#and I am not saying that character's can't be dynamic and cannot change over the couse of their (back)story
dasakuryo · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Andor? Does this Cassian feel consistent with Rogue one to you?
For the sake of brevity, I am going to sum up my feelings about Cassian characterization in And0r with the following: whenever I am watching And0r, I keep wondering who that Cassian-shaped Glup Shitto is, because it surely isn't Cassian Jeron And*r.
(and I am redacting the show's name/character name so this doesn't show up on searches and tags, btw. Don't want anyone who doesn't have any problems with it to come across my rant).
Now that I've made the above clarification, I am honestly mad as hell at what And0r has done to Cassian's characterization. And I don't know what's worse, if people ignoring that Cassian's characterization was butchered in the show, or people twisting whatever backstory crumbs we got in RO and trying to shoehorn them into whatever they did in And0r... it doesn't fit. It doesn't wrap up or complement Cassian's story coherently, it just doesn't.
Another thing that pisses me off to no end about the show is the fact Cassian is basically an afterthought in a show that is supposed to be about HIM. The event that transpire in And0r should be at the service of telling Cassian's story, not the Rebellion's, but instead we got a show in which the titular character is barely the focus.
There are many things that And0r does well and I love the inclusion of those elements (social criticism, political themes, and their connection to RL issues), I won't go into detail about this because many have done so before and they've highlighted how important is that the show puts forward these messages and conversations.
I wish the show had done Cassian justice, instead of using him as an excuse to tell the story of the Rebellion. There are other elements that bug me about the show, chiefly the notion and recurrent theme that Cassian has to be taught to care and how to rebel by a bunch of characters played by gringues/yanquis (which, when analysed in terms of allegories and rl issues doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth, to say the least), particularly when RO established him as a rebel leader and as someone who didn't sit idly by. Like... what happened to SUDDENLY THE REBELLION IS REAL FOR YOU? SOME OF US LIVE IT. I'VE BEEN IN THIS FIGHT SINCE I WAS SIX YEARS OLD. YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LOST EVERYTHING, SOME OF US JUST DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (capitals for emphasis).
Apologies for the rambling thoughts, anon. There's a myriad of other things that I don't personally like about And0r when it comes to Cassian's characterization, but all of this kind of sums it all up, I guess. If I feel up to it I may go into more detail tho.
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javier-pena · 6 months
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So ... I recently hit 10,000 followers, which is completely insane to me!! I wish I could thank each and everyone of you who has been here since the beginning or who followed two days ago personally, but that's just not possible. Instead, I'm doing a small request-based fic celebration 🤭
What is it about?
You can choose from a list of characters and a list of prompts (or send in your own) and I will write a (hopefully) short fic (1-3k words) based on your request. You can choose a stand-alone fic or request something that fits into one of my longer stories (Hubris, Triumvirate, In Plain Sight, the Javi G universe). Please send in your requests until April 27!
How to send in your requests?
Please send me an ask (anonymous or not) specifying the following:
Step 1: Do you want your fic to be reader insert?
Please specify the gender (if there is no specification, I will most likely write f!reader, but I might choose something else if I think it fits the prompt). You don't have to choose just one character, you can also choose more, e.g. Javi Gutierrez x f!reader x Dieter Bravo x Agent Whiskey. Your request doesn't have to be reader insert, you can also request a specific dynamic, e.g. Javier Peña x Joel Miller.
Step 2: Do you want your fic to be nsfw?
If you want your fic to be nsfw or if you don't want it to be nsfw please specify this in your request. If you don't, I will write whatever fits the prompt.
Step 3: Is there anything you want me to avoid?
If there are any triggers, themes, character traits etc. you don't want me to include, please tell me. The fics will come with warnings but I wouldn't want to write something you can't/don't want to read for whatever reason.
Step 4: Choose one or more character(s)!
I will write for the following characters. You can send in a different character too, but there is no guarantee I will write your request unless it's another character from the movie/show that's on the list (e.g. Tommy Miller).
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Clint (Freaky Tales)
Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey (Kingsman: The Golden Circle)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Ezra (Prospect)
Lucien Flores (The Uninvited)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier)
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Tess Servopoulos (The Last of Us)
Silva (Strange Way of Life) - I will not write x f!reader for Silva
Dave York (The Equalizer 2)
Step 5: Choose a promt!
You can choose up to three of the following prompts or send in your own.
"Is it okay if I sleep here tonight?"
"And what are you going to do about that?"
"I would love to spoil you, can I do this for you?"
"I can't stop thinking about kissing you."
"I don't like you!" "Finally something we can agree on."
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
"Can you just look at me? Please?"
"Don't play with me."
"It's not your choice."
"Please tell me I can touch you."
"Make me beg for it."
"Oh, you're hard to please."
"Let's ruin ourselves for anyone else."
"You're still holding back, just let go."
"I don't want you to say that you love me. Love will not fix anything. It just makes everything more complicated."
"Don't look at me like that." "How am I looking at you?"
"I cannot change my feelings for you, believe me, I fucking tried."
"You knew how I feel about you. You have to have known."
"Don't make me jealous."
"I'm going to be here when you wake up."
"I could make you beg for it." "I would love to see you try."
"I already have a boyfriend." "That's great. Invite him as well."
"It was just a kiss."
"I don't feel like we're close enough to have this type of conversation."
"Oh, jealousy looks good on you."
"Do you still have feelings for me?" "Well, do you still have feelings for me?" "I asked first."
"Three years was not enough to get over you."
"What if someone sees us?"
"You're not my dirty little secret. And I never want you to think that."
"No, I refuse to believe that you would do that to me."
"You're just saying that to be nice. No need to pity me." "What I feel for you is definitely not pity."
Step 6: Have fun!
And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message me!
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greenerteacups · 8 months
Hi! I am an ardent fan of your writing, and I hope to be as sorted and planned as you some day in my own writing journey.
My question is: you have a keen eye when it comes to planning character personality, dynamics, and such. I've also been wading through your ask replies, and your insights into how you write people and how you make them play off of each other is so wonderful to read. If it's not too personal a q, how did you learn how to write like this? Did you go to school for writing, does it come from years of observing people, do you have reading list recs for "how to write real people and real interactions"?
Thanks! This is a really flattering question. I'll try to answer it honestly, because I wish someone had been brutally honest about this with me when I was a young writer.
I didn't go to school for writing. I started doing it when I was about nine years old. It sucked very badly. I kept writing throughout high school, and it still mostly sucked, but some of it was occasionally interesting. ("Interesting" here does not mean "good," by the way.) I took a break in college, and then came back. I've been writing ever since. Sometimes, I feel good about it. A lot of the time, I don't!
I hate giving this advice, because I remember how it feels to get it, and it's the most uninspiring, boring-ass, dog shit advice you can get, but it's also the only advice that is 100% unequivocally true: you have to write, and specifically, you have to write things that suck.
I do not mean that you should make things that suck on purpose. I mean that you have to sit down and try your absolute hardest to make something good. You have to put in the hours, the elbow grease, the blood, sweat, and tears, and then you have to read it over and accept that it just totally sucks. There is no way around this, and you should be wary of people who tell you there is. There is no trick, no rule, no book you can buy or article you can read, that will make your writing not suck. The best someone else can do is tell you what good writing looks like, and chances are, you knew that anyway — after all, you love to read. You wouldn't be trying to do this if you didn't. And anyone who says they can teach you to write so good it doesn't suck at first is either lying to you, or they have forgotten how they learned to write in the first place.
So the trick is to sit there in the miserable doldrums of Suck, write a ton, and learn to like it. Because this is the phase of your path as an artist when you find what it is you love about writing, and it cannot be the chance to make "good writing." This will be the thing that bears you through and compels you to keep going when your writing is shit, i.e., the very thing that makes you a writer in the first place. So find that, and you've got a good start.
Some people know this, but assume that perseverance as a writer is about trying to get to the point where you don't suck anymore. This is not true, and it is an actively dangerous lie to tell young writers. You are not aiming to feel like your writing doesn't suck. You are aiming to write. You are aiming to have written. Everything else is dust and rust. And of course, you'll find things you like about your pieces, you'll find things you're proud of, you'll learn to love the things you've made. But that little itch of self-criticism, in the back of your brain — the one that cringes when you read a clunky line, or thinks of a better character beat right after it's far too late to change — that's never going away. That's the Writer part of you. Read Kafka, read Dickens, read Tolstoy, you will find diary entries where they lament how absolutely fucking atrocious their writing was, and how angry they are that they can't do better. A good writer hates their sentences because they can always imagine better ones. And the ability to imagine a better sentence is what's going to make you pick up the pen again tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that.
Which is what I mean, and probably what all those other annoying, preachy advice-givers mean, when we say: a good writer is just someone who writes every day. It's that easy, and that hard.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Top 5 Emotional Outbursts
See if no one else on this website has my back, I know Ben has my back because he is giving me a chance to talk about my boy Patts once more
Patts, La Pluie
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gif by the beautiful, marvelous @liyazaki
Episode 10 was just an absolute masterclass in emotional outbursts. The fight between Lomfon and Patts, then Patts and Tai, then Lomfon and Tien, then Patts and Tai again. Like goddamn, finally thank fuck, Patts is able to let out years worth of frustration and pain at Tai's silence was just so beautiful, and cathartic, and necessary. What an absolutely incredible moment to not only witness but experience. Patts has been so kind, so patient, so forgiving, and it was time for all the pain that he's been letting simmer for two years out. Good! For! Him!
Uea and His Bio Family, Bed Friend
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There are few characters in this world I hate more than Uea's mother, and it was so so so so so so wonderful to see Uea finally give her a piece of his mind. I am so proud of him for speaking his mind, standing his ground, and getting the ever living fuck out of his bio family's house. Too personal, sorry, but this fight hit especially well for me because I too have had a parent say they'd live perfectly happily without me, and it was great vindication of my reaction to that to see Uea GTFO immediately after.
