#and I think I see why people are willing to go back and keep raising puppies from this breed of incredibly awful adolescences
myechoecho · 3 days
The Double, 12-13
The Princess really is something else. She plays with her toy Yurong, humiliating him. When she realizes that Jiang Li is Xue Fang Fei, she announces it to a room full of people. Unlike everyone else who has said it privately.
I'm not sure what the Princess' plan was initially. Clearly, she deliberately chose the first target as the one whose brother was involved with the bet. But she was livid when Yurong requested to go in his place. That's when she changed the arrowhead. Did she want him to die? I'm not sure she really thought Li could kill him. Li, after all, is not exactly an archer (despite the Duke's teachings). Still, I think the Princess would see a sort of poetry if Li did kill the husband who buried her alive. If Li was successful, she would also be able to get rid of Li or keep her as a new toy. I honestly don't know.
At the same time, she also was not happy when Yurong basically told Li it not to worry if he lives or dies. I think that Yurong was telling the truth there because he knows how he wronged Li. I'm not sure if he believes that Li is Fang Fei, however I also think he would like the symmetry of the having one who is her double avenge her.
With that permission, Li finds her resolve and she thinks of the two very different men in her life. The Duke, teaching her archery and telling her to focus on her target. The Murderous Husband, telling her to close her eyes as he whacks her on the head with a shovel.
Li did lower the arrow to Yurong's heart. Would she have come to her senses if the Princess hadn't shoved her and made her shoot the arrow early? Unknown. But the Duke's fan is really handy. The Duke shows the Princess that while she may have power, she is also still very powerless.
We have only direct scene with the Duke and Li but it was a powerful one. Their chemistry really in insane.
This is the first time we've seen the Duke genuinely angry with Li. He doesn't even raise his voice, but he is livid (and jealous). He's right - Li was impulsive and reckless. Once she saw the trinket that Yurong bought for her hanging off the Princess' robe and getting Yurong's permission basically to kill him she almost succeeded if the Duke hadn't intervened. It would not have ended well for Li if she had killed him.
At the same time, I love how Li acknowledges and admits that she needs his help "aren't you the way of turning back?" She knows he's been supporting her. And she knows he will help her, regardless of the "price" he will demand of her.
When she asks him to confirm the relationship of Yurong and the Princess, he tells her she already knows what it is. Then she tells him why she was so impulsive. She needs the truth, even at the cost of her life. This really fells like a shift in their relationship, in particular on her part. She doesn't have his spies and I this is her way of asking his help. She's trusting him with her revenge. In return, I have a feeling that he will always be honest with her given she is willing to sacrifice her life to get the truth. They are still dancing around her identity and the fact that the Duke knows who she is. He's absolutely going to be more directly involved with her revenge but her lead it. It's HER revenge after all.
I am proud of Li for pretending to drink the wine. She is not stupid. The last time some forced her to drink wine she didn't want she wound up buried alive. Never again. The attempted rape plan was horrible and very clumsily done, I suspect because it was the two sisters that did it. For the life of me I don't know why those two want that one man so badly because he is trash.
I love Li's grandmother. She has sense.
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grison-in-space · 1 month
Since the dental Tribble has been on a strict no kibble, no crunchy, no chewing diet. (In a week or so she'll be allowed to use her teeth again a bit more, but no one wants to see a dog get dry socket.) Spouse feels that canned dog food (perpetually on hand to make into pupsickles) is not experienced as filling enough, and we do know that Tribble has done better on grain inclusive foods for the past decade, so... the rice cooker has been simmering with chicken stock rice too bulk out the canned food all week, and Matilda and Benton have both gotten a fair bit of overflow rice as a treat.
Unconnectedly, tonight happens to be my first night alone as the sole human all evening in quite a few months. Matilda has been doing her job of enforcing bed, of course, but I can also rely on other humans to help make routine happen if she's too tired to be on it.
If I was worried that Tilly hadn't worked out her evening routine enforcement functions before now, I shouldn't have been. I don't think I've ever seen a dog so excited to move the evening along towards the part where dinner and the good cookies are.
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oozeandgoo-art · 9 days
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everyone is sooo in love with vakori on account of le is so cool and smart and deeply pragmatic and is also completely batshit insane
#oc#monochrome#sketch#velan#vakori#rocaim#rocaim and vakori are rex and taz and adder and silas's parents#adder and silas get their looks from vakori; rex and taz to a slightly lesser degree get it from rocaim#rex specifically is like a sharper clone of him. fucks velan up all the time because their personalities are completely totally different#rocaim was very like. gentle and understanding. good with kids and well-liked by basically everyone. a very effective mediator#rex is obviously none of those things lmao. every time he says something particularly insensitive it surprises her for like six years runni#anyway rocaim is in love wtih vakori. velan is in love with vakori. vakori is aro as they come but insanely pragmatic#like. ok le's based loosely off my ex. like. so le's SCARY pragmatic. so fucking cool about it everyone with a brain is specifically like#'woag oh my god le's so pragmatic im in love with her'. anyway eventually le's like 'hi rocaim. here are the objective reasons that i think#that if we got married it would mean i had better standing and more power in the organization we're both committed to. would you be#opposed to possibly getting married with me on the grounds that it would get me respect and power' and rocaim. who is already head over#heels for ler specifically because le makes these kinds of decisions and sees with this kind of logic is like. Absolutely. 100%#then for the next four years of their formal engagement people keep taking rocaim aside and being like hey... i have bad news...#...that leya you're engaged to... le's not romantically interested in you the same way you're romantically interested in ler... le only#wants you because you're an Ath and le wants a voice in the interclan meetsings... and then when Rocaim is like yeah i know#thats why i want to marry ler isnt that like the sexiest fucking reasoning you've EVER heard. no one gets it but velan#who is also in love with ler for the same reasons but has no such claims to power#and who also is not equipped for a polycule nor willing to try to go behind rocaim's back because unfortunately for her. she is also in lov#with rocaim. me when im in love with my friend and my friend's wife and also i'm pretty sure they both reciprocate but they're both#married and i dont really know what to do about it and also all three of us are very Traditional and that is not the Tradition:#and then they both die and she never quite deals with that.#but she DOES get to raise their (surviving) kids :) most of whom are fucking nightmares#life is so difficult for velan. like actually#closerverse#cv
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fangirl-dot-com · 1 month
🪡The Obvious String
*part of the reverse trope series*
Paring: Lestappen x MercedesDriver!Reader Genre: SMAU/Fluff/Humor Summary: The invisible string was so visible that everyone missed it but them. What are they? Rivals? Friends? Emotional Support Buddies? But they can't be lovers . . . can they?
*I took a lot of inspo from people on twitter. I think this is the most work I've ever done for a chapter before. the tweets alone took almost two hours to do. I absolutely love lestappen so this is super self-indulgent. but that's why I'm a writer. I hope you all enjoy!*
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Lando knew that there was something between the three of them. 
Anyone could see that. Instagram, twitter, TikTok, hell even the Formula 1 app was talking about it. The grid was getting very suspicious, but who could blame them. 
Max wasn’t putting out the fire by pulling his two childhood friends in as they posed for pictures. Charles couldn’t help but flash his God-given dimples at the Dutchman or the Briton girl. And Y/n, she was just as bad, blush on her cheeks every moment she was around them. 
So yeah, everyone was talking. But, no one truly knew what exactly was going on. 
And that’s exactly what Lando was going to find out. (With the help of his fellow 16 drivers.)
His first victim: the French bestie of the non-French man. 
“I have no clue what is going on between the three,” was the first thing that came out of Pierre’s mouth when Lando showed up to his driver’s room door. The poor McLaren driver hadn’t even gotten a word out. 
Lando rolled his eyes. “You have to know something. And you call yourself Charles’s best mate.” 
Pierre threw his hands up. “Non, apparently that is Y/n and Max. I’ve been kicked to the side.” 
The Alpine driver definitely wasn’t bitter or anything. He was actually thankful that you and Max had been able to keep an eye on Charles when he couldn’t. Knowing that the Monegasque had frequent delf-deprecating thoughts, he felt better that he had the two of you. 
Pierre turned to Lando. “Aren’t you supposed to Max’s best friend as well? How would I know something that you don’t.” 
Now that made Lando’s brows furrow. He was supposed to be Max’s best friend. And maybe that’s why he felt a bit peeved to not know what was supposedly going on between you, him, and Charles. His arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” he muttered, turning away to the door. 
The Frenchman scoffed. “Good luck mate. We’ve been trying since 2019.” 
Lewis was not expecting the numerous knocks at his door during media day. The Briton held his breath, willing the unexpected visitors to give up and go away. Yet, a sigh left his lips once the knocking started up again. He pulled himself off of his couch and walked over. 
When the door swung in, two bodies brushed against his side. 
His eye brows raised. “Yes, welcome. Come right in. Oh, thank you Lewis for allowing us to disturb your peace.” 
Lando chewed his lip. “Yeah, thanks man.” 
Pierre took a look around the room. “Thank you Lewis.” 
The papaya clad driver took a seat exactly where Lewis’s had been sitting, which cause Lewis to glare at him. 
“And why are the two of you here?” 
Pierre huffed, looking at the pictures on Lewis’s wall. 
“Ask him.” A finger pointed at Lando, making the Briton look up from his phone. 
“Oh yeah. Do you know. . . ”
Once again, Lando couldn’t even finish his sentence because Lewis interrupted him. 
“No, I don’t know what’s going on between Y/n, Max, and Charles. Honestly Lando, no one knows and I don’t think they know either.” 
Lando leaned his head back and groaned. 
“But how could they not? They all make goo-goo eyes at each other. And it’s worse on the podium.” 
“At least you haven’t bit on the podium with two-thirds of the groups. It’s insufferable man. They can’t go without talking about each other for more than a few moments.”
A laugh left Pierre’s lips. “Oh yeah. It’s always ‘Y/n was so strong on corner 2’ or ‘Pierre, did you see how Max overtook Checo?’ And then ‘Oh Charles was told to stay behind again. He really needs to ignore them.’ It makes me want to puke every time.” 
Lando scratched his chin. “Now that I’m thinking about it, you’re right. It was like how Max and Charles completely ignored me in China. They kept looking at Y/n below!” 
The last few words had a slight whine to them. Charles had been quick enough to catch Checo on the last lap, and placed himself in P3 after Lando. 
The Alpine driver looked lost. “Lewis, you’ve been Y/n’s teammate for almost three years. How can you not know anything.” 
All he got was a glare back. 
“Like I said, Gasly, I don’t even think they know something is going on. It’s pathetic honestly.” 
Lando put his head in his hands. “She must be pining. Don’t you two do girls night or at least something like that?” 
“Lando, she spends all her free moments with Max and Charles. How can she be pining to me if she doesn’t leave their side.” 
It was quite for a moment before Lando snapped. 
“I’ve got it. If we want grid gossip, we got to go to the source.” 
“No Lando, I don’t know if Max, Charles, and Y/n are in a secret relationship. And I don’t think they think of each other like that.” 
The groan that Lando let out was so loud it made a couple of people look their way. George, the tall, lanky Briton was set to take Lewis’s seat for 2025 after two years in Williams. The driver pool was going crazy. 
Logan was returning to Formula 1 with HAAS after a brief sabbatical and would be a teammate pair with Oliver Bearman. Nico and Daniel of all people were going to Audi. Liam was set to take the second Red Bull seat. And Carlos, well, no one really knew, but rumors said that he was going to return with Audi when they caught up with the regulations in 2027. 
The McLaren driver was close to pulling his curls out. 
“But George.” 
Lando was now full on whining. George seemed exasperated and shrugged. 
“We’re not that close anyway. We aren’t even teammates yet. And you knew how she yelled at me that one time that my car scraped a hole in Max’s car.” 
The group of four winced at the memory. 
Max had just finished yelling at George, calling him every name under the sun. And then you had shown up to double it. The Williams, well, now Mercedes driver, was thankful that Charles had shown up to drag the two of you away. 
Lewis looked a bit pale. 
“Yeah. I don’t think she’s fully forgiven me for Silverstone 2021.” 
Lando turned to Lewis. “But they were all still fighting at that point. Remember the whole unfollowing they did in 2019?” 
Pierre snorted. “Of course we remember. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t still care about each other. You know that Charles and Y/n were the first ones to congratulate Max after he won the championship in Abu Dhabi. And then her and Max practically tackled Charles in Japan in 2022. I don’t even want to imagine when Y/n wins her championship.”  
Lando ran a hand down his face. 
“Well, if Pierre doesn’t know, Lewis and George don’t know. Then who would?” 
George cocked his head. 
“Have you asked Daniel? You know that he and Max are pretty close.” 
Lando’s eyes widened. “Why did I not think of that. George I could kiss you!” 
George’s face scrunched. “No thank you. I don’t want to be anywhere near your lips.” 
Lewis was already at the door, wanting to get a move on. “Let’s go. George you’re coming too. If we get to the bottom of this, you’re going to have to learn how to deal with all three.” 
A shudder ran down George’s spine. He did not want to imagine the horror of sharing a podium with all of them. He’s heard enough stories. 
When they got to Daniel’s motorhome, the Australian was peacefully talking with Oscar. Lando had run up to them and was currently hunched over, trying to catch his breath. 
“Do,” inhale, “you two,” exhale, “know if,” inhale and heave, “there’s something,” exhale, “going on,” inhale, “with. . .”
Daniel sighed. “Max, Charles, and Y/n?” 
Lando shot up, eyes full of hope. Lewis nodded next to him. 
“Yes! Do you?” 
The older Aussie wanted to smirk as he saw hope fill the group’s faces. He nodded a bit, and Lando looked like someone told him that his birthday and Christmas had come early. 
The McLaren driver fell to the ground. Pierre smacked Daniel on the shoulder. 
“Why would you do that!” 
Now Lewis was the one whining. 
“Because it was funny. Mate, they’ve been like this since Max joined in 2018. Even then, it was worse than whatever this is.” 
The Mercedes driver of the group let out another groan for what felt like the millionth time in that hour. 
“Max was insufferable in 2018. Taking his sim everywhere so that he could game and race with them online. And the multiple phone calls. I think Max partied harder for Charles’s F2 champion win and Y/n’s F3 championship than his first race win.” 
“Ok, but that’s kind of cute.” 
All eyes landed on Oscar. 
The younger Aussie’s eyes bulged. “What?” 
Daniel pointed a finger at him. “If Max hears you say cute in any way, shape, or form that is distinctly near his name, he will come after you.”  
An audible gulp was heard. 
Lando had begun to pace. “Well, if I don’t know, Pierre doesn’t know, Lewis doesn’t know, George doesn’t know, Oscar doesn’t know, and Daniel doesn’t know, then who would know?”
