#and! i love her take on snowbaz haha
needlessly-wordy · 2 years
i would like to read. magicath’s snowbaz fanfiction. please
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caitybug · 4 years
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It may be February but... why not haha. 
Below the cut, organized in chronological order, are the fics I wrote in 2020! All put into one place :D. Thank you to everyone who read, kudos’d, commented, beta’d, and supported my writing. It was my first ever year writing fanfiction, and I am so thankful for all the friends I’ve made because of it.
<3 <3
If Not For You
Word count: 92,461 Chapters: 36 Rating: M
Simon was born and raised in the midwest, and he thinks he has his life figured out. He has a girlfriend that he feels happy with, is excited to drive for his junior year, and can't wait to get away from his father when he goes away for school.
However, this all changes when his mom dies and he is carted to the east coast to start at a boarding school. Simon then has to deal with having a roommate (who hates him), living with his mother's death, and wanting to be anywhere but where he is.
To add to it all, one day he gets a strange phone call, and he wonders if his mother's death was really an accident at all.
author’s note:
This was my first like actual fic. And my first try at writing something. This fic will always have a special place in my heart because it helped lead me to all the amazing people I now call friends <3
Not only that but it was a bit of therapy for me. (Self insert? In MY fanfiction? More likely than you’d think!)
Anyway, whenever someone comments, leaves kudos, or otherwise acknowledge that the fic exists I get emotional haha. I also have like three playlists for it too haha.
The Heist
Word Count:7456 Rating:T
It's the fourth year of the Halloween heist, and Baz is determined to win. He thinks he has it all planned, that he knows Simon Snow through and through.
Despite this, somehow Simon still manages to surprise him.
author’s note:
b99 AU bahaha. Need I say more??
Pay Your Fines, Snow
Word Count: 1524 Rating: T
Baz Pitch works at the local library every summer. He's annoyed at kids who run around, people who don't follow directions, and Simon Snow- who can't pay a fine on time.
author’s note
This fic was the first of the fics that sparked all my crazy prompts haha. It was so much fun to do! 
There is a wonderful podfic of this made by the amazing and beautiful @xivz​, and it also has art now by @peachpit-gabe!! Go check it out here. 
A Rebirth
Word Count: 3374 Rating: T
Simon and Baz need to finish their presentation for their Art History class. However, Baz also got pulled into watching his younger siblings for the weekend.
Frozen 2, chicken nuggets, sword fights, and themes of Renaissance.
author’s note
I wrote this for the amazing @krisrix as a prompt! It was so much fun to do and I legit wrote the whole thing in like one afternoon and had it looked over and posted it haha. I still feel bad because Kris legit asked for babies and I kicked the babies out at the beginning of the fic LOL. 
Coming Together in Three Parts
Word Count: 4639 Rating: M Chapters: 3
Three snippets of their lives after Wayward Son.
author’s note:
The summary definitely leaves a lot to be imagined haha. But I decided to pull a @ninemagicks and give a metaphor of threes and I love yous. So it’s three lovely stages after Wayward Son. There’s the I Love You, the moving in, and then a marriage proposal. I was fairly proud of this! And I did this as an exchange fic as well. 
The Three Acts of a Wizard
Word Count: 6439 Rating: T
Today, Baz is giving Simon a reprieve (or, that's what he is telling Simon.)
Cue a removal of cursed body parts, a grumpy fireplace who *knows* what is happening, and a shrill frizzy-haired friend threatening to poison some scones.
(this is a remix fic for @ninemagicks​ HMC AU YWSAFS
author’s note:
I wrote this for Nena’s birthday in the summer! Their friendship has meant the world to me, and this story is what I think gave me the gall courage to message them and harass them with 2k word comments/metas haha. If you’ve not read their fic, make sure to do so!
Heaven is a Place on Earth
Word Count: 12,711 Rating: M Chapters: 5 Summary:
Five hours each week. That's all Simon and Baz get.
But we know that's all they need to fall in love...
A San Junipero AU
author’s note:
This fic idea came to me randomly and I literally wrote it in a week. I love it so much, and despite being MCD I think it’s still generally happy (I mean.. they do end up together??) Idk, it has a special place in my heart. And I made @krisrix read Baz with an american accent so... win win haha. 
(Un)Sexy Saturday
Word Count: 6157 Rating: M/E Chapters: 9 (they’re different stories each chapter.)
Summaries vary by chapter. Overall it’s just a collection of silly stories where sex gets interrupted. 
author’s note:
Honestly this series was so fun to do. I need to continue it sometime! From beauty blender butt plugs, to swingers, to garlic allergies... it just makes me laugh haha. 
5 Times Simon Wanted a Fistbump, and the 1 Time He Finally Got It
Word Count: 5489 Rating: T Chapters: 6
Simon Snow hasn't had a lot of friends in his life. He has Penny, who is great, of course. He has Baz (but does he count as a friend?)
So now, seeing Shepard, he's got a chance at a friend. A bro of sorts.
Simon sees the final hurdle in their friendship to be a fist bump. A simple signal of their friendship.
But how long is it going to take to get it??
5 + 1 Yearning for a Fist Bump.
author’s note:
Simpard. Friendship. And art by @nick-eyre?? Perfection. 
A Goblin’s Skull, Maccies, and a Door Handle
Word Count: 2017 Rating: T
Simon Snow wakes up in a building he doesn't know, tied up and blindfolded.
Luckily his best bro Shepard is there too.
author’s note:
Wrote this as a little bday treat for @nick-eyre :D. Decided to give Simon a friend who would also lust after goblins with him haha. 
One Word, Four Letters, A Lifetime's Worth of Pain: IKEA
Word Count: 2428 Rating: T
Baz comes home and notices the house is suspiciously quiet.
When he finds Simon, surrounded by unfinished pieces of furniture, he can't help but ask... why?
Author’s note:
This was written as a birthday gift for @foolofabookwyrm! She is an absolute gem and has never been to IKEA, but now I hope she understands the struggle of building IKEA furniture haha. 
The Beat of My Heart
Word Count: 2230 Rating: T
Simon is kneeling on the ground, waiting for Baz to come home.
He has a question. One he's wanted to ask for a while.
author’s note:
This was written as a birthday gift for @krisrix! A little proposal fic for the rat king <3 <3
Out of My Mind
Word Count: 10876 Rating: M Chapters: 3
Baz and Simon are living their lives, domestic and content. They have a nine-year-old daughter, a Sunday morning routine, and plans to be alone for the first time for a while.
But when a girl who is growing into her powers reads something she shouldn't, they get into a predicament they don't expect.
author’s note:
This was a COE gift for @krisrix! Body Swap! Parents! Married! I tried to do it all for him haha. 2020 was really the year where I was like yeah, let’s write Kris a million fics. And honestly—wouldn’t have it any other way.
Imposter vs Crewmates
Word Count: 754 Rating: T
Everyone has their quarantine coping strategies.
Simon tried to bake bread.
Baz watched Twilight.
But Penelope...
She introduced the gang to Among Us.
author’s note:
Look. I’ve no excuses for this lolol. Just thought it’d be silly :D. 
The Ethics of Wanting You
Word Count: 1417 Rating: T
Simon Snow realized recently that he has a crush on Baz.
Penny suggested he find reasons to spend more time with him, so he suggests a study session for their ethics exam the following day.
(It doesn't go as planned, but the result is very much worth it.)
author’s note:
Birthday gift for @peachpit-gabe <3 <3. Just a cute one shot with snowbaz.
Pumpkin, Let’s Make a Patch
Word Count: 2516 Rating: T
Simon Snow is trying to create a neighborhood pumpkin patch.
Baz, unknowingly, rips the pumpkins out of his front lawn.
(How will he make it up to him?)
author’s note:
This was done for the COC. I based it off this cute tiktok series with this kid who rode around on his skateboard and plants pumpkins around his neighborhood.
Weathering the Storm
Word Count: 2248 Rating: T
Shepard was nine when he first met a boy he'd learn was Simon Snow.
He was in a ditch crying, and Shepard wasn't sure what to make of him.
This boy lived in his mind until he saw him again years later.
And today, when there's a storm unlike any other in London, he knows who must be at the center of it.
author’s note:
Honestly. This is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. IDK. It’s so short but... I love it. And if you like to listen to fics— @bloodiedpixie did a phenomenal podfic of it! And @nick-eyre did AMAZING art for it too <3. 
New Beginnings
Word Count: 2090 Rating: T
It's the first New Years Eve after the Christmas that changed everything.
After Simon Snow and Baz kissed.
After they defeated the humdrum.
After the Mage's death.
But, as many of us do, it's time to take the New Year as an opportunity to begin anew.
author’s note:
Part of a server exchange I did for @knitbelove :D. 
And, all of the prompts I’ve yet to put on ao3... lolol
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im-gettingby · 4 years
30 Days of Carry On
posted (and written by?) @captain-aralias
(I’m doing most of these at once because I said so. it’s long so under the cut)
1. Favourite major character
I literally thought — Simon no Baz no Penny no, Agatha!
I guess I will pick Simon, since I relate to him the most — or at least, my connection to him led me into the fandom.
2. Favourite minor character
I think we all know this one 🐑🐑🐑
I have written many a treatise on Lamb Rights. I’ll spare everyone now
3. Character you relate to the most
Oops— I already answered this, kinda. I relate to them in different ways: I relate a lot to WS Simon because he has abandonment issues and “kid who was told he was extraordinary and then grew up to be ordinary” issues. We also both have a “fix all the things for everyone” complex, too.
Baz — It took me a while to get into Baz’s head, but I would say, I relate to him because of his intense emotional world and tendency to see the world through an intensely romantic/tragic lens. But also he’s a Pisces. and I’d never do that like a Pisces does. (Sorry, not sorry.)
4. Which character would you like to go to lunch with?
SHEPARD obviously. I don’t feel the need to elaborate.
5. Favourite non-Snowbaz ship
Ooh! Probably Lamb/Baz or Simon/Shep or just...literally anything. Like, I will read anything as long as it’s well written. The weirder the better. (Within...legal and moral limits.) in my other fandoms I’ve been a big multishipper and there’s not a lot of options for that in CO - which is fine - but wholeheartedly support rarepairs :D
6. Favourite non-romantic OTP
So, obviously Simon/Penny and Baz/Penny are great ones, but I think the nearest & dearest to my heart is Simon/Agatha. The kind of siblings/unwillingly dating/weird exes dynamic and the way they both shaped each other’s lives is just so interesting. And while Simon & Penny are closer, Agatha and Simon represent their aspirational selves to one another. And the way that they were both tied to one another along with their gender roles/places in society and both broke away at the same time is just...mwah
7. Favourite Baz outfit
I honestly dress kinda like Baz. Anything involving a printed silk shirt or a floral brocade suit, so like, all of them? I love WS Baz, his fashion sense is so thoughtful yet fun. He’s so expressive with it — in the sense of both being guarded, being sexy, and playing with masculinity/femininity.
8. How do you feel about Wayward Son?
In case it wasn’t obvious, I absolutely love it. I mean, from a writing/narrative standpoint, I don’t think it’s the most elegant or engaging book ever written, but it’s just so raw and fresh. I don’t see many examples of an author trying to do what Rainbow did, which is build a complex emotional AND plot-driven story with so many characters and so much lore. I’m very excited for AWTWB.
9. Favourite scene from Carry On, besides Chapter 61
I like what the book does/sets up overall. Honestly probably the first scene, where Simon walks to the bus stop & takes the train and just thinks about his life and makes lists -- I love Simon. I know Rainbow said she thinks that bit is boring, but it honestly says so much about his character in a short time. (and he’s an extremely complex character!) Also, Baz’s dramatic entrance. Also, the chapter where Baz says “and I’m hopelessly in love with him” because it’s just so dramatic, and it comes out of nowhere
10. Favourite scene from Wayward Son, besides Chapter 41
Baz and Lamb’s journey across the Strip - vampire lore, jealous Simon, Baz getting to be his own character— it’s beautiful.
11. Remind us about something in canon readers might have forgotten about
Ahahaha um. Simon says he thinks Baz’s cousin Marcus is fit. That’s pretty funny.
