#and I have a friend who’s very into films and is always like ‘you need to watch this this and this’ n
pitchsidestories · 3 days
la furia roja II Laia Codina x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1408
a/n: based off this request, we always love to hear from you. ❤️
warnings: injury, bleeding, a furious Laia
Laia was seeing red.
Helplessly she saw you going to the ground after the midfielder from the other team fouled her girlfriend. For a moment her whole world stood still for the brunette once the player realized you must be in a lot of pain.
It was an important game for Arsenal, they needed to win this to qualify for the next Champions League qualification round which the team didn’t make it last year.
Under the strong floodlights, the Spanish defender noticed your head bleeding heavily.
Worried Laia called for you. “Y/n!”
“Someone needs to take a look at her.”, Kim said out loud, winking the medical team to your side.
While you could feel the warm blood dropping down your face.
“I’m fine, really.”, you tried to assure them.
“This is so much blood.”, Mariona muttered standing next to Kim to shield you from the curious cameras who were keen to film such dramatic incidents.
“And who’s fault was that?!”, Laia accused furiously the player who committed the foul against you.
“Laia, you need to calm down.”, you told her softly as the medical staff was guiding you carefully to the sideline.
“Laia, she’s right. It was an accident.”, the Spanish midfielder remarked in a gentle tone.
“No, she did that intentionally!”, your girlfriend claimed angrily, shaking off Mariona’s hand who had rested on her shoulder to soothe her nerves.
Meanwhile the adrenaline helped you with not feeling much of the pain that would be later. The team doctor bandaged your head to stop the bleeding effectively.
“Oh, I’ll look ridiculous.”, you stated with a sigh.
“Very Alex Grennwood.”, Leah commented with an amused grin on her lips.
“True.”, you agreed smiling weakly.
“No, from the way she complains about it, it’s more Alanna Kennedy.”, Steph observed.
“Doesn’t matter they’re both blonde, defenders and play for City, so they could be the same person.”, the second captain laughed.
Eagerly you waited until another interruption of the game happened to get back on the pitch.
Impatiently you returned to your position, turning your head to Mariona to ask her. “Did Laia really receive a yellow card now?”
“I tried but I couldn’t stop her.”, the older woman replied.
“It’s fine, Mario.”, you responded, luckily it wasn’t that long to play anymore anyway so that card didn’t affect the game as badly.
“It’s not fine!”, Laia protested upset that you played your head injury down in front of your friends.
The goalkeeper from the opposition was still down, you put a hand on your girlfriend’s chest to put her worries at ease.
“That looked horrible.”, she confessed with a shaky voice, wrapping her arms around you protectively. A cool breeze came up, heralding the arrival of autumn and the end of summer.
“I know but I promise you it looked way worse than it actually was.”, you gave her your word, soothing the worried lines on her forehead.
Kim interrupted the two of you, clearly annoyed that you kept talking during the game: “Come on, girls. You can talk about that later, we have ten more minutes to go.“
“Right, vamos!“, Mariona agreed, clapping her hands for motivation.
Laia looked over at you, then nodded once: “Okay, let’s go.“
The last minutes of the game dragged out like viscously flowing honey. By the time the referee blew the final whistle, the bandage the doctors had wrapped around your head had come undone, sliding down over your left ear.
Still, neither this nor your head injury could keep you from celebrating moving on to the second round of the Champions League qualification. One more step and your dream would come true.
“Next round of CL qualification, here we come!“
You bounced on the balls of your feet with excitement while you hugged your teammates, a huge grin plastered on your face. At least until someones hands appeared on your shoulders, keeping you standing still.
Looking up, you met Laias eyes who studied your face with unusual sternness: “Calm down, no jumping.“
“Sorry, it just feels so good after not making it last year.“, you apologized, not really sorry. You felt fine and wanted to enjoy this moment.
Your girlfriends eyes softened, knowing how badly you wanted to play UWCL: “Yes, I know. But…“
“But…?“, you asked, hoping she would complete her sentence.
“We need to take care of your head now.“, she said and you wondered if that was what she actually wanted to say.
You sighed: “After thanking the fans, okay?“
“But-“, you started but stopped yourself. You weren’t even sure what you wanted to say. You just wanted her to finally stop worrying. The doctors had let you continue the game after all.
“Stay here.“, Laia begged, her hand gently encircling your wrist.
With one last look at the fans cheering from the stands, you finally agreed: “Fine…“
“Thanks. Now how do you feel?“, the Spanish defender asked, her features relaxing a bit more.
You thought about your answer for a moment. You didn’t want to worry her but you also didn’t want to lie.
“Okay, just a bit dizzy.“, you finally admitted. Maybe she was right and the celebrations had been a tad too much. But it was fine, you have had worse injuries in your career.
But of course Laias face turned into a frown, the worried line between her eyebrows making a reappearance. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want to sit down? Do you need water?“
You carefully shook your head, just in case the vertigo could worsen: “Only want to go home now…“
“Okay. We’ll get our stuff and then we’ll go home.”, she nodded in an earnest tone.
Cautiously you turned around to look into the eyes of your two friends, biting your lip guiltily. “Wally, Mario, is it okay If we do the dinner another time soon?”
“Of course! Don’t worry about it. Go home and rest.”, Lia replied, giving you a brief but comforting hug.
“Thanks, you two are the sweetest.”, you answered, smiling at the couple in front of you.
“And maybe just maybe Laia can properly cool down. You should let her do an ice bath.”, Mariona teased the defender.
“Hey! I was just worried about her.”, Laia defended herself.
“Yeah, you were a furia on the pitch.”, the midfielder remembered chuckling.
“That’s called being Spanish.”, your girlfriend shrugged.
“Nah, you’re usually less aggressive.”, Mariona remarked.
“It was about her, okay?”, the brunette responded passionately.
“Okay, but pretty sure everyone knows that she’s your girl.”, the older woman commented amused.
“They do now at least.”, Laia said with a proud grin on her lips.
“Oh god, Laia, what have you done.”, you mumbled half seriously half-jokingly, hiding your face into her side.
“Nothing.”, your girlfriend smiled innocently.
“Sure, let’s go now we can deal with the fans tomorrow.”, you pulled her hoodie as you made your way to the front door.
“Please.” Right before you left you waved your teammates goodbye, when you stepped outside into the dark of the night.
At home you were shaking your head slightly while your girlfriend was gathering all the things you could possibly need in this moment.  “You know that I’m not that badly injured, right?”
“It���s a head injury after all.”, Laia disagreed whole-heartedly.
“Yes, but you already took good care of me.”, you reminded her softly.
“And now I make sure you rest enough.”, she declared leading you to the bedroom you shared, the only light source on were the fairy lights wrapped around the top bedframe giving everything in it’s reach a soft glow.
“I do.”, you protested as you made yourself comfortable.
“I got you pillows, water and some snacks.”, your girlfriend listed.
“Thanks, Laia.”, you kissed her cheek, hoping it transmitted the gratefulness you felt towards her.
“You’re welcome, amor.”, Laia waved it off.
After she had joined you on the bed you glanced at her with a shy smile. “I could really need your hugs right now.”
Without another word the brunette pulled you into her strong arms, with closed eyes you inhaled your familiar, calming, fresh out of the shower scent.
“They’re the best.”, you hummed.
“Better.”, she asked.
“Yes.” You paused for a second before adding. “Te amo.”
“I love you too, amor.”, she whispered her voice thick with emotions.
No more words needed to be said that night. You could feel the love tonight you had for each other.
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curio-queries · 2 days
I saw Jungkook's documentary this weekend and have just a few thoughts. If you're avoiding spoilers, don't click the cut!
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The Hybe Documentary Format
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So...as a reminder to you all, I do not have professional expertise in the film industry. I'm just a very discerning consumer. I also haven't seen Hobi's documentary and I watched Road to D-Day while I was quite ill last year so I only vaguely remember some bits. (I'll definitely be getting back to those sooner rather than later though as research for a series of posts I'm developing.) That being said, I think we have enough data points to state that Hybe has absolutely no interest in filmmaking techniques outside of music videos.
I did mostly enjoy my experience seeing this film yesterday and I'm always grateful for any amount of footage the members are willing to share with us but this 'documentary ' was worse than Jimin's Production Diary. Any of you that managed to make it through my rambling review will know how dissatisfied I was with that.
I Am Still is not a documentary, it's a mixture of showcase footage and behind-the-scenes clips, most of which has already been divulged in the various episodes and shooting sketches on YouTube. Honestly, if you're not able to see the film, just go rewatch all of the bangtantv content for JKs solo period and the showcase and you'll be up to speed with 85% of what was in the documentary.
There are definitely some expansions to the storylines featured in the bangtantv content; mostly being anything that wasn't overtly optimistic. For example, we learn a little bit more about just how sick JK was during the Seven/3D promotions. That content likely was pulled from the bangtantv edit because it would have put a damper on the promotions and given certain 'fans' a focus to fixate their vitriol. But overall, it feels more like an extended version of existing content rather than a new work. At least JPD didn't continually feed us footage we'd seen before.
I'm someone who gets completely bothered by previews spoiling content so I didn't watch any of the promos until after I saw it and I am so glad I skipped them because most of the 'original' scenes of the film were featured in least one of them. Alas, that's a separate issue of which I'm definitely in the minority.
Was There No Structure?
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Kinda. Like JPD, there is a semblance of a structure: Attempting to follow the chronology of release activities for JKs GOLDEN album through the lens of JKs staement trying to prove that he is still worthy of everything he was being hailed as during the BTS group activities but I don't feel this was successfully executed. It jumps round enough and isn't very successful in explaining the events if you didn't already know about them. The film starts with the SEVEN performance at GMA and footage that we've already seen of JK recording SEVEN, not mentioning anything about the music video or really how JK got involved with the song in the first place. The rest of the story beats have similar missing points.
They have a vague narrative with the 'I Am Still' points but that's mostly carried by subs and a couple of moments that JK mentions himself. I'm not saying it's not true or wasn't top-of-mind for JK during this process but it's not the main point of many of the moment/messages he shared with us during this time period so it feels a little disingenuous since everything else jn this film really only makes sense if you've already seen quite a lot of behind-the-scenes content.
Honestly, it makes me question the intended audience. Obviously, they know that ARMY will shell out whatever we need to when there's new content from our members but most of us will have already seen all of the bangtantv content so we are already familiar with the most of the footage in this film. I genuinely don't think this was produced in such a way to be palatable for audiences not familiar with BTS so who does that leave? Our friends and family that are peripherally aware of the content but haven't learned the basics of JKs album? ARMY with short term memories only?
But again, it seems this film was compiled by an editing team and not lead by a director with experience in crafting a documentary. The only new footage that Ican guarantee was captured with the express purpose of being included in this film was the few clips of JK talking in the practice room with the albums displayed by him. But we all know that's where all of the promo clips were gathered as well. I have issues with that approach as well but I'll leave this point alone for now unless anyone is interested.
Suffice it to say, all of these suppositions over the past year about how JKs documentary was getting special treatment or even questioning about investment in a project up front are dead. This was a product assembled with bits of what they already had completely in-house which was sold for distribution.
So, Did We Learn NOTHING?
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No, there are a few Golden nuggets (see what I did there?). I can't recall everything having only seen it once (and having a rather disruptive audience - I swear there were only dozen or so ppl in my theater but I forget how obnoxious teenagers can be. I'm glad they're enjoying and supporting but we really didn't need light sticks flashing during a film and how many times does one person need to get up to answer their phone during this runtime? Three according to the row in front of mine.)
Anyway, something I thought was interesting to learn was that Standing Next To You was initially recorded the day after JK heard it for the first time. And hearing a little more about how JK yearned to perform that song definitelygot me thinking a little more about it. We can't reach any conclusions just with this little nugget but it does open the door to some theories. Like perhaps they were initially planning to have JK record two separate albums? SEVEN and 3D would be the singles of the first and JK would perform them as we saw but perhaps STNY was originally planned to be the single of the 2nd album that would release while he was in the military and thus be unable to perform it? Maybe JK loved STNY so much that everything was grouped into one album and Never Let Go was the only track held back for ms? Definitely some theorizing space to be had now.
Final thoughts?
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Similar to my thoughts on the GCF: Budapest (which I feel would have had a much better reception if it had been labeled as a bangtan episode rather than a GCF), I AM Still should not have purported to be a documentary. It was much more similar to the annual Memories compilations. But the general public would not have shelled out the $25 to go to a theater to watch a Memories DVD so alas, we have our content packaged as a ~documentary~...
Did my view on the music change at all? Not because of the documentary. We're coming up on the year anniversary of GOLDEN and it's still definitely not my favorite. I completely understand why some people like it but it's just not to my taste. The overall impact falls a little flat for me. Too much breadth and not enough depth. I came into my musical soul during the 00s emo phase and will always be a sucker for music that absolutely drips in an emotional way rather than catchy songs vaguely referencing heartache and love. Again, just a matter of viewpoint.
I do think most of these songs stand much better being shuffled amongst other artists in a Playlist and several of them are significantly better when JK sang them live but I still won't be listening to them regularly. I wholeheartedly believe JK completed his task of proving himself as an extremely dedicated and versatile singer and performer. He's definitely got some solid points added to his resume after this project.
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#delete later#i keep having panic attacks and need to think of something else so here's my essay on mr magoriums wonder emporium#vs my brain#the first thing you gotta understand is that im autistic and have always felt like im not supposed to be here.#i used to talk to the moon all the time and always felt like i belonged up there with her more than i ever did in the world#the second thing you gotta understand is that i didnt hage friends for a large part of my childhood and instead found solace in reading#and making things that made me happy and felt right abd good#fhe third thing you gotta understand is ive got mad daddy issues#and the fourth is that although i thought myself very smart as a kid i was also constantly certain that i was an idiot who was#trickong everyone and that i wouldn't go anywhere#so in comes this film. one main character is a young boy who cant make any friends. who has specific interests and who makes things#one main character is a woman who was a prodigy until she ran out of hope and energy#one main character is a man who is completely seperated from what makes him happy and the wirld around him#and the last main character is a kind old man who supports them all whilst always knowimg and being at peace qith the fact#that he was different abd wasn't meant to stay#i still dont know which character i identified more with as a child. i think its probably all of them at obe point or another#but the major one was mr magorium himself. bc he made his world so it fit him. and was not ashamed of any of it.#he was completely at peace with the fact that he was different that very few pelple understood him that he was noticeably weird#and he was loved for it.#and then he died. abd not to be a downer but my childhood was filled with obsessions about how i was going to die#how much it would hurt how much blood there'd be. i think this was the first film i saw where it was so simple. it was just his time#obviously the way i thought about death was never healthy bc after those obsessions came the suicidal ideation#but this film presented it in such a neutral matter of fact way. its just a fact of life. it doesnt matter hoe prepared you are#its always hard it always hurts but it must happen anyway. after my grandma died i didnt have yhe ability at the time to process it#but this film helped. abd now when i try to make ky thoughts about death more neutral and not fear or hope based#i think about this movie. and i think about all the joy it presented in living abd accepting yourself in all your oddness#and it makes me feel a little bit sad that a place like that doesnt exist. but it also majes me a little bit happy and a little bit hopeful
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
So you know absolutely positively nothing about photography
Cellphone cameras are fucking great. I love them. I love the ability to take photos whenever and wherever at basically zero cost.
