#and I put wayyy too much thought and effort into them
alangdorf · 7 months
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eosomit · 8 months
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b4ddprincess · 29 days
the void state is easyy, but you're still thinking otherwise?
rant, void state explanation, void state induction, you shouldn't allow feelings to hold you back
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i'm sure you all have seen many posts like this. but do y'all just read them and not put any effort into understanding how easy it is to get your dream life?
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the void state is described as conscious with 0 physical awareness or pure consciousness. the void state isn't an otherworldly dimension, or a multiverse, or a different plane you're "entering". the void state is simply another state of consciousness.
but here's the problem.... no matter HOW 👏🏼 MANY 👏🏼 TIMES 👏🏼 y'all read, "the void state isn't an otherworldly dimension, or a magical place you're entering." IT STILL DON'T REGISTER IN Y'ALL HEADS??? why is tht? we literally tell y'all like it is, and y'all like y'all searchin for a specific answer, so you refuse to accept the fact that the void state is just a 🙌🏽 state of consciousness 🙌🏽 LIKE ANY OTHER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
you're NOT going anywhere, you're NOT leaving your body, you're NOT gonna end up sumwhere deep in space, and you're NOT dying! IT'S LITERALLY 👏🏼 JUST 👏🏼 CONSCIOUSNESS 👏🏼 DARLIN! what more of an explanation y'all want?
y'all are reading this post cuz you are conscious, and y'all are aware that you are reading a post, becuz you are aware of your surroundings, and most of us use our 5 physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. pure consciousness is simply you being conscious, but without any physical awareness, and you aren't using your 5 senses.
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now, the "void" state is extremely easy to induce. as in, there are many ways to induce pure consciousness. however, the main way to induce this state is to detach from what you're experiencing/physically feeling. stop hyperfocusing on your surroundings and how your body feel and be in the moment with your thoughts. the only reason why some of us get "kicked out" of the void state is because our awareness is suddenly placed on our surroundings or our bodies. stay calm. you're literally fine. when you try to feel your body, you will tap out of the state because you're bringing awareness to what you're experiencing/physically feeling. that's why you must stay relaxed and still to stay in this state of consciousness.
relax your body -> focus on the darkness behind your eyelids -> affirm/daydream/think -> pure consciousness
guys, guys, guys.... its so EASYYY to induce pure consciousness that y'all should honestly be embarrassed of yourselves...
the void state is described as conscious with 0 physical awareness
👆🏽 the one part y'all often forget. "0 physical awareness." y'all love to hyperfocus on y'all bodies wayyy too much and that's why you didn't induce the void state then. y'all love to rush every single thing, and it's worse when you're rushing at night time? of all times??
just take slow deep breaths until you don't wanna, relax your mind, don't think about the void state, relax your body, swallow if you want to, adjust your body if you want to, focus on your affirmations/thoughts/daydreams, focus on the darkness behind your eyelids and that 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 all! 👏🏼
you will literally induce pure consciousness at that moment. and FOR CRYING OUT LOUDDD it's JUST........ you being conscious with 0 physical awareness. ok? you're not "eNtErInG" anything.
and you're NOT gonna do this with a trying attitude. you hear me?
i DON'T wanna hear it. don't come to me with no crocodile tears, yuh hear me? cuz i literally told y'all what to do, but you wanna rush it and then flood my inbox.
i can understand sum of y'all reasons, but the REST OF YALL..... y'all hadda be jokin..
(my caribbean dialect wanna peek thru on dis post so badly 😒)
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ahh yes... desperation. one of our biggest enemies... followed by impatience... followed by our doubts... and the cycle repeats. but where was this desperation rooted? at the thought of getting all of your desires instantly? at the idea that the void state is hard to achieve, and you must do everything right to "get in" to get your desires? where is your desperation rooted?
and then there's fear....... the biggest enemy here.
what exactly are you scared of? failure? living a new dream life in the outer world? what is making you fearful?
if you're fearful of not being able to induce the void state awake, tht's doubt. if you're fearful of time running out on you, tht's desperation and impatience. fear is the main source of those other feelings you experience. you shouldn't allow fear, to control your actions, cuz you're just holding yourself back. and i know you don't want to be held back, but you keep holding yourself back. you run method to method and you may find yourself circling back to a method, and then you circle back to another method... you keep running away from one of the easiest ways of inducing pure consciousness (the 2nd easiest way is to decide and tht has to do with states/loass, but we're not on tht rn).
how many times do i have to tell you the simple things to do to induce pure consciousness? and how many times y'all gonna ignore and ask for a method and then tell me "i didn't get in 😔"? yall are complicating the void state too much, and it NEEDS to stop!
you can literally induce pure consciousness at this time, but no... you're scared of failure when you actually can't fail. it's either you're focusing on your body, or you're not. it's either you're focusing on time, or you're not.
plus, y'all constantly make the void state sound like this big thing, when it actually isn't.
but anywho, i better see a bunch success stories in my inbox, even if it's just a 1 second experience in the void state. i'm gonna delete any asks tht are already answered in my posts, and i genuinely hope yall reflect on this post and apply 💗
i've said my piece.
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kenlvry · 2 years
how the main 4 would react after receiving a flower from you
note; second post!! thought abt this concept while in the shower, hope you enjoy it!
kenny mccormick 
when he first got a flower from you it was during school hours, you saw some pretty flowers by the playground bushes and decided to pick some for your boyfriend
it was daffodils , you picked abt 5 of them for him, you approached him and gave him the flowers. he was stunned at first but was so happy that you gave it to him, he’d show off to his friends and cartman would tease him for it but he didn’t care.
he treasured it so much, even on his way home all he thought was how cute and sweet you were to give him flowers, he would try to repay you somehow tbh, he’d do extra shifts just to gift something in return
when you would come over you could see he kept it in a small vase or if not just have it laying around somewhere safe 
if anyone tries to touch it he would be livid or if his mom tried throwing it away he would throw a full on tantrum, he just wants to remember the first ever gift you gave him <33
stan marsh
he was just chilling in his room probably playing games when all of the sudden sharon called him down bc his gf was here
he was confused as to why you came to his house, he got downstairs and there you were holding some georgia blue flowers in your hands, he asked why you came over and you said you came over to give him the flowers
he was blushing hard ong, the fact you came all the way here just to give him flowers blew his mind, the effort you had made his stomach tickle, you were so adorable, you said the flowers reminded you of him. he was practically the colour red at that point.
he threw up.
he apologized but you knew it wasn’t because he was disgusted, the next day he immediately went out to buy a vase to put the flowers in, he carefully picked out a vase and told everyone in his family to never touch the flowers. he just didn’t want it to be ruined yk?? :))
kyle broflovski
tbhhhhh i don’t know how would he react, i think he would blush so hard and didn’t know to respond to you, you asked him to meet you a the slide, he was waiting and from afar was you looking so beautifully holding pink lily flowers, he was blushing tbh.
you gave it to him and said that it was a present for him, cartman was staring from afar and teased him so bad “ewwwww you two are cringy” “shut up fatass”
he would just stare it during class and stan would have to tell him to focus or else he would be sent to the principals office for not hearing mr garrisons romance rant
like kenny he’d try to pay you back somehow, maybe asking you out to a date or buy you anything.
