo when a job or trial run goes run
Marvel - Steve Rogers - Fic where trans!reader is touch starved and gravitates towards Steve but feels insecure about being needy and distances themselves. Eventual mutual confession.
Stranger Things - Steve Harrington - Prompts: “You can’t keep it bottled up forever”, “It’s okay to cry you know”, and “You’re safe, I promise”
View Askew/Clerks - Randal Graves - Drabble using the prompt “I think I could use that hug right now”
Gif Imagines
Character Letters
Clerks/View Askew - Jay - HCs for dating Jay (Currently Writing)
Clerks/View Askew - Randal Graves - HCs for dating Randal
Mallrats/View Askew - Brodie Bruce - HCs for domestic/romantic intimacy (non-NSFW) with Brodie (ie. hand-holding, etc.)
Booksmart - Amy Antsler - HCs for dating Amy
Character Playlists
Character Aesthetics
X-Men - Charles Xavier (AOS Trilogy) - Fic where Charles and his wife are exploring a haunted house
Fright Night - Jerry Dandridge - Fic with Jerry and a vampire hunter!reader
Entered Writing Challenges
Own Ideas
Arthur Shelby x Reader Fic - Writing. Section 4 of 6
Law & Order SVU Series. Mike Dodds x Trans!Male OC (rewrite of previous series) - Currently Outlining
Nick Amaro x Reader (male!reader) - Song Fic: St. Bernard - Lincoln
Arthur Curry x Reader - Magic AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine having to team up with Arthur to fight an ancient evil. The only problem is the two of you come from rival kingdoms and fight each other on every decision
Frederick Chilton x Reader - Bodyguard AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being hired as Chilton’s personal bodyguard after the Gideon incident
Scott Lang x Reader - Coffee Shop AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being a hacker and working with Scott while he bounced from job to job after getting out of jail
Freddy Newandyke x Reader - FBI AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being Freddy’s FBI partner
Wade Felton x Reader - Professor AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being the new professor on staff and Wade being like a mentor to you
Arthur Shelby x Reader - Soulmate AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being Arthur’s soulmate
Midnight Mass - John Pruitt x Mildred Gunning - The story of their relationship from how it began all through their lives to episode 7 - Currently Outlining
Midnight Mass - John Pruitt x Gunning Family - Alternate take on Ep 7 if Sarah had taken the sacrament and fully understood who John was after - Currently Outlining
Midnight Mass - John Pruitt - Mildred Gunning had twins rather than just Sarah. John’s son is an alter boy at one point. An exploration of a father-son relationship that is seen as such by one party. - Currently Outlining
Prodigal Son series rewrite. Eventual Malcolm Bright x OC. - Currently Outlining
Criminal Minds - Aaron Hotchner x OC - Currently Outlining
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike x OC - Series Re-Write - Currently Outlining
Law & Order SVU - Rafael Barba x Reader - Ex Spouses to Lovers (Reconnecting and rekindling a romance) - Currently Outlining
Baby Driver - Buddy x Reader (Platonic) - Part 4 to the Twitch Series (dealing with hallucinations)
Daredevil - Frank Castle x Reader - Clusterhug by IDKhow
Daredevil - Frank Castle x Reader - In Our Bedroom After the War by Stars
Stranger Things - Eddie Munson x Reader - Wednesday Morning, 3am by Simon and Garfunkel
Ted Lasso - Trent Crimm x Ted Lasso - A fic where Ted realizes that Trent’s ‘love our chats’ is basically his version of the Princess Bride ‘as you wish’
Law and Order SVU - Sonny Carisi x Male!Reader (or OC - undecided) - A look into the navigation of the relationship from first meeting throughout parenthood (potentially series or one fic with varying vignettes)
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe
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Leonard Daniel Wolfe, named after his great grandfather, held so much potential in his parents’ eyes. As the first born he was to inherit, at the time, the small ranch that his parents started.
When Leo met the two biggest influences in his life, Duckie and Cricket, he knew it was going to be difficult. First, his best friends were girls, sisters, to be specific. Second, he’s liked Cricket since they were children and he didn’t know how to tell her.
When Macy Jensen asked him to dance at prom, he really didn’t want to unless it was with Cricket. Macy grabbed his hands and with unexpected strength, pulled him up and dragged him to the dance floor.
He tried to go back to his table and wait for Cricket to come back from the bathroom, but she clutched him and kept him attached to her. When Cricket came back and saw him with her, she finally let go and placed a sickly sweet kiss on his cheek.
He tried to explain it to Cricket, but got nowhere near it. She was just upset and didn’t talk to him for awhile. When the silent treatment stopped, their relationship changed. It was strictly friends from then on. Sure, there were some less than friendly flirting every once in a while, but it never went anywhere.
The summer before Senior year, it changed again. Late nights sneaking out and going to parties, getting drunk and then waking up early to get to chores around the ranches. One specific party, Leo and Cricket ended up getting so drunk that they made out. The next morning, Leo went to ask her about it, but she said she couldn’t remember it. Leo really wanted the talk to lead to more of a relationship.
The friends were inseparable their last year of high school, they all had the same classes and lunch schedules. Leonard won’t lie, he never really saw a future for himself in his hometown. He wanted bigger things, but he didn’t know exactly what. He knew that many of his family members had joined up in many different branches of the military.
Growing up and listening to his Great-Grandpa Leonard’s war stories were always some of his favorite to hear, so when the Navy had some soldiers visit and try to recruit some young men, he walked up and got a pamphlet. When Leo had completed all of his high school credits, he really didn’t have a reason to be at school anymore. Sure, he went so that Duckie & Cricket wouldn’t be alone, but he was bored.
One day after school he got a call and was told that there was a spot opened for Basic if he wanted it, all he had to do was graduate early. Leonard really wanted to stay to support his best friends, but he could have a jump start on his future if he left.
He asked the recruiter if he could have a couple of weeks to think and when he was permitted, Leo thought long and hard about his decision. He was gonna turn down the spot and wait until afterwards, but then Cricket and he got into a fight, he said ‘screw it’ and called them back.
The next day, he left for basic without saying goodbye to his friends. Leo knew that he had hurt Duckie and Cricket, he felt bad for how he left. When he had received letters from his family, he had to fight the urge to ask about them.
