aliteraryprincess · 4 years
Book asks: 4, 7, and 11 please?
Thank you!
4. Are you a fast or slow reader?
A fast reader. I always have been. People in high school were always surprised that I would go through a book a day. It’s been blessing for my degree since I have so much reading that needs to be done in a short a amount of time. 
7. Have you ever despised something you have read?
Absolutely. One example: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. I hate that book with every fiber of my being.
11. Do you prefer to read at a certain time of day?
Not really. I’m happy to read whenever. I do tend to read in the evening though since that’s when I have the most free time. 
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little-crow-corvere · 4 years
💜 and 🖤 for the last genre or subgenre you discovered you liked? Thank you!
💜 for a book rec!
I recommend reading the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
I read this one quite a while ago and I remember being super engrossed in the world in which it is set in! I loved the story and the way it's written
So this book is set in a world not so different from ours, except that every person has a dæmon connected to them. A dæmon is an animal like creature that has the same lifeline as their human. Dæmons are equally part of a person's being as their own body and can communicate with them and others. As they are one being, both of them cannot stray too far from the other or their connection will be severed and they will die.
Now for the story: the protagonist is a relatively young girl who's name is Lyra. She is an orphan and stayed in her uncle's institute and was mostly left wild and to her own devices. After overhearing a conversation with some important people about something called Dust, she became interested in the experiments and discoveries related to it. This becomes more significant later on in the series but this is all I'm saying for now. Then, children from her city start disappearing and among them, her best friend. After vowing to find her friend, she gets involved in a bigger scheme and so the story progresses.
After the initial book, the story actually switches between worlds, that is, our world, lyra's world, as well as several others. It's really interesting and I was actually thinking of doing a re-read of the whole series to refresh my memory!
🖤 any other book related question
Q: The last genre or subgenre I discovered I liked
This is a terribly difficult question to answer, because the things I read are so very diverse. I've always read all sorts of genres, from crime or thrillers to hard-core fantasies. I love most genres of books I think but maybe the ones I've started loving more recently are dark fantasies and period fiction. As I said, I've already read and loved a lot of both but I think I've been partial to these two genres recently!
Books with Tea Tee! Come talk to me about books :D
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lizziethereader · 4 years
Happy Bookoween! You are a swamp monster whose hair gets nibbled by fish. You can’t get cable and showers just make you smell worse. You have a bag of candy corn, two O’Henrys, a box of Nerds, ten cookies’n’cremes, a ball of gum, thirty-two boxes of raisins, three cans of grape pop, two Oreos, three Toblerones, three boxes of Smarties, two Aero bars, and a Snickers.
ahhh awesome!  Good thing I like raisins ;)
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Happy Bookoween! You are a vampire who was turned at 14. You have one Laffee Taffee, one candy apple, two O'Henry's, one Butterfingers, one mini pumpkin, eleven Reese's cups, two Mars bars, one can of Mountain Dew, three mango candies, four cookies'n'creme, and a sugar cookie.
Hell yes! My inner vampire made out like a bandit. Thanks for hosting Bookoween, sweetface! I had so much fun participating! 🎃🖤
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Happy Bookoween! You are a ghoul who's been kicked out of their clan for liking glow-in-the-dark shirts. You have three Butterfingers, one O'Henry, and seventeen boxes of raisins.
Oh this is so awesome! I feel proud on getting kicked out for glow in the dark shirts and a good thing I like raisins 😂
Thanks for doing this!
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therefugeofbooks · 4 years
Happy Bookoween! You are a demon with mismatched horns, a limp you gained running from a bishop, and head lice. You have a can of cream soda, one Laffee Taffee, a ball of gum, four Reese's cups, two O'Henrys, one Mars bar, a Butterfingers, a box of Nerds, thirty-nine boxes of raisins, two pieces of gingerbread, a cookies'n'creme, five balls of caramel corn, three plum candies, and three brigadeiros.
Yeeey! I'm a demon with mismatched horns? That's so cool! I hope the head lice won't bother me in my search for souls hehe
And I have so much candy!! I don't even know where to start to eat them!! And I've received Brigadeiro?? Perfect basket of treats ✨
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Thank you so much for hosting bookoween! I had so much fun! Hope you host it again soon!
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bookcub · 4 years
👴 🆚 and ⚜️ please?
👴 A book you’ve owned for over ten years- Princess From Another Planet by Mindy Schanback I have had since I was 8, I got it at the Scholastic Book Fair and then made my mom read it. I think it’s the oldest book I own that wasn’t once my mom’s. I’ve had it for 15 years apparently. Highly recommended.
🆚 A book you own the translated version of - The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis was originally written in German and I own the translated copy in English. The prose is amazing and my hat goes off to the translator, Miriam Debbage, for keeping the story as beautiful.
⚜️ A book you bought in or ordered from a different country- @logarithmicpanda gave me a copy of The Wise Man’s Fear in France and it’s the European cover and it’s this little brick and I love it so much 
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bluebellravenbooks · 4 years
Happy Bookoween! You are a fairy who always gets asked to be the godparent but whose blessings always backfire. You’re constantly mistaken for someone twice your age, sometimes wake up with a different nose, were picked on for the size of your ears, and can’t look at a wasp’s nest without sweating. You have five O’Henrys, a KitKat, three Butterfingers, and eight boxes of raisins.
Ah, delightful! A perfect magical alter ego 🧚🏻‍♀️ (Rather uncanny too - I have finished a short story about backfiring wishes only a few days ago 😄)
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bibliophilecats · 4 years
anassarhenisch reblogged your post and added:
It is indeed. :)
Nice! How are you keeping the physical pile that low, though? Just reading those first? Not buying as much? Congrats on managing all that, though! I’m definitely impressed.
