#anakin skywalker x reader
aesthetic-bbyg · 2 days
Reading so many tumblr fics has completely ruined me from ever reading a Wattpad story that ain’t in 2nd person POV😭😭
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adorbzliz · 2 days
ok so you know how people have that sam and scott twin brother au?
hear me out…
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(scott being aj and sam being james, obviously with their same names but yk)
and it could kind of have the same plot as american heist (loosely) where scott wanted to impress y/n after their breakup by being a ‘bad boy’ and actually fell into some bad things causing him to run from the law most of his life, relying on his brother who changed his ways for the better since he was a teenager but always ends up in trouble for his twin
i’m cooking 🧑‍🍳
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bridgettesheaven · 1 day
99% angel a. skywalker x reader
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synopsis: just you being naughty around your Jedi master <3
He knew it was completely wrong, but he couldn't help it. You were his student, and he wasn't sure if that made him even more desirable. Guilt gnawed at him every time he imagined you inappropriately, every time he saw you and only thought about how to fuck you.
But you didn't let him have it so easy either. You. With your braided hair, your angel face, those doe eyes you gave him, your plump lips that you painted a strong red even though it was forbidden, your cherry scent. It drove him crazy, he wanted to leave your face smeared with lipstick because of how desperate and messy he would kiss you.
And even though he loved everything about you, there was only one thing he hated. And that was the gum you had to chew every damn day. He hated the way it sounded when you had it between your precious teeth, maybe it was just his jealousy.
Today was one of those days. It was late at night and Anakin was stressed out finishing up some paperwork the Council had requested of him. Just then you walked into the room, chewing on one of those damn things.
"Tell me, Master, do you always work alone so late?" you came up behind him, your cherry scent making him unbalanced, you always used that flirtatious tone with him, but he didn't know if they were his ideas or he was right. Anyway, he ignored your question and with an irritated tone said, "Why are you always chewing on those things? It's annoying. Give it to me."
He reached out his hand to you, but you only gave him one of those beautiful mischievous smiles he loved so much and he couldn't help but feel his pants tighten uncomfortably. "Sorry, Master." and pulling the gum out of your mouth, you stuck it directly on one of the notebooks on top of the desk. You laughed like an angel and hurried out of the room, leaving a hard-dicked Anakin completely idiotic, not knowing what to do. He could only smile like a teenager in love and completely captivated by your girlish antics.
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lunarnightt · 2 days
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His hands would be nice on my upper thigh 🤭
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poutypisces · 1 day
arguing with hayden over something as small as him thinking ur not mature enough which hurts ur feelings bc the age gap between u was a good few years and it made u insecure to be seen as a child in his eyes, that causes u to burst into tears in front of him and all he can do is soften his hard demeanor, seeing ur lil flushed face w tear stained cheeks and he’s cursing the lord above for making u so pitiful that he just swoops up into his arms to give u the comfort u so desperately need bc ur just his baby and he didn’t mean to hurt his baby’s feelings
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anakinstwinklebunny · 10 hours
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No warnings, pure fluff..this is awfully long
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Your boyfriend was your complete opposite. In many ways.
