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buindia · 1 year
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The super-rich got that way through monopolies
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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Just in time for Davos, here's 'Taken, not earned: How monopolists drive the world’s power and wealth divide," a report from a coalition of international tax justice and anti-corporate activist groups:
The rise of monopolies over the past 40 years came about as the result of specific, deliberate policy choices. As the report documents, the wealthiest people in America funneled a fortune into neutering antitrust enforcement, through the "consumer welfare" doctrine.
This is an economic theory that equates monopolies with efficiency: "If everyone is buying the same things from the same store, that tells you the store is doing something right, not something criminal." 40 years ago, and ever since, the wealthy have funded think-tanks, university programs and even "continuing education" programs for federal judges to push this line:
They didn't do this for ideological reasons – they were chasing material goals. Monopolies produce vast profits, and those profits produce vast wealth. The rise and rise of the super rich cannot be decoupled from the rise and rise of monopolies.
If you're new to this, you might think that "monopoly" only refers to a sector in which there is only one seller. But that's not what economists mean when they talk about monopolies and monopolization: for them, a monopoly is a company with power. Economists who talk about monopolies mean companies that "can act independently without needing to consider the responses of competitors, customers, workers, or even governments."
One way to measure that power is through markups ("the difference between the selling price of goods or services and their cost"). Very large companies in concentrated industries have very high markups, and they're getting higher. From 2017-22, the 20 largest companies in the world had average markups of 50%. The 100 largest companies average 43%. The smallest half of companies get average markups of 25%.
Those markups rose steeply during the covid lockdowns – and so did the wealth of the billionaires who own them. Tech billionaires – Bezos, Brin and Page, Gates and Ballmer – all made their fortunes from monopolies. Warren Buffet is a proud monopolist who says "the single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power… if you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10 percent, then you’ve got a terrible business."
We are living in the age of the monopoly. In the 1930s, the top 0.1% of US companies accounted for less than half of America's GDP. Today, it's 90%. And it's accelerating, with global mergers climbing from 2,676 in 1985 to 62,000 in 2021.
Monopoly's cheerleaders claim that these numbers vindicate them. Monopolies are so efficient that everyone wants to create them. Those efficiencies can be seen in the markups monopolies can charge, and the profits they can make. If a monopoly has a 50% markup, that's just the "efficiency of scale."
But what is the actual shape of this "efficiency?" How is it manifest? The report's authors answer this with one word: power.
Monopolists have the power "to extract wealth from, to restrict the freedoms of, and to manipulate or steer the vastly larger numbers of losers." They establish themselves as gatekeepers and create chokepoints that they can use to raise prices paid by their customers and lower the payout to their suppliers:
These chokepoints let monopolies usurp "one of the ultimate prerogatives of state power: taxation." Amazon sellers pay a 51% tax to sell on the platform. App Store suppliers pay a 30% tax on every dollar they make with their apps. That translates into higher costs. Consider a good that costs $10 to make: the bottom 50% of companies (by size) would charge $12.50 for that product on average. The largest companies would charge $15. Thus monopolies don't just make their owners richer – they make everyone else poorer, too.
This power to set prices is behind the greedflation (or, more politely, "seller's inflation"). The CEOs of the largest companies in the world keep getting on investor calls and bragging about this:
The food system is incredibly monopolistic. The Cargill family own the largest commodity trader in the world, which is how they built up a family fortune worth $43b. Cargill is one of the "ABCD" companies ("Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus") that control the world's food supply, and they tripled their profits during the lockdown.
Monopolies gouge everyone – even governments. Pfizer charged the NHS £18-22/shot for vaccines that cost £5/shot to make. They took the British government for £2bn – that's enough to pay last year's pay hike for NHS nurses, six times over,
But monopolies also abuse their suppliers, especially their employees. All over the world, competition authorities are uncovering "wage fixing" and "no poaching" agreements among large firms, who collude to put a cap on what workers in their sector can earn. Unions report workers having their pay determined by algorithms. Bosses lock employees in with noncompetes and huge repayment bills for "training":
Monopolies corrupt our governments. Companies with huge markups can spend some of that money on lobbying. The 20 largest companies in the world spend more than €155m/year lobbying in the US and alone, not counting the money they spend on industry associations and other cutouts that lobby on their behalf. Big Tech leads the pack on lobbying, accounting for 82% of EU lobbying spending and 58% of US lobbying.
One key monopoly lobbying priority is blocking climate action, from Apple lobbying against right-to-repair, which creates vast mountains of e-waste, to energy monopolist lobbying against renewables. And energy companies are getting more monopolistic, with Exxonmobil spending $65b to buy Pioneer and Chevron spending $60b to buy Hess. Many of the world's richest people are fossil fuel monopolists, like Charles and Julia Koch, the 18th and 19th richest people on the Forbes list. They spend fortunes on climate denial.
When people talk about the climate impact of billionaires, they tend to focus on the carbon footprints of their mansions and private jets, but the true environmental cost of the ultra rich comes from the anti-renewables, pro-emissions lobbying they buy with their monopoly winnings.
The good news is that the tide is turning on monopolies. A coalition of "businesses, workers, farmers, consumers and other civil society groups" have created a "remarkably successful anti-monopoly movement." The past three years saw more regulatory action on corporate mergers, price-gouging, predatory pricing, labor abuses and other evils of monopoly than we got in the past 40 years.
The business press – cheerleaders for monopoly – keep running editorials claiming that enforcers like Lina Khan are getting nothing done. Sure, WSJ, Khan's getting nothing done – that's why you ran 80 editorial about her:
(Khan's winning like crazy. Just last month she killed four megamergers:)
The EU and UK are taking actions that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. Canada is finally set to get a real competition law, with the Trudeau government promising to add an "abuse of dominance" rule to Canada's antitrust system.
Even more exciting are the moves in the global south. In South Africa, "competition law contains some of the most progressive ideas of all":
It actively seeks to create greater economic participation, particularly for ‘historically disadvantaged persons’ as part of its public interest considerations in merger decisions.
Balzac wrote, "Behind every great fortune there is a crime." Chances are, the rapsheet includes an antitrust violation. Getting rid of monopolies won't get rid of all the billionaires, but it'll certainly get rid of a hell of a lot of them.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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windvexer · 1 year
here is how authors on amazon make "negative royalties" when you return books, in case you were wondering how that can happen
All money in USD.
