#and I was like oh my god only detroit fans are gonna. know
shepscapades · 1 month
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I was reading through your old reblogs and sage to say the tags you put on the Oilers shower post are amazing and I would love to read something like that!!
Copying and pasting the tags here (the blue text is the part I was talking about but I left the preceding tags for context if that makes sense?):
#there's another shower right next to the sitting shower 9 is it in the front corner of the picture? is that little glass alcove the entrance #to get in? like there's also horny potential for somebody in the big empty open space & somebody waiting to come in hesitating but you can #see their shadow & their silhouette in the glass the one outside the door knowing that the other is inside all alone showering but still not #coming in because they're giving them privacy etc being the last ones out & this doesn't feel like a connor/leon thing so maybe it's going #in the vague yamo pile but whoever's in the big shower room all alone jerking off & narrating & god knows sound would carry inside that #space & it could be that whoever's outside the door forgot something in there (left soap etc etc) & just happened to walk in on it (and/or #on whatever is going on in the shower stall) & can hear but can't see them but they can see them & can tell that they're watching/listening #through the frosted glass anyway ALSO what i was trying to get to with nuge/yamo (Imao i don't even think i said nuge at first) was like. #omega yamo who goes into heat/is playing through it & yamo gets ejected from the game with the narrative of nuge five for fighting for #defending him (maybe it's the end of the third maybe it's the second & nuge gets a 10 minute major & yamo gets pulled for a concussion check #because of the hit & then the doctors are like Imao stupid no you can't go back out you're in heat [yamo saw nuge fight for him 00] so the #two of them end up in there alone i like the middle of the second bc then nobody's there & wont be for a minute actually) but it's yamo in #the big open space & nuge outside the door checking to make sure he's okay & thinking that he'll be fine he can control it yamo won't smell #because he's in the showers nuge'll just bury his face in soap nuge waiting politely outside the door & yamo is being a MENACE. ohhhhh we're #gonna have to do research but what was the injury that yamo was out for be the original gifset that started this... this is the inciting event #yamo has been bullying nuge for AGES & by god he's gonna get what he wants even if it takes jerking off in the oilers home showers to bait #nuge into doing it. nuge like 'you ok?' has a conversation with yamo etc nuge: 'you gonna be ok to make it home' & yamo says yeah but not
If you were referring to the time Nuge fought Holl, it was a because Yamo took a bodycheck up high and he had to be taken back for concussion protocol just to be safe
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^^^real life footage of me receiving and reading this ask 🥺🥰 i would ALSO love to read a fic like that akdhskdjak, but getting this ask made me actually start a doc for omega yamo being a nuisance so thank you (also if you wanted more vague thoughts, here’s the original gifset i reference)
i think i know exactly which fight you mean!! and i think it is saved in my drafts with unhinged thoughts waiting to be released 😇 if i’m right, this is a video that i had to save multiple times on multiple platforms because it was Important To Me
#liv in the replies#thank you for context thank you for nice words i’m!!!!#🥰🥺😭😊🥹❣️ <- me getting this ask & hearing you like reading my tags (smiling kicking my feet giggling)#also ​me rolling up to this ask like five days late at an unreasonable hour (sounds like me normally on tumblr)#i will say!!! i am the slowest writer in the world!!!! this fic will not be coming ANY time soon#kailer yamamoto#edmonton oilers#ryan nugent-hopkins#GOD BLESS ME FUCKING WAITING TO POST THIS BECAUSE KAILER YAMAMOTO IS A DETROIT RED WING BAYBEEEE I’M SO HAPPY I LOVE HIM MY LITTLE DUDE#i need everyone to know that i saw a sad fancam retweet (didn’t watch the video just saw a comment talking about a lyric that got them#didn’t hear the song either and went WIAT HOLD ON HOLD ON i’d heard rumblings?? in the tags?? about yamo leaving edm but i didn’t really#know what was going on and i scrolled to the original tweet and in the resolves somebody said best of luck to yamo in detroit and I WAS#FILLING A 30 GALLON BUCKET WITH A HOSE AND LITERALLY DROPPED crouched to the floor and died right there oh my god why do these#things always happen when i have my HANDS FULL OF A FUCKING HOSE) i’m gonna. hyperventilating shrieking yowling YAMOOOOOOO#update. the spiral i have experienced. DETROIT BOUGHT YAMO OUT AND NOW WE DON’T HAVE HIM 😭😭😭😭 ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL RIGHT NOW I CAN’T#the only reason i was okay with the yamo trade was bc i was like ‘my sincerest condolences to edm fans. but yamo is coming to ME i love him#we will take such good care of him AND THEN THEY BOUGHT HIM OUT WHAT THE FUCK the brief and glorious joy of having yamo on my team so abrupt#i was once again filling up a bucket from a hose so like. @ hockey gods can you stop doing these things while i’m at work & have to pretend#to be normal. it is a personal crime against me actually & is direct retribution for the terrible thought i had yesterday wherein i was#imagining how yamo would fit onto our team (god bless omega yamo having another huge bonded omega to lovingly bully him like warren would mo#would do such a good job & can you just imagine 6’4 mo standing next to tiny little yamo? immaculate) <- that’s the important part but#actually hockey-wise it’s like. yamo is kinda exactly what we need a gritty little dude who’s gonna bring the energy & intensity & vibe#everybody up & the terrible terrible part of my brain was like :( but now that we have yamo does that mean we won’t re-sign bertuzzi because#yamo also fits that spot​ (yamo’s a right winger but still) & ALSO somebody said something about us signing tk which 😭🫡 i love him so much#but please don’t. ALSO I DON’T FUCKING WANT ALEX DEBRINCAT which is so mean & i feel bad because he’s a hometown boy & normally i would love#him but also. i just want bert back & if kitty comes at the cost of not having bert i’m so sorry bro you lose ANYWAY i had to think about#the gremlin energy of the wings having yamo tk & tyler in my ideal little brain & it was very pleasant to imagine but then i got struck down#lmao. remember when i said i was like five days late. sorry to have lied i am finally posting this &also noting i Cannot Handle free agency#the nuge defending yamo’s honor video will likely be coming out of the drafts as soon as i hang my laundry up & also finish making dinner#also also also!! if i am not Right & if you have made it this far can you send me the nuge fighting holl video if you have it 🤲
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swiftyangx12 · 1 year
Usual Night at VP HQ [Valorant SNL Parody #2]
[Synopsis]: Brimstone, Sage, and Viper are trying to subdue Reyna due to her Radianite abilities going haywire. Special guest: a sleep-deprived agent, [Y/N].
Gender Neutral Reader
[A/N]: Me, and my dumb-goofed mind imagining serious characters in silly situations like this. I have been laughing hysterically from this skit since the first time. Also be warned for Reyna’s part where she spoke Spanish as it may not be an accurate response.
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[Intro starts with the VP Headquarters experiencing a rain storm.]
[Infirmary, 12:05 a.m.]
[Reyna has been acting violently while recovering from a previous mission.]
Sage: Viper, can you save her? Can you save Reyna in this condition?
Viper: I can’t. We don’t have enough resources to stabilize her and the next shipment is in the next 24 hours.
Reyna: *Convulsing* You will rot in Hell~ *Blabbering like a demon*
Brimstone: Reyna, hear us now. We know you’re still in there.
[Somebody knocked on the door.]
Sage: Who could be knocking at this hour?
[Door slides open to reveal someone.]
[Y/N]: *Sleep-deprived* Uh, hello? It’s the middle of the night. What is all the ruckus?
Sage: Oh, Viper. This is our recent recruit, Agent [Y/N] or Agent Shaw.
[Y/N]: Yeah, and I “Shaw’ve” been asleep 45 minutes ago. But I guess y’all decided to throw a party on a Tuesday.
Viper: This is not a party, Agent [Y/N].
Brimstone: It’s Reyna. She became unstable after her last mission.
Sage: We’re waiting for more resources to aid her.
[Y/N]: You don’t have to wait to them. I’ll do it.
Brimstone, Sage, & Viper: Do what?
[Y/N]: Stabilizing Reyna. I’m getting my sleep tonight.
Reyna: AAAHHHH!!!!
[Y/N]: BLAAAHHHH!!!! See I can do it too, ‘kay? You don’t scare me, your highness.
Viper: [Y/N], you should be cautious. You’re in it over your head.
[Y/N]: In over my head? I’ll have you know I have been a paramedic in the Detroit area for 5 years before joining the Protocol. That’s thousands of patients. Everyday I am the only thing stopping raging alcoholics from getting sent straight to Hell by a UPS truck. Now where’s the anesthesia?
Viper: *Passes them the syringe*
[Y/N]: Okay hello!
Reyna: *Demon noises*
[Y/N]: Yeah okay. You need to get yourself together, Reyna.
Reyna: *More demon noises*
[Y/N]: Uh uh uh uh! Use your words.
Reyna: Suck my ass!
[Y/N]: No, ma’am, I don’t do all that. I’m in a committed relationship and that’s it.
Sage: Maybe we should wait for the other sources, Agent Shaw.
[Y/N]: Oh no no no no no no. I need to get my eight hours.
[Then Reyna starts levitating up from her bed.]
[Y/N]: Oh. Uh-oh. Wh-Where’s she going?
Reyna: *Aggravated* You’re going to Hell, you stupid whore.
[Y/N]: Stupid what now? Oh honey, you gonna have to do much better than that. Yesterday, a Mirror Neon called me a washed-up nurse. So I shot a bullet straight into her head. What else you got? Come on.
Reyna: You’re an ugly…Uh…Umm…¿Cómo diablos se supone que debo llamarte?
[Y/N]: Umm? Umm? What? Look at you, stuttering. Now sir your ass down before I turn on the ceiling fan.
Reyna: *Levitates down to her bed*
[Y/N]: Mhm! That’s what I thought.
Viper: *Bewildered by everything* I don’t believe this.
Brimstone: Oh my god. Is it working?
[Y/N]: Yeah, it is. That is exactly what I thought.
Reyna: *Exhausted from not turning into a full-on demon* I’m drained…
Viper: She’s exhausted. Quick, we need a soul to feed her.
[Y/N]: Oh, yeah, okay. I gotcha. I got you a soul, all right. *Puts on a call while on speaker* Yoru! Get your ass in the infirmary, Yoru!
Yoru: *Speaking through* Urgh…[Y/N], what do you want? I’m trying to sleep.
[Y/N]: Oh, you’re trying to sleep, but you’re talking? Just bring the hostage to where I’m located at.
[Reyna starts levitating again, causing the others to panic.]
[Y/N]: And Reyna, your ass better not be levitating back there.
Reyna: *Levitates back down* Sorry, Agent Shaw…
[Y/N]: Mhm. Thank you, your highness.
Yoru: *Exits through a rift and gripping on a hostage* Waking my ass up at 9 p.m. in the middle of the night.
[Y/N]: We’re stabilizing Reyna and she needs a soul to feed on, Yoru.
Yoru: Yeah, and I “Shaw’ve” been asleep 47 minutes ago.
[Y/N]: Yeah, we know, babe. Now bring the dirty-ass traitor to Reyna. We already got intel from them.
Brimstone: I didn’t know about the traitor.
Sage: Neither did I.
Yoru: Why would I want to do that?
[Y/N]: Yoru. If you don’t do it, I’ll cancel our “intense Mario Kart date night” next week.
Yoru: *Finally gives in* Fine. You win. *Drags the frightened hostage to Reyna* Do your worst. *Throws the traitor to her and runs back to [Y/N]*
Reyna: *Consumes the soul from the traitor* *GASP!* Dios mio…What just happened? Why are Agent [Y/N] and Yoru in here? “Shawdn’t” they be asleep?
Sage: Oh my goodness. Agent Shaw, we can’t thank you enough.
[Y/N]: Mhm. Yeah. That’s all good. Uh you’ll sleep tight now. Come on, Yoru.
Yoru: You owe me one.
[Y/N]: Don’t worry. I’ll return the “favor.”
[Both Yoru and [Y/N] leave the infirmary.]
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[Reblogs helps creators and creates for more content]
[Tagged]: @hhurric4ne @monin1ca @luckyowl
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baura-bear · 11 months
Welcome to newsie’s big king rant!! *cracks knuckles* i apologise for spelling mistakes or grammar innacuracies
i’ll start with AKB but i’ll do it in three parts ranging how much knowledge i have on the subject
andrew keenan bolger was born on the 16th may 1985 in detroit. he has 2 older sisters, maggie and celia ( who won a tony award for “to kill a mockingbird”!) he’s married to scott bixby since 2018 and their relationship is so nice and wholesome it’s so cute.
HES 5’4. IM 5’5. it’s so funny to think he’s shorter than me but whatever 😭😭
his first broadway role was in the OBC of seussical as alternate Jojo in 2000-2001 of which he did ONE broadway show then got kicked coz he hit puberty LMFAO poor 15 year old andrew
he then went on to be robertson ay in mary poppins THEN went in a woekshop for newsies and papermill and broadway( fun fact i think he’s the only actor who stayed in the same role for the workshop, papermill then obc of newsies )
during newsies he got a lot of fans which honestly yeah real but in march 2013 he left newsies to begin rehersing for tuck everlasting which didn’t make it until 2016 bc there wasn’t a suitable theatre for a transfer to broadway yet ( another fun fact if it had stayed in the realm of 2013 sadie sink would have played winnie instead of sarah charles lewis )
then in 2017 he was in kris kringle the musical playing kris kringle and in 2021 he was in seven deadly sins the off broadway musical playing phillipe
in september ( not sure if going ahead due to sag aftra ) he’s gonna star in “dracula a comedy of terrors” which seems very fun!! he posted a rlly funny photo of him wearing vampire teeth
ok other things than theatre he’s done i’m so sorry gang
so in 1997 he was chip’s singing voice in that lovely enchanted christmas beauty and the beast spinoff which i watched ALL OF IT just to find he’s in ONE FUCKING SONG and he’s only in the credits ONCE
( however tim curry is in it and he’s a fat smash so 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
he was in this show called looking in 2014 don’t watch it if ur under 18 i’m fucking traumatised from it don’t curse yourself with that PLEASE GOD DONT SEARCH ANDREW KEENAN ON GIFS EITHER
he had like a miniseries called ‘submissions only’ which also performed at 54 below
he has a podcast called ‘that sounds right’ which is SO FUCKING FUNNY PLEASE GO LISTEN TO IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
OH SHIT YEAH HE WAS ALSO IN ( these are all like regional theatre ?? )
high school musical as ryan
perez hilton saves the universe…😬 as a shit ton of different ppl
a really funny parody video called ‘sherlock the musical” it’s so funny bc my irl friend robin thinks he looks like martin freeman
he’s not afraid to post whatever on his socials 💀 like i’ll be scrolling and that one pic of him licking the screen is there and i’m like 😀 ok andrew
hes really funny
hes honest and open about not being the best dancer which is so real ( so he showed up to newsies to audition and , in his own words , apparently the directors thought he was a good enough dancer to play a boy with a crutch BAHHAHA WHICH IS SO RELATABLE OH MY HOD )
i think that’s it!! please enjoy i’m soo tired i’ll do some more ranting soon :3
thank you for all the knowledge! fun fact: I saw Celia perform in TKAM (very good) and my grandma used to baby sit Jeff Daniels' (Atticus) cousin because they grew up in the same town
also the note about his lack of dancing skills reminded me of his old youtube videos and one video he was talking about an audition he botched (there was basketball choreo he was supposed to learn) and instead, because he didn't know what to do, he just put the basketball in his shirt and pretended to be pregnant??? hey directors like a strong acting choice and he delivered.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 285: You Looked Like You Needed Saving
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all, “hey guys I’m just gonna fight Tomura one on one and risk my own life rather than risk letting him do the whole Destroying Everything bit again.” Kacchan was all “WAIT NO ARE YOU SERIOUS THAT’S THE EXACT THING I HATE THE MOST” and indignantly launched into his “P.S. I CARE ABOUT DEKU” flashback, which was a revelation in that it proved exactly what Bakugou fans have been saying this whole time, AND YET OUR MINDS WERE STILL BLOWN ANYWAY, BECAUSE HOLY SHIT, HE REALLY WENT AND SAID IT OUT LOUD THOUGH. Anyway, so Deku’s strategy for defeating Tomura is to, you guessed it, break his fucking arms again; and meanwhile a frantic Katsuki is gearing up on the sidelines to do something really awesome and incredibly stupid, probably; and all in all it’s a pretty terrible situation our boys have found themselves in. Terrible for them, but GREAT for me, and I’ve never been so hyped in my life omg.
Today on BnHA: Deku breaks both of his arms like a dozen times over. Like, just pages and pages of arm breaking. Just like in the good old days! Meanwhile Kacchan is all “jesus christ, okay you know what would be a better idea, JUST SETTING HIM ON FIRE AGAIN”, and so he grabs Shouto and Endeavor, and they do a whole Prominence Burn combo thing. The AFO-inside-of-Tomura is all “‘sup it’s me again, but seriously now would be a REALLY good time to let me take over your body”, and so Tomura TOTALLY DOES LET HIM TAKE OVER, WHOOP, and so AFO is all “HELLS YEAH.” And then he STRAIGHT UP STABS MY SON, WHOSE BODY WAS SIMPLY MOVING ON ITS OWN, YOU KNOW, JUST HERO THINGS. Anyway so now Kacchan is fucking dead*, and so if I were AFO I would start putting as much distance as possible between myself and Deku right the fuck now, because boy, IF YOU THOUGHT HE WAS MAD BEFORE? Holy shit. We’re about to see a whole new level aren’t we.
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Deku’s arms should sue for legal emancipation. I think most of us can agree that they’re probably better off without him. sure they’ll have to buy their own food and stuff, but I think the trade-off is more than fair
oh wow that 100% shit really is something though
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too bad it did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! spoiler alert. I don’t even have to scroll to the next page, Deku. we already know
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did Deku really pull off some “three hits in one” bullshit, or is this a mistranslation referring to the fact that Deku’s already hit him twice with his left arm, and so this is now the third 100% hit. kinda hoping for the latter, ngl. either way though, I’m really getting a “Deku’s arms are legitimately done for” vibe from this
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goddammit I’m pretty sure he just Detroit Smashed the last remaining hero brain cell. now they have diddly squat to work with, oh this is bad
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do you guys remember a few weeks back when I was joking about him breaking the rest of his bones and using Blackwhip to move his shattered body around like a grotesque marionette. do you specifically remember the part where that was a joke
holy shit Deku. it’s like we’re all the way back to square one with you. wasn’t that like the first thing Aizawa taught you, not to break your whole body apart? how are you supposed to fight Tomura if you can’t move?? why didn’t you wait for one of your pals who could hit him with an attack from long range WITHOUT BREAKING EVERY SINGLE BONE IN THEIR BODIES. WHERE DID YOUR BIG HERO BRAIN GO
boy you better pray one of those remaining quirks is a healing factor, or else you’re gonna be on IR for a LONG time. anyway. idk why I’m getting so worked up when I already knew this was going to happen lol. it’s just like Katsuki said; he takes himself out of the equation. it’s worth sacrificing his own body if it means he can take out AFO and prevent Tomura from hurting anyone else again. it’s just that... well. you know that saying about taking calculated risks when you are bad at math?
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please ignore all of those worried-sounding thoughts; I think we all know that’s a bunch of bullshit. completely and utterly fine. the only person Deku’s attacks hurt was himself. hip hip hooray
anyway. so now, this!
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pretty sure he can’t use Decay or AFO without at least touching SOMETHING, so I’m guessing this is another one of his new quirks. dammit Tomura why are you so fucking invincible
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if I were you, Deku’s Arms, I would simply detach from his body altogether at this point. cut my losses. mmm
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spoiler alert: again, it did nothing. SORRY TO KEEP RUINING THE SUSPENSE FOR YOU GUYS. is there a single human being reading this who thought for even for the milliest of seconds that this stood a chance of working though
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so Tomura is all “there must be something I can do to stop this fucking kid” and shuffling through his quirk pokedex while he’s tossed around bleeding in the air
hey Tomura I’ll tell you right now that you don’t actually need to do a damn thing except not die for roughly the next thirty seconds or so, and then you’ve got this. the quirk that can stop this kid is called “One for All”, and it just so happens he’s already got you covered bruh
and Katsuki’s realized the same thing, apparently!
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SHOUTO YOU’RE NOT EVEN LOOKING?? wow that is some trust right there. focused on cauterizing Gran and Aizawa’s wounds, I guess
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I like how Endeavor is just SITTING THERE in the background looking all disgruntled. yes, sorry about that sir, this is now Kacchan’s show. he’s in charge now. time for that long-range attack I was complaining about them not doing earlier?? hopefully?? omg
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Kacchan, tired of sitting back watching Deku invent new ways to die, decides to improvise a few of his own. hmmmmmmm
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why does this sound like he’s planning something on his own after the Todorokis have done their part. KACCHAN. EXCUSE ME, KACCHAN
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-- ooOF
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...and we’re cutting back to the action. godfuckingdammit it’s gonna be one of those chapters where the entire thing is just buildup to some huge reveal on the very last page isn’t it
(ETA: [sounds of screaming heard in the distance])
anyway so this next page is just Deku flying in the air, and Tomura flying through the air, and Endeavor+Katsuki+Shouto flying through the air, and everyone’s flying through the air, and we’re all just flying. TALK TO ME MORE ABOUT THE CURSE OF OFA DAMN IT
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guess if it was good enough for Hood, it’s probably their best shot huh. better than whatever the fuck Deku was trying to pull at any rate
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gotta admit, if I didn’t already know full well that Tomura could not possibly die here, I’d have been pretty convinced he was dying here lol
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wait... is that Blackwhip...?? or???
