#amber midas
lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
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Amber Midas 💛
Parent’s Story: King Midas
Powerful Qualities: Creative, Spiritual, Integrity
Roommate: Fabricia Von Cloth
Secret Heart’s Desire: I love to create jewelry, so it would a dream come true to have my own jewelry store.
My “Magic” Touch: I can tell the quality of gold just by touching it. Having been turned to gold in the past does have its upsides.
Storybook Romance Status: You know the saying ‘heart of gold’ right? I would love for my future prince to have that quality.
“Oh Curses!” Moment: The downside of being turned to solid gold is that I’m afraid of the dark. I have to have a fairy night light on at all times.
Favorite Subject: Princess Design and Fashion Design. I love to design my own jewelry.
Least Favorite Subject: Track and Shield. I’m not very athletic, so it’s not my favorite.
Best Friends Forever After: Peter Haarlem, Petra Pan, and my roommate Fabricia Von Cloth.
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soft-support · 3 months
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don't speak to me or my son or my son or my son ever again
295 notes · View notes
bbsmuts · 3 months
Midas's Gift ft. Kiss of Life Natty
A/N: This was a request from @dav1233555. No kinky shit here, just a nice, wholesome smut, if such a thing exists. Just as a note, our main character is supposed to be a high-up executive in a successful engineering/engineering company. I don't know how that works, I'm a lawyer. At the request of the pitcher, we'll call him Y/N when we need to, which isn't something I usually do but not a problem. Enjoy!
Length: 5.47k
No TWs today you kinky little bastards 😁
Ok, I lied, maybe some light choking/spanking.
Tags: Wholesome-ish, light choking, light spanking, throatfuck
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It was a warm, bright kind of morning; the sunlight shone through the gold-colored curtains in Natty's room, making them look a pleasant, shimmery amber, with a beam of it falling over my back. Faint sounds of other apartment residents could be heard from every side I groaned languidly and rolled over onto my back, the warmth streaming through the window felt nice.
To my right, Natty gave a sleepy moan and turned on her side to face me, her arm sliding across my chest. She pulled herself closer to me, and her other hand took hold of my arm, slowly caressing my bicep.
"Good morning oppa," she murmured drowsily in an adorably high-pitched morning voice, hugging me from the side. I opened one eye and smiled at her cute face gazing back at me.
"Sleep well, babe?" I asked, shutting my eye again.
"The best." She yawned. "I was so tired after last night..."
"Yeah, me too." I put my arm around her slim form and pulled her closer. "What time is it?"
I heard the sound of the sheets rustling and then her voice.
"9 am, just about."
I yawned and kept my eyes shut. "Shit, I have to go soon."
She snuggled in close to me, resting her head on my pec. "But not yet." She was quiet for a moment. "Your morning voice is so sexy oppa..."
I chuckled, slowly stroking her hair. "So's yours."
She gave soft purrs at my stroking. "Really?"
I turned onto my side to face her, smiling. "Really."
She giggled and buried her face in my chest. "Oppa I love you."
"Love you too, baby." I planted a kiss on her head, and I could feel her smile against me. My hand dipped lower, slithering down her back and caressing her supple ass cheeks, massaging a quiet moan from her.
"Mmm, you like that baby?"
"Ohh yes...yes I do..."
I pulled her on top of me and she opened her legs, her pussy pressing on me, releasing a rush of blood to my cock and stirring it from its rest. I pulled her head down and kissed her lovingly, and then she pushed herself up and started slowly grinding her hips on me, letting out soft whimpers.
Natty's breath was shaky and her voice needy as she bent down, moaning in my ear.
"O-oppa...I need you..."
"Fuck, baby, I need you too."
I grabbed her hips, guiding my tip to her entrance, and pushed into her slowly. She and I moaned in unison, the sound's volume increasing the deeper I went. I bottomed out after come considerable resistance, and she pushed herself up on my pecs, starting to ride me. Her arms trembled slightly as she moaned, gyrating and bouncing her hips on me and driving me in and out of her. I times thrusts with her bouncing, ramming my cock deeper inside her.
"F-fuck, you're so big oppa! Ohh my god yes, harder!"
My eyebrows contracted as her pussy tightened around me, her walls squeezing and pleasuring me. "Ugh, you're tight babe, so fucking tight, god!" I groaned through gritted teeth. I pulled her close to me and rolled over, lifting her legs into the air and fucking her pussy vigorously, making her moan louder.
"Oh, oh fuck yes, harder, please!" She yelled. "Fucking pound me, that's it, YES!"
I reached around her thighs and squeezed her tits roughly, drawing more cries from her. She moaned out mindless nonsense, incomprehensibly begging for more.
"Fuck, it's so good oppa! So fucking big in me, I'm gonna cum!"
I knew that, and I also knew my own peak was approaching. I gritted my teeth and rammed into her harder, fucking her raw and driving her to her orgasm like a chauffeur in a limo. I hooked her knees over my shoulders and leaned down, keeping up my hard and fast thrusts while whispering in her ear.
"Are you gonna cum for me baby?"
"Yes oppa, I'm so close, don't stop!" She cried into my ear.
I felt her pussy clenching and contracting wildly around me and her shrieks of pleasure increased in volume.
"I'm cumming! Keep fucking me!"
I closed my eyes and kept postponing my hips forward, allowing her cries to envelop my half-vacant brain. I heard her scream and felt a gush of warm juices spray over my abs. Feeling my own pleasure rising to an apex, I buried myself to the hilt inside her and struck gold, also known as her cervix. She gasped at the sudden contact and the deluge of hot seed that was shot deep down her tunnel, triggering her second orgasm. She let out a small "Oh, fuck", not having the breath in her lungs for a loud sound. Then she sucked in a breath and moaned, her voice breaking a bit.
I rolled off her, panting a lot, feeling the blood start to empty from my softening cock. Natty took a minute to recover before speaking.
"That was - fuck, that was amazing."
I turned her head towards mine and kissed her. Then I caught sight of the clock and groaned. "It's 9:15, I really have to get ready and go."
"Aww, okay."
I reluctantly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and styled my hair. I got dressed, putting on the suit I had taken off last night after going straight to Natty's place from work. Black blazer and pants, white button-down, blue tie, the obligatory watch, my black shoes, and my favorite lapel pin. Perfection.
I gave Natty one more kiss goodbye, putting all my willpower into resisting the urge her naked body forced on me, then took the elevator down to the ground floor. I got in my car and then drove away, heading towards the office.
After parking my car in the huge building's parking lot, I made my way inside with my briefcase in hand, the usual morning greetings meeting me from all sides.
"Good morning, Mr. L/N."
"Morning, Y/N."
"Looking sharp, Y/N."
Nodding respectfully at all of them, I immediately made a beeline for the coffee bar. "Morning, Min." I said to Minjoon, a coworker and friend of mine, who nodded. I set down my briefcase at the nearest table and filled a cup to the brim, lidded it, and left, heading for the elevator. A short trip later, I arrived on the 15th floor and marched up to the desk of my secretary, who chuckled as I approached, sat down in front of her desk, and set down my briefcase momentarily.
