#amsterdam dance event
arcturiusmusic · 7 days
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This massive one got announced recently! I'm beyond excited to play at Hospitality x ADE this year! Let's enjoy the coziness together!
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dedanceadvocaat · 8 months
Qommunity x Backstage Legal ADE Breakfast 2023
Op de vrijdag van het Amsterdam Dance Event organiseerden Backstage Legal en The Freelance Qommunity een brunch & learn meeting bij The Social Hub op de Wibautstraat. Na een weemoedige blik naar het gebouw links en na ons door de nodige regendruppels heen gewurmd te hebben, troffen we een gezellig club qollega’s aan die bij TSH zaten te co-worken.  Een zeer ontspannen en tegelijkertijd energiek…
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rhythm86radio · 1 year
Bridges For Music Will Return To ADE This Year
This year’s charity cycle will cover a 550-kilometre route from London to Amsterdam, in the name of a great cause. Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is the world-renowned five-day Electronic Music conference and festival gathering held annually in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is arguably one of the most awaited weeks of the year together with Miami Music Week, held every March in the USA. Several…
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clubemotion · 2 years
The 2022 ADE conference program is now complete
The 2022 ADE conference program is now complete
ADE completes conference program with Hardwell, Peggy Gou, Martin Garrix, Richie Hawtin, Nastia and more. Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), the world’s largest and most influential club-based festival and conference for electronic music has completed its conference program, with numerous globally renowned artists and industry leaders added to the line up. Among them are Hardwell, speaking in depth…
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fairyvtale · 19 days
part one UNFORGETTABLE ━━━━ joost klein f! reader
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(headcanons ; english not my first language)
part two
──── ✰࿒࿎྇ ༃࿐ ❛ she’s unforgettable ❜
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🕸️ ꒱ you and joost met at one of eurovision pre-party, you weren’t an artist, but you were in sweden team as a dancer. it was a dream come true, dance was always a huge part of your live, but just few years ago it became your serious job. at first you were a coach for small kiddos, back then you thought that this is enough. you loved those little children who learned small choreographies to their favourite songs, it just melt your heart. that’s why it was a big surprise, when you saw a direct message from marcus & martinus, who asked you if you would like to make a choreography for their eurovision song, and became their main dancer. at first you thought that was some kind of joke, but when you verified that it was their real account and it wasn’t a scam, you couldn’t help but scream with happiness.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🕸️ ꒱ you knew twins from your teenage years, when they were literally everywhere on social media, but you were never really interested in their career. so it was a surprise for you, to met two sweet but also super professional men. very quickly they become your good friends, and you were grateful that they gave you a chance to perform on that big music consent.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🕸️ ꒱ because you had that good relationship with them, they started to offered you to go with them on every event, they needed to attend to, the first one you agreed to come to was pre party in amsterdam. at this point it wasn’t a business stuff, you just randomly started to be a triples. people quickly started to make a lot of content on social media with your trio, personally you loved to watched videos like ‘y/n & mm being iconic for four minutes straight’ etc etc. It always make your day better. but let’s get back to amsterdam.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🕸️ ꒱ being among that many talented people were overwhelming at first, but after putting your foot on the scene, you knew that performing was made for you. the energy of the boys and audience was insanely good and it was only a beginning of this journey.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🕸️ ꒱ after boys’ performance the next in line was joost, you didn’t know him earlier, but of course you saw some stuff on tik tok and he was definitely an interesting person. and let me say, you loved his song so much, that you wanted to congratulate him for making that eurovision masterpiece and also you wanted to give him some dance advice. and only when you saw him entering the room, you approached him with sweet smile.
“that was a great performance! im really impressed” you said and in response you heard his little laugh.
“appreciate that, you are with sweden twins, right? loved your moves” he smiled softly.
“they’re norwegian actually, but yeah” you didn’t know why, but he laughed again as if this was the funniest thing he ever heard. “anyway, as a fellow dancer i need to tell you that, your hardstyle dance is not that good unfortunately”
“you say so?” he said frowned for a second, and then he continued with his cheeky smile. “so maybe you will teach me how to do it better?”
“as you said im choreographer of my sweden, but norwegian twins, so I can’t help my rival” you said, with fake seriousness. “but maybe we can make a deal, in secret of course” you chuckled.
“hm, lunch at the best amsterdam’s restaurant tomorrow?” he handed you his phone asking for your number.
“deal, text me later then, mr. blue pants”
. . .
yup, there will be second part!
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enjoythesilentworld · 20 days
Wille's Month - Birthday
the big day! 28th! happy bday wille! @youngroyals-events
Wille gets a real kid’s birthday.
read below the cut or on ao3. (T, 1.9k)
It isn’t until his 20th birthday that Wille really gets to acknowledge it’s his birthday and not hate the thought of it. 
His 18th birthday was a little overshadowed by the chaos of, you know, stepping down from the line of succession and sending the country into a media frenzy. Thank goodness Simon had been by his side, though; to ward off the unwanted attention from the tabloids, the irate criticism from the monarchists, and the ever-enclosing walls of Wille’s anxiety which was so tightly bound to the whole thing. Just like the year before, he’d woken Wille up with a song and a dry sandwich, except that year Wille didn’t have a breakdown, and they fell asleep happily wrapped in each other's arms.
The next year wasn’t bad by any means. In fact, it was really great. He, Simon, Felice and Sara went on a big trip to Amsterdam to celebrate their graduation. Wille didn’t mind that all the attention wasn’t on him. In fact, after the previous two years, he was more than happy to pretend it wasn’t his birthday. That it wasn’t actually meant to be the second official Wilhelmdagen; wasn’t another year his brother had missed. As was becoming tradition, Simon snuck downstairs to the kitchen of the hostel at which they’d been staying to put together a makeshift sandwich, and then whispered him a happy birthday song in the privacy of their tiny bunk. They’d all spent the day exploring the city and getting high in the park, giggling and joking about the terrifying yet glorious affair that was post-graduation. 
So, when the first year of university is coming to a close and Simon asks him what he wants to do for his 20th birthday, he shrugs.
“We don’t need to do anything,” he says, looking up from his book where he’d been lounging and reading in a spot of sun. It’s a warm, breezy day in late April, and the sounds of the city that drift in the window of their shared apartment is a nice background noise.
Though it had been a scary decision to make, both he and Simon thought it might be nice to study abroad for a while, to escape the scrutinizing eyes of Sweden after all the drama. And so, after many teary goodbyes, they’d swept off to New York. Wille enjoyed the anonymity and Simon enjoyed the music scene. They wouldn’t stay in the States forever, but it felt real and adult to make this big move and go through so many huge life events together. That being said, after that first year at Hillerska, Wille is sure he and Simon could weather any storm, as long as they had each other.
“Are you sure?” Simon runs a hand through Wille’s hair, cut short ahead of the hot summer. He folds his book and grabs Simon’s hips, guiding him to sit in his lap. “Not even a small party? We could invite some friends over for a game night like normal, just this time we all wear silly party hats.”
Wille smiles at the care Simon was showing, both of them still aware of the awful memories of his 17th, which still sting to think about. He shakes his head and shrugs again.