Point-and-shoot cameras have always been awesome and accessible devices.
This is not a post shit-talking "basic" cameras. This is a post for people who have only ever used basic cameras who want to know at least slightly more about photography.
Because, the thing is, a remarkable amount of photography is math. And if you don't know it's math, it looks like a mystery. And you may be standing there snapping a photo with your phone that looks pretty good, but your friend with a DSLR looked at the sky, twisted a dial, and took three steps to the left and they took a photo of the same subject that looks like it belongs on a magazine cover.
How did they do that?
Probably math.
If you've come into possession of a DSLR camera and are disappointed that the photos you're taking aren't looking like the photos you thought came from DSLRs, I'm here to tell you about the math you may not know about.
What is a photograph?
At its most basic, a photograph is the result of light on a sensor. Let's consider a pinhole camera for a moment. A pinhole camera is a lightproof box with a piece of photographic paper on one side and a tiny hole in the other.
When you create a photo with a pinhole camera, you're using pretty much all of the math you would in a big fancy camera, just in a cruder form they are:
The sensitivity of the paper, film, or camera sensor to light (this is your "ISO" if you're using a digital camera or film). Light sensitivity can be easily changed on a digital camera, but on chemical-treated paper or film the sensitivity is predetermined and cannot be changed. If you want to change the ISO on an analog camera, you need to change the medium that's being exposed.
An opening to let light in - your F-stop, or aperture. The F-stop of a photo is how wide open the lens is to let light onto your film or sensor. In a pinhole camera, you have something that is theoretically a very very large F-stop because you have a very, very tiny opening to let light through (F-stops run in reverse - the bigger the number, the smaller the opening).
Exposure - your exposure is the amount of time you leave your sensor open to the light. The majority of photos you see in the world have exposure times that are measured in tiny fractions of a second, sometimes in thousandths of a second. If you're using photo paper in your pinhole camera, you may have an exposure time of minutes rather than tiny portions of a second, but your photo exposure will still depend on how long you want to leave your "lens" open.
Focal length - your focal length is a description of the relationship of the distance between the light source and the light sensor. You can manipulate this in a pinhole camera by making the camera longer or shorter. A larger focal length means a narrower field of view - it zooms in on the subject.
A pinhole camera is the simplest camera that lets you, the photographer, control all of the elements of a photo. This is, functionally, fully manual photography.
So what's the difference between all that and a cellphone camera?
Point-and-shoot cameras like those on cellphones give the user more limited control over these settings. For instance, think of a disposable camera. On a disposable camera, the photographer has control over one setting - the ISO of the film, which they can select at purchase. They can't control how wide the lens opens or how long it stays open, and the only way they can compensate for lighting that is a poor match to the ISO is flash.
Cellphone cameras are very much like a standard point-and-shoot. By default, users point their cameras, then shoot a photo. Many cellphones have a "pro" mode that will allow the user to emulate different ISOs or f-stops, but the sensors in cellphone cameras aren't as good as the ones in camera-cameras, and the lenses are very limited as well. Some cellphone cameras and point-and-shoot digital cameras WILL allow users to set longer exposures, and many cellphone cameras have multiple lenses which does allow for some lens effects, but they don't give a huge amount of control to the user.
Okay so let's say I've got my new shiny camera, what do I need to know?
For best results, you want your ISO to match the light you're shooting in. Low ISO is for bright light, high ISO is for low light. If you wanted to take snapshots of your family outdoors at disneyland in the summer, you'd buy 100 ISO film. When I used to shoot football games at night in oddly lit stadiums, I'd use 1600 ISO film. If you have a DSLR camera, there's a setting somewhere in there that tells you how to set the ISO. If you are shooting in relatively low light and the photos are turning out darker than you'd like *but* things are moving too quickly to use a longer exposure, you can bump up your ISO for brighter, sharper images but they will be more noisy and grainy than ones shot at a lower ISO. If you want clean, smooth, crisp images, your goal should be to shoot with the lowest ISO possible.
The Aperture of your camera lens determines your F-Stop. This acts like the pupils of your eyes. When it's really really bright out, your pupils shrink down to let in less light. When it's darker out, your pupils get bigger to let in more light. If you are shooting in low light, you want a low F-Stop, which means that your camera's lens is open really wide. If you are shooting in a bright environment, you want a higher F-Stop, which will mean the opening is very small. Since your F-stop interacts with the focal length of your lens, you will find that zooming in with the lens often makes images darker. To shoot clear images from far away, you need to be very conscious of your F-stop, your ISO, and ambient lighting conditions.
Exposure describes the length of time you set the camera to leave the aperture open. In many DSLRs this can span from 1/3200th of a second to infinitely long (the "bulb" setting means "aperture is open until you close it.") If you want sharp images of frozen motion, you want the fastest speed that you can get. Sports photography and photography of things like insects or milk crowns often use extremely short exposures to get sharp images. If you want blurry images you want slower speeds. If you want to take a photo in a low-light environment and capture motion within that environment - for instance, taking photos of cars on a freeway at night - you want slower speeds (if you want to do this in a brighter environment, like taking photos of a stream in the daytime, you want slower speeds and a specific kind of lens filter called a neutral density filter). When exposures are set to be longer than about 1/60th of a second, images with motion start to look blurry.
Focal Length determines the field of view of your subject. If you have a lens with variable focal lengths, this is called a zoom lens. A longer focal length zooms you in and a shorter focal length zooms you out. Lenses with fixed focal lengths are called prime lenses, and can't zoom in or out.
Depth of Field - your depth of field is a combination of the interaction of your focal length, your distance from your subject, and your F-stop. The depth of field describes the relative amount of space in a photograph that is in focus. A long depth of field means that much of the image plane is in focus. A short depth of field means that a narrow portion of the image plane is in focus. A low F-stop produces a narrow depth of field. A long focal length produces a narrow depth of field.
You can think of your camera as a tool that measures time and space. Your ISO and Exposures are measurements of time (how quickly the sensor senses the light, how long the sensor is exposed to the light), the F-Stop and the focal length are measurements of space (how wide the aperture of the camera is, how far the lens is from the sensor).
The pre-set modes on your camera, the ones on the dial that show a person running, flower, or a cloud, or a lady with a hat - these are generic settings that combine an ISO, exposure time, and f-stop that are likely to work well for outdoor action shots, landscape photography, cloudy light, and portraits. When you're using those pre-set modes, you control the focal length and not much else.
When you understand that the running person/action mode means low-ish ISO combined with high shutter speeds, you can start just setting your own ISO and shutter speed when you're shooting sports. When you know that portrait mode sets you up for low-ish f-stops, relatively quick shutter speeds, and mid-range ISOs, you can just start setting those things on your own so you can have more control.
"What about light metering?"
Since your camera is a machine that records light, light metering is pretty important. The light meter of your camera will tell you if your settings are "correct" for the amount of that the light sensor senses. In most modern cameras there is a light metering display on the bottom edge of the viewfinder that goes from negative to positive; if the meter shows that you are in the negative it means that your photo will be under-exposed (too little light will get to the sensor and the image will appear dark), if the meter shows that you are in the positive it means that your photo will be over-exposed (too much light will get to the sensor and the image will appear too bright - "blown out"). The way to correct for under or over exposure is to change the length of the exposure, making it longer for underexposed images and shorter for overexposed images.
What the light meter is doing is thinking about all of your settings and the lighting for you. It looks at the ISO, focal length, f-stop, light hitting the sensor, and planned exposure time and tells you what that combination of settings is likely to produce - something too bright, or something too dark.
When you are more experienced with photography, you get good at juggling these things on the fly and messing around with them more, which is how you can do the magic of looking at the sky, twisting a dial, taking three steps to the left, and knocking it out of the park with a picture.
It only looks like magic because you're doing a ton of math under the hood that is extremely non-obvious to people who are new to photography.
Anyway, here is a good guide to depth of field and what goes into it.
Here is a basic photography textbook that explains the principles that I've gone over here in a lot more detail with a lot better explanations. It's a film photography textbook, but one of the cool things about photography is that a lot of stuff from the analog era is still relevant in the digital area, and the basics haven't changed.
However all of that is about the *technical* aspects of photography. Photography isn't just a record of exposure time and focal length, so here's a basic photo composition textbook that talks about the artistic principles of photography.
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angelsheartts · 6 months
୭ JEALOUSY ˚. ᵎᵎ ~
#pairing : lucifer, adam, alastor, angel dust, husk, valentino, vox, x gn reader.
#cw: jealousy?, +18 in valentino's/vox's part, suggestive content ig, cuss words lmao.
#notes: u guys don’t know how much i wanna know why lilith made a deal with adam, and how could she even fumbled lucifer.
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⋆.ೃ- LUCIFER .
i don't think lucifer gets jealous easily, at least, but if he is jealous, he will surely become reallyyyy clingy and will try to show off. i mean, he's the sin of pride, after all.
being the partner of the king of hell really meant that there would always be people staring at you, even ones who had no shame at all and would flirt with you, sometimes even in front of lucifer.
"would you mind if I bought you a drink, sweetheart?" a powerful overlord asked you, making lucifer raise an eyebrow and look at the overlord with one of his annoyed characteristics expressions, and before you could even reply anything, lucifer had already bought you both the whole menu of drinks while clinging onto you. "do you think this is enough for you, (name)?" he asked, making the overlord stop bothering you both and making you gasp a soft sigh, knowing he did all of this with such an innocent face, as if he wasn’t getting annoyed just a second ago.
⋆.ೃ- ADAM .
his ego is too big for him to even consider the idea of being jealous, but boy, does he want to get rid of the fucking asshole who is talking to you.
even though you were adam's third wife/adam's first husband, you were nice to being around. not like your husband, who always made snarky comments about everything and everyone.
sometimes, though, people would flirt with you without you noticing, making your husband really irritated and dragging you away while flipping off the angel who initially flirted with you and making some snarky remarks about them. "(name), that bitch was literally fucking you with his eyes! you should have called me before, next time make sure to be around me, got it?" adam called out, making you giggle since his insults were sometimes so unexpected.
⋆.ೃ- ALASTOR .
alastor is the kind of guy who wouldn’t get jealous; maybe once an extermination you would see him acting a little possessive over you, but really, this guy knows your soul belongs to him, so why would there be a need to feel jealous?
actually, only your friends at the hazbin hotel where the only ones who knew about your relationship with alastor; it made sense, since he knew you could get in danger if someone else found out.
that didn’t meant that angel dust wouldn’t take the opportunity to flirt with you as a joke while trying to get a reaction from you. "(name), i think you would get pretty popular if you started to appear on my films" he said jokingly to you, while alastor just looked at him with his usual smile "i don’t think that (name) would want to get involved in that kind of stuff, angel dust, isn’t that right, dear?" alastor answered, kissing your cheek, and leaving you speechless since he mostly kept his affection for when the both of you where alone.
for me, he may get jealous depending on who's hitting on you; if it’s some random imp, it won’t really bother him; he will just tell them to fuck off themselves and leave you alone, but if it’s someone like valentino, oh boy, he acts VERY different.
angel dust didn’t really like you being in the porn studios were he works, because he knows that valentino is waiting to say anything to you, and because he simply thinks you don’t belong in a place like that. he thinks you’re much better working at the hazbin hotel or wandering around the pride ring.
"(name), aren’t you a supportive one? you know that if you want, i could make you a star lik-" "val, we're on set soon" angel dust spoke, looking angrily at valentino. "well, looks like your little boyfriend doesn’t want me to talk to you; i’m sure we’ll have plenty of time the next time," valentino whispered, making you stand there awkwardly.
as you both were finally at the hazbin hotel, anthony asked you not to come next time, since he really didn’t want valentino talking to you ever again. "(name), you know i really don’t want to get you in trouble, and you know that outside of the studio we can do whatever the fuck we want, but still, thanks for the snack you brought." he said, smirking, and letting you cuddle into his arms like you always do after an exhausting day.
⋆.ೃ- HUSK .
husk would only get jealous or, well, mostly, frustrated if someone interrupted you both, like if you both are just having a wholesome moment and someone just steals your attention from him, he’s a cat after all AND will be grumpy afterward.
you were having a nice chat with husk while having a drink at his bar, but as he was explaining you something, alastor came along and asked you something between the lines of 'if you had seen charlie or vaggie' since he had to talk to them about some business about the hazbin hotel.
after alastor left, you turned to look at your partner, noticing how he had been growling this entire time. it wasn’t really loud, though. "tsk, that radio demon really needed to ruin the atmosphere," he said, making you give him a look "what? you know, i dislike the idea of him thinking that he can just do whatever he pleases with my stuff." hearing your partner's words, you knew you had to reassure him that even though alastor had interrupted you both, your attention was still set on him and no one else.
he’s valentino, he surely and kind of obviously gets jealous whenever you’re talking to someone that isn’t him.
the workers in the studio know that since you worked there, you've only filmed with valentino; nobody questions why, and nobody really cares whatever reason their boss has to not let you fuck with others.
today, though, a worker intended to jokingly flirt with you. "(name), i think that if we make a video together, even the most pure souls would want to watch it" oh, well, that wasn’t even a little funny to valentino.
"such a slut for me, mmh? you really thought my sweet (name) would even think about fucking with you?" valentino smirked, while thrusting into you. he had his eyes set on the demon who flirted with you, not even caring about the fact that he was on set.
⋆.ೃ- VOX .
this man has the same jealousy problems, or even worse, than valentino. he's actually such an attention whore, so he obviously would despise everyone who tries to flirt with you.
actually everyone who works for the vees knows how jealous vox is, and that’s because this is a situation that often happens: if someone is even looking at you a little longer than usual, he will become insecure and try ANYTHING he can so he can have your attention on him. like i mentioned, he’s an attention whore.
today, the outfit that velvette chose for you might have made some people stare back at you. i mean he can’t judge them; you looked so fucking good in it, but hell does he want to have you all by himself, so what does he does? take you to his office so he can have you all by himself.
"(name)," he mutters while keeping his hands all over your body. "you knew what you were doing, huh? making everyone stare at your body, but i’m such a good partner for not making a fuss about it, right?" he asked, waiting for you to atleast praise him, 'cause like a already mentioned he’s an attention wh- lmao.
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smutoperator · 3 days
Magic Night
Julie Han, Im Nayeon x Male Reader
Tags: A2M, anal, birthday, bunny, (lots of) cock-sucking, creampies, deepthroating, facefucking, fake cheating, filming, free use, grinding, prone bone, rimming, rough sex, sweat licking, solo masturbation, squirting, teasing, threesome, titfucking, twerking, voyeurism
Word Count: 5010
Julie was feeling suspicious. You were such a good boyfriend and were always with her, but today you hadn't seen her. Something was feeling wrong to her, so she decided to sneak into your house to see what you were doing.