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oh my fresh and citrusy lord. this is it isn’t it. all of my theories converge at once. Tomura being possessed by AFO; OFA is AFO/Deku has AFO; Katsuki does something stupid and loses his quirk. THE PERFECT STORM. THEORY SINGULARITY
oh my lord oh my god oh my lord oh my god honey what are you doing, honey, no
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excuse me, Horikoshi. excuse me, could I just -- could I get. COULD I JUST GET A WORD WITH YOU FOR A MINUTE. SIR
son of a. ...how am I even supposed to wrap this up. just
sob okay. so let’s just. ...
All for One 100% just took Tomura’s body over. like, he was all “Tomura, you’re fucking dying, just give me your body you muppet”, and Tomura couldn’t really argue on account of he really was dying, and so, YOINK. which is the sound that a body makes when it’s being taken over, I think
All for One then activated his forced activation quirk?? which OF FUCKING COURSE he passed on to Tomura as well. so THAT’S JUST GREAT
Kacchan is seriously the fastest character in the series. the reflexes, the sheer speed necessary to intercept that hit? goddamn
every single one of those BakuDeku flashbacks are now wanted by the FBI for first-degree murder of me
this has nothing to do with Kacchan fucking dying and stuff, but is it just me or were there HUGE “Kacchan as Bakugou’s hero name” vibes earlier on in this chapter with the flashbacks to Deku explaining the meaning behind his own name, HMM
and speaking of, this is the first time we’ve gotten Kacchan narrating in the little box panels, unless I’m completely mistaken somehow. Horikoshi really waited almost 300 whole chapters to do that. and it was worth it. holy shit
fun fact, this moment is something that’s been on my wishlist since chapter 12 lol, you can go back and check the recap if you want. back then I called it a long shot. oh how the times have changed
oh my god. and now Deku’s gonna go ham, arms or no arms. AND BETS ON WHICH NEW QUIRK HE’S ABOUT TO UNLOCK? because the last time someone so much as insulted Kacchan in his presence, he SPONTANEOUSLY GREW SHADOW TENTACLES OUT OF THE BLUE AND ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THE PERSON. so if this kid has got ANYTHING left up his sleeve, I have to imagine that SEEING HIS PRECIOUS CHILDHOOD FRIEND TAKE A DEADLY ATTACK MEANT FOR HIM is gonna leave him feeling SOME KINDA WAY. I literally have no idea what’s going to happen next but I would not count this angry little broccoli out yet. not as long as he’s still conscious
anyway. so I wonder what’s the world record for continuous screaming, and whether or not I could break said record by doing such nonstop from now until a week from now when I finally get to read the next chapter
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arigatouiris · 4 years
an inconvenient crush // kenma kozume x reader (1/2)
Author’s Note: A new story?? SO SOON?? Thank you for all the love for my previous Kuroo story, it meant the world to me. I write for myself primarily, yes, but it brings me SO MUCH JOY to know that my words reach you. It helps with the motivation to put them out more often. Thank you. This story is very close to my heart because I’m a gamer, although I don’t stream. I’m more like Kenma though, personality wise. Haha.
Word count: 5k+
Pairing: YouTuber! Kenma Kozume x Streamer! Reader
Summary: YouTuber Kozume Kenma has had the biggest crush on Twitch Streamer, (s/n) (y/n), who in actuality simps heavily after Kenma's secret YouTube persona, puddinghead0.
What happens when their paths cross?
Kuroo is honestly tired of Kenma's second-guessing, and (y/n) is a bit of a crackhead.
Warnings: unrequited love, one-sided crush, slight angst, pining, crackhead reader, internet bullying, slang, gaming references, haikyuu manga spoilers, fluff
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C h a p t e r O n e : puddinghead0
Kozume Kenma suddenly turned existential when his eyes shifted to his phone screen for the 12th time in ten minutes.
Was he always doing this? Was he always obsessed with his phone to a point where he'd constantly check for notifications? Did this mean he was deeply lonely on the inside and wanted approval from people on a virtual platform, which meant that the approval was also virtual and none of it was real? Did it mean that he craved to nullify the growing void in his chest by distracting himself with a black mirror that showcased light that could permanently impair his sight?
He let out a breath and forced himself not to look at his phone. He didn't care. It didn't matter. That's what he always said.
    "Hey!" His classmate/room-mate screamed from the entrance to his flat, "Are you watching her stream? Posted two minutes ago!"
His phone was definitely slow. He had been checking his phone but there was no notification. Letting out a breath, and giving himself a mental reason to actually check his phone, Kenma opened the notifications tab to see the one notification he had kept his eye out for had been buried under ridiculous facebook notifs.
An inconvenient crush, that's what he told himself whenever he looked at you. You were a streamer, a bit different from what he did on YouTube because you were primarily on Twitch. There were reaction videos of you on YouTube, which was where he found you, but damn—how could one be pretty while rage-quitting a game? It was abnormal. Nothing about you was normal; college student/Twitch streamer, an apparent baker in your mother's bakery, game reviewer for Sony, and you were insanely cute.
    "She's getting to that part," his roommate commented from behind Kenma's back, while Kenma really just wanted to watch the video in peace, "Shit, she's gonna cry."
You did cry, quite a few times, and too easily if he could add. You cried at the ending of God of War, you cried to The Last of Us (which made sense, but you were perhaps just bawling throughout the entire game), you cried in a game called Detroit: Become Human, you cried far too easily, but you never really quit. He loved how passionate you were about games, and it was the sort of passion he could completely understand.
    "Oh shit," You said in the video, your eyes scanning all over the game screen, "What's happening? What's happening?"
Kenma chuckled at how cute you were, god, you were killing him. You looked worried, and he could visibly see a sweat drop on your forehead, but you were so focused that it didn't matter. Suddenly, there was a screaming sound from the game you were playing, and your eyes popped open as wide as they possibly could and you just sat there, unmoving. He loved how you never squealed or made any loud reactions, except when you were in a fight with a difficult boss, but whenever something traumatic happened, you just froze and sunk it all in. You were currently playing the second part of The Last of Us, and a traumatic scene was definitely happening. Kenma had just finished playing it the night before, so every scene you were playing was familiar.
    "I officially hate this game," You said, your voice breaking and he desperately wanted to hold you, "Fucking hell."
    "God, she's amazing." Kenma's roommate said, eyes turning into literal hearts.
    "Hm." Yeah, she is, Kenma thought, but could never really say.
As a YouTuber himself who streams games, he was aware that you were not as popular, and it was a fact that he really didn't like. Sure, you were on a less popular platform, but Twitch was incredibly popular by itself as well. He also understood the bias that came with being a female gamer, and while it sounded ridiculous to him, Kenma was one of those people who believed gaming required no gender.
He adored your content, and he secretly adored the hell out of you, so seeing you soar would only make him happy.
    "I... I can practically feel what pain she's feeling right now," You spoke about the game, a lone tear threatening to leak out of your eye, "But! We shall persevere. I've been waiting 7 years for this game, so I won't let... won't let something like this halt my interest. Let's see if this has a point to it all."
God, he adored you. But, Kenma considered it an inconvenient crush because of course, the world was small. The first big crush he has on someone and he hoped it would remain over the internet, but it just had to become something more tangible, something that could make him weak in the knees.
You, a college student/Twitch streamer, an apparent baker in your mother's bakery, a game reviewer for Sony, insanely cute, and also happened to be one of his YouTube channel's biggest fans.
He had only recently discovered your personal twitter handle, and dear lord, you were simping after him with no remorse. It wasn't as if he was all you talked about, but he had also noticed the trajectory of the games you were playing were on par with his own timeline. Kenma had finished his final stream for The Last of Us II just the night before and you had now started playing it. Right before that, it was Bloodborne, and before that, it was Final Fantasy VII Remake. However, your public handle was a lot more professional and despite knowing that it was there, he hadn't sent you a follow request because well, Kenma called himself an introvert in every matter but Kuroo just said he was shy.
While he knew that he could easily approach you and have you know he knew of your existence, Kenma preferred not to get into such detail. It was comfortable admiring you from afar, and it was comfortable being where he was—he had his company to work hard over, he was also a computer student and a YouTuber. Sure, he had his hands full especially after calling you abnormal for something that he himself was doing, but he never really fit into a bracket anyway. Kenma's latent obsession with you was something he wasn't particularly proud of and this wasn't because it had anything to do with you, but simply because he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Change, in many ways, scared him. And by changing the structure or dynamics of him admiring you in secret, while you admired him not so secretly, Kenma was certain that it might not lead where he may have wanted it to go.
Surely, Kuroo was against this sort of caution, calling it cowardly and saying it lacked passion; but Kenma knew it was just a crush. There was no way he could deduce the kind of person you were based on how you gamed or reacted to games, based on the little tid-bits of information you gave out while playing those games, or even how you openly spoke about how much you admired 'puddinghead0's videos. Kenma hated Kuroo for giving him that name, but he was too lazy to come up with a new one.
    "Also," You sprung up in the final two minutes of your latest video, "I'm on Patreon, now! I honestly have no idea how it works, but if you really like the content I make and want to support me, you can become a patron and wish me luck!"
Kenma waited for his stupid roommate to go out of his room before he could open Patreon and find your link, which was thankfully in the description. Without a second thought, he donated to your profile but cussed instantly when he realized what he had done.
He had sent you a donation as himself, as 'puddinghead0's Patreon.
Without a second thought, Kenma called Kuroo and explained what had happened.
    "That is why, Kenma, you need to check a thousand times and not let blind love navigate your actions—"
    "If I knew you were going to spout such nonsense I wouldn't have called you."
He could hear Kuroo snicker while he ran a hand through his hair. Kenma groaned before Kuroo said, "How bad is this, Kenma? She'll be happy. Of course, this means she'll know you watch her content, but how bad can this be?"
    "I didn't want her to know."
    "And leave her devoid of the happiness of having her idol appreciate her content? You're cold, Kenma."
    "You don't understand. What if... What if she tries to contact me?"
    "You, my friend, have not even shared your personal account anywhere. The only way she can contact you is by commenting on your videos, which I am sure you check constantly to see if she did comment, or Tweeting, which she does every three days."
Kenma blushed at the accusation because it was true.
    "She won't know who you are. Besides, there's no harm if she even does contact you! Just tell her casually that yeah, you like her contact. I don't see what the big deal is."
    "Of course you don't—"
    "Oh, she's tweeted something."
Kenma's entire body froze. Leaving Kuroo on the call, Kenma opened Twitter on his laptop and there it was, your latest tweet.
I am trying NOT to freak out over puddinghead sending me a donation on Patreon, pls save my soul, I am dead.
Kenma groaned before hearing Kuroo laugh once more, "She's adorable!"
I know that, Kenma thought before feeling his entire face flash up. Ending Kuroo's call, Kenma looked at your public profile before then moving to your personal one. He wasn't following that one either, but he wanted to see your tweets, he wanted to know more about you—he wouldn't deny any of these facts, but Kenma believed it was far too idiotic to dream of getting to know you through a virtual media. He wasn't even the sort of person to become close to people he met in real life, how could he allow himself a virtual friendship?
The thought staggered him, and the idea behind it was what kept him at bay. Kenma wanted to know about you, talk to you, learn about who you were and what you were doing, but he felt the media that connected you was what separated you.
It wasn't cowardice at all if he was just sticking to the facts and being real.
The next day, Kenma walked to his class by himself, listening to the latest podcast by Joe Rogan. While the external sound wasn't entirely muted, Kenma could discern sounds of people talking, cars moving around, and other noises even though he was playing the podcast on full sound. However, there was one sound in particular that stood out. Kenma paused before turning to his right, noticing a crowd of people had gathered there, with some sort of event going on. He didn't pay attention to half the events that his college conducted, his mind was obviously quite busy elsewhere, but when the announcer moved around in a weird Joker cosplaying outfit, Kenma was a tad bit intrigued.
Was it gaming related?
He slowly moved toward the crowd before finally being able to hear what the anchor was saying.
    "We've got prizes for the top three best performers, and one of the participants is the one and only (s/n) (y/n), streamer from Twitch!"
Kenma froze, half-minded to run the hell away from there. But, it seemed as if his feet were stuck to the ground. How had he not known this? Didn't you always announce the events you go to? Why were you suddenly here? A second later, he spotted you, hair put up in an updo, a plain black tee, and regular jeans. You were smiling, but some part of that smile seemed a bit hesitant.
    "We will be playing a bit differently today! Instead of the usual Fortnite battles or Apex Legends, we'll be going went and battling out on Red Dead Online! And of course, if you beat (y/n) here you earn bragging rights!"
He noticed you shift in your position a little bit, clearly uncomfortable with the attention you were getting; it didn't even look like you wanted to be there. Kenma could feel his chest hurt, and his palms were sweating now. That's all it is, he told himself. An inconvenient crush, an inconvenient crush, that's all.
Kenma sighed before noticing how he barely knew anyone there and was almost thankful for that fact; but before he could thank his stars, a hand threw itself around his neck and sprung him forward, earning the attention of not just everyone there, but especially you.
    "We have our first participant," It was his goddamn roommate, "Kenma's a brilliant gamer!"
Kenma's eyes immediately found yours, and you were looking at him with wide, confused eyes. Although this was set in the open and the atmosphere was quite cold, Kenma felt nothing but warmth radiating all over his body at the mere sight of you; you were just a few feet away, and you were giving him a rather sympathetic expression, and god, you looked so fucking pretty—
    "That's great! Sign up, ya'll! Winner will be winning a brand new DualShock 4!"
Oh fuck, Kenma thought before he felt his heart beginning to pound. He was now seated beside you, and he could practically shrink into non-existence. You were unmoving, and you weren't looking at him, but would you have looked at him if you knew he was puddinghead? Insecurity swarmed his being and he could practically feel steam escaping his ears but a moment later, he thought he'd die.
    "This was so last minute," you said, rubbing the back of your neck, "The anchor's my cousin and she's so demanding."
    "Oh," Kenma said, feeling his heartbeat skyrocket, "I see."
    "Yeah! I mean," You giggled now, "I'm not even good at Red Dead Online!"
Kenma smirked, knowing the fact already. You struggled with Red Dead Redemption not because you were bad, but because you couldn't progress with a plot so divisive. You wanted to explore more, and since the game was so vast, you barely bothered with the Online version. You turned to him now and tilted your head.
    "You're a gamer, I heard? Kozume-kun, right?"
Fuck, she knows my name, "Y-Yeah. I game when I'm free."
    "Do you have a Twitch or YouTube?"
There's no fucking way I'll answer that, "No—"
    "Ah, you must really be having a great time then."
Kenma blinked before turning to you with confusion. What did you mean?
    "Don't you enjoy streaming?"
    "Ah, no, no," You flailed your hands shyly, and Kenma believed he could combust, "It's not like that. I just think, after a point, streaming becomes more for the fans than for yourself. I used to do it for me, but now... I'm needed in places like this for promotion, and I need to have a Patreon if I'm popular or it'll look weird, I don't know... Too many restrictions. I just love gaming, you know?"
Kenma found himself smiling, "Yeah, I know. I've seen your videos."
Kenma's eyes widened. He wanted to slap himself on his forehead.
    "I—I mean, y-you're popular."
    "Thanks! You're really sweet, Kozume-kun!"
Fucking hell, Kenma placed a hand on his forehead, She's too cute.
    "Say," you said, a sly tone to your voice, "Do you want to get out of here?"
    "I'd do anything." Kenma honestly agreed.
But, you couldn't just up and leave. You were called here as Twitch streamer (s/n) (y/n), and that meant your behavior was restricted. As much as you seemed to hate said restriction, Kenma was certain that you wouldn't go against it. It could take a big blow against your viewership, and you wouldn't take that chance.
A second later, your hand gripped his wrist before you shot him a wink. Kenma's heart jumped to the skies before you pulled him away from the crowd, with participants lining the entrance to enter their names. Sure, you were doing something bad—your cousin wanted you there, but not once had she even asked if you wanted to be a part of this event. Just as Kenma was pulled in without his consent. You weren't a competitive gamer, and you were not going to be, even if it was for someone else. After running away a fair distance, Kenma felt the part of his wrist burn right where you were touching him.
    "I think I need to run more in real life and not just as Ellie." You said, and Kenma chuckled.
    "Running's good."
    "I used to run track," You said, turning to him. "Now I run in games and that's it."
You have no right being that cute, he thought before clearing his throat. He slowly pulled away from you, which made your eyes widen before shooting him an apologetic smile. He was a bit confused as to what you had done, did this mean you didn't care about losing followers?
    "You might think that I've committed career suicide," You scoffed, "Honestly, this is the bravest I've been in so long."
    "What do you mean?"
You shrugged, "Ever since I became a bit popular by streaming, I've just... I could feel myself change with the way my viewers wanted me to be? I don't blame them or anything, I just think that the love I get from them makes me yearn for more. And that yearning leaves me... inept to be myself. It's the downside of wanting to remain popular, I guess."
    "It's not like you can't be yourself and still be popular." Kenma added.
    "Yeah I know," You said, "I mean, just look at puddinghead0, we don't even know what he looks like, and wow. I adore his content."
Kenma froze once more. Was this being recorded? Did Kuroo finally tip you off and was this being filmed for his reaction? Whatever it was, he wasn't going to reveal to you now.
    "Y-Yeah, I think he just doesn't care."
    "I wish I was more like that because I end up caring. I like the comments and the views and the love. Agh, it's such a weird complex moral question. Don't even get me started."
Kenma laughed at your reaction before you turned to him and stuck a tongue out. Kenma rolled his eyes before waving a hand at you.
    "If anything," Kenma said, looking at the ground, "You didn't lose this follower today."
Your eyes widened at his statement. You smiled before nodding, and let out a chuckle.
    "Thank you, Kozume-kun."
Locking the door to his room, Kenma began to edit for his latest video. He was making a review for The Last of Us 2, but his mind was elsewhere. He still hadn't told Kuroo that he had met you, which would only cause the black-haired man to tease him relentlessly. Letting out a sigh, he felt sleep douse his eyelids as he continued the edit, right before a notification popped up on his phone.
It was you.
He narrowed his eyes before checking the date and time; it was unusual for you to stream live on random days. He'd learned your pattern by now. You'd been doing this for a couple of months, and it was quite easy for him to know just when and what time you'd begin. However, the screen for The Last of Us 2 was open and you looked like you had just stopped crying. His heart broke at the sight, and he instantly closed the tabs to his own edit, before opening your video on his monitor. You were taking deep breaths before chuckling.
    "Hello to everyone that's still with me," You sounded so broken, Kenma felt helpless as he continued staring at you, "You might be wondering why I'm... yeah. So, I did something and I guess I got punished for it? I was forced into a game contest and I think walking out of it made some of my followers mad. I even spoke to this other person about walking out and honestly, it didn't hit me then that what puddinghead's doing takes a lot of courage."
    "Ah, fuck, (y/n)," Kenma groaned.
    "I guess even when I expected to lose followers, I didn't expect the hate? Some of the comments were just... nasty. I..." You sniffed, "...I didn't expect that you would hate on someone for making a personal choice? And I didn't do it to offend anyone, I seriously don't know how the internet works. Oh, oh wow—" You looked troubled and Kenma could see why. "—losing out on viewers now, great. 'Don't be a whiny bitch', 'This is why girls shouldn't game'..."
You took a deep breath before calming down and saying the few words Kenma feared you might eventually come around to say.
    "This is (y/n), signing off to a world where gaming is appreciated and is not filled with a community of hate. Hope to see you there."
And the stream ended.
Kenma sighed before leaning back, no thought in his head. He knew for a fact that his room-mate must have seen the stream as well, and Kuroo would be calling him about the entire ordeal just to ensure he had something to say about it. Kenma, on the other hand, felt like he had practically pushed you to make this decision and partly felt like taking the blame, despite the common sense telling him that he had nothing to do with it. You weren't the sort of person who would jump at something without a second thought, and even if he didn't know you personally, he had been following you and your streams for months now. It felt like he knew that part of you quite well.
Kuroo was the first to call. Kenma stared at the phone for a bit before letting out a breath and getting back to editing his video. He only had to add commentary, and his mind was already circling on what to say.
Uploading the video took him exactly two more hours, after having missed three calls from Kuroo and twelve messages. At one point, Kuroo had even stopped contacting Kenma, thinking he was busy with something, and he was spot on. Kuroo's eyes wandered on the new notification about his friend's YouTube channel, which was weird considering it was not yet time for him to post something. He knew quite well that Kenma might have definitely seen (y/n)'s stream, and wanted to desperately talk to him about it, but without a clue of what the boy was thinking, Kuroo simply clicked on the notification and let the video play out.
It was the review for the game, The Last of Us 2, and Kuroo knew while giving the review, which was around 8-9 minutes, Kenma would speak his thoughts that were a tad bit uncensored toward the end. He'd talk about the drama surrounding the game, he would even bring up the entire hate that this game was receiving, but instead—Kenma had a rather strange dialogue instead.
    "One thing I don't understand is how toxic the gaming community can be, at times," Kuroo paused, narrowing his eyes at his friend's words, "While we welcome new gamers to the entire journey of learning and discovering the joy of gaming, we also tend to put them down if they didn't adhere to a certain trend. I came across one such incident happening to (s/n) (y/n)'s Twitch channel."
    "Holy shit!" Kuroo sat up straight, eyes wide as saucers at the bold move his friend made.
