#amelia shepherd is so perfect and beautiful
kaimelypowaaah · 1 year
« I watch Grey’s Anatomy for the plot »
The plot :
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
Can you write a Amelia shepherd x reader where they get married?
❛ 𝑴𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Amelia Shepherd x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: This was really cute to write <3 I hope you'll like it, so so so sorry for the wait, I've been a little busy...
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You watched yourself in the mirror, Maggie and Meredith were putting the finishing touches on your hair, while Cristina adjusted the details of the dress. You looked at your image still in disbelief and with a faster heartbeat than usual. You couldn't even recognize yourself, you looked like a new person. This would have been the best day of your life.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Cristina asked as she adjusted your veil.
"Yeah, please don't add anything else, I feel like I thought about this too much" it was all you wanted, you loved Amelia with all yourself, and spending the rest of your days with her is what will make you happy.
"I'm serious, you could be left at the altar..."
"Cristina, no" Meredith gave her a little tap on her arm.
"Hey stop" Maggie said to them. You rolled your eyes laughing a little bit. "Today it's her day, and it will be full of love and of the most other beautiful things of the world" you smiled to Maggie and then got up. You did a little turn on yourself to see the effect that the dress had. It was quite long, above there was a deep neckline with small straps under the shoulder placed on the sides of the arms, while at the waist there was a silver stripe which then gave space to the wide skirt. You stopped in front of the three of them a moment.
"You're beautiful" Meredith said.
"Yeah, you hot girl" Cristina added.
"Thank you" you said smiling. All that happiness was becoming uncontrollable.
"Okay, I'll go check on Amelia" Maggie walked out of the room leaving you there to reflect between the anxiety and joy mixed together. God, you couldn't wait to be her wife.
"Say it, you're thinking to escape?" Cristina interrupted your thoughts again. Meredith laughed.
"Oh my God, why did I choose you as bridesmaids?!"
About half an hour later everything seemed ready. The guests were all in their seats, waiting for you. Amelia had already entered, but you hadn't seen her yet. You motioned for Meredith and Cristina to get going as they seemed very indecisive about what to do, and then it was your time.
When you appeared in the middle of the corridor, all eyes were on you. It raised some anxiety, but nothing that didn't calm down as soon as you met Amelia's eyes, making a huge smile appear on your face. Now you were in front of her and all you could think was... she's so beautiful, I can't believe now she's mine.
Unlike yours her dress was less baggy, it was snug enough on top of her to define her shape and it had cute shoulder seams. She was perfect, like this day.
You did nothing but smile at each other and talk with your eyes all the time the priest was talking, until the time for promises arrived. He decided to start with her, so she took your hands and squeezed uniting them with hers.
"Y/n L/n, what can I say? I mean, telling you that I love you and I'll always be here for you isn't enough... you taught me to love again, and made me feel more loved and desired than anyone else has done, so I'm grateful. Yeah you've been also one of the most annoying people I've ever met" you laughed keeping to look at her with shiny eyes. "But I've learned to appreciate the little good things that happens every day, but expecially that without you I'm nothing, so thank you for allowing me to be part of your life, for keeping me sober and alive, to always made me smile even in the worst situation, I love you so much, in an indescribable way" emotions became uncontrolled, no one had ever dedicated the most beautiful words in this world to you. You sighed for a second while a tear ran down your cheek, Amelia was holding the tears too, and you both continued to smile at each other. Now it was your turn.
"Amelia Shepherd, besides being the best thing I've ever come across, you've also been one of the hardest things I've ever been able to go through. I'm a girl who knows what she wants, but when you turned down every flirt or encounter by me and you really made me feel incomplete… like a crap” she and the others giggled, then she returned to focus on you. "I couldn't stand the idea of seeing you with another person, every time you spoke, smiled or just when I met those blue eyes I was lost, so I promised myself that I wouldn't give up. But finally today you will belong to me until the end of our days, and I'll be willing to do anything to make you happy, if you are I'll be too, you're a part of me" the tears kept filling both of your faces.
Zola, Bailey and Ellis walked down the hall towards you carrying your wedding rings. They were simply the cutest thing ever. You proceeded to exchange the rings and anxiously waited for the priest to ask that question.
“Amelia Shepherd, do you take Y/n L/n as your wife and promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better and for worse, as long as you both live? she looked at you intently before answering.
“Yes, I do” she said with a smile.
“Y/n L/n, do you take Amelia Shepherd as your wife and promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, for as long as both of you shall live?” you gave her the same gaze.
“Yes, I do!” you exclaimed.
“Well, I officially declare you wife and wife, you may kiss” you waited no more that at the same time you approached pursing your lips in a long, intense kiss, filled with so much emotion it could have gone on for much longer.
Everyone stood up applauding, then you stopped and turned towards them smiling. Everyone cheered this day, the two of you, there was no better place where you wanted to be, from today you would have met a beautiful and a new life.
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addison-dykegomery · 11 months
If youre actually 18 thats just so depressing. Youre so young to be so proud of hating people you dont even know. Youll always be on the outside of the lgbtq community, looking in and blaming others for why youre unwelcome. I hope you drop the trans hatred someday, life's too short to be this republican
so true.. anyways so ive been rewatching greys anatomy season 12 bc its the superior season (without addison lexie and cristina anyway) and bro.. the meredith amelia drama... so fucking juicy and meaty and delicious and literally all i need in my life. amelia is so babygirl but she's kinda self-centered and craycray and A MESS. and meredith is like Ew. she reminds me of me. dont love that !
they are so perfect i love how they fight and make up and then fight again and i love maggie constantly being in the middle of it trying to keep the peace. its so funny and adorable. i just really wish lexie was there :/
i also think the storylines for each character were pretty good and tied into each other nicely, and of course, the finale was an absolute banger. although i hate amelia getting married to the FILTHY RAT that is owen hunt, but at least she looked pretty in her dress. oh and also, WHY exactly did richard not walk her down the aisle?? like. he's literally her dad. they really missed a chance there. well, maybe he'll do that when amelia marries kai 🤪
ugh i can't believe we have to wait until 2024 for the new season... like how am i expected to handle that... not that the new seasons are anywhere near as good as the old ones (like imo it went downhill after s12), im only watching for amelia and the promise of addison... but like. still. this show has such a grip on me. its so tragic. it honestly really shouldve ended after s13-14, but part of me is glad that it didnt, because shitty cringe greys is better than no greys at all.. spoken like a true addict.... no offense to my beautiful wonderful gorgeous perfect girlfriend amelia frances shepherd.
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
cardigan [amelia shepherd]
folklore challenge: day 2
amelia shepherd x fem!reader
requested by anon: say no more with the angst! can I request an Amelia angsty one shot where the reader comes in as Jane Doe and Amelia has only seen a glimpse of her bloodied hand when she realizes how severe the situation is. Even thought the rest of the team is busy working on her they let Amelia stay and stroke her hair and try to keep fem!reader calm and responsive since they know it might be their last moment. You can make it so angsty and I love your writing!
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*not my gif*
“Amelia, you know the drill, let’s just give her some space. She’s going to be a little groggy as she wakes up,” an unfamiliar voice filled your ears as you stirred awake. 
You cringed at the headache that was pounding, “Hey, it’s good to see you,” a brunette girl with beautiful blue eyes told you.
You turned towards a shorter doctor who seemed a little older than the brunette, “Y/N, it’s okay. You’re in the hospital, you were in a car accident. You hit your head, but you’re okay,” you still looked at them with your eyebrows furrowed. 
“How are you feeling?” the bright blue eyed woman asked.
“Like I just got hit by a semi,” you told her and she laughed softly.
“Well you kinda did,” the girl said before the shorter doctor gave her a look. 
A small grin broke out onto your face, “Was anyone else hurt doctor?” you asked the blue eyed woman.
The shorter woman and the blue eyed one looked at each other, “Y/N, you know who I am right?” 
“You’re my doctor?” you said, but it came out as more of a question.
She shook her head, taking the seat next to you, “Um, I’m Amelia, your fiancee,”
You let out a breath, confusion written all over your face. You looked at your hand to see a beautiful ring on your ring finger. 
“I loved you? I can’t remember...” 
Amelia’s heart stopped as she thought back to this morning. Everything was perfectly normal this morning. You knew who she was this morning. 
The smell of coffee filled your nostrils as you started to stir about in bed. You reached your hand over, patting the other side of the bed, and groaned when you found it was empty.
You pulled the covers off of your body and let your bare feet hit the cool wooden floor. You were wearing Amelia's vintage tee and gray sweatpants as you made your way past all the energetic kids getting ready for school and towards the kitchen.
"Good morning Y/N!" Zola said as she ran past you.
"Morning," you mumbled, "Have a good day at school kids,"
"Bye Y/N!" Meredith's three kids yelled as they ran out of the house.
You finally turned into the kitchen to see your girlfriend pouring her coffee into her to-go cup. She was dressed up all fancy in heels and everything.
You stood up behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist before placing a soft lingering kiss on her jawline. Your heart skipped a beat when she let out a contented sigh, "Good morning, big conference today?"
"Good morning and yes sadly, trust me I'd much rather stay in bed especially after the special night we had last night," she turned around in your arms, placing a kiss to your lips.
Amelia grabbed your hand, "Where's your ring?" she asked.
"I thought we were keeping it a secret for now?" you asked her.
"We are, but there's no one here anymore. You can wear it and flaunt it off in front of me," she told you, a sheepish smile on her face.
You ran back to your room to grab the ring that was on your bedside table. You smiled at it before sliding it onto your ring finger as you made your way back to Amelia.
"Ah perfect," Amelia said, looking at you wearing your ring, "Soon we're going to be Mrs. and Mrs. Y/L/N-Shepherd,"
"I can't wait," you murmured, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her into a deep kiss. She wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you unbelievably closer.
The kiss grew more and more passionate, your hands playing with the hair in the nape of her neck. Her hands that were once around your waist were now moving slightly lower, "Amelia are you ready to-oh God!" Maggie's voice rang out.
You left your arms around Amelia's neck, hiding the new ring she got you last night, "Yeah, yeah I'm ready," she placed on more quick kiss to your lips.
"Good morning Maggie," you told her, your hands behind your back.
"Good morning Y/N, sorry to interrupt," she told you and you laughed softly.
"No worries, we'll continue it later," you shot Amelia a wink as Maggie's face twisted into disgust.
Amelia sent you a smirk, "TMI! Come on guys!"
You let out a roar of laughter before using your right hand to wave them off, "Have a good day,"
Amelia cleared her throat before standing up from the chair, “Excuse me,” 
“Amelia-” the shorter doctor shouted before running after her down the hallway.
She finally caught up to Amelia who locked herself in a supply closet, “You said everything looked good!” 
“It did! Koracick made sure he took away all of her brain bleeds, but you know more than anyone else here that the brain isn’t like a broken bone! It’s complicated!” Dr. Bailey told her.
Amelia aggressively wiped away her tears. She nodded, “She doesn’t remember me! The love of my life! My childhood sweetheart! She doesn’t remember!” she shouted. 
“Why don’t you take the day off?” Dr. Bailey whispered, “She’s gonna need you more than anything,”
Dr. Bailey left the room as Amelia slid onto the ground. Her back up against the door as she curled her knees up to her chest. She let the sobs wreck her entire body. 
All the memories they shared together. All the good and the bad times. The secret moments. All of that was shared between two people and now it’s only shared in one. 
“C’mon Y/N, let’s get you home,” Amelia told you as you stumbled away from Jo and Alex’s wedding.
She wrapped a protective arm around your waist as she pulled you closer. You drunkenly stopped in your tracks, looking up at her. The music from the party behind you echoed towards the two of you, “Dance with me please. It’s my favorite song,” 
You wrapped your arms around her neck. She smiled at you as you just started to sway, “Only one dance,” 
The two of you swayed silently as the song played out, “Do you think our wedding will be as eventful as their’s?” 
“You wanna marry me?” Amelia asked.
You looked at her like she grew two heads, “I’ve wanted to marry you since we were little kids playing hide and seek and having sleepover on the weekends. It’s always been you, Amelia,” 
“I love you Y/N,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Days went by and you were doing better. Everything was doing better except for your memory. 
Amelia was a wreck everyone could tell. She barely went into work and when she did she made other people do her surgeries. She didn’t eat or sleep. It was hard to when the person she loved the most doesn’t even remember her.
She just kept thinking, how the hell did they get here. 
“So you and Y/N had a good night last night?” Maggie asked as the two were walking the halls of Grey Sloan. 
Amelia had a small smile on her face, “You could say that, yeah,” 
“What’s that smile?!” Maggie exclaimed nudging her shoulder. 
“No one’s supposed to know this yet, but Y/N and I are engaged!” Amelia whisper-yelled. 
She squealed in response, tackling her in a hug, “Oh my gosh! I am so happy for you two!” 
She was about to respond when she felt a buzz in her pager. Before she could check hers, Maggie’s went off as well. The two of them reading the pagers before running off towards the trauma center.
“What do we got?” Amelia asked, Owen as her, Maggie, Bailey, and Link slide up next to him.
“Jane Doe, she was hit by a semi. The truck driver apparently lost control of the semi and went flying towards the intersection,” he tells them and they all nod.
“Is she conscious?” Bailey asked.
“She’s been in and out,” 
As if right on the cue the ambulance stopped in front of the trauma doors. The paramedics wheeling the gurney out and towards all of you. They immediately brought the Jane Doe to the trauma room. 
Amelia, shined her bright flashlight into the Jane Doe’s eyes. The eyes looking vaguely familiar, but she quickly shrugged it off. Link started inspecting her broken leg. While Bailey and Maggie were looking over her vitals. 
It wasn’t until Amelia’s eyes landed on Jane Doe’s hand. Her left hand had dry blood all over it, but the one thing that stood out the most was the ring that was on her finger. The ring that Amelia got custom made.
She immediately looked back into your eyes to see you were already look at her. You opened the palm of your hand and extended it out towards her. Amelia gasped as she dropped her flashlight. 
“What? What’s wrong?” Owen asked.
“Page Koracick,” she said, immediately grasping for your hand.
“What? Why?” 
Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at her, “Because it’s Y/N,” 
And with those three words, Owen stopped what he was doing and paged him. Amelia took the stool and placed it next to where your head laid. She took her fingers and let out a shaky breath before running her hands through your hair.
“Hi love,” she whispered to you. You let out a small smile, physically in pain at just the simple gesture, “You’re going to be okay, okay?” 
Tom came bursting into the room with his trauma gown on, “Hey Y/N! How are you doing today?” he asked as he made his way up to where you could see him, “Right, that was a bad question. I’m gonna run a couple tests on you, okay?”
He walked back down to where your feet were, “Alright can you please wiggle your toes for me?” You tried moving your toes with all of your might, “Great, you’re doing great Y/N,” 
Amelia looked at him expectedly and he just shook his head. She let out a shaky breath, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“We’re gonna get her in for a head CT,” Tom said, but before he could wheel you out your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as you faded from consciousness.
“Y/N! Y/N, baby come on!” the younger Shepherd begged. Her bright blue eyes shifted towards your monitor to see what the problem was.
“Her pressure’s bottoming out!” Maggie said.
“We need to get her to the OR now!”
Amelia came back to reality as you asked her a question, “So I live with you and Meredith and all of her kids?” 
“Yeah, but you spend so much time in your office that Link built for you in the backyard that you’re barely inside,” she teased and you smiled.
“Why did Link build me an office outside?” you asked.
“Well you’re working on your first manuscript for your novel. You always joke and complain about how loud the kids are, so finally for your birthday Link built you an office,” Amelia told you, “I’ll show it to you when we get to the house,”
She led you to the backyard where you were in a quaint office. The office had sticky notes plastered all over the walls. Amelia pulled out the chair that was behind the typewriter, “You were always into vintage stuff, so instead of getting a laptop like a normal person, you bought yourself a typewriter.”
You sat down into the seat to see the words of the leftover manuscript that wasn’t finished. There were more pages down on the desk. Your supposed fiancee pressed a button on the remote which caused loud music to blast from the speakers. 
You felt your hands start to shake as the words that were in front of you were just a stranger’s words that were supposed to be your own. The music started to cause a pounding in your head.
“I would always be in such awe on how you focused like that. You always complained about the kids, but the music that blasted filled you with inspiration. It’s like words would just flow out of you. It was so-” Amelia went on and on. 
“God damnit! Please lower the music! It’s giving me a headache!” you yelled, taking her back by surprise.
Amelia lowered the music and then slammed the remote on the ground, “I am trying to help you!” she screamed back at you.
She lowered her voice, “But I am not your punching bag. We don’t talk to each other like this! Even when we were little kids we never yelled at each other like this. I know this is hard for you, but this hard for me too,” 
She stormed back into the house slamming her hand into the kitchen table. Her eyes filled with tears. She let out a sigh before looking at the beautiful messy finger painting.
Amelia sighed after a long day of endless surgeries. All she wanted to do was wrap you in your arms and hold you tight and just go to bed. But before she could go she heard loud laughter coming from the kitchen.
She saw you with little yellow finger painted onto your face. Ellis’ hand stained yellow as the wooden table underneath the two of you were dressed with paint. Zola and Bailey were working on their own and it was a lot less messy.
“So, what’s going on here?” Amelia asked and all four of you shot your head up scared.
“Arts and crafts,” you told her proudly. 
She laughed, “You know if Meredith comes home and sees the mess she’s gonna be pissed,” 
You lifted Ellis off your lap before making your way over to her. You kissed her softly. Just as she walked away from you, you grabbed her face and kissed her more and more. 
Amelia let out a gasp before grabbing the paintbrush and brushed more paint onto my face. You gasped before spreading more and more paint all over her. She finally ran out into the backyard with you following suit.
You finally caught up to her and wrapped your arms around her waist. She let out a squeal as you put more and more paint on her face. The two of you tripped over each other’s feet and fell onto the ground. 
She moved the hair away from your face and kissed you, “You have something all over your face,” you pointed around her face and she laughed softly.
“And you two got paint all over my kitchen,” Meredith said, her arms crossed.
“We’ll clean it up,” you told her.
The kids were standing next to her smiling sheepishly, “Oh I know you will, but you should probably hose yourself down,” 
With the help of the kids she lifts up a paint bucket and pours it all over the two of you. Amelia’s hand went to her pocket, her hands grazing, protecting the box that in her hands. The box that held her entire future.
Things with you didn’t get better. The two of you were in yet another argument over how this thing wasn’t working. 
“I’ve been driving myself insane making a complete ass of myself! While I’m trying to do everything I can to try and save this...to save us!” she screamed. 
You let out a breath, “Look, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt you,” you whispered, “I’m just so tired of disappointing you,” 
“I know,” she whispered.
“I’m so sorry. I just think it’ll be best if I go back to New York, spend some time with my family,” you told her.
“Okay,” was all she said before walking away.
You were about to step onto the last train to New York. When you heard a familiar voice come running towards you, “Y/N! Y/N wait!” 
Link was running towards you with a portfolio in your hand, “I know you’re not writing anymore, but it seemed like a waste if all of these months of work were going to leave,” 
“Thank you,” 
As you stepped onto the last train, Amelia was sitting in your once shared bedroom. She was wearing your hoodie that was stashed in her closet. She held it close to her taking in your scent. 
Tears falling down her cheeks. She looked at the ring that she fiddled in her hand. Everyone from her childhood has left her, was she the problem?
Her mother and other sisters thought that she was a disappointment.
Addison is in Los Angeles.
Mark is dead.
Her father is dead.
Derek is dead.
Your love for her and your friendship with her is dead. It left just as quickly as a father would. And it ran just like running water. She threw the ring against the wall before burying herself in her sheets. 
You were reading the manuscript when all of a sudden a letter stopped you in your tracks:
Dear Y/N,
My whole life everyone has left me or they’ve died. You were the only person who has ever stood by my side through it all. 
For the first time in my life, you made me feel like I belonged somewhere, and that place was by your side.
From there, you introduced me to things I never dreamed of, and you showed me what it means to be loved unconditionally. 
Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. You are my best friend and the love of my life. Thank you.
That was when your brain pieced together everything else. 
You looked up from the letter to see Amelia on one knee in the backyard. She looked at you with a small smile and teary eyes.
“Everything in that letter I meant. I love you so much and I can’t imagine doing my life without you. So if you please Y/N do me the great honor and marry me,” she whispered.
It was your turn for your eyes to tear up, but you nodded and smiled at her, “I would love that,” 
You looked up from your seat on the train and ran out of the doors. You saw the familiar blonde hair as you made your way towards the parking lot.
“Link! Link wait!” you shouted, catching his attention. He turned to you with his eyebrows furrowed, “Can you take me back to my future wife please?” 
“Wait do you-” 
You nodded, “I remember Link, everything,” 
He wrapped his arms around you and spun you around. The two of you packed into the car and he sped towards Meredith’s. You knocked on the door, the only light coming from the house was the dim porch light. 
You paced back and forth before she opened the door, “Y/N? What are you doing here?” 
You took her face in your hands and pulled her in for a long lingering kiss. She pulled away breathless, her eyes filled with hope, “You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you whispered.
“I knew you’d come back to me,” she whispered back before kissing you even harder than before.
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scorsoneamelia · 3 years
here’s an amelink au!! i am super excited for this one and it may be confusing i’m so sorry if it is!!! i’m planning on making this a multi-fic so that’s why it’s so short cause this is just basically the first but BUT i WILL be continuing this one! hope it’s good and isn’t too confusing
tw: mentions of death
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              Colors didn’t exist; maybe they existed but nobody could see them. Everyone and everything was in black and white, skin color didn’t exist, nobody could tell when someone’s cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, the sky was always dark, cars were all the same color; the world was dull. It was either black, white or grey, some shades were darker and some were lighter. There was no such things as blues, purples, reds; nobody even knew what those were. Everyone saw in black and white unless they’re dying.
               They didn’t know why, they didn’t know how but according to anyone who was dying they saw the world differently, more brighter, more full; more full of life and some would laugh at the irony considering the moment they’re dying the world goes from dull to light. It’s been researched about, it’s been talked about and some people think it’s a myth; seeing something completely different from others just because you’re dying. It can’t be true.
              Some doctors believed it while some didn’t, people who weren’t dying thought they were crazy and some believed they actually were. (mind you, having people tell you you’re crazy, starts to sound believable.)
              Maybe that’s why Amelia believed just that; believed that she was crazy. Because enough people told her that and even when she would look out the window the trees were not the same dull and bland color they normally were, and the sky was brighter and the clouds seemed more white. The theory of her being crazy became more true because even though the sky and the trees were different, the rest of the world wasn’t.
              She was okay with being crazy; it made the world less dark and if it meant she got to look at the world this way until she dies, she’ll be okay with it. At least this way the sky didn’t match the darkness she had inside her.
               The grocery store was different, while most things were the same bland and gloomy shades, some things were lit up; bright and beautiful. The lettuce was the same colour as the trees, where as the strawberries and bananas were normal; what she was used to. The blueberries were the same as the sky, only a much darker shade. It was weird, and she had a confused look on her face the entire time while everyone else didn’t. She wonders if anyone else, anyone at all can see the fruits the same way she did. (maybe they were crazy too.)
                She was short, she’d admit that, especially when she was reaching for an item on a top shelf, her arm and fingers spread as far as they could, standing on the tip of her toes. A huff of frustration left her throat and she placed her feet flat onto the ground before she tried again, jumping slightly to try and reach the object.
                “Need any help?” There was a voice beside her, a male who was much taller than her was reaching for the object, and it was easier for him.
                 He handed her the box, and she noticed his eyes resembled the sky, it made her breath get caught in her throat. She’s never seen someone look like that; that beautiful. His jawline was sharp and his eyes were a color that she has never seen until today and she couldn’t stop staring. He towered over her, his body shape was lean and he was fit, and super attractive. There was an awkward silence, neither of them breaking contact and his eyebrow was raised.
               “This is usually the part where you say thank you,” his reply wasn’t hostile or rude, but he was smiling and there was a sparkle in his eyes that made him look even more beautiful. (if that was possible)
                “Uh, ya,” she was stumbling over her words, her cheeks getting warm and she had to force herself to look away, to look anywhere but into his eyes. “Thanks.”
                 Her hair was short, shoulder length and it was a dark brown with a hint of blonde at the ends, mind you, brown hair or blonde hair wasn’t a thing, you either had dark hair or light hair. Her eyes matched his although hers were a darker blue, something she never noticed until today. Usually her eyes were heavy, dark and there wasn’t any hint of life in them. The male looking at her thought she was beautiful though.
                “Atticus,” he was giving her his hand. “Lincoln.”
                “Atticus? As in-“
                “From To Kill a Mockingbird, yes, my parents are huge fans.” He interrupted her and she hadn’t grabbed his hand yet, although he still had it hovering in between them.
                “Amelia,” she finally answered, their hands connecting to shake each other’s hand; a casual greeting. “Shepherd.”
                 The rest of the world was frozen and it was just the two of them, they both must have been lost in each others eyes because neither of them would stop staring. If it were up to her, she’d stand here everyday until her life came to an end because this was better than the alternative.
                 She was dying. Two years ago, as a doctor; a surgeon, she had the unfortunate luck of getting diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. This form of cancer is very aggressive and the survival rate is less than 50%. They found hers late because she never showed any symptoms until it was too late.
                 She tried radiation treatment in attempt to shrink the tumour, making it easier for the surgeons to remove it but after nine months of her feeling weak and losing her hair, she ended it. It wasn’t working, the cancer wasn’t shrinking, it was just staying the same.
                 She remembers sitting on the bathroom floor, head over the toilet and she was emptying out her stomach. Her hands were gripped so hard onto the toilet bowl it was like she was holding on for life. There was a pounding in her temples, and it was worse when her eyes were open. She never felt good, always feeling like she literally was hit by a bus, but that’s what radiation and cancer did to you, so there was nothing she could do but sit with her head in the bowl, slow breaths in through her mouth and tears would spill out of her eyes. 
                  Before the diagnosis, her hair was long, reaching to the middle of her back and it was thick. Most would argue that her hair was her best quality (until it wasn’t.) The radiation thinned out her hair, and she remembers all the nights she stood in front of her mirror and would watch her hands fill up with balls of her own hair. Her skin was more pale and she was losing weight. She wasn’t sure if the weight loss was from the radiation, the cancer or just because she had no motivation to eat. Her body was always weak and she was always so tired, she found herself always sleeping in later than usual and having naps constantly throughout the day. Even when she was awake, she wanted to stay in bed all day because, what was the point?
                 She made a promise to herself two years ago, a promise to not let anyone get too close. No friends, no boyfriends; nobody. Death comes with pain, and at this point it was all inevitable. How selfish would it be for her to make friends with someone and die none months later? If anyone got too close to her, she’d be leaving, she’d be leaving too too soon for anyone to be able to accept so being alone was her decision. Of course, she still had people in her life pre-cancer but those people were also loyal and too nice to listen to Amelia push them out of her life. 
                 So maybe that’s the reason why she turned away from Atticus, her hands gripping onto the shopping kart and her knuckles were white. Don’t make friends with this guy.
                “Are you from here?” He spoke again and his voice was like music to her ears. 
                “No,” she replied. “I moved here years ago.” She wasn’t going to give this guy much information because they were not going to get to know each other, she refuses it. 
                “Maybe I’ll see you around?” His voice was hopeful, and she could see the hope in his eyes, too.
                “Listen,-” she was going to be honest, tell him that she isn’t worth his time, that she wasn’t interested but instead she found herself lying. “I’m moving out of Seattle soon, maybe we’ll run into each other again and maybe... we won’t.”
                “I’m hoping for the first option.” So was she, but she promised herself and she doesn’t want to let herself break that promise because the more people she knows, the more people she hurts and it’ll make dying more difficult for her.
                “I will...” she trailed off, eyes meeting each others again and it took her breath away again. “see you around.” 
               “I’m looking forward to it.” She thinks his smile is as pretty as his eyes; maybe even prettier. He thinks she’s the most beautiful. 