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Julie sat at your computer's desk. Feeling very horny for a day without sex after a long while, she started touching herself while watching her group's sexy performances, putting one hand in her nipples and one in her pussy.
After a while, Julie needed something more hardcore. She searched for your files full of pornography, picking the movies with the craziest scenes to get herself wet to.
Julie took her clothes off and watched more and more intense scenes, trying to match the girls squirting on the big screen. Reaching into her bag, she picked the vibrator in her pussy and started putting her fingers up her anus to feel more satisfied.
Already on her knees, squirting all over the room, Julie picked up a dildo and started putting it up her ass. On the screen, a girl is getting a cock shoved balls deep in her mouth and then getting plowed in her face by the male talent, reminding Julie of her friend Nayeon, who is probably celebrating her birthday doing something like this.
The sound of a car approaching your house ended up getting Julie off her heavily concentrated state. She takes a look through the window and sees a girl getting out of it alongside you.
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Both you and Nayeon enter the house. Julie locks the door of your room while you and Nayeon talk in the living room. You take Nayeon's jacket off, leaving her with just the Louis Vuitton top and the jeans that she wore on waterbomb, just like you asked.
Nayeon picks up her phone and starts recording it. On the other side of the broadcast, it's Julie's own phone. The two friends must be plotting something magical.
You start touching Nayeon right at her clothed breasts, playing with her tank top. "Birthday girl is looking sexy today," you tell her. "Well, I look sexy every day, not just on my birthday," the naughty bunny answers. You slowly start going down and touching her lower parts, all that with Julie having a privileged view on her phone.
"Oh baby, you couldn't resist cheating on my best friend on my birthday; the only way this could be worse was if you did it on her birthday," Nayeon says, teasing you about Julie. Your hands were all over Nayeon's ass—the same body part that lured you into dating Julie. You kept touching that bunny's sexy body and started kissing her, then carried her a bit. Nayeon suddenly started running her hands over your shaft, and you responded by lifting her top up and diving to suck her nipples.
Nayeon moans as you attack her hot body. You pour lube into her clothed jeans, using it to rub her legs, and then move to the front and pour it all over her belly. You slowly unbutton her jeans and reach under her panties. You can tell how used up her pussy is from years of taking the biggest cocks in the business, but it's still very warm and wet and quite pleasurable to touch.
You finger Nayeon's cunt and lube up her torso. She answers by hotly kissing you and then doing what she does best: getting on her knees, pulling your pants down to suck that cock. "Damn, it's this big, and it's not even hard yet," Nayeon says. "I can't wait to work some magic on it," she continues.
Nayeon opens her mouth and sticks your tip inside it. It's not the first time she gets that meat in her warm hole. She still remembers that day in the studio where Julie was recording her parts for their collab while Nayeon was sucking you off. The bunny shows her credentials, performing what she's known best for: her iconic no-hands blowjob that can even make a dead man's cock go up instantly.
Nayeon bobs her head on your cock while Julie watches in disbelief in the other room. She is well aware of Nayeon's amazing blowjob skills; these two have sucked some cocks together, but it was the first time she had seen her perform it on her boyfriend, making her quite jealous. Julie was extremely horny but had to stick to the plan her and Nayeon had drawn up. Because if it depended just on her, she would already be bursting to join her friend.
"Oh yeah," you groan as Nayeon performs the first deepthroating on your cock. You came in more prepared this time, because when she did that in that studio some months ago, you exploded in her throat. Facefucking is not a thing for Nayeon, because regardless of who's in control, it's always her mouth fucking the man's cock, not the opposite. Her head-bobbing is truly insane, and you are witnessing it right now as she finally puts her hands to give herself some extra grip while bouncing on your cock.
Nayeon keeps showcasing her credentials and throats your cock balls deep. "Oh my God," you scream. She puts her mouth in your balls and warms them up while working all over your shaft, jerking it off and bobbing her head hard on it, then giving some suckings that make it pop in her mouth, then engulfs it completely and challenges herself to spend the longest time inside it. "That's that way; take that fucking cock as deep as you can," you tell her.
"I fucking love your monster cock," Nayeon says. "Then fuck it, take all the way down," you tell her, and she does just that, taking your full length with ease and even putting your balls down her throat for good measure. Goddamn it, it seems like that woman's mouth is truly like a bottomless pit; if your cock were double its size, she could take it in regardless.
"Turn around; let me see your ass," you ask Nayeon. The truth is, as much as you love asses, it's also a way to prevent you from cumming so early. You rub your thobbing cock on Nayeon's booty shorts, teasing her. "Oh my God, such a big fucking cock all for me on my birthday," Nayeon says. Hearing that makes Julie rip herself full of jealousy, but it also makes her pussy extra wet.
You pull Nayeon's shorts down and rub your cock against the Calvin Klein thong that Julie gifted her. "Yes, baby, tease me with your fucking cock like that," she says to you as you simulate penetrating her on all fours, rubbing your cock between her ass cracks.
You can't resist your kink for asses and pull Nayeon's thong to the side to eat her ass. "Let me see that birthday butthole," you tell her. You give it some kisses and licks before sitting on the couch and ordering Nayeon to suck your cock again. The bunny bends over right at where her phone's camera can capture her beautiful ass as she winks her butthole to Julie while deepthroating her boyfriend's big cock.
After some crazy deepthroats, Nayeon slowly moves to rim your asshole, making sure Julie can see the whole action on the camera. That tongue deep in your anus is truly a sight to behold. Nayeoon truly lives up to the repuation of having the naughtiest tongue in the industry.
Nayeon sits on your cock and starts simulating a ride. The way she grinds on your big dick is making Julie's blood boil. She may do it every day with her iconic twerking, but watching her best friend do that drives her insane; that throbbing cock sliding between Nayeon's butt crack is truly making her feel things.
However, you'd suddenly find out someone was watching it the whole time.
"Is that Julie on your phone?" you ask Nayeon. "No, you must be confusing it," she tries to pretend, but fails badly at it. Julie turns off the broadcast and rushes to the room you and Nayeon were in.
"You fucking cheater, really? With my fucking best friend? The birthday gift you wanted to give her was cheating on me," an angry Julie asks. 
"I can explain," you say in a very stereotypical way. "Sure, you can explain your cock all the way down my friend's mouth," Julie replies. "Calm down, Julie," Nayeon replies. "And who the hell are you to tell me to calm down? You stabbed me to have fun on your birthday. Bunny? More like snake," Julie tells her.
But it's time to drop the act and advance the plan forward. "You know what? I think we can reconcile," Julie says, shoving you against the couch. Both she and Nayeon advance on you and drop kisses. "Look how big he is; the rumors were true," Julie says as she chats with Nayeon, and both girls start sucking your throbbing cock together. Julie takes her bottom clothes down, and Nayeon follows suit as you cuddle your girlfriend by shoving your monster cock down her throat.
"Take it on your little mouth," Nayeon tells Julie as she helps her friend suck your cock. "She's learning well; one day she'll get on my level," she brags, enjoying her friend go down on your cock.
"There you go, all the way down," Nayeon tells Julie as she moves to suck your cock next with her classic hands-free head bobbing. "I'm sorry, baby, for cheating on you," you tell Julie. "Well, my friend is hot; I can see why," Julie says as she now watches Nayeon's amazing performance on your cock.
Nayeon and Julie get themselves fully naked as the bunny gets on her knees and slides your cock between her breasts, giving you a vigorous titfucking. She may not have the same size as Jihyo, but she can milk a cock with any part of her body, squeezing it perfectly between her boobs and wrapping her hands around them to increase the pressure.
"Such juicy tits milking your cock; you're so lucky, baby," Julie says. Nayeon kisses her friend and keeps moving her boobs and hands to please your shaft before feeding it to Julie and then giving it a sloppy blowjob herself.
"We want you naked too," Julie says, taking your clothes off while sucking Nayeon's beautiful tits and feeling the scent of your cock all over it. The bunny can't get longer without cock in her mouth, dropping on her knees to bob her head once again while you and Julie kiss each other. You carry Julie up and start eating her pussy while Nayeon loudly feasts all over your cock. "Keep going, suck those fucking balls," you tell her while eating Julie out.
Nayeon gets really loud sucking your cock, making sounds straight out of a demon. With Julie on your lap and her butt in Nayeon's sight, she starts tonguing her best friend's asshole. Julie then takes her turn and tries to imitate her friend, going hard on your cock as you kiss Nayeon.
But Nayeon shows no one can beat her insanity. "Flip me around; I'm gonna suck this cock upside down," she says as you do just that and you two perform an upside-down 69 for Julie to watch. "My best friend is such a cock addict," Julie says, watching Nayeon furiously bob her head on your dick while facing the floor.
"Look at that slut," Julie says as she helps Nayeon shove her face deeper into your cock. "She's fucking choking on it," Julie continues as she dives into your balls while Nayeon keeps slurping your shaft, all that while you smack her bunny ass with spanks.
"Give it to me; fuck me in front of your girlfriend," Nayeon says as she gets back on her feet and immediately puts herself back on her knees on the couch. You slide your cock in her pussy. "Are you enjoying my boyfriend's big cock? We do this every day," Julie says, kissing and spitting on her friend.
Nayeon gets her used up nailed for the thousandth time as Julie cheers her on. "Take that fucking cock like a good cheating whore," she says. You feed your cock to Julie, letting her taste Nayeon's loose fuckhole from it as she rests her head on her best friend's cheeks.
"Look at how wet this pussy gets," Julie says as you keep stretching Nayeon out. "My pussy is all yours, baby, fucking give me that birthday gift," Nayeon moans, clinging to the couch as you plow into her hole. Julie offers her friend her pussy to eat out as she tries to cope with your deep thrusts, humping it on Nayeon's face for fun.
"How does that cock feel?" Julie asks, but Nayeon doesn't answer, trying to deal with the heat you put in her pussy. "Give it to my fucking cunt; show me what you can do," she says as you spank her and attack her hole hard. "Ram that fucking pussy," she continues.
"Make her fucking cum," Julie says as Nayeon gets her cunt prone-boned in the couch. "Look at this slut; isn't she having a happy birthday?" Julie giggles, enjoying how her best friend is getting utterly destroyed, but she knows she's well versed in taking the biggest cocks. Nayeon's legs tremble and her cheeks clap, her wet core clenching as she gets deep penetration after deep penetration and coats the couch full of her squirt.
Nayeon's skin turns red as she orgasms on your dick. Jullie approaches you and tells you, "I need your cock too." You quickly turn around and put her with her back down on the couch and plow her cunt next. "It's so huge; I need it stretching my pussy every single day," Julie says. It's been months since you two started dating, but every fuck is like the first time.
"Give me every inch of it," Julis begs as you choke her and go even rougher in her cunt than you do on Nayeon's. Fucking your girlfriend in front of her best friend is truly magic, and you enjoy it a lot. Nayeon endorses Julie's claim, begging you to give every inch of it as she kisses you. "TAKE MY PUSSY, TAKE IT ALL THE WAY, YEAHHHH, FUCK, FUCK FUCK," Julie moans. 
Nayeon tastes Julie's pussy from your cock with glee, savoring it from the top to the bottom of your shaft. Julie can only get sloppy seconds because her friend is so addicted to the taste of her pussy she refuses to drop your cock from her mouth. Or maybe Nayeon is just that addicted to sucking cock.
You stack the girls on top of each other and take turns fucking their pussies a little more. First Nayeon, then Julie. Your girlfriend's fat ass leads to an amazing recoil when you clap her cheeks, leading you to pish harder and get addicted to spank her Hawaiian butt like you always do.
You push Julie to the side and go back to fuck Nayeon with her knees on the ground and her hair getting pulled hard. But even as you give your attention to the night bunny, you can't stop spanking Julie's big ass. "Bad boy, I know you want to fuck that ass like you always do, but first you're gonna give our pussies a treat, you cheater," she answers.
"I want you to use her pussy until she can't walk the day afterwards," Julie says, getting up to whisper it in your ear. You act accordingly, giving the gift Nayeon wants to her birthday, being a free use toy to a huge cock. "You mean like this?" you ask, giving Nayeon powerful thrusts that make her smile. "YEAH!" she says. "Perfect, destroy that used-up cunt; look at how much she loves your cock," Julie says as you choke Nayeon and use all your strength to manhandle her pussy.
"Julie wants you to use her pussy too," Nayeon says. You quickly switch holes, the Haiwaiian girl with her head resting on your couch, ready for more pounding. "Tell me how much you fucking love it," Nayeon whispers in Julie's ear. "Yes, I fucking love it," the young girl moans as it's her turn to be freely used.
"I LOVE HIS COCK, FUCK ME HARDER, DESTROY THIS PUSSSY," Julie screams as she gets absolutely destroyed; her ass is already fully red. You fuck her for a little over a minute, but it's so rough she can barely take it for longer than this. And Nayeon gets all the gift, as you quickly shove that birthday candle in her mouth for her to taste.
You carry Nayeon and let her bounce on your cock, wrapping her hands around your neck while Julie caresses your balls and gets her face smacked by her best friend's ass from time to time. Julie comes in and starts rimming your ass while Nayeon frantically bounces on your cock. "You should get my friend pregnant on her birthday," Julie says.
You act accordingly, putting Nayeon back on the couch and plowing her on a mating press. Julie opens your asshole and licks it well, giving you extra stimulation. "Fill my best friend up," she demands as her tongue slides around your butthole. Your cock goes deeper and deeper inside Nayeon's cunt as you press your shaft all the way down to your. Nayeon makes her walls clench, and Julie uses her tongue so you can perfectly leave your seeds inside the birthday girl and give her an amazing gift.
"I guess I can now fuck your fat ass," you tell Julie, as you two go to your bad and you slide your still flaccid cock in her butthole in a prone-bone position. Nayeon chimes in, happy with the creampie she just received, and licks Julie's back. "Work that ass, baby," she tells her friend.
Nayeon licks your sweaty torso as you slowly work to get your cock harder again inside Julie's big butt. "You're so fucking sexy fucking her ass," Nayeon tells you. Julie rolls her eyes as she gets anally plowed in front of Nayeon. "Hmm, so that's what you guys do every day," the bunny says. You reward Nayeon with a taste of Julie's butthole before you tie your girlfriend up with her hands behind her back and fuck her even harder.
"Good girl, being the free use whore you are," you tell Julie, pulling her hair and destroying her already red cheeks. Nayeon giggles as her best friend gets turned into a fleshlight. "Oh my gosh, give me that cock," Julie begs while you and Nayeon are like two lovebirds kissing each other.
"I want this for me," Nayeon says, licking more of your sweat. But you have unfinished business with Julie to solve. "That's for calling me a cheater, you fucking bitch," you say, stretching her asshole harder and deeper. "Then show me how much you love me, baby; hit my ass harder; oh fuck fuck fuck, hit me so fucking deep," Julie says.