he would treasure it so much, would also keep it in a vase like stan, every time he would see pink lily flowers he’d blush and smile to himself,, it would always remind him of you <333
eric cartman
at first he cringed sooooo bad, he didn’t want anyone knowing you were giving him flowers so he acted like you were giving him drugs tryna act discreet with it
he’d tease you for it tbh, “don’t even think that i would cherish this... this.. whatever it is, i’d throw it away immediately when i get home,trust.”
you know damn well he wouldn’t but you just laughed
he was actually so excited to go home, he rushed home so fast and searched up what type of flowers you gave him, it was a carnation flower, he has no idea what it was but it was pretty
after that he would ask his mom to take him to the store to buy him a vase to keep it, he would practically force his mom to take him, but he saw you there too! obviously he wouldn’t admit it, “im buying this so if your stupid carnation flowers dies i can keep it in here, it would be wayyy prettier if it was dead” .......... “ i never told you it was a carnation flower though” you almost laughed but he just coughed and walked away
he would keep it on his bedside table so he can look at it everytime he woke up :))
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"A Lack Of Climax In Act Three." Reverse! Poly! Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader.
Hello, hello, hello! So at long last, the very much awaited follow up and part two to Lessons In Faking It Redux for Multi-May! I thought hard about this, I hope this is worth the wait and you all love it. I put a fuck ton of effort into this one and honestly it hurt to write! I am so mean to Billy and Stu in this but I don’t mean it, I love em still, I promise! But for now, let’s put that love aside and lose ourselves in this fun AU idea. 
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3k. Reverse! Poly! Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Cheating. Lying. Fake Dating. Faking It In General. Cunnilingus. Fingering. “Loss Of Virginity”. Vaginal Sex. Nipple Play. Reader Is A Manipulative Asshole. Really Mean Shit, Hurt. Angst. Blood. Gore. Murder.
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The big night was finally here. 
To say that this was highly anticipated was an understatement. The culmination of over a year of work for your girlfriends and months of your own effort leading up to tonight. Sidney and Tatum were such good actors throughout this process, it was inspiring. The pair of them had killed a few more people by this point and had been playing up the scared and concerned act amazingly well, doing all they could to keep suspicion off of them. It made you all the more smitten with them. The duality and depth, the complexity they have inside of them, makes you wish you were sandwiched between the pair of them as opposed to Billy and Stu like you currently were. 
Sidney and Tatum had this grand finale planned for a long time, a party at Sidney’s house, currently in full swing, was going to be the setting and so far everything was going off without a hitch. You were doing your best to keep your eyes on them while staying close to Billy and Stu, still playing the part of loving and caring girlfriend who was obscenely into them both. Billy was being extra clingy tonight, understandably the murders kicking up around town has him feeling stressed, you were excited that after tonight you would never have to deal with him again. After tonight you wouldn’t have to feel his arms around your waist while sitting in his lap, wouldn’t have to pretend you weren’t cringing inside when Stu would kiss you, the list drags on and on but there is no time to linger on that. 
You notice the signal you had worked out with Tatum earlier, now for the next phase and you had to initiate it, time to put all that “practice” to good use. Everything before this was the rehearsal but this was like opening night on Broadway, you had to impress and dazzle and make them truly believe your act; and this was arguably much more challenging than any of the “read throughs” that occurred in your girlfriend’s bedrooms, you hope all the work pays off. 
You’d been planning this yourself for a long time but unlike Sidney and Tatum’s openness, you hid exactly what you had in mind, for fun. Sure the two gave lots of direction but ultimately the final cut was left to your discretion, a show of trust from them that you appreciated. You can feel their eyes on you, looking at you from across the room, over the throng of the other inebriated party goers. You finish the rest of your own drink, which was free of any alcohol but the boys didn’t know that, before placing the red solo cup off to the side. Next you were turning in Billy’s lap, straddling him so you were now face to face, your arms hanging loosely around his neck as you looked down at him. “How you holding up, tiger?”
“You know how he is, head wayyy too full, way too stressed and worried-” Stu teased, he reached forward over your shoulder, an attempt was made to ruffle his hair but Billy yanked his head back, dodging out of the way with a sigh, “Can you blame me?”
“No, of course not. But Stu is right, look at all the people here, you are totally safe.” You reassured and he nodded but still seemed unconvinced as he said, “I know that but-”
“But nothing, listen to us man.” Stu cut in and you say, “Yeah. You want us to help distract you? Keep your mind on other things?” 
“What did you have in mind?” He asked and you leaned in closer, “C’mon, I can’t show you here, we need to go upstairs for what I’m thinking of.”  
You knew that it wouldn’t take much to convince either of them, but one well placed sentence and they were practically dragging you off to go upstairs with them, you have to hold your laugh in at how easy they were. To be fair this wasn’t the hard part, convincing them you were not only into the sex but getting off on it would be the real test. You meet Sidney and Tatum’s gaze as you walk past, Stu leading you with Billy right behind. You fight back your smirk, Sidney hides her own behind her sleeve, a subtle wave, a single that when matched with her eyes said, “Try to have fun.” Tatum hides her laugh behind the rim of her own cup.
It all feels different. Not just from what you did with your girlfriends, that was a give in, but the physical affection you had shared with Billy and Stu thus far to keep up your charade felt less seriously than it did tonight. You wonder if it is because you know this will be the last time or if because this time it is actually going somewhere, it isn’t just kissing with forced enthusiasm and some awkward feeling up, well it was at this moment, but the point is, it wasn’t going to stay just this. 
It progresses quickly but that is fine, it sells it as rushed, passionate, all full of need, they certainly seem swept up in it. Your arms wrap around Billy’s neck as your tongue enters his mouth, you are very in your head, trying to make every single movement and sound read as effortless and natural when in reality it was a calculated dance that neither Billy nor Stu knew they were a part of. You really should be praised for this, the soft moan you let out was thoroughly convincing, even though his tongue was unpleasantly rough and he tasted of cheap beer that threatened to turn your stomach. The make out continues as Stu feels you up, rolling your nipples between his fingers in a way that harkens back to trying to tune an old radio. It makes you want to roll your eyes from how boring and not to your taste it was, you think that you could school that into a display of pleasure rather than annoyance, but you could save that for later. 
You did feel some minor nerves but when you actually had more of their clothing off, touching them, it put you much more at ease. They are so responsive, alive, much more so than a regular silicone dildo locked into a strap-on harness, even a loose grip and an easy pace of your hand has either one of them bucking their hips with a groan. You don’t know why you were so worried, this will probably be easier than you thought. 
Sidney tastes much better than Billy does, she has this almost sweet and salty tang and he has this bitter taste, metallic and sweaty and much less pleasant. Stu’s flavour isn’t much better, and his blow job etiquette leaves a lot to be desired with how he buries his fingers in your hair and forces you down until you gag, doesn’t let up until you push with more force than you should have to on his thighs to be able to just fucking breathe properly. You were glad you pre-lubed yourself in the bathroom to help make this easier because Tatum was right, Stu’s tongue is overrated. 