12. What are your hopes and fears for Any Way the Wind Blows?
I don’t have any hopes because I don’t want to be disappointed - and that’s not a cynical thing, I just want to go into it with an open mind. (I’ll take a break from fandom and reread the books beforehand so I’m (more of) a blank slate) I guess just...interesting emotional journeys, whatever that ends up being. There’s a lot that Rainbow has to do in the book and I don’t think any one person could get through all of it -- that’s why we have fanfiction.
Fears? I don’t know. I think just...the series ending. Even though I’ve been in fandom for less than a year I just really love this fandom & the thought of that kind of eroding away is sad. But also I don’t think that will happen immediately, and change is a part of life. I’ve never related as much to Cath as I do now :’)
13. An unpopular/cracky opinion you hold
unpopular: Lamb is the best character; I don’t want Simon to get his magic back; both Simon and Baz should have other romantic options.
14. Something from your head fanon
Hmmmmmmm well. Just mean things about Baz really. Like that he’s weird looking, not that great at football, and actually has kind of garish fashion sense. (which is a self-roast as well - see above.) I just feel like Simon/fandom put him on a pedestal, and Simon’s an unreliable narrator re: Baz anyway. So I like the idea that Baz is this average looking kinda strange nerdy guy who is everything Simon has ever wanted in life.
And before you tell me that Baz was hot at Watford and Agatha was into him, have you ever been to a tiny boarding school? Standards get weird 😂😂😂 and Terry being into him — come on. The guy’s a violent pervert.
also - back to Watford being a tiny school. Baz doesn’t have much competition to be the star of the football team. (also, does anyone except Simon even think that he is?)
16. Favourite location other than Watford
17, Favourite location in Watford
I’m pretty bad at Watford lore/geography bc again, I’m way more into WS. Probably the floor in the Cloisters where everything happens the same way, just a day later. There’s a fic there, but I can’t wrap my head around all the time travel implications enough to write it.
18. What would be your favourite subject at Watford?
Any potions-esque subject because I loved chemistry lab. Latin because I loved Latin in school. Uhhhh I don’t like history class, so not that — maybe a literature course focused on the derivation of spells.
19. What would your magical implement be?
Ooh! This is a good one. I’d like to think it would be a weird body piercing. Or a belt a la Gareth. Maybe some kind of traditional south Asian jewelry, like a nose chain or mang-tikka or something. maybe a hat. like, imagine your magical instrument being a fedora and you just have to...wear a fedora all the time.
21. Favourite canon spell
Hm. Kiss it better? Candle in the wind?I should try to think of a non-horny one. honestly they’re all so cool and clever - I love the magic system in CO/WS.
22. What would your eighth year spell at Watford be or do?
Maybe something from a poem I love. That would probably be pretty but not very functional. Or a healing spell.
23. Who would you want as your roommate?
Agatha is uptight, Penny is passive aggressive, Simon is a slob, Baz is both uptight and passive aggressive.
Definitely Shepard.
24. Favourite item of merchandise, official or unofficial
My @subparselkie sticker
25. Favourite book cover design
WS. Oh, another unpopular opinion - I don’t like the kevin wada cover of carry on. their faces look so weird and the colors don’t work for me. I own the version with the blue and yellow cover art instead
26. Do you want a movie? If yes - any fan casts for the movie?
Probably wouldn’t want a movie! Because I am way too possessive of these books/this version of the story. And I am historically extremely disappointed by adaptations — I get upset with the smallest of changes 😂
27. If they made a movie, what scenes do you think they’d cut that you’d be furious were missing?
See above. A LOT haha
28. If you could ask Rainbow Rowell one question, what would it be? (If you have already, you can share if you like)
What is Lamb’s full name????? Is it actually Lamb Lambert Lamborghini the third???
What is Rainbow’s relationship with sheep and goats. Why are there so many references to them
29. Have you read any of Rainbow’s other books?
Only Fangirl
30. How did you get into Carry On and/or Carry On fandom?
I read fangirl & the pages at the end mentioned carry on, so I read that, and enjoyed it but I wasn’t obsessed. Then I read WS spring 2020, reread it a bunch of times, reread CO, freaked out about the cliffhanger/cool vampire stuff/unresolved sexual tension, had pandemic cabin fever, got on AO3, and the rest is history.
As @annabellelux knows, I wrote my first (published) fanfic after reading her amazing fic Drop The Game. and the first fanfic I read was @captain-aralias’ Greener Grass. I was so obsessed that about a month later, I searched through the AO3 tags for it, because I couldn’t remember the title or author but kept thinking about it.
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krisrix · 5 years
Kris! (ops sorry do you mind if I call you that? It's in your username so I assumed it's fine? so so sorry if it's not) YOUR WRITING IS PHENOMENAL AND OMG YOUR ART?? HOW CAN ONE PERSON BE SO FUCKING TALENTED AND GOOD OMG I ADORE EVERY WORD ON YOUR AO3 AND PRACTICALLY WORSHIP ALL YOUR DRAWINGS HNNG IT'S UNREAL OKAY. I'm just rereading So This Is Christmas (I already read it like fuckilion times....I know...I'm disturbed) but I wanted to ask... What's your fave snowbaz fic/art you have ever done?
Calling me Kris is all good! 👍
You are SO SWEET, what the heck, thank you so so so much 😭
What a lovely message to wake up to!!! I’m really glad the Christmas fic has been so re-readable for you! That means a heck of a lot to me, 🖤
My fav snowbaz fic/art I’ve done… What a great question! I’m notoriously bad at valuing my own creations, so this is pretty hard. And since I’m incapable of answering a simple question with a simple answer…
Below the cut is an extremely overly-detailed explanation of my choices, along with a deep-dive into all the research I did for “So This Is Christmas” ⬇
Let’s start with the art:
I liked a few of the Inktobers I did, perhaps particularly because they’re not my usual method, and therefore I’m mentally filling in the blanks on what it ideally could look like, had I done it digitally… (As opposed to my digital stuff, which always falls short, in my eyes.) (At least this way I’m giving myself the benefit of the doubt haha…)
So, I’ll narrow it down to these three:
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Wait, I lied, I also really like this one (mostly for the concept/potential):
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Sorry, these are such weird choices! 😂🤦‍♂️
As far as for my fave fics I’ve written… that one’s hard, too! I get embarrassed by my writing, worried about my characterization, and torment myself by basting in the fear of being seen, etc…
I think I’ll have to go with “So This is Christmas”, with “What Stays and What Fades Away” as a close second.
WS&WFA is also a super niche choice… and while Wayward Son means that pretty much none of the characterizations are “correct” any longer, I’m still proud of it as a piece of storytelling because it was my first time writing anything bigger than “just” a romance. There are a lot of moving parts to that fic, all of which I was incredibly strung out about. I’m not saying it’s the best or anything, but I’m pleased I managed to accomplish what I did! (There was a lot of research that went into this fic, too—where Baz was being kept, etc—but I’ll spare you.)
The Christmas fic I definitely feel pretty good about, though! It’s a whirlwind, and I struggled a lot with trying to balance “is this too much? is this not enough?”. It’s difficult to get such a mule-headed character to bend his ways so quickly while his whole world-view comes crashing down! There are likely many ways I could have done it more successfully, but I think it came together all right.
I also did an embarrassing amount of research on that fic, which should maybe induce more shame than it does pride, 😂
Originally I was going to tuck them someplace up north in a semi-secluded motel. It still had the same story beats: Mage walks in on them; they run away (no teleporting—just legging it for the rail station, with Baz withdrawing whatever he could from a cash machine); all the phone conversations; slowly Simon falls in love; they decide to go back. The struggle was trying to come up with things they could do together other than just fighting in the motel room all day… And then WS came out and gave us more motel heartbreak than any of us signed up for, so I considered it a sign that I should scrap that idea!
I went hard the other direction instead. I figured, well hey, Baz is That Bitch and would totally drain his bank account to have this one holiday of bliss with Simon. And so then the idea of snooker came to mind. And Christmas markets (that would be open on the 22nd). And it would have to be in Hampshire, since I committed to the teleportation-escape idea, and I needed a way for them to get to Baz’s house fairly quickly…
And so my hunt for a central spot that could fulfill my ever-growing list of demands began.
Every location they go to is real. They take the cab to Winchester, hit up the Barclays and Enterprise and then circle back to the McDonald’s that Simon spotted:
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That particular Enterprise offers a blue Mercedes C Class, so I went under the assumption that they have carried that make and model of automobile long enough for Baz to have rented it in 2014. Here’s the 2013 model, which is what I figure he got:
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Then they drive to New Forest and stay at the Chewton Glen Hotel and Spa. All of the activities they do, all the food they eat—it’s all real stuff on offer there (as of my research in 2019). That includes the little 10-minute walk to the beach! Here’s the view of the back, which is where their room looked out upon the croquet lawn:
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And here’s a few photos of the place overall:
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I wanted them to have a white Christmas (Simon even makes a mention of it early on…), but the weather there in December 2014 was too warm! So instead they went to the beach~
Their day out is in Southampton at the Westquay shopping centre. The esplanade is converted into an ice rink in the winter. In the pic below, you can see the shopping centre on the left, the medieval wall remnants on the right, and the Alpine Bar is tucked in the back of the rink (where you see the warm yellow light).
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Here’s the map of the overall area:
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There’s a Hugo Boss store inside the shopping centre, which is where Baz gets all this for Simon:
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And the Southampton Christmas market that they walk to is very closeby. All of the stalls and vendors they check out are real (for 2018, anyway—that’s as far back as I could find). So the gifts are all things they really could have picked up there~
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I’m probably forgetting stuff, but that’s the gist! As it is, this is undoubtedly way more information than anyone needed, 🙃 
Fun fact: in mid-December, I spent a few days in London and then went to Nottingham for my sister’s graduation (got her masters!). I was supposed to be doing research on what things we would want to do while there, but I kept getting my wires crossed with all the fic research, 😂
I was extremely excited that we stumbled upon a Christmas market in Nottingham! It was lovely (and the mulled wine was great).
Sorry for bombarding you with all this when you surely just wanted a simple answer, Anon… Thank you for entertaining my ramblings!!! And for the truly wonderful comments about my fics/art, 🖤 I really really appreciate it!
(I’m still considering posting that epilogue chapter… it was half-written when I gave up on it. Who knows!)
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Six Sentence Sunday!
Thank you to @carryonsimoncarryon for tagging me, even tho I haven’t posted anything in months haha, But I finally have something to post! Bit by bit, I’ve been working on a snowbaz Being Erica AU, which essentually boils down to “Simon is in time travel therapy and meets Baz in the past, hijinks ensue.” Here’s a bit of the opening scene where Simon gets to be happy, LIKE HE DESERVES!
You know that guy who’s got it all? A perfect job, a perfect partner, wonderful family, a life that people are secretly jealous of? You know that guy, everyone knows that guy. Unfortunately, I am not that guy.
My name is Simon Snow, and I’m a fuck up. But I’m getting better.
“Mr. Snow, Mr. Snow!” Cassidy shouts, waving her hand, “I know the answer!”
“Cass,” I say, “what did we say about inside voices?”
She pouts and crosses her arms. “Keep the volume down for all those around.”
“Exactly. Now, try again.” Cassidy raises her arm with no added sound effects. I point my chalk at her. “Cassidy, what’s the answer?”
She puts her hand down, grinning wide. “It’s 42.”
I hold my hand out to her. “Nice job, Cassy, right on the money.”
She gives me a big high five. The feeling of accomplishment surges through me. God, I love this job. My old customer service work made me feel dead inside. Day in, day out, same old fucking garbage from garbage customers. Now I get to see a little girl smile, and I helped her smile. Yeah, little self centred, but I’ll take it.
“Patrick,” I say, “can you tell me how we can find 8 times 4?”
Patrick nods and starts rattling off the technique he’s come up with. It’s a bit odd and round about but all his. That’s what I love about kids, the strange and unique things their little minds come up with. It’s why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place, before I lost my way. I’m so happy to be finding it again,
I will alwys love enthusiastic Teacher!Simon who loves helping kids the way no one helped him for a long time. Dw, there’s snowbaz later of course. Hopedully I don’t get stuck again. Here’s some peeps I know write. Do it if you want!