Julie cums from the rough pounding you give her, and you move straight back to Nayeon. "I'm so jealous of you, Julie; your boyfriend's cock is so big," Nayeon says as you find your way to her ass. You know Nayeon can take it, so you pound her hard from the start while kissing Julie.
"Look at how pretty her face looks getting pounded by that cock. Don't stop, baby; use this bitch; give her the best birthday in her life," Julie demands as she watches you fuck Nayeon, who's getting pounded so hard she is nearly falling off the bed. The bunny puts her ass up, only to get plowed harder and have you pull her hair even further, using her like a toy. "These are some great bunny ears," you say as you giggle and toy with her hair.
"DON'T FUCKING STOP," Nayeon begs as her cheeks get spanked multiple times. "Hmm, what a nasty girl, such an used-up whore," Julie tells her. "Spread my ass while your boyfriend fucks it," Nayeon tells Julie, who follows. "Make me cum in that cock, please, gape that ass," Nayeon says.
"I love the way you use my best friend's ass," Julie tells you as you flip Nayeon around, and Julie seizes the opportunity to sit on her friend's face while you fuck her ass. "Fuck, Julie, your ass is so fat; I already know, but with it in my face, now I can fully tell," Nayeon says. "Sorry, I can't hear you," Julie replies, twerking it on Nayeon's face.
You finally pull out of Nayeon's asshole and feed your cock to Julie. "Good girl, taste that nasty hole," Nayeon says as you stick it in your girlfriend's mouth. You then put Nayeon and Julie side by side, licking and admiring their fucked assholes, especially Nayeon's and her used-up anus.
Nayeon and Julie put their asses up for another round of anal fun as you mount on top of the birthday bunny while Julie starts some anal masturbation sessions to her side. "Oh my God, stretch me out, make me gape, again, again, again," Nayeon begs as your balls slap her clit. "I love getting my asshole destroyed on my birthday," she continues.
Nayeon gets her face fucked as you make her suffocate on your cock, while Julie fingers her best friend's pussy and then dives to lick her wide open butthole. "Stick those fingers in your ass while I make you cum," Julie tells Nayeon, making the birthday girl squirt.
"Oh my God, look at that fucking cock all the way down your throat," Julie says as you coat Nayeon's face full of spit, which adds to a perfect lube to fuck your girlfriend's tight butthole again. You do to Julie the same you did to Nayeon, pounding her butt hard and fast while she puts her ass up for you to mount on her.
"He looks so hot when he fucks your ass," Nayeon says. "AHHHHHHHH," Julie can only scream as your cock rips her butthole apart. Nayeon fingers her pussy and asshole watching her best friend get destroyed. "Oh my God, that cock is gonna make me cum again; you take my ass so fucking good, fuck me right these," Julie says as she gets plowed hard and fast. "FUCK, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING," Julie screams as she orgasms, and you feed her your cock while Nayeon does what Julie did to her and fingers her cunt.
But Nayeon wants it more and decides to challenge Julie for an anal riding competition. She's truly feeling herself, rubbing that shaft against her anal entrance to tease you before sticking it back in her hole. "Fuck, it's so big, it's impaling me good," Nayeon says. She tries to shake her hips, but even for an ass so used to fat cocks like hers, yours is quite a challenge.
Nayeon moves a little faster before letting Julie taste her asshole once again, kissing you as she massages your balls and your girlfriend performs a deepthroat on you. It's finally Julie's turn, and she quickly gets to work, twerking hard on your cock. Nayeon aides her, grabbing Julie's waist and pushing the youngster further down your cock. "Take it all the way in," Nayeon says, giving Julie a naughty stare.
Julie shows why she's the queen of twerking, moving her hips hard and fast on your cock and bouncing hard until it pops out. Nayeon tastes it, but Julie quickly puts it back in and moves even faster. "Damn, girl, you know how to ride," Nayeon says, as Julie keeps rocking her hips and then shows a perfect gape that shuts down seconds after her tight hole opens. Safe to say Julie easily won this round.
"Good girl, I guess you earned the right to taste your fucking asshole," you tell Julie, who dives in for a treat. Nayeon sits on your face as you lick her asshole while Julie savors her tight anus all by herself.
"Let's clean that cock to put it back in our pussies," Nayeon says, diving hard to throat your shaft. Julie follows suit as they compete again this time to see who can take it deeper. But it's no contest; Nayeon completely chokes on your cock all the way down to the balls. "Take it deep, Julie," she tells, but your girlfriend can't match her and quickly gags on your massive meat, while Nayeon goes all the way down and stays it deep in her throat for multiple seconds. Although Julie gives some great effort, what she needs to do using all her forces, Nayeon does with ease. It's now a draw; Julie won the twerking and Nayeon the deepthroating.
Julie shows she can keep going and takes your cock for another ride, this time in reverse cowgirl in her pussy, as she offers you a view of her perfect fat ass bouncing on your cock while looking at Nayeon with sexy eyes, her best friend diving to lick your shaft, and Julie's cunt. Julie rotates on your cock, showing her abilities to ride go beyond just shaking ass.
"You like how I ride that fucking cock?" Julie asks Nayeon, who is now sucking her nipples, leading the haiwaiian to go wild and squirt all over your dick, with Nayeon being right there to taste it. That's your turn to thrust hard into her pussy. "Rub my clit, please, right there," Julie tells Nayeon, searching for that squirt.
Julie turns around, and Nayeon starts pushing her best friend's ass against your crotch, impaling Julie's pussy in your cock while she spreads the Hawaiian girl's cheeks from behing and licks her asshole. "Show me that twerk again; I can still feel his taste in your dirty butthole," Nayeon tells her as she spits all over it.
You fuck Julie until she's so overwhelmed she turns into a squirting fountain. "Oh, I wanna taste it," she says, jumping out of it. Julie licks your cock while Nayeon slurps her friend's juices that fell into your belly. You're surrounded by both girls, Julie massaging your balls, Nayeon jerking your shaft off, while both of them share kisses with you. Both girls lick your shaft together and share kisses with your tip between their tongues.
Nayeon moves next, impaling her pussy full of your cock as Julie sits her fat butt in your face. She kisses Julie while riding your cock; meanwhile, your girlfriend twerks on your face as you eat her pussy. Julie and Nayeon match the movements of their hips, giving you double the pleasure. Nayeon then moves into a straight bounce as Julie stays twerking on your face and the birthday girl kisses her neck. Damn, these girls are surely working some magic on your cock.
You spank Nayeon's ass, making her move harder; she pulls some great work on your cock. "Oh my God, take that fucking cock," Julie says as Nayeon keeps bouncing like crazy and her cheeks make loud noise against your hips. Julie gets out of your face and tongue the bunny's butthole, savoring that used up anus all to herself, then diving to deepthroat your cock and enjoy Nayeon's pussy, licking both her best friend's holes while slapping your shaft against her butt.
"That ass did some great work today," Julie says, praising Nayeon. You then take Nayeon off the bed and carry fuck her for a couple seconds. You then put her back in the bed and fuck her cunt while making her belly bulge. God damn it, she's such a perfect breeding bunny you can't resist attacking her pussy nonstop. "Take her deep; don't stop fucking her," Julie says, watching you too fuck like rabbits.
Nayeon starts to move her hips, trying to match your movements, but you quickly take control and keep pounding her used-up cunt while Julie smiles and rubs her best friend's tits. "Our birthday girl looks so wasted," Julie says as you pull out and make her taste Nayeon's pussy juices while the bunny dives to rim your asshole, buying her face deep in it and making you moan with her naughty tongue.
"Fuck, you girls as so nasty," you say, fucking Julie's face while Nayeon tongue-fucks your asshole. The two get on their knees for one more round of cock-sucking, with Julie giving a nice tonguing over your balls, before Nayeon gives you a quest.
"I want you to fill your girlfriend's pussy and taste the cum out of it; give me that as a final birthday gift," Nayeon says, warming up your cock and jerking it off as both she and Julie work hard on it to keep it throbbing.
"Yes, please, please, cum in that fucking pussy," Julie begs as you plow her in a mating press just like you did to Nayeon, who stays right beside her and fingers her friends clit, waiting for her walls to clench and lead you to nut again. "I need to taste every drop of that cum; use your girlfriend's pussy until you fill it to the fullest," Nayeon says as she keeps watching you fuck Julie. "Destroy her fucking pussy for me; show me how you use your girlfriend as a free use toy every day," Nayeon dares you.
"Happy birthday, naughty bunny," Julie says as your cum fills her pussy up. She opens her legs and lets Nayeon slide under her, letting your sperm drip out of her cunt straight into Nayeon's mouth for a sexy cum swap, with the horny bunny sticking her tongue out to take it all.
"That was fantastic," you tell them, completely wasted.
"You fucked me so hard I'll be walking side to side tomorrow," Julie says as she heads home.
"Thanks for all the birthday gifts; I can't wait to see both of you again," Nayeom said, following her best friend. "It was truly a magic night."
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sturniluvr · 4 months
All of me, loves all of you
Matt Sturniolo x fem!reader
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word count: 1.3k
warnings: possible spelling mistakes, some language, hate comments, nothing else lmk if I missed anything
summary: you’ve always been told in your life by multiple people that you’re always either too loud or too quiet and it’s one of your biggest insecurities but happens to be your boyfriend’s favourite thing about you.
A/N: sorta inspired by @obsidianbaby fic with a little twist and hers is a Chris version. Here it is if you want to check it out. Listen to John Legend ‘all of me’ while reading if you want <3
❗️semi proof read❗️
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You were on sat on the couch as the triplets rushed around the house getting the equipment they needed to film the car video, all they had left to find was a battery because Nick once again forgot to charge the battery so they had to find a charged one to replace the dead battery before filming whilst also waiting for their food to arrive.  
“Y/N are you joining us for the video? Or can I be Matt’s passenger princess?” Chris joked as he made his way past her towards the kitchen to check their junk drawer for the spare battery.  
“Fuck where is it?” He muttered to himself as he rummaged through the drawer, unsuccessful in finding what he was looking for. The younger woman didn’t acknowledge her best friend at first, her head being buried in her phone, more specifically, looking at the comments on last Friday’s car video where she was having one of her more quiet days and the comments surely picked up on the sudden mood change compared to her yapping in the Wednesday video prior to the Friday car video. 
‘She needs to make up her mind, either be loud or be quiet Jesus Christ’ 
‘How do they put up with her? She’s so annoying’ 
‘Y/N needs to be more entertaining omg😭’ 
‘One day she’s quiet the next she won’t stfu, must be so annoying to the triplets, how do they like her??? Especially Matt??? Poor guy’ 
‘She’s such a weirdo, either being way too loud or way too quiet💀’ 
‘Y/N?? You with me kid?” Chris waved his hand in front of her face to grab her attention. 
“Hmm? Sorry Chris what did you say?” She replied to the older boy. As he was about to reply, the doorbell rang signaling the food had arrived, Matt came from his bedroom and made his way down the stairs to open the door and get the food, thanking the delivery driver as he closed the door. He came back up the stairs and placed the bag of McDonald’s on the kitchen table, sorting out who’s is who’s. 
“I was asking if you were coming to film with us?” she shook her head in response. 
“No, I’ll sit this one out, I think. Maybe just watch a film or have a shower and an early night.” 
Matt’s head turned in the direction of his girlfriend and brother as soon as he heard the words leave Y/N’s mouth, immediately sensing something was wrong. 
“You okay baby? You feeling good?” He asked, concern written all over his features, Matt made his way over to the Y/H/C girl with her usual McDonalds order of 9 chicken nuggets, medium fries and a peach iced tea. He placed her food on the table in front of her and quickly raised the back of his hand to her forehead, her temperature seemed fine to him. 
“Yeah, I’m okay Matt, I promise, I’m just tired you know I’ve had a busy day.” She explained, looking up at her boyfriend with a not very convincing smile on her face, not convincing to Matt anyway, he could read her like a book. 
Nick had found the battery, and the camera was now ready to set up in the car. 
“You coming you two?” He calls out to the couple while grabbing his food off the kitchen table. Chris doing the same and stood with the oldest triplet waiting for an answer. 
“Give us a minute Nick, you and Chris head to the car.” Matt replied, throwing his car keys in the direction of Chris which he smoothly caught. The brothers made their way downstairs to the garage to unlock the car. In the living room, Matt was now sat next to Y/N on the couch. He noticed a stray tear make it’s way down her cheek.
“Baby please just tell me what’s bothering you. It can’t be silly if it’s making you cry.” he stated as he wiped the stray tears off her cheeks with his thumbs. He looked over to her unlocked phone that had since been discarded on the table, he removed his hands from her face and picked her phone up, raising his eyebrows as if asking permission to look through the phone. She nodded in silent understanding. He looked at the illuminated screen and a frown immediately made its way onto his face, followed by a glare at some of the comments that his so called fans had left about the love of his life. 
“They hate me.” Y/N said dejectedly, biting her nails anxiously as Matt continued to read the comments. Matt sighed before he replied. 
“Oh baby. A few comments mean nothing okay my love, what matters is what you think and what I think, and I think you’re amazing just the way you are.” 
“But Matt it’s not just a few comments! It’s every other comment, either saying you must be annoyed by me, or I don’t deserve you or that I’m a weirdo all because I’m always either too loud or too quiet! I’ve always been made fun of because of it!” She replied frustrated, tears beginning to well up in her eyes yet again.  
Suddenly Matt placed her phone face down on the couch and grabbed her hand before leading her to his bathroom. He switched the light on and placed her in front of the mirror and rested his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“See this woman in the mirror? She is the most perfect woman I have ever met, every little detail of her, from her freckles to her personality makes her even more perfect to me and I fall more in love with her every day.” He placed a trail of kisses leading from her shoulder up to her cheek before he loosened his hold on her waist to turn her so she was facing him before continuing.  
“Darling, you can’t let the things people who hide behind their screens tell you define you okay? It would break my heart to see their nasty words dim my princess’ light, okay? You are perfect to me, and that’s all that matters, okay? Not some bullshit random people on the internet say, they’re just jealous 12 year olds.” He joked, lightening the mood, causing a small smile to creep up on her face, he smiled at the sight.  
“There’s my favorite smile!” He exclaimed.  
He cupped her cheeks before speaking again.  
“Love, you have to remember if you ever feel like this again, is all of me loves all of you, okay? Always has and always will, you’re my favorite person and you being both loud and quiet balances me out perfectly, if I need a quiet and safe place you give that to me, or if I need to let off energy and be crazy, you go on all kinds of crazy adventures with me. I couldn’t be more thankful for you. I love you so much my angel.” 
“I love you too my love” she replied, happy tears now in her eyes as opposed to the sad and frustrated tears in her eyes not even 20 minutes ago. 
“What do you say, we go film the video with Nick and Chris, I want the better passenger princess next to me and not the one who burps 24/7 and looks like me” he joked, she let out a laugh at her boyfriend. 
