#amanda x garland
bensonstablers · 2 years
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Law & Order: SVU | 23x19: Tangled Strands of Justice
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thena0315 · 1 year
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Two years since this amazing episode aired 
June 3, 2021 → June 3, 2023
(also the last time SVU ended a season with a happy ending)
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nophunleague · 8 months
Rafael Barba Appears at the 16th Precinct Again
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Rafael Barba x gn!reader
warnings: angst, grudge holding.
You all but crash into the conference room at the 16th, anxious to tell the squad that Mickey Davis had gotten some hot shot attorney, that you had heard courthouse gossip about it. The door swings open and you're met by Kat, Fin, Rollins, and Rafael.
His green eyes almost darken at the sight of you. He's not shocked that you're here, it's just the shock of not having seen you in years that strikes him. Taking in the crowd in the room you barely blink before spitting out at Rafael, "oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, you just look like someone I used to know," before spinning on your heel and storming back out into the squad room. You don't even look up at Liv and the deputy chief as they pass you. Amanda follows after you after Rafael is pulled into Liv's office by the Captain and Deputy Chief Garland. You're sat at your desk, head up in a thousand yard stare.
"Well I think you definitely hurt his feelings, if that's what you were going for," you're broken from your gaze by her speech and you look up to her from your seated position.
"After what he put me through I think what I said was fairly tame."
"You might be right about that, but maybe think about what he's been through too. He nearly threw his entire career away and had to leave you in the process," she tries to reason with you but your eyes narrow as she keeps talking.
"He didn't have to leave me and he should have talked to me first. I showed up to work one day and he was gone. The man I loved left me without a single word. It felt like my life fell apart," you seethe. Amanda looks over your shoulder to see Rafael standing behind you.
"That's very mature of you," she says before walking away, he walks up behind you and gently lays a hand on your shoulder. But you hadn't notice him yet so as he makes contact with your body you jump to face him, hand on your holstered weapon.
"Woah," he throws his hands up, "its just me," you scoff but remove your hand from your hip.
"Just you? Just you?" You start to pace back and forth in front of him, searching for the words to tell him off. But deep down you're glad to see him, he looks healthy, the beard he's grown compliments him.
"We should talk."
"Oh you want to talk now? But you didn't want to talk four years ago when you left," you all but shriek, your voice sparking the attention of those in the precinct. "You pulled the plug on someone's baby, were charged with murder, acquitted, and then you left me. And you didn't talk to me about any of it. We were supposed to be together and you left me out of it," your voice continues to raise as you takes steps closer to him, ending up in his face. His eyes search yours trying to find the person who he had once loved, but all he find is someone who has undoubtedly been incredibly hurt by his actions. The tears are threatening to spill from you eyes but you stay strong. Your raised voice causes Liv to step outside of her office.
"Both of you, take it outside. Now," you glance between Rafael and Liv before turning on your heel and storming out with Rafael following close behind. You meet again in the elevator where this time you stay silent.
"I didn't know how to tell you I was leaving, so I just left," he says quietly. "It wasn't the right thing to do, you didn't deserve that, but I needed to leave here. I was suffocating," the both of you stare at the elevator doors, not daring to look at one another. You reach up and hit the elevator switch, stopping the elevator in its descent.
"No, I didn't deserve that," a tear escapes your left eye at last, but you don't wipe it away. "You threw me away like I meant nothing to you. I would have went with you if you had just talked to me."
"You meant everything to me. I just couldn't let you throw your NYPD career away to come with me on the campaign trail. You were just getting to the point of being on the precipice of making sergeant," his eyes are now glued to the side of you head while you keep looking at the doors. You take a second to think about what you're going to say before raising your voice and making direct eye contact.
"Yeah well I failed the sergeant's exam twice since you left so I'll only ever be a detective now," Rafael can feel the holes your eyes are burning in him, his breath kicks up and he's uncharacteristically speechless for a moment. You huff and flip the elevator switch again allowing it to continue its descent. The doors open on the ground level of the 16th and you start to take a step out when he speaks.
"The day I did what I did to Baby Drew I was meant to pick up a ring. An engagement ring," he hangs his head, not looking at you.
"Oh so one day you were thinking about getting married and then next you were throwing everything we had together away? I don't know why you came back, but I don't think there's any fixing this. Not right now anyway," you shake your head as a few more tears fall.
"Liv and Fin called me," he admits.
"Oh even better, you didn't even come back for me. Tell Liv that I'll be back in a little bit," you storm out of the precinct. Rafael runs a hand through his hair as a tear now escapes one of his eyes. He composes himself quickly then presses the floor number of the squad room to go back up.
"I really fucked that up," he says to himself.
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frogyjones-writes · 10 months
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General info:
I'll only do requests that interest me this is something I do for fun in my free time so you might get an answer awhile after a submission :]
Most likely to get through headcanons/short prompts done first!
Characters I write for:
Don't be afraid to ask for a character from the same Fandom however! I'm just better with these guy's characterization :]
The Last of Us: Ellie Williams, Dina, Abby Anderson
Dead By Daylight: The Trapper (Evan MacMillan), The Nurse (Sally Smithson), Ghost Face (Danny Johnson), The Huntress (Anna), The Pig (Amanda Young), The Plauge (Adiris), The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)
Silent Hill: Lisa Garland, Maria, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, James Sunderland, Angela Orosco, Harry Mason
Misc: Sadako Yamamura (ringu), Selene (underworld), Carol Aird (Carol),
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Jill Valentine, Claire redfield (games/movies), Alice Abernathy (movies), Rebecca Chambers, Helena Harper
The Quarry: Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Kaitlyn Ka, Laura Kearney, Max Brinley, Nick Furcillio, Jacob Custos, Dylan Leviny, Ryan Erzahler
Until Dawn: Sam Giddings, Ashley Brown, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley
Life is Strange: Maxine "Max" Caufield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Dana Ward
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (better with the survivor series), Sam
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner Stanheight, Lynn Denlon
(More to be added later!)
Character x Reader, Character x Character, Some OC X Characters, Polyships, LGBTQ+
Heavy angst/sensitive topics
AUs and alternative settings
Accept headcanon requests for multiple characters
NSFW (suggestive stuff is fine but I'm not writing smut)
Incestual/pedophilic ships (yes this includes adoptive family or parental/sibling figures don't test me)
Any dead dove sort of shit
General NoNo's
Writing examples
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she-wolf09231982 · 1 year
Chapter 5: Christmas Boops
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Summary: Most of the 11th Street Kids get into the holiday spirit except you and Harcourt due to your rigid past on missions during Christmas time. But that doesn't stop Leota and Adrian from decorating headquarters to get you out of your Scrooge funk.
Author Note: Adrian Chase X Fem Reader, Y/N, 11th Street Kids, A.R.G.U.S., Hallmark Channel level fluff, Explicit language/Cussing/Swearing, Celebrating Christmas, Christmas carol/song references, Mentions of multi-cultural holidays includes Hanukkah & Kwanzaa, Alcohol consumption, Implied nudity & sex, Karate Kid, The Grinch, Scrooge, Elf, Polar Express, & Christmas Vacation movie references.
No dogs were harmed or embarrassed during the making of this fanfic.
Italics indicate character thoughts & flashbacks
**The first Freddie Stroma gif chosen is how I imagine Adrian's face after reader 'boops' his nose**
**Second Freddie Stroma gif is obviously when female reader showers with Adrian. You're welcome**
The ground once covered in fallen leaves quickly became a blanket of white as winter approached. You and Harcourt lost your lust for Christmas a long time ago. Probably has a lot to do with working for the government since you were overseas for quite a few of them and Emilia working for the gender bend ‘Scrooge’ herself (Amanda Waller) at A.R.G.U.S.  
Adrian and Leota, on the other hand, found this time of year to be thrilling. Adebayo and her wife, Keeya, had a whole wardrobe for their Yorkie, Emerson, dedicated to the season.
“He has the costume from the movie ‘Elf,’ of course Santa Claus…Oh! And there’s one that’s a Christmas tree where the lights actually turn on!”
Leota explained to Adrian while each of them carried a huge box of Christmas decorations and placed them on her desk.
The level of emotion about Emerson’s Christmas ensemble had yours and Emilia’s eyes rolling but had Adrian matching Leota’s excitement tenfold.
“No way!! I have got to see that!” Exclaimed Adrian.
“It’s bad enough that your dog is the size of a squirrel, but to also dress him up like a doll? He probably plans ways to off himself every day because of that, you know?” John said to Leota.
Leota rolled her eyes at Economos.
“I’ll have you know, he loves his outfits.” She stated.
“It’s not a real dog if they’re no bigger than a football.” Peacemaker interjected.
Economos snickered as Leota flashed her middle finger at Chris.
Harcourt shook her head and smirked. You stretched and released an evident yawn to showcase your lack of interest in the topic.
Adebayo turned and looked at you upon hearing your dramatic yawning.
“I beg your pardon, are we boring you?” She asked you sarcastically.
“She doesn’t like Christmas.” Adrian answered. “She’s my sexy little Grinch.” He proclaimed affectionately.
“I see,” Leota replied, “Well, even the Grinch eventually liked Christmas at the end of the movie!” She sang cheerfully as she sashayed across the room and draped a red, sparkly garland around your neck like a scarf.
Adrian chuckled, looking at you like a shimmering spectacle.
You gave her an exasperated look, “Don’t worry Adebayo, I won’t interfere with your Christmas spirit. I just choose not to participate, that’s all. Commence hollying and jollying.” You said with a weak smile, turning to your laptop.
Leota and Adrian continued to filter through the boxes, practically squealing as they discover a plethora of holiday decorations as they dig deeper.
By the end of the day, Adrian and Leota had headquarters dripping in yuletide garnishing.
“Well? What do you guys think??” Adrian asked.
The four of you reviewed the area covered in half blinking, half burnt out Christmas lights, paper Mache cut into snowflakes hanging from the ceiling panels, different color sparkling garland lining the windows, and creepy Santa, snowman, and elf animatronic dolls that looked possessed scattered around the room. They even managed to have a Menorah and a Kwanzaa Kinara candle holder placed on each of the two filing cabinets, each baring all the proper colored candles. Leota even had a Polar Express replica traveling around beneath the starless Christmas tree.
“Not gonna lie, it looks pretty fuckin’ good, you guys.” Chris admitted.