               They were both flustered and it was obvious, but both of them tried to casually play it off before he disappeared around a corner, leaving her alone in the grocery store aisle. Perfect. Alone; just the way she wanted it to be. 
               Her doctor said that she had between nine and 12 months to live, the surgery wouldn’t be successful because her tumour was considered inoperable and too aggressive. Surgery would have been done if the radiation treatment would have worked by shrinking her tumour significantly, but unfortunately she was unlucky and didn’t get that option. It took a long time for her to process, there’s still a part of her that hasn’t completely processed the fact that she is, infact, dying. Soon her life will be over, she’ll never see anybody ever again, never be a doctor again and she’s come to terms with it (kind of), but some part of her is always wishing for a miracle. 
             She hasn’t kept in touch with her family, but it’s not like they’ve been begging for her attention or even putting in an ounce of effort. Amelia has lost people before, her family has lost people before and if not speaking to her family will make the pain they may or may not experience any less, then maybe that means cutting off everybody she once cared about. 
              Most people who have less than a year to live would create a bucketlist, sleep with however many people they want, do whatever they want until they take their last breath. Not Amelia though, instead she chose to push everyone away and spend her last few months doing what she loves; operating. But since she could literally die at any minute, she had to quit her job at the hospital. So, since she couldn’t do what she wanted to do she decided to be alone and as tragic as it sounds, Amelia finds comfort in it.
             So no, she doesn’t hope she runs into the boy again mostly because she knows herself and she doesn’t trust it. She doesn’t trust the way his eyes make her feel, or the way his voice sounds or how his smile makes her hands tremble and her knees weak. No friends, no attachment. No boyfriends, no pain. 
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scorsiewrites · 2 years
this is the third chapter of my amelink series. quite long but it’s filled with fluff and a hint of drama at the end. so i hope you enjoy!
/ amelia and her family visits LA.
Part III
it’s a bright sunday morning. Link and Amelia woke up with the light touching their faces, rays coming in through the window blinds made it look like a spotlight. Amelia’s face looked more radiant than ever.
the stunning view put a huge smile on Link’s face, he slowly places his hand on her cheek and runs it down the side of her neck.
“good morning beautiful.” he says.
Amelia smiled back, closes her eyes and held his hand. “good morning. how’s your sleep?” she replied.
“it’s good, i dreamt about you actually.” Link responded.
She opened her eyes. “oh yeah? what’s the dream about? do i look good in it?” Amelia chuckled. she turns her body away from him and wrapped his arms around her.
Link embraced her from the back “of course you do babe.” he said, planting a kiss on her shoulder.
“well, for starters, we’re in LA. at the beach. you were lying on the sand and i was reading a book. you told me to put sunscreen on you and so i did. seconds later, we were making out. then i woke up.”
“i’d say that’s a perfect way to end a dream. you uh... wanna do it now that you’re awake?” Amelia replied. she rolled over and kissed him passionately like it’s the first time.
link pulled down the straps of Amelia’s night gown revealing her soft pale upper bust.
as they were about to take each other’s clothes off, the baby monitor started making noise, a sign that scout is already wide awake. the couple had no choice but to put the idea to rest.
“ahhh. of course.” Amelia rolled her eyes. “every single time. i’ll get him. gonna make us some breakfast too. talk of the town, Amelia Shepherd makes the best waffles.”
Link finds it cute when she speaks in third person. Amelia winked at him and gets out of bed.
“you do. i can eat it everyday.” Link watches as Amelia walks out of the room. he’s so in love with every inch of her that every move she makes is endearing to him.
Amelia approached the door and turned around. “i love you.” she says.
Link glared at her. “i love you too.”
 “i’m a lucky girl.” Amelia sighed.
 “not as lucky as i am.”
both of them made a pact that they wouldn’t spend a single day without both or one of them telling those three words to the other. as surgeons, they knew that life is too short, that if you have the opportunity to tell someone you love them, you do it. before it’s too late.
“aaahh that smells so good. best waffles ever.” he said, placing his hand on her waist.
Amelia wears this cute white apron that says “i’m a neurosurgeon. okay?” every time she’s cooking. Alex gave it to her as a joke few years ago but she loves it. she says it’s very fitting. her sisters keep making fun of it, asking her if she’s not worried that people might be scared of what they’re gonna eat. but nothing they say can make her give that apron up.
she’s a very sentimental person. Alex became one of her people and keeping that gift is her way of remembering the good times they shared.
“hey little man, good morning. wanna go to the beach today?” Link squishes Scout’s cheeks and unfastens the buckle of his high chair straps. Link carried him and placed him on the kitchen counter where Amelia is preparing the plates for their breakfast.
“didn’t know we have beach plans today. did you just think about it this morning?” Amelia asked.
“yeah, can’t stop picturing it. you want to? we can go to Madison Park.” Link responded. “sounds great! i miss that place.” she said with enthusiasm.
“maybe we can make that dream of yours a reality.” Amelia teased him with a smirk.
“i would love that. but we need someone to watch scout.”
“i’ll call the babysitter, she can come with us.”
“great idea.”
carrying Scout with one arm, Link knocks on the bathroom door.
“babe, i’m afraid we might have to cancel Madison Park today, Winston texted me, says it’s too crowded.” Link said with a little disappointment.
Amelia grabs the shower knob and turned it off.
“oh man, i was really looking forward to it.” she said.
“yeah i’m sorry, maybe next time.”
“yeah....” Amelia sighed. “wait-“
“what?” Link said, curious as to what she has in mind.
“i mean... we can visit LA. Charlotte’s been begging me for years. it would be nice to see their faces again.”
“now? but we have work tomorrow.”
“i have Dr. Harvey on-call tomorrow, he can take over my service for a little while, plus the new batch of residents are good so i’m not worried about that. what you think?”
“i can delegate some stuff too. move some of my surgeries under Dr. Randall. okay, you know what, let’s do it. let me make some calls.”
“me too. i’m gonna cancel the babysitting. we should start packing though.”
“i’ll handle mine and Scout’s. you can just pack your things.”
“thanks babe. don’t forget his beeboo. or we’re in so much trouble.” Scout is still on the stage of forming his words properly, he calls his precious brown furry teddy bear, beeboo. he got it as a present from his Uncle Owen during his first birthday. he can’t live without it since.
Amelia gets out of the shower, started fixing her hair and put on some makeup.
Amelia and Link sat on their seats. surprisingly, Scout is well-behaved for a kid who’s riding an airplane for the very first time.
“you alright turkey? we’re gonna fly. like Peter Pan. woosh!” Link gestured his hand in a flying motion.
“yaaaa!!” Scout exclaimed.
Amelia gave a sigh of bliss. looking at her beautiful little family.
“may we request everyone sit down. fasten your seatbelts, we are about to take off.” the flight attendant spoke over the microphone.
Amelia and Link held Scout’s hand making sure he feels safe the entire flight.
after an hour, Scout fell asleep peacefully. he rests his head on his mommy’s chest.
“gotta be honest, i’m a little scared.” Amelia said.
“what are you scared about?”
“i don’t know, the memories maybe. staying in LA is one of the best days of my life but also the worst. have i told you that they set up an intervention for me in that place? i was too high at that time, i was a mess. a big scary mess.”
“yeah you mentioned the intervention but not every little detail. and i’m not gonna force you to tell me everything if you’re not comfortable. that was all in your past. you’re a better person now.” Link kisses her forehead. he grabbed Amelia’s hand to reassure her. their fingers danced to the beat of their hearts.
“i’ll accept you and your flaws, whatever they may be. that makes you, you. and i love you.” he added.
“don’t know what i’ll do without you, really. my big calm mountain.” Amelia kissed his hand in return. “but i’m also very excited to see everyone. it’s been a long time.”
Amelia and her family arrived at Seaside Health and Wellness.
“does anyone know we’re coming?” Link asked.
“i texted Addie, she’s at the hospital for a surgery. she’ll be back at 5.”
“and Charlotte?” Link replied.
“she surprised me. i’m returning a favor.”
as they’re about to step foot in the building, they heard a loud bang. people are screaming.
a lady got out of the car, “we need help!! somebody call an ambulance!!” she yelled.
“well, guess you’re the one who got surprised.” Link remarked sarcastically.
they both rushed to the scene. “i’m gonna check on them. call 911.” Link handed Scout to Amelia so he can check the severity of the situation. the little baby started crying so Amelia stepped aside to attend to their son, “honey everything’s okay, but don’t look over there. i don’t want you to see that. mommy’s here, you’re gonna be fine. i got you.”
Amelia calls the line. “hello. i’m Doctor Shepherd. we need an ambulance in front of Seaside Health and Wellness, please. a car ran into a pole right around the corner, multiple injuries.”
“we’re on our way doctor.” the paramedic answered.
“Link, is he responsive? Link!” Amelia worries.
“sir.. sir don’t move. i’m Doctor Lincoln. follow my finger” he puts his index finger in the air and let the man follow his direction. he poked the guy’s arm a little bit, “can you feel that?” the man nods. he responded well.
“he’s responsive... atleast for now. his head is bleeding, i see some glass shards. and his arm is broken, we need to get him to the hospital, fast.” he said.
the paramedics got into the scene after few minutes.
“i have to go with them, Amelia.”
“no, yeah you should. i’ll go straight to the hospital, i just need to leave scout with Violet, i hope she’s there. i need to check on that bleed.”
“Amelia!! ohmygod!! hi how are you??” Violet yelled of excitement. she has not seen or heard from her for years.
“i’m good, but there was an accident right out front. my boyfriend Link went with the paramedics. he’s an orthopedic surgeon. and i have to check the guy’s possible hemorrhage. it’s quite bad.” Amelia said all these words in a matter of seconds, she’s clearly in a rush.
“oh and by the way, this is Scout, my son. can you watch him for a minute? please?”
“yeah yeah no, it’s fine. there’s a play pen in the lobby, he’s gonna love it. hi there little guy.” Violet accepted and carried Scout in her arms.
“thank you so much. i’ll catch up with you when i get back, i swear.”
“mommy will be back. okay babe? i love you.” Amelia kissed his cheek before rushing through the elevator.
“thank you Vi!” Amelia waved goodbye.
Amelia entered the emergency room and saw Link wearing a trauma gown.
“hey, how’s our patient?” Amelia asked.
“he’s stable. his speech is a little slurred though. i stabilized his arm but he needs surgery. just waiting for the scans.”
“Charlotte gave you privileges? where’s she?”
“the next room. i already told her you’re coming, you have yours now too.”
Amelia grabbed a trauma gown and started checking on her patient.
“we need to get him a head CT. and book an OR please. we don’t know how much shards are in there” Amelia ordered the nurse.
“MVC incoming!”
Amelia stopped for a brief moment before she realized who that person is.
it’s James.
“ohhh no.” Amelia gasped.
she didn’t imagine that the love of her life and James, the guy she almost married, will be in the same room together. ever. this was not in any of her plans. shit.
Amelia tried to run away but James already saw her.
she had no choice but to turn around. he saw her, it’s too late. she can’t run now.
“James. hi. umm.. there was an accident, we were visiting and there was... an accident. in front of our eyes. life’s funny that way.” Amelia bursted in fake laughter.
“haven’t seen you since...” James got interrupted when Link entered the room.
“hey babe, let’s go.” Link said, handing Amelia the charts.
“hi, i’m James Peterson. i run the ER. nice to meet you doctor....”
“Lincoln. ortho.”
“oh, well nice to meet you Dr. Lincoln, thank you for your help. appreciate it.”
“ofcourse. pleasure to meet you too Dr. Peterson.”
“Dr. Shepherd.” James nodded and smiled at her. he left the room right away.
“must be nice to see familiar faces huh.” Link rubbed Amelia’s shoulder.
“yeah. but.. i expected you to react differently. i’m surprised you weren’t fazed or something.”
“why would i be?”
“it’s James... the one i ran away from. we were engaged.”
“that’s him?”
end of Part III.
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amelialincoln · 3 years
Need You
Ever since she snapped at him last week, Link had been trying desperately to not be affected by Amelia’s nightmares. Since Meredith had been put on the vent, there wasn’t a single night that his girlfriend hadn’t woken up sweating and thrashing like a maniac, and to say that it was concerning Link was an understatement.
“Amelia,” he hissed, into the darkness, while shaking her awake. Amelia sat up so abruptly she almost pushed him off the bed.
“What?” Her voice was thick with sleepiness. “Oh...fuck, sorry.” She pushed her curtain bangs out of her face and glanced at their bedside table to check the time.
“I can make some tea?” He offered.
“I’m literally fine, just go back to bed,” she replied dismissively.
“You’re shaking.” His hand brushed her bare shoulder affectionately.
She shrugged him off, sighing and mumbling, “I’m just gonna get a glass of water,” before tugging on one of Link’s hoodies and quietly leaving their bedroom. She paused at Scout’s makeshift bedroom in the office to peek inside. Like always, their little boy was sleeping soundlessly in his crib. She brushed a finger against his pudgy cheek, lingering for a moment and debating whether to pick him up. If she felt in control of one thing right now it was Scout. Making up for the three others, his first couple of weeks had been almost effortless. He was a movement baby for sure but Amelia didn’t mind. She’d simply put him in the wrap they’d bought and carried him around most of the day.
“If you wake him up he’s going to be grump tomorrow.” Link’s calm voice made her jump, her heart still racing from the nightmare.
“I know,” she whispered back resentfully, “I was just making sure he was okay.”
“Was that what your dream was about?” He pressed. “He’s safe, Mia, we always have the monitor running.”
“I know.” She ran a stressed hand through her hair before pushing past him and into the hallway and quietly walking down the old, creaky set of stairs. The sound of Link’s clunky footsteps followed her apprehensively and he wrapped his arms around her as she filled a glass of water at the sink. It was then that she started to sob. Link had witnessed a couple of Amelia breakdowns before but this time it was different.
“Hey, look at me,” he ordered as her breathing started to rapidly quicken, “deep breaths.”
“Link.” Her voice was as fragile as a china doll.
“You’re okay,” he assured her, resting his chin on the crown of her head.