“Sure, let’s go film. I wanna grab my food first though.” He nodded and the couple made their way into the living room to grab Y/N’s food before making their way down to the garage where they heard Nick and Chris arguing over something ridiculous, they both laughed at the pair. The two in the car noticed the couple stood in the doorway making their way to the car. Y/N got in the car while Matt remained outside, focusing the camera. Y/N threw a thumbs up to Matt as the camera was set up right. Chris gave Y/N a quick hug from the back seat before he spoke. 
“You good now kid?” He asked, she nodded and smiled back at him as Matt got in the car and pressed record. The four filming the video full of laughs and debates. Matt added in a little rant to the viewers on being nicer to Y/N and from that point forward, the hate comments had died down to the odd few from jealous fan girls. 
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Why the media CEOs will always learn the wrong lessons
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Yesterday a friend and I talked about how the entire (AAA) game industrie looked at BG3 being as popular as it is and going: "Oh, we need to produce 100+ hour games, I guess! Those sell!" Which... obviously is not why it is popular. The game is not popular because it has 100+ hours of gameplay, but because it has engaging characters, that are well-acted and that work as good hooks for the players. Like, let's face it: The reason why I so far have sunken 160 hours into this game is, because I wanna spend time with these characters - and because I wanna give them their happy endings.
But the same has happened too, just a bit earlier this year, right? When Barbie broke the 1 billion and every Hollywood CEO went: "Oh, so the people want movies based on toy franchises! Got it!" To which the internet at large replied: "... How is that the lesson you learned from this?"
Well, let me explain to you, why this is the lesson they learn: It is because the CEOs and the boards of directors at large are not artists or even engaged with the medium they produce. They mostly are economists. And their dry little hearts do not understand stuff more complex than numbers and spread sheets.
That sounds evil, I know, but... It is sadly the truth. When they look at a successful movie/series/game/book/comic, they look at it as a product, not a piece of art or narrative. It is just a product that has very clear metrics.
To them Barbie is not a movie with interesting stylistic choices that stand out from the majority of high budget action blockbusters. It is a toy movie with mildly feminist themes.
Or Oppenheimer is not a movie to them with a strong visual language and good acting direction. No, it is a historical blockbuster.
And this is true for basically every form of media. I mean, books are actually a fairly good example. In my life I do remember the big book fads that happened. When Harry Potter was a success, there was at least a dozen other "magical school" book series being released. When Twilight was a big success there was suddenly an endless number of "teen girl falls in love with bad boy, who is [magical creature]" YA. When the Hunger Games was a success, there were hundreds of "YA dystopia" books. Meanwhile in adult reading, we had the big "next Game of Throne" fad.
Of course, the irony is, that within each of those fads there might have been one or two somewhat successful series - but never even one that came even close to whatever started the fad.
Or with movies, we have seen it, too. When Avengers broke the 1 billion (which up to this point only few movies did) the studios went: "Ooooooh, so we need shared universe film series" - and then all went to try and fail to create their own cinematic universe.
Because the people, who call the shots, are just immensely desinterested in the thing they are selling. They do not really care about the content. All they care about is having a supposedly easy avenue of selling it. Just as they do not care about the consumer. All they care about is that the consumer buys it. Why he buys it... Well, they do not care. They could not care less, in fact.
So, yeah, get ready for a 20 overproduced games with a bloated 100+ hours of empty gameplay, but without the engaging characters. And for like at least 15 more moves based on some toy franchise, that nobody actually cares about.
And then get ready for all the CEOs to do the surprised Pikachu face, when all of that ends up not financially successful.
Really, I read some interviews yesterday from some AAA-studio CEOs and their blatant shock and missing understanding on why BG3 works for so many people.
Because, yeah... capitalism does not appreciate art. Capitalism does not understand art. It only understands spread sheets.
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muwapsturniolo · 4 months
✯𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐞✯
IN WHICH…Chris films a TikTok with his best friend to his favorite song, and things take a turn.
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT AHEAD!! Drinking, twerking, choking, making out, unprotected sex, cream pie, squirting, slapping, Nick freaking the fuck out.
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Chris was beyond bored.
He was currently sitting on the couch of his Boston home alone. Everyone had decided to go out (including Trevor), and Chris stayed home. He began to regret it once the boredom took over.
He huffs as he opens the wrapper around the sucker, shoving the cherry-flavored stick in his mouth.
Suddenly his phone rings, a smile taking over his face seeing the familiar name on the screen.
She was a very close friend of the triplets and Nate. They considered her to be family based on her actions as a friend. She always made sure the boys stayed out of trouble and prospered in their YouTube career, never letting them quit and damn near beating anyone up that hurt them.
“Hey, you guys busy?” Her voice rings out. he could hear shuffling and the clinking of keys. Chris shakes his head and takes the sucker out his mouth, “Nah, everyone went out and I stayed home…You want to come over? I’m bored out of my mind and need entertainment.”
“On my way Topher! Is it ok if I crash there? I want to drink tonight.”
Chris rolls his eyes hearing that godforsaken nickname, “Stop calling me that ugly ass name. And you know you don’t have to ask.”
Y/n blows a raspberry before telling Chris she’s on her way.
Not even a full twenty minutes later, Y/n is strolling into the home as if it’s her own.
“Topher I missed you!” She wraps her arms around Chris and squeezes him tightly. “Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me that?” He questions looking down at her.
“Well unless you make me stop, it’s still being said.” He rolls his eyes but can’t help but feel some kind of way about her words.
It was known to everyone who knew Y/n that she was a bit of a flirt. It was natural for her to flirt with everyone, boys and girls. Sometimes it was on purpose, other times it was on accident.
Chris could never tell if she was doing it on purpose with him. He always received mixed signals from her.
“What drinks did you bring?” He asks as he sits back at the island. She hops onto the marble slab and pulls out a bottle of Casamigos, and some form of vodka.
“My personal favorite, casa-freak-hoe!” He snorts at her play-on-words and walks over to the fridge, grabbing a few chasers.
The two adults begin to drink, taking shot after shot as they catch up with each other. It’s not long before the liquor takes over and glosses their minds.
“Let’s do something fun!” Y/n giggles setting her shot glass down.
“Like what?”
“Ooo let’s film TikTok’s!”
Soon the two are making a fool of themselves, dancing and lip-syncing to multiple audios.
A few of them were posted, fans rushing to comment on the infamous duo finally being back together.
“Ooo let's do one to freak hoe!” Y/n urges in excitement.
“Why freak hoe?” Chris asks as he clicks on the sound.
“Because I’m a freak hoe off the Casamigos!”
Chris cackles before pressing the record button.
“Imma throw this money like a free throw-“ he lip syncs before setting the phone down. He backs up and turns to Y/n, clapping his hands to the beat before doing his little dance.
Not thinking straight due to the liquor in her system, Y/n bends over and begins throwing it back on Chris. The boy immediately becomes entranced by the way her ass moves, watching as the soft skin recoils and shakes. He’s amazed at the control of her lower body, it’s almost as if it has a mind of its own.
His hands move before he can even register his own actions, grasping her hips firmly and pulling her into him even more. He groans softly as her ass grinds against his growing tent.
Y/n feels the tent against her ass and stands up straight, whining her hips.
That’s enough to make Chris snap.
He wraps his hand around her neck and pulls her body flush against his, he pulls her head back and firmly presses his lips against hers.
The two begin to sloppily make out, teeth clashing and tongues dancing with each other. With their lips still connected, Y/n turns her body so they are chest to chest. She moans into the kiss as Chris grips her ass firmly before slapping it. She trails one of her hands down to his pants and begins palming him.
He pulls away from the kiss and rests his forehead against hers, groaning softly.
“It only took you four years,” she teases softly.
It’s true, Y/n has been trying for four years to get Chris to make a move on her, but the boy seemed to be oblivious to her advances. She knew she was flirty and he probably brushed it off but she always amped it up around him.
“Shut the fuck up-“ he grunts before planting his lips back to hers.
The two stand in the kitchen, making out for what seems like decades before Chris finally picks her up and takes her to Nick's room.
He knew Nick would be pissed but he didn’t care, he’d deal with it later.
He slams the door before moving to the bed and laying her down. It’s not long before his hands snake down to her shorts, rubbing over her through the grey material.
The erotic sounds of her wetness moving through her folds make the both of them moan.
“Already wet?”
“S’casamigos.” She admits before bucking her hips. Chris chuckles and takes the initiative to snake his hands down her shorts.
He glides his fingers through her folds before toying with her clit. “Fuck-Chris!” She whimpers throwing her head back. His fingers felt heavenly, but unfortunately she would have to experience them at a different time.
She wasn’t lying when she told Chris she’s a freak hoe off the Casamigos. She was as wet as a waterpark and she needed to be fucked hard and rough, immediately.
“Forget the foreplay Chris and fuck me!” She demands. Chris doesn’t have to be told twice, quickly stripping them both of their clothes.
He yanks her closer by her thighs, rubbing his cock between her folds. Y/n quickly becomes irritated, “Chris I swear to god if you do-Shit!” She throws her head back when he slams into her.
There’s no waiting for her to adjust, there’s no soaking in the moment, it's just Chris continuously thrusting harshly like his life depended on it.
Her legs are being held wide open as he ruts into her, his thighs ricocheting off the back of hers. His grunts and her moans bounce off the walls along with the headboard, their melodic noises filling up the empty house.
Chris presses down on her stomach and uses his thumb to rub her clit.
“Oh shit! Oh my god!” Her back arches as she feels her orgasm quickly approaching. She clenches her eyes shut only to snap them open when she feels a sting on her cheek.
“Eyes open baby, wanna see you when you cum.”
He pushes her legs back further before jack hammering into her.
“FUCK FUCK FU-“ her eyes roll back as her body withers under him, her juices coating his abdomen. “Holy shit-“ seeing her squirt was enough for Chris to stall deep inside of her, throwing his head back as he lets go.
He collapses on top of her, breathing harshly. Much to his surprise he doesn’t get to relax for long, Y/n flipping them other. She crawls on top of him and rocks back and forth, whimpering as his cock stimulates her clit.
Chris grunts and tries to stop her movements, “Jesus Christ give me a minute.”
“Stop being a fucking pussy Chris and let me ride you!”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters before letting her do what she wants. Y/n sinks down on him and immediately begins to bounce up and down.
Chris grips her hips tightly, watching her breasts bounce with low and lustful eyes. He bites his lip and trails his hand upward, tweaking and pulling at her nipples.
“Shit princess, you look so good being on top.”
He looks down between them and groans at the unholy site.
A thick white cream sits on the base of his cock, some of the cream even on the inside of her thighs as well. He watches as it spreads around each time her thighs land against his, the thunderous slapping sounds also sounding wet and sticky.
He throws his head back and closes his eyes, the feeling of his orgasm hitting him hard.
He snaps his eyes open and looks at a smirking y/n, shocked that she slapped him.
“Eyes open baby, I want to see you when you cum.”
She taunts him with his own words. He growls and snaps his hips upward, the girl yelping and falling forward. Chris wraps his hand around her throat and pushes her back up.
Y/n’s eyes roll back as Chris continues to thrust upward meeting her bouncing. “take it baby, you can handle it.”
Incoherent noises tumble from her mouth as she holds on to his wrist. “Gonna cum with me?” He pants.
“Y-yes!” She rasps out, her eyes rolling back.
He lets go of her throat and holds on to her hips once again. Y/n leans back, using one arm to support herself as she uses the other to quickly swipe back and forth against her clit.
She lets out a loud drawn out mewl as she squirts once again. Her juices land all over the bed, along with his chest. “Fuck!” She shouts at the overstimulation coming from Chris’s thrusting.
Chris grips her hips excruciatingly tight as he cums once again, holding her down in place.
“Holy shit-” He pants out. Y/n giggles tiredly as she slowly climbs off of him. Chris stops her, watching as the thick semen pools out of her and onto his now soft cock.
He doesn’t have much time to relish at the site due to the door being swung open, “Chris were home! Is Y/n he-OH MY GOD!” Nick quickly turns around at the site of his brother and their best friend naked in his bed.
“I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO KILL THE BOTH OF YOU! WHY ARE YOU HAVING SEX IN MY ROOM!? MY ROOM!” Nick slams the bedroom door, his shouting still being heard.
The two adults quickly attempt to get dressed, their intoxicated minds making them giggle at the whole ordeal. Suddenly the door is opened once again and a bottle of Lysol is thrown, hitting Chris in the head.
A paper towel roll is thrown as well and hits Y/n in the chest, “Jesus Christ Nick what the fuck!?”
The door slams shut for the last time before footsteps are heard stomping up the stairs.
Chris rolls his eyes and goes to put his shirt on but is stopped by Y/n,
“Want to go again?”
“You weren’t lying when you said you’re a freak hoe off the Casamigos.”
He pushes her down on the bed with a smile on his face before dropping to his knees in between her legs.
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@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
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aphrogeneias · 1 year
more than seven minutes — one-shot
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: after you spend nearly a week completely avoiding your best friend, he takes matters into his own hands. and if that means locking you into a room with him until he makes you talk, then so be it.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: smut (+18), fluff, friends to lovers, forced proximity, love confessions, mentions of a sex dream, dry humping, oral sex (f receiving), hand job, dirty talk
author's note: another reupload! this is the only steve fic i've ever written, or rather, the only one i started and finished. not sure if i really write steve that well, but i tried <3 this has a part two and will be uploaded soon too.
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"Where are you taking me?"
"Don't you trust us?"
From your left, Robin's faux exasperated tone had you throwing her a mean side-eye. Her girlfriend, Vickie, on your right, giggled, "I don't think she does, Rob."
It wasn't that you didn't trust them. On a normal day, you would trust those two with your life, but given the circumstance you recently put yourself into, you couldn't help but be suspicious.
They'd found you hiding — or trying to, at least — at the back porch during another one of Tina's house parties, which were getting more and more boring to you, but you needed an escape, and cheap beer with some questionable company would have to do it. 
You were sitting with another one of your friends when Robin and Vickie, appearing seemingly out of nowhere — confusing you immensely because they'd be two people you wouldn't expect to find at Tina's on a Friday night — took your plastic cup from your hand and pulled you by the arms to follow them.
Dragging you along, each one linked to your arms from both sides, passing in between the crowd of bodies gathered in the living room, occasionally having to push a drunk jock out of the way, and guiding you up the stairs, into the upstairs hallway. They moved fast, the people around you passing by like a sea of blurred faces.
You were thrust forward when you reached one of the doors, and were pushed inside by Robin, who flashed you an apologetic smile, shrugging, "I'm sorry!"
"Robin!" Yelling over the loud music that bled through the walls, you could hear giggling from the outside, as well as the sound of a key being turned in doorknob. Your heart raced as you slowly realized what was happening, "Vickie! What the fuck?"
You knew who was behind you without even having to turn around.
Taking in your surroundings, you could tell it was a guest room, untouched by the madness going on downstairs and in the hallway. Sitting on the neatly made bed, above the soft pastel bedding, Steve Harrington looked like a kicked puppy, brown eyes following your every move from where you stood, still at the bedroom door, unsure of what to do.