Secondarily, James' sobbing screams at the beginning of episode 4 and in the flashback of him getting dragged in to the bathroom when he was an adult have never left my brain. James absolutely crushed those scenes and this was going to be my Bed Friend pick before I remembered this fight exists.
Jim and Li Ming // Heart and His Parents, Moonlight Chicken
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I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that Jim and Li Ming's relationship dynamics is one of my favorite of all time. Aof is such an incredible screenwriter/director and I feel like he's able to make such realistic depictions of families in all their complicated glory. The screaming match between Jim and Li Ming is SO good, and really is what solidified my appreciation for Fourth's acting skills because there was a fucking storm cloud on his brow. Happy fucking birthday to you Uncle Jim I guess. Poor fucker.
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And then of course, one of the first ever posts I made in the BL Sphere of tumblr was a full essay on Heart's confrontation which I loved so motherfucking much. Once again a much needed fight with lots of interesting, complicated emotions flying around the room.
Kiyoi and Hira, Utsukushii Kare Season 2
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gif by @itsallaboutbl
"I'm sorry that I like you" one of the best moments of the year for me by far. This fight between Kiyoi and Hira was desperately, and I mean desperately needed. I know changing will be a slow process for the two of them, and even in Eternal they are no where near where they need to be, but Hira needs/needed to cut this Pebble to a God bullshit out and I am so glad that Kiyoi was able to call him on it. Also from a performance standpoint, Yagi Yusei had his work cut out for him as a scene partner to Hagiwara who absolutely bodied his role as Hira. In season one Yagi did not need to do all that much for his performance because we didn't know as much about Kiyoi until closer to the end, but that cannot be the case for Season 2 and Yagi knocked it out of the motherfucking park.
Sunshine and Q, 7 Days Before Valentine
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Okay, almost positive this isn't a BL but I love when people structure TV shows like stage plays, and there was a fight between Sunshine and Q in like Episode 4 or 5 where they were shouting over each other and it just felt so real and the dead silence that hit the room when Q said something that struck a chord with Sunshine was expertly handled, and some of the best work I've seen out of Atom the whole show. I don't think anyone gifed it so I can't put the scene in, but I think you talked about it in your Stray Thoughts @bengiyo
And just cause I wanna, the Top 5 Emotional Outbursts of the pre-2023 shows I watched this year:
In and Wang's fight in 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Ep 8
Gav sobbing about his aunt in Gameboys (the movie, i think?)
Pran sobbing in to Pat's shoulder in Bad Buddy, Ep 10
Tarn's fight with Teh in I Told Sunset About You, Ep 4 (shout out to Smile there because I still cannot believe it was the first thing she filmed on set)
Shiro being terrified Kenji was dying and Kenji being worried Shiro was dying and the resulting clownery from them blurting that out in What Did You Eat Yesterday? I think it was the New Year's special.
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
watcha reading?
here we go! I went a long stretch where I wasn't reading much fic at all but I've been catching up lately (the past week fjdkslj) (I've been tagged in this a couple times I think but I can't recall by who I've just had this draft in progress for a while I'm SORRY :/ )
Anyway, It's About Old Friends by @fragilecapric0rnn - endlessly complex and such a feast of character dynamics and the way they shift and change and grow over time, I cannot recommend this one enough, it's the post-UD When Harry Met Sally AU that you NEED in your life
god has never loved a woman the way I do by @judasofsuburbia - the second part in a wild west au series that is so full and real and unbelievably tender that I simply don't know what to do with myself about it. For both parts (Steddie pt. 1 and Ronance pt. 2) there is so much beautiful rumination on the nature of choice for these people and the simultaneous risk and worthiness of choosing each other like. help me???
and they were roommates by @yournowheregirl - I've only read the first part in this series but I can't wait to dive further into it. Ronance finding that no matter how nervous they were to actually go after each other there is actually so much natural simplicity to touching and feeling and kissing and!!!! joyful PWP for the girls it's what they deserve
never made it to graceland by @cheatghost - beautifully, gorgeously, perpetually ominous first chapter with such perfect Eddie-isms and Munson Family Moments and prose, just the first chapter alone has me feeling deeply fulfilled while still so ready for more. I am a lover of "the world ended but we're still here" and this is already giving me that in DROVES please join me in scratching at the walls about it
I Look to You to See the Truth by @sharpbutsoft the Erica Sinclair coming of age in her freshman year of college-slash- lesbian self discovery story of my DREAMS featuring your favorite idiot4idiot steddie and dearest robin and overall what a delight from start to finish
P.S. if you read and enjoy any of these, spread the love by letting the authors know! the community of fandom thrives when we talk to each other 💜
open tag for anyone who wants to join in on this! say I tagged you and share your newest faves with us, I wanna see 'em!
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Hi! Love your blog :) I saw your previous reply about Jane Austen and cognitive neuroscience and it reminded me of a question I have about Persuasion that still haunts me, which I can't seem to find a definitive answer for on the general internet. So after Louisa is injured, its like she undergoes a pretty massive personality shift, leading up to her falling in love with Captain Benwick etc. My question is, is that change (in your opinion) supposed to be a mental trauma reaction, or more of a physical trauma reaction? Like are we supposed to infer that the brain tissue injury changed her or is it more like, she was in mental shock and also an invalid with plenty of time to brood on her role in things and that's what resulted in her being in a state of mind to love some poetry & Benwick? I do wonder if the total personality change is temporary or permanent, because sometimes people who undergo near-death experiences often have mental trauma-based reactions including apparently 180 degree personality shifts, but those don't last and as they heal from the trauma, they become closer to their older selves. In Louisa's case that would make for an interesting dynamic in her married life with Benwick if she goes back to her earlier personality eventually.
I personally think Louisa and Benwick's marriage is the most questionable one in all of Austen's works! Forget age gaps, no one should be getting married a few months after major brain trauma... I mean unless they were already engaged... maybe.
These are the two quotes about Louisa after the injury that are important here:
She saw no reason against their being happy. Louisa had fine naval fervour to begin with, and they would soon grow more alike. He would gain cheerfulness, and she would learn to be an enthusiast for Scott and Lord Byron; nay, that was probably learnt already; of course they had fallen in love over poetry. The idea of Louisa Musgrove turned into a person of literary taste, and sentimental reflection was amusing, but she had no doubt of its being so. The day at Lyme, the fall from the Cobb, might influence her health, her nerves, her courage, her character to the end of her life, as thoroughly as it appeared to have influenced her fate.
He answered rather hesitatingly, “Yes, I believe I do; very much recovered; but she is altered; there is no running or jumping about, no laughing or dancing; it is quite different. If one happens only to shut the door a little hard, she starts and wriggles like a young dab-chick in the water; and Benwick sits at her elbow, reading verses, or whispering to her, all day long.” Anne could not help laughing. “That cannot be much to your taste, I know,” said she; “but I do believe him to be an excellent young man.” “To be sure he is. Nobody doubts it; and I hope you do not think I am so illiberal as to want every man to have the same objects and pleasures as myself. I have a great value for Benwick; and when one can but get him to talk, he has plenty to say. His reading has done him no harm, for he has fought as well as read. He is a brave fellow. I got more acquainted with him last Monday than ever I did before. We had a famous set-to at rat-hunting all the morning in my father’s great barns; and he played his part so well that I have liked him the better ever since.”
So firstly, Louisa was already into the navy and Wentworth, she has retained that interest. However, we will recall that Louisa's interest in the navy sprang to life in moments after meeting the handsome captain. But she's 19 years old, so sudden interests in things that a handsome guy likes are perfectly normal! I'm sure she's learned to appreciate poetry in all the time she had to be quiet and still.
Secondly, what Charles observes is likely lingering effects of brain trauma or what we might call post-concussion syndrome (Louisa had a worse injury than what is commonly called a concussion). Louisa's brain is still healing. She will probably begin to dance again at some point, depending on what damage is long lasting. This is the tricky thing with brains, permanent damage can be extremely varied. One person ends up with aphasia (trouble speaking), another with ataxia (trouble with muscle coordination), and a third with memory problems and so on. However, Louisa is young and her brain is still plastic (adaptable); hopefully she will recover completely without deficits.
Lastly, I included the part about Benwick being a great rat-hunter because we have to remember, he's not all poetry. He is in the navy, he is apparently competent to be promoted so early and we know he has a good fortune. He's a good guy, he's passionate, I'm sure he wants to make his wife happy.
So... I think they'll be fine. Louisa was going to mature no matter what, Benwick is a good person, and they will grow more alike. If not, navy wives weren't always able to travel with their husbands, so Benwick might be away for long periods of time and Louisa might be home with the kids.
But I still advise anyone to wait at least a year before marrying after a major brain trauma! (semi-expert advice, don't sue me)
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kiraisrika · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel: Trace the primal light
This will be part 1/3 Of my hazbin hotel rewrite
Link to part 2: xxx
Edit: this is a safe measure to vivziepop's stans that happen to come across my silly post
I just did a rewrite of a show i thought have so much potential, viv's ideas is good, great even and i respect her (though not support her) because of how far she has come. Shes a great animator and artist, i just wanted to expand her idea in another way unlike her way, its just a silly little rewrite you don't have to take it seriously.
Tldr: I am a bored teen who see the potential and decided to expand on it im not attacking Viv im just critisizing her work, all writers, artist, creator go through that (even me) its just a part of making creating for other people to enjoy. So lets be respectful.
Lets start of with the big fish, the tonal problem of Hazbin Hotel.
I feel like Viv can't decide whether its a serious story or a comedic story, everything feels so unbalanced, one thing the viewer is supposed to make fun of a character the next you need to sympathies with them in one scene to another.
Im not saying comedic shows cannot have a serious setting once in a while, see for example: the amazing world of gumball or heck even my little pony A SHOW MADE FOR KIDS THAT MEANT TO BE LIGHTHEARTED
But ofcourse, Hazbin Hotel have this problem, so lets change it shall we?