“I’m falling apart trying to parent these kids for two weeks. If she dies. What’s supposed to happen to them? They’ve already lost their dad, “she was palming her chest as if her heart was physically hurting, “Derek, he’s gone.”
“Amelia it’s--”
“Scout. As he gets older. He looks more and more like him every day. I compare pictures of him and my brother as a baby and it’s almost terrifying. Our son is beautiful and perfect but every time I look at him, in some weird and twisted way, it’s like I’m looking at my brother.” She pulled out of his grasp, leaning over the kitchen counter. Link watched her turn a shade of white before throwing up into the sink.
“Mia.” He was cupping her hair out of her face a second later while she heaved. “You’re okay, it’s okay.” He was trying to find a way to console her as she grieved someone he’d never even met.
“It’s too much,” she groaned. “How are we supposed to take care of four children and not completely fall apart.”
“She’s going to pull through.” Link rubbed her upper back in circular motions, momentarily being taken back to nine months ago.
“You don’t know that,” Amelia gagged. “Bailey hates me enough. If I have to tell him--”
“Amelia, you won’t,” Link interrupted firmly. “Obsessing over the worst case scenario is making you sick.”
“How can you not though?” She winced, spitting out the last of their takeout dinner.
“Because if I keep telling myself that everything’s going to go back to normal soon, it makes every day more bearable. Do you think I don’t wish I was in the OR right now? Or raising Scout in our apartment like we planned?” Amelia shrugged, weakly lowering herself down onto one of the stools at the island. “Of course I do. But if that’s all I focus on, I'll start to go insane.”
“Join the club,” she chuckled darkly. “And if we’re putting everything out on the table. I don’t trust Winston.”
“Babe, what?” Link sighed. “You’re obsessing over things because you're stressed.”
“No, I’m not.” She slammed her fists down on the counter. “She disappeared with a guy we barely know anything about and when he came he got all weird about Jackson.”
“Cause he’s Maggie’s ex.” Link tried not to act condescending. “You think I don’t feel uncomfortable when I work with Owen?” It was like he was watching his girlfriend fall apart before his eyes.
“I saw what I saw,” she argued. “I’m not making stuff up in my head.” She placed her forehead in her palms. Link was about to make a joke about Deluca when he realized that he was dead too. Everything really was starting to look a little too depressing. Link shook his head, trying to shake the underlying, familiar feeling that was beginning to creep up on him.
“Can we go lie on the couch? I don’t know how to help you in any other way but to just hold you.” Amelia nodded through slow rolling tears, with an expression on her face that broke Link’s heart into millions of tiny pieces. “Come on, babe,” he sighed, lifting her into his arms and laying her onto Meredith’s couch, cradling her tightly as hours passed.
Amelia’s phone buzzing in the pocket of her sweat shorts finally woke them in the early hours of the morning and the little gasp that followed pulled the rest of the sleepiness out of Link.
“It’s the hospital.” Her shaky hands threatened to drop the phone as the couple stared at it with hesitation. “Dr. Shepherd,” Amelia finally answered, trying to mask any emotion in her voice. “Hey, Bailey. Do you...okay...yeah they’ve been good...yep you can tell her that…” Amelia’s voice broke a bit. “...tell her that they’re doing fine and that they miss her. Oh, and don’t forget about Bailey’s tooth...yep, one of his molars. Make sure she knows that...and Zola’s math test...yeah, an A. Am I on speaker?” Amelia grinned as tears rolled down her face. Link hugged her tightly into his chest, needing no explanation. “Ellis finally tried broccoli...yeah of course it was Link that convinced her...yep and she makes him read her five books every night...takes like half an hour. Scout’s good...yeah eating better now...still bites my nipples though,” she laughed. “Bailey too? Of course he did...okay...yeah of course...get some rest...bye...love you.” She put her phone down and practically tackled Link with a hug. “She’s off the vent.”
“I figured.”
“Her levels are going up by the hour.” She wiped the fat tears rolling down her cheeks. “She’s talking about some beach, Lexie and all this nonsense but they aren’t too concerned about it. Oh my god, Link, she’s okay.”
“Told you so,” he teased, trying to hide his relief. “She needs to come take back Hayes before Jo gets too ahead of herself.” Amelia laughed, shaking her head.
“Well, someone’s gotta tell her, that man’s heart beats for Meredith Grey. If anyone is happier than me right now, it’s him.”
bc what tf was that interview w krista about Jo and hayes possibly having a romantic spark. like yes krista, jo making rude remarks and comparing hayes dead wife to alex is a great flirting tactic. i love jo but absolutely not. hayes is here for mer and only mer.
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amelinksanatomy · 3 years
A Proposal Surprise
A/N: based on this prompt “Could you do a prompt where Link proposes but Amelia is also trying to tell him she’s pregnant again?”, I wrote it based around 17x11 so one scene is pretty much what happened in the episode but, I hope it’s what you were looking for!
Amelia stared down at the plastic stick in her hand which confirmed her suspicions.
She was pregnant… again.
Her heart skipped a beat as she sat on the side of the bathtub, she wasn’t sure if it was nerves or excitement, all she knew is that she wasn’t scared. She wasn’t scared this time, at least not in this moment because she knew no matter what, Link will be by her side. Amelia continued to sit in silence enjoying the alone time, knowing in a few minutes she would have to return to the craziness of four small children. Her thoughts running at a million miles an hour trying to decide whether she should go out there and blurt the news to Link or if she should wait. She was pulled from her thoughts as if on cue as her son started wailing. Before leaving the bathroom to tend to him, Amelia wraps the test in paper towels and hides it under the counter.
As she opens the door, Amelia is met with her boyfriend rocking their crying baby in an attempt to console him.
“I think he’s hungry and there’s no bottles left in the fridge” Amelia reaches out with a smile as Link passes their son over “Oh come here little guy”.
The couple begin making their way to the couch, Amelia sitting down gently while Link passes her the nursing pillow to help her get situated.
“Are you feeling alright? You were in there a while” Amelia unbuttons her shirt to allow her son to start eating and smiles softly “Yeah, I’m good”, Link rubs her shoulder before walking off to tend to the other kids leaving Amelia alone to think once again.
She wasn’t lying, she is good. She’s always wanted a big family of her own and as she stared down at the perfect infant attached to her chest with the knowledge there was another growing inside her, her heart fluttered with love. While the couple hadn’t discussed the idea of having more kids, Amelia sees the way Link loves Scout, she sees the way he is with Mer’s kids, she knows he will be in love with this baby the second he finds out they exist.
Link shuts the door, leaving the couple in silence. Maureen and Eric had just unexpectedly shown up and taken all the kids out for the day. It had been months since Amelia and Link had been alone together, with no children asking for food, no babies wailing, no diapers to change… it was just the two of them and Amelia knew this was the perfect opportunity to tell him about their second little surprise.
“It’s not just me, right? This is weird?” Link looked for confirmation, trying to take the focus off the proposal talk his mom had just given them “Super weird” Amelia confirmed “It’s like we won the lottery of silence… Where do we even start?” she turned to face Link, who had a smirk plastered on his face “By getting naked”
“Okay” Amelia smirked and turned to walk towards the stairs “Loving that”
Link followed closely behind, confused as she walked up a few steps “Woah Amelia, I don’t think you’re grasping the extent of our freedom here” Amelia’s brows furrowed “There are no baby monitors, there are no homework assignments, no one is hungry” Amelia pointed to herself “I’m a little hungry” “Then let’s have sex in the kitchen!” Link suggested, beginning to remove his shirt.
“We can do whatever we want, you realise that? We can be loud! Do you remember being able to be lou-“ Link stopped in his tracks as he turned to see Amelia sat on the stairs, crying.
“What’s wrong?” his heart tightened as he watched tears roll down her cheeks.
Receiving no reply, Link decided he knew what he needed to do “Alright, Amelia…” He got down on one knee in front of her “Look at me”
Her eyes lifted to look at him, realising his position quickly and found herself shouting “Oh my god! No, no!” before he could begin to say anything else.
“No?” his eyes widening “Get up! Get up!”
“I thought you were crying because my mom and Zola…”
“No, I’m not!” Amelia cried more “I don’t know why I’m crying!” Link moves to sit beside her, rubbing her back gently.
“I don’t know but I can’t help it, it won’t stop so… I’m crying!” she sobbed into his chest.
She did know why she was crying, the damn hormones. In both her previous pregnancies, the hormones meant she was always crying for no reason. She knew why, he just had yet to find out.
It had been a long day of talking and yet, as the couple now lay on the floor in front of the fire, Link still has yet to find out the real reason for the rollercoaster of emotions. Amelia decided the floor wasn’t so comfortable after all and began to pull herself up. As she stood up, she turned her body to find Link had moved too and was no back on one knee, looking up at her with those soft eyes he makes. This time he was holding a little box, open and displaying a beautiful ring.
“Link! Oh my god!” her hands clamp over her mouth in shock as he smiles up at her
“You don’t have to do this just because your mom…” Link reaches out to take Amelia’s hand in his “Amelia, my whole life I didn’t think love existed, I had never been in serious relationships and most of all I swore I would never risk putting a child through the pain of divorce. Until I met you. I knew from the first time I saw you, that first real conversation about our fantasy escapes, that you were the one”
“Link, I need to tell you something…” Amelia tries to interrupt through teary eyes
“Amelia, you showed me that love is real, you made me realise that love is worth the risk of pain. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. I never thought I wanted a family, until I met you. You gave me the best gift I could have ever wanted with Scout; I didn’t think it was possible to love a pooping, screaming human so much. Amelia, you are everything I never knew I wanted and more. When I told you that day that I never want to live without you, I meant it. I want to spend every day loving you and our family, for the rest of my life”
Amelia had stray tears running down her cheeks by this point, she wanted to blame the damn hormones but really, she’d never felt more loved.
“Link, I really need-“ she wiped a tear from her face
“So, Amelia Frances Shepherd… Will you marry me?”
“I’m pregnant” Link’s eyes widened, and his jaw dropped “You’re what?”
“Pregnant” Amelia laughed nervously as she watched a toothy grin begin to appear on Links face “I found out this morning, I know Scout’s still small and it wasn’t planned again, and we haven’t even talked about whether we want more kids and it’ll be a lot but… I think we can do it”
Link glanced down at Amelia’s stomach and back up to her face “We’re having another baby?” Amelia smiled softly and laughed “We are, if you’re up for the challenge”
Before she knew it, she was wrapped in Link’s arms and being lifted into the air and back down again. He kissed her deeply, both their smiles being felt through it. They held each other close, swaying gently and enjoying the moment for what felt like an eternity,
“And yes, of course I’ll marry you”.
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jobrookekarev · 3 years
New Hair, but No New Engagements
Chapter One of One
Words: 3256
Summary: Link tries to fix Jo’s hair while the two of them talk. Link comforts her about her worries for leaving Luna in daycare, and Jo tells him not to keep pushing Amelia to marry him.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Jo Wilson & Atticus Lincoln, Alex Karev/Jo Wilson (Mentioned), and Atticus Lincoln/Amelia Shepherd (Mentioned).  
Characters: Jo Wilson, Atticus Lincoln, and Luna Ashton Wilson.
Rating: General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Haircuts, Babies, Serious Conversations, Relationship Advice, and Friendship.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: There wasn't nearly enough of Jo and Link in last night's episode.
“Are you sure about this?” Jo asked, holding up the mirror looking to where Link was holding a strand of her hair, getting ready to make the first cut. 
“Yes, trust me. I'm much better at cutting hair than you are,” Link said as Jo scoffed, remembering the time she tried to cut his hair. “Besides, you've seen how I keep up this beautiful hair.” 
Jo rolled her eyes but pinned the towel around her shoulders and let him continue. After they deep conditioned her hair in the kitchen sink and worked out most of the tangles, Jo decided that although some of it could be saved, the majority of her ends were completely unsalvageable. So she put Luna on a play mat on the floor as Link grabbed the scissors. 
Jo closed her eyes as he made the first cut. As soon as she heard the snip of the scissors, she opened one eye and looked at it in the mirror she was holding. She let out a sigh of relief as, thankfully, it didn't look too bad. As Link continued to cut, Jo looked down at Luna, she was supposed to be doing tummy time, but she had rolled over onto her back and was currently staring up at the suspended animals while playing with her toes. 
“Does Lana have object permanence yet?” Link asked, catching Jo's attention as she looked at him in the mirror. 
“Yeah, she’s really good at not fussing when I lose her favorite blanket. We still play peek-a-boo all the time and it's her favorite,” Jo said, looking down at Luna again as she glanced at her, and Jo put her hands over her face before pulling them back and saying peekaboo to her as Luna laughed.
“So Luna knows that just because she can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. The same thing applies to you when you drop her off at daycare. She knows that you love her, Jo. I've seen the way she looks at you, and just because you drop her off at daycare doesn't mean that Luna doesn't know that you love her.”
“Thanks,” Jo said with a sigh, looking down at Luna, who was fixated on her and smiled down at her little girl.
Luna looked over at her with a wide smile as Jo waved at her, and Luna waved her arms as well before looking back up at her toys. Jo couldn't help but smile as she stared at her daughter. Her perfect little girl was so happy. She never wanted Luna to worry about if Jo was going to pick her up from daycare. All Jo wanted was to let her daughter know that she was always loved and wanted. 
“I know it's not as easy as I say it is. I’m still terrified that Scout is going to get cancer,” Link said, letting out a sigh as he picked up another strand of her hair. 
“Even though I've told you a dozen times that the likelihood of that is pretty small?” Jo said, looking up at him. “By the way, how was his 1-year appointment? “
“It was great, except for the fact that we over shared with the doctor, but Scout is doing fine. He's, he's perfect,” Link said, with a smile as Jo looked back at him, but it quickly disappeared before he shook his head and picked up another strand to cut. “But I still worry, you know, I don't think that I'll ever not worry.”
“I don't think I'll ever not worry either,” Jo said, staring at Luna before looking back at him in the mirror. “And Link, you gotta stop proposing to Amelia.”
“I just want to marry her. Is that so wrong?” Link asked with a sigh, running a comb through her hair and holding up the ends before he trimmed them. 
