#and I LOVE Kiell also
lovely-v · 6 months
I'm like 2 seasons late by now but taskmaster season 15 is soooo fucking funny
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ghostfacd · 1 year
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pairing; slytherin!luke x fem!hufflepuff!reader
summary; in which luke hughes kills someone for you, but not in the way you would think
genre; fluff, teeny tiny angst but it’s not between luke & reader, hogwarts!au, “hates everybody but you” trope, blackcat bf!luke + golden retriever!gf reader
author’s note; this is the last addition to the slytherin!luke hogwarts series before yn and him graduate !! there will be so much more parts of them after hogwarts so definitely stay tuned for that ^_^ luke is a changed man yall! we love affectionate lukey <3
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Luke Hughes was a very cold person, there was no doubt in that.
He liked his social circle small, and only really interacted with those who were in Slytherin or in his Quidditch team. It was definitely a shocker when the students had found out that he was dating a Hufflepuff of all people, you.
The boy sat himself down in the common room of Slytherin, his icy gaze fixed on the flickering fire in the room. You walked into the room a bit later, eyes instantly searching for Luke.
You had to go fetch your textbooks and told him to meet you there. As always, he gave a curt nod and went about his way.
"Hi Lukey," you greet him softly, taking a seat beside him. "How was your day?"
Luke glanced at you briefly, his expression unreadable.
“It was fine lovie,” he says. He glances towards his two close friends, who were also in Slytherin. They were arguing quietly, hands moving in distress.
Luke had always kept his emotions and display of affection to low in public. It’s not like he was embarrassed of you, he wasn’t, but he didn’t want people to be up in his love life. He liked to love you behind closed doors rather than openly, it was just who Luke Hughes was.
“What’s wrong with them?” You ask, concerned.
“They’re having a disagreement,” Luke watches as Mark sighs sharply, hand coming up to his hair in frustration.
“I don’t get it! Why do you always have a problem with me talking to other girls?!” Mark yells, running his fingers through his hair in a rushed manner.
“Really? You really don’t get it? Fine Mark! Do whatever you want! I don’t care!” Kielle lets out an angry huff as she marches over to where you two are sitting. Luke, being the attentive person he is, already knew what she was coming for. He handed Kielle her bag, letting the girl walk off to cool herself down.
“Idiot,” Luke says to Mark as soon as he comes down to sit next to the two of you.
You shake your hand at your boyfriend, hand coming to hold his. “Lukey, that’s mean.”
“Yeah Lukey, stop being fucking mean,”
Luke was about to jump at his best friend, already annoyed at the fact that he had made Kielle upset.
“Whoa!” Quinn appears out of nowhere, holding his younger brother back. “Guys, no fighting. We’re all friends, remember?”
He turns to look at you, “hey YN, how about you come back another time? Let these boys cool down or something,”
You nod, already feeling overwhelmed by the tension in the room. You kiss Luke on the cheek, something that he slightly flinches at, which makes your raise your eyebrows.
“Bye Lu, I’ll see you later.”
He gives you a curt nod.
When you arrive back at the Hufflepuff Common Room, you had texted Luke right away. He felt bad for letting his emotions take over him, especially right in front of you.
“I don’t even know why YN likes him,” a Slytherin who Luke had not cared enough to know the name of, whispered, “he’s just always so cold, you know? Like yeah, I guess that’s just his personality, but if I were her, I would be sick of it. I need a golden retriever boyfriend, not somebody who always looks like they’d rather be dead than be with me.”
Even though Luke has heard shit being talked about him quite literally all the time—it didn’t make it hurt any less. The last time he let his insecurities get the best of him—you two had broken up. He didn’t want that to happen, not again. He loved you far too much to lose you.
So he pivots. Right into Kielle’s dorm, which, if any Professor had saw, he would’ve gotten in massive trouble for it.
“Why are you here?” She asks. She doesn’t even have to turn around to know that it’s her best friend Luke. Nobody else would walk as quietly as he did, and nobody else would enter without knocking.
“I need help, I guess,” he mutters, letting himself fall face first into the comfort of her silk mattress.
“Alright, go on.”
“I don’t even know what to do Kiels,” Luke groans from beneath the pillow, “I just feel like I could do better for YN, you know? I mean, I literally broke things off before because I was too fucking insecure. And now, the insecurities are getting to me again. I used to not care about what people said about me, but maybe they’re right.”
“Shut up Luke,” Kielle pulls the heartbroken boy over to his side so that she could face him, “don’t you dare talk that way about yourself. Luke, you’re more than enough for YN. Sure, you’re closed off and cold but we can all tell you love her.”
“Thanks Kiels,” he sniffles, taking a sweater from her bed and placing it on himself. “Is this Mark’s sweater?”
“Yeah, I need to return it to him.” The girl sighs, “what an asshole.”
“Can you give me advice at least?”
“Okay,” Kielle sits herself next to him, placing on her own sweatshirt, “just show her you love her I guess? Girls love it when the guy they’re dating isn’t afraid to show them off. I know you don’t really like PDA but it would probably mean the world to her if you showed more affection in front of others.”
Luke nods, taking in the girl’s words fully. It was easy, he thinks. He loved you, so it wouldn’t be hard to display his affection. What was hard was doing it publicly. He rarely kissed you in public; mostly just a bit of hand holding and back hugging. That or cheek kisses.
“But if I.. do PDA.. then I’ll betray my image.” Luke sighs, “my image is very dear to me.”
“You mean the image that makes everybody shit on you?” Kielle laughs, but quickly stops when she sees Luke frustrated, “okay sorry Lu. But really, is your image dearer to you than YN?”
“No,” Luke mutters, “not dearer than YN.”
“There you have it Lu,” the girl wraps her arms around the much taller boy, pulling him in for a tight hug. “Hey, don’t work yourself up over what those dumbasses are saying about you okay? YN loves you, I can see it.”
“Thanks Kiels,” Luke says, pulling away to wrap his arms around Kielle’s shoulder. “I’ll get Mark to apologize. He’s a dick for talking to other girls. It may not look like it, but he’s obsessed with you. He’s just too dumb to realize what he’s doing.”
Kielle shrugs, getting up and going over to sit herself on her desk chair. “Yeah, that’s Estapa for you.”
- -
When Luke Hughes arrives back at his dorm, he knew exactly what he had to do. He had to change, not only for you, but for himself.
There were no more bottling up emotions, no more making you cry or upset, and most definitely no more of being a bad boyfriend.