He was the first to break the silence, "So… now I have to resort to kidnapping you in order to have a conversation with my best friend?"
Leaning back into the cold wooden surface of the door, you tried to sound as unbothered as possible, knowing very well you were about to crack. "I wouldn't call that much of a kidnapping. Your henchwomen are a little too clumsy for that."
When Steve didn't answer you, merely raising an eyebrow, unamused, you tried again. "So, uh… what is this, exactly? Seven minutes in heaven? You know this isn't seventh grade anymore, right?"
"No, if it was seventh grade you would still be talking to me and not acting all weird for a whole damn week and not telling me why!"
"I'm not acting weird…"
"Bullshit! You are avoiding me like the plague and I need to know why."
You weren't avoiding Steve.
At least, that's what you had told him the first time he confronted you about it, almost a week ago. He had showed up at your house, unannounced as always, with a new film he knew you'd love and a bag of popcorn and candy, walking in as if it was own place — and it was, in a way, more of a home than his own has ever been. You made up an excuse about how you were sick and didn't want to get him sick as well, ushering him out of the house with an apology and the promise of a raincheck on your movie night.
After that, he'd been calling you, asking what was wrong and why were you avoiding him, and you couldn't bring yourself to tell him the truth. You'd told him it was nothing, you were sick that day, then you were busy, and then… you were running out of excuses.
The truth was that you couldn't look your best friend in the eyes anymore.
Sighing, you looked down at your feet, shuffling in place, "It's nothing, Steve. I'm just confused about… something, but I promise it has nothing to do with you. You did nothing wrong, it's just, just a thing that happened." You stuttered.
There was a shift in the air, the tension dropping in the atmosphere as Steve's expression lightened, suddenly focusing entirely on you. He rose from his place on the bed and walked over to you, his body crowding your personal space. 
"Hey…" You felt a hand gently hold your chin, forcing you to look at him, warm brown eyes searching for yours. "I'm not mad at you, okay? I'm just worried. We used to tell each other everything and now you're acting like this and I don't know what to think."
Overwhelmed by Steve's closeness, his smell and the heat of his body invading your senses, and his hand moving to cradle your cheek, distracting you from gathering your thoughts, you close your eyes as you lean into his touch. "If I tell you, do you promise you'll stay not mad at me?"
"I don't think I could ever be mad at you, Y/N."
With a deep breath, you walked away from him. The nearness, the feeling of his hand on your skin brought you vivid memories of the exact reason you were pushing him away.
"A what?"
"A sex dream! I had a sex dream about you and I'm embarassed enough as it is, okay? I know it's weird, but we can't really help what we dream of, you know? It's like our brains produce images using the faces of people we know but it doesn't necessarily mean anything…"
"I get it! I get it, you don't need to explain yourself, I promise." Steve interrupts your rambling, you're still avoiding making eye contact with him, but you notice a light shade of pink take over his face. Silence fell over the room, both of you still trying to come to terms with what you'd just confessed.
"What was your dream like?"
He was closer now, you realized. There was something different in his eyes, a look you'd never seen before — far more intense, pupils blown wide. An electric current grows between you, like a live wire, ready to explode. It didn't help you stop thinking about the Steve in your dream, looking up at you with those same eyes, hands hungrily exploring your naked body.
It was all you could think about in the past few days — and then, there he was, warm and real, right in front of you, your Steve.
"Please? I'm curious. It can't be that bad."
Turning around, you stared at the wall instead of having to look at him, feeling flustered all over. "I don't remember a lot of the details, but, uh… I think we were on my couch and we were… I  was riding you, I think." Letting out a nervous laugh, you gathered the courage to turn again, pretending to not be affected, "Crazy, right?"
"Not that crazy. Coming from you, I was expecting something a little more shocking." 
You laughed earnestly then, feeling some of the tension leave your body. "Yeah. Screw you, Harrington."
Steve started taking a few tentative steps forward, and instinctively, you took some backwards, until your back hit the wall behind you. Leaning in, those same dark, hungry eyes lowered to your lips, and down to your cleavage — you felt vulnerable under his gaze, but not uncomfortable. It felt right, even though it made your skin prickle. "Can I ask you one more question?"
"Yeah." You breathed out.
One of his hands trailed along your waist, keeping you still as the other rested beside your head, on the wall. This was a line you'd definitely never crossed, even with Steve being as affectionate as he was, always keeping at least one hand on you. Not even in the many times you'd shared a bed and woke up tangled in each other. This was different, heavy with anticipation.
"Did you… touch yourself… thinking about this dream of yours?"
It felt like your head was spinning. Despite yourself, you drew in a sharp inhale, "Do you really need to know that?"
"Only if you want to tell me." His voice was gentle, much more restrained than the wild look in his eyes, barely keeping himself together. "But something tells me you do."
Steve wasn't blind to the effect he had on you, especially up close, where he could feel your heavy breathing, watching the way your body responded to his. Throwing every caution you had out of the metaphoric window, you finally looked him in the eyes, bringing him closer, and resting your hands on his broad shoulders.
"What if I told you that I did? What if I told you that I had my fingers inside of me thinking about how good it would feel if I was bouncing on your cock instead? How would it feel to have you run your hands all over me while I do it? Is that what you want to hear?"
Like the cat who got the cream — or the guy who got his best friend to confess how badly she wants to fuck him — he smirked, now holding you with both hands around your waist.
"Any chance you want to make that dream come true, baby?" 
"If King Steve is offering, who am I to refuse?"
"Shut up."
Snaking a hand up your back, raising a chill up your spine, and holding the back of your neck, his mouth descended on yours with a deep kiss. It started clumsy, all teeth and uncoordinated hands, two friends who dared cross a line they'd never return from. Steve took control, then, leading you towards the bed, and laying you on top of it, his hands never leaving your body as he climbed on top of you.
"You should have told me about this earlier. Could've helped you out, you know." He said, in between kisses, descending his mouth to your jaw, and down to your neck, his tongue eliciting tiny gasps from your gaping lips, "You were driving me insane."
His hands travelled under your shirt, after yanking it from under your skirt, finding your covered breasts. Too eager to feel you, he felt you up over your bra, squeezing and caressing his thumb over your nipples. Between Steve's hands and his kisses, you were left breathless under him, seeking whatever release you could get, grinding your hips against his thigh, which was resting between yours. You could feel your cotton panties cling to your wet folds, slick with desire.
"I think you're the one driving me insane here." You whined, biting his lower lip and dragging it just slightly. Steve's eyes darkened above you, and you felt his hands lower, slowly, to the hem of your already bunched up skirt. You watched as he sat up on his knees and removed his polo shirt, revealing his broad chest, and feeling the sudden urge to run your hands over the tuft hair and the smattering of freckles covering it.
"Consider it payback, baby."
They stopped at the waistband of your underwear, and stilled, as he asked, brown eyes as gentle as ever, almost whispering, "This okay?"
"Yeah. Please."
Lowering his head, he left kisses over your thighs as he brought the fabric down your legs and off your body, his hot mouth leaving a trail of small teeth marks and spit that warmed you to your core. There was an underlying devotion in Steve's touch, a reverence he always treated you with — like you were something precious, something worthy of praise. It set you alight under his expert fingers, running over the soft skin of your parted thighs.
Wasting no more time, Steve licked a long stripe over your weeping slit, flattening his tongue. You dropped your head to the pillow beneath you, not being able to stop the moan that rose on your throat. One of your hands reached to grab his hair as he alternated between flicking his tongue over your clit and sucking on it, groaning into your pussy like he was enjoying it just as much as you were. His strong hands grabbed your thighs and pulled you further into him, burying himself into you, his nose touching your clit as he delved his tongue into your hole, fucking you with it.
A litany of moans filled the room, along with the filthy, sloppy sounds of his mouth devouring your pussy. You felt delirious, skin burning and grinding yourself shamelessly into his mouth, meeting his movements. 
"Isn't that better, honey?" He teased, bringing a finger down to your entrance and into you, stroking your walls in a torturingly slow pace, making you pout as you kept moving your hips, "Better than fucking yourself with your tiny, little fingers? You could have had this instead of hiding from me."
Mumbling something incoherent, you could barely keep your thoughts together as you felt him add a second finger into you, pumping them faster this time.
"Louder. Let me hear you."
"So much better. You feel so good, Stevie, so fucking good. Please don't stop."
At that point, you didn't care how whiny you sounded. Steve didn't seem to care either, shifting between your legs to wrap his lips around your clit again, matching his languid thrusts as he curled his fingers inside of you, building up the tension in your core, your pleas of "faster, please!" rising from your lips.
He obliged, looking at you with hooded eyes. You meet his gaze as you cry out, feeling your orgasm hit you like a wave, crashing into you slowly, and then all at once. He keeps his fingers moving as you ride it out, breathing heavily, and running your hand over his messed up hair, much gentler this time.
"C'mere, baby." You called, voice a little weak from exhaustion. Steve leaned over and you met him halfway, supporting your upper body into your elbows, and kissed him. Deep and slow, savoring the taste of his tongue, still stained with your juices, making you dizzy with uncontained lust, and, quite frankly, an overwhelming feeling of possessiveness, as if you had just marked him as yours.
After spending years watching him pine over Nancy Wheeler, and throw himself into date after meaningless date, it felt only fair.
Not you'd ever admit this to him out loud.
Distracting him with your kisses, you manage to take control, flipping him over, and mounting him, straddling his hips. Steve doesn't stop missing you, however, bringing his hands to rest over your hips and guide you to grind your exposed pussy over the tent on his jeans. You could almost feel him pulsing under you, bringing a new jolt of pleasure through your body, making you run your nails over his chest.
Quickly undoing his belt, and his zipper, you bring his pants down, just enough to free him from his boxers, feeling his length warm and heavy in your hand. He pants under you, his eyes rolling back as you tease him with your fingers, lightly, before running your thumb over the delicious vein on the underside of him, all the way to his already weeping head.
Before you could do much else, you heard a hard knock on the door, followed by barely hushed giggles.
"Are you still alive in there? Do we need to call the police?"
"Go away, Buckley! Jesus." 
Steve groaned at Robin's interruption, running his hands over his face, flushed with frustration. You release him from your hold, chuckling a little at his outburst. Leaving a kiss to his nose, driving his attention back to you, you ask "Your house isn't too far from here, right?"
"Yeah. Your point being…"
"I think we should take this party somewhere a little less crowded."
Humming deep inside his chest, Steve leans up, pecking you on the lips, "Now you're speaking my language."
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afterglowsainz · 1 month
peace | daniel ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x singer!reader
summary: you have always been more famous than daniel and he was fine with that, until his career started going downhill
fc: taylor swift
warning: angst, mclaren daniel, mentions of crashing, some mean comments towards daniel
a/n: i changed a few lyrics from one of taylor’s songs (invisible string) just to make it make sense in the context (i'm not a songwriter so is not the best) also no hate to mclaren daniel! with the summary i do not mean at all that his career is ruined, is just for the dramatics
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liked by danielricciardo, alexandrasaintmleux and others
yourusername old habits die hard 🎻🍂
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username mother back in the studiooo
username if this is not a new album y/n istg (liked by yourusername)
username serving face while recording
username i don’t know what vibes this is giving but it’s givingggg
username ofc i’m not getting my hopes up over a possible new album! ofc not!
username more happy songs about her and danny 😁
username WE CHEER
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liked by f1gossip and others
motorsportcom 🚩RED FLAG DEPLOYED🚩FP2 session has been paused after Ricciardo hits the wall during corner 7. It’s still unclear if practice will resume.
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username this 😁 again 😁
username someone send him back to red bull 🙄
username well well are we surprised
username no way i stayed up late to watch this only for it to be suspended
username washed
username ugh perfect! just what he needed
username someone is doing witchcraft on this guy because there’s no way he’s this unlucky
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and others
danielricciardo these past four years by your side have been the best of my life and i can’t wait for many more to come. happy anniversary love of my life, forever my y/n❤️‍🩹
tagged yourusername
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username STOP IT they’re too cute 😭
username that last pic might be the best photo i’ve ever seen
username no because they’re so perfect togetheeer
yourusername i love you❤️
danielricciardo ❤️
username she’s everything!
username and he’s there!
username who needs a job when your girlfriend looks like THAT 😮‍💨
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liked by francisca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux and others
ynupdates y/n y/l/n won the ‘video of the year’ award at the vmas. on her speech she thanked the fans, her friends, her boyfriend daniel and she hinted some new music coming soon!
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username literally speechless at her look
username what did she say on her speech about daniel i’ve been looking for it but i can’t find it
username not verbatim cause i don’t remember exactly but it was something along the lines of “thank you for being the first one to listen to all my ideas and encourage me to dream about things bigger than myself and for being my muse in every sense of the word”
username she’s just killing it lately i’m obsessed! 💕
username congrats y/n! very well deserved award
username prettiest woman ever like look at that face
username she served too much cunt i’m afraid
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liked by lilymhe, danielricciardo and others
yourusername surprise you! my new single ‘invisible string’ is coming out tonight (and we filmed a video for it) 🪩
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username my favourite animal is me when y/n releases music
username oh she ate with this one
bffusername on loop forever and ever
yourusername 💗
username this sound is so different … i love it!
username if this invisible string is not about her relationship with danny i-😩
danielricciardo going feral at that mv actually
yourusername 🤭
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liked by f1gossip and others
motorsportcom a red flag has been deployed after daniel ricciardo crashed in qualifying🚩session has been cancelled and the drivers will start the grid on sunday with the lap times the were able to achieve during the first three minutes of Q3
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username thank you ricciardo we all say in unison 🙄
username bro’s collecting red flags like pokemons
username someone bathe this man in palo santo or smth 😭
username you just gotta laugh at this point
username mate is sooo not getting a seat next year
username is a bit funny to see him struggle this much and then you look at his girlfriend and she’s in the most successful point of her career
username he sacrificed his own luck for his gf’s how romantic
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liked by lewishamilton, mclaren and others
danielricciardo not my brightest weekend but there’s always opportunity to be better. excited for the next 🔜
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username “not my brightest weekend” my guy it hasn’t been your brightest SEASON
username “there’s always opportunity to be better” you’ve had like 30 ???
username he’s being delulu but honestly i respect it
username okay but how can you hate a face like that
username mate isn’t smiling anymore something is wrong 😭
username something has been wrong for a while…
username i actually think is time to think about retirement
username get that bag king!
username guys, and y/n??.
