#american gangs
lazypapers · 1 year
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8 years is a long time to think about vengeance. It's pretty clear, Dutch had used the Blackwater money to lure Micah and he had always planned to kill him somehow. Whether it was to avenge Arthur, but I lean more with him blaming Micah for the destruction of his family (though really it was more on Dutch's failure to overcome his ego, insanity, and denial). I really think Arthur was able to salvage some tiny bit of the old Dutch in his final moments. Once Dutch finally achieved in taking down Micah, he completely lost it because nothing was really holding him back any longer. This led to his demise in RDR 1.
Surprisingly he didn't even take the Blackwater money, cause I think he was disgusted by it (seeing that was the beginning of the end). Or he left it for John, because he at least owed him that and I think it was to honor Arthur's wish of making sure John and his family were taken care of.
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 15
Hood remained silent, even as he clenched the gun tightly in his hand. He hadn't even seen a hint of green portals or blond elfs but 200 witnesses couldn't all be wrong.
All of them had stated that a white haired meta with a gas mask was working with a blond elf with a leaf mask and that they had been the ones kidnapping the kids and teens of Gotham.
Jason had heard stories of fairies snatching kids and infants, sometimes swapping them out with a sickly one of thier own. But there were no trades that Jason knew of. Only missing kids.
Hell, all of the biggest child gangs around Crime Alley and the Narrows were gone.
As in gone gone. Not a single member was left nor any trace of where they could have been taken to. As much as he hated to admit it, he might need to ask for help from the Justice League Dark...
Link stared down at the kids from his rooftop perch.
They looked...cleaner. Happier. They had gained a healthy amount of weight, no longer stick thin and weak looking. They had season appropriate clothing without holes and others hidden away in chests and armours for the coming seasons far off from now.
His spirit friend, Phantom, had panicked a bit after he realized what they were doing was trafficking, but calmed down once he pointed out that these kids would have a much better life in Hyrule than they would have had in the rotting trashpit that was Gotham.
If they would have lived much longer at all
Still, thier presence here was mutually beneficial. Hyrule had lost over 80% of its population in the Great Calamity and they were no where close to regaining the population they once had. All of thier forts, training areas, ect were specifically targeted and destroyed in the attacks and gardians and monsters were left in the ruins to ensure they could not rebuild what was lost
Which led to the bigger issues at hand. All the empty occupations.
The castle, and thus castle town, were ground zero for the disaster that wiped out the Hylian peoples. With it many businesses and trades were lost. Hyrule had few soldiers and those they did have desperately needed armor, weapons and training.
That wasn't all. Hudson construction had attempted to repair Castle town and eventually the castle, but they were wood workers, not stone masons. They knew little of the craft that was needed.
There were lessons and information in the castle archives covering most of the jobs and trades, as well as how to proform them, but the princess didn't see it as a priority. They didn't have the people necessary to teach these crafts and the castle and town surrounding wasn't really a priority anyway. Not with all the people who still needed help around the kingdom.
Phantom helped a lot too. Other than helping them build towns for the kids (the child gangs actually really liked having a town all to themselves) he did a lot of other random jobs around the kingdom, much like Link himself.
Unfortunately, his next trip to Gotham lead to a run in with the "Red Hood" and the phrase, "Was that a fucking fruit grenade?!" Link did not know what the word "Fucking" meant but the Hood man would not tell him. He is learning a lot of new words from this guy, words that Phantom appearently didn't like cause he loudly scolded Red Hood like a naughty child the first time they met. It was hilarious to see this tiny 15 year old tell off a giant tank of a man.
Link couldn't see the mans expression due to the odd red helm the man wore, but he could tell he was cowed, even if just a bit. Then he began speaking to someone who wasn't there while pressing his finger to the side of his helm where his ear should be. Is Red Hood ill? Does he have a mind sickness like the ones Phantom told him of when describing his parents? Or is this something Link doesn't yet understand...either way he doesn't think he's getting more children for Hyrules future in this trip...or anytime soon if those ominous masked people landing on the rooftops around them had any say in the matter.
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I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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mercurygray · 8 months
Friends, I have failed you all. I've seen a lot of posts over the last week with a lot of great biographical detail about many of the flyers and aircrew who've been name-dropped so far in Masters of the Air - and I haven't seen a single thing about the one name that is directly in the center of this blog's lane.
