#and I know at least 3 died from climbing up the tank
mykelneedssleep · 5 months
I had the realization today that I dont think I’ve ever spoken about my son on here and since a lot of you know me for podcast content this needs to be rectified immediately so I present to you my first born son: Nureyev
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Yes, as in Peter Nureyev. Hilariously this is the most accurate name I have ever chosen for anything because this little bitch has such Peter Nureyev vibes it’s actually crazy. I present a list of random facts about him that I can think of off the top of my head:
1. Literally the first day I had him one of the first things we found out about this tiny little baby was that if there’s a dead cricket in his tank you bet your ass he’s not eating it. This bougie ass bitch only eats live prey. You physically don’t understand how often I have to buy him food because god forbid it dies before he kill it, he’d actually rather starve than eat a dead bug. I can attest to that because one time there was a cricket shortage in my area because it was so cold that all the crickets were dying in transport and this little bitch actually went days without eating because he wouldn’t eat the dead crickets (I finally got him to eat by pushing them around with a clear plastic spoon to make it look like they were moving- lying to your kids works folks)
2. He makes regular attempts to escape from his tank by climbing up the glass. Despite 4 years of trying it still hasn’t worked once but he’s determined he’s going to do it one of these times
3. My mother who typically lovingly refers to him as Nev (“his name is longer than he is, I’m giving him a nickname” -my mother approximately 10 minutes after his name was chosen, took her 3 more days to come up with Nev) will often refer to him as Pete if he’s doing something bad (see above escape attempt). This is particularly funny in the presence of people who are unaware of this nickname but aware enough to know the names of all the animals in our home because they become very confused
4. “The thief is on the prowl” is a very common phrase in our home, this typically means someone has to feed the boy because he’s stalking around the tank looking for living creatures to torment and finding none
5. He regularly sticks his entire head into his water bowl and just leaves it there for a little bit until I become quite convinced that he’s going to drown and then he will just get up and walk away like he didn’t just give me a heart attack
6. If you’re holding him he will climb all over you and somehow find a place to randomly jump off from (again, heart attack every time). Hearing “Nureyev!” said loudly in a concerned but sort of exasperated way is very common
7. If one of his water bowls is empty he will lay in it to get you to pay attention to the fact that it has no water in it but will then refuse to move when you go to put water in it and will become very upset when you eventually give up and just pour water onto him (the above photo was taken directly after I deep cleaned his tank and before I put the water back in, shockingly he looked quite cute instead of seriously pissed off like usual)
8. He likes to have the high ground (he likes to climb on top of people’s heads and just sit there and watch the world as you walk around and continue what you were previously doing. Luckily he has never attempted to jump off someone’s head before)
9. Very dramatic sleeper. I’m talking will sleep in the weirdest positions but like you do you king, if that’s comfy I endorse it
10. He regularly hides in any available nook and/or cranny in the tank. This is yet another cause of great stress for me when I cannot find him
Bonus fact: This bougie bitch was approximately half of the inspiration behind how I play Lizzie (shoutout O!ASKAP enjoyers, this one’s for you). If you’re wondering the other half is simply my penchant for playing the least helpful character I can possibly get away with
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13as07 · 6 months
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Tiggie #3
(Itachi Uchiha)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to denggu_5]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,595
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Fugaku being a shitty dad
Word ‘Harlot’ is used
     The beeping of the machines hooked up to Itachi mixes with the sound of the oxygen tank helping to pump air into his lungs. His sharingans are on as he looks at me, probably not the best idea with recent events and the state of his health but there's no use telling him to turn them off.
     It's the first time I've been able to see him since everything happened. Since he reanimated Lord Fourth, since his friend died for the jutsu to work, since the village went into an uproar and demanded Danzo was taken care of, since Lord Third has been barraging with the Uchiha clan and the village for a peaceful resolve. Since my brother lost his mind and threatened to tear Itachi into shreds for 'bringing me along for the ride'.
     Genma went a tad bit insane when he found out Itachi had been sniffing around. He went even more insane when I spilled everything to him. Of course, in his overprotective way, he didn't see any of it as my fault and blamed it all on Itachi. Since my little confession, he's been more overbarring than usual. Having his friends or underlings watching over me, trying to convince Lord Third - who has a hell of a lot more important things to worry about - to 'retire' me from the Anbus. Hell, even now some of his scouts are standing behind the hospital room door to eavesdrop and monitor my time with Itachi.
     "Do you know there's two - "
     "I know," I mutter, cutting his question off. "Genma is a little..."
     "Terrified of you being around me?" Itachi asks, finally turning off his eyes and laying his head back down on his pillows.
     "Yes." Silence falls between us, Itachi watching the ceiling as I watch his chest fall and jump back up again. "Rumor in the village is that your dad is going to take over as the fifth Hokage," I mention softly, feeling out to see how true the rumor might be. "The village is calling for Lord Third to step down or be overthrown."
     Itachi turns his head, the exhaustion evident on his face as he looks at me. "It's not a rumor. My father will be Lord Fifth."
     "Is that a good thing?"
     He hums, slowly nodding his head in agreement. "If the inauguration goes through the tension between the clan and the council should go down and hopefully end once everything settles."
     "And what about you?" I ask, shifting in my spot to get more comfortable.
     Itachi's eyes crawl over me, working slowly up to my face. "Lord Third and my father agree that there is a good chance I could take over after him. As for now, he wants me to stay in the anbus and be his sort of 'right hand' I suppose."
     "What do you want to do?"
     "Kiss you," he answers instantly, his eyes going wide once he realizes what he said. "I'm sorry, that wasn't very appropriate of me and not going to help our situation with your brother."
Itachi keeps rambling on with his apology as I lean forward, hovering my head in front of his. "Shut up, Tach," I mutter before pressing my lips against his.
He's cherry red when I pull away, sharingans back on as he looks up at me. "I... ah... thank you."
"Of course, it's the least I can do for our village's hero in the shadows," I mutter, brushing my lips against his once more before climbing to my feet. "I should get going before Genma gets back from his mission. I'll see you later."
"See you later," he echoes, eyes still trailing after me as I leave the room.
The locker room is buzzing with talk as I approach it, all the talk cutting off when I open the door. It's the first day I've been back since everything, it's also the mark of the first full week of Fugaku being Hokage, and not everyone is taking the change nicely. Not everyone is taking what Itachi did - and my connection to him - nicely either.
     Eyes are glued to me as I head toward my locker, even Squirrel tenses when I settle into my spot. "Welcome back, Tiggie," Captain's voice rings out, followed by his footsteps approaching me.
     "Doggie," I great back, turning to face him. "I'm glad to be back."
He lets out a hum, handing me a thin file. "The Hokage wishes to see you before you start your duty for the day."
"Oh," I mutter, taking a peak into my file. There's nothing in it but a sticky note with scratchy handwriting, the words 'stay beside Itachi; order by' written on it paired with Fugaku's signature. That's either really good or really bad; we'll see which one soon.
I quickly change, waving goodbye to the Captain before snapping on my mask and slipping out the door. My nerves shift as I make the short walk to the Hokage's office, every possible reason for this meeting running through my mind.
When I settle in front of the door, I give myself a few moments to fix my thoughts before knocking. Instantly, the door swings open, an exhausted Itachi standing in the doorway. His eyes light up when he notices me, a soft smile on his face. "Hello, Tiggie. What are you doing here?"
"I asked her to stop by," His father says, standing up from his desk.
"Lord Fifth," I mutter, bowing to the new ruler of our village.
"Go wait outside, Itachi. You can have your Tiggie in a moment," Fugaku orders, throwing his hand toward the door. Reluctantly, Itachi does as ordered, slowly leaving the room so I'm alone with his father. "Please. Sit." He orders, shifting his hand to the chair in front of his desk before sitting down in his chair.
I slide into the chair he motioned toward, sitting on the edge of it as I look at the new lord. "What can I help you with, My Lord?" I ask, running my fingertips over the underside of his desk, letting the material help soothe my nerves.
"Uchiha's don't marry outside of the clan," he says point blank, hands crossed on his chest and eyes pointed toward me.
"Oh...?" I mumble, shifting in my seat. Does Lord Fifth know about my relationship with Itachi? If he does, isn't it a little too soon to be talking about marriage? Aren't Itachi and me too young to be worried about marriage?
"Or at least that's how it was," he mutters, letting his eyes settle closed as he relaxes in his chair. That's good. "How it'll stay." That's not good. "But I'm deciding to make an exception." That's... good? "For you." That's really good. "On one condition." That's... not good? What the hell is up with Fugaku and his delayed speech? Just tell me everything at once.
"Oh?" I repeat, bouncing my knee as I wait for the slow speaker to finish his little speech.
"My son, as most people, is not useful if he is not at least semi-happy. Your brother is..." The Lord lets out a long sigh, gently rubbing his temples before setting his sights on me again. "Annoying, at best, and does not wish for you to continue as an Anbu. If you stop being an Anbu, my son will be distracted because of his... fondness for you. My son and you can... do as you please, as long as you keep his focus on work."
"How am I supposed to do that?" I mutter, letting my eyes jump around his office.
"Whatever you did to help him reanimate the Fourth Lord. Keep him happy and productive. In return, you will get a pay raise, which will hopefully keep your brother silent, and whatever comes of my son and you will be."
"Will be what?" I ask, slowly blinking at Fugaku.
"Fling, sexual, romantic, marriage, wherever it lands, it will stay despite the clan's disapproval. As long as Itachi stays productive and useful to me, and in turn the clan and the village."
What the hell is this conversation? 'Date my son so he'll be more useful to me'? 'If my son is useful and he falls in love, you can have him, just make sure he gets his work done'? What kind of father is Fugaku? A shit one, that's for sure.
"What if I can't? Or, or Itachi lose his 'fondness' of me? Then what?" You'll kill me? The question hangs in my head, daring to tumble past my lips.
"You will be disbanded from the Anbus, be knocked down to an everyday Shinobi. Then I shall find another harlot or something else to encourage Itachi's work ethic."
Harlot? Harlot?! Does the Lord think I'm sleeping with his son? Let alone think I'm sleeping with his son for some kind of payout? What kind of payout could I possibly get from Itachi? The village feeling unfavorited about me because of me aiding in reanimating Lord Fourth?
"Oh," I repeat for the third time, blinking like crazy as I try to process Fugaku's words; more so threat. Not even in office for a month and he's already abusing his power. Though, at least it's for his son, I guess.
"You are dismissed," he grumbles, trying to wave me out of his office. "As your duty order said, from now on your orders are to accompany Itachi with whatever tasks or duties he is doing for me. I have already informed your Captain that you are no longer under his service and will be under Itachi's from now on."
"Okay," I mutter, standing up before I walk out of his office. My head is so turned around it feels like I'm floating as I exit the room. Once the door closes behind me, I'm able to shake the cloudiness out of my head.
"Don't take it to heart," Itachi mumbles, his arms wrapping around me as he rests his head on my shoulder. "I will not fall out of... my feelings for you," he mutters, tightening his hold around my waist. "My father is a jerk and feels like he needs to hang something over my head. He's all bark, no harm will come to you."
I hope you're right.
Itachi's fingers slide through my hair as my head rests on his lap. He's curled up in the corner of the couch with me stretched out and his little brother sitting on my stomach. Sasuke is rambling about some flowered named girl, spilling about how smart she is and how pretty her hair is. I hum along to his rant, occasionally throwing out an "oh ya?" as I listen.
     "How about you go start your homework?" Itachi mumbles, helping - more like forcing - his younger brother off of me, shooing him into the kitchen.
     "But Itachi -"
     "Kitchen, homework, now," Tach grumbles, squirming out from under me. The boys leave me alone in the living room, letting my anxiety set in.
     The recent weeks have been nice but weird. I've spent a lot of time with Itachi and his family. Working alongside him all day every day, dinners with them, Itachi having dinners with Genma and me, Itachi still sneaking into my room at night, school events for Sasuke, and then days like this. When we're off, a lot of our time is spent with his younger brother, catching up on sleep, or occasionally spending time with my older brother.
     Genma is a little less on edge about Itachi. He's still not the biggest fan of our growing relationship but he'd act like that with any person I ended up with. My brother has also seemed to be a bit nosey after nightfall, making me suspect he's catching wind of Itachi sneaking in at night. 
     "I'm back, my Little Crow," Itachi grumbles, slowly walking back into the room.
     "Welcome back," I greet, turning my eyes from the ceiling to the side so I can watch him make his way toward me. "What should we do while Sasuke works on his assignments?"
     "Nap," he shortly answers, crawling onto the couch. Itachi moves slowly and carefully, settling himself between my legs, arms wrapped around my thighs. "Goodnight," he mutters, taking a chuck of my thigh into his mouth, sinking his teeth into it for a beat before resting his head on my stomach.
     "Goodnight," I echo, letting my fingers toy with the ends of his hair as my eyes fall closed.
     By the time my fingers start to ache, the sound of a chair moving in the kitchen pulls one of my eyelids open. I take a peak towards the kitchen, Sasuke's head poking around the wall, looking at his brother and me cuddling on the couch. "Onee-Chan?" He whispers, peaking further out from around the wall.
     "Otouto-San?" I whisper back, gently teasing Sasuke's formality.
     "Is Itachi asleep?" He continues to whisper, slowly inching further into the living room.
     I shift Itachi's hair out of the way, taking in the softness of his face and the gentle way his chest rises and falls. "I think so," I answer, mirroring the younger boy's tone.
     Sasuke continues to inch toward the couch, taking slow steps toward us before stopping next to us. "Can I take a nap too?" He murmurs, double-checking to see for himself if Itachi is asleep.
     "Sure," I mutter, carefully scooping up the boy before settling him on top of me too.
     He squirms around, burying himself between my side and the couch, Sasuke's head resting next to his brother's on my stomach. "Sweet dreams, Onee-Chan."
     "Sweet dreams," I echo, burying a hand into each boy's locks, slowly running my fingers through the matching raven-colored hair. It doesn't take long for Sasuke to fall asleep and doesn't take long for the placement of the two boys to weigh on me.
     As I slide my hand through Sasuke's hair again, the familiar white light of my fortune-telling sizzles into my sight. The light is soon replaced by a bit of the future. I can still feel the boys weighing on my stomach and I can still hear their soft breaths but I can't see them anymore.
     I shift my head to the side, being met with the sight of a much older Sasuke and Itachi. Both boys have doubled in height but still have the typical thin frame Uchihas seem to have. The younger of the brothers is excitedly bouncing on the balls of his feet, a Shinobi headband in his hands as he rambles a mile a minute. Itachi is beaming with pride, one of his rare smiles on his face as he nods along.
     Itachi did it. He saved his clan, saved the village, and a happy future is promised for the brothers. I let my eyes flutter closed, being able to fully rest now that the future is promised.
"Come on, come on, come on!" Sasuke yells, his hand clinging to mine as he drags me down the path toward his school. Today is career day at the Academy and he insisted on being Itachi and me instead of his father, which is probably for the better. Fugaku tends to be too busy for his son and if Sasuke had asked, it would have ended in disappointment.
"We're going to be late!" The younger boy whines, trying to tug me into walking faster.
"We're not going to be late," Itachi mumbles, trailing next to me as he softly smiles at his younger brother. "We have plenty of time."
"I want to show off Onee-Chan. Hinata is bringing her dad and she says he's good at the byakugan so I need to show how much cooler Onee-Chan is," Sasuke continues to whine, a smile crossing his face when I give in and walk a bit faster. "I'm going to have the coolest career presentation."
"The coolest," I tease, getting a head shake from Itachi. "You do know people can't see what I can see right?"
"Well ya, but your eyes do that cool pattern thing and they get that pretty purple color. So much cooler than the Hyugas," he rambles, tugging me harder when his school falls into view.
Itachi shakes his head more, moving quicker to beat us ahead and hold the door open. His hand slides across my hip when I'm dragged past, fingers digging into my side as I'm shifted left and right down the hallways. His hand shifts off of me as I'm dragged into a classroom, but he stays close, head on a swivel as I'm dragged towards the desk.
"This is where I sit, right in the middle. Then Sakura sits there and then that annoying kid sits on my other side," Sasuke rambles, finally letting go of my hand to point out the different chairs. "Sit down, Onee-Chan," he orders, pulling out his chair and tapping it.
"You're the boss man today," I mutter, sliding into the chair and helping him push me in. Sasuke crawls into my lap, pointing at the different chairs - most of them empty - as he tells me where everyone sits.
Itachi settles behind us, leaning against the desk as he plays the watchdog position he takes over when we go out in public with Sasuke. Every time the door opens, his head snaps towards it, sizing up whoever walks through. It doesn't take long for the room to fill up, twenty or so children and their people for the career day presentation. As promised, the Hyuga Chief is here too, his daughter hiding behind his legs.
     "Alright, alright. Students find your chairs, parents and other family members, find your child once they've found their spot," the teacher at the front says, making the children scurry toward their desks.
     I tilt my head backward trying to catch Itachi's attention, waiting for him to look down at me. When he does, he lets out a hum, eyes flickering around the room still. "Is this a family-only event?" He nods his head, head tilting to the side when the flower girl Sasuke likes slides into her spot, her father standing behind her like Itachi is doing to Sasuke and me. "Am I allowed to be here then?"
     "Of course, you are," Itachi mutters, his face scrunching up as he looks away from me.
     "I'm not family though."
     His head snaps back toward me, eyes squinted as looks down at me. Itachi bends down, hands resting on my shoulders and lips pressed against my ear. "Of course you're family. None of us would be here without you, Tiggie."
     My cheeks heat up at Itachi's words. I tighten my arms around Sasuke, trying to use it to ground myself from the bliss I'm feeling.
     "Do we have any volunteers to go first?" The teacher asks, making Sasuke bounce in my lap, flagging his arms around. "Alright, alright. Sasuke Uchiha. You can go first."
     He climbs out of my lap, tugging me behind him again as he weaves our way through the crowd. Itachi takes up the end like always, right behind me and head spinning as we walk to the front.
     "Alright," Sasuke starts, situating his brother next to me before he picks his spot in front of the two of us. "My brother - say hi Itachi," he says, turning his head around as he cuts himself off.
     "Hello," Itachi mutters, waving at the crowd.
     "And his wife - "
     "Friend!" Itachi cuts off, wrapping his hand around his brother's mouth. "She is my girlfriend," he says calmer this time, settling back in his spot, cheeks bright red.
     Sasuke rolls his eyes, wiping his mouth before he goes back to his speech. "And his girlfriend, Tiggie - say hi Tiggie."
     "Hi," I say, mimicking Itachi and waving at the crowd.
     "They work for the anbus. They used to work for the on-field division but now they work right under my dad as the Hokage's personal department of anbus. They both have dojutsu abilities. Itachi specializes in genjutsu which is cool or whatever." Sasuke rolls his eyes again, mumbling the last part before reaching behind him. He grabs my wrist, tugging me forward for the hundredth time. "Tiggie's dojutsu lets her see the future, which is super cooler. She used it to help Itachi save my clan and the village. Before we see their cool eyes, does anyone have any questions for them?"
     Half the room throws their hands up, including a good portion of the older Shinobis present for their kids' presentation. "Yes, you, sunglasses' dad," Sasuke picks Shibi, making me silently giggle at the nickname he gave him. "What's your question?"
     "When you mean 'see the future' what does that mean?"
     "Tiggie can see a couple of minutes of a future event that'll take place in a certain spot. Sometimes it's things like attacks on the village and sometimes it's good or simple things like us training in the yard or my mom making cookies for the holidays."
     Itachi leans forward, lips against my ear again as Sasuke answers the question. "Maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell Sasuke about your abilities."
     I shrug my shoulders, a smile on my lips as Sasuke continues to answer questions about his brother and me, pride drowning his eyes as he gushes about us. It might not have been the best choice to explain my jutsu to Sasuke, but it was a good choice to get close to Itachi again.
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wherethewordsare · 3 years
a. I have accidentally unfollowed you because Tumblr puts buttons too close together.
b. I have A PROMPT. Specifically from your list of 50. 8 and/or 21. I just want something soft from you.
a: I love you <3
b: thank you @softnerdypeter for beta reading this for me <3
21. Blind date set up by friends
Oh, It’s You
Eskel had cornered Geralt in the firehouse kitchen. Again. This time with that look that used to trick Geralt into the worst trouble when they were kids. 
“Don’t automatically say no,” Eskel said with a laugh. 
“No.” Geralt turned to hide his smile. 
“Geralt, she’s really pretty though. And she has this friend that apparently has been moping and she said she’d feel better if he also had a date.” Eskel walked around the table and took Geralt’s plate, holding it away. “Besides, you’ve been moping too and you refuse to ask that musician out even though you know damn well-”
“Fine, I’ll go, but you don’t get to berate me after this. One date. That’s it. Then you leave me be,” he growled, snatching his plate back, sending his cherry tomatoes rolling onto the floor. He only glared at his brother when he laughed. 
“Alright, Wolf. Just bring your most sunny personality to the fair Friday.” Eskel chuckled as he bent down, scooping up the tomatoes and tossing them into the sink. He strolled away, looking all too much like the cat that caught the canary.
“You’re taking my shift on the dunk tank!” Geralt shouted after him with a shake of his head. “Bastard.” 
He hated how fast his phone was in his hand to text Jaskier. 
Es finally trapped me into a blind date. Fucker. 
Within a second, a message that didn’t feel like a response popped up on his screen. 
I have a date on Friday? my friend set it up. I kinda don’t wanna go. 
Geralt tried to ignore the way his gut twisted at the idea of Jaskier going out with someone else. He wasn’t sure what to say back. It wasn’t like he didn’t also have a date that night. His phone buzzed again in his hand, showing an incoming call. 