"Busy day for you, I'm afraid, Mr. L/N. Twenty-two calls, what I count to be a few million emails, a stack of paperwork a foot tall, and a very upset client."
I sighed and facepalmed, wishing heartily I could be back with Natty right now. "Jesus Christ, and here I was hoping for an easy day."
She laughed. "Easy day? Good one. The upset client happens to be Mr. Han Jong-min, the manager of a construction site we approved and sponsored, who has found a major issue with the location that was sanctioned for their foundation."
I sat back in the chair and let my head fall back. "Him again? My god, has there been one site we've approved for him that he hasn't deep searched, found a minor problem in, and tried to sue us all for it?"
"I don't believe so, Mr. L/N." Her amused voice said.
I sat back up, exasperated. "What's this major problem he found?"
"I'm not entirely sure of that. You'll have to talk to him."
I sighed again, stood up, and seized my briefcase. "Alright, let me go and placate this penny-pinching bastard. Thanks, Sunhee."
"You're welcome, sir. Have fun."
I snorted as I closed my office door, dropping into my chair with a groan. I could tell today would be quite the stressful day, seeing as I was dealing with that son of a bitch Han Jong-min, who tried to find as many issues as possible with the construction sites I and my associates approved. Almost every single time, they were minor issues that wouldn't affect the buildings being constructed. And every single time, they weren't my fault, they were the inspectors' faults, but it somehow always became my problem.
There was indeed a large stack of paperwork on my desk. A lot of files. I opened and logged into my computer to see an astronomical 267 emails, killing another small part of my brain.
"Jesus fucking Christ, why couldn't today be a chill day..." I opened my Gmail and looked through said emails. Excluding social emails, promotions, and spam, I had 3 legitimate emails to read. One was from a coworker, reminding me about a conference today. Another was from my boss, saying he wanted to talk to me later today, and the other was from Han Jong-min, and just from reading the first few words in the preview I could tell I was in for a hell of a time with him.
After sorting out the other two emails, meeting with my boss, participating in the press conference, it was time to sort out the construction site. Unless he had a legitimate issue this time, I was finished fucking around with him.
With a sigh, I picked up my phone and dialed his number. I tapped my fingers on my desk while the line rung, and then he picked up.
"Han Jong-min speaking."
"It's Y/N L/N." I said, trying to remove all the annoyance from my voice. (I think that's how you'd put a full name, I don't know). "I was informed that you wished to speak about a problem on your site?"
"Ah yes, Mr. L/N. My crew have indeed run into a problem while preparing to lay the foundation of the building."
"And what would that be, Mr. Han?"
"There's a large, eroded underground cavity in the southeast corner of the lot, which has now collapsed into a sinkhole, taking one of my men with it!"
I raised my eyebrows. "He's dead?"
"No, he's been hospitalized with a broken arm and a broken hip."
"Well, I'm terribly sorry to hear that." I paused. "Unfortunately, there's very little I can do to help you right now."
"What the hell do you mean, very little? We can't build here!"
"I'm aware of that, Mr. Han. But I'm not in charge of sanctioning new build sites, nor am I allowed to. I suggest you speak with one of my superiors."
He sighed. "Alright. I'm sorry for troubling you again, Y/N."
Mood lightened and exasperation softened, I spoke back. "That's quite alright, not to worry. Good luck, Mr. Han."
"The same to you, Mr. L/N."
I hung up, surprised that we had ended on a good note. I was expecting an argument at the very least. Shrugging, I returned to the stack of paperwork, mentally steeling myself for another few hours of innately mind-murdering busywork.
There was a knock at my door about two hours in, and I heard my secretary's voice.
"Mr. L/N?"
"Come in." My voice was a bit hoarse.
She entered the room and walked to my desk, holding a small stack of paper.
"More paperwork, I'm afraid. But not much."
She handed me the papers, which I added to the stack.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Well, it's getting quite late, Mr. L/N. Would it be possible for me to leave?"
I looked at my watch, and was surprised to see how late it was.
"Damn, is it that time already?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Must have lost track of time. Yes, you can go, I'll be fine here by myself."
She smiled, bowing respectfully and seeing herself out. "Thank you, sir. Have a good night."
"You too, Sunhee."
I smiled myself, her happiness contagious as always. She had been my secretary for a good 8 years, and had not once failed to be of the utmost help when I needed it. So I never missed an opportunity to let her go early, as was the case today.
I finished up the paperwork as quickly as I could, and then had an idea. I picked up my phone once more and dialed Natty's number.
She picked up almost immediately.
The sound of her voice after such a long day was like music to my ears.
"Hey, baby." I paused, smiling. "What do you think about dinner together tonight?"
I had planned to head straight home to change and get ready, but on my way home I spotted a familiar sign that read "예작쥬얼리" (Yei-Jak Jewelry), and another idea formed in my head.
I parked my car on the side of the street by the shop and stepped out, taking off my sunglasses and walking into the shop. The store's owner, who I knew quite well, was happy to see me back.
"Ah, Mr. L/N. Long time no see."
I chuckled. "Been about three months, hasn't it, Seo-jun?"
"Indeed, about that. What shall it be today, my friend?"
"Hmm..." I looked around at the various options on shelves, in display containers, and inside the glass cabinet in front of me, and decided I'd let him pick. "I'm thinking something gold. Elegant. Robust, but subtle. Maybe inlaid with a stone...something fit for a woman of unrivaled grace and elegance."
"I see." He smiled. "Well, I happen to have a perfect little piece for such a woman...we just got it handmade..." He walked into the back of the shop and brought out a small box, which he opened and took a case out of. It was a velvety, dark blue case with "��작쥬얼리" stamped in gold letters. Upon my opening the box, a light turned on and shone upon an artistic and sophisticated golden necklace, inlaid with a tanzanite pendant, which was surrounded by tiny diamonds.
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"Solid 24 carat gold chain with a titanium lobster clasp, one 120 carat kite cut tanzanite stone, and fifteen .25 carat round cut diamonds. All pure and natural materials, hand-crafted in and shipped directly from Florence, Italy."
I nodded approvingly. "Sounds very good. How much?"
"That will be...$1500." He leaned forward. "Don't tell anyone, but it would normally be $1800."
I pulled my wallet out of my jacket pocket, smiling, and took out my card. After he entered the amount, I swiped it and put it back in my wallet. He handed me the box, shutting it, and I stowed my wallet back in the pocket.
"Thanks very much, Seo-jun."
"Anytime, Mr. L/N." He smiled as I saw myself out.
I hopped back in my car and hurried home with the necklace, already beginning to imagine Natty's face when she got it. Just the thought made me happy, and my mind was consumed with thoughts of her as I changed into my best suit.
I fixed my hair, which the wind from my convertible's open roof had messed up, and secured it with gel, touched up the polish on my shoes, straightened my tie, spritzed my favorite cologne on my purse points, and tucked in my pocket square.
Let's do this.
I picked Natty up from her apartment at about 6:20 pm, her looking as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a tight black dress that showed just the slightest hint of cleavage and most of her thighs; just enough to leave me wanting more.
