#and I think Hayden will love the garden
fieldsofwriting · 2 months
With Hayden having Henrietta and Juniper having Dozy, what do you think is every love interest's ideal pet? I feel like a good amount of them would wind up being cat people to be honest lol
You are very right, I think everyone would be very ride or die with thier pets tbh. Like there is friendly debates at the Tavern over who is the best. They'd have a best in show every year. Head cannons below the cut!
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This man is a Cat lover through and through. There is no convincing me otherwise.
I could see him having the sweetest little black cat- ya know to add to they mystery vibees.
He would love to have the cat run around with him, and when he's out and about I can see it curling up around his shoulders.
So much, this cat wants for absolutely nothing.
If he gets it after his D&D sessions- it have a silly name like Snickelfritz. For the vibes.
She strikes me as a dog girlie honestly.
I think she'd like using her dog as an excuse to get out of the kitchen every now and again and just go on walks with them.
I think she'd have a chocolate lab- yes because of the name but I also can't see her having a little dog.
She would spoil the shit out of the dog too- this dog gets so many homemade treats.
Not to mention Hemlock would feed him table scraps. And Luc would love to take them out too for bug adventures.
I could also see her being the kinda dog owner to give them cute little bandana's and everything to wear.
They'd also probably have a food name tbh.
I think she could go either way. I can definitely see her having both cats and dogs growing up.
But once she's moved out? I think she's got a bunny.
She'd LOVE taking them out to her garden and letting them roam.
She'd also love being able to give the bunny farm fresh foods!
I mean look at her and tell me that she doesn't look like she'd hold a bunny in her arms and walk around town.
She'd make it a little flower crown and everything too.
She'd get Ryis to help her make the best most lavish bunny cage there is too.
I think she'd give the bunny a cute name like Petal.
Okay- hear me out. As a kid? I think he had a bearded dragon. He would have thought they were SO COOL. Alright?
But now, as like an adult? I think he wouldn't hate any animal. Mans a big softy under that hard exterior.
I think though- he'd prefer Dogs over cats.
MOSTLY because the dog would remind him of Olric
Also you've seen those arms. I think be a crime to not get him a dog so you can throw a stick to them.
He'd pretend not to care at all about the dog- but then he'd fight so hard to make it have a cool name. (He'd probably try for Copper.)
You know those dads that are like "Don't bring home any damn animals!" And then bonds with the said animal. That's him.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!! Let me know if you want me to do some of the other characters too!! And thank you for your request! :3 Requests are open!!
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I’ve been thinking about a bunch of random mcd related thoughts lately but haven’t really written any of them down so here are some headcanons and random thoughts i’ve had as of late:
It is O’khasian royal family tradition to name the first born child (male or female) after the father, and the second after the mother. Any other children may be named whatever the parents please. Garroth is named after Garte, the two names being variations of the other. Zane is named after Zianna. Garroth Ro’meave was actually the name of Garte’s father.
Vylad’s birth father was the royal gardener. He and Zianna fell in love and had an affair, and when Garte found out, Zianna’s lover went on the run. Because of this, Zianna can often be found in her garden.
On another, completely unrelated note, Vylad died in his mother’s garden. His body was found in the roses.
The reason there are SO MANY named/main characters in mcd is because we see the world through Aphmau’s POV and she genuinely cares about everyone. She cares enough to learn the name of each and every person she speaks to, often becoming a close friend.
The Zvahl siblings. Laurance is older by two years. HOWEVER, Cadenza acts much more like an older sibling. Reason being their lives prior to being adopted by Joh and Hayden. Laurance was an only child and had to fend for himself for years after losing his parents. Sure he cared for the other town orphans, but he never lost that only child-ness. Cadenza however, was an older sister. She was 12 when she was separated from her 5 year old sister. And once an older sister, always an older sister.
I think Garroth physically changes the most throughout the series. In the beginning, he was in his mid to late 20s, and hadn’t even been away from O’khasis for 10 years. Though he always wore his helm, he kept his hair short and orderly, and his face cleanly shaven. He was also built very similarly to Laios from Dungeon Meshi. However, as time goes on, and his life falls more and more apart, as he matures and grows as a person, his appearance changes quite a bit. His hair grows out, revealing a head of golden curls. He begins growing an actual beard and he fills out, gaining some weight. By the end of the series, he’s early to mid 30s
Also! Garroth kept his hair short and face shaven partly because of the internalized need to look professional and powerful at all times (thanks prince training), but also because it was the only way the helm was bearable 24/7
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bloodlegacies · 4 months
Another VERY important pet question but please bear with me it will take a long way to come to an end....
Since being called "ice queen" (i think) by hayden i see mc as a mix of esdeath and toshiro, and after the prequel update with small mc we have a reason why lil has trauma and is possibly cold.
BUT even playing a cold mc my mc really, really loves her dragon and proably makes hayden and nix jealous how sweet she is to the dragon. Cause we can have a dragon etc. as our "main creature" and still adopt other please say we can have a Private zoo/ garden with Lots of adopted/ saved and treated animals/ creatures. Ot is now already a headcannon how mc is cold and a monster... comes home, gets into it and turnes in a newt scamander while being with her pets.... now i kinda have nsfw thaughts about hayden and a collar 😅
Okay, the headcanon of Hayden and a collar caught me off guard 🤣😁 but it makes sense, Hayden would definitely be the type to do that just to provoke, be provoked, and have fun.
P.S.: I found it cute that the MC is like a Newt Scamander and is a sweetheart to their pets❤
And to answer: Well, you won't be able to have exactly a garden, I'm afraid 😅( The Duke and Papa Eleazar would probably freak out pretty badly.), but you will be able to find certain types of creatures and interact with them. However, most of them will only be seen again if the MC goes to a specific place again. As for the creatures you can adopt and the one that will stay in a certain place, it will be either the direwolf or the white tiger, which could stay in the castle or around it but won't be used in combat (I'm afraid it will only be one of them, not both). The dragon and the griffin cannot stay like that; they will only be available for adoption and a permanent bond.