despite being polar opposites, the two of you got along surprisingly well. However while you were more of a morning bird, anakin preferred spending hours in bed after waking up. You preferred salty and sweety food, while anakin was obsessed with spicy food. You preferred winter, while he liked summer. And when it came to being sick, you didn't really act overly dramatic about it, unlike anakin
"Gosh, I'm gonna die.." Anakin groaned as he shivered under the covers, desperately attempting to pull them higher and burrow deeper into them
you couldn't help but let out a light chuckle at his overdramatic display "ani, you're not gonna die"
"I am.." he rasped through a hoarse throat, his voice weak and strained "My throat hurts like hell..my head feels like it's about to explode and-" he was suddenly cut off by another coughing fit "...god..see? I'm about to die"
you chuckled once more at his dramatic declarations. the soft clatter of pills inside a plastic bottles echoed in your ears as you searched for the right medication to soothe his pain
"You're just sick.." you gently reassured him "you won't die, I promise"
"How can you be so sure?" anakin rolled onto his side, nuzzling his face into the pillow "..I'm seriously dying..my throat feels like a sandpaper!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." you giggled, approaching him with a glass of water and two pills "but i need you to sit up, baby"
"Do I really have to..?" he whined
when you gave him a firm stare, he begrudgingly pushed himself up to lean against the bed frame. He eyed the pills in your hand skeptically "what are those for?" he asked
"they're supposted to help beat the fever"
anakin had a habit of becoming extra dramatic when he was sick. He would act like he was on death's door over a simple cold, which was both amusing and slighty annoying at the same time
with a sigh, he reached for the pills and swallowed them with the sip of water. Afterwards, he slumped back down into the bed. You could see his body trembling under the thin layer of blanket and the idea came to your mind "I feel like hell.."
"I know," you sighed, heading to his wardrobe to grab another blanket. "Are you still cold?" you asked, raising your voice so he could hear you.
"Freezing," he mumbled, pulling the covers up to his neck. There was a brief pause before he spoke again. "Can you come here?..I need cuddles.."
"Of course, Ani" you said, leaving the wardrobe and approaching the bed. You spread the blanket over the covers to give him extra warmth that he craved so much
He looked like an overgrown child, buried beneath a heap of blankets. Only a few disheveled locks of dark blond hair and weary blue eyes could be seen peeking out from underneath. He grasped your arm gently and tugged you down onto the bed. "There," he murmured, “Now hug me.”
You chuckled affectionately at his neediness, crawling under the covers to snuggle up beside him. Anakin promptly enveloped his sore arms around your waist, resting his head upon your chest with a soft groan. Becoming his personal pillow, especially at these times, could be seen as your never ending job that you even enjoyed. But if anyone would pay you for doing it, you'd find yourself swimming in a pool full of cash, which wasn't the worse
"You're so warm," he mumbled, pulling the blankets tighter around both of you. "Why aren't I as warm as you are?"
"you're trembling.." your fingers brushed through his messy curls, taking note of his shivering body. Somehow you felt a pang of remorse for laughing at him earlier even if his behavior was specific to say the least
"Of course I'm trembling," he clinged to you as if you were a lifeline. "I've got a fever, I'm cold and sore and sick and tired and miserable..." he continued, listing off his symptoms with a pathetic whine. "..so I'll cling onto you until this stupid sickness is gone."
Unable to contain your amusement, a small smile tugged at your lips. Despite his childlike behavior, you couldn't help but find him utterly adorable. The way he searched for physical contact and clung to you for comfort and support made your heart flutter.
"God, I hate being sick," he grumbled, burying his face into your chest. "Being around you is the only thing I enjoy right now."
You soothed him with a soft voice, twirling a curl around your finger "It's okay, baby. The meds will kick in soon enough."
"Everything is just so annoying right now," he complained, his words muffled against your chest. "My head hurts, every part of my body feels sore and throbbing...and I don't know what'll kill me... a headache or the misery itself."
You planted a gentle kiss on his warm forehead, trying to soothe his 'concerns'. "It's just a fever, Ani. you'll be okay."
He grumbled in response, knowing you were right but still feeling entitled to exaggerate his discomfort. "But everything hurts," he whined.
You rolled your eyes playfully, already having grown accustomed to his dramatic antics. "I know, you've already said that," you teased.
"Don't stop rubbing my hair," he mumbled drowsily out of nowhere, relishing the soothing feeling it was providing to his tired head. "Feels so good..."
As the meds slowly began to take effect, you hoped they would soon lull him into a peaceful slumber. But before that happened, he piped up with an unexpected request.
"You gonna make me meatballs?"