Leo was mad, they hadn’t even tried to reach out to him, and he didn’t write them either. He couldn’t, he didn’t wanna look eager. Leo knew that if he did write to Cricket, he’d spill his feelings towards her and if he wrote to Duckie, he’d just gush to about her sister.
With Basic over and officially being in the Navy, he met his pilot Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven. The two young men grew close and became best friends. Through the years, completing missions, moving base to base, drinking after hours, and graduating from Top Gun, both men learned a lot about each other.
After the mission at graduation, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet gave all of the men leave. Rick didn’t have family he wanted to visit, an old falling out with his parents. Leo talked to his parents and they invited Rick, for he was their son’s pilot and friend, practically family at that point.
Leo caught up with Duckie and Cricket over the years apart and grew close again. He and Cricket were back to acting like high schoolers, flirting and always touching. They hadn’t really talked about where the relationship would go, but it seemed like it would work out in the end.
When the other pilots arrived at the ranch, Leo showed a different side of himself. He was more protective of his sisters, including Duckie, and Cricket. He was also more of a goofball, especially around the Pruitt girls.
The pilots and their families had to split themselves between both ranches for rooms, but at dinner everyone gathered at the Wolfe’s house. Leo’s friends joined in the chores around the ranch while they were there and had lots of laughs, jokes, stories, and drinks every night.
After they left, there was only seven more days of leave for Leo. Their sisters and mother’s meddled and trapped them into saying what they felt for each other, so they went on a date. On their night out, someone said something and Leo went off like a hot pistol. It upset Cricket and she had to drag him out of the diner. The drive back was quiet and long.
The next couple of days, Leo and Cricket didn’t speak, so Leo and Rick left a couple of days early back to base. When the pilots got back, Leo’s behavior was different than they had ever seen him. He didn’t want to hang out at the O Club anymore and stayed home every night, he looked like he hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in a while. Leo even started to not shave his facial hair and had scruff.
One day after training Leo came home to see his best friends sitting on his front porch swing, suitcases nearby. He ran up and hugged the girls, before turning to face Cricket, giving her a sweet kiss. Duckie gave the two love birds one last hug before running off to see her boyfriend.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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Well I did it. The first chapter of Second Chances is done! I really had a hard time deciding between an OC or a reader fic but I landed on OC, hope you like it, please let me know what you think! This is gonna be a slow burn, folks! But I will deliver on some smut, you can count on that.
Father Paul/John Pruitt x original character
Multi chapter WIP
Chapter 1 of 7- 4,592 words, warnings- religious imagery, sick family member, character death
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ISLAND LIFE isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s isolated, lonely, resources are limited. It’s like living on a smaller planet where other life feels like it’s lightyears away. At least that’s what island life is like on Crockett. Thirty miles to the mainland may as well be thirty thousand. The people live life at their own pace. Floating out in the ocean all on its own tends to slow the arrival of anything new. The latest technology, cars, fashion, art, culture- it’s all stunted on the island. But people are happy that way. Most people.
Many others in Meredith Brown’s generation left this place and never looked back, all too eager to catch up on all they’d been missing out on growing up in such seclusion, but something brought her back. Some might say it’s a calling, but she wouldn’t call it that. The place where she grew up, her home, was dying. Homes boarded up, population declining, people aging faster than what seemed natural. Her aunt made sure she knew about all of the suffering that was transpiring on that little speck of land in her letters and made no effort to hide her agenda to lure her home. The week she included a newspaper clipping about the island veterinary clinic shutting down, Meredith packed her bags.
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There it was. She could see it in the distance, like a shadow on the horizon as the ferry chugged closer to the shore. She thought it would feel more welcoming, coming home, like when she used to visit for Christmas. But there was this foreboding feeling growing in her chest. And once the Breeze docked at the marina, it only got worse. Meredith knew things had been hard since the spill, but she wasn’t prepared for the ache that gripped her heart when she saw the state of things.
The passage of time had left a stain on everything. Peeling paint, boarded up windows, rusted metal. Decay. Familiar structures were standing but only just and it seemed that no one had the resources or the motivation to fix them. Quiet complacency.
She carefully guided the dolly bearing the weight of most of her possessions down the ramp, keeping the wheels straight, until a voice called out ahead of her, “Wait, let me help you!”
Startled, she flinched and suddenly missed the edge of the slope, nearly sending the stack of boxes into the sea before bracing it with her hastily outstretched arm, joined promptly by another. Only once her belongings were stabilized, could she take in a quick breath to fill her stunned lungs. Keeping her white-knuckled grip on the cart’s handle, she peered around the stack with wide eyes to look for who in their right mind would do that.
“I’m so very sorry, I did not intend for that to happen.”
Her heart leapt into her throat when her gaze landed on a man with thick dark hair, swept back by the wind, and a kind face staring back at her. Heat rushed to her cheeks as if she was the one who should be embarrassed before she stuttered in reply, “O-oh I, uh, don’t- um, it’s quite alright.”
“Now I truly feel the need to help,” he said, moving to lift the bottom of the cart back onto the ramp, but before she could stop him to tell him it was too heavy, he’d already done it.
He then walked backward down the ramp to help Meredith bring the cart to a stop safely on the dock. She tried to center herself after the dramatic swing in her state of mind, but the softness of his features wasn’t helping.
Straightening himself up and wiping his hands off on his jacket, he turned to her with a toothy smile and chuckled, “Well, you likely would have done a better job of that without my interference.”
Her response was stubbornly stuck in her throat while the heat in her face spread down her neck, and she adjusted her bag’s strap over her shoulder. He had a smile that stopped her in her tracks, struggling to find the words she needed to speak. A moment passed, a moment that was just a bit too long with her eyes locked on his, then she finally cracked a smile in return and breathlessly uttered, “Oh, well, don’t worry about it. I appreciate your help, um- “
“Paul- Paul Hill.”
His voice had such a remarkable warmth to it. It was making this nearly unrecognizable place feel like home again.
All on its own, her smile widened and gave him her name before he even asked for it, “Meredith. Um, I’m Meredith... Brown.”
“Nice to meet you, Meredith Brown,” he softly replied, holding out his hand for her to shake.
Muscle memory kicked in and she reached forward to take it. It was warm, just like his voice. Butterflies rocked her stomach, which she quickly swallowed down, feeling unease over how flustered this simple interaction was making her. He was so… handsome.