I'm still figuring out how everything will work, but that's the initial idea of how the pet situation will be. Could this change? Maybe, but for now, that's it 😁
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thewolfparadox · 3 months
Harley Hayden
my main Destiny OC and the first one I made
Hunter | Arcstrider (former) | Gunslinger (current) | Human
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Fair skin + freckles
Short, shaggy auburn hair
Green eyes
Armor crafted from Vex parts
Wears Cayde's cloak
Has a hard time letting other people take risks for him, prefers to face the danger himself
Reckless, throws himself into situations
Good pilot
Has trust issues
Alignment: Neutral good
Love language: Acts of service
Revived on Mercury during vanilla D1 era and was stuck there for 2 months before making it to the Tower
Under suspicion of having ties to Osiris by Vanguard + Speaker
Got stuck in the Vault of Glass for a bit after the Black Garden events and remained there until he was rescued during the Dark Below era
TTK: fell through a Taken rift on Phobos and ended up on the Dreadnaught, where he was Taken by Oryx
Red War: stole the Vex teleporter and used it to get onto Ghaul's ship, which he then crashed outside of the City
Trained under Osiris in the Infinite Forest for 3 years
Sought revenge on Uldren for Cayde's death
Was framed with a planted Weapon of Sorrow and arrested by the Praxic Order
Currently presumed dead by his clanmates after an encounter with Shin Malphur
Fun Facts
He helped defeat Atheon, Crota, and Oryx
He's trans because my first Hunter in D2 (I never made a Hunter in D1) was female and I later deleted her to make Harley
He's bisexual
His ship is called The Wandering Star
I made him be Cayde's kid from the Golden Age because one of my readers gave me the idea
Prism (his Ghost)
Willing to match his stubbornness
Can get caught up in what she thinks is right
Cares about Harley but can and will lie/withhold information from him to keep him out of danger
All OCs
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phoenix-shmoenix · 4 months
so i've gotten back into the sims 4 recently while i'm unemployed and out of grad school for the summer so i thought i'd start posting it here for literally no one except me to see lol anyway. i'm doing the sims in bloom legacy challenge as outlined by @a-sims-garden in this post and i'm already a decent chuck of the way into the first generation but hopefully i'll be posting updates more regularly. anyway here's what we've got so far:
my founder's name is Bellis Perennis, which is the scientific name for a Daisy, which is the first generation. he started out living at The Shipping Views in Evergreen Harbor. i don't have the pack for the "simple living" lot trait (i think it's cottage living) but i thought living off the grid was probably similar. i didn't start taking pictures until like way later into this so sorry i won't have any for a hot second 😭
one day while out for a walk around the neighborhood, he ran into Daisy Hayden and they hit it off right away. she invited him into her apartment and they talked for hours. not long after, she had some kind of disaster and asked to stay over for a few days with Bellis. he, of course, obliged. he did a lot of scavenging to be able to sell things and get enough money to buy a second twin bed for his humble living so Daisy would have her own place to sleep. although the vibe between Bellis and Daisy was certainly flirtatious, he was afraid to ruin their friendship by making a move on her.
while Daisy was staying with him, the two of them worked together on his modest home garden. both of them enjoy gardening and spending time outdoors. things continue to heat up between them, and once Daisy's first stay over runs out, Bellis invites her for another stay over. at this point, the chemistry between them is almost undeniable, but Bellis is still hesitant. finally, the two go on a wild night out together, during which they get drunk and end up hooking up together. for the rest of Daisy's stayover, they continue to screw around. finally, Bellis asks Daisy to be his girlfriend.
it's clear that Bellis and Daisy have something special. Daisy asks Bellis to move in together almost immediately, but Bellis says no. He's focused on his career as a gardener and his lifelong botany passion. Plus, Bellis is a gentleman, and worries about the two of them moving in together before he proposes. He already found the perfect thing to propose with, but he's waiting to get the crystal back as a gem in order to propose to her.
Bellis' rejection of moving in with Daisy almost derails their relationship entirely. She goes home and refuses to speak to him for 24 hours afterwards. Bellis must apologize several times over the course of several days before he can get her to agree to stay the night again. Finally, the relationship is back on steady ground and Bellis has received the gem in the mail so he's ready to propose.
He asks Daisy out on a date to her favorite museum, where he proposes to her in the middle of the garden.
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Daisy is overjoyed to say yes! Now that the two are engaged, they move in together in a small starter house in Brindleton Bay. The wedding is scheduled for the end of that week. Bellis continues to focus on his career as a gardener, while Daisy is less committed to her job as a civil engineer. She would much rather stay home all day and hang out with all the stray cats and dogs that like to hang out in their garden, but she goes to work anyway.
Really, Daisy's dream is to have a big, loving family. Daisy's parents aren't in her life anymore, and as an only child, she has felt lonely for so long. She wants her and Bellis to start getting to work on having kids before the wedding, but Bellis again says no. As a proper gentlemen, he won't get her pregnant on purpose before the wedding.
Finally, the wedding comes. The happy couple wastes no time getting to the alter. It's a small wedding with only two attendees--the best friends of Daisy and Bellis respectively.
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After the ceremony is concluded, the newly weds rush home for a very long night that turns into an early morning of trying for a baby. The next day, a test reveals Daisy is pregnant! During the pregnancy, Daisy develops an attachment to one particular stray cat in the area and adopts her into their home as well.
The morning Daisy goes into labor, Bellis is excited and terrified at the same time. The first baby is a boy, named Anthony Bloom (as the next generation is Buttercup, and another name for that flower has something to do with St. Anthony). But to their surprise, a second baby, a baby girl they name Buttercup Bloom, is born as well!
Bellis opts not to take paternity leave, and Daisy is more than happy to spend the day working from home and tending to her kids.
So yeah that's where I'm at now. Gonna get better at taking pictures and posting more consistently so it's not such a long drawn out post.