In my rewrite HH is in its core a semi-serious show, it has mature theme that is handled seriously and it doesn't make fun of a character in their more character driven moment
Ofcourse, HH still has their humor and allat, it just doesn't interfere with the over all tone of the show
now we move on to season 1 (-ep 9)
In the original series, hazbin hotel has 8 episodes, i wouldn't blame them because their an indie production but i think it should be extended to 9 for good measure
Ep 1 focuses on the setting, tone and introduction
Ep 9 will lay out the stary of the conflict in season 2
And lets just say, the Pilot of HH did a pretty good job of standing in for Ep 1, it has the setting, the characters and how they interact. I particularly liked the introduction to charlie at the start of the pilot, when its the end of the recent extermination and she's essentially "waking up" the rest of hell.
It captured Charlie's motivation and role so perfectly and nicely, it shows her status as princess, and her motivation to end the extermination for her people. All without a single dialog only her song.
Season 1 of my HH rewrite will lean onto more episodic elements, each episode after ep 1 will introduced a new character that come to the hotel and want to be redeemed.this will be the perfect chance for viv to showcase her designs and push the premise forward.
What about sir pentious? Hes a guest yes, he's a guest in ep 1 and will be more of like the core cast along season 1
My rewrite will probably look like this:
Ep 01: Prolog
Ep 02: a guest related to greed
Ep 03: a guest related to gluttony
Ep 04: a guest related to wrath
Ep 05: a guest related to sloth
Ep 06: a Guest related to lust
Ep 07: a guest related to pride
Ep 08: cast centric episode (maybe angel dust)
Ep 09: epilog that will lay out future season
I will talk about ep 9 later after i talk about the villains in part 2
But kira how about the main cast? How about their development?
Good question and i have an answer to you
Each cast or more will handle the said guest in every episode, for example Charlie will try to calm down a rouge wrath guest or Husk will try to help slmeone with the gluttony problem and so on and so forth.
The guest will contrast the cast very much, and this will give you how they interact with someone outside the main cast
Now how about the main cast itself? How do they interact with each other? Through the episodes ofcourse, found family dynamic that build up slowly but surely. Like angel, who don't care about the hotel at the start but slowly warming up to the others
But how about their personal development or trauma? Yes, beacuse season 1 focuses alot more on episodic, developing a character through episode is hard but plausible, so i guess in season 1 we will get a little development in the show don't tell format while in season 2 we will push to more character driven story and story driven story episodes.
how about the main characters?
Ofcourse we gotta start with the main cast
Charlie morningstar
Charlie in my rewrite is nice, sweet and often times pushing herself too much, she has her pride and will do anything to protect it, even if it harm herself. Shes down to earth and thats why she gets brushed off so much by her people because she doesn't earn their respect yet
Her development in season 1 is all about her trying to gain respect and all the while pushing the inner conflict of herself for working herself too much.
And her flaw is shown in one of the scene where she lashed out to her fellow main cast beacuse of her pride as in only her method is the right one. But through out the said episode she will try to fix that part of her in the guidance of her friends.
Likable component
- friendly
- nice
- confident
- leader type
- down to earth
- caring
Unlikable component
- prideful
- Headstrong
- pushing herself too much in the cost of her own self or even her friends
- gullible
- get jealous fairly easily ( not in like a posessive way but in like of how dare you're better than me way)
Vaggie | Vagatha | Valitas (angel name)
Yes i did rewrote her name too because what the fuck is Vagina.
The problem i had with her is the fact she doesn't have any and i mean Any character outside of her being "Charlie's girlfriend who is an angry latina stereotype" so we gotta fix this
In my rewrite, shes a pretty serious and headstrong woman, often being the "straight man" inside the chaos of Hazbin Hotel. While she look like she's made from stone, she actually has a pretty soft side more to her friends.
She's only acted aggressively where she deemed the situation is calling for it or she sense danger arising.
Shes a very good fighter and has been with Charlie for a long Time, though they never outright have a relationship. Their romance is a slow burn one, scenes here and there like lasting glances or playful flirting throughout season 1 that build up to season 2.
She has a pretty good, enemies to friends dynamic with angel dust, and out of all the main cast she's the closest to him by far (platonic!!)
We can easily showcase her character in a show don't tell format like simple gestures like putting a hand in front of charlie when she danger is coming or reassuring the other main cast calmly while holding their hand if need be
Likable components
- attentive
- logical
- serious
- street smart
- wise
- gentle
Unlikable components
- headstrong
- violent (if the situation calls for it)
- self loathing
- overbearing
Angel dust
Angel dust oh yeah we gotta talk about him
*sigh where do i start
I am not going to show his SA scene
Thats it, thats the rewrite
But still no SA scene bcs wtf is that
Angel dust in my hazbin hotel rewrite is a confident and flirty man, he's confident, charming and sexually active man though he does fake his emotions a whole lot.
He stand in the middle of a string between overconfidence and self loathing at the same time, even if he's tired he'll often push all of his real emotions inside and stand proud in his drag queen persona.
He is an actor after all.
He has a very heavy trauma history with Valentino, and beacuse of valentino he develop his eating disorder and self loathing tendencies.
His interaction with main cast starts from him using them as means to escape valentino to him genuinely caring about them
Hes a very complex character over all
Likable components
- confident
- charming
- caring (he doesn't want to admit it)
- attentive
- soft spot
Unlikable components
- he'll often accidentally invading others personal space because of his flirting (he'll work on it)
- self loathing
- overconfidence
and also his eating disorder (he'll work on it too in season 1 this will be viewed negatively as in its a bad thing not that angel dust is a terrible person to have ED)
Angel ae urip iki
Husky dusty my lil meow meow (hes a grown man) Just kidding!!
Husk in my rewrite is often times dismissive, petty, and overall a not fun person beacuse of his " i don't care" attitude but surprisingly hes a pretty good listener and a very detailed observer, he has street smarts and will sometime spit out uncharacteristically good advice.
His relationship with alastor will be dived in more deeper in season 2
Over all he will be that one idgaf bartender that has surprisingly good advice
Likable components
- attentive
- observant
- good listener
- street smart
- wise
- uncharacteristic good advice
Unlikable components
- petty
- dissmissive
- bitter
- salty
Ah yes, the hyperactive skrunkle
she's honestly...a very interesting can of worms, she acted like a child but in that one episode she displayed in this sexual setting that made me ick for a little bit
Her character is basically nothing outside of the sociopathic, hyperactive silly goober
In my rewrite she's more reserved while still holding on to that hyperactiveness of her, shes a clean freak and kinda a sociapath often times.
While she hold on to that shes a rather friendly and approachable character, shes like that one friend you would talk your problems with all the while she offered to get rid of the problem (in more ways than one). While she has her flaws with her, it wss established that she was not aware that what her doing is wrong, because in her human life she never thought about right or wrong
And yes in my rewrite shes a rather young gal (maybe high school age?), how did she met alastor? No one knows
And she's ace btw, it just doesn't accured to me she will be the type to think about romance, let alone sex.
Likeable components :
- friendly
- easily approachable
- positive
- clean
Unlikable components
- cant distinct between right or wrong
- gullible
- violent
- overbearing
Alastor alastor alastor, what should i do with you?
In my rewrite he is an polite and old timey man, he is a gentleman and quite a charmer. Hes smart, observant and confident.
He'll probably will be the only character in my rewrite to not swear once, instead he will passive aggressively critisize someone with his signature gentleman words for example:
"Your highness perhaps with that silly little head of yours you cannot comprehend this level complexity do you?"
but ofcourse he wasn't a tumblr sexyman for nothing Ain't he?
he's manipulative while simultaneously approachable, making him more dangerous, he is sadistic and psycothic all of his move and act is for himself and only himself
It wasn't clear of wether or not he started to care for the other main cast or not but one thing is for certain that he is a force to behold.
And hes one of the girls
Also, no voodoo thingy
Likable components :
- Charming
- polite
- gentleman
- observant
- smart
Unlikable components
- manipulative
- sadistic
- fake.
- obsessive
Yes that's all for today's rewrite, part two will hopefully be tomorrow, ofcourse this is not a perfect rewrite, im open to what interpretation you guys have about my rewrite!!
Edit: sorry guys, i write this on a whim in the middle of the night and im veryy sleepy so i hope the typo and grammar mistakes can be excused
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shatcey · 6 months
Villain's logic...
My words can… no… will definitely be considered as spoilers for Vlad and Kicho's routes. It's more like thinking out loud… a long and boring for most of you. So if you're not interested in that kind of things, you won't miss anything by skipping.
Controversial characters are usually more loved. They are more interesting, they have more than one side and there is always have some other motive that you can only reveal somewhere in the middle of his sroty. So, characters who seem kind at one moment and cruel at another seem somehow more realistic, they are not as flat as others.
The writers need to somehow find a balance between these seemingly completely polar sides of the character so that we constantly feel on our toes. And explain why he is like this, in a roundabout way so that it's not too obvious and boring.
This is probably one of the reasons we love these characters. The writers have spent a lot of time on them, thinking through a lot of details, and as a result they shine like freshly polished silver.
I don't need to explain why this is not an easy task.
So it's not surprising that there are a lot of characters that aren't as good as they should be. And personally, I think Vlad is one of them.
The contradiction between what he says and what he does is so huge that at some point I thought maybe he had a split personality. But no. He's just… like that. And I'm not a naive girl (like Mai in Kicho's route or Belle in Gilbert's route) who seriously thinks that if we all just hold hands, all problems will be solved. I understand that if you really want to change something and big, you need to make sacrifices, your own or others'. But the way the authors explain it in Vlad's route… I don't see the logic in that.
I am an extremely logical person. I'm a mathematician, after all. So if I notice something in the game that cannot be structured with a simple if/ then it makes me question about the purpose of it. This is not a book, where not everything should have a purpose. It's a short story or a comic (no matter what you call it), something that has a very bordered size. And in order to fit into these boundaries and make the story interesting and dynamic, they must use if/then structures.
He wants to achieve some goal, that's why he does this and that. At the moment, he is behaving uncharacteristically because he has become too emotional and has no idea how to deal with it. That kind of things. Very simple and logical.
But with Vlad...