I stepped out and took her in my arms, kissing her neck passionately. "Hey, babe." I murmured into her ear, and she buried her face in my jacket, giggling.
"Ooh, you smell good oppa."
I chuckled. "It's Bleu de Chanel. You like it?" (I know I do)
She took a deep inhale before pulling back slightly, smiling up at me. "Yeah, I love that one."
I smiled back, giving her another peck on the lips. "Great, let's go."
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I pulled up to the restaurant in my car with the roof down and sunglasses on, despite the fact that it was 6:30 pm and the sun was entirely set.
I stepped out, walked around and helped Natty out, straightened my blazer, and placed my key into the outstretched hand of the valet. He looked fairly excited to drive it, and I smirked at his expression. He stepped into the car and the engine roared at his touch on the pedals.
"Classy ride, sir."
I nodded and chuckled. "Indeed it is. Be careful, it wasn't cheap."
He nodded. "Of course, sir." Then he pulled away, the car's rear headlights blazing. I waited by the
Arm in arm, we walked into the bustling restaurant, the brightly lit sign on the exterior wall shining in my eyes: 중식당
"Reservation for L/N?" I said to the host, who nodded. "Right this way, sir."
We followed him to a small, two-seater table with a white, gold-laced tablecloth and a candle burning low in a fancy golden candlestick. The host nodded at our thanks and then returned to his post. We sat down, and were immediately approached by a waiter.
"Anything to drink, sir? Miss?"
I considered for a moment. "What do you have as far as wine?"
The waiter smiled. "Allow me to get you a menu."
He returned moments later with two meal menus and a small drink menu. Upon opening it, I immediately found my choice: Argiano Brunello di Montalcino, choice from Tuscany.
"The Argiano, please. Yes, the bottle."
"Yes, sir." He bustled off to get the bottle and we were left to each other again.
"So," I said, loosening my tie a bit in the warmth of the building and looking into her eyes, "got any plans for later?"
"Oh, I think I do." She said playfully. "Or should I say...we do."
I smirked. "Funny, I was thinking the same thing."
The waiter came back with the bottle and filled our glasses, leaving it in a bucket of ice.
"A toast?" She suggested, holding up her glass."
"Alright." I sloshed the wine in my glass around and raised it. "Here's to...a long night of pounding you senseless."
She giggled, blushing, and clinked her glass against mine. "Cheers to that, oppa."
We both took a small sip of the fine wine, the fresh initial notes and tart aftertaste making the drink quite the magnificent choice.
"Mm," she said, after setting her glass down. "Good choice, oppa."
"Indeed." I took another small nip of the wine before setting my own glass down and picking up the menu. "Jungsik's choices of entrees are quite nice as well."
The waiter approached once more, this time with a notepad. "Perhaps an appetizer, sir? Miss?"
I reviewed their options, and almost immediately found the choice option.
"The sea urchin bibimbap, please." (Yes, I did look up the menu. You're welcome.)
"Excellent choice, sir. Miss?"
"Kimbap, please."
The waiter nodded. "Yes, miss."
He left with our orders. Surprisingly quickly, in a matter of minutes, he returned with our dishes on a platter, and handed each of them to us respectively. He bowed and left again.
As always, the food was impeccable, and we hadn't even gotten the entrees yet. I was barely paying attention to the food, since my hands were really starting to itch towards the case in my pocket. But I held off on it, knowing I should save it for later.
After a short time, the waiter came back and collected out bowls, ready to take the next order.
I ordered the langoustine (for reference, this is a dish made with Norwegian lobster), and Natty got the duck (self-explanatory). Then we were left alone to our conversation.
The taste of langoustine is incomparable; a juicy, slightly sweet, and a bit creamy fish, it's not quite like anything else, including its Pacific lobster counterparts. The exquisite substance's flavor and juices spread over my tongue, satisfying every receptor cell, quite like Natty's.
Wait, what?
Before I could stop the dirty analogy from blossoming into a fully fledged fantasy, quite the erotic image floated to the surface of my mind. My mind's eye traveled down Natty's naked body, spread eagled on my bed, wet and needy. I dispelled it's fast as I could before I got hard right there in my seat, but I knew that image would become reality soon enough.
"I know what you're thinking about, oppa." Natty said in a playful tone, though it was laced with a faint trace of seduction. "I know that look."
"Oh, do you?" I leaned forward, swallowing my last bite of lobster. I raised my eyebrows and smirked, knowing she was right. "Then tell me."
The flame light from the candle shone and danced on her face and in her eyes, giving them a dark glow as she looked at me. "You're thinking about me." She said in a quiet voice. "Horny, wet, and wanting you really bad. Well guess what, oppa." she continued, inclining her head towards me. "That's me right now."
"Oh really?" My smirk widened. "Better finish up quick then. You get dessert when we get home."
"Looking forward to that, daddy."
We weren't generally a kinky couple, but her words did in fact make my cock twitch a bit. She took care to chew her last bite very slowly; seemingly savoring the taste with relish and puckering her lips a bit with each movement of her jaw. She swallowed very controlledly, giving a small sigh as though of enjoyment, and looked me right in the eye, as though daring me to do something about it, an initiative I was wholeheartedly willing to endorse but unfortunately couldn't, at least not right now.
The waiter came around, seeing that we had finished, and I asked for the bill, which I already knew would be pricey but entirely worth it. I paid the extortionate bill and then we stood to leave. At the door, I decided it was time.
I took the small box out of my pocket while walking behind her. "Natty?"
She turned and looked at me, inclining her head. "Yes?"
"I have something for you."
I opened the box behind my back and then brought it around. She gasped at the sight of it, her hands flying to her mouth. I held it out and open as if I were proposing, and she took it into one hand silently, eyes locked on the pendant and one hand still over her mouth.
"Oppa..." She looked back up at me, eyes wide. "For me?"
I smiled. "Yes, for you."
She was quiet for a short moment and then she sprang towards me and threw her arms around me, beaming and giggling. "Thank you so much oppa! It's beautiful!"
I couldn't help but smile myself at her elation, a sense of happiness filling me as well. She pulled back slightly, absolutely glowing with joy, and then she sprung up on her toes and kissed me, still smiling against my lips. She broke it off and hugged me again, resting her head on my shoulder.
"You're welcome, baby." I said into her ear. "I love you."
"I love you too." Her voice sounded in my ear.
Her eyes were radiant with happiness as she took a step back.
"S-should I put it on?"
"Yes, of course. I didn't get it for nothing, did I?"
She took the necklace out of its case and clasped it around her neck, and the pendant fell and dangled just below her collarbone, making a very nice addition to the black dress.
"How does it look?" She asked, striking a pose.
"Beautiful. You look beautiful."
She beamed once more and hugged me again.
"Let's get on the way, shall we?"
We walked to the car arm-in-arm, and then we started the drive home.
"Oppa," Natty said a minute into the drive, after reverently putting the necklace back in its case. "How much did you pay for this necklace?"
"Uhhhm...let's not get into that." I replied, and we both laughed.