Tags: @carryonmylovelies @the-lincyclopedia @all-my-dreams-and-ambitions @msprettyweird @bazzybelle (I’ve been so unplugged from the fandom lately so anyone who writes is free to do this <3)
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raspberry-arev · 5 years
And there was only one bed! (Snowbaz fic)
I know this is a very overdone trope, but I also happen to be a complete sucker for it. Hopefully someone will share my sentiment. (Also, this is my first fanfic. And first story written in English. Sorry if it’s not as good as I thought, haha)
Summary: Simon and Baz still share a room at Watford. Simon’s nightmares are getting unbearable… and one night, his magic sets fire to his bed. What will happen next will shock you!!1!
Word count: 7.5k
Tags: angst, sharing beds, cuddling, fluff, Baz being a tortured soul
It all started with fire.
I would assume about two hours had passed since my return from the catacombs. I had been exhausted enough to fall face-first into my pillow, not even bothering to change out of my clothes before I fell asleep. It had been a long day… and by trying to avoid Simon Snow, I had made it even longer.
He was already snoring lightly with his mouth open when I came back. He looked stupid. And he was still asleep as the smell of smoke woke me up. 
I guess I heard him whine in his sleep, too, but I didn’t pay attention anymore. It was an unwritten rule between us that we pretended we didn’t notice the other having night terrors; one of the few remaining lines even I haven’t crossed. Which speaks volumes. I’m proficient at being an asshole.
Yet, this time, I could tell something was different.
He was tossing in his sheets, head twitching from side to side, stifled moans getting stuck somewhere in his throat. His hair was damp with sweat. And it looked as if… as if his edges were getting blurry and shaky. As if he was dissolving into pure energy.
Then it hit me, right before I breathed in again, tasting the smoke on my tongue.
Simon Snow was catching fire.
I would rather be in this room with a bomb than Snow as he is losing control of his magic. Especially considering that I was made to be burned alive.
“Snow,” I hissed sharply, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed.
His breathing was getting more and more ragged, chest rising and falling at an incredible speed.
“Snow,” I spoke up. Didn’t really feel like shaking him. That would probably make matters worse. “For Morgana’s sake, Snow, it’s just a dream. Snap out of it!”
Smoke was rising from underneath his body. His body barely looked like a body anymore – just a buzzing, shaky mess, power and heat solidified. A thought formed in my mind, of running out of the room as fast as possible and leaving him behind. He was so not my responsibility…
But of course, I didn’t. I like to flirt with death at any given opportunity. Instead of escaping, I just so managed to grab my wand and shouted: “Simon, wake up!”
I must have instinctively put some magic into that order.
Simon’s eyes flew open and he gasped for breath –
As the bed burst into flames with him in it. Like a fucking funeral pyre.
I screamed in terror before all spells used to put out fires in all languages I know came pouring from my lips. To my own shock, Snow rolled out of the burning bed to my feet, not a single scratch on him. He started slapping his pajama bottoms that have, unlike him, caught on fire in some places, and I just yelled something along the lines of “Alaister fucking Crowley fucking help me”. A Snow-made fire was not easy to tame. And at any moment, I could step too close and I would light up…
But eventually, I found myself standing in a dark, quiet room, the blackened remains of a bed frame right in front of me. And Simon Snow beside me. Still shaking, still breathing too fast… and in his hand that bloody sword. What was he going to do? Stab the fire to death?!
“Do you think you’ll ever manage to stop being a useless excuse for a magician,” I growled at him, “and take out your wand before that primitive pointy stick?”
“I just – I – what happened?”
“You fucking went supernova, o Chosen One, that’s what happened!” Now that we were both safe, I had to resist the urge to punch him square in the face. “As if it’s not enough that I have to breathe the same air as you, now I should worry that I’ll burn to death in my sleep?!”
“Well, sorry,” he snapped. “It’s not like I had any control over what happened!”
“Oh, don’t worry. I would never think you are capable of having anything under control.”
“Why are you always such… such a complete prick?”
“It’s what I do best. Kind of like you with putting people in danger just by being alive.”
His eyes were like an open book for me to read in. I clearly saw the flash of hurt that my words have caused. Hit a sore spot, have I?
My job of making him feel miserable was done. I turned my back and remarked: “If you have no other plans to roast me alive, I’d like to go back to sleep.”
Snow stayed silent. Only a huff of air made it clear to me that he was frustrated. I didn’t even manage to properly lie down before he spoke again.
“Is there any spell to repair the bed?”
“After you have turned it to ashes?” I laughed at him. “No.”
“I bet you wouldn’t tell me even if you knew, huh.”
“Ah, maybe you’re not so daft after all.”
I made myself comfortable in the sheets, very aware of Snow’s look that bore into my back. He did look very shaken up just then. But I forcibly silenced that small part of me that was concerned for his wellbeing – there would be no asking whether he is alright. I’ve made it worse for him, haven’t I? So why would I care to ask questions I already know the answer to?
Just as I closed my eyes, I heard him speak again.
“Where the fuck am I supposed to sleep then?”
Although he was swearing… It almost sounded like a plea.
I gritted my teeth and spat out: “In the bathtub for all I care.”
A second later, the bathroom door loudly slammed shut.
I hated myself.
I hated myself for doing this, I hated myself for feeling guilty for doing this, I hated myself for how desperately I wanted to save him just moments ago.
I gave in for just a small moment and imagined Simon Snow crawling into my bed, into my arms. So warm and irresistibly alive.
And then I imagined us both burn.
Just as it should be.
From what I’ve heard, the Watford administration was very different while Mother was still in charge of the school. In a way that there was actual work getting done. She imposed order and structure and put thought into choosing competent staff members. Of course, it was no news to me that everything has been falling apart since the Mage rose to power… But now I had just another fucking bone to pick with him.
As I came back to our shared room the next evening, I expected to see a new bed waiting for Snow and all signs of the fire magicked away. But what was waiting for me there was the same mess that was there the night before. Half-burned wall, blackened floorboards and the stench of smoke still in the air, despite all windows being open. The only difference was that someone had got rid off the discarded bedframe. But that might’ve been Snow himself.
I would have thought the Mage would rush to make his favourite boy soldier comfortable again.
Maybe he didn’t care much after all.
Snow’s barely noticed that I had made my entrée. He was sitting at the table, legs folded strangely underneath himself. The torn, tattered pages in front of him appeared to be his homework, but he clearly wasn’t paying attention to that either. He kept staring out the window.
I didn’t even have to look at his face; the air was already heavy around him, the stillness of an unbearably hot summer day you can’t wait to be over. This is what his magic did when he was moping.
I took a stride to my bed. Slowly, I let the blazer fall off my shoulders. Then I hung it neatly over the unoccupied chair and sat down on my bed, breathing out just loudly enough so it would send a clear message to Snow: I have a bed to relax in. You don’t.
He was at the very edge of my vision now… but I could his shoulders hunch a little. Pretty sure he was gritting his teeth at me.
I could have just looked at him – I had reasons to be convinced that with a horrible posture like that, his back muscles would be visible through the shirt, that was always quite a sight. But I decided not to be completely pathetic… today. There was a time and place for everything.
Plus, Mother was probably rolling in her grave as it was.
Perhaps I could go check one of these nights? Her undead son hunting rodents in her tomb had not woken her up from her eternal sleep. But maybe, if I sat down and told her about the boy I have a crush on, she would rise just to personally drag me into the pits of hell.
I felt my brows furrow at the thought.
Time to pass on some of my misery. Was planning on it, anyway.
“Are you going to clean up after yourself?” I asked in the coldest tone possible. “Or should I hire a maid?”
Hearing my voice so suddenly made him jump. He tried to cover it, but playing cool was decidedly not one of the three things in life that Simon Snow was good at.
(Those were, not necessarily in this order: swinging a sword, taking orders from the Mage and being way too bloody attractive for anybody’s good.)
(Oh, and eating like a pig. So four.)
He turned half-way and said: “I got rid of the bed.”
“Lovely, would you like a medal?”
Exasperated sigh. “Just… just what do you want, Baz?”
I stabbed at the burnt wall with my eyes, then looked back at him. “So this shit is now a part of the interior design?”
He brought his hand up and pulled on his hair.
I kept on pushing. “Maybe you’re used to having your living space look like a slum, Snow, considering the hole you crawled out of. But I suggest you get off your ass and fix it. Right now.”
“I – I thought – look, wouldn’t it be better if –”
“If what? If I did it for you?” I arched my eyebrow. “You’ve got to be fucking joking.”
“No! Just let me speak!” he bursted. Then he immediately took a breath in, determined to keep his composture.
Right. That was not going to happen.
This was a game. A game that could only end in my driving him so mad he wouldn’t manage to put together a coherent sentence. Possibly even cry, but maybe we were too old for that now. What a shame.
“Look,” Snow mumbled, “I’m gonna have it fixed. Soon. If… If I tried to do anything about it, the whole wall could just… disappear.” His voice full of shame, he added: “Things like that happened before.”
Was I supposed to feel sorry for him?
“You really are a sorry excuse for a mage,” I told him.
Snow’s face scrunched up like a child’s before he turned his back.
“But you do keep surprising me with how much worse you can get.”
“You say,” he blurted out.
“Great comeback,” I laughed at him, gaining momentum with every word. “Tells a great deal about your intelligence, just like the fact any twelve-year-old with magic could clean up after himself… but here you are. Waiting on other people to fix your fuck-ups as usual.”
“Why don’t you run to papa Mage and bring him here? I’m sure that would make me stop. Or you could tell him you’re having bad dreams, he could come and tuck you in every night.”
“You –”
“I imagine he doesn’t want to spend more time around you than absolutely needed. Who can blame him. I’m stuck here with you and I feel my braincells dying every time I hear you speak.”
“Crowley, just – why – what are you –”
“Oh, there they go again. Gone. With every single word.”
“Jesus Christ, leave me the fuck alone,” he boomed, apparently at the end of his wits. (Whether he had any wits to begin with was disputable.) I could feel my lips sealing on their own as he stormed across the room and slammed the door so loudly the walls shook.
I sighed and relaxed into my mattress.
Finally. I had hoped to get a chance to nap in solitude.
That evening I decided to pass on the hunting. The nap I took left me all blurry and cranky and unwilling to move from my bed. I was sure I had drunk quite enough the previous night.
Besides, I couldn’t miss Snow coming back to the dorm room. I had to let him know how laughable his little tantrum was.
And yet, when he did return… I couldn’t bring myself to make a single comment about it.
Not because my heart had grown too gentle to torture him – as if that would ever happen. It was because Snow looked like hell. He did try to hide his face. But his eyes were all red and puffy. Morgana, was this real? Had I actually made him cry, just like when we were kids?
Maybe I was really getting soft. Because the thought made me feel guilty. Come to think of it… Snow had been having nightmares as long as I’ve known him, but these couple of weeks were positively more intense. He jolted awake multiple times a night, often almost catching me midnight snacking. The circles under his eyes grew deeper, darker. Like bruises.
Snow stomped to the wardrobe and started to pull out items of clothing at random, clumping them together. I was not worth a single look to him. Still, I put on a condescending expression, just in case.
I could feel a strange emotion grow in my chest. He was clearly on his way to sleep in the tub again – moron, he could’ve made a king-sized bed if he had learned to use his power properly – and I just couldn’t stop thinking about… things.
No, not those things. Crowley. More like Snow bursting into bright orange flames again. Locked in the bathroom. Devoured by fire…
It shouldn’t bother me. Fuck. It really shouldn’t. A dead Mage’s heir should be the best case scenario.
But it really wasn’t. Not to me.
I just… I was afraid for his life. I was a disgrace to my family and their values, I was the stupidest bastard alive… But I didn’t want Snow dead. I knew damn well why that is. Deep down. But just for the sake of my pride, I pretended it was because I had worked way too hard to end Snow for him to kill himself. Accidently, in his sleep.
Snow turned to me at the stupidest possible moment. I scrambled to get my expression under control. Who knows if it worked.
“You need to use the bathroom?” he spat out. “Or can I go lie down?”