Vlad loves all people and loves this world. But… people will destroy this world, so he decided to control their thoughts. Not change, but control. It's not perfect, but it makes sense. He wants to find people who will have enough influence to change the way people think. Ok, but there is a small problem here. People change ONLY when they wanna change. Yes, then we are talking about children… their opinion is very flexible. Anything can make them rearrange the structure of their thoughts. But it's not that simple with adults. Sometimes something stuck in our head, but it is impossible to predict who or what it might be. The idea is correct in some ways, but it is not so easy to implement it. You can't get people to listen to one person, believe them, and agree with them… UNLESS they've been used to thinking that way since childhood. OR they became emotionally close to that person. We are more likely to listen to people we know and trust than to complete strangers.
And the second huge logical gap in Vlad's thoughts is… Let's make them fight each other to find out who is the strongest.
Why do you even need that? These are not gladiator fights. You wanna achieve the maximum result. Why not use them all? That would make more sense. If Vlad wasn't trying to kill others, but was trying to manipulate them… to win them over to his side… It would be more logical and certainly truly villainous.
And his… These flowers are not strong enough to bloom in my garden… Again, how does physical strength relate to the ability to change a person's mindset?
No, I don't get it.
Another thing I didn't feel about his route was... the connection with MC. Very sad story of the faceless women in the portrait does not add up to a complete picture in my head. The chronological MC found the little (almost said Nobunaga… habits are strong) the little Vlad in the closet. The adults told him to hide, just to distract him while they were fighting the humans. Save his psyche or something. Good parents. He felt lonely, but he didn't understand what was going on. So it happened BEFORE he felt hopeless and betrayed, BEFORE he wanted to die. And her words (they didn't stick in my memory at all) somehow give him strength then it finally happens… But he always spoke as if she had appeared at that EXACT moment and saved him. Maybe I missed something… I read his route six months ago and didn't really remember it.
Unlike him in the Kicho's route, the connection between them is so very strong. He memorized her words, word for word, and carried them through the years. Her words shape his whole personality. Everything he is now is the result of her words and actions in his past. He still keeps the promise he made to her, and that's the big part of his personality. And he's even afraid of the rain (I get goosebumps) because she disappeared in the rain. This is what makes readers cry and feel impressed. That's what called a really good writing work. When writers understand their character, you can literally feel it.
Only now I'm starting to understand Vlad BECAUSE I've read Kicho's route. Unexpected, isn't it? Mai tries to change Kicho's behavior to protect his heart. So… he acted like a villain against his own philosophy. He values every life, he wants to save as much as possible, but he chose destruction. And it hurts him to do that, but he doesn't see any other options. And this is the key to understanding Vlad. God, why didn't they explain it in his route? Why do I need to read ANOTHER game to understand the character? It's so wrong.
I'm finishing the interlude in Vampires, which gives a little more information about Vlad's inner struggles, but I wouldn't have understood them if I hadn't read Kicho's route. This is a serious mistake. A huge one. Okay, Mai is smarter than the girl from Vampires. That's probably the reason. MC from Vampires just couldn't understand or couldn't explain it so simply.
Maybe the problem is with me. I don't exclude such a possibility. Maybe I just don't like the narrative in Vampires and I cannot fully immerse myself in the story. And perhaps you all understand Vlad in a way that I will never be able to...
🔝 Start page 🔝
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falling-skyzz · 11 months
hey, i have some concerns regarding your sapphic glorybringer post, particularly about the representation behind it.
deathbringer in general is not a great character, and his dynamic with glory doesn't help his case. it can't be forgotten that deathbringer was originally supposed to kill glory and her friends, and making him fall in love with his target is just an abhorrent decision on tui's end, not to mention that he's twice her age when they first met (regardless if his age was a mistake or not). he's just a creep; he made many unwanted advances that were shut down multiple times and ignored it. making him queer doesn't really change any of that.
having deathbringer be transfem in particular makes it worse, perpetuating the harmful stereotypes imposed on trans women. I have a friend who is transfem herself and has a great issue with headcanoning characters associated with violence as transfem, which is wildly common in this fandom. even then, sapphic glorybringer has these implications that queer relationships are dangerous because of their dynamic. making them queer also doesn't erase their already existing issues. the label isn't some saving grace that masks the problems in their characters. this applies to deathbringer especially, and, as a queer person myself, having the queer and transfem label being associated with his predatory character is the worst form of representation that we can get.
you may have not considered these implications, and while I don't have any particular issue with making queer hcs just for fun, it becomes a problem when the characters in question don't serve as good queer representation because of how they are written.
before i say anything, id like to state that i am a cis female lesbian, and i had this checked over by a friend who is trans male.
first off, as you said, the glorybringer age difference was a complete mistake by tui. completely fine if you dont like the ship anyways, but glorybringer was never intended to be an age gap ship.
what im getting from your ask, though, is that because deathbringer was originally sent to kill glory and company, even though he grew and changed from his assassin mindset, youre saying that trans people cant be written in the enemies-to-lovers trope, and that they should be always written in a simple and positive light. deathbringer does do things that can be considered predatory, but his character is overall complex, nuanced, and up to the reader to decide whether they like him or not, but saying that a character like this cannot be trans is saying that all trans characters cant be complicated. this would be a different story if glorybringer had a clear power imbalance, but that is absolutely not the case.
i can see where your concerns are coming from, but by avoiding writing people of a certain gender or sexuality into tropes that arent perfectly healthy, youre also invalidating a whole bunch of shows with imperfect queer characters. its so important to portray trans people through multifaceted lenses.
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rose-tinted-vision · 4 months
1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19 for the behind the scenes of fic asks! ((this is hualianisms, i can't send asks from my sideblog🥲))
Hello @hualianisms!! Thank you for the asks (๑>◡<๑)
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
(/。\)...am I going to embarrass myself on main today because the first fic that I published on ao3 was for the ReoNagi pairing from Blue Lock, but I technically wrote fic for Inazuma Eleven when I was a wee little child. What was yours?
If you could only write angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Definitely angst, it comes easier to me than fluff or smut 〜(><)〜
If you were stuck on an island with only two characters, who would you pick?
Only two? That's a hard choice >_< Shi Qingxuan (TGCF) and Yu Shisan (A Journey to Love), probably. SQX can just whisk us away~
What is your most underrated fic?
I'll take underrated to mean not doing as well as I thought it would since I really liked this? It's a toss up between one of my Link Click fics (Qiao Ling centric, S2 canon compliant) and one of my earlier Mysterious Lotus Casebook fics (Gen, LXY/LLH centric). I really enjoyed the process of exploring what went on in Season 2 of Link Click through Qiao Ling's eyes, and thought that there weren't enough fics featuring her, which is why it's a fic that's really dear to me. As for the Li Xiangyi centric fic (i must admit that imagining pre-canon stuff is a favourite of mine), I wanted to explore the process of Li Xiangyi becoming Li Lianhua, and how he had changed so much over ten years. It was fun to imagine him traversing the jianghu and picking up various skills along the way! But I do understand that Genfics aren't for everyone, so it's okay. I do have more recent ones that aren't doing that well but I have...complicated feelings regarding those
What fic are you most proud of?
(I also cannot simply choose one, my bad).
I have this ShiGuang fic that was loosely inspired by a manhwa called "The tale of the Yellow dragon", that was nearly complete by the time the S2 finale came out and I figured, why not throw Lu Guang's lines in there? and it fit, so I was really happy with how it turned out :D Another fic that I'm proud of is Tales of Tianji Manor, mainly because I wasn't sure that people would enjoy a fic told from Madam He's pov, but the fandom was so nice about it ^^ and it was fun to explore the OT3 dynamics from her pov!! and (last one, I promise!!) I was really happy with how the ZhanHua fic turned out :D Zhan Yunfei was one of my favourite side characters, and explore his ten years of yearning and devotion was interesting.
Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
I'd say the hardest is Di Feisheng's (MLC) pov for me, I'm not sure if it's writers block or burnout, but trying to wrangle his character has been a challenge lately. Another would be Ning Yuanzhou (A Journey to Love), because the man thinks so damn much, and he has to be a leader, a lover, a father and a brother all at the same time. Oh and Yi Zhi Hua's (White Cat Legend) tone is quite tricky for me to grasp...
easiest would probably be what I call the "simp characters" (not that I'm calling them one-dimensional, it's just that they have Prioritised that One Special Person): Fang Duobing for one, he has a rather straightforward personality, he places his family and Li Lianhua first, and he's honest about his feelings. Qiu Qingzhi is another. (it's harder to see beneath his layers but) imo his motivations were mainly to protect Li Bing. and I just really like to write Yu Shisan, the man loves so deeply and freely.
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clambuoyance · 1 year
I know that you are a stalwart TimKon Shipper
But what are your opinions on other Kon ships?