If an ebook sells for $5.00, the author usually gets 70%.
When you buy the ebook, the author should earn $3.50, right?
Amazon has something called a delivery fee. Basically, this is the cost of using their servers to deliver a digital file. The bigger the filesize, the more expensive the delivery fee.
Amazon charges the author $0.15 per megabyte of filesize.
(For reference, my 300 page all-text manuscript has a delivery fee of $0.07)
Now here's the thing: the customer doesn't pay the delivery fee - the author does.
If you buy a $5 book, Amazon takes 30% and then I pay Amazon the cost to deliver my book to you. So instead of getting $3.50, I actually make $3.43.
If you return the book, Amazon says, "of course, customer! You can have the 30% Amazon took from you, and the 70% the author took from you," and debits my account $3.50.
This leaves me with a royalty balance of -$0.07.
Seven cents isn't a heaping pile of cash, but, you know, it's still my money.
"Blah blah Amazon should also refund the author the delivery fee" yeah but they won't, and that isn't the point,
the point is that if you thought the only damage you were doing by buying, reading, and returning ebooks was emotional stress to a struggling author, you were mistaken!
You are also charging that author for the privilege of having their work stolen.
(By the way, this is specifically about the shitty trend of treating Kindle like a library because "amazon refunds the authors," I'm not talking about people who have legitimate complaints with the product they bought)
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alwaysxyou · 1 year
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Writer’s Strike 2023
Seen a lot of people with questions but haven’t seen a easily understandable post so:
What is the strike?
The Writer’s Guild of America (WGA) is the union of writers throughout the entertainment industry. This covers TV, film, talk shows and more. They are striking after they tried to negotiate their working terms with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), and could not come to an agreement by the deadline. The AMPTP includes the major television and film studios - Disney, Netflix, Paramount, Universal, Fox, Sony, Amazon, Apple and more.
The strike began on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.
What is WGA asking for in negotiations?
The WGA went into negotiations with a reasonable proposal, largely asking for a deal that took into account the shift from basic cable (for ex: the shows that run on your TV if you have a cable package) to streaming. When cable TV was booming (pre-streaming), writers earned residuals off the episodes airing. Even as projects shifted to be available on streaming, they were still airing on cable TV and writers earned residuals.
The shift of the past couple of years has seen a boom of projects solely for streaming. With no contract terms of what happens in that case, writers profits have dropped considerably, making their wages below a living wage. Many writers are referring as it’s turned into a “gig economy” rather than writing as a job. They compare it to Uber where studios want to pay them for the script, but not for anything that comes after, even though the industry is entire dependent on their craft. Studios are no longer valuing the art of the writing and only concerned with the profits.
They are also asking for negotiations regarding AI regulation and improved working conditions.
Why did they not come to an agreement?
Despite the WGA offering many amended proposals, the AMPTP refused to budge on the main points. There was slight concessions for lesser points, but the main issues at hand they did not budge on. There is a set deadline to reach terms by and since they did not reach it by the deadline, they are striking.
How does the strike affect writers?
The strike means no WGA members can work in a writing capacity until a new agreement is reached and the strike ends. This is why you will see productions coming to a halt, as the writers have stopped writing.
You might see films continue production (filming). It’s more common for films to have their scripts finalized ahead of production beginning. Since they do not need an active writer at that point, they can continue. Some shows that are scripted in a way that they’re all turned in ahead of time are similarly able to continue. Shows that have writers on set, or where they are writing throughout the season, are halting production. More will have to stop the longer the strike lasts.
Writers are paid based on work. When they don’t work, they don’t get paid. They are willingly choosing to strike and fight for this, because it’s that bad. It’s also important to keep in mind the industry is still recovering for writers since COVID, when all productions shut down and many of them were just now being able to find work again.
What would the monetary affect on the studios be if they agreed to WGA’s terms?
It’s estimated that in many cases the increase WGA is asking for would be less than 2% of the total profits of the project.
How long will it go on for/how does it end?
The WGA is willing to strike as long as it takes. The AMPTP has the ball in their court. The WGA is ready to get back to negotiations when they are.
2007/2008 was the last Writers Strike. It lasted 100 days.
How did they decide to strike?
All WGA members get to vote on whether or not they strike if negotiations are not reached. 98% voted in favor of authorizing a strike. After not reaching negotiations, the WGA board unanimously voted to strike.
How do non-industry people avoid crossing the picket line?
At the time of writing (May 4, 2023) the WGA has not asked for any regular, non-industry viewers to boycott any projects or studios. You can keep streaming and consuming as you wish.
The WGA will post widely if that changes and you should withhold from streaming certain things. These things are changing very rapidly.
How can we support the strike?
If you are based in LA or NYC, or anywhere there are physical protests happening, you can join them. You do not have to be a WGA member to help picket. As always with a group you are not a part of, be respectful and follow the instructions of the leaders on the ground.
Follow the WGA for updates and help spread the word about the strike and encourage others to support the strike.
It’s much more nuanced and would take ages to explain every tiny detail. But it boils down to: writers are the backbone of the entertainment industry and the entire industry relies on their work. Please support them in asking for fair and equal compensation and rights.
More resources:
WGA West Website
WGA East Website
WGA Strike Website
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Characters Whom I believe that would be that one person “You got games on your phone” if MC brought a working phone with a charger and some how wifi-
PT: 2
Featuring: Dia, Tino, Jasper, Knight, Grayson, Sherry and Violet
Warning: Crack and Cursing
Dia: Good luck, he subscribed yourself to a Netflix, Disney +, Crunchy roll, Hulu, Amazon Prime etc. Knowing damn well you don’t have an income to pay for all of those apps-
He also likes learning from social media the differences between both of your worlds. But we’re here for crack so cut out the wholesomeness-
He started rage playing those stupid adds where the player purposely does bad to get you to download and guess what? He did download and now he’s huffing in gas breathing heavily playing it.
So now you have a lot of unnecessary games and Dia is now saying movie references and pretends not to know that it was while your freaking out.