“Whatever.” He presses an innocent kiss to Simon’s neck, then lingers there, inhaling his scent. “I just want my sandwich and my song. And you in my bed.”
Giggles vibrate through Simon’s throat. “You have me in our bed every day.”
“It’s never enough!” he exclaims, standing them up and throwing a squealing Simon over his shoulder to carry off to bed.
It isn’t until a few days later that Simon returns to the topic, bounding into their bedroom and looking at Wille with wide, excited eyes. It’s the kind of look he has before Wille finds himself dressed in a onesie and cowboy hat, dancing on a small stage at some random club in Brooklyn at 4am. The things Simon is able to convince him to do – and sober, no less – are boundless. He sits up a little straighter in anticipation of whatever nonsense idea Simon has concocted this time.
“I have the best idea,” Simon grins maniacally, bouncing from foot to foot. Wille raises an eyebrow. “For your birthday.”
“Does it have to do with the extra bed time I requested?” he asks, smirking.
“No,” Simon drawls. “Don’t worry about it. Just clear that whole day. I will take care of everything.”
He moves forward again and grabs Wille’s face, squishing his cheeks, then says, very seriously, “It’s going to be perfect.”
“Okay,” Wille agrees, the sound muffled by his smushed face.
It seems his original prediction hadn’t been entirely off base. On the morning of his birthday, Simon wakes him with a song, a sandwich, and a kiss, then disappears. A few minutes later he returns with a big paper bag and empties the contents onto their bed. The sheer number of bright colors hurts Wille’s eyes this early in the morning.
“Is this my present?” he asks hesitantly, eyeing the goods. He spots a bright pink graphic t-shirt, a few party hats, a tiara, and some deflated balloons.
“Yes!” Simon exclaims. “Well, kind of. Today, my love, you are having the birthday you never got because you were too busy being a stuffy prince. No offense.”
“Okay.” Wille tilts his head in confusion, though he can’t help but smile softly at Simon’s excitement. “What does that mean?”
“First, put this on.” He holds up the pink graphic tee, which Wille gapes at, now that he can see the whole front. There’s some kind of mouse mascot dressed in a shirt and hat, and the text reads ‘Birthday Boy! 10! Wille!’ in big, block letters.
“I’m not turning 10,” Wille grumbles, slowly taking the shirt. He thinks Simon might have lost it.
“Look,” Simon grins, taking off his sweatshirt. “I even have a matching one!”
Wille bursts into laughter. Simon has definitely lost it.
The shirt does in fact match Wille’s, with the same oversaturated colors and slightly off-putting mouse character, except the text instead says ‘Daddy of the Birthday Boy!’. Not only that, but the shirt is one size too small, tight across Simon’s chest and the bottom only reaching an inch above his belly button. Despite how ridiculous it is, Wille is not too opposed to the sight of Simon in a crop top.
Once he’s got his laughter under control, Wille pulls on his own shirt. It’s a crop top on him as well. Simon sheepishly tells him that they were cheap and he’d shrunk them a bit in the dryer on accident. Wille could not care less. He finds the whole thing incredibly endearing, and they lose a bit of time when Wille pulls Simon back into the bed with him.
“Okay!” Simon shouts, finally pulling away. “We have things to accomplish today. I have big plans for you, Mr. Birthday Boy.”
“Do you now?” Wille asks teasingly, raising an eyebrow.
Simon rolls his eyes and presses a finger into Wille’s chest, pushing him away.
“I am going to show you the wonders of the world today, baby. In the form of sticky floors and questionable pizza. The American Dream!”
After donning their full outfits for the day – Simon with a party hat and Wille with his princess tiara – they head out for the day.
Their first stop is laser tag. The people at the front desk give them very odd looks, because they are grown men joining up with a bunch of preteens, but Wille can’t bring himself to care. Simon looks so excited, and he’s just so touched that his dear boyfriend went to all this effort. Plus, he loves laser tag.
They end up on opposite teams. Simon is ruthless, appearing around every corner to take Wille down no matter how far he runs or how well he hides. They shriek and yell at each other, louder than any of the kids, and sprint across the obstacles courses, trying to get the jump on the other. Three games later, Wille is winded and his face hurts from smiling so hard. After eating some, indeed, very questionable pizza, they stop in the bathroom to clean up. Standing next to each other in the mirror, they make googly eyes and silly faces. Turning to face one another, Simon reaches up to straighten his tiara and Wille fixes the string on his party hat.
Heart bursting with love, Wille whispers, “Thank you for this.”
Simon smiles and Wille swears the colors around them grow brighter. “Don’t thank me yet! We’re not done.”
The next stop is a trampoline park, which Wille has never even heard of before. A whole warehouse, a ridiculous size that could only be an American concept, filled with trampolines, foam pits, and screaming children. It’s perfect.
They swap out their shoes for grippy socks and chase each other out onto the floor. They play each other in basketball on a trampoline court, Wille jumping over Simon’s head to dunk the ball, then tackling each other to the ground to fight for it. Next, they get roped into a game of dodgeball with a group of nine-year-olds. Everyone gangs up on Wille and he ends up curled up in a corner, being pelted by an army of children and his boyfriend, who looks way too pleased by the situation. Finally, they have a jumping competition into the foam pit. Simon wins with his double backflip – which, who even knew he could do a backflip, much less two – but Wille is still quite proud of his toe-touch jump. Afterwards, they share a slushie in the parking lot, sitting on a curb and smiling at each other like idiots.
Late that afternoon, feeling sticky and sweaty but so fulfilled, they stumble back home to shower off. Wille thanks Simon thoroughly but is again told they’re not quite finished. They can’t change back into their matching shirts for the last activity of the night, too covered in mysterious liquids from their events of the day, so they opt for more adult-clothing. Wille keeps the tiara, though.
Simon leads them to a bowling alley, which they’ve been to a few times already, but this time Simon has rented out the party room and invited the few friends they’d made here in the city.
The employees at the bowling alley have really gone all out with the decorations. Purple and pink streamers span the entire ceiling, interspersed with dozens of balloons. A big sign on the wall says ‘Happy Birthday Willie!’ and he can’t even find it in him to be angry at the misspelling.
They bowl for hours, talking and laughing and overall causing a major ruckus. His friends have all gotten him stupid gag gifts, which is perfect and so much better than any stuffy tie or fancy cufflinks like he was used to as a prince. Wille keeps catching Simon staring at him with a big, happy grin. He looks radiant, so much better than that awful day a few years ago.
“I’m so glad you’ve had fun today,” he says later, arms wrapped around Wille, looking up at him with tired eyes.
“Today was perfect, Simon.” He presses a kiss to Simon’s forehead. “Thank you so much. Best 10th birthday ever.”
Simon giggles. “You deserve it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you. Happy Birthday, Wille.”  
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 months
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The Black cotillion dance during the presentation of the debutantes of 1954 at Rockland Palace April 23, 1954. The event was sponsored by the Amsterdam News.
For more on an earlier debutante ball (and a better picture), see this post.
Photo: Marty Lederhandler for the AP
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Pale Moonlight (Male!Reader x Nate Drake)
Requested by @jayfeather965 for  Definitely would enjoy a fic on the story between Nate drake and their male Catwoman-style character. History of their cat and mouse games?