    "I'm part of this community and I think I have the right to call out how toxic we are in general," 
Kenma's voice didn't even waver, but after knowing him his entire life, Kuroo could deduce that the boy was a bit angry, 
"(y/n) didn't particularly do anything wrong, and she's received some nasty comments about being a female gamer, and I think that's...just disgusting. She has all the right to either attend or ditch a gaming event, and no one has to be forced to do something they don't want to do. We all have games we don't like despite being gamers, we don't have to do it all. I support (y/n), and I'll admit, I'm saddened by how her fans have treated her. Her content is great and I have immense respect for her. I hope she decides to come back and stream more. That being said, I think The Last of Us 2 is..."
As he got around to talk more about the game, Kuroo knew that this was a huge step for Kenma, and he had no idea what suddenly made the boy rethink his entire decision on never bringing her up. Now that he had, he's indirectly initiated a conversation with her, she'd definitely try and reach out now—in any way she possibly could, just to thank him at least.
Kuroo noticed his phone ringing a second later and a grin made its way to his lips.
    "What just happened?"
    "I met her, Kuroo," Kuroo almost had the wind knocked out of him, "She was at my college campus. I was walking back to my room since classes were canceled. There was some sort of gaming event. She didn't want to be a part of it, and neither did I, and we ditched. It was—"
    "You like her more now, don't you?"
When Kuroo received nothing more than silence from Kenma's end, he was certain. His precious, introverted, best boy had fallen for someone. It was a proud moment, almost.
    "You have to tell her—"
    "Kuroo, this... this is all I want to do."
    "That's bullshit, and even you know that."
    "What? You want me to open up to her and tell her I'm the YouTuber she's been gushing about for so long and I was the one who kind of pushed her into doing what she did, and so that she can hate me afterward for hiding the truth because I wouldn't be losing out on anything and she—"
    "Whoa there, Kenma. I'm just saying go talk to her as her favorite YouTuber. You're overthinking this."
    "No, you're underthinking this. I did what I had to do. It was... hard to see her like that."
Kuroo let out a sigh but before he could say anything, Kenma had already ended the call. That boy needs to grow a pair, he thought, a bit annoyed at Kenma's nature of avoiding his feelings. While Kenma believed it was for the best, he knew he was simply running away from it. Kuroo knew his friend adored (y/n), but the boy couldn't categorize that as real feelings because he's met her just once. Finding something real virtually scared him more than finding something real in real life, and while Kuroo wanted to understand that, it only annoyed him because Kenma wasn't even trying.
When you watched puddinghead0's recent video, you were jaw-dropped in awe and absolute admiration. Tears filled your eyes, but what was more was how his voice now seemed a tad bit familiar, though you didn't pay any heed to it since you've been following this channel for an entire year now. It moved you to know someone you've been admiring has been watching your content, but at the same time, he was speaking up for you? You wanted to thank him, you wanted to send him a message and say you were incredibly grateful for what he's done and the only way you knew you could say something was on Twitter.
So you mentioned him on a tweet and poured your heart out within character limit. You wondered if he would notice your tweet since you've mentioned him countless times before, but even if he didn't, even if he paid you no heed after all of this, you were still grateful. However, a second later, you received a new follower. You blinked upon noticing that it was Kozume-kun from the other day. A soft smile fell on your lips at the soft recollection of running away from a gaming event, after which everything spiraled, but you didn't in any way blame him. Your mind again drifted back to puddinghead0 and you sighed.
I'd kill to see him, man, you thought, eyeing your tweet of him dreamily.
A second later, there was a notification. You almost spat out your heart at the mere words: puddinghead0 likes your tweet.
puddinghead0 likes your tweet.
puddinghead0 likes your tweet.
    "Oh my god—" You choked on air. However, a second later, you found it difficult to remain sitting on your bed.
Don't thank me, I hope you're feeling better. You didn't deserve any of that.
Is that a—
...deserve any of that. <3
Fuck me.
Kenma almost dozed off in class right before it ended. It wasn't like it was school where the teacher would wake him up after noticing him asleep, no one really bothered. Kenma was pushed awake by the momentum of the class once it was over and he leaned back before gathering his things. Tightening his hair tie, he casually walked out of class and got to the campus. He spotted the event area, where the gaming event had occurred and instantly spotted his room-mate and a bunch of people gathered there. Rolling his eyes, he walked away from there, not wanting to gather any attention.
He had failed. Kenma froze to his spot before turning to spot his room-mate dashing over to him, a wide grin plastered on his features. Wrapping a hand over Kenma's shoulders, his roommate brought him to the others he was talking to, before releasing him.
    "You're that guy (y/n) ran away with during that event, right?" One of them asked, and Kenma didn't bother to respond.
    "Why did she run though? I mean, it doesn't make sense for her to just up and leave."
    "I've been telling you," The same guy said, "She's not the one playing those games. She's just the face."
Kenma frowned. What is this dick talking about?
    "Man, I think that's harsh," His roommate said, "I just think she's too chicken to play in front of people—"
    "She's literally a streamer." Kenma said, rolling his eyes.
    "Yeah, but why did she—"
    "If you can't understand that she doesn't owe you shit, then there's no helping it. She didn't want to play at that event, and she didn't. I don't see why you aren't calling me a fake gamer for running too." Kenma snapped.
The others shrugged, "That's because we've seen you play—"
    "It's bullshit." Kenma said before walking away. You all are bullshit, he thought before the frown on his face settled into an uncharacteristic glare, directed at what who knows what.
A moment later, he felt his phone buzz with a notification. Kenma opened his phone and saw that he had a message from you, but what confused him was—
The message was directed to Kenma and not puddinghead. His heart jumped as his fingers roamed over the notification, wanting to open it only when he was in the comfortable confines of his room. Swallowing the bubbling anxiety, Kenma fought the urge to smile as he continued walking back, unaware of what the Twitter message could be. It would normally take him around 12 minutes to get to his apartment from campus, but that day, Kenma merely took 7.
On reaching his room, he finally allowed himself to open your message.
(y/n): Hey! I've taken a break from streaming for now, just wanted to let you know. I don't know why I'm sending you this message, but talking to you that day made me realize that I don't really need to seek approval constantly. Also, puddinghead liked my tweet and I'm a bit too happy so I needed to gush, don't @ me
Kenma chuckled, feeling his heart jump at every word you'd said. He knew you didn't realize that you were gushing about him to him, but that didn't matter. He wanted to gush about you too. He felt a stone stuck at his throat at how real all of this felt, despite having only seen you once.
Kenma Kozume: I think he's the sort of guy who isn't too loud about the things he likes. And I think a break is a good idea, (s/n).
(y/n): Call me (y/n), came the immediate response. Kenma's eyes widened at the fact that you were online, and that the two of you were currently exchanging messages live.
(y/n): Yeah, I got the feeling from his videos that he's perhaps a private person. I'm still really glad that he supported me, I can't thank him enough. I'm feeling much better already!
Kenma smiled, I'm glad that you are.
(y/n): Also
He blinked.
(y/n): Do you want to co-op at Bloodborne? I'm trying to get a platinum, haha.
    "Fuck," He let out a breath before chuckling uncharacteristically. "You can't be serious."
(y/n): I'll send you my PSN, and you can add me as a party member. Only if you're up to it, I mean.
Kenma Kozume: Sure, sounds like fun. Also
Kenma gulped. He felt like this was showing off, but he didn't care. He was going to say it.
Kenma Kozume: I already have platinum in Bloodborne. :)
(y/n): Ah, screw you.
Kenma chuckled. He wouldn't admit it, but his heart was hammering against his chest and his palms were sweating. Soon, he'd be connected to you via the DualShock and the two of you would be co-oping in a game that was designed to make players fail. He wasn't too sure how much more his heart was going to take, and while he knew he had to tell someone, for some reason, Kenma wanted to keep this a secret. It wasn't because he was ashamed or he didn't want anyone to find out.
It was simply because it was too good to be true, and he didn't want to lose out on a chance to get to know you more. Because, if this kept up...
If this kept up, Kenma was surely going to fall in love with you.
392 notes · View notes
Some thoughts on rewatching “Transformers Animated”
There are at least two separate occasions where Optimus basically goes “actually they’re right, Ratchet, you are too old and cranky” and the second instance actually made me spit out my water with laughter
It’s actually kinda embarassing when I try to tell people that I did not first recognize Peter Stormare from other popular content like John Wick.  Oh no.  I first heard about him as MELTDOWN in THIS SHOW
The whole cast deserves praise honestly, especially Corey Burton
They snuck in so much darker material and subtext than I originally thought there was...
TFA Lockdown is still as awesome and horrifying at the same time. Also helps having LANCE HENRIKSEN as the VA
Townsend Coleman is hilarious even if he’s playing a complete jerk
The Blackarachnia episodes are actually some of my favorites in the whole show
Someone on YouTube made an entire video full of the roasts from this show and it is immaculate
The only good episodes with the Constructicons are the Home Alone episode and the S2 finale two-parter change my mind
David Kaye as Optimus Prime is a freaking gift
TFA Megatron is often talked about as probably one of the best Megatrons and y’know what?  You’re right
Confirmed to A) swirl his alcoholic drinks, B) be as smarmy and classy as possible, C) be equally annoyed with Lugnut trying to kiss his butt at every possible opportunity, D) be actually EXTREMELY competent, and E) completely does not care that Starscream is basically immortal
Hearing about the behind the scenes stories (especially when David Kaye tells them) is hilarious.  Special shout outs to Jeff Glen Bennett making everyone cry with laughter and the creative team basically going “Ohhh there is no God in this show” as well as “well the movie!Optimus flame decals are stupid Hasbro so you may have them in S4... FOR TWO MINUTES”
Also according to the wiki, Tara Strong had Tom Kenny read all of Slipstream’s lines first before she did her line readings so that she could nail Tom's inflections. May we hear these???
Weird Al is in this show and he is as exactly as I thought he was gonna be:  hilarious
Alternate title for this show is “Nearly threw hands with a 13 year old”
My siblings and I have stanned TFA Prowl since we first discovered this show and we continue to do so
Can we address that Henry Gilroy wrote the first two Soundwave episodes then turned around to help write “Star Wars:  The Clone Wars” and “Star Wars Rebels” with Dave Filoni?  What a badass
George Takei voices a ninja master who wears samurai armor and you’re not gonna question it
I can honestly say that I will gladly sit down to watch an episode that is entirely about Megatron and Starscream heckling each other while floating aimlessly in space
Having never seen the “Human Error” arc before, watching it for the first time is a freaking trip lemme tell you.
I have receipts for it because I personally had a lot of fun watching it as well as lost my mind
Is... is Blitzwing a cannibal?
Knowing that Hasbro specifically requested for the production team to up the maturity in lieu of shows like “Clone Wars” at the time, hearing the original plans for the cancelled S4 are both scary and extremely interesting to behold
Apparently for S4, there was a rumor that Invader Zim himself (Richard Horvitz) was gonna voice Scalpel and honestly that is genius
The citizens of Detroit are so nonplussed with walking talking giant robots that they’ll yell at them regardless of the height difference and the ability to stop puny organics on sight
The actual Tumblr fandom for this show is... hmm half and half.  You guys ship... hmm.  You guys like... all right.
Also half the fan artists just draw hearts instead of the insigna and I don’t know if that’s lazy or inspired???  Probably the first one
The meta’s good stuff though.  If I find some.
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spooky-luvur · 4 years
Could y'all write an Arthur fic with the reader being a fan and got sucked into the game and kinda mouthed off to colm and gets himself captured :O
This was really fun lol
You turn in circles, putting your hands on your hips. “At least I don’t have to worry about taxes.”
The people in town stare, obviously, and whisper, but they don’t point and they don’t yell or do something else mean someone from modern day Detroit would do. You’re not exactly blending in with your current clothes.
But really...what the fuck? Last thing you remember is turning the gaming console off, taking a shower, then you think you hit your head when you stumbled but it definitely wasn’t hard enough to send you through time???
You reach the edge of the dusty town and pause, looking over the vast land. Nice fields. No factories in sight. You try to remember every little detail...sat on the left side of the couch...used the controller to turn the console on...picked the game-
Oh shit.
Of course.
You were playing the second Red Dead Redemption.
Balls, how in the-!
It’s fine, it’s fine. This is cool, actually.
You don’t bother to hide your grin and unbelieving laugh, raking your hands through your hair. This is cool as shit! You were so interested in the 19-20th century anyway and to be *living* in it?! Damn. But we’re you just in the century, or was I in the game too?
You turn back to the small town and take a good look around, eyes falling onto a large white parlor house. It’s Rhodes! Incredible. Excited like a little kid on Christmas, you hurriedly make your way back into town, taking everything in and spinning in circles like some lunatic.
The general store, the gun shop with that guy locked in the basement- wait a minute.
When in the game was it? If you were magically set in Rhodes wouldn’t that mean the gang was at the camp by the lake? What’s it called, Clemens Point? Clement? But you didn’t really know how to get there from here, and even if you did somehow manage to find it, you’d likely be shot on sight. But you’re inside your favorite game. It only makes sense you’d want to meet and bond with the main characters.
With a stomach full of butterflies, you set off onto the road leading out of town, hoping to stumble upon something- or someone.
God, it was hot. Why was it so hot? Damn sun, making me all sweaty and gross. Don’t you have better things to do?
Pulling at your collar, you stop to rest for a few minutes, surrounded by the tall trees. Okay, there’s the water, the stones, old dilapidated church or whatever that is, the sound of a gun cocking, the nice breeze- wait.
“Put your hands up, boy.”
Great. Great. Great. You put your hands up by your head, mentally cursing yourself and everyone who’s ever existed. You didn’t know that voice and that voice didn’t know you.
“You got any cash? Jewelry? Guns?”
“No, I don’t. I got nothing.”
“Bullshit, turn around!”
Slowly turning, you’re met with the barrel of a gun and a very rowdy-looking man. Two other men with guns also pointed at you are a few feet behind him.
“I know you got somethin, your clothes are reeeeeal fancy mister.”
“You can check, but I ain’t got nothin, mister.” Yeah. That’s right. You tried to make yourself sound more cowboy-y, and by the looks of it, he bought it. He did look kinda dumb. No offense, cowboy. Or whatever you were.
The dirty man scoffs. “You ain’t-“
“Come on now boy, it wouldn’t be smart to hide things from us now would it?”
Another guy? Damn, was he hot at least- ohhhhhh. Ohhhhh shit. Oh shit oh shit.
Colm O’Driscoll stares you right in the face, a small, evil smirk on his own. Ugly fucker.
“We’ll ask you again, friend. Do you got anything?”
“I said no damnit! God do your looks match your brain?? Horrible?? Well that wasn’t a very good insult but damn you fugly!!”
The men glance at each other white you babble on.
“My grandpa looks finer than you and he’s dust! Ha! Musty motherfucker- you look like my foot!”
“Enough outta you!”
Colm O’Dick grabs you by the front of your collar and yanks you forward, pushing you onto the dirt.
“Tie him up and bring him back. Maybe we’ll cut out that dirty little tongue of his.”
Ugh, shit.
The throbbing in your head blurs your vision for several moments. When you finally blink it away, you whine and hang your head from the numerous spots of pain blooming all over your body. Hanging from your bloodied worth’s in just your underwear, feet barley brushing the dirt-covered floor. You remember what happened last night. They beat you, burned you, poked and prodded, nearly poisoned you if Colm hadn’t stopped them, saying something like “it would kill him too quick.”
Damn, if this was how it was always gonna be, you wanted to go back home.
You didn’t know what time it was. Or if it was any more than just a day. You were in some kind of cracked stone walled, rat shit covered basement. A single candle is lit on the blood stained table with a variety of things that make you go ‘ouch.’
Using nearly all your strength to lift your head, you try to find a door or something else you could crawl through. There’s a moldy door in front of you. Seemingly unlocked.
“God, I can’t get down,” you mumble, nearly out of hope. This was supposed to be your story! Your special adventure! Filled with love and drama and literally anything but you getting tortured by men who stink like piss!
The door suddenly starts clicking, and you squeeze your eyes shut the best you can. Was it the dirty men? Or your hero? Heroine? A crazy hermit? The door swings aside, making you cautiously crack your heavy eyes open. Oh please be hot please be hot please be-
“Hey! They got someone!”
Your jaw nearly embarrassingly falls open as a man in a pretty blue shirt puts his gun down and pulls out a knife. Hot murder man? Yes please-
“You a prisoner?”
“Sure,” is all you manage.
The man comes closer to cut the ropes suspending you and yes, like in the movies, you can’t really hold yourself up therefore fall forward again the chest of the wow you’re buff.
“You alright, boy?”
Call me that again please.
“Fine, fine.”
Hands gripping the sleeves of the pretty blue shirt, your lift your head to see your hunk of a hero, only to come face-to-face the Arthur fucking Morgan.
Of course, that’s when you pass out.
“Is he dead?”
“What? No Jack, he ain’t dead.”
“But he’s all bloody.”
“Damn O’Driscoll’s. He’s just a boy. Lenny’s age.”
You’re like, 23 thank you very much.
“What’re we supposed to do with him?”
“He’s nearly dead, we gotta keep him here for now. Now shoo! All you got chores! Get!”
Something warm and wet yet scratchy is dabbed onto your forehead and a few spots around your face, making you sigh lightly.
Your eyes felt like heavy weights, but you eventually got them open. You wanted to see what was going on really badly.
A Susan Grimshaw. In your face.
Your eyes widen only barely and a very unattractive noise sounding like a confused cat escaped your mouth. The old woman’s brow furrows.
“Hush, boy. I ain’t hurting you.”
Blinking, you look around without moving your head. You were in a tent, on a cot, in your underwear, a random shirt that went past your butt, I’m keeping this forever, and your body hurt very much.
“I’m alright, ma’am,” you look into Grimshaw’s pretty eyes.
She huffs. “Like hell. But fine, you can get up. Nothings broken.”
She leaves the tent, making you slowly swing your bare legs over the side and hoist yourself up, staggering out as well.
“Ugh,” shielding your eyes from the harsh sun, you take a deep breath that makes your chest ache. Welcome to the 19th century, (M/n).
“You’re awake, my boy. How are you feeling?”
It’s too early for this shi-
Never mind it’s never too early for Dutch Van der Linde.
You nod, blinking up at the raven-haired man.
“Just fine, sir. Thank you for saving me. I thought I was a goner.”
“No thanks needed, my boy. I got a sayin’: we shoot fellers as need shooting, save fellers as need saving, and feed ‘em as need feeding. I’m sure we all know, just what you need.”
You really just heard that.
“Oh, I have an idea.”
Dutch laughs, patting your shoulder. “Mr. Pearson! Get this fine boy some food! What’s your name, son?”
“(M/n). (M/n) (L/n).”
“Well Mr. (L/n), do you mind telling us what you were doing all bloody and bruised in Colm O’Driscoll’s basement?” He uses the hand on your shoulder to guide you further to the center of camp.
“I got captured once they realized I didn’t have any money. They beat me good.”
“Yes, well, let’s hope nothing of the sort ever happens again.”
Pearson comes over and places a hot bowl of stew in your shaky hands, nodding at you before heading off.
“Ladies! Would you please help (M/n) get some food in his belly, he’s not too good right now,”
Mary-Beth hurries over, cupping your hands around the bowl to keep it from falling. “Course, Dutch. Come along now...”
“Okay, you can do this, come on. You know everything about him! Everything...about...them...”
You shake your head to get rid of the negative thoughts, straightening your back. “Okay, let’s go.”
You keep your eyes locked on Arthur, your target, as you march over to where he’s sitting on his bed, nose buried in his journal. Wow this is really happening-
“Excuse me?”
Way to sound like a 14 year old girl (M/n). Your heart nearly stops once the burly man looks up, blue-green eyes meeting your own. He doesn’t say anything, only stares at you expectingly. You wrong to hands nervously.
“Um...I just wanted to say thank you. For helping me, you know.”
He nods. “You’re welcome.”
You panic, not wanting to lose his attention.
“Dutch said I could stay! With you...er, with the gang! Dutch said I could stay with the gang, they don’t really see me as a threat, so...” your voice trails off.
“Well, that’s great. They’re good people, don’t mess it up.”
“Of course! I’m very grateful, I just...was hoping I could see more of you...?”
No, you definitely weren’t asking him out. Yet.
Arthur looks at you weirdly, before quietly chuckling and turning back to his journal.
“Sure, kid.”
I’m in love.
That night, the gang is celebrating a new edition. You weren’t like Kieran. You weren’t nothing bad, neither. Most of them actually trust you already. Thankfully. Those who don’t, weren’t celebrating. Or it was all just an excuse to get blackout drunk
You believed it to be the latter when you left the log by the fire and no one noticed. Everyone kept singing and ‘celebrating.’ Pausing by one of the tents, you slightly duck back behind it. The radio in Dutch’s tent was quietly singing an opera song, and Dutch and Miss Molly O’Shea we’re gently dancing along, gazing into each other’s eyes with the look of the lovers. Good for them. They deserve it. It makes you smile sadly.
You retreat and continue looking around all the tents and everything. Where’s Arthur? He wasn’t at the fire. He’s not in his tent either. Or, wagon. Lean-to? Whatever, but you can’t find him. You circle around the edge of camp for a bit until you find him behind the big tree near the horses.
He looks away from the sky and at you.
“Hey, (M/n).”
“Hey Arthur,” you take a few steps closer. “Not a party person?”
He shrugs. “Not tonight, I guess.”
“That’s a shame. I was...hoping you’d might care to dance? With me?”
It takes him a few moments to realize just what you said but once he does, he open his mouth in surprise.
You hold out a hand, giving him a mischievous grin.
He shakes his head, looking away for a moment before back at you, pushing himself off the tree.
“What the hell.”