“She said his name is Gary!” Jaskier whined. There was a clattering in the background and Geralt leaned against the counter. He could close his eyes and see Jaskier making his lunch. “Who names their kid Gary? I bet he’s hideous!” There was a huff. 
“I guess this means we’ll have to cancel movie night?” Geralt hummed as he bit into a fork full of salad, sans tomatoes. “But who knows,” Geralt winced only because he knew Jaskier couldn’t see, “the guy might surprise you?” 
There was a gasp on the other end of the line. “You wanna stand up our dates and just meet up for a movie anyways?” Jaskier laughed but the sound died quickly. “Unless you’re looking forward to the date.” There was something like disappointment in his voice that could have only been chalked up to missing out on the movie and shitty take-out. 
“I would, but Eskel would kill me,” Geralt reasoned with a hum. 
“You’re gonna get a play-by-play of how terrible this guy is,” Jaskier promised with a laugh. There was a bang and a curse. “Ah shit, my frittata! I gotta go.” The line was dead before Geralt could say anything else. 
He tried to ignore the way his chest tightened as he shoved another bite into his mouth. He was almost glad when the firehouse alarm went off. 
Friday came quickly. He rode to the fair with Eskel, who was chatting more than usual, clearly nervous about his date with the nurse he couldn’t seem to get over since the last time he ended up in the ER with a burn. 
Geralt couldn’t blame him, really. Anything that made his brothers happy was fine by him, but he wished that he didn’t have to hear the same story about Eskel finally asking her out again. It was just a constant reminder that he still hadn’t swallowed his pride enough when it came to Jaskier. 
“Where am I supposed to be?” Geralt managed to ask, his arms crossed over his chest as they pulled into the dirt lot. 
“There’s a ticket booth towards the center. I think she told him to meet you there,” Eskel was checking his hair in the mirror again and only stopped when he caught Geralt rolling his eyes. “Listen, we can’t all be as pretty as you,” he shot across the bench.
“Finally, something you’ve said that makes sense,” he snorted. He climbed out of the truck and shut the door on Eskel before he could make a comeback. 
It was still early, so the fairgrounds weren’t crowded just yet. He was thankful for that at least. The place would be packed before too long. He was already coming up with reasons to cut the night short as he leaned against the back of the booth, his phone in hand. He was making an attempt not to text Jaskier. He didn’t want to interrupt his date, even if he wasn’t looking forward to it.
Geralt pulled up their conversation anyways, scrolling through as he realized that he wasn’t even sure where Jaskier was going tonight. 
“Geralt?” There was a pair of dusty converse in front of him. 
He looked up and his heart sank for a moment. Jaskier was standing there, his bright eyes catching the lights from the ferris wheel. Geralt wasn’t looking forward to having to actually watch him on his date. There had been too many nights at too many bars where he watched Jaskier flirt with everyone. Almost everyone.  
“What are you doing here, Jask?” He half flinched as he realized how gruff he had sounded. Geralt looked around, expecting to see someone coming to collect Jaskier but there was no one else there. 
“Oh,” Jaskier whispered softly. A series of emotions flew across his face all at once before he simply beamed at Geralt. “Oh!” He was laughing then, leaning into Geralt’s personal space. “Gary,” he cackled. 
He scowled at Jaskier, but then it also dawned on him and he huffed. “Oh. It’s you,” he hummed, looking around. He wondered remotely if Eskel had done this on purpose. His date was Jaskier. Or it was supposed to be. 
Maybe, he shuffled from foot to foot for a moment, maybe it still could be. 
“Well, I know I’m not nearly as good looking as this Gary was supposed to be,” Geralt mused, “but maybe we could still…” He gestured around them vaguely. 
Jaskier looked up at him again, those same emotions Geralt couldn’t read from before flitting across his face before his eyes softened. He stepped forward, sliding his arm into Geralt’s with a smile. “Far more handsome than anyone I could have imagined, dear heart.” He gave Geralt’s arm a little squeeze. “Buy me a caramel apple and tell me you like my shirt?” Jaskier teased. 
Geralt snorted as he moved them forward. “You mean my shirt you stole?” He didn’t miss the way Jaskier fell in step beside him, their arms still linked. 
“Next time don’t leave your laundry in my dryer,” Jaskier chuckled. Then he was looking down as he pulled them both to a stop for a moment in the middle of the fairway. “Geralt, just so I’m clear-”
“This is a date,” Geralt blurted before he could stop himself. “I… if you want it to be.” Part of him wanted to pull away. He’d done it now and there was no going back. He had known Jaskier for three years and for a moment he thought it crash down around him. Jaskier only smiled back at him, looking relieved. 
“Yeah, yeah I do. But only if-” he started.
“Caramel apple.” Geralt raised an eyebrow, smirking. 
“Date it is then.” Jaskier let himself be led around the fair, always touching Geralt as they went. 
It felt nice, having the weight and warmth beside him as the early autumn air started to set in. 
They found themselves in front of the dunk tank where Eskel was sitting up on the platform, that smirk of his still firmly in place. 
He had known! Geralt huffed and glared at his brother. He was leaning out of the tank slightly to high-five a slender woman with dark hair. She looked over and waved to Jaskier with a smile. 
“Hey, do you want the horse or the alien stuffie?” He asked as he marched up to the booth. He watched with a grin as Eskel’s own smile dropped. “You know what, I’ll win you both.” 
Jaskier only looked at him with confusion then glanced across. “Oh. Were we played?” He sounded smug as he handed Geralt his own tickets. 
Geralt landed not only the first shot, but the next three after, sending Eskel plunging down into the water below. When he handed Jaskier both of the rewards he was passed a caramel apple already missing a bite. 
Three years suddenly seemed to hinge on the moment as he took the apple and leaned forward, past the oversized head of the alien in Jaskier’s arm. He pressed a kiss to the corner of Jaskier’s mouth, slow enough that he could have pulled away. 
Jaskier didn’t pull away. Instead, he turned his face and let their mouths slot together more firmly, smiling all the while. 
“Took you long enough,” he pulled away just enough to murmur before pressing in again. 
“Movie night tomorrow?” Geralt asked when they finally broke apart. He felt like he was vibrating in his boots. 
“It’s a date.” 
It certainly was going to be, Geralt decided. He’d make sure it would be a good one too.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Inconveniences ↬ p.p
AN: This is a reupload from my old account!
An entry for @geminiparkers’s 1k writing challenge!
Pairing- College!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: mentions of sex :)
Wc: 1.7k
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You didn’t understand what people saw in the Avengers. They were annoying and had no concept of personal space.
Or maybe those were just your thoughts. You’ve been living with them ever since quarantine started, finally able to convince your parents that you were capable of living alone, you were an avenger, after all. Well you weren’t really living alone, as the people in question along with your boyfriend, Spider-Man lived with you.
Never were you ever glad that May Parker, the angel, had allowed you two to stay together (without much embarrassment).
Back to the point where you got no privacy. For example:
“Peterrrr” you whined, elongating his name to get his attention. You had been horny all day long, craving some semblance of touch from your extremely sweet, hot, amazing, beautiful boyfriend.
He hummed, not even looking up from the laptop he was typing on. He was laying on his side, so you tried to shimmy yourself between the little space on the couch and him, only to grunt when he wouldn’t move.
So you tried something else, because fuck the Avengers you wanted a dick now.
“Petey petey pie,” you whispered, tracing his abs from under his t-shirt. You knew your trick would work, because you could feel them clench.
“Y/N, not here sweetheart.” He muttered, holding your hand while he continued to ignore you.
Pouting, you huffed and flopped back as much as you could.
“You promised you would be free tonight! Gah you’re such a nerd!” You whined, rolling your eyes when you saw Nat entered the living room.
At first she ignored you both, sipping at her milkshake and walking towards the kitchen.
“You chose me and not Harry remember? Thought you were into nerds not gonna lie.” He smirked, his voice low, the kind that had you clenching without a thought.
“And? Are you questioning my choices? Come on Petey you can do your homework later.” You said.
You climbed on top of him, your foot purposefully catching his dick. By now you were practically on his chest , tracing circles around his nipples.
Smirking, you continued to pepper his exposed neck with featherlight kisses, making sure to moan every now and then.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He clenched his jaw, huffing to show that your kisses were not affecting him.
“Well you’re being a party pooper, so I’m having mine.” You muttered, voice muffled as you slid your hands inside his t-shirt, scratching your fingers against his chest.
Grunting, he gently pushed you off, sitting up with his laptop on his legs, “Y/N this is important."
Mouth open now, you puffed your cheeks, folding your hands on your chest.
"Can you believe this dude?!” You shouted, looking at Nat while pointing at your smirking boyfriend, “he chooses homework over sex!”
Sipping at your drink, you smiled at the scene in front of you. It was almost half a year under quarantine, and Tony had finally agreed to host a party, albeit an internal one with only the Avengers, and May, now that she was out of duty from the hospital.
“How’re you feeling babe?” Peter appeared, wrapping his hands around your stomach, resting his nose on the crook of your neck.
Sighing, you leaned onto his head, enjoying the way he kissed your neck, caressing your waist with his thumbs.
“I’m good, things are getting normal again, if only the president caught the virus, this country would be a much better place.” You snorted, feeling your back vibrate as he laughed.
“You hate him so much don’t you?” He said.
“He’s hate worthy.” You shrugged, turning around to wrap your hands around his neck, playing with the baby hair on the nape.
Leaning forward, you hummed against his lips, crading your hands through his hair as he pushed you into his chest, fingers playing with the hem of your pants.
“Someone’s gonna walk in on us.” You mutter against his mouth, moaning as his tongue attacks your lips, parting them hungrily.
Swaying with the loud music, you whimpered when he touched your waist, his fingers hot and leaving shocks, your pussy throbbing and gut coiling with anticipation.
Panting desperately, you pulled at his shirt, fingers scrunching in the material as he lifted you up, planting on the counter top as you wrapped your legs around his waist, effectively straddling him. Feeling his muscles rippling under the shirt, gave a throaty moan, huffing due to the lack of oxygen.
Sweat was already coating your foreheads, creating highlights on his cheekbones and reflecting off the lens of his glasses-
“Peter did you see my- Oh! Oh am I disturbing you? Why don’t you use the bedroom though, I don’t think Tony would like if you do it in the kitchen-"
"May! Oh my god-"
”-It’s okay honey, you’re not a teenager anymore-“
Falling off the counter top, you bit your lip, playing with the hem of your shirt, not meeting May’s eyes. You look at your blushing boyfriend, embarrassed at being caught making out in between a party.
"May, just go, please-”
“Um, sorry I was just leaving anyway, you know, I got work to do. Yeah. You both continue.” She smirked, nodding at you and sending a sly wink at you.
Shaking your head, you looked at Peter, twiddling your hands together.
“Sooo, wanna make out?” You ask.
“Yeah. Sure"
The dishes clinked together, the noise echoing in the empty kitchen. Peter moved with agility, hands cleaning the dishes as he passed it to you who were putting them on the rack.
You saw him take a deep breath, biting your lips and gulping. You knew what was coming next.
Peter had always been protective of you, as a friend or as a girlfriend. He protected everyone who he loved.
"I’m sorry-"
"Save it. Take your meds and go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He grunted, nearly smashing the plates as you raised your eyebrows.
“Well be careful of the plates, they’re fragile.” You joked, heart beating fast as you contemplate his reaction.
“How are you so chill about all this?! You know you were reckless, and yet you do decide to not acknowledge the fact that you almost died!” He slammed his fist, nearly breaking the plate with his hand, a small piece did break, piercing his skin.
You jumped at his sudden aggression, your own anger building.
“I’m a big girl now Peter, I can take care of myself, I don’t need you to look out for me everytime I go out!” You snarled, curling your fist, “and you’re one to talk you hypocrite! You’re always so reckless during patrols, how is me getting blasted by a bomb in a fireproof suit, reckless when you get hit by bullets on a daily basis?"
"I stopped listening after you said you got blasted by a bomb, you’re not enhanced Y/N, how am I supposed to-”, he said voice cracking, “I love you okay? I can’t - I can’t lose you okay?"
Your chest ached at his hurt voice. Peter had lost a lot in his short life, his parents, his uncle, almost lost Tony. And now you felt bad about making him feel that way.
"I’m sorry Petey.” You said, taking his cheek in one hand, holding his suds filled hand in another, “You’re hurt."
He chuckled, looking at his hand where the broken plate had pierced it. Tony wouldn’t mind one broken plate, he was a billionaire after all.
"Yeah.” He said, sniffing and putting it under the faucet to get off any remaining blood. You watched in fascination as the wound closed up, not even leaving a scar behind as if you were watching a time lapse.
Rolling your eyes, you grinned mischievously, poking his chest with you fingers and snorting as he giggled, pulling you closer-
“Bucky! Give me back my cookie now or I swear to god-"
"Ughhh you guys do this purposely don’t you?” You groaned, glaring at Bucky and Sam as they stop in their tracks, looking at each other and smirking.
“We neither confirm nor deny your accusations.” Bucky said, plopping the cookie in his mouth and walking out of the kitchen as you bang your forehead against the table.
Why can’t people just let you be intimate with your boyfriend for one second?
“Are you sure no one’s gonna walk in, Spider-Man?” You hummed against his lips, moving in slow motions as he caresses your bum.
“If they do, I’ll take care of it.” He rasps, squeezing your bottom and fingering the hem of your shirt shorts.
You were sitting in Peter’s bedroom after a full day of teasing him, because you were horny and desperate. Softly kneading your fingers through his hair, you whined at the feel of his bulge against your crotch, a wet feeling already seeping through those shorts.
Rubbing your hips faster against his, you huff, tracing his biceps and squeezing them occasionally as he moved down with his lips, slipping off your tank top.
“Thought you had super speed.” You grunted, urging him to go faster as he unclasped your bra before looking at you with a smirk, his eyes shining with mirth and lust.
“You were a bad girl today, teasing me every opportunity you got, it’s only fair if I get to do the same.” He said before squeezing your one boob and sucking on the other, a wet pop noise leaving his mouth every time he sucked on it.
Spreading your legs further, you shimmy out of your shorts, lifting Peter’s shirt up to get him out of it before he stopped you.
“Oh no, you’re not-” he started before the door opened with a bang.
“Did you guys-” before Tony could see anything, Peter produced his web-shooters and shot at the door, locking it for at least another two hours.
A muffled, “at least use protection!” Was heard from outside the door. Your face was burning with embarrassment, looking at Peter with an innocently terrified look on your face. He could hear your heart racing, and it was making him like, really hard.
“Now, where to begin.” He whispered, chills shooting up your spine, goosebumps appearing on your skin and the wet feeling intensifying between your thighs.
“Let me at least undress you.” You plead, lifting his t-shirt and unbuttoning his jeans simultaneously.
“No, you were a brat today, and brats don’t get a taste without punishment.” He smirked, flipping you so you hit the backrest, holding your arms up and…webbing You up against the headboard, “today I’m doing all the work."
And you didn’t mind it really. Like, at all.
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robinsarm · 3 years
Heya!! Can I get some sleepy Quentin headcanons? I'm on a "monster befriends human" kick, so maybe something involving that? You said you needed ideas, so here ya go?
Sleepy Quentin, huh, @chaoticlovingdreamer? I think I can scrounge up a couple >:3
I assume that a lot of people see Quentin as a pill or caffeine fiend, especially while he lived in the real world. But what I think some people forget is that he also has ADD/ADHD as stated by his movie. Do you understand what lack of medication and exhaustion does to a person with ADHD? It's not fun, I'll say that much.
When Quentin is really hitting the bottom of his energy tank he gets more and more distant from everyone else. He'll stop talking, start sitting further away from the fire, and intrusive/depressing thoughts start to riddle his mind. Since a healthy dose of sleep isn't on the menu for Quentin usually, he'll start to cope with his exhaustion in other ways; other ways that aren't healthy and can be left up to the imagination for now.
Some of the survivors that have been there the longest have learned to spot these signs from Quentin before he begins "coping". They'll immediately get up and take him for walks or bring him back to the fire and in front of 20+ other sets of eyes. Claudette, Ace, Meg, and Laurie are usually the nicest and manage to cheer him up faster than anyone else. Steve, in recent years, has also grown to notice and make sure his teammate is okay.
Have you ever seen the joke of someone getting hit in the head on a cartoon and they fall flat on their face, knocked out? Visualize that, and realize Quentin does that on a regular basis just without the hitting part. Like someone with narcolepsy, when Quentin’s brain and body are tired of being awake, he’s out like a light; heaven forbid he’s standing near anything sharp when this happens. From time to time, Quentin will just suddenly fold like a GMOD player hit their kill key. There’s no waking him up for a while after that. So far, it’s never happened in a trial; who knows why, Quentin is just grateful for that much. 
When Quentin is tired and actually decides that he’d rather sleep then Collapse™, he will pass out just about anywhere. On the logs, in the bushes, up a tree (won’t do that anymore because he’s prone to falling out of said trees), on someone. Quentin has no shame when it comes to finding a place to rest his head for a minute and the others, for the most part, are fully understanding.  
Sleepy Quentin can also be confused with what Drunk Quentin would look like, only in his movements, however. I’d compare it to those really yanking pulls that Boiled Over can do in-game that just send the killer 5 meters to the left. Yeah...Quentin will do that a lot when he’s really tired. It’s normal to see him firmly planted on the ground when he’s extra tired just so he doesn’t fall into something or someone. (He took out a game of Blackjack that Ace and Bill were playing and felt incredibly bad afterwards) If Quentin can help it, he won’t move when he’s on the very verge of passing out. 
Not so much headcanons but two scenarios I’d like to imagine have happened to Quentin:
Quentin doesn’t sleep due to Freddy’s constant torment that he resumes every time the survivor falls asleep. But Quentin isn’t the only one Freddy torments. It’s been known that Freddy will hop from person to person if Quentin goes for too long without sleeping. However, the killer once made the mistake of pulling the same shit on the Legion which earned him a proper beating from the four teens afterwards. Because of this, the Legion made sure that the Nightmare can’t enter Ormond unless he’s in a trial. 
(I have a personal headcanon that killers can ask the Entity to block a different killer from entering their realm if given proper reasoning, and that’s how I’d see the Legion being able to keep Freddy out of Ormond)
Quentin, by an odd string of occurrences, ends up at Ormond and gets to talking to the killers - since they’re in a good mood. One of them brings up how shitty Quentin looks and actually offers if he’d want to sleep there for a bit. Quentin, taken slightly off guard, shrugs the invitation off, explaining Freddy would just show up and start attacking him again. The Legion, ever so boastful, counters with their story and clue him in on the fact that the Nightmare can’t enter the realm outside of a trial. Quentin’s not buying it but the killers insist just to prove themselves right, eventually having to hold the boy at knife-point to get him to stay and sleep. After a three hour, uninterrupted nap, Quentin wakes up and realizes they were telling the truth.
Regardless, Quentin doesn’t trust the Legion. However, if he’s feeling exceptionally tired and has a few 100k bloodpoints lying around, Quentin will pay the Legion to let him sleep for a few hours, undisturbed. They’re happy to take his money and he’s happy to sleep off his exhaustion.
Still, Quentin does sleep at the fire on occasion; he does only because of the fact Freddy wants him. If Freddy can’t get to Quentin, he’ll start tormenting and hurting his friends. Since Quentin doesn’t want that, he keeps his trips to Ormond few and far between. 
There’s one killer Quentin never thought in his life he’d manage to “befriend” outside of trials. Slinger is a fat no; the man is still a hard-ass to everyone other than Zarina. The Yamaoka family keep to themselves and kill anything on sight. The original four are apathetic towards everyone. Michael, Freddy, Ghostface, Pinhead, Nemesis, Pyramidhead - all psychopathic monstrosities that earned their own circle in hell. I could go on.
No, of all the killers to actually show any sort of compassion (or just lack of hostility) towards Quentin was the Demogorgon. 
It started during a horribly unfortunate trial on Azarov’s. Felix and Yun-Jin were long since dead, leaving only Quentin and Feng to do the last two generators. The thing was, Feng seemed to be trying her absolute hardest to screw Quentin over every time the killer got close. She ran in front of him while they were both running from the killer, she blocked pallets, blocked windows, if the killer got close she immediately hid behind anything large enough. Sure she apologized at the beginning of the trial, but those quickly trailed off. Quentin just wasn’t in the mood for it. So, when he went down for his third and final time due to Feng’s not-so-subtle body blocking, Demo surprised both of them by not picking up the boy immediately. Instead, the killer hunted down Feng (for all of 20 seconds) and threw her onto a hook immediately, not leaving her until she was dead and gone. Quentin had the foresight to bring Unbreakable before entering the trial, so, by the time Feng had reached second stage, he was up and running. 
Even though hatch was visible before Feng died Quentin couldn’t find the damn thing to, literally, save his life. As he ran back into the territory where the killer was last, Quentin’s hope began to dwindle more and more as he heard and saw nothing. Demo, seeming to appear out of thin air, found him first and shred-tackled him into the dirt. On his back, Quentin thought he was going to be mori’d for sure, but then something...worse happened. The killer regurgitated Feng’s med kit onto his chest then stepped off and away from Quentin. Quentin didn’t know whether to thank the killer or puke himself. The amount of slime and saliva that drenched his clothing and neck had him pressing his mouth shut tight. What the hell is this killer doing? was the only thought in Quentin’s mind as he pealed the kit from his chest. 
Quentin didn’t believe that Demo could sit on his haunches like a dog before that trial, but he does now. 
The killer only watched as Quentin used the non-soaked medical supplies on himself until he was fully healed. Afterwards, the killer rose and started walking towards the killer shack. When Demo realized Quentin wasn’t following, it turned back, pathed behind the survivor, and herded him towards the decrepit building. Quentin had seen a lot when it came to weird shit, but this experience was quickly climbing the list. Rounding the far corner of the shack, Quentin found the hatch humming where it usually was. He turned and saw the Demogorgon, not trying to stop him but lying down like it was ready to take a nap. 