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ink-flavored · 1 year
A Ten, but... Tag Game
Tagged by @liv-is thank you! <3
Rules: list your OCs as “tens, but…” to give us a not-at-all comprehensive scope of their characters.
I'm just gonna go down the list of my OCs. Not all of them, just the ones I can come up with ideas for.
Pride & Justice
Pride is a ten, but he only showers if you bribe him with edibles, enjoys making people mad on purpose, and takes glee in violence and killing. Justice is a ten, but he's an empath and physically can't stop himself from trying to solve every problem in the world.
The God-Dragon's Wife
Xinya is a ten, but she's a politician. Yu-Qi is a ten, but will do whatever she wants. She doesn't really care about boundaries or listening to you.
Teconia is a ten, but she will take responsibility for your well-being, whether you want her to or not.
Out of the Park
Park is a ten, but all he talks about is baseball statistics. Jamie is a ten, but he's the one who taught Park about baseball statistics.
Dragon Raising
Hayden is a ten, but he never has time for you because he has custody of 5 baby dragons. Lenora is a ten, but she's from a different dimension so she won't get any of your references. It's kind of awkward.
Henry & Priscilla
Henry is a ten, but he's not listening because he's working. He doesn't think there is a problem with this. Priscilla is a ten, but she loves her garden more than you.
That'll be it for me!
Tagging: @sigridhawke @duelistkingdom @stuffaboutwriting @somuchtowrite @valanke @qelizhus and anyone else who wants to!
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raventroll80 · 1 year
Stowaway Mer Au Lore Dump!
I have a bunch of info I want to share but was unable to fit most of it into the story so far. So, here’s a lore dump instead! We’re gonna go in order of character appearance so let’s begin! Also holy hell this is a long post.
Main Cast
She’s lived in Port Murlow since she was about twelve, she’s currently in her early twenties.
Prior to moving in with Flynn Em lived with Nimh at her apartment.
Works two part time jobs; one at one of the bait shops on the harbour, and at Mr. Grimmar’s Occult Shop.
Speaking of Mr. Grimmar, Em sees Silas as a sort of mentor. He also shares this sentiment and cares a great deal for both her and Nimh.
Em has a few hobbies including beach-combing and diving. She also likes to draw from time to time.
Em also considers Nimh to also be a mentor and parental figure. Though she isn’t actually related to Nimh, everyone except Silas and Hiram Grimmar thinks they’re related.
Em used to want to be a marine biologist, but now she plans to take on the mantle of head mortician at Mr. Grimmar’s mortuary, or ownership of the occult shop.
Loves creature feature films and practical effects
Seth grew up in the Indo Pacific seas, he wouldn’t really be able to point out where exactly if you showed him a map though.
His eyesight is not the greatest. He can see kinda ok under water but out of water he has a lot more trouble seeing.
Seth has a fairly large family, three older siblings and two younger siblings, along with his mother and father.
He’s also had a few run ins with humans prior to meeting Em.
The first time he was caught in a fishing net and had to be rescued by his older brother. This incident left him with a smallish scar on the left side of his tail. The second time he had a run in with some scientists but he quickly swam away before they could approach.
Seth doesn’t fully remember how he got to Port Murlow, all he does remember is being caught really bad storm, then drifting about the open ocean before some whales saved him from some orcas.
He’s also a curious person, though sometimes his curiosity clashes with his nervousness.
He used to have a pet garden eel named Coral
Dr. Vega Triton
A marine biologist in his early to mid fifties.
Graduated from Harvard University along with his friends and colleagues Dr. Samuel Hayden and Dr. Olivia Pierce.
Made quite a few discoveries with the two, even writing a few books as well.
Unfortunately a series of discoveries and events lead to Olivia’s untimely death, along with several other scientists working on their most recent research project.
Vega did not take the death of his friend well, which lead to many arguments and an eventual falling out with Hayden.
Two are no longer on speaking terms, and Vega still feels guilty about the deaths.
Vega has been in Port Murlow for a little over two months during the events of the Stowaway Mer AU.
He’s currently studying a new species of algae he discovered in one of the local sea caves. He has named this new species Vegastella scriptorseintillais.
During this time he has become something of a local enigma. Often referred to as Murlow’s Cryptid Scientist, he can often be seen poking around the tide pools whenever the tide is low.
Even if it’s at the dead of night.
This has resulted in him unintentionally spooking some locals when he emerged from the water one night covered in loose kelp with his head light on.
He cares a great deal about the wellbeing of fish and animals in general. And plants… and his equipment. Vega is a very caring person in general.
He’ll often talk to his equipment and specimens, even before the incident with Olivia. Hayden would often poke fun at him for it.
He also loves plants.
And cuttlefish
He’s also the most tech savvy out of the characters.
Flynn Taggart
Late twenties early thirties in age.
Ex military, was luckily discharged due to mental health and injury.
And not blowing up a small mountain and putting is commanding officer in a full body cast.
Was buddies with Valen before he retired.
Has a picture of Daisy in his wallet.
Speaking of Daisy, she was a gift to him from his grandfather before he died/disappeared.
Used to be close to his grandfather but they drifted apart as he got older.
Doesn’t trust the bridge to the house after his foot fell through an old plank when he was a kid.
The house had always given him the creeps, and still does now but he’s afraid to admit it.
Not a big fan of eye contact after the incident at the mountain
Nimh (Nimbus) Barbatus
Mid to late fourties
“Freelance Security Guard”
Met Em on one of her jobs and offered her a place to stay
She has a soft spot for her but she tries (and fails) to hide it
Hadn’t really lived in Port Murlow before Em showed up. She had an apartment but never really used it.
She started taking more jobs now that Em’s an adult which is how she met Flynn.
Has a big family, like a really big family.
Still calls Em kid from time to time much to Em’s mild chagrin.
Side Characters
Silas Grimmar
Late sixties early seventies.
Comes from a family of morticians and runs the local mortuary.
He also runs the occult shop across from his husbands antique shop.
Town Grandpa
Standing at seven feet tall, Silas is Port Murlow’s biggest goth.
He has hit his head on almost every public doorframe, even the ones to his own business.