He is sloppy in an overly enthusiastic way that sadly, doesn’t make up for the lack of any real technique, he can’t hold a candle to any of the experiences you have had previously with your girlfriends. Your fingers thread in his short hair and you pull, rolling your hips with a moan as you try to think of Sidney being in between your thighs earlier that very week. Stu doesn’t make it easy for you to pretend with how rough his treatment is, Sidney’s face is softer as is the stroke of her tongue but still you manage to be convincing that it felt fantastic rather than painful and overstimulating in the worst way. 
Again you thank God for the lube you applied because lord knows Stu’s oral skills and Billy’s pawing hands aren’t doing anything to help make you naturally wet. 
Things progress further and you fear that this might seriously hurt, it doesn’t thankfully, but there is a present ache, who would have thought penetration with a real dick rather than the imitation would feel so different? If anything the few sharp inhales and tense body help, again they think you have no experience and so showing no pain outwardly wouldn’t make sense. You play it all up of course, both the pain and the pleasure, one blending into the other as it progresses.
You insisted on condoms of course but still, it was an uncomfortably intimate experience in Billy’s arms, him looking down at you as you “lose your virginity to him”, he was clear how totally fucking lovesick he is. Doing this in front of Stu, him so close, touching you, talking to you, made this all the worse, it was nearly overwhelming and not in a fun way. 
It pushes you forward, you play hardball and really take initiative and all in all, ten minutes, two condoms later you are definitely sore and putting your clothes back on. They were still clinging onto you, soon as your shirt is pulled back down and your jeans are buttoned they have you all wrapped up in your arms and you want to groan and push them off, you just had them literally inside of you two minutes ago, can’t they chill out for five fucking seconds?
Instead you take a deep breath and sling an arm around each of them, not much longer, less than an hour, you do your best to attempt to enjoy what would surely be your last cuddle session in your faux triad. 
Said next hour was pretty chaotic. The distraction worked well, got everyone else out of the house except for who was meant to die and you were finally all where you were supposed to be. You were heaving, just finished running, Sidney and Tatum have Billy and Stu injured and cornered and even then, when it looked like they were done for, their concern was with you, a shout to get out of here, to run and the pair of masked killers straighten up, a look over their respective shoulders and a question of, “Should we fill em in?”
“I think that is only fair.” Came your response, a nod of agreement from them along with saying, “You are so right.” 
The masks came off and the looks of shock on their faces were a million times more satisfying then the sex you had earlier with them. 
Those looks slightly morphed to ones of confusion as you walked right up between the pair, just like you had with them previously, an arm slings around each of them, “Jesus that is a lot of blood, you two are brutal.” 
“Had to make sure they wouldn’t get back up and try anything.” Sidney said with a shrug and Tatum, same as always, a tap of her cheek and you smile, a fond roll of your eyes before you lay a kiss down on her crimson smeared cheek, she greets you once the action of affection has been laid down, “Hi baby.” 
“Hiya Tate.” You coo in return with a smile. 
“How’s your night been?” You ask and Sidney scoffs, “Exhausting, hosting a party is just so much work, you know?”
You giggle, you love this, Tatum spilled to you that after getting stab happy Sidney gets jokey and silly, seeing it in person was too fun, too good for words. “Yeah, you must be dog tired.” 
“Mmm, seriously. You know what is the worst thing about hosting a party?” Tatum asks and you respond curiously, “What is that?”
“The clean up.” Tatum said with a wave of her knife towards Billy and Stu, leaning against each other, clutching their wounds and still bleeding at a very steady rate. Finally Stu speaks up, “What the fuck is going on?!”
It interrupts your laughing over Tatum’s joke, and Sidney said, “Awe they still aren’t getting it.”
“You wanna help spell it out, baby?” The blonde asked and you nodded, “Course.” 
You let go of them and take a step forward, you crouch down and look between the pair, “So-” you gesture between you and Billy and Stu, “-this? Was an act. What was between us? Our whole entire relationship? Was made up. Completely false, well, at least on my end.”
Eyes locked on Billy’s face, his lips are parted, there are tears staining his cheeks along, cutting messy tracks through the sweat and the blood, “You…You faked our entire relationship for-”
“Months.” You said easily, as if it was a plain as the clear blue sky, cutting off his sentence and finishing it all in one. Stu jumped in, there was blood down his chin, he had been coughing, he was cut deep, “The dates, the talks, the-”
“Sex? Oh my God, especially the sex.” You laughed and Billy seemed to get angry, “No way, I don’t believe it, there is no way that it was all pretend!” 
“It was! It very much was.” You stood up straight, and Stu chimed in, “Yeah, I call bullshit-” 
“Oh yeah? You need to be convinced?” You ask and when their expressions do not shift you put more of that “practice” to good use. Immediately switching it up, your eyes close, hands in your own hair, a few deep breaths, a few impassioned moans, calling out, sounding pitch perfect as if you were mid-fuck, “Shi-shit, Billy, ah! Stu, right there, don’t stop-”
Billy looked so betrayed, so hurt, it was delicious. Tatum praised, “Man, you do that shit so well.” You thanked her, "Couldn't do it without either of you giving me all those experiences to call back on." You then proceeded to launch into continuing to berate the two men bleeding out at your feet.
“Christ, you are just so fucking convinced that it is impossible for me to not be pathetically desperate for you two idiots like you are for me.” You sigh as you take a step back to be between Sidney and Tatum. “If your small brains can believe it, along with pretending to be with you, I’ve actually been really dating these two on the sly.” 
The shock just continues, stunned silence as you heap on, “And it was all their idea! Been helping me the whole way so I could assist them and make this-” You gesture to the messy kitchen around you, “-all happen.” 
You didn’t stop talking, “Every time we finished a hang out, a study sesh, a date, I would leave you both and go running back to them and man we would fucking laugh and laugh over all the dumbass shit you said.” 
“Oh fuck, remember that night you told us about Billy telling you he loved you?!” Tatum laughed, her hand smacking you on the shoulder and Sidney perked up even more, “Oh my God!”
“I just love you so much-” You three mocked through fake tears before falling into a serious laughing fit. 
“I did! I did love you, we both did-” Billy sobbed and you said, “I know that you did. It’s what made it so easy to trick you.”
“I told you everything, I was so open with you an-and you just-” His sentence broke off and you said, “Broke your heart? I know. Poor baby, I can be a real bitch.”
Stu began to make a move to try and get up, holding his side and Tatum’s laughing cut off, she fell to her knees, fingers in his hair, not unlike yours were earlier and she had the knife to his throat. “Don’t think I won’t do it. I’ve thought so much about it. Could slice your throat up and make a massive mess with very little effort.” 
“You are all fucking crazy.” Stu spat and Sidney seemed less than impressed as she bit back, “Yeah real original Stuart.” 
Sidney sighed then before she said, “So I’m getting just a touch bored so allow me to spell it out. I killed your mom, me and Tate are gonna kill you and Stu and pin it all on your dad. Got it?” 
“Why?” Billy asked through more tears and you all groaned. “Oh my God, isn’t it obvious?”
Sidney kept going, “Because your mom ruined my fucking life, destroyed my family but yours stayed together! How is that fair?!”
Tatum chimed in, tone as lethal as she was, “It isn’t.” 