“Nice to meet you too… Paul.”
There’s always a pause when two people meet. That moment after they learn what they should call each other and then they just stare. They stare at each other, eyes traveling from the pair across from them, down, then back up, taking in so many little bits of information. The way the person’s hands move, the flutter of their eyelashes, little twitches around their mouth, almost imperceivable cues observed in an effort to discern what the other is thinking. But before they can really figure it out, it’s gone.
“Well, I hope the rest of your day goes more smoothly without my meddling in it,” he chuckled, flashing those teeth at her once again.
Meredith grinned back at him, “Oh, don’t worry about it. I, um, I don’t mind. Really.”
His deep brown eyes blinked at her, and she realized she had been staring at them for God knows how long before averting her gaze toward the ground. It was then that she noticed the large chest that was sitting on the dock behind him, bound by leather straps. It looked heavy.
“Can I return the favor? Help you with that, I mean,” she said, gesturing toward it.
Paul turned then looked from the chest back to her and quickly answered, “Oh! No, no that’s quite alright. I can- I can handle it.”
There was a sudden tension, an unspoken signal that their interaction was over, that she should mind her own business. Internally cursing herself and her rusty social skills, she nodded, “O-ok, um, I’ll leave you to it then. Until next time.”
This was just self-torment at this point. Clearly she couldn’t open her mouth without embarrassing herself, but a little rush of surprise colored her cheeks when he replied, “Until next time. Meredith.”
With another smile, eye contact was mercifully broken, and her heart pounded all the way up the next ramp onto dry land. What was that? Why was she trembling like she’d just jumped into the freezing bay water? Without a thought or consideration for the man’s privacy, she turned to look over her shoulder, as if another look would help answer her question. With the aid of a man with a large beard she was sure she recognized, he lifted the old trunk and they carried it out of sight to the other side of the dock. It was definitely heavy.
Aunt Carolyn peppered Meredith’s face with little pecks of her lips, not bothering to hold back the joy she felt at having her niece back after so long. It smelled the same as it always did. It’s funny how well we remember the scent of home, how it fills you up and wraps around you as soon as you walk in the door. It smelled just like it did when she used color with crayons at the dining room table, when she cried into the couch pillows after her first break up, same as the day she left for college.
The old wooden floor creaked beneath her steps into her former bedroom, though former wasn’t the right word since it appeared practically untouched for over twelve years now. It was and still is hers. The plastic horses from that phase that almost every little girl goes through, stacks of books, her movie posters, they were still right where she left them.
“I know it’s not much, just at least ‘til we get you on your feet.”
She turned and smiled at her aunt standing in the doorway. She could swear she looked shorter than the last time she saw her. “It’s perfect, don’t worry,” she replied softly.
The day quickly passed into evening while the two women sat and drank Meredith’s favorite elderflower tea, catching up on everything that couldn’t fit into their monthly letters. She found herself fidgeting with the blanket draped over the back of the couch as she sipped from her mug.
“Well now folks don’t even bother to list, they just leave. And the spill, you know, that was the turning point. I was worried that was the end of this place. But it doesn’t seem that far off now anyway.”
She knew it would feel this way, coming back here. There was nowhere to go but down here. This place just wasn’t built to endure in the modern world. Everywhere else keeps moving forward, advancing, and Crockett is just left behind, frozen in time, doing things the way it’s always done them. But that’s the thing, time doesn’t stop for Crockett.
Letting go of the frayed edge of the blanket, Meredith responded plainly, “You didn’t leave. Will you ever?”
Aunt Carolyn answered with a soft smile, “Can’t afford to go anywhere else. Besides, this island is my home. This community, it’s small but we take care of each other.”
“I know, I do. But auntie… you need, you will need, help. More help.” She tried not to let her worry show, but she couldn’t hide anything from her aunt, she never could.
“Doctor Gunning takes care of me,” she said, taking her niece’s hand. “I know, I’m stubborn. But it’s spite that’s gotten me this far, isn’t it?”
An outbreak of giggles dissolved the tension in the room before Meredith moved to stand and headed toward the kitchen. “C’mon, I’m making dinner tonight.”
“No, no don’t you dare. You’ve come a long way, honey, I’ve got it.”
That unstoppable passage of time carried on from evening into night and Meredith laid in her bed, staring at the familiar crack in the paster above her. It’d gotten longer. Of all things that could be on her mind as she laid awake, coming back home- the dismal state of things on the island, her aunt’s deteriorating health, it was Paul. As far as the cliché of tall, dark, and handsome was concerned, he certainly fit the bill.
She felt silly. She’d only met him briefly, after all. She shouldn’t be thinking about him while laying in bed like some love-struck teenager. But when she closed her eyes, there he was, smiling at her. Then she realized something. She just met him. Here. What was he coming to the island for? Returning to the island is one thing, but she’d never met him before. He must be new. Someone’s relative maybe? Whatever brought him here, she found herself hoping, wishing, she’d run into him again.
Across the island from the bed where Meredith slept, a soft light shone through the windows of the church rectory at Saint Patrick’s. A large chest bound with leather straps sat empty on the floor with the lid left wide open. It was quiet except for one sound, a hoarse sob, a sound of profound grief and anguish, a painful sound.
Paul, hunched over on his knees in the center of the small room, wept. He held, clutched tightly in his hands, a newspaper. It was dated for the day prior, the island’s only paper, and was folded to the back page. In the obituaries column, a single name was listed.
“Mildred Gunning, born August 30, 1947, was called home to our Lord on April 11, 2019. Mildred left behind one daughter, Sarah Gunning, and now joins her husband, George Gunning in Heaven. O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am.”
She spent most of the next day planning, starting by checking the local listings with a cup of coffee in hand, as futile as that was. Just as expected- nothing. Closing her laptop, she let out a heavy sigh and sat at the table for a moment. It was so quiet here, she’d forgotten how quiet. Even with all of the windows closed, she could hear the waves rolling onto the shore over the call of the gulls, carried inland on the breeze. A walk seemed like a good idea.
The air smelled so nice. She’d met people on the mainland that didn’t like that smell, they said it was too fishy, but Meredith liked it. It was more complex than that. It was salty, briny, mixed with seaweed, wet stone, and a hint of pine. They’d just never smelled the air on Crockett. She closed her eyes while she breathed it in. Some things that never change are meant to be cherished.