Everyone looked a little lost. 
The two papaya drivers jumped out of reflex. Lando’s head turned violently toward Lewis. 
He held his phone up with a contact showing. 
“We call Seb.” 
“Lewis, like I’ve told you. Charles hasn’t told me anything.” 
For the sake of everyone around in the paddock, they held in their groans. 
“But Seb, you were practically Charles’s grid-dad. You have to know something!” Daniel said, face nearly in Lewis’s phone, as if Sebastian could hear him better. 
A sigh was heard through the speaker. 
“Charles was nothing less than a terror in 2019. I think the calmest anyone has seen him was 2018 when his car didn’t go fast enough for him to catch anyone.” 
Lewis hummed. “That’s true.” 
“Because everyone there should know that 2019 was the year of them. Every headline was all about them. And don’t get me started on when they had that big fight. I had to hear everything about it every. single. weekend.” 
Daniel nodded. “It was the same with Max. If Fernando was here, he could say the same for Y/n since she was still racing with Alpine at the time.” 
Oscar had completely forgotten about Fernando being Y/n’s teammate for half a season before she made the jump to Williams to replace Kubica to race alongside Nicholas Latiffi. The young Aussie had looked up to the older female when he was making the decision to leave Alpine. She had personally congratulated him on the move and gave him a wink. Well, had tried to before Max and Charles dragged her away. 
Sebastian had gone quiet over the phone. 
“Has anyone actually asked them if they’re together or not? Instead of just asking everyone else about a matter that deeply involves the three of them?” 
Their silence had answered for them. 
Lando grabbed Lewis’s phone out of his hand. 
“Thank you Seb! We’ll get right on it!” 
It was too late and Lando had already hung up and was passing the phone back to his fellow Briton. 
“Guys, we can’t ask them.” 
“What!” Pierre yelled. 
“Think about it. If we just go and ask, they’re going to make excuses. We won’t get a right answer.” 
“Lando, you’re being unreal. Let’s just go ask them,” George said. 
“Ask them what?” 
The six of them jumped out of their skin at the new arrival of a familiar voice. Lando froze before slowly turning around, to come face to face with you, Charles, and Max, all looking cozy for media day. 
“Uh, nothing?” Lando squeaked out, eyes darting around so he wouldn’t have to look at the trio. 
Max snorted. “Doesn’t sound like nothing to me.” 
He took a sip of his Red Bull. 
Daniel looked panicked. “We were just wanting to ask, uh, Lewis and Nico if they had forgiven each other yet?” 
Charles raised his eyebrows. “Why do you seem so unsure? And Lewis is right there mate. Kind of rude to talk about his problems in front of him.” 
“Thank you Charles.” 
The Monegasque hummed as he turned to Max. His mouth dropped. 
“Max, I thought I told you to stop drinking that stuff. It’s bad for your heart.” 
The Dutchman shrugged and took another sip, just to spite the Ferrari driver. You rolled your eyes, knowing a playfight was just around the corner. 
Oscar’s eyes narrowed as he looked over the trio’s choice of outfits. 
“Y/n, are those Charles’s cloud pants? Charles is that Max’s cap? And Max is that Charles’s Monza hoodie.” 
The arguing that was beginning to build between the two male drivers suddenly stopped. Your eyes widened as you jerked your head toward them. 
Sure enough, Charles’s hat was not bright red and it had the number 1 on it, something that Charles lost to Max in 2023. You leaned back to look at the hoodie Max was wearing, and indeed it had the iconic podium scene on the back of it. The two males looked toward your pants. The bright white clouds seemed to stare back at them. 
“Uh, yes?” you asked. “But we share clothes all the time. It’s not a big deal.” 
Max and Charles nodded before Charles was hit with a thought. 
“Oh, chéri, I forgot to tell you that your dry cleaning was picked up a few hours ago and is back at the hotel,” he said as he looked at his phone, completely missing the six pairs of wide eyes that were now looking at him. 
Max smirked as he leaned over and kissed the top of Charles’s head. 
“Thank you schatje.” 
This time, a whine came from you. 
“I’m being left out,” you muttered, crossing your arms. However, the two were not having it and quickly brought you into their arms. 
Lando stared, blinked, and stared some more before he rubbed his eyes. He completely believed that the three would disappear when his hands lowered, but he caught Max in the middle of kissing your lips. 
You turned back to the group. 
“Are you all fine?” 
Lewis threw his hands up. “I’m done. Call me when we need to go to the media.” 
The door opened quickly, allowing Lewis to slip out. 
Pierre looked a bit pale. “What? When? Where? Why?”
Charles shrugged. “We’re together. After my championship. The hotel. We love each other.” 
Daniel sighed. “So you’ve been together since 2022?” 
Max rolled his eyes. “No.” 
“But Charles just said his championship!” Oscar explained, hands outstretched. 
It was your turn to smile. “His F2 championship. We’ve been together since 2017.” 
A long sigh came from Lando. “I think I need to sit down.” 
Daniel’s door swung back open, revealing Lewis once again. He also seemed out of breath. His hands were on his knees for a bit until he straightened back up. 
“You’re telling me that you three have been together SINCE 2017!” 
You nodded. “Yes.” 
Pierre pouted. “But what about 2019?” 
The three of you winced in a synchronized matter. With a quick look, Max was the one to sigh. His hands dug into the front pocket of the cozy, black hoodie. 
“Long story short, we took a small break until Y/n won in Brazil. We all got our heads out of our asses and apologized.” 
Oscar rose an eyebrow. “Then why haven’t you followed each other back on Instagram.”
A snort from you made the two men chuckle. You simply shrugged your shoulders. 
“Too lazy? We don’t feel like breaking the internet.” 
Lando took a seat on Daniel’s couch. “Why haven’t you told anyone?” 
Charles ran a hand over his face. “Lando, we race in countries where people are killed for being homosexual. We can’t risk anything.” 
The air suddenly took a solemn turn as the McLaren driver nodded, truly taking in the situation. Charles chewed his lip in anxiety, while Max picked at his fingers. You were looking at the group. 
“You won’t tell anyone right?” 
Suddenly, everyone felt bad for wanting to find out. They had pushed the three to confess something that they might not have wanted people to know about at that time. What a group of friends they were. 
Lando hung his head. “We won’t. I’m sorry that we asked about it before you three were obviously ready to tell someone.” 
Another snort left Charles’s lips as his hand rested on his mouth. Max had a shit-eating grin on his face, you had one to match. 
Pierre looked at them with a skeptical expression. “Something to tell us?” 
Max’s shoulders raised. “People know. You aren’t the first ones to know.” 
Lewis sighed, shoulder sagging. George put a hand on the older Briton’s shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. Lando looked close to losing it. His hazel eyes narrowed at the trio. 
“Then . . . who knows?” 
Charles’s eyes looked up a bit as he started to count. 
“Uh, Christian, Fred, Toto, Kimi.” 
You pulled out his fingers and counted.  
“Jensen, Mark, uh, Nico.” 
Lewis looked like he wanted to pass out. 
Max smirked. 
“Oh, and Seb.” 
There was silence amongst the group. 
“Oh he is so dead.” 
“Lando you can’t kill Seb!” 
“Sorry Lewis, but this is his fault!” 
“Calm down Lando. You’ll lose your seat.” 
“Oscar, I just want to talk to Seb. Who has his phone number?” 
“I am not giving you his number Lando.” 
“I’m not asking you Lewis. Daniel, I know you have it.” 
You smiled in Max and Charles’s arms as Lando started to get physical, trying to grab Daniel’s phone. 
You leaned up, immediately being engulfed in Max’s aftershave. “Should we stop them?” 
Charles leaned a bit forward to look at his two lovers. A soft smile formed on his face, before a smirk replaced it. 
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TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlm @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicore @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-su @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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winterspellsfrozenkit · 5 months
Maomao's Dislike of Jinshi
So I've been watching Apothecary Diaries and I think people are missing out on the root cause of why Maomao doesn't like Jinshi's interactions with her. It's not because he's too pretty, of high standing, or because she thinks he's annoying/etc., as they're just parts that make up the actual root cause. It's because she knows he's being fake.
Jinshi, because of who he is, where he lives, and how he was raised, covers up his true intentions almost constantly. That was how he trapped Maomao and singled her out as the one who warned Concubine Gyokuyou, after all. The premise to get all the servants in the room, the note telling her to stay put, and making her come with him without telling her where they were going? He let her worry that she was in trouble, so to keep her off-balance when he introduced her to Gyokuyou and also had kept her note to keep her pinned in a corner so she would have to comply with what he and Gyokuyou wanted.
Maomao prefers working with honest people. It's why she never wanted to ascend into the ranks where court politics were a constant presence, because in court politics, you have to assume most people are lying to you on some level. That's why she likes Gyokuyou; Gyokuyou has a similar mentality about the importance of honesty in the people around her and she reciprocates that honesty with the select people she lets her walls down around. When Jinshi is flirting or being super sweet to someone, Maomao knows he's often not being sincere, so when he flirts or acts all sweet with her, she's not going to believe in the sincerity of it because it's dangerous for her if he's not being sincere.
In Maomao's world, a man who makes false promises will not have severe consequences for his actions, unlike the women who fall for them. Growing up where she did and doing the work she did, Maomao knows exactly what kind of damage someone else's lies can bring to someone else who got caught in them. Maomao is not blind to the ugly truths of the world around her, unlike many her age, so interacting with Jinshi, someone who is usually some level of false in almost every encounter with her, is frustrating to her and he won't leave her alone. Lies are a form of poison themselves as they deteriorate a person's life and relationships and if not caught, can lead someone to their death or a fate akin to death, but unlike physical toxins, Maomao can't fix any damage from that kind of societal poison. As someone who wants a lowkey and unremarkable life because it's more peaceful, Jinshi could damage her goals with his falsehoods if she falls for any of them.
And we see that when Jinshi is actually honest about himself and his feelings with her, she treats him better. When he gives her his hairpin, when he's hugging her and crying because of what happened with Ah-Duo, and when he's at the Verdigris House, drowning his sorrows over letting Maomao go from the Rear Palace, Maomao is kinder to him and doesn't look at him with the immediate disdain and suspicion she often throws his way. Maomao even states she prefers the Jinshi, who is more childlike and bratty, which is something we see Gaoshun constantly discourage when Jinshi has those moments where his mask breaks. But in those moments, he's being honest.
For the position of Maomao's love interest, Jinshi's already got one foot ahead of any other guy around Maomao, as he is willing to let Maomao have more freedom in her special interests and gives her things and access to areas that play into her interests, like her dad does, which is more than most men in her society would ever allow. The only reason he actively goes against her toying with poison is he knows exactly what she's going to do with the poisons. But his main hinderance to getting Maomao to like him back is the training of being two-faced that's been ingrained into him for his survival in court. If he was more honest with her, rather than hiding himself under the veneer of a pretty man who is sweet, gets along with everyone, and keeps his knowledge close to the chest, he'd do so much better in earning Maomao's respect and affection.
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reallyromealone · 2 months
would you do a rindou x reader omegaverse nsfw one-shot? 😬😪
(Ignore if no)
Title: little Succubus
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Rindō, reader insert
Fic type: nsfw, omegaverse,
Pairings: Rindō x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, demon au, succubus, smut, nsfw, Omega male reader, blood play, Dom and sub themes, spanking, Rindō calls reader names, Rindō is mean, praise, sweet words, reader doesn't feed off people because he's nervous
(Name) Was starving as he crawled up the large California King bed, a handsome alpha sleeping in no more than boxers as (name)sat on his lap, feeling the others large bulge "I'm sorry... I'm just so hungry" (name) always felt a sense of guilt when feeding, usually keeping it to kissing but he had been so busy with work and... Just a kiss..." (Name) Whispered as he gently cupped the man's strong jaws, his inner omega praising the very strong alpha, he could definitely provide...
(Name) Kissed so softly and sweetly as they tried to use their magic to make sure the Alpha just had a nice dream... Though it didn't work? Pulling away (name) opened his eyes to see that the Alpha was awake and staring smugly "a little rude don't you think?" Rindō said with a shit eating grin as he sat up, pulling (name) closer as the cute little demon looked flustered "I-I was only taking a bit of energy! You should be asleep! Why aren't you asleep!" He said flustered as he looked at the tattooed alpha... Wait those tattoos looked familiar.
Large black bar wings spread out behind him, the high ceilings and large bed made sense now as (name) looked at the large horns on the Incubus' head as his eyes turned to a pure glowing shade of amethyst. A large tail snaked from behind him and coiled around (name)s smaller and cuter one "you haven't been eating, kisses are barely a midnight snack let alone a proper meal, idiot" Rindō sniffed at (name)s neck "you're so weak you can't even smell the difference of a demon and a human"
"I-i feel bad taking it that way..."
"You're a virgin" Rindō said in a moment of realization with a bigger grin than he thought possible as he pinned the other to the bed "a succubus Omega whose a virgin... Never thought I would see it" Rindō watched as (name) looked ready to explode with embarrassment "stop bullying me! " He shouted angrily as Rindō chuckled lowly "human raised... You have that innocence that humans have... A little half breed" Rindō sniffed out the human aspects of the other, he and his brother were pure demon choosing to live in the mortal world, operating a crime cindacate with fellow demons.
Before (name) could fire something back, Rindō grabbed him by his neck and kissed him, long tongue taking control as (name) let out a moan, slick already pouring from him and brain getting foggy.
When Rindō pulled away, he looked at his work as (name) looked fucked out from a kiss alone "feels good right? Getting energy from a demon tastes way better than some human" (name) nodded as pink pharamones leaked from him, like fog on a spring morning though it was something only demons could see, easier to tell who was more willing to fuck.
"You wanna be full, huh baby? A cute succubus like you going without a good fucking is just criminal" the Alpha tutted as he freed his cock from his boxers, if (name) was human-- well fully human --- that thing would have killed him. Thirteen inches and thick as a coke can, the demons knot barely expanded as he spread (name)s legs and rubbed up and down his thighs while looking at the others cute little shorts, (name)a succubus form consisting of tiny short shorts a tight crop top that was ripped apart by Rindō "wait!" (Name) Panicked as the Alpha looked primal but halted his hands "i-i don't know your name" (name) said worried and Rindō looked stunned before laughing, leaning up to kiss him "god you're cute, think I'm gonna keep you~" he chuckled as (name)s omega preened at the concept "the names Rindō, what's yours pretty?"
"(Name)...." The Omega whispered as his black wings fluttered at the compliments the Incubus spoke, he knew that lust demons were good with words and shouldn't be so easily affected but... It felt nice.