I parked my car in my garage and led her inside, and as soon as the door was shut behind me I pushed her against it, and she moaned as I kissed her, hands snaking around her waist and caressing her ass. She slipped her arms around my shoulders and deepened the kiss. I steered the two of us towards the bedroom, shedding my blazer and laying it over the couch as we made our way to the door. Once inside, I loosened my tie while she let her dress slip down over her slender form, revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra or panties. I unbuttoned my shirt and stripped it off, and she bit her lip at the sight. She approached and slowly ran her hands over my bare chest, and I made her gasp as I reached down and rubbed her exposed pussy lightly. Her eyebrows arched and her breathing became heavier, a small moan escaping her at my touch. I unbuttoned my pants and rid myself of them and my boxers, and she knelt without hesitation, putting her hair back out of her face.
"Fuck," I groaned, her warm lips sliding smoothly over my tip. Within seconds, she had reached the base, gagging obscenely and sending ripples of pleasure through me. "God, Natty..."
She popped off me and replaced her mouth with her hand. "Mm, you like that oppa?"
She didn't give me time to answer before diving back in. I grabbed her head and pumped my hips forward, thrusting deeper into her throat. She kept a steady and unwavering gaze on me even as she throated me. She have herself no pauses, no breaks, and no mercy, impaling her throat on my cock. I moaned and pulled her deeper, and her eyes rolled back as she choked.
I pulled out of her throat, not wanting to cum too soon, and lifted her onto her feet. She panted for a moment and then laid across the bed, legs spread enticingly. I jumped on that opportunity, and knelt at the edge of the bed. A yelp escaped her lips as I buried my face between her thighs, tonguing her folds with expert finesse. She clutched my head and tugged at my hair gently, moaning and giving small shivers of pleasure as I licked her. I swiped and pressed on her clit with my tongue and circled her entrance with well-practiced ease.
"Oh, oh fuck oppa, it feels so good!" She cried. "Yes, yes, oh god yes, keep going!"
I pushed two fingers into her pussy and pistons my arm back and forth at a very fast pace, grazing her g-spot and making her moan louder, body trembling slightly as she neared her peak. The combination of sensations was quickly driving her to an orgasm.
"I'm gonna c-cum oppa it's too good!" Her whines of pleasure filled my ears, fueling me to go harder, faster. I pumped my fingers into her powerfully, her hands grasping my head crazily and pulling me further in. "G-gonna cum..."
I curled my fingers up into her g-spot and rubbed roughly, which finally did the trick to make her cum. She bucked her hips into my face as she squirted onto me, a gush of liquid spraying over my face and upper chest while she shrieked in pleasure, her hands clutching at the bedsheets.
She fell limp onto the bed again, breathing quickly and shakily as if she'd just run a marathon. I got up, letting her recover for a moment, and then climbed onto the bed.
"Get up."
She obeyed without hesitation, maneuvering onto her hands and knees in front of me, presenting her pussy to be fucked. I moved forward and slid into her tight, wet pussy with a loud groan.
"Mmmph!" She squealed, letting her head fall down so her ass was in the air. A sweet symphony of pleasure began to rise from her as I started slowly, moving my hips back and forth.
"Mmmh yes, that's - fuck..."
Her body pushed back against me, wanting more, and I grabbed her waist and pushed harder, drilling past the resistance and probing deep spots in her.
"Ah...oh god, oh fuck!"
I snapped my hips forward, drawing a cry from her, and picking up my pace, fucking her faster. My first touch on her hypersensitive clit made her gasp, her legs quivering, and then I resumed my earlier fingering of it, all while pounding her intensely.
"Fuck yes, don't stop! It feels so good oppa!"
I slipped my loose tie off my neck and put it around hers, and she gasped sharply as I tightened it and pulled her head back, bringing her torso up as well.
"Mmh yes choke me, pound me harder!"
Her pussy clenched around me and drew a moan from my own mouth, a throaty sound that only served to voice a fraction of the incredibly pleasurable pressure that was being exerted on every millimeter of my shaft.
"You're so big inside me oppa! So good, fuck! You fill me up so good..."
"Fuck!" I pumped harder, giving the tie a small yank, which made her gasp. I slapped her ass hard, making her yelp, and reached around to finger her clit. The blend of sensations and pleasures was rapidly pushing her closer to her climax. Her legs trembled and quivered with each forceful thrust, and her moans started to get louder. I smacked her ass again, and she pushed her hips back against me, meeting my at the apex of my thrusts. Pushing her shoulders down and making her ass stick up, I raised the angle of my movements to go deeper inside her, bottoming out with each stroke.
"Oh god it's so deep, you're so fucking d-deep in me! I'm gonna cum!"
I grunted with the effort of keeping up the strenuous pace, the pleasure starting to overtake me as well. It built, slowly at first but then at an exponential pace.
"God, you're so tight, fuck!"
"F-fuck, I'm cumming..." Natty moaned, voice trailing off in the orgasmic pleasure of her peak. A moment later, her voice erupted in a fresh wail as she reached it. Her juices splattered over my balls and thighs, the sensation proving to be too much for me too.
I buried myself as far as I could go inside her and exploded, groaning loudly as my cum spewed deep into her womb. She moaned again at the sensation and then collapsed, body shaking. I settled next to her, thinking we'd get a quick rest before cleaning up.
A while later, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I went to my bathtub and filled it full of hot water and soap bubbles, then went back to the bed and picked Natty up. She was half asleep, but came to full consciousness once I lifted her. I lowered her into the water slowly, and she whimpered quietly at the feeling of the hot water on her hypersensitive pussy. She relaxed and sighed softly once she was submerged, and then I climbed into the tub with her. I moved her in font of me so her back was against my chest, and she rested her head against it languidly, resting in the warmth.
"Thank you oppa."
I reached my arms around her and pulled her closer, kissing her neck lovingly. She moaned softly, hands caressing my thighs.
"You're so beautiful, baby."
She giggled. "So are you."
I chuckled. "I'm beautiful?"
"No." She tilted her head back and planted a kiss on my jaw. "Sexy."
I smirked. "That's more like it."
We sat there soaking in the water for a while more, enjoying being with each other, until I got out, churning the water around loudly, and drained it. It was pretty hard resisting the temptation of fucking her soapy naked body again, but I knew she was tired out for now and wanted to rest. I hoisted her out of the tub and dried us both off, then sat down on the bed with her. She covered the two of us with a blanket and snuggled close to me, looking adorable with her hair all wet.
"Oppa we should watch a movie."
I nodded. "Good idea."
I grabbed the remote from the bedside table and turned on my TV.
"What do you wanna watch babe?"
"I dunno, something...action."
I smiled. "Oh, I have an idea."
Heading over to Netflix, I put on Extraction (this movie is SO GOOD), and settled in for a solid 2 hours of nonstop gunshots , punches, and stabs.
It was going to be a good night.
A/N: Might not be perfect, but as always I'm busy, so I have to do things as quick as I can. I hope you enjoyed!