Quentin pointed to the hatch with his free hand. “I can have that?” The killer, not understanding human speech, looked down at the hatch then back up to Quentin. The survivor figured that was good of an answer as any, thanked the killer with a shaky voice, and hopped into the backdoor exit. 
Ever since that trial, Quentin has had this weird relationship with the Demogorgon. It’s fully based off the killer’s mood at the time, but for the most part, the pair seem to respect one another at the very least. Some trials, Demo will slaughter everyone mercilessly; others, the killer attacks everyone but Quentin. The survivor hasn’t found any rhyme or reason to the killer’s decision on how to treat him that day, but he’s grateful for the break when they come. 
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caswellprmanager · 3 years
out of the closet (and into my arms)
read it on ao3
Ship: Ricky Bowen/EJ Caswell
TW: transphobia, deadnaming, gender dysphoria, panic attacks
Summary: Ricky has certain items of clothing that EJ loves to steal.
Notes: I exclusively blame @random-nerd-3 for planting this idea in my head in the discord server so now it has manifested itself. *british accent* I can't believe you've done this 😩
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EJ was not above pretending to be sick just to not go to school. He didn't go to theater camp for nothing. One time when there was this really mean kid who sneezed on him in third grade, he faked having pneumonia so well that their mom made them apologize for infecting him. One could say he's basically a natural born actor.
But today... he's not even pretending when he says he feels sick.
He woke up that morning, running through all the things he had to do for the day, and then promptly chucked it out of his mind when he looked at himself in the mirror. He's been on T for a while now but his parents refuse to pay for top surgery. He'd do it himself with the money he has in his bank, but whatever he purchases alerts his parents. So looking at his tank top clad torso with no binder on and the tell-tale bumps of his breasts lightly tenting the material up front made him want to punch his mirror.
His breasts weren't big but god were they noticeable. At least for him. He shakily runs a hand down his chest and wishes more than anything for the offending things to disappear. He mentally computes how long it will be until he moves out of the house to go to college — just so that he can finally get the surgery he's always wanted.
Yet, even after computing, it still seems so far away.
"Eliza? Are you up? Breakfast is ready?"
There was a dull ringing in his ears when he woke up a few minutes ago but it was deafening now at the sound of that name.
You know that's not my name.
EJ feels his chest tighten and his breath come out in shorter bursts. He grabs the edge of his bathroom sink shakily, knuckles turning white the louder the ringing in his ears gets and the faster his heart beats.
He's drowning.
He's drowning in thoughts he doesn't want to have but invade the forefront of his mind.
He's drowning.
"Eliza? Eliza, answer me!"
Stop calling me that! EJ pulls at his hair, vision blurring at the seams. Stop fucking calling me that—
A hand on his shoulder practically yanks him up to the metaphorical surface. He's breathing, but only barely, and he subconsciously falls into someone's arms, gasping through sobs.
"Hey there, handsome. You're okay. I got you."
The voice was soothing, familiar like the feel of his favorite childhood blanket wrapping around his shoulders. He buries his face into the fabric before him, inhaling the scent of sandalwood, cherries, and throb cologne.
Throb cologne.
"R-Ricky?" He whispers, not really believing it himself. The one holding him answers by tightening their hold around him and EJ feels himself collapse even further in their arms. He breathes in Ricky's scent like it's the only thing keeping him grounded right now – and it might as well be.
"I'm here, Elijah. I'm right here." Elijah. EJ visibly relaxes at the sound of that name – the name he gave himself.
"How did you–" He tries to say but the tightness in his throat only allows his voice to come out in a whisper. Ricky runs their hand through his hair.
"I thought I would go to your house before school for a change. Your mom let me in." Ricky doesn't force EJ to look at them and he's grateful for that. His vision was still impossibly blurry and he feels a strong headache approaching after what just happened. "But I have a strong feeling you don't want to go to school today."
EJ buries his face even deeper into Ricky's chest and Ricky kisses the top of his head right after. He's taller than Ricky – not by much, but he'll hold that over Ricky 'till the day he dies – but right now he feels like a little kid wrapped in Ricky's arms. Small. Secure.
"C'mon, handsome." Ricky says into his hair, placing another kiss on the top of his head. "Let's get you back to bed."
EJ doesn't even remember being tucked back into bed, nor the third kiss Ricky gave him on his cheek, or even the sound of Ricky conversing lowly with his mom at the door. All EJ really remembers is feeling absolutely exhausted. So exhausted, in fact, that the second his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.
After a few hours, EJ woke up again, still with a lightly throbbing headache and his room plunged in darkness except for the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to his ceiling.
EJ focused on the constellations he painstakingly stuck there in the first grade. He remembered breaking his arm trying to get off the ladder and crying all the way to the hospital. The memory seemed to give his mind a distraction but he wasn't distracted enough to not notice the extra layer on his body.
EJ fell asleep with a tank top on, just like he always does. He runs warmer than most people so he doesn't usually sleep with a hoodie or sweater on until the winter months. Even then, he just turns up the thermostat in his room.
So... where the hell did this hoodie come from?
"Knock, knock!" Came a voice from the other side of his door and his heart stared beating a little faster, hoping that it wasn't either of his parents about to scold him for skipping school. But when the door opened — revealing a smiling Ricky — he could practically feel the tension lift from his shoulders.
"Oh good, you're awake! Your parents left for work a few hours ago so you don't have to worry, by the way." How Ricky was able to figure out what exactly was on his mind was beyond him. But it did put him ever more at ease. Although, he was still confused as to why Ricky was still here.
"Ricky did you... Did you skip school?" He asked, sitting up against the headboard just as Ricky sat next to him to feel his forehead. Ricky smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of their neck.
"I couldn't leave you alone." Before EJ could protest, Ricky continued. "Don't worry! I texted Big Red to update me on rehearsals. I also texted your co-captains for the Water Polo and Lacrosse teams that you weren't feeling well, so you have to skip on training. I figured they'd spread the word to the rest of your clubs. You're in, like, a million of them."
"It keeps me busy," EJ mumbles but allows Ricky to climb into bed with him. He immediately relaxes into Ricky's chest when he opens his arms invitingly, knowing that he can't resist an invitation to snuggle. "You didn't have to do that."
"It's one of those days, isn't it?" Ricky asks and EJ nods. Ricky hums in acknowledgement. It's one of the things EJ appreciates about their relationship — one that took a lot of trial and error. They're different in a lot of ways but when it comes to their struggles with gender, they've found someone to relate to. EJ doesn't think he's ever dated anyone who just... gets it like Ricky does.
"It sucks," he mumbles into Ricky's chest with a little pout. "Plus I don't have any clean binders today so that makes it suck even more."
"Well, I'll be right here if you need me. Just say whatever and I'll help you in any way I can." EJ could feel tears well up in his eyes and buries his face into Ricky's neck, overwhelmed and filled with so much unbridled joy for Ricky's mere presence in his life right now.
Which brings him all the way back to the mere presence of the hoodie he's wearing right now that is definitely not his. But he can make an assumption from the smell alone.
Sandalwood. Cherries. Throb cologne.
"Darling?" EJ says into Ricky's neck slowly.
"Am I wearing your hoodie?"
"...And If I say yes?" Ricky teases, using their nails to scratch at the nape of EJ's neck casually. EJ fights the fluttering of his eyelids to focus on the task at hand. He pulls away from Ricky a bit to look at them inquisitively, which thankfully results in Ricky sighing in defeat. That basically answers EJ's question, and just as he's about to remove the hoodie, Ricky gently places a hand on his chest.
"Keep it. It looks good on you."
EJ looks down at the brown and white color block hoodie. When Ricky wears this, it engulfs their entire frame and makes EJ want to smother them in kisses. EJ has never admitted it but... this was on his top list of favorite hoodies that Ricky owns.
But he also knows this is also one of Ricky's favorites.
And yet... the more he looks at himself in Ricky's hoodie, the dysphoria he felt in spades just hours go subsides, even just a little. It makes his chest look properly flat and it was awfully comfy. He feels Ricky's eyes on him as he brings the fabric of the hoodie to his nose, breathing in Ricky's scent one more time.
Sandalwood. Cherries. Throb cologne.
He smiles for the first time today and Ricky smiles back.
He could get used to this.
Ever since that day, EJ has started to slowly come into the possession of... several of Ricky's clothes.
Now, stealing might be too heavy of a word to use here. Though he's not unfamiliar with the concept — he just prefers to use the phrase... indefinitely borrowing.
But if one were to ask anybody else, EJ was most definitely stealing Ricky's clothes.
It started off with the color block hoodie Ricky gave him that day. That damned hoodie even changed his nightly sleeping routine – with wearing that very same hoodie as the last step before he's able to truly fall asleep. It's absolutely insane how one piece of garment can make him feel. How having something of Ricky's makes him want to have more of them.
And so EJ just never stopped.
One day before rehearsals, on a particularly cold afternoon (and EJ knew it would be cold. He checks the weather forecast on his phone everyday), he deliberately forgot his letterman jacket in his locker. After arriving to the bomb shelter, and coincidentally hearing from Miss Jenn that the janitor hasn't fixed the heater yet, EJ casually mentions to Ricky that he forgot his jacket in his locker. And that it's way too far to retrieve now.
"You poor baby," Ricky says with a knowing glint in his eye. It's a subtle game they play, the two of them, and EJ likes to think he wins it every time. "Here, take my sweatshirt. I sprayed extra throb on it for you."
"Okay agenda for tomorrow," EJ teases while pulling on the sweatshirt that indeed wreaks of throb. "We're going shopping for a new cologne."
"I thought you liked throb?" Ricky replies with a cheeky smile. EJ sticks his tongue out at him – a very mature response, thank you very much.
"It does remind me of you." EJ says this as he brings the collar of the sweatshirt up to his nose. He tries to hide the way his lips curl up automatically at Ricky's familiar scent. He wouldn't hear the end of it if they were able to catch that. "But it doesn't mean I like it."
"But you like me, right?" Ricky says this with a hint of a tease and a larger hint of vapid curiosity. It's almost as if Ricky is just waiting for the confirmation that EJ most definitely still likes them, which isn't much of a surprise. Ricky doesn't exactly have the best of luck in the romance department. It actually took quite a bit of time before the two of them even got together. But, now that they are together, EJ makes it a point to remind Ricky that he will continue to choose them everyday.
And EJ doesn't mind reminding Ricky how much he loves them — it's practically a part of his daily routine.
"I love you, angel." EJ says, lacing each syllable with as much affection that he can muster. Ricky bites their lip and tries to hide their blushing face with their hands. EJ chuckles, leaning over to place a kiss to Ricky's temple before wrapping an arm around them.
"EJ... I..." Ricky starts to say but the words don't ever take shape. EJ knows this though. He doesn't mind the wait.
"I know, baby." EJ kisses Ricky's forehead this time. "I know."
bowen (affectionate): did i leave my blue-grey hoodie at your house? i cant find it anywhere...
caswell (derogatory): [sent 1 attachment] oh you mean this one?
caswell (derogatory): :-)
bowen (affectionate): ah
bowen (affectionate): there it is
caswell (derogatory): do you want it back? i can bring it to school tomorrow
bowen (affectionate): nah
bowen (affectionate): actually no yeah bring it to school tomorrow
bowen (affectionate): but you have to be wearing it 🤷‍♀️
caswell (derogatory): u dont have to tell me twice 😘😘
[1 new notification: @ejwaterpolotheaterguy posted a new photo]
ejwaterpolotheaterguy: boyfriend sweater 😍 @sk8erbowen thanks for the drip 😚
There are days where EJ feels dysphoric and Ricky isn't there.
It just so happened to be the very same weekend that Ricky decided to go visit his mom up in Chicago when EJ woke up once again wanting to claw at the offending mounds of flesh on his chest. He nearly punched his mirror before Ricky called him to ask how he was doing.
"I'm so sorry, EJ. I wish I was there."
"I'll get by. Just gotta cover the mirrors all around the house and exclusively live in one of your hoodies for the next 24 hours." EJ rummages through his drawers, trying to find the exact hoodie he's been thinking of since Ricky called. It was the one that was big even on EJ and felt like getting a hug from Ricky. The second his fingers felt the familiar purple fabric, he quickly put it on, almost completely forgetting that he was on facetime with Ricky.
"Well look at you, my handsome boy." EJ blushes when he realizes that Ricky could see him but the smile that makes it to his lips is the most genuine one he's had all day. "How're you feeling?"
"Safe." was the first word that came to mind and EJ couldn't have stopped it from leaving his lips even if he tried. Ricky's answering smile made the slip-up worth it, though.
And there really isn't any other word that describes how wearing Ricky's hoodies and sweatshirts makes him feel. It's like getting a cup of hot chocolate by an open fire on Christmas morning. Like coming home to a warm embrace after a terrible day. With Ricky he was safe. With Ricky, in Ricky's hoodies, there was comfort. Sure there are moments where a storm hits and neither of them have an umbrella... but that just means they'll end up finding an awning together, soaking wet but basking in each other's warmth.
Sandalwood, cherries, and throb cologne.
And as Ricky smiles at him through the phone screen, he knows there's no one else he'd gladly weather any storm with but them.
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unholyobsessions · 4 years
Welcome to my dorm
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Warnings: eight year age difference. Mentions of kidnapping
Description: the FBI question you about your friend’s disappearance and you can’t help feeling for a certain doctor. (Inspired by scene above)
Part 2 -- Part 3 -- Part 4 There was heavy knocking on your door. You rolled over, burying your face deeper in the pillow. “Y/n l/n this is the FBI open up!” You let out a groan followed by a dry laugh. “Real funny Danny now let me sleep,” you yelled loud enough for who you assumed was your friend Danny to hear. The knocking continued, pissing you off. You let out a huff reaching over to your nightstand to put on your glasses and climbed out of your bed. “Damn it Daniel seriously if you don’t knock it off I swe-“ you opened the door and the words died in your throat. 
Two very attractive men were standing in front of you holding FBI badges up. You saw them eye you up and down which prompted you to look down at yourself. You felt heat rush to your face as you took in the loose booty shorts and bralette you were wearing. Both men put their badges away and stood awkwardly at the door. You snapped out of your embarrassed daze and cleared your throat. “I am not wearing the appropriate clothes for this. Come in.” You stepped out of the way and headed to your closet to grab a random sweatshirt, pulling it over your head. Once you were no longer exposed you turned to face the agents that were now letting their gazes wonder around your dorm room. You found yourself thanking past you for taking the time to clean it two days ago. When they realized that you were now fully dressed the dark skinned man spoke. “We are sorry to bother you this early, I’m Agent Derek Morgan and this is Dr. Spencer Reid and we need to ask you some questions.” The man who you now identified as Agent Morgan gestured to the tall curly haired man next to him. You smiled gently at both of them before pointing to the two chairs by the desk. “Questions regarding what, Agents?” You asked them as they sat down. “The disappearance of Haley Bowen. She went to school here.” This time it was Dr. Reid that spoke. Your eyes widened, you knew her. “Oh my God okay.” You took a deep breath, your brain not really knowing how to react. “Umm do you guys want coffee? I can’t really function without caffeine in the morning so I’m just going to make a pot.” You changed the subject quickly. Your friend was missing and the agents needed your help. You cannot break down. “No thank you.” Agent Morgan answered at the same time as Dr. Reid said, “Yes please.” You sent him a smile and started preparing the coffee. Morgan gave Reid a look and he shrugged as if to say ‘hey, coffee is coffee.’ “How do you take your coffee? Personally I take mine with too much sugar and too much creamer because I don’t really enjoy the taste of coffee but I’m still kind of addicted to it. Which my friends say makes me insane but I actually think it’s pretty normal. The taste is too bitter, reminds me of dark chocolate,” you stopped yourself. “Sorry I’m rambling I tend to do that in uncomfortable situations.” You looked at Dr. Reid expectantly and it took him a second to realize that you were waiting for his answer. “Oh uh three teaspoons.” He gave a small nod at the sugar in your hand. You smiled widely at him, seemingly glad that you were not the only one to enjoy overly sweet coffee. She’s cute, Spencer found himself thinking. After stirring sugar into both cups you walked over to the agents and handed one of the cups to Dr. Reid. Seeing as there were no more available chairs, you hopped on your desk and sat criss cross facing them. “So why are you asking me about Haley?” You took a long sip of your coffee. “She was last seen at the bar you work at.” Agent Morgan spoke but you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off Dr. Reid. He’s cute, you thought. “So she disappeared on Saturday?” You let out a sigh. “You remember seeing her?” This time Reid spoke making direct eye contact with you. You nodded. “She was a regular so we became friends over time. She comes in every weekend to blow off steam. She’s double majoring so she has a lot on her plate. She sits at the bar. Same place every time so I’m always her bartender.” Both Agents nodded at the information given, internally relieved that this interview could result in a lead in the case. “Did you notice anything different about her that night? Anybody that tried to approach her or payed more attention to her?” Dr. Reid asked you. “Well she seemed nervous. She talks to me a lot, rants about her professors and stuff like that. She didn’t talk much on Saturday and she seemed restless. Fidgeting in her seat and playing with the rings on her fingers. I just assumed she was meeting a guy and that’s why she was nervous. I pay attention to her, she gets drunk often and all of the workers like to make sure that nobody too drunk walks home alone or leaves with someone they are uncomfortable with. Whenever she was uncomfortable with a guy trying to make a move on her she played with her rings. That’s when I knew to intervene.” You took a deep breath and a gulp of your coffee, burning your tongue in the process. You felt tears pooling in your eyes and you did your best to blink them away. “Did you see a guy approach her that night?” Again it was Dr. Reid who asked the question, his voice softer this time. You hesitated before answering trying your hardest to remember. “There was this one guy,” you paused, letting your mind wander back to Saturday night. “He wasn’t drunk like most people there. He talked to her while he waited for me to serve him his drink. He got a coke which was strange for someone who was clearly sober to order. I recognized his face but couldn’t place a name. I turned around to serve another group and when I turned back the guy was walking away and Haley was asking for her check. She wasn’t drunk, barely tipsy so I didn’t insist on calling her a cab. Damn it why didn’t I call her a cab?” You couldn’t stop the tears anymore. This was your fault, you should have made sure she got home safely, you should have called her at least. She was your friend and now she could be dead and it will be your fault. Sobs racked your body, your half empty coffee cup slipping from your fingers and shattering on the floor, the sound only making you cry harder. Morgan instinctively reached for your hand the words of comfort ready to be spoken. He was stopped when Reid leaned toward you and grabbed your hand away from your face. He gave it a small tug to make you look at him. He didn’t know what came over him at that moment. He didn’t shake hands and didn’t really touch people but all he knew was that he wanted you to stop crying and he never wanted to see you sad again. “Hey it’s not your fault.” His voice was soft but firm. “There was no way for you to know what would happen and you had no way to stop it. What you told us right now is extremely helpful and will help us bring Haley back home. Okay?” You gave a small nod of your head trying to calm yourself down. “It’s okay just breath with me.” Dr. Reid took a deep breath and you mimicked him continuing until your breathing was back to normal and only a few stray tears were running down your cheeks. “Thank you.” You sniffled and smiled shyly at him. “Would you mind coming down to the station later and giving a description of the man you saw with Haley to a sketch artist?” Dr. Reid looked you in the eyes, his deep look telling you that although it was phrased as a question it was really the only choice you had. “Yeah that’s okay.” You wanted to reach up and rub at your runny nose but you noticed that he was still holding your hand. He felt the slight movement and realized as well. The both of you blushed and averted eye contact while Agent Morgan looked at the two of you with an amused expression. Both Agents stood up signaling that they were prepared to leave. You lead them to the door and they both thanked you for your time. Before you closed the door Dr. Reid handed you his card telling you to call him if you remember anything else that might seem important. You nodded at him, not trusting your voice. You gave him a wide smile which contrasted with your red teary eyes but he still felt the breath being knocked out of him. After the door closed Morgan looked at Reid. “What was that?” Spencer played dumb and started down the dormitory hallway. “What was what?” He pushed the door to the stairs open and looked back at Morgan. “What do you mean ‘what was what’ you were totally into that girl.” Morgan grinned at him and Spencer felt his cheeks heat up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Spencer started down the stairs, making a point to ignore Morgan’s laughter. • • • A few hours later you had taken a shower and put your contacts on. You put on a light face of make up and decided that this time when you met the agents you would be fully clothed so you put on a pair of jeans and a white tank top with a loose button up over it. You slipped on a pair of converse and headed to the police station. You walked up to the front desk and smiled lightly at the woman sitting behind it. “Hi I’m looking for Dr. Reid he told me I was coming in for a sketch.” The woman nodded and gestured someone over. You waited patiently as the two had a conversation and eventually Dr. Reid came into view. You smiled at him and it grew when he gave you a grin back. He guided you through the police station with a hand placed firmly on your back his hand pressing harder when one of the men in the holding cell wolf whistled at you. He brought you to a room where a sketch artist was sitting there waiting. “Here you go.” He mumbled under his breath. “Thank you.” You sat down as Reid left the room. You talked to the sketch artist for about 45 minutes trying to give as much detail as possible. You looked at your watch and noticed your afternoon shift at the bar was starting soon. You quickly thanked the artist and made a quick exit in hopes of not being late. You speed walked all the way to the bar and got there just in time to see the morning bartender ready to leave his shift. He sent you a tight lipped smile as you settled yourself behind the bar. The place was empty except for the man sitting at the bar who looked to be nursing a glass of whiskey. A few minutes later you heard the door ring signaling someone coming in. “Be right with you,” you called as you refilled the man’s glass. He was mumbling something about a cheating girlfriend which made you wince slightly. People dealing with heartbreak at a bar never ended well. You turned around to greet the costumer who had just taken a seat at the bar. Your eyes widened in surprise when you saw Dr. Reid sitting there with a sheepish smile on his beautiful face. “Dr. Reid what can I do for you?” He looked down for a second before making eye contact. He’s nervous, you thought. “I just needed to clear my head for a bit and I wanted to take a look at the scene and try to get a sense of what happened that night.” You nodded your head before giving him your signature smile. “Well can I get you something? I’m not going to offer anything alcoholic since you are still on the job but I do make a mean Arnold palmer.” You sent him a subtle wink, reaching under the bar for a glass. He snorted before accepting your offer. Setting the prepared drink in front of him, you spared a glance at the sulking man to find him slumped in his seat with light snores leaving his mouth. Damn, you thought, this is going to be a slow shift. You turned your attention back to the Dr. who was looking at you with a quirked brow having noticed the frown on your face. You quickly explained how you hated afternoon shifts because they usually consisted of you being bored out of your mind dealing with day drinkers. He struck up conversation to “relieve some of your boredom” as he so kindly put it. Conversation flowed extremely easy between the two of you, talking about anything and everything. From his experience in college to what your favorite song was at the moment. “I have a question,” he spoke after taking a bite of the french fries you had brought out at some point during the conversation. “I may have an answer. Ask away doc.” He smiled lightly at the nickname. “You’re a senior right?” You nodded your head, wondering where this was going. “So why do you still live in the dorms?” You let out a small laugh. “It’s part of my scholarship. I get free housing and I am also an RA.” He took a sip of his drink and mulled over the information. “Now it’s my turn. How old are you?” You told yourself it was an innocent question, that you held no ulterior motives other than curiosity.  His eyebrows rose before he set his glass down. “I’m twenty-nine. You’re twenty-one right?” “Yeah.” Eight years, you thought, not that big of a difference. You internally scolded yourself. You couldn’t be thinking that. He was here doing an investigation on your missing friend. He wasn’t thinking about picking up some random college girl who still lived in the school dormitories. 