Leota and Adrian beamed at each other bumping fists triumphantly.
“Yeah, definitely looks like Buddy the elf made his way in here.” John said.
Everyone chuckled together. Even Emilia smirked at Economos’ comment.
You only smiled so you wouldn’t be such a Debbie downer and ruin Adrian or Leota’s proud moment like you promised.
Adrian looked over at you, most likely waiting for your feedback. As he looked at you, so did the rest of the group. You blankly look back at everyone. You were genuinely clueless.
“Um, what?” You asked them.
“What do you think, Y/N?” Leota asked.
“Oh!” You say finally catching on.
“Well…” you take another look around the room. Adrian and Adebayo waited eagerly on your response.
You were genuinely at a loss for words. Your distain for Christmas outweighed your ability to pretend to like it. You felt a knot form in your chest, trying hard to swallow it down as it started to rise into your throat. It felt like an eternity trying to come up with a response heartfelt enough to satisfy Leota and Adrian’s expectations. Afterall, they did work really hard on the place, so you didn’t want to hurt their feelings by any means.
You released a deep exhale, “It’s everything what Christmas should be. It’s definitely going to be a shame to take it down after the holidays.” You finally managed to say.
Leota started clapping and jumping in place squealing with joy.
“I knew we’d get you into the holiday mood!!” She ran over and hugged you so hard you almost fell off your chair.
You struggled to laugh. “Uh, yeah… right, Leota…… ACK!!”
You grunted feeling extra weight bare down on you. Adrian had jumped and embraced you and Leota in an unexpected group hug.
Harcourt had began videoing the three of you from her phone when she saw Adrian make a running start towards you and Leota. Everyone was laughing enjoying the moment.
“Maybe this isn’t so bad.” You thought to yourself as you couldn’t breathe from all the weight sitting on top of you.
The following weekend, the group decided to have a little holiday gathering at O’Rourke’s. You all pile in together on a cold Friday evening as flurries fell from the night sky. Chris without hesitation ordered up a round of drinks.
As the hours passed, the majority of you get rowdier as you play another one of Chris’ suggested drinking games. This game was Christmas themed of course. The bar had a different holiday movie playing on each of the flat screens, and Chris said anytime one of you notices a Santa hat appearing in the scene, that person calls out ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ as they point to three separate people (basically calling each of them a ‘hoe’) at the table and they have to drink.
Economos and Adrian ended up drinking more since John was very delayed catching any Santa hats, and Adrian just distracted by looking at you dreamily the whole night wearing a low cut red V-neck.
You look at him and whistle at him.
“Hey, buddy, my face is up here.” You say tilting his chin up making his eyes meet yours.
He snickered guiltily having been caught staring at your chest.
“I can’t help it! They’re perfect.” He declared.
You shake your head smiling.
“Well, I’m glad you think so.” He leaned in and gave you a clumsy peck bumping your nose quite hard.
“Ook, I think it’s time to go, Adrian.” You announced rubbing your nose.
“Yeah, I gotta get back to Keeya and the pups.” Leota checked her watch.
Everyone threw money on the table to pay the tab and exited the bar.
Everyone going their way to their car, you take the keys to the Vigilante-mobile and get Adrian into the passenger seat.
“Where’s the steering wheel?” Adrian asked.
You laugh, “It’s in front of me. I’m driving.” You told him.
“Ahhhhh.” He said booping your nose. “You’re cute.”
He placed the palm of his hand on the side of your cheek cradling your face. He musingly looked into your eyes, a wave of adoration pulsing through his veins. You leaned into his hand putting your hand on his. His touch sent a surge through your body.
“Let’s get home so I can love on you properly.” You said finally.
As you drive past the park, Adrian suddenly perked up and demanded you to stop the car.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Stop here!!” He shouted making your heart jump.
“What the actual fuck, Adrian??” You stop the car. “What’s wrong??”
He said nothing opening the door and started running towards the monumental water fountain in the middle of the park.
“Um, Adrian?” You call after him.
“Come on, Y/N!” He yelled back at you.
You get out of the car and run after him.
He stopped by the fountain in front of a fresh layer of fallen snow.
“Adrian?” You asked out of breath as you reach him.
“Ready?” He asked.
You look around you, confused.
“For?” You asked.
Adrian turned around and fell backwards onto the snow on the ground behind him.
“Holy shit!” You gasped, “Are you that drunk?”
“Snow angel!” He chirped at you, like it was obvious.
He started to move his arms and legs in a Vitruvian Man motion creating the angel shape beneath him on the ground.
You watched him awestruck…and slightly annoyed.
“You almost put me into cardiac arrest because you wanted to make a snow angel? Really?” You asked.
“Really really! Now get down here and make one with me!” He said disregarding your irritability.
“No, Adrian. It’s too cold and we’ve been drinking-“
You suddenly feel your feet kicked up from underneath you. You hit the ground hard as the air you did have left in your lungs was forced out as you land on your back next to your boyfriend. You cough a few times trying to allow your brain to catch up to the fact that Adrian had just swept your legs with his foot to get you on the ground with him.
“Did…did you just..?” you began to ask.
“Sweep the leg? Yep! Now that you’re down here, start angel-ing!” He replied with a tinge of pride in his voice.
You cannot believe he just took you out at the leg to get you on the ground to make a snow angel.
“Christ, the level of insanity…” You muse to yourself.
Nonetheless, you began to move your arms head to waist while closing and separating your legs to make the angel, obliging Adrian’s request.
He looked at you and smiled.
“Look at you! Being all Christmasy as fuck!” He gleamed.
He rolled over on top of you, pulling your face up to his, kissing you quite sloppily.
You giggle into his mouth.
“You are crazy, Adrian Chase!” You pull away to say as you continue to laugh.
He hovered over you, exploring your face with admiration.
You gazed back at him, his green eyes putting you under his love spell. And the smile his lips curl into when he looks at you that way has your heart melting every time.
You pulled him back down for another kiss.
The kiss so intense with passion you couldn’t even feel the cold you both are still laying in.
Adrian pulled back.
“See? The holidays don’t have to be bad.” He said with a proud smile stroking your hair.
You roll your eyes, “Yeah I guess this year is different since you’re around.” You say smiling back.
He booped your nose again and stood up pulling you along with him.
“Let’s go home and take a nice hot shower. Then, hot chocolate while watching some holiday movies! Starting with Christmas Vacation!” He said gleefully.
You walked side by side as he held your waist to make way towards the Sebring. He pulled you in tight against him to keep you warm, and to make sure you didn’t slip.
“And by hot shower I mean together.” He whispered into your ear.
“Of course.” You said booping his nose.
So Leota was right, you found your holiday spirit. This was how your Christmases were going to be from now on…
A little bit of second hand multi-cultural decoration, a side of alcohol with the 11th Street Kids, and a little nonsexual tussle with Adrian to get you to make snow angels mixed with sexual tussling after some hot chocolate.
This was the beginning of your Christmas tradition with Adrian, and now you will always have a reason to look forward to the holiday’s thanks all of them.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Under Over Ch 27
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Joe Velasco x reader warnings: language, thats basically it. welp, we're here. at the end of the line (for now) thanks y'all for coming along and being the best readers I could ask for! i simply adored all the comments and messages about stuff and am glad you all enjoyed! stay tuned for the sequel!!!
Wrapping up the cases ended up being easier than you had expected. Between the giant piles of evidence and most of the perps not wanting a public trial to further tarnish their images, most of them took plea deals. All in all, everything had worked out spectacularly and between the squads and the DA’s office things were looking up. You’d managed to get rid of a corrupt chief, and spirits were high when it was revealed that Chief Garland would be reinstated immediately. Your bust had also managed to clean house on more than a handful of dirty judges, lawyers, cops and the like, those higher up wanting deals flipping on other people they knew had been at parties, and it always felt good to get rid of the rats. You managed to stay out of the eye of the press during the entire debacle, and warned Joe to try and do the same, you wanted to make sure you’d be able to still work UC without getting any heat in similar situations and if your pictures were all over the papers, you wouldn’t be able to.
Today, you were on your way into the 16th precinct, flashing your shield to the desk jockey before making your way upstairs to SVU’s floor. The bull pen was relatively quiet, especially compared to how flooded it had been over the past couple of weeks with multiple squads sharing the space. It appeared Olivia was out of office, you were unsure if it was work or personal related, Amanda was refilling coffee in the breakroom while on the phone, Fin and Joe at their desks. The movement in the room cause Joe to glance up, a soft smile breaking out on his cheeks at the sight of you moving through the space, a warmth coursing through him at the fact that you were in a nice sundress and heels rather than your go to work outfits.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked and you let out a small laugh, placing a bag onto his desk as you perched on the side of it, leaning in to steal a quick kiss.
“Figured I’d bring you lunch.”
“Yeah? Where’s mine?” Fin called with a tease and you shook your head.
“I dunno. Ask you wife.” You teased back and he chuckled.
“I would be she’s a little busy covering someone else’s workload.”
“It was her decision to put me on modified!” You retorted with another laugh.
“Yeah?” Amanda interrupted, crossing through the teasing match, “heard you blew a stitch in the field the other day.”
You shot her a playful glare before glancing down at Jose whose hand came to squeeze at your thigh. You had certainly blown a stitch, and you quickly learnt how painful that was, and even more so, how painful it was to get stitched up without any anesthesia. The ordeal was more than enough for you to finally agree to Phoebe and Jose’s insistence that you take it easy for a while. A minimum of one week paid medical leave followed by desk duty until the stitches were out, boring, but you’d manage it. Honestly, it was probably a good thing to have the extra time to readjust to your undercover op being over.
You heard the rustling of the paper bag as Jose began to pull the containers out and you turned back to him when he spoke.
“This looks fancy.”
“Le Bernardin.” You replied.
“Calhoun?” He asked, opening the container of truffle seafood pasta, figuring you’d been paying off one of your thank you’s to the attorney, your attire making much more sense now.
“David.” You smiled, reaching out to fix a piece of mussed up hair, “who was insistent on mini champagne bottle in there despite me telling him you were at work.” He chuckled at that, “he and Elaine fly out tonight and they have made it well known that we’re invited to D.C for Christmas and New Years.”
“Yeah? For those stuffy political events you all hate so much?” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“I told him the chance of it happening were slim to none but thanked him for the offer. Their guest house does have its own jacuzzi though.”
