xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Can we pretty please have the batfam finding out honey is pregnant ❤️
"Dick stop," you laugh, "It's fine. I feel fine-"
"Honey-" He broke off trying to get you to come sit down when Alfred walked back into the kitchen. His cheeks coloring as he wrapped his arms around your waist, putting his hands in the pocket of your hoodie to rest his hands on your stomach and he buried his face in your neck.
You smile a little and turn your head to kiss his hair, but otherwise, your hands are covered in pastry crust.
"Well those look marvelous," Alfred said, inspecting your work. "You're 'out of practice' pastry is perfectly servicable. I have no idea what you were fretting about-"
"Thank you," you hum, wiggling to try and get Dick to loosen his grip on you. "Dick- really?"
"It was a long trip," Dick protested, "You need to-"
Alfred politely pretends NOT to be very interested in what's happening across the kitchen. If you weren't pregnant, you were terminally ill. Richard was acting like you were made of spun glass. "I think, Master Richard," Alfred cut in when he kept fussing at you, "That Miss Y/N is in a very good position to know what she feels up to doing."
"Leave the poor girl alone," Alfred chuckled. "At this rate, everyone will have it worked out before dinner-"
"There's nothing to work out," Dick protested.
"I told you," you snort, kissing his jaw when his head snapped up to look at Alfred.
Alfred gave him a knowing look and gestured to where Dick still had his hands in your pocket and smiled a little, "Congratulations," Alfred said simply, smile widening when Dick grinned and kissed your cheek. "Young Lady," Alfred said, "If you need a break-"
"Oh my god," you laugh, "don't you start. It's all fine."
Dick rumbled a laugh and cuddled you, "Are you going to tell-"
"Absolutely not," Alfred said. "I want to see if you can manage to keep it a secret until dinner."
"He couldn't even keep it from Sarah until the first doctor's appointment," you snort.
"It's not my fault," Dick protested, "Those bags were too heavy-"
"It was groceries," you explain to Alfred.
"Heavy groceries," Dick grumbled.
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norcumii · 7 months
So anyone recall Hard Reset? That fic where Ahsoka pops Darth Vader upside the head, giving him amnesia so she’s suddenly dealing with Anakin, who doesn’t recall anything past killing Dooku?
Happy Leap Day! Have an update! :D
Mind the warnings, and tags have been updated.
A sample for everyone’s amusement!
"I had a lot of time to think,” Anakin tries again, resolutely still not thinking about Leia because he would rather face the entire Imperial Army single-handedly than deal with All That, “and I think I have a way to help the Rebellion. Like, a lot.” “Well, I’m not going to say no to that, but you know most of your immediate intel is probably outdated by now,” Ahsoka says, crossing her arms and looking skeptical. “Yeah, but I was following the interdepartmental mail threads on all the nitty gritty of the – okay, quick question. How much does Rebellion Intelligence know about Operation Stardust?”
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lebuc · 28 days
* i can make you forget the sins of your past;
the anguish, regret & isolation which followed,
but, i can't recollect where i left my guide & potions;
if only i could remember when i last used them & where i was to pull off such a feat, undisturbed. *
perhaps it was at the Palladium post-concert, after we hid in a vendor's cove before the obligatory morning-after tidying
then again, i seem to have a slight problem - i can't tell you what i did, for sure
once we set foot on the stage sans spotlights, aided by only the light from the two candles i used -
part of the ceremony, egging on the radiant half-moon to host the occasion;
last i recall, you were to be my safety valve in case things went sideways
& my recapitulation didn't go as planned. *
so how was it that i ended up opening my eyes hearing you in the kitchen the next dawn, at your place -
feeling 10 years younger & at least 20 pounds lighter even before i arose for a morning stretch?
i'm assuming it worked - cause i feel great - better than i've felt for years;
my soul has never felt so bouyant, mind so unburdened, heart approaching glee - or at least unsanguine for a change. *
now - I can do the same for you, too - if only i could just remember where i put… * 8/24 - lebuc - amnesia
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berryberrytaeberry · 2 months
Giving kudos to myself for making my depressing ass Lan Zhan spotify playlist entitled ✨️Thirteen Years✨️ because I have been doing The Not Good™️ because of work, and the playlist really do get me through the morning
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melien · 27 days
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Bonus Kyle!
He was my favourite sim in 2016🥺 I think about him from time to time.