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jakeperalta · 1 year
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jules-writes-stories · 2 months
Elucien Week | Day 4 | High (Fae) Society | Full Chapter on AO3
A Heart of Gold
A Retelling of King Midas, Lucien x Elain
...But he was a High Fae male, and he wanted her. And she wanted him back. Perhaps, if he played with her…
“Do you enjoy games?” Lucien turned to face the beautiful woman in the moonlight. Her eyebrows shot up. Shadows of suspicion crossed her soft features. For every human was taught from the cradle to beware the trickster Fae and their bargains, gifts, and games.
But at this very moment, in the amber light of the full moon, the lull of the waves beating against the surf, beside this beautiful male with golden brown skin and hair like a flame, Elain felt brave. She wanted to do something reckless. She was tired of being the one to stay behind. The soft, quiet, middle sister, a flower garden tucked away between silver flames, steel, and stardust. For just one night, Elain wanted to fly, and burn, and bleed.
“Yes. I will play.” She looked boldly at the male.
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Lucien nodded. “It’s a Fae game, called Two Truths, and a Trick. Usually, there are enchantments involved. I might glamour myself, and you would have to decide what upon my person was magicked and what was real.” He noted her wary look. “But we will keep it simple. I will offer you two truths and one falsehood. You must guess which is the lie.”
Elain’s toes curled in anticipation. She was adept at reading others. Even as a child, her father often let her sit in on his meetings, asking for her first impressions. She was quiet and unassuming. And men especially, underestimated her, because of her beauty and soft nature. But she listened well, and watched carefully, and was very keen and clever.
“Very well. What do I get,” she asked, “should I answer correctly?” She smiled cheekily at Lucien.
And for the first time, the High Fae seemed at a loss. But he recovered quickly. “You can ask me anything, and I have to answer with another truth.” Elain nodded, content.
Lucien faced her. “Alright. I will start. I was raised by a malicious Fire Lord, who learned I was not his own son, but in fact, Helion’s bastard, four hundred year after my birth.” Elain’s eyes grew wide as saucers. Lucien chuckled. But the human studied his lips. His pupils. Whether his nostrils flared.
Lucien’s smile turned devilish. “I glow, when I come.” Elain gasped and face turning red, slapped her hand to her mouth.
“You…” she swallowed, then swatted at his arm. “Incorrigible.” He laughed.
“And, last, I have no desire to ever kiss a human. I find them truly unappealing.” Lucien offer her a slow smile, watching Elain, inhaling her jasmine and honeyed scent. She cleared her throat.
“You do make it difficult.” She sighed. “But I will say that it is true that you were raised by a Fire Lord, and I am assuming your Lady mother must have once been wed to this Lord…” Lucien was impressed.
“I will say it is also true that you…glow… upon…” her face now flushed again, “release.” Lucien huffed a laugh. She mumbled rake, beneath her breath. “So, the lie must be that you have no desire to kiss a human,” she finished. Her voice had lowered to a husky whisper.
Lucien leaned in, his breath warm, his skin smelling of spice and citrus and sunlight. The Fae male lifted a single finger to stroke along the curved shell of Elain’s ear. “You are right. I find these… so pretty.”
She shivered. “Now I get to ask a question and you must answer, truthfully.” Elain felt breathless. There was a warmth, a melting at the apex of her thighs, beneath her navel, as Lucien’s finger moved lower, stroking along the delicate bones of her collarbone, skimming the edges of her gown, so close to where her breasts peaked. How would it feel, for his warm mouth to taste her there? His hands to pull her breasts from her bodice and stroke her, to take her in his mouth. Elain squeezed her thighs together. She wanted that.
And before she could even think, she blurted out, “Do you want me?”
Read the full Chapter on Ao3
@the-darkestminds @prythian-fashion @shadowqueenjude @elucienweekofficial @zenkindoflove
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taylor-swift-bracket · 2 months
Battle Of The Bridges: Round 4!
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champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's f*cked in the head," they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
🌁Please reblog!🌁
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iicheeze · 2 years
Notice me, Senpai! Prologue
Yandere Genshin Impact X Gender Neutral Reader YANDERE SIMULATOR AU
summary: It was your second year at Teyvat High. Expecting another normal year in your high school life. But why is there so many people suddenly courting you?!?! And why is there suddenly so many missing students?!?!
update: Now it has storyline previews for each nations (ones that are currently available at the game, of course.)
a/n: This is an explanation and cast of my Yandere Simulator AU story.
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Senpai as You.
[Name]'s Best Friend as Qingfu.
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Mondstadt Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Aether and Lumine.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Eula Lawrence.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Noelle.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Fischl / Amy.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Albedo Kreideprinz.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Venti.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Lisa Minci.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Kaeya Alberich.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Diluc Ragnvindr.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Amber (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Jean Gunnhildr.
Storyline Preview;
Aether and Lumine was always the same. They're twins after all. Ever since they were born, all they do is help people. No matter what. No matter what they feel. No matter how difficult it may be. It's gotten to an extent where they couldn't feel anything anymore. They just feel hollow. As ever blue sky and its beautiful clouds just turned black and white.
Yet, it became colorful once more ever since they encountered their beloved senpai, [L. Name] [Name]. They can't help that they felt butterflies in their stomach and felt as if the world has gained colour once more!
Yet.. Why do they feel uneasy when they saw their beloved senpai talking to another person?
They can't let them go. Not when they make them feel this way. Not when they are the reason their world is colorful. Not when they make them feel as if they have finally gained a reason to live.
They've been helpful for so long. They're allowed to be selfish.. Right?
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Liyue Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Zhongli
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Xiao.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Mao Xiangling.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yelan.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Chongyun.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Beidou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Shenhe.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Ganyu.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Childe or Tartaglia.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Hu Tao (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Ningguang.
Storyline Preview;
Zhongli had always been the same. Considering, kind, but calm and content. Yet he couldn't shake off the feeling where he felt empty at the inside ever since his beloved, Guizhong, died due to a terminal sickness. He had long moved on from it. But his heart can't reset back to normal. He doesn't feel anything when people confess their feelings to him. Just hollow. Empty.
He can't help but long for the feeling of being in love again.
Yet, it all changed when he accidentally bumped into his senpai whilst walking around his new high school. Spilling their canned soda on him. It was supposed to be revolting. But he somehow doesn't mind. Not when his attention is fixated on their senpai.
When their hands touched, he felt something. Something growing inside him. Like a beautiful sunflower blooming once the sun rises.
He had forgotten what it feels like to be in love. If he is in love, is this what it feels like? Warm, but lovely? If it is, he'd want to feel like this forever.
Their interaction had already ended, yet his feelings kept growing.
However, a flower has to die in the end.
As he then saw his beloved senpai, talking to another man. So lovingly, so friendly. It couldn't help but make him feel rotten on the inside.
He finally gets his heart re-build once more, he can't have another broken. Not again. He will not let his senpai go. No matter what it takes. He doesn't care if he'll have blood on his hands. It's all for him and his senpai. He doesn't want to feel empty again. He will not let them go.