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liked by f1wags, lilyzneimer and others
entertainmenttonight y/n y/l/n and daniel ricciardo break up after four years of dating
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username NOOOOOO
username if i don’t see it is not real
username refusing to believe this
username WHAT.
username this sent me (a victorian child) into a comma
username now why would you post this😭
username i actually don’t believe in love anymore
username 💔💔💔
username WDYM they JUST celebrated their anniversary ???
username this is my villain origin story
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liked by lilyzneimer, alexandrasaintmleux and others
yourusername so … good news! i’ll be releasing my brand new album “folklore” tonight at midnight 🪩 this is an album i’ve been working on for the past year and that i poured my whole soul into. it was supposed to release a bit earlier, but we thought it wasn’t truly finished until now. i love you guys too much 🤍
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username OMG
username our prayers have been heard
username so i’m thinking she was going to release this before the breakup but when it happened she maybe wrote breakup songs and that’s why she pushed the release date
username GIRL
alexandrasaintmleux can’t wait! 💗 (liked by yourusername)
username album of the year already
oliviarodrigo and we all cheer in unison 🥳 (liked by yourusername)
sabrinacarpenter already bought the wine and the tissues (liked by yourusername)
gracieabrams no you don’t get it this is so special to me (liked by yourusername)
username all of y/n’s daughters in the comments 😭
username sabrina girl what do you know? 🤨
username lowkey miss daniel’s comments hyping her up :(
username no bc i’m so ready to know what happened between them
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liked by maxverstappen1, patriciooward and others
danielricciardo tbt to the first race weekend with mclaren 🧡
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username okay sir i see you
username the only weekend where we were happy
username bro trying to distract us from the breakup by posting his smile
username my guy i just listen “peace” are you okay ???
username you’re stronger than me for listening till peace i wanted to k word myself after “the 1” and i’m not daniel
username the 1 was criminaaal
username exile …
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liked by f1wags, lilymhe and others
ynupdates y/n y/l/n last night on saturday night live singing her new song “peace” from her brand new album “folklore”. she algo sang her hit single “invisible string”
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username i cried with that performance
username she was singing that song with such sadness
username you’re telling me she was ready to marry daniel (and give him a child) and now they’re just not together anymore ???
username i gasped when i heard that line
username daniel will pay for his crimes istg
username he’s paying already 😭
username “would it be enough if i could never give you peace?” it was, in fact, not enough
username sorry i’m mourning this relationship too 😔
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and others
danielricciardo if one thing had been different, would everything be different today?
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romanoffsbish · 8 months
Discovering Paradise
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Request | Sapphic best friends wrapped up in a familiar warm embrace, who knows, they might even kiss… | WC: 1,336
18+ | Minors DNI
Warnings: Idiots in Love
Smut: Dry Humping (Non-Con) | Wet Dream (R) | Mommy (N) | Hinted at Fingering / Oral
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A soft blue light cast out into the otherwise dark living room of your shared apartment; Natasha watched your face in anticipation as an action packed scene broke off on the screen. You didn't even flinch, but had you been awake you would have buried yourself in her to hide from the bloody mess and to her that was amusing.
Natasha snorted softly at the recollection, then she settled down with her arms crossed on your chest, chin propped up to observe you over the film. This was the woman's favorite thing to do, movie nights where you never failed to pass out by the second film. Leaving her the time to appreciate your beauty and it not be weird.
Whenever you catch her staring, which is rarely, you always gave her a dopey smile and cluelessly teased her about the crush she very well did have. For Christ sake here she was lying on top of you, but you’d failed to get it and it was never clear to the trained spy if the look of adoration in your eyes was platonic or romantic.
Poor woman was head over heels for you and all she could do was to pine in the quiet moments like this.
Then you broke her trance as you whimpered softly, “Natasha,” and her eyes were wide and moving up. Natasha shifted ever so slightly, trying to see if your eyes were open now, but something about the way her hips moved made you moan loudly in your sleep.
“Oh,” she realized what was going on, her cheeks flushed red and her irises blew. You were best friends, but deep down it was clearly more than that, because what 'best friends' sleep with their fronts pressed together, in the tiniest sleep shorts and whimper their names and moan like that at the softest of touches.
Only the ones with a sapphic prophecy to fulfill...
"Fuck," Natasha groaned her frustrations, her core now alit with a throbbing need, one you seemingly share. The redhead rubbed her face against the exposed side of your neck and swiveled her hips more noticeably.
Once again she was rewarded with a moan, alongside a subtle twitch of your own hips. Natasha paused, pulling away to see your scrunched up expression.
"What are you dreaming of detka?" Natasha posed the question that couldn't yet be answered. "Is it me?" She continued to firmly press her covered pussy to yours, "Fuck, I really hope it is detka, I-I need this so badly."
With the sudden urge to cross the line and make you hers, well, the humping intensified; to a point where you were both far too wet to consider this encounter dry anymore. The intense course of pleasure that rolled through your body woke you with a frightened moan.
The redhead practically squealed, your sleepy voice was too attractive and it made her entire body quake. "Good morning sweetheart," she husked against the shell of your ear, her wet tongue flicked over the warm skin and you whimpered so deliciously that she nearly came. “You were begging mommy in your sleep…”
Natasha chuckled as you whined, your hips now moving in sync with hers as your orgasms built. It was clear she had more to say, so before she could continue teasing you, you turned your head and sloppily kissed her lips, catching her off guard; rendering her silent as she met your eagerness with her own intensity.
In a matter of seconds she took total control of the kiss that had sent her heart and mind racing. It was exhilarating finally being able to taste and feel you. Knowing that you were not upset but eager to continue this made Natasha stutter in her movements, it was hard for her not to use her fingers on you instead but she knew you were both so close and it would be even hotter if you finished with her bare minimum touch.
To keep herself from giving into her urge Natasha's strong hands fell to your hips, and with the strength of a superhero she flipped your positions, using the moment of shock to slip her tongue into your agape mouth. All the while her firm hands began to help you roll your hips in sync with the way she jutted upwards.
"That's it detka," she murmured against the skin of your throat, you were now panting, breasts heaving against the redhead’s chiseled jaw with every breath you took in. The shuddered release against her cheek with every press of your throbbing core to hers.
“I-I’m clo—.” Natasha cut you off with a breathtaking kiss, she was in the same position as you but for some reason she just craved the simple intimacy to bring her to the edge. “Let go detka, come with mommy.” It was like a landslide the way that you fell over the edge with your roommates command, the abrupt release as you felt the entirety of your body tingle with pleasure.
The way you moaned against her cheek and wet her abdomen through your shorts made the redhead feel a returned stamina but she could tell you needed to rest so she guided your lips to hers for a kiss, just in case this moment was a once off test of chemistry for you.
For now Natasha would hold you close, and pretend that there’s nothing to figure out now. It was once she felt your lips lose their fight that she guided your face into her neck. “Mommy will take care of you, but first you need to rest..." You were lost in your head, unsure of the care she promised, but you unconsciously smiled against her skin at her soft attempt at reassurance.
Thoughts aimlessly swirled around your head while you steadily came down from your orgasm: ‘does she love really me too? — of course she does idiot’; ‘do I tell her? — who knew that dreams really did come true.’
As the haze faded one major thought remained, and it was that you wanted an entire life with Natasha. Not just one wet dream inspired encounter, it would break your heart but you also respected your friendship...
No matter what though, you knew you'd be okay, which is why you broke the metaphorical silence.
"We should probably talk," you chuckled against her neck and you felt the rumbling of her own laughter. "Or we can just finish the movie, take a nap, then I'll take you out to dinner then return to have dessert..."
You, begrudgingly, pulled back from the warmth to catch the look in her eyes. The resentment faded when you saw a deep, genuine swirl of affection in her eyes that was paired perfectly with a natural smirk. It was clear she was patiently waiting for your reply but it was delayed by your need to simply admire her beauty.
The freckles on her face had just begun to pop with the increased sunshine and they looked so pretty alongside her blush. The blush that the steamy sex with your best friend caused. It was unreal that you witnessed the reason for never harboring feelings. Because, yes, Natasha was always going to hold that title, it was never a question, but she's not limited to it either, and she's always been a self-proclaimed a jack of all trades.
So, if she was to be the love of your life you’d hoped she wouldn’t mind and would accept the offer with joy.
When her lips turned into a frown you leaned in to peck them briefly before nuzzling back into her neck where you left a smattering of lazy kisses. "I could use a nap."
Natasha pinched your hips playfully but it was all in good fun because she knew your teasing well enough. Her lips softly pressed to your temple before she shut the TV off and let the sound of your calmed breathing ease her into the best sleep she has ever gotten.
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bunnys-kisses · 1 month
hiyaa!! may i order a banana bread and tres leches with a side of mocha coffee,a vodka shot and root beer for Charles Leclerc please 🤍
bakery menu
want to submit your own order? then hit up the menu! there's tons of items on there for your liking! i also accept prompts outside of formula one, so hit me with it! i'd love to hear from you! as for this sender, thank you for the lovely series of prompts! i really like what you ordered and i hope you like what i've cooked up! enjoy!
banana bread ("i'm going to fuck that sweet pussy of yours until the only word your little brain can form is my name.") + tres leches ("i wonder if your brother know i cum in you.") + mocha coffee (breeding kink) + vodka shot (rough sex) + root beer (filming/recording) served by charles leclerc (formula one)!
cw: smut/pwp, mean!charles, sainz!reader, filming/recording, breeding kink, unprotected sex, pregnancy, dirty talk
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charles had pretty boy privilege. he was charming and funny. green doe-like eyes, a pretty smile and the kind of features that made anyone with a working set of eyes go crazy.
he had fans. he could honestly have anyone he chose, regardless of gender. charles leclerc had the world at his fingertips, and yet he always seemed to find you under him.
you knew the camera was on you as charles kissed up your body. you tried to hold back moans as you felt the throb between your legs. charles leclerc only yearned for two things; a win at monaco and the sister of his teammate, carlos sainz jr.
carlos should've been a little more worried about his younger sister going off for a night. he had trusted charles to look after you while he was busy, after all they were quite close after being on the same team.
but as you waved your brother goodbye before you got into charles' car to "pick up your friends", you could feel the hungry gaze of charles on your back side. it was like he was mentally undressing you. once in the car, drove like he was headed in the direction of your friend's apartment but when he was far enough from carlos' home, he took a sharp turn down a side road and ended up at his own home.
charles' hand was on your thigh the entire drive, even though his eyes were on the road. his fingers inched up your skirt. "i was always curious. i wonder if your brother knows i cum in you." he said it so casually.
you froze for a moment and said, "who i see isn't carlos' concern. i'm an adult." it was true, your brother didn't have to meddle in what you did from a day to day basis.
charles nodded, "i'm just curious. i wonder if he knew what we did, the little lies you told him over this time." he patted your thigh and pulled the skirt of your dress down to where it was, "that you're a whore."
you swallowed at his words and shifted in your seat. his words were tainted with venom as if their contents were degrading. you only ever really slept with charles. mostly because your older brother would scare off anyone who tried to romantically close to you. but charles slipped right into your life under the guise of wanting to protect his friend's sister.
"i said, he doesn't need to know about it."
charles pulled into the driveway, "one day he will have to, no? our luck is going to run out."
you knew charles was filming you, when he got you undressed. you could feel the lens of his phone on your heated skin as you laid out on the bed.
"i'm going to fuck that sweet pussy of yours until the only word your little brain can form is my name." he said, "i think leclerc is a little nicer than sainz." he teased as he ran his finger across your front. the sight of you was beautiful.
"i'd like to keep my last name thank you very much."
he laughed and took you by the face, "not forever, ma petite salope." then pressed a kiss right beside your mouth. you whimpered and felt the heat pool in your gut at his attention on you.
the relationship with had with charles was past purely sexual. there was something that lingered. it almost felt like a possessive curl of charles' hand into your soul. a promise that no matter how far you ran, he would find you.
when he pulled away. you admired his naked form. the sight of his moles across his body, the tanned skin and toned muscles. he licked the pad of his thumb slowly before he rubbed it up against your clit. you moaned an arched your back, your hands clutching on the pillow under your head.
"femme... mère... pute." he said softly.
you tensed at the words and gave him a look, which only made him laugh. he pressed a little harder on your clit and gave you a look that read 'don't worry'.
you were the thump in charles' chest. maybe that was why he needed you so deeply. it was like being separated from his heart. and even though it was all bathed in a sexual ecstasy you both craved. charles wanted to make sure that he stood out in your mind, and that you didn't go running off.
he eyed your expression as he sank his cock into your sweet pussy. he made a soft noise and felt the thrill of pleasure down his spine as he got himself inside of you.
his pace was heavy with, giving you little room to breathe as he kept his cock inside of you. you were less of a participating lover and more of a toy around his cock.
but don't worry, charles wasn't known to break his toys. after all, who else was going to be the mother of his children? you silly little thing, charles was worried about you getting away. so he had to make sure that he left you with something a little more permanent.
"tu es à moi." he said, his hands dug into the meat of your hips. he had to admit that your entire family was very beautiful. carlos wasn't smooth operator for nothing. so charles wasn't worried that the child you and him had wouldn't be beautiful like their mother.
the thought of it excited him. the knowledge that you'd be having dinner with your brother tomorrow. laughing over a homemade meal, but your biology was doing the heavy work to make sure that charles' seed took.
even when you were apart, you'd have a part of charles with you.
he continued to move against you, egged on by your moans as he felt the sea of lust in his gut. he panted heavily as continued to move. not letting his cock out of you for a moment. he could feel the heat down to his feet as he hit your insides just right with his cock.
"you are mine. no? you know what you are to me. my dirty little slut. i wonder how your brother would feel if he saw you right now. pinned under me, face in the pillows and your hips in the air. letting me breed you like the good girl you are." his words were filthy and burned into your mind. it made you need it more. every inch of him stuffed in your poor cunt.
over the last two years of sneaking around with charles, you had to become pretty resilient to deal with the barrage of fucking from the man on top of you.
you nodded and replied, "of course, only for you."
charles loved the sound of that. he pressed into you further and shifted your hips so he could get in deeper, really feel you inside and out. it was hot, it made him feel a little red in the face as he fucked you.
you held onto the pillow under you as he got his chest up against yours. you were squished against him, but the way he was bullying your cunt left you out of breath. you could feel the heat radiating through your body.
"such a pretty little thing." he chuckled as he pressed kisses along your jaw, "so soft, perfect for me." he dragged his tongue a little bit. which made you shudder. your core dripped with heightened pleasure.
he smirked a little bit, "don't worry, my love. you just look nice under me. let me take it all." his words were softer than before and it made the pleasure more intense.
he continued to fuck you, rutting against you with a feverish demeanor. you soon came around his cock and held onto his tanned shoulders tightly for some semblance of support. you manicured nails were rug into the skin, you could feel the shifts in his muscles as he thrusted into you. you groaned loudly and clenched around his cock. a rush of euphoria hit you.
"that's it, that's a good girl." he groaned as he battered his cock up against your womb. letting the blunt tip leave your insides bruised and creamy. he finished inside of you with a promise.
he was going to get you pregnant and make it very well known to your brother that you were with charles. enough of this sneaking around.
carlos did find out. maybe not the whole truth of how you and charles 'got together'. you omitted the months of sneaking around and sex. when you got pregnant, charles only became more liked by your entire family.
he was already pretty integrated into the sainz family. so this little union between you and him felt almost natural. how he doted on his pregnant girlfriend, even going as far as to tell your mother that he was expecting to propose after the season and after your son was born.