This has resulted in Hiram continuously asking him to get a bigger door for the occult shop, but he refuses.
He loves his husband very much and is very dramatic about it too.
He’s also a very theatrical and jovial person.
He does have a religion but keeps what it is as secret because he finds people’s guesses amusing.
Graduated from Miskatonic University in Arkham Massachusetts.
Hiram Grimmar
Late sixties early seventies
Silas’ husband
Runs the antique store across from Silas’ occult shop.
Met Silas when he hit his head on the doorframe of his antique store so hard he cracked the frame.
Has not stopped worrying about him since.
Hiram has a degree in history and often volunteers at the local museum and library.
Can and will recite the history of pottery and sculpting
Friend of Flynn and his grandfather
Recently ex military, retired around the same time as the Mountain Incident with Flynn.
Missing his left arm, but no one knows how or why.
Lived in Port Murlow for as long as anyone can remember.
Had a son but refuses to talk about him to anyone. Only thing close friends of his know is that his scarf belonged to said son.
He’s reclusive and only comes to town for groceries or for the annual sailing competition.
He was a good portion of Flynn’s impulse control while they served. Though I doubt that would have stopped the Mountain Incident…
Grandpa Keen
Status: Dead/Lost at Sea
Ex military
Some folks in Port Murlow called him Old Man Keen.
Flynn’s once beloved grandfather whom he later became estranged from.
Though the man was always a little odd, telling exaggerated tales of sea monsters and enormous fish. Flynn always thought it was to entertain him as a kid, even if grandpa Keen was always looking over his shoulder at sea.
Had a boat called “The Dopefish”, he crashed it after “being attacked by a Sea Demon”.
As Flynn grew older grandpa Keen would invite him over less and less often until he just stopped offering all together.
After that he’d only been seen at big family gatherings, like Christmas or thanksgiving.
Then about halfway through high school Keen stopped visiting too.
He was last seen on Flynn’s 19th birthday where he gifted him Daisy.
He looked tired, eyes bloodshot, like he hadn’t slept in days. His breathing was irregular and ragged. His face was pale and sunken as well. When he left he apologized for his absence and distance from the family. He also gave Flynn ownership of his house in Port Murlow.
About a month after Flynn and his family would receive a call asking if they knew the whereabouts of grandpa Keen by some government agents. They said that he was wanted for theft of government property.
Valen would later inform Flynn that said property was an experimental submarine.
That was the last they ever heard of old grandpa Keen.
Port Murlow
Former whaling town founded in the early 1870’s in Massachusetts.
The founders were the Murlow and Taggart families but after a falling out between the two disputes began over who founded the town.
Whenever one family became mayor of the town they’d change the name to that of their family. The townsfolk found this amusing and kept voting for the other each election.
Both families ran whaling companies.
The Taggart family left the whaling business after encountering a terrible sea monster during a trip, and were allegedly saved by a whale.
The town suffered when the Taggart family left the whaling business, but quickly recovered when they switched to shipping. Though members of the Taggart family would be seen leaving the bay with the boat loaded with whaling equipment.
After the incident it was as though the family became cursed with members of the family going mad or disappearing without a trace. This earned the family the nickname the Mad Taggarts.
But a few years after the incident ships began to crash and sink with alarming frequency, no matter how bright the lighthouse shined.
The Taggart family also ran a brewery though they had to “shut it down” in the prohibition era.
Though in actuality they opted to open a speakeasy in the cliffs of the bay. With a strict set of rules to keep the location a secret. Though an incident would result in it’s abandonment and the destruction of another town.
Nowadays the Port Murlow is a quiet fishing town known for its plentiful fish and abundance of sea caves.
One of these caves is famous for being “haunted” my a mysterious green light and “Horrors”. In actuality it turns out the cave is home to a unique and previously undiscovered species of bioluminescent algae, Vegastella scriptorseintillais
The town is also known for its twin lighthouses at each side of the bay, one for each family. Though only the Murlow lighthouse is operational and used.
The Taggart Family
As stated above, the Taggart family was one of the founders of Port Murlow. The once large family has now dwindled down to only a few people, Flynn included.
The Family once owned a successful whaling company but left the trade after an incident at sea left the head of the family at the time (Francis Archibald Taggart) rambling about a demon from the deep.
Even after the family switched to shipping and brewing alcohol, Francis and a the other whalers from that day would periodically leave for about a week loaded up with whaling equipment. Only to come back with a fraction of the equipment and a damaged ship.
One day the ship set sail and never came back.
That was also the day the Curse of the Taggarts began.
After that at least once a generation someone would die under mysterious circumstances or go insane.
One of the more well known member family members was Miranda Taggart, who after the attack on the family’s speakeasy The Whale’s Graveyard burned the town of Innsmouth and crashed the family’s last whaling ship on Devi’s Reef.
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womansound · 1 year
            hi  : )  here  are  a  list  of  plots  i  really  really  want  to  do  !!!  some  of  them  are  plots  i  found  on  tumblr  others  are  stuff  i  thought  up/have  been  mulling  over  for  a  hot  minute  or  so  …  if  any  of  u  are  keen  to  do  any  of  these  pls  ..  !!!  lmk  !!!
i’m  a  big  fan  of  mumus  and  cinematic  universes  so  anything  that  requires  us  to  create/use  more  than  just  one  muse  is  so  exciting!!!  to  me  ..  like  give  me  apartment  complex  scenarios  …  or  like.  a  band  maybe  ??  a  team  of  athletes  +  their  coaches/so’s/family  ??  maybe  even  a  murder  mystery  ..  idk  !!  the  possibilities  are  ENDLESS  !  we  can  come  up  with  so  many  different  dynamics  n  it’d  be  so  much  fun  PLEEK
in  relation  to  the  mumu  thing  i  really  really  want  a  wedding  party  mumu  verse.  like  two  of  our  characters  are  getting  married  and  our  other  characters  can  be  the  entourage  or  wedding  planners  …  !!  maybe  some  of  them  don’t  like  each  other,  maybe  some  of  them  think  the  main  couple  is  getting  married  too  fast,  mabe  others  are  exes  ?  and  we  can  plot  out  bachelor/ette  parties,  going  to  cake  tastings,  whatever  ..  !!!  