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Inazuma Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Kamisato Ayaka.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Kuki Shinobu.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Kaedehara Kazuha.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yoimiya.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Sangonomiya Kokomi.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Thoma.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Yae Miko.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Raiden Shogun or Ei.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Arataki Itto.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Shikanoin Heizou (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Kamisato Ayato.
Storyline Preview;
Kamisato Ayaka has always been known for their family clan and business. Due to her parents no longer here, she and her older brother had to take care of the business at a young age.
She was always known as smart, elegant, and kind. Yet she stayed alone. She wanted to have friends. But God forbid it.
But, that all changed when she entered High School. The one her older brother designed, to be perfect for her and himself.
She was just relaxing at the rooftop. Enjoying the breeze. Until she decided to practice her dance. After all, no one is there to watch, right?
That is where she was wrong.
Her body swayed along with the wind. Granting her body free moves as she continued to dance with the wind. As she finally finished, she heard clapping.
Turning to where the noise came from.. It was from.. You. Her senpai.
“ That was beautiful..! ”
It was such a simple compliment. So why did her heart start beating fast?
That interaction had ended. It was supposed to be a small one, anyways. As you were busy with other things.
But she couldn't help but think about you. Her senpai. Her mind is basically infested with it. What could she do to impress you once again? What could she do to meet you again? What could she do to finally be of someone's main attention?
She needs you. She has to have you. You were the only one who could understand her. Who could accompany her. Who could finally set your attention to her. Just her.
So just look at her again, won't you? Just her. Don't look at anyone else. You won't need anyone else with her around.
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Sumeru Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Al-Haitham.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Wanderer or Scaramouche.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Candace.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Kaveh.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Tighnari.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Nilou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Layla.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Il Dottore.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Dehya.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Nahida & Collei (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Cyno.
Storyline Preview;
Al-Haitham had always been.. Pretentious.
He was smart, he was attractive, he was looked up on to, he was anything you can ask for in a man.
So why does he feel empty?
It felt as if something is missing. It always feels like something is missing inside him.
He had spent all his time on books, knowledge, education. And nothing else. Was it company he craved? No, he isn't.
His interaction with you was simple. Yet cliche.
You were just going to grab a book in the library, that was obviously too tall for you to take. Getting onto your toes, you tried again. Only for another hand to reach for the book, touching yours.
As soon as the two of you made contact, he can't help but feel.. full.
He felt as if his stomach was filled with sweets, love and butterflies. But it was illogical! There was no way he feels this way just by touching your hand.
You let him take the book as it isn't that important to you anyways. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
It was a nice gesture of you for him. Do you really prioritize others than yourself?
He decided to brush those feelings off, calling them annoying. But his heart kept beating fast. Ignoring what his mind said.
His vision was fixated on you as you left the library, yet through the windows.. He saw you and another.. boy.
Why is he so rude to you? Why is he so mean to you? Why is he so cruel to you? And why are you just laughing it off? Why are you smiling at him so lovingly? Why are you even hanging out with him? Why? Why? Why?!
He doesn't understand. He hates feeling like this, but he can't help but want more. He's never felt anything like it. Why does he want you so bad? Why does he want to get rid of anyone that dares to stand next to you? He doesn't understand.
Yet he knows one thing. He need to get rid of those who dare to stand next to you, let alone talk to you!? He has to. He has to. Only HE is allowed to stand next to you! Only HE is allowed to talk to you! Only HE is allowed to see that beautiful smile of yours. Only HE is allowed to hear your laughs. Him, him, him! Not anyone else! He won't allow it.
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Please remember that each edition has different storylines. But same ending. So I hope you all are anticipated for chapter one!
Notice Me, Senpai Masterlist
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Weird question, but would we be able to get 1 strange and interesting fact we haven't heard before about each of your characters?
Ooo, that’s an interesting and fun one to think about~
I’ll go ahead and give one for every (main) named character so far. (Excluding future babies.)
Keep in mind I’m going off my memory with these. My memory is generally pretty reliable, but there is a chance I’ve shared any of these publicly. If that’s the case, let me know and I’ll think of something else. (Chats don't count. If one of these was heard in a chat with me, then it doesn't count as publicly mentioned.)
WARNING; Mention of death (Jerry) and suicidal implication (Akoya). (What. You never said they had to be fun facts. ...Don't worry, those are the only two that are more downcast in nature.)
Randy: He was 2 years old when he saw a Mew for the first time (he barely remembers it though), and 3 when he learned what exactly it was he saw.
Akoya: She almost let the lab fire reach her on purpose, with her survival instinct preventing it in the nick of time.
Lavender: If she were to meet a (green) shiny Mewtwo, she'd be jealous of them.
Momo: She likes the feeling of static shocks, but doesn't like the way it poofs her fur.
Midas: There is a subject in which he will be bolder than Momo.
Persim: He may have eventually taken a medicinal role in the colony if he'd stayed.
Sulfur: He's known Randy and Lavender all his life, as he hatched under Rowan's care a couple years after they arrived. His mother is the Lucario mentioned in this writing.
Tol: The disk on his head acts as both a suction cup and a strong muscle/set of muscles to cling to the underside of things.
Linda: Instead of roses, I draw the "flowers" of her hands as bushels of feathers or specialty petals.
Jerry: He doesn't seek death. He's just unusually familiar with its inevitability, and doesn't fear it.
Branch side:
Jovie: Her favorite game/prank to pull is Psychically throwing water globs at people. Especially in the summer time to help cool them down.
Nicodemus: Unlike the Movie Mewtwo, Nico never made clones of any Pokémon, and Amber doesn't exist. So there aren't any of those other 'twos for him to think about or remember.
Pari: She would normally be disguised as a different Pokemon when first meeting strangers, but we all caught her off guard. Her disguise of choice is Floette.
Cody: He is based on a Mii that showed up in my family's Wii for seemingly no reason. (We had access to the Check Mii Out Channel growing up, so I can only assume we downloaded him from there.)
BONUS FACT: In a way, I've shown another character that will appear on @trials-of-vj, but not in the form of art. :3
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
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Ahilya Aubergine 🎗️
Parent’s Story: Princess Aubergine
Powerful Qualities: Communication, Spiritual, Self-Aware
Roommate: Wang Yan Mei
Secret Heart’s Desire: I want to connect with both of my families, human and fairy.
My “Magic” Touch: Being half fairy, I can communicate with them easily. Though, some fairy languages are harder than others.
Storybook Romance Status: I’m not really focused on romance at the moment. I just want to focus on my studies for now.
“Oh Curses!” Moment: Being part fairy means I can see or hear things that most humans cannot. It looks like I’m distracted so it can get me into trouble sometimes.
Favorite Subject: Any class that has to do with magic. I love learning how to control my powers. Muse-ic too. I find it to be very powerful.
Least Favorite Subject: Experimental Fairy Math. I do not understand why do we call it that when it has nothing to do with fairies anyway?
Best Friends Forever After: Amber Midas, as well as Faybelle Thorn and Farrah Goodfairy. Us fairies have to stick together you know?
Pet: My pet Cobra, Naga, is a great listener and always looks out for me.