In Part 2, returning from their mission to Trondheim, Cleven and Egan walk into the Interrogation hut and Egan accepts a cup of coffee from a woman he thanks as Tatty. Later on, at the dance, James Douglass remarks that he will be 'coming in hot' on one of the American Red Cross women on the other side of the room, and one of his friends asks "General Spaatz's daughter? Or the other one?"
Katherine "Tatty" Spaatz was a member of the American Red Cross Clubmobile service and the daughter of General Carl "Tooey" Spaatz, who commanded the Eighth Air Force on its move to England. (General Spaatz later moved to overall command of the entire Army Air Forces in the Europe Theatre of Operations, or ETO. He is, as the kids say, rather important.)
But we're not talking about him here. We're talking about her.
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Katherine was 22 years old when she arrived in Europe with the Red Cross. (One of her traveling companions that trip was Kathleen Kennedy, daughter of former U.S. Ambassador Joseph P Kennedy Sr., also coming to serve overseas with the ARC.)
The American Red Cross's mission in Europe had many facets during the Second World War - in addition to activities we might think of today, like collecting blood, providing disaster relief at home and running first aid seminars, they were responsible for collecting and distributing packages for Prisoners of War.
They also operated large canteens like the Rainbow Corner club, a recreational facility in London where soldiers on leave could get a room for the weekend, a bite to eat, and a number of other amenities. Smaller clubs called Donut Dugouts provided a space where a serviceman could always be assured of a cup of hot coffee, a donut, and a pretty girl to talk to, specially recruited for being friendly, fair, approachable, and specially trained to be the girl next door overseas. In addition to these more permanent installations, they also operated the Clubmobile service, a mobile version of their popular Dugouts that moved operations into retooled Green Line Bus Company buses to take donuts and a taste of home to the front line.
Tatty, as she was called, worked on the Clubmobile "North Dakota" along with Julia "Dooley" Townsend, Virginia "Ginny" Sherwood, and Dorothy "Mike" Myrick. Life Magazine did a full article on their clubmobile in February of 1943, which you can read online at the link. There is another lovely blog post with pictures here. She also worked for a time in a more permanent post at the USAAF base at Snetterton Heath, and was later sent to France. You can read a little bit more about her and see more pictures at her bio page at the American Air Museum in Britain website.
If you'd like more information about Tatty, Helen, and women like them, as well as the Clubmobile service, consider reading the following:
Slinging Doughnuts for the Boys by James H. Madison Battlestars & Doughnuts: World War II Clubmobile Experiences of Mary Metcalfe Rexford War through the Hole of a Donut, by Angela Petesch Goodnight, Irene (fiction) - Although this is a novel, it is based on Luis Alberto Urrea's mother's time as a Clubmobile worker and her personal papers.
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stanley-theman-uris · 8 months
Realizing that Arthur would not have been proud of John for going to kill Micah, “Revenge is a fools game.”
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Arthur wanted John to go and never look back, he’d hold off what he could for his best friend, his brother.
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In that single act of kindness, John had a chance to go, and live a good life murder free but he couldn’t stop.
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Arthur never would have wanted this, John and the players did.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
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The Warriors (1979)  directed by Walter Hill
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random-ikea-drawer · 2 months
ok so i love les miserables
AND I JUST GOT TO SEE IT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE NORTH AMERICA TOUR (more specifically Montreal! (yes i flew to an entirely different country to see it)) and i am incredibly attached to enjolras and grantaire so here are just things i saw that made my nails dig into my thighs <3 (not just enjoltaire)
oh my dear months old source of no big sad
this is 90% incoherent rambling (SPOILERS)
- Grantaire had long hair and a long coat i think that deserves its own point
- During Red and Black, Grantaire did the old “Don Juan” with the bottle right in Enjolras’ face (he was not impressed)
- In this same song, Enjolras got really close to R’s face during “don’t let the wine go to your brain”
- Again, in Red and Black, when they tossed Grantaire’s bottle to Enj, teasing him, Grantaire grabbed the bottle in a… way… when he was giving it back to him
- Same song 😭 Grantaire was bouncing on a guy’s lap during the first few verses
- In DYHTPS, Grantaire pulled Gavroche aside away from the students crowding Enjolras (this broke my heart, he clearly loves him and doesn’t want him to be in a war)
- “Glad to do a friend a favor” with a very suggestive hand gesture
- In the “dogs will bark flees will bite���, Grantaire pointed a finger at Enjolras, the former getting real close putting his weapon between them. They got REALLY close
- Gavroche pulled the middle finger at Javert lmao
-Eponine fucking died (i knew that already, seen every bootleg and version available, still hit hard)
- During Eponine’s death Gavroche ran onto the stage, closely followed by Grantaire being held onto by Enjolras
- Gavroche tried approaching Eponine (that’s his sister bro :()) but was stopped and held onto by Grantaire. When she died however, Grantaire quickly bent to hug Gavroche, man the grief was so clear with them both.
