#amon coming soon tho
demonsword586 · 1 year
Explaining WHB devils's kinks(since they all have a scientific names on their character introductions)
I can't belive I became active again just to make this post but yea. Anyway since the game is coming out soon,I wanted to make this post to explain their cannon fetishes(and to also boink everyone,since some of them are pretty.......terrifing)(Also a lot of ophilia words)
Anyway let's cut to the chase!
Starting off with Satan and his devils,we have:
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Sitri! He's into cardiophilia-fixation on heartbeats and hearts.(okay pretty tame,would probably love cuddling)
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Belial has discophilia-love of record sounds and record music (still quite tame,maybe a bit weird)
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Leraye with his keraunophilia-sexual attraction to thunder and/or lightning(kinda weird that he get's aroused by thunder but we don't kink shame)
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Astaroth with narratophilia-sexual attraction to words and stories,normally dirty ones(omg he's into dirty talk and fanfictions!Honestly who can blame him)
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Zagan coming in with kinesophilia-sexual attraction to movement and exercise(oh so he's into working out and sweat....intresting)
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Lastly Paimon with haematophilia-attraction to blood(also yes even tho this looks and sounds like a girl,he's actually a guy. Also I have a feeling he would love period oral)
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And we can't forget about the king himself Satan,who's into spanking! Pretty self explanitory. (He's probably an ass guy)
Let's move on to Mammon with his gold diggers(not actully but you get what I mean):
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First we have Bimet who has timophilia-arousal from gold or wealth(wow an actual gold digger,must be very happy when he looks at his own feet)
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Then there's this cutie! Eligos with his diaphanophilia-Sexual fondness for viewing nudity through diaphanous fabrics such as veils, underwear,baby dolls etc.(.....trust me I'm just as confused as you are about the baby doll part)
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Lastly the king of greed Mammon with pygophilia-arousal for buttocks(Oh he's the ass man!)
(Also I found out about Valefor's kink but don't have any images.He's into autoplushophilia-arousal from imagining you're a plush toy(legit he's so knightly and want to be a teddy bear!So cute!!!))
Continuing with Envy's devils!:
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First off...Foras who's into scopophilia-attraction to looking at naked bodies or watching others in the act(....he's that shadow you feel when you're changing clothes)
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Next this slay,Barbatos with that extra heliophilia-attraction to sunlight(this bitch apperantly wants to photosynthesise)
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The man who inspired me to do this...Glasyalabolas with necrophilia-(if you're wondering why that word sounds familliar it's because it's attraction to dead bodies......yea....moving on!)
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Lastly the king of envy,Leviathan with that breath control-choking and controling your or his breathing if it wasn't clear enough.(why do all the kings have the normal ones,kinda suprising)
Next on the plate we got Beelzebub with his little mafia bosses!(also what are those skin tight pants that they're wearing?)
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The biggest Beel shenanigans supporter Bael who also has olfactophilia-arousal of human smeels and odors(....the only man who doesn't mind if you didn't shower for years. Also he can apperantly even cosplay Beel for you)
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Next up Stolas who's into pecattiphila(oh sounds italian)-arousal from an act that one belives is a sin(damn he must really love being a devil then,I have a feeling he's also into virgins)
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Next up the dog himself,Naberius who likes autozoophilia-sexual arousal from.....being an animal(yes....he's into pet play apperantly)
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Following up is Amon(also nice collar) who likes harmatophilia- sexual arousal from incompetence or mistakes, usually made by a woman(*cough* he would love me cuz I'm useless-*cough*)
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Ending this pack of wolves with Beelzebub himself who's into olfactophilia-same as Bael,this man likes smelly humans(also what the heck are those things on his knees?!)
Moving on to the fallen angel Lucifer and all the healers he took!
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(bro you okay?) First off we have Morax who apperantly loves stigmatophilia-arousal from piercings and tattoos(understandable,he like that little bad boy/bad girl types)
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(oh nice muscle titties) Next up Buer with doraphilia-affection towards fur and skins off animals(damn him and Neu-something would get along nicely)
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Moving on to Marbas with that touch of merinthophilia-being tied up....probably into shibari as well
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Finishing this batch of bad boys with Lucifer himself! Who also has dacryphilia-arousal from tears and sobbing(oh kinky....but damn kinda evil)
Continuing with the boys that make me the most uncomftrable,Asmodeus's demons(unfortunatelly we don't have any more kings,maybe they will come after the game releases)
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The most disturbing one for the start,Ronove with his...acrotomophilia-fetish for....amputees(look I don't kink shame but-)
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Next up this disaster of a guy,Dantalian who likes autassassinophilia-sexually aroused by the risk of being killed.(also him x theraphy sounds like a pretty nice ship)
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(sir don't look at me like that) Phenix,with his pretty tame morphophilia-interest in sexual partners whose body characteristics (e.g., height, weight, skin and hair color) are different from one's own.(basiclly a size kink but with other versions of it. Also...um...is he always cumming? How are his clothes not damp?)
Next up the last sin on the list,Belphegor's demons(kinda love them actually)
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Starting with smarty pants,Gusion and his saphiophilia-romantic attraction based on someone's intelligence(damn it he's into nerds)
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Following up with Bathin's hodophilia-someone who loves traveling(don't know how to involve this one into the bedroom....playing beach house?....doing it in a winter jacket?...)
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Now for my favorite traumatized boy, Andrealphus with his...god...oculophilia-arousal from eyes and.....licking eyes(god why are you so hot yet have one of the weirdest kinks?! What are you?Jobin?!)
Dang it! I will have to make a part 2 for the angels,since I can only add 30 pictures!
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my little presentation,sorry it's so long!
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samisdedlol · 10 months
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My depiction of the sins. So yeah, I have this Au 'bout demons and angels (may post more art of those soon), and it surelly had to have the 7 deadly sins. What inspired me to do this? Well, I like Helluva Boss so, some of the inspo comes from there ^^, also I'm willing to buy the Infernal Dictionary since I'm interested on that topic. Anyways, imma explain who this guys are. //MAY REDISING THO, AND MAKE LONGER LORES// AMON: Marquise of wrath, Astharoths helper. Has been through so many things.
LUCIFER: King of pride. An angel who sinned, now he pays for it.
ASMODEUS: King of lust. Just a owl who enjoys sharing his lustful toughts with the others.
BELFEGOR: King of sloth. We don't know much about him since he is always sleeping on his crib.
LEVIATHAN: King of envy. The only thing we can say is that he has caused lots of chaos over Gehenna (Gehenna is hell btw)
MAMMON: King of greed. Just a guy who used to rob banks and, yeah, he admires Scrooge McDuck. BELZEBUB: Royalty of Glutonny. They're known to be the nicest of all the sins, but who really knows what they can do. (Also, They're a great chef :)!)
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jhoudiey · 3 years
You like to play God, don't you?
Wrote this fic a while back, #ChickenChallenge starts trending on magicam again, and Yoru ends up trying to distract herself with her friends. Ends up watching Jade as he builds a terrarium, and ends with dumb and dumber fluff. 1825 words.
hey you’re that chicken girl from NRC right?
Yoru stared at her phone. Idia had finally updated it so that she was able to use it freely, her hands no longer an issue on the touch screen. She normally didn’t pay attention to notifications, but had texted him earlier that night hoping to hang out, instead her magicam had exploded, messages popping in so quickly she could hardly keep track
show me ur feet
where else do you have feathers?
check it out, I’ve got weird feet too!
Whoa! Is that from a magic accident!? Crazy!!
omg ur disgustingggggg!!!!
you fucking freak!
ahahahaha no way your real. You’re like a chicken!!!!
can you send me a pic of your chicken feet? They’re so freaky I wanna show my friend!
you ever jerked a guy off with those? Do you want to?
She stared at the picture of the penis in her inbox with disgust, is this how normal people communicated? Why were all these people she didn’t know suddenly messaging her anyway? It was already past midnight, didn’t they have anything better to do? She exited her messages and found there had been a series of throwback posts from NRC Halloween, #ChickenChallenge was trending again. She sighed and closed the application, having lived through that once had been enough, she had no desire to repeat the experience online.
Idia still hadn’t texted her back, but her mood was soured. Focusing on her alchemy work wasn’t enough to distract her from the constant buzzing coming from her phone.
“Fuck this” she grumbled, throwing her phone onto her bed before launching herself out the window. She didn’t need to wait for a text back from Idia, she’d just show up, the same as always.
As luck would have it, however, Idia was busy. He wasn’t gaming as was usual for him at this time of night, but was in the middle of a video chat with Vita, making it much more awkward to sit in the corner of his room quietly. She didn’t want to know what they talked about when it was just the two of them. She wandered back out of the dorm, hesitating in the Hall of Mirrors. It was late, she should just go home...but… he might still be awake too.
She knocked on the door tucked down the halls of Octavinelle dorm, silently cursing herself for going down there in the first place.
“Come in”
Jade welcomed her into his and Floyd’s shared room, a small smile painted on his lips. He was in his pajamas, though clearly invested in building a terrarium, plants and stones laid out carefully on his desk in front of him. She spied Floyd, his pajama shirt discarded on the floor beside his bed, fast asleep curled around one of his pillows facing away from them. He’d likely turned away from the lamp light Jade had kept on as he worked.
“Ahh, I guess it is too late, I’ll go” Yoru mumbled looking between them, she’d never gotten along comfortably with Jade.
“You can stay. I don’t mind, Yoru-san,” He held his hand out to offer Floyd's desk chair to her “Would you care to join me? Clearly something is the matter or you wouldn’t have come by so late. I do know how much you loathe to be here.”
She hesitated.
If she stayed, she’d have to deal with his casual cruelty and observant eye, if she left she may have to deal with another dozen messages about how she was a disgusting bird freak who really should be embarrassed to look like that, not that she needed the reminder. She sighed and crawled onto the chair, her legs tucked in against her body, arms clutched around them as she watched Jade work. He was meticulous.
Like everything he did, every movement was measured, everything planned well in advance to come together just as he imagined it.
“Is this what you normally spend your weekends doing?” She asked, her eyes following his graceful hands as he arranged some moss.
“Hmm, it is something I am quite fond of, yes.”
“Why? Wouldn’t it be better to keep a garden or something? What’s the point of this?”
He laughed quietly.
“This is what humans call ‘a hobby’ I believe. The point is to enjoy it, Yoru-san.”
She rested her chin on her knees, her eyes drifting across his desk to the discarded pieces of clothing on the floor near Floyd's bed. She felt Jade watching her and turned her gaze back to him.
“But why do you enjoy it? What’s so good about building a tiny garden in a jar?”
“You mean what’s so entertaining about creating and controlling an entire ecosystem one can hold in their hands? I wonder…”
She snorted.
“Ahhh, so it’s just something else you can manipulate. Makes sense.” She grinned at him, his hands expertly arranging rocks along the bottom of the jar.
“How cruel, Yoru-san, to suggest my innocent hobby is anything but… I can’t deny the implications though.”
“Hah, so you admit it then. No wonder you like it...” She chuckled, her eyes wandering once again to Floyds sleeping form, his back slowly rising and falling with his breaths.
“Admit it? No, I simply enjoy when certain things go as planned” He smirked at her. He’d caught her wandering eyes twice now, though she was trying to hide it. She hadn’t come here to see him, after all. She faced him again, not wanting to meet his eyes instead focusing on his hands.
“Do you ever add bones?”
“Oya? What is it you’re trying to imply, Yoru-san?”
“...They’d be good for the soil. I can bring you some, if you need.”
“I suppose that would raise fewer questions than gathering them myself...Thank you.”
“Mmmm” She nodded with her head still on her knees, content to watch him in silence. He was building a whole planet before her, a God playing with nature to whatever suited his whim. A rock here, moss there… no wait… over there instead. It was fascinating and tedious at the same time. His hands weaved patterns from nothing, a garden blossoming from his fingertips. She felt her attention slipping and closed her eyes, the soft tinkling of his tools being drowned out by the slow tide of Floyd's slumbering breath. She tilted her head towards him, her own breathing slowing to match his like the sea lazily lapping at the shore.
“Why don’t you lie down with him, Yoru-san? I don’t mind” Jades voice cut through her dreamy haze, jolting her upright.
“What? No. Huh?” She stuttered, horrified that Jade had somehow known the comfort she felt in that moment. “I’ve gotta go, I must have fallen asleep. Bye Jade” She hurried to leave, bumping into Floyd's desk in her haste. The precariously stacked books toppled over and fell to the floor, making an awful racket in the near silent bedroom.