Similarly, Spencer was having an internal battle about his feelings. He wanted to believe that what he was feeling was simple protectiveness over a witness, although it was pretty clear that you were not in any sort of danger. 
“So where do you live?” You asked in order to fill the silence that had taken place. “I live about and hour and a half away in D.C.” He felt the need to add the fact that he didn’t live far away from your current location.  “I’ve never been.” You said. He almost chocked on his drink. “You’ve never been to D.C.? But it’s so close!” Again with the proximity, could you be any more obvious? Spencer scolded himself.   “I know I know but I work most weekends and when I’m not working I’m studying so it is kind of hard to get free time.” I’ll take you. That is what he wanted to say. He had to stop before he made a fool out of himself. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way. Sure he has been attracted to plenty of girls before but you were different. You didn’t stop his ramblings about statistics and random facts that he had in his brain. You listened to him and sometimes even asked to him to elaborate more on a certain subject. You also tended to ramble like when he asked about your family, you went on a tangent about how your mom was your best friend and your younger sister had a dream of being a dancer. Or when he asked about your major and you went on to explain all the research you were doing. You were so passionate about everything you talked about. He smiled at the happiness in your eyes. They were still bloodshot from your breakdown this morning but they held so much happiness and hope that he couldn’t help but feel the same. He was about to reply when his phone rang and he realized he had been talking to you for over an hour. More than halfway to D.C., he thought. He answered it and heard Morgan’s voice telling him to head back to the station as they had found the name of the man who talked to Haley that night. “I uh- I have to go.” He gestured behind him to the door but he couldn’t bring himself to stand up yet. You nodded your head, slightly disappointed that he had to leave. You reached into your pocket and pulled out the card he gave you this morning, writing down your number on the back. “Call me if you find her. Please. Dead or alive I don’t care I just don’t want to find out from the news.” You handed him the card and he looked down at it. “Don’t you need my number if you need to call me? If you have more information that is.” He questioned. “Oh I already put it on my phone. Is that weird?” He looked at you with something that you couldn’t put your finger on. “No, not weird. Kind of cute actually.” He smiled down at you, having already stood up from the bar chair. You blushed and looked away from him. Your blush gave him a sudden surge of confidence. “Can I call you? Even if it isn’t about Haley. Can I just call you?” You smiled brightly at him. “Yes Dr. Reid you can call me.” “Spencer,” he said. You gave him a confused look. “Call me Spencer.” He took a step back heading to the door. “Spencer.” You tested the name on your lips, the smile never leaving your face. He grinned at you and walked out the door. • • • The next day you received a call from Spencer after your lecture. You smiled down at your phone before answering. “Spencer to what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hey y/n we found Haley.” Your heart stopped, the voice in your head praying for it to be good news. “She’s alive and being taken to the hospital.” A long breath left your lips as tears stung your eyes. She’s alive. She’s alive. Without thinking you hung up the phone and hurried to find a cab that could take you to the hospital. You payed the man quickly and took off after he pulled up to the curb. You saw Spencer with Agent Morgan and a woman you haven’t seen before but you assumed she was a part of their team. “She’s okay? Please tell me she’s going to be okay.” You started speaking as soon as you were within hearing distance of Spencer. As he soon as he saw you his eyes softened. “She’s in the ICU right now. They are setting her up and her mom is on the way.” He looked down at you and his heart broke at the tears that were making their way down your cheeks. “Oh thank god. Who was it? Was it the guy I-“ your voice broke before you could finish but Spencer understood what you wanted to ask. “Yeah it was. If it wasn’t for you remembering him it would have taken us a lot longer to find her. You saved her y/n okay?” He reassured you because he knew what you were thinking. It was written across your face. You could have stopped him. “You had no way of knowing. Don’t blame yourself.” He placed his hands on your shoulders as you nodded your head weakly. You leaned your head on his chest needing some sort of comfort from what you were feeling. He didn’t push you away. In fact he pulled you closer and let you cry, staining his shirt. Morgan and Prentiss gave each other a bewildered look because Spencer Reid did not hug. Much less strangers who were witnesses on a case. A doctor came into view and cleared his throat. “Haley Bowen,” he called out. You pulled away from Spencer and walked toward the doctor. “Yes?” He gave you a smile which you took to be good news. “She’s going to be fine. She has a concussion, bruised ribs and sprained wrists from being bound but I have no doubt that she will make a full recovery and be out of here in the next few days.” You let out a sigh of relief. “Can I see her?” The doctor shook his head. “Right now it is family only and I’ve been told her mother is not far but after she gets moved out of the ICU tomorrow you can come visit her at any time.” The doctor finished and walked away. You turned back to the three agents who were now looking at you. You felt awkward in their gaze so you locked eyes with Spencer. “Thank you Spencer really. I should go I have a class in about 40 minutes but hey don’t be a stranger.” You pointed an accusing finger at him and he let out a laugh. “Spencer?” Prentiss and Morgan mouthed to each other. “I won’t I swear. I’ll call you later?” He ignored the questioning looks his coworkers were sure to be giving him. “I’d like that. Maybe you can show me around D.C. sometime.” He smiled as he remembered their conversation yesterday. “Definitely.” You blushed, something that you found yourself doing a lot around him. “Bye Spencer.” “See you later y/n.” He watched you disappear from view before turning back to Morgan and Prentiss. “Okay what the hell was that?” Prentiss spoke up first. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He smiled innocently at both of them before walking away in search of coffee, ignoring his friend’s calls from behind him. He wondered if you would mind him calling you earlier than expected.
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Chilled - Spencer Reid x Reader
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WARNINGS: I mean, this is a cm fic so theres gonna be some gore involved, but nothing too insane. If you do get squeamish really easily though, this might not be the fic for you? 
The air finally started to have a certain chill to it, one that no matter what you wore, you felt it in your bones. That paired with your day job left you feeling no warmth, not even if you were lit on fire yourself. And now, in the middle of January, you and the team have to travel to North Dakota, of all places, for a pretty touchy case. Since it was an above average winter, snowstorms were pelting the state at a quite alarming rate. This posed the perfect opportunity for the unsub they were hunting - as they would dump the bodies in huge snow drifts. The local authorities only started to find the bodies when snow started to develop an off putting color.
“Remember to bundle up my lovelies, you are going to be braving some serious sub zero tempetratures! I don’t want any of my favorite agents turning into popsicles.” Garcia says as she’s handing out the files to everyone at the round table. Peeling back the manilla folder, you almost wish you hadn’t. The discoloration on the snow was perfectly nauseating and what made your heart drop more was the shape that the corpses were in. There was clear evidence of asphyxiation and stab wounds on the body and, however, something didn’t feel perfectly right about the way that the person died. Not being able to put a finger on the thought, you slid the manilla folder into your bag and stood up like the rest of your team.
“C’mon, Y/N/N, better get going, yeah?” Derek asks, waiting for you to start walking. You nod and start walking out with everyone else, only for you all to get stopped by Erin Strauss. “Hello agents, before you leave, we wanted to leave you all with something.” Standing up on your toes to peer over the guys in front of you - seriously, did Hotch, Morgan, and Reid have to be so tall? - you get a look at what she and some of her own agents were holding. Pristine new FBI jackets with those classic faux fur lined hoods were folded in her hands along with what looked like windbreaker sweatpants. “So you don’t get cold.” Erin states plainly, passing the clothing out to the squad.
“Wow, these are great!” Emily said excitedly,  threading her fingers through the faux fur. 
“And to think I packed three different windbreakers,” you joke, taking your time to unzip the jacket and slide your arms through it. You sigh and as the material instantly makes you feel a lot cozier.
“Jackets like these were actually first invented somewhat recently in 1936,” Spencer starts.
“‘Recently’?” you quip, flashing Spencer a smile.
“They were invented by a man named Eddie Bauer who almost lost his life to hypothermia when he went on a mid-winter fishing trip.” Chuckling a little, Derek patted Spencer on the back and jogged quickly to the plane due to Virginia’s January chill.
“If you're cold now, Morgan, I don’t know how you’re gonna react when we step out of the plane in North Dakota!” JJ laughs, earning a nudge from Emily.
Finally, everyone piles onto the plane, taking up seats and instantly turning on the seat warmers. You settle gently in the window seat of the two-seater, and Spencer quickly joins you.
“Mind if I sit?” He asks, motioning to the seat to your left. 
“Not at all,” you smile. Both you and Spencer considered the other as good friends, maybe even best friends. You started a mere two years after Spencer did. Since the two of you were around the same age - him a few years older - and were newer to the force, you found instant solace and comradery in the other. Over the years, you and Spencer became a lot closer. Whether it was caring and being there for him when he had his dilaudid scare or either of you sleeping over at the other’s houses when the nightmares became too much, you developed a strong relationship full of trust.
“All I’m saying is that if we get there and it looks like the frozen planet Hoth, I’m going to be pissed.” You joke as the plane starts its descent. 
“Oh come on Y/N, pretty boy will wrap you up in his jacket to keep you warm.” Derek said, ruffling Spencer’s hair. A light blush graced both of your faces as you began to gather any strewn files.
“Let’s not tease, Morgan, Capisci?” Rossi says, giving you a gentle smile. Rossi was always nice to you. He provided a much needed parental figure at the BAU, giving you tough love or a gentle guiding hand when needed. Soon enough, the squad was able to leave the place and be driven over to the local police precinct. The details that the police chief had were dished out to the team and talked over multiple times. It was tough, to say the least. They had no leads, no suspects, and no new facts.
= 3 Days Later = 
Energy for the team was at an all time low. The heating was starting to slowly die, new bodies kept showing up everyday, and you were still no where close to finishing this investigation.
“Let’s go over everything again.” Hotch begins, his statement being said for the third time within 2 hours. “The victims are buried beneath at least 2 feet of snow, it takes between 1 and 3 days for anybody to recognize anything’s up, and there are stab wounds and evidence of asphyxiation…” Hotch droned on which led you to faze out a bit. All you could think of were your cold body, your cold feet, and your cold ass fingers. That’s when you realized something.
“O-oh my God.” You say, standing straight up as you re-examine the pictures. All eyes in the room turn towards you, curious. You start to pace the room as you hold the crime scene photos in your hands. “I know that there are stab wounds and asphyxiation evidence, but neither of those are what killed them. The wounds are in non-fatal areas of the body and the asphyxiation wasn’t severe enough to fully kill them.” You say, your mind going miles a minute.
“So what are you saying killed them?” JJ asks, leaning forward.
“Hypothermia,” you breath out, “the stab wounds prevent the victim from getting anywhere too far and look at the frostbite on the hands,” you say pointing to the darkened limbs.
“It’s progressed far enough to make your hypothesis possible.” Spencer says, standing up as well.
“Okay, so where could the unsub be keeping his victims in a place remote enough to leave them out in the cold?” Rossi asks, looking between you and Hotch.
“Garcia?” Hotch simply says, listening into the speaker on the table.
“Already there captain, I’m sending you the locations now.” Penelope sends three different locations to the squad making everyone gather around the computer.
“Alright Prentiss and Morgan go to the first one, Reid and L/N to the second, and Rossi and I will take the third, let’s move!” He says quickly. Everyone gathers their things and you and Spencer share a look and nod. Each duo climbs into their own car equipped with cold weather tools and sped off to the different locations.
“Great find Y/N,” Spencer says, giving you a reassuring look. You flash a weary smile at him and step on the gas, speeding off to the location.
The place looks like it’s straight out of a horror movie. There’s an old raggedy windmill on the left of a shabby wooden cabin, bordered by huge fir trees.
“My God, this place is terrifying.” You murmur, pulling your gloves on and your gun out of your belt. Spencer is on your right as you start to slowly make you way towards the building. Out of the corner of your eye you spot a tiny little shack just south of the windmill. “Spence, you take the house and I’ll take the shack, okay?” you whisper, making sure that no one else but him could hear you. Spencer looks a little shocked at you.
“Y-Y/N, are you kidding? We need to stick together on this!” He says quietly, grabbing your hand. For some reason, neither of you are shocked at his action. You only squeeze his hand tighter.
“I’ll be fine Spence, I promise. We’ll get a cup of hot chocolate after this, okay?” You say, giving him a small grin. Spencer nods back giving you a smile as well.
“Yeah but you’ll just ruin yours with too much whipped cream and cinnamon. It totally defeats the purpose of the hot chocolate.” He quips back. You give him a quiet laugh and nod, squeezing his hand one last time before you head towards the shack. It was a ways away from the main house making your trek a little longer than Spencers, but you finally made it to the small wooden building. You drew in a breath as you began to see footprints with small bits of red in them. Your gloved hand reaches for your flashlight. You jump as you hear increasing steps behind you and turn around quickly, aiming your gun and squinting your eyes until you realize it was nothing but a deer passing by behind you.
Be cool, Y/N, you’re fine. You’re good.
You kick open the door to find the unsub about to attack a near naked girl, knife in hand and a wild look in his eyes.
“FBI stop what you’re doing right now, drop the knife!” You yell. The man turns around to face you, knife still in hand and charging towards you. You fire a quick shot to his leg making him stumble, kick away the knife from his hand, and cuff him. You finally turn your eyes onto the girl who was terrified. “It’s okay, you’re okay now,” You say, helping her stand. That’s when you notice the condition that she was in. Her lips were almost purple now, the rest of her skin turning blue. You shrug your jacket and long sleeve shirt off of you as fast as you could putting both of them on her. You stuff your gloves on her hands and shimmy out of your windbreaker pants, leaving you in nothing but athletic shorts and a tank top. Screw it, you could bear these sub zero temperatures in these clothes for a few minutes, this girl needed warmth. An instant chill settled into your bones making your teeth chatter in seconds. You shout for Spencer as you help the girl to the door and make the unsub stand up, dragging him in front of you. Your friend finally came into view, running at full speed towards you.
“Y/N, oh my god, are you okay?” He asks you. You nod as you let out a sigh, already knowing that your lips are starting to stray towards periwinkle. You could see the rest of the team running towards the shack. Derek took care of handling the unsub while Emily helped the girl back towards the vans, surely to help try and heat her up.
“I’m pissed,” you chatter out, causing Spencer to raise an eyebrow. You roll your eyes and start rubbing your hands along your bare forearms, trying to generate any kind of warmth. “This place looks exactly like Hoth, and Morgan is gonna end up being right because I would kind of love to have your jacket right now.” You chatter-laugh, one of the weirdest sounds to ever come out of your mouth. Quickly nodding, Spencer starts to shed his jacket off of you, but stops halfway. “Spencer what the hell are you doing, my fingers are all already numb, it’s gonna hurt like hell to warm them back up.”
“I actually have a more efficient idea, but we might want to go into the car first.” Giving no complaints, you and Spencer raced back to the backseat of a car, waiting for him to blast the heat. He does so, but it’s still not warming you up.
“Is this seriously what you had in mind? Because I’m still feeling like a popsicle and Garcia will be very made to hear that.” You say chuckling nervously.
“No, it’s this,” Spencer says, opening the front of his jacket. He brings you close to him and rezips the jacket, making you pressed right up against him. Not that you would go around talking to it about just anyone, but he was built underneath that cotton gray shirt.
“Sp-Spence what are you doing?” You whisper-yell quietly, your cheeks burning up. 
“Skin to skin, it’s one of the quickest ways to get warm.” What was interesting was that you weren’t really opposed to being in this position with Spencer. Actually, you kind of really like it. You get to feel his heartbeat and snuggle your head under his chin, which makes Spencer flush this time.
“Spencer,” you whisper, causing him to glance down at you.
“Yeah?” He murmurs back. You feel his heartbeat quicken, affirming what you were hypothesizing.
“Can you hold me?” You ask. He had never heard your voice speak so softly and so… lovingly. He felt special being able to hear you like this, seeing you like this. He always loved the fact that the two of you were such great friends and were able to confide in eachother, but he wanted more now. He wanted to see you like this a little bit more. So, he did as you asked and wrapped his arms around your cold frame, dismissing the cold that transferred into his body from yours. After a few minutes you were starting to feel a lot better but made no effort to leave. Instead, you snuggled into him more and let your hands splay out against his chest. You heard him hum lightly, pressing you further closer to him.
“Y/N.” He whispers this time.
“Yeah?” You respond, looking at him. The two of you make eye-contact and make no effort to break it.
“Can our hot chocolate outing be considered a date?” He asks, his face now mere inches away from yours. You nod instantly and bring your face closer to his.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, bringing one of your hands to cup his cheek. Spencer doesn’t even wait to nod, he just closes the gap in between you. The kiss was sweet and tender, like gingerbread cookies right out of the oven. Spencer now brings both of his hands to your cheeks and deepens the kiss, making you melt into him. Things were starting to get a little more intense, that is, until the door to the car opens causing snow to blow onto the seats.
“HEY! IT IS FREEZING OUTSIDE AND-” You cut your words off as you see Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss looking at you and Spencer, all with smirks on their faces. You see two faces turn a little more frustrated, digging into their pockets and fishing out twenty dollars each. Emily smirks and takes the bills from JJ and Morgan, earning groans from the two of them.
“Y’all seriously couldn’t pace things?” Stumped, you look at them with your mouth hanging open.
“You bet on us?” Spencer says, his voice raising in volume.” Chuckling, the three of them close the door to the car leaving just you and Spencer, flabbergasted.
“So how about that hot chocolate now?”
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zeninw · 3 years
drabble abt working w jean as a lifeguard bc i'm one and i feel super socially awkward with my staff sometimes.
cw: sfw, not proofread, mentions of social anxiety, friends to lovers kinda, cliches, a hint of suggestiveness
wc: 1.7k
The wings you had ordered were no where near as good as you hoped they would be— and neither was the night out.
You wanted to have fun with your coworkers, even though most of the time you preferred to be along, but the night had dragged out far beyond your means.
The bar had gotten too loud, and your social battery had died an hour ago. You checked out from the group, pretending to be absorbed in your phone at the end of the table.
You couldn't leave, you had gotten a ride from a freind here, but all you wanted was to go home. The check was taking forever, people were screaming at some soccer game on the TV overhead, or in some conversation that didn't include you.
You felt so out of place, a feeling you dreaded and generally tried to avoid. Years of trying to make yourself more palatable to others, anxious about going out in social settings aside from your few best friends.
Out of excuses as to why you were 'so quiet' you ducked out to the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting on the counter.
It was a good half hour of you scrolling through instagram or whatever you could do to distract yourself before someone knocked on the door.
You sighed, realizing someone would have to use the bathroom eventually.
"One second," you called, hopping up and tucking your phone in your pocket.
You opened your door to find one of your male coworkers, and had to remind yourself that the singular bathroom was co-ed.
"Hey," Jean said, looking down at you. You expected him to step back so you could leave and he could enter, but he stayed stagnant, standing in your way. "You've been gone for a while, eat some bad food or something?" he asked.
You shook your head no. "I'm just tired. Waiting for my ride to be ready."
"I'm about to head out, if you wanna ride with me," he suggested, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder.
"Oh, I don't want you to have to go out of your way..." you trailed off, not wanting to be a hassle.
"It's no problem, really. I'm pretty sure we both live in Ocean Pines," he said, referring to your apartment complex.
"Okay," you agreed. "Thank you."
"No problem," he nodded, then turned on his heels. "I'm gonna tell Sash we're leaving, i'll meet you by the door."
You nodded, following him out of the narrow hallway that lead to the bathroom back out into the crowded resteraunt.
He nodded at you after talking to Sasha, then you followed him out. The air was a little cool, wet with humidity and a few clouds rolling in as you stepped outside.
He made you feel comfortable on the ride home, and waving goodbye as he took the elevator up one floor above yours.
He became someone you found it easy to gravitate towards, and calmed some of your nerves whenever you went out.