A voice called out to her, and she wheeled around to see someone approaching her on the road but couldn’t quite recognize who it was in the distance. After taking a few steps closer, it clicked. Annie Flynn. She looked a bit different with glasses.
“Oh, hey Misses Flynn!”
“Oh, my dear, oh it’s so nice to see you,” she said, wrapping Meredith in a warm hug.
Misses Flynn gave the best hugs. Meredith would always get one more before leaving the Flynn house when she used to baby sit her before her aunt got off work.
“You too,” she replied, patting her back over her jacket before releasing the embrace. “How’ve you been?”
“I’m good, honey,” she told her. There was something in her expression that was hard to identify, in her eyes and around her brow, sad but also hopeful. “Well, you know, Riley gets home today.”
She felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach. She’d forgotten about that. Poor Riley. Yes he did act totally irresponsibly, but if he was still the same Riley he always was, she knew he’d never be able to forgive himself.
Forcing a smile onto her face, she beamed, “that’s great! Really wonderful news, Misses Flynn.”
A soft smile was offered in return before she told her she was actually on her way to meet him, and they said their goodbyes. After they parted ways, Meredith couldn’t let go of that sad feeling. The Flynn family had to be the nicest people on the island, they shouldn’t have had to deal with that. But Riley chose what he chose, and he did his time. That doesn’t bring that girl back, though.
Her walk eventually brought her all the way to the other end of the island. She’d lost track of how far she’d gone, so many thoughts swirling around in her mind while she walked. But even by the time she ran out of land, she hadn’t gotten them organized.
Her aunt’s health, which she seemed to be in denial about, how to adjust to life back on the island, everything she needed to do to get the clinic up and running- each problem took turns knocking around in her head, making no progress toward a solution. She stood in the sand on the south shore, watching the water gently lap onto the beach. The sound of the ocean had always put her mind at ease. Maybe the noise just drowned out anything that wasn’t useful, because she always felt better afterwards. Then before the sun sank lower in the sky, she turned to retrace her steps. This was a road she’d walked countless times, each step taken before and probably will be taken again. Time, she thought. She could figure it all out, given time.
After returning home and going through her catalogues of supplies to make herself a wish list, the unease that had been following Meredith around all day mercifully faded away with the sun. She put a pot of salted water on the stove to bring it to a boil while Aunt Carolyn cut potatoes.
“The forecast says a big storm is headed our way tomorrow, but not ‘til the evening.”
Meredith subtly watched her aunt’s hands out of the corner of her eye while she chopped, waiting for any hint of a tremor that might result in a bloody mess.
“So, I was thinking, since the morning’s supposed to be clear and Monsignor Pruitt is back, maybe you’d come to Mass with me,” she finished before turning to look at her niece.
She felt a little drop of her stomach before responding quietly, “Oh, I didn’t know he left.”
“I can’t believe I forgot to tell you! He went on pilgrimage, the whole congregation pitched in. Two weeks in Jerusalem, isn’t that fabulous? I can’t wait to hear what insight he has for us,” her aunt answered with a smile.
“Pilgrimage? Oh wow, all that way at his age?”
Meredith was doing her best to tread lightly around this sensitive topic. Their Monsignor, John Pruitt, had been the priest at the island’s catholic church for more years than Meredith had been alive. She used the attend Mass with her aunt as a child. He always had a reassuring presence, she could remember that, but she’d heard lately that the years had started to catch up with him. He was often confused and had been seen wandering around town at strange hours of the night. It was clear to some that his retirement was overdue, but other members of the parish like Aunt Carolyn chose to ignore this. And now it sounded like they thought a trip to the Holy Land would somehow miraculously fix him.
“Oh sure! He’s not as frail as he seems, you know.”
She smiled softly at her aunt, the knot in her gut traveling up her throat, and answered, “Ok, auntie, that sounds nice.”
The sun seemed to shine especially bright the next morning. It cast a golden glow on the bedroom wall across from Meredith’s bed where the sound of the birds outside the window gently woke her. She stretched beneath the covers and sighed while the fog of last night’s sleep cleared from her head. It was a deep, dreamless sleep, a restful sleep. Exactly what she needed. After pulling a clean sweater over her head and a brush through her hair, her aunt greeted her with a hot cup of coffee and a kiss on the forehead. Such a great warmth filled her heart that morning, it made all of the worry and the challenge of returning home feel insignificant.
Meredith thought life off island would be different. It was, but not in the way she’d hoped. More opportunity, sure, but that just meant more opportunity for failure, for heartbreak. She was a little fish who left her pond for the big blue ocean that just swallowed her up, so big not a soul would ever know she was there. Here, everyone was someone.
The air was crisp on their walk to Saint Patrick’s, light with Nature’s song blowing through the trees. Arm in arm, they spoke of hope for the future and fondness for the past until the familiar old building came into view. The church stood like a beacon against the dark woods behind it, bright in the light of the morning sun. Meredith hadn’t stepped foot in this place in years, but it was just the same as it was then. The oak floor creaked beneath her steps, the echo announcing her arrival to the white walls, weathered by over a century of prayer. This place brought her feelings of both comfort and unease. Her faith had never really been able to take root, even when she was young and spent every Christmas marveling at all of the candles. There was just something haunting about it all. It was hard for her to describe. Like if you listened carefully, you could hear the years of holy words escape through cracks in the wood.
But she kept her creeping discomfort hidden, for the sake of her aunt, who’s faith had waxed and waned multiple times over Meredith’s lifetime. She was never sure what kept her coming back but had a suspicion that it was related to her health. Whatever her reason was, she supported her without question. Lifting a hymnal from the slot in the pew in front of her, she flicked through the pages until her eyes began to wander around in the small crowd.
She spotted Ed and Annie Flynn then blinked at the man sitting with them. Riley? He looked so different. So thin, with his hair buzzed nearly to his scalp. What was a warmth in heart faded to an ache, a reminder of how savage life has been standing right there in front of her. It didn’t help when the next person she laid eyes on was Erin Greene. Aunt Carolyn made sure to tell her about that too. Albeit unintentionally, but intensively nonetheless, she’d told her all about the passing of Erin’s mother last spring and how overwhelmed she must be. Time doesn’t really heal wounds, it just covers them up.