“Oh shit, sorry!’ She whispered in a panic, hoping she hadn’t woken Floyd. She scooped to pick the books up, her wings threatening to topple the chair she had been sitting in just moments ago. Jade laughed as he watched her struggle.
“Fufufu, Yoru-san. You seem quite flustered, did something I say upset you? Perhaps my suggestion to sleep with Floyd-”
“No!” She yammered quickly. Too quickly. “No, I’m just tired. I have to go!” She pushed the books back onto the desk haphazardly and turned to leave, hoping that Jade hadn’t caught sight of her face, red as it was sure to be. How could he have known what she was thinking?
“Hmmpppfff” Floyd whined, wrapping his arms around her waist, his face buried in feathers. “You’re too loud, Fugu-chan, be more quiet”
Jade smirked at the pair of them as Yoru struggled to free herself from his grasp. Floyd whined into her back, dragging her into his bed so he could go back to sleep.
“Yoru-san, it’s better if you don’t fight him, he can be quite insistent when he wants something” She knew he was right. To get free she’d have to peel him off of her, and with how tightly he held her it would be hard, Floyd really was too damn strong. She sighed and stopped resisting, feeling her feet leave the floor as he flipped her over him to settle her between his body and the wall.
He murmured wordlessly as he shifted around her wings, careful not to pull out any feathers accidentally. He settled between them, his head resting slightly above hers, his face nestled in her hair, body pressed tightly against hers. She was glad Jade couldn’t see her anymore, she could feel him watching them still, but with their faces turned away from him he wouldn’t be able to read her expression. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest, she was sure Floyd must have felt it too, though if he did he made no mention of it. This wasn’t what she’d had in mind when she had come over, all she had wanted was to chat a bit, to forget about the people on magicam trying to ruin her night. She had to admit though… This was nice too. Ever since spring break they’d been more comfortable with each other physically, Floyd often clinging to her whenever he slept over, but so far that hadn’t left the confines of her bedroom. No one ever saw how often she clung back, she’d made sure to disengage from his grasp before he woke whenever she found herself too near him. It was much too embarrassing to be found like this, her face burning again knowing that Jade was probably enjoying himself immensely, proven right yet again.
The lamp clicked off, Jade finally retiring, Yoru felt herself finally relaxing. Her body jolted as tension left her, and she laid her arms across Floyd's, drawing lazy circles on the backs of his hands with her fingers. He sighed into her hair and pressed himself against her a little tighter at her touch, fast asleep once more. Yoru closed her eyes knowing it wasn’t safe to fall asleep where she lay, she had to get up and go home or she’d never hear the end of it. 5 more minutes then you have to go home she told herself, but it really was very comfortable, laying with Floyd like this.
“Euuuggggghhhh Jaaaaade, turn your alarm offffff” Floyd complained loudly. He was close...too close. Yoru’s eyes snapped open with a start, she’d fallen asleep in his arms.
“Ahhh, I must have forgotten to turn it off. My apologies, you two fufufu”
“Mmmmm~ good morning, Fugu-chan” Floyd murmured as he tightened himself around her once more. She felt him smile as he nuzzled his face into the nape of her neck, her face blazed red once more.
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not-all-dead · 3 years
angstpril day seventeen: out of time
CW: why does lin always sacrifice herself (no death or anything tho dw)
fic under the cut
“Whatever happens to me, don’t turn back!” Lin said to the family, getting ready to launch herself at the airships behind them.
Before she could, Kya grabbed her wrist.
“Lin, stop!” She shouted, pulling herself up from her seated position.
“I’m going to do this Kya, I have to,” Lin growled, trying to pull away.
“I know,” Kya responded, moving so her arm wrapped around Lin’s waist.
“I’m coming with you,” Lin looked at her in shock, opening her mouth to protest, before closing it again and simply nodding.
“What are you two doing?” Tenzin looked behind him right as Lin swung them over to the airships, both women landing hard and rolling.
Lin grunted at the impact, letting go of Kya and standing quickly. She glanced back at Kya, who was getting up herself, before taking up her earth bending stance.
“I’ll cover you,” Kya yelled from behind her.
She nodded and began to lift a large part of the ship’s outer shell, ripping it back to expose the ship’s inner workings. There were two small explosions and the ship began to lose altitude, curving away from where the airbenders were.
Lin turned and met Kya’s eye, running around the hole in the ship and meeting her in the middle. She looped her arm around Kya’s waist and ran them towards the other shift, bending a piece of metal up as they jumped to give them a boost. They flew through the air, Kya pulling away from Lin just before they got to the other ship to give them both an easier time landing.
Unlike on the other ship, several chi-blockers immediately emerged from within, charging towards the two women. Kya pulled the water from her waterskin and deflected their attacks, occasionally sending attacks of her own back. Lin got to work peeling back the metal of the ship, but before she got anywhere really she heard a scream from where Kya was fighting the chi-blockers. She turned to see Kya lying on the metal shell of the ship unconscious, wrapped in the chi-blockers’ electric cables.
She desperately wanted to run to Kya, and to get those awful men away from her. But she wouldn’t let Kya’s sacrifice be in vain, so she focused her energy on the metal below her again. Only seconds later, though, the chi-blockers turned their attention to her.
She tried to bend the electric cables away from her, but there were too many. One wrapped around her ankles, causing her to fall face down on the ship, followed by one tying her hands behind her back. A chi-blocker stepped closer, squatting down to smile wickedly at her.
“Nighty-night,” He said before switching on the cables.
She let out a loud scream at the electricity coursing through her body before falling unconscious herself.
Lin woke up to a loud clattering outside her small platinum cell. Her hands were in platinum cuffs behind her back, her freezing body crumpled awkwardly on the floor.
“Would you stop dropping the keys, man?” She heard someone say from outside the cell.
She shuffled herself so she was on her knees, ready to fight her way out as soon as the door opened. She hadn’t expected the guards to predict her response, electrocuting the entire cell and her along with it before opening the door. This time it wasn't enough to knock her out, but she lost her strength for a long minute as they dragged her messily out of the cell.
“This one’s a fighter,” One of the guards said, laughing and looking down at her.
She growled and spat at his feet, trying to rip away from him before he shocked her again. The other guard joined his laughter and they each grabbed one of her arms, yanking her roughly to the loading ramp of the airship they were still on. They let go of her at the top of the ramp, causing her to fall face first and roll painfully down the uneven surface. She grunted as she landed on the cold stone ground, a new group of chi-blockers surrounding her immediately.
“Where’s Kya?” She snarled as they pulled her towards the centre of the courtyard, keeping her on her knees when they’d reached their destination.
Amon approached on her left, lifting her head with two fingers. He let out a low chuckle at her fierce glare, pulling his hand away. She watched his hand draw back before moving quickly back towards her face, managing to close her eyes just seconds before it made contact.
“Your Kya,” He paused to make sure her eyes were open again.
“Is right,” He put his hand on the top of her head and forcefully turned it to the left.
“There,” Lin felt her heart stutter at the sight of Kya chained up the same way she was, sitting on her knees with her head down.
“Kya,” Lin rasped, leaning towards her.
“Kya, are you alright?” Kya lifted her head to look at Lin, a sad smile on her face.
“I’m fine,” Kya nodded, glancing at Amon before looking back at the ground in front of her.
Amon hummed loudly as Lin looked back at him, an angry scowl on her face.
“Let her go,” She spat.
“Lin, no,” Kya snapped her attention back to Lin.
“I’ll be fine without my bending, you need yours, you need to get out of here,” Kya all but begged.
“I’m not letting him touch you,” Lin hissed at Kya before glaring back at Amon.
“Let. Her. Go,” She repeated, to which he laughed.
“Tell me where the Avatar is and you’ll both be free to go,” His expressionless mask stared coldly down at her.
“I won't tell you anything, you monster,” She shouted.
“Very well then,” He walked over to Kya, making sure Lin was watching before placing one hand on the waterbender’s neck and the other with his thumb on her forehead.
Kya gasped loudly and let out a small cry before falling to the ground unconscious.
“No!” Lin screamed, lurching towards her wife before getting pulled back by a chi-blocker.
“Tell me where the Avatar is, and I'll let you keep your bending,” Amon repeated his request, walking slowly back towards her.
She stared at Kya for a moment, tears filling her eyes, before shaking her head resolutely.
“I’ll never tell you what you want to know, you’re just a devilish freak anyway,” She narrowed her eyes at him as he got close to her, gruffly squeezing her face in one hand.
“Fine,” He said after a long moment of tense silence, tossing her face out of his grip and walking around to stand behind her.
She closed her eyes as he grabbed her head, pulling it back. They shot open again when he suddenly brought his thumb down on her forehead, the blood in her body seeming to stop in its tracks for a split second. The armour covering her body became abruptly very cold and heavy, the earth against her cheek when she fell forwards unfamiliar and stiff. She passed out only an instant after hitting the stone floor.
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ruhrohimrorny · 4 years
What Subjects I Think LOK Characters Would Teach:
Lin: PE, obviously. Dating Kya and all the kids are happy cause there’s a noticeable shift in Lin’s mood once they start dating. She no longer forces kids to run a mile every day and instead does it once a week now, so the kids are hoping her and Kya stay together. She also coaches Golf and Lacrosse.
Kya: Waffled between MILF Math teacher, MILF Science teacher, and hippy/chill Music teacher, but decided on MILF Science Teacher. Getting strong Biology vibes. Very fun labs and not strict at all. Her and Zhu-Li are super passionate about leading the Science Bowl team. Seeing these young people be so passionate about STEM and helping their fellow teammates makes her hopeful for this young generation.
Tenzin: He kinda gives math teacher vibes, but a large part of his character in the show is about him keeping his history alive, and teaching others abut learning and respecting history, so I feel like he’s a History teacher. His class is a lot of notetaking but he plays quiet music and does a five minute meditation in the middle of class to encourage kids to relax, so students really like him and actually listen to him. Also, he’s kind of gullible so they make up fake trends to tell him. He once spent a week addressing people as “brony” cause students told him thats what people say now instead of bro. Kids got a good laugh out of that one. Him and Pema are another favorite teacher couple.
Bumi II: Def gives off eccentric/unhinged English teacher vibes. Very interesting and informative conversations in his class, but things get off topic very quickly. Whenever kids ask about Bum-Ju, he gets distracted and will talk the entire rest of the period about what to dress Bum-Ju up as for Halloween. Probably plays a lot of videos. And students don’t worry about if they read the books Bumi II assigns cause they don’t think he’s even read the books he assigns. When having discussions about the books in class, sometimes kids will make up stuff and say it’s in the book and for the most part, Bumi II goes along with it cause he doesn’t know what actually happens in the books.
Varrick: Also gives off eccentric/unhinged English teacher vibes, but because he’s a businessman/war profiteer, I’m gonna have to say he teaches Econ and gives students lots of unsolicited financial advice. Also supervises the Engineering and Robotics Club.
Zhu-Li: Science teacher, probably Chemistry. She’s very good at explaining and getting kids to follow her instructions. Not only is she a co-supervisor for the Science Bowl team, she helps Varrick run Engineering and Robotics Club, cause if it were only Varrick running it, no kids would come. His intensity and eccentricity scares them.
Iroh II: He’s definitely the young Math teacher everyone has a crush on. Very chill and doesn’t give a lot of homework. Kids love when he shows pictures of his dog to the class and eventually he brings in the dog cause admin think the dog is too cute to say no to.
Tonraq: Resident DILF History teacher. Kind of a hardass but also a nice dude so most everyone passes his class. Probably that History teacher that is also a football coach, so during fall he doesn’t give a FUCK about whether anyone actually turns anything in. Him and Senna is the teacher couple that seems like opposites but actually are pretty similar and balance each other out.
Senna: That English teacher that every mentally ill student becomes emotionally attached to. You know what I’m talking about. She’s so sweet, funny, and chill so all the kids love her class. Tries to include memes in her presentations to seem “with it” but they’re like, doge memes from 2014. But the kids appreciate the effort.
Pema: Definitely the sweet English teacher that occasionally has a mental breakdown when the students test her patience. Otherwise very chill. Also teaches the Childhood Education and Development class. Her, Senna, and Bumi II run the school newspaper.
Bataar: Drafting. Pretty chill, very skilled, and def smokes on the weekend. Also, him and Suyin are that teacher couple that everyone likes.
Suyin: Dance. Super nice and always has like to of those smelly plug in things going so her room smells good and has a “good vibe that evokes emotion”. Always plays EDM or weird 80s rock to get the kids moving. She runs the school dance team. When Bataar has prep period, he sometimes drops in to see Su dance, cause she’s mesmerizing to watch. All the kids think that, coupled with the fact that they eat lunch together every day, makes them the cutest couple ever.