“Okay now you have me intrigued.” He admitted before taking a bite of the food and groaning over the taste. You let out a little chuckle as he raved about it, your hand cupping his cheek while you leant down to kiss him softly.
“I’ve still got a couple of errands to run, I’ll let you get back to work.” His free hand squeezed at your leg as you slid off his desk, “I’ll see you at home?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, a smile on his cheeks that was the silent I love you before you made a quick goodbye to the other two and disappeared from the room, stepping through the elevator doors.
Amanda waited a moment before she tossed a pen over to Velasco’s desk and he looked up at her confused at the cocked brow.
“What? Carisi brings you lunch all the time.”
“She said she’d see you at home.” She smirked and he let out a huff, especially as Fin began to chime in.
“You two really are movin’ fast, aren’t you?”
“She was living at the penthouse and a UC apartment.” Joe defended, “it’s New York, she had to sublet her place and didn’t know how long she’d be gone so there’s still someone in it.”
“Sure.” Amanda grinned, turning to face Fin over their desk, “yeah they definitely fucked while they were under.”
“Hey, I know nothin.” He replied and Joe let out a quiet swear before Amanda chucked an eraser at Fin who let out a laugh at her raised brow, “yeah that’s a straight up lie. They were definitely hookin’ up, Phoebe told me.”
“Oh my god.” Joe muttered, running a hand over his face despite the fact that he was already sure Fin had known, and Amanda had basically figured it out while he was still under. He was at least thankful Olivia wasn’t around to hear any of them.
“Ohoho! Velasco!” Amanda laughed, “you dog. You really are lockin’ it in.”
“What was I supposed to do? Send her off to a hotel? You help out the people you love, don’t you?” The drop of the ‘L word’ was met with more choruses of playful teases and jeers from the other two.
“In the love stage already?”
“Okay, you know what?” He couldn’t help the little laugh that accompanied his eye roll, “you’re married.” He gestured to Fin, then turned to Amanda, “you’re basically married, I shouldn’t be getting teased for this.”
“We’ve gotta live vicariously through someone.” Amanda replied with a shrug, turning to Fin, “so…what’d’ya bet? Two weeks til he buys a ring?”
“That’s it.” Joe huffed with a laugh, pushing back from his desk and collecting his phone and lunch, “I’m eating in the break room.”
Amanda and Fin let out a chorus of laughter, watching him go before Fin called out to him, causing him to turn around.
“Pretty boy, don’t take it too rough, we’re just teasing.” Joe rolled his eyes at the nickname but hovered in the doorway while he waited for Fin to continue, “and hey, sometimes we don’t do things in the stereotypical timeframes and that’s fine. I mean, this could be the ample time to ask her to actually move in.”
“He’s right.” She chimed in, “and you said it yourself, housing in New York can be a nightmare to find. This could be the sign that she give up her place when the lease is up.”
“I dunno…” He mulled over it for a moment.
“Take it from me,” Amanda started, “even the girls who seem the most fiercely independent like having a nice man to come home to at the end of a long day.”
“Yeah?” Joe asked with a grin, tease evident in his voice, “Carisi move in while I was gone?” Surprisingly, her cheeks turned pink and she nearly ducked her gaze while the other two men laughed.
“We’ve been looking for a place.” She admitted, “but he’s trying to convince me into one with a yard for the girls and Frannie.”
“You want a place like that you’re gonna need to leave Manhattan.” Fin commented and she groaned.
“Don’t remind me.”
With a chuckle, Joe disappeared into the breakroom, thankful for the distraction calming their antics.
When he got home that night he was met with a delicious smell wafting through the apartment and you in the open kitchen, your attention half on the stove and half on your phone before you glanced up to him. You smiled warmly, greeting him with a soft ‘hey’ as he shucked his coat, tossing his bag to the side table and made his way through the space. He wrapped himself around your back, pressing kisses into your neck and shoulder.
“You bring me lunch and you make me dinner, careful, you’re spoiling.”
You set down the spatula in your hands, turning in his arms to greet him with a tender kiss as you chuckled.
“I wasn’t going to bring you lunch, that was David’s insistence.” You laughed, “and it’s not much, some stuffed chicken, potato and veggies. Besides, I was bored out of my skull.”
“Well it smells delicious.” He ducked to kiss you once again, “you’re bored now? How’d you manage that penthouse life?”
“I had people to hangout with there.” You laughed in return, “lavish shopping trips to go on, parties to plan.”
“Blowjob seminars to teach.” He teased and you barked a laugh, swatting at his chest.
“I’m sorry, did you want your dinner?” You raised a brow and he chuckled, stealing another kiss as his hand raised to your cheek, caressing at your skin while he gazed at you for a moment.
“I can’t lie… it’s really nice to be coming home to you, or with you.”
“Yeah…” you smiled, your hands looping behind his neck, “far better than a quiet cold apartment.”
“Hey uh… when’s that sublet done?”
“Two months when the lease is up.” You couldn’t help the small grin, knowing what direction he was likely going.
“Well... I was thinking, considering you spend so much of your time here already, why not make it official?” The grin on your cheeks grew to one even wider as you let out a little giggle.
“Are you sure? I mean, I know things have been kinda…fast in the way we’ve been moving forward with things.”
“And I don’t care.” He smiled down at you, “I’ll admit I was hesitant before but… the squad might’ve gotten to me a bit after you left today.”
“You mean they were teasing the shit outta you?” You raised a brow and he laughed.
“Yeah.” His finger curled under your chin, tilting your lips up to his for a kiss, “but if I get to come home to you and wake up with you every day, it makes it all worth it.”
“You really are goin’ soft on me pretty boy.”
“Maybe that’s because I love you.” He murmured back and you felt your heart swell in your chest.
“I love you too.” You kissed him once again, letting out a happy sigh into the kiss before it ended, “and for the record, I adore waking up with you every day too. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.”
“So it’s settled then?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, “I told you; I want a future with you. I did when I said it and I still do now, no matter what life decides to throw at us, I know that as long as I have you, I’ll be perfectly fine.”
“And now you’re going soft.” He chuckled and you did your best not to roll your eyes as he kissed you again, “and exactly like I said then, you’ve got me. You’re stuck with me, because I am not letting you outta my sight.”
“You okay with however long it takes you to set the table?” You asked as the timer went off and he laughed again, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he let you finally slip out of his arms.
You turned to the oven and stove, pulling out everything for dinner as Jose flitted around you to get what was needed to eat along with a bottle of wine. As you settled into the table that night it was more than apparent your love for each other and just how strong it was. You were seated perpendicular to each other, easily able to feed each other bites or have a quick caress of a cheek or hand resting on a thigh. The conversation was light, laughter and small grins bouncing between the two of you as you simply enjoyed each others company.
While the way you had come into each other’s lives wasn’t exactly conventional, you knew that there was no place either of you belonged but here. You consistently had each other’s backs and would always look out for the other, no matter what the circumstances. Jose had butterflies the moment he first set eyes on you and you weren’t far behind him, as you discovered just how sweet he was you fell hard and you would be forever grateful that he felt the same way. Somehow, the two of you had managed to find your future and everything you craved from life through an undercover operation, and honestly? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
_____________ @witches-unruly-heart @fandom-princess-forevermore @cycat4077 @xoxabs88xox @alwaysachorusgirl @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @im-just-a-mississippi-girll @wandas-wife @katieslotherford @almatra @momlifebehard @dondivajadee @misscharlielulu
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slashyourheart · 2 years
a writing blog by noire 🖤 guidelines + characters i write for under the cut.
any pronouns + 18 + matchups & requests open.
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i'm just getting into the horror scene, so this list will be added to the more i watch and play.
kurt kunkle (spree)
amanda young (saw)
lawrence gordon (saw)
adam faulkner-stanheight (saw)
patrick bateman (american psycho)
billy loomis (scream)
stu macher (scream)
pennywise (IT movies)
losers club members grown up (IT movies)
steve harrington (stranger things)
eddie munson (stranger things)
jonathan byers (stranger things)
robin buckley (stranger things)
jim hopper (stranger things)
joyce byers (stranger things)
001 (stranger things)
ellen ripley (alien)
ethan winters (resident evil)
leon kennedy (resident evil)
claire redfield (resident evil)
any of the dimitrescus (resident evil)
karl heisenberg (resident evil)
harry mason (silent hill)
james sunderland (silent hill)
lisa garland (silent hill)
pyramid head (silent hill)
ji-woon hak (dead by daylight)
jake park (dead by daylight)
danny johnson (dead by daylight)
anakin skywalker (star wars)
the riddler (batman 2022)
bruce wayne (batman 2022)
arthur fleck (joker 2019)
peter parker (the amazing spider-man)
harry osborn (the amazing spider-man)
sephiroth (final fantasy 7)
cloud strife (final fantasy 7)
tifa lockhart (final fantasy 7)
zack fair (final fantasy 7)
aerith gainsborough (final fantasy 7)
arthur morgan (red dead redemption 2)
kieran duffy (red dead redemption 2)
sadie adler (red dead redemption 2)
707 (mystic messenger)
⚰️ please don't request more than 5 characters in one ask.
⚰️ when requesting multiple characters they can be from different medias, like resident evil mixed with stranger things.
⚰️ try to keep it the same theme, so like cuddling with x and y. not cuddling with x and dates with y.
⚰️ for those who don't know, a matchup is sending an ask with some info about yourself and i'll match you with a character who i think you're compatible with. anyone can send one!
⚰️ include your sexuality and fandoms you want so i know which characters to match you with! an age is appreciated too, so minors and adults can be matched with characters their age. i match with characters outside of my writing list too.
⚰️ you can put your hobbies, personality traits, and characters you DON'T want so i don't accidentally put you with someone you hate. don't put your crush though - i wanna give you an unbiased match.
⚰️ character x reader fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut
⚰️ aus, can be soulmate aus or fix its or whatever
⚰️ lgbt content (though i'm not limited to just lgbt stuff to be crystal clear)
⚰️ poly relationships
⚰️ for kinks i'm open to almost anything as long as it's not in the don'ts section.
⚰️ nonconsensual smut, unsanitary smut (like pee kinks), ddlg, ageplay, raceplay
⚰️ characterxcharacter (unless, for example, it's something like steddie x reader)
⚰️ romance between family members or kids and adults, or a teacher with a student
⚰️ abuse/cheating portrayed positively (i can absolutely write recovering from a relationship like that). i likely won't write about a reader who harms themselves at all
happy requesting!