Your spreadsheet: That sounds like a lot to input but I guess it isn’t, really. I tried to do something similar with my National Geographic collection as a kid and didn’t get nearly that far, though…
After I had achieved that goal of 5% I just tried to keep it that low. And a little over a year ago, I decided on introducing a reward points system*: a new book costs 1 reward point. Reading a physical book off my tbr counts 1/2, ebooks / audiobooks / re-reading physical books gets me 1/4 point. I hardly ever get more than 3 points before I buy new books but I found a good system for myself to limit my book buying.
*I did however find a looplhole - books from the free library do not count because they are like library books *lol* But seriously, I often take books from the free library but about 1/3 get re-gifted because I did not read them after all and 1/3 are old childhood classics which I often only read once and then return. Less than 1/3 of those books I keep. If I decide to keep them, they do cost me reward points though.
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elusivemellifluence · 4 years
Big Book Tag
@anassarhenisch tagged anyone who wants to do this and especially anyone who thinks they can outdo her, and I can’t resist a challenge ;)
rules: List the 5 biggest books you’ve read, and the 5 biggest books you want to read.
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo - 1,766p
Handbook of LGBT Elders: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Principles, Practices, and Policies by Debra A. Harley and Pamela B. Teaster (eds) - 1,637p (though this might be cheating a little since a lot of those pages were bibliography)
The Inheritance Trilogy Omnibus by N.K. Jemisin - 1,442p
The Holy Bible - 1,295p
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1,126p (this is the opposite of cheating, it’s downplaying - as a ~13 year old I read the complete annotated Sherlock Holmes, it was this huuuge thick hardback divided into two volumes. But it was a library copy, so I don’t have a page-count on hand.)
To read:
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy - 1,440p (one of these years, when the stars align, I’ll be in the mood for another challenge like my nine months of Les Mis)
1Q84 by Haruki Marukami - 1,318p
The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas - 1,316p
The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories by Jeff and Ann Vandermeer (eds) - 1,152p
The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity by Steven Pinker - 1,094p
Tagging @booksandghosts @ariaste and anyone else who wants to!
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writinginslowmotion · 4 years
Happy Bookoween! You are a bat, and you have a mini pumpkin and a candy necklace.
SO CUTE! I love mini pumpkins.  *clutches candy necklace* these are sooo cute. Happy Halloween!
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aliteraryprincess · 4 years
Monster, mystery, and werewolf please? 🎃
Thank you!
Mystery: what’s the strangest unsolved mystery that you’ve heard of?
I actually haven’t heard of all that many unsolved mysteries. But I did just watch a documentary series about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, and that was pretty weird. None of the theories any of the law enforcement involved had seemed possible. There was always some piece of evidence to contradict each theory. It was very strange and very sad.   
Werewolf: what cryptid or monster do you think could actually exist?
You know, I think it’s possible that a lot of them could exist or once existed in some form. Especially any of the water based ones, like the Loch Ness Monster or leviathan or any of that. With really deep water, it’s possible for something to live down there and for us to not have any real evidence of it.   
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2 and 7 for the werewolf asks, please?
2 answered here
7. Recommend a book with a different type of shapeshifter.
Can I just recommend the whole of the Animorphs series? In short, a group of kids is given the power to shift into every animal (if they can touch them) in order to fight against a secret alien invasion.
(7 also answered here)
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omgreading · 4 years
Yet another book tag, from drafts (I am the worst)
Tagged by @anassarhenisch four months ago. I am so sorry. Thank you for the tag!!
Is there a book you reach for on a regular basis? No. I think I grab War and Peace once or twice a year, determined to read it, but that’s it. I don’t have a go-to book that I have already read.
If you had to read only ONE book  over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be? Probably Shakespeare’s complete works. If it had to be something I’ve already read, then Gone With the Wind. I’ve only read it once, but I have such vivid memories of it and I think it could make me happy forever. 
Have you memorized a poem/quote/speech? If so, spill! Nah. I don’t read a lot of poetry. I once memorized Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address for a school assignment, but that is long gone. I also used to have the first class scene in Dangerous Minds memorized. I love that movie.
What book from your childhood destroyed you emotionally? I can’t remember anything from my actual kid years. Gone With the Wind is the first book I remember having an emotional reaction to and it broke my heart, so I guess that. I read that at 13, so I was still a kid.
Would you rather only read tiny poems or 400+ page books for the rest of your life? 400+ PAGE BOOKS, of course. I would have so much to read!! I enjoy poetry, but I’ve never been that into it, I don’t think I read enough of it. 
RANDOM BONUS QUESTION: What’s one thing that you taught yourself? Guitar? Hockey? Mechanical Engineering? Nothing, I think. I learned how to make GIFs from text instructions, but you know that is instructions. I don’t know if this means just being able to do it without that. In that case, I can’t think of a single thing I was not taught how to do.
So sorry for the late response. I save things in my drafts to go back to when I have more time, but I forgot about everything!
Thank you so much for tagging me! 
I tag @petrareads, @northernreads, @darkestwings, @slytherin-bookworm-guy
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sixofravens-reads · 4 years
Stoker and Polidori please?
Bram Stoker: Do you prefer suspenseful horror movies, gore, or jump scares?
Hmm, not sure. I guess gore...I like campy, fun horror. and that’s usually more on the gory side. Couldn’t handle something like Saw, though lol
John William Polidori: What was the last book you finished?
The Druid’s Tune by O.R. Melling!
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ofmermaidsandbooks · 5 years
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Tagged by @anassarhenisch for the #7bookcoverschallenge
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