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It's always funny to take the great Nate Drake by surprise.
You slip your arm into his and reach over to pretend to straighten out a wrinkle in his suit, before pressing your lips to his stunned, slack ones.
"I swear, darling, you'd be lost without me!" you chuckle jovially, waltzing right past the guards.
You had stolen his tickets from his suit jacket's inner pocket, and handed them to the bouncer with practiced ease.
"What the hell are you doing?" he practically growls once you're both into the gala.
You wink. "Aw, Nate, you know you can't pull off a job like this on your own. Remember that exhibition at the Rijksmuseum?"
He looks even more dour. "Yeah, when you stole the artifact from me and left me to get taken to an Amsterdam prison?"
You flick you wrist dismissively. "I gave it back."
"So, there's someone else looking for this thing and you need a partner? Slash patsy if things go wrong?"
You pat his chest, admiring for a moment the feeling of his broad muscles under the suit. "Got it in one. Besides, the real crime would be seeing that cute little ass of yours headed back to jail. Again."
He frowns. "I still don't trust you."
"Smart of you."
"Probably will be good to have your... skills."
"We do the same things, Nate, my love. Only difference is you steal from dead people."
It must have been almost a decade back that you met Nate. He was a cute young guy, and completely starstruck when he saw you in your tight black garments you wore for thieving.
So starstruck he nearly forgot to chase you when you grabbed the artifact he needed and began to free run your way out of the museum.
You jumped and flipped through the air, with Nate scrambling to keep pace.
But finally he chased you to a high rooftop near the museum.
You smirked and blew him a kiss before flipping off of the roof, vanishing.
Over the years you've played your game with him, laughing at him as he always stays one step behind of you.
And just when the game would've gone too far, you backed down, letting him have an artifact, or stopping to dance with him at an event or helping him evade some guards by kissing him in an alcove.
Nate holds you tightly to him as you dance, both of you scanning the room for cameras and sensors. You know he's trying to keep you from fleeing, but the press is nice.
Besides, it's so easy when your hips are so close to feel the way he shudders when your hand slips under his lapel and cups his pectoral.
You stare in fascination at the way his Adam's apple bobs.
"Hey... are you getting distracted by me?" he asks in surprise.
"Yup. Anyone ever tell you you've got a nice ass?"
"Yeah, you."
You smirk. "You ever considered... us?"
He chuckles. "You really think I was chasing you down for artifacts all these years?"
You kiss him, making his eyes go wide. "Tell you what. You head to my hotel room and order dinner. We'll be each other's alibi. I'll meet you there."
He nods dumbly, and you cop another feel of his chest. "And Nate? Lose the suit by the time I get there."
You watch him leave, knowing you have it all well in hand.
Maybe tonight you'll make up for years of lost time, and you'll finally plunder the treasure you've been wanting for nearly a decade.
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paralleljulieverse · 2 months
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Come taste the wine... : 70th anniversary of Julie Andrews's 'cabaret debut' at the Café Dansant, Cleethorpes, 3 performances Easter, 14-17 April, 1954
This week, seventy years ago, Julie Andrews made her official 'cabaret debut' at the Café Dansant in Cleethorpes. While not a major milestone in the traditional sense -- and one that seldom features in standard Andrews biographies -- the Cleethorpes appearance was nevertheless a significant event in the star's early career.
For a start, it was Julie's first appearance in cabaret -- the theatrical genre that is, not the Broadway musical which is a whole other Julieverse story. Characterised by sophisticated nightclub settings with adult audiences watching intimate performances, cabaret emerged in fin-de-siècle Paris before expanding to other European cities such as Berlin and Amsterdam (Appignanesi, 2004). Imported to Britain in the interwar years, cabaret offered a more urbane, adult alternative to the domestic traditions of English music hall and variety with their family audiences and jolly communal spirit (Nott, 2002, p. 120ff).
Julie's debut in cabaret was, thus, a significant step in her professional evolution towards a more mature image and repertoire. By 1954, Julie was 18, and well beyond the child star tag of her earlier years. Under the guidance of manager, Charles Tucker, there was a calculated strategy to reshape her stardom towards adulthood.
The maturation of Julie's image had begun in earnest the previous summer with Cap and Belles (1953), a touring revue that Tucker produced as a showcase for Julie, comedian Max Wall, and several other acts under his management. Cap and Belles afforded Julie the opportunity to shine with two big solos and a number of dance sequences. Much was made in show publicity of Julie's new "grown up" look, including the fact that she was wearing "her first off-the-shoulder evening dress" ('Her First Grown-Up Dress', 1953, p. 4). The Cleethorpes cabaret was a further step in this process of transformative 'adulting'. Indeed, it was something of a Cap and Belles redux. Not only was Max Wall back as headline co-star, Julie even wore the same 'grown up' strapless evening gown. In keeping with a cabaret format, though, Julie was provided a longer solo set where she sang a mix of classical and contemporary pop songs including "My Heart is Singing", "Belle of the Ball", "Always", and "Long Ago and Far Away" ('Cabaret opens', 1954, p. 4). That Julie should have chosen Cleethorpes for her cabaret debut might seem odd to contemporary readers. Today, this small town on the north Lincolnshire coast is largely regarded as a somewhat faded, out-of-the-way seaside resort. In its heyday of the mid-twentieth century, however, Cleethorpes was a vibrant tourist hub that attracted tens of thousands of holidaymakers each year (Dowling, 2005). With several large theatres and entertainment venues, Cleethorpes was also an important stop in the summertime variety circuit, drawing many of the era’s big stars and entertainment acts (Morton, 1986).
The Café Dansant was one of Cleethorpes' most iconic nighttime venues, celebrated for its elegant suppertime cabarets and salon orchestras. Opening in the 1930s, the Café was a particularly popular haunt during the war and post-war era when servicemen from nearby bases danced the night away with locals and visiting holidaymakers to the sound of touring jazz bands and crooners (Dowling, 2005, p. 129; Ruston, 2019).
By 1954, the Café was starting to show its age, and incoming new management decided to shutter the venue for several months to undertake a luxury refurbishment (‘Café Dansant closed', 1954, p. 3). A gala re-opening was set for the Easter weekend of April 1954, just in time for the start of the high season (‘Café Dansant opens', 1954, p. 8). Opening festivities for the Café kicked off with a lavish five hour dinner cabaret on the evening of Wednesday, 14 April. Julie was “one of the world famous cabaret stars" booked for the gala event, and she received considerable promotional build-up in both local and national press (‘Café Dansant opens', 1954, p. 8). There was even a widely circulating PR photo of Julie boarding the train to Cleethorpes at London's Kings Cross station. In the end, Max Wall was unable to appear due to illness, and Alfred Marks -- another Tucker artist and former variety co-star of Julie's (Look In, 1952) -- stepped in at short notice. Rounding out the bill were several other minor acts, including American dance duo, Bobby Dwyer and Trixie; novelty entertainers, Ruby and Charles Wlaat; and magician Ericson who doubled as cabaret emcee.