Tino: He goes on Facebook like an old lady and giggles at minion memes, he didn’t even watch Despicable Me on the apps that fucking Dia downloaded and got a membership on 💀
He goes out of his way to show it to you and Lynt and it’s really cute except it’s not funny what so ever
“:0 Look MC they’re little yellow monsters they look cute ☺️ This is so funny.”
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That’s the minion meme he showed you. The laugh you pretend to give him was a lot more funny then the meme itself-
He also likes looking at cooking videos. And he saw the Duolingo memes everyone probably knows about the; “Looks like you forgot your Spanish lessons-“ and Tino took it seriously and started freaking out especially when he saw it downloaded and you had a notification on your phone.
He almost through it out a window but luckily Lynt was there to stop him 💀
Jasper: bro made a Tinder and An Omegle account and thought it was a type of place to make friends but the dumbass was then greeted by those weird freaks on there
he also was roasted tf out of by lil ass kids because they said and I quote. “HA LOOK HE HAS GRANNY GLASSES-“ Bro cried.
Bro also likes to listen to rap song and likes rock music, he also saw the Emo style and ran with it. Bro became and edge lord over night.
He also likes to make those horrific IMovie movies. They’re low quality but everyone has fun. He does post it so- Now he’s a meme on the internet
Knight: Good luck your fyp is now full of cat memes, cat videos and your camera roll? Cat pictures.
It’s really cute how he laughs at them.
Also bro download Fortnight- “TOA COME GET YOUR MIDGET-“
He learned so much curses and insults from playing with 5th grades and you can hear the yells from another fucking building- It’s scary how much anger he has locked in. 😦
Another thing is he likes Pokémon Go and animal Jam
Grayson: He doesn’t use it that much but when he does, I like to imagine bro is a fanfiction writer 💀-
The other consorts pay him to write fanfiction about them and you. He has a Wattpad and tumblr account. He also has used your hard earned money for fan art commissions.
He also got disappointed when he found out you don’t have a printer for that monstrosity he’s been paying for 💀-
He also learned how to do TikTok dances and him, Roy and Sherry have all been making tiktoks.
He got addicted to Girls go games 💀
Sherry: She learned instinctively how to use your phone it’s amazing how everyone else was like fucking Dinosaurs.
Also now has a TikTok Cult fan base and has more followers than Charli Damelio it’s amazing-
She also likes to go on Reddit and is now a Reddit user and it’s scary because she no has a high quality sense of humor.
Violet: Immediately made a Tinder account for a date, is sad that they’re from another world. You’re jealous.
She payed Grayson to write fanfiction about you and her
She started giggling, kicking her feet, twirling her hair and while reading it and Fenn walks in to join her on reading “MC x reader” smut.
The look on your face when you got your phone back after one whole day was concerning.
She also likes to look at you camera roll and social media accounts and it all fun and games til she got a notification from one of your relatives with your old baby pictures.-
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allaboutparanormal · 5 months
Unveiling Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon: Secrets Revealed!
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  Have you ever been intrigued by the ancient texts and mystical entities that have captivated humanity for centuries? 
 The Lesser Key of Solomon offers a unique glimpse into the arcane world of demonology, with Ars Goetia standing out as a prominent chapter.   
  Ars Goetia, a section of the Lesser Key of Solomon, introduces us to powerful demons each with unique attributes and lore. 
 From King Bael, the first spirit mentioned, to Marquis Ronove, these entities have fascinated scholars and occultists alike with their mysterious nature.  
  But these demons are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the rich tapestry of the Lesser Key of Solomon. 
  Join me as I delve deeper into the realm of Ars Goetia, exploring its history, the significance of each demon, and the enduring impact it has had on the world of occult studies.  
    “As an Amazon & Ebay Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”
  Your Donations Are Graciously Accepted To Help Me Keep All About Paranormal Online! All About Paranormal is not intended to be for profit, but does carry expenses with domain cost, books, decks, etc. The links I use are affiliate links, I earn a commission for referring you, and the price you pay doesn't change. If you liked my work, please buy me Coffee.
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mubarrakacademy · 6 months
Find Profitable Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Affiliate Marketing for Online Earning
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    Affiliate programs offer a profitable way to earn money online, allowing individuals to market goods and services, grow their following, and earn money for successful recommendations. This article explores affiliate marketing, referral schemes, and optimizing the earning potential with perseverance and smart implementation.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based strategy where merchants pay affiliates for generating traffic to their websites, with affiliates receiving commissions from users who click on the links.
Getting Around the Affiliate Scene
ShareASale: ShareASale is an affiliate network that connects merchants offering various products and services with affiliates, offering a user-friendly interface and a vast merchant selection.
Commission Junction (CJ): CJ Affiliate, formerly Commission Junction, offers advertisers a diverse network, performance monitoring, and participation in various affiliate programs to optimize their initiatives.
Amazon Associates is an affiliate program offering 1% to 10% commissions for affiliates promoting various Amazon products, allowing them to earn a wide range of income.ClickBank: ClickBank offers affiliates access to thousands of digital products, with up to 75% commission on each sale.
Rakuten Marketing: Formerly known as Rakuten Affiliate Network, Rakuten Marketing collaborates with top businesses throughout the globe to provide affiliates with access to special offers, discounts, and performance-based incentives.
Bluehost: A well-known web host, Bluehost provides affiliates with high compensation for referring new users to their program. Affiliates that successfully sign up for hosting can earn as much as $65.
Shopify: Shopify offers significant earning opportunities for its user base through its extensive range of e-commerce solutions through its affiliate program.
Udemy: Udemy offers a wide range of courses through referral links, allowing affiliates to earn commissions for each sale made on the platform.
ConvertKit: Content producers can utilize ConvertKit's marketing platform to generate user referrals, thereby generating recurring commissions for their content.
Grammarly: Grammarly provides users with comprehensive support to enhance their writing abilities, promoting the use of grammar in various fields.
Techniques for Successful Affiliate Marketing
To maximize conversion rates and relevance, choose affiliate networks that align with your specialty, audience interests, and content themes.
Produce High-Quality Content: Create informative, captivating material for your audience and carefully include affiliate links or suggestions.
Establish Authority and Trust: The support provided by the audience is crucial in gaining their trust through unbiased evaluations and suggestions backed by thorough research or firsthand experience.