Amon: Drama. He loves directing kids on how to totally live a role. If you can imagine, he sometimes gets a little overdramatic about drama, forgetting that these are just highschool kids, not Oscar winners, but his passion makes the class more enjoyable. Runs Drama Club with Tarrlok.
Tarrlok: Probably Physics. A difficult class, but he’s pretty good at explaining so most kids don’t struggle too much. His main focus is running student government, which he takes pretty seriously. Sometimes too seriously.
Unalaq: Teaches Psychology. The most pretentious teacher on campus. It’s literally so bad, that even other teachers avoid him. Amon abandoned his coffee still being brewed in the machine in the staff room cause Unalaq walked in and he didn’t want to be in a room with Unalaq again after he said that Amon’s outfit “looked like something stolen from the lost and found of a funeral home”. Unalaq sees it as “telling it like it is”.
Zaheer: Government and Politics. Tries to teach the class very well but also injects his own opinion into teaching a lot. The students find him scary but some also kinda think he’s hot. Also does Yearbook. Him and Senna run Mock Trial. Replaced the old Government and Politics teacher Hou-Ting after she retired. She was that one old teacher that made it a hobby to harrass students and constantly reminisced about when you could smack students.
P’Li: Math teacher. Much scarier than Zaheer. Plays her trash ass music very loudly while the kids work. Def yells at kids. She’s kind of funny when she’s in a good mood tho, and when she roasts kids it’s really funny cause it’s usually dead on. Her and Zaheer are those teachers that flirt a lot and you know they’re sleeping together.
Ming-Hua: Art. Loves drawing and, you guessed it, watercolor painting. Very chill and plays soft music but lets you listen to your own music. Super sarcastic and all the students eat it up. Literally a universal favorite. She runs Art Club and Fashion Club.
Ghazan: Guitar. Pretty cool teacher that definitely has some weird stories. All the students know he has a crush on Ming-Hua cause they flirt constantly, but he denies it. Runs E-Sports Club. Idk why I think that, it just feels right. Him and Ming-Hua are also the kinds of teachers kids become emotionally attached to.
Kuvira: Government and Politics also. Seems calm and reasonable, but is a total ass. Makes kids give up their phones, allows almost no talking, gives out more detentions a week than most teachers do in one year, and doesn’t allow for much discussion. Everyone wants her class cause she’s hot but most drop within the first week, to the point that counselors have to say no to some kids so they don’t have to get rid of the class altogether.
Bataar Jr.: Computer Lit teacher. None of the students respect him so they’ll play Minecraft the whole time or play inappropriate videos really loud. Doesn’t really put much effort into teaching, which for some kids is a dream, but for others is an annoyance. Him and Kuvira are the teacher couple that makes everyone say “wtf”. Literally no one knows why they’re together.
Izumi: Secretary/Attendance. Pretty much remembers everything and is super organized. She is the glue that holds the school together. Most students don’t know her name though cause she’s super quiet and works mostly behind the scenes. Whenever Zuko sends anyone her way though he reminds them of her name and to say thank you cause he recognizes how hard his daughter works to keep everything running smoothly. Izumi catches on to this and always manages to thank her dad with a nice tea and a hug.
Toph: Vice Principal. Scary as fuck. Doesn’t ever call kids’ parents cause she efficiently scares the shit out of every kid, so they never do whatever bad thing they were doing again. When she has to work dances, Katara always tries to get her to dance with her. She resists every time, but she always gives eventually. She’s happy to though, cause although she’ll never say it out loud, seeing Katara this happy at her old age warms her heart.
Katara: Health Clerk. Very sweet and everybody loves her. Sometimes kids pretend to feel sick just to talk to her. She doesn’t mind though cause a kid that has a tummy ache and a kid that needs to talk are both kids that need help, and she’s happy to offer whatever support she can. She also always offers to supervise dances when the school has them and always manages to bust a move.
Zuko: Counselor. Wants to be to students what his uncle was to him. Aang and Sokka were counselors too, some years ago. And while they could give some good nuggets of advice and offered the kids amazing support, they also would totally fuck up student’s schedules by accident cause those numbskulls were exactly that- numbskulls. So usually Zuko would have to fix that. He misses fixing their messes and, more importantly, he misses them (they aren’t dead, just retired). He hopes to retire soon too, cause he’s getting too old for this, but he secretly doesn’t want to retire just yet cause working at school allows him to see and spend time with Izumi. Since they’re both working, it’s not like they have too much time together, but even just her popping into his office to bring him tea or check in on how he’s doing that day brings a smile to his face that doesn’t leave for the rest of the day.
Raiko: Principal. After Toph stepped down cause she’s “too old for this shit” (her words), Raiko stepped in. The students aren’t a fan of him but he’s not terrible. And since Toph is still Vice Principal, she keeps him in check.
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guymaito · 3 years
For the ask thing :3:
Top 5 animals? Top 5 fav/comfort movies? Top 5 fav cartoons/shows?
I’m honestly glad to know theres other people including you who actually like Pakku and his character :3 Yes he was a completely asshole at the start but he did change, it’s just that it was so subtle that not everyone saw it
Also random song associations with characters:
Fighter by Jack Stauber reminds me very well of Piandao, Pakku, and Jeong Jeong as their younger selves during the war.
Why do I associate Grace by Lewis Capaldi with Bumi? (the music video tho would give more context to why it might make sense)
Oh Klahoma by Jack Stauber reminds me of Piandao and his overall anxieties for his partners.
Consider some of these songs as sorta song recs? Idk but still :3
1. Giraffes!! the reason why their tongues look like That is cause of extra melanin and to prevent sunburn!!
2. Seals!! there are 33 different kinds of pinnipeds and there over 50 extinct pinnipeds
3. Dogs!! they can only see in shades of blue and yellow, so bright red roses look yellowish brown and lively green grass look dehydrated and dead
4. Crows!! a group of them are called a murder
5. Cows!! they’re actually colorblind, they can’t see red specifically, so male cows, bulls aren’t getting mad at the color, they’re getting angry at the movement
1. The Losers movie from 2010, it’s a action mystery movie about Clay and his team that are a part of an elite US Special Forces Unit and are approached by a mysterious woman to exact revenge on their handler, Max, who betrayed them and just,,,the characters, CHRIS EVANS, jake jensen and all of his kinda weird glory, THE ELEVATOR SCENE, also cougar!!
2. Captain America and The Winter Soldier movie, it’s a action movie, which makes me realize that a lot of my faves are prolly gonna be action something, but anyways, it’s about Steve Rogers, who now lives in the nation's capital as he tries to adjust to modern times. An attack on a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague throws Rogers into a web of intrigue that places the whole world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanov, and a new ally, Sam Wilson, Steve struggles to expose an ever-widening conspiracy, but he and his team soon come up against an unexpected enemy. oh my god,,,just,,,the fight scenes, the running scene at the beginning of the movie, steve meeting sam that way, just everything!! this was also my introduction to marvel so in my mind no other marvel movie can live up to this (other than spiderman away from home)
3. Spiderman Far from Home, again, it’s a action movie, i’m not gonna explain this cause the post is getting long, but!! mj and peter!! just,,,all of their scenes!! also jake gyllenhaal!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!! everything about it is amazing!!
4. Thunderforce, again, i’m not gonna explain, it’s an action adventure and comedy movie (ofc it is look at the other 3 🙄 /s), the relationship between lydia and emily!! the relationship between lydia and emily’s daughter!! the humor!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!!,,,,just everything about is good despite the bad ratings
that’s more like a top 4 than a top 5 but that’s like,,,,all the movies i genuinely like and will rewatch if given the chance and for that where’s a honorable mention: Hamilton (the movie version on disney+ that came out i think nearly a year ago), the soundtrack is amazing, the characters are better, got some funny moments and is mostly historically accurate, like yeah angelica did forget her name cause at the time of her meeting alex ham, she was married to a man named john church (or something church idk) so her last name was church but she introduced herself to alexander as angelica schuyler, not angelica church, so in satisfied she was telling the truth about forgetting her own name, but in the same song she said that her father had no sons even though the real angelica had 3 brothers.
1. Avatar the last Airbender, ofc or else i would have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s sequel /s but fr though?? it’s such a good show!! zuko’s redemption arc, iroh’s redemption arc (even though his more subtle than zuko’s) , aang!! love him and his character so much, especially when he gets to be a sassy little shit, sokka and his shit humor and brains, katara, toph, hakoda and HIS shit humor, the fight scene with hakoda (he fights kinda like a waterbender, using his opponent’s momentum against them), bato and his lovely, lovely voice, piandao, aang going ‘how about he get on YOUR back and you can fly us to the south pole’ or something like that to sokka after he complained about appa not flying higher, the boiling rock episodes, hakoda apparently being a good dad but a shitty prison riot starter (love that for him), just!! atla is such a good ass show, im not changing my mind. also!! i like the way they introduced ozai, not showing his face but still presenting him as not only a shit dad, but a shit person as well, like up until book three, we only saw him like, the neck down and in like, a flashback or two (i don’t really remember how many flashbacks ozai was in actually cause it’s nearly been a full year since i last watched it) and that’s it, so it made seeing his face for the first time all the more better cause you was already like ‘what the hell does this shitbag look like’ and then you see him and now ur like ‘oh!! THATS what he looks like!!’
2. The Legend of Korra, again, ofc or else i wouldn’t have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s prequel, just,,,,korra’s arc from being hot headed to calm is fantastic but also sad considering the way she went from that to this, korra’s book 1 character!! for whatever reason i really like b1 korra, just,,her design, her hair style (even though she had it for nearly the entire series) just!!! book 1 korra <3, also the entirety of book 1!! just amon posing as a anti bender nonbender despite being a waterbender himself, the scene where tenzin and his kids nearly lost their bending, which would’ve meant that, if tenzin did lose his bending but his kids didn’t, that would’ve meant the strongest airbender would’ve been his 11 year old daughter, the gruesome way to end the season finale episode by doing a murder suicide which was dark as fuck for what?? a kids show??, also the villains in this show!! their good as hell!! the backstory of the red lotus and how and why they were created?? amon and his anti bending?? kuvira and her plan to basically rule the earth kingdom (idk i haven’t finished book 4), unalaq and his spiritual stuff and wanting to become a dark avatar and fusing with vaatu?? also!! the other disturbing scene of korra basically getting tortured near the end of book 3, i mean?? it deadass left her hella traumatized and unable to walk, again hella dark for a fucking kids show
3. The Walking Dead, even though i haven’t finished it or watched in like, 4-5 months, i just,,,the way the presented negan!! practically foreshadowing him the entirety of season 6!! him appearing at the very end of the season 6 finale and pretty much having an entire episode dedicated to him in the very beginning of season 7 (which is why some fans argue he was introduced in s7 not s6 cause of the fact that he didn’t show up until the very end of the s6 finale but had an entire episode with him in it in s7, while others say vice versa cause the very the first time we see him was in s6 not s7), the fact that the walking dead logo was getting progressively more and more decayed as the series go on?? the fact that the WALKERS (the zombies) are getting more and more decayed as the series go on?? dale’s death scene?? shane’s death scene?? negan’s relationship with rick’s daughter?? the fact that this show also has what?? 11, 12 seasons?? which reminds me that i’m still on season 9 of twd
4. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, just,,,salem and his sarcasm?? sabrina’s aunts?? sabrina herself?? just!! everyone is just so fucking funny in this show it’s unreal, specially salem!! a lot of my favorite scenes have salem in them, the ‘are you on a women’s chat room again?’ (or something like that) and salem saying ‘i like the attention’ in response, that one harvey and salem scene that i don’t know how to describe without turning this into a giant paragraph like the ones before this one
5. blue’s clues, it was my favorite childhood show and i love the reboot of it so much!! especially p for pride moment in that song i don’t remember the name of, blue themself!! steve leaving which was sad but getting an equally amazing host in the process?? amazing!! the scene where salt and pepper introduced their baby, paprika?? just,,,it’s such good show and i loved it when i was younger and i still love it now!!
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GX Month Day 5
September 4th: “Pass The Salt” 
No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?
Oh boy where do I start
While I love GX there are quite a few things a would have done differently.
The case of Daichi Misawa
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We are all more than familiar with Misawa and his fall from grace, from one of Judai’s potential top rivals, to a recurring joke even for the other characters (”Oh, Misawa, you’re here”). I get it, GX has a HUGE cast, like seriously huge. And we went from having 5 to 7 important characters in DM to around 15 in GX. Not everyone was going to survive the chopping block. Another victim of this was Hayato, but he was gone so soon (and with dignity) I didn’t really mind it. But Misawa’s case in S2 and S3 is just sad. I wish they could have done something better for him. At least he helped everyone get back from the other dimension and got Tanya in the end.