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walled-flwr · 3 years
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spexialvixtimxunit · 3 years
Trick or Treat!
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How I imagine Law & Order SVU and Criminal Mind Characters would celebrate Halloween
Pairing; All Characters x Black!Female!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: Nothing scary, just mentions of Halloween night.
Length: Medium-ish
Word count: 1.4K
@verytalented gave me this idea and I thought that it would be cute to write this, enjoy!
[Olivia Benson]
Olivia would make sure that everything at the precinct is finished so that she could take the night off to take Noah and Kalani trick or treating around the neighborhood.
"Come on Mom!" Noah yelled out as everyone was waiting on Olivia. "Liv, honey, are you going to take forever? We only plan on staying out for 2 hours." You slightly yelled out too. You were all dressed up as the Incredibles and you were all wearing coats due to the cold weather. "Sorry I'm late, I had to make sure I was good," Olivia said while putting her coat on And giving you a peck on your lips. "I forgot to grab my phone. I was looking for it.” “Okay, let’s go, everyone!” Noah smiled as he held Kalani’s hand and your hand and they both ran out of the apartment, excited to get candy. You laughed as you followed after the kids. Olivia smiled as she held your hand and continued to make her way out the door.
After some time, you eventually came home and both kids were tired. Kalani was already in your arms asleep while Noah was yawning continuously. You and Olivia woke them both up and gave them a quick bath and put their PJs on. Soon after they were fast asleep as soon as you put them in the bed. You smiled as you closed their shared bedroom door. You walked back into the living room together as Olivia sat down with her legs propped on the couch. She was watching you move around in the kitchen. She let out a sigh, "Hey do you want to watch a movie? I haven't had enough time to spend with you this week and it would be nice to spend some time with you now that the kids are sleeping." You smirked and nodded as you began to make a bowl of popcorn
[Alex Cabot]
Alex had her office decked out for Halloween. Miniature knick-knacks were spread out on her desk as fall-colored leaves hung like garland on her door and around the small, calm office. You placed a knock on the door and waited for an answer. "Come in." You heard on the other side of the door. "My hands are full, I need help." Alex chuckled as she got up and opened the door to be faced to you holding a box of donuts with coffee on top. She smiles helps you out and takes the coffee from off the top and you wall in. “Since it's Halloween and you’re still here at work, I might as well spend some time with you." You grinned.
[Casey Novak]
"Hey, Case! Do you know where my black heels are?" You said while looking around your shared bedroom. "They're in here!" You walked back into the living room to see them at the front door alongside Casey waiting for you to finish. "Thanks." You put them on and stepped back. "How do I look?" You gave Casey a pose. "Very sexy," Casey smirked. You were wearing a velvet dress with a black cape and black heels with a witch hat. "Are you sure this is a company party? You look too hot for this." You laughed at Casey's line of questioning. "Case, your coming with me." Casey sighed, "That's right. Let go before I cause us to be late." She smirked. "Oh? You naughty girl. C'mon before we're late." and with that, you left out the door.
[Amanda Rollins]
"All right kiddos, we have to check your candy," Amanda said while taking Billie's and Jessie's candy bucket. "Why mommy, I want some now!" Billie shouted. "Oatcake, we have to make sure that there isn't any bad stuff in it. Once we finish we'll already give you one piece only for tonight but it's late and you both shouldn't be eating any more candy this tonight. You'll have plenty to eat tomorrow." You stated as they both pouted while heading to their beds. You and Amanda tucked them in. "I promise once R/n finishes, she'll give you some," Amanda said while placing a kiss on Jessie's forehead. "Pinky promise?" Jessie said while holding her tiny pinky out. Amanda smiled. "Pinky promise." Amanda held out her pinky and interlocked it with Jessie's. "Good night you two. We love you." You said while turning their light off but keeping the night light on. They both said goodnight as you both walked out and closed the door.
{Emily Prentiss}
"Aww, Sergio! Mama got you the best outfit ever." You said while taking a picture of him. Sergio was dressed up as a vampire with a little red cape. Emily laughed, "I'm pretty sure that that is not going to stay on very long. Most likely he's going to take that off." "Well, yeah but it's best to catch him in the act while he still has it on." You showed Emily the picture as you sat back down on the couch next to her. "Now that's a handsome boy!" You laughed at Emily. "Em look." You pointed at Sergio who now had his cape off. "Aw C'mon Serg, that was pricey." You grinned. "Luckily we have that little pumpkin collar."
{Jennifer Jereau}
"I'll make the popcorn." JJ said while getting up from the conference table. Everyone was in the conference room after hours to watch a scary movie for family movie night. "I'll help." you said while getting up with JJ. You walked out the room and headed toward the break room. JJ was at the microwave waiting for the popcorn to pop. She turned around to see you and she smiled and planted a kiss on your lips. "How are you." She asked. "I could be better. Is there any butter in the fridge because it would be nice for the popcorn to have some extra butter." You asked while making your way to the refrigerator. The microwave beeped as you placed some butter in the bowl while JJ took the popcorn out and put it in a big bowl. You placed the butter in the microwave. JJ finished putting the popcorn in the bowl and grabbed some salt. “Wait.” The grabbed the butter out the microwave and put it over the popcorn. “Now.” JJ put the salt over the popcorn and shook the bowl to make it even. You grabbed a piece and popped it in your mouth. “Perfect. Let’s go.” You both made your way to the conference room.
{Ashley Seavers}
"Come on, you have to pick one," Ashley stated as she placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. You rolled your eyes in annoyance. "Where's the Halloween spirit R/n?" Ashley teased. "Ash, I already told you, I'm not watching a scary movie tonight. I can play a scary game but I'm absolutely not going to watch one." You stated while placing a had full of popcorn in your mouth. Ashley sighed as she complied. "Okay fine, as long as you play Resident Evil 2." You gasp. "What no! I'm not playing that game! That shit is scary and you know I hate zombies!" Ashley laughed, "That's the only game that I have that is remotely scary, and the rules are rules. You were the one that made them" She passed you the controller with a smirk. "Why do I even bother with you?" You grabbed the controller and turned the game on. "Because you love me" Ashley gave you a kiss as she laughed. "Yeah, yeah."
{Penelope Garica}
You knocked on Penelope's door. "Come in." She shouted on the other side. You opened the door. "Hello my Darling. how can I help you?" You smiled as you placed a bag on the table near her. "I brought you some goodies for the Halloween season." Penelope gasp. "For me? I'm am overjoyed by your greatness Madam. How every shall I pay you?" Penelope stood up. "Well, one thing you can do for me is this." You placed a kiss on her lips while holding her hands. You could always feel her melt from your kisses. "This is a good one." She said in between kisses. You smiled. "Enough of this, lets open your goodies." You said while giving her one last kiss. "Garcie has been a good girl, what do you have for me?"
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Request by @wow-life-love4 ❤️ : So I was hoping to request a Barba x reader; Where the reader sees Barbra back when she goes visits Carisi and she has those feeling again what she had years ago when he left!And he finally accepts the fact that she was the one as well!!!!!(Throw some angst in there I’m dying for it with fluffy ending)
Words: 3,530
Tags: @crying-river
Sorry for the typos. Enjoy. ❤️
Based on 22x04 Sightless in a Savage Land. (Of course)
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(Gif isn’t mine)
*Carisi’s office*
Since Sonny got his new office, you found a comfy place on the floor, against his furniture. That’s where you were even though your former partner wasn’t there yet. There was this new case that came up in the night before, he had a few meetings while you were working on your laptop, coffee right next you and Sonny’s on his desk.
He came in a few minutes later, smiled when he saw you. He threw the box he was holding on his cabinet and sat on his desk chair. When he spotted his coffee, his smile grew wider. “You’re the best,” he said, taking a big sip.
“I know,” you smiled. “How’s the case going?”
“I’m going for murder 2, and we’ll see,” he shrugged.
One thing you love about your friendship with Sonny Carisi is that silence is comfortable. There is no awkward silence. While he worked on his paperwork, you were on your laptop. Shopping online, actually. You rescued a car a year ago and the little ball of fur has been scratching on your couch ever since. It was completely destroyed now and you needed a new one.
“Dom,” you called your best friend. “What do you think about this one?” you turned your laptop so Sonny could see it. It was a nice three places blue couch, Scandinavian style.
Sonny wheeled closer to you and bent down to look at it. “I won’t fit in that one,” he said. He’s been crashing a lot at your place for the past two years.
“Stupid long legs,” you teased him. “Although, in 4 years, you’ll be sleeping in my bed, so—“ you turned the screen back at you and kept scrolling.
Sonny laughed at that. “Only if neither of us is married,” he reminded you.
“Doesn’t look good, Dominick. I’m telling you,” you exclaimed. “You seriously need to prepare yourself to spend the rest of your life with me,”
“Wouldn’t have agreed if I wasn’t. Although, that’s not the story I wanna tell our kids,” still laying in his chair, Sonny was facing you, his legs spread as always.
“Why not?” You exclaimed. “It’s cute! Two best friends that made a deal to get together to avoid forever loneliness!” You paused and realized what he said. “Wait—kidS?” you asked, making sure the ‘s’ was heard.
“At least, four, Y/N. You know I want a big family,” Sonny told. This conversation seemed like completely normal between although it wasn’t.
“Then pry I’ll give birth to quadruplets. Cause I’m not getting pregnant four times,”
“Don’t underestimate the Carisi’s power,”
You and Sonny stopped talking for a moment, just staring at each other, until you both started to laugh. “This conversation is nonsense,” you said.
“I agree,” you heard from the doorway. You and Sonny turned like one man, to look at the man standing there. You didn’t have to look at him though. You recognized his voice from the first sound.
“Barba,” Sonny was the first to greet him. He stood up and offered his hand. Both men shook hands and Rafael’s eyes stopped on you, still sitting on the floor. You looked up to him and tried to keep a poker face. But god, he looked more handsome as ever. The beard. You asked him multiple times to keep the beard, when you and Rafael were seeing each other.
“Detective,” he greeted you.
“Counselor,” you quickly said and got your attention back on your laptop. You can’t let him see you still have feelings. And that you’re mad. Hurt, even. Rafael never made a promise to you, you two weren’t actually dating per say, but you wished he gave you a goodbye. Not just—leaving.
“What can I help you with?” Sonny rescued you.