“Right. It isn’t! So me and Tate and your little not-girlfriend cooked up this scheme to even the scales a bit.” Sidney was approaching Billy, knife brandished and she kept talking, “It was laughably simple and I am so fucking excited that I am going to be the one to run you through and get away with it.”
Stu was getting weaker and weaker, the blood was welling up from how hard Tatum was holding the knife to his throat, “Fu-fuck you.”
“Awe, we already did that and I gotta say, it wasn’t anything to write home about. You both called it, Billy's fingering is terrible, and Stu couldn't use that tongue properly to save his life! I dunno how I managed to fake my way through that mess.” You mocked him further still before saying. “But really we should wrap this up so in closing, Stu?”
You turned to him, “You are without a doubt one of the biggest, dumbest, most undeservedly overconfident assholes I’ve ever had the displeasure of getting to know.” 
Turning to the other you say, “And Billy? You are a pathetic, whiny, fucking momma’s boy who no one is gonna miss.” 
“Cold blooded!” Tatum laughed and Sidney cheered, “Well said! Couldn’t have put it any better myself.”
A look from brunette to blonde, knives at the ready, positioned just so, you watch with bated breath as there is a question of, “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” 
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acnlmorioh · 1 year
today i visited @azaleacnl's new leaf town through the dream suite! it was such an adorable and well made town so here is my review of my travels ! (sidenote i lost the notes i wrote while exploring the town so if its a little disjointed then that's why)
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immediately as i loaded into the town i could tell it was going to be amazing. the clovers by the bed and the cherry blossom trees created such an atmosphere already.
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i loved the bushes around the town tree, i thought that was a super nice touch.
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there were so many outdoor areas that i just loved. i really liked the use of items like the perfect apple basket to add more life to the outdoors. it's really cool to see what people do with the limited amount of stuff you can place outside in NL!! i also loved the trees with the carnations in the water, they looked like cherry blossom petals floating in the river!!
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the first character's house that i came across was meli's house! i LOVED the sweets exterior. i find that it can often be a bit out of place in some towns but i thought it fit super well here!
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I LOVE THE SWEETS SET. AAAAGHHH. one thing about the whole town is the use of certain smaller furniture items that just add so much more - for example, in this room, the black roses look like they're made of chocolate.
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i loved the cosy vibe of the back room with all the cabin furniture and using the large bookcase as a room partition works so well!! the pompompurin room was also super cute and furniture like the super star and the balloon fit really nicely!
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i genuinely audibly gasped when i saw this room and i am not even joking. the atmosphere is just PERFECT i think it's my favourite room in the whole town!! it feels so comfy and everything is exactly where it should be. i love it!!!!
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the next house i came to was cathy's ! i love the exterior, the fairy tale theme is so cute and matches nicely with the town hall and train station.
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i have VERY strong feelings about the lovely set (I LVOE IT ITSM Y FAVOURITE SET EVER) so trust i was a fan of this room !! i also really like the soft lighting that was in a lot of the rooms, when i was decorating my nl house recently i found that a lot of the lighting was wayyy too harsh for my liking so i like how it's done here!! i also noticed a lot of furniture items that i swear i have never seen before - it goes to show how much effort was clearly put into this whole town.
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i really love the distinct theming of every room - while they were all different, they still felt really cohesive. i also think the space is used very well, such as in the rococo room. in my own rococo room i've been really struggling to figure out how to use the space, but these rooms are all full but not crowded. i also love the use of cyrus such as in the regal furniture. i never really considered using regal furniture because i didn't like the yellow but here you can see how it's recoloured to pink which i feel makes it fit in a lot better with more sets.
i also love the use of mannequins in the rooms! it really makes it feel like a scene where there's actual characters and a story, like the character by the birdcage in the princess room!
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the next house was lina's!! i'm going to become very repetitive but once again i love the exterior. it's so impressive managing to make the very different exterior styles work so well in the same town.
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i have never been a fan of the gorgeous set. HOWEVER. seeing it like this (especially with this lighting) has certainly made it grow on me! i think the strong lighting also helps to unite the pieces by making them similar colours e.g. the handbag on the table - iirc it's pink and can't be recoloured, but in the lighting it looks more red which makes it fit in with the rest of the furniture.
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once again loved the use of mannequins in these rooms! i thought the minimalist beds in the spa was super smart. the atmosphere in the rooms is actually impeccable like the spa room seems so clean and cool. i LOVED the restaurant room!! i think it's so creative to use the rooms as like actual places rather than just rooms in a house. it adds more liveliness and story to the whole town i really love it!!
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the final house i came to was misa's!
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the interiors were always very unpredictable in the best way possible - i didn't expect to step into the house and be on a tropical island, but there i was! as much as i really liked the island, i was absolutely blown away by the basement room. it really felt like i was outside and had come across a magical fairy circle. i never really make use of wallpapers like the vistas and skies but this really showed me how well they can be used - the atmosphere was insane !!!
even though this house isn't 100% finished, i honestly liked that - it made me super excited to see what was to come!!!
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after i looked at the player houses, i looked around the rest of the town. i feel like my thoughts were the same wherever i went - it was mostly 'OHHH MY GOD THAT IS SO CUTE. OHHHH MY GOD USING THAT FURNITURE IS GENIUS. I LOVE IT'. the pwps were used very well and i think they were really well placed - they were spread out enough that the town wasn't super crowded but there weren't super big empty spaces. i also found the town really easy to navigate, not only due to the placement of buildings but the paths were very clearly and purposefully placed! (they were also super cute i loved the patterns)
i thought the villager housing was nicely done with some of them being paired off together. also bonus points for the wisteria trellis (my fav pwp EVER)!!!!!
overall it was just a really lovely experience going and exploring around the town of azalea. if you would like to visit (which you SHOULD! there's a lot i didn't include here so you should go see the town for yourself!!) the DA is 7E00-00D5-AA0B !! you should also follow the towns blog which is @azaleacnl !!
eee thank you for reading please check out the town + blog !!
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prbni · 2 years
My controversial Kdrama opinions
1. Ko Moon Young was just a psychologically messed up girl. She isn't the 'girlpower' or 'badass' that the Kdrama fandom likes to dub her into.
2. In 'Hotel del Luna', they could've just chucked the entire character of Gu Chansung out of the window and gave Chang Myung a rebirth/rebirths,make him go through various trials and tribulations to repent and earn Man Wol's forgiveness. Didn't have to make it unnecessarily tragic.
3. Unnecessarily tragic reminds me, the 'realistic' ending of 2521 was a JOKE. There was NO point of developing such a power couple if they were to break up for such a mundane reason.
4. Romance genre isn't Song Kang's 'thing'. He shines better as an actor in non-romance genres.
5. Had they focused on developing Ju Kyung as an individual character who finally learns how to completely take a stand for herself instead of dangling her between Suho and Seojun, 'True Beauty' would've become a more popular and appreciated drama.
6. The love line between Hwang InYeop and Seo Hyun Jin's character in 'Why her: Oh Soo Jae' was absolutely unnecessary and awkward.
7. Jo Bo Ah and Ahn Bo Hyun and an amazing chemistry in 'Military Prosecutor: Do Bae Man'. However, they could've developed a slowburn romance between them instead of abruptly putting a kiss sequence in the last episode out of nowhere.
