#amberprice playlist
inky-snowdrop · 1 year
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Firewalk with her or get burned in her fallout... God, her character is so complex and fun 🔥❤️‍🔥 Anyway, I finally caved and made a Rachel Amber playlist. And yes, there are Amberprice and Amberscott coded songs included. She deserves all the simps.
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whimsicalcotton · 28 days
Salutations, I’m here for yet another ramble session, this time for Chapter 3! Thanks for the music rec, I love Starset and the remix of Satellite is fire. I’ve got one (technically two) in return for you, there’s this awesome LiS animatic on yt that goes with Bastille’s “Good Grief” and it destroyed me more than the tornado destroyed Arcadia Bay. Sometimes I wonder why it’s in one of my daily commute playlists because the chances of me crashing skyrocket solely due to the tears coming out of nowhere (I’m mostly joking). I can’t watch the video as much as I want to because then I’d be a wreck for a good hour or two lol. In case you have seen it before though since it does have a lot of views, another song I'd rec is “What The Water Gave Me” by F+TM. It’s very much so a ‘Pricefield facing the storm’ moment. Anyways, let’s start (just uh, ignore how long this ask is k thx)!
The CWs in the author’s note are a grade-A whumpfest I must say. Yesss, put Max through terrors that are all too comprehensible. She is but a webkinz repeatedly getting soaked in milk (angst) and thrown against a wall (more angst). “So much to protect. So much to lose.” YEAH YEAH YOU GET IT. In the game, no matter which ending is picked, Max suffers. She either has to let her best friend die—without her ever knowing what they went through together and believing Max abandoned her—that the last time Chloe heard her voice wasn’t face to face, but what was recorded on the ‘Farewell’ tape. Or, she has to live with the fact she orphaned Chloe and doomed her hometown with hundreds, potentially thousands, of people in it. In short, “It's not fucking fair.” is quite an accurate assessment. It’s okay though, that’s why fanfiction exists. So things get worse before they get better lol. “Home is loose tank tops and leather jackets. Home is scuffed boots and scruffy hat-hair. Home is blue eyes and a bullet necklace.” Call me a starving termite the way I’m chewing on drywall. For Max, home isn’t a place, it’s a person and that person is Chloe Price!!! I like how each sentence gives a pair of physical attributes, each building up the impression Max has of Chloe, what sticks out to her. “Listen, Max, you can pussy out if you want, but I won't let that bastard touch her again.” Chloe is blinded by grief, Max is blinded by love, and they’re both doomed just the same. I wonder how the Chloe of this timeline will react once she learns about it, if Max will tell her at all. “They’re so far apart. Max wishes she could move, if only to reach for her.” To cope with the pain I’m imagining them as Spongebob and Patrick when they were drying up in the movie but it’s not working. I’m not sure why I did that I’M STILL REALLY SAD. Maybe sadder than before :[. “Maybe one of these days she'll get the guts to kill him herself.” It’s what he deserves. Jefferson is so abhorrent and him getting satisfied at Max’s anger is pissing me off. Really well done, makes me want to grab him by the pixelated goatee through the screen with a pair of tongs and slam dunk him into a huge bucket filled with those crabs that ate Amelia Earhart. Max has earned at least a couple of free stabbings tbh.
The whole marshfield scene has me doing the Minecraft Steve damage sound effect on loop. This is the closest I’ll ever get to being in the medical field, lemme dissect it (tenderly). “Any wrong movement, even the semi-conscious sway of dizziness, could spell disaster.” Juxtaposed with the aforementioned all-encompassing need to run, to move, is *chef’s kiss*. An impossible tightrope, one she’s bound to lose balance on. When Max is thinking such a specific movement ‘could’ spell disaster indicates (to me) it did, at least before. The implications are implicating… Max, so worn down from everything, going to the roof once more, each meticulously worded sentence born from her bloodstained losses. But just as she knows she’s starting to get through to Kate, just as she can see her changing her mind, her own body betrays her. Regardless of if it’s a slight tremor or a more prominent wobble, all of Max’s progress disintegrates. Kate stumbles away from her and into the open air. How devastated was she? How deep into her bones (into her marrow hehe) did this particular failure gouge? “They really are kindred spirits.” I’m obsessed. This is the most explicit Max has gotten about her despair-induced thoughts and it’s during a flashback of someone else enacting what she would never admit to being enticed by out loud. They were both victims of the Dark Room, but Max wouldn’t confide in Kate before, since she’d see it as her being unnecessarily burdened. And there’s no way she can do it now, when Kate doesn’t know her anymore and wouldn��t have been taken at all. “Still, some part of her longs to join Kate up there, to take her hand and say, ‘Let’s go together.’” She doesn’t care where, as long as it’s far away from all of the death and destruction. Ough ough ough. Big ‘King and Lionheart’ OMaM vibes.