"he's going to be a good husband." your brother said as he picked at his dinner, "good father too. but you'll let me know if starts causing problems, right?" always the protective one.
you nodded with a smile, the necklace charles had gifted you gleamed in the faint light of the restaurant. in all fairness the necklace was less of a dangly chain and more close to the neck. like a choker. like a collar. you rested your hand on your cheek and stared at your brother. you nodded, "of course."
"and don't move too fast! you have to finish school!" he added, "you've only been with charles for less than a year."
the timeline for carlos was skewed, but it was for his sake. you didn't want to give the driver a heart attack. it was bad enough that you came home pregnant without a ring (for now). you just chuckled and said, "don't worry!"
you didn't want him to worry, especially if he looked too closely and found the faint appearance of love bits across your neck that had been carefully covered with make up. what carlos didn't know, wouldn't hurt him. <3
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 months
PAC: What good luck is coming your way?⋆。.°•✩
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‘I’m so lucky
I’m a star
But I cry, cry, cry in my lonely heart, thinkin’
“If there’s nothin’ missin’ in my life
Then why do these tears come at night?”’
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ
Best Friend’s Brother by Victoria Justice
(There’s Gotta Be) More To Life by Stacie Orrico
Discipline, Courage, Freedom, Communication, Twin Flame, Talking, Family, Plan A Vacation, Two of Air (Equilibrium), Daughter of Air, & Nine of Cups
The good luck that’s coming to your life, pile 1, is balance, confidence, and stability. Some of you could have Libra or Taurus placements. You could have had a rocky upbringing in life but it didn’t stop you from becoming the individual you are today. You could be a very loving person and have a lot to give to others. You may dim yourself down and feel that you are not all that special and often put others on a pedestal, whether that’s a family member, friend, celebrity, or partner. You need to see what’s special inside of you. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, dear. Some of you could have a very close relationship with your parents or grandparents. I’m having a vision of a little kid running to their guardian for comfort and receiving hugs. This is a message for some of you - you guys should visit your old childhood home for abundance or need to call your parents and rekindle the relationship you had with them, they miss you very much. If you have inner child wounds from your family, you need to resolve them in order to make progress. Don’t get stuck in this current phase of your life, you need to embrace change and new beginnings. I’m seeing that there is an intense connection with a romantic interest. Some of you might be in a stagnant relationship that is not benefiting you and it is hindering your growth, I think it would be best if stay single for a while. You are growing up and you are changing, that is a good thing! Some of you have a crush on someone and you are wishing to express your feelings, I see that if you talk to this person, things could actually go very well! Although, you must focus on making yourself happy first before seeking this person. Again, you need to focus on self love first. When is the last time you did something for yourself, pile 1? Make the choice today to be the hero you always needed. Be brave, pile 1. Some of you as a child might of loved the movie Starstruck and Princess Protection Program. You should watch these films to hear the messages in them, they might give you guidance. A father figure in your life may also provide clarity for what you have been feeling. Try to reflect on the relationship you had with your parents and how that results in your relationships with others. A lesson is needed to be learned at that time, once it is completed, you will notice a drastic transformation in your friendships and romantic life. You are going to be secure with who you are as a person and won’t feel the need for others to complete a part of yourself that was feeling empty. Additionally, some of you are wishing to make a bold move. Are you wishing to travel? Take a vacation? A trip to a place you always wanted to go? Now is a good time to do so. Crossroads could be an important film and may resonate with your situation.
“I can accomplish what I set my mind to”
“I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence”
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Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Superstar by Jamelia
Love Don’t Cost A Thing by Jennifer Lopez
Whatever You Like by T.I
Loneliness, Love, Money, Courting, Cassette, Love Call, The Star, Ten of Water (Repletion), & Mother of Water
Your good luck charm, pile 2, is the charm of love, fortune, and gifts. There is someone who wishes to come into your life and spoil you. I feel that you are independent and successful in your endeavors. You are good with your finances and you may look high maintenance in appearance (you may own luxury, brand name items, or your style is just very prissy n pretty). You have an admirer that really appreciates how you carry yourself as an individual and has great respect for your accomplishments. I’m reminded of the lyrics from the song She Got Her Own by Ne-Yo ft Jamie Foxx & Fabolous:
“Knowin’ she can do for herself
Makes me wanna give her my wealth”
When this person approaches you, you will look at them like they’re crazy. You might even be offended when they offer you help or try to do chivalrous things. Do not block your blessing, this person can give you access to bigger career opportunities. You have to release your outdated beliefs. I understand you are trying to protect your heart and peace of mind, but how can you make progress in your desired career field without connections? Your spirit guides know you have expensive taste and that you won’t be the only one capable of funding that lifestyle. I’m getting Nara Smith and Lucky Blue Smith vibes. They are both working individuals but Lucky spoils Nara with gifts like designer bags and luxurious items. You give off WAG and video vixen vibes, pile 2. Your beauty is reminiscent of Meagan Good, Christina Milian, Lee Hyori, & Vanessa Bryant in the early 2000s. You could have received a lot of envy from others growing up and was always in the center of gossip. People’s consistent haterade being thrown at you has made you isolate yourself, you were never lonely because you had to be your own best friend. Some of the people who picked this pile were bullied growing up or had a hard time making friends. You are strong and confident but constantly having your guard up out of fear of being hurt is making you miss out on life. Princess and The Frog may be a very significant film that you need to watch. Tiana was hard working and had dreams of opening a restaurant so much that it made her miss out on having fun and spending time with other people, as well as using work as a coping mechanism to cope with her father’s death. It becomes unhealthy when you have the assumption that most people are inherently evil and focusing all your attention on work, allow yourself to make connections with others and have fun every once in a while. It won’t kill ya to take a break, money isn’t the source of all happiness. Changing your mindset would attract more positive interactions within the workplace, college, and in your interpersonal relationships. You know you have great qualities so try to showcase this when having a conversation. Also smile! You have cute facial expressions when you’re not making a RBF lol. You may have a hustler mindset because of being poor as a child but this does not reflect your current reality, pile 2. Some of you may also be pursuing an education, taking courses regarding your culture could provide you with some insight. Turn to your ancestors for strength and wisdom on making the right choices regarding love. You are divinely protected either way so misfortune is not at all in your destiny!
“I know that I am never alone”
“I commit to the practice of seeing good in all things”
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Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Stereo Love by Edward Maya ft. Vika Jigulina
Electric Feel by MGMT
Who Said by Miley Cyrus
Judgment, Pride, Past Life, Ice King, Karmic Relationship, The Snake, Five of Air (Conflict), Four of Fire (Perfection), & Mother of Air
Pile 3, with the lucky girl syndrome~ I see that you will be releasing yourself from other people's expectations and instead will pursue your desires. You could have grew up in a strict household and had family members who believed that being successful, wealthy, and having good grades was more important that self expression and being "happy". Financial security was prioritized over emotions and this had left your heart cold. You could be someone who has a hard time expressing their feelings and can be quite feisty when engaging in conversations. I see that you have always wanted to be more of the rebellious one or had to be rebellious in secret. The Bratz movie could be very significant to this pile, you might relate to one of the girls or one of the Bratz is your favorite doll (Jade, Sasha, Yasmin, or Cloe). I also see The Game Plan and Herbie - Fully Loaded for some of you were your comfort movies as a child. Growing up, you might of changed your clothes after your parents dropped you off at school or got dress coded often by your teachers/principal. You could have felt insecure as a child for not being able to dress like the other kids or not being allowed to wear a makeup. You have the power, pile 3. You are no longer this child anymore, this might hurt knowing you never got to experience the same emotional fulfillment other teens/adults did as children, but the good news is you have so much time to make up for it now! Take the initiative today and write down all things you never got to do but always wanted to have and start making a list of methods you could use to make this possible. As long as you put the effort in, anything could happen! I also feel that you compete with those of the same sex. You could come across people that are catty and try to put you down for no reason. You might also have these traits yourself and you need to reflect on how you treat other people, having opinions is normal but being judgemental and making assumptions about others before giving them a chance, is not. You have to acknowledge your flaws and the triggers you have been avoiding. For example, if you know that you easily get pissed off because you grew up in a household where arguing was normalized, realize that behavior isn't healthy. Overall, the good luck that you will be receiving is in regards to your independence and self expression. Additionally, I see you perfecting your craft. Some of you enjoy fashion, science, graphic design, and/or mathematics, you could receive an award or some sort of acknowledgement for your creative ideas!
"I understand that everyone has their own unique path and challenges"
"I love myself, and I see myself in everyone"
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Thanks so much for reading and I wish you the best of luck with whatever makes you happy in life 🍀
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
helloooo! i have an idea for an imagine
what if charles & y/n where childhood friends and they always pretended to be married as kids (yk those games 😭😂) and then in the future they DO get married and one of their family members brings it up at the wedding and it's very funny but cute!
cw: mentions Charles' father
"We actually have a surprise for you", you mother said as she and Pascale looked at eachother before the guy in charge of the projector on the wall started playing a video. It was old, slightly grainy and you were not sure of what it was until it showed you and Charles.
"Why do we have to film it again, Y/N?", you heard your mother's voice as she focused the camera on you. You were wearing a pink dress and had some flowers on your hand, "Because me and Charles need to have this recorded for when we are older!", you smiled, "and what are you doing?", Charles' father's voice was heard, "we're getting married! Because Pascale and Hervé love eachother and they got married, mama and papa got married because they love eachother, so we are getting married, too!", you beamed.
Charles stood in the middle of the living room, Lorenzo taking the spot on his side as you walked closer to Charles. While Lorenzo was older than both of you, he went along, saying something about true love and how you were meant to be together. "Charles, do you have any vows?", he asked. "What are vows?", he asked, "it's like a promise you make to Y/N", he whispered back.
"Y/N", he began said confidently, "I promise to always love you, to show you all the beautiful things in life and to never leave you. Oh, and also to always share my food with you", he smiled.
"Charles", you followed, "I want you to know that you're the boy I love mostest in the world, and I'll always be by your side no matter what", you smiled, holding your hands in his.
"You can now kiss the bride!", Lorenzo announced as a shy six year old Charles kissed your cheeky sweetly before you hugged him, both of you smiling to the camera, "we're married!", Charles yelled, "Oh, we need to tell Pierre!", you chirped in.
"Oh my goodness!", Charles laughed while you wiped tears of laughter from your eyes, joining your guests as they commented how sweet it all was.
"I love how, as soon as we got married, you just wanted to tell Pierre", Francisca pointed out, napkin in her hand as she carefully wiped around your eyes, not wanting to ruin her makeup, "he was Charles' best friend and he wasn't there, I think I was being very considerate of him, actually", you stated, "and I was still a little bit jealous that Charles had another best friend at this age, probably just wanted to flash him that I loved Charles the mostest".
"Well, they were good promises, and I intend to keep those, too", Charles said, holding your hand in his once again, kissing your knuckles.
"We don't have it in recording, but Charles made my late husband, who I know would love to be here and knew this day would happen, get them a chocolate cake so they could have a honeymoon! Don't worry, it was an age appropriate trip to the slides at the park!", Pascale chuckled. Pierre saw an opportunity and he took it, "hopefully your honeymoon this time around also has very exciting slides and other fun things!", he toasted, sipping from his drink as you hid your blushed face in your husband's neck.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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ellecdc · 5 months
HIII!!!!!!!!! first off i wanna say - I LOVEEEEE ALLLLLLLL THE RECENT WORKS SM i came back and i was reading through them and they're soooooo good ur so talented omgomomg
ok so request (take ur time if u want!!) idk if u write platonic fics but i really really love how u write barty and that one fic where reader and reg were fighting and she was bsfs with barty- i loved it smmmmm so can we please get some platonic barty x reader being the main focus? (i dont mind anyyy romantic pairings i just want best friend barty being absolutely insane plsplsplpslsl
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of course MY LOVE; this request is from back in March hahaha sorry
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who they find in bed with Barty
CW: fluff, swearing
Regulus had spent the last umpteen years believing himself to be a light sleeper, likely thanks to growing up in a house straight out of a muggle horror film where his fight or flight reflexes were always at the ready to flee from any danger. It appeared, though, that being,  like, loved by and feeling safe with the people you surround yourself with could do wonders to a person’s subconscious…
Who knew?
This meant that though Regulus was typically a light sleeper, he seemed to have slept through your departure from his bed in the Slytherin boys’ dormitory.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to sleep through the sudden jolt Remus caused in the bed as he sat up and began panickedly feeling around the bed. 
“What’re you doing?” Regulus groaned as he pulled his pillow over his head and rolled onto his side in order to point his back towards his - currently skating-on-thin-ice - boyfriend. 
“Where’s dovey?” Remus hissed back; an urgent quality taking over his words that Regulus could tell it was far too early to be dealing with.
“What d’you mean?”
Remus groaned in exasperation as he cast a lumos with his wand. “I mean where is our girlfriend, you sod.”
“Have you checked with Barty?”
Regulus almost allowed sleep to pull him back into its sweet, sweet embrace before Remus ruined it again.
“Barty, Remus. Have you checked with Barty?” Regulus repeated irritably.
“No? What? Why would I have checked with Junior?” Remus sputtered, though his asinine question was answered by none other than Barty himself.
“Finders keepers mother fuckers.” He snickered quietly.
Remus ripped open the curtain of Regulus’ four poster bed in the Slytherin dungeons to see you sleeping quite peacefully on the opposite side of Barty who was grinning arrogantly at your two boyfriends. 
“She was too hot over there; I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here, Lupin. What the fuck is that about?”
“She could have taken a blanket off!” Remus argued petulantly.
“You kept tucking her back in saying she was going to catch a cold.” Regulus added helpfully sleepily.
Barty snickered at Remus’ disbelieving scoff. 
“No. Absolutely not; Junior, give me our girlfriend back.” He demanded.
This time it was Barty’s turn to scoff. “Would you shut the fuck up, Lupin; we’re trying to sleep over here.”
And to Remus’s absolute horror, you seemed to stir at the conversation causing you to reach an arm over Barty’s chest and rest your head on his shoulder before you settled back into a restful slumber. 
“Leave her be, Rem.” Regulus chided, causing Remus to divert his malcontented glare to his boyfriend.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re always going on and on about how we need to prioritize sleep; she’s doing that.” He explained simply.
“With him!” Remus nearly shrilled, earning him a ‘shut up you stupid sod’ from said girlfriend stealer.
“Well would you rather have both of us be tetchy tomorrow for having our beauty sleep interrupted, or just me!?” Regulus finally barked, pulling his pillow away from his face to shoot Remus a stern glare. 
Remus seemed to consider his options before he begrudgingly relented and sunk back under the covers with a very petulant harumph.
“She’s going to smell like him tomorrow.” He pouted as he pulled Regulus into his arms possessively. 
Regulus sighed and nuzzled further into Remus’ neck. “You can fix that tomorrow.”
Regulus felt the tension in Remus’ body relax as he no doubt imagined all the ways he would be doing just that.
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