Johan vs Hell Kaiser Ryo
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So, I don’t think I am the only one who thinks the duel between Ryo and Yubel (Possessing Johan) is one of the best if not the best in all of GX. It’s absolutely mind blowing. 
But I think that the duel between Ryo and Johan in the first arc of S3 to bring everyone back from the other dimension is one that goes under a lot of people’s radars. Call me biased because Johan is my favorite GX character, but I was really digging that duel. Like even without Rainbow Dragon, Johan was putting up a serious fight against Ryo with the way he used the Crystal Beasts. So I am forever salty that they could never revisit this duel (vs actual Johan, not Yubel). 
I get it, this duel served more as a preview for what was to come when we saw they would duel again. And Johan was barely in S4 and Ryo could hardly duel anymore given his heart condition. But for Ryo to have said that Johan had been the only one besides Judai to make him feel excited in a duel and who could have Judai’s unlimited potential...I think it would have been very very fun and exciting to watch, specially with Rainbow Dragon.
“Everyone’s dead....JUST KIDDING”
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I know it’s a kids’ show, and it would have been extremely tough to follow another season without like 3/4 of the cast. But having everyone come back alive from the Hell Dimension felt like a bit of a cheap move that also makes some of Judai’s character development lose some significance. 
So everything he went through from the moment his friend’s died (becoming the Supreme King out of pure helplessness and desire for revenge, then coming back from that with a terrible, terrible case of PTSD basically leaving him unable to duel, coming to terms with everything he had done and learning to use the strength of the Supreme King without letting it overtake him), it was all for nothing? Then all the people the Supreme King killed are alive and well?
It also takes merit from the other characters’ themselves and the circumstances of their deaths. Kenzan, Manjoume, Asuka and Fubuki being sacrificed, victims treated as collateral damage to create a super powerful card, right in front of a collapsing Judai as their hearts were corrupted too. Jim and O’Brien (the two most emotional deaths in S3 for me), who sacrificed themselves to bring Judai back and bury the Supreme King away. Edo, who sacrificed himself to try and save Echo (who gave her life away for someone who took advantage of her feelings), and Ryo, who even though he said was only looking for the ultimate opponent, tried until the last minute in the duel to separate Yubel and Johan. Hell, Ryo basically died twice (because of his heart failure and losing the duel), yet he survived. 
As I said, I know the show would have been extremely hard to keep going. But it took away from the serious, dark story S3 was becoming. It takes away from Judai, and the ones who died because they all came back brand new. 
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It’s not that I didn’t like it, Reincarnation is a trope that I LOVE. But in GX we literally got it dropped on us out of absolutely nowhere. We literally had no clue Judai could have had a past life and that’s where his story with Yubel came from. 
Like idk, maybe some flashbacks or random shots of the Supreme King’s backstory (which wouldn’t make sense until we find out it’s Judai and would have made it pretty cool) would have made it better, IMO. 
PTSD? Only Judai can relate
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Another thing that I found weird was how quickly everyone got over what happened in the Hell Dimension except for Judai. We can see he is depressed and dealing with the aftermath of what S3 did to him. But what about everyone else? Weren’t they supposed to be in like a dimension of pain and suffering even if they were alive? I am glad so many main characters got their time to shine in S4, but, as we wrapped each story, a nod to what happened to them in S3 would have been nice. It’s all part of the process of growing up, too, learning to deal and cope with out most painful moments.
S4: “Overseas champions? I don’t know them”
Yeah, so given the HUGE (LIKE REALLY HUGE) role the Overseas Champions played in S3, barely seeing them in S4 was a bit of a whiplash. I am glad we got O’Brien dueling Mr. T and him playing with his mind with false memories was heartbreaking yet super interesting to watch. But we got literally no Jim and Karen, at all. The guy gave his life and his supernatural eye to try to bring Judai back. I had hoped we would have at least seen some of him in S4. We literally have no idea what the hell happened to Amon, my theory is that he stayed in that other dimension to build his perfect world and become its Monarch. But we literally have no clue about what became of him. And did Echo come back, too? Is she with Amon in the other dimension?
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And then we have Johan. Considering Judai went to basically Hell to rescue him, I thought we would see a bit more of him in S4. Like at least bidding each other farewell? You know “Thanks for rescuing my soul from my card and saving me from your eternal guardian who was corrupted by evil and almost ended the Universe as we know it”? No? Okay then. I am so so glad we got him in that Battle Royale against Fujiwara tho, that kind of made up for it :)
Edo’s fate
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From the start we know Edo is one of those characters that know they are fucking amazing at what they do and make a point of it. He is at the top of the food chain. The young pro duelist, talented beyond his years (for Pegasus to say he was just below Yugi, Kaiba and Joey?!), rich, refined, confident and a bit arrogant. 
Then how is it that the last we see of him is receiving a direct attack from Ojama Yellow straight to the face? I know Manjoume was meant to win this duel, but it would have been great to see him summon Plasma and that Manjoume had summoned Armored Dragon, or maybe using the Ojamas with the Spell Cards to banish monsters from the field or to summon Ojama King. Like Edo didn’t even want to duel, it was all a scam from his former manager and they still made him go out like that :( I wanted a more epic goodbye duel for our Edo tbh.
Then again, I am biased because Edo is my second favorite character in GX.
Season 4 rushing
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5D is very cool and all....BUT WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CUT GX SHORT FOR IT. 
S4 is so obviously rushed and for me it Darkness was a bit of an underwhelming villain after the AMAZING villain that Yubel was for S3. Fujiwara just popped out of nowhere and we got no development of him in comparison to Yubel or even Saio (I won’t say that of Mr. Chairman because he literally popped out of nowhere in S1). 
I just wished we had gotten a proper, full S4. More GX to fawn over.
Wow that was a lot of salt now I sound like I hater but I promise I love GX as much as Manjoume loves Asuka (lol).
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Hey no worries! You’re right a porn au is sorta like rules+regs. I got another tho. korrasami one night stand but the condom breaks and asami gets pregnant? Maybe as they’re close—asami going over the edge first—it breaks. Korra pulls out quickly but she’s already actively coming—ends up all over asami. It’s hot but they’re also like fuck… lol?? Again no worries if you’re not into that prompt but if it’s ok I’ll keep popping in and hopefully something piques your interest in the future? Thx :)
That’s actually a LOT like the plot of the Supercorp Omegaverse I’m gonna do soon. I planned to do it after Rules and Regs.
Also I’m not a fan of condom breaking stories idk why. Stuff like that oddly triggers me like. Sorry *cries*
I feel like another Korrasami abo fic I would do would definitely need to be different enough from Rules and Regs but also be not too intricate or wild like something out there.
Canon compliant into divergent is always an option. Like maybe just retell the show with some crazy wrench in the works like Asami gets betrothed to the Avatar and that’s why Korra has to go to Republic City, and Amon actually manages to sway Asami a lil but the she actually falls in love with Korra and it’s really trashy and kinda like Jake Long American Dragon (fucking don’t ask me) 😂
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blackarmyslave · 5 years
//their tale//
Written for Day 2 of Ray's appreciation week! GAAHHHH can't believe I'm late. School sucks like jnkdbfkerkglanw Is this still acceptable tho? Lol tagging @ikerev-appreciation anyways
➵ Theme: Campfire
➵ Genre: I honestly don't even know anymore
➵ Word count: 2017
➵ Notes: spoilers for Ray's route! Also, I changed a few things to paint just what I had in mind ;)
Year 2000
Under the bright full moon that illuminated all of Cradle, bright flames flickered and wood crackled and burned amidst a certain forest-- a forest that showcased a tall, ancient tower, now in ruins. The chilly night breeze made the nearby flaglets dance and curl in the wind. Flaglets-- flaglets painted in both red and black. Several thousand of them were planted all over Cradle's native soil, telling them of their motherland's history. A gruesome, bloody history, indeed... yet just as beautiful and mesmerizing. And a part of their history included a tale. A tale of how a country, once divided into two, the idea of unity long forgotten, had joined because of a single lady. A lady that fell under the most powerful spell of all.
An old couple was having a campfire at the heart of the forest. Their son and his wife, along with their three kids, had come with them to listen to the said tale.
"Alright, children, gather 'round," the grandfather huddled the kids closer. A radiant light shone in his eyes, perfectly mirroring the kids'. "Shall I begin retelling the greatest tale of Cradle?"
The three children squealed in delight. They've heard snippets of it; from their teachers and classmates. And now, they would finally hear the entirety of it.
"Yes please, grandpa!" The eldest of the three, a girl about ten, chirped.
Their grandmother just chuckled under her breath, watching the four by the sidelines while handing out s'mores to the younger couple sitting on a log nearby, a knowing smile on their lips.
Oh, they were in for a ride.
The grandfather cleared his throat and started, "Long, long ago, before our modern use of magic and the grand life everyone currently has, Cradle had been split into two: Red and Black. They--"
"Huh? Why were we divided?" The youngest child interrupted with wide, curious eyes.
The eldest whacked him lightly. "Shh! Grandpa'll get to that."
The grandfather merely shook his head at their antics. "Now, now, children. Be patient. I'll tell everything you need to know."
All three obeyed, quietly munching on chips and marshmallows. When all was quiet once more, and the fire's crackle was all that can be heard, the old man continued.
"Alright... because of the division, Cradle had been filled with political dispute and rivalry. It was a place filled with constant tension, a war threatening to break out any second. The two opposing sides were armies: the Red Army, with the Hearts and Diamonds Quarter... and the Black Army, with Spades and Clubs. The Red Army used magic in combat and formed ranks by lineage. The Black Army used pure manpower alone and ranks were based by strength. Their dispute lasted for over 500 years, passing from generation to generation. The idea of unity of had been long forgotten, the prospect of mixing red and black in a single banner to represent Cradle considered absurd.
"But then, two women - both in different times - arrived at Cradle. Well, they fell, actually. Coming from a world parallel to ours; The Land of Reason, connected to our world by a rabbit hole that only appears during the full moon, they fell, down and down and down that rabbit hole... Until they dropped from Cradle's starry sky, and ended up in our bloody land."
He made hand movements, the campfire's light creating shadows in the rocky soil, and voice dramatic and solemn. The children looked in awe. Bright, youthful minds painting images of how it must've felt, falling from high up above, and what did the rabbit hole look like...
"There was a difference, though. The first woman who fell - Alice - did not really make a difference. That is, aside from being able to deflect and cancel magic, instead of use it. This is because The Land of Reason is governed by laws of science, unlike ours that's mystical. Now Alice I didn't stay long here in Cradle. Well, after all, it was a wartorn place that just didn't follow the usual rules of physics she's used to. As soon the next month's full moon rose high in the sky, and the rabbit hole connecting our two worlds reappeared, Alice I jumped right into it. Erasing her existence in Cradle and never heard of from again."
Silence filled them, the children's delicacies long forgotten as they slowly process the details. The fire was roaring by now and the stars up above looked imposing. As if it, too, was listening, and affirming that all the grandfather was saying really happened. By the sidelines, the parents wondered-- Had Alice the First fallen in love like the Second, would she have stayed?
Would both stories have ended differently?
Slowly, a smile formed on the old man's aging face. Then he continued, "But Alice II was different... she'd fallen under a spell even she cannot rebuke. The most powerful magic of all."
"... An impenetrable spell? What's that supposed to mean?" The middle-born child couldn't resist asking, speaking in a low voice, as if afraid to break the solemnity of the air that enveloped them. And also because his sister might whack him for being noisy.
"You see, when she fell down, someone had been there to catch her: that time's King of Spades. His name-- Blackwell, if memory serves me right. Now after Alice's very long and confusing first night here, Blackwell offered her a deal. The Black Army would protect Alice for the entirety of her stay here; which was for a month, the amount of time before the link between our worlds reappear. And in return, during her stay with them, she'd have to use her ability to deflect magic when they need it.
"She'd agreed. And so began to blossom their love, which is probably what your sister's been dying to hear about the most," the grandfather smirked, breaking free of his serious monologue for a while to tease his blushing granddaughter who obviously can't wait to learn about the juicier details.
"So... What made their story different from any other is because we can all relate to it, but at the same time not. Blackwell, like other men, had given his woman a pendant. Blackwell, like many others, showed a side of him that's only been witnessed by his special someone. Sounds pretty plain, no?
"But not all can be as selfless as him. Blackwell had been fully aware that Alice was afraid of our world. And so he'd done everything to keep her from fear and danger. No, even when there were disputes between the two armies, despite their initial agreement, he never requested for dear Alice's presence. He never dragged her into the war, not wanting to hurt her. And he never bothered to tell her he loved her right from the start."