Optimize for Conversions: To find areas for improvement and raise conversion rates, use efficient call-to-actions (CTAs), update landing pages, and monitor performance data.
Diversify Your Income Streams: Investigate multiple affiliate programs across various industries to mitigate risks and stay competitive by staying informed about market changes, customer preferences, and program terms and conditions.
Affiliate marketing offers a scalable and adaptable way to monetize online presence, knowledge, and audience. Affiliates can uncover significant earning potential by carefully choosing programs, producing engaging content, and building trust with their audience.
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horce-divorce · 6 months
Find jobs that work remotely online
lmfao i literally already do that, you jackanapes. i'm a freelance transcriptionist and I have been for YEARS!!!!! i'm GOOD at it, too! having a remote job doesn't mean there's any work in the queue, and it certainly doesn't mean they're PAYING me to do it. a few years ago (like 2016-2018) it was actually possible for me to work from home and earn, like, almost minimum wage. but at least it was consistent. Like, if you knew when the peak times to avoid were, you could always snag work from the queue. I earned anywhere between $8-15 an hour doing that for a few years, and I still never broke more than about $2,000 per year.
the thing about this one is, it's like, the PERFECT setup, in theory. i can come and go as I please, no minimum or maximum amount of work, my insanely fast typing skills ensured I could actually pick files worth my time (my average is 130wpm but I've hit 200. if you even care). being able to stop in the middle of a file and walk away when I was having symptoms, or even just when it was pissing me off, is IDEAL. as long it's done correctly and submitted on time, it doesn't matter what your workflow looks like. i LOVE!!!!! this. yes, please, for the love of god leave me alone and let me do my thing. i work SO much better this way.
as of the last few years, companies like Rev.com have done nothing in the intervening time but increasingly replace their skilled workers (me) with AI auto-captions and having us proofread those instead, all while jacking up their prices for consumers and paying us less and less per file. plus, there's more competition than ever since the pandemic hit, and everyone and their brother think they can just pick up a job like transcription as a side gig or whatever. anyway, since they started becoming worse, I've barely managed to keep up $10 an hour, and there's barely any work in the queue. I check constantly. I'm lucky if i can make a few dollars per week doing that now.
but hey, I actually never gave up. you know what else is a "work remotely online" job? running your own art business. which i also do. I may be conventionally unemployed, but I DO still have multiple jobs! and you people see that and go, "no, that doesn't count. what if you just had MORE jobs? surely this would fix all of your problems?" wow, genius, fucking sensational, THAT WOULD HAVE NEVER OCCURRED TO ME WITHOUT YOUR SAGE WISDOM, ANON. WOW.
YES, I also do market research panels and all that garbage. YES, i have done data entry. I did sigtrack for a while, but I wasn't very good at it, reading people's handwriting is a lot harder for me than parsing speech. I even did Amazon Mechanical Turk back in the day, holy shit, do not do that, 0/10. Any of those shit articles from the penny hoarder youre about to send me? I've done it, and possibly still do from time to time!
Anyway, if that's still not good enough for you, presumably you know a company that hires remotely that you can refer me to? Why don't you hire me yourself, if you're so concerned? You got a podcast or something that needs captions? Hmu anon! That's literally what I do!!! My rate is $1.25 per audio minute!!!! I'll wait!!!!! :)))))))
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ameliaava4896 · 1 year
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Take surveys: There are many websites and apps that will pay you to take surveys. Some of these sites offer Amazon gift cards as a reward.
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Referral programs: Many companies offer referral programs where you can earn a reward for referring new customers. Some of these companies offer Amazon gift cards as a reward.
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buindia · 1 year
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litcityblues · 9 months
The Wheel of Time Rewatch/Reread Pt. 1
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The Wheel of Time debuted on Amazon in November of 2021 and the reaction to it was, I think it would be safe to say, decidedly mixed. In general, it was well-received enough to get another season pretty quickly (and now it's earned a third season as well) but fans of the books were not pleased. (To the point where some of them earned the moniker of 'Bookcloaks' on various Wheel of Time subreddits and other places online.)
My fandom growing up was Star Trek, so I think because of that experience, I tend to grade shows on a fairly generous curve. (Every Trek Fan knows that it takes a Trek show three seasons to 'grow its beard' and get really good-- I don't know if that pattern is holding with the newer shows, but certainly, this applies to the '90s run of Trek.) Given that, I was fairly agnostic on the First Season of The Wheel of Time-- I thought some of the criticism was fair but didn't quite understand why people were so vociferous about other aspects of it.
After the end of the 2nd Season, I got curious and decided I would embark upon a closer examination of the source material while I re-watched the show. Since the first season covered the first book, The Eye of The World, that's what I started with. (I also re-read New Spring as well.)
My general hypothesis is this: Maybe Season 1 isn't that good because Eye of the World isn't the best book in the series?
Upon reflection, I don't think that's a fair assessment of either the book or the first season of the show. There's a lot the show does really, really well- but reading the book shows where the gaps in the first season are obvious and even, perhaps, detrimental. People who object to the First Season aren't wrong-- there were some things I objected to, especially in the last episode. But I also think we have to acknowledge the constraints showrunners are forced to operate under as well.
Amazon, for whatever reason, is putting the lion's share of its money into The Rings of Power. Would I be happier if The Wheel of Time had their budget? I sure would. But the two bigger constraints are to make a television show for people who have read the books and the people who haven't AND only having eight episodes to work with. The former is something every adapted work has to deal with, the latter explains the compressed storylines of the first season far more than the former.
So, let's talk about what the first season gets right:
I like that they hit the ground running. It takes a while for the book to get started- though in a mild defense of The Eye of The World, a lot of the front part of the book really sets up more plot threads that pay off further in the series than you realize a first.
Padan Fain (Johann Myers) is perfect. No notes there-- though it would be nice if he was a little more cracked and broken by the end, but I like him and, more to the point, I like that he keeps showing up- sometimes even just in passing.
The Whitecloaks are also absolutely perfect right from the jump and they are menacing, they are dangerous and Valda's casting (Abdul Salis) is also absolutely perfect.