8. In 'Snowdrop', Eun Young Ro forgiving Soo Ho later on didn't make sense. Their kiss sequence was purely fan service,nothing else.
9. Individual acting aside,Kim Hye Yoon had more chemistry with Lee Jae Wook(2nd lead) than Rowoon(main lead) in 'Extraordinary You'.
10. Writers are overusing 'Let's kill off the main character and make the show tragically memorable' trope wayyy too much.
11. As much as it physically hurts me given the chemistry of the actors,Choi Do Il and Oh In Joo not having any proper romantic sequence till the end of 'Little Women' makes sense to the storyline(the shipper me might've wanted a hug though).
12. Also the writers should stop doing the 'lets make the second lead better than the main lead'. Its annoying to see one person actually making sincere effort for the girl but the girl ends up totally ignoring their effort and like the ML. Not in just Kdramas but in all sorts of dramas. I actually saw a Chinese drama where the second lead finally turned into a villain. I LITERALLY commented 'good for him' lmao.
13. Sunho in 'Cheer Up' is problematic. Neither his sad backstory nor his sincere feelings for Haeyi changes that fact.
14. The Heirs(2013) drama wasted an opportunity to pair Young Do(Kim Woobin) with Yoo Rachel(Kim Jiwon). No, they didn't need to be 'siblings'. I'd have chosen the two heartbroken yet sassy and tough people romance over the sappy romance of the main couple in a heartbeat. And the actors would've NAILED it.
15. Jojo not ending up with Sunho in 'Love Alarm' finally broke the 'Cinderella and Prince Charming' fairytale trope of Kdramas. That girl was too messed up in the head . She didn't need the rich,fierce and impulsive lover, but the quite,patient and thoughtful one. So don't go ahead and say the ending sucked. Maybe they could've made things more coherent, but no the ending didn't suck.
16. Moon Dong Eun should have remained single, with the last episode ending with him crossing paths with Do Yeong, with Yeonjin & gang & all the revenge agenda gone, she could hv offered him a smile and a game of Go, keeping an open ending for them. Lee Do Hyun was fabulous in playing Yeojeong and their chemistry was amazing. But they could hv just been partners in crime with their teamwork without the romantic plot between them.
17. No. Ryu Shi Oh doesn't give second lead syndrome. Byun Woo Seok is a very good actor but he plays the villain in 'Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon' and not anti-hero. Lee Yoo Mi and him should be paired opposite to e/o in some other project in the future but Shi Oh and Nam Soon ain't the 'enemies to lovers' you think it is.
18. After Byun Woo Seok's popularity skyrocketed with 'Lovely Runner', many people dug up his previous works & lamented over not noticing him earlier. People even felt sad that he got his recognition late. But honestly, he wasn't very noticeable as an actor in his earlier stages imo. He kept working hard on his acting skills to get to where he is now. What I applaud about him is not giving up & putting the efforts in all right places but he didn't start from a 100.
19. I'm actually glad they brought back the fresh romcoms in 2024. Got tired of consistently watching crime thrillers,school violence,zombie apocalypse and stuff. I mean, of course they're good. But the key ingredient for Kdramas will always be those cringey classic slightly over-the-top romcoms.
20. Cha Eunwoo's acting in 'My ID is Gangnam Beauty' isn't as bad as people try to make it. His character actually demanded those stank cold expressions that he delivered. In fact, I'd say his character Do Kyeong Seok was one of the first Kdrama male leads that actually understood and empathised with the FL's situation and protected her in his own way without going over-the-top cliche "she is my yeoja and only I can bother her" about it.
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sneap-sneap · 1 year
Missy’s Idea, pt 1
Heyyyy, this is the little thing I wrote! It involves Martin, who is a stuffed animal cat who likes to overfill himself, and his friend/sort-of girlfriend Missy, a flesh-and-blood cat.
“What does it feel like?”
Missy’s ears twitched at the sound of his voice, and she turned to give him a look. “Martin, that’s so vague I don’t know how you expect me to answer-“
“I mean, what does being really full feel like to you?” Martin asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Missy absentmindedly scratched her side with a claw, her paw moving towards her belly as she considered. “I guess…it has a lot to do with the pressure. When you’ve eaten a lot, it’s really tight and you feel really stretched out.”
Martin squinted at her. “Well, I know what it feels like to be stretched. My stomach can stretch wayyy more than yours!”
“Martin, you do not have a stomach.” Missy rolled her eyes. “You’re basically a cloth bag of cotton fluff. It’s way different when it comes to an actual gastrointestinal system.” She paused for a second, and Martin looked at her in curiosity. He was used to being somewhat dismissed, but it seemed like she was really considering his question. Martin watched her rub her paw up and down her belly. She pushed the soft fur back and forth along the curve, somewhat more swollen than normal but nowhere near her maximum. It made sense, her interest in his query. Her belly-focused activities with Martin were some of the few times he saw her show her actual feelings—a rarity for the standoffish cat.
Missy looked at him, interrupting his thoughts.
“There are more…stakes when I’m the one overeating. I think that’s what makes it so thrilling to me? I could get sick, or get a bellyache, or indigestion, whatever. Trying to stay on the balance of discomfort and pleasure is really exciting. Also, I don’t know, your body pushing back against what you’re doing to it? Like, your body will stretch basically however you want. To get this gut-“ she patted her stomach “-anywhere near the size of yours, I have to force it to go against what my body is telling it. My instincts are telling me, ‘that’s enough,’ but I’m disobeying them and gorging myself even further. That disobedience is reallllly fun.” Missy grinned, showing her sharp canines. Martin felt a little thrill run through him.
“It feels really heavy too. You can’t swallow liquid or anything, cause you’ll get moldy, but especially with liquid there’s a density that makes the sensation of being full extra strong. You’re just so…weighed down by your own gluttony. Plus it’s really bubbly and gurgley when I chug something carbonated. Sometimes I can sort of feel the bubbles moving around, and I know you like listening to them. Not to mention the feeling of cool liquid hitting your stomach, especially if you’ve been eating something warm. That’s a little shocking of a sensation and, I don’t know how, but it always makes me feel so much more stuffed than before.”
Missy’s cheeks were tinging pink, Martin noticed. It might be possible that she liked this…hobby? Interest? of his more than he had expected.
“Also, when my paws, or your paws are pressing against my belly, there’s so much more resistance than there is with the stuffing you use.” Missy squirmed a little in her seat. She demonstrated by poking her abdomen, pressing on about an inch with some effort. “Especially if I’m really packed full, especially if you helped me keep going and keep eating way after I was satisfied, my belly gets pretty hard. I guess you’ve probably noticed; you’ve touched me a lot. But pushing into my full belly isn’t like squishing yours. Although that’s really fun too. You’re pretty much always soft, but my belly is so…substantial, so solidly packed and attached to my body, like I’ve made it that way, I put so much inside of me that it hurts, I disregarded my internal messages to stop and therefore put myself in a position that’s sort of taboo in a way. It’s so good, Martin. It feels so good.” Missy’s pupils were dilated as she studied him, and Martin suddenly felt as examined as the initial question had been.
“I wonder…” Missy trailed off, obviously thinking hard. “I have an idea! Martin, wait here.”
