#and Hank awww
venompinks · 14 days
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princess ୨୧
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Man this sounds like a nightmare to you
I saw "Moira" and it was a fucking nightmare from then on. I'm not sure I can even read past her name. I don't think I want to know the rest. I know too much about her already.
I would like her to die, thanks.
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kettusaurus · 2 years
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‘ officer ruzek, i am here to inform you that you have been stripped of your police powers until the chief determines your future. ‘
‘ it’s a shame. the cops who do nothing can never get in trouble.         – wouldn’t you say, deputy? ‘
me: oH LOOK AT THAT. THE CONCERN, ONCE AGAIN. ?: are you going to make this into– me: ♥ VOIZEK ♥ ?: yea.. there you go, continuing your madness
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itachi86 · 1 year
nick threatening valentina with hank tho
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Everytime I hear Hank Green curse I get the same feeling I feel when a baby child curses
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Astro observations part 6
🪻Individuals with Sun in Taurus degrees (2,14,26) are always thinking about money - how they can earn more money, what to spend it on. If it's in Scorpio or conjuncts Pluto, they'll often lie about how much money they actually have just to profit off of you. You'll often hear them say "I don't have any money" but secretly have stash of money hidden in their house
🪻Not only do Aquarius Suns have a lot of friends, they also befriend the shy/awkward/forgotten kid (me). I haven't noticed this with other Sun signs
🪻People with Venus in Leo/Leo degrees (5,17,29) often get complimented on their thick hair
🪻Asteroid Fraga (1105) conjuncting any of your planets/angles/nodes indicates your love for strawberries lol
🪻 Check your Moon in Webb (3041) Persona chart. It gives you more insight on the type of content you like to consume on the internet. You can also take into consideration the degree of your Moon
Aries 🌙 - *watches sports matches live*; *laughs at stupid, childish memes *
Taurus 🌙 - the one who always searches for tutorials; "how to bake lava cake", "how to remove a stripped screw"; hmm, maybe i should move *searches houses for sale*;
Gemini 🌙 - *watches memes*, doesn't care what kind of meme it is as long as it's a meme; *scrolls endlessly on r/todayilearned*
Cancer 🌙 - *watches baby videos*; the type that reads family drama posted on reddit, but also regularly checks what their own relatives post on social media
Leo 🌙 - the newest tea on their fav celebrities; they're the first to know what Zendaya ate this morning, where Tom Hanks went on vacation yesterday and if Kylie Jenner is pregnant again; awww a kitty *ends up in an endless loophole of cat videos*
Virgo 🌙 - "declutter with me" videos, "clean with me" videos; *checks their fav blog every day*; *watches workout videos while working out*; *checks e-mails 20 times a day*; ugh, i need to take a break *watches pet videos*
Libra 🌙 - "get ready with me for..." videos, "OOTD" videos, make-up tutorials; their pinterest is full of outfit inspo and aesthetic house decor; "red/green flags in a guy/girl" videos, "first date do's and don'ts" videos
Scorpio 🌙 - *watches every true crime documentary out there*; "Michael Jackson spirit box session"; time to do the deed *watches p8rn*
Sagittarius 🌙 - *saves bible verses all the time*; searches "how to manifest everything you want", obsessed with Neville Goddard content (i'm so sorry, i'm guilty of this); *decides to go on a spontaneous trip, so they end up watching travel videos*
Capricorn 🌙 - the type that doesn't use the internet for entertainment much; actually, you'd be surprised by how little they use their phone compared to the average person; probably has a daily time limit set on their phones, *reads memoirs and biographies*,
Aquarius 🌙 - twitch is their life basically; if they're not watching someone play a video game, then they're playing a video game; *follows LGBTQ+ content during pride month*
Pisces 🌙 - they're listening to music 24/7, has a playlist for every mood they're going through, *watches tangled for the 7th time in a row*; actually, they're always watching a tv series if not for a disney movie
🪻I noticed that most film directors (Hitchcock, Kubrick, Tarantino) have got Neptune in Gemini or Neptune in Gemini degrees (3,15,27). Besides Hitchcock, they also don’t have any aspect between Neptune and Mercury
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zu-is-here · 7 months
Oh my god Detroit Become Human + UTMV I love you so much Zu. Please tell us more about your ideas <3
Awww I'm happy to hear it, thanks a lot! (〃ω〃)
It was a spontaneous thought and I didn't think much, so feel free to share your ideas as well! ☆
Connor!Ink: he & Hank!Error were the first on my mind, they seem to fit these roles so well (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) From disgust towards an annoying partner to friendship... in the best scenario =)
Elijah!Nightmare does look like a rich genius who might "invent" feelings, and the test scene would prove if Ink can kill for the sake of the script, or show empathy like a living being.