Then the sound of the organ brought her out of her thoughts and Meredith took a breath, turning to the opening hymn. The printed words left the page and came out through her mouth, her voice a bit hesitant to carry the familiar rhythm very far. The smell of incense tickled her nose before a queasy feeling settled in her stomach and her eyes lifted from the little book.
With everything else on her mind, she hadn’t thought of him for the whole day prior. But she hadn’t forgotten and thought for a moment that maybe she was hearing things. Then her voice caught in her throat when he passed by her, draped in gold embellished fabric, hands together in prayer.
A short breath rushed past her lips and an intense heat grew in her face while she stared at him. Was he wearing the collar that day? He couldn’t have been. Or did she just not notice it? She wrung her hands below the edge of the pew, far more uncomfortable than she was a moment ago.
“Good morning. I know I’m not who you expected to see this morning. I’m Father Paul Hill and I was sent by the Dioecies to fill in for Monsignor Pruitt for a few weeks- “
He said that Pruitt’s condition was noticed by some of the others on his trip, that he was recovering in a hospital on the main land, and he would be back soon, but Meredith had trouble focusing on his words. Her heart sank down into the pit of her stomach and stayed there. She desperately wanted to leave, to get some air, the small church now unbearably stifling. But she remained stuck in place, seated in that pew like she was bound to it.
First she felt guilt, overwhelming guilt. He was a priest, a man of the cloth and the thoughts about him that had gone through her head were anything but godly. She thought she’d felt something that day they met, did that mean she was naïve? After the guilt came embarrassment. It wasn’t as if she made her attraction that obvious during their short interaction but, what if she had? Her cheeks had a bad habit of displaying that sort of thing right on her face. No, she thought, that was giving far too much credit to her poor flirting skills. What would he think of her if he knew? The words heathen and harlot came to mind. But she couldn’t be the only one to ever have wanted him in that way, she couldn’t. If he hadn’t caught on already, she decided she’d made sure he never did. But still, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him.
Then the room abruptly came into focus when she felt a shifting beside her, and her aunt’s hand patted her shoulder. Communion. The look in her eyes said it all- she wanted her to take the sacrament. It’d been a long time, a very long time. But it was something that was important to her, that bit of faith that she held on to.
Meredith returned a soft smile, holding back her rising anxiety, and stood from the pew. Focus on breathing, that was all she could do as she joined the line approaching the altar. He doesn’t know, it’s fine, he’s not gonna know. The sunlight streaming in through the windows gleamed off of the gold threads decorating his shoulders, lighting up his face with an almost ethereal aura, like a halo. It felt as if a holy presence itself was mocking her.
Her heart began to pound, her palms damp with sweat, a hard knot forming in the pit of her stomach when the path between her and the Father cleared. Go. He doesn’t know. Just go. She tentatively stepped forward, her eyes on the floor for as long as she could keep them there before lifting them. A furious fluttering burst in her chest when her gaze landed directly on his and he greeted her with a warm smile.
Holding out the small wafer for her to take, he said, “Meredith. Body of Christ.”
Her lungs then refusing to allow air in at the sound of his dulcet voice speaking her name like that, she quickly nodded and took the sacred bit of unleavened bread, her fingertips brushing against his before placing it on her tongue. The brief contact so near to her mouth was enough to send a shiver down her back, washed down by the earthy bite of red wine past her lips. It was like she was in a dream, her awareness of her own actions so hazy until she gained some distance away from the altar. She became suddenly aware of the heat radiating from her body and kept her eyes focused ahead of her until those church doors were opened again.
She managed to make it outside before the congregation gathered at the entrance to greet their new priest and Meredith quietly made her way back home, letting the midmorning breeze cool her burning skin.
By the evening, the breeze turned to strong wind and carried dark clouds to the skies over the island. The forecast had been ominous since the previous day, and it appeared to have followed through with its promise. Meredith gathered candles and helped her aunt cover her larger windows with boards to help withstand the impending storm, but her mind remained stubbornly occupied by her shame.
Her body had betrayed her, turning her into some infatuate zombie with no control over herself. Then she’d fled that church like an ashamed child before she had to face another minute of that. She was terrified that she’d done something in that moment, made some kind of gesture or expression that gave her away. The last thing she wanted to do was to make the poor man uncomfortable. If she couldn’t control herself, she’d just have to stay away. That should be simple enough.
She sat on the couch, staring out the window in front of her while she sorted through her thoughts, rain drops beginning to pelt against the glass. Then a flash of lightning lit up the landscape for a split second, followed by a boom of thunder. She yelped and jumped up from her seat, the shock of what she just saw shaking her down to her bones.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” her aunt called out from the kitchen.
Meredith stood with her hand against her chest, eyes wide, still focused on the window when she answered quietly, “I just- I thought I saw something outside.”
“Probably that damned statue the Jacobs have to scare the gulls away. Come on over here and have some water, dear. Soup’s ready too.”
She slowly backed away before hesitantly turning her back to the window and walking to the kitchen. There are always moments when the eyes can play tricks on the mind, but as the storm continued to blow throughout the night, she couldn’t keep that image out of her head. A tall, lean figure, eyes flickering right at her in the dark. It must have been a trick, it had to be.
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superidiotics · 4 years
This time with plot summaries.
OVERVIEW: Lone wolf Nana Thindrel expects nothing good to come out of her superpowers, and she’s gotten used to being alone. That is, until she’s pulled into the lives of a super powered group of friends who might just be the one thing she’s always wanted, but never been able to have—a family.
Nana Thindrel. Jamie Abbott. Jules Lister. Cecil Grigg. Lilea Greene. Vincent Irvine. Cassian Pruitt. Analia Herring. Elska Clemonte. Felicity Walker. Emery Mcvay. Dawn Clarke. Lavender Andrews. Skye Lynn. Roni Lodge.
OVERVIEW: In the not-so-distant future, after most of the world has been rendered uninhabitable, a city filled with androids, cyborgs, and the remaining humans is one of the few places where people continue to live. Follow an android, a cyborg, and a human as they navigate life on a destroyed earth.
Jessie. Vivi. Charlotte. Chrys. Prim. Narci. Finn. Nimh. Erin. Hayden. Star. Layton. Jodie. Diya. Ruth. Beau. Alexi. Selene. Ryder. Willow.
OVERVIEW: this is pretty much just a Harry Potter rewrite.