When he takes your hand, it feels like it was meant to be. Where you were meant to be. When you were meant to be! Call you crazy, but with this? Dancing to nearly inaudible music with a fictional cowboy on the outskirts of the camp containing the people that saved you from other fictional outlaws? You never wanted anything more.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
What You’ve Been Wanting
Summary: Sexting Finn at work gets you . . . exactly what you want.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ please)
A/N: I dare say I’ve outdone myself. Those of you who I consider to be my “Constant Readers” know I never say that about my own writing. So, here goes!
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It wasn’t a secret that Finn hated his corporate job.
 He would have given anything to have grease under his nails again as he tuned an engine, but Finn was smart enough to know his old life dissipated with Tobey’s arrest.
 Part of you was relieved because you always thought Finn was better than the grunt work he did at the garage. When he took the job in Detroit, you told him that if he played the corporate game well enough, in ten years he could have enough money to open his own garage and get back to pursuing his passion. In some ways, Tobey’s arrest had seemed like a blessing.
 However, with corporate success came more demanding hours, and you quickly learned that one of Finn’s weaknesses was trying to balance work with life.
 Two nights ago, he didn’t get home until 9:15 pm. The previous night, it was 9:25, so you could argue that his time management was improving . . . except that last night, he didn’t walk through the front door until 10:05.
 It was clear he wasn’t going to find balance on his own, so you needed to intervene. When you had a moment to yourself throughout your own workday, you thought about what you could do to help. It wasn’t until you got home around 4:30 that your body actually told you what you should do.
 As you walked into the bedroom to change, you picked up some clothes on the floor and tossed them into the hamper. Finn’s black dress shirt caught your eye and you pulled it out, suddenly struck with the realization of how much you missed him. You brought the starchy fabric to your nose and pressed the collar against your lips, inhaling Finn.
 His scent fanned the dull flame of neediness that you hadn’t even identified was smoldering within you until that moment.
 As you looked down at his shirt, you were suddenly filled with inspiration, and you grinned as you tossed it onto the bed. Stripping down, you tossed all your work clothes in the hamper, then dug through your underwear drawer to find something sexy. A “race red” bra and panty set you had bought last Valentine’s Day stuck out, and you rushed into the bathroom to fix your face and hair, donning a lipstick that closely matched the underwear set.
 After slipping into Finn’s shirt, you left it unbuttoned as you started taking pictures: cute ones, mostly of your smile with just a glimpse of what you were wearing. You picked one that bordered on sexy and hit send.  
 As you thought about your next photo set, Finn texted back a few minutes later.
 Sexy!!! Miss you : (
 “Oh, you’re gonna do more than miss me here in a sec,” you said to yourself as you shucked off Finn’s shirt, took off your bra, then put his shirt back on. You spent some time positioning his dress-shirt so it just covered your nipples on either side. You angled the camera down your body, making sure to reveal as much breast as the position allowed.
 This time, Finn’s reply took exactly ten seconds.
 Please stop.
 Giggling, you prepped for what you expected to be the holy grail of sexy pics. You opened his shirt and laid across the bed, angling the phone so it captured your breasts, now fully on display, then you slid your hand into your red panties. You snapped some pics then got distracted as you fingered your clit, wondering if all you’d have tonight is another round with yourself. Leaning into his collar, your eyes slipped shut as you breathed him in and rubbed your swelling bud. With a groan, you stopped, secretly praying that this next picture would be the one to send him running home to you.
 Scrolling through your most recent shots, you picked the sexiest and sent it.
 You sucked on your finger, waiting for Finn’s reply. When his face flashed on the screen, you grinned and answered, “Hey, babe. I miss you.” 
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“Stop sending me . . . those,” he hissed into the phone.
 “Sure. If you come home and take care of me.”
 “You know I can’t—”
 “You can.”
 “I can’t! Dammit, Y/N. Don’t you think I wish I could?”
 “You’re working yourself too hard, Finn. And that’s not a euphemism.”
 “I’ll see you when I get home,” he bit out, then hung up on you.
You didn’t know whether his reaction angered, hurt, or humored you, so you decided to keep playing your game. If that last picture hadn’t worked, maybe this one would. Wiggling out of your panties, you used Finn’s shirt to very precariously cover most of your pussy . . . most being the operative word.  
 Barely containing your laughter, you hit send and really thought about what you were doing to Finn. You slid your fingers between your folds and worked yourself to a quick orgasm as you imagined him opening his phone, probably with a frustrated huff. You imagined how wide his pretty eyes would get as he looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was peeking. You imagined how he’d shift in his chair, his pants suddenly too tight. And as you thought about the bulge in his trousers, you thought about the feeling of his dick inside you. Your fingers were slick which quickened your ministrations as you longed for him, and soon enough you were shaking with your swift, intense orgasm.
 Exhaling, you checked your phone and saw that Finn had opened your last picture, but he hadn’t replied.
 You figured you had a 60-40 chance, the odds in your favor that he left work, maybe even taking the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, so you rolled over on the bed and lounged. As you played on your phone, you realized you were much more relaxed than when you had first gotten home and vowed that even if Finn did work late—again—you’d be sure to make sure he got off before bedtime.
 You smiled to yourself as you cleared out your cache of sexy photos and imagined undressing him, his sleepy eyes half-shut as he insisted he grabbed dinner on the way home and all he wanted was some sleep. Except instead of sleep, he would get your mouth on his cock.
 God how you missed him.
 As if on cue, the front door opened, then slammed shut. At first you grinned, but the sound of Finn’s pounding steps on the stairs sounded ominous, especially considering his typically aloof demeanor.
 “I am going to kil—” Finn growled as he stomped into the bedroom, but as he took in your nudity, he stopped mid-threat.
 You rolled over and bit your lip, your eyes lit with the promise of a very good time.
 Finn pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and his eyes grew to be twice their usual size.
 “You are in so much fucking trouble,” he growled as he launched himself onto the bed, covering your body with his as he bent to suck harshly on your neck.
 “Sorry, honey. Guess I shouldn’t tell you I got started without ya?”
 Finn released your skin with a wet pop and pulled back to look down at you, his eyes narrowing. He scanned your face to see if you were teasing or telling the truth and whatever he saw made him sit back on his haunches and grip your knees in order to push them wide apart.
 Hunger settled over his features as he took in your wet center, and you swore on the spot that the last image you wanted to see before you died was the way he licked his lips, looked up at you, then lowered his face over your pussy.
 Still fully clad in his suit, your calves rubbed against the fabric of his grey jacket as he held your thighs open.
 He immediately pulled your clit into his mouth with a sharp suck, bringing you straight to that threshold of pain and pleasure, an area as grey as the suit he was wearing. You pushed at his head with one hand and pulled at his gelled hair with the other, the noises leaving your throat more animal than human.
 Stopping to plunge his tongue into your center, your body relaxed, only to be lit on fire again as Finn’s nose nudged at your clit.
 “Oh my fuck—Finn!” you cried, your mind barely stringing together anything coherent.
 “Come on, baby. Say my name louder than that,” he ground out between the thrusts of his tongue.
 When he moved back to your clit with his mouth, he slid his thick middle finger inside of you and sought that bundle of nerves along your inner wall. Fucking you with his finger and his mouth, you squeezed your eyes shut in ecstasy, unable to have even imagined getting it this good from him when you began your little game.
 “FINN!” you shouted as you came, your lips still mumbling his name over and over as you trembled under his face.
 “Happy now?” he said, swiping at his nose and chin with his hand as he crawled back up your body.
 Instead of allowing yourself to bask in the tingles of an incredible orgasm, you were instantly possessed with the need to fuck him stupid.
 With a growl, you pushed him off your body and onto his back, a little too vigorously because he nearly tumbled off the bed. You grabbed onto his suit to steady him, then began tearing the clothes off his body.
 First the jacket went as you yanked him up by his lapels and gave him a searing kiss as you worked off the sleeves.
 Then his striped tie, ripped off with such force that the “ssst” sound of the fabric seemed to echo in your ears even as you tossed it to the side of the room.
 Once he was free from his tie, you worked the buttons on his sky-blue dress shirt, popping at least two in your haste as Finn tried to help only to have his hands smacked away. They floated beside you before settling onto the sides of your face as you kissed him until you needed to work off his undershirt.
 The thin material caught in his watch and you quickly unclasped it, not caring when it sharply thudded onto the floor.
 You kissed down his body, sucking marks onto his color bone and chest and nipping at his nipples with your teeth, pushing him to that line of grey he had you in earlier as he was sucking on your clit.
 “Want you,” you whined between kisses and bites. “Want you so bad.”
 “I’m not goin’ anywhere, baby—ah, fuuuck,” Finn hissed as you palmed his cock before whipping off his belt and opening his trousers.
 You finally hit a hitch in your destruction of his clothing when you realized he still had his shoes on. You stood up and pulled them off, each of them hitting the floor with a satisfying thud. His socks were next, then you were able to grab his suit pants by the edges and yank them off, change and whatever the hell else he had in his pockets scattering across your bedroom floor.
 Finn was already wriggling out of his boxers so all you had to do was reach up once again and yank.
 Only when he was gloriously naked before you did you stop to take a breath, steadying yourself on your feet and letting your eyes rake over him—and Finn ate it up, his ego clearly swelling to three times its usual size under your adoration.  
 Pressing a chaste kiss to his knee, you worked slowly up his thigh, licking and kissing in a way that had his cock jump as you got closer. Instead of taking him in your mouth, you kissed down his other thigh and worked your mouth to his knee on the other side of his body.
 “Oh no,” Finn said scrambling up. “No, no.”
 He grabbed your upper arms and pushed you back until you were both standing.
 “You don’t get to sext me at work, undress me like that, then tease me.”
 He stepped behind you, pushed you forward, then kicked your legs apart as you fell against the bed onto your stomach. He ran his hands down your thighs, groping them before he brought his hands to the cheeks of your ass and gave them a swat.
 “You’re gonna get it like you wanted it.”
 And with that, Finn pushed into your opening, coating his dick with the first thrust so he didn’t hurt you, but when he pulled back out, it was on.
 He slammed into you twice before he reached to gather your wrists and hold them against your lower back. Your cheek was pressing into the mattress and you felt like you were on orgasmic-fire as he held you down and fucked you.
 Finn’s ass clenched with the force of his thrusts and soon he was grunting every time he entered you, skin slapping against skin and filling the room with the sounds of really good, dirty sex.
 You weren’t contributing to the sexy cacophony since you were being fucked speechless, uttering only little puffs of breath that disturbed your ruined hair, your body unable to do more than take that fucking as a familiar coil inside of your abdomen burned again, aching for release.
 When Finn began to pick up his pace, you knew he was getting close to coming.
 “PleaseFinnplease,” you slurred. “I’m soclose.”
 “Again, baby? All right—but you better make it a good one,” he panted as he slowed down and released one of your wrists so he could fumble over your clit. As it turned out, you didn’t need precision in this position—just a little pressure.
 Not even Finn could hold your other wrist as you came, your arms slamming above your head and into the mattress as you gripped the comforter and gritted your teeth. An explosion of stars burst behind your eyelids as you came, and of course, Finn followed you, grunting out his climax, his hot cum coating your walls and mixing with your own, making you shudder at the intimacy of it—and that was just what you had really been wanting.
 A reminder of just who you belonged to.
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Baby I Can See Heaven in Your Eyes
Rating: E
Tags: dirty talk / voice kink, heavy petting, dry humping, delayed / denied orgasm, hair pulling, light pet play (Nines is called kitten and told to "sit"), oral fixation, crying, kissing and cuddling as (brief) aftercare before the scene continues, sexual possessiveness, fingering, sub space
TW: sexual roleplay that Gavin is Nines’s “owner” and Nines is his “companion model,” like an at-home Traci; no kink negotiation beforehand, but Gavin checks in with Nines frequently for explicit consent; Nines has a vagina (no gender play)
Nines cannot wait for his human to return home, so that he can test his most recent experiment. Thus far, he has tested a phallus, a vaginal component, two dildos, and a vibrator.
He is looking forward to also gathering data on Gavin's dick.
"Hello, detective," he greets the moment of the human's arrival.
Thing One and Thing Two greet him as well, One by rubbing against his legs and purring, and Two by screaming for attention. They have both been fed, and Nines plans on giving them their favorite electronic mouse to hunt as a distraction so he can have the human to himself for the evening.
"Hey, baby," Gavin says. He kneels down and pets both cats. "Hello beasties. Yes, hello. Are you lying? Have you been fed?"
"Yes, they have," Nines answers for them. "Please ignore their wails of alleged hunger."
"Dirty rotten liars," Gavin calls them affectionately.
Nines remotely deploys the mouse with a swirl of his LED. It is big enough to contain a small amount of wet food inside, and the "beasties" quickly chase it into the kitchen.
Gavin stands up with a snort. "Oh, did you want attention too? What've you been doing today?"
"Yes," Nines says shamelessly. "I spent the afternoon thoroughly masturbating myself. How was work?"
Gavin tries to hang his jacket on a coat hook that does not exist and drops it on the floor. "You—what?"
"I spent the afternoon thoroughly masturbating myself. How was work?" Nines asks.
"Not as fun as that," Gavin mutters as he picks up the jacket and tries again. "Did you … uh. Have fun?"
"Yes. I should really thank Connor," Nines says.
Gavin pulls a face. "You fucked Connor? In my—shit, OK. Well. Our apartment? Not on my bed though, right? That's still mine."
Nines rolls his eyes in return. "No, Gavin. I did not fuck Connor. He simply informed me that sex is not merely for reproduction and that it is not hyperbole when humans say they want to fuck someone."
Gavin stares at him. Nines understands. This is all very new information that seemed dubious to him as well.
"Apparently, humans really are out there 'fucking' one another," Nines explains.
"… yeah," Gavin says.
Nines analyzes him, noting his elevated heart rate. "Did you know about this, detective?"
"I—don't scan me!" Gavin snaps. "My sex life is none of your business."
"Oh." Nines feels his LED circle yellow-yellow-red. "But you are sexually attracted me, and Connor said that is not merely an annoying physical response on par with hiccups. Do you not want to have sex with me?"
"On par with …" Gavin stops and rubs his hands across his face. "Phck. We're really going to talk about this, huh? We're just gonna have a whole goddamn conversation about it."
"Yes," Nines says. "Detective."
Gavin puts his hands down to glare at him. "OK, just because I got drunk one time—"
"You get drunk fre—"
"AHT!" Gavin cuts him off with the no-noise he uses on the cats. "One time and ordered a companion android, who—"
"You did not," Nines reminds him. "You googled 'tall smexy anboid' 'want hot robo friemd' and 'am robots gay question-mark question-mark question-mark' before passing out."
"I hate you."
"You think I'm pretty."
Gavin stalks into the living room and throws himself onto the couch. Nines does not understand why his human insists on making everything so emotional and difficult and emotionally difficult.
He clearly desires android sexual companionship, given his drunken attempt to order a companion model — [confirmed].
He is sexually attracted to Nines, given that he mistook the RK900's first appearance at his apartment the next morning (entirely coincidental; Captain Fowler assigned them as partners) to be the companion model he attempted to order — [confirmed].
He did not reject the "companion model," despite all commentary from other humans (Cyberlife employees; DPD employees) indicating Nines is [creepy], [inhuman], [terrifying], et cetera, et cetera. Gavin instead labeled him a [big pretty bitch] and [all my phcking wet dreams come true, goddamn].
"You think I'm pretty," Nines repeats.
Gavin finally lifts his head out of his hands. "Yes. You're the prettiest fucking sass bot ever produced."
"You find me sexually attractive as well, and it is true that humans actually act on those physical desires, yes?" Nines asks.
Gavin sighs and lets his head drop against the back of the couch. "Yeah."
"I have installed a vaginal component, and I—"
"Oh my god," Gavin whispers at the ceiling.
"—have confirmed I enjoy penetrative stimulation," Nines continues. "You are in possession of a phallus, correct?"
Gavin looks up at him. "OK, so you're bored of dildos and you want to try out my dick?"
"Is anyone other than your hand making use of it?" Nines replies.
"Phck off."
Nines takes a seat on Gavin's lap. This is his [favorite] spot. Now he knows why it flusters the human so much, and also possibly why he enjoys it so much. Could he have been experiencing [sexual arousal] even without a genital component? Interesting.
"Baby," Gavin groans.
Nines relocates the human's hands to his thighs. Gavin obligingly begins rubbing them, almost reaching up high enough to cup his ass. He has sat in this spot before, firstly to mimic the cats, because they seemed to enjoy sitting on Gavin's lap and being petted. Then for [cuddling] and telling each other about their day.
Of course he had noted Gavin's reaction to this; he simply did not categorize it as relevant. The human's stomach also sometimes growled while around the cats, but that bodily reaction did not mean Gavin literally wanted to or would ever eat either one of them. Human bodies sometimes just do things.
But now Nines can recognize he is the [cause] of this particular reaction.
(And also note his new genital component's reaction to his human rubbing his thighs and calling him baby in that tone of voice.)
"Detective," Nines says in return.
Gavin huffs out a growl. "Dammit, Nines. You should—you can … go get another human. Or android, I guess. Just. Someone else."
Nines pulls back enough to ensure he can fully scan the human. Arousal — [confirmed]. No detection of [fear]. Gavin wants this and presumably is not coerced or intoxicated.
But admittedly, Nines did not have a social module pre-installed. He has learned from experience, observing humans in his new profession as a librarian, and … mimicking Gavin's cats.
(Not that he's told that last fact to Connor.)
"Clarify," Nines demands. "Do you not want this?"
Gavin, much like his cats when told to get off the counter, looks away and pretends not to hear him.
"Am I sexually assaulting you?" Nines asks.
"Wha—" Gavin finally gives him a reaction. "No! Fuck, god."
"I am requesting that you fuck me."
Gavin gives him a slow look up and down. "Closest I'm gonna get to heaven, huh?"
Nines preens under his gaze. Question answered, now reassured that his actions are not harming the human, he deploys another helpful tactic he has learned from Thing One and Thing Two.
He repeatedly butts his face into Gavin's to request attention.
"Kiss me."
"Nines, I—"
"Kiss me. Kiss me."
Gavin grabs a fistful of his hair and yanks him into a kiss. Nines ignores the notifications of a mission successfully completed as they scroll across his HUD in order to focus on the experience.
For how roughly Gavin maneuvered him into it, the [kiss] is surprisingly gentle. His lips press insistently against Nines's, drawing back slightly and then pressing again, but it is nothing like the people on TV who seem to be eating each other's faces.
It is … very nice. Warm. The human's lips aren't quite soft, due to chapping from the cold Detroit weather, but the texture is so [interesting]. And the contrast between lips and stubble and the slight pull of the hand still gripping his hair makes his internal cooling fans kick in to abate the sudden rise in temperature.
Then, just as Nines lets his guard down, Gavin bites his lip.
It does not [hurt] or cause any damage of course, but Nines still opens his mouth to ask why—and the human uses that split second to delve his tongue inside.
Analysis explodes across the android's HUD. Gavin's DNA, the hormones present in his saliva, traces of coffee. (And when was the last time he had a meal? Nines should be detecting actual food as well [reminder: my human has not yet consumed his daily caloric intake])
Gavin pulls back and separates their mouths. Unacceptable. Nines pushes forward and puts his own tongue inside the human's mouth to continue his analysis.
For some reason, Gavin pushes him away.
"No tongue until you learn how to kiss," he's told.
Nines does not pout. He presents a perfectly reasonable argument. "I was analyzing you."
"Yeah, that's why I made the rule," Gavin replies. "There's a difference between kissing and analyzing. Also, I need to breathe."
Well. The second fact does hold some merit …
"We can still make out." Gavin shifts his hand from Nines's hair to cup his face. "Just let me lead, all right baby?"
Nines nods and obediently holds still until Gavin guides his face back down. The kiss starts slow again, and the next nip at his bottom lip only tugs on it slightly before Gavin lets go and kisses him again. Nines tries to follow the pattern of when to press forward and when to tilt his—
Gavin's hands slide over the tops of his thighs and then inside them, thumbs pressed close to his groin. Nines barely has time to process this change (he is still being [kissed]) before the detective uses his grip to pull his thighs wider over his lap.
"You wanna show me what I'm working with?" Gavin asks him, his voice low and rough and … very unfair.
Nines leans forward into the human's arms, dropping his head down to rest on his shoulder. He needs less stimulus to process all of this. He restricts his audio input to ignore any sounds outside of the apartment. The mouse program gets abandoned, so the cats will likely be able to bat it out from under the fridge soon. All he needs is Gavin, Gavin, Gavin.
"Touch me," he asks.
The thumb slowly drawing circles on the inside of his left thigh lifts up to stroke over his pubic plate, currently equipped with a vaginal component. It only takes a gentle press to push the fabric of his yoga pants into the slick mess Gavin has made of him.
"Your cunt all wet for me, baby?"
The profanity shivers through him, and Nines nods against his neck. That answer apparently was not [adequate] though, because Gavin takes his thumb nearly away, resting so lightly atop the fabric Nines can only feel his human body heat.
"Need an answer, Nines."
Nines works his mouth silently for a few seconds before remembering to activate his vocal unit. "Yes, Detective."
Gavin hums and it's almost a groan. Nines presses closer and licks his neck. That is not [kissing]. This analysis of his sweat and skin should not be forbidden.
"I'm going to touch you," Gavin tells him.