She hopped up from the couch and went into another room, leaving a confusedly almost-aroused Martin. After a few minutes and some rummaging noises, she came back with a belt and a corset. She dumped these on his lap and ran off again, returning with a huge bag of rice.
“So. Martin.” Martin felt a tingling sensation when she said his name like that. Like he had something coming for him. Something good, but knowing Missy, something really intense.
“I’m gonna put this belt and corset on you, so you can feel the tightness, and then I’m going to fill you to bursting with rice. I always feel so heavy after eating rice, so I think you’ll really get a sense of how it feels to be a little helplessly full.” Missy’s eyes had a mischievous but genuine glint, and Martin couldn’t resist his curiosity.
“Okay.” He said, grabbing her paw and putting it on his belly. She flushed under her fur. “Fill me up.”
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gulliesforever · 6 months
So, I love making parody songs even though I'm not the best singer (and my mic is horrible)... AND I'm still fixated on these two horrible guys... so I decided to make one for them!! >:D
Eddie Baby is a song that's from my IT fixation, but I decided it could translate over well to an Amir song because "dinner tonight" is similar to "my arms tonight".
Anyways, I put way too much effort into this for it to be normal but I'm really proud of it tbh. It turned out wayyy cuter than I originally thought!
Thank you to my Jakey irl @mr-whitebullet who helped to punch up the song/dialogue and deliver his way better voice & mic set up <3
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minquiec · 9 months
the ways in which you talk to me jia shows love to hb specifically
Hey god
It's me
I'm rlly going crazy w these lately and I don't Know Why but uhhmmmrhrm these were just scenarios I thought of that I think is cute so 🧍
I'm really obsessed!1!1 with this sleeping theme recently?? But anyways here we goes
Imagine if like hobie can't stand sleeping in the heat
Like he hates sleeping in hot temperatures and it drives him insane he hates it so much that it makes it hard to sleep and makes him even more restless than usual (ref my last post that I made)
and he also hates it cause he can't cling to jia as more cause EUEUUGEHH ITS TOO HOT but gf is too far ☹️☹️☹️💔💔
But anyways the scenario was he accidentally slept over at jia's and caught the summer heat in her world at it's WORST (cause I think china summers are hotter than eeenngland?? Idk it was a 2 minute google search don't trust me)
Bro was fucking going thru the motions
Actual suffering it was badddd for him and he thought it was bad back at home
And so it's like maybe 1:26 am in the morning and he's feeling way delirious and semi asleep but also not cause he feels like literal shiet with half a foot in hell
low-key sulking in his semi sleep cus it's so uncomfortable
And jia can't stand it!!! She hates seeing him so uncomfortable it makes her ☹️ awe
So what does she do except start quietly rummaging thru her drawers and closets to finddddd
A fan 🎉🎉🎉 yayyy
And if ur wondering no it's not those folding fans
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The design is very human, much wind very good
But anyways while he's marinating in his own sweat she also tiptoes to the bathroom to get a basin of water and a cloth
And armed with a fan and a basin she returns back to bed
And then,,,,ueueueueu UEGRHEH SNJFJEBJE
she'd start fanning him while up at 1 in the morning, occasionally swapping to the basin of water to wipe at his wayyy over heated skin like his face or back etc
(not rlly related but YKNOW WHO SHE LEARNT THIS FROM her grandma pwfhshsh y'know the ones who's DEAD cause she did the same for jia when she first arrived)
This isn't as big as the other one but it's still cute to me is she peels fruit for him
(the way she shows love is jsut very,,asian 😭😭😭)
I thought this cause to me ngl the idea of peeling fruits is soo
It's soooo
Cause like imagine a mandarin right (or clementines or oranges idk the difference I'm not a fruit)
Usually when you peel for yourself you'd wanna remove the white fibers in between just because it's nicer to eat that way
If you were to offer bits of your mandarin to someone you're not that close to, you'd probably lowkey half ass it or even just give them half with the peel still attached 😭 (I'm jk)
BUT if it was for someone u care abt
You'd wanna put in the same effort you put into peeling as if it was for yourself
I'm gone ugh
But yes jia peels fruits for hobie
That's it for now I'll probably wake up at one again some other time to add to this
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
The med increases didn't help my depression at allll whoooooooooo
All it does it make me feel drunk enough to fall asleep, sleep for 9+ hrs and wake up at noon. Just to stay in bed the rest of the day.
Idk what to do bc I'm too scared to try any other antidepressants cause they seemed to give me wayyy too bad of a anxiety reaction. I feel like I made an error in judgement by making my therapy appointments every other week cause now things are falling again, showering is becoming harder and it's becoming too much effort to cook for and clothe myself.
The worst part is idk if this is situational due to the climate change shit or all the fucked up stuff going on in Palestine. And just... everything else. Everything little thing adding up.
I've been trying to hard to improve, and I thought I was, I really did. I feel like such a fucking failure. I know even if things improve over the winter I'll still have spring and summer and all the anxiety that comes with it due to the heat. I cannot survive another summer of countless panic attacks and staying in all day bc I can't handle the heat outside and the falls and winters disappearing due to the ever-increasing heat and my parents still denying climate change even exists even when it's 80+ degrees in fucking november.
The self-harm urges are coming back and idk where my rubber band is. It's much better that than the box cutter I used to use (and even that was tame, it never cut deep)
And with each and every vent post I make (which I can't stop, it just flows out of me like a waterfall) I feel more and more like an annoyance. Even when I'm posting things I'm proud of, I feel like an annoyance. I care so much about what people think, far too much, and I try to bring it up in therapy but I'm still way to embarrassed to talk about it, it seems like such a selfish thing to fixate on.
Yesterday I saw pictures of the kittens and I have no idea how they're doing today since my sibling who they're staying with (permanently, I'll never fucking see them again) doesn't use social media. I'll never watch them grow up. I saw them as my children and my sibling took them away and treated my sense of loss as selfish bc I should've known they'd always belong to them.
I've been lying in bed all day. I ate but that's it. I can't get the motivation to put on clothes or go outside or do anything really. All I've been doing is listening to music and feeling sorry for myself like a complete failure. Who am I kidding, even if I get back in college, I'll just fail again, like I always do.
I can't live independently, not after what I went through over the summer... I could never manage all that shit by myself.
And ofc I start thinking about death. My death or my parents', whichever comes first. And... I just feel cold. Not in a good way, not in a comforting way, just a lonely, empty way. And this feeling comes and goes, but right now it's wound around my chest and wringing the life out of me.
And I start thinking about the friend I had. I'll never know somebody that cares about like that ever again. if they even did. If he wasn't lying about it all. I'll never know anybody like that ever again. Never. The kind of friendship I used to daydream about growing up, the kind I waited till adulthood for, gone. I know it's been months but it fucking hurts so fucking much
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
okay not to be cringe but here's another song that sorta fits but an actual shocker this one isn't taylor (omg no wayyy :0)
the living tombstone - I can't fix you- and I know the fnaf fan song part isn't appealing BUT HEAR ME OUT ‼️‼️‼️
the lyrics seem almost akin to alternating lyrics switching from forevers pov manipulating phil to phils pov defending himself
"I've been trying for so long
To sing you the right song
To show you something different every day
So you hear what I have to say
Like puzzle pieces
And now we're here at a standstill
I wonder if you feel
The kind of pain that rips your insides out
That's something I know all about
Shocking, ain't it?"
this could be forever trying to 'reach out' to phil in a way, with how everyday he's been visiting trying to get phil to accept his love and 'affection' and how every moment without phil by his side is agonizing to him- causing so much pain. he's tapping into phils sense of guilt for hurting forever by not being with him. he's trying to relate to the pain phil has felt throughout his life by showing how hurt he's being right now and trying to convince phil that he doesn't wanna hurt forever now too does he?