Jean was a gentle giant, and despite his size, he was never intimidating or overwhelming.
He sat with you the next friday night, like he had for the last three, at the bar. You tugged on the strap of your tank top, it was a summer job you were working  together, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
"Are you old enough to be drinking that?" you said, referring to the alcohol in his hand.
"Nope, but when you're pretty and hang out with the managers, you don't get carded." You rolled your eyes. He wasn't wrong, but still. "I heard you had a save today," Jean said, taking a sip of his drink. The beer made his breath smell bready, leaving a bit of fizz on the top of his lip.
"Yeah," you said, reaching a hand out to his face. You wiped the residue off his cupid's bow with your thumb before leaning back. "A kid came off the slide and didn't really know how to swim."
"Your first one?" Jean asked.
"No, third," you answered, stealing a few fries from his basket. "One spinal from someone who decided to go off headfirst, one in the wave pool," you explained.
"You're lacking," Jean shook his head.
"Yeah, well, you've been working at the park a year longer than I have," you answered, taking more. He slid the basket over to you, leaning on the bar.
"Have you ever gone after hours?"
"Like... night swimming?"
"Yeah. I have a key, if you wanna go."
"Are you auditing me or something?"
"No— I'm serious. We won't get in any trouble." You looked around. "Look," he said, placing his hand on your shoulder. "All the other managers are here, drunk off their ass, and there are no cameras at the park."
You looked over to them, they were all sitting around a table red-faced and laughing, even levi and miche.
"Okay," you shrugged. "Why not."
The drive was about 5 minutes, and it was odd seeing the empty water park. No lights, no people, and Jean had to step into the office to turn all the slides on.
He climbed into the stand as you eased into the water, jumping off of it and in. He ran his hand through his hair as he came up, watching you tiptoe through the water.
"You're not gonna go under?" Jean asked, wading in the deep end of the pool.
"It's cold!" you yelled across the water, ducking under a rope barrier.
The two of you met in the middle where he could stand and you couldn't. You held onto his shoulders to keep yourself afloat, and it put you two closer than you would've expected.
His hands wrapped around your waist, and before you could protest, he dunked you underwater, getting your head wet.
"There," he said, picking you back up. You laughed, hitting him on the shoulder.
"Fuck you," you smiled.
"Wouldn't you like that," he teased, making you hit him again. The two of you stayed there for a moment, holding each other, before you pulled away.
"Let's ride something," you suggested. "Malibu pipeline is a two seater."
Jean agreed, following you to the stairs. The park was pretty big, and the black slide was nearly on the other side.
"This is why I hate working here sometimes," Jean sighed.
"What, the walking?"
"The stairs, specifically," he said, jogging up the wooden ones with you.
"I think it's worth it," you shrugged. "I've seen kids ride this over and over and they never seem to get tired from the climb."
"When I was twelve, maybe I could've," he said, reaching the top of the platform. The water was already running, and you put the tube down, sitting in the front. Jean got in behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. "Ready?"
"Yep," you responded, and he pushed the two of you down.
It was a shorter ride than you remembered as a kid. "That was kinda underwhelming," you frowned, hopping out of the tube. "Also this swimsuit is so uncomfortable. I wish they would invest in better uniforms."
"Take it up with Erwin," Jean said,  making his way to the stairs with you. "But I think it looks great on you."
"Thank you," you replied. "You too."
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you walked to the lazy river, grabbing a few tubes and getting in.
"This is nice," you sighed, leaning back as the water carried the two of you around. "It's quiet," you said, holding onto Jeans tube so the two of you could float together.
"It's my favorite place to come after close," he sighed. "Silence, besides the sound of the water," he nodded. You closed your eyes, listening to it.
You had no idea how many laps you had taken around by the time you opened your eyes, but it was at least 3.
"Are you—" you looked over to see that Jean wasn't there. "Jean?" you called looking around. You sat up on the tube from your laying position, looking around.  "Jean?" you called again.
It was silent for a few moments, before he jumped in the water, splashing you. It knocked you off your tube, and you could hear him laughing before you even came up from the water.
"Jesus, you scared me," you said, kicking him under the water. He just kept laughing and you swung at him, hitting his chest. "Ow," you said, shaking your hand out. Jean caught your wrist as you retracted it, pulling you closer to him.
"That hurt?" he smiled, tilting his head to the side.
"No," you lied, trying to pull your arm away from him, but he only tugged you closer. You tried with your left, but he caught that one too, holding both of your wrists in one hand.
"Aw, that's cute." You were at a loss for words, lips parting but nothing coming out.
"Is it?" you managed.
"Yeah," Jean said, using his other hand to pick you up by the back of your thighs.
You let him wrap your legs around his waist, exhaling as he did it. He leaned down towards you, eyes searching your face. He kissed you, just for a second, before pulling away.
"Sorry," he said, pulling back but not letting go of you.
"Don't be," you said, resting your hands on his shoulders.
"I should be," he said. "Liking your coworker is— never a good idea."
"And you know this how"
"I don't know," he sighed, looking away from you. There was a crack of thunder. "Uh, we should get out," he said, putting you down on your feet.
"Yeah," you agreed, pushing yourself up on the wall.
There was silence on your walk back to the front of the park and Jeans car, and by the time you had pulled all your clothes back on, it had started to rain heavily.
"Jean," you said as you got in the car, escaping the rain."
"Yeah?" he responded. 
"For the record, I think it's worth it," you said, eyes flitting over his face before you pulled his to yours. Your lips met gently, and you could feel him smile against you as you pulled away.
"Me too."
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la-muerta · 3 years
Tumblr media
So... I got into a new hobby since c-ent is on fucking fire, here’s my new aquarium! The last time I had a fish tank I was just a little kid, so it’s been an interesting learning experience. I got the tank and most of the critters secondhand from someone who wasn’t able to keep them anymore, with almost zero knowledge especially since I only knew what fish I was getting on the day I got them. And man I was not prepared for what I was getting into LOL. 
I kind of figured the tank was overstocked from the get-go. General guide is one inch of fish to one gallon of water, so a 4-gallon like this one should only have had four small fish, maybe a couple of shrimp and a small snail. I received:
1. one dwarf short-bodied pearl gourami (about 2″ long) 2. two sunburst-orange GloTetras (white skirt tetras genetically modified to look like someone coloured them with highlighter pens) 3. what I was told was going to be three neon tetras (only one was actually a neon tetra, the other two were cardinal tetras 🙃) 4. four pygmy corydoras catfish 5. two kuhli loaches 6. two amano shrimp 7. one red onion nerite snail
Not only should all these critters have been in at least a 10-gallon tank, they are almost all schooling fish and would have done better in a wide tank instead of a tall tank, in groups of at least six of their own kind. The GloTetras in particular like to dart around and need a lot of space, probably a 20-gallon just for them alone. The one fish that was fine solitary was the gourami... which is a labyrinth fish from the Osphronemidae family, i.e. like a betta a.k.a. Siamese fighting fish and should have been in a 5-gallon on its own.
Needless to say... the fish were not in a great state. They came to me all squashed in a half-gallon tupperware container and the GloTetras had swim bladder problems and couldn’t stay upright. The gourami was stressed so it became aggressive and a fucking asshole. I had two baby neon tetras of my own and one cherry shrimp, and it chased the baby fish around the tank until they died of exhaustion, then pecked at the shrimp and eventually killed and ate it. The gourami kept chasing the GloTetras and nipping their fins so I separated them into an emergency old tank temporarily but it was way too small and they got stuck in the java fern I put in there and died too. 
I made mistakes of my own too. I didn’t know that the corys and loaches needed a sand substrate – I bought rounded gravel, and I don’t know if that’s why most of the corys died (or if it was because the tank wasn’t cycled properly because I’m new to this). One of the loaches got wounded and the meds the fish shop recommended to me turned out to be fatal for loaches 😭. 
And I made some bad purchases. I was recommended a little golden fish to replace the corys that I mistook for a bristlenose pleco, which stays small, and when I asked the guy who owned the fish shop what type of fish it was, he told me “吃藻类的咯” (it eats algae) 🙃 It turned out to be a golden chinese algae eater (so he was sort of right but only because the name of this fish is so straight-forward lol) and it grows to about 30cm. Uhh. That’s longer than my tank. Also, it will eat the scales off sleeping fish when it gets bigger 🙃 but “luckily” the gourami killed it on the second day 🙃 When I told him I wanted a small snail for my half-gallon (intended to be a shrimp tank), this same guy sold me a snail that was 1cm diameter when I bought it, but one month later is approaching the size of a tennis ball 🙃 
(It’s an apple snail and it’s eaten all my plants, and I tried five different things until I finally found three plants it’s not super keen on. I’ve named it 牛魔王, Bull Demon King, because in Chinese, snail is 蜗牛. Maybe “mischievous” isn’t the first word you’d think of to describe a snail, but this one parkours from plant to plant, climbs up as high as it can go and dive-bombs the tetras, and is so fascinated with my one remaining cory that it will chase it all over the tank until the cory gives up and lets it stroke it gently with its tentacles. I can imagine it going “HELLO SMALL FRIEND” as it terrorises the poor cory lol.)
Well, on the bright side, since so many fish died, the tank is no longer overstocked. The gourami wounded its head trying to squeeze into a small safe space I made for the surviving tetras and the wound got infected, so I quarantined it to medicate it. Luckily, it’s the only fish I have that can actually take the medicine (I think it’s malachite green – the problem with asian-brand meds is there are no ingredients listed on the bottle). I think I’m keeping it separate even after it gets better. 
The bad news is, my partner was trying to be helpful and threw away my old filter sponge – and with it, the beneficial nitrifying bacteria that I have been cultivating for three months 🙃 So I have to cycle the tank from scratch again. Sigh. I hope I manage to keep all the fish alive this time.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 7
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
With Tup bound in a medical case, Fives and Yara escorted him into the ship, along with the medics that were sent for him. The medics were dispatched from base, and they received orders from Cinta Kaarim to pick up their patient from Ringo Vinda.
They weren’t clones, rather; they were volunteers who worked for the Republic in the beginning of the war. During the Battle of Coruscant, the medics assisted with the injured soldiers and Jedi by treating them and evacuating them off the planet.
Those who were lucky continued their services for the Republic remnants’ army. Those who did not escape Coruscant were imprisoned or killed. To the Empire, there is no in-between.
Fives gazed at Tup, who had a breathing machine beside him. His forehead felt warm as his under eyes were darker, showing his health was slowly deteriorating. He heard a groan from his brother, prompting him to hold his shoulder.
“It’s gonna be fine, I promise,” he soothed him. “They’ll fix you up real good. We’ll be having a drink in no time, eh?”
“Good soldiers follow orders,” Tup stammered. “Good soldiers follow orders.”
“You are a good soldier, Tup,” Fives said, with a bleak tone. He wasn’t sure whether he heard him, but at least he said what needed to be said.
“It’s time to go,” the volunteer informed him.
As the ship took off, he sat beside Yara, who looked at him with droopy eyebrows. “Do you think Tup will make it?”
“He’s a fighter, Yara, I know it. Tup’s been through a lot worse than this. He will make it through this one too.”
“I hope so,” Yara nodded, with a small voice. “I’ve already planned to down a mickey after this.”
Fives chuckled. “I see you already made plans for yourself, eh?”
“Well, a drink would calm you down in a situation like this. Besides, I’m sure you’ll do the same as well, am I right?”
“Touché,” he snapped his finger as he leaned against his seat, expecting the ship to jump into hyperspace. Once Tup is feeling better, Fives and Yara will share a bottle of mickey in their barracks together.
Though Captain Rex would lecture them the next day, at least the three of them will have the time of their life for the entire night. It’s not the same as 79’s, where there was music and people, but at least they can find enjoyment with little things they have.
Yara crossed her arms and legs as she rested her eyes for a while, hoping to catch up on her sleep. For odd reasons, she always finds it difficult to doze off at night, and as a result, she gets nagged at her poor sleeping habits.
She had the same problem when she was still a cadet, where the trainers would have to resort to pouring a bucket of sea water just to make her jump from her bed. Fives used to tease her for her sleeping habit, and it hasn’t died out since. Hopefully, I wake up when this ship lands at base.
“We are tracking clean,” the pilot spoke through the intercoms. “Calculating the hyperspace jump in five, four…”
Before they could continue the countdown, the radar on the panel beeped rapidly. “Wait! Wait!” their co-pilot shouted. “Scanners show incoming craft. Abort jump!”
As the pilot did what they were told, an Imperial light cruiser appeared out of nowhere, blasting towards their direction. Fives heard the commotion and grabbed the helmet, pinching Yara by the elbows. “Wake up,” he startled her. “We’ve got company!”
Yara groaned as she rubbed her eyes open, feeling her head spinning. “This better be good,” she complained. “I was having such a pleasant dream.”
“You can tell me about your dreams later,” he handed her helmet. “Right now, the Empire is trying to break in.”
She put on her helmet and took a brief glance at Tup, making the connections in her head. “Well, I think I figured out why.”
“Tell me about it,” he snarked as they both heard buzz droids crawling around the ship, giving her the chills. Yara hated buzz droids with all her passion, and she would do anything to destroy them with her bare hands.
“Mayday! Mayday!” the pilot panicked through the comms. “They must have circled around behind us. We’re being overwhelmed.”
Listening to the agonising screams, Yara flung her arms around Fives, picturing the gory torture they went through.
“Dude, they’re just droids,” he assured her, shoving her arms away. “We can take them down easily.”
“They just killed our pilot,” she reminded him. “And they also disabled our ship too, which means we’re stranded in space.”
“We’ll hold the line,” Fives ordered the medics onboard. “Stay behind us and protect our patient.”
The medic acknowledged his orders as both the ARC Troopers put on an oxygen tank and held their grip on their blasters. The anti-gravity of the ship was activated, making them float above the ground. Yara felt like throwing up, but she had to hold it in for Tup’s sake.
As the buzz droids crawled closer towards them, the duo blasted the droids into pieces, without missing a mark at all. Fives snickered to himself as he held a piece of buzz droid and showed it to his sister, leaving her annoyed.
“Okay, I get it, it was easy,” she slapped his hand. “Well done, Fives.”
Before he could think of a comeback, he saw a group of commando droids entering from the back of the ship, rendering him speechless. “Hold my blaster,” Yara bossed him, as she lunged herself towards one of the commando droids, pulling its head.
“What a show off,” Fives shook his head as he blasted them in the eye, destroying them in an instant. “You might need this though.”
Tossing back her pistols, Yara gave him a small salute as she knocked down another one with her elbows, before giving a headshot. “Yara, 2, Fives, 1,” she updated their kill counts.
“Oh, I’m not letting you win this one,” he accepted the challenge, as he blasted both the droids all at once, making her sigh. She took down two droids in front of her and another two above the ceiling, proving her worth towards her brother.
“Yara, 6, Fives, 3.”
He chortled at her bold claims as he turned around and gunned down 3 commando droids, and dismantled another one with his arms before shooting the last one on the ground. “Looks like I won this round,” smiled Fives.
“You cheated,” she pouted. “I had the upper hand first.”
“Yara, 6, Fives, 8.”
“Whatever, I was cooler. You were just lucky, that’s all.”
Some things never change, Fives reminisced about the past, where they used to compete in every game they played with Echo, before he died in the citadel. If only he was still here with us. He would have beaten the both of us with a few shots.
He stretched himself and placed his twin pistols in his holsters, when Yara hit his shoulders out of nowhere. “Fives, where’s Tup? He was here a few minutes ago.”
“Well, he was just here,” he answered, when he realised that all the medics were dead, with Tup missing from the casing. “Shit, where did he go? How did this happen?”
Yara frantically climbed the cockpit and noticed the Imperial cruiser in front of them, leading her to form a logical conclusion. “I believe our brother is over there.”
“Shit, what do we do?” Fives panicked. “If the Empire takes him, then he’s screwed. We’re all screwed.”
“If the Empire took him, then it’s clear they were behind all of this,” she said, connecting the wires from the panel. “Come on, we need to get General Skywalker and Captain Rex to help us.”
I hope they understand it isn’t our fault; he scratched the back of his head, aware that they fucked up everything.
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grumpyhedgehogs · 4 years
transitive properties
Summary: Cody is Kote. Kote is glory. Cody is glory. Part 5 and final part of the “scraps” series. AO3. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Warnings: canon-typical violence, canonical character death, blood, open ending.
The Death Star is as clinically detached as he has ever seen it. CC-2224 was only stationed here for a short stint; Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker and their friends came along not long after and saw to that. Cody wonders idly, waiting for the doors to another set of stark corridors to open for him, if the soldier he was would have had any opinions of the place by now. The ship--if it can be called such--has been around for months, destroying planets and menacing others for the fun of it.
But Cody knows CC-2224 wouldn’t have any thoughts on the Death Star. Puppets don’t think. ( At least, Cody thinks bitterly, not the ones who don’t have Sith powers at their beck and call. )
He has to get back on track. Cody enters another corridor, walks down it with his steps measured carefully, not too slow, not too fast. He’s sweating all over, dampness coating the inside of his blacks. This place crawls with disquiet; the very air is different here, void of life. But he has to keep on track. There are no mobile weapons Cody can steal for the Resistance, but he has managed to transfer some electronic files to a datachip from a terminal. Knocking out the guard on duty and stuffing him in a supply closet was actually fairly easy. Cody’s not sure what information he has now but he’d rather it be in his hands than on the Death Star.
There are a few prison cells on the Death Star; he remembers helping escort the princess of Alderaan to one. The path is familiar, his feet leading him while Cody’s head is stuck in the past. How many others has he brought here? Not many, not on this ship, but on others. Oh, on others. How many defeated Jedi struggled in his grip as he brought them to Vader?
Sweat drips into Cody’s eyes under his bucket. The stormtrooper helmet has less insulation than clone armor did, but they also don’t regulate air intake as well. The robe and his insignia are hidden under the crisp white cape he’d taken off the unconscious guard. The Empire does so like their pageantry. He wishes he could rub his fingertips over the robe’s rough weave, like he’s taken to doing to seek some comfort; but it’s important that Cody doesn’t make any sudden moves. He took out the security guards in one of the observation rooms but he’s not sure how many observation decks this place has. He must stay on track. He must be fast.
The keycode to the prison cells is hard to punch in, his hands shake so much. He could hear Wolffe in the back of his head telling him to pull himself together. Fox would be ashamed of Cody letting his nerves get the best of him. Cody sucks in a breath, lets it out, and enters the universal override code. The doors are too loud as they slide open; Cody grinds his teeth down hard and suppresses a frustrated noise.
It takes a moment before any movement comes from the cells. Cody doesn’t blame the prisoners; they’re probably expecting Vader, or a trick. But he doesn’t have time for this. “If you want to leave here alive,” he chances calling out, “you’ll get up and come with me. Now.”
Perhaps the wrong thing to say to trauma victims. Cody doesn’t have time.
(“You catch more flies with honey, dear heart,” Obi-Wan says in his head. Cody grinds his teeth again.)
A Twi’lek man steps tentatively out of the fourth cell on the left. A Clawdite woman comes from the third cell on the right. When an Utapaun and a Togruta join them in the corridor Cody thinks he may be sick in his helmet. (“Steady,” Obi-Wan would tell him, gently, kindly. “No use fretting over the past now. One step at a time, Cody.”)
Four prisoners and a datachip of information Cody isn’t sure is worth the trip. This is how effective Cody is now. He shakes himself from his wallowing and gathers the prisoners. “I’m from the Resistance,” Cody tells them. These days it almost feels like the truth; it’s better when Rex is there with him. “I’m here to rescue you. We need to be quick, and as stealthy as we can be.” The Twi’lek is limping. The Utapaun is a foot taller than everyone else. They’re going to be fairly obvious. Cody wishes he’d had the foresight to reprogram one of the droid guards to take with him. He’s not going to be much cover by himself.
“How will we get off the ship?” The Togruta speaks up, her voice hushed, strained. There are old bloodstains on her tunic. Cody pulls a few packs of bacta from his kit and passes them to her thoughtlessly.
“Security had the logs of every escape shuttle on the Death Star. We’ll take them at around the same time, they can't go after all of us; each pod only takes two people, three if we squeeze. Here,” and he projects the map of their route using the comm installed in his vambraces, a gift from the Rebellion’s quartermaster, “this is our path. If we get separated, memorize this and run .” Cody points at the Utapaun and the Twi’lek. “You and you, you’re going to be the most obvious; we’ll let the others go first, then you. I can carry you if I have to, but if you can run through the limp it’ll leave my hands free for shooting.”
“I can do it.” The man nods, eyes wide in his face. The Utapaun shakes his head before he stoops, loops the man’s arm around his shoulders, and lifts him into his arms. When he meets the visor of Cody’s helmet, he shrugs, shifts the Twi’lek’s weight, and nods for the others to lead on.
“I’ll bring up the rear and draw their fire. Let’s move.”
Cody shows them how to stick close to the walls, to clear the corners. The Clawdite palms the extra blaster he passes to her deftly and takes the lead. The Togruta sticks close behind her as they move swiftly ahead of the group.
“You’ll be slow carrying him all the way.” Cody checks another corner and pulls them up short as a couple troopers pass by. The other prisoners hide around the opposite corner until the guards are out of sight, then dart onwards. Cody ushers the men ahead of him and hurries behind, shooting a searching glance over his shoulder.
“I work manual labor on cargo ships.” The Utapaun says. He barely sounds out of breath. “I have him.”
That works for Cody.
Something pulls at Cody’s attention when they pass through another corridor. He ignores the tingle going up his spine, the niggling in his brain. They’re close to the finish line. A minute more before the guards he knocked out are found, maybe less. Just another level before they reach the pods, and the elevator is right there at the end of the hall. They could get out of this.