“Mickey Davis. Can we talk about it?” He said.
You felt both men’s gaze on you and looked up, “Oh you want me gone?” You said and Sonny nodded. You stood up, put your laptop in your bag, and walked to the door. “Chinese. My place?” You asked Sonny, completely avoiding Rafael. Your best friend agreed and you would be lying if you said you didn’t hope it would make Rafael jealous.
Sonny showed up at your apartment around 8. He was welcomed by Mania’s purrs, he crouched down and pet your ginger cat for a moment. You were sitting in your - destroyed - couch, with a glass a white wine. Carisi knew that seeing Barba after all those years messed with your head.
“How many?” He simply asked.
“Not enough!” You said, but you were obviously tipsy already.
He’d been there many times. He knew that trying to fight to make you stop drinking was useless. So instead, he grabbed a glass and joined you on the couch. Mania jumped on your lap. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I’m just going to say the same things I’ve been telling you for the past three years,” you said, focusing on your cat.
“But now, he’s back. And I don’t think he liked what he heard,”
You looked at Sonny, puzzled, waiting for him to continue. “He was—cold. Unfriendly. And he left saying ‘Enjoy the chinese—and the company’”
“It doesn’t mean anything, Dom. Three years went by. He probably has someone,” you were on the urge of crying but you were fighting yourself. You cried enough for Rafael.
“His lost,” Sonny put his arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple. He gave a pat to Mania, and extended his legs on the coffee table. You rested your head on his shoulder and a few tears escaped.
“Why am I not over him? Why does it still hurt?” You asked. Sonny hummed in response and you continued. “I wish we were married already. I would be committed to you, and he wouldn’t live rent free in my head,”
Sonny giggled, “You sure ‘bout that?” He asked. “Know that cheating is a deal breaker for me. Thinking of someone else while you’re with me is cheating, somehow. So technically, you’re already cheating on me,”
“I’d make up to you, but we’re not there yet. You refused to seal the deal,”
It took Sonny a few seconds to understand what you meant. “And think about Barba while I’m making love to you? Noooo, thank you,”
You grabbed the wine bottle and poured yourself another glass. Mania wasn’t pleased about you moving around so he jumped onto Sonny’s lap instead. “I need a good dick,” you sighed, laying back on the couch.
Sonny wasn’t expecting you to say that. Or at least, not like that. He was taking a sip and choked on wine. He coughed a few times, which made you laugh. “Need me to remind you what happened last year?”
“Noooo, thank you,” you mimicked him. The last year was a mess. You got drunk at Forlini’s and left with a stranger. It was okay at first, the man was good looking and very cautious with you. The sex wasn’t great. He came really fast, you didn’t have time to get pleasure. When you tried to leave, he offered you to stay with puppy eyes, and you caved. The next morning, you tried to sneak out but he heard you and he didn’t want to let you go. So you texted Sonny, asking him to call you and pretend an emergency. Thank god he did. But a few weeks later, you met the guy again at Forlini’s. It lead to a few weeks of stalking from his behalf, until you went all cop on him.
After eating chinese, you went back to drinking as Sonny stopped. You two watched some terrible show on tv until you fell asleep on his shoulders. Used to that, he moved you to your bed and crashed on your couch, with Mania cuddling to him.
You showed up many times at work with hangovers. You were used to pretend you were okay and your coworkers pretended to believe you. The morning went slow, until he showed up.
“Barba!” Fin was the first to see him. “Liv isn’t here,” he continued.
“I came to see all of you—in private?” Fin, Amanda, Kat and yourself looked to one another. “I don’t have all day, detectives.”
They stood up and followed him next to interrogation rooms. But you stayed put. “Y/N,” Rafael softly said.
“Three detectives is enough,” you said, without looking at you. If you looked at him, you’d caved. And you can’t do that. He doesn’t deserve it. Not so easily. Not just because he is his handsome self.
“I hope chinese with your future husband was good,” he answered, bitterly and joined the others, closing the doors behind him. You sarcastically laughed at that. Was it jealousy? You hoped so.
A few minutes later, Liv came in with Garland. He gently greeted you and asked where were the others. You told them without thinking further. And in a minute, Barba was in Liv’s office with her and Garland. Your coworkers went back to their desks but no one talked. “Fill me in?” You asked.
“In so many words, Barba needs our help,” Amanda told you.
“He’s defending the man that Carisi is prosecuting. That’s not fair to Sonny,” you told, anger started to show up.
“Carisi can handle it,” Fin said.
“Damn right he can. But you’re making it harder for him! Our ADA is Carisi now, not Barba! He left me—us,”
You knew it was too late. Your anger toward Rafael just surfaced and the entire team now knows something had happened. Mostly angry at yourself from letting your emotions get the best of you, you grabbed your jacket and left the squadroom.
You drove to Sonny’s office and stormed in it without knocking. He immediately saw your red eyes, and furry in them. “Barba asked the squad for help! And I think they are in!” You were pacing in the small place, making Sonny’s head spin. “They are going behind your back for him! They are helping him, knowing it will make it harder for you! He just—snapped his fingers,” you did snap your fingers, “and they are all in! I can’t believe it,” you were breathing hard, fighting your tears and your anger. Sonny stood, grabbed your shoulders and brought you to his chest. He held you tight as you cried in his chest. He could feel your body shaking. You stood there for a long moment until you calmed down. Sonny let you go and grabbed you a tissue. You dried your eyes and blown your nose. “I’m sorry, you must be tired of me. I’m a fucking mess,”
Sonny was leaning on his desk, arms crossed and legs spread. “Nah, you’re not, Y/N. You’re my best friend and you’re there for me as much,” he softly grabbed your hand and rubbed your knuckles, “Now tell what you’re really mad about,”
“Him. He comes back and tries to act as if—nothing happened. Like we were nothing. Ever,” you took a deep breath, “it just hurts me all over again,”
“Now that he’s here, maybe you should ask for the explanations you’ve been waiting for? You need closure, honey. You deserve it. And yeah, it may not be what you want to hear but at least, you’ll know and you can finally move on,”
“With you when I turn 40?” You tried to joke.
“Or that guy from last year,” he grinned.
“Shut up, Carisi,” Sonny pulled on your arm to bring you to him. As he was leaning on the desk, you were the same height. You put your arms around his shoulders, and his hands were in your back. “What would I do without you?” You whispered in his ear.
“You’d be stuck in a relationship with a weirdo, and probably pregnant by now,” you laughed at his words.
“That would terrible. I’d be so frustrated,”
“Uh, I’d help you with that,”
“Dominick Carisi Jr, isn’t that a sin? May I remind you, you refused to seal our deal,”
“Because if it went bad, I didn’t want you to ask Fin to be your backup,”
“Wouldn’t have worked anyway, he found Phoebe,”
Really, what would you do without Sonny Carisi in your life?
His words didn’t leave your brain. “You need closure, you deserve it”. And maybe he’s right. You do deserve closure, even if he tells you everything you don’t want to hear. So when the trial was over, and Barba invited everyone for a drink, you joined in. You sat between Sonny and Kat, Rafael was across from you. You could feel his gaze every now and then but you tried to avoid meeting his eyes.
“Cheers,” Rafael said, holding his scotch.
“To what? Jury deliberated for 6 hours to find Davis guilty on murder 2 and we’re back to the start,” Sonny answered.
“To irony, then,” Rafael offered instead.
Everyone got interested in Rafael’s past three years. He explained that he traveled for a while, catch up with foreign family in Cuba. He mentioned meeting a woman there but when you heard the word “girlfriend”, you stood up and went to order another glass.
“Y/N!” You heard from your left. You turned to see the man that stalked you the year prior. “Good to see you,” before you could react, Kyle was hugged you. “Been a while,” he smiled.
Not enough. You thought. “Indeed,” you gently returned the smile.
“May I offer you a drink?”
“Thanks, but I’m with my friends,” you pointed towards the squad. Sonny saw the man from behind and he saw in your eyes you were in trouble. But instead of helping you, he was just—laughing. Bastard.
“Maybe later then? Or another day?”
“Kyle. Last year, I threated you to put you in jail for harassment. That threat still stands if you start again,” you looked at him, seriously.
“Actually, I want to apologize about that. I was in a very bad place and I don’t know why I acted the way I did. Can we put that in the past and start all over again?”
Listening to his excuses, you didn’t see Rafael circling around. It’s only when you smell his intoxicating smell, that you knew he was behind you. You sighed and tried to stay focus on Kyle. “Okay look, if you’re still here when my friends leave, maybe—“ you were stopped by Rafael’s arm, as he slided it around your chest.
“Leave her alone, man. You’re not up to her standards,”
“Y/N, who is that” Kyle asked.
You were so confused about what was happening - and a little tipsy - you didn’t react. “The man that has way more chance to take her home than you’ll never have,”
“Well, man, you’re too late. I already took her home,”
You felt Rafael’s fist clenching. “Kyle—I’ll see around okay?”
“I’m not sure I want to leave you with that guy, Y/N,” he answered.
“But you are,” Rafael growled. “Now and forever,”
Rafael made you spin around so you were facing him instead of that Kyle. He instantly grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you right under Kyle’s nose. He was acting like an asshole but there’s no way you could pull him away. You melted into his kiss, granting access to his tongue. You grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him as close as you could. You felt his hands traveling your back, until you were grabbing your ass. For a moment, you forgot you two were in the middle of Forlini’s. You moaned in his month and he felt his cock twitching.
You pulled away only when Amanda made herself heard as she was leaving. “Get a room, people.”
Rafael smiled. “I agree with her. Come home with me?”
“Where’s home for you?” You asked. A kiss can’t make everything go away.
“Home is you, Y/N. You’re my home,” he looked so damn sincere and it would be so easy to just let it go and hang on to those words. But you still need explanations. Apologizes, perhaps?
Again, you fought against your tears. “That’s so easy, Rafael,”
“Come with me and we can talk. Just that if you want,”
During the ride, you told Rafael you preferred to go to your place; Mania was waiting. If Barba should have a pet, he thought he would adopt a dog. But since you have a cat, he can get use to it. Only if you cut its claws.
As always, Mania was waiting behind the door when you got in. He didn’t move at first, just studying Rafael. “He’s already judging me,” Rafael said.