He was going to bury his old self. It was a decision that he stood by, knowing it meant it will better the relationship for the both of you. Doing it, however, was a lot harder than he had imagined.
“Alright Luke,” he reassures himself, “you’re doing this for your girlfriend. ‘Cause you love her. And you want the best for her.”
The next day, Luke Hughes arrives to class with a bright smile, so bright that it actually scares the shit out of Mark as soon as they make eye contact.
“Holy shit Hughes! Did somebody force you to smile? Blink twice for help!”
“Very funny,” Luke says, pushing the boy back harshly. Mark only laughs, not expecting his best friend to have a smile on his face this early in the morning—or at all, for the matter.
“Hi,” you say shyly as you sat down near your boyfriend. You can’t help but widen your eyes when you see him give you a boyish smile, one that makes your heart flutter inside your chest.
“Hi lovie,” he hesitate for a bit, then intertwines both your hands as he uses his free hand to wrap themselves around your shoulder.
What was going on?
“Now PDA? God Luke, what happened yesterday that made you be a changed man?!” Mark can’t help but holler loudly, quickly stopping when he sees Kielle walk into the room.
“Kiels!” He motions for her to come over, which makes the girl roll her eyes in annoyance.
“You won’t believe it Kiels, Luke is actually smiling, and he’s—he’s wrapping his arms around her shoulder! Publicly!”
“Oh settle down Mark,” Kielle takes a seat next to him, right across from you and Luke. “Glad to see my favorite couple.”
“Thanks Kie,” you reply, blushing tremendously. You hadn’t been this flushed since the day Luke had officially asked you to be his girlfriend.
“I’m guessing you two made up then?” Luke raises his eyebrows.
“Yeah, yesterday,” it was now Mark’s turn to wrap his arms around somebody; that somebody being Kielle. He pulls her close to his body, his face plastered into a wide grin. “I was calling you yesterday nonstop to tell you of the news. Why didn’t you pick up?”
“Just had to do a little burying.”
Mark raises his eyebrows. “You didn’t kill anyone, did you?” His grin grows even wider.
“Not anyone important,” Luke replies.
The two boys burst out into laughter, while you and Kielle look at each other in amusement.
Boys will be boys. And your boys were extremely interesting, to say the least.
“Alright well, Kiels and I are dating. I decided to apologize and we actually spent the night together yesterday,”
Luke’s lips form a straight line before descending into a small smile.
“Congrats.” He says, “but just so you know Estapa, if Kiels ever comes to me crying, you are so dead.”
“Hey! What if I was the one to come crying to you instead?”
“Then you must’ve done something to Kielle that would’ve made her make you cry.”
“Now that’s just unfair,”
You and Kielle can’t help but giggle quietly at your two boyfriends bickering. You didn’t know where the sudden change in Luke came from, but you were glad he was still your sweet, caring boyfriend.
“I love you,” you whisper to him quietly as you lay on his shoulder.
“I love you more.”
And for the first time publicly, Luke Hughes places a long kiss on your lips, eyes closed as he cherishes the moment.
“Gross!” Mark exclaims, “get a room!”
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icannotholdmypen · 7 months
I love when Mike gets mad.
Usually when we see married couples in shows, especially straight couples, you either have straight-up misogyny (don't-tell-the-wife-she'll-bitch-about-it/don't-tell-the-husband-he'll-get-mad) or they overcorrect and you get impossibly placid and understanding couples that never feel any human emotions.
But Mike and Alison are a realistic, loving, respectful couple, and so Mike does get mad. Someone's watching him shower, someone's meddling with his work, someone's prodding his nose in the night, my god a fucking bomb is exploding on him. He has the absolute right to be mad.
and Kiell does such an incredible job at portraying it. you never feel like Alison is in danger because her husband is mad around her, or even at her. you never feel like he's an idiot either, or that he comes around too easily because he is scared of coming across as misogynistic (something that happens mostly when the writers or actors are actually pretty misogynistic and are trying hard not to be, which explains why it isn't like that in this case).
anyways idk how to conclude this line of thought but that's it, shout out to mike cooper and kiell smith-bynoe, you are also the main characters in this story, and shout out to alison and mike for being the most equal and healthy straight couple I've ever seen
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Well that Champion of Champions episode was great. Ridiculously funny from start to finish, and all the tasks were top quality (maybe apart from the studio task, but even that wasn’t bad). I thought every contestant had at least a few really memorable moments.
I love the way the COC episodes get to be celebrations of Taskmaster as a whole. They can’t really do that in the regular episodes, because they’re playing to a studio audience that hasn’t seen the previous episodes from that season, so they try not to call back to too much stuff they haven’t seen. And they’re trying to appeal to casual TV viewers who might not have seen previous seasons, so there aren’t too many references to that either. But I guess they figure that anyone watching Champion of Champions has seen the preceding stuff, and they make it full of references.
I loved bringing back the bandstand from the early seasons, and this was the perfect time for it. I wouldn’t want them to do that in any of the regular episodes, for the same reason why I think Alex is right to say they won’t reuse old tasks – too easy to slip down the road to capitalizing on nostalgia and stop being original. Seeing the new, increasingly elaborate task location is a fun part of all the new seasons, I wouldn’t want to give that up. But bringing back the site of some of the greatest, establishing early Taskmaster moments for a one-off special was perfect.
And then they got in lots of ways to bring back old seasons. Kiell referencing the banana task. Dara’s outfit being a tribute to all of season 14. Ramsey’s name coming up on Sophie Duker’s signs. The comment about proposing to Alex Horne like in season 12. And obviously the constant mentions of Mae Martin. I like how they did that. That they didn’t try to be slick TV and pretend that everything had gone exactly according to plan and this is how the lineup was meant to be; roasting Kiell for an entire episode was much more fun than that.
I think I also agree with what Ed Gamble said on the podcast, that this may be the first time there’s been a Champion of Champions that makes total sense. Let’s be honest, Josh Widdicombe was quite good at Taskmaster but not the best player out of all 25 from the first five seasons (I think that might have been Noel Fielding, but then he chose to mess around and stop being competitive in COC1). And I also agree with Ed Gamble’s assessment that Richard Herring was competent in only one episode of Taskmaster, and it was COC2. That’s what happens when you only have one episode instead of taking the winner from an aggregate. And when you add a Golden Snitch studio task to it. But Dara O’Brien might be the most competent person to play in seasons 11-15, so that’s nice to see him as a Champion of Champions.
