#ancestral tarot
devonellington · 6 months
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essseateatarot · 1 year
Bridging the Generations: Ancestral Work in Tarot (+ A Tarot Spread) 🔮 🌙
A universal connection beyond bloodlines
Ancestor work is a practice open to anyone, transcending cultural or familial boundaries. While family ancestors hold a special place in this connection, our ancestral lineage extends beyond blood ties. We share collective ancestors—the broader human family, and even the interconnected web of life itself. These include the pioneers, the innovators, the ancient civilizations, and the guardians of this planet. Engaging with ancestor work allows us to tap into this rich tapestry of wisdom, drawing on the collective experiences and insights of those who came before us, offering profound guidance for our journeys today.
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The veil between worlds: tarot as a divinatory channel
At its heart, the tarot is a mirror reflecting the collective unconscious, a reservoir of archetypal energies that resonate through time and space. Within this tapestry of symbolism, the archetypes encapsulate the essence of human experience—the triumphs, the challenges, and the perennial wisdom passed down through generations. When we approach the tarot with reverence and intention, it becomes a powerful tool for forging connections with our ancestors.
Ancestral work in Tarot is a profound practice that begins with a heartfelt intention.
Prior to a reading, find a quiet space and take a moment to connect with the energy of your ancestors. Invite them into the space, envisioning their presence around you. As you draw the cards, keep a keen eye on any specific symbols, images, or recurring themes that seem to echo with a sense of familial familiarity. These subtle cues are often the whispered messages of your ancestors, offering a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of ancestral patterns, potential areas of lineage healing, and even personal messages of support and love.
As we set the cards in motion, we create a sacred space, inviting the energies of our ancestors to converge with ours. The tarot serves as a divinatory channel, a conduit through which insights, messages, and wisdom from the ancestral realm can flow. Each draw of the cards is a dialogue, a communion with those who have gone before us.
The wisdom of the generations: interpreting ancestral messages
Imagine, for instance, you draw the Four of Pentacles. This card, with its imagery of a figure holding onto their possessions, could be a gentle nudge from your ancestors to explore your relationship with material security in the context of your family’s history. Perhaps there are tales of resilience or lessons about resourcefulness that echo through the generations, waiting for you to uncover. This card may be an invitation to reflect on how these stories have shaped your approach to abundance.
On the other hand, if the Queen of Cups graces your reading, her nurturing presence might carry echoes of a particular ancestor known for their compassion and emotional depth. This card could serve as a reminder to tap into the wellspring of empathy that flows through your lineage, offering solace and insight in times of emotional turbulence.
If The Tower card makes its presence felt, it could signal a powerful ancestral message of breaking free from old, limiting beliefs or structures. This card may prompt you to investigate instances in your family history where radical transformation or upheaval led to growth and renewal, encouraging you to embrace change.
Ultimately, the power of ancestral work lies in the intimate connection it fosters between past, present, and future.
Healing ancestral wounds: navigating generational patterns
Delving into ancestral work within the realm of tarot unveils a profound opportunity for transformative healing. As the cards lay bare the energies at play, we may find ourselves face-to-face with intricate patterns that have woven their way down through the generations. These patterns, silent but powerful, may have subtly influenced family dynamics, shaped beliefs, or even played a role in personal struggles. It’s here, in the dance of the tarot, that we’re granted a unique perspective—a bird’s eye view into the tapestry of our lineage.
Consider, for instance, the appearance of the Temperance card. Its imagery of the blending of elements may be an invitation to explore the delicate balance within your family, the interplay of various personalities, or even the fusion of diverse cultural influences that have left their mark. This card gently nudges us to consider how these elements have contributed to the generational story and what harmonious transformations might be beckoning.
Likewise, the appearance of the Five of Swords might illuminate an aspect of family history where conflicts or power struggles were more pronounced. By recognizing this pattern, we’re empowered to navigate present-day situations with a newfound awareness, breaking free from the grip of generational repetition.
Through the tarot’s guidance, we embark on a journey of recognition and release. We unearth these patterns not with blame, but with a compassionate understanding—a recognition that we stand at the precipice of transformation. By identifying and acknowledging these patterns, we take the first step towards healing. In doing so, we not only liberate ourselves from their grasp but also pave the way for a legacy of healing that ripples through time. We can identify these patterns and work towards their transformation, releasing them from our lineage and fostering healing not only for ourselves but also for future generations.
A tarot spread for ancestral work
Ancestral Presence: This card represents the overarching energy of your ancestors in your life. It may offer insights into the predominant qualities or messages they wish to convey.
Ancestral Guidance: This card speaks to the specific guidance or wisdom your ancestors have for you at this moment in your journey.