this  is  just  my  spiderverse  brain  but  give  me  superhero  plots  actually  JRKGBRJG  can  be  canon  can  be  oc  idc  !!  hero  x  hero  ?  hero  x  villain  ?  hero  x  villain  but  they’re  actually  dating  when  their  mask  is  off  ?  idk.  sounds  delicious.  give  me  more
(  also  related  to  spiderverse  but  not  really  and  this  isn’t  a  plot  so  much  as  a  desire  but  i  need  an  and.rew  gar.field/e.mma  ston.e  ship  thank  u  <3  RVKJRBJKR )
i  also  like  royal  plots  ..  whether  modern  day  or  set  back  in  time,  whatever  works  !  like  royal  x  non-royal  plots  are  always  fun  ..  i  think  arranged  marriage  enemies  to  lovers  is  also  very  fun  ..  honestly  i  just  like  big  ball  gowns  and  walks  around  lavish  gardens  .  is  that  too  much  to  ask  for  .
life  as  we  know it vibes  ..  our  best  friends  got  married  but  we  can't  stand  each other  !  but  they  pass  away  and  we're  left  with  their  kid  to  raise  together.  lots  of  learning  to  work  through  grief  together  and  initially  hating  each  other's  guts  but  falling  in  love  n  .  having  a  small  family  together  .  aaaaah  .
this  .  just  this  .  please  .
also  any  of these. but the second n fifth ones particularly.  
for  hayden  specifically  i  really  like  the  idea  of  something  crazy  rich  asians-esque  ?  he  works  as  a  retail  worker  n  maybe  that’s  how  he  and  your  muse  met  and  hit  it  off,  and  you’ve  been  serious  for  a  while  now  and  he  ends  up  proposing  !  then  you  meet  his  family  and  surprise  he’s  actually  fawking  rich  ?  and  surprise  again  his  mom  doesnt  approve  of  u  ?  lots  of  romance  n  angst  n  anything  in  between  ..  hehe  ..  
this  is  tropey  but  i  am  a  big  ‘  fwb  to  fake  dating  to  make  our  exes  jealous  to  oh  no  i  caught  feelings  ‘  enjoyer  ..  so  something  like  this  please  !  i  would  give  my  right  arm  to  do  something  like  this  no  joke  i’m  obsessed  .  
i'm  an  absolute  jane  austen  stan  so  anything  based  on  her  novels  please  ..  pride  and  prejudice  or  emma  particularly  ??  i  just  think  it’d  be  so  fun  to  have  p&p  style  enemies  to  lovers  ..  or  emma  where  you  have  this  meddlesome  pseudo  matchmaker  n  her  exasperated  but  in  love  bf/gf  ..  ohhhh  please  …
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Hayden Panettiere Movie/Tv Checklist.
When I find a actor/actress I like I will go through their IMDB and make a list of the films I think look interesting and watch them. Most of the time that means watching every single movie/ tv show they have been in. Titles with a ✔ at the end are the ones I've seen.
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☆ If you believe (1999) ☆ Remember the Titans (2000) ☆ The Affair of the Necklace. (2001) ☆ Joe Somebody (2001) ☆ Normal (2003) ☆ Raising Helen (2004) ☆ Tiger Cruise (2004) ☆ The Dust Factory (2004) ☆ Racing Stripes (2005) ☆ Lies My Mother Told Me (2005) ☆ Ice Princess (2005) ✔ ☆ The Architect (2006) ☆ Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006) ✔ ☆ Shanghai Kiss (2007) ☆ Fireflies in the Garden (2008) ☆ I Love you, Beth Cooper (2009) ☆ Heroes (2006-2010) ✔ ☆ Scream 4 (2011) ✔ ☆ The Forger (2012) ☆ Heroes Reborn (2015-2016) ☆ Custody (2016) ☆ Nashville (2012- 2018) ☆ Scream VI (2023) ✔
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residentdormouse · 2 years
Find the Words Tag Game
Tagged back by @mrsmungus - cause apparently we both love this game. 😂
My Words were: Sink, Ring, Purpose, Nightmare and Cold
(Somehow this ended in a lot of Harold and Max. My favorite disaster pair. And Harold can be a prickly bitch sometimes, which is always fun to play with.)
Tagging Back: @mrsmungus (I’ll keep this going as long as you will 🤣, and adding @asirensrage , @imagine-you , @late-to-the-fandom
Your words are: clear, calm, cautious, caring, and cave
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As always I’m under-the-cuting my answers because I don’t know what short means.
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Looking around the tavern, she saw everything she used to stand against. What she thought she stood against. But it never truly was them. Only the idea, a false threat that was presented to her and fueled by ghosts from her past. She understood now. She was the threat. To these beings, she was a stone cold murderer, and the thought killed any instinct to project the typical confidence.
The eyes on them as they walked into the nearby building were unmistakable, and for once, Max’s immediate response wasn’t one of defiance.
Deserving skepticism at best, hatred at worst, she felt her shoulders sink as she took the looks. Understood exactly how she had been regarded by others here. She couldn’t blame them.
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Harold was preparing for a retort, but Quinn jumped up first, attempting to maintain peace.
"Now ladies…"
"Ain't no fucking ladies here right now, Quinn. Two pissed off bitches. Sit back down."
"Spirited Max, but wasting time.” Gwen gave a sigh as she stood as well, moving back to the bar to generously re-up the amount of whiskey in her cocktail. “You know, I had the same reservations about you. You're a killer to our kind. Others with you, they're trying to provide protection, and I can understand the dilemma this presents to all involved. I’m looking to offer protection myself. But you... You kill us because you like the feel of it."
"Oh, I loving killing assholes who murder families–"
"Yet you do the same. Southside Diagnostic ring any bells?"