I kept staring into his eyes, motionless.
Frankly, it did not happen very often that I’d find my morality challenged… since I had none. Now, my chest felt stuffed. And I wasn’t entirely sure what to do.
I didn’t like this.
Snow curled his lip and soon after, the bathroom door slammed shut behind him. There was a soft click of the lock. At the exact same moment, I caught myself reaching for the doorknob.
I grabbed my own arm and retrieved it. I shook my head; what was I thinking? I mean… there was a spell, of course… but even if Snow would’ve wanted my help, which I was sure he wouldn’t have, what good would it do? At the end of the day, he was still the Mage’s pet.
I couldn’t be the one saving The Simon Snow. No matter how many feelings for him I’ve harboured, we were at the opposite ends of the barricade. Actually, no – we were going to be the first to come through the barricade to try and take the other’s life.
I sat back on my bed.
I would leave him be, I decided. Wellbelove could kiss his pain away the following morning for all I care.
If he is alive the following morning, my mind opposed.
Aleister Crowley! What was happening to me?!
What I wanted to do, truly wanted to do… it wasn’t clever. It didn’t profit me or anyone I cared for. But there was, jumping to my feet and going back to the bathroom door. Taking a deep breath.
Then I called: “Snow?”
“Sod off,” he yelled back.
“Oh, save it,” I roll my eyes. “Just come out. I want to talk.” That was not true. I wanted to talk as little as possible. Solve the problem of the missing bed and say little to nothing about it.
“Ask if I care.”
Impatient, I knocked on the door multiple times just a little too strong. “I don’t have all night,” I rose my voice. “If you want to sleep in the tub so badly, then suit yourself. But there’s another way, so just get over yourself and open the damn door.”
There was only silence on the other side.
Then I heard steps. The familiar click of the lock. Two blue eyes looked up at me.
I swallowed.
I couldn’t believe I was doing this.
“So?” Snow asked, wary, but curious. “What is it?”
I narrowed my eyes. “Just to be clear, I don’t want anybody hearing about this,” I warned him, “or else I will find you and hex you. Understood?”
Snow shrugged, and his fingers found their way to the cross necklace he was wearing. I always found it annoying when he fiddled with it. I found it annoying that he had it in the first place. Yet another fuck you just for me.
“Alright, and…?”
It was especially hard to find words to explain what I was about to do. For… For him. To think that I’d be helping Snow instead of making his life even more hell…
Instead of speaking, I just took out my wand.
I knew what to do.
To my defence, it had not been my idea to watch Normal shows. It was Aunt Fiona, who found the Normal world really entertaining for some odd reason, that had me sit through four seasons of Doctor Who. After that, I eloquently explained that I thought it was kind of dumb. She still made me try out multiple spells that she’d invented after binge-watching the entire thing.
Now, I pointed the wand at my bed and cast a spell: “It’s bigger on the inside.” For this one to work, you had to mimic one of the Doctors’ accents. I was more than ready to murder Snow if he had laughed at me.
“I didn’t know that one,” he pointed out the obvious.
“Of course you didn’t.”
“What did it do though?”
I decided to demonstrate. I sat on the bed and scooted back to the wall, further and further, until my legs were stretched out in front of me. Which, obviously, was not supposed to be possible. The bed was not wide enough for that.
The trick was that whatever you used the spell on looked the same, but it got as spacious as needed. You could get infinite storage space without visibly enlarging the wardrobe, for example.
Considering this single bed… well, I suppose the entire football team could sleep on it and they wouldn’t even touch.
This spell was a bit of an eyesore, unfortunately. I could see Snow blinking in confusion. He saw the same thing I did – my legs laying comfortably on the mattress, and yet, the bed stayed the same size. Visually, my legs didn’t shrink, the bed didn’t get bigger… both realities existed at once. It was a bit much for the mind to handle.
“It’s as big as needed,” I explained briefly, not looking at him anymore. “You can sleep here just this once. And make sure it doesn’t have to happen again. Got it?”
“I – I mean –“ He looked shocked. Amazed, even.
“Speak, Snow.”
“Yes,” he nodded. His eyes got a completely bewildered look in them, I couldn’t keep the eye contact. “I – yeah.”
“The blanket is mine,” I informed him coldly. I would not pamper him like that. It was enough that I had just invited him into my bed.
Fuck’s sake. It’s going to smell like him, too, isn’t it? My mouth went dry at the thought. This was probably the stupidest idea I’ve had in the last ten years. Completely off the charts idiotic.
Good thing I had already changed into my pyjamas. Without a word, I lay down and slithered as close to the wall as possible; I felt as though I was never going to reach it. I covered myself with the blanket head to toe.
Nothing in this world would make me confess how nervous I was about the whole premise of Simon bloody Snow sleeping in the same bed as me. As I was laying there, a lot of memories came rushing to my mind. Of being fifteen and dying over how much I wanted Snow’s body on mine. How many fantasies of him getting up in the middle of the night and crawling into my bed had kept me up for hours? Smelling of firewood, his hands roaming under the sheets and his stupid mouth following suit…?
No, this was not something I wanted to bring back. If he touched me, even by accident, I was pushing him onto the floor.
But still, I just knew where he was, how far from me exactly. I listened to him change from his clothes, the fabric rustling, floorboards creaking under his feet. Eventually he turned off the light and lay down somewhere behind me. So far… and yet so awfully close.
There was complete dead silence for a while.
Before Snow cleared his throat.
“Baz?” he sighed silently. “Thanks.”
I closed my eyes.
“Shut up.”
When I heard Snow whimpering in his sleep, I thought the events of last night had just come creeping into my dreams. This couldn’t be real.
Then came the burning smell. The air got thicker and every hair on my body stood up. It made me lift my head from the pillow to check on Snow.
It was the same as last time. Only I was closer. All the twitching, his body crackling with energy. Almost glowing with it.
My drowsy brain took about a second to know Snow was having terrors again. And another one to deduct that he was about to blow up my bed, taking me with it. He might’ve made it the last time, survived the magickal fire he started. Me? Not a chance there.
I was not ready to meet my fate.
I could feel panic rise in my throat and I pushed it down. In a millisecond, I calculated my chances. Snow will blow up, set me on fire. I die. Everybody in the dorm would be in danger. I couldn’t reach my wand, left it on the bedside table. No use talking to Snow, wake him up. No use trying to get out. He was getting all blurry again… his power made my mouth taste of smoke and blood.
The realisation dawned on me.
There was nothing I could do that was sure to save me.
In what I considered to be my last moments, I instinctively did the thing I wanted to do the most, just to keep the theme of being a pitiful, lovesick fool. Reaching across the bed, I took Snow’s hand. Closed my eyes.
I knew you would rid this world of me, I thought at him. It seemed to me like I was thanking him for the deed.
And then…
There was no fire.
Snow just squeezed my hand so tightly I felt my joints crack and curled around it like a small, frightened child. He was still breathing way too quickly… but the air got colder. The smoke was scattering.
I could not believe my eyes. Snow was holding onto my hand. I felt my pulse shoot up as I took in the view.
Something was telling me there was more. More I could do. And I felt like it must’ve been my destiny to die that night, because if Snow hadn’t killed me before he wakes from his nightmare… he sure would after.
Either way, I grit my teeth and came closer to Snow and our joint hands. I pulled the boy to my chest, all touches soft as velvet. His cross was buzzing between us, just another point of tension.
Snow’s bare skin was feverishly hot. I wish I wasn’t cold as a corpse. I wish I was alive.
Nevertheless, I tried to make the hug as comforting as possible. I ran my fingers through his hair; I saw Wellbelove do that once at the dinner table and Snow looked like he was just about to start purring. I kept my eyes on the black void of the opposite wall, a reminder of what I was trying to prevent here, and cautiously scratched snow’s scalp. Just like I had seen his girlfriend doing it.
He relaxed against me almost immediately.
His hair was incredibly soft. I’d never got to touch it before, although I’d always…
My throat got tighter. I had to stop the train of thought immediately.
I was just going mad because of him, wasn’t I?
As if he had heard that, Snow twitched in his sleep and I brought him closer, petting his head, letting him drool onto my shirt. A giant murderous baby, that’s what he was. And I was just the moron that was stuck cradling him. And I was indulging in it. And I wished I could erase the memory of what it felt like to be so close to him after this moment…
I sighed and scratched Snow’s head again.
At least this bloody thing worked.
If nothing else, it was a good call to try and calm him down like this. He was getting more stable by the second.
“Shhh,” I found myself cooing. This night was not going to get any stranger at this point, no matter what I did. “It’s okay. You are going to be okay.”
Snow didn’t register that I spoke to him. Fortunately. He was fast asleep in my arms. I kept absentmindedly stroking his hair before I finally drifted off as well…
What… What was that? I felt so hot…
“Baz – what the hell are you – what is happening?!”
Oh no.
My eyes flew open just to meet Snow’s. He was so close. And so extremely confused, trying to push me away. I saved him the trouble as I scrambled away in panic. He grabbed his arms like a lady that had just been harassed.
I regained false composure in a bat of an eye. I would have been completely red by now if I had any fresh blood left in me. Good thing I hadn’t drank this time.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Snow.” I made a mildly disgusted face. “I was trying to save my life from a certain pyromaniac.”
His eyes widened. First, there was understanding. Then shock.
“So you… you just… cuddled me?!”
“Fuck’s sake. It worked. Don’t be an idiot!”
I aggressively threw the blanket over myself and turned to face the wall.
I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked it up so badly. Now the entire school’s about to learn that I cuddle my arch nemesis in my sleep. Snow is undoubtedly going to tell everyone, just as he’s been trying to convince the whole school that I’m an undead vampire that is planning his downfall. (Which is more or less correct, but that’s not the point.)
“It’s not – I mean – sorry,” Snow blabbered behind me. “And thanks again. Not – not for that, for stopping me. Er. Sorry.”
“You’re fucking welcome.”
“Baz – I –”
“That was not an imploration to keep talking, Snow. I’m going back to sleep.”
I felt him sink into the mattress.
When he took a breath to speak again, I thought I would rip his head off.
“It’s just… the terrors. They are getting worse.”
“You wouldn’t believe,” I sighed, “how happy I am to hear that.”
It shut him right up. Didn’t even call me evil, which was a first. It really must have bothered him… I was cursing at myself internally, but I asked anyway: “What are they about?”
“The dreams. What are they about?”
Snow paused.
When he answered, his tone was flat. Dark.
“Everyone dead. Because of me.”
We said nothing about any of that in the morning. Who knows what Snow was thinking.
All I did was take the memory of him in my arms that was tingling in my skin and lock it somewhere deep inside of me. I would reach for it, I was sure, at those times when I would muse about how utterly miserable my entire life was. How I could never love anybody else but him. And how that doesn’t even matter because we were bound to destroy each other from day one.
“Look – er, I’m sorry, I really tried to get hold of someone, but –”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“Sorry, Baz. Come on, don’t look at me like that, I really am sorry. I can go back to the bathroom, you know, if –”
“If I would rather you didn’t set me on fire?”
“Technically. Yeah.”
I sighed. I thought that would be a one-night-only issue. The bed. But apparently, the universe has a wicked sense of humour.
“Why don’t you just tell your little sidekick Bunce to come here and take care of it? I assume a single bed wouldn’t be much of a challenge for her.”
His eyes darted around the room. “Penelope can’t come here. She’s… a girl. That’s impossible.”
“You must be daft as a troll to believe I didn’t know.”
“I – er – I don’t – Penny never –”
“Save it.”
His ears were red as a beat. He didn’t look at me again, just pulled as his hair and stuttered out: “Uh – will you be taking a shower? Or can I…”
There was no need for me to protest. I knew that. I could’ve just refused to share my bed again. That’s what I would do if I wasn’t just a little too desperate and eager to torture myself. But I had convinced myself that this thing – Snow in my bed, but not the way I wanted it, never the way I wanted it – was something I fully deserved. Why wouldn’t I?
I did not deserve nice things, that was for sure.
I did not deserve the golden boy. He was not for me. But I could borrow him one more time.