Rindō kissed down his chest, exposed and perky as his long tongue swirled around the nipple, mouth tearing open to reveal his sharper teeth and (name)s eyes slowly turned a hazy (color) as he took in the pleasure as Rindō looked smug at the others reaction as his hand moved to play with the others much smaller cock, giving a harsh tug as (name)s hips bucked up to chase the pleasure "you must be hungry, you're absorbing so much~" Rindō could feel the Omega drain his energy as his cute fangs grew sharper and his pharamones sweeter, thank god he had enough energy to run Tokyo for a year.
"Alpha ~!" (Name) Cried out as he clung to the other, Rindō pleased that the omegas already claiming him as his wrists made a feeble attempt at scent marking him "yeah? You want alpha, Omega?" Rindō chuckled as (name) nodded feverishly, he was so hungry...
Rindō could tell the other was losing himself to his instincts, Omegan and demonic which was a dangerous combo for any human but thankfully Rindō could take him easy as (name) crawled on him and pushed him down, nails clawing at Rindōs chest as he looked at the others tattoos hungrily "come on baby, take what you want from alpha~" Rindō cooed as he allowed his cute Omega to dominate him even just a little, when (name) wasn't starving he would put him in his place but he knew the cutie just needed a damn good meal.
(Name) Clawed at the others chest, seeing traces of blood before licking up the lines with a moan and sitting up to see the others cock and a wave of nervousness washed over him and Rindō tutted "getting ahead of yourself baby, want alpha to help you?" His voice condescending as his hands groped the others ass cheeks "silly little Omegas need help, especially naughty ones who starve themselves for silly morals" Rindō couldn't help himself, throwing the concept of letting (name) do as he wanted out the window as his large hand swatted down at (name)s plump ass and watched him jolt with a moan.
A succubus didn't feel pain, neither did an Incubus... Anything would feel nothing short of pure pleasure.
"Humans couldn't give you what you need, huh? Needed an incubus cock to satisfy that hunger, a filthy little cock slut pretending to be something he's not" Rindōs words were venomous as he bit at (name)s scent gland and fingers went to the others ass, rubbing and teasing before pushing in and without warning he aggressively began fucking his fingers into the other.
Rindō watched as (name) threw his head back with a scream like moan, legs shaking as Rindō aggressive rubbed at his prostate and the poor Omega clawed and bit at the alphas shoulder and back, gutteral moans escaping his lips as an orgasm rolled through "you feel good baby?"
"Full...." (Name) Mumbled as Rindōs fingers left his gaping ass only to replace it with something far better "well better stuff you good for good measure!" Rindō plunged his cock in, a sadistic grin as (name) took him body shaking and convulsing as the poor thing struggled to process and adjust to his cock, maybe he was too much for the succubus.
Then he saw the others eyes, cute heart rings glowing "you wanna feel real good baby?" Rindō mumbled into his ear and (name) nodded frantically at the idea of feeling even better as Rindō placed a hand on his abdomen and began thrusting, mumbling enxantations as a womb tattoo graced the omegas stomach, increasing his pleasure ten fold and watching as (name) began cumming uncontrollably.
Rindōs thrusts were hard and aggressive as his thighs slapped (name)a ass cheeks and his large wings entrapped (name) nice and close to him as the two kissed sloppily, orgasm after orgasm escaping the poor succubus as the two fed off one another, the poor Omega practically putty in his arms as he let the other fuck him stupid.
"Wanna be mine, pretty? Be mine forever? Only feed off me?" Rindō asked teasingly and (name) bared his neck, surprising the other a bit but grinned none the less as he bit into his neck, venom flowing into (name) as his knot caught and cum began pouring into the other, poor (name) barely conscious.
"Good boy... Nice and full now? Don't worry... Alpha will keep you well fed every day, keep you do nice on my cock" his omega would be his and his alone, he would remove any silly thoughts out of his pretty head and (name) would belong to him and bare his spawn.
It would be perfect.
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castellankurze · 9 months
Here's the thing that interests me about the dueling scene in Gideon the Ninth. Yeah, the narrative phrasing Harrowhark rose to the occasion like an evening star is peak and the line "Death first to the vultures and scavengers" is pure fire but why is she in that position to begin with?
The situation is thus: Camilla Hect has just won a duel against Marta Dyas attempting to claim the Sixth House's necromancy challenge keys, but she was wounded in so doing. Naberius Tern, backed by Ianthe Tridentarius, is pressing a dueling challenge against the injured Camilla in a flagrant bid to beat Camilla down and take the keys for the Third House while she's already recovering from one match. Gideon is standing by watching things unfold and, to her relief, Harrowhark steps up to put Gideon in the ring as a substitute for the injured Camilla and thus shut down Naberius' vulturing.
Except...why? You'd think that in anything like a polite societal dueling code (I know, I know, but go with it-) Camilla and Palamedes would have the option to demure, saying something like "the Sixth House cavalier just fought a duel and is wounded to boot, piss off for a day and we'll see then." But that's not even floated as an option. Palamedes isn't a dumb guy - far from it - and even if he were out of his element, you'd think someone else could just lean in and say 'dude tell them to shove it.' Judith Deuteros objects by saying "There are rules" and Ianthe shuts that down by pointing out she pressed Marta's duel on incredibly flimsy pretext, so that seems to be an objection on the grounds for presenting the challenge, rather than probing for an option to refuse. If Harrow and Gideon (or Jeannemary, jumping on the bandwagon) hadn't interceded, Camilla was about to fight her second duel back to back.
(Even in the first dueling challenge, the tone of onlookers seems to be that people want Palamedes to default and hand over his key to the Second House to spare Camilla the fight, because they assume the Sixth House is weak and don't know how good Camilla is.)
To sum up: the Sixth House seems to have no recourse but to either accept the repeated dueling challenges or default; with no way to decline except to give the Third House something they want (in this case, a Canaan House key).
That's insane.
And if that's deliberate, rather than an oversight on Tamsyn Muir's part, that suggests so much about the Nine Houses' dueling culture. It suggests that a challenge from a cavalier primary can't be refused; you have to either throw down or roll over as if they won. It speaks to a distinct lack of value placed on human lives, that the cavaliers are forced to accept a challenge on pain of their house losing face at best, something material at worst. The defending house can only negotiate to a degree that the attacking house is willing to let them. This is, depressingly, fully in keeping with the series' characters' treatment of the cavaliers. The subsequent books and short stories (especially The Unwanted Guest) really hammer this idea in, that the cavaliers are nominally viewed as a source of blades and shields in the hands of the necromancers, even if the laypeople of the setting don't know all the reasons behind the traditions.
In real life, formal dueling typically had customs and rules for negotiation and ceremony, with multiple exit points for parties to back out of a potential threat to life without losing face. Only truly aggrieved parties would press a suit to the point of confrontation. The Nine Houses say screw that, put up or shut up. They've more or less raised up the informal tradition of 'swords now motherfucker.'
To steal a phrase from another tumblrite, 'congrats god that's the worst anyone's ever done it.'
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freebreadmoon · 5 months
Percy Jackson
The Monster’s Gone
warnings: little violence? fluff, percy being bf material, no use of y/n, implied female child of athena reader, based heavily off the plot of CotG
requests are open!!
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Percy hated quests.
Percy hated it even more when you were involved.
You’d been walking around mindlessly the whole day, through Times Square to the Flatiron District, having no idea where Iris, the rainbow goddess, could be.
“Why would a god willing even live here? The city is a hell in itself, but tourist areas?” Percy sighed, dodging a passing man while simultaneously trying to keep you in eyeshot, which proved to be very hard. Looking around the area, his sea-green eyes landed on a small Gift Loft shop. He grabbed your hand and pulled you in, holding your shoulders to steady you.
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows at him, surprised at his sudden choice to make a detour. “Quieter. Too many people in the streets,” he ran a hand through his hair, pausing, “and easier to focus on…crafting a plan, or whatever that brain of yours does.” He smiled, letting go of you and settling on crossing his arms. “Plan. Right. Except you literally have no information for me to ‘craft’ anything out of.” You mimicked his movements, tilting your head as you look up at him. “I promise we won’t be in here longer than we need to, but it’s harder to…” Percy’s rambling was cut off by you putting your hand of his mouth, staring behind him at the old woman that seemed to stare right back. He stared at you, waiting for you to clarify what was wrong. “Dracaena, I think. Can’t see her fully through the mist.” You breathed, reaching instinctively for your weapon, separating yourself from Percy. He did the same, uncapping Riptide. “never a dull moment…” He muttered, putting himself in front of you. The Dracaena approached, the mist pulling away to show her slithering body. “Perseus Jackson, what a fun surprise this is.” She looked at you, lizard-like eyes narrowing “And an appetizer. How thoughtful.” She lunged, and Percy dodged, trying to pull you with him as she clawed a shallow cut into the skin of your stomach, earning a yelp from you as the pain set in. Percy immediately noticed, clenching his teeth. He ripped a ‘I Love NY’ shirt off a rack, tying it to you like a makeshift bandage. “Sit tight. Gotta go kill a monster for you.”
And the way he looked at you, love filled and kind, contrasted to the way he looked at the Dracaena, he could’ve been two different people. He swung effortlessly at her, and you watched with wide eyes as she erupted into gold dust, as if it were the first time you saw him all over again. He rushed over to you, smiling apologetically and pushing a small bottle of ambrosia into your hands. “M’sorry.” He sits back on his knees, watching you heal. “Not your fault, Perce.” You wrapped your pinky around his, squeezing subtly, smiling when he returns the movement. “A little my fault.” He laughed, helping you up, letting you lean against him, smoothing your hair through his fingers. “I hate seeing you hurt.” Percy looked away, his attention turned back to the sidewalk as you two returned to the sidewalk, no plan crafted.
“I love you too, Percy.” You said, kissing his cheek, watching the smile and blush creep up his face. “Enough to stop getting hurt?” He raised an eyebrow sarcastically. “Oh, never that.” You nudged him, grinning back.
Percy hated going on quests, yes.
Percy hated it even more when you were involved.
But oh, was he head over heels.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 10 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: video calls and masturbation, vibrators and the bathroom sink! (last one is mainly a warning for Bucky)
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“I miss you," you whined at your boyfriend, whose face was all you could see on the screen of your phone. 
“I miss you too, doll.”
“Then what are you going to do about it?" you challenged his admission.
“What is it that you want from me?”
“I want you to touch me.” Your words came out with a whine. Needy. Desperate.
“Where doll? Where do you want me to touch you?” Bucky asked, seemingly unphased.
“Here,” you pulled down the neckline of your oversized night shirt, exposing your braless cleavage.
“Anywhere else, doll? Show me?” 
You smiled slowly, pulling your shirt off over your head, revealing your unbound breasts to the camera. “Sam had better not barge in, Buck.”
“Don’t worry, doll. The door’s locked. No one gets to look at you this way other than me. Understand?”
You looked at him with a bit of confusion, before you remembered the conversation you'd had with him a few weeks prior, about how well people responded to the title he had been given after he had been drafted. “Yes… Sergeant.”
“Good girl. Now be a doll and see how hard those beautiful nipples of yours can get for me.”
“You want me to touch myself?” you asked innocently.
“It’s going to have to be you, my love. Unless you’re willing to wait tillI get home.”
“And when will that be?”
“Well, if we’re estimating by Sam’s cautiousness, then probably won’t be back for another week.”
You groaned dramatically. “But Buck, I couldn’t possibly wait that long. I need you nooooow,” you exaggerated your pout and dragged out your vowels.
“Go on, doll. Don’t keep me waiting. Believe me, I want this just as much as you do.”
“Not enough to come back home and get me off though,” you said petulantly.
“Stop sulking, doll.” His tone was suddenly more stern. “Or else I’m going to have to punish you.”
You raised an eyebrow, surprised and slightly amused by his sudden authoritative behavior. Not once had Bucky ever tried to tell you what to do.
“How exactly do you propose to do that, Buck? From all the way over there!” you teased.
“Oh I can think of a few things, doll.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well for one, I could make sure you don’t get any pleasure at all when I get home.”
“You wouldn’t?” you asked, incredulously.
“Doll, I could, and I would.” The glint in his eye was clear despite the slightly pixelated screen. “Or if you’re insisting on behaving like a brat, we might have to resort to some spanking.”
Your face flushed and a pool of wetness collected between your legs at Bucky’s words. It turned you on more than you ever thought possible. You’d never heard Bucky suggest something like this before and it made you wonder if there was anything else that he hadn’t yet shared with you.
“Now, why don’t you be a doll and touch yourself for me. I want to see those beautiful nipples clearly on this tiny screen.”
You propped your device onto the wireless charging stand and angled it towards you so Bucky had an unobstructed view of your magnificent breasts as you kneaded and massaged them, pinching your nipples until they felt as hard as the peaked mountains they now resembled. You leaned your shoulder against the padded headboard of your bed, legs crossed on the mattress for comfort and stability.
Bucky moaned appreciatively, eyes glued to the screen as he enjoyed the show you were giving him.
“That’s my girl, are you feeling good?”
“So good, Bucky.”
“Better than when I touch you?” he taunted lightly.
“Nothing compares to how you touch me, Buck.”
“You sure do know how to make a guy feel appreciated.”
“You like what you see? 'Cause you’re breathing kinda hard there.”
“Yeah, doll, I love what I see. Trying to imagine how my special ladies are feeling.”
You bit your lip then pouted, “But I thought I was your special lady.”
“You’re my best girl.”
His old-fashioned charm made you smile.
"Well how about giving your best girl something to work with? You've never been afraid to show me your chest before."
"That's usually because you're the one taking off my clothes for me, doll," Bucky chuckled, as he pulled his black tee over his head with one hand. "Happy?"
"Ecstatic," you said as dryly as you could before your face broke into a massive smile. Admiring Bucky’s well defined pecs and abs was one of the highlights of your intimate relationship with him. His Adonisesque physique would be the envy of most mortal men, and the knowledge that he kept it all hidden except for your pleasure was an aphrodisiac in and of itself.
Bucky sighed wistfully. "You look stunning."
"Guess you like what you see, huh?" You cupped your breasts with both hands, giving them a few more wanton squeezes before rising up onto your knees and peering at your phone screen. "What's going on down there, Buck?"
Bucky tried to suppress a smile as you squinted into the camera, trying to move onto a position, as if the motion would make more of him visible to you.
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Obviously I would. That's why I asked!" You rolled your eyes and sighed dramatically. "Are you touching yourself?" You had an inkling that Bucky was palming himself over the sweats he was sporting as sleep wear.
"Maybe," Bucky shrugged, trying to sound evasive. It wasn't very successful.
"That's not fair, Buck."
"Nothing's fair about this, doll."
"Buuuuck," you whined. "Come oooonnn."
"Tell me what you want, doll."
"I want to see."
"What do you want to see?"