The Tinkers are excellent. So is Thom (Alexandre Williams)- when he tells them about his nephew Owyn, that's more or less straight from the book. More perfect casting: Loial (Hammed Animashaun), Siuan Sanche (Sophie Okwendo)
The Ways work really well- they track very closely to what goes down in the book. They're not in The Ways as much, but with their 8 episode limit, things are compressed- I get it. Machin Shin is really well done- Nyn's Super Saidar I do have an issue with, but we'll get to that in a bit.
I do like that the show expanded the role of Logain (Alvaro Morte) a bit right off the bat. In the book he's referred to and Rand catches sight of him in Caemlyn but that's all we see of him until much later. I like that the show demonstrates just how destructive his army has been and how they portray his madness as shadowy figures whispering to him.
So what fits with the books better than the show?
It's been a while since I've read Eye Of The World, but there's an EARLIER chapter that is like when they're kids and Tam tells them the story of the Dragon? I don't remember it at all also: Egewene has sisters which is something I don't remember at all. But the original prologue where we see Lews Therin destroy himself: still slaps. 10/10 way to open this book. (I don't know if the Prologue to the Prologue was something they added in later editions or what, but it's weird and seems redundant to me.)
If you've read quite literally any other fantasy novel, the early chapters are chock full of loosely concealed references. They're waiting for a festival to start- someone is late and is bringing fireworks? They're a ring and a birthday party away from Bilbo's bash in the Shire. Similarly, the black figure in the cloak has to be from The Belgariad. Eddings might have taken that from somewhere else, but that's where I recognized it from. (The show plays with this too: their pursuit def looks like the flight to Rivendell from The LoTR movies.)
The books have Lan and Moiraine concealing their identities-- whereas the show has them revealed right away. I think the book does that better, but if you don't want to piss around with character development and just get down to brass tacks, I can see making the choice the show made. But the book does it better. With Moraine facing down the mob? ("Is this what Aemon's blood has come to?") Thom is also introduced from the jump, which I like and I love that he recognizes Moiraine right away and doesn't want to have anything to do with her.
13 chapters we spend in the Two Rivers-- nearly 25% of the book and far more than I remember, but it's worth it. Winternight is really what gets you hooked as a reader. That sense of isolation as Rand is trying to get to the safety of the village of being alone in the wilderness and hearing Tam's fever dream letting his parentage slip.
The journey out of the Two Rivers which in the book leads to Caemlyn and not Tar Valon is remixed and reorganized but lays the plot threads for things like the Aiel (in the mining camp) and Birgitte (when they stay in the barn and kill the Fade) and while in the books we meet Bayle Domon in the first book, he do show up in the television show right at the start of season two. I get that they have time constraints they need to work with, but missing Whitebridge in the show is big for me. After Shadar Logoth in the books, there is a profound uptick in the pace of the book. Perrin and Egwene are running. Mat and Rand are running. Lan, Moiraine, and Nynaeve are running. Those chapters really hit home in the books, the impact of them is lessened here.
But what the book does have that the show doesn't is so much foreshadowing. The World of Dreams doesn't get explicit until Book 3 or Book 4 territory, but it's right there in Book 1, even if we don't know what to call it yet. We see references to the Giant Fist on Tremalking, which we see used to cleanse saidin much, much later in the series and we get references to the Panarch's Palace in Tanchico that pays off down the road as well. Rand is also unconsciously channeling now and again throughout the whole book and if you read it again, it's kind of obvious.
Nynaeve's relationship with Moiraine is far more hostile in the books-- she's not a huge fan of the show either, but it's coded as far more hostile in the books which tracks better with what we know about Nynaeve's block and her ability to channel. Her Super Saidar and Egwene's bringing Nyn back from the dead at the end of the show are the things I objected to the most. At no point in the books does channeling work that way and more importantly, it's inconsistent with the show itself as no other Aes Sedai shows even a fraction of the ability the possible exception of Moiraine and the lightning/fireballs against the Trollocs. I get that Nyn and Egwene are supposed to be strong- maybe the strongest potential Aes Sedai in centuries in the books, but they're not that strong.
The 'Perrin Kills His Wife' thing is also not nearly as bad as it appears to be in the show-- if you dig into the books a bit. you'll get to the chapter where Egewene, Perrin, and Elyas are trying to outrun the ravens-- there are so many of them that they will be torn apart if they're caught. In the books, Perrin is presented as being very aware of his capacity for violence- he's a big kid, but for the first time in that chapter he has to contemplate if he would kill Egwene to spare her from being torn apart by the ravens. It's kind of the inverse of what they do in the show: there, they establish his capacity for violence/temper/to kill and his struggle is fighting that. (Though he has far less interaction with Hopper in real life than I remembered-- and to the show's credit, they bumped Hopper's death to Season 2.)
I am also thoroughly unbothered by the Siuan and Moiraine of it all- again, Sophie Okwendo was perfect casting and she uses the required fish metaphors "Skin me and salt me!"- the main series nods to the notion with all the talk of 'pillow friends' but New Spring goes a step further and straight up makes it explicit: "Siuan wanted to kiss Moiraine. So she did." Also, just look at a map of Tar Valon, then go look at some Georgia O'Keefe paintings, and then come back and talk to me. Extrapolate accordingly and if this is the hill you choose to die on with the first season of this show, I can't help you.
The first time through, I had a big problem with the Oath of Fealty that Siuan makes Moiraine take. It's subtle, but Siuan makes her swear fealty to 'the judgment of this seat' which is different and doesn't, to me, imply absolute obedience to the Amyrlin. It does what the show needs it to do- which is to kick Moiraine out of Tar Valon and make sure she can't come back. BUT, Moiraine changes the words of her reply? Does that still bind her? I have questions about this because at the end of Season 2 it looks like an awful lot like Compulsion-- I think that's going to be used against Siuan when Elaida takes her down, but I also think the show kind of made a hash of it all. (Also: what's with that secret passageway thing to the hut? Is that Travelling? I have so many questions!)
The show does get some world-building in that I think is important-- I think exploring what it's like when Warders lose their Aes Sedai is important. I think having white be the color of mourning and the whole funeral sequence was really, really excellent- but not at all in the book.
The struggle with Ishmael (great casting, again!) also tracks really well with the books-- The Last Battle in the books ends up being a very cerebral, inner struggle type of affair, it's an unseen fight and the show sets that pattern as well, even if Rand doesn't realize who Ishmael is quite yet.