Commentators judged the evening a resounding success. The "Cafe Dansant has got away to a flying start, after probably the biggest opening night ever seen in Cleethorpes," effused one newspaper report (Sandbox, 1954, p.4). Special mention was made of Julie who “received a great reception when she sang a selection of old and new songs, accompanied at the piano by her mother” (‘'Café Dansant reopening’, 1954, p. 6). 
Following her performance, Julie joined the Mayor of Cleethorpes, Mr Albert Winters, in a cake-cutting ceremony and mayoral dance. Decades later, Winters recalled how he still “savour[ed] the memory of snatching a dance with the young girl destined to be a star… [S]he seemed very slim and frail,” he reminisced, “but she was a great dancer and I thoroughly enjoyed myself” (Morton, 1986, p. 15).
Julie stayed on in Cleethorpes for two more performances on Thursday 15 and Saturday 17 April respectively, before returning to London with her mother on Easter Sunday, 18 April. The very next day she commenced formal rehearsals for Mountain Fire, Julie's first dramatic 'straight' play and another step in her professional pivot to more adult content (--also, time permitting, the subject of a possible future blogpost).
A final noteworthy aspect about the Cleethorpes appearance is that it was during this weekend that Julie made the momentous decision to go to America to star in The Boy Friend. In what has become part of theatrical lore, Julie had been offered the plum role of Polly Browne in the show's Broadway production sometime in February or March of 1954 while she was appearing in Cinderella at the London Palladium. To the American producers’ astonishment --- and manager Tucker’s horror -- Julie was initially reluctant to accept, fearful of leaving her home and family. She prevaricated for weeks. Finally, while she was in Cleethorpes, Julie was given an ultimatum and told she had to make her decision.
In her 1958 serialised memoir for Woman magazine, Julie recounts:
“Mummie and I went to Cleethorpes to do a concert. It was a miserable wet day. From our hotel I watched the dark sea pounding the shore with great grey waves. I was called to the downstairs telephone. “Julie,” said Uncle Charles [Tucker]‘s voice from London, “they can’t wait any longer. You’ll have to make your mind up NOW.” I burst into tears. “I’ll go Uncle,” I sobbed, “if you’ll make it only one year’s contract instead of two. Only one year, please.” … Against everyone’s judgment and wishes I got my way…None of us knew that if I’d signed for two [years], then I should never have been free to do Eliza in My Fair Lady. And never known all the happiness and success it has brought me” (Andrews, 1958, p. 46).
The Cleethorpes ultimatum even found its way into an advertising campaign that Julie did for Basildon Bond stationery in 1958/59, albeit with the telephone call converted into a letter for enhanced marketing purposes. Framed as a choice between going to America and the “trip [that] changed my life” or staying at home in England “and go[ing] on in pantomime, concerts, and radio shows—the mixture as before,” the advert highlighted the “sliding door” gravity of that fateful Cleethorpes weekend (Basildon Bond, 1958). What would the course of Julie's life been like had she said no to Broadway and opted to remain in the UK?
It is a speculative refrain that Julie and others have made frequently over the years. “If I’d stayed in England I would probably have got no further than pantomime leads,” she mused in a 1970 interview (Franks, 1970, p. 32). Or, more dramatically: “Had I remained in London and not appeared in the Broadway production of The Boy Friend…who knows, I might be starving in some chorus line today” (Hirschorn, 1968).
In all seriousness, it's doubtful that a British-based Julie would have faded into professional oblivion. As biographer John Cottrell quips: "that golden voice would always have kept her out of the chorus” (Cottrell, 1968, p. 71). Nevertheless, Julie's professional options in Britain during that era would have been greatly diminished. And she certainly wouldn't have achieved the level of international superstardom enabled by Broadway and Hollywood. Who knows, in a parallel 'sliding door' universe, our Julie might have gone on playing cabarets and end-of-pier shows in Cleethorpes...
Andrews, J. (1958). 'So much to sing about, part 3.' Woman. 17 May, 15-18, 45-48.
Appignanesi, L. (2004). The cabaret. Revised edn. Yale University Press.
Basildon Bond. (1958). 'I had 24 hours to decide, says Julie Andrews'. [Advertisement]. Daily Mirror. 6 October, p. 4.
'Cabaret opens Café Dansant." (1954). Grimsby Daily Telegraph. 15 April, p. 4.
‘Café Dansant closed.' (1954). Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 28 January, p. 3.
‘Café Dansant opens tonight – with world-famous cabaret’. (1954). Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 14 April, p. 8.
‘Café Dansant reopening a gay affair.’ (1954). Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 15 April, p. 6.
Cottrell, J. (1968). Julie Andrews: The story of a star. Arthur Barker Ltd.
Dowling, A. (2005). Cleethorpes: The creation of a seaside resort. Phillimore.
'Echoes of the past, the old Café Dansant'. (2009). Cleethorpes Chronicle. December 3, p. 13.
Frank, E. (1954). Daily News. 15 April, p.6. 
Franks, G. (1970). ‘Whatever’s happened to Mary Poppins?’ Leicester Mercury. 4 December, p. 32.
'Her first grown-up dress.' (1953). Sussex Daily News. 28 July, p. 4.
Hirschorn, C. (1968). 'America made me, says Julie Andrews.' Sunday Express. 8 September, p. 23.
Morton, J. (1986). ‘Where the stars began to shine’. Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 22 September, p. 15.
Nott, J.J. (2002). Music for the people: Popular music and dance in interwar Britain. Oxford University Press.
Ruston, A. (2019). 'Taking a step back in time to the Cleethorpes gem Cafe Dansant where The Kinks once played'. Grimsby Live. 12 October. 
Sandboy. (1954). 'Cleethorpes notebook: Flying start.' Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 19 April, p. 4.
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kynrki · 2 years
— stayed up late for you
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wc: 437, pairing: niki x gn!reader, genre: fluff, warnings: none
PROMPT: 15 from list 2: “recording their favorite show on the dvr because you know they'll be in a little late tonight and miss it”
AN — tysm for requesting!! hope you enjoy <33
1k event requesting masterlist
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you sat on your living room couch as you waited and waited for your boyfriend to arrive. new amsterdam had released a new episode, but even though you dont have a clue what the show was about, niki said he enjoyed it so you waited for him to come home so you two could watch it together. but here you are, sitting at 11pm waiting for him to still come home from dance practice.
you let out a yawn as you heard your phone go off.
riki <3: hi ml, practice went on for a bit longer, ill be home soon! :)
you smiled at the message and replied to him. you switched off your phone and grabbed the tv remote so that you could record the episode on the tv and hopefully watch it together the next day. your eyes started slowly closing and the next thing you knew, you were out.
“love? come on lets get you to bed” you heard a voice say softly. you eyes slowly opened and you saw your boyfriend standing before you. you smiled at him and closed your eyes again. “no no, come on” he said as he grabbed your hands to pull you up right. you groaned. niki laughed at you before picking you up and carrying you to your room.
he placed you softly on the bed and covered you with the covers. he then got up and got ready for bed before joining you. you felt arms wrapped around your waist and pull you closer to their side. you got comfortable and moved even more closer to him. “goodnight” niki said as he placed a kiss on your forehead. you mumbled out a small goodnight and yawned.