I am a firm KonCass Shipper through and through
even if i have my own personal hcs, i mean i don't mind any of these ships
koncass had a couple of cute issues and they very much feel like young teens trying to date kinda clumsily but i liked that they agreed to just be friends at the end of it T-T also given what cass says about how she's looked at and her relationships with other characters i cant really see her with a guy >_> they are definitely cute tho and glad you have a cute ship to enjoy!
i actually think koncassie are sweet to each other in tt03 but it's like very basic and surface level to me (that's just how johns wrote everyone there though so) and within canon, cassie had something of a celebrity crush for him at first, but there's the issue where cassie looks in the mirror and wishes she was beautiful and wishes kon would stop looking at her as if he only sees her as a sister and nothing more and then they kiss and i was like >_> okay i guess (if we had seen more of this romance from kon's pov i might have bought into it more) and later in tt03 johns writes cassie as if it was a flaw to act so boyish in her youth and while there's nothing wrong with characters growing up and changing it just felt cheap or whateverrr like at least write her realizing she doesn't need to be doing this for a man and only for herself. again, theyre okay to me as a ship on its own and are cute and i joke that kon got domesticated and learned to be a decentish boyfriend i guess (altho i think he was always going to be a loyal bf and the persona from his youth was more of an act). i could enjoy them more maybe in cases where they are presented in a way i find more interesting (such as both having similar journeys in exploring gender, making cassie's stories revolve less around kon or boy drama etc) or outside of canon but personally i also cannot see her with a man </3 koncassie really doesn't do it for me </3
supermartian really only exists within the yja show which i havent watched in over a decade so i can't say much except that i remember being obsessed with them in s1 and then i kinda lost interest and never finished s2
konbart is neat too even if i don't talk about them much either, they also have a lot of canon scenes showing their devotion and support to each other, not to mention the humor in all of yj and dynamic esp during the parts surrounding the apokolips-ish era(the guilt and worry kon felt, associating bart for a chick etc etc). they also have a lot in common origin/character wise (very sci-fi/experiment origins, inertia and match, interesting relationships with adult figures and expectations, both dying, being written off as stupid or immature, etc etc) so i can definitely see the appeal and think theyre also cute. honestly for me it probably just came down to preference and the order i read things in bc if i read yj2019 first or didn't tend towards tim drake/annabeth chase/rose lalonde coded characters i might've had a different main dc ship but theyre neat :)
ofc again these are just my personal opinions and hcs i have nothing against the people who like em (except maybe for the writers of some of these comics)
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sun-undone · 2 years
i'm finishing up yet another rewatch because when am i not rewatching this godforsaken show and all throughout season 2, i kept honing in on all the times we see JJ with that fucking flask and how it is NEVER ADDRESSED. the most we get are the two moments in 2x01 and 2x03 when Kie's telling him to chill out before school and then when she takes the flask from his hand when she thinks he's asleep.
the fact that the closest we got to any acknowledgement of that being a deeper problem was always framed around jiara???? and now we know from the EW articles that JJ's mental health is gonna be a bigger deal (thank fucking god pates i love you and i never said anything bad about y'all) in season 3, which is the jiara season??????? it's all connected and i truly cannot believe i am praising writers for basic set up and payoff but !!!!!! i really thought the flask was their half-assed way of giving JJ some kind of individual arc when they totally dropped all his other plot lines (restitution and Luke/abuse trauma) but i could not be more happy to be proven wrong.
(i mean, they might be talking a big game now, it all comes down to the actual execution but i'm still so fucking excited that they've specifically mentioned taking a look at the pogues' mental states and it gives me a lot of hope okay)
everyone's already said this but i really think we're gonna see JJ struggling hardcore with being back home and not knowing what his place is as the dynamic of the pogues has changed so much. Cleo and Pope are paired off, since we now have confirmation that she'll be staying with him and his family. John B is gonna be reunited with his father, and he and Sarah have got each other as well. Kie has her parents to go back to, as strained as that relationship is. JJ is very clearly the odd one out.
poguelandia is the first time that JJ has ever been away from the obx. he has never existed outside the bubble of what it means to be a Maybank in the obx. so he's gotta feel so free, right?? he can provide for his family by fishing and they can get by just well enough to survive and live off the land and they have each other, and that's always been enough for JJ.
and if he and Kie gravitate closer on poguelandia like we all think they will, then all of that happiness and a taste of his surf trip dream will suddenly get ripped away from him when they have to go back home, and he's absolutely gonna spiral. he's gonna pull away and deflect and overcompensate with alcohol and use all the other immature coping mechanisms we've seen him use before, and i am so fucking ready for this angst holy shit cause there's just been so much set up for it. the pates love a fast burn so i think we were all kinda worried about the slow burn with jiara, but my expectations are officially sky high. i'm so glad that they're using the established character flaws and insecurities for JJ as part of the angst, and i'm assuming Kie's issues with her parents will be the external force adding onto that and making it even angstier.
it's not mind-blowing writing whatsoever, but after season 2 kinda let us down in terms of giving us insight into JJ's headspace, i'm just over the moon to see that it might've all been a set up for something bigger. they knew they wanted to save the deep dive into JJ's trauma for the jiara season because it's so integral to understanding how JJ receives and doesn't receive love. you can't put JJ in a romantic plot line without addressing all that trauma and self-hatred, and it's something fic writers have created masterpieces about and i can't stop saying it but i am just so fucking happy that the pates are putting it in canon. they really do care about these characters huh
if season 3 ends up being a disaster and the trauma plot line is disappointing as hell then no one saw this i didn't write it you didn't read it
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amusingmusie · 7 months
Hello Musie! I hope you are doing well on this out of touch Thursday. Would you be comfortable with sharing what inspired you to begin writing? Do you have a muse of your own that inspires the way you build dynamics between your characters? I was curious if you had anything that you had outside of source material (ie Hazbin) that helped motivate you?
I've always loved to write, but always burned myself out before the ideas manifested into something more substantial than daydreams. You have inspired me to at least focus that energy into comments and questions! I just wanted to say that you have a fresh approach to building meaningful conflict between characters and developing background YT. You've got me researching New Orleans history so I can further the immersion as I read! I still cannot get over how fleshed out Nel is. I can absolutely go on, but yeah!
Thanks a million :)
Hello! Sorry I answered this so late (it's Monday for me whoops!). I can't lie, I got really excited to answer this so I can nerd the hell out and YAP PROFUSELY.
What inspired me to write- With every single piece of media consume, I immediately (and I mean immediately) begin to construct some kind of OC to throw into that universe, and Nel was no exception! I got very attached to human Alastor since one of my favorite things about Hazbin is the tradegy of the human lives the characters lived, and Alastor's death in particular seemed incredibly tragic (but deserved) that I ended up fixating on it. I think something I asked myself was "Goddamn, I wonder how people who knew him reacted to his end?". That, combined with how much I loved Al's dynamic with Husk/Vaggie (the sterner characters) birthed Nel pretty quickly after I watched the pilot.
I NEVER thought I'd post a fic. Like ever. I did not think I could do it. I've been writing for myself for years and I would write on the job (I was doing secretary work at the time), so this story slowly started building and building until I had the whole thing drafted. It wasn't going to be posted until I started casually going through the Al/reader tag and saw that there was BARELY any human Alastor. And I sorta thought weeeellll I guess I gotta be the change I wish to see, I've got the whole thing drafted, why not? I'll see how long I stick with it. The fandom was super dead at the time, so I figured my fic wouldn't be exposed to a lot of people anyway, so why not?
Then you insane (/pos) people got invested in my silly shit and I am still in fucking awe that everyone is so supportive!
As for other muses (heehee) that give me inspiration- READ DEAD REDEMPTION 2. I love the RDR series, I am obsessed with it, and I think the storytelling is so beautiful. The setting gave me a small amount of inspiration (the wilderness and the country, rugged characters) but mostly the impact of the story and writing has had a lot of influence on my creativity if that makes sense? The dialogue feels insanely natural, they use old-timey slang without it dominating the conversations, and the story flows deliciously. Like, the game has had a huge impact on my life and I think if I had half the effect on you guys with my fic as that had on me, I could die somewhat happily.
And finally, I'm glad my work has a bit of a motivator for you! I'm not the best at giving advice to get motivated to start writing (I live in hyperfixation hell), but what I can say is that when something sticks, nurture it :) Try writing for yourself and see what feels right first. You never know what it can turn into!
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arcadekitten · 1 year
hi ak!!! considering its cms anniversary i just wanted to wholeheartedly thank you for making and publishing it!!! ive only been into your games for a few months now i think but they genuinely changed something in my brain chemistry (/hj) and now i think about it constantly bc it just makes me so so happy!!!
the way you present stories and characters is honestly so incredibly amazing!! no matter what a game is about it pulls me in entirely every single time, even if im replaying it for the fifth time! you genuinely have a wonderful talent!!! i dont have the words to describe just how intricate everything is, especially psychologically, but god!!!! its all so good!!!! (its honestly a whole other thing to get into, but the mareggie layers in particular are everything to me, along with twyla and novas dynamic.. aughhhhh)
i mean it when i say ive fallen head over heels for most of your characters!!! each and every one of them is so unique and all of their designs are so gorgeous!!! as an autist myself im especially happy to see characters like mary and capella given important roles in a story!!!!
im using a LOT of exclamation marks but i just cannot contain my excitement when im talking about noisrev!!! i love drawing your characters and theorizing and whatnot!!! this became a bit longer than i thought itd be so. yes! thank you! from the bottom of my heart!!! youre changing lives and bringing so much happiness to others!!! ❤️
Cool I'm gonna go cry about this now!! (positive!)
No but for real like, I can't just get a sweet message like this and return it with nothing! Reading stuff like this feels like you reached through the screen, through my chest, and hugged my heart directly and it just makes me really emotional and happy.
Putting your art into the world is always really scary. Any time I release any project, I've always got such a tightness in my chest! Even when I know I am happy with what I made, I still hope that the people who have come to know my work are not disappointed with what I'm putting out. It's hard not to be at least a little worried! But time and time again I am told that the art I made is loved, and that feeling is the whole world to me!
When I receive messages like this (and no, you don't have to feel pressured to send me anything like this!) it really warms my heart. When I think about the games I make being someone's favorite, the characters I make being someone's favorites, I mean hell even just having them like it a lot! it really brings a tear to my eye if I think about it for too long.
I think about all the ways my favorite media pulled me out of dark places when I was younger and still do now, and I'm happy if I can impart that feeling onto others.
Thank YOU all for playing the games, engaging in them, and just being generally interested! Thank you for making me feel like my art is worth something to people who aren't me, for granting me the opportunities to keep making art, and for allowing me to experience a human connection I haven't been able to replicate in any way other than from sharing my art. Thank you for making me feel as though I made a good decision in making games.
I hope I can always make art and games you'll enjoy, and I mean that more and more every time I say it! Thank you for sticking around to see them ♡
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HEXACO Analysis: Nakahara Chuuya
HEXACO score: 3.75/2.5/3/2.5/3.75/3.5
Highest trait: Honesty-Humility/Conscientiousness
Lowest trait: Emotionality/Agreeableness
Full order: (HC)OX(EA)
Extreme high subtraits (score 5): Sincerity, Fairness and Diligence
Extreme low subtraits (score 1): Fearfulness
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(I have been agonizing over this for literally a month so I have decided to just post it how it is because I'm never going to be satisfied with it anyways.)