So there was a lot to enjoy about the episode for its place in the larger Taskmaster lore, but it was also just enormous fun as a one-off. That’s the other thing that’s fun about the COC episodes – it is cool to see an episode where everyone’s actually trying and no one’s particularly bad at it and everyone brings something interesting to the table.
Alex immediately going way too hard and way too personal when Sophie asked him to insult her. Sarah Kendall clapping for like half the episode and not realizing she was wearing a watch. Dara completing an entire task without even standing up by popping elastics off his head. Morgana remembering that season 12 task where she popped all those ice cubes in her offer and roundly outdoing herself with paint. Dragging the Greg statue across the ground. Sarah Kendall just being furious for the entire episode. Kiell not even bothering to try to find Alex. Kiell getting roasted all episode for the embarrassing flaw of not being Mae Martin. Sophie calling out Greg. Dara's wig montage. Sarah Kendall being absolutely furious. Did I mention that enough? God, I’d missed Sarah Kendall being furious.
Do Something Stupid was a brilliant task concept. I’m glad that stealing things from other versions is a loophole in Alex’s stance against reusing tasks, and I’m glad they found a way to make it broadcastable (though of course we all salute Guy and Urzilla for the lost task that the NZ producers are too cowardly to show us).
Hats off to the new champion. Hats, and wigs off to the new champion.
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ghoultrifle · 9 months
Ghost on Taskmaster !!
Copia is Alex Horne and you cannot convince me otherwise. Awkward rat boy who's subservient to his master? Yeah, rings a bell.
Honestly I don't think any of the papas have the right vibes to be the taskmaster, in my mind it's Omega. Big, strong, kinda mean and takes no shit.
Okay now here's my ghoul-by-ghoul analysis on what kind of contestant they'd be and which past contestant i'd compare them to !!
Aether - Definitely a Jo Brand or Julian Clary. Couldn't give less of a shit, just here for the free food tbh. Will occasionally try but can't be fucked to do anything physical. Everyone loves him for it, too.
Cirrus - Kiell Smith-Bynoe. Ultra competitive, has beef with another contestant (Rain). Effortlessy hilarious in everything she does.
Aurora - Charlotte Ritchie. Dressed appropriately (dungarees). Tries really hard but doesn't always succeed. Very optimistic though :)
Mountain - A mix of Bob Mortimer and Mark Watson. He's a prize task extraordinaire with hundreds of unbelievable (but true) stories. Will also get bullied by the Taskmaster though.
Phantom - Lucy Beaumont and Judi Love vibes. Just doesn't seem to understand what the fuck is going on at any point. A good laugh though and will always fight for points.
Sunny - James Acaster. She's chaos incarnate ("My eyes are circles?"). You think it's a character but as time goes on you begin to question that assumption ajskldfkh.
Rain - Mae Martin. Gay and good at it. No notes.
Cumulus - Al Murray. She's focused but also really cheeky. Always looking for loopholes. Will throw money at the tasks like it's nobody's business.
Dewdrop - Nish Kumar or Katherine Parkinson. People think he's going to be a half decent contestant, but he's actually incredibly shit at everything. Gets annoyed frequently.
Swiss - Ed Gamble. Once again very competitive and will throw a fit if he doesn't win. Can also laugh at himself but secretly dies inside when he does badly on a task. A great podcast host for the after-show interviews.
tagging people who expressed even the tiniest bit of interest so this incredibly niche post doesn't flop @sphylor, @thesunhatesme, @chapel-of-rizztual, @ghouletteanon, @cheerycherrycandy-resurrected, @mikorsghouls
Thank you for listening, have some homoeroticism :)
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panelshowsource · 8 months
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i will work on that and post a set this week :) kiell was very fun!
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hmm i can't say i'm sure about sandi — though i'm loving her hair this series and she's beautiful as ever!
i would also love to know anything about miles' new show, if anyone has details about it to share 🥺 it's gotten lots of positive reviews, pretty solidly 4/5 stars everywhere i've seen. but even without a personal panelshowsource follower review i recommend getting a ticket!! and then coming back and telling us about it!!
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hello and thank you :) sure, i put that on my drive for you here. enjoy!
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he actually is 100% that bitch
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i don't have this on drive atm only because it's really so easy to source. both were just posted in tv_bunny a couple of weeks ago, for example 🥲 i recommend heading over there and making a request, and someone will have links for you right away! lmk if you have any issues
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does watching it on dailymotion work for you?
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hello! yes, you can find ladsladslads over in the standup folder :)
their breakup was certainly intense for them both... i think i recall sara saying around the time-ish that she had expected they would really be together for the long haul, so as things began to disintegrate she was very disoriented. i also recall there being a bit of an ugly period between them — like, publicly — which was unfortunate, but they both seemed to be carrying their own bitternesses and that was surely hard
it's funny — i talked a bit about this a couple months ago, but thinking about them both reminds me so much of the rhlstp with john kearns: he talked about how, in this day of social media, audiences expect comedians to show themselves on stage, to give you that peek behind the curtain and personal anecdotes/opinions/details, and really share who they are with you — and he doesn't like that expectation. he's doing surreal and often absurd comedy, playing a character who's almost nothing like him at all, so the real john doesn't need to bleed through for the show to work. but people like sara and john...they use the stage as a form of therapy; sara uses it as a form of workshopping, communicating, connecting, sharing; i often think john is grasping, sometimes desperately, at the opportunity to be seen and heard. (his new show howl, which has gotten quite good reviews, is about his sobriety, for example!) so even though there were aspects of their breakup experience that were intense and very personal, i really hope that sharing them helped them both :)
hope we'll get to see his new show howl sometime soon, which is about his sobriety!
i have my theories about how john will be on taskmaster... let's just say, i think he'll be quite earnest and try very hard, and i think what alex has said about it being very difficult to do a character on taskmaster/the show showing people's true colours will be very relevant LMAO i can def see john coming on and trying to be cool and collected and just breaking down LMAOOO but agree it will be interesting! and personally i do always love the dynamic between greg or alex and one of their good friends heh
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(spoilers ahead obvi)
so of course I’m excited about the Pat storyline and all that but WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KITTY RIGHT NOW.
she’s playing Cinderella DO YALL KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!?!?!?!?