“i recorded the episode for you” you said with your eyes closed. “you what?” niki said as he looked at you. “recorded the newest episode of the new amsterdam? the show you said you liked? we can watch it later but let me first sleep” you said before drifting off.
niki was speechless. even though it was a small gesture and nothing major, that fact was that even though you didn’t watch the show, you went of your way (and sleep time) to record the show for him because it was his favourite. he smiled softly as he placed a hand in your hair and started brushing through it.
“thank you, i appreciate you so much my love. i love you” he said as he smiled at your kind gesture. he then placed a kiss on your cheek and got comfortable under the covers. he too soon drifted into wonderland.
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singdreamchild · 6 months
An Emergency Meeting || Cassius/Inge/Leila
LOCATION: Dance Macabre TIMING: The day after the events of this thread. PARTIES: Cassius (@singdreamchild), Inge (@nightmaretist), and Leila (@amonstrousdream) SUMMARY: Cassius has a crisis over Sofie returning. Only she's not Sofie. Not anymore. Inge and Leila talk some sense into him. CONTENT WARNINGS: Domestic AbuseTW (Brief mention), Alcohol TW
His meeting with Sofie had gone as badly as Cassius had expected. He spent the rest of Friday night staring into space with Richard constantly hovering around him to ensure he wouldn’t snap at him. After sending messages to Leila and Inge the following day, he decided he was done wallowing in his self-pity. Now that he had upgraded to a house, Cassius had room for more of a wardrobe, something he planned on taking full advantage of. 
He left the house dressed in his finest black-on-black ensemble: black platform combat boots with buckles, black bellbottoms, and a long flowing bell top with a vest thrown over the top. Cassius wore his trademark black eyeliner, black eye shadow, and black lipstick combo along with the outfit. It made him feel better to get dressed up, so that’s exactly what he did. Satisfied with his outfit after checking it in his phone camera, he nodded to himself and left the house without bothering to tell Richard where he was going.
The drive was short–mostly because he drove like a bat out of Hell to get to Dance Macabre. Upon entering the club, Cassius smiled to himself. Horror Vacui blared over the speakers. He hadn’t been in so long, but the undead nightclub always made him feel at home. He was amongst people who were like him and sometimes even dressed like him. Waiting for the others to arrive, he stood at one of the standing tables at the back of the nightclub, keeping an eye on the entrance so he could call them over as they arrived.
Dance Macabre was a place that felt familiar in a way not many other places in this town did. It reminded Inge of other cities she’d lived in over the years, places where the undead gathered and exchanged tales, joy and ecstacy. Wicked’s Rest was far removed from the likes of Venice, New York, Tokyo or Amsterdam — but it had this, this place where immortal bodies pressed against each other and there was a feeling of kinship.
Cassius’ request to meet her there was worrying in its suddenness, but Inge wasn’t one to worry preemptively. Whatever it was, she would find out soon enough, and it couldn’t exactly be that he was bleeding out because of either Owen, Richard or some other fuck-ass in this town if he wanted her to go clubbing with him. She presumed it was some emotional turmoil, as going out to a club was a perfectly fitting response to such a thing. It was what she liked to do in those kinds of situations, after all.
She traveled through the astral but was polite enough to enter through the main entrance, a courtesy she didn’t always offer to the staff of Dance Macabre. Eyes soon enough fell on Cassius, her boots tapping the floor as she moved over. She was clad in some frilly number, something that had been vintage back in the 90s when she’d bought it. “Hey dear,” said Inge, pressing a kiss on each of Cassius’ cheeks. “What’re we doing tonight? Drinking to forget, dancing our thoughts away or …?” Her eyes were inquisitive, but not pressing, flicking over her shoulder to see if the third member of their party had arrived already.
In the midst of so much chaos in her life, the last thing Leila thought she would be doing any given day of the week was going to the Dance Macabre. In her whole time in Wicked’s Rest, she could recall fewer times than she had fingers on one hand that she had ever waltzed through the doors of the club. But there were very few things left in the world that the nightmare valued more than her loved ones. Their happiness, their wellbeing was paramount to all other things. And so, when Cassius had announced that the woman that he had fallen for had returned to the little coastal town in Maine and that she was, simply put, wrong… Well, a bit of time was carved out of her day to rush over to the Dance to listen to their tale. 
Blending in had become something rather important. Especially with all her troubles with one Elder Vampire Jesus. If he was watching, she would rather he assume that nothing she did had anything with the plans to turn him into a pile of ashes and free Metzli. If she was to go to a club, she had decided, then she ought to dress the part. Dark purple velvet hugged her silhouette tightly. A dress of her own designing- not from one time specifically, but of several eras she had witnessed, lovingly stitched together to make something unique, something beautiful, something new. It was her armor as she stepped through the doors of the club and the wall of music and voices rushed up to greet her. 
Clubs had never really been her favorite environment- so much noise, so many minds drifting blissfully towards that dreamy state as they lost themselves in reverie. It was so tempting to reach out, find some stranger, lull them to sleep in the shadows and taste those dreams for herself… Leila let go of a breath she hadn’t known she was holding when her eyes finally settled on the familiar figures of a vampire and a nightmare, both dressed to the absolute nines. The mare wove her way through the crowd, making her way towards the pair. “Cassius… Inge… Hope I’m not late…”
As the pair arrived, Cassius nodded his head. He knew he had to tell someone about this that wasn’t Richard. He needed to get out of his own fucking circle of hell that his sire had created for him by breathing down his fucking neck. Cassius closed his eyes, a sneer on his face as he thought too deeply about Richard. It had been a bad idea to let his sire live in the home he had obtained. Now, he was never free of the man he had once wanted to kill. 
“Right.” He spoke, opening his eyes and looking at his two friends. “Guess I’ll skip past the bullshit and tell you what happened.” He eyed the bar, knowing he would need something after all this was said and done. “Sofie is back.” He began, balling his hands into fists. “She was captured and tortured by slayers for months.” His leg began to bounce, his nerves getting to him. It was hard to relive that night. “Because of this, she’s traumatized worse than anyone could have thought. She realized I moved on with Lukas, and…” he trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face as he tried to collect his thoughts. “She was leaving bodies of look-alikes all over town for me to find. She was following me around town. She was the one who left books every night for a week.” Cassius’s face was distressed, realizing just how close he could have gotten to being killed by her.
“Richard helped me find out who it was.” He continued, picking at his long-painted nails as he tried to abate the nerves. “He traced her down, and so I confronted her. I was prepared to kill her. I had a stake on me.” He realized how cruel he had been in that moment but was afraid. “I told her I had moved on from searching for her because I was losing myself.” Cassius finally looked up from picking at his nails to look at Inge and Leila. “You both remember that.” He added he had been with both of them and broken down. He knew it was best for him to move on. “And Lukas wasn’t planned. I didn’t go searching for him, and I told her that I couldn’t devote myself to her the way she deserved and that I wanted to help, but I couldn’t help her like that, and she…” his voice trailed off, his gaze going far away as he recounted that night’s events. “She hit me.” He looked down at his nails again, polish peeled off from his incessant picking. “And in that moment, nothing left of me to give to her. I left her there. Richard told her where her stuff was and that we would help her if needed.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s done, over, and I’m afraid she’ll hurt Lukas. She can hurt me all she wants, but I won’t let her hurt him.”