- After she died, everyone cleared to their positions but Enjolras and Grantaire, seemingly for Enjolras to try and comfort him, but decided against it quickly and pushed past him. Grantaire placed his hand on his chest in mock offense 😭
- When the attack was about to start, Grantaire mocked and toyed with tied up Javert. When Enjolras called for hold, Grantaire threw his arms around Javert with a “yep!” and cue the battle starting immediately when that happened
- During Grantaire’s verse during Drink With Me, it’s back to Enjolras and Grantaire being center stage. Enjolras approached him, held onto his arm and with the same hand moved up to brush R’s hair, which lead to him breaking off the contact and rushing to the other corner of the stage.
-He was followed by Gavroche, who hugged him from behind and then they both fell asleep next to each other :((
- Gavroche fucking died (i knew he did still heartbreaking) and was caught by Enj, who handed him to Grantaire
- During the Gavroche solo, Grantaire stood center stage looking to the crowd, not even flinching when the gun sounded, only turning around when Gavroche was already at the top of the barricade
- He tried shaking him awake :(( then set him down and stared at him :((
- That was until Marius fell, Enjolras rushing to check on him, making Grantaire rush to his side
- R grabbed onto Enj and they both held the back of each other’s necks,, from my angle it looked like their foreheads touched but idk if they would do that but MANNN
-Enjolras fucking died first (no wtf :(( )
- Grantaire fucking died last (BRO.)
- Everyone fucking died bro
- Except Marius and JVJ of course
- Mr Thenardier, instead of singing “This one’s a queer but what can you do”, sang “This one’s a queer, I’ll try it to!” and dipped a guy in the wedding 😭
- The “to love another person is to see the face of god” line always makes me emotional just :((
that’s it haha hopefully y’all enjoy the ramblings, ty for reading this far, i seriously recommend going to watch it if you can it’s truly the most amazing thing i’ve ever seen man 😭 may be biased but i’m serious
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 8 months
Me and @alypink watching that game was like
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and then the comeback happened....
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(based on this real conversation on discord 🤣🤣🤣)
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Now onto the Super Bowl vs Chiefs!! I do think it's gonna be a dog fight between Niners and Chiefs. I surely want Niners to win, but Mahomes and Kelce and Andy Reid has more Super Bowl experience, so it's gonna be HARD.
but hey, at least Usher is performing in the halftime show. I LOVE HIM.
oh yeah almost forgot. Me and Aly also made a few discord touchdown stickers! 🤣
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thunderstruck9 · 9 months
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Winfred Rembert (American, 1945-2021), Untitled (Eleven on the Chain Gang), 2011. Dye on carved and tooled leather, 20 7/8 x 33 ½ in.
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montanamp3 · 2 months
in the spirit of the genre i'd like to hijack the current asian country music train to talk about one of my favourite historical guys shoji tabuchi: fiddler hall of famer! king of kitsch americana slay!! one of the Most Guys Ever in country music!!!!!
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[OKAY this spiralled into a Whole Thing so im putting it under the cut to save your dashes. be warned this is long]
quick backstory: shoji tabuchi was born in osaka, japan. he was classically trained on the violin but discovered country through roy acuff and joined a fairly popular japanese band called the bluegrass ramblers. in 1967 he moved to america with (he claimed later) his guitar and five hundred dollars and played in a couple of bands around california and texas. in the 80s, he got a contract in branson missouri, met his wife there, and they started a show called (very creatively) the shoji tabuchi show.
this is where it gets fun, because the shoji tabuchi show is. okay. it's like if you concentrated the distilled essence of 1990s RAGHHH AMERICA HELL YEAH-style patriotism into a three hour-long extravaganza with backup dancers! fog machines! ten thousand glitter suits! SHOJI spelled out all caps with lasers! a glow in the dark space violin from NASA! like it's TACKY! it's CHEESY! it's CAMP! it's genuinely hilarious!