"I want to see you, Buck. I need to see you. To know what I'm missing. God, I wish I could feel you right now."
"Where, doll? Where do you want to feel me?"
"I want you inside me, Buck. I want your hands on my body. I need you touching me," you sighed, your hand rubbing yourself over your satin shorts.
"You getting yourself nice and wet for me?"
"I'm sure I’d do better if you were doing it for me." You pushed your palm against your crotch a little more roughly, reveling in the pleasure you felt from the friction. "Or if you show me how far you've gotten."
"Is this some kind of competition to you, doll?"
"You want to make it one?"
"See who cums first?"
"I mean, I still think it's cheating because you're just sitting there with your pants on. I mean you get to see all this!" You motioned towards your top less torso as you spoke.
"Fine," Bucky huffed before your view on the tiny screen jolted to face the ceiling as Bucky rose from the armchair where he had been sitting. "Gimme a sec, doll."
The screen went dark as Bucky shuffled around. You waited less than patiently, pushing the lace and satin further and further inside you in an attempt to chase your climax.
"It's been more than a second," you complained.
You heard a grunt of disapproval and more shuffling before you caught sight of your boyfriend again. He had made his way into the bathroom and was propping you up on the tiny porcelain sink.
"How's that, doll?
"It's about time," you moaned as your fingers ghosted over your clit. "I'm more than ready, you know."
"I know. Wait for me." He pushed down on the waistband on his sweats until his hardening member sprang forwards to greet you.
"There's my favorite soldier," you tilted your head and tucked your lower lip under your front teeth. "I missed Sarge!" you said coyly.
Bucky rolled his eyes at your reference to his cock. 
"Ready to follow orders?" You spoke, keeping your voice quiet and seductive.
"Who are you talking to, doll? Me or Sarge" Bucky asked, sarcastically.
"I think Sarge could use a little more attention. Bucky, you want to give him a helping hand?"
Bucky couldn't help but groan as he wrapped his flesh hand around his semi erect member. Whether the groaning was his disapproval of your attempts at seduction or the pleasure of that initial touch as he wrapped his fingers around himself, you had no idea. He squeezed at the base before giving his shaft a few firm strokes until his tip kissed the skin below his navel. Bucky grunted softly, as precum leaked from his length. 
It was driving you insane, just sitting by and watching, listening to your boyfriend making those noises as he slowly coated his length with precum, making the slide of his palm easier.
Finally he looked up at you with a smirk. "Your turn doll. Lose the shorts."
"Need to be careful. Might make a mess on the bed and you're not here to clean it up."
"Show me. Show me how wet you are."
You rolled your eyes at him, a blush staining your heated cheeks. It didn't take you long to push your shorts down, shimmying them down your hips and over your knees until they slipped over your feet and onto the floor out of sight.
"Come on, doll. Shake a leg!"
"Buuuuck!" you cried, exasperated. "It took you long enough, be patient!"
Bucky laughed at your incensed state as he stood in front of the camera idly stroking his cock. "I want to see you."
A small smirk spread across your lips as your fingers found your exposed folds. They were already coated in your arousal making the entry of your fingers between the warmth of these lips effortless. Your fingertips brushed over your clit making you gasp, before you pushed them inside you, collecting as much of the fluid on your fingers. The way they felt inside you was a tease, barely a prelude to what Bucky normally provided for you. Today, however, you would have to make do without him. Slowly, you withdrew your digits bringing them to your mouth and sucked them dry, eyes closed as your tongue swirled around them.
"See how wet I am for you and you're not even here to taste me."
Bucky shivered slightly at the thought of tasting you. His tongue shot out, licking his lips at the mere thought of you on them.
"Oh God, doll, I want you so bad," Bucky moaned. His voice over the last speaker sounded more gravelly than normal and it turned you on more than you thought possible.
You pushed your fingers back inside you, watching Bucky on your phone screen, matching your movements to the rhythm with which Bucky was stroking himself. For a minute or two, you both watched each other panting and moaning, but you were starting to feel a little frustrated.
"It's not enough Bucky. Need you," you whined.
Bucky’s laugh was so low that you almost missed it because of the sound of blood rushing in your ears.
"Don't worry, doll. I got you. Open the bottom drawer for me."
"What?" You stopped pumping your fingers to look at Bucky with confusion. 
"Bedside cupboard. Bottom drawer. Open." Bucky kept his directions simple, letting your aroused and addled brain to catch up to his train of thought.
You withdrew your fingers, lingering for a second to caress your clit.
"Don't get distracted," Bucky scolded lightly. He was still moving his hand firmly up and down his swollen length, a smirk on his face and a glint of hidden excitement in his eyes.
"Buck, what's in the drawer?"
"Open it!"
You reached down to the drawer handle and Bucky’s smile got bigger. He loved seeing you face down but he knew he was going to enjoy your reaction to the little gift he had left behind for you.
He had removed the plastic wrapping and placed it into a gift box. All that was required from you was to lift the lid. The pretty pink bow adoring the box was a mere garnish but it made you happy and it very nicely matched the color of his present. 
You gasped as you stared down at the magenta vibrator which was exactly your boyfriend's size. As you picked it up, your fingers accidentally pushed the button and it started buzzing happily in your hand. The salacious sounds that left your lips had Bucky's cock throbbing with need. He got off on the melody of your moans, watching you come undone because of him.
"Do you like it?"
You nodded, your breathing shallow and pupils dilated.
"I wanted you to have something for when I'm not there to take care of you."
"Aww, Buck. Thank you," your voice was quiet but earnest.
"Wanna give it a go, doll? There is a tiny bottle of lube in there if it will help."
"You just think of everything, don't you?"
"Gotta make sure my best girl is taken care of when I'm not around."
"I'd prefer if you were to take care of me. But thank you Buck, this is very thoughtful."
You grabbed the travel sized lube bottle and coated the vibrator generously. 
"Ready?" Bucky asked, watching your reaction with bated breath.
You turned on the device to its lowest setting and rubbed it over your folds. It already felt delectable, and you closed your eyes trying to imagine it was Bucky who was touching you.
"Eyes on me, doll."
Immediately you snapped your eyes open to look at your boyfriend.
"That's right, look at me. Everything you feel right now is because of me."
You pushed the toy between your folds, pressing it against your sensitive nub. Humming, you mumbled your pleasure. "So good."
"Why do you feel so good, doll?"
"Because of you, Bucky. Always you."
The waves of ecstasy were building steadily, like a rising tide, threatening to overcome you. You flipped up the setting, letting the vibrator do its job. Within minutes you were a whimpering mess, writhing under the strain you were applying to your throbbing clit. The pressure inside was rising, like a flood pushing against a dam until the walls finally cracked and your climax overflowed, drowning you in euphoria.
As the rapture of your orgasm ebbed away, you heard Bucky panting softly. You glanced over at him for his reaction. He had gone back to palming himself but his eyes stayed on you, albeit slightly glassy.
"You're not done already, are you?" he asked.
You mumbled incoherently for a moment before pulling yourself back to reality. "Sooo sensitive."
"I know, doll," Bucky cooed at you. "But don't you want to know how I feel inside you?"
"S'not you," you pouted.
"Then do it for me. Do it because I need to see you, I need to hear you, I need it."
His words were greedy, like needed to see you coming undone with his gift to achieve his own release. How could you deny Bucky this simple request? Especially when his voice was dripping with lust.
"Do it, darling. I know you can take it. Just like you take me so well."
You picked up the pink gadget and slipped it inside you, hissing slightly as electric sensations from your clit made you twitch slightly.
"Show me, doll, show me how good you are, how good I feel inside you." He urged you to continue lust-filled eyes on you as he touched himself.
The desire in his voice had you craving more. You pushed vibrator deeper inside you, looking to Bucky for his approval.
"Faster, doll."
You complied, pumping the silicone shaft faster, reveling in the fantasy of being railed by your beautiful boyfriend. Soft whimpers left your lips as you imitated his movements and pace.
"You sound so good."
"Bucky," you whined as that familiar feeling crept up on you. 
"Tell me, doll. Tell me how good I feel inside you," he begged, desperately thrusting into his fist.
"So good, Buck. Only you make me feel good."
Your walls fluttered around the gift he has left you to be his proxy. It oscillated diligently inside you filling you with an insatiable desire and desperation to reach your zenith.
"I'm not going to last much longer, darling. Not if you keep making those be-beautiful noises for me," Bucky huffed, his breaths coming out fast and shallow.
"All for you, Buck. Just you."
"Doll," Bucky gasped.
Buck, I - I'm gonna, I'm c-"
You groaned and gripped the duvet, arching your back as your second orgasm engulfed you.
Bucky’s metal fist gripped the ceramic sink harder as his body tensed, losing himself in the bucking of his hips. He rutted into his hand, finally losing control to the sounds of your climax. Hot, white spurts shot of his tip as he came, covering his phone and the camera with his cum.
As the first few drops coat the camera, you hear a loud crack and your eyes snap into focus. Unfortunately, Bucky’s release is completely obstructing your view.
"Umm, Buck? What just happened?" You grabbed your phone and brought it closer to your face. 
Bucky stood motionless with a few pieces of crumbling ceramic in his vibranium fist, his flesh hand still wrapped around his sensitive cock.
"Nothing! Everything’s fine." Bucky bit his lower lip before a soft laugh escaped his lips.
"I heard a crack!" You felt a little panicked by the noise.
"Umm, I might have broken the sink when I… you know."
"That good, huh?" You were finally able to relax and laugh when you heard the sheepish tone of his voice.
Bucky's face came back into view, albeit slightly distorted. He had picked his phone and tried to wipe the camera clean.
"Not as good as when I'm in you, doll," he smirked at you.
"I still miss you, you know that right?"
"I know. I still miss you too. But I'd better go and figure out how to deal with this."
You giggled quietly before hanging up and leaving Bucky to clean up his mess. You made a mental note to avoid the bathroom sink when having sex with Bucky in future.
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look-at-the-soul · 20 days
Every little thing you do- Part 7
Tommy Shelby x reader
Series master list
A/N:Sorry for not posting this part earlier! I’ve been sick all week but I’m finally functioning like a human again 🤭 you’ll see some references to what really happened in season 3, I just adapted it to this story. Anyways hope you enjoy it! 🥰 let me know in the comments xx
Word count: 3,964
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Tommy felt his anger raising, but he needed to calm down and think.
Think straight, have a clear mind.
Father Hughes was the most irritating person on earth. He didn’t want him to be involved in his charity project, that man was far from being someone respectable and he only make him waste his time. Deep down, Tommy knew he must have a dark past, something that he did wrong… he just needed to find what was his weakness.
It was still early, but still he needed a drink. Taking a glass and a decanter, he poured himself some.
“Thomas.” Polly called from the door.
“I need you to take care of everything today, gotta go.”
“I’ve a meeting, will probably be back later tonight.” He took a long swing of his drink. “Arranged a meeting with Vicente Changretta, Arthur and John will be there.”
They needed to fix the relationship with the Italians, after burning down the restaurant. He already had enough trouble in his hands.
“Fine.” She looked at him intensely. “You know… I was talking to Lizzie yesterday.”
Tommy hummed unbothered.
“Has Y/N told you if Lizzie keeps pissing her off?”
“No. Why?” He moved to his desk to take a few things.
Polly shuddered, perhaps she understood Lizzie wrong, she seemed to feel embarrassed and refused to say anything else to her.
“She’s jealous.” Polly ran her fingers through her hair. “She thought Y/N’s baby was yours.”
Tommy’s head snapped towards his aunt. His eyes had closed in disbelief. “What the fuck?”
“Look, I’m not judging her, and you shouldn’t either.” Polly gave him a knowing glance, se had talked to the secretary and she seemed to be having a change of heart.
“She told me she’s willing to do anything to get you to trust her once more.”
Pondering on Polly’s words, Tommy thought for a couple of seconds. “Anything eh? Alright… she’s going to help us clean the mess she made.”
He’d try to push Lizzie’s buttons just to make sure how far she could go. The sudden change could’ve a reason behind.
Now it was Polly’s turn to squint her eyes. “What are you thinking of?”
“She’s going to break up this absurd romance with Angel Changretta. Very peacefully.”
“Isn’t that too much to ask?” She asked cautiously.
“Explain to Lizzie how life works, no matter what Angel says, he’ll always remind her of her past. If she knows what’s good for her, she’ll always have her desk available here as a secretary, but if she keeps this going, I’m going to be her worst nightmare.” He warned right before storming out his office.
First he’d stop by to pay Ada a visit, then off to the meeting with the Russian royalty.
Y/N thanked the two men carrying the last piece of furniture into the office, they previously brought in the small desk and chairs, the bookshelf and a file cabinet.
In the corner of the room, she kept a box full of folders, sheets and other office supplies she would distribute among the classrooms. Most of her days have been busy organizing the storage and after a while it seemed to be presentable.
“Miss Y/N Y/LN?” The gardener called, getting her attention. “Your presence is required outside.”
“Oh! Sure.”
The Shelby Institute might open its doors any moment now, she thought as she strolled through the long hall, her shoes clacked against the floor, the daily walks around the institute made her keep in a good shape, because her belly was becoming more prominent day by day, of course she got out of breath anyways.
“We just need you to check if it’s the right color.” Paul asked pointing at the wall.
Tommy made sure to hire Small Heath people, purchasing all the material from local and small businesses, he felt this urge to help as much as possible because he couldn’t stop thinking given different circumstances, it would be him instead of them struggling with money, not having enough in their pockets to feed their family.
“This looks amazing, thank you for all the hard work you’re doing.” Y/N praised.
It wasn’t her place to supervise, but Tommy officially let her decide everything that was needed; from the color, decoration, even the personnel. He just kept signing cheques.
“Am I still on time to enroll my children? Could you ask Mr. Shelby, Miss Y/LN?”
“Yes of course you can! Bring me the papers tomorrow morning and the authorization.”
It was Tommy’s wish, to help as much people as possible.
The man gave her an embarrassed glance. “I don’t want them to be like me, I want them to have an education.” He added with melancholy.
“There’s nothing wrong to work in construction Billy,” Y/N encouraged. “But it’s admirable that you want them to be better.”
“That wouldn’t be possible without Mr. Shelby’s generosity.”
Y/N smiled at him but before she could step inside the building again, she noticed a car parking behind. Squinting her eyes because of the sun, she could barely tell who was that.
“Is this the Institution that runs that gang leader?” The man asked, judging by his attire he was a priest, but there was some off about him that said otherwise.
An uneasy feeling made Y/N take a step back, she covered her bump with the folders in her hands in a protective motion.
“Who’s asking?”
Tommy would be the last person on earth to have something to do with a priest.
The man looked her up and down, giving her a nasty and dirty stare.