Okay I’m normal again. “At least she’ll be with William again, for a minute or two.” Nevermind ._. Max is the one who has to rip her away and back into the world of the living, Orpheus coded fr. It’s interesting that her thoughts are pointing to a potential afterlife. I don’t think Max really believes in one, it’s just another lie she’s telling herself as consolation. She has to convince herself it exists because if there isn’t one, then both father and daughter are truly dead and rotting in the ground due to her decisions. And that would be too much for her to bear, even if she can wipe away the fallout of her shortcomings with the wave of a hand. “Sometimes, she finds herself tempted to jump in the way. She wants to know what it would feel like.” Max Caulfield, my blorbo who is an average hipster with no issues whatsoever =). An understandable desire stemming from curiosity and nothing else, definitely. But, if Max dies or gets trapped somewhere without a photo, she can’t save anyone. She says it best: “She can’t do anything other than watch and rewind.” I love the sequence of everyone calling for her, some pleading, others concerned, all demanding attention. Attention she freely gives although it stretches her thinner and thinner. The static growing painful as her name becomes sandpaper to her ears. Death by a thousand cuts, no matter how well-intentioned some of them are. Max’s lapse of attention and subsequent panic at the train tracks mirrors how I felt when I played the game. I kept on rewinding every five seconds because I didn’t know if the failsafe time freeze thing would apply if anyone but Max was in mortal danger and I didn’t want her to get traumatized from seeing Chloe get run over. “She should be the one to take the fall, but she's been cursed with another purpose.” Pricefield cursed soulmates real. I like the buildup to Chloe jumping off the lighthouse’s cliff, I switched my music to thunderstorm bg audio and Spanish Sahara because I was feeling a little bit silly :)c. 10/10, would cry again.
GET HER ASS RACHEL!!!! I have this WIP fic that’s never seeing the light outside of google drive hell, but a line I think is neat compares Max to a deer with its head stuck in an active electric fence, which I think represents her pretty well in this fic too. The way she doesn’t stop struggling immediately, but her resistance is weakened the instant Chloe gets mentioned >>>. “She’s weak. She’s useless, she’s– ‘You’re hurt.’” Only one of those sentences is true, spoiler: it’s not the first two. Max is the most powerful person on the planet (excepting some wildly OP main character from a future LiS game) and boneheadedly stubborn != useless. “she would have opted to just collapse into the nearest trash pile and bury herself in it” She’s not beating the raccoon allegations. I get the train of logic that she doesn’t want to be found if Rachel or Chloe had decided to check the hideout, but seriously, not the boat or bus, places that aren’t literal dirt and garbage? Represents her mental state perfectly, no notes. I adore the conversation between Rachel and Max, the pushing and pulling. The awe they both feel. Two souls never destined to meet, but Max ripping a hole through spacetime and making it happen anyway. The hints dropped, for each other and the audience. Something something, maybe the immovable object and unstoppable force both long for the collision. “I've ripped her from the jaws of death. I tore you from your grave with my own bare hands.” Ngl, there should be more messed up fanart of Max cradling a dead body in her arms as she’s covered in blood, like all of the Marcille Dungeon Meshi fanart I’ve seen. She sees enough corpses to make it plausible is what I’m saying. “Such a peculiar, perseverant creature Max has found herself in the jaws of.” Y'know how golden retrievers can keep eggs in their mouths without breaking if they’re gentle about biting down? Imagine that but with Rachel as a lion and Max as a hare. OK thank you for coming to my TEDTalk <3.