“He only met two humans. Me and Sonny. Before that, he was beaten, famished and threw with the trash. He doesn’t trust humans,”
“That’s something we can bound on,” Rafael kept his distance with your furry child. And Mania did the same. You pet him a moment, gave him his food and joined Rafael on the couch, with a bottle of Sauternes. It was silent at first. None knew where to start.
“Is—is there something between you and Carisi?” He asked.
“Straight to the point,” you smiled in your glass. You liked the hint of jealousy in it. “For now, no. But in 4 years, maybe,”
“I’m gonna need further explanations,”
“I’m the one that needs explanations, don’t you think?” You challenged him. “Actually, I deserve them,” you’ll have to think Sonny later for that strength.
“Indeed, you do,” Rafael agreed. “It was easier that way,”
“Easier for who? For you? Cause it wasn’t easy for me, at all,”
“I was selfish and I’m sorry,” he softly grabbed your hand. “I knew that—if I came to see you, to tell you I was leaving, I would have back down. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you goodbye. All I ever wanted to see in your eyes, when you look at me, was love. And I was afraid to see—disappointment in them. Pity, hate, even. Cause there was hate whenever I looked in the mirror,” you heard tears in his voice. You knew he was just being honest with you.
“You ruined our relationship—or whatever we had— on assumptions, Rafael. I didn’t hate you before you left. I wasn’t disappointed. Only things you’d have seen were empathy and love,”
“I couldn’t take the risk, Y/N,”
“Let’s pretend I get that. Why didn’t you call, then? Text? Left a letter or a note? Hell, even an email would have made it easier,” you stood up, pacing around. Rafael has been around you enough to know that’s what you do when you’re angry and trying to calm yourself.
“I could have. I should have—I’m so sorry,” he was looking at you with pleading eyes but you were still pacing around your living room. “I never forgot about you, Y/N. I still love you,”
“Uh-huh,” you shook your head, “You can’t tell me you still love me when you never said you loved me in the first place!” You exclaimed.
“Fine,” he stood up and grabbed your shoulders to keep you still. “I love you, Y/N. Wanna know when I knew?” He paused, for what you assumed what a dramatic effect like he does in court, “When Yelina came in my office, telling my ‘crazy coworker’ slapped her. And you didn’t slap her because you were jealous. You did so because she hurt me and talked shit about me for going after Alex. When she left, I smiled so hard, I found the courage to ask you out,”
You felt your cheeks turning pink. “I didn’t know you knew,” you looked down but Rafael grabbed your chin and made you lift your head.
“From that moment, I knew you had my back. I didn’t have yours,” you saw a tear finally escaping his eye. “And if you found the strength to forgive me, I’ll always have your back. I won’t let you down. I promise,”
Seeing Rafael cried made you cry too. You swoop his tears with your thumb. “It won’t be easy, Rafael. It’s going to take time for me to—trust you again. To trust that you won’t leave again,”
“I won’t,” he grabbed your face and kissed. It was needy. Rafael wanted you to feel how much he loves you in that kiss. He wanted you to know you could trust him. Not only your tongue mixed but your tears did too. “I promise. I love you,” he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you, too,” you kissed again, but it was more passionate. One of his arms were wrapped around your shoulders and his other hand was holding your cheek. Your left hand rested on his firm ass and your right one was in his hair.
He smiled against your mouth when he felt your hand grabbing his ass cheek. “That’s my move,”
“What can I say? I missed your ass,”
He chuckled and made you jump in his arms. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands were resting on your ass. “Not as much as I missed yours,” Rafael kissed you again and walked to the bedroom, closing it to Mania’s face.
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thena0315 · 2 years
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Semi Canon
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saycheesekid · 2 years
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 [𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 + 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀]
Below, I shall list off my canon muses with links to a wiki or any other source of information; This is temporary however, as ALL of my muses are E X T R E M E L Y canon divergent. These are M Y personal portrayals of certain muses, and as such, there will be changes. *ADDITIONALLY* A L L muses below are V E R Y open to crossovers! EVEN MORE SO open to Crossover ships! Seriously. Just ask.
𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗮𝘅
Vincent Sinclair [DBD AU - "The Sculptor"]
Beaugard "Bo" Sinclair [DBD AU - "The Mechanic"]
𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙡𝙢 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩
NOTE - I *explicitly* write from the ORIGINAL NoES franchise with some changes I liked from the remake and vice versa.
Lt. Donald Thompson [DBD AU ; Father of Nancy Thompson.
Fredrick Charles Kruger [DBD Verse friendly; VERY flexible with crossovers!]
Amanda Everett Young [DBD Verse friendly; V E R Y open to crossovers!]
Doctor Lawrence Gordon [Crossover friendly!]
John Kramer [DBD AU included!]
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙮 [1999]
Rick O'Connell
Ardeth Bay
Jonathan Carnahan
Imhotep [DBD Verse - "The Mummy"]
𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗕𝘆 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
Ace Visconti [SAW AU; Killer AU; Post Fog AU - V E R Y Canon Divergent. Damn near my own OC so yeah. Also I'm PROBABLY not gonna ship him? Dunno. Come back to me on that.]
Minerva A. D'Angelo/Visconti [SAW AU; Killer AU; Post Fog AU - Original Character. Why the "Visconti" surname? SOMETIMES she'll refer to Ace aka my Ace as her husband, obviously she's not shipped to any Ace writer unless they wanna ship. *U S U A L L Y* she'll refer to her husband in a post W I T H him - I do crack posts on occasion.]
Detective Cyndi Sprague [Original Character - VERY big work in progress!]
Jonah Vasquez [V E R Y Canon Divergent. Fuck his main bio, I'm changing him up a bit.]
Plague/Adiris [Survivor AU ; Crossover flexible 100%]
Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn [Survivor AU ; RDR AU ; Crossover friendly! ]
Doctor/Herman Carter [VERY Crossover friendly!]
The Twins/Charlotte and Victor [Crossovers Encouraged; RDR AU]
Clown/Jeffery Hawk [Crossovers encouraged!] [H I G H L Y CANON DIVERGENT.]
𝗦𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹
Cybil Bennett [DBD Verse Included]
Lisa Garland [DBD Verse Included]
Alessa Gillespie
Harry Mason
James Sunderland
Heather/Cheryl Mason
Vincent Smith
Walter Sullivan
Henry Townsend
Alex Shepherd
Murphy Pendleton
𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗘𝘃𝗶𝗹
Billy Cohen
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield [MOSTLY RE8 Chris]
Alex Wesker
Annette Birkin
William Birkin
Daniel Fabron
Oswell E. Spencer
Mr. X
Carlos Oliveria
Nicholai Ginovaef
Mikhail Viktor
Luis Sera
Osmond Saddler
Excella Gionne
Kevin Ryman
Alexia Ashford
Donna Beneviento [Angie included]
Karl Heisenberg
𝗝𝗼𝗝𝗼𝘀 𝗕𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲
Rubber Soul
Steely Dan
Imposter Captain Tennellie
Hol Horse
Daniel J. D'Arby
Terence T. D'Arby
Vanilla Ice
Yoshikage Kira [HEAVILY Inspired by American Psycho]
Rohan Kishibe
Keicho Nijimura
Mario Zucchero
Megadeath [OC]
Stevie A. Nicks [OC]
Sophie B. Hawkins [OC]
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Hey! How are you? Could i request ba hum bug with maxwell lord if its free 😊💛
My darling @phoenixhalliwell of course! I hope you enjoy! I loved writing this one and couldn’t stop once I started. 
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x F!Reader 
Rating: 18 + language and sexual situations 
Taglist: @josepedropascal @yespolkadotkitty @oldstuffnewstuff @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 
My Masterlist 
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Bah Humbug
The Christmas tree was enormous, filling up the entire space in the center of the ballroom. The scent of pine overwhelmed the space as the lights blurred before you. Sparking with gold tinsel and silver and gold balls. Your dress clung to you like a second skin in a deep blood red with white fur trim around the collar. You looked gorgeous and like a Christmas package all ready to be unwrapped later. As Maxwell had told you when you stepped out of your shared room he couldn’t wait to unwrap this gift with his teeth. 
You shiver thinking of the looks he had given you in the limo, his hand slowly sliding up your thigh through the high slit, smooth and hot. You shifted in the Jimmy Choo's, your feet beginning to ache. Maxwell was on tonight as he charmed and smoozed the crowd. You placed your hand on his arm gently drawing his attention. He turns to look at you and you grin wickedly at him before lacing your fingers through his own. His custom tailored suit was immaculate and you ran your fingers over the front. 
You could almost hear the question in his eyes, What are you doing? You look at the Senator ignoring Maxwell and turning your smile on. 
“Good Evening Senator Johnson, how are you this evening?” 
“Oh Mrs. Lord, you look beautiful this evening Ma’am. You're practically glowing brighter than the lights on this immaculate tree,” he gestures behind you and you smile. 
“Oh you flatter me sir, this is something I just pulled out of the closet to wear today, nothing special,” you coo. 
Maxwell’s arm slides around your waist and he grabs tightly in warning. He knows what you're doing. “Yes my wife is one of the most beautiful women here tonight but your darling Amanda she is a true gem,” he reaches out for Amanda Johnson's hand and kisses it. She erupts in a fit of giggles. 
You step back gently, putting the heel of your shoe over the top of his foot and stepping down gently. His hand tightens and he gives out a little yelp covering it with a cough, “Oh darling, how about we get another glass of champagne, Senator, Amanda, please excuse us.” 
He guides you away and over to the bar, grabbing two glasses of champagne before ushering you over top the open balcony. You shiver as the cold winter air nips at your exposed skin and Maxwell hands you the glasses and removes his coat draping it over your shoulders. He reclaims the glasses and tosses one back before placing the other on the railing. 
The balcony is empty, lights and garland wrapped around the columns basking the space in a warm glow. “Maxwell what are we do-” his lips cut you off as he pulls you flush against him, the coat almost slipping off before he grabs the lapels and pulls you even closer. 
You moan against his lips and feel his tongue battle yours for dominance, him winning as you submit to him fully. He pulls away from you panting, the heat from his breath puffing in the cold night air. 
“You think you’re funny in there, smiling and complimenting the Senator…” he hand slides through the slit in your dress he body covering yours from the bustling ballroom behind you as his thick fingers slide over your bare folds and he groans as he slides a finger into your slick heat. 
“Well if you weren’t such a scrooge all the time I wouldn’t have to search for more polite company, someone that appreciates me.” 