I made my way to the door. “I’ll be back,” I said, looking him up and down, “but you’re not sleeping in the bathroom.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because it’s nonsense. The spell hasn’t worn off yet, It would be… a waste of magic.” Crowley, how was that making any sense?! I really was becoming dumber by the minute.
“But… but…”
“But, but, but,” I mocked him. Snow frowned at me and finished: “Why are you helping me like this, Baz?”
I turned my back.
“I’m not.”
“You are. Why?” he kept pestering.
“Maybe I want you to trust me for a bit, so I could kill you in your sleep.”
“I would never trust you,” Snow assured me… and I hated the way my stomach sunk to the floor. “And besides, you can’t kill me here. Anathema, remember?”
One foot out of the door already, I smirked: “Well, guess I am just going to shave off your eyebrows.”
Upon my return, the room was dark and silent. Snow had curled up with his back to the wall, lips slightly parted, his hair an ocean of curls… on my pillow. For a brief moment, I considered snatching it from underneath his stupid face. But that would just wake him up and I didn’t want to talk to him. I also didn’t want him to move away from the wall. That way, if he starts setting fires again, I have a chance to roll out of bed and leave him to it.
I went and took a shower. I really needed it. Changed into my pyjamas and laid down on the very edge of the bed, facing the room and not… him. Good thing I was so tired… I let my eyelids fall on their own, that was all it took…
And all it took for my eyes to swing open again was the sound, the feeling, of Snow shuffling closer to me.
Before I realized what was happening, I had two arms locked around my waist. And his body pressed into mine. Firm. Hot. So fucking real. He let out a relieved sigh – a huff of air against my bare neck. I could feel myself going pink in the face.
This was not a situation my mind had the capacity to process. Snow, I mouthed silently, eyes wide in shock. But I did not speak. What was I going to do? Wake him up? Throw a fit, ridicule him?
Simon Snow was holding me. He did it. He initiated it. Aleister Crowley and all mages that came before me, what was I going to do with this?!
Fuck, I didn’t want to make a scene. Or wake him up. Or move an inch. This was all I would ever get. Snow… Simon… He wasn’t gay. Probably not even bi. I could never have him. And this was not conscious, and he would feel incredibly embarrassed in the morning.
He was holding me now, though.
I couldn’t give it up.
So I relaxed into the embrace. I hovered my hand over his for a moment, wondering whether I should… but no, no, that was too much. I let it fall onto the bed.
Snow was breathing on my neck, sending little shivers down my spine. I was never this close to anybody before. Never this aware of somebody else’s presence, skin, breathing.
With every rise and fall of his chest against my back, I thought: I love you, Simon Snow.
I wish I could only feel love for you.
I wish that was all there is to life.
Snow woke up first. He slipped away from me and said nothing. Which was odd.
I almost let myself hope. Almost believed he knew what he did and did it on purpose. Almost lost myself in fantasies of a great secret romance with Snow.
But when I arrived at the dorms that afternoon, I found it clean, tidy… and there was a brand new single bed waiting on Snow’s side of the room.
I ran out and into the catacombs so quickly I forgot to close the door behind me.
Hope turned out to be the worst thing that could’ve happened to me.
I roamed the underground for hours, trying to get lost and failing miserably.
Seriously, what was I thinking? That I might get a few more nights? A week of snuggling close to the person I was supposed to be fighting? Did I think he would kiss me? Did I think he would touch me?
I was a naïve fool. Simon Snow was going to fight for the Mage, as he always had, against the old families. Against my family. I had to protect my own, I had to do what was expected of me, and so did he. We had no future. Maybe one of us would live, but not both. Not together.
I thought I had understood a long time ago.
I thought I could control myself. Refrain from imagining stupid, unrealistic scenarios.
I was wrong. And useless. Noted.
I just wished Snow had never touched me. I would never forget all the things I would miss out on. It was better when I had no idea.
This was probably when I started crying.
It was almost dawn when I stumbled back into the room.
At first, I though I was just hallucinating. That I was this far gone.
But Snow’s bed was empty.
He was cozied up in mine.
I got inexplicably angry at a snap of fingers. I slammed the door and exclaimed: “Snow?!”
That scared him awake.
“What the hell,” he mumbled and rubbed his face. “What time is it?”
“Time for you to get out of my fucking bed!”
“Crowley, stop yelling,” he complained. “I, er… was waiting for you. Fell asleep, I guess.”
Waiting? In my bed?
Why, why would he do that?
He had to stop. I would not let him give me false hope anymore. I whipped out my wand and pointed it at him. His hands flew into the air.
“Get out now,” I hissed, not putting any magic into my words… yet.
“You can’t curse me.”
“You’d be expelled out of Watford.”
“Try me. Maybe I’m willing to sacrifice my education for an easy kill.”
“Oh – come on –” He rapidly stood up. “See? Your bed. I just… wanted to talk to you. I mean, not originally, but now…”
“There is nothing to talk about.”
“I just though… the spell is still working and…”
“And what? You have your own bed. Problem solved. What the fuck are you on about?” I threw my blazer onto a chair and started angrily removing my tie.
Snow kept standing in the middle of the room like a lost lamb.
But when he spoke, his voice cut clear through the room and into my weak, weak mind.
“You hugged me the other night,” he stated. “And held my hand.”
I had a hard time coming up with a comeback to this that wouldn’t include physical violence. So I ignored him… only making it worse.
“And yesterday, I… I hugged you. But you didn’t pull away. You were awake, you let me do it.”
I abruptly turned on my heel and in a second, I was staring him down, face only inches from his.
“You leave me the fuck alone,” I growled. “I never did those things. Touch me again and I break all of your bones.”
“You know I’m telling the truth!”
“You are not. You are a sorry little attention-seeker and nobody will believe you.”
“Stop trying to manipulate me, it won’t work!” he retorted. “And I haven’t told anybody. Never will. I only want to talk to you about… everything.”
“Right. Before you try and blackmail me.”
“No, listen –”
“See, Snow, if there are some feelings you are repressing, I suggest you keep that to yourself. I want you five feet away from me at all times.” Then I spat at his feet. Snow winced.
It wasn’t fair of me. I’ve had my share of repressing emotions. But since when was I the one to play nice? Simon Snow truly was the source of most of my problems in life. Him and his fragile feelings could go fuck themselves.
“You’re disgusting,” he told me.
“You’re annoying.”
“Could you just hear me out for once?”
“Could. Don’t want to.”
“Crowley – just admit it –”
My hands flew to his neck before he could finish the sentence. But he caught them and fought me, even though I was physically stronger than him.
“Knock it off. Baz! I said knock it off!” I felt his magic rise to his panicked voice and make the air crackle with power. I couldn’t help it, I had to step away.
Snow was shaking, visibly upset at me. Maybe he would go off on me. Maybe he would be expelled for that immediately after. Delightful.
Snow’s rage was delightful too.
“I can’t fucking believe you,” he exclaimed. “I hate you so fucking much, you are just evil!”
There it was.
“What’s your problem, seriously? Why wouldn’t you just admit what happened between us –”
“Nothing happened, Snow,” I cut him off. “That’s it. Solved the mystery for you.”
“If it was nothing then why are you so scared of having me in your bed? I slept there before, you could’ve just left it!”
“I’m not scared. You are just bordering sexual harassment,” I shouted back. I was positively losing it. Did he… know I was queer? He couldn’t. “Do you have any idea what this all sounds like?! Why would you want to sleep in my bed anyway?!”
“Because I liked it!” he boomed.
Silence fell.
The sky behind the window glass was turning yellow with sunrise.
What… what the everloving fuck did he mean by that? He was just probably trying to use me. Pushing me just to see proof that I have a thing for him. No, never in a million years…
“I – um,” Snow cleared his throat.
I don’t think I’d ever seen anyone blush so much.
“It’s like… I’m not saying I understand what it was. What it… means. But…”
He stepped closer, biting the inside of his face. I couldn’t move. If I could, I would run away in the speed of light.
“But I like this,” he finally admitted, and his gaze fell to his feet. Fuck, it was adorable. “The two of us. Close. Just… sleeping. Nothing else.”
I stared at him in utter disbelief. I tried to accuse him: “It’s some kind of a trick.” My voice was way too shaky though. It didn’t have the effect.
Snow softly shook his head.
“You’re the one who’s always plotting,” he pointed out. “I’m just the guy swinging a sword.”
“I still feel like there is a catch.”
“There isn’t.”
“I don’t know. There just isn’t. I’m being honest.”
I wanted to tell him to go to bed, his own bed, but the words got stuck in my throat and wouldn’t come out. Snow, standing dangerously close to me at this point, hurried to add: “We don’t have to talk about it. We really don’t. Besides, nobody knows that we… you know. I haven’t told a soul.”
He talked like we’d been snogging or worse, not like we’d just… spooned. (But considering our history, that was strange enough.)
“Why not?” I asked him. Like a dumbass.
“Didn’t want to, I guess. Have you told anybody?”
“Crowley, no. I have a reputation to uphold.”
Snow nodded. “Okay.”
He looked me in the eyes again. “Let’s just… try and get some sleep.”
I was confused as in what to do with… well, all this. I watched him get back into my bed and scoot back, leaving me enough space to join him.
“I like to sleep closer to the wall,” I blurted out without thinking. And immediately regretted it. There goes pretending like his suggestion disgusted me. Snow yawned as he got back up, gesturing me to get into bed first. This morning was about to be the first time in my life I would be grateful for being a vampire… if I were not, he would see exactly how flustered that had made me.
“I still can’t tell what you’re trying to achieve here,” I frowned.
Snow shrugged, and the corners of his mouth tugged up. “I think I’m just going to shave your eyebrows off when you’re asleep.”
That almost made me snort.
I gave up. I took off my shoes and laid down. Snow followed me right away. Seeing how tense I am, he repeated: “We really don’t have to talk about any of this, ever.”
“You sound like a broken record. We are already talking about this.”
“Well, we don’t have to.”
I rolled my eyes at him… And noticed the colour of the sky outside.
The day was creeping up on us. But Snow was so close. And… he wanted this. He was all sloppy about it, but he wanted this. I didn’t even know what to think…
“Mm? What?”
“Could… I hug you now?”
“I just decided. I don’t want you to talk about it.” Yet, he kept waiting for an answer. Honestly, he was just too good for me. Just for him, just this once, I let down my walls, closed my eyes and said: “You… can.”
And he did. Pressed me to his chest like a stuffed animal. I tried to let go of the stiffness in my muscles, to let myself rest, but how could I? He was so bloody hot. (Both in the temperature sense and attractive sense. As per usual, he slept without a shirt on.)
(His cross was nowhere in sight. Just like yesterday, I realized.)
“Your arms won’t fall off if you hug me back,” he remarked.
“Shut up, Snow.”
“Just do it, will you.”
There we were. A knot of limbs, circles under our eyes and deep breaths.
Maybe this really could be all there was to life, at least for the nights and early mornings.
Maybe we really didn’t have to talk about it.
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maiisbored · 5 years
My Snowbaz playlist!
So many songs remind me of Simon & Baz’s relationship in Carry On by Rainbow Rowell so I was inspired to create this playlist of songs that chronicle their love story!
Also yes I know there are a lot of Taylor Swift songs but it’s not my fault she is the master of love songs so..
1. obsessed // Miley Cyrus // Simon’s POV (point of view) // the first quarter of the novel when Simon can’t stop obsessing over Baz’s absence from Watford.
2. ocean eyes - astronomyy remix // Billie Eilish // Baz’s POV // Baz’s feelings toward Simon at the beginning of the novel.
3. bloodsport // Raleigh Ritchie // Baz’s POV // I actually found this song on Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On playlist & I loved it so much that I added it here! Simon & Baz’s feud from Baz’s perspective.
4. untouchable // Taylor Swift // Baz’s POV // the scene where Simon shares his magic with Baz in their room & they’re surrounded by stars.
5. invisible // Taylor Swift // Baz’s POV // basically the love triangle of Simon, Agatha & Baz from Baz’s perspective lol.
6. bloodstream // Ed Sheeran // Baz’s POV // Baz’s suicidal thoughts near the end of chapter 60 when he starts the forest fire.