Merlin Mallor. Aspen Hallewell. Cressida Morgan. Keary Vexx. Juniper Hallewell. Artie Park. Beau Hallewell. Beck Hallewell.
OVERVIEW: A group of teenagers, thrown into a killing game—where the only options are redemption or ruin.
Anya Lowery. Calantha Bernard. Dante Kane. Quinn Everett. Lex Levine. Valentine. Mimi Morris. Ripley Flynn.
OVERVIEW: A magical amnesiac who literally just wants to garden instead becomes the protagonist of some Dating Sim Nonsense.
Lian. Cosmos. Seren. Bryn. Eowyn. Avalon. Killian.
OVERVIEW: Rowan, raised in captivity because of his magic, begins receiving letters from a vampire named Leon who seems to know more about Rowan than he does.
Leon Argent. Aster Trevils. Rowan. Violeta Dupree. Cleo Sharpe.
OVERVIEW: Nature vs nurture takes a new twist as the children of famed supervillains realize that they don’t want to be like their parents—they want to be heroes.
Marlie Gardner. Ayden Fox. Evie Herring. Rhys Lynch. Phoenix Chandler-Fox.
OVERVIEW: This is pretty self explanatory. A bunch of fairytales with queer twists—a princess falling in love with the daughter of the witch who cursed her to sleep until woken by true love’s kiss, a knight saving a prince from a tower guarded by a dragon, etc.
Gwen Irvi. Elodie Cetmir. Cyne Marshwood. Illis Lawsey. Ashe Estcox. Storm Hartledge. Darya Whitewater. Landon Carsey. Liri Vounna. Poppy Locklow. Frissea.
OVERVIEW: A human fell in love with a demon—with the rising threat of demon hunters, they were forced to send their infant children away to be raised as though they were human. Years later, after their mother goes missing, they’re brought back into the world they never knew they were part of.
Ben. Jeff. Etan. Melody. Adrian. Jaxson. Elena. Maria. Annie. Maggie. Ari. Penny. Trixie.
Roslyn Silverstone. Fallon Shadowthorn.
Cybel. Lucinda McBride. River Hart. Maxie White. Nova Little. Dimitri. Tonka. Noctis. Lennox. Lillian Medi. Roman Medi. Rori Clark. Zoe Nixon. Solstice Meadows. Friday Kirk. Atali.
OVERVIEW: A bunch of teenagers, with superpowers and no one left except each other, try to find their place in the world.
Milo Porter. Teylie Eide. Lexi Monroe. Manyon Porter. Nikita Antonov. Renna Wright.
OVERVIEW: princess and the pauper but everyone’s gay
Percy Wickes. Maisie Evans. Jazmin Edison. Dorian Edison.
OVERVIEW: A half demon, half human, destined to bring about the apocalypse. A half angel, half human, destined to represent all things good and follow orders. A demon-angel hybrid, destined to be something bigger than herself. When none of them are particularly interested in following destiny, what can they do except run away together?
Acacia. Dominick White. Elvira Sumner.
OVERVIEW: After dying and being brought back to life with the condition that she uses her newfound superpowers to do good—lest she die again—Taylor Sparks is determined to create a team that can help her protect the world… even if it means breaking a few laws in the process.
Valentine Hart. Landry Jarvis. Nathaniel Hood. Saniya Pierce. Taylor Sparks. Eira Medina. Landon Stone. Cyrus Hayden. Zaria Bates. Zander Ray. Oryn. Lyric. Ruby Friel. Arlo Caroll. Ciana Biondi.
OVERVIEW: Gillian was raised with the knowledge that she was supposed to kill the Impius Nocte—creatures created from fear that quickly got out of hand, eating away at their host bodies—but, as it turns out, she isn’t exactly interested in killing them. Instead, to the exasperation of her mentor, she wants to save them.
Gillian Rowe. Emlyn Grimm. Xandria Ashurst. Moshe Lowery. Lex Carven. Iris Swanson.
OVERVIEW: So, there’s zombies now. Nadia wants nothing more than to protect her young daughter, Irina, from the horrors of the world. But when horrors seem to be all that’s left, what can a stressed out single mother do?
Nadia Petrov. Irina Petrov. Rory Ellison. Leila Stone. Lyric Joyce. Roman Joyce. Jean Briggs. Donovan Archer. Aspen Archer. Eric Herring. Esther Berry. Brynn Villarreal. Valerie Madden. Cora Wilcox. Lara Young. Cyrus Young. Nick. Narcissa Padilla. Noel Blair. Nico Love. Aristotle Lowell. Blake Baker. Bruno Stark. Rosette. Bea Faye.
OVERVIEW: There is, supposedly, a magical school somewhere. It’s meant for kids like them, but they got overlooked. Whether it be because their powers were locked away, developed late, or simply weren’t strong enough to catch attention, they’re on their own. Well, on their own except for each other.
Nevada Griffin. Cypress Willow. Ettie Aves. Val Knotts.
OVERVIEW: An oft-overlooked dimension, filled with vampiric, superpowered creatures called Zix. Esmea is destined to lead. If her mother doesn’t kill her first.
Esmea Aidana. Ainsley Aidana. Matisse Maris. Camille West.
OVERVIEW: Lukas Brooks’ only motivation after his family’s death is hunting down their killer—with a retired hitman and the daughter of the person he’s hunting at his side, he’ll get revenge. Even if he dies in the process.
Quinn Price. Marlene ‘Lena’ Lynn. Lukas Brooks.
OVERVIEW: A powerful family who operates on the wrong side of the law, and the hitman hired to kill one of them. It doesn’t sound like a love story, but that’s how it ends up.
Bernadette Brandt. Alois Brandt. Renly Sinclair. Nadia Voronin.
OVERVIEW: A school for talented youth, and the tragedies that fill it.
Madeline Knight. Kiyo Ross. Kai. Eli.
OVERVIEW: After their parents died in one accident that changed their lives forever, three kids stick together even as they hide away from the rest of the world. That is, until they’re found by someone who just wants to help them—even if none of them believe it.
Elliot Stokes. Lewis Stokes. Scott Stokes. Briar Parker-Stokes.
OVERVIEW: A reaper, a fallen angel, and the complicated relationship between them.
Tristin Joy. Leza Orus. Haven Roth.