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lcerys · 6 months
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there is a woman by the shore, luke realizes with a jolt, and he squints his eyes he can see a ship at the distance. A PROPER SHIP, BIGGER THAN HE'S EVER SEEN, not alike the one he gets on for fishing. it is not unusual, with the small fishing village nearby. even if he resides further from them, at the edge of it with ronnel and his wife. even if he walks the shore to get away from the others. no, someone else's presence is not unique ― but how the woman looks like is. she wears the rich clothing ronnel had said belonged to nobles, enough that he cannot help but stare for a few moments, feeling stuck in his place ( he had been wearing clothes as such when he and his wife had found him, but he has no explanation for that. he has no name but luke, the only thing he was able to say the fisherman when he had awoken days later, and so he had pressed the clothes together carefully and put them away ). nobles had little and less reasons to set foot in these parts and yet there she stood. he dallies for a moment, hesitant between offering his help and turning 'round to return to the house. yet she seems too close for her not to see him, and leaving now may seem more impolite than not offering any help. “ my lady ? do you need help ? or... your ship and crew, if it is yours ? ” he is ASSUMING but he does not consider it an unfair one.
@halfyearsqueen -> amensia au.
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normaltothemax · 7 months
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My muse is in a coma, yours waits for them to wake "Always by your side" [-sets bucky down to stand guard keep clint company-]
Bucky’s reading a book.
Bucky’s…hang on…something’s…
What’s going on? Where is he? Why does his mouth feel like the fucking Sahara? He opens it to speak, but no words come out. That apparently doesn’t matter, though, because Bucky’s looking at him. Bucky’s saying something, but Clint can’t hear what—why can’t he hear him? He feels like he should know the answer to that—or focus on his mouth long enough to read his lips.
And suddenly more people are here and Clint panics just a little. He doesn’t know where he is or who they are or what they want or what’s going on. What he does know is that he doesn’t want to be here. He wants to get away, get away, get away. And he tries. He really does. But his movements are sloppy and sluggish and he’s pretty sure the stinging in his knuckles means he just popped someone who got too close and tried to stop him in the jaw and now his arms are being held down and he still doesn’t know what’s going on but he doesn’t want to be here.
@dramatisperscnae (x)
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foxballad · 1 month
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Confusion is everything she could feel at the moment      ;     that and a strange hollow sensation like something has been taken away from her. She remembered her name, Evangeline; and she was looking for something      —     for someone inside these woods. But what was she looking for ?  Where is she ?  Who is @dryadologist ?  What was taken from her ?  There are so many questions to be answered and her head hurts because of it.
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“ I . . .  ”    Evangeline tried to say something but with her head hurting, the world around her started to spin. The rose gold-haired girl had to sit on the nearest chair as she waited for her eyes to focus again.    “ I was looking for— I had to tell someone . . . but I don’t remember. ”    Evangeline finally said.    “ Who are you ? ”
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valleydreamt · 2 months
@musesofthesun // ✧ CONTINUED.
⋆ The room is big; spaces between the shelves of books big enough to not feel cramped in the room; Maelie has heard a little about her journey, after all-- and she's semi-aware that libraries are a little scary for her in the wrong conditions ( there is no mirror in the room; a decision Maelie decided on when refurbishing the room after hearing Haru explain what she and Yui went through ). She gives her a comforting smile as her index finger hooks on a version of The Little Mermaid; a book she had illustrated herself with input from the three people in the valley that had experienced it ( which does remind her… how did Ursula survive that fight, anyways..? Nevermind, focus for now... ). Her eyes notice how she scratches at her teeth-- and Maelie gives a little smile as she draws the book out of its place. She could understand the embarrassment about not reading well-- Yui may not admit to it, but Maelie has noticed that she tends to be a perfectionist in her more studious habits.
⋆ ❝ I made a lot of treats for you to test your teeth on if they're itchy, ❞ she starts, hand moving the book to her other arm, her hand returns to the shelf, pointing carefully at each spine's title before she pulls out a copy of The Sword in The Stone and Frozen, as well, the three books stacked in her arms before she finishes and turns to her fully, ❝ it's okay if you struggle, Yui. That's part of growing and learning, y'know? ❞ She explains, a gentle smile on her face as she looks down at her; Noel was the same, before… the incident. But even now, they do still have difficulties when languages due to their upbringing and with the added merging with the Forgetting. At Yui's point, she pauses, and chuckles sheepishly, scratching her cheek with her free hand.
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⋆ ❝ I actually made these books myself with the permission of the people in the Valley. They agreed that if there's someone new to the valley or if I start forgetting again, I could record their experiences and stories from before and during their time in here. ❞ She explains, ❝ You don't have to worry-- these books were made with their express permission-- um, I'm no artist, of course… but I did the drawings myself with their directions. ❞ She adds, she doesn't seem upset at all at Yui saying it-- she could understand her point, after all, ❝ But I know they'll appreciate you respecting their privacy, Yui. They're all-- ❞ a pause, ❝ --most of them are very nice, besides the… three broody ones, y'know, Scar, Ursula and Gothel. ❞ She states, she can't really say much on Gaston, considering how he's well-meaning but very egotistic ( and not very smart ), ❝ There's other books if you wish to look at anything else, though! ❞ A hand raises, and she taps a series of books made by a humourist doctor.