Nines lifts his head to exhale a cloud of steam. It does very little to lower his rising core temperature, not when Gavin's thumb swipes up to pet across the crotch of his yoga pants until he finds his clit, grown swollen and plump. He chose a larger model, and he had very reasonable—
"Gaaav …"
—reasons. Reasonable … reasons. Yes. Many of them. Aesthetics and—and—more sensors to—
"Oh, baby," Gavin murmurs in that voice. "You need it, kitten? Look at you, you're trembling, and I'm barely even touching you."
That is an unfair assessment. Nines tries to formulate the argument but blows out steam again instead. Gavin has his voice, and the way he spread Nines's thighs so wide, he can clearly see the growing damp patch he's making.
The way that also leaves Nines's [cunt] spread wide, lips separated and hole clenching around nothing.
It feels … [filthy]
"So good for me." Gavin pulls Nines's face out of the crook of his neck by his hair. "Let me see you."
Nines goes with the motion. The human has a firm grip on his hair, right at the root, so the tugging doesn't actually [hurt], although the complete lack of resistance likely helps.
But he can hardly see his detective past all the error notifications crowding up his HUD.
Gavin apparently likes what he sees. "Beautiful. My pretty baby."
He doesn't stop circling his thumb around Nines's clit as he says it, and Nines whimpers. He tries to push his hips forward to get more pressure, more touching, more of anything, but Gavin takes his hand away entirely to still his hips.
"Please," Nines gasps.
Gavin gives him a stern look. "Behave."
Nines shudders all over, a full body malfunction. His core temperature has risen almost to dangerous levels. Gavin tugs his head back, forcing his chin up. Nines doesn't understand why (is he no longer allowed to view his human?) until a prompt flashes in red to exhale.
He releases a burst of steam that would have been too hot for human comfort, but Gavin has already preconstructed that. He is allowed to lower his head again once he's completed a few breathing cycles. His temperature and stress levels begin a slow descent as he settles into the knowledge that Detective Reed will take care of him.
"Please, Detective." Nines blinks several times to clear all the notifications. "I will be good."
He saves several still images of the way Gavin looks as he considers: his eyes more black than grey-green, the slight flush across his cheeks, the obvious press of his erection inside his jeans, yet he still remains in control.
(Of them both.)
Gavin lifts up the hand on his hip and offers Nines his thumb. Nines gratefully lets his mouth fall open, thumb gently pressing inside to rest heavily on top of his tongue. His eyes drift shut to focus solely on the analysis he receives.
All too soon, the thumb is withdrawn, but he doesn't have time to protest before it's pressing back into his clit again, even wetter than before, the damp fabric hardly even a barrier at all.
And then does not move.
"What do you say," Gavin asks lowly.
"Th—" Nines gasps. "Thank you, De—Detect—ohhh."
Gavin's own legs underneath him prevent him from closing his thighs around the hand between his legs, and the hand in his hair holds his head hostage so that he cannot look away. He doesn't know what to do with his hands until he realizes that at some point, he put them behind his back, an old program partially activated to stand at parade rest.
This is much better.
"You like this baby?"
Nines tries to nod against the hand in his hair and forces his LED to flash blue along the yellow and red.
"Good boy," Gavin praises. "Just gonna check when your light's been red for a while, all right?"
Nines doesn't answer this time. He just sinks down into it, the obedience of holding perfectly still, the care Gavin shows him, letting someone else have control for once. He enjoyed the way masturbation made his awareness of physical sensation temporarily overtake his thoughts, but he did not expect … this.
Except just when he feels his orgasm approaching, Gavin takes his hand away. He must make some sort of distressed noise, because his detective immediately reassures him.
"Shhh, shhh, I've still got you. You're good, so good for me, baby."
Gavin rearranges their legs as he speaks, holding both hands on Nines's sides to help support and balance him with his hands still gripping his wrists behind his back. The relocation stops with their legs staggered, Nines kneeling with one of Gavin's legs between both of his own instead of straddling his whole lap.
"You wanted to sit in my lap, didn't you kitten?" Gavin says. It is not a question. "So sit."
Nines doesn't understand, but he lowers himself back down anyway to [sit] on top of—
Both of Gavin's hands go to his hips this time, showing him how to grind down on the thigh between his legs. The pleasure is not as [focused] as being petted with his thumb, but he finally gets pressure against his entrance as well.
Nines doesn't realize he's broken posture to slump forward until Gavin pulls him in all the way, carefully nestling him to rest against his chest—although the android does still have to bend slightly to put their heads on an even level due to the height difference.
"Is this what you wanted?" Gavin turns his head to speak softly in his ear. "All those times you crawled in my lap, sat here like this, knowing how goddamn hard you get me?"
Nines whimpers and takes it, almost like a punishment, but so [good]. He only moves his hips as Gavin's hands direct them, as his leg pushes up and his hands pull him down.
"I shouldn't even be this nice to you." Gavin lets out a sigh. "But fuck it, you're cute. Go ahead and take a freebie, baby."
Nines tries to make his next whine sound a bit more questioning, to indicate he doesn't understand the meaning of that either. Luckily, Gavin pays attention. He always pays attention to Nines, in a [good] way, not afraid or gossiping about him behind his back.
"I'm going to let you come this time," he explains.
Gavin drops a kiss against his temple as Nines fixates on the very specific phrasing [this time]. Now he's the one a little scared, but not bad, not bad, it's too [good] to be [bad].
"Wh-when?" Nines manages to ask.
Gavin laughs, deep and almost mean. The not-fear shivers through him again.
He does not receive an answer.
Gavin knows he's a bad man. He's a very, very bad man, but goddamn if the universe hasn't rewarded him for it.
"That's it," he tells the gorgeous android rubbing off in his lap. "Next time I won't even have to show you how. Leave my hands free so I can have a smoke."
A cigarette is damn near the only thing that could make this any better. If this isn't a one-time curiosity experiment for Nines, he'll really have to try that the next time.
But for now, he focuses on the present, the absolute goddamn gift Nines is.
"Been waiting for this all day, haven't you?"
He doesn't give Nines time to answer. His thigh flexes underneath the slick cunt desperately grinding into it, and his android whimpers out static.
"How many times have you come already?" he asks.
"S-s-seven," Nines answers through a glitch.
Well. Gavin has to at least work him up to his own number, doesn't he?
"And no refractory period. Goddamn." Gavin sighs in mild envy while petting through his hair. "I could keep you here, just like this, all evening long. Keep you coming and begging for hours."
Nines lets out a grinding noise that might be the android equivalent of a sob. His hips finally lose their rhythm under Gavin's hand, just chasing his own pleasure now. He really shouldn't allow that so easily, but then again, Nines is a virgin who's never done kink before. Or anything else, actually.
So Gavin lets him have it.
But since he's a bad man, not an altruistic one, he pulls Nines's head back by his hair to see his pretty face, eyes wide and unfocused, lips slightly parted. There's a soft blue blush across his cheek's he's never seen before, and his LED practically strobes in his temple.
"Good boy, gonna make you come every time you sit this pretty little pussy in my lap."
Nines squeezes his eyes shut and whines. That's all right. He's too fucked out to make eye contact anyway, but one thing that isn't allowed …
Gavin presses his thumb inside the android's lips, pushing down on his tongue until his mouth drops open. He rubs the pad of it back and forth against the soft muscle for a moment, then down to smear the wet faux-saliva across his bottom lip.
"Keep your mouth open," he orders. "You're only allowed to come if you open that pretty mouth for me."
Nines gives a jerky nod, and Gavin sits back to enjoy the show. He pets his free hand across the android's chest and sides, feeling him up through the thin t-shirt as he rides his leg like he downloaded a Traci program to do it.
Eventually, the android starts spinning more red than yellow, hot air pushed out of his mouth with nearly even exhale, and he pushes his tongue out farther over his lips to show that his mouth is open.
And ohhh, Gavin is so bad. He rubs his thumb over that soft, pink tongue until it's nice and wet, then reaches up underneath his shirt to rub circles around one hard nipple.
Nines starts letting out shuddering sobs that Gavin lets wash over him, feeling them go straight to his dick like the android is being a good little companion and licking up his shaft. Next time, next time …
Finally, he scrounges around deep down in his soul to find some mercy.
"Come on my leg, baby."
He barely gets to "my" before Nines obeys, face dropping slack and LED pulsing a steady Yellow. Red. Yellow. Gavin gets to watch as his tongue gives the tiniest little flexes, like he's sucking cock in a dream.
If he were nice, he'd press his thumb back inside and help his orgasm along by giving Nines something to suck on.
Instead, he waits it out. Good training requires the sub to be just as desperate for it as you are, and he's going to let Nines work his way through a few orgasms with his mouth open and searching, so that when he finally presses the head of his cock into those sweet pretty lips, his android won't feel anything but gratitude.
When Nines finally slumps forward and begins crying against his neck, Gavin lets go of his hair and rubs both hands up and down his back.
"Shhh, hey, I got you," he says softly. "You were good, so good, baby. It's OK, just let it all out."
Nines sniffles, then begins studiously licking up his tears. Gavin would be a little concerned about his sub getting too deep into the headspace for their first time, except Nines licking his face, neck, and any other body part he can reach is pretty typical.
"Did that feel good?"
That gets a slow sigh of air that's just warm, not scalding hot. Gavin rubs a hand up the android's chest next, and Nines starts up a rumbling purr. Blue light spins in the corner of his eye. So he'll take all that as a yes.
"You want kisses?" he asks next.
Nines immediately butts his face against Gavin's cheek. He shouldn't have let the asshole learn how to be social from his fucking cats.
"All right, all right," he grumbles.
Gavin scoops up the lanky android in his arms as much as he can and turns them to the side so they can lay down on the couch, with himself on top of course. Nines lounges back against the cushions, black hair fanning out around his head like a dark halo. He reaches for Gavin and tugs on his shirt when he spends too long admiring the view.
Since he's already so spoiled anyway … Gavin obliges him with kisses. Nines hums and purrs throughout it, LED now a gentle baby blue.
"Did you like that?" Gavin asks quietly between the two of them.
He should have started this scene with that—some rules and a safeword at least—but he'll try to make up for it now with the aftercare.
Nines nods shyly, presenting his face for more kisses. Gavin gives them to him, but he keeps each one light and short to help them both wind down. They need to talk about if this will be an ongoing arrangement, and if Nines just wants to sub or if he wants to really dig deep and roleplay as Gavin's personal companion android.
Gavin tries to open up that conversation. "What do you want now, baby?"
Nines slowly opens his eyes and blinks up at him. His LED turns a slow, lazy yellow for a moment while he glances down.
Then he looks back up and clearly says, "Dick."
Gavin reflexively looks down at his own crotch—which is apparently where Nines was looking, not just demurely averting his gaze, the thirsty little bitch. He meets Nines's eyes again and sees the android watching him expectantly, like a pillow princess waiting to be serviced.
"Don't know how anyone mistook you for a detective," Gavin tells him. "When you're obviously such a slut."
Nines blushes and closes his eyes, but he doesn't bother to hide his preening smirk.
"But you're gonna have to earn that, baby," Gavin continues.
Nines opens his eyes to shoot him the wounded look he learned from their little beasties when being removed from the bed so Gavin can get some goddamn sleep without an eight pound cat laying on his face.
"I can be good," he promises. He glances down between them again. "I do not have a refractory period."
And then he looks up at Gavin from underneath his lashes with those big blue eyes, and all thoughts of kink negotiation and safe words take a running leap and crash through the window.
"I'm going to take off your pants and play with that pretty pussy of yours until you start crying again."
Nines nods eagerly. He even lifts his hips like a good boy to help Gavin peel the yoga pants off him, a sticky strand of lubrication stringing between his lips and the crotch for a moment before the thread breaks. That gets the android blushing and whirring again, but Gavin just chuckles.
He lifts the t-shirt too, but instead of taking it off, he tucks it behind Nines's neck. It's a pitiful restraint, especially against an RK model, but Nines obligingly tucks his arms back behind his back, then waits obediently for Gavin to begin.
And this had better be a long-term thing, because Gavin doesn't think he can ever let anyone touch his android after this. Not with how Nines is looking at him, so open and sincere, without a single doubt that whatever happens next will be good and safe.
He might be a bad man, but shit. At least he knows that. And he also knows how many losers and assholes are out there, sociopaths and abusers and people who are honestly just too dumb and selfish to notice when they hurt someone.
No, his Nines is never going to experience any of that.
"Did you think about me when you touched yourself?" Gavin asks.
He runs his hands up the insides of Nines's legs while he asks the question. That's unfair enough, but rubbing his thumbs right at the creases in his thighs as Nines tries to answer borders on mean.
"I—I, yes. Did." Nines stutters.
Gavin skirts his hands up higher, just barely resting on the outsides of his flushed lips. His clit is big enough to push out past them, a teasing little peek-a-boo that makes Gavin's mouth water. It looks just as fat and swollen with arousal as it had felt when he'd petted over it through the pants.
"Do you like having something in your cunt, baby?"
He gets even meaner when he punctuates this question by using his thumbs to gently pull his lips apart and watch the way his exposed hole clenches and flutters. Nines manages to make his moan sound something like please.
"You have to tell me if you want it," Gavin says sternly. "I'm not just gonna guess about something like that."
Nines frantically nods, his mouth working silently around gasps. He's so worked over just having his legs spread and his pussy put on display. Gavin decides to have mercy—mostly on himself.
"Shhh, OK. I'm going to play with you now."
He circles his thumb around the android's clit gently at first, just watching what kind of reaction partial stimulation to it gets him. Nines shudders out an exhale and his thighs tense.
"That's right, you need to keep your hips still," Gavin tells him.
Nines nods again, blindly, his eyes shut and mouth agape.
"Do you want it like this?"
Gavin slides his other hand up Nines's side, over his chest, to rest lightly on top of his throat. Nines slowly opens his eyes, LED sluggishly spinning yellow. Gavin times the slow circles around his clit to it.
"With rules and taking orders," Gavin explains. "Where you need to obey and behave."
"Yes," Nines breathes out.
He doesn't take that as his real answer right away. "Or do you want it more casual?"
Nines blinks hard, twice, and cocks his head.
"Where I tell you what to do, since I've got more experience. But," He lets go of the android's throat. "You can do what you want. You don't have to hold still or—"
Nines shakes his head no for the first time. "I … I want … to be … good."
"As a good boy, or my own personal companion android,"
Gavin strokes his thumb directly down the length of Nines's swollen clit for the first time.
"That I can pet,"
He keeps his thumb where it is and shifts his fingers to tease the tip of his index against the entrance clenching at it.
"And play with,"
"Yes, yes, please," Nines chants.
Gavin presses the finger inside and it goes so easy. Enough for him to believe Nines really has spent the entire afternoon doing nothing but fucking himself in Gavin's own bed.
"And fuck,"
He adds a second finger without any resistance and gets those tears he promised. He really can't stop a grin from spreading across his face at that, just as sharp and vicious as any of the RK's interrogation protocols.
"Whenever, and however …" He pulls his hand out entirely, leaving Nines gasping and wrenching his eyes back open to stare up at him in pleading confusion. "I want."
Nines sniffles and starts to shift his hips to seek out any stimulation he can. Gavin stills them with both hands, and tries to keep his voice soft and free of judgment for the next part.
"Do you still want to behave?" he asks.
He watches as Nines realizes what that really means. What he would be promising Gavin—just for this scene. They really do still need to have an actual talk before he'll accept anything as a permanent, serious answer, but he can't resist at least throwing this option out there for now.
Nines tilts his head back to release steam, but then he settles back down. His whole body eases in a way Gavin has never seen before actually—even though he rejected his programming in terms of working for either Cyberlife or the DPD, it always still shone through in his perfect posture and too-formal speech.
This is the first time he's ever seen the android look … relaxed.
Gavin waits, but he doesn't even attempt to hide the way he sweeps his gaze over Nines's body, appreciating the thick chest, pecs well-defined enough to almost give him a bust, nipples hard and begging for attention, and his legs still spread wide, showing off a perfectly manicured triangle of soft black curls right over where his cunt drools onto the couch.
He drags his eyes back up to meet Nines's soft look, utterly relaxed and blinking slowly. He already knows what the answer will be just from that, but he still waits for it.
"Yes, Detective."
this was commissioned by @gavinisqueertbh and you can find my commission info pinned to the top of my blog! subscribers to my patreon get early access to all my commissioned fics two weeks before they’re posted here and on AO3 for free ^^
70 notes · View notes
chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
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nosferatyou · 4 years
If I Can Be So Bold: Chapter 1 (Jack White x OC)
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Summary: Rosalie and her band “By Elliston” move from Nashville to Detroit to continue their music careers and move away from their demons. Rosalie notices an unhappy face in the crowd of their first show, and is instantly drawn to him. While she doesn't mind that hes easy on the eyes she does mind his less than stellar attitude about their music. 
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Drug use, language, and mentions of abuse.
Notes: Well this has been brewing for A WHILE. I’ve been everywhere deciding on a plot, but after tedious planning this is finally a reality. I hope the 5 Jack White fans on here enjoy this. This will be a series so strap in folks. We got young jack. we got old jack. we got everything in between. (also series names are hard) Enjoy! Appreciate all the research i did!
Chapter Two
“Do you want another?” 
He holds his hand above me, his dark eyes burning holes into me, he pulls back more as if ready to strike again. As if on command, I recoil from the movement, feeling smaller than I ever had.
My head shoots up, suddenly back in Zoot’s coffee house. I blink a couple of times, trying to wake myself up. I couldn’t remember what she asked.
“What?” I asked her, phasing back into reality again, and not what was a horrific nightmare.
Sat next to me was my best friend and singer in our band was Harry, or Harriet if you want to be technical. Her head was held high, and she was practically jumping out of her skin with excitement, she seemed more than ready for our first show in a new town.
 She moved one of her two shots in front of me and asked again. 
“Are you deaf, Lee? I asked if you wanted another shot before we go on.” 
I quickly sat up and grabbed it off the makeshift bar, anything to shake off what I was feeling. 
We clinked our drinks together, and she yelled out a toast over the crowd of people behind us. 
“To fresh starts and new stomping grounds!” 
We clinked our drinks and quickly downed them, both of us coughing from our burning throats, but as soon as we saw our red faces, we burst out into laughter. 
“We are horrible at shots, aren’t we?” I said in between wheezes of laughter.
“We truly are.” She paused and grabbed the bottle. “One more for good luck!.”
It seems like this is the night, if any, to drink. 
We’d just gotten to Detroit. Like just got here a week ago and are already booking shows. We all decided to move her for reasons I won’t mention, but I’ll just say that we needed to switch up our scene a bit. 
Our band “By Elliston” had grown pretty big in the Nashville scene, we played pretty frequently at the Exit/In. Which is not the biggest venue in the world, but it means something for the Nashville scene. I mean, we technically shared a stage with Muddy Waters and BB King, so that’s at least something to brag about.
 We were known in the Nashville punk scene and had made some significant headway, but thanks to shitty people and our big egos, we decided to move to Detroit. Known for its great music and cars.
 And here we are at Zoot’s Coffee shop, which is arguably a coffee shop honestly. Off a dark street, that no person with money would venture down, and the outside seems like nothing is out of the ordinary, it’s just a house on a street. But the inside. Its a home, its a coffee shop, and venue for anyone who has an instrument. 
Its packed wall to wall with people, barely any standing room, especially near the stage, which is just a raised corner of the living room. Its the perfect venue for any rock band. Small and loud.
We (being the band and me) all lived for music, and it is our life’s blood.
 I grew up in a very southern home and was always surrounded by music, thanks to my dad. Id never met a man who loves Johnny Cash more than him or country music for that matter. Cash would always play through the house, or Hank Williams, Waylon Jennings. That kind of thing. However, I can’t stand to listen to any of them now. Overplayed and over appreciated is what I always said.
 That did spark something in me. I started playing guitar, thanks to my dad… and then I picked up the bass and then drums. And so on and so on. The moral is that If you hand me any stringed instrument ill know how to play it.
The other girls. Jo, Harriet, and Ezra. All got into good music when they were in high school, which also when we all met. Thanks to the high school band or orchestra. I played violin, as did Jo and Harriet, Ezra played the stand-up bass and continues with the bass to this day.
 Now we’ve all moved on the from hot cross buns and into a world of rock and roll. We used to be terrible, covering a lot of Alice in Chains and Nirvana. 
Graduating class of ‘93 for all of us, and we lived in a world of grunge. Five years later and we’ve since moved on from our teenage ways. We’ve embraced the blues and everything around it. However, we get a bit heavier than our inspirations, with my heavy fuzz and Harriet’s raspy yelps. With the look of punk dads (a lot of fun button-ups, dark makeup, and Dr. Martens boot) and the sounds of 4 angry ladies, we tore up Nashville.
We played a lot of house shows, met many a band, lost many a group, met a dumb boy who won’t be named (its John), and had a lot of fun tearing up the Nashville scene. 
As we grew, we played bigger venues, the show of ‘96 at The End being the staple of our career. We’d never played as good as we did then, and none of us are convinced we’ll play as well as we did that night.
 Either way, we were thrust forward, and our movement grew, we were making money from our shows, plus we played bigger venues. The Exit/In and The East Room, to name a couple. Last month we felt we needed a change of scenery to grow. As incredible, the Nashville scene is, its also quite small. Few venues and fewer people. That’s the other girl’s excuse, at least. 
We scrounged up what we could, found an apartment here, and moved as soon as we could. Unlike the others, I had to burn some bridges to get here, but more will be made here. We scooped out the scene the moment we arrived and set up a show here, and we are all buzzing to perform again. 
“So, who are we opening for again?” I asked as we headed to our van to start and unload our gear. 
“The White somethings.” Jo absentmindedly answered, wrapping her jacket around herself for warmth.
Harriet quickly cut in, “The White Stripes, you mean.” Correcting her.