"Is it because I can't be her?
Made your mistakes and make me hurt
I can't fix you"
this part turns to phil talking to forever, instead of her it's him- the friend phil resembles (aaaaa I forgot their NAMEEE) and how phil isn't the missing piece he's looking for, and that forever is making a mistake trying to look for new love in phil and that he can't patch up that hole that was left and won't be able to fix forever and whatevers wrong with him.
"I can feel my heart breaking
Mistakes I've been making
I'm running out of patience to pretend
This isn't how I'll let it end
My feigning fading
You've been mourning your loss here
And that's grinding my gears
How can a human lose their self control
There's nothing left to make you whole
I'm done explaining"
this part turns back to phil slowly breaking, forever is making his way through phils mind and defenses. now phil is starting to feel like he should be the one accepting forevers affection, and that he should stop 'pretending' to hate forever as their connection grows. the 'this isn't how ill let it end' is a quick flash to phil remembering why he's being hurt in the first place and setting himself straight again and the other lines are him reminding himself that forever is not the good guy here, he's back to the offense- at least for a little while.
"We have a lot more in common
Than you would be calm with
It's like we're the same person, me and you
We both don't know we can do"
this could be a last ditch effort from forever to connect with phil, after hes isolated phil from the rest of the smp, he can focus more on being the only constant in phils life. highlighting how similar they are now that they're all alone together in the prison, could be his way of getting through to phil and showing him how it just makes Sense to be with him. trying to tap into his more logical side by laying out all the puzzle pieces but allowing phil to be the one to put them together.
(apologizes for spamming the asks- ill stop if you need ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ just have many thoughts to share all the time) - 💿
Fnaf fan songs have no right to go this hard??? Like who gave you the right?? also do not stop sending me asks i love it share all of your fml thoughts with me i thrive on it
Anyway yes, absolutely, youre so so so right that i have nothing to add and will instead offer another song : Those Eggs Aren't Dippy
"Dripping eye, dissecting me
Cut my life expectancy
Have me under close inspection"
Phil talking about Forever, how he basically rips him apart and puts him back together, looking at every part of Phil, inside and out. And then he's not only examining every part of Phil as he's taking him apart but also watching him. Every move he makes. He is under very close inspection.
"Let me in your ear
Stop, pout, hear me out no less"
Switching to Forever, asking Phil to just let him in, let him infect his brain, let him change the way he thinks. Hear me out, as he tells Phil how traumatised he is, how hurt he is, how similar they are
And then, "Those eggs aren't dippy and I don't want to die" Can be interpreted as these eggs arent meant to be cracked, dont hurt those kids for the love of god and please, please let me live. But death for the players isnt really a threat, instead "living" here would be getting out. Let him live. Not just survive
Back to Forever with,
"I want a bit of love too
I wanna be close to you"
desperately needing and wanting to be with Phil, he wants his love, he wants to be close to him. He needs it.
"Those eggs aren't dippy and I don't want to die" again.
"You miss a feeling
The smell of the kitchen
See me singing sideways
Hang me from the highway"
Forever again, showing Phil empathy but going on to say "look at all im doing just for you!" in the "see me singing sideways" like bending over backwards. Then, threatening to harm himself again in the next line.
"Out of the dust I play
A break from your desperate cage"
Phil trying everything he can to get out of the prison Forever has made, his "desperate cage"
"A break (Eh, haha)
Going down, breaking, oh (Time to stop)
And then, finally, he breaks. He starts to dissociate, time passes like its "nothing", he's broken and gone and its "time to stop" putting up a fight
Theres more but sjdhsjsbsj long post already just listen to the song<//3
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constantvariations · 2 years
Rwby V9C2. This time i decided to put all my thoughts down as i watched the episode (i know most folks do this as a massive series of reblogs. No thanks lol)
You know its gonna be a gr8 episode when the very first line is a disingenuous trope aware quip. No wonder at the new world, no anxiety about how to get home. Nope! Just... bland disinterest. Did Joss Whedon join crwby?
I hate Little so goddamn much. Idk if yall read that one teaboot post where they talk about their hatred of Olaf from Frozen but I am reaching that level of irrational fury
As much as I like the uses of sweat drops and pop animation and frustration speech bubbles because they're delightful anime visual tropes... it's wayyy to late to be introducing those now. This would be like adding farting unicorns to The Walking Dead after half the cast was eaten. Again. Once more, I am asking what the fuck the tone is supposed to be here
Why is it called the Ever After? Wonderland rolls off the tongue way better and makes more sense for the name of a new world/dimension/whatever
So glad to be getting the exposition on the girl who fell through the world now instead of any organic weaving into dialogue prior. I love getting my information shoved down my throat all at once
I do actually like them discussing the tale. Different takeaways from the same story are always fun. Wish it could've lasted longer, I really want more conversations between these guys that aren't always directly about the plot
Okay, Weiss's doubts are good to hear. Sound like a lot of the stuff we've been saying, which may or may not be on purpose. Strange she doesn't mention her family at all, though, just the downfall of Atlas. Would've been really interesting to hear her thoughts on her parents and brother
Little needs to die. Now.
Weiss going back and forth between freaking out about the impracticality of their situation and taking charge when impracticality occurs is jarring. Maybe it's the smaller nonsense she can handle and not the big, abstract stuff? Guess we'll see
"I've always wanted to be long, but I'm still small." That's the funniest thing crwby has written in the last 5 seasons and it goes to the worst character. Typical rwby lol
Yang is absolutely intolerable in this auction bit. Knowing she's in a strange and illogical world, her first instinct is to be a cop? I've seen children act less petulant than her. Also, any item bought is probably more easily stolen from the buyer than the racoon, so why isn't that even on the table right now?
Did these idiot townsfolk really not know the gimmick? He's been at this long enough to be immortalized in a fairy tale, and I highly doubt there's enough space in Wonderland for him to never visit the same place twice. Unless everyone's memories get reset after a certain point, they should damn well know the coon is a con
Also that sword looks like it should be in Halo. Guess old habits die hard
Not this fucking Scooby Doo shit again. Can these characters stop interacting with the loop de loop sections before I throw my computer into the sun?
Wait that's Penny's sword? It's ugly as shit why you gotta do Penny dirty like that again
I find Ruby's expression of depression to be highly unbelievable. The excuse for so long has been that she's been hiding her emotions for the sake of everyone else, which is a fair enough point, but now there's not even a token effort. No obviously painful smiles, no jokes she breaks partway through, no overcompensating by hyping up too much. Ruby might as well be the goth girl at the top of the skyscraper from the All Star Superman comic for all the characteristically realistic depiction of depression she has
It worked well enough when she was alone and didn't have to fake for anyone - which is why everyone was so excited for Ruby to finally be free to break - but that was nipped right in the bud, and nothing has grown in its place. It's just... disappointing
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ragecndybars · 2 years
Fic in Review 2022
tagged by @bi-demon-ium :D thanks!!