A gasp fell from the lips of the three.
"Oh, little did he know, Alice loved him, too."
Another gasp, probably comical to the adults' ears if they didn't know just how darkly the story ended.
"But neither of them ended up making a move.
Came a third gasp. All three cried out, "Why?"
"Because Blackwell was working hard!" Their grandfather explained with a bitter laugh. "He was doing everything that he can to protect Alice, to return her to her world safe and sound, to return her to her normal days governed by laws of physics, where she didn't have to be afraid of the uncertainties of Cradle's way of life. To restore that contented smile on her lips as she goes back to her work and lives as simply as a mouse. He knew she was scared of this world, and didn't have it in him to ask her to stay in such an alien world."
"... What of Alice?" One of them spoke up.
"She was aware of it, alright. And she understood it-- that the man she loves is a man who values the freedom of going about your usual days. That's why he's so strongly against the Reds who use magic. Because he knew that magic, due to its tremendous power, also brought danger in turn; and that danger had ruined countless lives. He wanted to make Cradle a place where no one has to get hurt because of carelessly excessive use of magic, where no one had to be robbed of the freedom to live peacefully.
"And also a place where people with innate magical capabilities don't have to be afraid. He wants to build a Cradle where those who are born magically gifted don't have to be condemned by fear of hurting someone. Do you know why? ... Because he's one of them. Blackwell has a gift of using magic. And he'd hurt, and he'd ruined - ended, actually - lives. Which is why he's so against using magic. Because he doesn't want someone to die again because of it."
The grandfather was now talking fast like he was being rushed, and he had to remind himself to pause to allow the children to drink it all in. It was obvious they hadn't expected that; their jaws were slack, eyes wide, gears inside those heads rapidly turning as they realize many things at once.
Blackwell can use magic... very strong magic. And he'd killed in accident because of the danger that came with that strength. Because of that, he doesn't want to use magic anymore, and that caused his ideals to war with the Reds who do exactly the opposite.
And he knows just how important a normal day is, a day where there's no war about to break out. That fueled him with the drive to return Alice to her world where she's safe.
While in turn, Alice understood all of that. And respected that. Which is why she forced herself to want to go home... so that all his effort of protecting her won't be in vain.
"Oh, they never ended up. Alice returned to the Land of Reason after she'd helped defeat the bad guys; the Magic Tower's disciples, and most especially-- Amon Jabberwock," the grandmother spoke up, nonchalantly finishing the story in a flash, pointing at the eerie, broken tower just a hundred or so meters away. "Meaning, Alice helped the Red and Black Armies join to overthrow the Magic Tower, which is why our flag now contains both red and black. She's worked hard to restore unity in both armies. But after that, even though she loved the King of Spades, she returned to her own world... Not that your grandfather would bother with those historical details. He just cares about the drama," she grumpily added under her breath. Her husband just rolled his eyes with a guilty smile.
"Hmph. So much for happy endings," the second child huffed, munching down his marshmallow that had long gone cold-- much like his heart, cold and empty, torn by the saddest story he'd heard yet.
"Nooooo, I won't accept this! Grandpa, tell me you're lying!" The eldest shook her grandfather's shoulders vigorously in denial.
The youngest just furrowed his brows in confusion. "But don't they love each other? Why didn't Alice II stay?"
Their mother, who'd now come closer to pry her daughter off their now-dizzy grandfather, chuckled. "Why, Liam, love isn't as simple as that."
"Why not...?"
"Because it's love," she gently explained. "And because it's love, it requires a lot of other things."
"Like what?"
"The right timing, for instance. Ray Blackwell and Alice II just met at the wrong time, under the wrong circumstances."
"But aren't they adults already?"
The mother just laughed and ruffled her son's hair. "Lemme rephrase that. It's not timing. It's fate. Maybe they're just not meant to be for one another..."
But then something made her change her mind, looking up above at the cloudless, midnight sky. She just saw a shooting star cross the earth. The full moon looked bigger than usual to her, its light seemingly brighter. Something about those made her heart do a little skip. She smiled.
"Well, not in this lifetime, at least."
I literally dont know what the genre is yakcutebnlqpakbef xD tbh this was supposed to be smut ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) basically the black army having a bonfire/campfire and ray and alice sneaking away to do the nasty buuuut writing "campfire" like this sounded better to me than that haha. And what do you mean I'm trying to make Ray's route sound much better? But had failed because I cant write for shit and was only half-awake while making this and didn't bother to proofread because IM ALREADY LATE AF
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thecoolsquirrel · 5 years
Cradlesona #2
Credits to @lovingsiriusoswald ~!
Basic Knowledge
Name: Kat, soon to be silver/6 of spades
Birthday: 4/20
Age: 27
Height: 5′7 or 174cm
Physical appearance :
Hair: black,thigh length hair, usually tied up in on thick braid,
Skin: Tan skin,
An engagement ring on her finger, blue rectangle hair clips, heart shaped golden earrings, a gun holster
personality: Bold, a flirt, is a 100% straight but would 100% pin a close girl friend, actually really insecure it usually shows when she starts making jokes, sarcastic, blunt, once she starts becoming better friends with someone her awful jokes/sarcasm starts showing
Affliction: Her dad built her a little house next to his, would move once mousie and mousse get married, was going to live at the black army hq but multiple times was called out for wanting to stay at a place with mostly guys
Mousse altas: Oh boy, they argue a bunch of mousie, though kat believes that they could actually be friends, and that he can protect her, but just to get under his skin she bickers with him, would totally threaten anyone who talks bad about mousse though just cause hes mousies fiance, they actually once got into a heated fight and kat yelled at him differently then how she usually does earning a slap from mousie (thats gonna be a comic/fanfic tho) also laughs at how shes like a couple inches taller then him 
Mousie altas: BEST FRIEND OMG I LOVE YOU, ehem, she loves her and would die for her, loves all her treats, and if she doesnt she still eats them but doesnt ask for seconds, brings snacks over all the damn time, compliments everywhere,likes picking her up, she honestly cried when mousie said she was engaged (out of happy tears maybe?) *kat holding someone from the collar* "kat all they said was i looked like a kid.." "EXACTLY" after a fight (wich happens every blue moon) mousie finds kat at a bar and has to pick her up "LITTLE MOUUUSEE~!"  "hm?.." "IM SO SORRY FOR YELLING AT YOU CAN YOU FORGIVE ME PLEASE?" when they were at school kat was into lots of sports and whenever she lost mousie would be there to comfort her, i would say ranting buddies but more like kat rants and mousie listens
Harr silver: "damn" met him on one of those days mousie and herself got into a argument, kat went out into the forest to train were she found it starting to rain, her wanting to go back to hq she left, CRAP, lost, loki found her blah blah blah "hey wanna stay with me?" "not really-" "..." " i see that you wernt ASKING" but then saw harr and almost fell on her face "OH-" one of their convos, "who are you?" "uhh kat whatever your last name is" "!" "NO REGRETS" they didnt see each other for a bit after that but once saw him again to fight amon and noticed that he knew sirius, went up to sirius the next day like "dude i didnt know you had friends outside the army, ANYWAYS WHO IS HE?" honestly blessed sirius for being her wingman after the battle with amon but DIDNT LIKE SIRIUS when harr and she was actually dating and he would try to give him pick up lines or somethin, this boy, she flirts with him a whole bunch, she acts all smooth about it and stuff but once shes done with like two sentences she makes weird giddy noises with her face red matching harrs, harr does anything "YOUR DOING GREAT SWEETIE" harr once made her a flower crown and she may or totally did cry, took her a little bit to say i love you like mousie she wanted it to be romantic and jazz but she probably said it while huggin him like "i love you so much" they both froze loki"OMG IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH TO SAY IT OM-" totally knew when he was proposing cause of either loki and also how can you not he asked her out for a date and he was fidgiting for every second of it, THEY BOTH CRIED WHEN HE PROPOSED, the next day  SHE NYOOMED OVER TO HER BROTHER BUT COULDNT GET A SINGLE DANG WORD OUT SO SHE KINDA WAS JUST THERE FACE RED TEARS STREAKING DOWN LIKE "ISAFEFYOUAINTKGOLSAFNANDHE DIKFILOVEEE HIMOGSG"
Loki: "oh hes kinda clingy but i guess hes kinda neet" after noticing that hes basically harrs son "OH F ME" kinda warmed up to him one day when she was laying with harr sge kinda was just like " your son- i mean loki is a constant on heat cat" loud coughing Red Army:
Blanc: "hey can i have an other slice of the carrot cake its really good!" blanc"????" oliver".... she cant visit no more" boom thats their relationship
Lancelot kingsley: After all that she and it was actuallly amon who was behind everything her reacting kinda was like "oh dang, OK COME HERE LET ME SHOW SOME LOVE" honestly just wants to be friends with him from all the burdens he had are they friends now? "more like acquaintances but im working on it!, sirius and sometimes harr are helping me on trying to help him open up"
Jonah clemence: ok so if she was going to try friending lance shes gonna HAVE to be on the good side with jonah, brought him macaroons from mousies cafe and told him she knows luka and so that was a good start, she sometimes gifts him lukas desserts. are they friends? "i would like to believe so! his tsun side is kinda, something, but when he actually lets those walls fall hes quite nice! right now were trying to get luka talk to him"
Edgar bright: "SKETCHY" shoot hes sketchy little thing but he HAS TREATS, likes his ducks, but honestly think hes really awesome with sword fighting, she asked luka about him and he said that hes "aright" so she takes his word for it are they friends? "yes?"
Kyle ash: asked if he can teach her some basic stuff for dressing wounds, noticed hes also a light weight YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, two drunks being dragged from the collar out of the bar and just laying out infront of the bar like rats, totally calls him out for him saying "Eat healthy" but then he drinks, tried picking him up it actually worked! are they friends?: "HECK YA HES COOL!"
Zero: "ok what the heck happened to you so i know who to murder-" actually started to warm up to edgar when she noticed that he was friends with zero, asked if she can pick him up, it didnt work, asked if he can pick her up, DID WORK, when she was in the dumps cause mousie had work zero gave her a lolipop, ".. omg your a treasure too.." Zero"what?"
Black Army:
Ray blackwell: CAPE BUDDIES! actually really looks up to him and thinks hes super cool! she joined a a few months before him, totally talked to him like a kid but when he became king she kinda was like "Crap waIT WHAT?" asks (she begs) if he can take her when he sees the ally cats, they bond over the kats, though she finds it annoying when they shed on her black cape
Sirius oswald: "who ever thinks im kats dad raise your hand- KAT PUT YOUR HAND DOWN" they knew each other in school, or more like she saw him when they were in school and she just stared at his bangs that looked like they were cut with a lawn mower IMSORRY, shes either on his side defending him from the brats like a proud mother hen, or she is the brat, shes like "no thats not smart" next day shes doing that thing, sirius is on edge around her just cause she can turn on him whenever she feels like it either shes on his side or not lol
Luka clemence: thought he was a girl "wow your really pretty." turns out hes a guy " WOW YOUR A REALLY PRETTY GUY" took a while for them to actually become friends but they got there! praises his cooking/desserts like if its the best thing on this planet COUGH it is COUGH, she gets up around the same time as luka does just so she can make it to the hq on time for breakfast, sometimes asks if they can spar if she catches him training.