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hiimawarish · 1 year
help me hold onto you
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s. kaveh and his sketchbook full of you. cw. a little angst at the beginning and self-deprecation. fluff. implied lovers. maybe a lil suggestive? female/afab reader. tw. none? not proofread. wc. 0.7k a/n. i love kaveh with all my heart. this man deserves all the happiness in the world, so have a random thought i had today that ended up in kaveh finding comfort in you. credits. dividers by @/cafekitsune.
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who could ever leave me, darling? but who could stay?
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Kaveh disliked uncertainty. 
Perhaps it had to do with his distaste for unfairness or just the amount of changes he had gone through as a child—whatever the reason, uncertainty filled him with dread. There was something ominous about the concept; the fact that you could do everything right and still end up in the wrong place. He knew the feeling too well. Whether it was in the Akademiya with that one project that finally pushed him and Alhaitham apart or the Palace of Alcarzarzay that served as a sword hanging over his head, Kaveh had experimented with the twisted ways of an uncertain future too much for his liking.
It was unfair, he knew; who was he to complain about all of this misfortune? Kaveh had not forgotten, not even once, that he had brought this misery upon himself. At times, the young architect couldn’t help but feel like a tainted Midas—instead of gold, withering everything he dared touch. From his father’s death to his own debt, through every relationship he had managed to ruin… Kaveh had long since accepted that misery was the staple of his life. 
That was what uncertainty consisted of, didn’t it? It consisted of working hard and doing everything within your power to have the best outcome and, still, find the complete opposite at the end of it. Uncertainty meant too many possibilities, too little control, and that made him nervous.
At least, until you came into his life.
His thoughts came to a slow halt at that; his eyes naturally glanced down at the page full of sketches of you. In some, you were laughing with that wide smile that seemed to bright as shine as the desert’s sun. In others, you seemed lost in thought—lips pressed together, nose slightly scrunched up, and your eyes far away. There was just one sketch that seems a little different, and the smile that came onto his face at the sight he couldn’t stop; cheeks blooming with blush, eyes wide with embarrassment, and a smile full of both amusement and affection. It was his favorite.
You were his favorite.
If this had been any normal situation, perhaps Kaveh would be filled with dread and anxiety. His heart would flutter in his rib cage nervously, asphyxiating him. He would spend endless nights awake in his bed, his amber eyes glued to the ceiling as he went over every single wrong step he could take. 
Yet, there is none of that.
No anxiety. No dread. No overthinking.
If he didn’t know any better, Kaveh would have thought you had put a spell on him, enchanted his very soul into rest. You hadn’t, though. He wasn’t sure if it was how careless you seemed to be, living your life one day at a time with no further planning, or maybe just how easily your voice could ground him back to reality. Whatever it was, he found himself addicted to it—addicted to the way your smaller hands kept on drawing mindless figures on the window on his back, sending chills down his spine. To the soft whisper of your voice, the affection dripping from every syllable, every phoneme. To your silent care for him in those cups of coffee you brewed for him on the late nights he stayed at your place. 
You cared.
You stayed.
As Kaveh watched his countless sketches of you, pages and pages filled with the image that haunts him, he smiled—a genuine grin curving into his lips. You always said you didn’t like the sketches; it made you self-conscious to see yourself like that, portrayed in beautiful and messy strokes across pages with the details of your cupid’s bow and your nose, the fullness of your eyebrows, the movement of your hair… You were his muse. 
Uncertainty could still pull the strings of fate and steal you from him. Kaveh could still ruin this, ruin you, as much as he had ruined basically everything else in his life. He could still push you away, as fiercely as he had done at the beginning… But you were a force to be reckoned with. You were a raging storm. You would not leave, he knew, unless you wanted to.
Neither uncertainty nor fate could make the choice for you.
And deep within his heart, Kaveh knew you’d always choose to stay.
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more works.
©2023 hiimawarish do not translate, repost, copy, modify
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m1d-45 · 2 years
let the stars fall
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“would you look at that… there, just outside.”
it started as one star, dripping through the clouds in the blink of an eye. a parent raised their hand, loudly proclaiming their find, asking their child to make a wish.
then another, and another, and soon dozens of stars were cast upon the night sky. people across every nation leaned to windows or moved to the street, drawn to the view. starshowers in teyvat were a regular occurrence, but nothing like this.
your favored held a hand up to shield their eyes from their hair, watching the stars literally fall, streaming from the clouds. as they did, one seemed to drop right from the canopy of the sky, plummeting to earth. they watched, not expecting much, and certainly not expecting when it seemed to turn towards them, slowing as it got closer to the ground before hovering in front of them, expectant.
a meteor shower from heaven, with one landing right into their awaiting hands.
this is a celebration of 1,000 followers!
(no, i’m not late to doing this, that is a genuine screenshot of the exact moment i hit 1k wdym guys cmon)
the tag used for this event will be #[ meteor showers ], which will be on my pinned post permanently. i’ll link both this post and the event masterlist there as well!
this event is open to everybody! whether you follow me or not, anon or not, doesn’t matter. just be polite and follow the rules, and you’re all on equal standing <3
this event is closed! no more requests will be accepted from this point forward. the masterlist for this event specifically can be found here.
ORION — rules
• this event is entirely sfw. as is my entire blog.
• one character at a time
• first come first serve basis
• you may request for any character as of 3.5, however only platonic/familial requests will be accepted for: bennett, razor, nahida, fischl, yaoyao, collei, dori, xiangling, xingqiu, chongyun, diona, noelle, amber, barbara, sayu, klee, and qiqi.
• not a rule, but please note: this event is taking place in sagau. reader will be assumed to be the creator.
PERSEUS — how to
• all requests must be sent through an ask. dms, replies, comments, or reblogs are not counted as requests and will not be considered.
• within your ask, name the character you’re sending the star to, along with your message. if you wish, you may include a small item with your note. please do not make your letters too long, as this can cause the stars to become too heavy and stray off course. you may sign your letter, but this is optional.
• once your wish is sent, wait. you can send more than one star, but i ask that this is kept to a minimum in order to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the starshower.
and that’s all! if you have any questions about the event, let me know, and i’ll do my best to answer. take care, have fun, and be kind.
— midas :)
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thecharlieverse · 2 months
Untitled Fairytale Story
(this is technically the book I've worked on the longest though, admittedly, I have had a break for a couple years, ignore that it still doesn't have a title I hate titles. this one is also planned to be a series)
SYNOPSIS: Elias Charles hated his life. He had his parents, who started ignoring him ever since he came out as trans, he had school, where he was failing nearly every class but English, and he had books, which were pretty much the only good left in his life. And a book of fairytales he got from the library seemed like it was going to change his life, when he ended up waking up within the pages. Fairytales were real, and now Elias was being roped into being a main character and stopping evil.
Elias Charles, 16. He is pulled from our world into the Fairytale world through a magic book and starts on the journey to defeat the Enchantress.