Markus!Cross: Kao noticed that X!Gaster must be Carl, and that's right! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Maybe he's not that evil (yet with no legs in pain), so he has Cross (with no "scar" yet) to help him around the house.
What if X!Papyrus is Leo?.. Well, Cross puts himself back together, piece by piece, including a new red eye... and finds Jericho, with North!Dream and others <3
Kara!Lust*: Fell may be Todd muhaha >:D Lust and [unknown child] run away and then find big Luther!Horror (//ówò//) (rise up HorrorLust fans <3)
I'm not sure about Zlatko though, it must be someone... kind yet suspicious :) So many characters and even more possibilities! ♪
* There are also other options for this route, like:
Kara!Dream, Zlatko!XGaster and Luther!Cross.
Kara!Outer, Zlatko!Nightmare and Luther!Killer.
In short, try and enjoy your favs! ;D
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Awww that would be so sad yet so good! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)✧ Nightmare knowing that Neil loves Dream more than him... must be such a pain for him ♡_(:3 」∠)_
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Oh, any ship child would fit here imho, and maybe not only Cream ones <3 So it's up to you! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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Heheh for real! (༶ૢ˃̵̑◡˂̵̑༶ૢ) Thank youuu <3
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skyetenshi · 5 months
Schrottplatzkids, ich warne vor, der folgende Post und eventuele rebloggs meinerseits können seltsam werden.
Ich habe vor mir "Das Erbe das Drachen" anzusehen, ich hab bereits einen halben Mojito intus und der wirkt fantastisch weil ich seit 9 Stunden praktisch nichts mehr gegessen habe. Meine Wangen sind heiß, meine Augen tränen aus mir unerfindlichen Gründen und ich bin bereit wegen dem Film komplett auszurasten (sowohl im positiven als auch im negativen, das wird sich zeigen, hauptsache keine halben Sachen.).
Let's go.
Okay.... ich fühle das intro!
Und Blacky <3
Ah, und Familie Jonas. Ich mag den Vibe, aber mein mojito und ich sind hesitant.
Großartig, ich habe 5 Sekunden Peter gesehen und fühle mich jetzt schon mit ihm, weil man ihm das sehr typische Daddy-kommt-nicht-zu-deinem-Sportevent-Trope verpasst hat. Und für den Hörspiel-Peter fühle ich dieses Trope gar nicht. Bei dem fühlt es sich eher an als zöge er seine Bestätigung rein aus dem Sport, aber dann wieder rum sind die Jungs hier noch etwas jünger und das könnte sich natürlich noch entwickeln, gerade daraus, dass Vaddi immer wieder mal nicht auftaucht.
Awww Bob ist süß, charming und langhaarig. Ich adoptiere ihn jetzt.
*quietsch* Speedy Pete! Natürlich muss auch der Film in auf die Masse an seltsamen Spitznamen, die Peter bekommt drauflegen. Fantastisch.
Und ich bin noch keine 5 Minuten im Film, aber die Background Musik und Farbgebung/Beleuchtung erinnert mich an Life is Strange, was ich nicht erwartet hätte aber nicht unwillkommen ist.
Und Rocky Beach ist sehr hübsch.
Die Zentrale ist deutlich zu aufgeräumt für unsere Chaoten, aber lassen wir das.
Übrigends ein fantastischen Detail, den Totenkopf auf der Truhe zu zeigen. Das sorgt für eine gewisse zeitliche Einordnung.
Okay, ich muss Peter auch adoptieren. Mr Shaw bekommt noch mehr Minuspunkte in der Dadnote. Peter sieht halt in einem Facecall eine verstörte Frau, die rumkreischt und fragt seinen Vater was da los ist und der wirft ihm vor im Detektivmodus zu sein. ALTER! Als wäre es nicht normal zu fragen, was los ist wenn man eine offensichtlich panische Frau sieht. Das nennt sich Menschlichkeit, du Arsch.
Nebenbei absolutes Kompliment an den Schauspieler von Peter. Seltsen konnte man jemanden so sehr ansehen, wie abgefuckt und enttäuscht man von den eigenen Eltern ist.
Entschuldigt mal, ich glaube Peters Vater hat ihm gerade auf den Arsch gehauen. ....ich check das kurz. Ja Mr Shaw haut seinem eigenen Sohn mit einem Technik-Koffer auf den Hintern. Weil er möchte dass die Jungen ins Auto einsteigen. ...willkommen zu den Drei ??? und das misshandelte Kind. (Ach so heißt der Film nicht...? Sind wir sicher?)