there are about to be some PARALLELS drawn between the panto and her own stepsister’s cruelty. in that flashback, she wanted desperately to go to the ball, and it was Eleanor’s scheming that stopped her. another facet usually focused on in adaptations of the story is Cinderella’s grief for her mother, which is also touched upon in Kitty’s backstory
I’m guessing this might start out as the other ghosts thinking she just wants to be the center of attention and humoring her as they cast it, but as they rehearse, it’ll start bringing some of that trauma back up for her. and maybe this time the others, instead of shutting down her realizations about her past to maintain her cheeriness, will actually help her work through it.
according to Kiell’s tweet, Lolly’s work in this ep is going to be especially incredible, so I bet we’re going to get to see some SERIOUS growth, and, as self-appointed #1 Kitty Fan, I am ridiculously excited
like. she’s gonna be facing the same situation, except this time, she will triumph. she’ll be seen as the lovely one she truly is. the help and support she’s longed for will finally come to her (oh my god PLEASE let Cap play the fairy godmother that would be pure gold). she’ll dance with the prince-
-WHICH GETS A PARAGRAPH OF ITS OWN because there have been hints of her having a crush on Thomas since THE FIRST DAMN EPISODE. as someone who’s utterly obsessed with picking apart subtle little nuances in camera acting, I’m telling you, seriously, watch her during the whole show. watch her face after he thinks she’s Alison, goes in to kiss her, and then is led off by Pat. watch the way she’s so nervous during the sorry song but almost starts to smile when he goes off script with the rap verse. take it from someone with plenty of experience being in love with a friend and trying to keep it under the radar, THESE ARE THE SIGNS. of course it’s vital for Thomas’ development for him to somehow realize, despite the whole stay-how-you-died thing, that there’s more to life than romance; once that happens, series 4’s genuine friendship and banter laid a really nice foundation for the writers to eventually go in that direction later with them if they so choose (“burgundy, big time”, the WAY he LOOKS at her in that post-poetry-reading scene holy SHIT, etcetera). and now they’re gonna combine their Melodramatic Theatre Kid Powers™️ to play the best fairytale romance Button House has ever SEEN.
ANYWAY. after nearly three centuries of just longing to feel like part of something, to matter, to be seen, especially in the context of a party (watching her follow Alison’s friends around during that one episode was fucking devastating as someone who’s experienced something like that many a time), my beloved girl is finally gonna get to be the belle of the ball. and to that I say, GOOD 👏 FOR 👏 HER👏.
tldr; GO KITTY GO.
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Some thoughts on this week’s TM ep (15x5), which started as a reply to someone else’s post but I sorta got carried away:
This was a great episode for Ivo, who I already have a strong bias for. (To clarify, great in terms of comedy, definitely not points wise.) There was no reason for him to do the weird voice along with Frankie but I’m glad he did. That task would be pretty fun on its own, but having them do the high-pitched voice just sent it over the edge. The drama when Frankie, sounding like Mickey Mouse, urged Ivo to rush into the lab!
Ivo’s fakery task was an instant classic attempt. That whole task was genius, and reminded me of how much I love the simplicity of the NZ and AU tasks. Open-ended tasks like these show off how each comedian’s brain works and you’re guaranteed to get different results with every attempt, whether it’s Kiell making a shitty version of his hand, or Mae using a seance to drop the fact they still keep in touch with Alex’s wife. I almost forgot Frankie’s mostly nude attempt, where Greg dropped a line that would be extremely confusing out of context, “your body is so much more shocking than your suicide could ever be.”
And people aren’t talking about the edit doing Kiell dirty during the instruments task, it had the same energy as Nish and the basketball. That task was also great, and it reminded me of those memorization games that would always frustrate me as a kid.
And about the live task: I normally don’t give af about points, even Morgana’s bonus point that basically handed her the series didn’t bother me. But giving *ten* points to the winning team was excessive even for TM standards. But this is the show where basically nothing matters and it’s all meant for light entertainment, so maybe there’s more pressing things to worry about honestly.
And above all else, I can’t stop thinking about this screenshot of Alex. His entire world changed in an instant.
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taskmasteristics · 3 months
I have jumped on the friendship bracelet bandwagon and want to make some taskmaster inspired ones…any suggestions for what they should say?? Xx cheers x ✨🥂💕
oh i love this idea! i've personally never made a friendship bracelet so i'm not too sure how it works but if you want short & iconic phrases that (i think) would work well on a bracelet, can i suggest:
tree wizard
left banana
melon buffet
dignity intact!
also for longer phrases that can be made acronyms
PDTIAFM (joe wilkinson's "please don't take it away from me")
IGNSO (kiell smith-bynoe's "i've got no shoes on!")
BCI (paul chowdry's "bastards crying innit", tho this one could also work as a full bracelet maybe? let me know)
ITABOIIABR (james acaster's "is that a boulder? or is it a big rock?")
PHEIREI (greg davies' "powerful homo-eroticism, i really enjoyed it")
OJOTBYP (james acaster's "oh, just open the box you pussy")
ATIIOTT (all the information is on the task)
YTSN (your time starts now)
i'm gonna have to call help from everybody else here on tumblr to also suggest things cos there's so much to choose from
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antiphon · 1 year
can't tell whether we're getting too little studio time in the edit of this season of taskmaster or the studio time is just less funny bc the series overall is more intense and competitive than usual. to be clear: love watching mae be competent. but it's not that funny! don't love watching ivo have the same breakdown every single task, though, and it's also not that funny. (he makes a lot of jokes on the show but they are usually mid at best.) kiell is good at making his competitiveness funny, partly bc greg has really leaned into that as a source of humor; jenny's sense of humor isn't exactly mine but I v much appreciate her for being the only source of real chaos this season. and frankie is doing the thing the middle-aged white guy contestants often do where he just doesn't have as much personality as everyone else. except in the prize tasks. real commitment to the bit from frankie in the prize tasks. anyway I want either more or funnier studio banter
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alexhornefan · 2 years
Series 15 Contestants on Greg & Alex
*Click each contestants name for their full interview regarding series 15.
What do you make of Greg and Alex and their relationship?
Well, basically it’s a show about humility. So the framework is of the British Empire. That’s the artwork, right? So it’s Edwardian, late Victorian, music hall-type art. And this is the British condition, hubris. And also, the condition of comedians generally is narcissism and hubris.
So this is a game that is designed to create humility within those players. But then if you have a Taskmaster, then they’re not going to have humility, so Alex has Greg to humiliate him. And then Greg is the Taskmaster because Greg is a self-humiliating machine – all his jokes about himself, because he’s simply too large to have ever lived a normal life.