My finals and the semester’s wrapping up so I should have the next one out sooner (I say, as I’m procrastinating studying while writing this). What you’ve posted about chapter 6 is hype, very very excited :D. Once again, thanks for writing. Hope you have a great day!
good morning anon!! first of all ouch oof yeowch Wowsers i will never recover from that animatic holy fuck. also we must share a few braincells bc i absolutely have What The Water Gave Me on my playlist for this au lolol
"She is but a webkinz repeatedly getting soaked in milk (angst) and thrown against a wall (more angst)" your phrasing always cracks me tf up sdhfsgjfhsj. she is Indeed a poor battered webkinz 😭
"Call me a starving termite the way I’m chewing on drywall. For Max, home isn’t a place, it’s a person and that person is Chloe Price!!!" yes!! i too am eating drywall over this shdfsgjs i'm glad that line went over so well it's one of my favorites tbh. i just love the idea that over the course of the timelooping Max comes to realize she wasn't homesick for Arcadia Bay so much as Chloe herself. tfw the dommed yuri love each other more than words can say <3
"To cope with the pain I’m imagining them as Spongebob and Patrick when they were drying up in the movie but it’s not working. I’m not sure why I did that I’M STILL REALLY SAD." hdsfshdfj see this is why i'm always so excited for your commentary where else am i gonna get sentences like this. another rly good sentence that has me losing it: "makes me want to grab him by the pixelated goatee through the screen with a pair of tongs and slam dunk him into a huge bucket filled with those crabs that ate Amelia Earhart."
your Tender Dissection of the marshfield scene is super good also. you are 100% correct in the Implications Implicating that Max has lost Kate a few times too. and yes yes Max absolutely Would Not tell Kate she'd also been in the Dark Room, even when she's asking Kate about it all in her dorm for the nth time and she's visibly fucked up about it and seems to know a little too much already. i like to picture Max&Kate's relationship as;
Max: They Don't Know I'm Going Through The Horrors Kate: Hey There's Something Wrong With Max
and an unforeseen outcome of this is that Max accidentally got Kate and Warren to be sort of friends by way of they're both super worried about her and each went to the other like "hey you're friends with Max right? can you help me keep an eye on her?"
"Max is the one who has to rip her away and back into the world of the living, Orpheus coded fr." hell yeeessss one of my goals for this au was to make Max the world's most unholy combination of Orpheus and Sisyphus, with a sprinkle of Homura Akemi for good measure. she has so many problems your honor <3
"I switched my music to thunderstorm bg audio and Spanish Sahara because I was feeling a little bit silly :)c. 10/10, would cry again." shdfgshj you are more powerful than i. i would simply pass away
"I have this WIP fic that’s never seeing the light outside of google drive hell, but a line I think is neat compares Max to a deer with its head stuck in an active electric fence" first off, 👀👀👀 Intrigued. second, Fuck Yeah that is some good imagery
"Max is the most powerful person on the planet (excepting some wildly OP main character from a future LiS game) and boneheadedly stubborn != useless" yeaaaa she has a bad case of what i like to call Timelooper Brainrot, aka she's so damn focused on what she can't do/what she's fucking up that she doesn't even acknowledge anything good or helpful she does bc to her it's all far outweighed by her mistakes. she needs an ativan and a nap. probably several of both
"Something something, maybe the immovable object and unstoppable force both long for the collision." YEEEESS!!!! i love my unstoppable force/immovable object amberfield <3 <3 <3
"Ngl, there should be more messed up fanart of Max cradling a dead body in her arms as she’s covered in blood, like all of the Marcille Dungeon Meshi fanart I’ve seen." i haven't watched/read dunmeshi yet but 99% of my dash has so i know Exactly what you're talking about and you're right you're so right. i consider myself a far better writer than artist but goddamn if i'm not gonna try and fill this void for u anon o7
"Y'know how golden retrievers can keep eggs in their mouths without breaking if they’re gentle about biting down? Imagine that but with Rachel as a lion and Max as a hare. OK thank you for coming to my TEDTalk <3." 1000/10 fantastic tedtalk would go again. i love love love the contrast of Rachel thinking of herself as like. dangerous predator animals (dragon/lion/etc) meanwhile she's been Assigned Doe by the universe
tysm for another excellent ramble! i love them so much and i'm always excited for them lol. good luck with your finals!! sending good vibes your way ✨💫✨
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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hiii! ★ welcome to my tumblr blog !!