But that something makes Cody pull up short, nearly jerks him around on his feet. It’s like someone shouted his name, like when Obi-Wan would get hurt on the battlefield during the war and he’d go down quiet but Cody’d just know .
The doors to Vader’s chamber taunt him from the other end of the hall. He hadn’t realized they were so close.
“What are you doing?” The Clawdite hisses from behind him. The elevator doors swish open. “Come on!”
His blaster drops, hanging at his side uselessly. Something is pulling him towards those doors. It doesn’t feel like Cody knows a Force push or pull feels. Obi-Wan had used that on him plenty of times when facing down a tank or a thousand droids. This is something else, something more. He needs to follow this.
“You know the path.” He calls, absentminded. “I’ll catch up.”
“You’re leaving us?”
“Call it providing a distraction.”
For how secretive Vader is, his doors don’t withstand a single blaster shot to the control panel. The intimidating black slides open before Cody and he steps inside. There’s a strange seat in the middle of the room that cracks open like an egg and waits for him to lower himself in. He doesn’t, but looks around instead, ignoring the alarms that blare as he does. He’s attracting attention, stalling, losing time, why is he here--
And then his eyes land on the lightsaber and Cody understands.
Obi-Wan’s weapon is familiar in Cody’s hands. He’s held it a dozen times, passed it back to his general again and again and again. “This weapon is your life,” Obi-Wan would tell Skywalker before handing it off to Cody like it was nothing. (It meant something. He never said, and Obi-Wan never did either, but. It meant something, when Obi-Wan did that. Cody knows.)
Cody clutches the ‘saber close to his heart and runs for the elevator.
There are troopers outside the doors when they open. He raises his blaster, fires off a shot, two, three. A trooper takes one in the bucket and goes down, another catches a bolt to the chest and is blown back. But then a bolt sears past Cody’s trigger finger, close enough to burn, and he yells. The blaster drops from his hand. Another bolt catches the side of Cody’s helmet as he lunges forward and gets into cover. The bucket heats with the blaster fire, singeing his scalp. He wrenches it off and almost doesn’t register the pandemonium on the landing platform in front of him over the ringing in his ears.
There’s a horde of troopers and Imps welling from all sides. He’s pinned at one end of the platform and he can see the Clawdite and Togruta climbing into a pod on the other side. They'll make it out of here. The pod’s sequence is already glowing on the control panel; as soon as the doors close the pod disengages from the main ship all shouting and blaster fire is drowned out by the sound of a shuttle jettisoning off into space. The Utapaun crouches behind some supply crates ahead of Cody, half curled over the Twi’lek defensively. Cody’s distraction probably should have been a little louder.
He shucks the cape, annoyance at the extra weight flitting at the edges of his attention. The robe flutters with his movements before settling back into place, hanging over his shoulder unevenly. Without the cape his insignia stands out proudly; if Cody dies here today, he’ll die with the 212th and the Jedi in his heart and on his breast.
Cody pulls one of two sonic charges the quartermaster allowed him for the mission and tosses it into the center of the room. The blast goes off and sends enough of the Imps back that when Cody shouts, the Utapaun has time to rush to another pod. Cody dives for the cover they’ve vacated and rolls onto his heels, rising to scan around. The Utapaun is having trouble juggling the Twi-lek and entering the ejection sequence. If he can give them enough time, Cody could get there and squeeze into the pod before they blast off. He needs to provide cover fire but Cody doesn’t have a blaster .
Cody swears and pulls out his last sonic charge. The Imps are starting to surge back again, maybe fifteen in total. His last detonation cleared off about half of the enemies in the room altogether, but they’re spread out now. He’ll have to come up with another option if he doesn't want to wait until the crowd converges on the prisoners and risk taking them out with the Imps.
The same something that pulled Cody to Vader’s chambers screams . At the same moment, the doors to the main hanger across from the escape shuttles open and Darth Vader sweeps inside.
His breathing is loud in Cody’s ears. The Imps freeze for a moment, shock and fear spreading through the crowd like wildfire. It gives the Utapaun the moment he needs to enter the sequence but Cody sees the Twi’lek surge in his arms, cowering back from Vader’s presence, twisting and tangling himself up. He’s in the way. if he doesn’t get himself under control they’re both done for. If Cody doesn’t do something now, as Vader takes slow, sure steps into the room, they all are.
(“ Now, Cody! ”)
Cody stands, vaults over the supply crates, and steps between Vader and the escaping prisoners. He places his hands on the hilt like he’s seen Obi-Wan do a hundred times and flicks the ignition switch. The blue fire blazes up in a long line beside his face, flickering over the scar on his temple. He feels his expression drop into place, hard and steady, carved from stone.
(Carved from stone the way Obi-Wan always was. He misses him, Force, but Cody misses him.)
Vader stops. Cody wonders if he’s startled the Sith. The insectoid facemask tilts, considering. “CC-2224.”
“My name is Cody.”
“You will stand down.” Every regulated breath makes sure the words are measured. Cody’s skin crawls.
A lightsaber must never be crimson. Obi-Wan always looked sick when a Sith’s weapon ignited. Cody watches Vader lift his and feels everything but mostly a cold determination. “Then you will perish.”
Cody sneers, all that rage and grief and guilt welling up and choking him so much he can barely get his retort out. Then, a second before he speaks, that strange something wraps around him again, warm and calm like a security blanket. It’s Obi-Wan. Cody knows it. He knows.
Cody plants his feet, Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in his hands and Obi-Wan’s memory alive in his heart. “At least I’ll die like a Jedi. You can’t say the same, Skywalker. ”
Red clashes against blue and for the first time in a very long time Cody revels in battle.
18 notes · View notes
tabletopjourneys · 4 years
Session 33 Notes
The Silver Scale Pack continues clearing out Perfection of the graboid invasion. @gher-bear @aradow @telurin @epimetala​
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On this day, the Silver Scale Pack continues clearing Perfection of its graboid invasion, abusing pots and making Ixayl’anu dance for attention. Through the power of teamwork and a bomb we kill quite a bit. I think the Anesh government owes us at least $40,000 for the big ones, and we oughta charge for all those little ones too! Also, we got ourselves a live one (shrieker).  We should get at least $50 g’s for that, even if it isn’t a full-sized worm! (Tremors 2 nod where the Mexican gov offers characters $10k per worm, $50k if they catch a live one) They sure did a number on all the buildings in town though, lemme tell ya, 3 rotting graboid corpses and over a dozen shrieker bodies...Perfection stinks y’all!
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(An Uneasy Short Rest) Rana’s perception check shows the camels aren’t entirely happily in their stall, but they’re safe.
Rana tries to jump across to Phi’s building, rolls 8, Phi tries to grab her, rolls a 9 they both fall and take one point of damage each.
Tarma-Diem drops the rope again for them to climb up on their building.
Phi manages to get up the rope, Rana gets halfway up, but slides back down, we help her finish climbing up the 2nd time.
Tarma-Diem rolls up the rope again and sticks it back in their pack.
We try to rest up as much as we can, hoping the worms leave the camels alone.
We hear a rumble in the distance. Everybody but Ixayl’anu sees the big building on the other side of town (southwest) shaking and lifting off its foundation.
Phi checks in to see how hurt we all are.
Rana: aside from you falling on me I’m fine.
Tarma-Diem: Not even a scratch left, out of big spells though.
We spend a few minutes watching the big Southwest building roiling, visible cracks starting in the structure. Then it stops and we think maybe we can relax now, except it starts rumbling under a closer building and it moves from one building to the next, getting closer. Rana is back on her feet as we discuss whether we want to try and rest or keep going.
As soon as Rana moves the rumbling stops then our building starts to lift up near where Rana is.
Tarma-Diem: Should’ve been quieter.
Ixayl’anu tries divine sense. Nothing pings.
We spend the next half hour or so sitting still and we get a very uneasy short rest out of it.
They harass our camels some too, stress them out, but they don’t get eaten (stone block cracks too).
Rana looks around for something loose on the roof and finds clay pots and an umbrella. She Zeldas a clay pot off the roof once she gets the all clear from the rest of us.
It gets about 10 feet away and gets sucked down, pot 2 same thing happens, this time she sees the barest shape of one of the noses of a big creature. She hands the last pot to Ixayl’anu who throws it in pretty much the same spot. Pumpkin sized pots.
Tarma-Diem: What was part 2 of this plan exactly?
Rana: I don’t know do you have any ideas?
Poison in a Genofeva pot?
Rana is gonna try to hit one with lightning bolt as soon as we see movement after tossing the umbrella, but nothing happens.
Tarma-Diem: Lee did say they learn...maybe it learned nothing’s there?
Phi: I wanna jump to the other roof, see if there’s more pots. Phi makes it with a 21, Rana sees the ground moving toward that building, but no emergence. Tarma-Diem is already paying attention to Phi instead and would have missed the opportunity to attack anyway.
Phi’s new roof has a half dead plant, a rug, weird odds and ends, no clay pots, a stool, a little table. Phi throws the potted plant (7). The plant stays, but Phi has to make a dex saving throw, she easily manages to keep her feet as the building pushes up 2 or 3 feet at that corner.
Rana sees the nose and casts lightning bolt. It takes the full 32 damage.
Tarma-Diem was too busy being impressed by Phi’s building surf acrobatics to remember to hit the worm too. The building drops as the creature burrows deep under ground after screaming. It very quickly zooms off Northeast. We talk plans, Phi offers to run around playing bait because she can shoot at the same time, Tarma-Diem says at that, they can do it instead and misty escape back to a roof or cast hellish rebuke the moment they get hurt.
In the end, we send our tank down, who can also misty step to safety. Ixayl’anu casts shield of faith on herself, Rana casts guidance on her, Ixayl’anu gets off the roof while we all hold actions for the first one to appear. (Combat Commences)
Rana feels a tremor under her feet, a snake thing pops up at Ixayl’anu’s feet and hooks her.
Ixayl’anu misses, rana misses, phi misses. We weren’t expecting the tiny tongue. Tarma-Diem hits with the last crackle of eldritch blast for 7dmg.
The graboid tongue tenses around Ixayl’anu tighter after the eldritch blast. 
Rana thorn whips it for 6 damage. 
Ixayl’anu is still grappled, she tries to hit it rather than breaking free, she misses. 2nd attack does 6 dmg though. It lets go and snakes back into the ground.
Ixayl’anu stays there watching the ground.
Phi: Where ya goin fucker?! *holds her action for if it pops back up*
Worm pops up with an open maw directly under Ixayl’anu to swallow her whole. Hits with a 22 for 22 dmg all around her.
She fails her saving throw.
Tarma-Diem: Shit!
Phi shoots for 38 total damage.
It screams in pain as Phi gets it right in the soft tissues of the mouth.
Tarma-Diem shoots an eldritch blast for 15dmg.
Rana casts healing word level 2 on Ixayl’anu for 9 pts with her bonus action, thorn whips it but it skitters across the heavy armor of the head.
Ixayl’anu lashes out with her weapons and 14 dmg, and another 8dmg - 22 total. She stabs down cackling and making lightning sound effects as she kills it.
Ixayl’anu feels it go limp under and around her.
Phi does a 360 perception check of 18. She doesn’t see anything but she does notice that all the little guys we killed earlier are gone. She doesn’t say anything out loud.
Ixayl’anu climbs out of the mouth and moves away, we all hold actions for a very tense moment but nothing happens.
Ixayl’anu walks around trying to tempt one out, but she is covered in yucky smelling saliva slime that is getting all the sand stuck to her.
Eventually a snake thing pops up but misses her.
By then Tarma-Diem has forgotten they’re supposed to be holding an eldritch blast, Rana misses with her rock, Phi hits it with a 13 and it pops back down into the ground.
Tarma-Diem: Damn it, I forgot to…
Rana: Keep dancing!
Ixayl’anu: Keep dancing? Dancing?! That’s what you think I’m doing down here?
Ixayl’anu jumps up and down some more.
Phi’s building begins shaking and moving again but she surfs the building with a nat 20, the whole inner portion of her roof is caving in.
Phi tries to jump onto our building and Rana catches her.
As the building collapses, 5 of the little guys boil out of that building and scream, but they’re just looking around at the rubble.
Rana casts Erupting Earth under them. Does 11dmg on success, 5 on fail - red fails, blue succeeds, green succeeds, purple crit succeeds: Rana: So there are more of these things!
Ixayl’anu: They came from the building?
Rana: Yes, keep dancing!
Tarma-Diem does 12dmg to purple with an eldritch blast.
Phi shoots and misses.
Tarma-Diem gets off 2 more eldritch blasts, one crits, 21 total damage.
One lifts its flaps and sees us - Tarma-Diem quickly puts their hands over their ears, they remember this shit, we all save, Tarma-Diem rolled a nat 20, didn’t even need advantage.
Shriekers run after us to do a little pyramid. Purple launches himself up the top and takes a bite out of Phi for 8dmg.
She uses her reaction to uncanny dodge, only takes 4dmg.
Blue is a little short still and can’t quite get up there.
Ixayl’anu runs over and stabs at green, seeing if she can destabilize the pyramid. Does max dmg (15). Blue manages to hop onto red and down. Ixayl’anu misses her 2nd attack.
She still has 4 minutes on shield of faith.
Phi ignores purple assuming we’ll handle it and shoots blue for 4 damage.
Rana shoolilas purple for 4dmg.
Tarma-Diem dbl crits purple for 29 total dmg, it dies.
Green screams at Ixayl’anu, who goes deaf for a whole minute.
Red pushes past green and misses Ixayl’anu, blue pushes green to the back and almost hits Ixyal’anu but misses.
Ixayl’anu flails at and misses blue with both attacks. She screams back at them.
Phi shoots at blue for 19dmg, gets it right in the front, it stumbles back and shakes a little bit.
Rana shoves purple off the roof onto green and deals 1 dmg and it gets pushed back into shifting dirt area. She steps up to the edge and gets a wonderful view of a worm spy-hopping up and eating green before going back down with it. - perception of 19 doesn’t see anything extra.
Tarma-Diem hits red with an eldritch blast for 8dmg.
Both attack Ixayl’anu and both fail. They get in each other’s way.
Ixayl’anu deals 13dmg to blue.
Phi shoots at red and deals 20dmg. They’re looking equally rough.
Rana holds a thorn whip for any giant worm action.
Ixayl’anu makes her dex saving throw as giant worm misses her coming up out of the ground. It nonetheless hits her for 22 and deals 6dmg (-6 temp hp). It goes back down, but Rana’s thorn whip still goes off, but misses.
Ixayl’anu misses her attack of opportunity as well.
The structure of our building is starting to collapse.
Tarma-Diem splits an eldritch blast dealing 12dmg to blue, 4dmg to red.
Blue shrieks at red and they try to disengage.
Ixayl’anu misses her attack of opportunity against blue.
They get out into the central road.
Ixayl’anu ignores Rana’s no-no-no arm waving and runs out into disturbed earth. She swings at blue twice and misses.
Phi tries to jump to the roof to still see these guys, 22 acrobatics and shoots at blue. Bonus action hides but in a way to look in both directions.
Rana holds another thorn whip for the next time the big worm appears. Perception check 11, focused on where Ixayl’anu’s area, but she nonetheless notices when the snakes pop up near purple’s body. Unfortunately her thorn whip misses. Rana: “Worm still in the area!”
Inspired by Phi’s acrobatics, Tarma-Diem tries to jump roofs as well to keep the shriekers in sight. They try to jump to the next building, roll a 3 (They are the cat gif of judging their jump so carefully only to fail spectacularly). They cast fly before they hit the ground though and float over to the next building, They did it! They hover over the roof. 10 minutes of fly.
Ixayl’anu chases the runners into the building under Phi and Tarma-Diem. There’s a whole pack in there though. 6 of them total. She tries to lightning breath them all, can only get 3 though. Blue dies, the others look pretty good. Ixayl’anu: “Found some more!”
Phi just waits, holding an action for any of them that leave the building.
Rana tries to jump to the next building with us with a 7 and goes cougar to climb back up to the roof, prowls up beside Tarma-Diem.
Tarma-Diem flies down but can’t see over Ixayl’anu, so they move forward to open the window, fly back as shriekers inside look their way. Pink and yellow try to climb out of the window at the same time but get in each others’ way.
Yellow wiggles out. Pink is primed to go next.
Others missed Ixayl’anu. 
Ixayl’anu attacks orange and does 7dmg.
Phi shoots at yellow and does 7dmg.
Rana pounces yellow and knocks it prone. Bonus action bites, but misses.
As Rana scuffles with yellow, a graboid tongue grapples her.
Tarma-Diem flies in, puts their arms around Rana-kitty “Just me,” then thundersteps them both to the building on the other side of the road. Worm, yellow and pink all fail their saves and take 31 damage each. There’s a shriek and the worms go limp, worm dies. Orange and green try to get out of the door making str attacks against Ixayl’anu. She manages to keep orange back, but green gets out and manages to shove her prone. Green keeps going west into the building we will eventually designate as “the clown car building.”
Red attacks Ixayl’anu with advantage. 8dmg. Pink gets out of the window, looks around and then ducks into the first building we stood on. Yellow took an action to stand and ran with green.
Ixayl’anu stabs at red for 6dmg misses 2nd attack.
Phi shoots at red and misses, then moves back up to raised platform on the roof.
Rana pounces red from above, deals 3dmg claw, misses bite. She then runs off to see if she can lure pink back out.
Tarm-Diem flies over with Rana and sees 2 more in there with pink, shoots pink with eldritch boss: “Got 3 in here”, then flies up a little higher, farther off the ground.
Red misses, orange misses attacks on Ixayl’anu.
Pink gives a rallying cry and all 3 try to attack Rana. Pink misses, orange-red hits (12dmg), blue crits (17dmg to Rana after she loses cat). Total 29.
Ixayl’anu hits red for 6dmg, then misses next attack.
Phi shoots pink for 14dmg.
Rana casts spike growth with a 20ft radius/40ft diameter, placed to hit the 3 in front of her without hitting Ixayl’anu. Bonus action healing word L1 on herself and use item for extra healing. 22 healing and stands the line.
Tarma-Diem sees Rana cast this and flies as far into the circle area as they can get while still being visible to blue and pink, then eldritch blasts them both, they hit blue for 6dmg, miss pink.
Successfully distracted, they both charge me and take 20 dmg each on the way there, snap at my heels at disadvantage and both miss.
Tarma-Diem laughs and flips them off.
Red-orange does something I missed.
Ixayl’anu kills red by chopping his head off, spilling more gunk everywhere. She swipes at orange nat 20, deals 21dmg, divine smites it for 8 dmg (29 total). She stays there trying to block the doorway still.
Phi shoots blue and deals 18dmg.
Rana shelolas orange-red but misses. This particular shrieker has apparently changed its name henceforth in my notes. I’m pretty sure it’s the same one who used to known as Red-orange. Same colours, but different order, please don’t dead name it.
Tarma-Diem flies back toward Rana to bait more travel through the spike growth. Blue gets hit for 5dmg on eldritch blast, 2nd blast hits orange-red for 11dmg.
Pink kills itself on spike damage. Blue runs for me, 8dmg, but misses.
Orange-red is pretty focused on Rana though, it misses her (be its valentine?).
Ixayl’anu takes 14dmg from orange.She heals herself by 16.
Phi shoots at blue, does 20dmg, it dies.
Rana shilalos orange-red but misses.
Tarma-Diem eldritch blasts orange-red for 10dmg.
Ixayl’anu can hear again!
Orange-red takes 14dmg getting to Tarma-Diem but also crits at disadvantage. Oh no! Tarma-Diem takes 11dmg and gets pulled down a foot or two before it lets go. Tarma-Diem: “Ah, shit!”
Ixayl’anu hits orange for 12dmg.
Phi hits orange-red for 24dmg, leaving it on death’s door.
Rana thorn whips orange-red back to her 6dmg it dies dragged across spikes. (Oops, Tarma-Diem face pulls a shitload more)
Tarma-Diem flies over to where they saw green and yellow go earlier (clown car building is about to get named thusly), but there are now 10 of them in there. “Holy shit guys, there’s ten of them in here!” The shriekers had their flaps up and see Tarma-Diem, who makes sure they see them move away from the group before flying 20 feet down the road away from everyone, and then up 10 feet.
They pyramid purple up to Tarma-Diem who hits for 7dmg.
Tarma-Diem misty escapes 30 feet north and 5 more feet up, invisible, but still heat signatured.
The last two from the clown car building spotted Rana first and headed for her. One of them gets Rana for 11dmg.
Ixayl’anu runs after these new two, leaving orange who misses its attack of opportunity, but then misty steps onto the building near my pyramid and throws alchemist fire into the pile.
It does max dmg (4), pink hit, yellow hit, red hit, redpurple hit, blue hit, redblue hit, redpink miss, purple missed.
Phi bonus action hides, shoots at purple and does 21dmg.
Rana sheleileis greenred for 8dmg and tries to get her back against a wall.
Tarma-Diem flies over between North buildings (in spike growth area) and down to hover 6 ft off the groud again until they see the ones on Rana between the two street-side buildings. They cast eldritch blast “Over here again fuckers!” They hit green with 10dmg, but miss greenred, who ignores the bait. 
Green takes 32dmg getting to me, misses it’s jump attack.
Greenred does 5dmg to Rana.
Orange runs up to Rana as well, but misses.
Everybody in the fire pile takes 11dmg each biting and flailing at each other.
Ixayl’anu jumps off the roof and runs to Rana (19 athletics), and casts warding bond on Rana. Rana gets +1AC and saving throws and resistance to all damage, Ixayl’anu takes the same amount of dmg as Rana now.
Phi shoots at redgreen but misses.
Rana shelalas orange but misses.