Cassius looked up at the two once more, expression nervous. He was afraid that they would judge him and cast him away for being too needlessly cruel to someone at a moment when they needed them. But he had been so afraid of what she would do to him that he had pushed her away. 
At least he didn’t beat around any bushes and got straight to it. For all the ways Inge liked metaphors and poetry, she didn’t much like it in situations like these. This would imply that she liked situations like these to begin with, which was far from the truth — but alas, she had forged a friendship and formed a kinship and she cared, for all the good and bad in the world. The bad, tonight. As Cassius laid out the story of his mysterious ex – if someone even was an ex when they had disappeared or died – and where she had ended up.
A tragic tale, to be sure. Understandable too, for an undead woman who didn’t really knew what a measured response was. Inge clenched her jaw though, because irregardless how relatable this faceless, elusive Sofie might be, she clearly had done a number on Cassius. And for all her twisted loyalties and selfishness, she did prioritize her friends over that which she found intriguing. “Jezus,” she muttered, rubbing a finger between her brows. “Did she forget they invented cell-phones a while ago?” Maybe she had. Slayers were a horrible kind of brood, after all.
And then there fell the other hammer. Richard, returned. At this, she could only let out a sound between a snort and a groan. She ran a hand through her hair, twisting a curl around her finger and shaking her head in disapproval. Showing up to a recently tortured ex with a stake was a dickhead move, even if that ex had been causing a ruckus! Inge clicked her tongue. “Sure. Don’t see why you’d seek out the guy you’re trying to murder for help, though, and then —” She snapped her mouth shut, not wanting to be too offensive. 
It was unfortunate, wasn’t it? Slayers snatching her away, Lukas coming into the picture. An impossible choice, perhaps — though Inge didn’t really have the capacity to relate. She’d often had multiple lovers, some of which she had enjoyed passionately and extravagantly. She didn’t get invested, or hadn’t since Sanne. (Until maybe – no, this was not the time to think of Dīs.) All of it was affecting Cassius, that was clear, and that affected Inge, as she didn’t want her friend to continue to roam this place lost. But part of it was lost on her. Part of her wanted to say so what at the revelation that he’d been hit by a former lover, trivializing not only Cassius’ pain but perhaps her own past wounds too. She wanted a drink. 
She clicked her tongue. “What a mess. I —” She shook her head, let go of that coiled curl. “It’s not right what she did, certainly, but perhaps leaving her to fend for herself after God-knows-what is not wisest. Can she rely on Richard? Or will she roam this town unhinged and meet the fate she just outran?” Inge looked at Cassius.  “How often have you faced slayers like that?” She waved a hand: it was no competition of trauma, but she wondered. He’d always had that damned Richard, after all. “Screw her, for what she did, yes? Absolutely. And I’m here to rage against it all, get drunk — find a warm neck, a cold one, I don’t care. But – what will you do about it? Should we do anything?” 
There was an ache in her chest. 
Cassius had become one of a very small number that Leila could well and truly call ‘friend’. Though, she would argue the vampire was more than that. A brother, perhaps. A kindred spirit. Both of them knew what it was like to be alone or abandoned, the unbearable pain that came with it. And yet, both vampire and nightmare seemed to have come out of their individual ordeals kinder for it. Him, a teacher with a poet’s soul, her, the collector of forgotten things with a seamstresses hands. Both dead. But both still with life in them. Both still with souls- despite the literature that liked to call them damned. 
A pulse did not constitute the emotions of the heart. Compassion, love, emotion… these things lived on in the souls that they still possessed. 
She had hardly sat down when dear Cassius launched into his tale, and with every word, Leila swore that heart of hers was breaking for her friend. How could someone continue to lose so much, and still open themself up to love once more. Inge, a mare with an experience far different than her own (at least, as far as she could tell- there was still so much that remained unknown about the woman other than that she was both a mare and a friend of Cassius…), spoke first. Leila found that the words were caught in her throat- not that she knew what the words that would have come out of her mouth were… Because what could be said? 
Quietly, she reached out and covered Cassius’s hand with her own, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’re not gonna let anything happen to you or Lukas. You know that, don’t you?”
“I don’t think she wants to rely on Richard. She said she found help, but. I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.” Cassius rubbed his hands down his face, letting out a frustrated noise. He had pointedly ignored Inge’s remark about his sire. That was a conversation he wasn’t keen on having at the moment. Another thing in his life that was a flaw in his design. 
Inge brought up good points, points that Cassius couldn’t ignore. What did he want them to do about this? “She needs people looking out for her.” He finally said after a long silence that left him lost in his thoughts. He didn’t want Zofia to hurt anyone, but more than anything, he didn’t want her to hurt herself. “Even if she doesn’t want me around, I want to ensure she’s safe. She’s been through hell and back. And I can’t be there to help her. She doesn’t want that.” He rubbed a hand over his face. The whole situation was messy. He hated being the messy one. 
He could appreciate the coldness and rationality of Inge as well as the compassion of Leila—both people he valued in his life. “I know that you wouldn’t let anything happen. But I don’t want anything to happen to Sofie either.” Cassius stared down the bar for a long moment, knowing there was only so much he could say before he just wanted to forget it all, just for the night. “The problem of the whole situation is that I still love her. But that’s the crux of the problem, isn’t it? I can’t have both.” He gripped the corner of the table before him, brows furrowing. Shit. “Right?”
He shook his head, not wanting to dwell on such a concept for too long. That was another problem on top of the laundry list of already existing and mounting problems. “Tonight, I just want to drink and dance and pretend nothing is happening. That’s why I really called you here.”
She wondered if she was being too cruel. Leila was so kind and simply soft, so effortlessly compassionate — while Inge was bothered and getting caught on certain things like they were thorns. Leila expressed her sentiments clearly and in little words while she was stumbling and condemning, judgment ringing in her many words. She didn’t much like herself for it, but then she didn’t much like this entire situation. 
“I might seek her out. See if I can —” Do what? One strangely emotional woman to another was bound to be disastrous, but Inge had been alone after hunters had hurt her. It made a person volatile. “Find a way to reason with her. Find a way to figure out what she wants.” Why hadn’t she ran? Gotten on a plane? Fled? That’s what she would have done. But perhaps there was something of value in this shitty little town for Zofia. There was for Inge too, after all.
Cassius expressed that he couldn’t have both and Inge wasn’t sure what to say. She hadn’t ever fallen this quickly and definitively for a person. Any insight she had would be futile, as she was tempted to say who says you can’t? “Give it time,” she said. A vague offer. “God knows we have it.” Maybe Leila was more experienced in these kinds of things. 
The vampire ventured into an area she was more experienced with. She gave Cassius a look, nodded decisively. “That’s what we’re going to do, then.” Inge got on her tiptoes and leaned over the bar, demanding a round of shots on her tab and giving a wide, toothy grin to the barkeep. “Dance and forget momentarily. We can hack that, I think.”