i’m rachel, an autistic lesbian with a major lis special interest
this blog is basically just hella shitposts of lis.. nothing special. i make content here & there
i also rant & post some nsfw here & there, so don’t follow if u don’t like it </3
my tags if u wanna stalk me (i mainly put them here so i don’t forget):
show the ra antis, amber’s favz, amber’s autizzy, ambers posts, ambers VIRAL posts?!, ambers nightime toilet sitting, amber’s fanfic requests, ambers fanfic favz, my chloe price obsession, amber’s art, amber’s fanfics, ambers playlists, ambers daydreams, my shifting journey, IRL RA, ambers diys, animal crossing
thanks for stopping by!
-RA ♡ -
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explosionshark · 9 months
Character ask game Rachel Amber?
General opinion/How much I care about them: BACHEL BAMBER MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER OC. Okay obviously not really but part of me will always think of her that way a bit - Kae and I DID start intensely working on Rachel fic before BTS was even announced. And I still think we did a better job writing her. Anyway obviously yeah I love her I find her so compelling. Being charming and beloved is such a part of who she is, but she's also got this darker side, this bottomless pit in her that always wants more more more and doesn't know how to fully let herself connect with someone that loves her because to do so would require her to compromise something else she wants. It's such a compelling central struggle, I love teasing it out. 8 years on and I'm still not normal about Rachel Amber
A ship I love: AMBERPRICEFIELD PEAK!!!!! I love the yearning and tragedy of Amberprice, the way they're slightly toxic. I think Amberfield is really sweet too. But put all that together and you've got a real meal.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: idk. Always liked writing the Joyce/Rachel relationship in HTLH. And I love Rachel/Dana friendship. Bicons tbh. Of course there's also Rachel/Victoria which (in my head) is a deeply one-sided looney Tunes ass relationship where Victoria is horny and scheming and filled with hate and Rachel just is like. "Victoria? Lmao ew"
The NOTP: I find Rachel/Frank compelling on a character level but I think he's an interesting mistake for her to make not a relationship I want to see progress. Jefferson/Rachel is, of course, the ultimate NOTP. Ditto to Nathan. Yuck.
My biggest headcanon about them: tons just tons but I love longboard Rachel Amber the most
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: (if I have none in my WIPs I'll make one up on the spot!) Lmao. I mean. I still wish we could finish HTLH someday - I dumped all my fave HCs into it, every time I find myself trying to come up with another Amberpricefield fic idea I realize I'm just doing HTLH again. Alas.
Something that makes me think of them: (a song, a character in another fandom, an animal, anything) me and Kae do have extensive Rachel Amber playlists but #1 Rachel Amber anthem of all time for me is "L.A. Looks" by HEALTH. absolute banger
Character Asks
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rainboq · 1 year
Tagged by @frogyjones-art
Rules: Tag 10 or fewer people you want to know more about
Relationship status: Married and sort of dating another person? Being poly is complicated and awesome. Love my guywife to bits.
Favourite colour: It used to be a rich, arterial red, but lately I've been enjoying blues and purples. Vibrant but with decent saturation, not pastels.
Song stuck in my head: Hell and You by Amigo the Devil I'm writing some amberprice stuff right now and it's so them so I put it on my playlist and it's stuck in my head.
Three favorite foods: I'm not a picky eater, but Hawaiian pizza, the curry I cook, and my guy wife's chili.
Last song I listened to: Old Number 7 by The Devil Makes Three Same reason as above.
Dream vacation: Oh that's tough. Probably to my grandpa's old farm out in the mountains on the West coast. I miss riding a horse around in those mountains with saddle bags full of camping stuff and just wandering around for days.
Last thing I googled: "Benzodiazepines withdrawal symptoms" I did say I was writing Amberprice...