Tarma-Diem flies about 20 feet closer to Ixayl’anu and 1 ft up, kills green with 6pt eldritch blast, hits greenred for 8pts, still hovered over the spike growth.
Purple and pinkred run and bite at Ixayl’anu. Orange misses Rana, redgreen misses Ixayl’anu, redpink hits Ixayl’anu though for 5dmg, purple also hits her for another 11dmg (16 total).
Fire dmg on remaining group deals another max dmg of 4, and then they deal another 10dmg to each other.
Ixayl’anu to Rana: Wanna get out of here?
Rana reaches out: Yes please.
Ixayl’anu misty steps them both to the nearest rooftop, then pile drives back down onto redgreen (20 athletics, cool flip and everything), 14dmg, then 11dmg. For a fantastic looking 25 total.
Phi shoots redgreen for 27, killing it right out from under Ixie.
Rana magic stones orange for 8dmg, it’s on death’s door.
Tarma-Diem lands on a building at the very corner in view for last turn of fly (except it wasn’t because I can’t math), eldritch blasts purple for 5dmg, pinkred for 6dmg.
Purple takes the bait, but only goes 5ft in, takes 5dmg, backs back out.
Redpink attacks Ixayl’anu but I missed what happened with the attack.
Big group takes another max fire dmg (4pts), yellow dies.
Ixayl’anu slaps a 20pt heal on her chest.
Phi shoots at pinkred but misses.
Rana casts healing word 2nd level on Ixayl’anu for 9pts. Then magic stones orange, does 3dmg, kills orange.
Purple takes 3 eldritch blast dmg, redpink takes 12 dmg, but still focuses on Ixiayl’anu anyway, misses, purple backs up anyway, does not like getting hit in the face.
Fire group only takes 1dmg this time around. In the commotion the on fire group moves a little closer to center of the road. The ground around them shudders and a giant worm comes up out of the ground, chomps down on bluered, and sucks it back down. Worm is gone, leaving a big hole.
Ixayl’anu: Oh shit *stabs at purple still anyway* 9dmg, then another 7dmg (16 total)
Ixayl’anu: Diem! Can you throw a rope?
Phi misses redpink.
Rana thorn whips redpink for 6dmg, 4 pts of smash-fall dmg. (10 total)
Tarma-Diem pulls out the rope and commands it to tie off for Ixayl’anu. “K, it’s up!”
On-fire group takes 3 more fire dmg (there are only 4 of them left). They scatter in different directions still on fire.
Redpink notices the glorious heat-source of redpurple and attacks it, leaving it close to death.
Purple misses Ixayl’anu.
Big guy is not visible this turn.
Ixayl’anu swipes at purple and deals a total of 16 dmg, kills purple, gets 8 temporary hp, and runs over to the rope
Redpink gets an attack of opportunity on her and does 17dmg.
Ixayl’anu grabs the rope just after Rana panic-drops the spike growth to avoid hurting her.
Phi shoots at one of them and misses.
Rana magic stones redpink and does 6dmg.
Tarma-Diem eldritch blasts the farthest runner for 21 total dmg and finishes it off. The other two however use their whole action to go 120ft and get out of everyone’s range for future turns.
All runners take 1 fire dmg before calculations on them stop.
Remaining 2 shriekers miss their attacks.
Ixayl’anu climbs up to the roof.
Phi shoots at one and misses.
Rana thorn whips redpink for 5dmg + 5 slam-fall dmg (10 total).
Tarma-Diem deals 14 eldritch blast dmg to redpink
2 fire dmg kills redpurple.
Redpink jumps at Ixayl’anu futilely.
Ixayl’anu throws her javelin at redpink and misses, 2nd one hits for 4dmg and kills him. (Aftermath Investigations and RP)
Tarma-Diem: Still got 2 who ran off into the desert, a giant worm, and whatever else may be in these buildings.
Ixayl’anu: did you see the worm?
Tarma-Diem: Yeah, we got that to deal with and those two ran off capable of reproducing a shitload more.
Rana does a perception check (12). 
Tarma-Diem slumps down with their back against the lip of the roof.
Ixayl’anu crit-perceives the guys running, still on fire, and also saw a bush raise and lower on the ground in the distance.
Tarma-Diem gets a nat 20 perceiving those guys to fly after them but they are specs in the distance. They also see the bush go up and down, but it doesn’t seem to be chasing the little guys.
Tarma-Diem’s perception skills are tapped out now though and they do a whopping ZERO for aerial search of the entire area
Tarma-Diem looks in each building after, ready to fly off and lead them out of town, but doesn’t see anything. We take a short rest. After we discuss plans, we take a look around. Phi sees a small fire in the distance, but we don’t really see anything else. After the short rest, we take a closer, group look at each building.
Tarma-Diem gets a nat 20 investigation on the first building they’d checked alone while flying. These people were very well prepared, and even though things fell off walls they could still tell these people were pretty well off. Tarma-Diem finds a box marked explosives.
Phi checks box of explosives for traps (18). There is a very complicated lock on it but no other forms of trap. Phi attempts the lock (22), takes her a minute or two but it pops open. Inside is a bunch of c4 sticks - 5 of them. Plastic explosives can be placed as an action, and detonated with a press of a remote detonator (an object interaction). Plastic explosives also explode on their own if they are caught within the radius of an explosion that does at least 10 points of bludgeoning damage. Each creature within 20 feet of a detonated plastic explosive must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each additional block of explosives increases the damage by 5d6 (to a maximum of 40d6), and the radius by 10 feet (to a maximum of 80 feet).
We each get 1 brick, Phi gets 2. Rana makes sure the building stays as closed up as we can get it, all windows and doors closed, so that it will hopefully remain empty as we proceed, leaving nowhere for anything to hide when we try to sleep later. This is her plan at each, subsequent building and we all follow suit.
We back up and start with the very first building in town, on the left when we’d first arrived.
Rana gets a perception of 17 on building A while Tarma-Diem investigates with an 8. It’s a transient guardhouse of some sort with basic swords and arrows.
We cross the street to B, Rana perceives it with a 21 - big hole in the center, blood on the walls, broken and open food stuff.
With an investigation of 8, Tarma-Diem gets a snack of their choice! (twinkies lol)
Outside the next building, the ground around the dead worm just below the surface has turned soggy, like standing on a mattress.
Since we already took care of building C (hopping back and forth across the road alphabetically, left then right lol), we move on to building D (on the same side as B/the market we first roof-climbed.
Rana perceives at a 16, Tarma-Diem investigates with a 13 - sticks of furniture, scrap of clothing that might’ve been a shirt, and blood.
Tarma-Diem reminds everyone about the building behind this one and how it was difficult to see inside around the crates when they did their aerial search.
For recording purposes, I am calling it building E. This time around Tarma-Diem gets an 18 investigation and sees a moving 2-by-2 crate near the back. Tarma-Diem: (whispered) Shit! They make motions to back everyone out. Tarma-Diem: There’s one in a crate back there, a little one (they make approximating gesture of box size)
Ixaylanu goes back in first and tips the box up to see a little baby white one who screams at her but he can’t get out and the scream does nothing.
Ixaylanu squats a little and does the bird head tilt thing. It screams fiercely and tries to jump out but can’t make it.
Ixyal’anu: "It's all white..."
One of us (Tarma-Diem maybe since I didn’t label speaker?): Maybe we could nail the crate shut or something? Would let people study it?
Ixayl’anu throws a small ration at it.
It feels around with its tongue and eventually eats it.
When next it lifts its flaps, it doesn’t scream, when she puts her hand close though it does scream and tries to bite her. Dex save 22/nat 20, she’s fine, it snaps at empty air.
Tarma-Diem: Can you try and talk to it?
Ixayl’anu: I doubt it’s going to work but…*she casts it anyway*
It doesn’t work.
Ixayl’anu figures out the heat sensing thing by fluffing her feathers and noting that it doesn’t react to anything but her actual body heat.
Someone: It's been in here with food for awhile and there's no others...
Someone else: Yeah but it's had an hour to make more if it's going to
Rana leaves while we talk about it to look around outside before we move on. Perception 21 on our surroundings - the fire is still up pretty far from town, town is otherwise quiet.
Ixayl’anu and Tarma-Diem put the lid back on the crate, keeping the small guy in a box with some food. Ixayl’anu hefts it up on her shoulder and goes outside. It screams and kicks around for the first few minutes every time it’s jostled before it finally settles down like “Guess this is my life now.”
Rana 19 perceives the next building is about to collapse and stops Diem from going inside.
Rana perceives the next building with an 8, Diem goes in and investigates with 15. Nothing’s really damaged, so probably nothing even got in here, just evidence that people packed and left in a hurry.
Rana perceives (16) next building. 16 investigation for Tarma-Diem as well - they see a lot of nice towels in this bath house, they take one. It’s fluffy and soft (one should always bring a towel, rules of adventure and all that).
Rana skips the clown car building for the biggest building. There’s a giant worm in the middle of the building part that we could smell long before we see it.
Tarma-Diem, meanwhile, still investigates clown car building with a 16 - scorch marks inside, wrecked, food stuffs, some dead little ones inside, they close it up like Rana did with the other ones, then join everyone else at the big building.
Rana goes in, the rest of us follow. Phi finds half of a medicine kit. Phi 19s investigation
Rana perceives 17 on last plaza building - nothing in there. 2 investigation from Tarma-Diem.
Rana looks out toward a small building on the fringe of the village.
Tarma-Diem: That one was closed up tight and empty when I checked earlier.
Rana goes to have a look anyway - 14 perception (told ya ~).
Ixayl’anu gets her platinum ring back from Rana.
Rana begins making a shrieker corpse pile in the middle of the road, including the few from the clown car building. The rest of us begin helping.
Tarma-Diem hits everyone with prestidigitation again after we complete the corpse pile
We argue a bit about rooftops vs. the comfort of the tiny hut which cannot fit on them, but certainly has a bottom. Tarma-Diem and Ixayl’anu opt for comfort, while Rana and Phi opt for better vantage points and safety. We split shifts accordingly (1 rooftopper, 1 tinyhutter/1 dark vision, 1 not).
Tarma-Diem casts tiny hut in a 10 ft radius around them, within sight of the corpse pile but not so close the smell permeates the dome. They also take first watch in order to finish scribing alarm. Self-imposed concentration check only a 6, so it takes them two hours instead of just one to finish scribing the alarm spell.
They let everyone know they can cast perimeter alarms now, then ritual cast it on the inside of the hut, choosing the bell ping so everyone can hear it if the hut gets disturbed by giant worms.
Next session Thursday Feb 11 at 5pm est.
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
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The Wish [3]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, V, Lady, Eva, Sparda, OC Rating: General Tags: Family, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Typical demon hunting violence
Summary: A demon gives Dante the chance to have his greatest desires made real. When he finds himself in a seemingly idyllic life, all seems well until it starts to unravel. Will he sacrifice himself to save the family he lost, or will he choose to give them up for the truth?
Now posted: Chapter 3, in which Dante comes face to face with his past, and a weirder version of his present, over some chicken parmesan. 
Chapter 3: Family Dinner
The entire ride to the restaurant, Dante spends his time half-listening to Lir talk about her day and half looking at everything. They are in Red Grave City, but it’s different: cleaner somehow, less polluted, less scummy. They pass a few familiar landmarks on their way through downtown from where their house is in the more residential part of the city, and at one point go by a turnoff that will take them to the shop. Dante perks up a bit but she makes a left instead of a right, and he presses his lips together, wondering if he should ask her to turn around. But he decides against it in the end; the city looks strange enough as it is, and if they roll up to the Devil May Cry and it’s a hair salon or something he just might lose it.
Dante is nervous as hell when Lir pulls their car into the parking lot of the Italian restaurant. She breathes a sigh of relief as she turns off the engine and unbuckles her seat belt. “Five twenty-five,” she says with a grin. “Now we don’t have to listen to Vergil complain about us being late.”
He only nods as they climb out of the car, and he quickly scoots around so he can shut her door for her. Lir gives him a thanks before taking his hand, heat crawling up his neck as they head into the restaurant.
“Sparda family,” she tells the hostess as Dante looks around. It’s a smaller kind of place but lots of atmosphere, the lighting a bit low and Frank Sinatra playing quietly on the speakers. Dante stares at the huge fish tank next to the entrance as the hostess makes a note in the guest book. “You have a table in the back. This way,” she says.
Lir’s hand is steady on his as they follow to the back of the restaurant. But it’s enough to make him go numb when sure enough, Vergil is sitting at the table, talking to Lady. Lir calls a greeting and he stands up to give her a kiss on the cheek before turning to Dante. “What’s wrong with you?” he asks, looking him up and down.
Dante realizes he probably is gaping, so to cover his shock he shakes his head. Vergil snorts and moves to sit back down, but Dante reaches out and grabs his arm. He pulls his brother into a hug, squeezing him hard, and after a moment he can practically feel the stares from everyone else around him.
Easing back, he smiles sheepishly at the very confused-looking Vergil. “Good to see you, Verge,” Dante grins, clapping him on the arm.
“Lady! Looking good!”
The others look at him funny, and Lady folds her arms. “Why are you calling me that?”
Dante scratches his chin. “Ain’t that your name? Lady?”
“That’s not some lady, that’s my wife,” Vergil scoffs. He turns to Lir and asks, “Did he suffer some kind of brain damage?”
“No, he’s just joking. Badly.” Lir tugs on his sleeve and says, “Come sit. Do you want to sit next to Mary or to Vergil?”
“Mary. Right.” Dante clears his throat as she steers him to a seat, taking the one between him and Lady. Or Mary. Whoever she is.
The two women start chatting and Dante stares at Lady, noting how different she looks without the blunt haircut and the scar on her nose. She still has the heterochromia, but her dark hair is down to her shoulders, and Dante notes that she’s actually wearing normal pants and a blouse and not some too-small schoolgirl uniform or looking like a step above a stripper.
Lady shoots him a look with a wry smile. “Why are you staring? Do I have something on my face?”
“No,” Dante answers quickly. “Sorry. Guess I haven’t uh… seen you in a while?”
“Yeah, things have been busy.” She picks up a glass of red wine and takes a sip. “How is business going?”
Dante wonders himself, but replies, “Good. Going good.”
“Good to hear.” She turns and calls to the other end of the table, “Boys? Did you say hello to your uncle?”
He glances down, his eyes going wide. How did he not notice the two sitting at the other end? Vergil is talking to one, a boy of about ten or eleven with longish silver hair, just like he and Vergil have. It’s the spitting image of Nero, and Dante figures he has one mystery solved at least.
Another boy sits next to him, dark hair hanging in his eyes which are glued to a cell phone. Vergil says something to him and the boy looks up and makes a face. He too looks exactly like Vergil, except for the dark features, and Dante frowns. “Are those…?”
“Yeah, Nero and Vitale are getting big, hm?” Lady smiles rather affectionately down at them. “They hit eleven last month and bam, both shot up about three inches. I can barely keep them in clothes.”
“Nero,” Dante sighs with a grin. The kid turns from talking to Vergil to offer him a wave, and the other glances upwards again. “And… Vitale?”
“I go by V now,” he answers curtly before rolling his eyes and looking down at the screen.
“Don’t be rude,” Lady scolds.
Lir laughs. “Teenagers, what can you do? I can’t believe how big the twins have gotten. They are young men now.”
Dante sits back in his chair, tuning out the rest of the conversation as he stares at the two boys. So Nero is only eleven, not nineteen, and Dante makes a quick calculation. Vergil could have still met Lady—Mary—at the Temen-ni-gru, but he definitely wouldn’t have gone to Fortuna first. Does that mean he wouldn’t have had Yamato? Without the sword he had no hope of opening the portal, and Dante frowns in thought. Most likely Vergil never went to hell, which sort of makes sense if they hadn’t been orphaned. So does that mean nothing else happened either? Did the Order still exist? Did it worship his old man? Is Mallet Island still there? If Dante never had a reason to go there, does that mean Mundus is still out there somewhere?
His questions are interrupted by Lir’s hand on his arm. “You okay?” she asks.
He looks up to see the three adults staring at him. “Yeah. I was uh… trying to remember something.” Dante leans forward and nods to Vergil and Lady. “Remind me, how did you two meet?”
Lady blushes a bit but Vergil clears his throat. “I worked for Mary’s father when I was in college, before he died. Don’t you remember?”
“No,” Dante chuckles. “Not one bit.”
“Typical,” Vergil mutters, but before he can protest his parents arrive.
Just like when he looked at the photographs in their house, Eva and Sparda seem like something out of a dream. Dante stays seated as he watches the family give hugs in turn, his heart beating ridiculously fast in his chest.
Sparda has longish hair pulled back into a ponytail, and coupled with the tan linen pants and a button-down shirt with a bold flower pattern, he looks like a retiree on vacation in the Bahamas. Dante grins to himself, trying to remember if his father always had that sense of fashion, especially contrasted to his mother. Eva looks graceful and elegant, the handful of fine lines and silver streaks in her hair giving her the appearance of a matriarch. But she is unmistakable, especially since he’s been looking at her picture on his desk for two decades. When her eyes turn to him, he feels frozen by how alive she is until she reaches out a hand. “Dante, are you okay?” Eva laughs.
The laugh he recognizes instantly from deep within his memory. He’s on his feet in a moment, wrapping her into a tight hug. Her perfume is even familiar, and Dante takes a deep breath as he tries to memorize everything for when he wakes up. It’s been a really long time since he’s had a dream about her, and usually she has a sad smile, fear in her eyes, as she tells him to hide in the closet.
Eva places a kiss on his cheek that makes his eyes a bit misty. Then Sparda pats him on the arm, and unwilling to let Eva go just yet, Dante wraps it around his father in a group hug. He knows he must look ridiculous, but this is too much to take in at once, and he doesn’t let go until he is sure he can breathe.
Lir pats his thigh when he sits back down. She gives him a smile that he can’t quite interpret as the waitress arrives to take their drink orders.
The dinner is fun, more fun than Dante could remember having in a while. And that’s saying something since he and Nero went camping a few weekends ago, and the Love Planet had gotten a karaoke machine. Even the twins perk up when their grandparents arrive, especially when Sparda pulls out a wad of twenty-dollar bills. “Don’t spoil them,” Vergil groans.
“Nonsense,” Sparda says, pulling out several for each boy. “No such thing as spoiling your grandsons.”
Dante frowns as the others laugh. He doesn’t remember Sparda being like… well, this. Warm, sure, but this generous? He didn’t exactly dote on him and Vergil, leaving a lot of the child-rearing to Eva. A few memories surface, mostly listening to Sparda telling stories that were as exciting as they were scary and sneaking into his study to look at his weapons. Maybe being a grandparent is different than a parent? Or maybe Sparda is as different in this dream as everyone and everything else is.
“You’re usually much more talkative, Dante,” Eva comments.
He clears his throat but Lir leans over him a bit and says, “He wasn’t feeling well this morning. Forgot all about what day it was.”
“Are you coming down with something?” asks Eva, her face drawn in concern.
“Nah, nothing like that,” Dante answers. “I think I was having a weird dream.”
“What was it about?” Vergil asks.
Dante takes a sip of water to cover his discomfort with the question. “Everyone was dead, basically,” he says bluntly.
“Dante!” Lir exclaims as the others laugh.
“What?” he chuckles. “He asked.”
“What did we die of?” Sparda asks.
“Uh…” Dante rubs the back of his neck. “There was an attack. But not everyone was dead. La—uh, Mary, was alive. And Nero.” He turns to Lir. “You didn’t even exist.”
Lir laughs. “No wonder you were so out of it.”
The conversation turns to weird dreams people have had in the past, but Dante notices that his father gives him a strange look. Dante’s brows lift a bit in question, but Sparda doesn’t say anything, leaving him to wonder.
The food is the best he’s had in ages, and Dante eats until he is ready to burst. Vergil pokes fun at him which he gives right back, enjoying the scowl on his brother’s face when he tells a slightly raunchy joke and makes Nero laugh. Sparda laughs too, and Dante ignores Lady’s scolding, used to tuning her out. But when Lir rubs his thigh, it draws his attention, and Dante realizes at some point he had slung his arm around her. “Behave yourself,” she whispers with a smile.
There is something in her gaze that is almost like a promise, a shared connection he doesn’t quite understand. It’s enough to make his neck heat, and he shifts in his seat as he mumbles an apology. “Don’t go repeating that, Nero,” he says.
“Can me and V come hang out at the shop next week?” Nero asks.
Both boys look at him expectantly, and he shrugs as his eyes glance towards Vergil. “As long as your old man says it’s okay,” he replies.
“It’s fine,” Lady says. “Just don’t let them touch the equipment.”
Dante pictures Agni and Rudra hanging on the wall, Cerberus above the door, Beowulf in the closet. “Yeah, okay,” he nods. “I’ll put the guns away too.”
Lir snorts but Vergil narrows his eyes. “It’s not a joke, Dante. I don’t want them touching anything that can get their hand blown off.”
“Well, Nevan is the only thing that can really blow off a hand, but I got a case for her,” he replies.
Vergil waves him off and the conversation resumes, and again Dante notices his father staring at him. Sparda looks shocked, like he’s seen a ghost, and when Dante raises his brows in question his father only shakes his head and quickly goes back to his chocolate cake.
At the end of the meal, Dante doesn’t want to leave, but the others start saying their goodbyes. He hugs his mother tightly and kisses her cheek, earning himself one of her laughs. “Always so sweet,” she murmurs.
His father shakes his hand, but wears a frown. Sparda pulls him in a bit close and murmurs so only Dante can hear, “What you said earlier? You were joking, right?”
Sparda clears his throat and scratches his nose, glancing around like a conspirator. “You said you had Nevan in a case. Did you read that somewhere?”
“What are you talking about?” Dante laughs.