Jack Spriggins, 16. Jack is the first person Elias meets in the Fairytale world and becomes his best friend, getting dragged through every adventure with him while able to share his past with a beanstalk and a giant
The Enchantress, Immortal. She is the villain of our story, with the powers of shapeshifting and a penchant for sorcery and poisons. She wants to take over the Fairytale world for her own rulel
Crimson Cassidy, 18. Otherwise known as Red Riding Hood, or even just Red, she is known in some circles to be a scam artist. She befriends Elias and helps him out with her girlfriend Amber.
Amber Verity, 19. Otherwise known as Goldilocks, Amber is known in some circles to be a thief. She claims to be descended from King Midas and helps out Elias with her girlfriend Crimson
Eliza Charming, 44. The Queen of the kingdom Elias lands near, she is the one the Enchantress wants to kill most. Married to King Chase, she has long mourned the loss of their daughter.
Chase Charming, 46. The King of the kingdom Elias lands near, he has been called one of the most benevolent kings their kingdom has ever had, partly due to his wife's kind influence. He has mourned their lost daughter.
Bellarose Thornhill, 25. The princess of a long abandoned kingdom, she has remained in her empty castle with her books to keep her company. She knows the most about the history of the land and of the Enchantress, and has only avoided her wrath by staying hidden
Cane Thornhill, 22. A frog, cursed to be so after not helping the Enchantress find his sister. He has been trying to find a way to reverse it but until then, travels the kingdom
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a-rose-for-gold · 1 year
So I had this really fun idea recently for a Lore Olympus AU.
I thought it would be really fun to reimagine Once Upon a Time characters as Gods from the acclaimed Lore Olympus webcomic by Rachel Smythe. (Not Greek Mythology - not matching characters with specific Gods. I mean Rachel’s interpretation and art style specifically) I absolutely LOVE that series’ art style and the way Rachel uses color to tell the story.
So obviously I had to start with my favorite character!!!
God of
Dark Magic
and Deals
(He’s an old God - he’s been around and is the deity of a lot of things.)
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I have also drawn Belle but am yet to color her. I’m thinking she’s going to be the goddess of learning, stories, books, and redemption, and she’s going to be all shades/tints of light blue.
What other characters/gods & goddesses would you like to see?
Also some notes about my design/thought process and some other ideas about Rumple in this AU if anyone’s interested:
I put a lot of thought into Rumple’s design and what colors I should use for him. I wanted to incorporate gold into it obviously but I thought that all gold would be more appropriate for King Midas and Catherine. (And I wanted to try for something more original since Hera in LO is all gold) That, and I didn’t think all gold would fit all of his vibes. So eventually what I decided on was this:
Rumple’s main color was inspired by amber for a couple of reasons.
I thought oranges and browns would suit him well at all stages/phases of his life, from the spinner then the dark one to Mr. Gold then Detective Weaver.
Because amber fits well with the design concepts I have in mind for Fiona, Malcom/Peter Pan, and Baelfire.
Because his coloring is inspired by amber, which is a translucent stone, he can look different depending on the lighting he’s in or his mood, which suits him really well as an ever-shifting, complicated, and at times unpredictable character.
His hands however, have been corrupted by him overdoing it with his powers, so they’re black up to the elbow. Save his fingers, which turn gold when he’s spinning.
I also had the idea that his ankle was injured in the war against the titans, leaving him with scars that hurt and bleed ichor from time to time.
Also his like “god form” when he’s angry or otherwise using a LOT of power at once is either all gold or black with gold speckles/stars. I haven’t decided yet.
And I put him in the blue outfit for the sake of this drawing because I thought it would contrast nicely with his skin.
And the sparkles around the gold straw may be a little overboard and were a last minute decision but they were ✨fun.✨ ☺️
I had a lot of fun with this and probably won’t be able to resist drawing the God of Wealth again.
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dexterouslycharming · 2 years
Oh also uh *pulls out sketchbook* would you mind giving a physical desc of like all of your ocs?
Absolutely omg
This is gonna be long lol
Augustine Ella - a fair bit paler than her sister, freckles fleck her cheeks and across her nose. She's around 5'2 and has a slim build. Her hair is an auburn red type of color and its slightly wavy. Her hair is either up in a braided style or fully down. She has a small scar above her left eyebrow from a sword accident, and a longer scar going down her right thigh to her ankle from when she into someone while she was ice-skating and their ice-skating blade sliced her leg open. Her eyes are a bluey green color and have little gold flecks in them. Outfit and Hair Style inspo below
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Sylvester Bishop - Tall and lanky, around 6'2 or so, much like the mad hatter himself. Sylvester dyes his hair a stark platinum white to match his mother's hair. His natural color is the same as the Mad Hatter's fiery red hair. He does have various, faint scars from certain things he endured at the hands of his maternal grandmother, and due to the basic sword training he's had. His eyes are a soft blue color. Outfit and Hair inspo below
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Rosie Midas - Rosie is a bit taller than most of her peers, at 5'5. Her hair is a dark, chocolate brown and is always up in what seems to be like a wedding knot. She always has some form of gold hair piece in no matter the day or the occasion. Her eyes are a hazel-amber color, mixed with a little bit of green. She's slightly tan, and has freckles throughout her face, shoulders and arms. Outfit and Hair inspo below
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taylor-swift-bracket · 5 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
Comment your favorite bridges!
Notable Bridges
(Under the cut)
champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's f*cked in the head," they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
So yeah, it's a fire
It's a violent blaze in the dark
And you started it
You started it
So yeah, it's a war
It's the fiercest fight of my life
And you started it
You started it
tolerate it
While you were out buildin' other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm beggin' for footnotes in the story of your life
Drawin' hearts in the byline
Always takin' up too much space or time
You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
right where you left me
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
And you're sitting in front of me
Hits Different
I find the artifacts, cried over a hat
Cursed the space that I needed
I trace the evidence, make it make some sense
Why the wound is still bleedin'
You were the one that I loved
Don't need another metaphor, it's simple enough
A wrinkle in time like the crease by your eyes
This is why they shouldn't kill off the main guy
Dreams of your hair and your stare and sense of belief
In the good in the world, you once believed in me
And I felt you and I held you for a while
Bet I could still melt your world
Argumentative, antithetical dream girl
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
God rest my soul
I miss who I used to be
The tomb won't close
Stained glass windows in my mind
I regret you all the time
I can't let this go
I fight with you in my sleep
The wound won't close
I keep on waiting for a sign
I regret you all the time
You’re Losing Me
How long could we be a sad song
'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life?
I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy
And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
Fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me
I'm the best thing at this party (You're losin' me)
And I wouldn't marry me either
A pathological people pleaser
Who only wanted you to see her
And I'm fadin', thinkin'
"Do something, babe, say something" (Say something)
"Lose something, babe, risk something" (You're losin' me)
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing" (I got nothing)
"To believe, unless you're choosin' me"
You’re On Your Own Kid
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this
I hosted parties and starved my body
Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
The jokes weren't funny, I took the money
My friends from home don't know what to say
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown
And I saw something they can't take away
'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned
Everything you lose is a step you take
So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it
You've got no reason to be afraid
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
She thinks I left them in the will
The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out
"She's laughing up at us from Hell"
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