#ambient horror
evehaze · 3 months
Been playing Silent Hill so thought I'd try some ambient horror stuff ♡
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inogart · 11 months
Ambient horror soundtrack I made for my creepy webcomic back in 2016.
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minkyrats · 2 years
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maid service
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dragongock · 5 months
working on a thing
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lazyworksinprogress · 8 months
A very long post about No One Is Going to Save You (2023)
I have been proccupied after I watched it yesterday so I'm just going to braindump. The superficial conversation has been about the minimal dialogue in the movie but I have been thinking about the visual language.
The house and costuming expands on the main character, Brynn's abilities and motivations in very satisfying way.
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***Spoilers for No One Is Going to Save You (2023) follow***
I saw this interview with the director where he speaks about the house as the co-lead of the movie.
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"This is a girl that watches ‘Far From Heaven’ and is like ‘I wish I lived in that world,’” Duffield said. “And then was like ‘I’m gonna antique shop, I’m gonna build dresses, I’m gonna do all this stuff. I’m not gonna have relationships outside my world, so why can’t I live in a Douglas Sirk wannabe world?’ And then you see there’s a flat screen and a laptop and she drives out into the world and you see ‘Oh, this girl’s kooky.”
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I watch a few doll house hobby channels and Brynn's character would fit in. The "final girl" qualities of resourcefulness, creativity, and persistence are all around her home making this kind of characterisation some neat foreshadowing for her attitude through the film. From the incredible bird houses to the macrame - quilts - embroidery - and then vintage dresses, Brynn clearly has time, energy and a wide range of skills. And anyone who knows, knows that making things requires a certain potential for violence.
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The decor and costuming is a very smart piece of work because there are some vintage and antique pieces, but many of them are also retro recreations or updated vintage. This is consistent with the character of Brynn, who is building an idyllic, anachronistic life for herself. Her home is a reflection of the disparate time periods and influences informing her tastes. The extension of her fantastical nostalgic anxious inner world (the home) is invaded by an external futuristic existential threat (alien burglars). All the contradictions and then retrofuturistic juxtaposition adds to the unsettling experience of the movie
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It fits into the It Follows (2015) ambient/nostalgic horror space. I think it has a connection to the post-modern idea of the decay of moral clarity and escapism.
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It's also got things to say about money. The house and her shoes and her studio/palace are visibly expensive. When Brynn runs away from the aliens she is wearing the Tory Burch Hank court shoes that are an elevated basic take on "70s classic sneakers" or a take on the (celebrity favourite) Onitsuka Tiger Unisex Mexico 66s or the American version of the Adidas Samba ... In any case, they are luxurious vintage recreations which is true to the whole wealthy American look of the film.
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Horror and scifi media can be used as didactic tools for understanding fear (don't believe me, believe Joanna Russ) and I think the movie is doing a fable on escapism in the face of disaster.
"Ours is indeed an age of extremity. For we live under continual threat of two equally fearful, but seemingly opposed, destinies: unremitting banality and inconceivable terror. It is fantasy, served out in large rations by the popular arts, which allows most people to cope with these twin specters. For one job that fantasy can do is to lift us out of the unbearably humdrum and to distract us from terrors, real or anticipated—by an escape into exotic dangerous situations which have last-minute happy endings. But another one of the things that fantasy can do is to normalize what is psychologically unbearable, thereby inuring us to it. In the one case, fantasy beautifies the world. In the other, it neutralizes it." - Susan Sontag
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Paul Gulacy
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skumhuu · 7 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 11-12
< • >
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bozemane · 7 months
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Aethek / Lustmord – Scorn OST, 2022
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daughterofcainnnn · 25 days
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"don't cry, you know you're mine"
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mad-magic33 · 2 years
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hotdrinks · 1 year
I meant WHO is Jon?
A fella
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[ID a very simplified sketch of Jon sims sitting with his legs straight out, holding a tape recorder and frowning deeply. Three disembodied eyes hover behind him and look at him. End ID]
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psychopathic-moves · 2 years
I think it's extremely sexy of Bones to make the ending scenes of the broccoli arc one of the most animation intense sequences in history but they don't convey the sheer overwhelming horror of this panel
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20ctrl · 6 months
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not today
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rareship-rats · 2 months
Number one test of character. Show him the rats.
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He accepted them. Yay!
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briviting · 16 days
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did you know. did you know there's a sample used in "the p.atrick star show" episode 3 "lost in couch" that is the same one used in the opening titles for the game "g.regory horror show: soul collector" on the PS2, released only in japan and europe.
it's called "mystic insight" by notable composer dick debenedictis, recorded sometime in the mid '90s for the oft-mined "symphonic adventures production elements toolkit", which also includes "manhattan chase A", a string-heavy piece utilised in many soundtracks, including by stewart copeland for the level "gulp's overlook" in "spyro 2: ript-
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