Generational Patterns: This card sheds light on any recurring patterns or lessons within your family lineage that are relevant to your current path.
Message of Healing: Here, you’ll discover what aspects of your ancestral lineage are seeking healing and transformation through your conscious awareness.
Legacy and Blessings: This card illuminates the unique gifts and blessings that have been passed down to you from your ancestors, shaping your current path.
Gratitude and Connection: This final card offers insights into how you can continue to foster a deep and meaningful connection with your ancestors, and how you can express your gratitude for their presence in your life.
Remember, this spread is merely a guide. Trust your intuition and feel free to modify it to best suit your personal connection with your ancestors.
Final thoughts
Ancestral work in Tarot is a profound testament to the interconnectedness of all souls across time. Through the cards, we bridge the gap between generations, recognizing the enduring legacy of wisdom and love that flows through our veins. As we navigate life’s journey, we carry with us the strength and guidance of those who have walked before us, their presence a source of comfort and inspiration. In the sacred space of Tarot, we find a sanctuary where the wisdom of ages whispers through the cards, reminding us that we are never truly alone on this journey of life.
Read the full article here:
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hermitsmirror · 11 months
Tarot spread: Market of Memory
The 6 of Cups can pose an interpretive problem because the way so many of us view it is, frankly, naive. It’s limited. It’s sweet. It looks innocent. Maybe it’s triggering. But it’s rarely all that deep. 
And yet the 6 of Cups is at the heart of Scorpio season. It’s an illumination of what has been hidden deep within, and it’s an opportunity to connect with all aspects of the past: the inner child, yes, but also past lives and ancestors.
This tarot layout and these questions are designed to help you connect with the 6 of Cups and with something important from the past. You can read more about the spread and the 6 of Cups in my musings.
And if you want to learn how to navigate the River of Time and connect deeply with spirits of the past, within you and others, enroll in my “winter term” course between semesters, Reading the River of Time.
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The Offering: What is coming forward from the past?
The Gifted: What pleasures will this help me reawaken?
Clear Skies: How can I use this to shine a light on my future?
Other Wares (2 cards): What of the past remains under the surface, out of sight for now? Why let it stay there?
The Flower’s Scent: How will I know that it’s time to bring more from the depths? (a sensory cue exercise)
See my musing “Sensory Cues and Intuition” for more on sensory cue exercises.
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taratarotgreene · 3 months
Work on strategic ancestral karma, Grand water trine
A Grand water trine of the Sun at 16° CANCER, with Saturn Stationary Retrograde at 19 PISCES and ATHENA at 19 SCORPIO is forming over the next 3 days from July 7 creates strategic ancestral karma energies. VENUS at 25 CANCER is also involved widely. newly returned from the Underworld, Cancer times are always very emotional and sentimental. This is the sign of mothers, children, nurturing, home,…
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passionfruitmango · 24 days
My ancestors on my father's side are begging me to connect with them and I don't know where to start?
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gilly-tamar-w1tch · 9 months
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2023 highlights…..so blessed to have been able to work with so many clients in 2023. Happy 2024
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pastelbatfandoms · 2 years
Messages from The Dark Goddesses and Demi Gods🩸🖤
Just channeled a reading from Hecate, Lilith, The Morrigan and Medusa. After a few dreams I've had...and damn.
Ya'll need to wake up. Especially those who are still sold into the church and all that dogma. Things are about to come to a head, a cycle that they are trying to stop or change is coming.
The past is being revealed this year. Either in March or May, a secret that was found out in January, and is going to be revealed possibly by a sister and brother that an older couple did (we all know what hiarchey's do in the church...) they are either Air or Fire signs.
I got that the siblings are 18-19 now and this could have happened when they were 15 but it's also happening to children we know that. One or both of them are tall, with long possibly pastel hair (pink or orange)
This couple in their 50's are trying to run (could also be a group as well) but they about to be exposed. It's happening all over the world!
But the younger generation are the one's that are awakened. Also fellow Starseeds, your up.
Karma is on their ass and their time is up.