Ich muss gestehen, ich finds ein wenig schade, dass wir nach 10 Minuten schon in Rumänien angekommen sind. Ich hätte gerne noch mehr Rocky Beach gesehen.
Oh in Rumänien wird Bob erst mal vom Hausmeister auf rumänisch angemotzt und angepackt. Was sind das für Menschen die einfach Random Kinder angrabbeln?
Die Drei ??? melden sich bei Hank zum Dienst als Kunstblutexperten beim Filmdreh und Peter ist verhalten glücklich, weil das Schloss natürlich angeblich bespukt wird. Dann taucht aber sein Vaddern auf und er sieht instant viel gestresster aus und blickt zu seinen Freunden, wie um Hilfe zu bitten.
Ich weiß, dass der Film für Kinder ist, aber in meinem Erwachsenengehirn eskalieren alle Alarmglocken, für misshandelte Kinder.
(Und... wirklich? Kunstblutexperten? Blut ist nun wirklich kein Novum in Hollywood. Da gibt es Experten für, ohne dass man den eigenen Sohn und dessen Freunde mitschlept. Das kann man auch schon fertig kaufen.)
Natürlich ist Mr Shaw schon wieder ein Arsch. Peter erwähnt nur kurz Spuk und schon steht er da mit "Ich dachte, wir hätten eine Abmachung?" Like what? In einem alten Schloss in Transilvanien zu stehen einen Film über das Vorbild von Dracula zu machen und dabei niemals das Wort Spuk zu erwähnen? WTF.
Und direkt wird Peter wieder von seinem Vaddern angepfiffen, für etwas, was er nicht wissen konnte. Na vielen Dank auch. In den Szenen mit seinem Vater hat Peter praktisch auch gar keinen Text. Das alles spricht wirklich nicht für eine gesunde Vater-Sohn-Beziehung.
Die Jungs finden die Gräfin in einem Schaukelstuhl sitzend und um zu testen, ob sie noch lebt wollte Justus ihr ins Gesicht patschen. That could work, i guess.
(Der Post wird für tumblr zu lang, machen wir in einem reblogg weiter)
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kayla1507 · 2 years
Hank: Connor, did I ever tell you that you cook well?
Connor: Awww, no Hank!
Hank: So why the fuck do you keep cooking?
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r95irth · 6 months
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Awww hank you so so much for this gift !
Well i choose Treat :D
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Awww, he turned three, time for his first knife!!!
Hank Green
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
That Z podcast (why she snuck out of the australian premiere), is so sweet 🥰 her leavimg just to meet fans is soo nice, and the hosts talking about how genuine,warm and thankful she seemed as a young movie star... kindness really goes a long way. Them talkimg about theres a difference between an actor and movie stars (Margot, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise) and the movie stars put on a "show" (im guessing them having a "it" quality or just beimg kind/interacting with fans). And thats ome of the reasons why Z is THAT gurl 😌
Awww.... 🥰 That's our Zendaya! ❤️
I haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast yet (I'm at work), but I can't wait to listen! Sounds like a great interview! 👍🏾
Also, I'm not sure if that's the real difference btwn an "actor" and a "movie star"? 🤔 I know of plenty of actors who are kind and gracious for their fans.
I actually think a "movie star" is what the people make you based on your STAR QUALITY. But maybe that's just me? 🤷🏾‍♀️
There are plenty of "movie stars" who treat their fans like trash unfortunately 👀 Thankfully, most of those types seem to be few and far between.
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rusty-guitar-strings · 8 months
ari's thoughts on mentopolis episode 3: f for freezer
caution here there be spoilers
starting this abt 15 minutes in: conrad bb no do not turn urself in pls
also someone mentioned thinking justin might be evil so now im sus of him oops
alternate title for the episode: fuck it we ball
no one: the fix: did you know- (he is so me coded)
no character art for elias?
