#amphibia thoughts
themissakat · 2 years
I've been slowly processing the finale since last night, as you do, and thought I might share some of my thoughts.
Overall, I think that this finale was really awesome. While there were a few plot things that I'm not a huge fan of, the emotional points HIT HOME. One of my only wishes is that there was more time to really sit with the impactful moments. I would have also loved to revisit many of the human characters on Earth, as well as seeing Percy and Braddock again. Unfortunately, as with many cartoons, we don't always get every little thing wrapped up in canon.
I'll be turning 25 in about a month, right in the age range of the girls in the time skip, and I feel so seen with the Trio's post-Amphibia relationship dynamic. The transition from childhood friendships into adult friendships is such an odd time. You're growing into yourself, you're learning and changing, and so are the people around you. Being an adult is so different from being a teenager, there's new responsibilities, life gets so busy, it's hard to keep up with people, even when you love them with all of your heart.
To me, even if the girls drifted, even if they weren't perfect in keeping in touch with each other during this time, this ending has so much potential for them moving forward. Because the thing is, even though life changes, truly good, heartfelt friendships can be picked back up at any time. It can be weeks, months, years since you've seen each other, but that doesn't matter, because you can jump right back in.
As much as they grew during Amphibia, I think that the time apart was good for them. I think it was important that they had the time to develop independently of one another. They needed to find their own identities and place in this world, and I think their relationship will be all that much stronger for the time they spent on their own. I'm a huge proponent of Sashannarcy of course, and I can only see this ending as them coming together, a new beginning for the rest of their lives together.
I’m still going to work on my fanart and fanfics, and I'm currently working on a short Moth mAnne comic for the No Big Deal Zine.
I'll probably jot down some more thoughts about the plot stuff with the finale at a later time!! I just wanted to get out my feels about the timeskip 🥺
(Also like Terri totally will make another mini portal, because she did it once she can do it again! And then establish communications, then work across-dimensions with Polly to make a stable, permanent portal.)
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cartoonsofthecosmos · 2 years
Amphibia was not perfect. Actually, there were many things about the show I didn’t like. And for me in particular, it was quite often overshadowed by The Owl House when episodes of both shows were released at the same time. But it was heartfelt and powerful and had some wonderful twists. It had characters that I related to and scenes that made me want to scream. Finally, it had a pretty spectacular finale. Amphibia may not have been my favorite show, but I am so glad that I watched it.
Goodbye, Amphibia. You will be missed.
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just-a-jellyfish · 2 years
Anne’s Future
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So after about two and a half weeks I’m finally onto the last post talking about my opinions on the Calamity Trio’s futures. I’ve already done two other posts, on Marcy and Sasha but now it’s time to talk about Anne.
Since Anne is the main character she’s definitely one of the characters that’s had the most development. She went from someone who was really insecure, following her friends and not really knowing what she wanted for herself, to learning how to stand up for herself and others and that sometimes what’s best for everyone isn’t always what feels the easiest. Moreover, her selflessness and love for Amphibia is what helped to save it as well as Earth and even help those such as Sasha, Marcy and the Plantars grow as people (or frogs, I guess :) ). I mean, she completely changed Sprig’s life! He still keeps her phone and writes about all the stuff they did together even after such a long time.
But he changed her life too. Ten years later Anne still thinks about him, aaaaa that scene where she said she named her frog after an old friend was so wholesome (but it still kinda hurts too). The girl that couldn’t stand frogs is now a woman that has dedicated her life to them and other amphibians and wow. I mean she literally recreated so many different parts of Amphibia: Newtopia, Toad Tower, Proteus and most importantly the Plantar house (there might be more I missed).