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zenasahna · 14 days
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baumistico · 5 months
Ho'oponopono: O Poder da Cura e da Transformação Interior
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O Ho'oponopono é uma prática havaiana de cura e reconciliação, profundamente enraizada na cultura e espiritualidade do povo havaiano. Traduzido literalmente, "Ho'oponopono" significa "Corrigir um erro" ou "Tornar certo". Embora tenha origens antigas, a sua aplicação contemporânea difundiu-se globalmente como uma ferramenta poderosa para a resolução de conflitos internos, para a cura emocional e para a transformação pessoal. Neste artigo, explorarei os princípios fundamentais do Ho'oponopono, o seu processo de prática e o seu impacto na vida das pessoas.Origens e Filosofia: O Ho'oponopono tem as suas raízes na sabedoria ancestral do povo havaiano, onde era praticado como um ritual de reconciliação para resolver conflitos e restaurar a harmonia nas comunidades. A sua essência reside na compreensão da interconexão entre todos os seres e na crença de que qualquer problema, é originado dentro de nós mesmos. Segundo a tradição havaiana, quando enfrentamos dificuldades ou conflitos, é porque algo interno está desiquilibrado. O Ho'oponopono ensina que, ao limparmos e purificarmos os nossos pensamentos, emoções e memórias, podemos restaurar a paz interior e transformar as nossas experiências externas. Os Quatro Passos do Ho'oponopono: 1. Assumir a Responsabilidade: O primeiro passo é assumir a total responsabilidade pelo que acontece nas nossas vidas, reconhecendo que somos co-criadores da nossa realidade. Isso significa aceitar que os nossos pensamentos e as nossas emoções influenciam directamente as nossas experiências. 2. Pedir Perdão: Em seguida, expressamos sinceramente o desejo de pedir perdão por qualquer negatividade que tenhamos originado consciente ou inconscientemente para uma situação. Isso não implica necessariamente culpar a si mesmo, mas reconhecer a necessidade de limpar e libertar as energias negativas. 3. Agradecer: O terceiro passo envolve expressar gratidão pela oportunidade de cura e transformação. Reconhecemos que cada desafio é uma oportunidade para crescer e evoluir espiritualmente. 4. Enviar Amor e Cura: Por fim, enviamos amor, compaixão e perdão a nós mesmos e aos outros envolvidos na situação. Visualizamos a energia do amor envolvendo e curando todas as partes, restaurando a harmonia e o equilíbrio. O Poder da Repetição e da Intenção: Um dos aspectos distintos do Ho'oponopono é a ênfase na repetição contínua das palavras-chave: "Sinto Muito, Perdoa-me, Amo-te, Sou Grato(a) ". Estas palavras são catalisadoras para a limpeza e purificação das memórias dolorosas e dos padrões negativos armazenados na nossa mente subconsciente. A repetição destas palavras não promove apenas a libertação emocional e mental, mas também fortalece a intenção de cura e de transformação. Ao repeti-las regularmente, estamos a reprogramar a nossa mente para vibrar numa frequência mais elevada de amor, compaixão e perdão, o que, por sua vez, atrai experiências mais positivas e harmoniosas nas nossas vidas. Benefícios do Ho'oponopono: - Redução do Stress e da Ansiedade: Ao libertar os pensamentos e as emoções negativas, o Ho'oponopono promove um estado de calma e serenidade interior, reduzindo o stress e a ansiedade. - Melhoria nos Relacionamentos: Ao cultivar o perdão e a compaixão, o Ho'oponopono ajuda a restaurar a harmonia nos relacionamentos interpessoais, promovendo uma comunicação mais empática e amorosa. - Autoconhecimento e Autoaceitação: Ao mergulhar no processo de limpeza interior, o Ho'oponopono vai permite-nos acessar e aceitar aspectos desconhecidos ou reprimidos de nós mesmos, promovendo um maior autoconhecimento e autoaceitação. - Manifestação de Sonhos e Objectivos: Quando alinhamos os pensamentos e as emoções com a energia do amor e da gratidão, o Ho'oponopono auxilia a manifestar os nossos desejos e objectivos mais elevados, atraindo para as nossas vidas experiências que ressoam com a nossa verdadeira essência. Conclusão: O Ho'oponopono é muito mais do que uma técnica de cura, é uma filosofia de vida baseada no poder do amor, do perdão e da responsabilidade pessoal. Ao praticarmos o Ho'oponopono, estamos a comprometer-nos com um processo contínuo de autotransformação e evolução espiritual, que nos permite viver em maior harmonia com nós mesmos e com o mundo ao nosso redor.Apesar da simplicidade, exige dedicação, paciência e comprometimento para colhermos os seus benefícios. No entanto, para aqueles que se comprometem com esta jornada de cura interior, os resultados podem ser profundamente transformadores, abrindo caminho para uma vida de paz, alegria e realização. Tarologa TâniaA Equipa Consulte o Tarotwww.consulteotarot.com
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maid4luv · 1 year
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thewitchesfortune · 2 years
Tarot Readings!!
Tarot readings for $35, go from 20 min to an hour, and can be on any topic you wish. Message me for more info!!
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moabitessconjure · 2 years
You think because you have friends, you're it?! They're around you for what you have, not for who you are. You are so FAKE!!! And the ones who you thought were less than you, you better make some type of amends because they will be the ones you will call on in the end.