The trouble with living forever was that the pains of humanity did not fade away. Rather, they piled up and grew over time. Heartache could continue on and on, for decades, centuries, millennia… Cassius was caught up in so much. There was no time to breathe or process. Sofie’s disappearance and reappearance as ‘Zofia’ had taken place within a matter of months- those same months where Richard the Elder Vampire had made his own reappearance and Cassius had slowly fallen for Lukas. Nothing about it was fair. Leila knew that. Life was not fair. It was more frequently accidentally and ironically cruel. Cassius didn’t deserve that… no one did. 
I can’t have both, right? The question nagged at her, burrowing itself under her skin. Love was strange. She had seen it take many different forms over the centuries. There was no doubt that Cassius had loved Sofie. She had seen the vampire before and after her brief appearance in his life. But from what Leila had gleaned, she did not know if that girl existed anymore. Sofie could have survived her ordeal, yes, but the girl who went in was certainly not the same as the one who came back to Wicked’s Rest. Worse, she didn’t know if Sofie- Zofia- had Cassius’s best interest at heart anymore. 
Pain could do a lot of things to a person, living or dead. She should know.
“If you need a night to forget for a bit,” The mare’s voice was as gentle as a lullaby drifting through the noise. “Then we take the night. Dance, drink. Give yourself a break, so you don’t break yourself.” What she didn’t say was that she would take care, keep guard of the vampire for as long as he needed to escape for. And after, when the weight of the world came back down on his shoulders, when the illusion of the evening and the masquerade revelry of the moon washed away with the dawn and brought the pain or reality back… Leila would be there, too.
In the end, Cassius knew his friends were right. He needed to give himself time. As with everything, it made the pain fade. It didn’t remove it completely, but it did make things easier. With it talked out, the vampire felt a little better—just a little. There wouldn’t be any revelations that night, only drinking and dancing. Maybe some snacking on the humans that were stupid enough to enter the bar surrounded by undead. Sofie was no more, and the vampire needed to learn to remember that. He hadn’t expected to find Lukas, but there he was. The other vampire had managed to grab him in a hold that he didn’t want to be released from.  Cassius had made his choice. Sofie was dead. Long live Zofia.
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trntcrmm · 1 year
Starter for @boyfriendismywingman
It was the first working day after the trip to Amsterdam, and Trent Crimm was feeling quite cheerful entering the Doghouse. He felt good because he no longer had the burden of accidentally discovering someone else’s secret. Seeing something he shouldn’t have seen; unwillingly violating the privacy of others. He wasn’t supposed to find out Colin’s secret, and when he did, he wanted to tell him about it and assure him that he wouldn’t tell it to anybody, but he didn’t know how. A football club wasn’t the best place to discuss the topic of homosexuality. He tried giving him signals like bringing in a rainbow-striped mug or blasting first the soundtrack of Le cage aux folles and then Y.M.C.A. while working in his office when Colin was around, but he didn’t seem to get the clue. (On the other hand, at least half of the team had the song stuck in their heads.) Trent had to follow him to a gay bar in Amsterdam to finally tell it to him, which was pretty dramatic, but he didn’t see any other way to let him know his secret was safe with him. But it went well, and in the end they had a great time drinking and dancing in that gay bar. It was a bit like the good old days with Archie Westbrooke, his high school best friend. He was actually happy with the way the events turned out.
Walking through the locker room, he saw Colin was already there, so he stopped to greet the footballer. “Good morning, Colin,” he said, holding out his hand for a handshake. “How are you?”
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clubemotion · 2 years
New names announced for ADE Lab 2022
New names announced for ADE Lab 2022
ADE confirms Carl Cox, Ellen Allien, Oliver Heldens, Nicky Romero, Van Anh for ADE Lab masterclass program. ADE Lab, ADE’s new education and talent development platform for young producers and aspiring professionals, has announced global renowned artists including Carl Cox, Ellen Allien, Oliver Heldens, Nicky Romero and Van Anh. The program also offers masterclasses and in-depth sessions with…
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Tailteann Games 1924 & 32 programme covers
"The Tailteann Games, Tailtin Fair, Áenach Tailteann, Aonach Tailteann, Assembly of Talti, Fair of Taltiu or Festival of Taltii were funeral games associated with the semi-legendary history of Pre-Christian Ireland.
There is a complex of ancient earthworks dating to the Iron Age in the area of Teltown where the festival was historically known to be celebrated off and on from medieval times into the modern era.
The games were founded, according to the Book of Invasions, by Lugh Lámhfhada, the Ollamh Érenn (master craftsman or doctor of the sciences), as a mourning ceremony for the death of his foster-mother Tailtiu. Lugh buried Tailtiu underneath a mound in an area that took her name and was later called Tailteann in County Meath.
The event was held during the last fortnight of July and culminated with the celebration of Lughnasadh, or Lammas Eve (1 August). Modern folklore claims that the Tailteann Games started around 1600 BC, with some sources claiming as far back as 829 BC. Promotional literature for the Gaelic Athletic Association revival of the games in 1924 claimed a later date of their foundation in 632 BC. The games were known to have been held between the 6th and 9th centuries AD. The games were held until 1169-1171 AD when they died out after the Norman invasion.
The ancient Aonach had three functions: honoring the dead, proclaiming laws, and funeral games and festivities to entertain. The first function took between one and three days depending on the importance of the deceased. Guests would sing mourning chants called the Guba, after which druids would improvise Cepógs, songs in memory of the dead. The dead would then be burnt on a funeral pyre. The second function would then be carried out during a universal truce by the Ollamh Érenn, giving out laws to the people via bards and druids and culminating in the igniting of another massive fire. The custom of rejoicing after a funeral was then enshrined in the Cuiteach Fuait, games of mental and physical ability.
Games included the long jump, high jump, running, hurling, spear throwing, boxing, contests in swordfighting, archery, wrestling, swimming, and chariot and horse racing. They also included competitions in strategy, singing, dancing and story-telling, along with crafts competitions for goldsmiths, jewellers, weavers and armourers. Along with ensuring a meritocracy, the games would also feature a mass arranged marriage, where couples met for the first time and were given up to a year and a day to divorce on the hills of separation.
In later medieval times, the games were revived and called the Tailten Fair, consisting of contests of strength and skill, horse races, religious celebrations, and a traditional time for couples to contract "Handfasting" trial marriages. "Taillten marriages" were legal up until the 13th century. This trial marriage practice is documented in the fourth and fifth volumes of the Brehon law texts, which are compilations of the opinions and judgements of the Brehon class of Druids (in this case, Irish). The texts as a whole deal with copious detail for the Insular Celts.
From the late nineteenth century, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) and others in the Gaelic revival contemplated reviving the Tailteann Games. The GAA's 1888 championships of football and of hurling were unfinished owing to the American Invasion Tour, an unsuccessful attempt to raise funds for a revival.