“Tell him I’ll supervise this place, once it’s open.”
When he left, his vehicle made a cloud of dust. He didn’t ask politely, no, he pretended to be in charge of the charity.
Y/N walked inside the Institute again, making a mental note to add a room for the children to read, and they might need a fountain in the patio. She chuckled to herself, realizing she started to sound like Tommy.
No long after honking loudly, Tommy announced his presence, Y/N saw him behind the window as he was strolling towards her.
“Pick up your stuff, we’re going.” He announced.
“Somewhere, don’t ask.”
Y/N frowned. “I’ve to ask, it’s going to be midday, there’s things that need to be done.”
Tommy stepped into her office, looking for her coat and handbag.
“Yeah I pay you a ridiculous amount of money it’s about time you hire an assistant.” He said with a wink.
“An assistant of an assistant. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.” She added, Tommy noticed she crossed her arms, not pleased by his interruption, she was always doing what she had to do and don’t you dare to move something from her things-to-do-list.
“It’s something good, trust me.”
“Can I ask where are we going?” Y/N asked enjoying the wind in her face.
“What’s with all this secrecy?”
“If I tell you, you’re going to tell me no.”
“Well, you better include food because the baby is getting hungry.” Y/N smiled at her bump, while her hands caressed in a circle motion. Day by day she was getting fond of her baby.
“Oh I was counting you’d say that, lately you’re demanding more and more food.” He added in a light mood.
“Polly says I need to eat for two.” Y/N defended.
Tommy chuckled and in a blink, he was gone. He literally stormed into the library.
The little information she managed to get was that now she was reading out loud for Tommy a book about Russians that ran away from the revolution and opted to live exiled and from the Crown’s charity. Tommy assured her that way was practical.
Parking later after in front of a couple of shops, but she still knew so little about what was behind Tommy’s requests.
“I’ve a meeting around, it should be quick,” he explained helping Y/N out of the car, “but I thought it might be good if you start searching for some baby furniture, eh?”
“Tommy…” She covered her mouth with her hand.
“And don’t even start saying you don’t have money, I promised your grandma to look after the two of you, and that includes the things the baby will need.” Tommy used her shocked state to practically drag her inside the store, wining the argument way before it could start. “Hello, we would like to check out a moses, a rocking chair, a drawer…”
Y/N stared at him silently, Tommy thought of everything and even though his generosity wasn’t a surprise, it still came out of the blue, catching her off guard.
“Would you like us to open an account?” Asked the perplexed sales woman.
“Yes,” Tommy answered eyeing a catalog. “Everything she wants, a lamp, the carpet, the sheets… just put it into my account.” He handled a card with his company name and address. “Pick you up in about an hour?”
Y/N nodded, still trying to process everything.
“Leave something for the rest of the costumers ey!” Tommy shouted from the door before disappearing.
The woman started swooning immediately. “I hope the baby will get his eyes.” The woman admitted with a blush.
Y/N opened her mouth to correct her and tell her that Tommy wasn’t the father, but she closed it instead, remembering the advise her grandmother shared with her; don’t explain your situation to people you don’t know, let them believe their assumptions even if it’s incorrect. It will save you of uncomfortable explanations.
So Y/N gave the sales woman an awkward smile and followed her to the back of the store, this moment would arrive sooner or later and she was already here.
“We can make any piece you want in a variety of colors, there’s a trunk in the corner that goes well with this dresser…”
“Let me bring the fabric catalog for the carpets.” Added another woman, they obviously wanted to make a juicy sale.
Y/N felt like she was walking on a cloud, the smile on her face couldn’t get bigger. And now, she was the one swooning over the furniture, her imagination taking her to unknown places with images of her rocking her baby to sleep, or taking a look through the canopy at a small bundle of joy.
An excited gasp escaped her lips when she landed her eyes on a crib mobile. Her heart did this flip inside her chest and she could hardly hide her emotions.
“Should we add it?” The expert eye of the sales woman noticed her excitement. “Your baby will be fascinated and spend hours staring at it.”
The mobile had a handmade star and a sheep, a fluffy cloud and a small sun. It was adorable, she couldn’t wait for her baby to be born to use everything.
Y/N was allowed to sit on the rocking chairs to see which one felt more comfortable and the women showed her a few combinations to create a whole set of dresser, a small wardrobe, a bedside table and also the different colors they had to offer. The more she looked, the more confused she felt because everything was beautiful! She had never had the chance to purchase furniture, since her house was filled with her grandma’s possessions.
A fond memory of her grandmother knitting a blanket for one of her sisters filled her mind, her parents didn’t have enough money to buy fancy furniture, so they used a basket as a crib, she was just a girl but she remembered it clearly.
Both women shared endless recommendations for her baby arrival, and Y/N felt extremely grateful and was willing to take every little thing that could be helpful.
As she flicked another page of the catalog, she wondered how long would it take Tommy to pick her up, then her thoughts wandered towards her sister Lee-Anne, the last time she saw her, it was the day her father hit her. They couldn’t meet because their parents where so strict now, after what happened, they were trying to move under the radar according to her grandmother. There were so many things she wanted to tell Lee-Anne, firstly assure her that she was alright, she didn’t need to worry, then when the time is right, she would explain everything to her, so the younger girl wouldn’t make the same mistake as her.
Not that she thought her baby was a mistake, no. Those are two separate things. But the circumstances it’s what was wrong, she was aware that not all women had a Tommy Shelby around the corner to selflessly take care of everything.
If only she knew then, she’d do it differently.
“Y/N?” A gentle voice called for her, something squeezed her arm slightly.
Her eyes fluttered open and Y/N looked around confused.
“You fell asleep.” Tommy pointed out.
“It happens all the time.” The sales woman gave her a small glance. “We didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Goodness.” Y/N felt embarrassed and mortified, she felt tired.
“So, I think you found the perfect rocking chair then.” Tommy raised his eyebrows in amusement.
“We’ll have everything delivered in a couple of weeks.” Her smile couldn’t get bigger.
Thanking them, Tommy and Y/N stepped outside the boutique, she wanted to stretch her legs so bad.
“How did your meeting go?”
He always had just a few words to say. But his eyes, said everything that was crossing his mind.
“Did you get to drink vodka and do the Russian dance?” Y/N teased.
Tommy scoffed at her sense of humor.
“He’s a liar, a buffer. He’s just a filthy lucky bastard with the right connections.”
He sighed loudly, but at least Tommy was sharing something with her. In that case it would be so easy for him to make that man show his true colors.
As he started the engine, Y/N started telling him of all the adorable things they showed her at the store, noticing the way her eyes were glowing. And he obviously preferred that kind of news instead of the one Polly was about to share.
“I’ll wait here by the fireplace.” Y/N announced, not wanting to get in the middle of the argument.
Sitting in one of the couches, she leaned her head back, rolling her feet meanwhile a few steps away, the Shelby family were discussing over whatever John had made.
“If you apologize once, you do it again and again…” Y/N heard Tommy say as she was drifting away to sleep. But she was far too gone and tired.
Feeling drained after all the things he got busy with, Tommy couldn’t wait to be home.
“You can stay over so you don’t have to drive back.” He proposed to his brother Finn, who would be driving.
But as Tommy stepped into the entry, he stopped abruptly when his eyes landed on Y/N. She was peacefully sleeping on the couch, the flames of the fireplace casting shadows over her features while one of her hands rested under her belly.
He didn’t have the heart to wake her up.
“Bring the car around.” He whispered Finn, trying to concede Y/N a few more minutes before starting the road back home.
Taking off his coat, he slid it over her frame to cover her from the cold. Tommy tried to call her in a low voice, but she only adjusted her shoulder as answer. Y/N should probably take things easier, but she was adamant to finish the charity project, she was pouring every fiber of her soul into it and wanted to make sure every single detail was perfect.
“Y/N… let’s go.” Tommy tried again softly.
Fluttering her eyes, she slowly opened them squinting in confusion by feeling Tommy touching her shoulder.
“C’mon let me help you.”
“Hmm.” She hummed barely cooperating.
She was beyond sleepy by the time they reached the car, settled taking the back seat by herself, she heard the Shelby brothers talking something about an Italian pub and a fight that would eventually happen. Tommy mentioned something about their fragile ego and sending flowers to a hospital, but Y/N couldn’t be sure because maybe it was part of her dream.
She moved across the room, smashing the fresh berries for the pie she was baking, the lovely smell feeling the small kitchen, it was a sunny day and she could hear the birds chirping, when suddenly a baby cry came to her attention. Y/N rushed then to get pick up her baby who was demanding her presence.
“It’s just fine, are you hungry?” She cooed to settle the lovely bundle wrapped in a blanket.
“How’s my ray of sunshine?” Asked her grandmother from behind, reaching over to caress the baby’s face.
“Woke up hungry.”
“You feed the baby while I finish the pie.”
When the car took a turn Y/N’s bumped something, she woke up disoriented.
“Finally I was tired of you snoring.” Tommy teased taking at look over his shoulder.
“Oh my God I don’t snore!”
“Loud and clear.” Tommy assured her. “Like a truck driver.”
Y/N gave Tommy a surprised and embarrassed look, awkwardly she tried to fix her hair since it was out of place.
Finn rushed upstairs while Mary greeted them by the door.
“Something important came up?” Tommy asked the maid.
“Just a few letters.” She gave him a nod.
“Oh, and maybe a couple of responses to the charity invitation.” Y/N wondered out loud.
“All correspondence arrived under Mr. Shelby’s name.” The maid explained, making a bit obvious that she wasn’t very fond of Y/N.
Y/N looked between Tommy and Mary, waiting.
“Go on, go check the mail.” He told her softly.
“Mr. Shelby.” Mary tried to get his attention. “The mailman thinks Miss Y/LN is Mrs. Shelby, he asked me if Mrs. Shelby had anymore invites to send off.” The maid voiced with concern.
Tommy noticed the offended tone in her voice.
“Let him think whatever he wants, Mary.” Tommy shuddered, not thinking it was important. “As long as he takes the mail.”
“But…” she tried again, then closed her mouth when Tommy gave her the look.
“That’s all, thank you Mary.” Tommy dismissed her just as Y/N entered the reading room skipping happily.
Sitting, Tommy groaned. “Guess what?”
“He said yes!” Y/N explained excitedly.
“Who?” He chuckled at her happiness.
“He leader of the Birmingham City Council is going to attend the dinner.” Y/N showed him the letter back. “Everyone has said yes.”
Tommy dragged his eyes from the piece of paper, towards Y/N.
“Ah.” Suddenly she got the energy of a kid, it was the nap during the car ride did wonders to her.
“I keep changing the menu, do you think we should offer something else?” Y/N kept explaining how she needed to send a Thank you note back to the people who had confirmed their attendance.
The charity was clearly an excellent job for her. Keeping her busy with something good whilst helping people in need and he was glad to have someone he could trust to take care of that.
“You need to remember to take this slowly, write off those notes tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.” He suggested.
“But Tommy, these things can’t wait, it takes days for the letters to be delivered and-”
“Very well then, why don’t you use the typewriter I gave you.” He cleared his throat and took a sip of his drink.
“Tom!” She chuckled. “You don’t write letters of a social occasion on a typewriter.” Y/N explained him with a smile.
“Oh, forgive me.” He raised his eyebrows.
She then went on to show him another paper. “I’ve the drawings of what they plan to do with the grounds of the institute. There’ll be an area for the children to play. Look.” He hummed in response. “And the Birmingham Charity Commission have agreed to set aside their three rotten floorboards upstairs and grant us the license within a month.”
She finally took a deep breath after managing to explain him all in record time. There was a soft smile playing on his lips and she found tenderness in his eyes.
“You’re not listening to me.” Y/N sentenced.
Tommy leaned forwards. “Yes I am. I am.”
“You think I’m becoming obsessed?” Y/N stopped abruptly.
A chuckle escaped Tommy’s lips. “No, as a matter of fact, I love the passion you’ve put into this project.”
“This wouldn’t be possible without you.” Y/N expressed honestly.
Tommy gave Y/N a long look, studying her features, until he finally spoke.
“I’ve something for you.” Y/N frowned confused. “I know you’ll say it’s a bit too much, but still.”
“What did you get?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“Close your eyes.” Tommy encouraged.
He fixed his eyes on her, not taking a no for as answer. So she gave in, turned around and closed her eyes.
Leaning back, Tommy got something out of his pocket, holding the chain between both hands, he presented Y/N the present.
Y/N felt lost for words when she saw the necklace. “What’s this?”
“A sapphire.” He explained calmly.
The cold stone sent a shiver down her spine when it made contact with her skin. It felt heavy and strange to have a stone that bug hanging from her neck.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“A simple thank you could work.” He winked. “And before you even start, you can either wear it or keep it in the box it’s your choice.”
Y/N was still trying to process the overpriced present, never in a million years she imagined to own something like that piece of expensive jewelry.
“This is insane, but thank you.” She chuckled nervously. “Where am I even supposed to wear something like this? The charity event?”
“You can wear it to church if you want, it’s yours Y/N.”
“Goodness.” She looked down at her chest and touched the cold gemstone. “You really look for any excuse to show off your wealth, damned bastard.”
Tommy laughed loudly. “You got me.”
“I wanted to ask you to be my baby’s godfather… but you’re going to spoil the poor child.”
“Oh I think I earned that right, so you better keep considering me.”
She slapped his arm playfully, earning another laugh from him. Tommy pulled her by the arm but the sharp move caught her off guard and made her loose her balance, landing on his chest. His arms came around her waist instantly in a protective motion, and their laughs subsided as soon as they realized how close they were to each other’s faces.
Something they both didn’t know how to name ignited in that moment, suddenly her warm hands felt like burning through the layers of his clothes, his deep blue sparkled in a way she had never seen before.
Struggling to form a coherent thought, Y/N used his chest to support her arms and move back. Tommy cleared his throat just as he was trying to clear his mind.
“Sorry… I stumbled.” She tried to smooth her clothes.
“Yeah.” He noticed the blush on her cheeks.
“Better go to get s-some rest.” The words rushed out of her lips. “Have a good night.”
“Good night, Y/N.” He replied more to himself, watching her leave the room.
Taking the remains of his drink in a swing, Tommy thought how close they were of crossing a line that would change everything.