Seth hyde: "are you gay?" insert shocked seth face, he helps braid her hair since she cant get it right i mean SHE CANT SEE BEHIND HER HEAD, when she came home one day from a date with harr, harr braided in flowers and seth felt betrayed cause 1: why didnt he think of that and 2:" KAT YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TO BRAID YOUR HAIR WHA" he picked her out some dresses she wants to wear them so badly but doesnt want to one day look like she has somewhere important to be when shes just going on to get fruit, and plus she usally just wears her uniform, tried picking him up, didnt work, he "tried" picking her up " SETH WHY AM I TOUCHING THE SEALING"
Fennir godspeed: "FENNIIIIRRRRR YOOO WHATS GOOD MY GUY" REALLY LIKES TALKING TO HIM, like an older brother to her, he was actually the one who gifted her the gun holster+ a pistol since she took interest in his duel ones, though she only got one since she has shaky hands and needs to hands to steady her hands, tells him hes chicken for not eating his tomatoes, he still doesnt eat them,
Family:(will go in more detail in fanfic or backstory) Parents, two older brothers, two younger sisters Parents: AWESOME, LOVES THEM A WHOLE BUNCH!? Oldest brother: they were kinda close at childhood but drifted away when getting older Second oldest brother: BEST FRIEND, tells him everything, actually joined the blackarmy cause he did youngest sisters:was and still kinda is jealous of them but got over it and trying to fix their relationship
Shes secretly really insecure and laughs it off, but is honestly week sometimes and just cries and so shes just smiling while crying and in her head shes just like "Ah yes here i am making everyone around me uncomfortable" is also a stress eater but mousie thinks shes just enjoying the sweets, got bullied as a kid and jokes about it, had lots of friends but then they just left half the time so shes used to quick friends, likes fruit, if you gift her a fruit salad she will probably cry if you cant tell already she crys alot , sometimes she annoys people that are her friends and feels like traasssh is such a light weight its not even funny, when she was younger she was like "oh ya im not going to be a light weight imma be like my dad!" first drink "DAAD IM A LIGHT HECK" 
Snippit of a backstory- TO BE CONTINUED
Quick doodles of mousie and kat
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lottesseenaghoul · 6 years
RE:169 quick thoughts before I go into rabbit hole of tg posts on tumbler (edited)
So I was expecting the scans to come out on Thursday but was surprised to see some fresh panels in the uta tag and FLIPPED.jpeg at my behavioural economics lecture. Honestly not the best place for getting a nosebleed xdd
Anyways here are some of hot takes I got from reading the chapter. More nuanced meta probably on its way. I read it on mangastream and I did screenshots there.
The chapter starts with the first part of Uta’s tattoo quote and ends with the second part, forming a sort of narrative framework to read it.
We jump straight into the fray, with contrasting shots of Yomo’s damn fine looking face and Uta’s there as well, clearly guided by very basic thinking and mostly intuitive, emotional impulses:
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Like this is typical, stereotypical “unhinged” face people do in mangas. A mix of enthusiasm and bloodlust, it says this guy went “insane”. Ugh. Uta’s mental health warrants a LOT of unpacking nevertheless so let’s leave this face’ implications for later. 
We glimpse their fight styles then:
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Uta is on the offensive, honestly his is such forceful, visceral way of attacking here - straight up fuck up your opponent with the sheer force of your blow. He is shown to be a lot more nuanced and deliberate in previous fights, steering clear from attacking and content with evading the blows, dealing some psychological damage afterwards. But that is Uta just half-assedly toying - clearly he doesn’t stop himself with Yomo. The reasons can be manifold - that’s how they’ve always done it; he’s so pumped, he stops thinking and loses himself in pure bloodlust; he’s in a serious crisis - this is my preferred angle.
Now his fighting style, besides the raw strength behind it, is also quick and agile. In a second Uta gets behind Yomo, and tries to strike through his body mid-air. His face looks like this:
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Very unstable.
Uta’s pupils are incredibly large here - again, a visual reminder how little conscious control he might have in this situation. OR how vicious his intents are.
My impression is that when he’s led by such murderous motivation (whatever its composing parts), Uta moves intuitively, we don’t see him playing around or allowing to be struck. Here he has the initiative but Yomo can so far fend off or otherwise deal with his attacks.
I’m honestly so thirsty for Yomo in this chapter, just look at this fine motherfucker:
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{I’m interjecting to thank my lord satan for my pan-shipping, slutty heart because now UtaRen became another ship I love. Add in some Itori and you have another one. This one just keeps on giving <3}
Also Uta is so messy here, my baby all playful like a rabid hyena. 
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Despite all the refinements older Uta keeps about himself (suave clothing, neat hair, designer mask studio, antiques in glass cases, chess), he didn’t seem to have done much growing up, emotionally. Donato comments on it like that:
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You just gotta love the fact that for most of the manga Uta keeps the facade of actually being the least reckless of the ghouls. But I trust Donato on this, who seems to know Uta’s darker impulses fairly well. Possibly better than Yomo and that dude got his fair of beating from Uta too.
What got me interested is how Amon had commented how pointless Clowns endeavours were. Initially I thought it’s Donato who said it, but later on he tells Amon that he would soon understand...
Oh Amon looks fine AF too. Be still my slutty heart!
Furuta says something possibly pivotal for the incoming plot arc:
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(IDK wtf this is, but if even Furuta comments on it as if he was both grossed out/scared, it must be important. Oh, he meets Kaneki too, no biggie. “That’s just freaky!!”, I love you Nimura)
Back to my boys, Yomo is getting beat up but mostly evades Uta’s attacks and looks more and more pissed. Uta just looks like a dumbass. Or rather as stupid as cats who torture smaller critters for fun and recreation do:
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Also we get a glimpse of his kagune. It seems to be very elastic, easily changing shapes as Uta sees fit. It was just this gigantic mass of RC cells in the beginning panels, now it’s much more resembling the spider legs en masse that we remember from his fight with Juuzou:
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But what is most important here, we finally get the first shot of Itori. She is wearing a mask in the beginning, and it’s important in context of what Uta will be saying shortly: edit: It’s Itori speaking, thoughts on that in a different post.
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She’s an observer in that panel, very significantly voiceless, not shown to be nearly as amused as Nico here:
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Uta’s Itori’s words are honestly a key to Clown’s philosophy and deserve a meta of its own. [In the beginning I thought these were Itori’s words, especially after I saw “Kanekichi” being mentioned; it’s how she had referred to Kaneki before.] - no wonder, it was my brain’s way to remind me I was far too concentrated on Uta to consider the awesomest queen Itori :/
Uta Itori says something very interesting here:
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Obviously, if he were to be an OEK, first or the second one, that would be right up the alley. But even if not, it hints at very interesting possibilities. I want to see Ishida expand on it in some flashbacks. 
The most important words are coupled with shots of Itori slowly taking her mask off. It has a very dramatic effect.
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Theres a heck ton to unpack here. Honestly I would never think Uta would look at his value system from that particular angle. Edit - and he wouldn’t because he is currently in the midst of a mayor meltdown. It’s Itori who actually bothers with explaining.
He She refers to the coldness of their existence as ghouls, of how senseless it is - like a vast, cold void stretching infintiely in front of them. 
Uta’s ways of searching for warmth are probably the only ones somebody as uprooted as him could come up with - he sees drawing blood, wounding (but also getting wounded - Uta seems to have a very laissez faire attitude to him perishing eventually as we remember from his talk with Donato).
According to Uta  Itori, Yomo is the warm one. For him her, it’s via bloodletting that he can get closer to taste it. Edit Uta def seconds that in the panels to come with his own actions
 I still think there’s some theatrics involved in this speech, as the next panel shows....
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God, way to make your opponent unsuspecting of your next move Uta. 
And we get another important shot of Itori. She’s clearly positioned as somewhat stradling the line between Uta and Yomo but this series consistently shows her as being closer to Uta nevertheless.
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Her eyes are shining so bright here, it’s clear she’s in deep thought and possibly a bit torn apart with what’s happening here. What Uta says clearly strikes a cord but her taking the mask off, idk it may signal some important differences between her and Uta’s worldview. That or it’s a sign she identifies with his words deeply. Edit ditto, these are her words and the scene took entirely different meaning and made me Love Itori, the first time since reading the series.
Honestly Uta is just beginning tho, as he has some creepy words about dreaming of the day where he would get his hands stained with Yomo’s blood. He actually left Yomo on the ground to have this mini speech properly. He’s posturing as far as my impressions go - Uta reverts to his younger persona, sans earlier sentiments of not wanting to cut his fun short by killing the only one ghoul who could match him somewhat. 
The most important thing in this chapter is what Yomo says next...
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Here Uta is, going off about his strange blood kink and Yomo goes all shonen manga on him. But it’s not the same shonen posturing he did in previous chapter. We don’t see his eyes - we see Uta’s and that dude is honestly #shook. 
Naturally he reacts in ways only Ishida can think of. Honestly how Yomo’s words are literally drowned out by Uta’s uncontrollable and histerical laughter is such a masterful move:
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This is the guy who dug up Ren from the ground because he was his “friend”. Now he’s just a mouth apparently.
Idk but this seems like the key panel for analyzing Uta from psychological angle. This dude most pronounced feature is his mouth which is nothing like human’s or ghoul alike. It’s like he’s truly the chaotic trickster god with none of the sentiments he was hinted to possess.
I was talking with @gaiajulz and I love how she pointed out that it seems like Uta is actually drowning out Yomo’s heartfelt words and he isn’t even fully aware he’s doing it. With Uta’s firm worldview, he’d rather go full crisis-mode instead of acknowledging how vulnerable and in need of closeness he is. 
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Honestly Uta is soo Washuu-like in this panel, like Furuta’s older brother or something. First screech like a  Cthulu monster and then do a little happy dance!
What’s important is how Uta links what he sees as Yomo’s nivete with his emotional honesty and lack of any hidden agendas. Yomo is pure and good and this is why he is naive enough to trust a world like this. Uta saw so many sides to it, he literally sees no other option than to play the fool, including fooling around with one of the precious few of potentially close people in his life.
I also think he kind of looks like crying? From laughing so hard maybe. 
The chapter ends with my baby going full kakuja (predictably it’s his shifty face that’s the most inhuman part here, just a mass of flesh) and this flirty words:
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Renji seems so shocked, it’s possible he had never seen this form. Either way he’s speechless.
And Uta’s philosophy is hinted at again - he’s willing to trample his friend just to feel anything. 
What we are dearly in need of is some good meta on Uta’s mental health, how his values feature into it and how his own actions contribute to it unraveling. Obviously such speculations are about as scientific as psych profiling but I feel it would be very important to try and understand this character better.
And boy, is there a lot to unpack here... 
Edit - crossed the parts where it’s suggested it’s Uta who summarizes Clown’s philosophy. It’s Itori and I don’t get my brain could hint at the discrepancies in my own thinking but not make the definite link. Gotta love that sweet ADHD folks.
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dragimal · 7 years
How different are the crybaby characters compared to the characters in the manga? I haven't been able to watch it since I only have hulu and amazon prime.
(if u ever wanna watch it I could maybe try to set up a rabb.it for anyone interested and mooch my roommate’s netflix for a few viewing events. big maybe tho, I haven’t had a lot of personal time lately, and I don’t see that changing soon..)
for my own convenience I’m gonna try to do a compare/contrast list (+ personal “ideal” versions b/c why not). also, I must repeat my disclaimer that it’s been a minute since I read the og manga so some details may be warped by my memory
OG pre-Satan: 
environmentalist, conspiracy theorist, flips wildly between completely neutral/dead-pan and hysterical (which could be for any emotion– he could be hysterically happy, hysterically mad, etc.). he’s not the best strategist and often makes snap decisions (ex– doesn’t super give a shit abt blowing his cover, as long as he can make a clean/quick getaway). his “sacrifice the few for the many” approach is questionable, but ultimately logical in a battle for the survival of humanity as a whole. more likely to seriously injure than outright murder people. pretty desperate to keep Akira by his side. he’s basically the right image below
OG post-Satan: 
they actually face their mistakes and realize that by trying to wipe out humans, they turned into a version of the God they opposed, ultimately trying to wipe out a whole race of beings that deserve to live as much as anyone else, despite their faults. this is ultimately a lesson on Satan’s hubris, and lends to a thematically satisfying (and soul-crushing) ending
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Crybaby pre-Satan: 
basically cool/collected throughout, with very few moments where he loses his cool (or has much emotion at all, really). seems like he knows what he’s doing most of the time, and most of his decisions seem to have a far-reaching goal that was planned ahead. indiscriminately kills everyone who poses even the slightest threat to his plans, despite the fact that his plans are supposedly for the sake of humanity. doesn’t seem super attached to Akira, beyond using Akira for his goals. basically the left image above
Crybaby post-Satan: 
Akira apparently taught Satan that love exists and is good? idk, the whole point of the OG plot was that Satan’s love of the demons pushed them to hate humanity. I think this is actually the main structural change that ruins the entire demon/Satan-revenge arc of Crybaby irreparably, b/c basically everything falls apart if Satan doesn’t feel any love or even obligation to the demons. like, if Satan doesn’t love demons already, then what’s even the point? as can be seen by the lack of cohesion/logic in anything Satan or their lackeys do, Crybaby clearly doesn’t know either. it’s also not a super effective approach when u can’t actually feel the love Satan/Ryo apparently has for Akira, and have to have it spelled out in the last 5 minutes of the series :/
Ideal Ryo: 
OG Ryo, in all respects (aesthetics, personality, etc.). tho I do like Crybaby’s puffy white coat, that’s 100% fashion-disaster OG Ryo
OG pre-Amon: 
very skittish– will avoid confrontation as much as possible, but will still stick around to protect those he cares abt, even if he’s scared shitless. wary of weird stories abt demons, and rightfully questions their validity
OG post-Amon:
(edited w/ thessaliah’s input)
fiercely protective of humans until he realizes the atrocities they’re committing against themselves and devilmen, at which point he completely denounces humanity. thus, shows a strong sense of justice over forgiveness
Crybaby pre-Amon: 
obliviously cheerful and trusting– I’m legitimately not sure if he’s actually brave or just too dense to recognize danger as it comes. doesn’t question weird stories abt demons, and is ready to step right into the frying pan w/ barely an ounce of information beforehand
Crybaby post-Amon: 
(edited w/ thessaliah’s input) 
cries a lot, which I think is a nice visual metaphor for his inner humanity. much more forgiving of humanity, even when he sees humans at their worst.