So it’s this agnostic reminder of humility all the way through the show. 
How have you got on with Alex: has he been useful, or just a huge hindrance?
By Scottish standards, Alex is a pretty helpful person.
-Frankie Boyle
Were you a fan of the show?
Yes, right back to the first series. And Alex, I’ve been such a fan of for so long, and obviously I like Greg as a stand-up. My parents love The Horne Section, so that’s the sort of thing I’d always try and take them to if they were ever coming to Edinburgh, like, ‘Here’s a nice, wholesome thing.’
The Horne Section gave me occasional guest spots at the Fringe years ago, so I felt like I had a little role in there. It’s a slightly eccentric universe.
-Ivo Graham *Be aware, Ivo does give a bit of a spoiler about one task.
How did you get on with Greg generally?
I recognise a very, very common streak of comedy in what Greg does and I adore the relationship he has with Alex. It really makes me laugh; I’ve become hysterical on occasion.
I once saw his live show called The Back Of My Mum’s Head, where I was almost incontinent with laughter. I went with my daughter, and it was in a small sweaty attic room in Edinburgh.
We were sitting next to a boy who had never seen stand-up before and afterwards, he said, ‘Is it always like this?’ and I had to say ‘no’. It was so special for him, he was wet with laughter. I had to say, ‘No, sometimes it’s shit. Come and see me tomorrow night.’
How do you describe the relationship between Greg and Alex?
Absolutely adorable. It’s a much more interesting Ant and Dec. And I love Ant and Dec. I’ve worked with them a lot and they’re great. But they’re not a patch on Greg and Alex, are they?
How do you describe your relationship with Alex during the tasks?
I felt sometimes that he felt very sorry for me but was trying not to show it.
He wasn’t as helpful as he could have been. He could have saved my bacon on a couple of occasions. He gave me the impression that I was allowed to do things that I actually wasn’t.
The thing is, in the studio, you know very well it’s not your show. It’s Alex and Greg that the audience have come to see. We are mere courtiers in the palace of.
So it is quite nerve-racking, being in the studio. There’s a tension amongst us all. We want to do well, we want to be supportive of each other, but we also want to be funny, and sometimes you feel a bit clumsy.
-Jenny Eclair
What was your tactic with Greg in the studio and trying to win a few extra points?
Greg was really annoying but I did try to convince him. Every now and then I was surprised by thinking that Greg was going to absolutely hate something, then he loved it, and vice versa, so I felt it was always worth having that conversation.
Sometimes it would be going in my favour and Alex would pipe up like, ‘Ah, but what about…’ Shut up, Alex, I’m chasing victory.
Was Alex helpful on the actual tasks?
He was at first, but then I felt he turned against me. He could be a master of destruction.
-Kiell Smith-Bynoe
The format is bulletproof so in a way it doesn’t matter who’s on it, it’s always amazing because Greg and Alex are brilliant.
Greg said I had poise, which was nice. I find Greg unbelievably magnetic. I don’t know what it is. I’ve met so many people in my life doing comedy, and I’ve never been more starstruck. For some reason, it’s like he’s the most famous man on earth in my heart.
I think I just fancy him. People warned me about that. They said, ‘You’re going to be shocked by how fanciable Greg is.’ And they weren’t lying. It’s because he’s so lovely. And it’s how quick they both are. And they’re so in tune with each other, it’s joyful. And so British.
Greg Davies and Alex Horne are both very observant, aren’t they?
They're good at cutting right to your core with an off-hand remark. I think we’re all probably low-level narcissists, so when someone really incisively sums you up – I mean, any attention is always attractive – you’re like, ‘You’ve really seen me.’ That’s very intoxicating. You’re like, ‘What else? Tell me more about me.’
Did you have a tactic when it came to dealing with Greg in the studio and trying to win him over?
I didn’t try as hard as Kiell or Ivo. I was happy to accept a loss. There were a few prize tasks where I got really shocked at the points given out, but it’s subjective, isn’t it?
I knew going into it that you had to defer to his personal taste, and I knew arguing wasn’t going to get me anywhere, but maybe I thought, ‘If I don’t push it, then maybe he’ll remember that he shafted me and he’ll pay me back. He’ll be more magnanimous.’ That never happened.
How useful or not did you find Alex on the tasks?
When he says, ‘All the information’s on the task,’ you want to chop his limbs off. Aside from that, I found him extremely charming.
As a North American, I felt like I was in a Roald Dahl book. It’s so quintessentially English that I was just automatically charmed by it.
Do you get competitive with each other over Charlotte (Ritche) though?
Over her attention? Sure. Alex asked her in front of us which of us was her favourite, and time froze. We all went silent. She said, ‘I can’t answer that.’ She was very diplomatic.
-Mae Martin
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ghostfacd · 1 year
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— “stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love that ain’t never gonna come,”
pairing; slytherin!luke x fem!hufflepuff!reader
genre; angst at beginning, secret baby trope, exes to lovers, blackcat!luke, golden retriever!reader
summary; it’s been a little over a year since luke broke things off with yn to go to umich. she still hopes to hear from him someday, a confession of his love, yet it never happens. luke doesn’t know, however, it’s not just her waiting for him.
author’s note; didn’t reread this so there may be grammar mistakes and typos! lmk if u guys want to see more rowden and lukey content
✸ SLYTHERIN!LUKE MASTERLIST (read first for more context on yn and luke’s relationship)
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When Luke broke things off with you to go play hockey in umich, you’d thought he’d at least try to keep in contact.
He did say he was going to visit every year. But that was a total fat lie. Luke Hughes did not visit, he didn’t even bother writing you a message.
You couldn’t be mad. You somewhat understood it from his point of view. He was passionate about hockey, just as he’d always been about Quidditch when the two of you were still teenagers at Hogwarts. Luke Hughes did not owe you anything, he was just your ex.
And also.. maybe.. possibly.. the father of your baby. No, he definitely was. The boy had golden curls just like his father when he was younger.
“Rowden!” You called out, patting your lap to let your baby know where to go.
Rowden Quintin Hughes. You had decided to name Rowden after Jack and Quinn, the two boys who accepted you as their little sister the day their brother started dating you.
Rowden was an exact replica of his father, his cute chubby cheeks and his blonde curls making his appearance ten times cuter than he already was. You loved your baby, and you knew if Luke knew of him, he would to.