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matchascara · 11 months
- IN WHICH: the parents identity of the kid you babysit has always been a mystery. that was until one late night where his drunken father comes home a little earlier than usual…
contents: NSFW!! sneaky sex, mentions/use of alcohol, gojo is a manipulative whore but at least he’s rich
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honestly, you weren't quite fond of kids, especially when it came to taking care of them. but when you saw how much this babysitting job offered, you felt your eyes turn into dollar signs as you accepted.
and that's how you became megumi's babysitter. he was a quiet, well-behaved kid who only sometimes carried a cocky attitude. due to his stoic nature, he always got into fights at the park which resulted in you threatening to call his father as a scare tactic. though, he was never frightened, and it made you realize that you've never seen this kids parents.
you were always curious as to who his parents were to even be able to afford a house this expensive. but you never asked, after all, he was just a kid and you decided not to peer into his private life.
the only thing you did know was that megumi only ever spoke about his father, and it was never anything good. sometimes, you'd get uneasy about how much his father reminded you of your ex.
so one could only imagine your confusion when that same man drunkenly stood, or, his attempt at it, before you.
“seriously gojo, you pre-called a girl over to your house? you’re such a whore.” said the black haired friend, who struggled to keep gojo standing on both legs. gojo refused to look up, more like, he couldn’t. he found comfort in drooping his head to stare at the floor. “no it’s…baby…sitter…” he slurred.
“oh that’s right, you did hire one to take care of megumi didnt you?” the man raised a brow as he eyed you up and down. “though, you do look strangely familiar.”
you felt stupid as to not recognize who he was at first glance, after all he didn’t change much besides the fact that his jet black hair was now in a half up bun, instead of a full bun. “geto.” you finally spoke. “it’s been a while.”
“ah! i remember now, you’re gojo’s ex!” geto exclaimed, snapping his fingers. “wow, what are the chances that you of all people got hired to babysit the kid. unless, he did that on purpose—“
that sentence sobered gojo up almost instantly, losing his balance as he pushed himself off of geto. “alright, thanks again for giving me a hand but i’ve got it from here. bye bye!” giving no time for geto to respond with anything but a concerned stare, gojo slammed the door in geto’s face, leaning against it for support as he turned to you, smiling eerily.
“let’s talk.”
“drink some water and at least attempt to sober up before you even think about speaking to me.”
to your surprise, he did just that and now three water glasses later you were willing to hear what he has to say. “geto was right, wasn’t he? so why do that just to avoid me? if anything, i should be the one avoiding you."
gojo leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling whilst listening to you question him. to him, it felt like an interview. "i dunno."
you sighed. "this was never getting anywhere i don't know why i wasted my time."
"--i guess i just missed you, and i wanted you around." gojo looked at you, his glacial eyes piercing through yours. "when i saw your application, i refused to even consider anybody else. it had to be you. originally, i was just going to keep you for a week to see you but-"
gojo cupped your chin, forcing you to give your full attention to him. "-i've grown fond of the way you treat megumi so i let you stay." his eyes slightly squinted as he smiled, "and i've also grown fond of you as well-- again."
gojo held your face as his soft lips met yours, causing you to grab his wrist in shock. even though you hated him, you found yourself melting into the kiss as his hands made their way to your waist causing your shirt to lift. the cold surface of the table island you leaned against contrasted the heat that built up as the kiss intensified.
however, as your tongues began to intertwine you could taste nothing but the alcohol that lingered within. he drank more than you thought, as even after downing 3 glasses of water he was still tainted by whiskey.
"i miss you" wasnt gojo talking, it was his dick talking.
breaking off from the kiss, you slapped him. hard.
with everything that's happened in the past, to the events that unfolded tonight, a slap was the least you wanted to do. "do you miss me? or do you just miss not having a girl to cheat on?”
you were over it and the only thing you could think about was how difficult it would be finding a new job after quitting this one.
gojo grabbed your hand, forcefully turning you around. his breath tickling the nape of your neck as he spoke. “double.”
you tensed.
“i’ll pay you double from now on. just stay, for a while more.” he started to slowly kiss at your neck, as if he was waiting for the “ok” to move further.
thoughts of regret ran through your mind as you rested your hand upon the back of his neck, pushing his soft lips deeper into you, where he sucked and kissed until you were stained red. “damn, i forgot how good you taste.” he cooed.
the pleasure caused you to let down your guard. he held both hands behind your back, pushing you face down on the counter. “i’m not good with words so—“
“i’ll show you how much i missed you by fucking you.”
gojo hummed a different tune as his usual short, snide sentences tuned into deep and breathy pants as he pounded his cock into you mindlessly. one hand holding your head down on the counter and the other gripping your waist as he quickened his pace, hitting all the right places.
he would roughly bite the inside of his lip, hoping to quiet himself. but every now and then he’d suck his teeth and follow up with a “fuck- i can’t-“ as he’d lean into you, his liquor scented breath tickling the inside of your ear as you could do nothing but listen to his shaky moans that cursed and praised you.
“ah—you really- just feel so...so good. god.”
and so you tried to follow by also biting down as to not be heard, but quickly failed when he began to press down on your lower stomach, feeling his cock pump deeply in and out of you. your attempted silence breaking when you felt a knot forming in your stomach causing a high pitched gasp escape your mouth. “ah…gojo…i’m—“
he quickly threw one hand over your mouth, muffling your sounds. “shh shh i know…so you’d better quiet down, we don’t want megumi waking up do we?” he planted kisses along your neck as he continued to roughly pound into you, but those kisses soon turned erotic as he would bite and suck on your neck to not release moans when he felt you grab a handful of his hair as you released onto his throbbing cock.
giving you no time for recovery, he continued fucking into your sensitive cunt, his strokes becoming sloppier, his breaths pitching higher, and his grip on you loosening. “shit- i’m so- i’m so close…”
with his mind on a high, gojo gave up with trying to cover your lewd noises, moving his hand from your mouth to grasp at your hair, your moans filling the kitchen.
gojo knew you despised him, that much was obvious since the moment you two called it quits, and he thought he was fully over you as well. however, when he’d see the lengths you’d go through to ignore and spite him, the only thing he wanted to do since was fuck the hate out of you.
now, years later, he’s finally able to see you as a mess beneath him, whoring yourself out for a only couple extra bucks.
or maybe— you missed him just as much.
gojo grabbed your face, kissing you deeply, his moans harmonizing with yours as he pulled out, cum dripping down from your ass and onto your legs.
you spent the next minute trying to catch your breath. meanwhile, gojo stood perfectly fine.
“so—” he finally spoke, teasing your dripping folds in anticipation for more.
"how do you feel about your pay being tripled instead?"
covering your face out of embarrassment, you slowly nodded your head.
"good." gojo continued sliding his lengthy fingers in between your folds as he whispered in your ear. "by the way--"
"you still have a babysitting job to do later today~"
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jamiebluewind · 10 days
Warning! Pet illness, xray
A friend of mine a few states away had a pregnant female cat walk onto her porch and decide she lives now. She had 3 kittens. Since my friend/roommate @winterpower98 was looking for her first cat, we (other roommate/bestie, Winter/Gaia, and I) decided to take a trip down to visit and see if one of the kittens would work for her.
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The thing is, she did fall in love with one! He's black with white markings, so the 6 year old had been calling him Eclipse. He's, curious, playful, and always trying to get into something. He loves Gaia. I mean LOVES her. And she loves him. Like... emptying her savings loves him.
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Right before we arrived, our friend noticed a little lump on his belly. They thought nothing of it. And then, it got bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
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After a week, we took him to a local vet to get checked out. He had a umbilical hernia. Luckily it stopped before his diaphragm, but the hernia was severe enough that he would need surgery to close it (a lot of articles talked about smaller ones closing on their own which is why we waited). He would also need special care for IBS symptoms and to keep his hernia from getting injured or obstructed before repair (which couldn't happen until he was big enough to go under anesthesia). He would need to come indoors for his safety and be separated from the others as his sisters pouncing on the hernia was causing issues (a week earlier than the 8 week mark).
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I was honestly expecting Gaia to say it was too much for her to handle. Even told her that nobody would judge her for not being ready for that level of responsibility. That we could find an organization that could take him and get him the help he needed and find him a good home. He has two sisters she could consider, there were plenty of shelters back home with cats under a year old, and we could even check the town we were visiting and places on the way back home, so there were options. I knew how much it took to care for a kitten with health issues (my current cat required months of specialized care and there were plenty of scares along the way) and Gaia has no previous experience with cats outside of hanging out with our cats, so that's just starting on hard mode.
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After a long serious talk on the responsibilities she was about to take on, she said she knew it would be hard but the thought of giving him up made her sick. That she would do whatever it took to give him a happy life for however long she has him. We aren't rich people, she's going back to college full time, she had only decided on him over one of his sisters that morning, and (again) this would be the first cat she has ever had. She went all in without a second thought.
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The original quotes from various vets willing to do the surgery (not all vets can) were pretty insane, but luckily I found a non-profit that did the surgery for about half. My other roommate and I fully support her and chipping in what we can.
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Eclipse is 8 week old and his surgery is scheduled in a month, but we are going to call in and check for cancelations since he's reached the minimum weight and age for anesthesia. Winter has been so busy caring for him that she's not had a chance to post about him, so I decided to do it on the drive home. I think the story is important because it raises awareness about an issue most don't know about and shows someone genuinely caring about a pet with special needs. As a disabled person who's went through a lot of ableism and survived abuse, it really hit me to see how much she loves him with her whole chest and doesn't ever approach his issues with anger or blame.
I don't ask for reblogs much, but I wanted to ask you guys to boost this. I linked Gaia's PayPal below if anyone wants to help take some of the financial burden off her, but you can also support her with messages and boosting this and her future post/s about Eclipse (cut her some slack guys, she's currently in tired new mom mode). I don't expect anyone to donate because I know you guys are mostly in the same shape as us, but I think showing Gaia support is just as important.
Now if you'll excuse me, the hyperactive boy got the zoomies and just jumped in the toilet XD
Edit: Late thing to add on, but a few days after posting this my other roommate/bestie Sarah decided to adopt his sister! Her name is Melanite, but her honey eyes have earned her the nickname Miel. Her and Eclipse have always been very close (often laying on top of each other), so it's great that they'll get to stay together.
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savannahsdeath · 9 months
ok imagine reader just got to jackson and is super confident and basically tells everyone what to do all the time. like people always listen to her bc she’s lowkey scary. ellie’s a bit of a loser all the time at first but then gains confidence and tops reader. readers so shocked bc she’s used to getting what she wants shshsh
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! public sex, cocky!reader n the rest is obvious from the request🤗
writers note: this is a scrap im sorry im sick.. and im not apologizing for leaving yall on edge sorry guys🤭 also it has 1212 words??? signs
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"you and jesse." you said to dina, after a long discussion about who's going to patrol today.
"why not me?" ellie scoffed. "i want to patrol too!"
"oh, sorry, els." you laughed mockingly. "maybe next time."
the appointed couple started slowly walking towards the stud, obeying you without thinking much. the girl that had to stay against her will kicked a single rock in disappointment but didn't say anything else.
"come on, we gotta sign it." you waved your hand in a 'follow me' gesture and started walking towards a public building, to which everyone had access.
it's where a lot of important meetings happen, but for now it seemed empty.
you opened a book and searched for a label with today's date before writing dina's and jesse's names down.
"now, what am i supposed to do? the town's boring." she complained as you sat on a couch, next to her.
"but it's safe." you rolled your eyes. "you'll survive a day off."
"you are, unfortunately, probably right." ellie grumbled. "so you're just going to sit here and relax while i go stir-crazy?"
"mhm. oh, and i'm always right." you nonchalantly shrugged.
she barely managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes at you. "of course."
you looked at her and smirked. you could see how mad she was, but you knew she won't do anything about it. she wasn't the type to argue, especially not with you. she just continued fidgeting with her fingers, like she always did in your presence. you chuckled to yourself as you thought about it, enjoying her discomfort.
you leaned back in your seat and relaxed, satisfied with the view of her irritated expression. she looked like she wanted to say something, but she knew it would only fuel your ego and make her feel worse.
eventually, she turned to look at you, and her facial expression begun to betray an emotion. she was clearly not happy with how things were playing out here.
"i know you always have to get your way, but it would be nice if you actually listened to me every once in a while." she said, not raising her voice, but making it clear that she's becoming more irritated as the situation continues.
you frowned in disbelief. "excuse me?"
she looked away again, her voice turning into a whisper. "you heard me."
"excuse me?" you repeated, your tone shifting to be more firm and authoritative.
ellie looked back at you, as if in a defiant manner.
"you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut." her voice was still soft, but you could see the fire in her eyes as she stared at you unwaveringly. she was clearly not willing to back down from her position.
you were to stunned to say anything.
ellie was the first one to speak, speaking rather calmly, given the circumstances. "i said what i had to say. you can go ahead and tell me to shut up now."
she remained staring at you, not blinking, not fidgeting, just staring into your eyes.
"you're funny." you smirked, not taking her comments to heart at all. "i like that."
"oh, you like that?" ellie says as she crosses her arms in front of her chest. there is a certain amount of playfulness in her voice, although the underlying tension between you two is still present. "you like that someone finally spoke up?"
"now that i think about it.." your grin widened and you stood up, walking to a nearby counter. "no, not really."
"oh, i like this game." ellie said in return, getting up off of the couch. she slowly made her way over to the same counter area where you were. her movements were steady and calculated, not showing an inkling of fear or anxiety, even though she was well aware of the fact that this was an intense situation. she was almost enjoying it. "let's see, what else can i do to get on your nerves, hmm? maybe this?" she leaned against the counter, close enough to you that you could feel her breath on your neck. there was a small part of you that was worried about where this was heading, but then, unexpectedly, she begun to speak very softly to you, close to your ear, making this part stay silent. "i can make this much worse, you know."
you can't help but feel a tinge of excitement running down your back. this was a risky move by her, and she was almost daring you to do something about it.
"i don't think there's anything worse than standing so near to you." you whispered, but didn't even try to push her away, expecting she'll back down by herself.
ellie leaned even closer, to the point where your faces were barely an inch away from each other. you felt her breath, you could see the little details on her face, everything was amplified to this degree.
she slowly whispered into your ear, so gently that it almost felt like a caress. "now, you really don't know what you're talking about."
ellie paused for a moment, but not for long. she reached her right hand out and took your left in hers. her touch felt warm and soft, but at the same time there was almost an electric tension in the air around you two.
she slowly begun to speak to you again. "why do we have to fight, huh? is this what you really want?" you felt a slight pull on your hand as she pulled you closer to her.
you sighed, knowing this wasn't in your scenario, but you had to play along. "there weren't any problems, as long as you were listening to me."
ellie's eyes betrayed a hint of irritation once again. "well, there's one problem there." she said as she continued to hold onto your hand. "you aren't always right." she leaned in even closer as she spoke. "sometimes you're just a stubborn, idiotic, bossy, and insufferable pain in the ass."
she finally pulled you all the way up to her. you could feel her breath on your face as she stared intently into your eyes. she seemed to be searching for your next move.