7. hold on // Delta Goodrem // Baz’s POV // ‘and then he kissed me’ !!!!! & ‘Simon Snow is still going to die kissing me. Just not today.’
8. touch it // Ariana Grande // Simon’s POV // chapter 62, specifically the conversation next to the fire in Baz’s room.
9. closer // Tegan and Sara // Both POVs // their night spent next to the fire in Baz’s room.
10. smoke // BOBI ANDONOV // Both POVs // same scene as song number 9 lol but I love both songs a lot so I couldn’t delete one.
11. delicate // Taylor Swift // Both POVs // at this point in the story, their relationship is in an extremely delicate state & they both need to say to each other what is on their mind: chapter 64.
12. born bob dylan // The Veronicas // Baz’s POV // Baz’s difficulty in expressing to Simon how much he truly loves and cares for him.
13. dancing with our hands tied // Taylor Swift // Both POVs // this song perfectly captures Simon & Baz’s relationship at this point & their argument in Chapter 64. Baz points out that them being on different sides of a war, the fact that they are meant to be enemies will prevent them from ever being in a relationship while Simon promises that everything will work out & they can be together. In my mind, the first verse is Baz’s perspective, second verse is Simon’s perspective and chorus & bridge is both POVs.
14. how you get the girl // Taylor Swift // Both POVs // if you replace “you” with Simon and “the girl”, “she” & “her” with Baz in the song’s lyrics, then you get the scene where Simon comes back to Baz after he left with Penny and Agatha.
15. square one // Jessie J // Simon’s POV // ‘I came back because I was afraid of what might happened if I didn’t. Baz might pretend that nothing had ever happened between us. He’d make me feel like I dreamt this whole thing - like I was a maniac and a moron for believing he’d ever felt something for me.’
16. she’s not him // Miley Cyrus // Simon’s POV // Simon’s feelings toward Agatha at this point & him choosing Baz over her in his mind.
17. this love // Taylor Swift // Baz’s POV // Baz’s feelings toward Simon coming back <3
18. beautiful disaster - live // Kelly Clarkson // Baz’s POV // ‘”but you can have … this. If you want it.” I do.’
19. treacherous // Taylor Swift // Simon’s POV // “’I want to be your boyfriend. Your terrible boyfriend.”’
20. hungry eyes // Eric Carmen // Both POVs // this song doesn’t really correlate to a specific scene, it just reminded me so much of them. :)
21. end game // Taylor Swift // Both POVs // I added this because at one point Simon says: ‘You have to pretend that you get an endgame. You have to carry on like you will; otherwise, you can’t carry on at all.’ So I thought it would be cute to put in this song that they both have found their endgame. And the lyrics fit too so, why not?
22. true love // P!nk // Both POVs // this song is basically them in a nutshell. It describes them so perfectly it’s so funny!
23. be still // The Fray // Baz’s POV // Baz consoling Simon after the death of the Mage.
24. you take my breath away // Queen // Baz’s POV // this song is such a beautiful declaration of love & I think at the end of the novel, Baz is finally able and ready to actually tell Simon how much he means to him.
25. the louvre // Lorde // Both POVs // ‘everyone is looking at us- Everyone dancing. Everyone standing around the courtyard, drinking punch … all standing with their punch glasses stalled on the way to their lips. “They’ll know,” I say. “They’ll talk about it.” … “Baz, you’re actually, literally the only thing I have to lose. So as along as doing gay stuff in public doesn't make you hate me, I don't really care.”’
26. delicate // Taylor Swift // Both POVs // is this deja vu? haha but yes I put delicate again as a sort of “reprise” because at this point in the story, the scene in the epilogue when they’re dancing, their relationship is again in a delicate state & they again need to communicate some important things with each other.
27. carry on // fun. // Both POVs // a perfect song to end the playlist. Perfectly sums up the novel and where we leave Baz & Simon <3
If you want to listen to the playlist on Spotify, here’s the link: https://open.spotify.com/user/rrosesmusic/playlist/6tKemvoPUt238mrMySDB3z?si=uIw_Hd2qSSmgBgxyOmHINg
hope you like it!
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wearesungreenmylove · 6 years
Snowbaz Prom 2k18
Thank you to @its-okay-that-ur-not and @alliaskofyou for letting me ask you questions about prom! also I quote cj in there so look forward to that ;) (the line was pure gold, how could I not use it)
Word Count: 944
Normal AU
The water is gone within an hour.
And there’s this giant crowd of horny teenagers surrounding the speakers, all grinding on each other like their fucking lives depend on it and trying their best to dance.
I turn away in disgust, nose turned up, and head towards the snack table. Everyone’s been avoiding it, besides Snow that is. Honestly, I’m surprised he and Agatha aren’t in the weird dancing circle.
But there he is, standing awkwardly by the snack table, stuffing his face full of cream puffs. You know, the kind they have for dessert at a barbecue(I’ve only ever been to one, with Dev’s family in 4th year, but I got enough of a sense of what they're like to know that they're really not all they're hyped up to be).
He, Snow that is, is currently wearing a dark blue suit with black lapels with a white undershirt and a purple tie, and it looks like he actually tried to tame his hair tonight (or maybe that was Penny)(honestly I think it was Penny), because it looks somewhat contained, but in a really messy way that's just so Snow it's hard to explain.
I wander over. If nothing more than to tease Snow about his wolfing down all the food on the table. At least, that's what I try and tell myself. There's no one else for me to talk to here besides Dev and Niall, but they're both..um, a little..preoccupied at the moment.
Not together, no, they're like the straightest people I know. Almost immediately after we arrived Dev and Niall joined their girlfriends, Sara and Emily, out on the dance floor, and haven't come back since. Too busy grinding on their girlfriends to bother talking to their best friend I suppose.
  I wander over to Snow.
  "Snow," I say.
  He turns around, cream puff halfway between his mouth and plate. He's got some cream and crumbs on the left side of his face, and I wonder if I could just lick it off and go. Maybe kiss him somewhere in between there. Yes, I'd lick it off the corner of his mouth, the area bordering on cheek, then I'd kiss the living daylights out of him, and then I'd go. I'd just go. And maybe never come back. Aleister Crowley, Snow'd have a field day with that.
�� He smiles.
  He fucking smiles at me.
  Did someone spike the punch? Something must be wrong, Simon bloody Snow just fucking smiled at me.
   I look down at the table still stock-piled with snacks, and then my eyes drift to the empty plate where the cream puffs were, and now only a few crumbs are left. Oh no..
 I look back up and he’s still smiling this ginormous goofy grin that’s honestly so sweet I melt a little.
 “Simon..” I say hesitantly, “How many cream puffs did you have?”
 “Oh, not that many, just a fe-” he stops when he sees the empty plate. “Um,” he brings his hand up to rub the back of his neck sheepishly, “All of them.” He looks up at me. Crowley his eyes are so ordinary. Maybe that’s why I love them so much; they’re the one thing about him that seem real, everything else is just a fantasy I’ve dreamt up.
 “Okay, so we’re gonna go get you cleaned up, okay?” I whisper. Best to keep it out of everyone’s attention that I’m trying to help him. I mean, Snow probably won’t remember this after tonight, so  why not indulge myself for a moment by actually being nice to him for a change.
 “What? Why?!” He says somewhat loudly, enough for a couple people to look over at us suspiciously. Crowley. Snow’s always been one for making a scene.
 I turn his shoulder towards me, so he’s not facing the rest of the world. I don’t think this would be a good thing for the chaperones to know about, considering it was probably one of the seniors who did it, and I don’t wanna be that one kid who ruined prom for everyone. “Simon, those all had weed in them.”
 “Nobody told me,” he grumbles.
 “Bloody hell, Snow, that’s kind-of the point, so that the adults don’t find out.” I start to drag him out towards the hall leading to the guy’s bathroom.
 “You called me Simon before.”
 “No I didn’t,” I turn back to face him and he’s fucking smirking at me. “Shut up,” I mumble, and go back to leading him out of the cafeteria.
 Ms. Rowell’s been standing guard at the door for the last hour, something about how they don’t want any babies being made on school grounds or whatever. Haha, no need to worry about me ma'am, I’m fucking gay as hell. But she let’s us through after I mumble something about “bathroom” and “emergency”.
 Once we get into the bathroom I let go of Simon’s wrist and google ‘how to take care of someone who just had weed’ while wetting a paper towel. The top three sites are all telling me what to do if someone’s addicted, which is not helpful in this case.
 I turn around and he’s right there. “M’sleepy,” he says before letting his head fall on my shoulder.
 “Oh,” is all I manage to say, even though it’s more of the ghost of a word, a breath, if that. Then Simon is pushing his forehead against my neck, and holy fuck his nose is moving across my collarbones in the most amazing way, and his arms are draped around me. I just want to melt into him and let the world disappear. And so I do.
Okay, so yes Ms. Rowell from Rainbow(not an actual depiction of her, I just needed a name) but apparently at my school we have a Ms. Rowell, and that makes me happy(I wish it was Rainbow, but sorry, I’m not moving to Omaha(I think my mom would actually disown me))
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YouTube AU Chapter 6
YouTube AU That-STILL-Doesn’t-Have-A-Name-Yet Words: 1105 AU Summary: Simon and Baz are popular YouTubers with a rivalry. Chapter Summary: Trixie receives a message. Keris goes to class. Someone new watches Trixies art stream. Keris distracts herself from the cocky kid who can't take a hint. First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
{ Gaaah! I keep posting chapters late, sorry! Also this chapter isnt really the best lmao i hate it but at least im giving you some new characters haha }
[ Trixie ] I get a text from one of my "Snowbaz Correspondents." Philippa lives in the same town as Agatha, Penelope, and Simon. It's an attachment, so I have to wait a bit for it to download. When I open it, I see Agatha walking with a man. I let out a squeal when I recognise him. Keris is sitting at our table reading, and looks over at me, so I rush over and show her the picture. "Is that..." "It is!" I smile brighter at her, and she smiles back. "Does this mean the rumours are true, then?" "Keris, we have to go. I can't miss this and you know it." She leans over to kiss my cheek, and I giggle softly. "I already bought them when Agatha posted that she'd be going. I figured that you would want to see her, Penny, and Simon together before she moves." I respond by climbing into her lap and saying "thank you" in between kisses.
[ Keris ] We only break because I have classes. I go to school at West Herts College. My favourite class is Creative Writing, which I am heading to now. I have Interior Design directly after. I walk in a few minutes early, and Professor Salisbury is sitting at her desk, reading Attachments. She's told the class that we're allowed to call her by her first name, Lucy, but doing that just makes me feel awkward. I set my stuff down at my desk, and she looks at me, that bright smile of hers quickly forming on her face. "Keris, may I speak with you for a moment?" I feel my heart beating faster as I nod, walking over to her. (I always get anxious when professors ask to talk to me. I know I shouldn't be, especially with her, but I can't help it.) "What is it, Professor?" She shakes her head, but knows by now that I won't call her Lucy. She opens a drawer and pulls out a flyer, handing it to me. "Watford Area Arts Forum Literature Competition." She says. "You want me to enter?" She nods, slowly. "Only if you want to, of course. This years theme is Magic, and the word limit is 500 words. I feel like you'd do well, so good luck!" "Thanks..." I say, shoving the flyer in my back pocket. I quickly head back to my seat, just as Salem walks in. Fucking Salem. I swear, he's only taking this class to torture me. Thankfully, Professor Salisbury starts the class before he can say anything about the lipstick on my neck.
[ Trixie ] I'm chatting with my friends and drawing in my stream, when I notice a new username in the chat list. I blink a few times, and then rub my eyes. It's Penny! Wow. Simon Snow's best friend is in a Snowbaz Art Stream. I mean, it's no secret that she ships them. But I never imagined that she'd come to one of my streams! I have to hold back a squeal- my mic is on, and so is my video. Okay, Trixie. Play it cool. "Is it just me," I say, "Or is the great Penelope Bunce, Simon Snow's best friend, watching my stream?" I look over at the chat.
pennyforyourthoughts: Oh hey, you caught me.