“Oh! Right, right, nevermind. I must have thought you meant something else.” Dante wrinkles his brow in confusion, but then realizes his father probably doesn’t know Nevan was turned into a guitar. He starts to explain but Sparda cuts him off. “Can we meet for lunch next week?”
“Yeah, sure thing,” Dante says excitedly.
“Good.” Sparda pats his arm, giving him another strange look before moving away.
Lady promises to text him and they leave Vergil to grumble over the bill and head to the car. Lir offers to drive again, which he takes gratefully. They are back on the road a minute later, and Dante leans the seat back with a deep sigh. “That was so good,” he says with a smile.
“Yeah, it was fun.” His eyes are drooping so he misses Lir’s sideways glance when she asks, “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Do you really keep a gun in the shop?”
Dante sits up and frowns at her, and Lir quickly goes on, “I understand why you would, really I do. I was just surprised. I thought it was a joke, but it didn’t sound like one.” He shakes his head, thoroughly confused, and Lir asks, “Well? Did you buy a gun?”
He clears his throat and adjusts his seatbelt. “I have a few, yeah?”
“A few.” Lir considers this for a moment before sighing. “I can’t say that I’m comfortable with it, but again, I can see why. You are safe with them? They are locked up and everything?”
Dante thinks about Ebony and Ivory in the drawer of his desk. “Sure,” he says.  
Claudius is there to greet them when they get home, and Dante watches with some amusement as Lir scoops him up and coos at him sweetly as she carries him to the kitchen. Suddenly tired, he heads upstairs to change out of his clothes, deciding to stay in the boxer briefs for bed. She’s seen him already like that anyway, right?
Lir joins him a few minutes later, when Dante is already settled in bed and flicking through the television stations. He tries not to look as she changes into a short nightgown, sitting up on the pillows when she slides into bed.
“You wanna watch something?” he asks, but Lir takes the remote control and turns the television off. She straddles his lap and drapes her arms over his shoulders, and Dante gulps as he looks up at her smile.
“It was such a nice night. You were so sweet with your parents,” she sighs. She leans in and kisses his cheek, making Dante jump. “And no arguing either. I’m very proud of you.”
“So you uh… you’re not mad about the guns?” he asks.
Lir shakes her head. “No. In fact…” Her voice trails off as she drags her palms down his chest, making his breath catch. “I think it’s kind of hot.”
“Really?” he asks, brows shooting up in surprise. She nods, and then rocks her hips, and Dante bites back a groan. Even through the fabric of his shorts he can feel how hot she is, and he has a very firm suspicion that if he lifted her gown, he’d find she was wearing nothing underneath.
Lir continues grinding against him, tilting close enough to brush her lips on his. Dante sucks in a breath as his body sparks to life instantly, grabbing her hips to slow her for a moment before he gets completely hard and can’t think.
But her fingers teasing his hair and her lips dancing along his jaw makes it hard enough already. “Everything okay?” she asks.
“Yeah, I just…”
He doesn’t know how to continue, but just then Lir pulls her nightgown off over her head and tosses it away. Dante’s eyes bulge when he sees he was right about nothing underneath, and his eyes dart downwards as she slides one hand down his stomach, a mischievous grin on her face. She tugs at the waistband of his shorts and he gives a huff. This is his dream, right? So he shouldn’t feel guilty. Not at all. Especially when she reaches inside and licks her lips, the guilt melting away as he sinks against the mattress with a groan.
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 3
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff), major character death
A/N: Wow we’re already halfway done Season 3, I think I’ll go back to posting once a week after Season 4 is done, mainly because I really like Season 3 and 4 hehe today’s chapter is gonna be a little rough, but we get a super cute scene! Probably my all time favorite moment of Daryl~ Enjoy!
Chapter 5
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A few days after Gloria’s incident with Tomas, she had worked up the courage to apologize to Carol and Maggie for running away from them when they were only trying to help. Of course, they never held it against her, understanding that she was going through trauma. With everyone’s encouragement and care, Gloria had returned to her normal self again, much to Glenn’s relief. Daryl and Gloria had made it a regular thing to share the perch at night. Oscar had brought it upon himself to return Gloria’s daggers that were still in Cell Block D. Glenn, Daryl, and Rick were going in and out of the courtyard, getting rid of more walker bodies and gathering wood. Carol, Maggie, and T-Dog had moved cars into the court of the prison for easier access, and Gloria, Beth, Carl, and Lori had just come out from the cell block, assisting Hershel with his crutches. 
“Hey, Hershel, wanna race?” Carl calls out with a grin.
“Just give me a few days and I’ll take you on, young man.” Hershel chuckles.
Their small banter on who would win brings up the mood. A warm and peaceful moment is shared within the group. Lori looks out towards Rick, the couple share a loving look. Just then, Carl looks behind his shoulder and gasps.
“Walkers!” he yells, backing up and pulling out his gun from his belt, shooting at the closer ones.
“Beth! Take your dad and get him to a safe place!” Gloria orders the young girl and then she pulls out her daggers, rushing to kill the walkers closest to the group. 
Rick, Daryl and Glenn all rush back towards the prison once they see the ambush of walkers, yelling at everyone to get back inside. Carol and T-Dog shoot at the walkers, rushing towards the gate that’s been opened, allowing the walkers to flood out. Maggie had ushered Carl and Lori inside the prison while Beth and Hershel rushed their way up a set of stairs to a gated block.
“Daddy!” Beth calls out when she sees a walker right behind Hershel.
Gloria looks in their direction when she hears the girl’s cry and rushes to them as Hershel struggles to hold up the walker. She swiftly sinks her dagger in the back of the walker’s head and tosses it to the side, allowing Hershel to climb up the stairs freely. She gets inside the gated block with Hershel and Beth, locking it from the inside. 
Suddenly, an alarm starts to blare, drawing any walkers towards the prison. Daryl and Glenn are quick to get to work, shooting at any speakers they see in attempts to stop the alarm but it’s no use, the speakers are all over the prison building. Rick spots Oscar and the blonde prisoner, Axel, walking towards the group from the courtyard.
Rick angrily storms up to them and yells, “how the hell can this be happening!?”
“I-it has to be the back-up generator, there’s three that’s connected to a diesel tank, okay? A-and each one controls a certain part of the prison. The hacks shut 'em all off when the prison was overrun.” Oscar explains with his hands up, in case Rick decided to shoot him. 
“Do you know how to stop it?!” Rick yells over the blaring of the alarm.
“I’ve only worked there a few days, but I can try!” Oscar tells him then Rick pushes him forward to lead him to the control room. 
Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Oscar and Axel rush to the control room while Gloria is with Hershel and Beth in the gated block. After a while, the alarm stops blaring and Gloria turns to Beth, giving her one of her daggers. 
“I’m gonna go find the others, you stay here and protect your dad. Remember, aim for the brain, through the eye is the easiest way, okay?” Gloria instructs her, she then smiles at her when Beth takes the dagger and nods, patting the younger girl’s hair, “I’ll be back soon.”
Gloria opens the gate and shuts it behind her, heading off to find the rest of the group. She finds Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Oscar and Axel in a dark corridor. 
“Hey, what happened?” she asks, slightly out of breath. 
“That damn prisoner Rick chased out the other day... he did all this.” Daryl huffs, angrily.
“Where is he?” Gloria asks, her hands balling into fists.
“Dead.” Rick says as he walks by her, “Oscar shot him.”
He leads the way out of the corridor when they come across a body of eaten flesh. They recognize the body as T-Dog’s. A dark silence surrounds them as they reminisce their fallen companion. Gloria glances to the side and her eyes fill with tears as she spots Carol’s scarf on the ground. She lets out a shaky breath as she picks it up, biting her lip to try not to cry, now was not the time for that. Daryl puts his hand on her back and guides her out with the rest of the group. Hershel and Beth make their way out of the gated block as they see the others coming back. 
“Did you find them?” Hershel calls out. 
“Carol and T’ are gone.” Daryl sighs, looking at the ground.
“But that doesn’t mean the others are, we gotta find them. Maggie, Carl, Lori, we-” Rick’s words are cut off when they all hear the cries of a baby.
They all turn in the direction of the sound and see Maggie walking out of the prison, tears staining her face and blood staining her hands as she holds the baby in her arms. From behind her, Carl walks out with a solemn expression. The sight gives Rick the realization that his wife is gone, she had died during childbirth. Not wanting to accept the reality, he walks towards Carl and when he sees his son’s face, Rick starts to cry, breaking down at the loss of his wife. Glenn walks over to Maggie, trying to console her sobs as best he can as Carl goes over to her and takes his little sister from Maggie. 
“Let me see her.” Hershel calls out to Carl.
The boy brings the baby to him as he checks on her. He nods as he sees that she’s healthy. Daryl goes over to Rick who has fallen over from grief to check on him, unfortunately, he is unresponsive to his calls. Without saying anything, Rick gets up and grabs the axe that’s laying on the ground and rushes into the prison, seeing red and ready to massacre any walker he comes by. Daryl sighs as he knows he can’t do anything to help Rick, he’d just need to let him go through what he’s feeling. He goes back to the rest of the group.
“Yo, we got anythin’ a baby can eat?” he asks them all.
Gloria shakes her head, “she’s gonna need formula, otherwise she’ll starve.”
“No, not her, I’m goin’ out for a run.” Daryl says, slinging his crossbow on his back. 
“I’ll come with you.” Maggie says, following him.
“Me too.” Glenn joins in, following the both of them.
Daryl nods then turns to Beth, glancing in Carl’s direction, “hey, kid’s just lost his mom.” he whispers to her.
Beth nods, understanding what he’s trying to tell her, “I’ll look after him.”
He then turns his attention to Gloria who’s staring off in the distance of the door Maggie had come out of, he pats her shoulder in concern, “ya gonna be okay?”
She looks at him and nods, “I’ll be fine, just go. Hurry.”
Daryl purses his lips and nods, then turns to run to his motorcycle. Glenn had stayed behind in the end because of the wreckage on the road and Daryl could only take one more on his bike. Maggie insisted on going with Daryl as she said it was the least she could do for Lori. Gloria and Glenn were in the courtyard digging graves for Carol, T-Dog and Lori. Oscar and Axel walk up to them, silent, but wanting to help in any way they can. 
Gloria glances at them but doesn’t stop shoveling, “should we watch our backs with you guys too?” 
“N-no, we wouldn’t do anything, I promise you.” Oscar says, furrowing his eyebrows together.
She glares at them now, stopping her task, “Rick should have killed all of you the day he found you.” 
“Gloria, stop, they helped us.” Glenn pleads to her, although he understands her point. 
“We don’t know what the hell these two have planned behind their backs!” she snaps at Glenn then turns towards Oscar and Axel, “what is it, huh? You gain our trust then slit our throats in our sleep?!” 
Anger and grief was blinding her judgement, deep down she knew that they weren’t at fault and they did indeed help the group, but Gloria was just so upset and distraught. She throws down her shovel and storms off towards the prison. Glenn sighs as he watches her leave, he then gives Axel and Oscar his and Gloria’s shovels so they can help dig. Gloria runs into her old cell, curling up on the bed and starts to cry for their losses. Her and Lori weren’t very close when they first met, but as she kept checking up on her and the baby, Lori had become a good friend to Gloria. T-Dog had saved her and Glenn when the outbreak first started. He had become her second older brother and the protector of the group. Carol’s loss hit her the worst, Gloria had always seen Carol as an older sister, sometimes even a mother figure and she loved her dearly. She was the only reason Gloria could be strong after losing Sophia. Sobbing, Gloria looks down at Carol’s scarf that was wrapped around her right hand. 
‘Can you stay strong for me? Can you do that?’ Carol’s words echoed in Gloria’s mind. 
Taking a deep breath, Gloria nods as if answering the voice in her head. Wiping her tears away, she goes down to check up on Hershel, Beth, and the baby. After seeing that they’re doing fine, she walks out to the main area right outside the cell block where she sees Oscar and Axel. 
“Hey...” she calls out to them as she walks up to the two, “I’m sorry about how I was before. I wasn’t in my right mind and I-” 
“No no no, don’t apologize, we get it.” Axel is quick to interrupt her apology.
“Ya’ll just lost three members of your family, ‘course it’s gonna be hard on ya.” Oscar says, a sympathetic look on his face. 
Gloria sighs and nods, “thank you for understanding, I still feel kinda bad though. You two have saved me not only once, but twice now and instead of a thank you, you guys get me telling you that we should have killed you first.”
Oscar shakes his head, a small smile on his face, “Listen, I really hated what Tomas did to ya, and I’m genuinely sorry that it happened. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to protect ya and your people.” 
“Me too.” Axel says confidently puffing up his chest. 
“Thank you, really.” Gloria smiles at them, “you’ve both earned your place, but we’ll have to see what the others think about you staying in our cell block.” 
Later on, Daryl and Maggie have come back from their run, bringing back supplies and formula for the baby. Gloria quickly prepares the formula for the crying baby and hands the bottle over to Daryl as he’s holding her in his arms. Gently, he feeds her and her crying instantly stops. 
“She got a name yet?” Daryl looks at Carl.
“Not yet, I was thinking... maybe Sophia? Then there’s Carol, too. Andrea... Amy... Jacqui... Patricia... or Lori. I don’t know.” Carl says, his reminder of the fallen females of their group brings the mood down drastically. 
Seeing this, Daryl looks at the baby, “Yeah... you like that, huh? Lil’ Asskicker.” he glances around, the mood lifting slightly at his suggestion, “Right? Tha’s a good name, right? Lil’ Asskicker, you like that, huh? You like that, sweetheart?” 
As Gloria stands beside Daryl, she affectionately places her hand on his arm, smiling lovingly. He glances at her and gives her a comforting smile. Later on that night, Beth had taken it upon herself to care for the baby. After making sure Beth is doing fine with the baby, she goes to check up on Maggie who’s sitting alone on the bed in her and Glenn’s shared cell.
“How’re you holding up?” Gloria asks softly as she walks into the cell. 
Maggie sighs then looks up at Gloria, “Have you.... have you ever had a patient die... right in front of you?”
“I have...” she answers, “after trying so hard, doing whatever I could to keep them breathing, I couldn’t stop it from happening. No matter how many other nurses or doctors told me it wasn’t my fault and that I did the best I could, it always felt like they were lying.” 
“How’d you deal with that?” Maggie asks, her voice breaking as tears run down her face. 
“I just do...” she sighs, knowing that answer wasn’t helpful at all, “time helps, your friends and family help too, but there’s always going to be that guilty question in your gut that what if you could have done more to stop it.”
Gloria sits down on the bed beside Maggie and holds her hands, “I wish things were different, I wish it wasn’t you that had to bear this responsibility.” 
Maggie sobs at her words, Gloria wraps her arms around her and lets her cry on her shoulder. She does her best to comfort her, rubbing small circles on her back in an attempt to soothe her. Gloria knew that Maggie needed to let it all out, she would feel better that way. After a while of Maggie crying in her arms, Glenn comes by the cell to check up on them. His heart breaks at the sight of Maggie in her broken state, Gloria looks up at him and nods pointedly to her, signalling him to take over. Glenn nods as Gloria pats Maggie’s back gently, then gets up from the bed and goes to the door of the cell. 
“Thanks.” Glenn whispers to her, patting her arm as he walks into the cell. 
She nods at him, giving him a small smile before making her way up the stairs to the perch. Gloria sits down on the bed and sighs heavily, tugging at the few loose strands of Carol’s scarf. Daryl comes up the stairs to find her and sits beside her. 
“Ya alright?” he asks, looking at her hands fidgeting with the scarf.
Gloria shakes her head, “it’s not fair... we couldn’t even give Carol a proper burial...” 
Daryl wraps his arm around her, pulling her close, “I’ll go in the mornin’, clear out the rest o’ the prison and find her. I will.” 
She nods and doesn’t say anything else, just resting her head on Daryl’s shoulder. He holds her like that until she ends up falling asleep. He had to find her body tomorrow, Daryl told himself, it’s the least they could do for Carol. 
Next Chapter
All the angst in this one! But at least we have Lil’ Asskicker now, and yeah I had to put that moment in because I love it, and I am sure I am not the only one. Next chapter comes out this Friday!! 
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
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@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep​ | @letsstarsfalling​ | @molethemollie​ | @alicewinchester99​ | @neilox​ | @womanup22​
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moralesmilesanhour · 5 years
Hai! .3. if you have free time can you do that reader is taking care Miles' Injuries after He was fight with some bad guys? With Fluff? ( ╹▽╹ )
*[F/N]= First Name, just for reference
MILES' VISION SWAM as he regained consciousness, the smell of rubbing alcohol that assaulted his nose being the only indicator that he hadn't died and entered heaven yet. He tensed as someone dabbed cotton with the liquid onto his right knee; it had that stinging feeling even though the alcohol hadn't stung yet.
Miles was able to tilt his chin up a little, towards the window, and landed on the looming figure in front of it. The golden light that shown through the window created a makeshift halo around a dark moon of a face. He couldn't make out distinct features, but a small shift indicated that the face had smiled. It could've been an image on a stain glass window.
The figure, which apparently had been kneeling, got up with a small grunt and broke the halo to draw the curtains. Miles was thankful; he could actually make out where he was now without squinting.
It sure as hell wasn't his room.
Books were neatly lined up along a small white table on one side, held together by a divider. Miles recognized the spine of one of the books: Malcolm X. He knew where he was.
Only [F/N] read things like that, smart-ass.
"Finally awake, huh?"
The voice was hushed, but Miles could still hear the rumble of [F/N]'s voice beneath. This was the first time he'd ever heard the boy make an effort to be quiet. His head was adorned with a durag, a deep, royal purple. Moon-faced, [F/N] cracked a pearly white smile that revealed dimples on either side of his face. Miles tried to smile, but an aching pain blossomed in his cheeks and the corners of his mouth with each attempt.
[F/N] chuckled at the silence.
"You don't wanna talk to me, nah?"
Noticing the flash of guilt in Miles' eyes, [F/N] reassured him, "Ahm jus pullin' ya leg, you all good."
The boy's white tank top hugged the contours of his chest, the lack of sleeves leaving his toned arms out in the open. All those kisses and shared hoodies, and Miles still felt like this was too intimate, like he was looking into the room from the outside.
[F/N] knelt down again, leaning in enough so that he could peck Miles' cheek, gently brushing it with his finger. Miles wanted to cry.
As he rose, [F/N] explained,"You crawled through my window last night. Musta' thought it was your room. Scared me half to death," Miles hummed to indicate he was listening.
"You said sumn about 'not telling mom', then you just passed out." Hearing this, brief memories came flooding back from last night:
There was being thrown against an SUV, always fun, then the wailing of police sirens. Lots of tying and re-tying webs. Miles' last mental image before blacking out was a jostled and confused [F/N] in his tank top and basketball shorts. He wore the same top now, but with baggy faded jeans.
Miles made an attempt, finally, to get up. The first try was quickly halted by the stiff muscles in his back. Miles winced at the sharp pain, prompting [F/N] to rush over, poised to assist. Grinning awkwardly, Miles held up a hand to get him to back away a little. Second try, he actually almost got off the ground, but his legs quickly liquefied under the sudden weight, and Miles came crashing back down. [F/N] stayed put, looking on tentatively with his eyes fixated on Miles.
Third time's the charm.
The A/C had turned on by now, filling Miles' lungs with cool, new air and motivation. Placing his palms on the floor beside him and planting his feet just before his knees, Miles pushed off with a "Hup!"
Still wobbling on his own two feet, Miles held onto the table's edge for to lean on, panting faintly from the exertion. Finally, he found himself with enough energy to speak.
"Hi," he said with a half-smile, voice raspy from sleep and yelling from the night before.
[F/N] beamed with pride. "Hey", he replied. "Talking again?"
It still hurt to speak extensively, but Miles nodded.
[F/N] closed the distance between them and cupped his hand around the shorter boy's face, bringing his lips down to meet Miles'. Miles wrapped his arms around [F/N]'s neck and deepened the kiss.
They remained still like that for awhile before Miles pulled away. He scanned the room and spotted a shirt and pair of sweatpants.
"You using those?" Miles asked, gesturing toward the clothes.
[F/N] sighed, grinning again. "Take 'em. Ain't the first pair that's gone missing."
"G'looks," Miles said as he clumsily made his way to the pile of clothes sitting on a wooden chair and stumbled toward the bathroom to change out the constricting spandex suit.
[F/N]'s aunt wasn't home yet, so he had brought Miles downstairs to eat something.
Searching through the fridge for something that didn't require a stove, [F/N] found an enormous box of Rice Krispies treats.
"Catch!" Miles let the treats fall onto the table as [F/N] launched them from the fridge.
"What the fuck," Miles laughed, "You couldn't at least cook some eggs?"
The other boy joked, "You better be thankful I ain't burn the house down by attempting to cook, Morales."
Nonetheless, Miles gladly ate the Rice Krispies. He hadn't eaten in God-knows-how-long.
[F/N] joined Miles at the dining table, like a mini-date. It was 7:16 AM now, and his aunt came home at 8. The boy's brows furrowed in thought.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Miles asked.
"Thinkin' about how we gon' sneak you back into your house without your folks knowing." Miles' eyes widened at the realization that he still had to get home. Thank God it was Saturday.
"I know for a fact my mom'll spot my ass climbing through the window," Miles worried, "and she'll have questions about this thing." Miles gestured at the ice pack he was holding against his cheek.
[F/N] thought for a moment. Then his face lit up.
"Tell your mom you're studying," he suggested, as if the idea was ingenious.
"That way you could just chill out over here, then go back whenever. Sound good?"
A whole day with [F/N]. Miles nodded, liking the idea.
"Sounds great."
Dassit! I hope you don't mind me suddenly writing in the third person. I'm still experimenting with what I think flows the best :)
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