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anyway, when people talk about tabuchi they like to say that he was the "american dream" like he had a family, he owned a whole incredible theatre with (no joke) the gaudiest bathrooms in america, he played two shows a day until he died, he performed to the pm of japan… like he was GETTING THAT BREAD!! the city of branson even gave him a public holiday!
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and to be clear. i love tabuchi, i think he was a great entertainer and a great performer, and i don't begrudge him any of his success. but there are better fiddlers out there, better performers, better singers. as a guy on reddit put it in 2013 put it, you kind of have to recognise that at least some part of his success is enabled by "Asian Can Into Country Music???" syndrome. and he has kind of acknowledged this himself-- he used to sell himself as the "japanese cowboy" before he started his show, and he once told a magazine "say person A and person B play [the fiddle] just as good. who stands out, me or him?" which is. #girlboss? maybe? one of his more defining traits throughout his career was his fairly pronounced japanese accent which made it difficult for him to gain footing in the music industry at first but became iconic . some people have said that he didn't actually have that strong of an accent and he was playing it up for the Bit-- a hypothesis that is (somewhat) supported by his album named (i kid you not) ROVE RETTERS.
so how much of the shoji tabuchi show was the Bit and how much of it was genuine? and if it is a bit, who's in on it? who's being made fun of- tabuchi? japan? the audience? america? i have to admit i'm pretty biased here because the essential Incongruence of being an asian-can-into-country-music person IS funny! rawhide kobayashi and all that! and i understand why he might have leant into it and played it up to survive/get famous/get that bread. i never knew tabuchi, so i can't say that like it's fact, but wouldn't that be the most american thing of all?
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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dulcemapis · 1 year
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The Child's Bath (1893) by Mary Cassatt // Red Dead Redemption 2 redraw
The last time I did one of these was 2019 (!!) when Good Omens s1 first aired lol
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mothhmannn · 6 months
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(cat)boy next door
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strawb3rrystar · 7 hours
Star's official Kinktober list!
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Day 1: Anal sex /w fem!Lucifer <- request
Day 2: Cockwarming /w fem!Striker <- request
Day 3: Car sex w/ fem!Deadpool <- request
Day 4: Biting w/ Loona (male! vampire! reader) <- request
Day 5: Sex in a crisis situation w/ Tate Langdon
Day 6: Psychic sex w/ Charles Xavier
Day 7: Cum marking w/ Kit Walker
Day 8: Multiple orgasms w/ Kyle Spencer
Day 9: Outdoor sex w/ Jimmy Darling
Day 10: Blindfolds w/ Edward Philippe Mott
Day 11: Exhibitionism w/ Kai Anderson
Day 12: Costumes /w Malcolm Gallant
Day 13: Desperation /w Austin Sommers
Day 14: Oral sex w/ Micheal Langdon
Day 15: Fuck or die w/ Dandy Mott
Day 16: Caught in the act w/ dead!Violet Harmon
Day 17: Burn marks w/ Madison Montgomery
Day 18: Accidental stimulation w/ Kurt Wagner
Day 19: First time w/ Peter Maximoff
Day 20: Marking w/ Rafe Cameron
Day 21: Friends with benefits w/ JJ Maybank
Day 22: Dom/sub dynamics w/ Maxime le mal (maybe) <- request
Day 23: Rough sex w/ Patrick Hockstetter
Day 24: Hate sex w/ Henry Bowers
Day 25: Forbidden love w/ Victor Criss
Day 26: Body worship w/ Belch Huggins
Day 27: Porn w/ Dave Lizewski
Day 28: Striptease w/ Warren Lipka
Day 29: Morning sex w/ Pope Heyward
Day 30: Power play w/ James Patrick March
Day 31: Voyeurism (kinda) w/ Winter Anderson
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This event has a taglist, please join if you'd like to be tagged in these works!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
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The Warriors (1979)  directed by Walter Hill
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