The show, I think, misses The Eye of The World. I love The Green Man and how The Blight is portrayed in the books far more than the show and the show is wrong in that the Dark One's prison isn't at the eye.
Little Internet Birdies seem to be convinced that we're getting Queen Morgase, Gawyn, and Galad next season-- but the sequence in Caemlyn is really excellent in the book. At this point, you've already heard about ta'veren from Loial, but meeting Elayne, the Queen, Elaida, Gareth Bryne-- all of that is Rand being ta'veren like crazy and would have been an awesome thing to include in the show.
Moiraine and Lan's relationship in the first season also makes what happens in the second season seem profoundly bizarre. She references not being able to see men's weaves but doesn't actually make that jump until late in the second season and it takes Lan to figure that out? Seems contradictory to me-- she also tells him at one point: "Your losses are mine and mine yours" but then proceeds to shut him out for most of season two? So weird.
The show also dances around "Who could be the Dragon" way too much-- the idea of "five potential Dragons" is something that I get that has to squarely aim at new viewers who hadn't read the books, but it got tiresome, especially since it became pretty obvious who it was- good television practice probably means you want to make that reveal a big moment for the show, but it just didn't work for me.
If you're making this show, you want to balance between new viewers and book readers-- they cannot make a television show that requires people to do homework. Hopefully, they can build a world that inspires people to go and read the books, but if you've read the books already that's a tough thing to accept. So I get the unhappiness, but only to a point. My verdict stands: the First Season was better than people give it credit for, given the constraints they were operating under. At the time, it earned my confidence enough to give a second season a chance and that season was a vast improvement over the first. I'm onboard and ready to go for Season 3.
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100dayproductivity · 10 months
Online orders for Christmas gifts: DONE! I may still order more things and I will probably do some in-person shopping, but the main things I wanted to order for my kids is done and will likely arrive in plenty of time for Christmas. Unlike previous years where I couldn't opt to order things online because I had left it far too late. Winning! 👍
You know how else I'm winning? I only had to spend about $5 of my actual money for the $100 worth of things I ordered! I mentioned in my last post that I have points from doing online surveys to redeem, so I had $110 sitting in my Amazon account from that! After tax and shipping, I only needed to pay an extra 5 bucks for the stuff. Yes, I did have to do surveys to earn the points, but honestly, it's not that hard and usually kind of fun. It feels like free money! 💵
So let's update this Bad Boy:
Gmail account sign in.
Buy new charger for Pixel phone.
Transfer Web Perspectives Amazon e-gift card to Amazon account. ✓
Check previous clinic's paperwork to see which lens they recommended.
Make appointment at bank. ✓
Print out bank documents. ✓
No printer service at library--do I need to print it? Download to thumb drive and think about next steps. ✓
Compare cost of books Indigo vs Amazon. ✓
Alternate heat and ice on foot.
Do hamstring stretches.
Reference: https://www.sports-injury-physio.com/post/top-5-stretches-plantar-fasciitis
Roll out knots in leg muscle.
Do Sun Salutation x5 - 0/5
Take inhaler
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ja-gul-writes · 10 months
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This is the cover for the first book in my series. The little guy is actually just a normal guy, and his name is Leon. He's from our world, and is a tired, overworked and underpaid janitor who's boss was being a total jerk (and should have totally been sued for sexual harassment). Leon's secret kink has always been size difference, and he just wanted to take a giant dick, ya know? Totally reasonable!
Well, then he suddenly gets transported to another world (yes this is an isekai) right in front of a horny, lonely giant named Zayan who thinks humans are just the cutest fucking things on the planet, who also thinks that this human in specific is offering himself to the giant.
I dunno why but Tumblr has made the image look a little blurry to me.
Anyways, making this cover was really hard because I was using vector graphics and it DID NOT scale properly and I had to export every single colour and shadow layer as a separate image so that I could do colour adjusting in a different program. It's the same method for the other covers in this series, but once this series is done I am totally going to find a different art style.
... Does anyone want to hear me rant about book covers? No? Okay, I'll go on then.
Did you know that if you were to use stock photos to make covers, depending on where you get it from you need special permission to use a person's face on the cover of a book that has queer content? Yeah, that's stupid, because the same rules do not apply to straight content. Got a straight couple on your book, no big deal. Got a gay couple, well make sure you have special permission. Oh and sometimes you can't even put anyone's face on the cover of a book at all. And you probably have to pay the licensing fees to get that stock photo. And there's a chance someone else has used it on their book cover too.
It's in some ways a lot easier to have a drawn cover. Because even if you visually used a reference image for a character's pose or proportions, reference images do not need to be licensed. And if you've drawn it all yourself, then you own the art and can do whatever you want with it, whereas if you've paid an artist you might be limited to what you can do with it.
The one thing to look out for too is fonts. If you download fonts from a website, make sure to filter by fonts that are 100% free for full commercial use, meaning you can use the font on the cover of a book you are profiting from and don't need to pay anyone for it. Because some fonts are free ONLY to use for things that won't make you money, or if you do make money you owe the font-maker royalties. And when you're writing books and making very little money, paying anyone a royalty from your earnings could be a deal-breaker. Avoid the pitfalls of this by only ever downloading 100% free fonts. Doesn't matter how nice the licensed fonts are, just don't download them, that way you don't have to remember which ones you have are free and which ones are licensed.
BTW, here's the programs I used to make cover art, write book, and format it. The programs are free and open-sourced.
Inkscape for vector art: https://inkscape.org/
GIMP for colours (it's a photoshop type software): https://www.gimp.org/
LibreOffice for writing (and they also have spreadsheets): https://www.libreoffice.org/
And for formatting, because I publish on amazon I used amazon's Kindle Create which helped format the book.
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distopea · 1 year
Lore information drop
Difference between escorts vs prostitutes in my lore. Aka while I refer to one thing instead of another, it means there's INDEED a difference 👀
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Bastet was the only "prostitute" ever. Her years of "service" occurred when she was under the reign of the Lenio Family. In that setting, there was no possibility for women sold to the Family to actually have a word for their body or the possibility to give their consent. 
The system was mostly groups of pimps with several girls under their command. The Lenio were declining over the years, so the safety around their prostitutes was truly limited, along with the hygiene conditions and the money earned. The Lenio didn't care much as long as they could earn money and influence, and girls were simply the victims of that system. 