I smile, softly. But really, I'm screaming on the inside. I feel myself getting nervous, and I make a few mistakes on my current drawing. I decide to work on it later- it's a big project thing, anyway. Instead, I pull up a drawing meme and ask for suggestions.
QueenElspethTheFourth: Draw Simon in e3!
I chuckle a bit. "What am I going to do for the baby, then?"
mintygreenwithenvy: lmao make a snowbaz lovechild QueenElspethTheFourth: Oh my god, yes. DO IT.
I laugh again, but give in to their demands. I draw the quick doodle, giving the baby blue eyes, curly black hair, and freckles. It's so adorable, I have to save and post it later. I save the image, but I can't figure out what to call it. I type 'Simon and', before pressing my brows together in frustration. "What should I name her?" I ask, but the chat grows silent. "Come on guys, she needs a name!"
pennyforyourthoughts: I just had the best idea. pennyforyourthoughts: What if you name her Natasha Scone Snow-Pitch?
"Oh my god!" I can't help but giggle. "That's so cute, oh my god." I type in the name, and save it. "How'd you come up with that?"
pennyforyourthoughts: Natasha was Baz's mum, yeah? He told me once that he wants to name someone after her. mintygreenwithenvy: aw, thats so sweet!! pennyforyourthoughts: And giving his kid the middle name 'Scone' is definately something Simon would do, lmao. QueenElspethTheFourth: Imagine Simon trying to tell everyone that her first name is Cherry. pennyforyourthoughts: There's a 500% chance that he would do that. Yes, good.
"This is so beautiful, I'm gonna cry..." I say, as I dramatically pretend to wipe a tear from my eye.
[ Keris ] I might enter that competition, actually. It'd be good practice- I don't write about magic often. And those tickets did cost a lot of money. I could use the extra cash. Although, I'm not very good at word limits. When I start writing something, I write and I write and I write. When I'm done writing, it's two or three times that length. "Daydreaming again, ain't cha?" I sigh, suddenly remembering I'm in class. "Can't blame you, Miss Lucy is ridiculously boring." I turn around to face him, he's getting on my nerves again. "Then why are you even taking her class?" "'Cause I'm a generous guy, and I know you can't get enough of me." I roll my eyes and turn back to the front. "It's more like I always get too much of you." "Keep telling yourself that, babe." I know he's wearing that stupid grin of his- I can practically hear it form on his face. He continues to try and talk to me throughout class, but I ignore his efforts. Instead, I think about Trixie. She's probably livestreaming right now. I think that's all she does at home. Either that, or watching videos on YouTube. I've been thinking about starting a channel, actually. But I'm not sure what I would do on it. I'm a quiet person, so I wouldn't really vlog. I don't play video games or do make up. And I can't sing- Trixie says I sing beautifully, but I don't really think so. The only things I really love are Writing and Trixie, but I don't know how I can possibly share that on film.
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noxclara · 8 years
Get to know me!!!
tagged by the lovely @parrisshadam (thank you, laaaauuu! )
1. What is your name?: Fernanda
2. How old are you?: 21
3. What kind of blog do you run?: One where i can blog about all the things that i like but i dont post in my other blog (edits, books, tv shows, some anime and blahblahblah)
4. What is your biggest nerdy obsession?: I paint a lot, im terrible at it but its something i always do, also I write all the plots that cross my mind in a journal that is all full of coffee marks and its all dirty, and im probably too obsessed with comics and super heroes. 
5. Who is your favorite character of all time? HOLY MOLY I DONT KNOW i just can say my fave character of this moment and in this moment i think i love lance a lot
6. What is your favorite book of all time? AH! WHY THESE QUESTIONS ARE SO HARD!? maybe the little prince? I hated it the first time i read it (i was 10 years old) but when i started to get older i felt in love with it
7. What is your favorite magical creature? DRAGONS! DRAGONS! DRAGONS! DRAGONS!
8. What made up object do you wish was real? I know this is not an object but magic in general would be really sick
9. Where do you wish you went to school? Actually… i kinda hate school (kinda a lot) so probably if i could choose i would choose never going to any school and go to a big big travel and learn about things, languages and cultures by myself.
10. Name your favorite ships: me: *take from my pocket a list that is so long that reach the sun* well well well…andreil, renison, pynch, klance, snowbaz, daisuga, kanej, wesper… i have a lot more but lets leave it there
11. Which character do you want to marry?  I have never thought about this…and probably never will :| maybe no weddings for me mi amigo
12. What is your favorite song? THIS medley of la la land because im a cheesy person who loves the sound of the piano
13. 3 facts nobody knows about you? 1) I know every line of Mulan and i act all the songs, same with Mamma Mia 2) in almost half of my dreams Im a boy and idk why haha 3) All the photos that i have on my phone are pictures of the sky. EVERY-SINGLE-ONE.
15. What characters are your role models? MULAN!!! when i was a kid i wanted to be like her so much because she was brave and she didnt give a fuck about rules! and instead of let the things be she did what was necessary and what she felt what was right and i love it. 
16. Favorite video game: Does Just Dance counts? Im not good at playing video games but if JD counts I have to say that one is probably the only one i play and im so competitive about it! like.. a “completely pain in the ass” kind of competitive. Oh! and Guitar Hero. 
17. Are you proud to be a nerd? idk if im a nerd but if i am OF COURSE THIS IS ALL I HAVE
Tag 10 people ! Okay here i go *drumroll’s sound* @occulant @ruinsofxerxes @nicaises @shanelleo @strikingneil  @thesecondblue @jesperfaehey @fluorescenteyeballs @randomacquaintance @ravenboy-adam
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Anniversaries (Children Part 7)
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1697
Summary: Tasha is 11 years old, and it's time for her to go to Watford.
Read on AO3
“Oh, stay away from the catacombs. That place is disgusting,” Snow adds as he turns the car around another curvy bend.
“Stay away from the merwolves,” I say. “They’re terrible.”
“Is there anything good about Watford?” Tasha says with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
Simon scoffs. “Of course. The classes, the teachers, the food, being around other mages. But we’ve already been over all that. We’re just giving you important tips.”
“Well, you’re sort of bumming me out for my first day of school.”
I reach back to pat her leg. “Sorry, darling. We just want you to have the best time there.”
“No, you’re projecting your nervousness about me going to school into needless advice.”
I lean back. She’s sitting in her seat with her arms crossed and a smug smile. I narrow my eyes. “You’ve been talking to Aunt Penelope.”
“Yeah. She says you’re both worry warts.”
Simon grumbles, lip jutted out in a pout. “My best friend is bad mouthing me to my daughter. Wonderful. And, we’re here!”
He pulls in front of the Watford gates. I can sort of see the buildings from here. They’ve added one more since my time there. It’s modern looking, relatively tall and made of glass and steel. It’s where they teach more Normal subject classes, so Watford students feel more ready for the modern world. Though the Old Families kicked up quite a fuss, most people agreed it was necessary. Mages need to know magic but also how to just live normally. But there’s still the Whitechapel, and the Weeping Tower, and the Wavering Wood, of course, Mummer’s House. At its core, it’s still Watford.
We climb out of the car. I wake up a dozing Ebb. All four of us stand at the fence. Tasha goes right up to bars, gazing at it with wide eyes. She’s been here before a few times. But she still gets this dreamy look in her eye every time she sees it. It reminds me of the way Simon looked when he first came. But when I glance at Simon now, he looks through the gate very scared, mouth all twisted and quivering. He hasn’t been back here since...well, since the Mage. I take his hand.
“It’s okay,” I whisper. “He’s not here anymore. He can’t hurt you.”
He squeezes me tightly. “I know. But still...being here, it brings it all back.”
“I know, love. I know.”
Ebb walks up and takes Snow’s other hand. “It’s okay, Daddy,” he says. “It’s not bad anymore, right?”
Simon smiles, his tight grip loosening on my hand. “No, bud. It’s all good now.”
“It’s so awesome!” Tasha shouts, skipping over to us. “Every time I’m here I can feel the magic. There’s just, there’s so many of us here. It’s not like anywhere else.”
Snow grins, as do I. We know what she means. Simon’s told me that the magic feeling was one of his favourite things about Watford. It’s one of mine too.
“No it’s not,” Simon sighs. “And you’re going to love it here, Tasha. I know you will.” He lets go of Ebb and my hand. “I should go get your bag.” He walks off, looking taller than he did a mere few minutes earlier.
I kneel down so Tasha and I are at eye level. She looks absolutely giddy, hazel eyes sparkling and teeth showing in a grin. I reach forward, placing a hand on her shoulder under her side braid.
“Now, Tasha, I know you’re Dad and I have been over worrying, but we’re still very happy for and proud of you. I think you’ll love it here. However, if you ever feel bad or lonely or sad, don’t hesitate to call us. We’ll always be here for you. Okay?”
She rolls her eyes while still smiling. “I know, I know. Don’t worry, I’m a big girl, Papa. I can take care of myself.”
I sigh, tilting her chin to look me right in the eye. “But here’s the thing, you don’t have to. You’re only eleven, darling. You’re still a kid and should get to act like one, even while you’re living away from us. Dad and I were forced to grow up far too fast at your age. We had to deal with a lot of stuff all on our own at Watford that we shouldn’t have had to. So never feel like you can’t talk to us, or that you have to cope with anything alone. We’re your parents and we’re here for you. Even when you’re here. Okay?”
Tasha’s expression softens, and I think she finally gets it. She nods slowly. “Okay, Papa. I’ll remember that.”
“Good. Now can I have a hug? Or are you too big for that?”
She smiles again. “Never.” She throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I laugh and squeeze her back. I try to memorise the feel of her embrace. I’ll need to remember when I inevitably miss her too much. Suddenly, two other arms try to engulf us. We both look down at Ebb, trying to hug both of us at once with his relatively small eight year old arms. I laugh and bring him into the hug with us.
“Hey! No group hugs without me!” Simon shouts before embracing all three of us. We sit there for far too long. Because this is the last time we’ll be able to do this for awhile. All four of us together. Even though I know we’ll see Tasha again soon, I have to will my heart from breaking.
Slowly, we pull apart, Simon unsurprisingly the most reluctant. He subtly wipes away a tear. I can’t blame him. I’m a breath away from crying too.
“Alright,” Snow says, voice only cracking a bit. “Got all your stuff? Laptop? Books? Wand?”
Tasha nods rapidly. “Yup, yup, and,” she opens her jacket and pulls out her wand, “yup!”
“Okay, okay, good. We’ll bring anything if you forgot it.”
“I know you will. But I’ve checked my list five times, I’ve got everything.” Simon’s face twists slightly. Tasha walks forward, taking his hand. “You can still come visit me, y’know. You don’t need the excuse of bringing me stuff. I still want you to come.”
I keep myself from laughing. She can see right through Simon. It’s absolutely hilarious and adorable. Simon smiles wryly, then scoops her up in a big hug, spinning her around as she giggles.
He sighs as he puts her down, patting her head. “How did you get so smart?”
“Well, Papa taught me a lot.”
Snow raises an eyebrow. “And what about me?”
Tasha shrugs, unsuccessfully hiding her smirk. “You helped I guess.”
He shoves her head playfully. “Well, you definitely have Papa’s sense of humour too.”
She sticks her tongue out. Which is definitely more of a Snow move than a Pitch one.
Simon, Ebb, and I hand her the luggage and backpack we brought. Ebb gives her his most favourite rock to, according to him, “keep her dreams nice.” She accepts it happily. Simon gives her one last tight hug.
“Now,” he says as he pulls back, “remember, you should learn, but have fun too. Also, be nice to your roommate. You have no idea how you two could end up.” He gives me a small wink. I roll my eyes smiling. Yeah, like the two of us are a common occurrence.
“I’ll remember, Daddy. Love you,” Tasha says sweetly.
“Love you, too, darling.”
She moves over to Ebb and hugs him tightly. He’s crying unabashedly. (We’ll definitely need to have ice cream tonight for him. Well, for all of us.)
“Bye Bye, Tashy,” he mumbles sadly into her shoulder.
“Bye for now, Ebby.”
Once released, Ebb immediately runs to hug Simon, still whimpering. Poor little guy, I’ll hug him later too. She stops at me. There’s a small tear in the corner of her eye. I lean down and wipe it away, and press a kiss to her forehead.