Port Mafia executive, former leader of The Sheep, one half of the fearsome Double Black, loyal to a fault, wants a puppy. Gotta love this dude. I'm always excited to do any meta on him because there's so much to his character. Now, much of the fanon interpretation of Chuuya differs from my perception of canon, so if you're a bit surprised by any of the rankings, read on to find out why!
Please do keep in mind: a lot of the info we have for Chuuya does not come from the main manga but from his backstory novels Fifteen and Stormbringer. While these two books have made him an incredibly fleshed-out character, we don't have much info on him at 22 years old except in brief scenes in the manga, omake, and official non-canon content like wan, mayoi and some character q&as. The good thing is that HEXACO traits tend to be relatively consistent over time (and Chuuya himself doesn't seem to have changed too much) so I don't think this will be a major issue.
Here's how I'm doing my analyses and extra HEXACO info: I Like to Write Things — Ok so since I have one note on this, that was... (tumblr.com)
*Note: I tend to be reluctant to give extreme scores unless I really can't find much opposing evidence. As such, most of my scores tend to be 2s, 3s, or 4s.
**Note: Since these are scores that require me to pick a clear ranking, it's difficult to be quite as nuanced in my discussions as I prefer to be. These are intended to be general trends and there will likely always be exceptions - if you don't agree, that's fine, and it's probably just due to differences in subjective interpretation. However, if I've referenced something incorrectly, feel free to notify me; just be polite please!
***Final note: This is a long post! I go through 24 subtraits! You have been warned!
Explanations under the cut:
Honesty-Humility (H)
Subtrait 1: Sincerity - A tendency to be genuine in interpersonal relations.
1 = Manipulative and rarely honest.
5 = Honest to a fault and almost never lies.
While Chuuya is capable of trickery, he doesn't do this very often - he's generally a very honest person who says what he means and doesn't beat around the bush. He faces his problems head on, and due to his immensely strong ability, he's likely never needed to do otherwise. Any lies he engages in are from my recollection either someone else's idea (Dazai, Mori) or to buy time (in Stormbringer). Even then, he doesn't really keep up an act for long - think of the confrontation with the ADA in the Guild arc where he pretty much outright states what the Mafia's game is. He's entirely nonchalant about it. He's not the kind of guy you send for subterfuge or deception.
Moreover, I cannot think of a time he used lies to get what he, personally, wanted. He's a very straightforward person. He has a sort of "I am who I am" kind of mentality and this shows in his words and actions.
Having said that, there are certain times he seems to blindside himself - as an example, the nature of his complicated dynamic with Dazai. While his irritation with him and negative feelings are genuine in part, there's a lot more nuance to it than that - worry, trust, begrudging understanding, unfortunate and unwilling recognition of self through the other, etc., but he boils it down to "hate". So, Chuuya does occasionally appear to tell himself convenient partial truths to avoid digging into things that make him uncomfortable. However, this honesty scale is about interpersonal honesty, and these instances are rare to my recollection, so he gets a very high score here.
Score = 5
Subtrait 2: Fairness - A tendency to avoid fraud and corruption for personal gain.
1 = Willing to cheat and steal to get what they want.
5 = Unwilling to take advantage of others.
This is tricky... he's in the mafia which is kind of all about this sort of thing, and he performs his job very well. Even so, Chuuya actually seems to have a pretty ingrained sense of fairness, to the point where I don't think it's really a conscious thing. He advances through the ranks of the mafia rapidly by... doing his job properly. He trades honesty for honesty, answers for answers, even in the middle of a fight - see his interactions with Rimbaud for more of what I mean. He repays people's favours and has a strong sense of loyalty and responsibility. Brushing off an ally's death as a means to get ahead is repulsive to him (DHC Dead Apple prologue). He outright tells a GSS soldier in Fifteen what's going to happen to him if he shoots at Chuuya. He does what he says he will, for the most part (unless this has to do with retribution, in which sometimes, rarely, exceptions will be made... I'll bring this up again later). Again, this is probably not mere kindness but also a result of his powerful ability meaning he's never really needed to rely on unscrupulous methods. Nonetheless, for what we see of him, I can't think of a time where he screws others over outside of orders from Mori - much less for his own benefit.
(A case could be made for a drop to 4 if you include his willingness to engage in mafia activities at all. I, personally, wouldn't since being a part of an illegal organization is literally all he's ever known from age 7 onwards. That's not really a character choice imo and more to do with the context he was raised in that became his "normal".)
Score = 5
Subtrait 3: Greed Avoidance - A tendency to be uninterested in possessing lavish wealth, luxury goods and signs of status.
1 = Want to enjoy and display wealth and status.
5 = Hardly driven by material gain.
Again, kind of tricky. Chuuya's introduced in quite possibly one of the most ostentatious outfits of the series (definitely up until that point, at least). He has his expensive wine collection and I think it is implied he has some expensive tastes. I think of that bit in Wan where he says he'll drop any money if he likes the thing he's looking to buy enough. Thing is... we get a little bit in Stormbringer where Chuuya's place is near totally empty; devoid of signs of having been "lived in" and tells us that money and status don't mean much to him. Mind you, this was when he was 16 and things likely changed since then; he's no longer only driven by his goal of finding info on himself and has acclimated to his new home in a sense. Truthfully, though, we don't know all that much about 22-year-old Chuuya. From my interpretation, I think his enjoyment of fancy things like wine and nice clothes is less a drive or motive to acquire any of these things, and more that he gets them as a bonus. He grew up on the streets. He has money now; he might as well use it to get himself something nice. Honestly, I swayed back and forth on this subtrait the most... but eventually settled on a score of 2 (that wine collection is... pretty damn expensive). I think he likes to treat himself. (I am now thinking of Chuuya's excitement over his new pillow in Wan...)
(I'd actually say Chuuya's focus on his appearance has a lot more to do with the image he hopes to give off to others than any true interest in material gain, but more on that later.)
Score: 2
Subtrait 4: Modesty - A tendency to be modest and unassuming (note that this has nothing to do with self-confidence!).
1 = Consider themselves superior and entitled to special treatment.
5 = Consider themselves ordinary people with no claim to special treatment.
Ohhhkay, this is a really weird one. Chuuya is so not modest. He knows damn well how powerful he is and is not afraid to flaunt his ability and martial arts prowess. He's cocky, arrogant and completely self-assured in a fight. However... he also has this weird humility where everything he does is in service to his people. He doesn't ask for special treatment, in fact, it may even make him uncomfortable, at least in Fifteen (dislike of being called "king") and Stormbringer (balking at Adam's "Chuuya-sama" addressal and trying to get him to change it). He goes by first name basis with most everyone and while he expects respect from his subordinates, he's not above spending time with them and doesn't treat people as beneath him unless they're his enemies. From Stormbringer, we know that Chuuya being so much more powerful actually isolates and upsets him. He also rarely takes a lot of credit for things; I think about his reaction in the ending scene in Dead Apple where he brushes off praise from his boss for fighting the dragon, saying he was just doing his job. Most anything he does is brushed off in a similar manner. It's just what he does; it's his duty - what he thinks he should do for his people. See? Weird humility.
I can't rank him too low or too high on this trait - this is one subscale where Chuuya's contradictory nature starts to show, I think.
Score = 3
H Score Total = (5+5+2+3)/4 = 3.75
Emotionality (E)
Subtrait 1: Fearfulness - A tendency to easily experience fear.
1 = Have little fear; tend to be tough and insensitive to physical pain.
5 = Strongly inclined to feel fear and avoid physical harm.
There's not much to say about this. This guy goes through so much pain; gets thrown into buildings, shocked, stabbed and just gets back up. He jumps out of a plane to fight a dragon with zero hesitation. He feels bored in most fights and itches for a real challenge. He's near completely fearless lmao.
Score = 1
Subtrait 2: Anxiety - A tendency to worry over future outcomes.
1 = Feel little stress in response to hardship and difficulties.
5 = Tend to become preoccupied even by minor problems.
I believe Chuuya has a rather standard level of anxiety. I just said he's pretty much fearless, which he is, but he can and does worry, else he would not show concern for others in the way that he does. I think about his clear worry for the captured Sheep members in Fifteen, or him trying to contact Dazai in Stormbringer, or the way his concern over the outcome of the Cannibalism virus led to him attacking the ADA even though he knew that's what their mutual enemy wanted. At the same time, he doesn't spend too much time fretting over things if he can help it.
Score = 3
Subtrait 3: Dependence - A tendency to require emotional support from others.
1 = Feel self-assured and able to cope without help or advice.
5 = Crave encouragement and support when sharing difficulties.
While I think Chuuya could benefit from some supportive friends who don't die on him ( :'( ), I don't think he necessarily needs a lot of emotional support. He's pretty used to toughing it out alone and he's good at it. He's very self-reliant. However, he does ask for advice on occasion (from Mori), he does like to be part of a group (though that's more about other people depending on him...) and he's genuinely touched when people do show a want to support him (the Flags, Adam). He's not too good at receiving said support though lol.
He deserves more than he gets imo, but this scale is about whether he needs it or not, and to me, the answer is very rarely. Chuuya can deal with anything, however much or long he needs to. The real question is should he have to?
Score = 2
Subtrait 4: Sentimentality - A tendency to feel strong emotional bonds with others.
1 = Feel little emotion when parting or in reaction to others' concerns.
5 = Feel strong attachment to others and have an empathic sensitivity.
Bonds with others are literally Chuuya's Reason Living. Like, he practically says as much in Stormbringer and loyalty and protectiveness are two of his core character traits. Nearly everything he does is for the people he decides are his family. And even though he tends to lose people time and time again, he still manages to care and value them in spite of it all. The only reason he does not rank a full 5 is because he's hardly empathic or sensitive, but his emotions and loyalties run deep and comprise a good chunk of his identity.
Score = 4
E Score Total = (1+3+2+4)/4 = 2.5
eXtraversion (X)
Subtrait 1: Social Self-Esteem - A tendency to have positive self-regard in social contexts.