OVERVIEW: Just your basic found family about a man who grew up taking care of himself because no one else would learning to care for a kid.
Mitchell Watson. Journey ‘Jo’ Watson. Viola Lyons.
OVERVIEW: Turned not-quite-human by dying, this group of revived people—led by an otherworldly being named Darsh—spends their time hunting down people who’ve gone through a similar experience, but ended up being dangerous.
Josie. Ayla. Quinn. Darsh. Sawyer.
OVERVIEW: A secretive, close-knit town, the rich family at the head, and a mysterious party that reveals more than it should.
Serafina Vexx, Kaine Vexx, Eiran Vexx, Maddock Knotley, Elias, Lila, Ruby, Odeta, Isolde
Agnes (Aggie) Knotley. Casper Raith. Jax Marth. Theodora Killoran. El Cromwell. Mars Perea. Marea Hook. Rose Murik. Lucian Wright.
Navonni Dulcinea. Cosma Witenor. Sonya Valentine. Dina. Cascadia. Ria Petrov. Atti Solis. Darion Harding. Skylar Parks. Mordra Anderson. Fiona Wright. Liza. Ro Daughtry. Shala Hart. Hayden Patel. Devyn Vance. Ryder Flores. Loina. Crowlie Cleary. Marnie. Pyter. Krila. Araxie Ceto. Anya Florence Day. Eden Wolfe. Rea. Jasper Prince. Angelo Santiago. Camille Haley. Riya Cox. Arcadia Wolfe. Maeve.
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cecexwrites · 9 months
So I've been living in my Small Town Paranormal Brain a lot lately and it's been really fun.
It currently has 5 main properties and like a mini idea plus a currently just self indulgent next gen that I'm... working on.
And I'm going to talk about it because I am excited
Blackwood is the first. It's the first one I came up with and it's going to be the first series I start with because most of the other series actually branch off of scenes and characters that are in book one of Blackwood.
The working title of Book One is Call of the Wolf but I'm not like, obsessed with it so we will see.
Blackwood is about a small town where supernatural creatures live without the fear of being hunted. They can't be like- openly supernatural because that would escape the confines of the town, but they don't have to look over their shoulders in fear that a hunter will show up and murder them.
Call of the Wolf is about Novak, a lone wolf who is miserable and has been for the past nearly forty years. One morning she wakes up to find a man one her property, nearly mauled to death. She takes him in and patches him up and in the process realizes, he wasn't attacked by just any beast. It was a werewolf, and that puts her in deep shit. She's only allowed to live in the town without joining the pack because she swore she'd never try to start her own pack. Now she and her amnesiac new friend have to prove her innocence and maybe try to get his memories back.
The other books in the series will follow other people in the town, including the Alpha of the pack, the sweet as pie witch with a dark past and the mysterious man in the mansion on the hill who Never. Ever. comes out and into town.
The Kyteler Academy
On a lone island, away from prying human eyes, you will find the Kyteler Academy, a university of magic that one doesn't apply to. When you get the red letter, you will be summoned to your destiny. Cove Pruitt does not want to go to the school. She doesn't want a destiny and she certainly doesn't appreciate being snapped out of her warm cozy bed to deal with the mean girls and dickhead boys of the magic world.
Cove is a character who will appear in Call of the Wolf. She has been raised by her aunt, who isn't that much older than her, and is perfectly happy in her little life. This is going to fulfill my dream of writing dark academia. We will ignore the fact that I am in fact a moron. And I'm going to have to do a lot of reading to figure out how to do this right. It's going to be a small ensemble cast of characters all of whom ended up at this elite academy, some are happy about it, some aren't, and one schemed to get himself there alongside the Pruitt witch.
Something Wicked
Darby Vander Wende is one of many in a long line of hunters. Determined to rid the world of unnatural beings, She broke the mold in her family by being the first Vander Wende Woman to pick up the stake and protect humanity. When a hunt goes sideways, she finds herself at the mercy of a vampire with an attitude problem and face to face with a secret her father desperately wanted to keep hidden.
I decided I wanted to make a couple of OCs who would be 1) in this original story and 2) who I was going to make a bunch of fandom AUs for. And I do plan on doing this with Darby and Bliss, the two main characters in this story. I have a side blog for them, I'll link it when I have it more figured out. But Mostly I am very excited for this. Darby's love interest is a pretty freshly made vampire who does not have the energy for This Bitch (tm)
Meanwhile Bliss is a witch with her own demons. A Werewolf boy who won't take the hint and a human man, who shouldn't know anything about their world. But he just keeps sticking his stupid nose where it doesn't belong.
Violent Delights
Piper Lancaster is having an identity crisis. She spent the first 19 years of her life knowing that hunting was what she was meant to do. It was the work of her brothers, her father, her ancestors all the way back to before they even made it to America. But now, after a tragedy come to life, she's unsure of everything she thought she knew. But life must go on and when she gets a call to come save a family from a poltergeist, she ends up in deep water as a voice appears in her head, and it's no ghost.
I just like the idea of a girl possessed by a demon and they kind of share the space in her head, she's too strong for him to completely take over, but she can't rid herself completely. idk if this is going to be a series, or a single book, maybe a duology? but I am quite very excited about it.
The Adventures of Mavis Pearl
a lil cozy story about a girl who's grandmother passes away and leaves Mavis a cozy old home in the town of Blackwood. I still have very little clue what exactly I'm going to do with this. Is Mavis a witch? Maybe? Fae? Also maybe. All I know is she lives in a house filled with happy memories
Random One-shots/short stories
I have a lot of characters planned for Blackwood that won't have full stories but as part of the character building, I think I'm going to write a bunch of fun little bits and pieces about them (Like Rose from the 'famous' Rose's Diner and her love story with her husband back in the 70's when he'd roll up in his fancy car and impress all the ladies but her) Or how Taylor De Luca's (who will star in book 3 of Blackwood) parents met while they both worked at the infamous Action Park
idk It's just meant to be fun.
Legacy of Night
This is the next gen.
Bijoux and Manon are sisters who escape a magical cult, the cult had plans to sacrifice Bijoux to their 'god' and the night before it was meant to happen, Manon, her younger sister, executes a plan to get them out of there when she realizes what's really going on. The two escape to Blackwood and meet the children of a lot of the people from previous stories.