Ideal Akira: 
personality-wise, I’d have to say OG, particularly for pre-Amon. while Crybaby pre-Amon is kinda cute in his obliviousness, I prefer the Akira who will knowingly jump into danger for those he loves, despite how scared he is. + I was so mad when Crybaby Akira didn’t question ANYTHING abt Ryo’s demonic explanations, like wtf dude u just swallowed that shit hook line and sinker, huh? 
on reflection, I also prefer OG post-Amon, b/c I think it’s a lot more soul-crushing to see this ~largely~ idealistic character finally finally get worn down to the point of just giving up on those he was trying to protect. Crybaby’s overly-idealistic approach isn’t necessarily bad, but I do think it smooths out Akira’s rough edges a bit too much for my liking. tho Crybaby def has a leg-up thematically when it comes to the crying, I love that so much
aesthetically I could go for either, but I think I’d ideally love the look of everything Crybaby Akira + OG sideburns/mullet lmfao
prideful as a personality trait, thus takes any slight as a personal offense. unashamed, but simultaneously defensive of her abilities (namely has some internalized misogyny in the beginning, which she eventually overcomes). impulsive and somewhat socially dense, which leads her to being unintentionally harsh in situations where she thinks she’s trying to enact “tough love”. could be read as (obnoxiously) selfish in situations where she wants Akira to fit her standards, and doesn’t question his changed state (and more importantly, doesn’t miss the ‘old Akira’)
proud of her accomplishments, but not necessarily defensive of her position– she’s secure enough in her abilities to not feel threatened. thoughtful of those around her and what they may be going through. possibly too trusting, considering the whole situation w/ her agent. actually seems aware and somewhat wary of Akira’s changed state, even if she does like it
Ideal Miki: 
this one’s tough b/c as much as I hate OG Miki and Akira’s relationship, there are certain negative traits that I think give OG Miki a more dynamic character than Crybaby. like OG’s socially dense, unintentionally harsh approach is p interesting to see, esp if it’s highlighted as a point of growth for her. of course, I want to completely trash the way OG Miki treats Akira in terms of throwing him into dangerous situations and harshly criticizing his pre-Amon character, but I wouldn’t necessarily mind seeing her sometimes harshly criticize Akira’s decisions in a way that is clearly framed as her trying to help Akira (even if it isn’t necessarily the most ideal approach). I also love OG Miki’s bubbly, unashamed personality, which is a gr8 contrast to her harsh approach to social situations
as for Crybaby, I fuckin ADORE Miki’s relationship w/ Miko, which I think only works the way it does b/c Crybaby Miki is securely proud, not defensively prideful like OG. plus, OG Miki’s defensive pride is p damn annoying to me, ESPECIALLY her internalized misogyny, god I want that completely trashed. yeah, OG eventually grows past the misogyny, but it feels less like satisfying character development, and more like a relief, like, “oh thank god she ain’t pullin’ that shit anymore” 
I suppose, given all this, my ideal Miki is one that combines OG’s social harshness/denseness (to a logical/understandable degree), bubbly temperament, and impulsiveness, with Crybaby’s secure pride in her abilities and actual physical prowess (+ Crybaby’s love of cats, which is adorable and relatable)
tbh I had to look her up again b/c I completely forgot her arc/personality. idk if that’s on her actually being a boring character, or if it’s just the fact that her arc was dropped in the middle of all the other wild bullshit of the main plot wayyyy at the end of the series
anyways, she’s a former delinquent trying to reform herself, but her old gang/posse won’t leave her alone, and she’s all stressed out over being half-demon. I don’t remember her personality necessarily being affected by the demon, which is kinda odd. also her demon form is some tiddy/pussy-volcano ridiculousness
it’s worth noting that the actual, literal OG Miko makes a very brief appearance in Crybaby as one of the half-demon test subjects held captive by scientists– volcano-tits and all. personally, I count this as OG Miko’s actual Crybaby counterpart, but for the sake of comparing important characters, I’ll be comparing OG Miko to main Crybaby Miko since they share a name and an actual arc in each respective series
Crybaby Miko is insecure and wants so very badly to prove herself to others, especially Miki. this is especially potent considering Miko’s actual name is Miki, but she’s forced to stick with Miko as a name b/c Miki’s popularity/prowess overshadows any other potential Miki. post-demon, this jealousy manifests itself as an insatiable competitive streak, as Miko now has the ability to not only reach Miki, but surpass her level. Miko eventually realizes that at least part of her insecurity was misplaced affection for Miki. thus, part of Miko’s desire to be on the same playing field as Miki was so she could feel worthy of potentially dating her. also, Miko’s demon form is some kinda spider creature
Ideal Miko: 
just b/c of her personal/thematic connection to Miki, I’d have to vote Crybaby Miko for almost all traits. I rly love her arc in Crybaby, and she’s a lot more personally connected to the plot than OG Miko is (considering OG Miko appears super late in the game, and barely interacts w/ Devilman). 
though I do like the idea of a former delinquent trying to reform herself– it might be kinda interesting to integrate that into Crybaby Miko. maybe have her be a delinquent before she met Miki (I can’t remember how long they knew each other in Crybaby, but I’m thinking maybe have Miko be a middle school delinquent, then a reformed high-schooler). it might be especially interesting to see how Miko struggles to restrain a delinquent side that was used to getting what she wanted, then have it all fall apart when she’s merged with a demon 
Crybaby Miko is also more interesting aesthetically, in all her forms (human, devilman, and demon). I’m esp super gay for her devilman form, while her full-demon form is such a huge improvement on tiddy-volcanoes. I do like OG’s hat tho, I wish Crybaby could have OG’s hat
a little fuzzy on the details of these guys as well, but I mostly remember their overall arc
in the OG, these guys are straight-up bullies/delinquents, and aren’t there to fuck around. at first, they’re extremely aggressive towards Akira and Miki, and straight-up threaten to rape Miki. later on, once Akira gains their respect (and the world starts goin to shit), they become reliable, rough-around-the-edges friends, and try to protect Akira and Miki as much as they can
these guys seem like harmless, disenfranchised rappers. they could be read as dangerous when they first approach Miki, but I honestly don’t think they would have done anything even if Ryo hadn’t intervened– I think they were just trying to scare her. Kukun in particular plays a significant role in Miko’s arc (however brief). they all rap about the hardships and injustices of society in a way that fits p well w/ the plot
Ideal bullies:
I rly love the OG bullies for how they go from aggressively antagonistic to aggressively protective of Akira and Miki. however, I rly hate exactly how aggressive they start out (namely, their willingness to straight-up rape Miki), which kinda sours their connection to Akira/Miki later on. it’s, uh, hard to forget something as serious as that, even when the ppl in question do seem to have changed some
as for Crybaby, I rly love how the rappers are a misfit group that makes comments abt society at large as the story progresses. + the rapping itself is p damn entertaining. I also, of course, adore Kukun’s relationship w/ Miko
it’s hard to say which I like more, but I’d def have to cut legitimate rape threats from the OG characters to truly appreciate them. as a way of merging some of their best traits, it might be interesting to see the stakes raised w/ the Crybaby rappers, and have them carry knives and make actual threats against Miki/Akira’s safety at first (again, w/o the rape threat,,), only to find out later it’s just a facade they put up for their own safety (but still won’t back down if they actually ARE up against trouble)
closing comment I guess
I think those are all the characters I feel like talking abt. I could talk abt other characters who got some significant changes (like Miki’s parents, or Akira’s parents), but I didn’t feel any particular way abt them in the OG or Crybaby, so they’re not rly worth my personal time ¯|_(ツ)_/¯
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reaperkaneki · 7 years
tbh the reasons why i stopped reading tg is probably cuz of how mutsuki is treated by the narrative (thx for making a trans man who was physically and sexually abused by his father and ended up killing his family as an act of self-defense/retaliation into a crazy yandere who only after the mcs dick i guess -__- .... not to mention big mama being trans and pretty much every trope in the book abt child molesting grotesque murderous trans women -_____-) and the fact that arima and eto, two of the most interesting and complicated characters, are both gone (im 100% okay with arimas death cuz his last battle and death scene are Very Very Good, but eto didnt get a satisfying resolution imo and i refuse to believe she died like that esp cuz she said she was mortally wounded but we never see her die.... call me when eto comes back!!) and to be 100% honest and just plain salty amon shows up and its amazing but he has like one convo with kaneki and then leaves, i guess to go get with akira or something which..... is not a pairing im into at all tbh even tho amoneki was never gonna happen i still hold that amoneki wouldve been the most satisfying end pairing and i dont like touken for some reason (cuz touka is... gay with yoriko duh yorijo even thinks abt her as shes getting proposed to by som randonass bujin outta nowhere) but i dont hate it bc i guess they make sense as a couple, being set up for literally the entire series, but Sex and a Baby development wis really truly too much too soon for me to handle and i dropped it as mutsuki was showing up bc Yikes.
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fireballofinsanity · 7 years
NAME: Lita's what I'm known as, but Pom and Pomsky are on the rise-! XD And I'll answer to literally everything so XD GENDER: Female~ EYE COLOR:  Hazel/brown (it likes to change with the weather, weirdly enough) HAIR COLOR: Brown! RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single~
ZODIAC: Libra FAVORITE COLOR: Forest green, and a lot of the time now blues and purples ouo
FAVORITE SEASON:  Fall~ FAVORITE PLACE:  Gamestop and the bookstore. XD Actually just about anywhere I can relax? FAVORITE HOLIDAY:  Christmas XD And the fourth of July, because fireworks~
FAVORITE VIDEO GAME: Ohgod. Uhhh... I have too many to count, so I'm going to say Xenoblade Chronicles,  Fire Emblem, and Persona~
LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air *eyes TV*
WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?  Well that depends on the muse. XD Out of my main five, I like Aoi's bubbliness, and Maika's caution but willingness to try something new. Cyan's caution too- But since I play Sera and Seun the most... Seun is the typical shy kid who needs to come out of her shell, I think. She's afraid of being hurt and just wants to cook, so she winds up being this huge dork. She's lucky to find the people she did~
Sera tho... Sera is the one I never expected would be so popular? I know I hint a lot she's got a dark backstory and never explain it on the dash, but yeaaaah, I'd rather not risk it without people telling me they're okay with it first. But aside from that, she's happy. She's bright. She's been through hell and back, but it just made her want to see people smile even more and help everyone who needs it. She can be naive and shy and way more than careful so nobody hurts her again, but once she opens up she's like a puppy?
Exploring Sera's Magiverse this last year's developed her even more than she was before, and that's all thanks to @voyagerofthesun . Without her Sera would never have been this developed- She went from strong but careful to a brilliant light and a muse that's everything I wish I could be and one of my oldest muses at about ten years since her creation. <3 Sera's grown the most of all my muses, with Seun hot on her heels, and I love it~
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE KINDS OF THREADS?:  I don't exactly have a favorite? I'm a sucker for sweet and fluffy, but not just for romantic relationships? I love the platonic ones too- I'm horrible at writing fight scenes but anything that has me connecting with my partner and having a blast with it is what I want~
ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?  Slightly? Yes and No? I can get a little picky when seeing out people to follow, But I do look through blogs when approached and see if my muse can click with them. If not I'll say so? That's about as selective as I get, I think-
DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE MUSE? Sera, Esra. and a particular muse soon to be coming to a screen near you~
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM? The same thing that makes me join any fandom: My enjoyment of the series. I don't usually get too deep into any fandom and keep myself on the outer rings because of my anxiety, and I tend to look up characters I like to see who rp's them first. Definitely guilty!
But the Noragami and Magi fandoms are a bit different for me. I blame Noragami on @forfiveyen, who got me hooked on the manga and then told me about her Yato blog. XD Things exploded from there, and though the fandom is kind of small it's pretty warm and comfortable?
And then @preciousmagi introduced me to Magi. It took me a year to really get into it- I watched a handful of episodes (up to Alibaba having conquered Amon) and then put it down (ironically for Noragami XD) and didn't go back to it. When my Aladdin went back to her blog for a brief spell, she again reminded me that I liked the series and told me one thing: “You'd like Sinbad.”