1 = Tend to see self as unpopular and have a sense of worthlessness.
5 = Consider themselves to have likeable qualities and are satisfied with who they are.
Hm. I wonder about this one. We've already established that Chuuya is very confident but that's mostly in a fight or when asserting his strength. When it comes to social interactions outside of this context, it's clear that he gets very easily self-conscious. Think of Ranpo calling him "fancy-hat" - he reaches up to touch his hat like he's unsure if it's a compliment or an insult. There's Dazai's commenting on his shoes, first happy and then extremely irritated when the other... shoe drops (I'm sorry). Comments on his clothes, stature and anything to do with his history (the latter especially when he was younger) make him defensive and prone to bursts of irritation - he's very confident up until someone says something that makes him self-conscious. This probably has a lot to do with his former insecurities about his inhumanity; while he knows now that he is human, that feeling of otherness isn't just going to go away. Of particular note is Chuuya's dress sense - I made a note of this earlier that it seems he dresses to give off a particular image, namely, his membership to a group and status as their ultimate weapon (he both blends in and strikingly stands out). I'm not the only one who's noticed how he has a lot of outfit changes throughout the series, and how they seem to match whichever group he's a part of at the time - so, to insult the way he dresses seems to be taken as a personal jab to the image he's built up, an image that keeps him secure in his membership with his people (membership we know Chuuya desires from Stormbringer). If simple poking at the surface level of his self-image is enough for him to get so defensive, that doesn't really bode well for his social self-esteem as a whole.
At the same time, Chuuya does possess a lot of self-confidence and a certain level of self-respect. His reaction to Kenji thinking he's cool is definitely unabashed pride. He likely knows and enjoys his respected reputation in the mafia - but again, this is towards his ability and prowess, not necessarily his person. He responds to care for his person often with confusion and, again, defensiveness. I feel like he's about average in social self-esteem honestly, as his reactions tend to be quite polarized. It really depends on the context and what's being judged.
Score = 3
Subtrait 2: Social Boldness - A tendency to be comfortable/confident in social situations.
1 = Tend to feel shy or awkward when speaking to others.
5 = Willing to approach strangers and speak up.
Yeah Chuuya has no issue talking to people. I wouldn't actually call him social (more on that in the next subtrait) but he's clearly anything but shy. Only reason he doesn't rank a 5 is because he approaches people much more on orders or necessity than genuine willingness.
Score = 4
Subtrait 3: Sociability - A tendency to enjoy conversation and social interaction.
1 = Generally prefer solitary activities and rarely seek out conversation.
5 = Enjoy talking, visiting and celebrating with others.
I know there's a tendency to want to pin Chuuya as being a social person from his loudness, stand-out design, and the fact that we do see him drinking with Kajii and Hirotsu outside of work but truthfully? I think there's a lot more reason to think he's not all that sociable. For one, he is extremely guarded in both Fifteen and Stormbringer which makes a lot of sense - Chuuya has always been singled out as the biggest threat in the room, which means in turn that he has no choice but to perceive most people as potential threats in turn. In Fifteen, he really only talks to people out of necessity or in a fight, but he's not hanging out - of course he isn't, none of the people in that novel treated him like a friend. In Stormbringer, it takes an age for him to relax around the Flags and even then, he's not exactly the most conversational. Okay, you might be saying, but that's him when he's younger and fresh to the idea of having friends who don't ask him for anything in return.
It's tricky, again, because we really don't have much on older Chuuya. He apparently drinks with Hirotsu and Kajii. However, we don't know if he went there with them, or whether they just all happened to be going to the same place and he started venting to them. In the scene with him, Mori and Kouyou, he brings the wine, and then... he's not even really involved in that conversation, mostly just listening (and later cursing out Dazai under his breath lol). Also, a lot of the supplemental materials - drama cds, character q&as, even in Mayoi - seem to imply that he prefers to spend his time going and doing things by himself. There's also a few interesting continuities in Mayoi (which I know is a little... sus for canon info but like I said, we really don't have much and this next point is actually fairly consistent, leading me to believe this is intended to be an actual characterization point). In a lot of his dialogue and the summaries for some of the special events, he is described as "hanging back a bit". He often seems to choose to enjoy the atmosphere instead of talk to anyone, or else he's watching for threats. He almost always seems to be tense except in two conditions: one, he knows the place and the people are safe, and two, he gets to relax and sit back without speaking much. All this seems to indicate he actually very much enjoys time alone or at least time not spent speaking to people. Even when he's at a louder location, he is far more interested in the alcohol haha.
Score = 2
Subtrait 4: Liveliness - A tendency to be enthusiastic, active and upbeat.
1 = Tend not to feel optimistic or dynamic.
5 = Usually optimists and often in high spirits.
I don't know if I'd call Chuuya an optimist, per se. I think he's actually quite jaded. However, he generally has the attitude that he can get through most things and he gets quite into the action - he loves a good fight, he likes doing stunts on his motorcycle, he feels his feelings very strongly. He's not "a ray of sunshine" hehe but he's definitely dynamic and active - I think he'd get quite bored if he had nothing to do. I'd say he's about average.
Score = 3
X Score Total = (3+4+2+3)/4 = 3
Agreeableness (A)
Subtrait 1: Forgivingness - A tendency to feel trust and liking towards those who previously caused harm.
1 = Tend to hold a grudge.
5 = Usually ready to trust again after being treated poorly.
Hm. Again, this is another place where Chuuya's contradictory nature seems to show. Chuuya's whole mentality is if you try to hurt him or his people, he tries to hurt you back. It's very deliberate that in Fifteen he often kills by ricocheting bullets back at the people who fired at him. It's very retributive; definitely a "get-even" mentality. He immediately goes on a revenge mission against Verlaine for the Flags' sake. He remains furious at Dazai for years (but that's a constant lmao). However, he also has this strange capacity to... stop feeling that same level of raw anger, and it seems to occur when he comes to understand said person as a human being, especially if he can relate somehow. Also, something that is outright stated in Stormbringer is that Chuuya has the unfortunate tendency to help people who have helped him, even if they wind up betraying him in the end. I don't know if I'd call any of this true forgiveness (I think it ties in more with his ingrained sense of fairness and responsibility) but at the very least, he doesn't seem to hold grudges against people he comes to know for long except Dazai, and even then, he still trusts Dazai implicitly. He doesn't give his trust easily, but by god when he does, it's hard to break. I'm not entirely convinced of this myself, but I gave him a neutral score.
Score = 3
Subtrait 2: Gentleness - A tendency to be lenient in judgements of others.
1 = Tend to be critical when evaluating others.
5 = Reluctant to openly judge others harshly.
...He openly tells opponents they're weak to their faces. He's sooo not gentle and he's only really nice to his allies (and Kenji...but he has very little choice in that matter because Kenji decided they are friends). I think he's the kind of person who's blunt, but not always to be a jerk. Actually, he's fairly attuned to giving advice to people (see: drama cds) but he sure doesn't sugar-coat it. He says what he means. There's also his manner of speaking, which is considered quite vulgar. He's saved from the lowest score because, as I said, he does offer advice and encouragement without much prompting and rarely is he a complete jerk for no reason (unless you're counting bully preschool Chuuya from Wan hahaha). He also seems to have a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. Does that count? I think that counts.
Score = 2
Subtrait 3: Flexibility - A tendency to compromise and cooperate with others.
1 = Stubborn and quick to argue.
5 = Accommodate others' suggestions, even if they may be unreasonable.
I think he's fairly amenable to other ideas actually, but it depends on their source. There's an omake where Kouyou has to call him out because he's indulging Mori and his spontaneous whims too much in their planning. He goes along with the dumb shenanigans the Flags and his subordinates get into, with some griping, but it's clear he doesn't really mind. He's a lot more resistant to Dazai, of course, but again, he will go along with most things in the end because he knows that Dazai's plans do not fail. Still, he rarely just takes other's ideas without putting up a little bit of resistance first (unless it's a direct order), and he doesn't seem to work with others except Dazai (and he does not cooperate with him in any way approaching an agreeable manner, despite being completely in sync). I put him as neutral. He seems to need to see the sense in most things or else see some benefit to others (which might just be said others' enjoyment... the rich girl scene anyone?) before he'll actually do something that wasn't his idea.
Score = 3
Subtrait 4: Patience - A tendency to remain calm rather than become angry.
1 = Tend to lose their temper quickly.
5 = Have a high threshold for expressing anger.
...Lmao. I'm so sorry, buddy. If something is annoying to Chuuya, he will react (it might not be a dramatic reaction but it still manifests as at least visible irritation). He is more than capable of repressing his anger and acting more mature and serious when the situation calls for it but... it really does not take much to rile him up, especially if said annoyance humiliates or embarrasses him in some way. That said, he can and will remain stoic in the face of people who rely on him. Saved from the lowest score by a thread.
Score = 2
A Score Total = (3+2+3+2)/4 = 2.5
Conscientiousness (C)
Subtrait 1: Organization - A tendency to seek order in surroundings.
1 = Tend to be sloppy and haphazard.
5 = Tend to keep things tidy and prefer structure.
There's not much in the series that really indicates what Chuuya is like in his own space. The closest we get is in Stormbringer, where he has very few belongings - but these are stated to be kept very neatly. He appears to spend a good deal of time making himself presentable and it makes sense that this would extend to the space around him as well. Chuuya is likely to be a pretty organized person - he's seen going over a list in an omake and planning out a schedule, and he's good at staying on task - honestly a rarity with characters in this series. While I wouldn't expect him to be quite as fastidious as, say, Kunikida, the little evidence we have seems to indicate he keeps things pretty organized.
Score = 4
Subtrait 2: Diligence - A tendency to work hard.
1 = Have little self-discipline and are not strongly achievement motivated.
5 = Have a strong work ethic and are willing to exert themselves.