Why did she do this though? Well I think there are two answers to this question and both are true to different extents. The first one, and one that others have already speculated about is that basically after Anne literally Met God, her view on life completely changed. She wanted to know how to look after a world to prepare for doing this after she a s c e n d s at 91 (or whatever happens then, unrelated to this post but imagine knowing the age you’ll die at, it must be hard having that knowledge). The second one is that because of her time in Amphibia she just wanted to learn more about amphibians so even if she couldn’t go back she could still have a bit of that world with her. She still would have that even if she didn’t do this but I think this shows that even if people aren’t with you anymore they will still affect you throughout your life in many ways and in that way they will always be with you. Change is hard but just because something is over doesn’t mean it wasn’t important, even if you any not be able to see many of those you love anymore they have still had an impact on your life and you on theirs.
Anyway I really love this show and how they were able to make the careers of the Trio make sense and show how far they’ve come. I’ll probably do more posts about other opinions I have on this show but these three posts were a really fun way to start!
Thank you, Amphibia!
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thethirdbill · 2 years
I watched the rest of Amphibia and made one last trying to stan video! I still want to do a big breakdown of the whole series, so let me know if you want that by clicking the YouTube buttons and such!
Thank you, frog show.
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megadan94 · 2 years
I watched the Amphibia series finale. Took me a whole day to get over it. I felt the heart strings were being tugged for hours. Either that or it was combination of sleepiness and gassiness. On that note I’m holding off re-watching Amphibia for a while until my heart pieces are put back together. Or until that tie-in journal gets released which ever comes first. I had to cleanse myself of the feels by watching dumb cartoons and sitcoms. What did you think of the finale and how did you react?
I had a big uni assignment to finish on the day it came out, so I had to suppress all my feelings for hours after watching it. Once I had it submitted though, I scrolled through posts about it for hours, I stayed up til sunlight.
I don't really wanna think about it for a while, mostly because I'm near the end of semester and can't afford to be emotional right now.
Anne having to leave Amphibia forever made me so sad, even though I already saw it coming after last episode. I was hoping we'd at least get some sliver of hope that they'd reunite, even if only in the flashforward (I expected a flashforward, because of the comparison to Pepper Ann), and was disappointed that we didn't get one.
It's moral of letting things go and moving on is one I'm gonna be thinking about for some time.
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outer-stars · 9 months
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"hey, it's that waybright kid"
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Sasharcy before + after
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Whoever is responsible for leaking those Disney TVA pilots online, I only have one thing to say to you: thank you!
I hope that they don't get taken down before I get a chance to watch them.
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yunvind · 1 month
i wanna use this app more cause i want somewhere to post my art but twitter scares me too much
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deweyduck · 1 year
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@pscentral​​ event 15: favourite relationships
Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realise you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes... you have to let it go. But of the things you let go... you'd be surprised... what makes its way back to you.
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theellipelli · 2 years
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calamity luz!
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themissakat · 2 years
okAY lets TRY THIS AGAIN. Accidentally deleted the first one so GONNA TRY NOT TO LOSE THIS ONE TOO. cries about losing the first draft.
Some thoughts about the plot aspects of the finale. PSA here: i still really loved the finale of the show, and any criticism about it doesn’t change that! 
Here we go! Amphibia Finale Spoilers Ahead!
I did not!
 like the God! 
The introduction of the god and the Deus Ex Machina of its reviving Anne did not feel consistent with the canon of the show. Tonally, it came out of left field. For a show that is so grounded in personal growth, change, family, and the love that people have for each other, it seemed disingenuous for Anne to be saved by a completely unrelated, unknown character. I would argue that the Anime Calamity Girls Final Battle was also tonally inconsistent with the rest of the show, but we were also expecting this final conflict. The show has set up for ages that the girls would all get Calamity powers, through the background murals and hints, and then in Season 3B introducing the prophecy as a concrete plot point. 
Cosmic Domino, however, was never mentioned, aside from a one-off joke when Anne was high off pain medication. There was never any discussion of the origin of the gems themselves, merely the effects of their power. We were not primed for this moment.
Additionally, and this may be bias from recognizing the voice actress from her work as Ruby from Steven Universe, the personality of the god rubbed me the wrong way. It seemed so immature. It is reminiscent of the drawing of 6 year old Anne, “I hate responsibility”, to have it wanting to quit its job, then almost throwing a tantrum when Anne refused its offer. It specifically mentioned a timeline of 10,000 years watching the gems, which to me sounds like a very short period in the grand scheme of a cosmic entity. This “god” seems YOUNG.
