r u n n i n g
I’ll keep on running ‘til I can no longer feel pain.
I’ll keep on running and running ‘til I have that body everyone will talk about and compliment in the changing rooms in school.
So that they can finally admire my thigh gap like I admire theirs, my protruding spine and hip bones, my prominent collarbones.
I’ll keep on running, running, and running ‘til I have reached that sacred number on the scale.
So that I can be weightless, walk without sound, and not hear the scale creaking from my weight.
I’ll keep on running, running, running, and running ‘til I feel so lightheaded, so exhausted, while I hug myself in the cold air, being able to finally feel the hollows of my ribcage.
I’ll keep running, running, running, running, and run ‘til I...
Oh god how fucking exhausted I am, ‘til I faint and fall like a feather on the hard concrete floor of the sidewalks.
Here I am, standing up once again from another fall, wiping the blood from my face with my cold hands.
I’ll keep on running,
And running,
And running,
And running,
And running,
And run ‘til I lose count of the mornings,
The afternoons,
The nights, 
The sunrises and sunsets.
I’ll run,
‘Til I-
‘Til I got nothing left to lose.
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rottingskinandbones · 3 years
sometimes I wish I wasn't like this.
I think that people are looking at last night's dinner. looking at my stomach.
looking at the fat on my thighs.
I feel insufferable.
I want to take up the least amount of space. be small. be delicate.
be skinny.
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justasadpoet · 5 years
The blood pours out,
I’m losing control
Won’t someone help!
I’m drowning!
Ana’s hands are around my throat,
Depression is egging her on
Anxiety is laughing.
My last bit of sanity is begging
Please stop
Make it stop
It’s to much
I’m dying
Can’t you see
-L.C.T 11/26/2019 1:19am
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ornmarkjennifer · 5 years
Just a random Ana poem from you 🖤
Today I looked at myself, why don't I look like a year ago?
Today I realized I have to go and go
Today I feel fat, but don't take me for a brat
Today I looked at my weight I was my life in that
Today I realized I'm not thin enough
Today I'm not really rough
Today I hate myself
Today Ana rang on the doorbell
Today Ana came back to me
Today all I ate was a pea
Today Mia knocked on my door
Today mia told me I lost my war
Today I purged
Today I just couldn't fight the urge
Today my old friends told me that I'm fat
Today they told me I eat like a rat
Today I feel like a mess
Today I knew this was stupid, yes
Today I can't see myself in the mirror
Today I live in horror
Today I died
Today my whole family cried
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makemeperfect · 6 years
C  an’t expect me to be okay when the only thing I see, is a calorie.
A  nything I try to be, revolves around a calorie.
L  ying to myself that I am free, when I’m consumed by the thought of a calorie.
O  nly worrying about me, and why I shouldn’t taste that calorie.
R estricting everything except for tea, as It has not one calorie.
I  close my eyes and count to three, longing to forget about that calorie.
E  yes are shut but not carefree, dreaming about that calorie.
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unf-orgetable · 4 years
que gosto tem aquele último dia?
aquele último respiro
frente ao seu rosto
rente a sua pele
aquela sensação
que não queria findar-se?
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microcuentoes · 6 years
Tumblr media
«Ella y él» por @anapoems Ella era poesía, él solo había sido uno de sus cuentos. Este cuento fue enviado a nuestra web. Si tú también quieres que publiquemos uno tuyo: Envíanoslo a https://ift.tt/2USxcdU • • • • • #escribir #letrasdeautores #nochedepoemas #poesía #artedeamar #nochedeletras #microcuento #escritura #versos #textos #citas #amantedeletras #escritores #poetas #letras #pensamientos #sentimientos #accionpoetica #libros #frasedeldia #poema #poesia #reflexion #frases #write
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justasadpoet · 5 years
Today when I looked in mirror,
I noticed how thin my face is
My ribs stick out
My thigh gap is growing,
Im dying.
My lips are so dry,
My feet ache
Where is the beauty in this?
Why do people want to be like me?
It isn’t fun
It isn’t cute
It isn’t worth it
People don’t hug me,
Their scared they’ll break me.
They don’t yell at me
They don’t touch me
They notice if I don’t eat
They ask questions
Teachers assume I’m sick
I am sick
I am Fucking dying!
5 foot 3 inches
I am not underweight
They won’t help me!
“You’re not bad enough”
Not sick enough
So I’ll just stave
And more
Until they’ll help me.
I want help
I’m so broken
So helpless
11/12/2019 9:02pm
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justasadpoet · 5 years
My legs are shaking,
I haven’t ate dinner for 3 days now
I have control right?
Do I?
I feel so lost,
Scatter minded
My lips are cracked
Nails are chewed.
Today someone asked if I was gonna eat lunch,
I said no
The teacher heard
I’m scared she’ll call home.
“If you don’t eat for 3 days in a row I call home”
I’m scared she will,
I just got my life back
My friend said I lost weight
I nearly cried
I’m fighting a never ending battle.
I’m so hungry
So weak
So alone
So cold
I’m so cold no hoodie could fix it
I want everything to stop
I could take my pain away
With a bottle and some pills
Will I?
We never know
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justasadpoet · 5 years
A boy I once knew
When we met it’s was like the perfect melody,
One broken
And the other...
A goner,
His smiles were always fake,
The way he showed his teeth
His eyes crinkle,
If you didn’t know him
You’d swear he’s the happiest person,
Yet I knew him,
He was gone from the start
A dad who didn’t give a shit,
A mom who only cared about grades.
He always made jokes
Everyone would laugh
The class clown.
People would say it’s quiet without him,
They liked the quiet.
Or so he thought.
He stopped
No more laughs!
No more jokes.
His fake smile gone
The words crazed into skin.
Soon I noticed how tired he was
The boy in mirror was falling apart
He begged for his pain to stop,
Then someone noticed
The cuts,
The pain
He lied
“Oh I’m fine” he said
“ it was the cat” he said
It was all a lie,
He was gone
No one said anything else
To them he was the class clown,
The kid full of energy,
The one who’s giggles filled the room,
The ones who’s nose is always in a book
He is still here,
No one knows him
Not even me.
I’m him.
I’m the broken
I’m the goner
I am not here anymore!
No ones cared!
I always helped others,
But I couldn’t help myself
He’s fine
He’s perfect
You’re friend is perfect
You’re friend is fine
Or are they?
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unf-orgetable · 4 years
casa de saudade.
escrevo esse poema para me confortar
pra dizer que a saudade
não é casa inteira
por vezes é um cômodo que
posso trocar os móveis
mudar o tapete de lugar
abrir as janelas
arrastar o sofá
revisitar a estante de livros
e então tomar um café
antes de passar para o próximo quarto.
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