“I appreciate you, let me show you how much I fucking appreciate you,” he moans against your neck, his fingers pumping in and out of you as he thumb circles your clit and you lay your forehead onto his shoulder and pant feeling yourself drifting closer to the edge. 
“Oh fuck Maxwell,” your hands fist in his shirt wrinkling the delicate fabric until your knuckles turn white as the snow on the ground. Your orgasm crashes over you and you bite down hard into his shoulder to muffle your screams. 
As you come down from your high he runs his hands over your thighs scooping his fingers against your mound and moving his fingers up to his mouth shoving them inside. You groan watching him and shiver again, although this time you are far from cold. 
“Scrooge? Isn’t that what you called me baby?” You nod as he closes the distances between you, plunging his tongue inside your mouth and tasting yourself on his tongue. He pulls away grinning, pulling his jacket from your shoulders and slipping it on. He buttons the coat and you brush his shoulders helping him regain the perfection he craves. 
He grabs your waist and pulls you close, putting his lips right next to your ear, “Well then...bah humbug honey…” he turns and walks back to the ballroom smiling to himself before rejoining the party. 
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
hello! if you're doing rqs for legendaries, could i get amanda x lisa garland headcanons?
Hello, sure thing!! This is an interesting couple, I hope these suit your fancy <3
Amanda x Lisa Garland HCs
415 words
Lisa and Amanda both care deeply for each other and hate it when the other gets hurt in any way, which is why Amanda doesn't like watching Lisa's trials. She knows Lisa is even more helpless in the Entity's realm than she ever has been, and it makes her sick when she can't be with her to prevent it.
When they're together in a trial, it's easy-going and a way for them to briefly reconcile before Amanda goes off to trap the other survivors, and Lisa is left to complete objectives for them. She's helpful in patching them up too; with her nursing experience, she's quick and efficient with her healing, so the others can get right back on their feet.
Sometimes, Lisa wonders why Amanda is interested in her at all considering how different they are. Amanda is fearless and tough all around, and she can easily take down anything that stands in her way. But Lisa still has her reservations, her traumas that she's still too scared to face, and often shies away from people like Amanda, but the killer proves to be more comforting than she appears to be. As they learn about each other, Lisa becomes less afraid of the other killers, except for Pyramid Head. She still refuses to go near him.
Given their past struggles with substance use, they both detest walking through Midwich and being reminded of their woes with the paraphernalia strewn all over the floors. Lisa especially hates it there, being brought back to a place she wishes she could forget, but Amanda is there to comfort her once she escapes and easily soothes her if she's frantic upon returning to the camp.
Oddly, the most comforting place for the two of them to hunker down in is the Red Forest, where the Huntress leaves them to their own devices in her dwelling while she goes out hunting for unsuspecting survivors. In front of the fireplace, rain falling outside, Lisa can relax in Amanda's arms and let her troubles fade away in the smoke.
They'll rid each other of their headpieces, and Lisa will neaten Amanda's hair—it gets unruly after being under the pig head for so long—and they'll talk softly to each other until one of them falls asleep. In the distance, the Huntress' lullaby will find them both sleepy and hold them close as they doze off and dream of each other in a world even less cruel than the one they came from.
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree
Summary : Sonny, Y/N and Stella are decorating the Christmas tree.
Pairing : Sonny Carisi x reader
Warnings : None, it’s just pure fluff.
Word Count : 1 857
Author’s note : Written for @thatesqcrush​‘s Holiday B!ngo: Naughty & Nice filling the squares tree lighting and decorating. Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Blue Christmas - Kelly Clarkson
The Carisi family masterlist
Buy me a ☕
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“Come on daddy, hurry up !!!”, Stella shouts, entering the living room, Sonny following her, his arms full of boxes.
“Stella, calm down please”, I say, exiting the bathroom.
“Sorry mommy”, my four years old replies settling down on the floor.
“Everything is here normally”, Sonny states, putting the boxes down. “Christmas tree, decorations, lightings, Santa’s figurine, the snowman, the reindeers.”
  He opens the first box and puts a Christmas tree bulb on the table. This one bulb is special, that’s the one from Stella’s first Christmas, as blue as her eyes, made of glass, with her name on it and stars all around. Stella, our little star, the light of our lives.
  “Maybe you should open the box with the tree first, babe”, I say, while Sonny takes other decorations from the box.
“You’re right, we better put the tree first. Same place as usual ?”
“Of course, in the alcove between the rooms”, I say, showing him the nook in the wall where Stella plays.
  From the very first Christmas we spent here, the tree has its place there. That way, it’s not in the middle of the room and it was more convenient when Stella learned to walk, there was no risk that the tree fell on her.
  “Your wishes are my commands”, he winks. “Stella, come and help daddy please, principessa.”
“Si papa”, she rises on her feet and follows her dad to the nook.
  Four years old and she already understands three languages and speaking a few words of two of them. Sonny starts to drag the long box containing the tree to the other side of the room, pretending it’s too heavy for him, doing like he needs our daughter to help him.
  “It’s not heavy daddy, look that’s very light”, Stella giggles.
“No, no look, it’s too heavy, I don’t have enough strength”, he says, pretending to pull the box and not managing to move it, making Stella’s giggles intensify.
“But daddy, you’re a cop, cop are supposed to be burly”, she states, very seriously.
“No baby, your mommy is the cop at home now, I’m an ADA, you remember, so I lost my strength”, Sonny lies on the ground, pretending to be exhausted.
“So, we should ask mommy to lift it because she’s the burly one now.”
  Her comment makes me laugh. She’s still adjusting to Sonny not being a cop anymore, even if he became the state’s ADA for a little more than a year now and that she decorated his brand new office with some drawings and there’s a picture of us three on his desk.
  “I’m not that burly baby, pursuing criminals doesn’t make me burlier, it makes me more tired every day, and I’m barely in my early-thirties”, I sigh.
  Stella looks at me, blinking her big blue eyes.
  “Mommy is kidding baby”, I say, approaching her and ruffling her Y/H/C hair. “Let’s see if I’m stronger than daddy.”
  I grab the handle of the box and lift it easily.
  “Wow, mummy, you’re so strong”, Stella beams at me, impressed. “Now you should help daddy to get up again !”
“Are you really sure I should help daddy ?”
“Yes !”, she nods. “He has to build the tree.”
“Ok then. Come on daddy give me your hand”, I extend my hand to Sonny’s big one, while still having the Christmas tree in my other hand. “Oh, your daddy is too weighty, Stella help, I can’t lift him”, I gasp.
“Come on daddy, get up”, our little girl goes behind him and pushes on his back, while I pull him.
  Sonny plays the game and finally gets up from the floor.
  “Thank you, Stella and mummy, I couldn’t stand up without your help.”
  Oh, he’s good at it, playing with Stella, making her laugh. Well, he has some practice thanks to his sisters’ kids. Fatherhood came so naturally to Sonny. I always knew that he would make an amazing father from the first moment I saw him with a child, and when we knew I was pregnant, he was thrilled. And I will never regret having a child with that lanky man. God, even with that awful mustache of his, he managed to seduce me.
  “Come on, let’s make the tree”, Stella starts to whine, pulling on her dad’s hand.
“Alright, alright, we’re making it”, Sonny answers, scooping Stella into his arms and walking to the nook, while I follow him with the box.
  I put the box down and open it to take out the different pieces of the tree. Sonny starts to assemble them under the sparkling gaze of Stella.
  “Y/N, babe, can you bring the decoration boxes here whilst I assemble the tree please ?”
“Sure”, I say walking to the table.
  I’m about to pick the box on the table, when I see Stella approaching her father with a Santa hat in her little hands. She covers Sonny’s head with it and both of them erupt of laughter. I take my phone out of my jean’s pocket, immortalizing that tender moment between my fiancé and our daughter. Sonny, his Santa hat still on his head, resumes to his assembling of the tree, Stella giving him the different pieces. I go back to them, the ornaments box in my arm, without forgetting Stella’s bulb on the table.
  “The tree is up”, Sonny says, standing up. “We just have to put the decorations on”, he adds, whipping his hands on his jeans.
“What color should we put on the tree ?”, I ask.
“Red !”, Stella states seriously as if all Christmas depends on the color of the decorations we put on the tree.
“So red it is”, Sonny opens wide the box I just put down next to him.
  He takes a few silver garlands out of the box and put them aside, with the matching bulbs. Silver was last year’s choice. But, even if this year decorations are red, there’ll be a touch of blue with Stella’s bulb.
“Why red this year baby ?”, I question her.
“Because at school we are learning the song Blue Christmas and the singer says ‘decorations or red on a green tree’. Miss Downey says that the singer’s name is Lis Pacey.”
“Elvis Presley baby”, Sonny corrects, “but, did you know that mom’s favorite singer covered it in a Christmas record ?”, Stella shakes her head, meaning that she doesn’t know.
  He smiles at me. I know that talking about Kelly Clarkson reminds him our very first date. He took me to her New York gig, and I highly suspect Amanda to have told him I was a huge fan and suggesting the concert as a perfect first date. Well, of course it was perfect because we wouldn’t be here six years later, and Stella would never have been born.
  “Here they are, the red decorations”, Sonny says with a smile of triumph, removing the piece of card separating the box in two.
“Yay !!!!”, Stella shouts, diving in the card, her little body half disappearing in it, and she reappears, barely two seconds later, a big red garland wrapped around her neck like a boa.
  She starts to walk in the room, laughing, twirling a part of the garland and silly dancing on her already long legs. That child will probably be as tall as her father. Sonny looks at her in awe, I’m still amazed at how much he loves her.
  “I’m going to look in the other boxes if I find the red string lights and the top star”, I peck his cheek, making him snap back from his staring state to take the decorations out of the box.
“Do you realize that we actually made that little human ?”, he says, his eyes not leaving Stella’s little frame.
“Every day since the moment she first kicked me when she was still in my womb”, I tell him while turning back to the rest of the boxes.
  I open one the other boxes by the dining table and find the figurines. Santa, snowmen, reindeers, even Stella’s Frozen figurines that she insists to put by the tree ‘because they live in Santa’s country’. They don’t really but we don’t want to upset her for now. I open another box. Wrong choice, this one contain table decorations. So, it must be in the last box. This time is the good one, the lights are here, with the red star.
  “We didn’t label the lights, I don’t know which one is what color, we’ll have to try them all”, I sigh.