"...you know, I didn't know—"
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"Do you think they cared that you didn’t know? We could ask, but…” Her eyebrows raised as she took another drink. “How's that glass tower?"
“Did you know that was coming?” Glen sat down next to her on the couch and she turned to be able to face him. “I mean, you two are pretty close, right?”
She shook her head before replying, “If I knew, I would’ve said something. To be honest, I’m still in shock he wasn’t trying to fight his way on the committee.”
“Well, I’m not discounting that yet, either.”
Hayden felt her face scrunch up, not understanding his meaning, but he only gave a head tilt before continuing, “We were running the meeting, sure, but make no mistake, that was the Harold show tonight. Every point we made, he had a say in… He thought of moves I couldn’t even anticipate. And that 'in toto' business…” He let out a low whistle, and Hayden had no point to argue; Harold had taken them all by surprise.
“He may have gotten us what we wanted now, but people are going to remember him in this, not us.”
Hayden sat back, pondering how the next conversation with Harold would go. He couldn’t have done it on the fly; all of this was planned, but to what purpose? And why was he hiding it from her?
“Is it really us vs him?”
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“You think it’s not? I’m pretty sure he does, at least that's what I saw tonight.”
(You’re asking me to find nightmare. In the story about nightmares. Dear God…)
"Harold, we've all experienced pretty high levels of trauma, especially Hayden. It's not like it would be unheard of to have that manifest into a garden variety nightmare—"
A reply was about to come from Glen, but the unknown woman beat him to it, venom in her voice. "Hey! You weren't there, you terroristic shit!"
"He's not wrong, Ray…"
"Oh, ok! Let's just pretend that asshole didn't come to every single one of us in our dreams, just completely ignore that it was like his whole fucking deal, yeah? Because we all know those were just nightmares then too, right? Wake the fuck up, Bateman! Nothing about this is garden variety!"
As Glen cut off the shorter woman, her arms flew up and an aggravated shout bounced off the walls filling the space. "Of course! Why am I not surprised?! Go ahead and take his damn side in this!" A final huff was given before she walked over to one of the open chairs by Stu and flopped down. Glen continued in his calm and logical manner.
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"It's not a matter of sides. We can't turn a blind eye to what we already know to be true. But we can't just assume anything either."
As Glen began to recount their recent expedition, Hayden sensed her mind begin to drift again. Why did this keep happening to her? Would this keep happening? How does she stop this?
The panic began to rise again with each question, the uncertainty of it all, and she looked back over to him. Their initial meeting at his home started to replay in her head; it was the most intact memory she had. A full uninterrupted day filled with laughter and hope. She couldn’t remember much of anything before this, but she could recall the feeling right before he came into her life. The weight of the world still hung heavy on her. Glen lightened that burden. And each memory she had of him continued this pattern. He washed away her fear and anxiety, all her pain, any lingering cold; he was there to help ease it for her. To help her laugh. To allow her a place to cry. He made her feel safe.
“And that’s when the elephants showed up…”
Hayden looked up confused, and Glen gave her a knowing smile, eyebrows raised with that familiar twinkle in his eyes.
“Good to see I wasn’t completely wasting my breath.”
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fieldsofwriting · 2 months
Can all the bachelors and bachelorettes from FoM sing, or at least know how to?
Ooooh this is a good one!! I’m gonna do who can and can’t sing as two separate categories.
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Can’t Sing:
- Balor: sorry buddy. I just look at him and I’m convinced he can’t hold a tune. I think he can ‘sing’ I can see an easier song- one that’s more spoken in tune rather than sung sounding really good. But as for singing? No. Mans can’t sing.
- Juniper: I love her. I really do. But I can not be convinced she can sing. I’ve heard her laugh (/aff) and I think she would be tone deaf. I’m so sorry.
- Adeline: Simualr to Baylor, I dont think she’s awful if she tries. But I think she’s a hummer not a singer if that makes sense.
Can Sing:
- Celine: My beloved girl can sing. She sings as pretty as the flowers in her garden. She probably sings shyly, I don’t see her being an overpowering voice. But I also like to imagine she sings lullabies to Dell when she spends the night.
- Ryis: He can sing. 100% there’s no doubt in my mind. He’s like a disney prince singing to his beloved birds. I also think he can whistle like a pro, he likes to say the birds taught him.
- Valen: I can not explain this. She can sing. And it’s Opera. I think she’d fuck up the Opera bro, she’s got this regal sophistication that just screams Opera.
- Eiland: I think he’s better at singing that his sister, but still not the best out of those who can sing. Similar to how Adeline hums while she works, I can see him digging and singing to himself.
- Reina: She can sing too, for sure! Hemlock is a performer, I definitely think it’s something she inherited from her dad. Plus I can see her jamming out in the kitchen and singing while she’s really in the zone for cooking.
-March: I think he can sing. But he would rather take that to his grave than ever admit it. He doesn’t hum, he doesn’t whistle. You would think this man has no musical bone in his body but then he’d be rocking your baby to sleep one night and you’d hear the most soft and beautiful voice from him.
Wild Cards:
- Hayden: I genuinely can not think if He would be a good singer, or a bad but endearing singer. If he’s good, then he sings to his animals every night some sweet country and they love it. If he’s bad? Then he still does it but they all love it still because he’s trying his best. I think he’d ether have the voice of an angel or sound like a raccoon trying to get out of a garbage can.
- Orlic: I think he’s got the voice of an angel. He gets so much praise and love from everyone because he sounds so good. He’d sing any and every where he got the chance. Not to show off necessarily but just because he likes it and it makes people smile! 
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
aurora, i just realized that we haven't really talked about our ocs' relationship dynamics that much :0 like, what are your thoughts about them, do you think any of them could be friends, rivals, enemies, maybe you have ideas for potential ships? 👀 i'm just curious!