But was it selfish for you not to tell Luke? That you found out you were two months pregnant when he left for the airport? Maybe a part of you wanted to keep it a secret, just you and Rowden for a little while.
“Rowdy baby,” you coo, smothering his cheek with kisses that made the baby gurgle happily.
“He’s a happy baby today, isn’t he?” Kielle walks into your living room, carrying a baby of her own.
See, the funny thing was, you and Kielle actually got pregnant around the same time. Of course, Mark was already aware of his son, and always came on his school breaks to visit him and his girlfriend.
You and Kielle decided to move in with each other after finding out you were both becoming mothers, and the rest was history. Tons of morning sickness, mood swings, and late night cravings. For a while, both of your guy’s best friends was Doordash. Mark had always ordered it, making sure his girlfriend and baby were well fed.
Mark knew about Rowden, but you and Kielle begged him to keep it a secret. He was reluctant at first; knowing if he was in Luke’s shoes, he would want to know. But he decided that it wasn’t his choice to make whether or not to tell him, so he kept it a secret from his best friend.
“Theo, say hi to Rowdy, baby!” Kielle says, making her way over to the two of you. “Rowdy’s so quiet isn’t he?”
“Yes,” you nod, “suppose he’s like Luke. Never talks unless he’s supposed to.”
Kielle scrolls through her phone for a bit, breastfeeding Theo while she’s at it. A certain picture makes her wince.
“What’s wrong Kie?” You ask, curious to see what she’s looking at.
She quickly pulls her phone to her chest, shaking her head. “Nothing you have to worry about Y/N. Look, I think Rowdy’s falling asleep.”
It was true. Rowden was snoozing off in your arms, a content smile settled on his face. He was the cutest baby, your baby, you still couldn’t believe it till this day.
“Okay Theo, time to sleep baby.” Kielle carries him to her room, and you’re left alone with a sleeping Rowden. Carefully, you take him into your room, placing him in his crib.
Now it was time for you to have personal time. You decide to spend it scrolling through social media for thirty minutes, looking at what your old classmates were up to. A certain picture catches your vision, and you swore your heart almost drops.
It’s Luke’s post. And on it was of him placing his arm around a girl, captioning it Going Blue with the fave! 💙
You didn’t know how to feel. First, Luke hadn’t spoken to you since the day he took off to Michigan, and now, he’s posing and writing a intimate caption with a girl? Could he break your heart any more?
You didn’t even realize you’re crying until Kielle comes in with tissues, frowning. “I take it you saw the post?”
You only shakily nod, not wanting to speak.
“It’s okay Y/N, he doesn’t deserve you.”
But he does. And you’ll let him have you if he wanted you back. You always will.
When you finally fall asleep, snoring softly with the baby monitor by your side, that’s when Kielle thinks she’s had enough.
There was no way her best friend, Luke motherfucking Hughes, was going to hurt her other best friend like that. She wouldn’t allow it.
“Mark? Cmon pick up,” she says, chewing on her nails nervously.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” Mark’s voice automatically shifts to concern over the phone, seeing his girlfriend’s upset face. “Is there something wrong with Theo? Do I need to fly there baby?”
“No Marky, there’s nothing wrong, well, not with us.”
“Then why’d you call?”
“You seriously need to tell Luke to get his shit together Mark, I’m serious. He’s been making poor Y/N cry so much, it’s not good for her or Rowden. I seriously don’t know what the fuck is going through Luke’s head, especially since he was so inlove with her and now he won’t even text her?”
Mark sighs, watching his girlfriend become pissed off as each minute passes. “The Instagram post, right? Listen, I’m not justifying any of his behavior but the girl, she’s just one of the girls from the sororities who we’re friends with. Nothing more, I promise. In fact, I’m pretty sure Luke is still hungover on Y/N. Wont talk about her.”
Kielle’s anger subsides, but it’s still apparent. “Just a girl from one of the sororities huh?”
“Yes baby, I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you. If anything, I want Y/N and Luke back together. They were so good.”
“They were Marky, they were.”
Mark thinks for a minute, before an idea pops into his head. “Kiel baby,”
“I have an idea. You know how winter break is in a few days and I’m coming? How about I bring Luke? I’ll just tell him that we’re all catching up. He doesn’t know Y/N lives with you.”
Kielle ponders, then nods slowly. “I just want them back together, Mark. They made each other better and I really can’t stand Y/N being so upset, especially since she has Rowden to take care of now.”
Mark smiles, reassuring her everything will be fine. “How’s Rowdy by the way?”
“He’s good. Not fussy like our Theo. He reminds me of Luke, blonde curls, quiet, and sometimes, he’s all smiley. It’s adorable.”
“Yeah, I just wish Luke was there to see Rowdy when he was first born.”
“Me too.”
The next few days passed by quickly, and you’re reminded that Mark is coming. Kielle is all excited, cleaning and making food the entire day as you watched Theo and Rowden.
The doorbell rings. Once, twice, and another six times because Mark just loves to mess with you two.
“I’ll get it,” you say as Kielle takes off her apron. “You watch the boys.”
When you open the door, you expect to see a smiley Mark, all giddy to see his son again. There he was, all giddy like you had imagined; only this time, a tall figure stands next to him.
A tall, curly haired, all too familiar figure stands right next to Mark. You don’t have to think twice about knowing who it is. It’s Luke Hughes.
“Luke, you’re here..” you say, and the wavering of your voice doesn’t go missed by the boy.
He always remembered tiny details about you due to his ability to memorize and his attentive personality.
“I am,” he says awkwardly, “may we come in?”
“Uh.. yes, of course!”
You don’t know how you’re gonna hide Rowden from Luke. Or, you could just make a run for it now. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to run away from your problems.
“Dude, why didn’t you tell me she was here?!” You hear Luke quietly whisper—which wasn’t really quiet because you had heard everything.
“My bad! I thought it was just Kielle!”
You knew Mark was lying. And you had a stinging feeling that Kielle was in on the lie too.
“Where’s Theo?” Luke’s head scans around the room, smiling brightly when he sees his best friend’s son. “Hi Theo! It’s your uncle Luke.”
He notices Rowden on the floor next to Theo, laying on his back and sucking on his thumb.
Luke raises his eyebrows at this. Blonde, curly hair. Mark was neither of this. If Luke wasn’t going crazy, he would’ve thought it was his son. Was it?