⋆ ❝ I got a lot to choose from! The choice is yours, Yui-- you're the first person to enter this room other than me, after all! ❞
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Pls pls pls do more pregnant!honey ❤️❤️
"Okay," you groan, laughing slightly as you try and adjust, pinned in place by your swelling stomach and Dick's head resting on it, "You can't both be pushing on my bladder."
Dick Chuckled and lifted his head up, letting you adjust a little before carefully laying his head back down, moving his arms to bracket your hips and support most of his weight- belatedly realizing that even if you didn't mind him cuddling your belly, it probably wasn't always very comfortable to have him sprawling out on you. "Better?" he asked, nuzzling the stomach he was laying on.
"A little- Still have to pee now." You groan and struggle to sit up, "Help-"
Dick snorted but was up and moving before you even had time to realize you needed help, pulling you to your feet carefully. Hands coming to your waist to make sure you were steady on your feet in a couple fluid motions before he stole a kiss. "You hungry, babe?" he asked your retreating back frowning slightly when he checked the clock. "It was getting a little late.
The only answer was the bathroom door shutting and he snorted, "Priorities."
When you returned, stretching your back and yawning, Dick smiled softly, "Tired?"
"Mostly. A little sore," you hum, letting him help you back onto the couch.
"Hungry?" he asked. "You didn't eat much-"
"I think I ate about half my body weight in chips and guac," you snort, "We're fine."
"That's not a meal," he scolded, without any real heat as he sat down next to you, pulling you into his arms for a cuddle.
"And that was before there were tacos," you snort.
"You're gonna turn into a taco," Dick chuckled, kissing the side of your head.
"Or a bag of caramel corn-"
"Or that," he agreed, resting a hand on your stomach and making a mental note to check and make sure there was caramel corn in the pantry for you before he left for the auction tomorrow.
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norcumii · 11 months
So anyone recall Hard Reset? That fic where Ahsoka pops Darth Vader upside the head, giving him amnesia so she’s suddenly dealing with Anakin, who doesn’t recall anything past killing Dooku?
It's back, with higher angst content than usual! (But hey, from a certain perspective, it's all uphill from here! :D)
Mind the warnings, and tags have been updated.
A sample for everyone’s amusement!
Anakin takes his time rising up to consciousness, bitterly aware of how luxurious it is to do so without overwhelming full-body pain. Sure, he aches some – like any of the light skirmishes during the war, but it’s nothing on the screaming perpetual burn he’s known for years. He remembers everything.
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psychxpxthic · 1 year
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𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐖 other outfits for Edgar that I could see him wearing in my Amnesia!Verse, and thought it'd be fun to include @ofxfiercexfemales's Susan Storm due to our thread we have going on that I been having real fun with
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collaboratiiveanarchy · 3 months
//hi i'm not on my Twice blog but i'm thinking about his first day at work with Elsa's agency because of @variantia but I don't feel like switching blogs rn so...
He'd be so nervous of messing up and I feel he'd have like basic assistant jobs at first until he and Elsa find out where he fits and he's like "i'm good at math and computers and mechanics." but is like, so nervous and wanting to prove that he deserves this chance. He's making copies and asking if there's anything he can do to help and he's trying his best and apologizing at the smallest thing. He accidentally drops something and feels SO BAD.
I promise it takes a little bit for her to convince him because he's a big scary villain and he's like sure you recruited and rehabilitated villains but were they LOV big? What about the press giving her a hard time?? He's a mess I SWEAR, but once he gets comfortable and starts to warm up to everything!!!
Don't let him find something he's GOOD good at!! He gives 120%, Elsa's gonna have one of the best workers, one of the hardest workers. And a guard dog (not like she needs it). Like please, this 6 foot scary looking man just standing next to her, neutral expression but he LOOKS intimidating.
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lurkinganon0-0 · 3 months
You know what
*Wraps Lurking in bubble wrap*
Now you won't get into anymore accidents (hopefully)
-Tortoise anon
w- wha????
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Bubble Wrap? HAHAHA!!
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bipherpol · 4 months
Luffy would realize Lucci is his brother and go "He has a hat AND he tried to kill me when we first met, just like Ace and Sabo! I should've figured it out ages ago!"
Lucci strongly reconsiders his attachment to top hats right there.
Also do you think Kaku would send Luffy a letter from W7, welcoming him to the family, because he's no longer the youngest and this is cause for great joy?
lucci is just. regretting all of his life choices at the moment. starting with top hats and ending with finding out he's related to luffy.
kaku absolutely sends a letter because he is delighted to find out he has a younger sibling now.
(lucci, in the background: that's not how this works??? everyone else: do we care?)
(side note: does this mean that cp9 is also adopted by sabo, ace and the straw hats? also please imagine that and then cp9 finding out who ace's biological dad is and lucci just having a long moment of "oh my fucking god what is with this fucking family")
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lcerys · 2 months
tag drop because if i don't tag things i get nervous.
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