Ooh~ Talking about ocs' relationship dynamics, eh? 👀
I actually made a post on Mia and Irene's thoughts on your RSA ocs, so that covers their relationships already. XD
I've sent in interactions for Avery with Slyvan and Iris before. I think both of them would want to befriend Avery for the same reason, but perhaps with different ways of going about it? They just see a cute angry boy and go: Wow! :D That's so cute. But whereas Slyvan is all smiles and offering gifts, Iris chooses to tease the poor boy instead.
We both already know how Violet thinks of Vance. 😶 There's potential for a genuine friendship though! Once Vance stops being such a chaotic troublemaker and Violet learns to let a few things slide. Wyn would totally get along with Vance though! Their cheerful energy would bounce off each other so well! Though Vance's fourth wall breaks do scare Wyn sometimes.
Reading Merrill's personality and unique magic again...Iris would be drawn to him like a magnet. He's flirty, mysterious, and somehow knows the juiciest romance gossip in NRC? She'll be eagerly looking for any chances to talk to him. Perhaps they'd get along really well, perhaps Merrill would find her exhausting. Either way, he's not getting rid of her for a while. 🤭
Allen and Mia would get along like a house on fire. Cheerful and energetic boy, always smiling? Mia would like to know your location. She doesn't even mind that much when he does something wrong and claims he didn't know it was wrong either. She actually believes him when he says that! She'll just forgive him and tell him not to do it again ajsajsasaaksa So yeah, they'd be great friends! 😄
Emile and Roland are best gardening buddies and I will die on this hill. I can imagine them pruning leaves together now. 🍃
Austin is like a prickly little hedgehog that won't stop biting people lmao. Good thing Zoya is immune to tsundere behavior. I don't think they'd ever be friends, really. Just acquaintances perhaps. Zoya tries to be friendly and teasing with everyone she meets, and she might double down on Austin because he actually fights back. She loves a good challenge. Wyn is another one that would try and befriend Austin! He thinks Austin might just be shy or has trust issues, so he tries his best to seem trustworthy! Hah...My poor sunshine boy will get hurt someday at the rate he's going.
Violet and Minnie are 🤝 constantly are we know it. Their energies are almost completely similar so it's safe to say they'd make a great team! (Aajsaiodiandi I can imagine Minnie and Violet scolding Vance and Seth now- 💀)
Aurora has taken an interest to Hayden, as he seems to change his personality depending on who he's talking to, so the poor boy will have a mini panic attack whenever they approach him now.
Xenon and Riley superiority, that's all I have to say on this relationship. I think Duran wouldn't mind hanging out around Riley either, as long as he stays quiet and doesn't draw any 'fans' over.
With time and effort, perhaps Chandani and Blythe could be friends! As of now though, Chandani sympathizes for her poor vice dorm leader in silence. Perhaps she'll bring her a snack to relax one day.
Aurora would be drawn to Seth at first, finding him to be super interesting and fun! He's already 18, but he's only a first year? How odd. They'd start to find him annoying once he shows more and more of his main character syndrome though, finding him to be too self-absorbed to get along with. Xenon would also find him interesting, but prefer to observe him from afar. Maybe he'll find out more about Seth than everyone else watching him from behind the scenes.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
11 for all your ocs and 17 for seth please 🎉‼️
thank you, taruchi!!
11. "is there a character your oc sees as a sibling?"
avery: hmm, maybe roland? though he doesn't really see him as a big brother, he's more like.. a grandpa to him. maybe even a weird uncle.
vance: before he overblotted, he used to see trey as his big brother figure! but now that he knows that trey lied to him about that competition so that "vance won't be sad".. yeah, their relationship is much worse now.
merrill: well, iris IS his cousin, so of course he would see her as his sibling! though he hates to admit that he's younger than her. he doesn't want to be a cute little brother, that's vance's job!
allen: to be honest, he actually kinda sees lumi as his older sister. she is so smart and reliable after all!
roland: all gardening club members feel like siblings to him!
both jays: they kinda see each other as twin brothers!
austin: i'm not sure he has one? well, he does have actual blood-related siblings, so it's fine djdjsksls.
minnie: ramshackle students kinda feel like siblings to her! seth is her funny older brother, eureka and taruchi are her adorable sisters and she will do anything to protect them and real!jay is her brother that she has to force to go outside. he's idia to her ortho basically also i think she'd see blanca as her big sister 🥺
hayden: he definitely sees riley as his little brother and he's VERY protective, though he doesn't show it. also hayden always wanted to have a little brother because he's tired of being the youngest and riley is perfect for that.
riley: and he sees hayden as his big brother! he trusts him and he doesn't think hayden is a bad person and even after hayden's overblot, he still wants to help him and make others realize that hayden is better than they think.
angel: hmm, nope, they don't have one! maybe it's hayden? though if they saw him as a sibling, he would be like a little brother to them even though he's older.
bunny: .. can they call angel their annoying little sibling? she knows they're the same age, but.. it does feel like angel is much younger than her.
16. "how would your oc describe their entrance ceremony from their pov?"
seth: "for me, it was sooooo sudden! like, i remember falling asleep and when i woke up, it was so dark, i even thought that i died for a second! and then i saw fire and grim was there, yeah, i also thought that he was a raccoon at first. but he turned out to be a cat! that's even better! and then this cat asked me to give him my uniform?? like, dude, i'm sure it looks better on me! so i refused to give it to him and ran away, i didn't even think that much about the uniform i was wearing, i just knew that i don't want this cat-like creature to steal my outfit. and then a man in a raven mask showed up and it was crowley himself! i remember him trying to explain to me what night raven college is and how this world works, but.. to be honest, i didn't really care. i was just happy that i finally managed to get out. i was happy that i won't have to see her anymore. and then i met others and wow, i didn't think that this school will have so many pretty students?? they are too cute to be villains! but i was a bit disappointed because i wanted to attend a school like rsa instead.. but hey, maybe i'll be able to find my happy ending even in a place like this?"
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Fannar: Yeah, cya in a couple of weeks uncle River. 
They smile, putting their hands on their mom’s shoulders as they all go through the portal. 
Hayle: Call us if you need us. 
He smiles at River before he puts a hand on Meadow’s shoulder taking her through, leaving only Chris behind.