I also don’t believe that Anne will take it up on its offer when she passes away. I personally find there is a certain tragedy in a mortal being becoming immortal. I don’t believe that a mortal mind is capable of taking on the responsibility of a god. We are not capable of comprehending that grand scope of existence, and there is something downright depressing about the idea of watching your loved ones wither and pass away, while you continue on. 
I love this non-canon Alternate Ending by Joe Johnston. I have accepted it as my headcanon for the conclusion of the Cosmic Domino plot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDN86msGBtY
Thematically, it feels wrong for Anne to be saved by someone that doesn’t care for her personally. So here’s my re-vision of the finale with more focus on Love:
Anne wields the full power of the Calamity Gems and destroys the moon. Sprig and Frobo bring her faded body back to Earth, and lay her in the water. Her body is cracking, crumbling, but not fallen apart completely yet. 
The people of Amphibia, Anne’s friends, family, community, gather around, their joy quickly transitioning to shock and grief as they realize Anne is dying. She speaks her last words, takes her last breath, and goes still. 
They gather around, supporting each other in their grief for the girl who they loved, and who loved them enough to give her everything to save them. The sun starts to fade, the stars reflecting bright on the water, no longer competing with the moon. And Sprig doesn’t want to let go of Anne’s body. 
But as the sky darkens, a new light starts to shine amongst them. From each of their chests, a blue light starts to glow. Like fireflies, these motes float into the sky, drifting towards Anne’s body. They flow into her, and as each passes into her chest, her body starts to glow, brighter and brighter until she’s shining with an unearthly light. The cracks along her body start to seal over, and suddenly, Anne coughs. 
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When the light fades, color has returned to Anne. She opens her eyes, and there’s a glimmer of blue light contained in her pupils. 
Because Amphibia is its people, and the power of the gems was just their will condensed, given form. When the gems broke, that power didn’t disappear, merely dissipated back into their world. And in their grief, their love for Anne, became the will of Amphibia, and gave life back to the girl who gave everything for them. She’s been brought back to life by their love. 
With the themes of love and change and family, I think it would have been far more impactful for the people of Amphibia to bring Anne back to life instead of some random God :’) 
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d0d0-b0i · 11 months
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just an older sister and her siblings
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just-a-jellyfish · 2 years
Sasha’s future
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I’m back with part 2 of these posts where I talk about my thoughts on the Calamity Trio’s futures, last time I talked about Marcy, this time it’s Sasha’s turn!
Although Marcy is my favourite of the trio I feel Sasha is the character that has had the most noticeable development out of the three. (Not that the others haven’t also had development but Sasha is pretty much unrecognisable from her former self by the end of the show.) In season 1 I never would have thought that she would have the type of career she has now as she was like a completely different person. A person who would always want control over any situation as well as her own friends, no matter how much this hurt them. You can see that she had somewhat good intentions by wanting to find Anne and Marcy but also betrayed them when it benefited her.
Now compare that with the person she is by the end of the show. She is still able to be a leader but one that actually listens to her friends and will stand up to and for others, when before she was the one that needed to be stood up to. This helped to make other characters become better people too and it is clear she has had an effect on many of those in Amphibia, especially Grime and tbh I think his speech in All In explains it better than I could.
So what does any of this have to do with the timeskip? Well, much like Marcy I feel that Sasha will have been able to use the lessons she learned to help others but in Sasha’s case she helps people much more directly. I imagine that because of her career she will have seen children that were like how she was at the beginning of the show and help them to work through the issues that they have. Again helping them to become better people and have better lives in the future.
Yet again, this is an example of how the Calamity Trio’s futures show how important their time in Amphibia was to them.
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heart-wit-strength · 16 days
Pirate Marcy with long hair?? maybe??
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silverzeppelin · 2 years
the four horsemen of getting possessed
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