“You're pushing her to do something that she's not ready to do. Amelia has a really good reason for not wanting to marry you. She's been married before, and she loves you, and  I can tell that she doesn’t want to rush into a marriage she's not ready for. I was in her position and do you know how many times I turned down Alex’s proposal? He asked me like three or four times before he decided it wasn't enough for him and we broke up for six months.”
“Didn't he also punch DeLuca and almost go to jail at the start of those six months?”  Link asked, pausing to turn his head and look at her. “Also, weren't you still married to Paul and you hadn't told him yet, so technically, you couldn't have accepted the proposal even if you wanted to.” 
“Yes, but that's not the point,” Jo said, waving him off with her hand as he went back to cutting her hair. “Alex was pushing me to do something I didn't want to do. Both in terms of accepting his proposal and telling him about Paul. We were only able to work things out when he accepted that. Then down the road, I realized that I wanted to marry him, and so I proposed, and we got married. I mean, he still left, but...”
Jo trailed off, she wanted to say that they were happy together, but she questioned how much of that happiness was real. She knew that Link and Amelia were different, but given her failed marriages, sometimes she felt like she had no right to be giving relationship advice. Still, she clung to what was true for her and Alex and what she saw that Link was doing with Amelia. 
“Look, it doesn't matter. I still wasn't ready to marry him, but Alex decided that being with me was more important than marrying me!” Jo said, and she waited until he pulled the scissors for her to turn around and look at him. “You have the option to choose to love her and you're throwing it away! Do you think I would do that if Alex was standing in front of me right now? I wouldn't care if he brought an ex-wife and two kids with him. So long as I could have him, I would be happy. Are you telling me that so long as you have Amelia and Scout, you wouldn't be happy?”
Link looked down and away from her. She knew he wasn't quite ready to hear her words. He was still hung up on the fact that Amelia wouldn't marry him. She hoped that he would truly listen to her and Amelia, and they could work things out. Link looked back up and caught her eye again. He didn't say anything as he picked up a strand of hair by her face, measuring it out before he started cutting again. 
Jo turned back around and looked down at Luna, who had rolled over onto her stomach. Luna got up on her hands and knees, she wasn't quite crawling yet, but she would hold herself up and wiggle. Jo smiled and held her hands out to encourage her to crawl. Luna got the most adorable, determined look on her face as she moved back and forth, not quite crawling. After a few minutes, she got frustrated and started to cry out, sitting back and holding out her arms for Jo to pick her up. Link let go of her hair, and Jo reached down to pick up Luna before she sat back in the chair and held Luna on her lap. 
“You almost did it, Luna, you're going to be crawling before Mama knows it,” Jo said, reaching out and bopping her finger on Luna's nose as Luna almost went cross-eyed trying to watch her finger. 
“She is certainly getting close. You'll have to learn how to whip your phone in time to capture it,” Link said as he ran a brush through her hair before he started cutting it again.
“What if she crawls for the first time at daycare and I don't get to see it?” Jo said, her eyes widening as she looked at Luna.
“She's not going to crawl for the first time at daycare. Nothing ever happens for the first time at daycare,” Link said with a little laugh, and she felt another chunk of her hair fall off her shoulders. “The first time she crawls for you is still the first time and she's going to remember if you were there for the real first time or not. You're still going to get to watch her grow up and do so many first, Jo. You have a whole lifetime with her. A few hours in daycare is just nothing compared to that.”
“I know,” Jo said, picking up Luna’s little pacifier with a small brown bear stuffed animal attached to it and waving it around before Luna reached out for it and Jo put the pacifier in her mouth. “It feels so different than when she was in the NICU. Back then, I would visit her whenever I could, and that felt like it was enough. I never felt like I missed anything or like I was abandoning her. Now that she's home with me, it's different, and I don't know why.”
“It's different because she's home,” Link said, pausing to hold a strand of her hair and making sure his cuts were straight. 
“I've been home with her for 12 weeks and I still feel like I did the first day I got her. I've barely even unpacked. I've just been living out of boxes for three months,” Jo said as she glared over at the stack of boxes that she hadn’t unpacked yet.
“You've got a 10-month-old baby, a preemie 10-month-old baby girl, and you're doing everything on your own. So long as you keep yourself and her alive, I think you're doing pretty good,” Link said, putting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze.
“Thanks,” Jo said, looking back at him.
Jo let out a sigh as she looked around the room again. She never imagined her life turning out like this. Even with Luna, the penthouse felt big and empty at times. She was glad that Link was staying with her now. This was the first time that she had lived on her own in six years. She had never gone more than a few months without a roommate or without Alex. As she looked down at Luna, she smiled. Jo could tell she was getting sleepy as she ran her finger over her forehead and down the bridge of her little nose, and her eyes fluttered. It was a trick that Alex had taught her to get the NICU babies to sleep. She knew that even if they were still together, she would have still adopted Luna, but she always thought that Alex would be the one to make her mother or at least be with her through all of this.  
“I never thought I'd be doing this alone. I thought that I'd have him with me,” Jo said, looking down at Luna. She had settled in Jo's arms, her eyes were growing heavy, and she struggled to keep them open and soon closed as she fell asleep. 
“I know,” Link whispered as they both fell silent, save for the sound of the scissors cutting her hair. 
“Whenever we talked about kids, he always got this big smile on his face. He made all these promises to me. He promised me that we would move into a good house in a good school district and that we would go on all of the vacations that we never got to take his kids. Disneyland, and the beach, and roller coasters, and water parks. He promised me that he would change all of the diapers after I gave birth, and I would roll my eyes, but I knew that he would do his best to keep his promises.”
Jo couldn't help but get choked up even a year later. She still grieved for the things that she lost when he left as tears collected in her eyes and a lump formed in her throat. “I adopted Lena alone, and I knew that I was going to be a single mother, but I never thought I'd do this alone.”
“You're not alone, Jo. You have me,” Link said, although he still had the left side of her hair to do. He dropped the scissors and wrapped his arms around her, putting his head on your shoulder. She leaned her head against his, letting a few tears slip out of her eyes. “I never thought I'd find the love of my life and that she wouldn't want to marry me. I never thought that I would be raising my son half the time. I don't want to be alone either, so why don't we stick together? Then we’ll never be alone.”
Jo could only nod as she closed her eyes and shuffled Luna into one arm so she could put her arm around Link as he hugged her. Jo let out a sigh as she let out her tears, although it was just a few. Every time she cried about Alex, she cried less and less. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but it was what it was. Once she pulled away from him, Link let go of her and gave her a tissue to wipe her face. He double-checked that she was okay before he went back to cutting her hair. 
“So if I'm going to move in, we should probably move you and Luna into one of the bedrooms, otherwise it's just awkward,” Link said, as Jo let out a little laugh and tried not to jostle Luna too much. 
“Okay, so do you want the bedroom with the fireplace or without the fireplace?”
“The guest bedroom has a fireplace?” Link paused, moving his head around to look at her as Jo nodded. “Yep, and the master bedroom has both a fireplace and this huge jacuzzi tub that can fit like two people.”
“Wow,” Link said with a shake of his head. “It's so weird that you're rich now.”
“It's super weird,” Jo said as she looked around the penthouse a little bit while trying not to move her head. She still wasn't used to it and didn't think she would ever get used to it. 
“Alright, I'm all done. What do you think?” Link said as he ran a brush through their hair one last time before Jo held up the mirror to look at her hair. 
It was shorter and blond, and she didn't look anything like herself, but she was happy with it. “It looks great. Thank you”
“Don't act so surprised. I told you I know how to cut hair,” Link said as he took the scissors and went to grab the broom.
“It is kind of a little surprising, though,” Jo said as she got up to go put Luna in her crib. When she put her down, Jo lingered there. She held onto the side of the crib and just watched her for an extra second. 
“Hey, come help me with this?” Link said, holding out the dustpan to her, and Jo knew that he was trying to pull her away, but she let him and grabbed the dustpan to help him sweep up her hair.
Later that night, Jo laid in bed staring at Luna in her crib. She just got on her back down and was just watching to make sure she didn't wake up again. As Luna slept peacefully Jo found that she couldn't close her eyes. Some Nights the bed still felt too big and empty, no matter how many pillows she squished up against her back. Every time she reached out to feel the cold space next to her, it was just another reminder of the person who should be there. 
Jo let out a huff as she reached out to her nightstand. She sat up just a little bit as she opened the drawer and pulled out the photo that she kept hidden away. It wasn't even her photo and frame. It was the one that Alex kept on his nightstand. The glass of the frame was gone and it was now held together with a little bit of duct tape after she threw across the loft, breaking it. The second she tossed it, she ran to get it and put it back together. Jo looked at the photo, it was them on their wedding day. They looked so happy and he looked so in love with her. She ran her fingers over his face, tracing the lines of his hair and the little curls in his hair. She still didn't know when that love stopped. 
“I wish you were here. I wish I would have given you a baby earlier. I wish you would know and love Luna like I do,” Jo said as she let herself whisper aloud. S
She could feel the tears that came up earlier in her eyes again. She took in a deep breath, and she closed her eyes as she settled, and the tears disappeared. Whenever she did that, she didn't know if she was holding in her tears or letting them go, sometimes it felt like doing a little bit of both.
She heard Luna stir and move around and saw her kick in her crib. Jo put the photo down and got up to glance at her, letting out a sigh of relief as she saw Luna was still asleep. She smiled too as she watched her little girl move in her sleep, dreaming of happy things. Her peaceful watching was interrupted by a loud snore from Link as she looked over at him. He was asleep on the couch and spread out with one leg up on the armrest and the other dangling off as he was too big for the couch. 
As much as she wished that she had Alex with her, she acknowledged that her life was pretty good right now. She was surrounded by people who loved her. She had a family and a daughter whom she loved more than anything. She was pursuing a new career that she was passionate about. If she had left with him and gone to Kansas, she wouldn't have any of this. She looked back at Luna and reached out, tracing her fingers across her arm down to her hand as her little hand wrapped around Jo’s fingers.
“You are worth the heartbreak a thousand times over,” Jo said, although the tears welled up in her eyes again and this time, she let them fall on her cheeks. “I hope you hear me and I hope you know that. I love you so much, my Little Moon.” 
Luna smiled in her sleep and Jo shared her smile. She squeezed Luna's hand one last time before she let her finger slip out of her grasp and went to crawl back into bed. She put the photograph away in her nightstand and moved the pillows up against her back again as she tried not to miss Alex. Instead, she watched Luna in her crib just for a moment. Her daughter would be okay in daycare and she would know that she was loved even if Jo wasn't with her all the time. Then she closed her eyes and she smiled as she fell asleep.
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kaimelia · 3 years
Paper Rings
hi! this is something that @teammorningglory suggested, where Amelia and Link meet on a dating app and explore their relationship. this is going to be a multi-part fic, so I hope you enjoy it!
“All of his photos are with his mom. He looks like he would spend the whole time talking about her.”
“Amelia, stop being so picky. You are looking on Tinder. You’re not going to find some perfect guy on here,” Meredith laughed, stirring her coffee. She walked up behind Amelia. “He’s hot,”
“He’s also 23, Mer. I think he’s a bit too young.” The brunette set the phone down on the table and sighed. “I don’t think I’m ever going to find someone.” Maggie picked up the phone. “What are you doing!”
“Swiping, you’re definitely not going to find anybody if you don’t swipe.”
“Maggie! Give it back!”
“Bailey did this for me, and that’s how I met Clive.” She swiped right, smiling as the screen changed. “Look, you have a match! His name is Daniel. He’s 40 and an English professor.” Meredith paused, glancing over at the photo Maggie was showing Amelia.
“Mm, nope. I went on a date with him a few months ago. Cece set us up. I definitely scared him off.” Amelia threw her head down onto the table. “Hey, you’re the one who told me not to give up. Just because you and Owen are done doesn’t mean there’s no one for you.” Maggie’s face perked up.
“Look at this guy,” she whispered. “He’s hot.” Amelia took the phone from her and gawked at the screen.
“Okay, but his name is Atticus. Who names a kid that?” The brunette asked as Meredith reached over her shoulder and swiped right. “Hey, stop!”
“You have a match! With Atticus,” Meredith sang, grabbing her bag from the chair beside her sister. “Give it a shot, let him buy you dinner. The worst thing that could happen is you hate him and get a free meal.”
Amelia didn’t think she hated him, at least from the conversations they’d had through the messenger. He’d even surprised her when he didn’t want just a hookup, something she’d received from the other guys her sister had matched her with. She walked down the hallway, laughing softly as she read the cheesy pickup line he had sent her. “Mm, are you talking to Atticus,” Meredith asked. Amelia looked to her side and smiled.
“Actually, I am. And he goes by Link. I gotta give it to you. He’s not as terrible as I thought.”
“Are you going out?”
“Tomorrow night. We’re going out for Italian food.” Meredith smirked at her sister. “Stop getting your hopes up,” Amelia muttered, “Remember when you thought you found that perfect guy, and then you found out he hates single moms?”
“Don’t remind me.” Meredith took the phone from Amelia. “But look at him, you have to give it a chance. A real chance.”
“Give what a chance?” Alex asked as he walked up beside Meredith.
“Amelia’s going on a date with a guy named Atticus, who she met on tinder.” She handed the phone to the pediatric surgeon, and he swiped through the photos.
“Tinder? You’re really on tinder, Shepherd?” Amelia grabbed the phone back from him and blushed softly.
“Look, I just need to get over Owen, and tinder is the easiest way to find someone. Everyone in this hospital has dated each other. It’s gross.”
“Red or blue?” Meredith looked up from the couch to see Amelia standing in front of her, holding two dresses. She pointed towards the dark blue dress.
“Blue, the red one is too bright for a fancy dinner date with Atticus.”
“When are you going to stop mocking his name? I already told you he goes by Link,” Amelia groaned. She dropped down onto the couch, sinking into the cushions.
“Because what parents curse their child with the name Atticus? You have to find out why he’s named that.”
“I don’t even know why I’m doing this. I haven’t gone on a date in forever. I’m going to be so awkward and make terrible conversation and then accidentally tell him about all of my emotional baggage, and then I’ll scare him away.” Meredith raised an eyebrow at Amelia and set down the book she was reading.