Chris: You take good care of yourself, and as my husband said, call us if you need us.
River: I will, have fun!
He waves them goodbye as he watches the portal close behind them. He sighs once they are gone and looks around the empty home. It suddenly felt very empty and lonely in there, so he decided to call his mom and head to the shelter.
Flynn: Wow! 
Flynn stares at the huge house in front of him, sounds of water from the many ponds filling his ears. 
Fannar: Se all safe and.. Wow!
Vy holds onto Hayden, making a scared shrill as they cross over, closing his eyes shut until he feels that unnatural queasiness of the portal passes away. Slowly, he opens his eyes and looks for his stars. Smiling at Fannar's words, then he looks at the twins and Hayden, finally looking ahead at the house and landscape around them.
Vy: So pretty! There's snow, Hay Hay! You'll be well here! Hayden: Yeah, we checked before we left, its colder here even in summer than where we live, and the mountain top always has snow. 
He smiles at Vy, taking his hand, squeezing it. 
Hayden: I will indeed be well here, so we can all enjoy a holiday. Eltanin: Oh! The house looks big! Let's go find out room!
He pulls Arlene's arm towards the house
Eltanin: Granpa, granpa! Let's go find out rooms!
He pushes Chris, so he pulls Hayle towards the house.
Meadow: Will you look at this. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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bettsfic · 2 years
in celebration of the hayden christensen renaissance i’m watching a movie called virgin territory (recommended to me by @volturialice) and. i simply can’t believe it’s a real thing that exists. it’s a kinkmeme prompt in early 00s movie form. first of all, the amazon prime description begins with “hayden christensen of JUMPER stars as a charming scoundrel...” right. jumper. definitely his most famous movie. mhm.
the premise is thus: lorenzo (hayden) is on the run from the law for reasons i wasn't paying attention to and hides out as a gardener in a convent where all the nuns fuck him. then the girl he's in love with goes into hiding at the same convent. 
it received a 1.9 on letterboxd and a 23% on rotten tomatoes. here we gooooo
they manage to get around hayden’s inability to do an accent by making him pretend to be mute
so he has almost no lines, he’s just the center of a number of montages where he does hard labor and drenches himself in water
oh, and there are horse stunts
two nuns make out with his bare stomach while he’s unconscious
shortly after, those same two nuns fuck him in a bathtub
there is an erotic cow milking scene
tits and asses. tits and asses.
the soundtrack is full of vaguely electronica early 00s kasabian-esque knockoffs (if you don’t know who kasabian is, keep it that way)
when i say this is softcore porn, it is not in any way hyperbole
two other nuns fuck lorenzo and then two more nuns get jealous and demand he fuck them also
tim roth is the bad guy, a casting that probably took up most of the budget
there are like 30 main characters and i have less than zero idea what’s going on
two women assess the penises of a dozen men, again for reasons i cannot discern
several of the men dogpile the man with the smallest penis
a lady gives a guy a handjob in the woods but he comes too fast and she gets angry?? i don’t understand how any of this is relevant to what i think might be the plot
uh oh, lorenzo’s love interest exposes him for being a fraud and the head nun kicks him out of the convent
oh no hayden has lines again
more tits and asses
the head nun has been referred to as having “unparalleled lust and randiness”
the love interest has left the convent and invited lorenzo to be her bodyguard 
the love confession is happening over what sounds like a franz ferdinand or arcade fire song, as if this movie isn’t 2007 enough
tim roth pushes lorenzo into a fountain. he is wet again for the 1000th time this movie
he is now wet and in a dungeon 
tim roth keeps wiggling around like a little kid who needs to pee and holding his sword like a cigarette
the love interest agrees to marry tim roth in exchange for letting lorenzo out of the dungeon!! ashamed to say i am really getting into this
the other three dozen plotlines have disappeared
i guess without them this movie would just be 2 hours of hayden fucking nuns so the director had to put in some filler, a move i do not agree with
lorenzo has been let out of the dungeon. he is now wet *and* filthy
i was wrong, shazam has informed me the song i thought was by franz ferdinand is actually “don’t you” by micah p. hinson but it sounds like every single indie rock song released between 2005-2009
the love interest has paid off a fake priest to delay the wedding while she tries to figure out a solution. A+ shakespeare move
lorenzo punches two guys at once and when he says “that hurt” he remembers to un-rhotic his Rs for the first time the entire film
he has stolen a sword and intends to interrupt the wedding!!
the fake priest is filibustering the wedding by interrogating tim roth on his bathing habits
btw the fake priest has the greasy side swoop hairstyle that plagued my adolescence and which has triggered my fight or flight response
a russian guy who is not lorenzo interrupts the wedding?? with a gun????
poor hayden has had to sprint an entire fucking marathon in this movie
lorenzo has arrived and despite having a sword he is kickboxing his way into this wedding
he stops the russian guy from killing tim roth and flips a coin to determine who does get to kill him
final sword fight. tim roth says “aww shit” and falls into a well
lorenzo gets the girl. the russian with the gun gets a different girl. the guy who came too fast in the woods gets his girl.
the fake priest throws rose petals over all 4 main couples who are making out around a fountain
the guy with the tiny penis is also there and making out with somebody
“TENDER” BY BLUR IS THE END CREDITS SONG that’s where their stunt budget went i guess
somehow i forgot that this was based on the decameron?? how???
hayden gets fourth billing even though he carried this entire circus act. there is no justice in this world
okay final thoughts: i didn’t hate it even a little bit?? people who gave it a bad review are fucking snobs, this was a DELIGHT. 100/10 recommend, just don’t watch it with your parents.
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
if there was any possibility i think it would be a little (a lot) funny if you gave Vader a jalapeño and it’s only been in my thoughts because the way Hayden said the word in a interview
like jalepino
or even imagine Vader saying it like that is funny because I just never hear it said that oddly 😭
"Love, look! I grew these in the garden."
"These jalapinos are quite lovely, dear."
"Im sorry the WHATS"
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