You chuckled softly at his random craving. "You're craving meatballs?" you asked, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
He nodded weakly, his eyes practically lighting up at the thought of your homemade dish "Yeah..I always feel better after you make them. Make 'em extra spicy too.." he pleaded, his voice filled with hope.
"Ani, you know you shouldn't be eating spicy food right now. Not with a fever and a sore throat," you gently reminded him.
He pulled back from your chest and looked up at you with puppy eyes and an exaggerated frown. "Are you really going to deny me my favorite spicy meatballs?"
Despite knowing better, he wasn't above asking for special treatment, relying on his boyfriend privileges to get what he wanted, even if it wasn't good for his health.
You gently brushed a stray curl out of his eye and replied firmly, "You'll have to wait until you're healthy again."
Anakin let out a melodramatic groan and draped his arm over his eyes, flopping back onto the pillow with a heavy sigh. "But I want them," he mumbled pathetically
"It's for your own good.."
He let out another melodramatic sigh, realizing that you weren't budging. But, true to form, that didn't stop him from trying to persuade you.
"You're so cruel to me," he pouted, feigning a wounded expression. "Starving me and denying me my favorite food while I'm ill and dying..." His tone was playful, clearly enjoying the banter.
"You're so dramatic," you teased. "Is there anything else you'd like to eat?"
He paused for a moment, pretending to think carefully about his food request. "Well, nothing much. Maybe just some soup and tea," he said casually, before sneaking in a hopeful whisper. "And spicy meatballs.."
You dissolved into laughter at his persistent attempt to break the no-spicy-food rule. "Ani, no spicy food," you reiterated
He let out a frustrated groan, burying his face into the pillow and sulking like a child denied his favorite toy. It was adorable how his demeanor completely changed when he was unwell, transforming him into a grumpy, bratty boy.
He muttered sulkily, "You're mean...what if I said please?"
"We just talked about it,"
Another groan of disappointment escaped him as he, again, flung an arm over his weary eyes, acting like a frustrated baby who was just about fed up with everything. Despite his best efforts, his worn-out muscles and tired mind kept him from pulling off his usual whining and pouting. After a moment of silence, he slowly removed his arm again and looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Please...? Please, just a few meatballs. I'm craving them so much.." he pleaded, sounding like a sad puppy with his tired and raspy voice.
You sighed, knowing that there was no easy way to make him see reason. The basic, logical facts didn't seem to register in his sick-addled brain. "I'll see what I can do," you responded, resigned.
His demeanor instantly brightened, a small, victorious smile illuminating his face. He looked like a kid who had just won the jackpot, thoroughly pleased with himself. Suddenly, he remembered something else, and his expression brightened even more.
"..And I want cuddles.."
"you're so demanding, you know that?" it made you frown jokingly, letting him nuzzle closer once more
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @ysrjune @divineani @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @haydensprettyprincess @erosmutt @fuckmyskywalker
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thesassypadawan · 5 hours
All Summer Long (Padawan Anakin x FemPadawanReader)
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Summary: It’s an usually warm evening in the temple. And instead of dying from the heat in your quarters…you and your fellow padawan decide to take a ‘refreshing’ dip in the lake level.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Skinny dipping, some misuse of the force, …and Ani’s big dick. Padawan Reader and Anakin are of age.
Notes: Happy First Day of Summer ☀️
“Angel… We’re going to get caught… You need to keep it down…”
You stifled a moan as your fellow padawan bucked wildly up into you. “N-not helping, Ani…”
It had been an unusually warm evening in the temple. Instead of dying from the heat in your respective quarters, the two of you made the bold decision of sneaking out. Escaping to the lake level for a ‘refreshing’ swim…with nothing under your cloaks and a bottle of spirits in tow.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. Flashing you a cocky smile, his strong hands firmly gripped your waist. Bouncing you on his length, thighs slapping off his. Small waves softly lapping in your two’s wake. “Couldn’t help myself. You just look so kriffing good. Skin glistening, moonlight shining on your hair.”