Total Number of Completed Stories: Nine this year if you count my little Fuuka birthday drabble! :D I'm pretty proud of myself tbh
Total Word Count: 61,000 posted on AO3 this year, which makes 400,000 on AO3 in total! I... don't even wanna guess how many words are in WIPs in my google drive 😅
Fandoms Written In: Persona 3, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, and Fire Emblem Awakening :D Mostly Persona 3, lmao.
Looking back did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expect:
I wrote probably about as many words as I usually write in a year, but I definitely posted more fics this year than I would have expected! Especially since I've... kinda been going thru it this year lmao, so I'm pretty happy. :) Definitely still have wayyy more unfinished WIPs than published works tho, which may not ever change given how many silly little ideas I always get lmao
What’s your own favorite story of the year?:
Probably Always Wanna Play (But You Never Wanna Lose), given how much effort I poured into it, lmao. I was pretty proud of some of my Whumptober works too though!
Did you take any writing risks this year?:
Not really, to be honest, lmao. I guess I experimented a bit with my writing style in System Error, but I'll talk more about that in a minute lmao.
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?:
I have a couple of specific WIPs that I would like to finish and post next year, but, more generally, I kind of want to diversify and post more character studies and plot-focused works rather than just angst, lmao
Best story of the year:
I think the one that turned out the strongest, other than my fave (which I've already talked about lmao), was System Error :D Like I said, the style here was a little experimental, since I was playing around with a more clinical POV from Aigis, mixed with some memory loss and gaslighting from Ikutsuki that jumbles her ability to properly categorize her own feelings on what's happening, and I really like how it turned out.
Most popular story of the year:
Always Wanna Play (But You Never Wanna Lose) was my most-viewed, most-bookmarked, most-kudosed, and most-commented-on fic of the year, which makes me really happy tbh 😊 That one definitely had the most work put into it so I feel like that paid off, if that makes sense?
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
I was pretty blown away by how nice everyone's been about my fics this year, though the glitter dancing on the skin didn't get a lot of attention, which was predictable, lmao. Pannelivia isn't exactly a popular ship and it was a pretty quick and relatively underdeveloped fic tbh.
Most fun story to write:
Fair Trade fought me a little since I was rushing to get it out before Oct 4th ended, but I found it very fun and intuitive to write!
Story with the sexiest moment:
None of them this year, lmao.
Sweetest story:
I don't... write a ton of sweet stuff, lmao... but my Fuuka birthday drabble was short and sweet! :)
“Holy crap that’s wrong even for you!” story:
Hm, I guess that would mean the darkest story of this year for me? Which kind of depends on your perspective. Always Wanna Play But You Never Wanna Lose had some mild gore and a LOT of blood, with Minato coming very, very close to death, which could be seen as the darkest this year. But System Error I think takes the cake for being much more bleak without a happy ending, what with the mind control and memory removal 😅
Hardest story to write:
Tantrum has been fighting me for the past several YEARS, so I feel like I have to say that one, lmao
Biggest disappointment:
Hm, I don't know. I guess I'm pretty disappointed that I wasn't able to post a couple more whumptober fics -- two in particular that I wrote 5-10K for but just couldn't wrap up to my satisfaction -- but that's not really a disappointment given that I still wrote was more than I'd expected.
Biggest surprise:
How many comments I got on my fics 😭 thank you everyone who commented, it really kept me going this year <3
I Tag:
uhhhh @wizard-finix @misty-wisp if y'all wanna, and anybody else who sees this and wants to, go ahead!!! every time i get to one of these points in a tag challenge I forget about every person I have ever met hsjkhfls
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whoredmode · 1 year
this is a question that i ask often but i get endlessly interesting answers so: what was the process of coming up with Anteros like? was his development gradual or did you sort of just understand him immediately?
oh i love questions like this, character development shit is my fave thing.
anteros’ development at his most basic level was mostly equal parts “i know what i want” and “let’s just see where this takes me.” because i knew starting out i just wanted a fun guy completely separate from my other original projects as well as other fandom projects, just someone entirely new (who could potentially be utilized in other ways, if i really wanted). i knew i wanted a man who was excitable, confident, and sensual. i think i’ve mentioned it before but in earlier versions of his design i almost gave him a mustache, and he was a little more rugged, because i was initially basing him off of 70s standards of desirability, but my main original project is a 60s-70s period piece and i didn’t want to do that again, so i went for something more contemporary, slightly feminine, and visually striking. was definitely leaning more into 80s pop art (think patrick nagel, roy lichtenstein, etc) when deciding on his signature srtt look.
which, speaking of, it’s important to admit that……i was essentially working backwards. srtt was the first game i played in the series, but halfway through i went back to sr1 and sr2 before completing srtt. so a lot of his development was “ok, how did he get from point A to point B to point C? how did he end up like he is in srtt?” which was honestly super fun to do. canon has always been a fairly loose concept for me regardless of series, so i’d been messing around with story stuff for awhile lol.
as far as his deeper development, a lot of it was just kinda thinking and rethinking the events of the series and how i think he’d react to them? i kinda let it guide me. it was fun looking at big events in the story and figuring how i think he’d actually react. like recently with the piece i did of him and troy post-revelation. anteros is someone who is so stuck in the past, even if he doesn’t want to admit it, and he wouldn’t be able to just casually walk away after that. after killing the man he trusted, after barely escaping the attempt on his life from the person he loved…what else could he do but just cry? (speaking of crying, i added the crybaby trait because i liked the runny eyeliner look on his srtt model and thought it was a fun addition to the guy. he’s unpredictable in his own ways, and he feels everything in extremes.)
even down to his relationships, it was something i kinda just let happen. i’d always wanted him with dex, but kinzie and troy were a complete surprise. it was literally just because they were homies i always called bc they were almost always available when i needed a partner, so it got me really thinking and rewriting their relationships with him.
this is probably getting wayyy too long and i’m not even sure if i fully answered your question but. now you can see i maybe put too much effort into OCs. but i mean like. you give a me decent character creator i’m running with it.
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chosos-mascara · 2 years
Kinktober is really over 😭 
a massive fucking THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me through this wild month, I've made some amazing mutuals, and i went from 49 followers to over 250?! we had a rocky start interactions wise, but all my fics ended up getting wayyy more traction than i'd thought imaginable.
i've also noticed an insane improvement to my writing as a whole. it's kinda crazy to go through them all, knowing which ones i wrote first, the latter improving greatly.
now, what's next for me, and the account? well, so much! i have some fics planned, multiple parts and also some one shots too, and i plan to put tenfold the amount of effort that i'd put into half of the kt oneshots (no offence to my writing but you can deffo tell with some of them i wasn't doing it for fun, i was just doing it to meet the deadline)
I'm posting a satosugu X reader fic later this week, please check my masterlist!
thank you so much to those who have supported, followed, reblogged, commented, liked, messaged and sent in suggestions. genuinely, you're the reason i pushed myself, 31 fics and ~70,000 words in 31 days is absolutely insane
love you all !!
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