When Bastet got out, Astra offered to continue with her activities. However, even if it would upgrade her to an escort status, she was traumatized enough to negotiate something else instead and revoke that title forever. 
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Sybille is qualified as an escort and this is how the system works with the Cleaners. She offers time to her clients, and she gets money out of it. Time used can simply be for chatting, hanging out, going to parties, restaurants and dates. She doesn't have to sleep with her clients, but it's common knowledge among escorts. If you want to earn more, spreading your legs helps. However, you have the luxury of being picky with your clients, and saying no, but for that, it means creating your regular clientele. Usually, it's one client per night, and when she's attending someone, she will give them her whole attention for the night, or the hours they are willing to pay.
Sybille mostly operates within the Amazon Club, but also on applications (like Tinder) for new people. In exchange for a monthly salary (something small, just in case clients don't pay her enough), she attracts her big "fishes" to the club and she gives intel to the owners regarding rumors she hears in the neighborhood. Sybille doesn't have the big picture regarding the Cleaners, but she can tell that they are exchanging information to keep their influence in the red district. From them, she earns safety in her job (she's protected by the group) and the possibility to get new clients with possibly a bigger wallet and more money in her pocket. 
If she doesn't snoop too much into their business (which she doesn't), then she can safely operate and would be encouraged in that direction. 
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Oliver is a bit of a strange mix between escort and prostitute. 
Due to his illness and his insensitivity to pain, Astra wanted to trap him right away for other purposes than just escorting clients, but still, though, those abuses don't happen on a daily basis. On one hand, if Oliver ever wants to repay his debts, he knows that he has to work. Astra gave him the permission to perform as an escort, but with the condition that he needed to limit his services to chatting and dancing. It wouldn't be any use for the Cleaners to have someone getting too attached to Oliver in the first place. Yet, more than once, Oliver has defied that order, and has ended up sleeping with clients he wanted to (though always in places far from the Red district). 
However, whenever Astra picks someone personally, Oliver knows that he doesn't have much choice regarding the performance delivered. The men sent his way are wicked and gross, and they have received information and instructions regarding Oliver's body. It's mostly physical and sexual torture, but a way for Astra to have a deeper grip on other parts of the Nebula that the regular escorts could never know about. 
Because of that, Oliver is truly trapped in the system. He has seen too much, he has heard too much. The intel he has earned from those special seances is way too sensitive for him to ever leave the Cleaners. If he ever tries to run away, he's the only escort that would be killed for that. 
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coursecreation · 2 years
How to Sell Online Courses: The Complete Guide
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How to Decide on a Course Topic?
This is the most important question you need to find answers to. Let’s see how we can find our topic. Once you have decided to teach people online, you already have some expertise in your field. Now we need to find out if people are interested in learning about this topic and actually will be happy to pay for it. Below are, some steps you can do to find out if your topic will sell or not. 
Search on youtube with your topic on youtube.
Start searching on different eCommerce platforms such as amazon, and eBay where digital or physical books are sold. You need to find out if there are books out there on your topic and if people are buying them websites tries. It’s that simple! 
You should go out on popular course websites such as Udemy, Coursera, etc to find out if there are courses out there. 
 You can search on social media platforms and find out if there are groups where people are discussing the topic that you are planning to sell as a course online. 
Finally, if you have friends, family, and followers, you can directly ask them if they would be interested in something like what you are planning.
Prepare yourself on your topic
At this stage, you already know the topic for your online course. Now, you need to brainstorm and do all the homework such as gathering references, studying, practicing, and doing some trials of yourself. It’s always better to check how other people sell courses online and how they present their skills to the students. Once you study other people as well, you will get plenty of ideas to make yourself better. It’s the beauty of knowledge! 
Find out your ideal best online course platform 
Once you are ready with your course syllabus and other materials, you will need some ways to create your online course. Here EzyCourse will help you to get started from scratch. You can create courses with EzyCourse completely for free and start earning without any commissions or transaction fees.
Start creating your course content with ezycourse.
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At this point, you are fully ready to create your course and upload your course content. You need to plan how you will approach and complete your syllabus and how your students will progress from start to end. So you need to divide your online course contents into chapters and lessons. Once you finish deciding, you can easily create chapters and different types of lessons easily. You can rearrange chapters, and lessons at any time.
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Set up your course pricing 
This is the sweet part of this whole journey. We need to decide on a good pricing model that people would be willing to pay. You can set up a one-time or monthly subscription pricing. Let’s find out when to decide between these two. Answer the following questions.
Is this course a continuous learning type? 
Do people need to access it frequently every month option?
Are you going to invest your time in supporting the students?
If the answers are “Yes”, we would suggest starting a subscription pricing. With EzyCourse, you can offer “Community and Group chat” as an add-on for free or with an added price. This way, your students will be super active and engaging. This is also a great option to increase your revenue. 
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With EzyCourse, you can sell your courses to organizations with “Tiered pricing” as an option. With this option, any organization buys a number of seats and gets the volume discount you provide, and invites their own members themselves leaving all the management work to them. A great way to stop piracy and increase revenue!
Design your course landing page or use the drag-and-drop default one. 
You can start by using our default course detail page or design your custom landing page by using our powerful drag-and-drop page builder. You can insert any templates or blocks you like instantly and start editing or adding. 
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Offer upsell for your course and increase revenue 
At this point, you are almost ready to publish your course, but before you start publishing the course, you should look at the upsell features we have. You can up to 20 upsell items and unlimited add-on per upsells. 
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You can offer a community, a group chat, or another course in your upsell. Students have the choice if they want to buy that upsell product or not. Upsell products are normally designed to give a little discount if they have that item together with the main product. It’s a win-win situation for both parties. For example, let’s say you created a course on “How to sell a product on amazon”, with this product, you can sell another related product let’s say “How to market your amazon product” etc. This way related product has higher chances to get sold as well. You have full control to decide the pricing and add-on items. 
Publish your course 
It’s time to go live and publish your course. Start sharing links with your friends, family, and followers. We will cover how to market your online course to your audience in a very effective way in another blog post. 