“Moonlight, really?” You teased; lips brushing across his, tasting the bitter sweetness of alcohol. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Only a quarter…or so…” Leaning forward, Anakin captured yours in a searing kiss. Tongue plunging into your mouth, tangling and wrestling. Hand sliding down your back, cupping your ass…guiding, helping you pick up the pace.
Breaking apart, he nipped at your neck. A thrill running through you as he trailed along your collarbone, to your chest. Capturing your nipple, sucking gently…harshly. “Or so? Mmmh, guess I-I got some catching up t-to do.”
“Think you can keep up with me?” He scoffed, blowing his hot breath on your moistened nub. Biting and teasing at it with his teeth when it pebbled.
“C-can you?” Fingers wrapped around his braid, tugging. Pushing his face into your other breast, demanding the same attention.
Ever the little brat, he clamped down hard onto the sensitive bud. All the while tightening his hold around, hauling you back onto the shore. Where he pressed you against the sand and threw your legs over his shoulders.
Looming above you, Ani wore a smug look on his handsome face. Grasping your hips, he pulled you towards him. “One way to find out.” Before snapping forward, burying his fat cock to the hilt.
Immediately, he started thrusting into your wet heat erratically. Pounding you so deliciously that your body jiggled each time he bottomed out. Invisible fingers circling, toying with your clit…tugging, rolling your nipples.
Your hand flew to your mouth, trying to muffle all your boisterous cries. The extra stimulation and build up had your walls already clenching. Fluttering around him, orgasm threatening to overtake you entirely. ‘I’m… I’m…’
“Uh-uh, not through the bond,” he growled. Breaths coming out in short pants, hitting that sweet spot of yours over and over. “I want to hear that pretty voice when you cum for me.”
‘B-but you s-said…’
“Forget what I said…let it out…” Anakin turned his head, sinking his teeth into your calf. Nearly breaking the skin, sending sparks of white-hot pleasure down your spine.
Head tipped back and your hand slipped. A mix of a moan and a scream escaped you, ringing throughout the level. As it became all too wonderfully much, as you unraveled completely. Gushing, squeezing his cock so…
“That’s it…kriff…” His hips started to stutter; his rhythm faltered. “Going to…”
But right when he was about to finish, a familiar voice came yelling from the not so far off distance. “Anakin? Anakin! Where are you?!”
“Stang…Stang! Are you kidding me?!” Pulling out, he quickly scrambled for your cloaks. Tossing you yours, while fumbling to get his own on…cursing his master out in, what you suppose was, huttese the whole time.
“Calm down,” you giggled. Covering yourself up as well, tucking the bottle into your sleeve. Pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw…to his still painfully stiff dick. “We got all summer long to have fun.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @cacti5539, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen
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rafesslxt · 2 days
moodboard to my next anakin story | nsfw
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will be posted within the next few hours so stay awake 🫦
xoxo sarah <3
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geekforhorror · 2 days
to whoever sent in this ask, i hope your pillow is nice and cold tonight 🩷
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ddejavvu · 1 day
kidnap anakin kidnap anakin kidnap anak-[gunshots]
he thinks that he's too smart and force-sensitive to actually be caught up in danger without knowing it and then he wakes up bound to your bedframe and immediately gets hard off the knowledge that you had to stoop so low to get him here and you did just for him
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roselilies · 2 months
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naregmzz · 1 month
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aphrcdites · 11 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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itshelia · 6 months
Taking anti-depressant pills?? Seeing a therapist??? Journaling???? No need babe, my fav writer just dropped another x reader fic.
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lunarnightt · 2 days
If I was Anakin Skywalkers wife, I would bitch slap him so hard for even CONSIDERING joining grand pappy Palps.
Oh you wanna save my life? Too bad, go get you a cupcake and stfu because I’m dying one way or the other
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poutypisces · 1 day
i desperately need playboy bunny!reader and hayden/anakin i need it so bad u don’t understand
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