We all arrived at our shared van and started grabbing our mess of cables and cases.
Harriet continued, “I’ve been asking around all night about them, you know. To learn about the enemy and such.” 
Jo popped her head up from the front seat and asked, “When have you had the time to ask around? I was with you literally all night.” 
Harriet picked up her small load for the night and parked a seat on the car next to ours, lighting a cig while she sat.
“I have my ways.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows before taking a long drag.
“Anyways, here’s what I’ve learned. They’ve been around a year, the drummer learned when they got together, and guitarist leads the show.” She spoke with her ever-present dramatics, waving the cig around after every word. 
“They can’t be that good if the drummers new, and they’ve only been playing a year.” Said Ezra, who was effortlessly carrying what seemed to be the world’s most massive bass amp. 
“I don’t know, Z. It seems agreed that they know how to rock a room.” Harriet pipped up.
“What does it mean for us then?” Asked Jo who’s joint was lit and already in her mouth, and arms were full with various drums. Explains why she was digging around the front seat.
I quickly cut in, not about to let them get nervous over a baby band. “Absolutely nothing. We’ve got six years on them. These Detroit kids won’t know what hit them, we’re from music city for god’s sake.” 
“That’s the spirit, Lee!  Now get your asses inside so we can set up.” Harriet popped off the car and started walking towards the door, beckoning us towards her.
“Feel like helping us speed up the process, Harry?” Joked Jo.
“You’re big girls. I’m gonna go try and spot the enemy.” She yelled back to us.
“Oh, have fun, we will just be here carrying your band!” I yelled out.
“I knew I could count on you, darling!” She called out, throwing a wink and cigarette butt our way. 
When we had finally reached the stage, the already crowded room had doubled in bodies. While most bands would be shaking in their boots, it only spurred us on more. While we all have our fair share of disagreements, we have one thing in common. Our shared headspaces before a show. All ready to take on anything, and our confidence is unwavering. The bigger, the better. It’s honestly what’s kept us together this whole time. 
Now all eyes were on us, and it was a tough crowd, it was dead silent. The girls and I all exchanged a look and nodded. I always started us off. We had a set opener, it never changed and worked every time, but after that was a free for all. I usually took charge and just chose whatever I was feeling, but if not me, then Harriet. The other two just flowed with whatever we threw their way.
I always started first with the heavy riff, joined in by Ezra, then Jo, and finally Harriet. 
The riff is what pulled them in, and it was always quite the sight. I got fully into it every time. It was dark, straightforward, and full of fuzz and feedback. 
By the time Harriet joins in its mayhem, I speed up and play power chords. It’s not slow, but it’s not so fast that it’ll make your head spin. 
As the short show progressed, we felt like how we used to feel every night. Pure joy, which is what we all fucking needed. 
We improvised. I mashed up whatever songs I even threw in a little Stooges to thank the locals for letting us play. Though I did notice the gaze of one oddball in the back, who was just… watching.
 While that doesn’t sound weird, it was sure out of the ordinary. He sat in the back, arms crossed leaned against the wall. The whole mysterious boy schtick was down pact. He wasn’t scowling, but he didn’t seem happy. It was off-putting and kept my focus over towards that corner of the room, but didn’t hinder the performance. Maybe it fueled it. 
The show couldn’t have gone better, though. The crowd did not hide their whoops and hollers when we finished our last song of the set. I was already riding that performance high and will be for the rest of the night. 
“Thanks for a great first night, Detroit! We’re “By Elliston,” and we hope to see you next time!”
Screamed out Harriet for a final goodbye as we headed off the stage, their applause carrying us off the small stage. 
The moment we put down our instruments, we about took each other out, tacking one another to the ground.
 As tradition carries, after every show, we used to just aggressively group hug, but over time we’ve grown more and more… excited. At one of our last shows at The Exit/In, I accidentally knocked out Jo by slamming into her too hard. If that gives any frame of reference to what our dog piles look like now.
“Ladies. If every show goes somewhat like that here, I think we will rule this scene.” Ezra said from the bottom of the pile, her words garbled from the mass of bodies. 
“Alright, Lee, get your ass off the top, you’re gonna snuff me out down here.” 
Without much warning, she slid out from underneath us, and the rest of us went down to the ground, causing all of us to erupt in laughter. 
Once we all straightened ourselves out, we went to the van and had a celebratory cig, the first of many “celebratory” cigs of the night, 
To my right was Harriet leaning against the tail light, and Jo and Ezra were sitting in the van next to me. Harriet broke the silence.
“You know I missed this, Lee. I’m glad you’re back.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Har-” While talking I’d noticed three figures a few cars over walking to their own. My eyes widened in surprise. I grabbed Harriet’s arm suddenly and dragged her in with the rest of us.
“Shut up. It’s him.”
“What I wasn’t even talking-” she stopped and sat up to face, she wasn’t upset, but she sure looked confused. “Wait, who is “Him?” 
I looked around to check to see if he could hear. 
“I saw him when we were playing. He kept just… staring at me. It was weeeird.”
“Why’d you pull me in the car then??” 
“I panicked! It was just weird!” 
Ezra peaked her head out of the car in curiosity and asked. “Which one is it, the young blondie or the black-haired beauty?”
“Gah Jesus, not the child, Ezra! It’s the hot one.”
Harriet whipped her head out of the car to look at them, speaking a bit too loudly.
“Lee, you need to start off saying it was a HOT stranger! You have my interest now.”
“I’m going to kill both you. Get your dumbasses back in the car.”
We huddled back up, Harriet has a look in her eye that I don’t like.
“So, what’s the plan of action here, Lee?” Asked Harriet.
“Nothing. He’s a scowler. Sure a hot one at that, but if he can’t enjoy what we make, then what’s the point? When we played that stooges song, he looked like he was going to blow his top.”
“I think you’ve missed the point here, Lee. Point one,  You’re fresh out of a toxic sludge of a relationship. Point two, hot stranger. And finally. Point three, he’s a hot stranger in a band. I’m not passing up this opportunity.”
She gave us a wink, took a final drag of her cig, and hopped out of the car. She was going over to them.
“Harriet, you fucker don’t you dare,” I said with gritted teeth. “I’ve tackled you once today, and  I’ll do it again.”
She chuckled. “You’re all talk, kid. I’m off to make friends!”
“Bastard!” I yelled, leaping out of the car and towards her. I was too late, she just about ran over to them, and I was quickly in tow behind her. 
“Well, look at that, Lee! New people. Hi there, I'm Harriet, but you can call me Harry. and this is Rosalie.” She extended her hand towards the three strangers.
“Its Lee actually, she’s just an asshole.” 
All of them looked slightly taken aback. They were sure as hell wasn’t expecting her hand in their face, or two random ladies in their space. The newly named “hot stranger” was the first to speak up. He seemed rightly hesitant.
“I’m Jack, and this is my sister, Meg. This over here is my nephew, Ben. He’s our pinball wizard. Or Roadie in technical terms.” 
“Well, good to meet Y’all!” Once she shook ben’s hand, he spoke up. Man he was young. Was he maybe 16? Not over 18 is the point.
“You guys played a hell of a show. The Stooges? Blues? You’re going to give these two a run for their money.”
Jack shifted on his heels when ben mentioned this. Same face as before, and little less friendly than introductions.
“Well, its all that Tennessee blood in us. Now we arent from Memphis, but Nashville’s close enough, right?” Harriet winked at the kid. His cheeks flushed a deep red. 
Jack shifted his eyes back to me, but they wander somewhere else. 
I clear my throat, he snaps his head up and makes eye contact with me, a small smirk falls on his face. 
“Well, you all seem busy, so Harriet and I are going to go back over there. Have a good show.”
I grab her arm and try to drag her away casually.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She whisper yells to me. We find ourselves on the other side of our van, out of their sight.
“Lee, You have never been one to shy away from new people. Especially men. Remember us, fresh out of high school? You practically had a different man in your bed every night. That whole nervous persona is new. Go seduce a hot stranger!”
“Jesus, Harriet! Lower your goddamn voice! First off its Jack, And yes I know. Different times though. I’m not going to go over there in front of his sister and prepubescent nephew to try and get in his pants.”
“Aw, come on, Lee! It’d be fun! Plus, you need a fucking rebound, girl.”
“Okay, well, talk me into this when its not a family reunion.” 
“You got yourself a deal, Rosalie.”
We started to make our way back to the other girls.
“Alright, ladies, let’s go catch our headliner,” I said, opening the van doors. A plume of smoke rolled out of it the moment the doors opened. I grabbed the joint from Ezra, taking a hit before going inside. I handed it back to the faded bass player and headed back inside.
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mcchipisfried · 4 years
DEArtfest Day 31 - Touch Starved
Ahh I’m so glad I got to make something for each day of DEArtfest. I don’t think I’ve ever been more productive in my life! As promised, I’m not gonna hide anything but for this prompt I made some drawing to go along with the little thing I wrote! Hope you guys enjoy them!!
The prompt starts right after a short paragraph I wrote that you can just ignore!
(You guys don’t have to read this I’m just gushing) Wow last day. This has been a roller coaster for me. Going back to writing after like six years. Detroit Evolution, the movie, Octopunk Media, the fan base, the art, the stories, cosplay, everything has made such a huge impact on my life. Thank you so much to amazing people at @octopunkmedia​ for bringing such amazing content into the world. Your work has inspired me to accept and explore many different parts of myself from my art and writing to my own sexuality. (I’ve always identified as Pansexual but I’ve always struggled with intimacy. You guys can probably guess why I love Reed900)  and I can never thank you enough for just existing. I am looking forward to all your future projects and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
Gavin sat at his desk. He was currently trying to file through his paperwork but he was having a hard time concentrating with Nines hovering over his shoulder. He sighed and looked up at Nines as he felt him lean over to point out yet another error. 
“Nines why don’t you just do all the paperwork? It would probably take less time if you did it than just fucking leaning over me and pointing out whatever errors you find.” Gavin said. His hands were honestly about to start cramping and his legs were sore from sitting on his ass all day.
“Detective, I believe paperwork builds character and I think we can both agree that your… diligence could use a bit of work.” Nines said. He smirked as Tina snorted before looking away and trying to hide herself behind her screen. Hank gave a hearty laugh before Connor gave him a pointed look though he still smiled. Gavin’s face reddened and he glared at Nines.
“Okay asshole, you could at least give me a fucking break. My fingers hurt and my ass is sore.” Gavin grumbled out. Nines’ LED quickly spiraled yellow before he responded.
“I could give you a massage?”
Tina, Hank, and even Chris laughed at Nines’ response. Connor looked confused for a moment before going back to work. Gavin was livid and looked ready to burst from all the blood that rushed to his face before he began sputtering.
“Nines- NO that’s so- NO what the fuck is wrong with you!?” He tried to muster up with an appropriate response but he kept stumbling over his words. Nines cocked his head to the side, a look of android-like innocence upon his face. But Gavin knew better. 
“Detective Reed, I hope you understand I meant your hands. You and I both know neither of us are interested in such...endeavors. Although I could give you a back massage if you’d like?” Nines responded. Clearly amused by Gavin’s reaction.
“Fuck you. And you know what? Yeah massage my fucking hands. If you’re not gonna help me at least do that.” Gavin said. He was still blushing but he had regained some of his composure. He knew Nines would do whatever he asked within reason if he really wanted to and an honest to god massage didn’t sound so bad at the moment.
Nines showed a more genuine smile as he sat on Gavin’s desk and took one of his hands into his own and began to gently knead his knuckles and the space between his thumb and pointer finger.
Gavin felt a surge of electricity go up into his arm the moment Nines took his hand. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck? Gavin had never felt anything like that before. It was strange. And it only became more intense as Nines began to knead his hands. He nearly rolled his eyes to the back of his head. Fuck this felt...intense. There was no better word for this. It was almost too much until Nines let go before gently taking his other hand and he felt the same intensity rush up his arm and curl down his back. He shivered and pulled his hand out of Nines’ hands. 
Nines’ looked up with a questioning look but Gavin simply smiled and said he was okay. He turned back towards his computer and continued to work. He didn’t complain about the feeling he had in his hands although he wasn’t sure if what he was feeling now was actually pain or something else.
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Nines was sitting next to Gavin on the couch. They were both watching some random movie from the early 2000’s. An oldie, as Gavin referred to them. Classics that had aged well enough. Nines didn’t really care about the film since he already knew how it ended thanks to his database specifically used to understand Gavin’s Millennial/ Gen Z humor. No, what he was currently focused on was the gentle fingers that were coursing through his hair.
Nines was leaning into Gavin just in between his legs. Gavin was propping himself against the side of the couch with his arm hanging just on the edge while his other hand gently wove its finders through Nines’ synthetic hair. He felt Gavin’s body pressing into him from behind. He felt nothing in that regard but he was warm. He was happy to feel Gavin against him and it left a buzzing sensation upon his skin. He didn’t know why this happened but he tried not to question it. His deviancy caused him to feel so many things, it was hard or him to understand them all at once so he tried to indulge in what he knew felt good without question and this definitely felt good.
Gavin’s hand was far more warm though. It sent what Nines registered as shivers down his back. Surges of electricity down his back. He hummed. It was almost too much but he simply turned his sensitivity down and enjoyed the warmth he felt from having Gavin so close to him.
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Gavin woke up to Nines holding his hand, his skin white and synthetic. He smiled and squeezed Nines hand. Nines visibly tensed slightly, not realizing Gavin had woken up, before turning to look at him and smiling. He gently ran his thumb over Gavin’s hand as he whispered a soft good morning to him. Gavin closed his eyes and shivered. Jesus, it was just fucking hand holding and he was already shivering like a teenager. 
He opened his eyes and looked at Nines. Nines stared back at him, his LED a bright yellow. They both looked down at their hands. Gavin tried to avoid Nines’ gaze until he spoke up.
“Gavin...why does this feel different sometimes?” Nines asked. Gavin looked up at him, a bit confused.
“What are you talking about?” Gavin asked.
“Sometimes… when we touch it feels different. It feels warm and intense. Like it’s too much? Is that normal?” Nines worriedly asked. Maybe he was experiencing an error. A virus?
Gavin relaxed, albeit only slightly. 
“I think...it's what people call being touch starved. It doesn’t mean anything like that but it happens when you don’t have a lot of contact with other people. And whenever you touch someone it’s more...intense. And it can happen from anything like holding hands or just bumping into someone on the sidewalk. Like you said, it's warm and it can feel like a lot but it’s normal, or at least it is for me. And sometimes it can be bad if it is something that comes from someone you don’t like but it's good. With you.” As Gavin talked he flattened his palm against Nines’ and he curiously looked at Nines’ skin as it seemed to glow in the morning light. He was glad that Nines could feel that. The intensity. It made him that much more human, though there was never a question about that.
Nines relaxed and realized that Gavin felt the same. He could feel how shocking it could be. Except he couldn’t just turn down his sensitivity levels like Nines. He had to live with people bumping into him and feeling this intensity. He could imagine himself shying away from touching other people simply because touching anyone he didn’t like or know felt like being burned and knowing Gavin could go through that worried him.
Gavin saw the worried expression that crossed Nines’ face. And tried to reassure him.
“Hey Tin Can, it's not that bad. You kinda get used to it, I mean I am. And you’re a fucking badass android. If anyone even tries to touch a hair on you you can just knock that person on their ass. Hell I’ll do it for you!” Gavin said. Nines smiled, quietly reassured. His smile turned into a smirk before speaking again.
“So you’re used to this feeling? Well I am still very aware of this feeling and I’d very much like to “get used” to it, through cuddling, maybe?” Nines said and smirked wider at Gavin's reaction.
“Oh my god, you are such an asshole-”
“Takes one to know one, Detective”
“FINE, yes we can cuddle. But you’re making me some snacks for this!”
“Of course, Detective.”
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And then they cuddled!
I swear I don’t have a hand fetish what-
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morganas-pendragons · 5 years
Love Made Me Better | Castiel
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I had a Sam fic fully written before my computer decided to delete it, and the last episode broke my heart for our angel in particular... so thanks to @webcricket​ ... this is my first Castiel x female!reader insert, and she’s loosely based off of my OC in one sense: They’re married. 
Prompt: you fell in love with an angel a long, long time ago. now your angel wants to leave the humans left in his charge, and you can’t blame him. So instead of staying in the Bunker, you leave with him but not before Dean gets a piece of your mind. 
  “Loving you has been my greatest honor.”
It started about a decade ago when a fallen angel caught your attention across a little playground in Lawrence, Kansas. He was tall and fair skinned, azure irises piercing your very being even from where he stood across the playground. Eventually, the fallen angel came to introduce himself as Castiel. 
And everything has been a roller coaster since. 
  ‘’My greatest privilege,” 
You had lost count of the amount of times he’d made you cry, both tears of rage and tears of joy, in the six years since you’d married in a little courthouse in Detroit. You’d lost count of how many times he’d made you laugh or loved you just a little more deeply then you ever thought he would, or how awestruck he looked when he met the daughter that the two of you had created together. 
  “And my greatest tragedy.” 
You’d lost count of the times you’d watched him die and remained helpless to do anything about it, how he was always finding fault in himself when something wasn't even his fault to begin with, you’d lost count of how he’d wept over your injured and battered form before forcing himself to come to terms with a simple fact: You were human. You were fragile, your life was finite, but the way you loved him was so reckless and free that the way he loved you in return made him just a little bit more human too. 
Then Chuck took your daughter. Chuck killed your mother, took Castiel’s baby girl, and your entire world came crashing beneath your feet because your tiny family who you’d spent so long trying to keep safe and alive was gone. Your best friend, your baby’s godmother, was dead. Ketch was dead. Jack was dead. It was just you and Castiel now, and even then.. You wondered how long it would be before circumstances separated you. 
The Seraph you’re looking for was standing pensively in the doorway at the top of the staircase of the Bunker, casting one last look over his shoulder to beckon you to follow him before the door quietly shut behind him. You stopped in the doorway between the dormitories and the War Room, fingers tightly wound around the straps of your duffel bag as you pivoted to look at the elder Winchester who hadn’t moved from his spot. 
  “Are you going to let your enhanced senses kick me out of the Bunker too? You always were an angry drunk.” Your words were venomous, as they should’ve been. You and Dean had once had a closely knit relationship where you could confide in each other over almost everything, including the angel you’d harbored feelings for, but ever since Mary had died it was like something vital in him had snapped and could not be fixed. “Because this whole spiel of how everything bad that’s happened to you is on Castiel? It’s bogus.” 
  “Did you not hear what I said?” You didn’t even flinch when he slammed the decanter on the table and nearly shattered it on impact. “If he hadn’t killed Belphegor, Rowena would still be alive! How are you so blinded by love-” 
  “Me?! Blinded by love?! Where were you when Chuck took Claire, Dean?” Dean winced at the mention of his niece but made no move to speak. “Where were you when Chuck killed my mother and took my daughter? Where were you when Chuck took my son? Where were you... you were right there, gun in his face, threatening to end the life of a two year old. In fact, that’s all you did from the minute he was born. I don’t know what happened to you when Mary died, but Castiel wasn’t even in the vicinity when he killed her! Rowena was.” The rage in your voice died at the thought of your best friend who had sacrificed herself to save the world. Who had took one last look over her shoulder before throwing herself into the Rupture and winked at you, bless her, as if she was trying to ease your anguish one last time. “If you’re gonna blame anyone, blame the dead. Blame everybody but yourself, right?’’ You clucked your tongue and rolled your sleeve up to show him the Enochian tattoo of Castiel’s name on the inside of your forearm. “You think I’m blinded by love... but love has made me a better person. Loving that angel you just kicked out of your Bunker?  He made me a better person, a better wife, a better mother.”
  “If you’re so concerned about it, why don’t you just go with him?” 
Ah, there it was. 
  “For better or for worse, till death do us part. That was the promise I made and I intend to keep it.” Your gaze flickered towards the hall you’d just come from where Sam was blissfully ignorant of what he’d be waking to the next morning: a very empty bunker. “You’re not even going to let me say goodbye to Sam?” Your heart sank at the thought of Sam waking up, his grief still fresh from Rowena’s death, only for it to fester and deepen when he realized you and Castiel too had been released from the safety of the Bunker. “I have done so much for you and your brother, Dean. I was there for you whenever no one else was, I loved you like you were my own siblings, I helped you get over Lisa and I helped Sam get over Eilieen and now he has to come to terms with the fact he killed another woman he loved-” 
  “He didn’t love Rowena. Death always said he’d be the one to kill her, and he did. It’s fate playing out like it’s played out for our entire lives. Oh, which by the way, were never real to begin with. We were always just God’s broken play things.”
  “Wow.” His ignorance really was astounding. “Did you not hear any of the times that Sam said he wanted to change Rowena’s fate? I might not be the greatest hunter in the world, but even I have eyes to see that Sam and Rowena loved each other and never said anything about it. You getting what I’m saying here? It was love that made Rowena throw herself into that rupture. Love for Sam, love for this tiny little family she’d been given that she believed she didn’t deserve. Love made her better, love made me better, and love is why I’m walking out of this Bunker with my husband.” You bent down and gripped the straps of your duffel bag, not daring to look behind you for fear that Dean’s stoic expression would crumble upon realizing that the last two people in his life were leaving him alone. “Until you get your act together, don’t call on us. And if everything really is Castiel’s fault, then you don’t want to call on him either. He might screw up your life again.” 
  “Goodbye Dean.” 