“Go put on your dress.” She watched as the neurosurgeon slowly stood up, walking up the stairs with the dark blue dress in hand. A minute later, Amelia returned to the living room wearing the dress.
“This is too much.”
“Stop, you look hot. New haircut, fancy dress, did you shave?”
“This isn’t a hookup. But, I did.” Amelia adjusted the straps on her dress and checked her phone. “He’s gonna be here soon. He said he’d pick me up at 8.”
“I’ll answer the door, embarrass him a little bit. This is fun!” Meredith exclaimed. “Are you wearing heels? I have the black ones up in my room, the ones that pinch a little.” She stood up from the couch. “Stay here. I’ll go grab them.” Amelia unlocked her phone, a text from him saying he was on his way that’d been delivered a few minutes ago. They’d started texting earlier that day, when Amelia had given him her phone number, claiming it was for convenience. Meredith came back down just as the doorbell rang. She widened her eyes at Amelia. “Here,” she whispered, “I’ll get the door.” Amelia took the heels from her and slipped them on, waiting out of view of the door. She could hear Meredith open it.
“Oh, I must have the wrong house,” a male voice spoke.
“No, I’m Amelia’s sister. You must be Atticus,” Meredith greeted, sticking out her hand for him to shake.
“Link, actually, no one calls me Atticus. Uh, where’s Amelia?” Amelia stepped forward into the hallway, waving awkwardly at him.
“Hi,” she whispered, walking up to the door. “Thank you, Mer. You can go.” Meredith stepped back, patting her sister’s shoulder as she did.
“Be safe!” Amelia turned back to the man in front of her after Meredith had walked out of view.
“Sorry about her, she wanted to meet you.” He grinned toothily down at her.
“It’s fine.” He paused, looking into her eyes. “You look beautiful. I got you these,” he presented her with a small bouquet of roses as she blushed at him, looking down at her feet.
“Thank you,” Amelia whispered, taking a moment to smell the white roses. She looked back up at him. “We should get going.”
“Right,” he said, opening the front door and holding it open for her. He led her to the car in the driveway, unlocking it and holding the passenger door open for her.
“Thank you.” Link smiled at her before closing the door and walking around to the other side of the car. He sat down in the driver’s seat and started the car.
“Okay, first stop, Angelini’s.” Amelia looked over at him.
“First stop?” He nodded.
“Hey, I’ve got this all planned out. As dumb as it sounds, I take dates very seriously. Even tinder dates.” He quickly glanced over at her. “You look surprised.”
“I just, why are you on tinder? Guys like you don’t use tinder.”
“I could say the same for you.” He backed out of the driveway and began to drive down the street. “I just moved here. I don’t start work for a while, and I wanted to meet people.”
“Do you do this a lot? Plan out romantic tinder dates?” He shook his head.
“You’re my first tinder date. Something about you, I can’t place my finger on it.”
“Something about my online dating profile, you mean.” Link laughed as his lips turned up into a grin. “Very chivalrous, Link.”
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milfshakess · 4 years
You know out of all the times ao3 let me down, the most disappointing might be that there is no fanfic where Meredith and Amelia move in together after Derek's death and work through the pain and grief and personal issues with each other and raise the kids together and begrudgingly start to count on each other to be there and there's a quirky dialogue with Alex where he tells Meredith "you know you're married to a Shepherd again, right" and then Meredith has a realization followed by denial and her accepting the offer of the new big shot doctor with blue eyes the show would inevitably throw at her and going out with him for a nice date where everything is nice and fun and perfectly splendid actually but something during the dinner reminds her of a thing Amelia said or did and she tells the dude that he's an amazing man and she knows he'll make somebody else very happy and that she wishes she could be that person but she isn't because she's in love with her dead husband's dysfunctional recovered alcoholic sister and she tried so hard not to be but she has to go now so then she gets back home and Amelia is sitting on the couch with the baby that was born after Derek's death and she looks up when Meredith walks in and she's half trepidation and half heartbreak because of course Meredith's date went well because who wouldn't instantly fall in love with her unnervingly smart and accomplished and beautiful sister in law but then why is she home so early and a part of her wishes the date was a disaster but another part of her burns with shame for wishing Meredith to stay alone just so they can keep pretending to be the perfect family just she can keep pretending Meredith isn't just playing house with the wrong Shepherd because she's the next best thing (she's always been, Derek's sister, the other Shepherd, the lesser doctor) but then Meredith is looking at her like that like she isn't just filling a spot left vacant by a ghost and like she really fits here in this house with this family and the baby in her arms and then she tries to say 'hi' but Meredith cuts her short because if Amelia starts talking Meredith is never gonna get this out of her and she's never gonna tell her that she left her date early because spending another minute there felt like cheating but that's entirely the wrong thing to say because Amelia smiles her sad little smile and says "on Derek" like it's not a question it's a fact and Meredith rolls her eyes and just walks to her and takes the baby from her because for a genius neurosurgeon Amelia can be such a moron sometimes and she puts the baby down in the crib and says "it felt like cheating on you, you idiot" and then she kisses her like she's been wanting to do for frankly a loger time that she's comfortable with admitting
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In defense of Owen Hunt
Just a heads up, this isn’t going to be me saying we shouldn’t hold fictional characters like these accountable. We should, and if someone did something similar in real life, we should hold them accountable too. This is my opinion and I felt the need to write it after re-watching older seasons of Grey’s and honestly would have probably written it earlier but I just didn’t make time for it.
Owen Hunt isn’t perfect. Yeah, there are better characters than him on Grey’s and that’s fine. But honestly I can’t even go into any of the Grey’s tags without seeing people hate on him and I just feel like I don’t understand why people hate his guts so much but still support other flawed characters. 
Amelia Shepherd is my favorite character. To be honest, I didn’t start watching Grey’s until Caterina became a permanent cast member. Before that, I just watched Private Practice and the crossovers between the two shows. Amelia is my hero, but she’s almost as flawed as Owen. If you haven’t seen her intervention on Private Practice, or even her spiral that led up to that, you don’t know her. She has said and done a lot of awful things, but the reason she’s my favorite character is because she is flawed. Her addiction and her trauma and her emotions that sometimes run so high are what make her so interesting and beautiful. Without those things, I don’t think I’d love her quite as much.
But over time, she has grown and changed and evolved and become even better, and I feel like no one’s giving Owen credit for what he’s done. I know we haven’t seen much of it, and I’m pissed that the writers don’t seem to care about showing much of it, but Owen has done things to try to get better.
When he had that flashback and choked Cristina, by the end of that episode he was letting Derek scan his brain to help with his PTSD. After his relationship with Amelia was really over, he went to therapy. It’s been a really, really slow process but he’s doing better, and I think it’s in part because of those women in his life. 
It’s crazy to me that people will trash him because of things he’s said and done but not other characters. For example, I saw people loving on Alex Karev. He’s changed too, obviously, but what about when he plastered half naked pictures of Izzie in the locker room? What about the first few seasons when he was a total asshole? He’s obviously not perfect either, but he got better. And let’s not forget things Derek has said and done. He called Meredith a whore once when they weren’t together, chose Addison over her once, forgot to even tell her about Addison until she showed up looking for him, hit Meredith’s engagement ring into the woods with a baseball bat, tried to make her out to be the bad guy when he got the job in DC, I could go on. 
I’ll be honest, I didn’t like Meredith at first. I hated her for the way she treated Amelia regarding Derek’s death. I didn’t think I would ever really like her, but now I do, because her relationship with Amelia has changed and grown over time, and they’re close. 
I still care about Owen and what happens to his character, and I’m not afraid to say it. Is he an idiot sometimes? Oh yeah. Does he still fuck up sometimes? Absolutely, but he’s not the same character he was when he first came on the show. I think we all need to remember that the characters we love have all done some fucked up shit at one point or another.
Obviously I can’t make people love Owen. If you still wanna hate him, that’s fine. But hating on the actor, Kevin McKidd, is not okay. Not in the slightest. He’s an actor and a human being, and he’s not actually Owen Hunt, so remember that shit before you go attacking him, because that’s not fucking cool.
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy: All Tomorrow's Parties/The Center Won't Hold (17x01/02)
Scout is indeed a cute name but it was weird that they just looped around to the original name that we'd all already heard! But whatever. Adorable. As for the rest of the episode(s)? Let's take a look!
I a not a fan of Owen, I never really have been, so I especially resent being in a position where I feel like I need to be on his side. But Teddy? God, Teddy sucks, y'all. It's such a bummer. I loved her character once upon a time, but I don't really see a way forward from this where I can ever root for her again. Not only did she cheat on Owen, often, but when Owen gave her every opportunity to open up, when he tried to salvage something of their trust by giving her chance after chance to come clean, she still maintained her silence. Like, honestly, screw her for that. She gives Jo a whole speech about how she sabotaged her happiness because it was so unfamiliar to her, but no, I'm sorry, give me a break... remember that backstory where she was having an affair with her roommate's girlfriend who then died? And then all of this with Tom? She's a serial adulterer and not a good person.
Speaking of relationship woes... I maintain that Catherine Fox sucks. Without broader context, within this episode, it seems like it's a story about two people who hurt each other but love each other deeply, and I did like that Catherine actually used her words and apologized. But with the broader context? I just honestly don't get the affection between them. I don't believe in their love for one another. Stubborn pride is one thing, but the level of malice behind Catherine's actions? Not acceptable. Also, yes, Richard was wrong to hang out with a woman who was clearly interested in him, but this was during a time when he and Catherine were hardly speaking and basically separated, and I honestly think Catherine's behavior was way worse, over all! But even setting aside my dislike for Catherine... I just don't care about their romance!
I hope Levi gets a nice boyfriend right the fuck now, I'm sick of Nico haunting him. I want real resolution here. On the other hand, I'm glad to see that Levi still gets little subplots of his own. He's become an unexpected fave for me.
Gonna throw this out there right now: I hope Jackson and Jo are just friends and they don't do anything awkward with it from here. Please. Also, I thought Jackson and his girlfriend had already broken up, but then this episode showed a flash of them re-breaking up? Did I miss something?
While I appreciated the idea of jumping around in time to pre-Covid, through to the current situation, I also found moments of it a bit confusing, so I wanted to make a note of that as well.
Amelia and Link are super cute! Fingers crossed this is the end of relationship drama for the both of them, because Scout is the perfect name for Atticus Lincoln's son, and they are the best Auntie and Uncle to Meredith's kids, and they're just genuinely sweet and seem happy together. While Amelia bothered me with a lot of her drama stuff with Owen, I think what we're seeing here is that her drama was feeding off of Owen's, and with a different partner the stress and pain and angst all just flow away! I'm on board the Amelia fan train at the moment! I loved how she did what she could to make up for missing Link's birthday.
Another formerly annoying character who becomes completely tolerable when in a happy relationship? Maggie! So cute! I love the long-distance thing, and I'm sure that'll cause problems, but for the moment it's absolutely adorable and I am all about it. Maggie deserves happiness. I even liked the scene with her and Catherine screaming out their frustrations, even though, as stated above, Catherine can fuck off.
I love the journey we're seeing with DeLuca. The intervention scene, with Carina so devastated and wanting to be there for her brother, and Meredith's words, asking him to fight for himself as hard as he fights for everyone else... that was all seriously so freakin' beautiful. And the girl that was being trafficked managed to get away, and was reunited with her family! Talk about a heartwarming development! Where we see Andrew now, he's doing better, he and Meredith are friendly if nothing else, and it's looking like he might be able to move past what happened and continue his successful career and a potential happy life.
While I don't want Jackson/Jo to be an actual thing, I loved the awkwardness of their little subplot here, it honestly made me so happy. Hilarious, truly. Jo is the funniest character on the show sometimes, so her crying into Jackson's mouth was honestly the most laugh-out-loud moment for me!
And the tear-jerker moment? Well, obviously when the two dads hugged in the hospital after one of them lost their son. They'd gotten into a knock-down-drag-out fight, but in that moment they were just two men in total solidarity. The fact that the kid died was so tragic, and I also thought it was a good moment of humanizing the Covid situation beyond just the basics of "wear a mask or else you're a dick." Those kids were STUPID to go to a party given the situation, but Covid didn't kill anyone, it was a fire that did that. And they were kids. At the end of the day, they should have been given the opportunity to grow up and do better. When the one dad was talking about how furious he was at his son for wasting his new kidney by going to a party, I really felt that. I have family members who are behaving irresponsibly during all of this, but that doesn't mean I think they deserve to die.
I liked Richard's plot, separate from the romance thing with Catherine, where he makes improvements at the hospital, comes into his own and regains authority after his medical issues from last year, and in the end gets to have Tom Koracick's job of Chief of Chiefs while Tom is demoted to just head of cardio!
I'm sure I'm missing someone, but I'm going to go ahead and turn to Meredith, now. Because wow! I really liked how Ellen Pompeo played this, the way she was cold and collected as she lost patient after patient to Covid, and had to tell family member after family member to come say goodbye. She has a breakdown in a supply closet (a Grey's Anatomy staple), and DeLuca helps her out. Throughout the episode, we see her really frazzled and rundown, but still trucking on, the way Meredith Grey does. And then... at the end of the episode, Dr. Hayes (dreamboat Irish doctor whose name I still had to look up), finds Meredith unconscious in the parking lot.
And Mer's on a beach. There's a figure in the distance, calling her name. It's... DEREK SHEPHERD! I don't care if this makes no sense and is ridiculous. If Izzy could have dream-sex with Ghost!Denny, let Meredith talk to her dead husband. Bring it on, I'm really excited to see what's next!
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meg91596 · 3 years
Family is All that really matters
Chapter 1: Christmas Surprises:
Christmas has always been a fun time for the Shepherd children, except for the year that Derek had passed away. This year matches that particular year. Meredith is going to be away from her children leaving Link and I because she had to work on Christmas. This year has been a tough year for Zola, Bailey, and Ellis. They couldn’t even visit when she was sick in the hospital with Covid. My heart felt for them considering I was the only one with them besides Link. This is Scout’s first Christmas and honestly he’s spending it with his cousins who love him and his parents. 