“And who’s this tiny fella?” Luke asks, softly picking Rowden up with as much gentleness as he possibly can. He had a sinking feeling that there was more to the baby than meets the eye.
“Rowden,” you say quietly. The familiar name of his brother makes Luke’s ears perk up.
“Rowden Quintin Hughes.”
It’s as if the world had paused. Come to a stop. Luke’s heart freezes for a moment, all the emotions he had kept pushed back into the back of his head came crawling out.
“Rowden Quintin Hughes?” He chokes out.
Mark and Kielle noticed how you and Luke needed to have a serious conversation, so, with a quick pickup of Theo, they both headed to Kielle’s room, shutting the door for privacy.
“I’m sorry,” is all you can say as you try to hold back a sob.
Luke shakes his head, placing Rowden down and opening his arms out for you to lean in.
“Hey hey, none of that okay?” Luke rubs the side of your arm, letting you know he’s there. “You don’t have to apologize to me for anything. I’m the one that should be saying sorry. I was a jerk, ghosting you when I got to Michigan.”
“Yeah,” you say, looking up at him. “You really were.”
“The truth was—I was scared I’d fall inlove with you all over again if I had stayed in contact.” Luke shakily sighs, “I couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to be with you. I was an idiot, for breaking up with you, for everything I’ve done in the past.”
“You were a big idiot,” you say, laughing slightly.
“A very big big idiot,”
Rowden gurgles loudly, holding his tiny hands up in the air, waiting for you to pick him up.
You put your hand in the back of Rowden’s hand to support him as you placed him against your chest. “Hi Rowdy baby, it’s your dad.”
That’s all it took for Luke Hughes to let out a sob of his own, overwhelmed by the confirmation from you.
“Hi buddy,” he says softly, taking Rowden out of your hold. “I’m so sorry your daddy wasn’t here when you were born and for the first year of your life. I’m so so sorry,”
He places kisses against Rowden’s cheeks, eyes closing to cherish the moment with his son.
“So, who was the girl if you don’t mind me asking?”
Luke raises his eyebrows, now full attention on you. “The girl on my Instagram?” He questions.
You only nod.
“She.. she was a friend at one of the sororities. I met her months ago at some frat party. She was really nice, and asked me out.”
Your swore your heart nearly sunk into its chest. “That’s.. great Luke. What did you say?”
“Of course I said no,” he says, placing Rowden down carefully.
“Because I told her I was too inlove with somebody else.”
That’s all you needed to hear before smashing your lips against Luke’s, both of your bodies latched onto each other as it craved each other’s presence.
“I love you too Luke.”
“I know that,” Luke places another kiss to your lips. “And I’ll forever spend the rest of my days making it up to you and Rowden.”
It’s not until two hours later that Mark and Kielle walk out that they see you and Luke curled up next to each other, fast asleep with his arms securely around your shoulder and Rowden by your side.
They silently smile at one another, knowing their plan had finally worked after all.
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liked by lhughes_06, markestapa, kiellestapa and 770 others
ynuser my two babies!
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lhughes_06 baby rowden 💙
→ jackhughes wait what? ROWDEN?
→ quinnhughes i wasnt aware of this?? luke??
markestapa baby rowdy! so happy i don’t have to keep you a secret anymore
→ jackhughes YOU KNEW 🙄🙄
kiellestapa theo’s best friend!!
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Taskmaster New Year’s Treat was more fun than I’d expected, same as it was last year. This was largely down to Kojey Radical, it’s always fun when you get proper Taskmaster fans on the show. He made me laugh several times. The inclusion of an underage minor was pretty odd, and I wasn’t sure it was a good idea (especially since they’ve just created a special Taskmaster all for the children), but then the child actor turned out to actually be quite fun. He was good on the podcast, too.
I think it helped that the tasks themselves were really funny. I enjoyed season 16 a lot, but some of the tasks were a bit lackluster (they really need to slow down on the “do some other distracting thing at the same time as doing the regular task”, they get diminishing returns after a while), and I thought all the tasks in the latest NYT were great. I sort of see why they’d save the funnier tasks for an NYT episode, when the contestants aren’t comedians so there has to be more humour in the format. But also, I’d love to see them give the tasks with the most comedic potential to the people who extract comedic potential on a professional basis.
I’d enjoy a Champion of Champions: NYT edition once they’ve been doing this for five years. Though I guess the point of NYT is to get people who are too important to commit to more than one episode, and even the regular Taskmaster hasn’t been able to get all its champions make their schedules line up for a COC, so presumably getting the extra special celebrity stars from NYT free on the same day would be a challenge.
I’ve come around on that COC thing, by the way. I was really annoyed when I first read about Mae not participating, to the point where I didn’t even make a post about it because I knew how annoyed I was was too disproportionate to the situation to be worth posting. Not just because I really really like Mae Martin and was looking forward to seeing them, though of course there’s that. I was annoyed because it compromises the integrity of the competition of Taskmaster, if you can just throw anyone in there. Look, Alex, a large amount of my enjoyment of your show and/or general mental health is riding on me being able to maintain the suspension of disbelief, and view Taskmaster as a genuine competition. If you start admitting that they’re just a bunch of performance artists trying to make room in their schedules for this TV gig (no, come on, surely the Taskmaster contestants don’t get paid, they do it for the love of the game), the curtain starts to slip and it all falls apart.
In frustration, I said to a friend that this ruins the sporting aspect of Taskmaster, because it’s not like a sport will have a championship with a qualifier, and then just let someone else in because the date doesn’t work for one of the people who won their qualifier. But as soon as I said this, I realized: Yes they do. That’s exactly what they do. That’s why important qualifiers have challenge rounds at the end between the second and third place finishers, to determine the true alternate. Because if the winner gets an injury or a career in the States or some shit and can’t go to the championship, the alternate goes in their place. Kiell Smith-Bynoe was the second-place finisher in Taskmaster season 15, and is therefore the legitimate alternate, so it’s all fine! Integrity restored! I go back to maintaining my belief that Taskmaster functions as a genuine sport (I can come out of the delusion long enough to admit to knowing the reality on a Tumblr post – the disbelief that I can really never stop suspending is in the idea that genuine sports are also just made up and their results only matter because we’ve all collectively agreed to pretend that they do, no one’s allowed to talk about that (except Andy Zaltzman, who’s got some good material on the subject and is actually quite funny when he talks about that)).