"and still people listen to me." you forced a smirk on your face, which probably turned out as a nervous grimace.
"you know why?" she tugged a strand of your hair behind your ear. "because you're new here. people don't know your backstory and they're scared of you. they think you're... mysterious."
you felt ellie starting to caress your face as she held you in place.
she whispered; "but right now, you're not in the control."
after she said this, she slowly started to move her hand down towards your shirt, as if to prove her point.
you frowned for a short second before mumbling a quiet; "i always am." which turned out way less convincing than you wanted it to be.
ellie's hand slowly inched beneath your shirt. she was very clearly enjoying seeing you squirm in this position.
"oh, is that so?" she said in response to your previous comment. "then why don't you stop me? you're in control, remember?"
the fact is, you could. she'd let you, too. but you didn't want to. you let her do that, and a few more things, even though you risked getting caught. that's what you needed all along.
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strawbxrryneptune · 8 months
College BKG <3 (enemies to lovers ish)
unedited, lowkey rushed at the end cause im exhausted but at least i posted something after like a year teehee
You walk into the lecture hall a couple minutes early, dragging your sleep deprived friend along with you.
“I genuinely don't understand why we have to get to class so early. The professor isn't even here yet."
You huff at her complaint, pulling her towards the front where you always sit.
"I just want to keep my seat.”
Before she can reply, you cut her off.
“Yes, I know, I’ve been sitting in the same place the whole semester and no one’s taken my seat, but there’s still the risk. Remember when Bakugou fucking took it last week and wouldn’t stop being smug about it?”
Slipping into the second row, she sits on your left, sighing heavily.
"Honestly, the little petty battle you have with him is getting old babe, just fuck him at this point."
You laugh, resting your head in your hands as you stare at your friend.
"Excuse me?"
She scoffs in your face, obviously too tired for your conversation.
"Listen, we all grew up together, anyone who went to UA can agree that you both have hard ons for each other, but you’re too busy arguing to see it.”
You sigh dramatically, flopping back in your seat.
 “He’s an asshole-”
"An asshole you wanna fuck.”
You swipe at her, and she laughs before pushing at your arm.
“Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t want to fuck him.”
“...Okay, he’s kind of hot-”
“So fuck-”
“-no, he’s so annoying!”
She gives you a look then sighs,
“Yes, yes he is.”
You both laugh, your mind wandering elsewhere for a bit before she taps your arm and nods her head behind you, wiggling her eyebrows. You hum, turning to see none other than Bakugo Katsuki himself. He’s walking towards your aisle, plopping down into a seat behind you and putting his bag down next to him. He’s wearing a black sweater draped over black pants, hair fluffy but still somehow spiky looking, and a smoky, almost woodsy scent wafting from him.
Bakugou meets your eyes, and the intensity in his gaze makes your stomach twist. He raises an eyebrow at you, lips curving up to conceal a smirk. You roll your eyes and turn back around, annoyed that he caught you staring. Your friend holds back a laugh next to you and you pointedly ignore her, willing the professor to start the lecture already. 
Before you can get fully lost in thought, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn your head and almost hit your forehead against Bakugou’s. 
“Jesus, have you ever heard of personal space?”
He ignores your question and squints at the small table in front of you.
“You got an extra pencil?”
You stare at him, then look around to the other people in his row.
“Why are you asking me? There's like 5 other people in your sectio-”
“Do you have another fuckin’ pencil or not, Brat?”
You huff and shake your head no. You definitely have another pencil, but you're not giving it to his rude ass. He slides his eyes from your face to the bright pink pencil case on your table, full to the brim with pencils and highlighters. 
You give him another roll of your eyes and go to turn around, but he stops you by leaning over your shoulder and snatching the pencil you were currently using off of your table, retracting back and sitting in his seat. You're pissed, but you can't even bring yourself to turn around because holy shit were his arms always that muscular? And did they always have those veins running through them all the way to his big hands? And fuck when he bent over you his gold chain came out of his shirt a little and it made you think how it would look dangling over you while he fucked the breath out of you. You take a quick breath and dig through your pencil case, taking a pen out and focusing on the smart board at the front of the class. The professor finally starts talking and you welcome the distraction, taking your notebook out to start taking notes.
Once it hit the end of your class, you closed your notebook and let out a sigh, thankful to be done for the day. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and this time you just give Bakugou a side eye when he slides his face close to yours and plops the pencil back on your desk.
“Dunno why you’re acting nice like you didn’t steal from me but you’re welcome.”
His face comes into view, and even though you aren’t looking directly at him, you can see his eyes drilling holes into the side of your face. 
“Don’t give me shit as if you didn’t lie to me.”
You scoff and fully turn, almost nose to nose with him. 
“Why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re such a dick?”
His eyebrows shoot up, and his eyes darken in a way that makes your stomach turn. 
“You wanna repeat that?”
You don't want to repeat it, actually, but you’re not about to back down and pissing him off is too fun, so you get closer.
“I said, why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re. a. dick.”
He gives you a sadistic smile and closes the already small distance between you, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“If you want dick so bad I can give it to you, you don't gotta call me one Sweetheart.”
Your face heats up and your eyes dart around the room, relief flooding your chest when you realize everyone cleared out of the lecture hall except for some girl who was closing her laptop and shoving her things into her bag. 
You turn back to him and step back, grabbing your notebook and pencil case and putting it into your bag.
“Please, I’d get more satisfaction from a metal pipe than your dick. You can’t handle this.”
He grabs your wrist, and when you turn back around he’s in your face again, this time staring at your lips with dark eyes. 
“You wanna bet?”
You look around again, watching that last girl walk out the door. Fuck it, if the dick is bad or you embarass yourself you still have time to drop the class. 
With that in mind, you shake your wrist free from his grip and lean in to kiss him, sighing softly when he kisses back because his lips are so soft. He brings a strong hand to your jaw and tilts your head, kissing you deeper. You make out for a bit before you start to become aware of the awkward position you’re both in, straining to kiss each other over the seats of the hall. He seems to have the same thought, and he brings his hands down to your waist before pausing and pulling away.
“Can I touch you?”
You think it's a bit silly for him to ask you at this point, but you appreciate it nonetheless.
You say it breathily, and he gives you a crooked smile before grabbing your waist and whispering, “Jump” against your mouth. You do as he says and he effortlessly lifts you up over the seats and into his arms, hands moving to cup your ass. He continues to kiss you and you start to feel yourself getting hot, moving your hips against his stomach to alleviate some of the tension. He squeezes your ass and moves to sit down, placing you on the ground before turning you around and making you sit on his lap with your back to him. He leans forward to kiss your neck while bringing a veiny hand up to lightly choke you, not applying that much pressure but still making your head spin.
“Grind on me.”
“Ask nicely, Bakugou.”
He chuckles and gives you a sharp bite on the side of your neck, making your hips jolt against him.
“There you go, good girl.”
You want to tell him off, but you can feel his dick through his pants and you want to feel more. Biting your lip, you grind against him slowly, picking up the pace gradually and forcing moans out of the both of you. 
“Fuck, Bakugou take your pants off i wanna feel you.”
“Ask nicely, brat.”
You huff and turn to try and undo his pants, but he stops you.
“I said, ask nicely. You're not gettin’ shit actin all prissy.”
“...fine. Please take off your pants so I can sit on your cock, Bakugou.”
He hums and gives you another murmur of “good girl” before tapping your hips to get you up again, shimmying his pants to his knees and taking his dick out. He reaches over and takes your bottoms and panties off, rubbing your hips before reaching around and starting to rub soft circles into your clit, causing you to let out a small moan. He pulls you closer and continues to pleasure you, teasing you and pulling at your clit occasionally while slipping his hand into your shirt and tweaking a nipple. You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, and you start to move your hips along with his hand. He groans against you as he feels you getting slick, taking his hand away quickly to slide your wetness along his dick. He uses one hand to pump himself while sliding one, two, three thick fingers into you, curving them and pumping rhythmically. He whispers in your ear about how soft you are, how beautiful and wet and perfect your pussy is, and you just can’t stop gushing on his fingers. You start to feel your orgasm coming up, and you stop his fingers.
”Fuck me, Bakugou, please.”
He moans at the desperate tone of your voice, bringing you further back and sliding his cock along your pussy, rubbing the tip against your clit and making your legs shake. You whine and reach back, wrapping your hand around his and guiding him inside you, gasping at the stretch. He takes it slow, and once you give him a whimper and a nod he starts to thrust into you, grabbing your wrists and holding them behind your back. He fucks you good, and you start to feel your legs shake and your vision blur as he hits that spot over and over and over again until you feel him consume you and you’re cumming just like that, back arched and eyes shut, moaning loud. He moans along with you, slamming his hips into you through the squeezing of your pussy. He slows down his thrusts to give you time to calm down, and you lean back and moan in his ear, squeezing him some more. He groans and pulls you off of him, cumming onto your ass.
You both take a moment to calm down, getting dressed in slightly awkward silence as you both grab your shit. You check your phone quickly and hold back a laugh when you see a text from your friend telling you she left in hopes of you getting dicked down. Little did she fucking know.
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
Feyre betrayed Nesta in the worst way...
It's a common stance that many people, regardless of if they love or hate Nesta/Rhys/the IC, seem to have, but I don't think it is. Was Nesta complacent in keeping it from her since she found out? Yes. Was that wrong of her? Yes again. Was blurting it out the way that she did also not ideal, to put it mildly? Absolutely yes. But was it out of malice? No.
And Nesta didn't care. Couldn't think around the roaring. 'Have any of them told you, their respected High lady, that the babe in your womb will kill you?' Amren barked, 'Shut your mouth!' But her order was confirmation enough. Face paling, Feyre whispered again, 'What do you mean?' 'The wings,' Nesta seethed. 'The boy's Illyrian wings will get stuck in your Fae body during the labour, and it will kill you both.'
The idea that this was all said in malice just never sat right to me, and after scrolling through some comments on a video discussing the matter, the pieces finally clicked into place. First, let's talk about the hike, though.
Her breakdown after that hike wasn't a moment of catharsis and letting walls down. It was a weeks worth of exhaustion, dehydration and depression that resulted in Nesta giving in to the torture she was put through just to end it. It was a pivotal moment in the IC's efforts to break and then reconstruct her to their liking, or rather, to Feyre's liking. However, a vital stepping stone in reaching this point would be for them to gaslight and isolate her until she truly had no one. I mentioned before that I didn't think anyone in the NC would chose Nesta, and this is an example of why I believe that.
Nesta snarled, but Feyre stepped between them, hands raised. 'This conversation ends now. Nesta, go back to the House. Amren, you...' She hesitated, as if considering the wisdom of ordering Amren around. Feyre finished carefully, 'You stay here.'
Nesta is clearly upset and hurting and Feyre disregards that entierly, not even offering to discuss or find out why Nesta is hurt or feeling the way she is. Feyre didn't bother to try and understand Nesta before and she isn't bothering now. Either Feyre assumes she knows what Nesta is thinking/ feeling, or she just doesn't care. She dismisses her, telling her to go back to her prison, disregarding Nesta's choices, autonomy and opinions again.
If I recall right, it was Amren who informed Nesta that she was free to go where she wanted if she made it down the ten thousand steps. Feyre wouldn't order Amren, even to stand up for her sister, but happily go against Amren's own words to punish Nesta? Hypocrisy at it's finest.
All of this leads to one outcome: Nesta feeling trapped. Cornered and without a single ally in the whorld who would defend her properly. Isolated from anyone who'd be willing to treat her with decency, while believing she doesn't even deserve the basics of kindness. It leaves Nesta more prone to actually going through with committing suicide, since the behaviour of these people, mixed with her own self hatred, sets a precedent for how Nesta believe she'd be treated.
We see this when Nesta first meets Emerie, thinking to herself that 'the invitations would stop' when Emerie learned what nesta was really like. Or at least what Nesta perceived herself to be like.
Even though Nesta has Emerie and Gwyn, she has no reason to think, based on what brainwashing the IC has already done coupled with her self deprecating mindset, that they wouldn't side with the IC. This isn't to say Emerie and Gwyn are like the IC by any means. I think they're great friends to Nesta, and if that changes or not later on is more so up to SJM and her writing, rather than their characterisation. It's the reality that the IC have created for Nesta through abuse, gaslighting and borderline torture that's wound up feeding in to Nesta's already existing trauma and self worth that has lead to her becoming isolated this way.
And Nesta didn't care. Couldn't think around the roaring. 'Have any of them told you, their respected High lady, that the babe in your womb will kill you?'
The comment on the video I saw explained that, while Nesta was angry when saying this, she wasn't trying to hurt Feyre or take her anger out on anyone. Nesta was angry because she wasn't told that she made a new trove. She was angry that these people had the audacity to vote on her life, and take bodily autonomy from her. She was angry that Feyre wasn't acknowledging or even trying to understand how Nesta was feeling. She was angry that she was treated like the bad guy- or more like a petulant child in this scene, I suppose- and had her feelings dismissed again.
Dismissed the way her mother/grandmother used to when she was trained. The way her father did when he refused to hunt. The way the Mortal Queens did when Nesta merely asked them to save her people. The way Feyre did when she asked for Nesta's help again, and again, and again during the war, only for it to never be enough in the eyes of other. The way that Elain did when she got upset at Nesta time and time again for how she handled her trauma or how she wasn't over her trauma or how Nesta tried to protect her. The way Cassian dismissed her feelings when he got mad at her for having an opinion of Rhysand.
Nesta was angry. She had every right to be angry. Most people would be angry, and alone, and if they already had suicidal thoughts like Nesta, having been abandoned by everybody while gaslit into thinking it was fine, and then only called upon to be used for the benefit of others while the snickered behind her back and dismissed her again.
As the commenter put it; She was trying to find someone who would relate to her anger. Nesta wanted an ally, someone who wouldn't leave her alone. Someone to be by her side and, perhaps subconsciously, thought that Feyre, who'd hunted for them and helped look after them for years, would chose Nesta's side.
The parallels between Nesta and Feyre's situation here are clear, and I think Nesta understood that when she said what she said. I think that Feyre believing Nesta said it to hurt her was a gross misunderstanding on her part, but it's not like she ever asked Nesta how she felt. Now that I think about it, for all that Feyre talks about Nesta feeling too much, and taking everything to heart, she never once confirms with Nesta. Never asks how Nesta feels.
Since coming to the Night Court, Nesta's feelings and traumas have been twisted and spoken about only in relation to how Feyre feels.
'Do you know how embarrassed I was when we got the bill this morning and my friends-my family- had to hear all about it?'
The intervention began, not because of Nesta doing something to risk hurting herself, but because Feyre was embarrassed and started crying into her breakfast.