“Good luck, little puff. I love you lots.”
She kisses my cheek in return. “Thanks, Papa. Love you too”
With that, she walks towards the gate. It opens for her, like it should. Once the guard checks her in, she gives us one last wave and dashes across the Great Lawn without shame. Simon chuckles under his breath.
“I still think she’s worse than Gil,” he says, still holding our moping son.
I put my arm across his shoulders. “Don’t tell Bunce that. She’ll hang it over us for years.”
“Of course not.” He sighs, his head leaninging against me. “Today’s our anniversary, y’know.”
“We got married in the spring, Snow. You’re getting dotty in your old age”
“No no, not that one. Anniversary of the day we first met. When the crucible brought us together.”
“Hm, that’s very true.” I turn to him, one brow quirked. “Would you have guessed on that day that we’d end up here?”
Simon smiles, simply content. “Nope. But I’m glad we did.”
I kiss his lips once softly. And it’s absolutely perfect. “Me too.”
“Daddy? Papa?” Ebb says, still sniffling a bit. “Can we have chicken fingers for lunch? I’m sad. Chicken fingers make me happy.”
I sigh, petting his hair. “Sure, little puff. I think we all need some happy food. Agreed, Snow?”
“Agreed, love.”
We load back into the car. I take the driver’s seat this time. Snow puts on some upbeat pop music, which immediately improves Ebb’s mood. They sing along terribly as usual. It makes my ears hurt, sure, but I’m too happy.
I still remember all those years ago, clear as day. I remember being drawn to that grimy boy with blue eyes and bronze curls holding his stupid red ball. Standing in front of him, little did I know how he’d change my life. Or how I’d change his. Even when I fell in love with him, I truly never thought we’d end up like this. Married, with kids, singing off key Top 40 hits with our youngest after dropping off our eldest at Watford.
And I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.
AN: And that's a wrap folks! Phew, 30 days, 23 fics, it's been nuts! But it's been lots of fun. Seriously I've really enjoyed doing this. Thank you to all the people who left kudos and comments on AO3, and those who liked and reblogged my posts here. You're kind words made my day. Thank you so so much <3
Of course, I'm not done writing snowbaz fics, haha. Now I'll be working on the final kiss fic requests, which I haven't forgotten about I promise! And I hope to publish them in the new year. So look out for those! :D
On a final note, happy holidays y'all :)
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Furry Little Friend
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Word Count:  1682
Summary:  Simon and Baz decide to get a new addition to their household. Based on "adopting a pet" prompt from anonymous
Read on AO3
AN:  This was great to write. Two of my favourite things in the world, snowbaz and kittens! Thank you to the prompter of this, because it gave me something really fun to do while staying up all night. Enjoy this tooth rotting fluff, everyone :)
“Hey, Baz?”
My head snaps up. Snow sits across me at our puny excuse for a dining room table. He’s tracing circles on the wood surface, looking at his fingers. But his eyes are somewhere else.
“Yes, love?”
“What do you think about pets?”
I make a “hm” sound and shrug (I���ve picked up Snow’s habits). “Honestly, I have no opinion. I’ve never had one. Father and Daphne don’t like animals. Plus, the twins are both horribly allergic. Why do you ask?”
Snow shrugs, playing with his broccoli disinterestedly. “I don’t know. I’ve always imagined what it’d be like to have one. A little furry friend to cuddle with. It’d be nice, right?”
I smirk. “Are my cuddles not enough, Snow?”
He rolls his eyes and scoffs. “Oh please, darling, you know what I mean. It’s just a thought.”
The corner of my lip pulls up. “M-hm. Alright.”
Simon gives me glare. He knows just as well that his “just a thought”s can become a lot more. He returns to eating his food. I reach out my bare foot towards him, running a toe up and down his ankle. I see a little smile play on his lips. Merlin, I love him.
“Baz, look at this!”
I put down my book as Snow shoves his tablet in my face. “Crowley, hold your horses, Snow.”
It’s the North London Adoption Centre site. And there’s a huge page filled with pictures of tiny furry adorable kittens and cats. With big eyes and fluffy tails. Snow reaches over and and scrolls down. There’s every kind you could think of. Tabby, marmalade, black, grey, calico. All very adorable. My eyes go a bit wide.
“My my,” I say, “that’s quite a few cats.”
“I know right?” Snow says with awe. “There are so many! And they all need homes.”
I flick my gaze down to him. It’s been two days since he mentioned the idea of a pet. And it seems the idea has not left his head. He’s got a sly smile. “You don’t need to play coy, Simon. I know what you’re getting at .”
He sighs. “So what do you think of them?”
I scoff a bit under my breath. “Does it matter? You seem to have made up your mind.”
He furrows his brow and frowns. “Of course it does! We’re together, and this is our apartment, our life. So what do you think about it?”
Aleister Crowley, he’s fantastic. His ridiculously big, considerate heart knows no bounds. I’ve been party to it for four years now. And his compassionate and caring nature still makes me so damn happy.
I reach out and brush some of his bronze curls out of his freckled face. I smile as softly as I can. “I think we should make a trip to North London this weekend. That alright with you?”
He grins and hugs my torso. I put down the tablet and hug him back. “Absolutely.”
We just sit there for a bit, enjoying each other’s embrace. Eventually Simon pulls away with a big open mouthed grin on his face.
“We’re going to have a fur baby!” he yells, throwing his arms up for flourish
I groan and hold my head in my hands. “Bloody hell, don’t say it like that.”
The tube ride is quite nerve racking. This is a big thing in reality. A big step, a big responsibility.
So we’re both anxious, though Snow shows it more in his body, as always. His leg is shaking and he’s chewing his nails. He hasn’t done that for months. It worries me. I reach out and take his hand, removing it from the abuse of his teeth. I lace our fingers together. I immediately see some of the tension release from his body. He looks over at me, blue eyes soft and grateful. He lays his head on my shoulder, and doesn’t move it until we get off.
The Adoption Centre looks like any other London building. Thin and tall, squished together with other storefronts. There’s some scaffolding in front, but a large sign assures us it’s still open. We give each other one last reassuring look, and stroll in.
“Hello! Welcome to the North London Adoption Centre.” A nice smiling lady greets us. Her name tag reads Janice. Simon immediately reaches out and shakes her hand.
“Hi! I’m Simon, and this is my boyfriend, Baz.”
I nod to her. “Good day.”
Simon takes my hand and squeezes lightly. “We’re looking to adopt a cat.”
Janice chuckles. “Well, you’ve come to the right place. Let me show you our furry residents.”
She leads us down to a row of cat carriers. Most of the cute kitties look at us from inside their carpeted cages. Simon’s mouth hangs open in awe.
“Now,” Janice says, “what kind of cat are you looking for?”
“A cat one?” Simon says cheekily. I elbow his side.
“We want a friendly one,” I say. “One who isn’t afraid of people, a lap cat if you will. Also healthy. I read you’re supposed to look for clear eyes to make sure of that.” Of course I did my research. I always like to be prepared.
Janice nods. “I see. Well, I can show you our newest kittens. They’re very sweet. C’mere.”
She takes us to a larger crate. We kneel down to the ground. There’s a whole litter in there. They’re a mix of light brown tabbies and gingera. My heart flutters. I’m not immune to the adorableness of kittens, I’ll admit that. (I’m dead, not heartless.) Simon most certainly isn’t either. He looks like he’s about to melt into a puddle. Janice opens the the door and tries to coax out one of the furballs. Most slink back. But one steps out.
It’s a ginger one. Light orange around most of it’s body, with darker stripes all around. It’s big pale blue eyes stare up at us. Simon turns to Janice.
“May I?” he says.
“By all means,” she replies.
Simon reaches out to the kitten. It sniffs his fingers, then rubs up against him. I can hear it purring very loudly. Snow cups it’s little face.
“What’s it’s name?” I ask.
“Well, we’ve just been calling her Fuzz, but obviously the name can be changed,” Janice says.
I reach out to Fuzz as well. She nuzzles the back of my palm, seemingly unbothered by my naturally low body temperature. “She’s quite affectionate, I see.”
Janice nods with a smile. “Yes, she is. And she seems to like you two.”
I flick my eyes over to Snow, one eyebrow raised and smirking. “Yes, she does.”
Snow smirks back. This is one of those times when we don’t need to say anything to know what the other is thinking. Bunce calls it “lovey dovey telepathy”. A ridiculous name. I just love that Simon and I can speak without words.
“We’ll take her,” we say at the same time.
Turns out Fuzz hates travelling in cat crates. We’re taking a cab home, and she will not stop yelling her tiny head off.
“I don’t know what’s got her bothered,” Simon sighs, “she was fine at the Centre.”
I shrug. “Maybe it’s the movement. I mean, I would be quite surprised if I was suddenly racing about with no explanation.”
Snow reaches his hand into cage, stroking Fuzz with two fingers. She immediately calms down and starts purring like a happy jet engine.
“There there, fuzzy girl,” he whispers. “It’s alright.”
I reach my own fingers in. I feel her rub against my knuckles, her purr vibrating through my bones. It’s one of the most adorable, comforting things I’ve ever experienced.
We reach the flat quickly, thank Merlin. Snow carries the crate, and I carry the bags of supplies we picked up. Toys, dishes, food, litter, and everything else a tiny cat needs. Snow places the carrier on the floor and opens it up. Slowly, Fuzz walks out. She takes stock of her new home. Padding across the laminate floors, sniffing every sniffable thing in site.
I set the shopping bags on the table. Simon is absolutely transfixed by the sight of the little animal. I walk to him, putting an arm around his shoulders.
“We have a cat,” I sigh.
“Yeah,” he says softly. “But you know, I’m not really feeling the name Fuzz.”
I nod. “Agreed. Got something in mind, Simon?”
He turns to me with the world’s biggest shit eating grin. “I was thinking, Cherry.”
I groan, and he laughs. I grip his shoulder a bit, pulling him closer. “Of course, you scone fiend.”
“Well it makes sense! She’s ginger, which is close to red, and cherries are red.”
I cock an eyebrow. “That’s quite a logical work around there, love.”
He shrugs. “We can call her something else, if you like.”
“No, no,” I say as I shake my head. “Cherry is a very good name. Though, I think her middle name should be Kishi.”
Snow is taken aback a bit. “Kishi? Where on Earth did that come from.”
“Ever heard of Kishi Bashi?” Snow stares at me blankly. I sigh. “Kishi Bashi is a violinist, and one of my personal favourites. So I think if you pick Cherry, a name from something you love, then I can pick from something I love.”
Simon’s mouth blooms into a smile. He lays his head on my shoulder and grabs my hand. “I like that. Cherry Kishi Snow-Pitch.”
I watch as Cherry kneads the sofa with her little paws. She turns to us and mews, staring at us with her beautiful blue eyes. I smile. “Cherry Kishi Snow-Pitch it is, then.”
Cherry falls asleep between us that night. Simon manages to pet her into coma. He drifts off with a smile, one hand on her and one loosely holding mine. I’m awake, just looking at the two of them. It really hits me now, more than ever. Here I am, lying with Simon Snow, in our bed, in our flat, with our cat.
Aleister Crowley, I’m living a charmed life.
Bonus Texts: Simon: Heyyyyy Penny. Me and Baz got a cat. Her name is Cherry Kishi Snow-Pitch and shes gr8t and super cute and fluffy. Btw we still having dinner next week rite? Penny: YOU AND BAZ DID WHAT?!
I had too much fun writing this haha. I do have a cat. Her name is Saffron “Saffy” Elijah Liberty Bell (long story, weird family, don’t ask). She hates cat carriers too, and I can pet her into a coma occasionally, but she is definitely not a lap cat. Actually she hates almost everyone. We have that in common lol. 
But yeah, I truly believe Simon and Baz would get a cat like a pair of old queens and treat her like a princess. Simon would be way more openly affectionate than Baz, but Baz would be just as caring and overprotective. Cherry would be so pampered :D
Sidenote: North London Adoption Centre is a real place, and I have no idea how it looks on the inside, but I guessed. Hopefully I did it justice. And I hope you all liked this fic :)
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