@dmmeeble @war-on-mars @isopod-lesbian @coldmaxine @blusthings @priestessamy
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lenillusion · 2 years
i was looking up amberprice playlists on spotify and now im fucking sad
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Legends - Kelsea Ballerini (x)
“We were crazy Tragic and epic and so amazing I’ll always wear the crown that you gave me We will always stay lost in forever And they’ll remember We were legends”
Who Knew - P!NK (x)
“If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out 'Cause they're all wrong”
‘Here’s To Never Growing Up’ - Avril Lavigne (x)
Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love I got a bottle of whatever, but it's gotten us drunk Singing here's to never growing up
Here’s To Us - Halestorm (x)
‘Stuck it out this far together Put our dreams through the shredder Let’s toast 'cause things got better And everything could change like that And all these years go by so fast’
Taking You There - Broods (x)
‘If I lose my way and forget what I need Just remind me now of what you give to me If you hold my hand and take me where you go I'll show you the side that no one knows’
Greatest Love Story - LANCO (x)
‘They said I was nothing but a troublemaker never up to no good You were the perfect all American girl wouldn't touch me even if you could But you was sneaking out your window everynight riding shotgun in my car We go to the river and find us a spot and we probably went a little too far’
Hell on The Heart - Eric Church (x)
‘Yeah she's good when she's bad She's cute when she's mad And she does all the wrong things right Yeah boy it's a fact when they're made like that You ain't ever gonna sleep at night’
Yours - Russell Dickerson (x)
‘I came to life when I first kissed you The best me has his arms around you You make me better than I was before Thank God I'm yours’
Cover Artist ~~  Icycroft on Deviantart
Click cover for Spotify Playlist
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emsy-cosplay · 5 years
“All fired up and frustrated.  Lost our minds and our patience. Stay with me, I've done some changing. ♦ I'm waiting, I'm ready for you, baby. ♦” Yonaka - Fired Up ♪
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Source : ladytrevelyan
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llamahologram · 5 years
a playlist for the weirdness of leaving highschool and the simultaneous stillness and chaos of afterwards. the nostalgia for easier times
when you feel like your world is falling apart and your insides are screaming. a playlist to help you feel calmer
a playlist for when you’re an artsy teenage girl moving back home to your tiny home town and your class is full of high school archetypes and you’re slowly falling in love with your estranged childhood best friend and there’s an underlying sense of mystery in all of your interactions
middle school friends walk down a suburban street. you know their lives are going to change soon but they’re happy now. they’re happy now, which is what matters.
songs for when you’re an angsty teen and you like to drink a lot and smash things. you keep skipping school with your best friend. you think you might be in love with her
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dragonologist-phd · 6 years
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we think that politics is such a waste of time we’ve been a wreck together since 2009 we’ve seen each other naked, seen each other cry you make me not wanna die
a playlist for the day you and your girlfriend finally drive off into the sunset and leave this shitty town behind
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whimsicalcotton · 5 months
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max-cauliflower · 6 years
LIS Week Day 2: Favorite Ship
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Amberprice playlist:
Sleep on the Floor- The Lumineers
Yellow- Coldplay
broken- Lovelytheband
All I Want- Kodaline
Cleopatra- The Lumineers
Light- Sleeping at Last
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glassrunner · 6 years
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you are my morphine
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imaleomeow · 7 years
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my angel an amberprice playlist
spark - amber run // taking you there - broods // cocoon - catfish and the bottlemen // 1965 - zella day // walking disasters - the wombats // first time - vance joy // no below - speedy oritz // like real people do - hozier // american money - børns // heal - tom odell // oblivion - bastille // all i want - kodaline // the night we met - lord huron // mountains - message to bears
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aloy-nora · 6 years
Amberprice playlist
Thought I’d share my Amberprice playlist. I’ll update it as I go along.
Sick of Losing Soulmates by dodie
Stone by Jaymes Young
hostage by Billie Eilish
Salvation by Gabrielle Aplin
Body Gold by Oh Wonder
Bored by Billie Eilish
Roses dipped in gold Alina Baraz
You by Keaton Henson
Youth by Daughter
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gideonthe69th · 6 years
okay but is Badlands by Halsey basically just AmberPrice The Album?
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