She wasn't wrong. XD I picked up the anime where I left off and got hopelessly hooked, but had trouble finding episodes online to watch with my poor net. And when I first saw Sinbad, I knew I wanted a muse to interact with a Sin, even if it was briefly. So I did my thing and found @voyagerofthesun about a year ago now, and between the two I ended up tumbling down a rabbit hole into Sin and Magihell I never want to come out of. XD I've met some amazing people in these fandoms and ya'll are some of my closest friends, seriously. <3
DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?  More than likely~ I've met too many amazing people to leave now- You're all stuck with me, sorry about that. XD
tagged by: @red-string-assassin (Thank ya Twinny! <3)​ tagging: @voyagerofthesun​  @forfiveyen @meitanteicowlick @blackthvnder And anyone else who wants to~
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scenarios-on-ice · 8 years
That you are!
“Ma'am, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but whatever it is- either Furuta or the toxic side of the YoI fandom started it!”
I used to be firmly for Trans!Mutsuki but now I’m not so sure. I’m mostly just annoyed and kinda sad at how this particular issues is tearing the fandom apart…keeping away from major spoilers, when Saiko was trying to ask Mutsuki about something important a few chapters back Mutsuki was like “So….yeah. You figured out that I’m actually a girl.” and then abruptly left. That was mostly where the doubt started: Mutsuki refered to themself as a ‘girl’. Did this stem from insecurity about revealing themself as trans or was it because Mutsuki actually sees themself as female?
And then later on, “I’m almost embarrassingly female.” Does this mean that they find their female body a burden/embarrassing, or that they can’t help but acknowledge that yes, they do identify as female in the end? Doesn’t help that their expression during this scene is very difficult to read (the scene itself is quite disturbing in nature as well).
Then people started connecting the dots. During the auction arc Mutsuki once said to themself ‘It’s not that I think like a man’ and was disgusted when they felt men’s gazes following them. Add this to "I want to ‘live’ as a man" instead of “I 'am’ a man” and the fact that they were probably molested by their father as a child and the theory that maybe they’re just pretending to be male because even as they fear men, they believe being male to be a symbol of power, one that will keep them safe, becomes quite a bit more plausible.
Even more confusing since most of Mutsuki 'I am female’ moments seem to come during mental breakdowns so the fandom is up in arms about that too. Does the mental breakdown mean that they’re not in their right mind and just rambling, or does it make them speak the truth and stop hiding (like Kaneki’s memory breakdown during the Tsukiyama arc; it was then he finally stopped warping/denying his own memories about his mother)?
I personally believe that Mutsuki might turn out to be female after all (especially since this is a Japanese manga; Japan might be more accepting of the LGBTQ community than other East-Asian countries but from what I’ve learned it’s still got quite a bit of prejudice and stereotyping going on and LGBTQ individuals are viewed differently from how they are in the West. It would also tie in with Ishida’s overall writing style) but I don’t bash those who believe them to be trans because I really, really wanted them to be trans too…
I just wish the fandom would stop being so aggressive about this ;-;
(That parody tho)
True, true, Jean would make a good Angelica ^^ as for Dear Theodosia, don’t most of Burr’s songs fit really well with Jean? I think it’s proof that the Jean-Burr casting was meant to be.
OH YEAH I totally forgot about that. Hide-Peggy makes much more sense now XD they should form an 'awesome forgotten characters’ club!
Speaking of Hinami though, SPOILER but apparently she’s going to meet Akira soon.
Yeah, the only realy Hamilton AU we could achieve with TG is one where characters are forced into roles that don’t necessarily fit their personalities and therefore changes the outcome of the story (which could actually be a good thing; for example, if we cast Amon as Hamilton Say No To This would never happen).
But wait (lol). Doesn’t Urie actually fit much better with Burr?
In that case, it doesn’t matter who we cast. Urie-Burr would probably make the exact same mistakes as Musical!Burr did (if we’re talking about pre-character development Urie).
Well, to make up for Hide’s second death (who am I kidding nothing could make up for that) you now have the mental image of Tsukiyama rapping Guns and Ships at Yoshimura-Washington (or Shinohara-Washington).
And Koma like
(I could probably have made it rhyme/fit in with the actual lyrics if I wanted to but unfortunately I’m too lazy OTL maybe some other time
Also fun fact if you didn’t get to that point in the manga: Kaneki does have his own 'ghouls of liberty’ now)
As for Furuta, I think he’s probably going to get a tragic backstory too- everyone in TG gets the angst treatment. Ishida’s probably going to expand on his daddy issues. Also, there’s that one birthday poem Ishida wrote for him that strongly implies he’s suicidal/places little value on his own life, plus the fact that we can already assume he had a terrible childhood.
I’ve never heard of that anime but now you make me want to watch it…is it really worth a watch despite the 'wth’ elements? (Your Lie in April was the only exception I made for romance animes, but I’m willing to give anything a try as long as it’s got decent character development, is respectful with whatever themes it chooses to handle and doesn’t have too much fanservice (because frankly I find anime fanservice more cringey than anything…I always feel so embarrassed for everyone involved when it happens XD)).
And oh, thanks for letting me know! :D I hope it wasn’t too weird of a request ^^;;
Thank you so much for the ‘ripped s/o’ request! :D I really liked it!
Like, maybe it’s just me but I think Viktor (once he got used to it) and/or Chris might actually think it was hot. Dunno, just, in VIktuuri I can see Viktor being the sub (plus it’s kinda obvious that he’s really, really into Eros!Yuuri) so I think he’d find the idea of his s/o being a powerhouse appealing…especially since they don’t look it outwardly (what with being so smol and cute). He’d probably be determined to 'unleash the beast’ lol
(or maybe it’s just my personal bias because while I don’t have much of a preference when it comes to figure I still think muscular women look great)
Yuuri would probably be very much in awe once he recovered from the shock.
As for JJ, I think once he stopped flailing around his reaction would be a mix of betrayal and slight jealousy- “Wait, so all those times I was totally not struggling to carry you bridal style, you could have told me there was a reason you’re so heavy! And also, did you just let me treat you like a fragile doll when you were actually (not) stronger than me all along? WERE YOU JUST STROKING MY EGO BABE NO
Also let’s go to the gym together as soon as possible because I cannot wait to kick your ass
Nobody is allowed to be stronger than the King JJ
Not even his girlfriend”
Then s/o picks him up, throws him over her shoulder and takes him to his bedroom like 'boi, you need to calm down’
“Nimura Furuta died this morning (if only). I need a favour.”
That seems so complicated >_< I think I’m gonna stick to trans!Mutsuki (referring with he/him), simply because I haven’t reached that part in the manga and am still in the ‘Mu is male’ mode. Yeee, I don’t wanna go into that part of the fandom, I get enough shit from the yoi fandom already. Gaah, it really is complicated. I mean, I’m open to any Mu and don’t quite care if he decides to be male/female or genderfluid or whatever. I just want everyone to be happy ;-; And that’ll never happen because we’re talking about TG here. No one can be happy. It’s simple impossible.
The only thing we need now is a Hamilton for Jean... Ye, I don’t quite think we’ll be getting one. Except for Eren, but that LEAVES ALL THE PROBLEMS WE’VE DISCUSSED. SHIT. I’d pay to see Jean singing Dear Theodosia. 
We can add Hide and Peggy to the club of forgotten characters along with Hinami (she is being forgotten it seems) and a few other characters I can’t think of right now XD
That’s the problem with TG. Most AUs are impossible, since the characters just don’t fit the roles nicely, they’re too grey to fit in. Gdi Ishida, you love making us suffer.
Oh yeah, Urie would be the best Burr! He’s a calculating character who’ll kinda suck ass to advance in positions. To think that this guy’s my favourite character along with Haise/Kaneki and Ayato...
You’ve seen my ‘I’ll manipulate everyone out’, didn’t you? That one fits evem worse than this, so shush.  I did reach that part, tho. One of the last things I remember is that hella sexy white suit Kaneki panel. I liked that one a lot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Doesn’t everyone in TG basically have a tragical backstory, though? Like, name one (1) character who lived a nice and happy life without daddy issues suicidal stuff and so on.  There are none I can remember. Well, I guess you could say that Tsukiyama had a pretty nice childhood, but he’s pretty messed up now, so I don’t count him. 
Hmm, I think some people would be able to ignore them, but I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t like the anime. I mean, it’s quite rushed with little character development and has sO MANY WTH MOMENTS, HE’S 15 FOR FUCKS SAKE, WHY DOES HE SLEEP NAKED WHY ARE THERE SO MANY INNUENDOS WHY DO THEY KISS IT LOOKS CREEPY WHYYYYY
No, don’t watch that anime. If you want to watch a romance anime that’s really good and has development, watch Kyoukai no Kanata. AND MAGI. AND HOUKAGO NO PLEIADES. I can always hit you up with anime suggestions if you need them *finger guns (and ships)*
Ooh, I like those additions so much! Would you mind if I added them to the actual post?
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vitamiiiiins · 8 years
my thoughts after finishing chap 143 -
actually i am a lil disappointed w the ending
i get that it’s all supposed to be ‘realistic’ (which i would complain about since this grimstarkcynicalrealism stuff is way overdone nowadays, but actually in this genre i expect and understand it) but it did feel a LOT like it was all a lot leading up to a sort of. “Oh. Okay then.” moment at the end where Kaneki is (presumably) dead, with a lot of loose ends left hanging ?
like when i got to chap 135 and still thought of a  bunch of things i wanted  the answers to, i thought “something major must happen very quick to fit this all in” and then it just. didn’t. the fight tapered down and it ended ?
why didn’t the detector go off for kaneki at the ccg hq (I have a theory but like, no canon explanation), what happened to kuro & shiro, did hide get eaten (which if so i think is a very disappointing end for him and was throwing away a good potential side story/relationship seeing what could happen from then on)*, where is touka, what’s happening with ayato, what is happening with rize, so on and so on and so on
idk, i just feel like if it’s gonna end with that, it all seemed a bit... muted? dull? in a way? which may be more ‘realistic’ but at the same time when using that story telling method, you have to remember ppl don’t necessarily come and read fiction for realism, and a boring but realistic and expected ending isn’t actually a brilliant story nor the most entertaining for a reader
and I expected just.. a little more from the fight between arima and kaneki. i get he was weakened from amon, but by the end kaneki had become pretty powerful, and while I thought “it’s gonna seem a bit of a push if arima who could beat owl is beaten by kaneki” i expected more than that... near 1 hit ko. it’s like when ur pokemon one hit kos an e4 pokemon. yeah u knew you’d win anyways, but you thought there’d be a bit more to it n a bit more excitement than that
obviously there’s a sequel which im going to start soon but yah these are my thoughts finishing tg chap 143.
this seems so negative tho, overall I did enjoy it a lot !! its different to how I imagined but I still liked it, and found some characters i really like,, and the interest of the concept that made me wanna read in the first place remains!! it’s easier 2 talk about the negative stuff, right?? and when I’ve found something disppointing i like to think about why.
despite me being iffy about the ending I really did enjoy it and am hopeful and excited for tg:re so !! i just also hope that we will still see juuzou despite his injury i find him v endearing,, and i hope that hide/kaneki gets a better ending than the one widely speculated and implied,, and my other fav characters reappear still like uta !
*apparently its only speculation that kaneki ate hide which im choosing NOT to believe because,
When I read the scene, before seeing the comments underneath, I presumed the whole Hide thing was a hallucination - after all he was seein flowers too ? like when he first appeared it was omg hide !!! but then he was just acting. very chill and odd and it all felt p surreal to me so
from the start i expected/anticipated a lot from the kaneki/hide relationship and at first was very happy, then it just. vanished. i get kaneki had to stay away but it just seemed very... unflowing of the story that hide near disappears bar a few minor appearances, then would conveniently turn up for kaneki to eat him but it then.. actually is pointless anyway because kaneki seemingly died and little was achieved?
regardless, from what I gather from the comments on the final chapter, if not explicitly spoilered/stated but implied, it appears hide has yet to appear in the sequel.. and we’d presume if he had survived, why would he disappear into nothingness.. idk it seems like thats what was supposed to happen but even on top of that it seems a bit of a lame ending for him to me, i think he deserved better and kaneki deserved better because if in the end he ate hide like he almost did after that first fight with nishio... it feels like it’d be a big step back/reversion in character development. part of it seems like it could have been just to get hide out the way bc he would have made things more complicated in the next series.
I like to think I’m good with words but this is a mess,, anyways i like to have a nice ramble after finishing something so off i went
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