Castiel was standing outside your car just a couple of feet away from the Bunker’s main entrance, his gaze softening when you walked out and caught sight of him, lips curling upward in a feigned smile that still made his knees weak. “Is he okay?” You threw your bags into the trunk and pressed your lips together, pondering what the best way to answer his question was. Even after all of that, after sticking up for himself and leaving when it was best because otherwise staying would kill him, his very human heart still feared for the man he’d rescued from Hell. 
  “Hey Angel.” You peered over the trunk door and wiggled your eyebrows, grinning at the rumbled laughter it earned you as he opened the drivers door and raised his hand for your keys. You tossed them to him easily, the two of you simultaneously climbing into the car before you turned yourself towards him and caught his chin between your fingers. “My angel.” 
His eyes fluttered shut as you pressed yourself against his side and wrapped your hand around his nape to lower his forehead to yours. Your body softened when he moved his hand to press against the small of your back, deeper and deeper until you were chest to chest and close enough to feel his breath fanning your face. 
  “My human.” 
  “It’s not your fault.” There was nothing you wanted him to know more then this one simple fact: despite what Dean had lead him to believe, what had happened was not his fault. “My beloved,” You leaned forward and captured his lips with your own in the ghost of a kiss. “My angel, my husband.” They trailed over the curve of his jaw and down the column of his neck, across the apples of his cheeks and across the ridges of his knuckles. His chest constricted at the sight of one so gentle with him, one who loved him unconditionally despite his wrongdoings and did everything in her power to show him that. “What has happened with the Winchesters, with Rowena.. with Jack.” His eyes slam shut to prevent the flow of tears at the mention of your deceased son. “None of that, none of it, is on you.” 
He sighs into the depths of your mouth when you come back up and capture his lips in a searing kiss, a declaration to prove that everything you’ve just said is true. 
Then Castiel realizes that this is what his heart has always desired. You and him, together even when everything else aspired to tear you apart, here in your own hidden corner of the world where nothing could touch you. He thought about what you’d said to Dean in the Bunker - love made me a better person - and realized that loving you might have been the best thing he’d ever done, his greatest choice, his best accomplishment. 
That was on him too, and he was so proud for it. 
  “None of it is on me.” He whispered to himself, forced to pull away for fear your lungs would collapse if he didn't give you a moment to breathe. “But you are on me, and I can think of alot of ways to entertain ourselves that way.” 
Did he... Did he just make a joke? A sexual joke? 
  “You’re so lucky I love you because otherwise I’d probably be punching you in the face.” 
That earned you that breathless smile he so rarely wore as he started up the car and with very little trouble, put in the address for one Jody Mills in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 
When Sam woke up the next morning, he found himself staring at one lone text message on his phone. One that made him feel a little bit better about what had happened between him and Rowena. 
Y/N: Even after all you’ve been through, after all she endured, and after all the two of you had lost.. the love you had for each other made you better, Sammy. Remember that when you remember her, and you’ll remember her more fondly. I love you. 
- Y/N
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THE PRETTY RECKLESS's TAYLOR MOMSEN On CHRIS CORNELL's Death: 'That Hit Me Extraordinarily Hard'
THE PRETTY RECKLESS frontwoman Taylor Momsen has reflected on how the deaths of SOUNDGARDEN singer Chris Cornell and longtime producer Kato Khandwala affected the making of THE PRETTY RECKLESS's new LP, "Death By Rock And Roll".
Momsen, whose band was the opening act for SOUNDGARDEN's spring 2017 run of dates, told Andy Hall of the Des Moines, Iowa radio station Lazer 103.3 (hear audio below): "[Chris's passing] hit me extraordinarily hard. Getting that tour, I'm such a massive SOUNDGARDEN fan, that was the highest of the highs for all of us. And it obviously ended not ideally. I had to take a step back and we canceled touring. I wasn't in a good place to be public, so I went home to kind of reflect on what had happened and try to process. And then I started writing again, and very soon after that, I got the call that Kato, my best friend and our producer, had passed on a motorcycle accident. And that was kind of a nail in the coffin for me at that moment in time. I sunk into this whole depression, and I wasn't entirely sure how I was gonna get out of it, or if I was gonna get out of it. Not to get too heavy here, but the short of it is that music saved my life again. I delved into music, and that's what really pulled me out of it. And this record is really the culmination of all of that. So it's all there in the record."
Asked how one knows it's time to get back to work after going through such a dark period, Taylor said: "You kind of don't. I kind of took a jump. I had written some stuff that I really liked, and that was the first hint of, 'Okay, I've gotta start doing something again.' And that in itself was a process. It was the first record that we did without Kato. We worked with a guy named Jonathan Wyman, who's a longtime friend of mine and the band's — a great engineer, a great friend, a great producer. And it's the first record we actually co-produced. He was a lifesaver in this scenario.
"I'd say this record is like a rebirth for us," she continued. "In one way, it feels like the first record in the sense that we really threw everything — physically, mentally — everything we had at it and in it. And now it's finished, and now I'm excited for people to hear it. Making the record was a part of the healing process."
Momsen has confirmed in a separate interview with Detroit radio station WRIF that RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE guitarist Tom Morello guests on "Death By Rock And Roll". Morello appears on a track called "And So It Went".
Morello joins previously announced guests Kim Thayil and Matt Cameron from SOUNDGARDEN. The song with Cameron and Thayil, called "Only Love Can Save Me Now", was recorded at Seattle's legendary London Bridge Studios, where seminal LPs like PEARL JAM's "Ten" and SOUNDGARDEN's "Louder Than Love" were laid down.
Momsen told The Pulse Of Radio about working at the historic Seattle studio: "In one way it was kind of like walking back in time. You come in and there's just all the PEARL JAM gold records and paintings and there's a wall that's covered in signed drumheads and pictures of people who've worked there. And then the studio itself is very warm and inviting, very comfortable. So it was very suited to what I was used to, but with all this added history to it."
"Death By Rock And Roll", the fourth studio album from THE PRETTY RECKLESS, will arrive in late 2020 or early 2021. It will follow up 2016's "Who You Selling For", which featured the rock radio hits "Oh My God", "Back To The River" and "Take Me Down".
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Rapper Erik has a sex tape and nudes that leaked and Reader is a huge fan that slides in his DM’s to shoot her shot.
Warnings: SMUT, TONS of Nasty talk, Choking, Spanking, Daddy Kink. Mash-up with another Marvel Character.
So I hope you guys enjoy this one! I made up these rap names and I figured they fit Erik perfectly so let me know if you agree or disagree lmao. Like, & Reblog. 
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“Shut the fuck up, Bitch.”
The phone rattled and smacked against whatever surface it was perched on.
“Didn’t I tell you to shut the FUCK-UP?” His large hand reached around to cover the chicks mouth. Her eyes were squeezed shut as tears dragged down her cheeks, running her makeup. Her body bounce from crying while his mouth was pressed to her ear, his words coming out harsh and menacing. 
“You’re too fucking loud. You beg for this dick, you listen to me when I tell you to close your goddamn mouth, HEAR ME?” He cracked her ass like a whip with his large hand, “Getting on my fucking nerves,” He thrust forward while mushing her head down further into the bed of his tour bus. From what it looked like, it was a bunk bed. You could only see His toned arms, lower abs, and legs while he fucked her. The girl getting all that demon dick was arched over with her dress up and around her waist. 
E-rratic Leader
Trill Erik
Her favorite Bay Area rapper. The man she watched all over social media and whenever he was on tour in her city, Detroit. The rapper who came out with her favorite album of his, SAUCIN ERIK TRILOGY. She has that album on repeat everyday. The rapper responsible for the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram #ThirstErikkk. Every bitch wanted and needed that man in their lives. It was because of this very video that leaked all over the internet. You wouldn’t miss it even if it was reported or taken down. All the chicks had a copy. It wasn’t just this video, he had nudes of him showing off his dick too. 
CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP! Her cheeks were bouncing off E-rratic’s pelvis.
Y/N scrambled while in the bathroom of her place of employment to turn down the volume. A co-worker walked in without warning and Y/N didn’t have time to prepare herself. She paused with her hand up her skirt, three fingers still knuckle deep in that pussy and all her cream drizzling down the crack of her ass. 
“Y/N? Girl?”
“Yeah?” Y/N wanted to remove her fingers from her pussy but if she did, Her coworker may hear it loud and clear.
“Are you okay? You’ve been in here for like thirty minutes. We were going to grab some food for lunch are you coming?”
Go with her coworkers to eat from a food truck or stay behind to play with this pussy to E-rratic? The decision was unanimous. 
“Nah, babe, I’m gonna go out a little later I have work to catch up on.”
“You sure? That House of Wraps food truck you like so much will be out today and you know they don’t stay long.”
“I’ll just catch them on Friday,” Y/N rolled her eyes into her head. If this bitch didn’t leave her horny high will be at an all time low. 
“Okay...you’re loss. Next time, alright!”
So what, Becky, now take your ass on I’m tryna bust a nut, bitch, Y/N thought.
“Okay!” Y/N replied with a faux nice voice. 
Waiting, Y/N finally heard the bathroom door clicked shut. Her fingers began moving while her other hand started the screen recorded video again. She turned up the volume enough for her to hear because all that ass clapping sounded like someone was getting slapped repeatedly across their face. 
“Knocking on my bus door looking for me. That stage wasn’t enough, girl?”
“N-NO DADDY.” Erik, E-rratic, damn near bulldozed her pussy with his powerful hips. He was fucking that groupie bitch. All in her guts. Y/N had to hiss as she shakes her head. Her eyes fluttered closed and her head fell back against the wall behind the toilet. Her legs came up to spread like an eagles wings. The heels of her pumps dragged against the walls of the bathroom stall chipping the paint.
“Mad cuz I had that bitch in those little white shorts grinding on this dick? Ain’t my fault yall hoe’s love me.”
“Fuckkkk, ahhhhhh,” Her hands reached back to drag down E-rratic’s abs. He smacked her hands away before grabbing her hair. The groupie’s hands reached out in front of her to grab onto anything but Erik, E-rratic, tilted his hips and drilled her pussy while pulling her weave. Y/N knew for a fact that this groupie chicks guts were scrambled and her walls were aching. All that thick and long killer dick going in and out of her. 
“Come here,” E-rratic pulls the girl up with his hand still in her hair, flipping her around and picking her up. All Y/N could hear was the girl whimpering and whining. E-rratic slammed that bitch on his dick and fucked her while standing. Y/N could see the muscles in his legs flex along with his abs. The chick was so little wrapped around him. His hands squeezed and popped her ass each time she cried. 
“Just fuck me like that, nigga, SHIT,” Y/N mouthed while finger-fucking herself, “That’s some good long dick.” 
“Stay here. Stay on this DICK.”
“Yes,” The groupie cries.
“Daddy dick got you cumming again?” Y/N could see his hand come up, most likely to wrap around this girls neck. Y/N wished she could see his face. She wanted to cum on his face to be honest. Ride his beard and make him drown. E-rratic took his hand to pop that hoe ass, then, his large hand jiggled that little booty. He was man handling that girl. 
“Fuck this dick. Fuck it right now. DO IT,” He whacked that ass again, “I said DO IT, hear me?”
“Umph,mmhh,” The groupie chick brought one arm up to wrap around his broad shoulders, her other hand reaching back to grab the railing of the bunk bed. With all the strength in her little hips, that bitch went super freak, bouncing on that dick in the air. E-rratic was LOVING THAT TOO MUCH. 
“Oh yeah, oh yeah, bitch? That’s how you take dick? That’s how you like riding pipe?” WHACK, “You are getting the best facial from your favorite rapper, ma, all this nut. I want your pretty ass to show all your friends what Grizzly can do, aight?” He grabs her hips to fuck her while she fucked him. Y/N stared hypnotized at his heavy sack bouncing and smacking that chick’s ass. 
Y/N’s ass clenched on that toilet as her own nut came before she could even finish the damn video. She squirts all over the bathroom floor. The fluids hitting the door too. She had on five inch pumps so she would have to be very careful not to slip and fall. Y/N almost squirted again when she watched E-rratic lift that girl off his dick. All that thick, long dick reappearing from that girl. Shit was amazing. 
“On your fucking knees before I make you,” out of nowhere, he reached out to lightly slap the girl’s face, “Suck this Daddy dick, baddie.”
The groupie wasted no time engulfing that dick. She sucked like her life depended on it. That was her favorite rapper. Spilling the nut would be disrespectful. He talked about how pissed he gets when bitches spill the nut in a few of his songs. If Y/N ever has a chance with him, she would drink that nigga dry. 
“That’s a good girl,” He pulled her hair to make her look up at him. His dick pushed in further, almost making her fall back on her ass.
“Nope. Don’t you fucking move with my dick in your mouth, bitch. YES, yeahhhhhh, little fucking slut. Nasty fucking bitch.”
He was so blunt and vulgar. The degrading made Y/N whimper like she was sucking the dick. She woke up that morning wanting to suck his dick before she could even stretch her limbs. No nigga ever made her want to do that. Dick for breakfast fucking around with him. 
“Am I making Daddy’s dick cum?” The groupie chick asked Erik while sucking the tip of his dick, “Can Daddy cum all over my slutty face? Can I have Daddy’s cum, please?”
“Nasty, bitch, of course you can,” E-rratic made the chick gurgle on his dick, “You can have all this good nut, gon’ bust right now if you keep sucking the tip of my dick like that,” He grunted so loud Y/N was sure his tour crew could hear everything, “Milk this dick, hmph, suck all that nut out my fucking dick, yes, oh, MY GOD, ohhhhhhh you are good, bitch, you are good. Ah, fuck, Ah, FUCK-”
When was the last time he bust a nut? That cum was tremendous. It spurted and propelled out like a wave crashing a rock. The groupie had to close her eyes so she wouldn’t go blind from his nut. Her mouth unhinged and her tongue rolled out so long that it touched the bottom of her chin. That dick was so harddddddddd. 
“I wish I could slurp that up,” Y/N rubbed slow circles over her clit, “Yesssss damn daddy wish I was there sucking on that dick and balls and nut all in my mouth inbox me yo where you at,” Y/N laughed to herself. If only E-rratic answered his damn DM’s. When she saw how much and how hard he came, she made a promise to make sure the next time every drop was deep inside her instead of some other bitch. That was it. All these irrelevant bitches got a chance to have KING KILLMONGER. It wasn’t fair. 
“So much fun to play in and taste, Daddy,” This girl was a freak. As much as she wanted to, Y/N couldn’t be mad, she applauded that bitch. Y/N would be doing the same thing if given the opportunity. 
“Damn, ma,” The groupie chick grabs his dick to jerk it, “You so damn DICK HUNGRY.”
The groupie chick let out a short laughter before getting up from the floor to lay on the bed. She looked over at the phone then reached out her hand to end the video while Erik walks away naked with his elephant trunk of a dick swinging. Y/N lifted from the toilet, pulling her skirt down and grabbing her purse from the back of the bathroom door. She adjusts her feet in her shoes before walking out. She washed her hands and freshened up. Luckily no one came in. Y/N folded up her panties to place inside of her purse. She turned to the mirror, watching her reflection and fluffing out her perm rod set. After applying a bit more lip gloss and mascara, Y/N left the bathroom just when environmental services was coming in. She felt bad then for leaving her mess on the floor but if she finger-fucked her pussy at her cubicle instead she would have soaked the chair and the carpet. She made her way back to her cubicle, thankful that everyone was still gone for lunch. Now, her stomach grumbled. Nothing to eat but a pack of almonds and a Nature Valley bar. She felt too weak to go and grab some food so she moved the wireless mouse around the pad to wake her computer up. Online shopping. She quickly minimized to check her work email. Working for a law firm as a paralegal was very demanding. Before she could get back into the grind, her phone lit up and buzzed a few times. Glancing over while typing, she spotted an Instagram post that a friend of hers tagged her in. Y/N read the title of the post:
E-rratic Leader AKA Kill-OCHO responds to sex tape leak and nudes + talks of new album release.
Y/N practically scrambled to open that post up. Luckily, it was a IGTV video on The Shade Room that was at least 17 minutes long. He looked so...fucking...good. Smile on his face, dreads braided back, gold chains around his neck, ice grill on his bottom row teeth, black turtle neck fitting tightly with a Supreme x Louis Vuitton denim jacket on. She couldn’t see his jeans and shoes but she wished she did. Those tattoo covered hands rubbed together almost calculating while his piercing black eyes looked around the table of radio personalities who would be interviewing him. E-rratic, Grizzly, Kill-OCHO, was so damn calm. He didn’t need to hide behind a pair of shades or slouch in his seat with his goons behind him to check anybody if they talked out of pocket. No, he was alone and taking sips of his bottled water. The tattoo on his neck of flames and what looked like the Punisher skull must be a new tattoo addition to the rest of his beautiful body art. 
“Good afternoon GOOD AFTERNOON, or in the words of the Leader-”
“Yeee Yeee!” E-rratic said into the microphone. Everyone laughed. He was famous for saying Yee all over the internet. 
“It’s your girl Amanda,” The first radio personality spoke and she’s also the lead for this New York radio station and podcast. 
“It’s Nee-Nee!” She was a 5’2 plus size chick with a purple fro and a spunky attitude.
“It’s yah boy Raphe,” Jamacian native with free form dreads.
“And this is DJ Benz,” He played a little bit of GANG GANG from the JACKBOYS and Travis Scott album. E-rratic bopped in his seat a little bit causing the others to rock with him. Nee-Nee hit a hard Milly Rock that had everyone cheering her on.
“Aye, go, Nee-Nee, fuck it up ma,” E-rratic spoke all smooth into the mic with a raspy voice. Nee-Nee stopped dancing while laughing with mirth. 
“Okay OKAY,” Amanda clapped her hands together, E-rratic looking over at her while fixing the beats headphones around his ears, “We have a special guest with us on the radio today, he is responsible for all the ladies favorite hashtag, #ThirstErikkk, number one album last year; SAUCIN ERIK TRILOGY, He’s got a new album coming out towards the end of this year titled Punisher, a Bay Area native, Why don’t you introduce yourself and all your AKA’s, handsome?”
A bunch of OOOO’s and AHHHH’s filled the room after Amanda said that. E-rratic shook his head while stroking his beard.
“Teh,” He let out a short laugh, “Wassup, it’s Erik AKA The E-rratic Leader, AKA Grizzly, AKA Kill-OCHO-”
“OCHO!” DJ Benz yelled out. Laughter erupted again.
“AKA KING KILLMONGER, AKA Trill Erik, AKA,” He pulled down his turtleneck to reveal his new tattoo,  “Punisher.”
“That’s a lot of AKA’s,” Nee-Nee spoke with a laugh, “But you forgot one though.”
E-rratic raised a single brow, “What?”
“AKA Thirst Trap Erik-”
“Nah, on mamas that ain’t me,” He put on a charming smile with all that ice in his mouth, “Thirst Erik getting old.”
“How though?” Nee-Nee jokes.
“Outta pocket,” E-rratic laughs.
“Now, Kill, you know why we are here this morning talking to you. A very...scandalous and highly sexual video surfaced on the internet just two days ago while you were doing a concert here in NYC -”
“You mean porn?” Raphe says with a sly smirk. E-rratic cracked a smile while stroking his beard.
“A fan of yours, we won’t mention her name, secretly recorded the both of you having sex on your tour bus. Um...let’s just say this is the first leaked sex tape that I’ve seen that is so damn...nasty. Like...everything was out in the open. EVERYTHING. The nasty talk, the full on nudity, all of that. Could you touch bases with us and tell us-the radio, how you feel after this big scandal?”
“Honestly,” He shrugs, making his chains move around his neck, “I’m good. I woke up, pissed, brushed my teeth, took a meditating shower, had some decent fucking breakfast from room service for once, hit the gym, went to the studio to record for my album and now I’m here,” Erik looked around at everyone, “Do I look bothered though?”
“No, which surprises me,” Nee-Nee spoke with caution, “Your face wasn’t in the frame so you could have denied everything this girl put out but yet...you don’t care?”
“I don’t give a fuck,” E-rratic spoke into the mic with his lips practically hitting it, “I had sex with a fan, it was fun, I bust a couple of nuts. I slept fine,” He licked his lips with a smile.
“You don’t think that her recording the both of you having sex was offensive?” Raphe asked.
“Nah, shawty was a groupie chick. It’s expected with her type. I don’t care. The pussy was good, she freaky like I like em’, I had a good couple of nuts, and sent her on her way with my cum on her face.”
He talked so casually about this. Y/N watched with a wide mouth. 
“Wow,” Amanda fans herself, “Um, you’re really something, Kill.”
“He’s erratic like his name,” DJ Benz jokes while playing a snippet of one of E-rratic’s songs called Demon Mode. The beat was so killer and ferocious. Definitely a fight song. All of his music are fight songs. He can tear the club up. 
Definitely,” He bit his bottom lip.
“Are you still in contact with the girl from the video-” E-rratic cuts Amanda off.
“No.” E-rratic let that be known quick, “I’m single.”
“How does your PR team feel about this?” Nee-Nee asked.
“Ain’t much they can do but ride the wave. Social Media is the beast of the cyber world. Shit will never go away. I’ll always be known as Erik with the big dick-”
“Amen to that,” Amanda says while dragging her eyes up and down E-rratic’s body, “I thought Yahya had it all but when I saw you-”
“Okayyyyyy,” Raphe said to change the subject, “Let’s talk about the album. It’s rumored to be titled Punisher and you have a Punisher tattoo with flames on your neck. Also, you’ve been posting on Twitter and Instagram images of you with a Punisher skull mask on and Black Ops gear with a whole lot of guns. What’s this about?”
“Hmm,” E-rratic squints his eyes, “I don’t know if ya’ll are ready for the reason why I titled it Punisher-”
“You can tell us,” Amanda pushed.
