#and I like it that way
ghost-inthe-hall · 10 months
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He's perfect
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saturdaysky · 11 months
i don't think i am ever going to be over those complicated wizards, you guys
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mourn-and-watch · 2 years
I genuinely think that the best concept mass effect introduced is that your face decomposes in a sexy villainous way when you worsen your mental state by being rude and committing war crimes
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[ID: Screenshot of an Ao3 tag that reads, “(without explanations), because this is my world, and i like it that way” /End ID]
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atinylittlepain · 8 months
my hobbies include not knowing anything, being out of the loop, and sleeping
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
does anyone else ever like... start reading a fic with like. yknow. typical superhero character with a secret identity. and then like. immediately exit out if said secret identity gets revealed just a little too early???
i cannot count the amount of times ive opened a fic and then exited out cause a character revealed their secret identity immediately to someone within the first three paragraphs like where is the DRAMA?? THE BUILDUP??? THE SHENANIGANS??????
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oifaaa · 1 year
look at their likes! if they have likes, they're a person. if they don't, they're a bot. at least i think this trick still works.
Okay but see here's the issue bc I have found out why I suddenly have an increase of bot like followers (1200 in the last 2 days folks it's bad) and its making things a bit more complicated so basically when new users make an account tumblr is forcing them to follow a certain amount of people based on tags they've said they like - so tumblr will suggest tags that are popular like barbie and then if you say yes I like barbie it will suggest you follow blogs that have posted with that tag like me unfortunately - so bc of this a percent of new people joining tumblr are just picking to follow my blog to get on with the process and bc they are new people with no pfp or likes or description they all look like bots and alot of them as well are probably bots bc bots go through the same process - so bots and new users are impossible to tell apart and bc barbie is popular rn it's resulted in 1200 new followers for me who most like don't actually want to be following me or are just bots and its very very sad to see
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
is this letter going to be like Mina deciding not to read Jonathan’s diary where everything everyone needs to know is right there but Utterson’s too polite to open it prematurely
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doppel-dean-er · 1 year
FUCK my mind is being taken over by a crossover idea for two very different shows (that share zero fandom they're not even the same medium) and I will absolutely never stop talking about it. god I love crossovers and also hate them
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untitledgooselife · 1 year
the thing abt liking super niche music is like. Ur friends will say OMG I listen to this super underground band all the time u should check them out!!! and u go to look and they have over 1 million plays on spotify
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that-dog-is-so-gender · 5 months
my vocal stimming sounds like a dying dog with rabies
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wanderinghedgehog · 1 year
”don’t you want your favorite character to live?” “don’t you wish they didn’t die in canon?” NO! Just for suggesting that, I’ve killed them again. They’re double dead now.
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tendergore · 8 months
i regret to inform everyone that if i am in love with any real life old man it is my dentist.
he calls me babe, he sings along to 80s hits while he drills my teeth, he gave me discounts when i was poor poor, he gave me antibiotics when my nose piercing was infected, and most importantly of all, he gave me my wisdom teeth back after he extracted them
and he said i can have the other two when he takes ‘em in the summer 🥰
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reasoncourt · 1 year
honestly dating me is such a hopeless endeavour. like u take me out, pay for everything, treat me really niceys but im still hung up on the person who did none of that but they made my bed before they left. that's fucking romantic to me. they made my bed. who does that. insane. im in love. for at least the next 5 business days. point is. my turn ons are so incredibly random and specific that no one has any hope
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thelordfool · 1 year
i play with gender the way Tumblr plays with jpegs
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theoutlawfaleena · 1 year
this is not to rob dilf enjoyers of their joy because i am also a dilf enjoyer but the whole colonel thing is more than likely just a fun loading screen title name, pmc's don't even have colonel's?
see i think so too bc in my opinion, könig is intentionally made to be like.... 95% up to the player's interpretation. and that includes his age and aspects of his personality and everything, i think the devs did it on purpose to make him more interesting to a wider audience
am i reading too much into it?? probably but like it also kind of makes sense so 🤨
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