Um, yeah, absolutely he's high in this trait. He considers protection of his people his duty and responsibility - it's of prime importance to him and he shoulders a lot of blame should he fail. He brushes off absurd feats such as facing off against Guivre in Stormbringer and fighting the dragon in Dead Apple with a view that can essentially be boiled down to "it's what I'm supposed to do". He clearly expects 100% from himself. He's very diligent. It's a product of his loyalty crossed with his "I can handle anything" mentality.
Score = 5
Subtrait 3: Perfectionism - A tendency to be thorough and concerned with details.
1 = Tolerate some errors and tend to neglect details.
5 = Check carefully for mistakes and improvements.
Tying in with the above, there's not a lot of conclusive examples I can point to, but as he expects full effort from himself and isn't really tolerant of his own failure, I would say this trait is high by necessity. The suits he keeps in Stormbringer are also kept spotless. I can't give a 5, because I don't think he's a perfectionist, per se, but he does rise to meet challenges and that necessitates improvement. He's the best martial artist in the Port Mafia for a reason.
Score = 4
Subtrait 4: Prudence - A tendency to deliberate carefully and inhibit impulses.
1 = Act on impulse and tend not to consider consequences.
5 = Consider options carefully and tend to be cautious/self-controlled.
...ok. So, he definitely prefers to jump into things headfirst. He solves many of his problems with actions and generally more violent ones. However - he can and does look at situations in a much more nuanced way than people give him credit for. He knows how to negotiate, for one - that's part of what Kouyou trained him on in the first place. For another, even when he does rush into a fight, the Dead Apple novelization has this brilliant passage where you see that he's incredibly observant in the midst of the action - and really, he'd have to be. Gravity manipulation is not telekinesis - there's a lot more to consider in terms of force and resistance than just "pick up/throw object". To be noted though is that much of this quick thought happens within a situation - he's adaptable in the moment but he's not really a pre-planner. His way of dealing with things kind of necessitates him jumping into a situation and working through things as they come. So, his score would still be low here, but not the lowest.
Score = 2
C Score Total = (4+5+4+2)/4 = 3.75
Openness (O)
Subtrait 1: Aesthetic Appreciation - A tendency to find enjoyment in beauty found in art and nature.
1 = Not overly interested in works of art or natural wonder.
5 = Have a strong appreciation for various art forms and nature.
I'll be honest, there's not a lot of instances in canon to support or refute this subtrait. We do know that he likes nice clothes and hats though, so that supports some level of aesthetic appreciation. He also is shown humming in the manga, and one of his likes on his character profile is music. In other official material, such as character interviews, he seems to enjoy going for drives to look at the sunrise or sunset from a nice view or enjoying fresh snow falling from the sky. A few of his Mayoi quotes also support this, as he seems to enjoy the ambiance of wind chimes and festivities from a distance - though in one of them he sounds a bit like a tsundere ("the hydrangeas make for an exquisite sight... I suppose") lol.
So, while there isn't a lot, I think there's decent support for a high score here. I can't really see him at an art gallery per se, but he definitely has an aesthetic sense and likely an appreciation for natural beauty as well.
Score = 4
Subtrait 2: Inquisitiveness - A tendency to seek information about and experience the world.
1 = Have little curiosity and are content with what they know.
5 = Seek out new information constantly and love new experiences.
I'm not sure there's much evidence here either. I don't think Chuuya is closed-off to learning new things, as he does teach himself new skills and seems to pick things up fairly quickly. I've already commented on how he's pretty adaptable, especially in the moment. However, I don't think he's the type to go beyond and actively seek out new knowledge that isn't directly applicable to what he needs to know. The knowledge we see Chuuya acquire throughout the series is more practical stuff, stuff he can put to use in some way (ex. martial arts skills). His worldview also remains rather limited - he has only ever known life as an important figure in a criminal organization. He has literally known nothing else. And he doesn't seem to mind this so much; I suspect because, as Stormbringer tells us, he doesn't feel particularly deserving of examining anything different. There's also the matter of his intense loyalty to his people, which means that he has little incentive to look elsewhere. At the same time, he certainly likes to experience things in a more literal sense - he tries different wines, wears different outfits, and is incredibly engaged in action. I'll give him a average score.
Score = 3
Subtrait 3: Creativity - A tendency to innovate and experiment.
1 = Tend to stick to familiar patterns and methods with little change.
5 = Actively seek new solutions to problems and tend to self-express.
Chuuya, I would say, is a lot more straightforward than he is innovative. While, as I've mentioned multiple times by now, he adapts quickly in a fight, his go-to is still... to fight. He deals with things very much head-on, and again, he's not really a pre-planner. In the moment, however, he's incredible at reading a situation and responding near instantly to new threats. As for self-expression, I'd venture to say that Chuuya's actually pretty repressed. He has a distinctive style and set of likes and dislikes, but he often seems to understate his excitement or interest in things - see the tsundere-ish comment above or really just look at how he tries to appear cooler and more put-together than he is in like... anything he shows up in. Dude is repressed, seriously. The only time we see him unabashedly enjoying himself is in high-adrenaline situations like fights - at the very least, in Fifteen, Dazai describes him as being somewhat "kid-ish" when he gets really into things. (You are one to talk, Dazai.)
I'll put him at a neutral score since I can't find too much supporting evidence either way.
Score = 3
Subtrait 4: Unconventionality - A tendency to accept the unusual.
1 = Avoid eccentric and non-conforming persons.
5 = Receptive to ideas that might seem strange or radical.
...you know, writing all this out, and as unusually powerful and contradictory as Chuuya is... he's kind of. The normal one. At least in comparison to a lot of the company he keeps. He tends to be the voice of reason or at least keeps somewhat of a level head in the drama cds which will never stop being amusing to me. Part of the reason he's good at this though is that he's really very accepting and kind of indifferent towards people's eccentricities, especially if he's known them for a while. He barely bats an eye at Kajii's maniacal experimentation, accommodates Mori's weirdness without so much as a reaction, and while he finds Adam incredibly strange (valid lmao) he seems to start to enjoy that after a time. He seems pretty willing to accept just about anyone's quirks the more he spends time around them and gets used to them.
When around Dazai in particular, he reveals himself to... also be very, very strange. The comparatively "normal guy" is quickly replaced with someone just as incredibly unhinged as Dazai himself. Argue however you like whether they make each other better or worse but they certainly do make each other weirder.
I wonder if being surrounded by so many odd people makes him feel slightly less odd by comparison. Something to consider.
At the same time, he's a little too grounded and practical to be given a full score of 5, so a 4 he is.
Score = 4
O Score Total = (4+3+3+4)/4 = 3.5
So, there you have it! Phew, this took a while. I hope you enjoyed it!
I'm working on another analysis for Mori (BSD) and for Seam (Deltarune). If anyone has any other characters they'd like to request, feel free to drop me an ask! I write at a snail's pace but it does eventually get done!
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shimmerbeasts · 11 days
I can't believe it is going on a bit over a year now? I actually had to go look up when we started writing and it was June last year XD
We all know it was Vi that brought me over, I was just getting into writing and I saw some of your threads and was just like O_O sparkly eyes activated. Tumblr chat didn't stand a chance with us cause we had such text wall chats and thoughts and you literally had me at 'wanna read my headcanons!?!'.
Honestly, I absolutely adore the depth you go into your muses with. And Its not just the muses, you include so much more, from people that affect them, to the cultures, locations, people, everything. I feel like its rare to find people who want to delve so deep into characterizations and listen to you spaz over these things. I am literally head over heels in love with Vi and still am. And God, don't even get me started on Caitlyn who went 'I WANT THAT ONE!' and I'm going 'I don't get a say in this do I?' and she's going "Nope. give me that bloody wild tiger now thank you!"
But its not just Vi, you do amazing with all your characterizations, from Vi and Jinx, to Bg3 now!!! Omg, your Mizora and Zariel, and how you are intricately digging and developing these ideas.
There's not one thing I love about your portrayal cause all of it snagged me like a hook and now I'm just chilling in your fish tank cause I'm not leaving XD I just love everything we get to do and the developments we've made over the last year.
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A Detail You Like About My Muse's Portrayal||Accepting.
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By the time, I am answering this, it is now way beyond June aka well, over a year. So, really belated, but, ehm, happy anniversary. Anyway, now to work through your lovely big message.
I remember our starting days too. We had to make due with Tumblr DM and the fact we managed to write walls of text honestly amazes me to no end. I will never not love you for jumping at the chance to read my headcanons, especially because I think you were the first one, who I even asked if they wanted to read my headcanons. So to remember you just going heck yes, will never not make me grin from ear to ear. Honestly, I think that massive interest in each other's work is a vital reason why we clicked as much as we did.
After all, let's be real: I do not think either of our girls would have gone 'OMG, I WANT THAT ONE!' if we did not each have our own intrinsic way of handling our characters. After all, while I did develop whole cultures and people who affected my muse, you did the exact same thing on your end. And even more, our shared ideas mashed together so well. I will never not get tired of saying it: Your Piltover is the Piltover to my Zaun! On a smaller scale, we even see that with Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx. The way these characters and their portrayal influence each other and fit together so seamlessly... Sometimes, it almost feels like we are of one mind. And that is truly incredible.
I am just as excited as you are to see how our interpretations of our BG3 muses are going to impact and influence each other. We have already created a set of very interesting dynamics with Mizora/Aylin and Karlach/Zariel, and I cannot wait to see where this journey will take us. I really hope they can become as nuanced and fleshed out, as detailed as our Arcane muses are. And knowing us and our ability to cooperate so well, I have no doubt that one day, they will.
I love having you as a fish in my fish tank, and I hope I am providing you with plenty of nourishment. Okay, but seriously, I love the development we made over this year. Whether that be from a roleplaying and writing perspective, or just from a private perspective. You do so much for me, including working your magic when it comes to the graphic department for which I cannot thank you enough. Again, I am terribly sorry for how inconsistent my multimuse blog can sometimes be with how characters change rapidly. However, most importantly, you have become a dear and close friend of mine, who has helped me through thick and thin and whom I have seen experience highs and lows. You are an amazing person, Panda, and I truly cherish you as a human being, as a writing partner, and as my graphic maker buddy, but most of all, I cherish you as a friend.
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