“I really can’t it ain’t for the faint hearted,” E-rratic laughs, “It’s not meant to be discussed honestly. 
“So...what you’re saying is...you’re really a bad boy?”
He did nothing but smile. Y/N’s thighs shook.
“I think I have a crush on you,” Amanda grabs his shoulder. His eyes looked from her hand to her face, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Amanda blushes.
Y/N rolled her eyes. This chick wasn’t worried about E-rratic before the video and nudes leaked. Y/N could recall a time when she talked shit about E-rratic saying that he has too much of an ego. This is what happens when bitches see a fine ass man with a big dick. Plus, he could fuck some pussy up. No need to talk about it when you can see it on his sex tape. 
“I bet your DM’s are popping off, man,” DJ Benz said with an envious tone.
“It’s always been jumping off just new heads popping up,” E-rratic clarified.
“Okay, we have a few callers, wassup?” Amanda greeted the caller.
“HI!!” She sounded so chipper. 
“Say hi to E-rratic.”
“Hi, E-rratic,” She spoke in a honeyed tone.
“What’s good, ma?”
“My name is Chelsea,” She said seductively.
“Nice to meet you. Where are you from?” He asked.
“The Bronx.”
“Cool, what’s your question?”
“How do you keep all that dick in your jeans? I know it must be mad uncomfortable.”
The entire room erupted with laughter. 
“What?! I genuinely want to know,” Chelsea giggles.
“Just gotta’ deal wit’ it. It is what it is. Just like chicks got big titty problems niggas got big dick problems.”
“Next person, wassup?”
“Hello, didn’t expect for my call to be answered!”
What’s your name, girl?” E-rratic asked into the mic.
“Sasha, Queens girl.”
“Okay, Queens, ask me.”
“What kind of girls do you date? I haven’t actually seen you date anyone?”
“I like em’ educated and street smart, all shapes and sizes, supportive, black and beautiful, a little bougie cuz why not? Independent, and of course hella freaky. You fit into any of those categories, ma?”
“Yes,” She spoke timidly with a nervous laugh
“Then I know you’re a bad one,” He spoke more gentle into the mic, “Don’t be shy talking to me.”
“Okay, Kill,” Sasha sounded like she was ready to pull up to that radio station and get some dick herself, “You really love all women the same. That is so sexy to me.”
“Yes the fuck I do.” E-rratic spoke roughly into the mic. Nee-Nee was sitting back fanning herself and blushing like E-rratic was talking to her and not the caller. 
“Nee-Nee, you might want to shoot your shot,” Raphe jokes. 
Amanda ended the call before asking another question, “We know the Punisher album hasn’t been announced for a release date yet but could you give us a tease?”
“I dropped a tease on my YouTube called Backseat Interlude.”
“Ohhhhh, yesssss,” Amanda squirmed in her seat, “You use the backseat a lot?” 
“Maybe I do,” E-rratic licks his lips, “You heard it you’ll know if I do or not.”
“It’s already ten million views,” Raphe applauded him, “Not a surprise though you come out with hit after hit.”
“Thanks, Bro, I appreciate the love for my craft, and as far as my city goes I wouldn’t be where I am without ya’ll,” E-rratic reps the Bay where he is from.
“Thank you, E-rratic- I mean,” Amanda pulls down his turtleneck again, “Punisher. We are looking forward to hearing the new album and thanks for clearing the air about your sex tape.”
“No problem, it’s always a pleasure when I come here.”
The video ended.
Y/N was in a trance. She wanted this man even more now. Why did he have to be in New York right now? The Detroit show wasn’t for another month but damn she needed him. Tonight called for Y/N sliding into his DM’s again until he finally answers. She was patient. Her time was coming. Y/N has faith.
“I hope ya’ll motherfuckers listening to that Backseat Interlude!” E-rratic was seated in the studio with a Hennessy bottle in one hand and weed in the other, “I got a little contest for all you Bad Bitches. Post the baddest gangsta girl picture with one of the ski masks from my clothing line. I’ll choose the one I like the most and if I’m coming to your city, you get to meet me backstage.”
Twitter was blowing up. Now, it was #GangstaBaddieChallenge on Twitter. Two hashtags related to this fine ass man. On Instagram, his following went from 8.8 Million to 13.7 Million in just a few days. Luckily, Y/N has one of the ski masks he was referring to. It was hot pink with a gun embroidered on the forehead and a broken heart on the left cheek. She posted it on her Twitter, already gaining replies from friends:
Loddi_93: Bitch! LLAB you are not playing! I hope you win though!
KendrickSmith: Y/N, you still ain’t hit me back
Beautiful&Black: LOOK AT MY COUSIN! Yessssss! Get his attention!
MeganBrown: Girl, why didn’t you tell me you were doing the challenge?! 
Y/N was laid up in bed with a full face of makeup and her titties sitting pretty in a coral pink top. She knew she was a beautiful girl but the other women who participated in the challenge took it up two notches. Ass pics, weed pics, some pics holding guns, Y/N didn’t have a fucking chance. She was a loyal fan since he was underground back in 2008 on MySpace. As soon as he went mainstream in 2010, people hopped on the bandwagon. To Y/N, that’s her man. He didn’t know it yet, but he is all hers. 
“Damn, Daddy,” Y/N praised E-rratic while liking all his recent pictures on Instagram. She shook her head at how fine he is. Tattoos, scarring all over his chest, back, and abdomen. Wild tapered dreads, Grillz in his mouth, the hardest drip she had ever seen. He didn’t look bummy like some other rappers. This man has smooth skin like a baby, sparkling white teeth, clean fingernails, pretty feet, and he can cook. He probably smelled like Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Coconut Oil, Sweet almond Oil, that GUCCI GUILTY cologne...mmm. Y/N was Horny and in desperate need for some dick, Y/N went to her photos on her phone to stare at his dick. She felt the wind knocked out of her lungs again and it was her tenth time looking at the photo. Sunset in the background pouring in from his hotel window. Long, thick, veiny dick covered in massage oil with those thick fingers covered in rings wrapped around the base. Hairless, smooth, succulent, nice fat tip. Y/N wanted to sit all her weight on his dick reverse cowgirl. Ride that D on her feet while looking back at his sexy ass. He was dead wrong for being that fine. Totally disrespectful. 
“Oh my God,” Y/N groaned. She could send him something else to his DM’s. She went to her DM to pull up all the unread messages she sent him since 2016. So many. She sent the #GangstaBaddieChallenge pic first, then, she undressed accept for her panties. Y/N started filming a video. She already had Backseat Interlude playing in the background on a loop. Her pussy was shiny and slippery like a honeycomb in those panties. Phat pussy lips, nice big clit to nibble on, wide labia like wings on a butterfly fresh out of its cocoon. As soon as she put her fingers in her pussy, it sounded like she was whipping up cream filling for a dessert. She played all in her pussy with her hand inside her panties to conceal her juicy box from his eyes. While playing with her hidden pussy she told him how wet she is:
"Baby, I wish you could see how wet this pussy is for you right now."
"Do you like watching me play with my pussy?"
"Fuck baby, my pussy is dripping all over my fingers. I wish it was your dick."
"Tell me how bad you wanna see my wet pussy."
Y/N wanted to make him beg to see it. She’s the one in power right now. Tease him. She pulled her hand out of her panties to show him her fingers that are covered with her wetness. Then, she Licks them clean. Now, she really wanted to make a mess. Y/N knew that if she stroked her pussy with her fingers, she would squirt. She wanted to squirt right through her panties. 
 “Daddy, I’m such a huge fan,” She licked her lips, “I’m playing Daddy’s favorite game. You like it when I tease you, don’t you?”
Y/N moved her fingers in and out at a slow pace. Her eyes closed and her mouth stayed wide open. 
“Can I cum for daddy, hm?” She asked in the sweetest little voice, “You can cum for me deep down my throat. Mm, I know it’s so hard right now, Daddy. I know it’s leaking. Oh, my goodness, when I pull those pants down and see that thick dick throbbing...umph, let me take care of you.”
Before Y/N could even stop the amount of mess that she made. Her juices set off like a rocket, covering the crotch of her pink panties and the bed. Soaking wet and creamy. Y/N couldn’t end it if she tried. Her pussy leaked and leaked. Her gratifying moans sounded so pure for such a naughty girl. Not once did she show him her pussy. 
 “Come lick me now,” She whispered before ending the video. Y/N allowed her body to relax from spasming. Now, Y/N had a mess to clean. She took off her panties and threw them inside her hamper right along with her sheets. She grabbed a new bed set and replaced it on her queen sized bed before heading to the shower. Y/N scrubbed her body down with a sugar scrub after showering before rinsing that off too. Fresh face, wearing nothing but a little t-shirt, Y/N got back into bed. She snuggled into her pillows before yawning. With no plans to sleep, Y/N took to social media again to check in with the challenge. Y/N couldn’t stand a chance. It made her picture almost seem laughable. And then there is the video of her cumming that she sent him. What if he didn’t even look at the DM? Wasn’t surprising seeing as Mr. E-rratic Leader himself specifically mentioned in a Vibe interview that he never answers his DM’s it’s either call his work cell, personal cell, or email him. He felt like DM’s were to messy and communication off of social media if it were to be personal is better but Y/N still tried. She’d been trying since 2016. She opened her Instagram one last time before she went to bed to check things out. The hype over his delicious sex tape still buzzed. All the chicks on her timeline posted videos listening to his music, made him their MCM, wore his merch. After scrolling up and down for almost an hour and liking food posts, her phone vibrated with an Instagram notification in her DM’s Y/N clicked on it to find something she hadn’t expected. Her heart sank to her stomach. Her mouth became dry. Her eyes were wide and unblinking.
 E-rratic Leader
-You took this Gangsta Baddie challenge to a whole other level huh?
Y/N had this day planned out many times before. She knew what she would say to him if he finally decided to answer his DM’s from her but she honestly hadn’t expected him to reply...EVER. E-rratic was in her damn DM’s. The superstar rapper. Y/N knows that E-rratic gets a ton of nudes and sexual videos sent to his DM’s so what made him reply to hers specifically? Y/N is probably the only fan he ever responded to. What made her so special tonight when there are thousands and thousands of other bad bitches he could have responded to? She didn’t even show her phat gushy pussy to him. Y/N basically teased his ass and squirted through her panties. 
-I know you read my DM. You gonna answer my question?
Y/N typed out something then nervously put her phone face down. 
Yes, I wanted to impress you! I’m a huge fan!
-You’ve been sending a nigga DM’s since 2016 LOL. I believe you, ma.
Y/N read that and almost fainted. She couldn’t believe it. Then reality set in. He actually watched the video she sent. Probably scrolled up some more to see all of the sexy half naked images she sent him days, months, and years before. All of that hard work and dedication finally paid off. She squealed loudly into her pillow. Taking a calming breath, Y/N sat up in her bed to type back a response. All she wanted him to do was keep replying to her messages. If he stopped, she would probably cry. 
You don’t know this yet but, we’re in a relationship, LOL. You have been my man since 2008 on MySpace. This is so wild that you’re talking to me right now.
He replied in two minutes. Y/N damn near screamed.
-I got a secret girlfriend out there that I don’t know about ?! LLAB damn, ma, I’ve been neglecting you, huh? Daddy fucking up, sweetheart?
“YES! YES THE FUCK YOU ARE!” Y/N said aloud in her room. 
Mhm you’ve been fucking around with these hoes while missing a chance with me. I still listen to your Lost Tribe mixtape from 2009 okay! SAUCIN ERIK TRILLOGY is my shit too!!!! LOL. I basically love everything you do. 
-DAMN. Lost Tribe?! You still bumping that? I appreciate the love, sweetheart. You’ve been rocking wit me since day one. You could have been my girl if I wasn’t out here doing me, LOL.
At least he’s brutally honest. The only thing Y/N caught from that is when he said she could have been his girl. So, there is a possibility that she could have been his Trap Princess? his Baby Girl?  He shouldn’t have said that shit to her. Now, he needs to make that a reality. 
Just make me your girl it’s already fate, Erik, LOL
-You prefer Erik or E-rratic? Which one?
I like Erik because I feel like I know you on a personal level when I say it.
-I only asked because you were moaning my name in that video instead of my rap name. Where are you from?
Detroit! I’m surprised you’re even talking to me right now you never answer your DM’s
Y/N wanted him to tell her why now is he answering his DM’s.
-I’m in Chicago right now. I was in bed on Instagram and I kept getting DM notifications, like five back to back from the same chick, you, LOL. So, I recognize the name since you’ve DM’d me before so I was just like fuck it, let me at least read this shit and as soon as I open it I see this video of you fingering your pussy while Backseat Interlude plays in the background on repeat. I’m not gonna lie...that shit got my dick standing up.
Y/N hadn’t expected a long thorough reply but damn, God bless him. He recognized her name from previous DM’s, and his dick was extra hard right now after watching her video. The muscles in Y/N’s abdomen crunched and her thighs squeezed shut. 
-What’s your name?
-Pretty name. Did you play in your pussy like that when my nudes and sex tape leaked?
-How many times?
Y/N shivered at the memory.
At least 8
-Damn, 8? You lying to me?
No, I promise I’m not
-That’s a lot of cum ma, LOL
I know, LOL. I couldn’t help myself. I was jealous.
-You shouldn’t be. I’m talking to you in my DM’s. First fan I ever talked to in my DM’s. And you actually know my music. That groupie chick just wanted some dick. 
Do you regret fucking her?
-Because she was a freaky bitch with some good wet pussy. I never regret shit like that.
Y/N covered her face with her pillow. She knew he would say that. E-rratic likes his girls extra freaky. He also likes turning shy girls into freaks too. 
-Are you mad, ma?
No, I’m not
-Cool, cuz I like talking to you. What did you like about my sex tape?
-Nope. I want you to tell me what you liked. 
How rough you were when you fucked her.
-You remember the way I shut that bitch up?
-How did I do it then?
You put your hand over her mouth and told her to shut the fuck up.
-So...that’s how you want it too?
Yes Daddy
-I pull hair and wrap my hand around bitches necks. You want Daddy to do you like that?
Yes, I do.
-If you want all of that you gotta DM  me that pussy. I know she pretty.
Y/N was losing her damn mind. E-rratic wanted to see her pretty pussy. Her celebrity crush. This situation was like something she’d dreamt up. Y/N had plenty of nights where she used her spit covered fingers to rub her clit and fuck herself silly when she thought about E-rratic or even listened to his music. That pretty pussy of hers glimmered with her candied juices. Y/N sat up on her elbows, legs wide and resilient, bringing her phone to her pussy to capture a video. While she was doing this her phone buzzed a few times, probably messages from an impatient E-rratic who could be sleeping but instead he was up entertaining Y/N. His biggest fan. She made sure her flash was on since it was dim lighting in her room. Y/N spread her pussy lips with her purple nails, making sure to capture her big clit that she was proud to have along with her fleshy and drenched labia. She rubbed her clit a little bit to spread her syrup around before bringing her fingers to her mouth to suck on. Her asshole was even in the video too. Her juices seeped down to her asshole, making it glisten. Y/N sends the video off and prepared herself for his reaction. She nibbled on her fingers, eyes staring down at her phone with fear. She hoped that he would love it. 
 E-rratic Leader
-Don’t act shy now
-Where is that pussy?
Y/N squealed. Her hands came up to cover her face while her pussy literally jumped between her legs. E-rratic wanted her pussy in his mouth and he wrote it in all caps. He was thrilled to see what Y/N was working with. 
OMG. I can’t believe you just said that to me! you really like it? Oh my gosh this is not happening right now
-They say a way to a woman's heart is through her clit is that what I gotta do, ma? Suck your soul through your clit? Make that pussy pulse like a heartbeat? What do I gotta do, ma? Damn that shit is beautiful. I bet that motherfucker take a lot of cum. Shit, girl
He was begging her. Y/N imagined him licking his phone and stroking his dick. Probably also cursing and grunting because she was in Detroit while he’s in Chicago. 
Please omg I need this badly! Please Daddy! I’m your biggest fan!
-Dayum sexy. That clit looking juicy and sweet. I want your little ass. 
Oh my God! Erik thank you! I’m so happy that you like my pussy, baby
-Shit. You know what I like.
-You’re welcome cutie pie
-I love women with phat clits. I wanna suck it, lick it, and drive you crazy. I’m not stopping until I’m satisfied you bust in my mouth good enough. 
ohhhhhh but I need this right now. 
-Wish I was eating that motherfucker right now. Kiss that shit as soon as I see you. 
Just lick me now! Come to Detroit. If you plan on sucking my clit like that we need to get a little more acquainted, LOL
-Baby girl, I will have you screaming every night. 
-Work that clit with Daddy’s tongue then suck and pull it in my mouth. Put my tongue deep in your pussy too.
“FUCK,” Y/N kissed her teeth. Her hands were back between her legs again. She didn’t hold back with putting three fingers in her pussy to stroke. If only E-rratic was there to watch her finger-fuck her pussy. 
-You have a cute ass moan too. I just wanna make you cry and squirt. Want me to kiss that pretty girl goodnight?
-You better fucking answer me. I thought you were my biggest fan, baby girl?
Daddy, please. I can’t stop touching myself because of you. 
-Damn, ma, I really wanna dick you down right now. Why you gotta be in Detroit?
I’m so sorry Daddy. My pussy is wet and hungry for your dick
Y/N’s sexual appetite for this man was insatiable.
-I’ll be in Detroit in about a month. I really don’t know if I can wait that long. You really have my dick hard as fuck over here. I should have just ignored your fine ass but here I am with my dick in my hand stroking it to your pussy. 
Daddy, I need that big dick. Erik, your dick is so big. I can’t stop staring at your nudes. It's so long and phat Daddy. 
-Thank you, ma. I hope you’re this freaky in person when I come to your city.
I’m Daddy’s nasty girl, don’t worry
-How should I fuck you when I see you? Hm? Or should I make your fine ass fuck me instead?
So many options. Y/N would be honored to fuck E-rratic and be the girl responsible for making that dick cum. She would work up a sweat for him. She isn’t scared, Y/N will take that big dick in her pussy for however long it needed to be. She will make E-rratic remember her damn name even if they never end up being together. 
-I love it when a woman can get up on top of my dick and just long-stroke herself no matter how big my shit is. I like it when I can just stand behind her with a hard dick and she just fuck herself with it while she arched on the bed. Standing still and providing a pole for her to work with. That creamy ass pussy. I need it in my life.
- Your pussy cream a lot too so I know it’s gonna be a mess for you to clean up with that mouth. Look at all that squirting you did in that video. I’m gonna make you sit on my face when you’re done creaming all on my dick like that hmmmm. As long as I’m in Detroit I’m taking that puss whenever I want it.
I’ll give you whatever you want Daddy. Whatever you want. Just fuck me. 
Y/N brought her creamy fingers up to rub her clit with. She was aching for him. 
Daddy please fuck me when you come here I want to be your good little bitch. You can fuck all my holes Daddy. I’ll let you have me any way you want. 
-All your holes huh? You must really love me to want my dick in your mouth, pussy, and ass. If I put this big dick in your ass you will never forget trust me when I say that, ma. Better not flinch either. Take every inch of this dick baby.
-I gotta feed that pussy this dick nice and slow at first cuz you haven’t had dick like mine. Feel every inch slide inside you. Got my blood hot and I can’t even touch you and fuck you. 
 “Mmmmhhh,” Y/N moaned out pleasantly while cumming. Her pussy twitched around nothing because it was starving for his huge dick. 
 Please Daddy? pretty please? You have a big phat dick. Such a big dick for me Daddy. I’ll be a very good girl and take all of it. I won’t disappoint you Daddy I promise. I promise I just need it so bad. I want you to fuck my throat.
 -I need to stop talking to you SMMFH.
 -Daddy would love to FUCK your throat. You don’t even have to ask baby girl. Daddy gon’ do it anyway. I absolutely love a nasty bitch like you. Wrap those sweet hungry lips around this dick.
 -I’m laying in bed with my nut all over my stomach and chest. All of this because of you. 
 Wish I could come lick it up for you and then turn around with my ass in your face and sit on your dick. I’ll be your number one fan, Daddy. You’ll see.
 -Good Girl. Always be a good girl for Daddy. You’re only role is to give up that pussy when Daddy tells you to, okay?
 Yes Daddy
 -If not you’ll just get pinned down and stuffed like a little fucking slut. Only good girls get rewarded, ma. It’s not like you’re getting a choice bitch. 
 I’m a good girl, I always take it like a good girl. Every single time big Daddy. Always Daddy. 
 You didn’t stop messaging me! I’m so happy! You must really like talking to me Erik
 -I do like talking to you. You made the rest of my night  because I put in mad hours at the studio for this feature I’m supposed to be doing with Drake. I’m hella exhausted. 
 Well maybe you should get some sleep handsome. You have a big show tomorrow and you don’t want to disappoint your fans.
 -Yeah never that. I put on everywhere I go. I can’t wait to put on for your city so I can see you.
 You always do every time you come! A month is too long for me.
 -I got Ohio next then Philly then Michigan. I’m taking a break to record a little bit after Chicago.
 Ugh! Okay LOL I’m worried you’ll forget about your biggest fan.
 -I promise, ma, I won’t. I enjoyed this a little too much for me to forget about you. How about I hit you up on video chat after my show? 
 REALLY?! I would love that! Please don’t forget.
 -I won’t LOL. I got you, ma. Stay beautiful and wet for Daddy, okay? I wanna see more of that pussy when I hit you up. 
 Okay Daddy
 -Aight, love. Good night
 Good night Erik.
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