And by the way, I’d like to state again that I hate the idea that it’s a (North) American thing to watch panel shows like they’re actual competitions. If I didn’t know much about British culture, I might believe that it’s just us North Americans who have this toxic competitiveness so entrenched in society that it comes up in even our entertainment TV shows, and the British are more enlightened about it. But I have heard the British cultural references. I have heard how wildly, blindingly competitive they get about something that we in North America consider a children’s game called soccer. And even aside from how deeply they get into (sort of) real sports, you can’t tell me that British people don’t get overly competitive about things that are not sports, treating them like they are a sport. I’ve heard how British people talk about pub quizzes, and darts, and snooker. We all like a good competition to distract us from the things with genuine meaning in the world! And I have chosen Taskmaster.
Anyway, when I decided to just view the Kiell situation as sending in the legitimate alternate, I got over my existential disappointment at pulling the curtain back on the realities of Taskmaster, and became only annoyed about not getting to see Mae Martin, whom I like. But that’s not so bad, because Kiell is fun too. And I think it’ll be a good episode. I can’t wait to see Dara O’Brien and Sarah Kendall up against each other, I think that’ll be an interesting matchup. Sophie Duker is a strong contender too. I think my money might be on Sarah Kendall to win, but I might be blinded by my large crush on her.
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conhivemindcent · 1 year
Thoughts on Series 15 Episode 1 of TM UK:
Warning for spoilers:
- Mum thought Ivo was blind. No I don’t know why either.
- Frankie was the one my dad was most nervous about, but he ended up laughing along with him. Honestly this is my second exposure to Frankie outside of The Unbelievable Truth (and that one episode of QI that introduced me to him on panel shows, I’ve seen discourse before) and I like him so far.
- Speaking of Ivo and Frankie, I really liked Ivo’s radio 4 panel show audition. I hope he’s on TUT at some point. Though considering what Frankie said, I think he’s going more for Just A Minute. Either way, really like them both. Ivo on a boat and leaping over a cow makes Thursdays extra special
- Jenny was also fun. (Spoilers, but I liked everyone pretty generally.) I liked her crashing the boat. I think more older ladies should crash boats in otherwise idyllic places. That would make the world a little better.
- I loved Jenny sticking up for Ivo when the boat broke down because let’s face it: she probably did some damage. Do I think she’s to blame? No. Nor is Frankie to blame. But I am very happy she stuck up for Ivo. And that hug was both charming and funny.
- Kiell. I now know how to pronounce your name. I thought it was Key-ell, then Kyle, but it’s moreso Ky-ell. Which is sorta how its spelled. Idk, I’m not a pronouncer. But god I love him. I only know him as Mike from Ghosts, but I can see why he plays Mike from Ghosts. Exact same energy. Really fun. Reminds me of a mix between my brother-in-law and Munya from the previous series.
- Anyway more fun interactions in the live task between Kiell and Ivo killing each other. And Mae on the side killing themself. And Jenny and Frankie making it all anticlimatic. I don’t think Jenny was trying at the end. And honestly same girl. I’d take that four points rather than risk a zero.
- speaking of Mae, I’m so happy there’s a nonbinary contestant on taskmaster! And the way their pronouns were just used casually made me really happy. They deserved the win 100%.
- Overall I’m much preferring this series to 14’s debut. I thought 14 was spoiled because I was consuming 12’s content before (cause 12 is my favourite series). But I did the same today and came out loving it a whole lot more. Maybe 15 will be my favourite when all’s said and done. Maybe it’ll be ruined later (god I hope not). But honestly I really like this series. A lot. Don’t have a favourite contestant, but I’m leaning towards the youth task-wise, and the elder banter-wise. Honestly I love them all. Can’t wait for it all to come out.
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panelshowsource · 1 year
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anon wot do you meeeeeean hehe when dara does the buzzer it means get off the stage your turn is over! hehe
a buzz for good measure 🫡
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here anon i did the world’s lowest budget photoshop just for you
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hooonestly there are probably 3 gens — pre-2005, 2005–2012ish, 2013ish onwards — but for the sake of most people reading this it’s more like before and after ~2012. not that we’re being super pedantic about this, but if i say old gen then at least you know what’s going on in my head! sue and julian are both definitely old gen and i can’t WAITTT for that! apart from simon and definitely miles, we all want to see ed byrne, right?? gangly bastard i just love him
i am really surprised how many people said kiell was their overall favourite from the series, even though he was obviously a lot of fun. i have a serious aversion to...genuine anger. on taskmaster, at least? some frustration is okay (speaking of which omg i was just rewatching bridget x alex moments and it’s fucking HILARIOUS to me what she brings out in alex that literally no one else has, and i’m terrified of 1) her power and 2) alex’s tiny “for fuck’s sake”s)), and i obviously don’t mind bantz, but ed and greg and all of the contestants re-inforcing how annoyed kiell was at the trickery and scoring ambiguity was somewhat of a turn-off for me. there’s a spectrum of what i’d call uncool anger on the show ranging from iain stirling on the most offensive end to, like, josh widdicombe on the whiny, frustrated end? and kiell was certainly no iain and that’s not his overall comedic persona anyways, so it wasn’t that i came to dislike him, only that he couldn’t surmount the others to be one of my faves from the series. this is something that only i seemed to feel about fern, as well, when she genuinely whined about certain elements of the tasks or just used that, what greg called, “reverted to a 15-year-old complaining” voice that only i seemed to find pretty unfunny, but i disgress—
—ANYWAYS, i find that i like everyone on every series more the second or third time i watch it through, and i found both kiell and mae even more charming after watching it again! i was just thinking, wouldn’t it have been even more madness is kiell and jenny were on a team alone without mae to ground them in any way? LMAO...gives me a chuckle to imagine it... the team of 3 did feel just a hair too random this series, but i don’t think i would have changed frankie x ivo even though both jenny x kiell and oldies vs young’uns both would have been a little better overall. also it was so cute when kiell would totally body a task and then just give that :)!! i could see how much fun alex had with him and not quite knowing where he was going to go with things, and i think the contestants’ dynamics with alex are really underrated aspects of what make them great on the show. i do hope kiell looks back fondly at the whole experience :’)
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omg that’s so exciting 🤩 i hope you have so much fun! did you begin from the first series? the first ~5 are some of the very best ever, so you’ll start on a real high!
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Just caught up with the first ep of the new series of Taskmaster! And I officially love Kiell just as much as I love him as Mike on Ghosts 💓 Also love Mae too!!
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