“Auntie Amelia are we going to get a Christmas Tree this year?” Asked Zola. “Soon Zola.” Link responded. “But Santa comes tonight.” Bailey said. “It’s not December 24th yet.” Amelia said. “Yes it is Auntie Amelia we don’t have a tree this year and Santa won’t come and visit us.” Zola, Bailey and Ellis said almost in tears. “Okay lets get a tree.” Amelia said putting Scout in his carseat while Link started up the car. 
I never thought that I would completely forget about Christmas. With this whole pandemic it is hard to even remember what day it is. I thought it was bad when Scout was born, and Meredith having COVID. I couldn’t let these kids down they have already been through so much this year. Going to a Christmas Tree lot a day before Christmas was a new experience because we usually get the tree after Thanksgiving. Link helped Ellis, and Bailey out of their car seats as I put Scout in his stroller. Zola was waiting for all of us to finish so we can pick out our tree. We found the perfect tree, and brought it home. When we got home Meredith was there extending her arms out to the kids. 
“Meredith I thought you were working then quarantining in your hotel room?” Amelia asked. “I needed to be here for the kids I missed Bailey’s birthday, and many other things because of work an the Coronavirus. I just want them to be happy.” Meredith said. “I figured that was what had happened.” Amelia said. “You got the tree huh?” Meredith asked. “Yeah did you know today was December 24th?” I asked. “Really December 24th already? How did I miss that?” Meredith said. “I did the same thing when Ellis, and Bailey asked about how Santa would know to come to the house.” Amelia said. 
Meredith had tears in her eyes realizing that it was Christmas eve. After the children had gone to bed we wrapped all the presents that had not been wrapped. Link and I went to bed before midnight. But unfortunately we didn’t get to fall asleep right away because Scout woke up because he needed a change and to be fed. After Scout was taken care off we all fell asleep until 7:30 when Ellis came in the room all excited. I was scared for Scout because he has never slept that long without waking up to be changed or fed. I looked at him in his crib with all smiles cooing.
“Merry Christmas baby boy.” I said to Scout as I picked him up. “Good Morning Scout and Amelia.” Link said. “Momma.” Scout said. “Did Scout just say Momma for the first time he says Dadda all the time and never momma?” Amelia asked. “MOMMA.” Scout said again. “No Scout has been saying Zo, El, Bay, Dadda, and Momma for awhile.” Link said. “I guess I have been busy that I forgot that he has been saying things other than his baby babbling.” Amelia said.  “Good Morning Auntie and Uncle are you ready for presents Santa came last night.” Bailey and Ellis said excitedly. 
We walked down with our 9 month baby boy. It is hard to imagine that Scout is already 9 months old. To be honest we went through so much with the pandemic that we hardly even got a break from anything. The kids have been in and out of school which when they are out of school I usually stay home with them as it also gives me time to spend with Scout. When Link and I got downstairs The kids were so excited that they didn’t want to let Scout open the first present. Scout was going to open the first present because it is his first christmas which matches his onesie and christmas ornament that we have on our tree we got yesterday. 
“Look Auntie Amelia Scout is opening his first present did Santa bring him that present?” Zola asked. “No Santa didn’t your mommy got Scout this present.” LInk said. “Look Scout what did Auntie Meredith got for you, She got you a stuffed Giraffe.” Amelia said. “Momma ungry.” Scout said. “Scout said his first word?” Meredith asked. “NO he’s been talking for a month now but I just heard him call me Momma today.” I said. 
Bailey loved the superhero toys that Link and I got for him. Ellis loved her barbies that we got her along with all the other new toys that she got for Christmas. Zola liked her toys as well but she was more excited about Scout’s expression with the toys that he got for Christmas. I thought all of our Christmas presents were opened Link pulls out a new present from his pocket. It was a diamond ring. “AMELIA FRANCES SHEPHERD the mother of my son will you do the honor and spend the rest your life with me?” Link asked. “Oh Atticus Lincoln I will marry you because you are my world as is Scout.” Amelia said. “Congratulations.” Meredith said. “You knew he was going to do that?” Amelia asked. “Yes that’s why I said I had to work I wanted to surprise you guys but I got out early yesterday but I knew of Link’s intentions for weeks.” Meredith said. “I knew too Auntie.” Zola said. “It was a beautiful Christmas even though there was pandemic but all that really matters is that we are a family who love each other.” I said hugging everyone. 
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amelink66world · 4 years
Love of my Life
Heyyy guyss!! This is the new chapter. You can find this story on my wattpad too by the same name. The link is also available on my masterpost. Enjoyyy.
Date Night ( part- 1)
The room had a different aura. It was difficult to describe. It was surreal, radiant. It appeared to have come straight out of a romantic movie.
It was Amelia's idea to trick Mary into believing that her husband was going to be in a coma forever without saying anything. They just had to approach her with a neutral expression, that is, the doctor face, rest will be left up to Mary. The surgeons wanted to cherish the look on Mary's face upon seeing her husband awake and of sound mind.
The shock was evident on her face upon seeing her husband propped up on his back on the hospital bed. She dashed to his bedside and hugged with all her might. The mood changed in the room. It began filling with love. This feeling overpowered all other emotions of the occupants of the room. Mary was continuously whispering I love you in Jai's ear.
Link felt this sweet feeling surge in his veins. They noticed that Nico and Schmitt were hugging and smiling looking at the pair. He wanted to hug Amelia so badly right now. He chanced looking at Amelia as she was the one making him feel this way. He wanted to hug her, kiss her, protect her from everything in this cruel world. He realised he was falling for her. HARD.
            Amelia was experiencing the same thing. She never thought she was capable of feeling any love after Owen. But her she was, standing in a patient's room thinking only about Link. She looked back at him and smiled. He was intently looking at the couple with a soft gaze. She wanted to hug him, tight, kiss him and just stay in his embrace forever. He always made her feel safe, comfortable in her skin and protected. He always made her feel special just by a single look. He was just...something else.
Their eyes met. The whole world seemed to revolve around them. It was just the two of them. Something was drawing them in. They inched closer. The pair smiled and Link wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She leaned into his side feeling content. Link put a small kiss on her forehead and she sighed. This was the best feeling ever!
They left the couple alone and headed towards the nurse's station. Suddenly she felt herself being pulled into an on-call room. It happened so fast that she couldn't comprehend what was happening. She recovered from her initial shock when she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist pulling her into a big, warm body. She wrapped her arms around the owner of those gorgeous hands' neck and inhaled his scent. Link was smothering her face with kisses. He just couldn't control this bubbling feeling in his heart and just wanted to be near her.
                 Amelia sighed at his touch and ran her fingers through his hair. Taking his own sweet time, Link pulled back. He was staring deep into her eyes, their noses were so close to each other that they almost touched. " Amelia Shepherd, would you like to go on a date with me? "  Link looked so innocent when he asked this question that Amelia nearly missed that famous smirk of his. His eyes twinkled in the dimly lit room with playfulness and hope.
Amelia pretended to think for a second making him frown. " Um, let me see. Shall I go with you? Hmm, maybe I should? Or shall I not? ", her eyes were full of mirth and she enjoyed teasing him. Link pouted petulantly. Amelia laughed and hugged him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. " Of course I'll go on a date with you, silly." She could practically feel Link's smile. He tightened his arms around her waist wanting to hold her much closer. Now that he officially got her, he never wanted to let go. " Yayy! I'm the luckiest man in Seattle right now! "
  She pulled back slightly with shock evident on her face. " In Seattle?! You should say you're the luckiest man in the whole world! ", she playfully smacked him on the chest. Link grinned and held her hand which attacked him, pulling her back to him again. He smiled and whispered in her ear with utmost sincerity," No doubt, I am." His words made her heart flutter and a shiver ran down her spine. They stayed like that in each other's arms for several more minutes before going to their respective floors. Before departing, Link questioned her, " Pick you up at 7? "
" Sure. But wait, what shall I wear? Casual or something you know...?", she raised her eyebrow suggestively. Link's eyes twinkled and he chuckled,  " Definitely that something! " Amelia nodded before kissing his cheek and waving him. Link lingered for a few more seconds, just staring at her retreating form before going on his way. How did I get so lucky?
At 6:15 in Meredith's house:
Amelia pounded on Maggie's door. " Maggie!! MAGGIEEEE, I need your urgent help. Come out."
Maggie rushed out looking disheveled.
" What? What? Did someone try to kill you? Did someone die? Wait. IS THERE AN INTRUDER?! Where are the kids? OH MY GOD! " Maggie went in a full panic mode. Amelia just stared at her sister. She can be so crazy sometimes. She laughed and tried to stop her. She cupped her shoulders, " Hold up, Maggie. To answer your questions, no, no and no. Kids are at a sleepover with Rene, so chill. Nothing's wrong. God. You make me not the crazy sister sometimes," she guffawed.
Maggie hit her on the shoulder. " What the hell, Amelia. What IS the problem then? "
Amelia sheepishly shrugged her shoulders, " Well, uhh I'm going on a date and I don't exactly know what to wear. Can you please help me decide? ", Amelia pouted. Anger left Maggie's body and was quickly replaced by enthusiasm.
" You're going on a DATE? Amelia I want the details. With whom? Is he from the hospital? Of course, he is. Is it Dr. Fitz from cardio? Oh, Amelia he's great. Amazing doctor. Great attending. Hot. SO DAMN HOT. And he's secretly after you too. I've totally seen him stare at you numerous times. He even asked me once if you were single," Maggie winked.
" Dr. Fitz likes me ?! Wow." She giggled sheepishly but couldn't picture herself with that hot doctor. The only man on her mind was a certain orto surgeon who was hotter than Fitz. In fact, the hottest doctor in the hospital. And today he was all hers. " No, God, Maggie no." She pulled her into her room. " I'll tell you who it is. Help me out first. "
                There were dresses lined up on her bed. First outfit was a pant- suit similar to what she wore at the conference. Link really liked that outfit and everything began from there. The second one was actually tooo sexy for today. It was a blue dress that ended just a few inches above her knees and clung to her figure. I'll keep this for some other day, she thought smugly. The last one was a black floral dress that reached her knees and was snug fit. Fortunately, Maggie lifted that one, " This. " Amelia smiled at her." Okay thanks, Maggie." She then rushed her out of the room. " I need to get ready. Bye "  Maggie was speechless, " You were supposed to tell who you're going with! "  She humphed and left to gloat.
There was a knock at the door sharp at 7. Maggie tried to reach downstairs before Amelia to see who is was that her sister was so excited about but Amelia beat her to it. She was never the one to dress up but today was special. She wanted to look good for Link. She put on some light makeup which looked perfect on her pale skin and complimented her eyes. She wore small hoop earrings and a silver watch. Nothing too much, nothing too less either.
Her eyes bulged out when she reached the glass door. Link was looking dapper, freaking handsome. She couldn't take her eyes off him. He was standing with a bouquet of very beautiful red roses. Do I need to go through this whole date thing before jumping his bones? How am I gonna do that?!
             Link on the other hand was rendered speechless at the sight of her. Ahhh, she looks so damn sexy. She looks absolutely gorgeous. God I really like her. I just can't wait to get to know her better. She's all mine today.
" Hi ," she said sheepishly.
" Hey. You look...", he trailed off, thinking of an appropriate word other than sexy. Amelia looked up with her hopeful eyes sporting a small knowing grin. "...gorgeous, Amelia. God, you're so beautiful." He leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips. The kiss was soft at first but was taking a different turn fast. Amelia slightly pulled back and grinned up at him. Her cheeks were rosy and Link kissed her forehead. She leaned in to put a lingering kiss on his cheek.
  He handed her the bouquet, " And these milady, are for you." He bowed to put on a show. Amelia laughed and took the Rose's from his hands. " You're such a dork." She then put the bouquet in a vase situated near the door and took his hand. "Let's go," she whispered with a soft smile. Link couldn't believe his luck. How will I control myself if she keeps looking at me like that? This will surely be a long night. He was really excited to finally go out with her.
" IT'S LINK ??!!, " he heard a holler. Amelia yelped before pulling him outside. She laughed nervously before speaking, " Let's just go, okay. Ignore her."
Maggie came down the stairs to a shocking sight. Amelia kissing Link. She couldn't control her outburst. " Amelia, wait. Come back here." But she literally ran away in her heels.
Wasn't it just a one-time thing? And what did she call it, Pain Management, right? Nonsense. Huh, didn't I tell her to date Link in the first place? No one ever listens to me. Huh, I'm so smart.
In the car:
The car ride was peaceful with Link's hand on her thigh caressing trying to calm her down. This was what Amelia wanted to avoid. Maggie finding out. Now she'll never hear the end of it! Ughh. Link kept stealing glances at her. She was nervous. What in the hell was all of that?  " Amelia, are you okay? What exactly was that? ", he chuckled.
               Amelia stuttered, " Ughh, um, no...nothing. It was just Maggie being Maggie," she laughed nervously. Link side-eyed her. He raised his eyebrow with a serious expression prompting her to spill. Like a kid caught red-handed stealing cookies, Amelia answered, " Well, Maggie kinda told me way back to date you. But I didn't listen to her and now look where we are. Doing exactly that." She looked down at her hands.
   They had reached the famous Italian place in town by then. He parked the car before turning in her direction. He lifted her chin with his fingers. " Our timing was wrong at that time. Nothing else. Sooo, did you do a wrong thing by listening to her now? ," he asked her with a hint of insecurity. Amelia looked up at his eyes with confidence. " Of course  not. I can't even think like that. I'm really happy with you. I was looking forward to this night," her cheeks coloured.
That fluttering feeling returned and tugged at their hearts. She looked so beautiful to Link with her twinkling eyes and blushing cheeks that he leaned down to kiss her burning cheeks. He knew how flustered she could get around him. He couldn't help but tease her. " Calm down, Amelia. Breathe," he whispered in her ear. He then got down and walked towards her side of the car. Ughh I'll kill him. That man is doing it purposely. Huhhh. When did it get so hot in here? Amelia was fanning her face when Link opened her door. He helped her out of the car and wrapped her arm tightly around her waist.