Thank you for reading and hope this guide helps you :) 
Follow Ezycourse community facebook, youtube, instagram
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storyblog2022 · 2 years
How to Get Free Paypal Gift Cards
Hurry to collect before 2022 comes to an end.
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Do you have a PayPal account? Have you ever wanted to get free PayPal gift cards to use for shopping or to give as a gift? You can now do just that thanks to a comprehensive guide on how to get free PayPal gift cards. With this guide, you will learn all the tips, tricks, and methods to get free PayPal gift cards in no time. The best part is that it’s free and you don’t need to spend any money to get them. This guide will walk you through the process step by step, from signing up for a PayPal account to earning points and rewards to redeem for your free PayPal gift card. Read on to find out how you can get a free PayPal gift card today!
What is a PayPal Gift Card?
A PayPal gift card is a gift card that can be used to shop online at thousands of retailers including Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Barnes and Noble, and many more. You can also use the PayPal gift card to send money to your loved ones. You can also use the PayPal gift card to make purchases from your bank account or credit card. The gift card comes in a paper card that has a unique code (16-digit number) which you can use to redeem and add to your PayPal account. Once it is added to your PayPal account, you can use it to shop online or send money to your loved ones. You can use it to make online purchases or send money to your loved ones without paying any transaction fee. The gift card is not redeemable for cash and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. All gift cards have an expiration date, which is usually 12 months after the date of purchase. Once the gift card is expired, you can no longer use it to shop online or send money to your loved ones.
How to Sign up for a PayPal Account
Before you can start earning points and rewards to get free PayPal gift cards, you will first need to sign up for a free PayPal account. To get free PayPal gift cards, you will need to have a verified account. You can do this by visiting PayPal’s website and clicking on the “Sign up” button. You can sign up for a free account by providing your name, email address, and password. You will then be redirected to a page where you need to fill out your contact and account information. When you are done, you will be redirected to a page where you can add your payment method. You have the option to add a credit or debit card, PayPal account, or bank account. Once added, your account will be verified. You can then start earning points and redeeming them for PayPal gift cards.
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Earn Points and Rewards with PayPal
You can earn points and rewards while shopping online, completing surveys, and taking online surveys. You can also refer other people to sign up for a PayPal account, and you will earn points and rewards. To start earning points, you will have to log inintofor to your account and click on the “Rewards” tab. You can then start earning rewards by clicking on the “Click to Activate” button next to each offer. Once you click on the “Click to Activate” button, a new tab will open with the offer details. You need to read the offer details and click on the “I agree” button to start earning points and rewards. You can also visit the “Explore” tab and select the “Offers” tab to find new and interesting offers. You can also look for PayPal gift card offers to earn points and rewards.
Redeem Points and Rewards for Free PayPal Gift Cards
Once you have earned points and rewards, you can now redeem them for a free PayPal gift card. To do this, you will have to log in to your account and click on the “Rewards” tab. You will then have to click on the “Redeem Now” button and choose the gift card that you want to use your rewards points to purchase. You will have to enter the gift card details and pay the remaining balance using your PayPal account. Once you have redeemed your rewards points and added the gift card to your PayPal account, you can start shopping online or send money to your loved ones without paying any transaction fee. You can also redeem your rewards points to buy items from the PayPal shop.
Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Earnings
There are a few tips and tricks that you can use to maximize your earnings and get free PayPal gift cards faster. First, you should always log in to your account and click on the “Rewards” tab to see what rewards you can redeem using your points. You should also check out the “Explore” tab and select the “Offers” tab to find new and interesting offers to start earning points and rewards. You can also add your friends and family to your account to earn points and rewards. These are just a few tips and tricks that you can use to maximize your earnings and get free PayPal gift cards faster. There are many other ways that you can get free PayPal gift cards. You can find a comprehensive guide on how to get free PayPal gift cards in this article.
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How to Redeem Your Free PayPal Gift Card
Once you have earned points and rewards, you can now redeem them for a free PayPal gift card. You can redeem your free PayPal gift card from the “Rewards” tab. You will have to click on the “Redeem Now” button and choose the gift card that you want to use your rewards points to purchase. You will have to enter the gift card details and pay the remaining balance using your PayPal account. Once you have redeemed your rewards points and added the gift card to your PayPal account, you can start shopping online or send money to your loved ones without paying any transaction fee. You can also redeem your rewards points to buy items from the PayPal shop.
Using Your PayPal Gift Cards
You can use your free PayPal gift card to shop online from your favorite retailers including Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Barnes and Noble, and many more. You can also use the gift card to send money to your loved ones. You can also use the gift card to make purchases from your bank account or credit card. The gift card comes in a paper card that has a unique code (16-digit number) which you can use to redeem the gift card and add it to your PayPal account. Once it is added to your PayPal account, you can start shopping online or send money to your loved ones without paying any transaction fee. You can also use the gift card to make purchases from your bank account or credit card. The gift card is not redeemable for cash and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. All gift cards have an expiration date, which is usually 12 months after the date of purchase. Once the gift card is expired, you can no longer use it to shop online or send money to your loved ones.
FAQs About Getting Free PayPal Gift Cards
There are numerous FAQs that people have while getting free PayPal gift cards. Many people don’t know how to get free PayPal gift cards or how to use them. Read on to learn more about how to get free PayPal gift cards and how to use them once you have them. What is PayPal? - PayPal is a digital wallet that you can use to pay for your purchases, send money to your loved ones, and shop online from thousands of retailers. You can use the money in your PayPal wallet to make purchases from your credit card or bank account. Can I get free PayPal gift cards? - Yes, you can get free PayPal gift cards by following a comprehensive guide on how to get free PayPal gift cards. You can get free PayPal gift cards by signing up for a free account, earning points and rewards, and redeeming them for gift cards. You can also earn extra by referring other people to sign up for a PayPal account. Can I use PayPal gift cards to shop online? - Yes, you can use PayPal gift cards to shop online. You can use your gift card to make purchases from your credit card or bank account without paying any transaction fee. You can also use your gift card to shop online from your favorite retailers including Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Barnes and Noble, and many more.
Getting free PayPal gift cards is easier than you think. All you have to do is follow a comprehensive guide on how to get free PayPal gift cards to get your gift cards in no time. You can get free PayPal gift cards by signing up for a free account, earning points and rewards, and
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