a key in her freezer???? wtf oh ok lmao
hanks small smile at "mr the fix" i am meltingggggg
eagles hold on so tight they have to make an active effort to let go and we are all eagles holding onto something and we have to work to let it go and the fix is an eagle and is never gonna let go of conrad bc i decided that just now and DAMN U MR GREEN THIS IS TOO GOOD
justin needs a pipe and a deerstalker actually. dogtective
(dont smoke, kids) (almost typed that as just dont smoke kids which you should probably also not do)
awww ofc alex would remember fawn as conrad ueueueue i love,,, himb (conrad. alex's pronouns are they/them. i love them as well :>)
"they forgot me" nOOOOO
conrad is driving oh god
the drama of anastasia being estranged
very little dominance,,, massive self doubt,,, are we sure this aint MY brain
i assume ivana was there for the skate incident
elias has a TWIN SISTER omg
so elias wanted to run, not fight
i hate mr bition but ya he and the fix were prolly a thing i see the tension lmao
ok i REALLY hate mr bition he seems like an ableist piece of shit GET HIS ASS THE FIX
god ok gonna get briefly a bit personal here so i was raised with the mindset of "you dont get to do the things you want to do until you've finished all the things you need to do" and when you have executive dysfunction its hard to do anything at all, so i never really finished the things i needed to get done on time which resulted in a lot of being yelled at and things being confiscated and such. so m bition's monologue kinda hits
you are the only thing standing in your way,,,
wait is the key talking??? the key is like the manifestation of the psychometer prolly
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detroitbecomeonline · 11 months
DBH RARE PAIRS WEEK Day 5 // May 26th Connor x PM700 [CON700] + Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter/Peaceful
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The DPD thinks that Connor and Puma go idle for maintenance purposes, but really, they're hanging out here... Away from the chaos of the world.
Soulless Creatures by AURORA. Spotify. Lyrics.
Black Water Lilies by AURORA. Spotify. Lyrics.
Dates to: The cinema, the aquarium, late-night drives around Detroit, hiking trails, playing card games, trips to waterfalls, and museums. Any excuse to hold hands and look at pretty things together. Also, they're an unbeatable Dance Dance Revolution power duo.
Serious faces, cold demeanours, but faint smiles for each other.
Script concepts:
Connor, famous last words: They're machines, Lieutenant. They don't feel anything. - Puma: I thought I might stay in your mind palace tonight. Connor: Why? Puma: Because we're partners. Connor: To do what? Puma: Connor: Puma: I'm actually not sure. - Connor: If I were to feel, Lieutenant, it'd be for her. - Puma: You're so petty! Connor: And conceited. I misheard that and thought you said pretty. - Hank: Awww he's sleeping. Connor: Connor, suddenly opening his eyes: Actually, I'm on standby mo— Hank: GAH JESUS CHRIST YOU CREEPY SHIT YOU SCARED ME (Based on this post.)
Check out my DBH Rare Pairs Week feed here. DBH Rare Pairs Week event information. @dbhrarepairs
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dogmomwrites · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes
This tag came from @autumnalwalker, so thanks for including me in this game!
Gonna pass it on with soft tags to @catchingbigfish, @iamwritehere, @the-finch-address, @taveren-writing, and @bardic-tales, as well as leaving it an open tag! Rules— share incorrect quotes with your OCs using this link
using some characters from my Castle series cus I think I used characters from my unnamed wip last time. Some of these are...more in character than I think they're supposed to be lmao
Seen: What happened?!  Ryder: Do you want the long version or the short version?  Seen: Sh-short??  Ryder: Shit's fucked.  Seen: Okay, long.  Ryder: Shit's very fucked. 
Hank: Awww, why don't you like cats, Mickey? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??  Mickey: I don't know Hank, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.  Hank:  Mickey: I'm ALLERGIC. 
Red: I ran into Ryder in the kitchen at 1 AM last night and when I asked them what they were doing, they just shrugged, said “these are my roaming hours,” and wandered off, strumming vaguely on their guitar. 
Ryder: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it.  Mickey: ...what happened?  Ryder: I made a VERY bad mistake. 
Blue: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it?  Chase, looking at Blue: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful?  Blue and Chase in unison: *sighs* Red 
Hank: Look, I’m glad everyone’s on the same page.  Hank: But it’s the last page in a book titled “we’re all going to die”.  Seen: That’s not even clever. 
Neal: You’re giving me a sticker?  Blue: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”  Neal: I’m not a preschooler.  Blue: Fine, I’ll take it back-  Neal: I earned this, back off! 
Mickey: I’m sad.   Hank: Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das.   Hank: And das not good. 
Mickey: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it?  Seen, looking at Mickey: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful?  Mickey and Seen in unison: *sighs* Red 
Ryder: My head hurts.  Red: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity 
Hank: Do you think different paints have different tastes?  Ryder: They do.  Chase: ...Why did you say that with such certainty? 
Hank, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume?  Seen: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle*  Seen:  Seen: It's perfume. 
Seen: Why are you on fire?  Neal: This is just how my day is going. 
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randomchips · 9 months
Awww Hank's kids helping him play is so 😭
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