The Second Dáil approved a scheme in 1922, and after a delay caused by the Irish Civil War the first was held in 1924. Open to foreigners of Irish heritage, the first games of 1924 and 1928 attracted some competitors fresh from the Olympics in Paris and Amsterdam. The Games' main backer, minister J. J. Walsh, lost office when Fianna Fáil took power after the 1932 election, and public funding was cut. The 1932 games were on a smaller scale against a background of the Great Depression and the Anglo-Irish Trade War, and no further games were held.
Jack Fitzsimons suggested reviving the Tailteann Games in a 1985 Seanad Éireann debate on tourism in Ireland.
The Rás Tailteann ("Tailteann race") cycling race was founded in 1953 by the National Cycling Association (NCA), in opposition to the Tour of Ireland organised by the rival Cumann Rothaíochta na hÉireann (CRÉ). Cycling Ireland, the merged successor to both the NCA and CRÉ, still organises the Rás Tailteann annually, but it is usually known as "the [sponsor] Rás", or simply "the Rás".
The Irish Secondary Schools Athletic Association organised annual national championships from 1963 under the name "Junior Tailteann Games". Athletics Ireland continues to use the name "Tailteann Games" for its annual schools inter-provincial championships. also independently the tailteann games are an inter-gaeltacht event that includes other activities."
-taken from wikipedia
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fussy-sammy · 1 year
Wincest playlist
Okay here's my wincest playlist! It's kinda long, I think it totals to like 6 hours or something?
But feel free to send asks if you wanna know about why a particular song (or songs) is in the list! I'll try to include a link to the song with my answer!
I Just Wanna Know - NF
Ricochet - Starset
Always Gold - Radical Face
Come Back to Me - David Cook
Uneasy - One Less Reason
Guiltfree - Bootstraps
Fix You - Coldplay
What If - Safety Suit
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall Out Boy
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille
Thick as Thieves - Shinedown
Forest Fire - Brighton
God’s Fault - Matthew Mayfield
Burnin’ for You - Blue Oyster Cult
Hey Brother - Avicii
Shame - Bastille
Brother - X Ambassadors
Fourth Of July - Fall Out Boy
Little Brother - The Blue Stones
Hell and Back - The Airborne Toxic Event
Let You Down - NF
Twenty Twelve - Matt Maeson
Misfits - Shinedown
Life Starts Now - Three Days Grace
Right Here - Staind
Barefoot and Bruised - Jamestown Story
The Real You - Three Days Grace
The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left - Regina Spektor
Heaven - Dalton Rapattoni
For My Brother - Blue October
I’ll Follow You - Shinedown
The End is Not the Answer - Three Days Grace
This Is The Thing - Fink
The Distance - One Less Reason
Passenger Seat - Death Cab for Cutie
Stop - Dalton Rapattoni
Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons
Coming Home - Young Rising Songs
Come Back Home - Matthew Mayfield
Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You - The 1975
Follow You Down - Matthew Mayfield
My Blood - Twenty One Pilots
You Had Your Soul With You - The National
Home - Phillip Phillips
Hell - Have Mercy
When I Sleep - Have Mercy
Pieces - Rob Thomas
Let’s Talk About Your Hair - Have Mercy
Cry Out - Tom Walker
Beggar’s Song - Matt Maeson
I Bet My Life - Imagine Dragons
Dancing After Death - Matt Maeson
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Goodbye - Cage The Elephant
Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons
Boomerang - Imagine Dragons
Table for One - AWOLNATION
When We Drive - Death Cab for Cutie
Blood’s Thicker Than Water - Bobby Bazini
HEY CHILD - X Ambassadors
Flaws - Bastille
My Fault - Imagine Dragons
Some Boys - Death Cab for Cutie
Favorite Record - Fall Out Boy
Out of the Woods - Anthem Lights
I Found - Amber Run
Freak - Lana Del Rey
Brothers on a Hotel Bed - Death Cab for Cutie
Hold On - Chord Overstreet 
Work Song - Hozier
Drive - Halsey
You Are The Reason - Calum Scott
I Can’t Go on Without You - KALEO
Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier
In a Week - Hozier
Ghost - Halsey
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Dad Says - Emily Kinney
If You’re Gone - Matchbox Twenty
Baby Boy - Mother Mother
Automobile - KALEO
Night Drive - Gotye
Shattered - O.A.R.
Miss You All The Time - O.A.R.
NFWMB - Hozier
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Too Close - Alex Clare
Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
Blackbird - the Beatles 
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themosleyreview · 2 years
The Mosley Review: Amsterdam
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Aw yes. It is the season of the Oscar caliber films that feature the best in storytelling and acting. Well, this film definitely does that in a not so conventional way and I liked it for the most part. When it comes to the "whodunnit" stories set in a period piece that's based on real events, it can be tricky on how you approach it. You want to tell the true story while adding your personal flare while not diluting or trivializing the lives of those that were involved. Its a delicate tight rope to walk especially when its sort of a twisted origin story. This film does deliver all of those aspects while having a fun charm about it. It stayed serious when it was necessary, but also played coy and danced around topics with sometimes nonsensical dialogue. The murder mystery aspect felt fresh in its execution as it jungles with so many characters and all were surprisingly relevant to the plot. There were moments for me where I wish the film stopped diverting from plot forwarding dialogue. It took me out of the film a few times and felt bloated. Like I said before, this film kicks off the season with an all star cast that at this point can be considered generational.
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Christian Bale is nothing short of perfection and I loved him as Burt Berendsen. He was quirky and fun as he would narrate the story and go against the grain with his medical practices. John David Washington was great as his lawyer friend Harold Woodsman. He was charming and their chemistry was immediately powerful as they survived World War 1. Margot Robbie dazzles as the artistic and romantic nurse Valerie Voze. The chemistry between her and Harold was great as their love blossom's throughout the film. The bond between the three of them is what held the film together and I enjoyed watching them go on this spiral of a political murder mystery. Rami Malek was great as Valerie's cagey pacifist brother Tom. He was so calm and sometimes intoxicating with his words. Anya Taylor-Joy was truly the most unlikable character in the film as Tom's wife Libby. She would always do her best to discredit and bring down Valerie and Anya portrays this character expertly. Mike Myers was awesome and I loved seeing him do something more dramatic as Paul Canterbury. He still has his comedic charm and impeccable delivery. Michael Shannon was great as his American companion Henry Norcross. The pair of them together was excellent and I loved how they bounced off each other when it came to their double meaning behind their dialogue. Robert De Niro was excellent as you'd expect and this was a cake walk for him as his portrays Gil Dillenbeck whose based on the historical army vetern Smedley Butler. There were some tense moments his character was in and he never flinched.
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The score by Daniel Pemberton was light, ethereal and supported the more tension filled moments toward the last act of the film. Visually the film is stunning as we get a romanticized version of Amsterdam and the dirty and progressive view of New York City. The biggest problem I had with the film is that it felt like a parody of itself at times. The story would start to go down this awesome path of discovery as the clues start to form, but then it would quickly dive into a dream state or whimsical story that has almost nothing to do with the moment at hand. I was intrigued by the murder framing of the characters and their efforts to clear their names while exposing a corrupt organization. Not stories about birds and drugs. Writer and Director David O. Russell has brought together yet another all star cast and made a murder mystery that defies convention which was a positive, but also it a detriment to its overall plot. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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