  And obviously, after testing all of them, the red one finally pops up in the mess of string lights that snake around me.
  “Got it !”, I shout in victory. “We need to label it red when we put it back in the box after the holidays”, I add, rising on my feet, putting all the other lights aside.
  I go back to Stella and Sonny, who’s untangling a red garland full of knots.
  “We should really learn to put those away in a better way. Each year it’s the same thing.”
  I just nod. Sonny gets up and starts to wrap the red garland around the tree.
  “You should put this one before the others”, I say, handing him the Christmas lights.
“Lights first daddy”, Stella states very seriously, nodding with her hand under her chin, something she probably saw that on tv.
“Yes ma’am”, Sonny salutes, removing the red garland from the tree and it makes me chuckle.
  He takes the Christmas lights from my hands and start to wind it around the tree, from the top to the bottom, taking care to hide the wire behind the tree next to the plug. Next, he grabs the red garland and wraps it around the tree, and then he puts three more, the last being the one around Stella.
  “I think that’s enough garlands. Let’s put the bulbs.”
  Stella doesn’t even wait for us to take a first bulb and puts it on the tree. When she takes another one, Sonny lifts her in his arms so she can put a bulb higher. After a few minutes, the tree is all decorated except for the star at the top.
  “Ok, now the most important part”, Sonny says, grabbing Stella under her arms to lift her higher than earlier, while I hand her the star. “Put it on top baby.”
  Stella takes the star from my hands delicately and puts it gently on top of the tree. When Sonny puts her down, he tenderly kisses her forehead. When her feet hit the floor, she runs to me and hugs my legs tight. I crouch down to take her in my arms before rising up with her, hugging her tightly.
  “And now ladies, the highlight of the show !”, Sonny turns off the light and plugs the string lights.
  When the plug enters its hole, the tree lights itself and Sonny walks back to stand next to us, sliding his arm around my shoulders, Stella watching in awe the green tree and its red lights.
Taglist :
@castiel-enthusiast​, @storiesofsvu​, @the16thprecinct​, @svu-ncis-criminalminds​, @australiancarisi​, @teamsladsandgents​, @thatesqcrush​, @caplanreads​,
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pinknerdpanda · 3 years
Muddle Through Somehow
Word Count: 1,643 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: Angst, Fluff, 2020 (even though I don’t say it specifically...you’ll see) Beta’d by: @princessmisery666 - I’d be lost without you. xoxo
A/N: Written For @arrowsandmixtapes for my Merry Manda’s Christmas “Drabbles”. I was so excited when I saw your request, Kansas. This is my favorite Christmas song and it couldn’t be more fitting for this year. I specifically reference the OG version by Judy Garland with the original lyrics, but if ya’ll haven’t seen the video of Adam Lambert singing this song, you need to. It made my ugly cry. But like...in a good way? (video is here) Hope you enjoy this lovely!
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Muddle Through Somehow
It wasn’t necessarily the soft sound of footsteps approaching that startled y/n. It was the fact that said footsteps came from a person who usually made no sound at all. If she could hear him walking, it was because he was letting her.
Somehow that made the whole situation worse, which made y/n cry. Again. 
Y/n buried her face in her hands, shielding herself from view and trying to muffle the sound of her tears. It didn’t work. Instead, the sound of feet grew closer more quickly. A heavy, metallic hand landed on her shoulder, tugging her shoulder until she was facing him.
“Y/n?” Bucky’s voice sounded strained and rough - tired even. “What’s the matter doll?”
On a good night, Bucky got very little uninterrupted sleep. Judging by the creases in his right cheek, the squint of his eyes and the mussed hair on one side, tonight had been somewhat of a “good night.” Until she woke him up and robbed him of what little rest he had been enjoying. Y/n sobbed harder.
Bucky’s arms, one warm flesh and the other cool metal, wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her against him. The gentle vibrations of his soothing words tickled her cheek where it lay on his chest. Bucky’s fingers skimmed the length of her back as she held onto him like a life raft.
Eventually the tears dried, leaving y/n red-nosed and sniffing against Bucky, whose firm, reassuring grip on her never wavered.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Her voice was hoarse and sounded painful as she mumbled the words into the cotton of his now tear-stained t-shirt.
Bucky pulled back then; only enough to look into her face while his hands found her waist.
“Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize for.”
His stormy blue eyes searched hers as though he was trying to etch the sincerity of his words into her corneas. Even in the dim light, y/n could see the furrow of his brow and the concerned pinch of his lips as he regarded her. 
Before she could argue or respond, Bucky was guiding her into the kitchen. Pulling out one of the stools at the counter, he motioned for her to sit while he set about making them each a cup of tea. The silence that stretched on was comfortable despite the occasional punctuating sniffle. 
Turning, Bucky produced two steaming mugs and handed y/n the one with Snoopy dressed as Santa on the front. His own mug featured Woodstock donning an exceptionally long stocking cap. He took a sip and leaned across the counter, elbows resting against the cool granite surface.
“Now, you wanna tell me what’s the matter?” One corner of Bucky’s mouth twitched upward as he readjusted his grip on the mug. 
Y/n tapped her nails against the side of her mug, eyes trained on the steaming cup, as if she were concentrating on the tinkling tune against the ceramic. She screwed her mouth up to one side, trying to find the words to explain. 
The soft clink of ceramic on granite stirred her from her thoughts as Bucky placed a finger under her chin and nudged her gaze up toward him.
“Come on sweetheart. You can always talk to me.” 
His voice held a nearly undetectable tone of uncertainty; worry even. 
“I know. It’s not that. It’s just…” she sighed again, leaning into his touch as his hand slid to cup her cheek. “I’m just...sad. I feel like everything is upside down.”
Bucky frowned, his hand dropping from her face and she instantly felt a chill at the loss of his touch. Rounding the small counter between them, Bucky turned the stool she sat on to face him and held both of her hands in his.
“Have I…” Bucky inhaled sharply. “Did I do something?”
Y/n sighed, silently berating herself for making him think he’d done anything wrong. She squeezed his hands.
“No, baby. Not at all. You’re wonderful.” Y/n sniffed and pressed her forehead against his. “It’s just this damn year. It seems like everything that could go wrong has. I mean Christmas is what...a week away? We have the tree decorated, the stockings hung...everything looks so normal from the outside. But it’s not. It’s like all the things that bring me so much joy every year are just making me so infinitely sad.”
Y/n’s voice cracked on the last syllable and Bucky wrapped his arms around her again.
“I think it’s just really finally hit me that I’m not getting to spend Christmas with my family. And I get it; it’s safest to stay away, but it’s breaking my heart.”
“I know, doll.” He pressed a sweet kiss into her hair. “I know and I’m so sorry.”
Y/n pulled back and offered him a watery smile. “If I didn’t have you, Buck, I don’t know what I would do.”
Bucky pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear and tilted her head up slightly. He returned her smile for just a second before kissing her gently. “I feel the same way, sweetheart. I’m the luckiest man alive. C’mere.”
Grabbing her hand, Bucky pulled y/n out of the kitchen and into the living room. Stooping down, he plugged in the tree and all at once the room shimmered with the warm lights meticulously wrapped around every branch. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat at the sight; just like it did every time. There must be some form of sorcery that went into Christmas lights that made them constantly emanate peace and joy no matter how sour her mood; y/n was sure of it.
Bucky then moved to the record player and dropped the needle, the faint scratch echoing softly as he returned to stand before her. 
“Dance with me?” Bucky held out his hand, eyebrow arched and a warm smile stretching across his face.
There was no hesitation as y/n moved easily into his arms and tucked her face into the crook of his neck. She breathed deeply, inhaling his warm scent just as Judy Garland began singing.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light Next year all our troubles will be out of sight
Tears burned at the back of y/n’s eyes and she clutched onto Bucky tightly as he led her in a slow circle.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas Make the yuletide gay Next year all our troubles will be miles away
“This is my favorite Christmas song,” y/n sniffed. Bucky hummed above her in agreement.
“Reminds me of being a kid,” Bucky chuckled.
Y/n looked up and found a dreamy, bittersweet look cross his face. 
“I thought this movie came out after the war?” 
There was a time when Y/n avoided asking questions about the war and Bucky’s life before HYDRA. She hated seeing the pain in his eyes at the memories such things brought back. But over their years of being together, they’d both realized that avoidance only made the inevitable remembering hurt more. It was important for Bucky to retain those memories, even when they were painful.
“Yeah I think it did, but I may or may not have had a little crush on Judy Garland back in my day.”
Y/n scoffed, her eyes twinkling in the soft glow of the Christmas lights. “Really?”
Bucky grinned. “Yes, really. The Wizard of Oz was one of the first movies I ever saw. Dorothy from Kansas? She was a real looker. Those big doe eyes,” he whistled lowly and chuckled. Sobering quickly though, he leaned in, lips against her ear, and whispered. “But trust me, she ain’t got nothin’ on you, doll.”
Y/n shivered as he kissed her temple and pulled her in close again, continuing to lead her in a slow, graceful sway.
Someday soon we all will be together If the fates allow Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow So have yourself a merry little Christmas, now
As the song changed, the pair remained wrapped in each other’s arms, not caring if their steps matched the beat of the music. Between Bucky’s embrace, the warm glow of the lights and the soothing crackle of the record player, y/n began to feel the wealth of sadness that had been building inside her ebb away. 
Eventually the music faded completely, only the occasional scratch and groan from the record filling the air. Everything felt still and lovely and for the first time in a while, y/n felt whole.
Maybe this year has been nothing but trash heaped upon trash and the holidays wouldn’t be what they once were. But she had Bucky and the hope that someday soon things would go back to the way they were. And right now, that was all she needed.
“Thank you. For everything. You said before you were the luckiest man alive and I don’t know about that. But I know for a fact that I’m the luckiest woman in the world. If I’m gonna have to muddle through somehow, I’m glad I get to muddle through it with you.”
Bucky smiled as he leaned down to capture y/n’s lips in a slow, sweet kiss. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too, Buck.”
Their lips met again for a brief moment before a yawn overtook Bucky, forcing them apart. He grimmaced, sheepishly.
“Come on, old man. Let’s get you back to bed.” Y/n grinned and pecked Bucky’s lips once more before dragging him back toward their bedroom. 
“Old man, huh?” Bucky smacked her on the ass, making y/n jump and giggle. “I’ll get you for that, my pretty. And your little dog, too.”
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