'All of it pains me… It pains me that Nesta has become… this. It pains me that she and Feyre are always at each other’s throats. It pains me that Feyre hurts over it, and I know Nesta does, too.'
Cassian is pained, not because Nesta is suffering so greatly that she isolated herself for her own sisters (who didn't really act like sisters between the end of ACOWAR to... well now, so it's understandable), or because Nesta felt her only reprieve from her pain was in sex and alcohol, but because Feyre hurts over it. He knows Nesta does (but he doesn't know she hates fire? Or is uncomfortable at their social gatherings, since in ACOFS he somehow hoped she wouldn't take the bribe money and say she enjoyed their solstice party??? Because...Why?) But, of course, it's Feyre's feelings on the matter that are prioritised.
'Nesta is Nesta. She does what she wants, even if it kills her sister.'
Rhysand, not that I expect much from him, honestly, is utpse, not because he can't find a way to help Nesta. Not because his court is actively cruel to Nesta, hell, he joins in. Not because Nesta is in pain, in no small part because of him and his court. Not even because Nesta is spending his money. Because she's upsetting Feyre. Because, god forbid, Nesta have trauma and handle it in a way that doesn't make his wife happy.
Feyre tells others how she thinks Nesta feels, the others go with it, or just come to their own conclusions, not sure which is worse, but nobody stops to consider how she feels. Feyre feeling like Nesta said it to hurt her, I think, is simply proof that she doesn't understand Nesta.
Let me ask you, if you found out you were lied to in a way that affects your ability to make informed decisions regarding your own body, by someone you were supposed to trust, and who should've had your back, and that your own sibling has been betrayed by the same people in a very similar, if not identical way, and yet you're the one being turned into the bad guy, and dismissed, would that not make you feel isolated and frustrated?
It's understandable that Nesta tried, either consciously or subconsciously, feel less alone by appealing to common ground to find an ally. Nesta mentions at the end of ACOSF that she believes Feyre loved her from the start, and after those years in the cabin, I think Nesta sees Feyre as someone reliable.
This scene doesn't feels like Nesta trying to hurt Feyre. It feels like Nesta trying to reach out to the one person she could rely on; Feyre. Her mother was abusive, her father was a deadbeat, Elain was her ward, and the IC hate her.
'Nesta studied me for a long moment. And then she said with equal quiet, though we could all hear, “I can’t get into a bathtub, anymore. I have to use buckets.” I hadn’t known—hadn’t even thought that bathing, submerging water…'
Amren tells Cassian to keep reaching out his hand, even though Nesta has reached out her own time and time again. Esspecially to Feyre, as she was the one Nesta relied on before. Possibly even the only person Nesta has ever relied on, and Fyre was the one she was trying to rely on now.
Nesta relied on Feyre, and needed to rely on her again. To have strength together, in a situation where they both lost their choices and autonomy to Rhysand and his (cause don't pretend it's even slightly Feyre's) IC.
It may have been wrong to say it in that way, at that time, under those circumstances, but this, to me, feels like Nesta's way of reaching out her own hand only to be misunderstood, punished, and dismissed again. And again. And again.
In a way, I think Feyre might have, unintentionally, betrayed Nesta in a worse way than Elain ever has. Elain was a ward. Almost like a child, to Nesta. They were never on equal footing. Moreover, Nesta was never punished if she upset Elain, no that she should be, or if Elain misunderstood her. Nesta never relied on Elain the way she relied on Feyre. She never trusted or had faith in Elain, the way she clearly trusted Feyre. She had thought she'd found an ally, with similar pain, in Feyre, in the moments she spilled the secret, but Feyre didn't care.
When I was reading the scene where Cassian told Feyre his idea to take Nesta on a punishment hike, she sounded all too gleeful when telling him how miserable Nesta would be. That, in my opinion, is the worst betrayal of all.
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shaisuki · 9 months
“what's your favorite color?”
megumi asked you, out of the blue. the child sitting beside you while you both looked at the people passing by. his legs swinging a little.
“let me think. it's mmm...”
megumi looks to his side. studying your face while you think of your favorite color. your lips quirking to the side, eyebrows furrowed up. when you reached your answer, your face lightened up.
“blue. my favourite color is blue, megumi.”
“why is that?” he asked once again. your eyebrows raising. megumi never asked for trivial questions such as where do babies come from or something simple as what's your favorite color but the boy's asking and you're more than willing to answer him. an attempt to connect with you and you smiled softly at him.
“it's reminds me of everything that makes me happy, megumi. the sky, the sea and it's the color of his eyes...” megumi gave you a confusing look when your voice died down at the last words.
before he can ask anything again, a annoying, all-too familiar voice interrupted him.
“hello, my two favorite creatures.” slinging his arms in megumi and to you. giving you a large smooch in your cheek and gojo looks to the side. a huge grin breaking out in his face and you swore you never seen megumi so scared before grabbing gojo's blindfold to stop him from terrorizing the poor child.
“satoru, i swear. megumi's going to kill you in your sleep—one day. stop annoying the child.” you warned to him, wringing his blindfold which made him wince from the pain.
“such a meanie—(y/n)!” he pouts, pinching your round cheeks — his cold, long fingers squeezing the flesh with no remorse. this is revenge and seeing you wince, eyebrows knitting in pure annoyance earns the biggest smirk from him. gojo would relish it for a little longer but seeing megumi sending daggers to him made him stop.
“phew. that was tough.” gojo casually began. attempting for the conversation to divert — feigning innocence like he didn't hurt your cheeks and ignoring megumi's glare at him.
“that hurts, satoru.” rubbing the sore spot in your round cheek. you'd be lucky if it didn't bruise. that would really be a pain in the ass.
“it wasn't that hard!” he retaliates. defending his own doings and you just shake your head. arguing with him would be pointless. knowing how gojo never back down. no matter how stupid it is.
“never mind. gumi you want to get ice cream?” pointing out the ice cream truck and megumi nods.
“what about me?!”
“satoru, you're an adult. get it on your own.” reaching out for megumi's hand in which he gladly accepts. his smaller hand holding yours. walking away from the white-haired male wearing blindfold with megumi in your grasp.
you gulped, looking at the corner of your eyes — only to find gojo standing and silent and him being quiet staring at you and megumi, there's chaos brewing in that brain of his and it's never good. it means trouble and despite the park having a fairly amount of people, it's no question he will be doing it.
in which you prepared for the worst. maybe, you can escape it this time.
“megumi.” you call out to the boy. responding to you with a hum. “prepare yourself. your other guardian is going to cause trouble again.” you whispered to him and megumi sweats a little. knowing how this one will end up. could he just have you as his and tsumiki's only guardian? not that troublesome adult who didn't seem to grow up—maturely. beggars can't be choosers or something like that, he knows he owe it to the man but sometimes he don't know how much longer he can endure it. megumi's glad you're around to balance, keep him calm but it never lasts.
you both turned around, and gojo seems like a statue standing there while watching you both and in cue, “run!” you told megumi. bolting to find a place to hide or escape and hoping you'd lost that boyfriend/troublesome idiot of yours.
with you and megumi holding your hand for dear life. yeah, it would be the death of you both if that idiot caught you two. you'll die of embarrassment.
then a full chase began around the park and with lessons yet still to learn and will never be taught. you forgot how gojo's long strides are and with the speed with you and megumi running in even at the headstart. too worried about the shenanigans gojo will bestow to you both.
“gotcha’ (y/n)-chan.” he said in a sing-song voice and adding the chan when teasing you and you felt yourself being lifted up with no chance of escape and you let go of megumi's hand.
“run, gumi!” you told the kid in which he reluctantly obeyed not wanting to leave you but knowing you, he ran in a safe distance watching as you squirmed at his other guardian who won't give you any mercy.
“satoru! put me down this instant!” in which gojo didn't comply. holding your middle with both of his hands while he spins you around. making you squeal and you swear you could feel the stares of multiple eyes.
“nope.” gojo flatly declares.
even with your weight, he still make you feel like you were the lightest person on the planet.
megumi watched in the distance, sitting in one of the tree roots sticking out in the ground. he could feel the annoyance creeping up on him but seeing you happy made him happy too. the annoyance barely affecting him while you laugh at gojo. he can hear the laughter and the cries you were making for the man-child to stop and megumi relished on that. he couldn't help but to feel a little upset about gojo, the man who stopped for letting him get sold by that so called family of his. he knows you and gojo had a life before him but seeing gojo takes all your attention away from him. he simply couldn't help it.
you gave him and tsumiki the utmost care, the unconditional love, making they were satisfied and making sure their wants and needs are met. catching the responsibilities they shouldn't be doing at their age for them to have a normal life. always going for the extra mile to have them taken care. you became the mother they never knew they needed. of course, that weird guy also gave them with the same amount of love but it would never match it with you.
with a plea and string of praises. of course, you complied. you didn't know if you could take more. face hot with embarrassment and your dress in a bunch. crinkling in the corners and you sighed looking at them. “you're the great and handsome gojo satoru! i love you with all my heart!” you shout earlier. never you thought you would stoop that low and just to feed his ego. you're not going to survive another whims he'll whip up. you were glad megumi's not part of it.
there's the casual silence, followed by the small bites in the ice cream you three bought. sitting in the bench under the sky with the soft breeze blowing.
“it's good?” you asked megumi and the boy looks at you and nods. bringing back his attention at his ice cream and you look at the man beside him. contentedly humming while he feasts on the cold treat.
“you got stain here, gumi.” swiping the boy's cheek with your thumb and he stops for a moment for you to clean it properly and goes back once again and gojo seeing it and being the jealous one. he accidentally smears the ice cream in his cheek. “mou~ (n/n) — i think i have some too.” he pouts and you look at him with “are you serious” look. knowing damn well it was intentional. he only smirks and points his cheek to emphasize. someday, you're going to have the chance to slap him, just once.
he leans down to you closer, dangerously close while you hold his jaw to avoid unnecessary movements and for you to wipe the sticky liquid in his face. “done.” you says and there's a cold sensation in your cheek. this bastard.
you decided to be the bigger person today cause if you fought back. there's a full on wild goose chase again. it couldn't be help. you accepted this idiot and you won't be leaving him anytime soon with megumi and tsumiki now in both of your lives.
you three sat there. watching people passed by with ice creams in your hands. it's a cool, windy day under the blue sky.
it felt like it was yesterday. the days and years passing in a blink of an eye and it slip backs into his memory why he asked you what's your favorite color. blue. you fondly told him that with a smile gracing in your lips and that is only memory that stuck him.
under the blue sky. the sunny days. where everybody is basked in it's warmth. the vastness of the blue sky and how it always be a reminder of the happy days. it's always brought a smile to your face, he would remember and he would smile too —a little.
he can't find himself to he happy nor feel a little joy under this weather. droplets of rain falling all over the road, the roofs and the cold wind blowing. puddles of water surrounding the area and he understands why such joyous moments only happens in a warm, sunny day with the blue sky—no clouds.
megumi didn't know what losing someone felt like and he got the first taste of it when tsumiki got cursed and now yours — it was different.
it felt like a ton of bricks and stone is put on him. he feels numb despite of it. he couldn't believe it. how could this happen? you were strong. that's why you survived for so long, enough to see him grow up to be the man he is now today but death's hand is unstoppable. the greatest power on earth couldn't prevent it.
he refuses to see your body laying down in the table. what's bright and warm smile you always give to him — it's gone. replaced by a cold and lifeless expression in front of him. he says he needed to see after all, to see is to believe and he wish he didn't.
the white blanket covering your body and he don't know if he'll cry or not. it's too much. gone too soon and what of your passing to his sensei.
gojo remains silent. the most silent he ever seen him. of course, the loudest he was is when with you. the banters, the witty remarks, your laugh, the squeals when he does something stupid. megumi knew gojo didn't need comfort, not from him. knowing that the cure for that pain is you . he's fighting his own battles too and despite what he felt for the man in his younger days, he still owes him. his life to him and to you.
with no parents stepping up and leaving them to fend for their own. you both came. remembering the day where you scolded gojo to never say anything stupid enough to spook them. he was first to be graced by your smile that day. assuring him that he and tsumiki will be fine. jabbing at gojo telling him that they were going to be fine and it was more than fine.
he couldn't ask anything for more and when the heart could no longer carry the heavy burden of you being gone. his eyes speaks for what the heart can't carry no more. excusing himself leaving the man who you deeply loved more than anything in the world and with the door closing. his eyes opened for the tears to fall.
he's no better than what's megumi feeling right now. fuck, didn't he just promised that he'll protect you so what the fuck this happened.
he wants to scream. curse every living person. his knuckles turning paler than it is — gripping his hair that it'll rip off. you were supposed to be coming home. alive and well. breathing with his name the first thing you'll say and you'd given him the most tight embrace you could muster. “i'm home, satoru.” you are never coming back home.
this is his reality.
he went to approach your body. you look so different. there your face. it was the most brightest when you smiled, laughed even, cried when he's teasing got overboard. he wouldn't get used to this. he needs you laughing and smiling. tell him you love him — that he's an insufferable asshole — that he's your idiot — that—that you're afraid of losing him.
he examined your face, from the shape of your eyes, to the roundness of your cheeks, to the fullness of your lips. you were still his. you look peaceful and he don't want that when you're laying in this table with the mountain of corpses who has been previous laid here.
he wants to see your eyes again. staring right back at him with much adoration and annoyance. he would tease you for hours for the reason your favorite color is blue cause it was the color of his eyes. he can't miss that what you'd told megumi that day. blue makes you happy. his eyes, him. he made you happy and that's important right? he made you happy with the duration of your life with him and that was meant to last for a lifetime with him but it's not going to happen.
he grasp your hand. it's hard and cold. no life and warmth in those hands. the very hands who tenderly cared for the siblings — the very hands who held him every night — that hands that cups his face and you would tell him straight in the eyes that you love him — so — so — much.
“i love you too, (y/n).” he says. slipping the ring he got after the day you both adopted megumi and tsumiki. you're both officially guardians to two children and that means a new start for a family. he didn't know what possessed him that day to get a ring. you're both young with the future ahead of you. it's seems unclear and yet he still got that. one day — one day. he will put that ring to your finger with a promise that he'll annoy you for the rest of your lives together.
he didn't even get to propose to you. always waiting for the right moment but never came and he thinks this is the right moment. he wants to laugh for how stupid he was. the ring would be nicely suited to your ring finger if you were still alive. a promise to spend the rest of your lives together and he can't do that now.
he kisses your forehead one last time before covering you with the blanket. this is goodbye, he guesses. he thinks you're in peace now — no pain, suffering. no one's going to harm you. you're at peace. he told himself.
no amount of grieving will ever rid the pain you inflicted with your passing to the both of them. with the heavy rain pouring.
there will be no promise of blue sky, after this.
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