Is it self absorbed to be obsessed with my own world? No. No it's not. And I'm not sorry.
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valiantsword · 4 years
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     #𝚅𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙰𝙽𝚃𝚂𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳.  a private && mutually exclusive immortal oc, arthur pruitt, heavily based on the old guard.  loved by luca (25+, she/they).  takes inspiration from historical influences, arthurian legends, && black sails.  slow activity.  21+ due to mature themes.  pre-established plots / relationships are heavily encouraged.   using beta editor & xkit rewritten.  affiliated with @ganhumara​ & @softersinned​.
𝙰 𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙳𝚈 𝙸𝙽   -   keeping your faith, life after insurmountable loss, finding strength, putting one foot in front of the other, how to handle resurrection, and found family
    𝙿𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴: : due to the nature of the source material this blog heavily features talk of blood, violence, and death.  
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✚    carrd   ✚   memes    ✚    headcanons    ✚    promo    ✚    psd
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        #𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙻 .
@aeternals  -  muli-muse full of heavily canon divergent characters from a wide variety of fandoms.  essentially, everything else i want to do gets placed here.
@inkpromise  - book based gallowglass de clermont of a discovery of witches ( heavily canon divergent ).
@wolfisheart - fandomless werewolf oc crafted from a variety of urban fantasy lore.
@feycraft​ - fandomless contemporary faerie.
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everknight · 4 years
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hello && welcome! i’m luca and thank you for visiting.  
        just some quick notes: my blogs tend to be very slow activity.  plotting is always the best way to get something rolling quickly.  it helps give me parameters to work with.  for me, that helps my muse as it gets a lot of questions out of the way.  or, if you prefer, mutuals can always go through my meme tag and send anything in.
        dis.cord is available for mutuals who would like to get ahold of me that way.  it can be the easiest option since i blog hop.  please keep in mind that i can be slow to respond due to work, family, and social obligations.  
if i’m not here you can also find me on one of the below!
arthur pruitt: @valiantsword // old guard oc
maria miller: @onesurvive // tlou
wrench: @codehorror // watch_dogs 2
steve rogers: @timeforgcd // mcu steve roger ( kinda hiatused ? )
                            thank you !
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kessielrg · 5 years
Care Bear OCs
Posting some quick bios for my Care Bear OCs, because, I dunno, someone might want to see them? These are all the characters currently in my fic Starcross (a Welcome to Care-a-lot adaption with Oopsy Bear added), and as such the bios may contain spoilers for said story.
Not all the bios are complete either, so n/a means I just haven’t put in that information yet. Also, there are no photos of the OCs here, but I do have Sims of nearly everyone. If you wanna see someone’s Sim, just say something and I’ll put it up.
Also also, I’m hiding the bios under the Keep Reading cut because of a very unfortunate car accident that also happens to be the crux of everyone’s current backstory.
Name: Clairinda Bennett, also known as Claire, nicknamed C.C./CeeCee (by Matthew), Claire-bina (jokingly by Amelia)
Age: 16
Online username: sunflwrs4ma
Appearance: Type II skintone, light grey eyes, dark orange hair with a slight curl (created mostly with hair curlers, highlights are colored a dark brown/rusty red through hair dye), light freckles against bridge of nose
Bio: After surviving a fatal car accident when she was 5, Claire has a mild fear of bright flashes of light and sudden noises. She won't admit it, but she still has nightmares of seeing her mother at The Bad Angle (a term she gave for the odd angle her mother's snapped neck was in). On her 16th birthday, Amelia gifted Claire one of Rashel's old cardigan dusters; Claire is hardly seen without it now. Claire loves sunflowers, the color green, and is generally pretty easy going. She gives off major 2006-07 Jordan Pruitt vibes.
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Name: Matthew Bennett, nicknamed Matt
Age: 41
Online username: Matt_Bennett
Appearance: Type II skintone, light grey eyes, messy brown hair, short stubble
Bio: Claire's hardworking father and a by-contract travel agent. Matthew likes to work on his own time so he can spend time with his daughter- a work habit that makes the Bennetts a bit more strapped for cash than he'd like. When Matthew was in middle school, he found that he was able to play music by ear, and in high school he learned how to play the guitar on his own. His favorite song to play is 'It's Five O'Clock Somewhere', and has taught Claire to play the guitar as well. Wonderwall jokes are not lost on him.
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Name: Amelia Harnell, also known as Aunt Amee (to Claire)
Age: 40
Online username: n/a
Appearance: Type II skintone, grey eyes, dark auburn hair (routinely permed and kept short)
Bio: Amelia is Rashel's identical twin sister. When they were kids, Amelia and Rashel were nearly inseparable and made sure the world knew that they were twins. If Amelia wanted her hair longer, so did Rashel; if Rashel wanted to pursue dance classes, then Amelia would sign up as well. At the early death of her sister, and the disastrous funeral after, Amelia strove to look as different from Rashel as she could. Amelia works as a mixologist at a local bar and loves every moment of it.
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Name: Sari Wang
Age: 15
Online username: urHighnessSari
Appearance: n/a
Bio: Sari has come from a highly successful family and usually takes for granted how nicely her family lives. Sari is the third child in her family, with two other siblings below her. Her birth parents are divorced- only her birth mother remarried. She has no clue that the reason why the Bennetts moved was because of money issues. Sari is a fan of K-pop, and has memorized the dances for some of her favorite songs.
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Name: Rashel Harnell-Bennett
Age: 29 (deceased)
Appearance: Type II skintone, grey eyes, wavy dark orange hair (created with hair curlers)
Bio: Rashel is Amelia's identical twin sister. Despite dying fairly early, Rashel's impression has not left the Bennett family; Claire has taken quite a few physical appearances from her mother, along with the over lasting scars the car accident left in Claire, Matt, and Amelia's hearts. Rashel was the one who initially came up with Claire being short for Clairinda, and after her death, it was the name that stuck.
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Name: Massie
Age: 3 years
Appearance: female Goldendoodle with heterochromia (left eye is blue, right is green)
Bio: Massie was the first dog that the Bennett family found after moving into Amelia's place. She was an adopted stray and has quickly asserted herself as Claire's dog.
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Name: Bean
Age: 9 months
Appearance: female Puggle with black fur
Bio: The second dog that the Bennett family adopted after moving into Amelia's place. She is Amelia's dog through and through.
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