Amelia teased, " Such a gentleman." He laughed, "At your service, madam." She laughed and smacked him on the chest. He took her to a fancy Italian restaurant. He knew she loved Italian. Amelia smiled warmly at him.
Author's Note:
Heyy guys!!! I just couldn't wait to post this new chapter!!
Anyways, this chapter is kinda short as it is divided into two parts. The next part will be released by tomorrow. I hope you like it ;) Suggestions are welcome in the comments section. So enjoy. Until then.
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toevenexist · 5 years
I don’t know if you’re writing again but it would be awesome if you could write a fic about Amelia’s current situation. Maybe something with her morning sickness or a moment with the sisters or with Link 😍❤️
Hey! I started this as a fic based on the prompt:
Hi, I really loved your last fics. And it’s so amazing that what you wrote kind of actually happened 😍😍😍😍 I was also wondering if you could write a small fic in the current timeline. Like that Amelia feels some early pregnancy symptoms (like tender breasts, cramping, headaches or nausea) but doesn’t know about the pregnancy yet. Link just thinks that’s it’s period related or something and is there for her, trying to make her feel better. Also the sisters could notice that something is off.
But when I got the second prompt I decided to merge them, I hope thats alright?! 
I’d be happy to keep writing this fic along side the episodes. If there’s anything you want to to read, LET ME KNOW!! 
Enjoy xxxx
Her head was spinning, stomach flopping and churning. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The elevator stopped, doors opening to reveal Link. Amelia smiled, pleased to see him, despite feeling sick. 
“Hey, are you off home?” Link said, wrapping and arm around her and pressing a kiss to the side of her head. He squeezed her and she winced. He quickly loosened his hold. “Are you… alright?”
Amelia clenched her teeth, nodding, “I… my…” she gestured towards her chest  “they’re sore, it’s...yah know.” 
“Oh damn, I’m sorry… I can come over tonight and look after you, hot water bottle, chocolate, are you feeling really bad?” 
  The elevator opened on the bottom floor, and they both stepped out. “Yeah.. I don’t know its… I won’t be very good company” 
“Amelia, I don’t care. You want to wait for me or shall I just meet you there?”
Amelia half smiled, wrapping her arms around herself. “I’ll wait” Amelia said, stopping by the exit, leaning against the wall. “Alright, I’ll be ten minutes,” he said, and she watched him go.
Her smile faded slowly, as she became aware of the discomfort she was in. Her stomach twisted and cramped, she frowned, swallowing hard.  She sat down in the waiting area, huffing, placing her bag at her feet and leaning against her thighs. She stayed like that for a short while, savouring the comfort that the position provided to her cramping stomach.
She tipped up her gaze from the floor when she heard her name, Maggie eyed her. “Are you alright? Do you need a ride?” 
Amelia sat up, shaking her head, looking passed Maggie for Link. “No it’s okay, I’m waiting for Link. I’ll be home soon” 
Maggie nodded, pursing her lips. “And are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m... I’m alright, just... “ Amelia looked around, checking she wouldn’t be overheard by anyone, ”Pregnancy stuff.”   
  Link rushed over then, panting, “Ready to go?” He said, breathless. 
“Did you run here?” Maggie chuckled, turning to Link. 
“Nah… well sorta” he laughed, holding out a hand for Amelia. She took it and rose slowly, holding his hand tightly. Link pursed his lips, guiding Amelia alongside him, with an arm around her back. 
Amelia plodded ahead of Link, making her way up the stairs to her room. Link followed at a distance, hanging his coat, and taking off his shoes.
 She was topless and splayed on the bed when he entered her room. She unbuttoned her pants and groaned, Link grinned, shamelessly ogling her chest. He sat down beside her, tracing his fingertips across her stomach and up the central contour of her torso. 
“My boobs are huge… and sore” Amelia sighed, closing her eyes. 
“You’re Beautiful” Link uttered, resting his palm under her breast, against her ribs. Amelia opened her eyes, and found his scanning her face. They locked gaze and smiled. Link inhaled, sharply, smiling wider, “Right, come on…” He got up and moved to her dresser, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. 
Amelia groaned again, gently folding her arms across her chest. “Come on, pants off, you’ll feel better.” 
“You do it!” Amelia huffed, lifting her hips. 
“Alright…” Link smiled, eyes alight as he helped her take off her pants. “Alright, now up!” 
Amelia sat up, yawning, throwing her arms up so Link could pull her t-shirt on. 
“I feel like I’ve eaten a massive meal, like it’s thanksgiving. I feel gross.” 
“Well you look lovely” 
“I look squishy, and bluh” Amelia sighed, pulling up her sweats and flopping back onto the bed, rolling and crawling up to the pillows. 
“I like squishy” Link shrugged. 
“So you think I do… look squishy” Amelia pouted, peering up at him from the bed. 
“Amelia, you are perfectly squishy and non-squishy, you’re perfect” 
Amelia cringed, laughing, turning her face into her pillow. “Hot water bottle? Tea? What do you need?” Link asked.
“Mmmnnn I don’t know...” Amelia spoke, muffled and slurred, feeling suddenly sleepy. 
“Alright, I’ll take a guess” Link said, leaving Amelia alone. 
She shuffled around in the bed, getting under the covers. The warmth pulled her into a sort of meditation, and she fell asleep. The next thing she knew, she felt heat against her stomach, and a hand in her hair. The TV was on, almost mute, screen flickering. Amelia sighed contently, nuzzling into Link’s thigh and then resting her head there. There was a knock at the door, and Link called out “Yeah” in reply. Amelia kept her eyes closed. 
It was Maggie, “Hi, you left these…” She said, and Amelia opened her eyes to see what.
“Oh yeah, thank you…” Link said. Maggie walked over from the door, two mugs of tea in her hands. Link went to take both of them, but Amelia lifted her head. 
“Hey, here…” Maggie smiled warmly, and handed Amelia one of the mugs, and the other to Link.
“Thank you…” Amelia said, and hummed, leaning against the headboard, hugging the cup between her hands, letting the steam warm her in-breath. Maggie left, closing the door softly behind her.
“We should eat something proper soon?” Link said, circling his arm around her shoulders.  Amelia groaned, taking a sip of tea. 
“You’re not hungry?”
“Mmnn, I don’t know, I guess, but I don’t want to vomit…”
“Well what might not make you sick?”
Amelia sighed, dropping her head against Link’s chest and resting her cup in her lap. “Um… maybe soup…”
“Okay, I can do that... what kind?” 
“Minestrone, with that disgusting soggy spaghetti” 
Link chuckled, “Why do you want it if it’s disgusting? And for your information, I like the soggy spaghetti” He grinned, squeezing her shoulders. 
“I don’t know why I want it…. I just do”
“Well its my favourite soup so...” Link smiled smugly, peering down at Amelia’s stomach, reaching out and giving it a little pat, “Good baby… craving daddies favourite foods”.
Amelia snorted, laughing, rolling her eyes. “Well lets see how it goes down first shall we?”
“Link… you don’t have to sit…” Her statement was interrupted by her retching again. Link moved closer and sat down behind her, scraping her hair back with one hand and smoothing the other against her lower back.
 “It’s okay, It’s okay…” he reassured her, as she sat up straight, puffing out a long, unsteady breath. Amelia shivered, falling into the circle of Link’s embrace, panting.
 “Alright…?” Link spoke softly, and brought a glass of water up to her lips. She took a sip, and hummed, crossing her arms across her stomach, closing her eyes. 
“You feel like you might be sick again?” Link asked, brushing the hair from her face. She shook her head.
 “My stomach’s sore” Amelia said, her voice husked and hoarse. She shivered again, curling against Link. 
“Alright babe, come on, let’s get back to bed” He said, holding her tighter and standing with her, pulling her with him. She stood and brushed her teeth with her eyes closed, one arm still wrapped around her stomach. 
“Here…” Link draped a blanket over her shoulders and brought her hot water bottle up against her aching stomach, holding it there for her as she finished brushing her teeth. 
“Thank you.” 
“S’okay” he whispered, resting his chin on her shoulder. “So much for craving my favourite foods” he smirked, meeting her eyes in the mirror. She smiled back tiredly, cheeks reddened.
“It’s that soggy spaghetti, that’s what the problem is…” she said, turning to him, sticking out her tongue in disgust. Link chuckled, shaking his head and following her back out into the hall. 
“Hey… Amelia” Meredith was waiting, she smiled sympathetically and continued, “I heard you puking, here… you should try these, they worked a treat for me when I was pregnant with Ellis” She passed Amelia a box of crackers. 
“Apple sugar crackers… did we have these?”
“No, I just ran out and grabbed them, I heard you puking that soup” Meredith half smiled at Link when she spoke of the soup.  
“Oh, thank you… that’s… really kind… thanks Mer ” 
“I used to eat them in bed at night… I couldn’t sleep on an empty stomach...” Meredith shrugged, smiling, she nodded once and retreated back down the stairs, calling out ‘goodnight.’
Next Day:
“Dr Shepherd are you okay?” Jackson Avery, stood across the patient from her, a look of concern and confusion on his face. 
Amelia bit her lip, gripping the gurney with one hand and quickly brushing away a sheen of sweat from her forehead with the other, “Um, yeah… I’m fine, I just...”
“Dr Shepherd I’m not sure you should be here… if you’re sick… it’s just not healthy for you or the patients.” 
The patient between them was unconscious, sedated. Owen walked in then, and Amelia closed her eyes, and grit her teeth.
 ‘Don’t be sick, don’t be sick, don’t be sick’ she thought repeatedly, though nausea continued to roll through her, she shuddered, her stomach churned uncomfortably. She pressed her palm to her abdomen, breathing in sharply and holding her breathe.
 “Are you okay? Amelia, you should sit down, you don’t look…”
“She looks like she’s gonna puke or pass out” Jackson interrupted.
“I’m fine, I’m…” Her voice wobbled, and she clenched her fists, backing away from the table. She wasn’t aware that Owen was following her until she heard his voice over the sound of her throwing up. She leaned heavily into the trash can, just outside the room. 
“Amelia… you’re sick, you should go home… I can probably take you?” 
Amelia just groaned, hovering over the bin, worried her stomach had more to give. She stood slowly and closed her eyes, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. She started to tip to the side, only realising her unbalance when Owen caught her.
 “Woah, woah, Amelia” He spoke loudly, holding on to her, she let him, not trusting her centre of gravity. 
“I need…” Amelia began to speak but stopped when she felt palpable dizziness wash over her, traditional dizziness. Her eyes rolled back, knees buckling. 
Owen caught her again, and called a nurse over, ordering her to fetch a wheelchair. The whole time his eyes were wide and worried, heart racing. 
“Oh my God, Amelia…” Maggie rushed over just as Owen sat Amelia down in a wheelchair. She placed a hand at the back of Amelia’s neck, supporting her lolling head. Amelia’s eyes fell in and out of focus. “Amelia…” Maggie called her, trying to get her to focus, she couldn’t. 
Maggie looked up at Owen, who stood behind her, at the handles of the chair. “Um, I’ll take her into a side room. I’m sure she just needs a banana bag, she’s… had poisoning, from food”  Maggie rambled, avoiding Owen’s gaze as she spanned the wheelchair and took the handles, wheeling Amelia away. 
Amelia collapsed against her thighs and held her head, groaning. “It’s okay Amelia, I’m taking you up to OB” Maggie said, entering an elevator. 
Amelia groaned, uttering “Link.”
“I’ll page him, we’ll just get you to OB first and then I will”
“Amelia!” Link raced into the room, finding Amelia lying on a bed. He was out of breath, eyes glistening. 
“Hey, I’m okay. It’s alright”
“You’re okay? What happened?” he took in the IV bag, and then back at Amelia, scanning her face. Amelia reached for his hand, and smiled tightly, pulling him towards the bed so he’d sit. 
“I was sick, you know I was sick this morning, and well I just couldn’t kick it. I was in the ER, and I was just… still not good, and I puked again…” she paused, gazing upwards as she recalled the events, “In front of everyone… in front of Owen”
“Oh, damn” 
“Yeah, and that’s not even the worst of it… I passed out”
“You what? To the ground?”
“No” Amelia interrupted his thought process quickly, “Owen caught me… put me in a wheelchair and then thank god Maggie saw, and took me. She told him it was food poisoning” 
Link pursed his lips, smiling a little. “We’re going to have to tell everyone soon Amelia.”
Amelia sighed, nodding, looking down to their hands.
 “I’m worried how Owen will take it. He...He wanted a baby, he fought for us to consider having children… and I… I said no… and now...”
Link nodded, pursing his lips, squeezing her hand, “It’ll be difficult, but it will be okay, eventually. I’ll be there for you, however you need me to be…” Amelia inhaled deeply, and held it, nodding, meeting Link’s blue eyes, smiling. 
“You’re alright though?” he asked her. She nodded sharply. 
“I was dehydrated… But I’ve been warned. I need to ‘gentler with myself,’ those are Carina’s words. I need to stop forcing myself to do things when I feel unwell” She said, turning her cheek into her pillow, twisting her lips. 
“Do you feel like you’re going to be able to do that?” Link said, rubbing her thigh, kneading the muscle. Amelia took another deep breath and nodded. 
“I’m going to try, It’s not always possible though”
“Well I’ll try and help make it easier to do, where I can?”
Amelia nodded, “Thank you.”
“No thank you required, my dashing good looks and all my romancing should be the only thing that has you fainting, and it should be into my arms!” He beamed, gripping her thighs, squeezing them. Amelia laughed, grinning. 
“You’re free to go when that’s finished?” he pointed to the IV bag.
 Amelia smiled, “Sure am”
“Alright, well I’ve got some things to finish up, I’ll come back in…” he eyed the bag, “thirty minutes? And take you home?”
“Are you staying over?” Amelia asked.
“If you’ll have me?” he replied. Amelia relaxed at that, eyes gleaming; she nodded. 
“Okay, I’ll be back in a bit, I’ll grab your things from the neuro on my way back” He dropped a kiss against her lips and they locked eyes momentarily, smiling. “Have a nap” He said, and Amelia nodded sharply, pulling up her blanket, watching him stride from the room.  Her smile lingered as she closed her eyes. 
Let me know what you want to read next xxx 
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