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gilly-tamar-w1tch · 9 months
A little bit about me and what I do. 😀🌹
I have been seeing Spirit since I was a child and I have been reading the Tarot for 30 years. I am also a Reiki Master healer and practitioner of other healing modalities.
I have an Etsy shop where I sell my offerings most of which I try to keep at reasonable cost. I offer readings, rituals and distance healing.
Healing is possible wherever you live in the world. Distance makes no difference because whether you’re receiving a hands-on treatment or remote both work equally well.
In my practice I create what is known as a Chi Ball, which is a spiritual ball of energy and I then place the healing energy and symbols into the chi ball which I then send out to you to receive when you are sleeping, this is the best time to receive it because your body and mind are relaxed.
If you feel you would like to try a reading, ritual or distance healing then please do step inside my little corner of Etsy and I will work with you for your needs. Reopening Imbolc 2024❤️❤️❤️
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rogerwilliamson · 2 years
If you don’t believe you own anything you don’t have anything to lose.
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witchboxco · 11 months
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Samhain Altar Ideas & Correspondences
Samhain is the Celtic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the thinning of the veil between the living and the spirit world. It's a time to honor your ancestors, connect with the spirit world, and plan ahead for months of darkness.
Altar Ideas
Altar Cloth: Choose dark, earthy colors like black, deep purple, or dark green to set the foundation for your altar.
Candles: Black or orange candles represent the energies of Samhain. You can also include white or silver candles for purification and connection to the spirit realm.
Seasonal Fruits: Apples, pomegranates, and grapes are commonly associated with Samhain and can be offered as symbols of the harvest.
Fallen Leaves: Gather fallen leaves, especially those with vibrant autumn colors, to represent the changing seasons and the cycle of life and death.
Acorns and Nuts: These symbolize the potential for new beginnings and growth and can be placed on your altar to honor the harvest.
Pumpkins and Gourds: Decorate your altar with small pumpkins and gourds, which are quintessential symbols of autumn and Samhain.
Ancestral Photos: Include photographs of deceased loved ones to honor and connect with your ancestors.
Ancestral Mementos: Heirlooms, jewelry, or items that belonged to your ancestors can serve as a link to their energy and presence.
Divination Tools: Samhain has historically been a time for divination to predict the upcoming year. Tarot cards, runes, a crystal ball, pendulum, or scrying mirror can be placed on your altar for Samhain divination and communication with the spirit world.
Crystals and Gemstones: Obsidian, onyx, amethyst, or garnet.
Broom (Besom): Place a besom on or near your altar to symbolize the act of sweeping away negativity and making room for positive energy and transformation.
Incense and Smudging Materials: frankincense, myrrh, or sage.
Offering Dishes: Use special dishes or bowls to hold offerings for your ancestors or spirit guides, such as food, drink, or tokens of appreciation.
Seasonal Flowers: Add fresh or dried flowers that are in bloom during the fall, like marigolds, chrysanthemums, asters, or dried lavender.
Personal Letters or Messages: Write letters or messages to your deceased loved ones, expressing your thoughts and feelings. Place these on your altar as a form of communication.
Symbols of Death and Rebirth: Skulls, bones, or representations of the God and Goddess in their transition from one phase to another.
Bells or Wind Chimes: These can be rung to invite and communicate with spirits, serving as a way to signal your intentions and presence.
Samhain Correspondences
Colors: Black, Orange, Red
Deities: The Morrigan, Hecate, Persephone, Cernunnos
Herbs: Mugwort, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Tobacco, Pumpkin Seeds, Rue, Wormwood.
Foods and Offerings: Apples, nuts, pumpkins, mulled cider, pomegranates. A silent dumb supper may be held to celebrate the harvest and connect with departed loved ones.
Intentions: New beginnings, transformation, death and rebirth, reflection, ancestral connection, spiritual protection, divination.
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readings-in-the-dark · 3 months
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imagine how i managed to get a tarot client from a spanish lesson? we were asked to introduce ourselves and the teacher asked what I did for a living and I was like "How does one officially say that they read tarot cards for people?" lol
it's very literal, by the way - "Leo las cartas del Tarot"
we had a small talk about our professions and then one of my classmates asked if i had whatsapp or something so she could get a reading! i hope that this inspires you to just "do the thing" because this wouldn't have happened if i didn't bully myself into buying the spanish lessons!
what i did today 📤:
gym session with my sister (1.5hr)
bought new skincare products bc i'm breaking out again
ancestral reading for a new client
spanish revision + input (1hr)
duolingo (15min and 488 day streak)
currently listening 🎧 : las calles de mi ciudad by Bilbao
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